Baldur's Gate 3 cast Jennifer English Amelia Tyler and Samantha Béart Talks about Baldur's Gate 3

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hi I'm Samantha Bay and I play kak in Boulders Gate 3 hello I'm Jenna frish and I play shadow hun in Boulders gate Tre and I'm ailia Tyler and I play the narrator in bers Gate we the same game what s how you went to the acting industry I mean how long have you got it's been it's been a long journey um I trained essentially and and went in and worked in different media across the years I started doing um audio sort of sci-fi and fantasy which I felt was adjacent to games and that that's really like how I started going in that way but yeah I training theater three a training standard in the UK for a lot of us that's it really quite boring is so I Ian is exactly the same I went to drama school and did my three years of training before then I did so much um amateur Dramatics and school productions Oliver and Oliver it's like my Harry Potter becoming Seeker moment in the year seven um and yeah and then I've just done everything that's been thrown at me since so did lots of theater done yeah just done everything that that people want me for uh and I'm waiting for another train to come um I started acting when I was three years old so 1984 um because I had a lisp when I was growing up and my mom was like oh we should get rid of that so she sent me to her acting teacher and while she was getting rid of my list she was like hey she's kind of good at this we should carry on training her so I did I I trained and did Lambda exams and all that that side of things um and then my mom went don't you dare be an actress there's no job security in that go to university and get anology so I went and studied experimental psychology and uh came out of that desperately still wanting to be an actor so slowly uh went back into voice I've been acting professionally since I was 5 years old basically can you tell the story of how you got your most iconic Ro this is the most iconic role this is it yeah yeah when Twitter still worked uh a year ago um I was in a an indie game called the excavation of Hobs bar there's another tra coming and I'm going to just get through this question um yeah and that was noticed by someone at essentially and their DMS were open I'm getting like good at this answer shorter um yeah and and that was it that was how I got it and I had that just that bit of endorsement which meant when I did the audition I had a lot of confidence just to go just try it see what happens don't second guess and uh yeah it worked out that what's your most iconic role I mean Shadow heart is it yeah let's be honest Shadow heart's amazing I didn't know she'd be so iconic it was only really the release where people seem to like her for a lot um but I got it from doing lots of uh lots of NPCs in uh dos to which Milly stars in um so um yeah but I was like a million children that have conversations with each other and clearly impressed enough that people go oh yes you can play a child and also Shadow her it's a big risk but they they did it um I didn't know that this was going to be my most iconic role I didn't expect anybody to notice the narrator at all um apparently I was wrong and I'm very glad that I was wrong yeah a little bit wrong um but yeah i' I've been in laren's previous game and I I suspect it was something to do with that when they decided that they wanted uh to change the narration up I auditioned a whole bunch of times and kind of Hing in on the style they wanted I can't imagine a single other person playing the narrator now like you just you just going do comedy options in my head though r Joe Pas what's your favorite memory from your work falling in love with my girlfriend oh no but genuinely like not many jobs give you that she said there I am yeah I I have to say that no but genuinely I think that but also I think meeting meeting everyone in this cast and the people that worked on it they all give so much of a [ __ ] can I swear in this interview I've done it just there they really care um no but everyone cares so much and I think that kind of creative collaboration is just like it's like again we're setting the bar very high for ourselves but it has just been genuinely beautiful also meeting the community and and and getting to know that Community which for me like represents who I am which is is queer and queer and neurodiverse and people are either that or incredibly supportive and allies um so yeah it's it's really cool about you I can't talk thator god famous princess whatever you love it who was the most surprisingly nice person you've got with surprisingly nice surprising someone I thought would be an [ __ ] actually that the question us de Dev no but she is surprising like I [ __ ] love her and um she plays lelle who my character hates so I think meeting her in and like growing that friendship and now like considering her is a really good good and close friend is kind of stupid and unexpected so is lovely yeah no yeah I'm going to go with death too okay we all love death I I'm going to go a little bit more meta I got to work with David Warner on an audio you know that is irenicus kids from bg2 I because we didn't know that at the time and