Bing Bong's Memorial Service/Send Off Party to the Nine Hells, the Highest Roller in Baldur's Gate

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can you can you hear us and can you see us can you hear us I will mute that yes great greetings greetings thank you all for coming today on this sad auspicious day please be seated thank you all for coming today to this memorial service and send off party for our dearly beloved and newly departed bing bong although the bright glow we all experienced from bing bong was short-lived he made a big impact on all of our hearts a kind of request please no candles or open Flames at today's send off it brings back bad memories for some of us thank you thank you we hope by coming together today we can hold space give closure and help some of us process yeah the loss of bing bong a true Trailblazer yeah yeah um a reminder from you yes a reminder that some of you who are on Twitter May recognize some of the words in today's service and I would just like to say that if you steal from one author it's plagiarism but if you steal from many it's research Peppa Pig but we we hope today's service can quench the Flames of our grief and we can go from hashtag Justice for Bing Bong to hashtag for our babiest of boys yes yeah some of Bing bong's nearest and dearest have recorded messages today we'll be playing them in today's service many people have work other commitments busy lives therefore as you'll see they've had to do video messages that we will be playing to you today if there are any technical difficulties difficulties chat you will let us know you better let us know uh hashtag bye bye Bing Bong yes indeed I would just like to say that we are not affiliate yet so we have to play stuff to the screen I hope this is okay we can't play videos can't play videos yet on our twitch page we do have a spare iPad so if everyone could um be seated please and hopefully be ready for our first opening video don't press play I haven't said it yeah yeah thank you yeah okay so for our first video we would like to start with mother mother Amelia Tyler who is done a kind speech eulogy eulogy some might say why we while we look at thank you mother while we look at are we trying to remember some of Bing bong's happier memories is this working yet we need to turn we are gathered here today in the presence of the Goddess Shah and various other vastly inferior deities to remember the life of our beloved bing bong foreign came into our lives unexpectedly he didn't have a way with words have a way his hat was excellent his wings magnificent his enthusiasm for licking blood off the floor was concerning that something we're choosing to not focus on right now so less while he was immune to fire damage he was not immune to blunt force trauma while we knew him he warmed all of our hearts and now he too is being warned in the fires of avernus he is survived by his friend slash adopted mother slash whatever the [ __ ] that relationship was Shadow heart and definitely not survived by Lazelle who is absolutely to blame for everything and got what she deserved Bing Bong wherever you are we hope that you find some small piece knowing that you have been Avenged and that your murderer has been brutally shanked in your name he he will be missed every time we walk into a supermarket the sound of the doors will Bing Bong your adventures map has no responsibility for the untimely demise of its employees and the cost of unreturned uniform items will be charged to any surviving party members thank you mother thank you mother we love you mother mother um we we now have a message from another very important person very close very close very close and dear to our hearts and dear to Bing Bong fairy data Bing Bong please please settle hi everybody Mark I'm Bing bong's father and I just want to say a little thank you to everyone for coming out here say goodbye say goodbye to ping pong they were only here on the material plane for a short time but to see that Bing Bong has touched the hearts of so many um just really means the world and I especially want to thank Jen and Ali for putting this little stream together not my name to celebrate the life of just an imp wanted a better life you know they came to the material plane by accident and you know sometimes that's just the way life is you know we don't end up where we think we will be but we think we should be but Bing Bong made the most of everything really just tried to make the most of the life that was given to them they got a job the only job they felt they could do but by the end they knew that they could achieve more and to make friends you know in that job really really does just show that life has so much potential in it and I think that that's a message that's a message we should all take with us today don't miss you bing bong thank you Jen and Ali thank you everyone still not my name it's okay mark thank you Mark you're all very very emotional here let's just take a moment and process what is happening yep um we have hydrate please hydrate please [ __ ] um I mean you oh thank you hydration break we have another message from another very important person to Bing Bong um Unfortunately they are on a a very important side quest trip uh dangerous as I mentioned not everyone is available um well no one was available but that's okay that's okay thank you for the hashtags fs and chats #bye bye Bing Bong Justice bustis Justice for bing bong I I particularly enjoy today the people who are incredibly confused as to why they are here thinking we were just going to do a play through and may not have been a witness to Bing bong's short life I am I am sorry but please you know join with us in grief today hold hands hold hands and sing come by yeah my rod um so here hey soldiers the preview is our next guess hey soldiers it's Carlock here on this very sad occasion of the uh untimely death well it's gone back to hell anyway let's just say death at the sake of argument of bingo it meant a lot to Shadow heart um I'll be honest I didn't really know him I didn't like him um but Shadow Hearts gutted so I thought I'd say a few words in remembrance no matter how hypocritical they'll be um yeah he's missed but very valued in the nine Hills I'm sure [Music] um the Clash of the reactions of some of our studies deficit is given Maybe opportunity to have to reflect you know and to think about my own conduct which is why I've taken some time away from favorite room to just have a think about the way excuse me the way I conduct