Baldur's Gate 3 Cleric Class Guide - Life, Light and Trickery Domains

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foreign [Music] Dungeons and Dragons the cleric class represents Divine spellcasters who draw their powers from a specific deity or a Divine Source each domain grants unique abilities and spells to the cleric let's explore the differences between the Life Light and trickery domains if you want the short version light domain has very strong offensive spells life domain are amazing Healers trickery domain can disguise themselves into a bearded what the to minimize confusion from race specific bonuses let's first compare the three subclasses using High half elf since this is Shadow Hearts race ped selection at the moment only offers additional dialogue not stats or spells the Life Light and trickery domains have the same cantrips level 1 spells and class features at level 1. they also get domain specific spells that are always prepared what sets them apart are their subclass features more on this later life domain clerics are dedicated healers they excel at restoring health and protecting their allies they have abilities such as bonus healing the ability to maximize healing spells and the power to revive Fallen allies more effectively life domain gets heavy armor proficiency and the disciple of Life subclass feature this provides additional healing that is equal to two plus the Spells level their domain Spells at this level are bless and cure wounds however light and trickery clerics also have these spells so they're not exactly exclusive to this domain bless provides allies with a 1d4 attack roll bonus shadowhart's melee attack only has 55 percent chance to hit they received a 10 increase after casting blasts pure wounds because of discipline of life will now cure an additional three hit points foreign the light domain represents Radiance fire and the power of the Sun clerics of this domain harness the power of light and fire to deal damage to enemies and provide illumination light domain can use warding flare which is ridiculously strong this causes attack roles against them to suffer disadvantage [Music] they also gain two domain spells burning hands which deals a maximum of 18 fire damage and fairy fire which causes attack roles against enemies to have advantage and an additional cantrip called light initially the ranged attack against this enemy only has 65 percent chance to hit [Music] casting fairy fire increases this to 88 percent the trickery domain embodies deception illusion and stealth clerics in this domain possess the ability to turn invisible duplicate themselves and deceive others unlike the life and light domains which has disciple of life and warding Flair respectively the trickery domain doesn't receive any kind of subclass feature so the jokes on them their domain spells are charm person and disguised self they also receive a new action called blessing of the trickster charm person is useless inside of combat not only does it have a very low success chance it only prevents the enemy from attacking the Caster not his allies [Music] foreign self spell again in case you wanted to see the bearded transformation one more time Feast your eyes on this astonishing power once clerics run out of spell slots their main source of damage will be the sacred flame at level 5 and with 18 wisdom the difficulty class of this spell will be 15. it is calculated as eight the base difficulty class which is constant plus four the wisdom modifier with 18 wisdom and plus three the proficiency bonus at level five enemies will roll a 20-sided dice plus dexterity modifier to avoid the spell but the chance to hit is still good at level two all three subclasses gain one channel Divinity charge and will be able to cast turn Undead foreign creatures must move away from the caster for three turns although they are often hit with opportunity attacks the moment they try to flee so the spell ends right away life clerics gain preserve life an incredibly potent spell that can heal all of your allies within a 9 meter range it heals 15 hit points at level 5 with an additional bonus due to disciple of Life subclass feature like clerics gain Radiance of the Dawn a very powerful offensive spell especially at early levels that can hit all enemies within a 9 meter radius this fight is pretty much over after gimbalbach was hit with it trickery clerics can Now cast invoke duplicity foreign this grants your party advantage on their attack roles if both they and the enemy are near the illusion this guy just moved away from it you can see that right here saying that he lost the condition we can shove him right back in to apply the buff again [Music] oh at level 3 all cleric subclasses unlock their level 2 spells life domain clerics obtain Aid and lesser restoration as their domain spells again these are not exclusive spells but are available to all cleric subclasses what a letdown spells that are truly exclusive to this domain would have made things much more interesting Aid increases the maximum hit points of allies by five [Music] lesser restoration we'll be able to remove a disease-related condition here the party is bleeding from open wounds lesser restoration wasn't able to cure it a long way to go still the rotting condition though was easily removed [Music] light domain clerics gain very good offensive spells flaming sphere and scorching Ray flaming sphere will last for 10 turns and will deal a maximum of 12 fire damage scorching Ray allows you to cast three projectiles that deals a maximum of 12 fire damage each foreign trickery the main clerics gain Mirror Image the only useful spell they get so far each illusion will increase their Armor class by three with 17 AC this becomes 26 after casting the spell one illusion will disappear every time you avoid an attack pass without Trace is unremarkable because guess what the bugs that people have been exploiting throughout Early Access have finally been fixed nothing interesting at level four all subclasses gain one cantrip and one additional spell slot and they get to select a feat remember wisdom affects the difficulty class damage roll and number of spell Slots of clerics so you may want to increase this now at level five all three subclasses receive a new feature called destroy Undead although if you read the description it doesn't really destroy them just deals 4d6 damage [Applause] so there although hurt they don't look destroyed to me at all all three subclasses also unlock their level 3 spells I'll show The Domain spells first and highlight the interesting ones that are common across the three subclasses later life domain clerics gain revivify and Beacon of Hope no breathing Revival fire revives a fallen Ally and Beacon of Hope guarantees your healing spells heal the maximum amount each time here I'm using it together with Prayer of Healing to restore 19 hit points to my party foreign s gain daylight and Fireball daylight for 100 turns will emit light that dispels all Darkness around a 15 meter radius this is a waste of a level three spell slot in my opinion you're better off using the light cantrip to illuminate dark areas if it's a magical Darkness then simply move out of the way that's what Mobility is for Fireball is the equivalent of a rock star rolling into town it needs no introduction trickery domain clerics gain fear and bestow curse there are multiple curses you can choose from The Dread curse causes enemies to skip their turn unless they succeed a wisdom-saving Thrust fear causes enemies to drop their weapon and run away from the caster for three turns that's it for the domain spells these next ones can be cast by all clerics regardless of their domain animate dead will create an undead servant from Corpses skeleton is a ranged attacker while zombie uses melee [Music] Spirit Guardians will summon spirits that deal either radiant or necrotic damage to enemies within 3 meters from the Caster it'll last for 10 turns provided you manage to maintain your concentration that long [Music] protection from energy will grant 50 damage resistance to the damage type of your choice exactly as shown fire damage was reduced by half the create water spell is indispensable as it synergizes well with Glyph of warding on a wet surface Glyph of warding lightning will deal an additional 50 damage [Music] same case with Glyph of warding cold it dealt tremendous damage to Palma healing word can easily be paired with Beacon of Hope as it is a bonus action it will heal a maximum of 12 hit points when cast by a life cleric so which subclass is best this is a no contest light domain cleric is very strong offensively and is my top pick if you want a dedicated healer then go for a life domain choosing trickery domain for shadow heart and forcing it on players is a genius decision by larion because otherwise nobody would play this joke of a subclass thanks for watching
Channel: MrGeeBee
Views: 23,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 review, baldur's gate 3 walkthrough, baldur's gate 3 combat, baldurs gate 3 combat, baldur's gate 3 Cleric class, baldur's gate 3 cleric class guide, baldur's gate 3 life domain, baldur's gate 3 light domain, baldur's gate 3 trickery domain, baldur's gate 3 shadowheart, baldur's gate 3 cleric spells, baldur's gate 3 disciple of life, baldur's gate 3 Warding flare, baldur's gate 3 radiance of the dawn
Id: OlFokMtIazs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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