that was just a nice deep car but again like legendary Shakespeare and active you know your stuff right amazing accent he he was getting to play a version of the doctor they finish we were doing that and like if I hadn't known who he was so Hest him he just got on with his work he did the best he could he was super sweet and lovely and not and he absolutely could have lorded it over amazing what role are you most excited about getting to do this role is my answer really because I didn't know what shadow heart was going to be like and like I got it but I didn't know that shadow heart would be Shadow heart so I like was just told I was I was kind of given this part after auditioning for loads of MPCs so I can't say this one um um I think I've done like a few theater jobs in the past that I wasn't expecting to get and that's been really surprising like I played um like this girl from Devon who was like really troubled and I just wasn't expecting to get that part because we were really different so I think anything in my career that's like surprised me has always given me the most Joy but I was kind of similar to Jen but I didn't really realize how significant this role was going to be so I can't say it was this one in fact when I got it I remember a little part of my brain just kind of going oh I wish I was a character kind of like Mo I'm going to make you all t-shirt I will wear that I will okay done done but I I am very excited about playing heck in Hades 2 I get to play the goddess of Witchcraft like I mean feel like been training my whole life for this no pressure what's your dream roong and why I think any it changes from job to job right for me it's anything that allows me to explore a side of myself I haven't played recently it's the same as with tabletop if you play too much of the same thing it gets a bit stale so I want something that's going to surprise me something that's going to let me find an aspect of my personality and turn it yeah love that younging so what I've been really lucky because I've been playing like Brave chicks in space you know a while actually what was really nice about carac is having to perform any gender whatsoever it's got you know they let me go away with [ __ ] or whatever like like you be a bit more feminine um but actually yeah maybe someone who isn't so Noble and and straight down the line and blunt maybe something that's like completely the opposite and maybe a baddy as well but a Badd like you find really hard to dislike there go complex i' like to uh I genuinely like this is a bit holier than now answer I genuinely don't want to have a dream role because I feel like as soon as I get it I'll be like well now yeah like I think it's really good to just be like hi Universe what have you got for me um so trains yeah trains I think I think I would like to play more queer roles I think um Shadow heart is the most queer I've ever ever ever played so I would I would really like that please I kind of assume that all my characters are pan unless I'm told otherwise I'm GNA do that now how did you prepare for your most challenging role and what did you learn from it okay so for me most challenging one was Nisa in Pathfinder King maker because I was completely undirected for that role they sent me need the Hef no they sent me a spreadsheet of all the lines and went we need that in 3 days can you get it back to us and we were in the middle of a heat wave um so I I recorded that game at night three days running in the middle of a heat wave in 15 minute burst completely naked and what I've [Laughter] learnedly first trap and and if that sounds sexy it wasn't trust me um and I had to keep just wandering out into the garden I mean I the house is in the middle of nowhere so it was fine wasn't like the middle of the suburb yeah it was not sexy in any way and the thing it taught me was firstly like under pressure I can pull out a performance that I'm proud of and secondly that my booth needs airon valuable L yes um I was in a stage play called Silence by Moira beini and I played silence and uh silence is a 14-year-old Viking boy he finds out on his wedding night that he's a girl chaos in students so yeah it's really amazing and he was from kria which I'm not and he is hard yeah but also one that you want people to understand you get to Hill farmer with it and people are not getting so I had to like CR find that accent and and and to fight had to kiss everybody and had to fight and it's it's it's like a road trip set in 199 she was asked to write um a millennial play she picked a different Millennium nice I it's a great play there's some great monologues in it it's juicy that was a really good yeah mine's the the l l in the wintering which again like so far from me and yet I think I mean obviously Shadow is like my favorite role not going to lie but um this one was hardest because I had to like had to physically transer and it kind of made her into like a real wild cat and she was a lot stronger and Stiller like there was one point where I just stood on stage and just stared out kind of not dis similar to car to to hours fruition yeah beautiful but yeah it it was that and I just I like I had to find something that was so far beyond myself and I found that so enjoyable