myself and yeah that sort of thing um just me on my own it's not very interesting place but you know it gives me the opportunity to think about poor bastard back in hell where he belongs stay true to yourself soldiers potatoes thank you Colac meaningful words very grateful they took the time out to to message us there hmm ah our next guests could make it in person uh I I will if you forgot didn't you you must you no no yeah um our next guest I will go and go and get them and go and get I will talk to you while we do that [Music] um it's it's someone that it that wasn't necessarily important to to Bing Bong but still wants to say a few words because they're like that and um it's hey it's shout hello no I mustn't get distracted by the chat that was so fast they're ready they're ready this this special guest is here you'll all be thrilled someone is right there is one person right please let me need to lean back there please welcome Karina the squirrel do you have any words yes we can do this we can do this [Music] laughs bing bong I did cast speak with animals yes bing bong bing bong it hurts it hurts three words there from Karina the eloquence it's too much um now yes I think one yeah away thank you Karina I'm glad that moved you to tears it did me now I'm just waiting for Karina to leave so early on a not Ali Aliana can come back oh moving stuff moving stuff moving stuff are removing I don't know about all of you but I'm overcome with emotion I'm so glad Karina the squirrel could join us and so pleased that no one guessed on Twitter that Karina would be joining us you're all fools it was obvious prize pitch she's not house and squirrel no she's the squirrel that doesn't like our fear of singing and she's not kickable yep thank you Karina for joining us thank you you may not go off and do squirrel things Soldier it's uh so one solace in bing bong's final moments is that he could find unwavering affection and comfort from Shadow heart which leads me to our next guest I don't believe anyone else guessed that shadow heart would be here today either I know you're very surprised please please stay in your seats introducing God's favorite princess thank you for being here shut up that's okay bing bong my dear adopted son you were in my life far too briefly and you may have been the fuse that escalated my beef ERA with Lazelle but today is about remembering him my only wish is for you to fly high bingo higher than the trajectory the angry space lizard through you aim true unlike my aim I'd like to read a poem from a very famous poet on Twitter I forgot to write down their handle moving forward thank you two are dearest bing bong we may have only known you for a week long but in our memories you shall live long in this time we must stay strong for now he rests where he belongs dedicated to his memory his brother ding dong and his twin sister sing song bongbing no that was it he will be missed thank you Charlotte beautiful beautiful world please no tears shut up please don't be overwhelmed of emotion because unfortunately there still isn't an option to hug you okay and it also brings back bad memories of bing bong who is a great hunger and now Speaking of hugs and Speaking of hugs thank you all for your kind wishes we would like to bring on our next guest now our next guest wasn't able to make it due to being caught up at the crash I know you might be thinking not that sort of crash in fact it was a crush for their offspring our next guest is a recent parent and has a life of their own apparently and doesn't have time for very important streams and couldn't make it to our house but that's okay that's okay please can I invite our next guest lizelle hopefully if she answers oh she's on this first time oh Shadow heart I've told you to not abuse my number in this way it's for emergencies hello murderer okay okay ladies ladies nickname and I shall take it hello heart murderer McGee yes so same idea is that babe Zell I can hear in the background or a murdering cat now is it brilliant ladies ladies no more flowers why don't you set them on fire and throw them into the ground ladies Shadow heart aren't we over this already this is not the place for the Fullerton girls please later we wanted to bring you on so that we gave you a chance to clear the air yes yes we would like to give you a chance to speak about the events I know there are many people here showing our living room Jen I am I don't have to let me just move that down there we go no it's still showing it great great brilliant Lazelle yes Karina this karuna it's fine let's apologies that's actually my gift uh vocabulary uh we know that apologizing allegedly isn't in your culture although that was seemed quite effortless there to say apologies to me but that's okay and so we wanted to talk to you what what was going through your mind that day uh I'm going to be honest with you Karina is it yes uh uh what's the word I'm looking for I have violence please don't put words into my mouth [Music] the only thing that from my mind that day was just to win the battle against two very powerful um Majors one very sexy one frankly give me a sexy one now if uh that meant sacrificing the Imp or sacrificing will as I also attempted to do but I didn't then so be it I regret nothing okay good great good brilliant glad we gave you a chance to clear the air you're sentimental wishy-washy messages from everyone they almost made a tear run down my cheek but not quite not it's gone full villain era so in summary Lazelle woke up and chose violence that day we would have won with Bing Bong as a slight sacrifice yes as if only your aim had been as true as Bing bong's friendship two times Battle Maneuvers are out of my and Tactical and force great brilliant dear lizelle we've heard that apologies are not in your culture and we we like to try to understand other people's cultures and hugs I think great of you Karina you're welcome I think a hug might be too soon yes well I did want a hug from bingo well why whose fault is that [Music] pointy I think it's the nose uh Lazelle the nose is it I shouldn't have mentioned the nose I see after this call I should n't make it Yankee baby I know my nose is with the only nose I have laser I'm just glad the attention is going away from me shadow heart and on to Karina maybe we can find a mutual enemy [Music] I'm happy to unite Maybe the enemy of your enemy disgusted the enemy I do not know what I'm saying right now nobody knows either way I either way I I was gonna offer as the bridge between your two fine selves and there are there is a favorite but there's no favorites would you accept this Olive Branch to end this beef era and you mean Olive Branch I eat any olive branches around what I mean to say is will you recreate the getting along t-shirt meme with Shadow heart as as as a form of apology [Music] and might I just add that Bingham is not dead Bing Bong is having a whale of a time in a furnace and I know that for a fact for I have spoken to Bing Bong myself through my telekinetic tadpole that's protest I I too have always wanted a little bit of closeness with Lazelle a what how much a little bit of closeness with Lazelle and would be willing for the sake of removing our tadpoles we all know you want a bit of Christmas yeah yeah I will have a shrimpy hug with you to sort yourself close but if that one close to my throat that's going to be the end of you it's all right there's already one implanted into your gut from Millie's character so it's already been shanked haven't you Lazelle ladies ladies yep I have been Shanks I cannot pitch that this silly game that we played did not allow me to fully show off how battle are ready I am but that is the story for another day it's not where I what I saw for this memorial service but we shall we are running out of time if you two don't mind ending Romancing each other this is not the time or the place this little squirrel jealousy there why are you trying to stop beefier with everyone I just want to thank people with everyone now it's fun let's wrap that up and say goodbye to our goodbye murderer I look forward to our hug if you can't continue no hug and you know who will be most upset about this it shall be you we all know about your secret crush Shadow has I didn't want to reveal it in front of Karina but here we are so careful watch your words or else there'll be no green lizard hugs for you my friend none at all good words to end on thank you thank you beautiful words to end on I shall bid you a Jew I must now go off and cook some deepyanki X I hope not baby eggs no not the baby lizard eggs we don't know well I will be doing some experiments in the kitchen thank you for coming to the funeral service thank you goodbye goodbye goodbye bye oh okay okay wow there's a lot in that conversation yeah a lot a lot to unpack are we okay is everybody okay does anyone need therapy I do I I particularly enjoyed the part where a hug was not disgusting you both came to the conclusion there will be a hug at some point so that's something to look forward to I suppose everyone must I mean it's for everyone it's for everyone two has eyes and Fantasies so moving on moving on should we do our uh got a final don't rush through this this is a very interesting very important time for people to process process yeah and have closure but bing bong uh excuse me why am I not ready yet I'll just take a moment let's let's take a moment to really process getting impatient everything and hunger she's angry I knew it everything that's I'm glad it's healing for you it happened yeah did you just take a moment take a Beat Colac was not complicit in bing bong's death I will not tear of that please stop reading the channel I will stop reading the chat thank you okay hashtag bye bye Bing Bong as we move on to our final speech before we leave you with a video of a dearest Bing Bong thank you for all those who submitted art for the video I will remember to Post online your hashtags hash your handles bingo hydrate I did forget to include your Handles in the art but that's because the art is so beautiful yeah the art does have music if it gets muted it's on we are new to this book I mean Millie told us the rules but so Bing Bong as we wrap this up we wanted to say dipping bong you had foreign future ahead of you you are the kindling in our hearts that we didn't know we needed until he was already lit he was the Bing to our bomb and although your time was brief bing bong your impish Antics brought Liberty to our most challenging times reminding us that a spark of humor can light the way I like that shadow heart's still who shallow heart never leaves us thank you not to mention his impact particularly on Paving stones hadn't read that one before that was great we know that he went out in a blaze of Glory Shadow uh May Shah's blessings be upon him wherever in the all the nine Hells he may have dreamed I can't talk wherever in all of us go for another take thank you when you're ready wherever in all the numbers I will end you from the top I will smash you into the ground just like if I sounded ping pong wherever I'm guessing I'm getting hungry so Misha's blessings be upon Him wherever in all the nine Hells he may have re-materialized it's a hard word to say I'm not doing it again oh okay Michelle's blessings be upon Him wherever in all the nine Hells he may have re-materialized nailed it no problem he will always remain in our hearts technically because you know he's also in hell I'm sure they found the right job for Bing Bong in heaven right at the gates and our final parting words before we play this video dear bing bong and this is to all of you a kind reminder that all hope is not lost because when one door closes bing bong another door opens bing bong we will leave you with this video and then we will end our funeral service because I am in grave danger over someone's hanger please enjoy can you press the screen please everybody thank you all for being here today I'm glad we got to collectively grieve together I'm going to go now because I'm so hungry that I want to eat aliana's arm off Bing Bong Wherever You Are just bringing it back in back on track we're back on track we hope you're resting in peace no more beings no more bongs thank you all for coming good night
Channel: Jen and Aliona
Views: 136,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate III, BG3, BGIII, Baldurs Gate, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate 3, Baldurs Gate 3, Shadowheart, Shart, Sharty, Playthrough, Let's Play, Corinna, Voice Actor, Jennifer English, Aliona Baranova, Shadowheart Voice Actor, Corinna Voice Actor, Baldurs Gate 3 Cast, BG3 Cast, Baldur's Gate III Cast, Baldur's Gate III Volo, High Rollers, High Rollers D&D, Baldur's Gate Cast Play D&D, Bing Bong, Bing Bong Baldur's Gate 3, Bing Bong Baldurs Gate, Lae'zel, Lae'zel and Bing Bong
Id: sX_Ycps0AHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 46sec (2146 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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