and so freeing and it's not something we get to do very often as acence we don't get to transform because I think I do think I I do believe in authenticity and and um kind of getting that uh like is important but at the same time sometimes we do want to transform and be characters and play so that was a real Joy privilege yeah do you have a favorite fan interaction oo all of them yeah all no but genuinely all of them everyone I've met I like a heart foundation oh my God called that a fan interaction I interpreted that yeah there's someone in America set up a callac fundraiser for the hot foundation in America they've been raising money for Hots and it's the most amazing thing Inc yeah I think that's everybody has been super lovely I've not had a negative interactions so far but I think when when something in a fantasy world can have a real World impact that will last beyond this game like that's the most we could ever hope amazing you know what I you must have had one of these as well I I did have a comment the other day at someone watching my character who holds lots of trauma uh watching her go through a cathar it's helped him go through it too and he felt like he'd healed I mean like we love it when people connect like God you actually helping a human with with the work that you do OB test of the writers and the direct and everyone involved but like wow abely powerful supposed to be you know fantasy fun thing that people don't really think too deeply about and being really open about like stuff like sexuality and like ADHD and things like that like all had messages from people who've been like thank you for being so open honest you know I think like all I would have wanted as a teenager is genuine representation so that like and and people to look up to you so hopefully like just being visible helps I think it does time yeah time if you had to restart your voice acting career today would be the first thing you do and why go on holiday now yes because that's the one thing guaranteed to make the phone ring and make you reconsider whether you should be on holiday or not so true so true you have to actually buy the ticket you can't just think about it exciting and I would learn to do lots of character voices and cartoons because I can't do that um yeah good it's hard have you been in the room with like proper fulltime C wow I can't do that that it's an Olympic muscle at that point it's incredible so if I was going to be a voice actor like specifically get loads of work doing that I would do that you can get that you can get that rolling that cartoon that does really well you sorted but it's it's really hard throat box throat box throat box my throat Bo it's a delicate instrument exhausted today daring all I've been doing part of a year fing I had to re start I just would I know I don't want to give a non answer but I just wouldn't I'm doing fine I'm having a great time where I'm at like no but like there was like I think I used to think like that a lot and feel like oh I should have gone to that drama school or I should have done a degree first I'm like no I'm really happy two legends like I think that's a really good point though you can see us thinking about the answer cuz we're going like I don't really think like that okay I think in this industry it's really easy to get worried that you're not trained right or not doing it right but you're not representing X Y or Zed right and actually what's made us all castable in this roles is exactly who we are isn't that luck right who thought absolutely authentic yeah you got this part the I will say I will say a lot of the actors are reasonably similar to their characters surely that's an understatement in some cases it's uncanny that's all I say you could go back to the start of your career and use have one piece of advice what would that be stop worrying so much just enjoy it it's going to take some [Laughter] time yeah strap yourself in kids going be eyes um you're a lesbian with [Laughter] ADHD of the day thank you it so much time so much time and heartbreak yeah I had a little piece of advice I feel like I resonate more people than if go yeah yeah I could just hit home right uh yeah uh I'm Sam thank you for watching I on Twitter that's the void of choice to screaming at I'm Jennifer English I completely zoned out I'm Jennifer English and um thank you and um so not a little bit yeah you should it was mainly you very boring person car mid absolutely not I FY like serious very serious I'm Jennifer English uh thank you for watching I'm on Twitch that's a new fun thing Jennifer J English I think I'm that on Instagram that's it thank you thank you thank you thank you hi I'm Amia Tyler you can find me all over the Internet and on various names I won't P you um but follow me on Twitch I'm playing a dark urge pler at the moment Gail may have gone missing nothing to do with me
Channel: FRK Productions
Views: 80,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frk, frk producations, Baldur's gate 3, Baldur's gate, game of the year, interview, Amelia Tyler, Jennifer English, Samantha Béart, karlach, shadowheart, narrator, bg3
Id: X5RlseosT6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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