Can You Beat Baldur's Gate 3 WITHOUT Using Movement Speed?

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to get around anywhere in balers gate you need to use some sort of movement speed click on the floor and and your character strolls over using movement speed jump over the Gap that's in your way and you use movement speed drink a fly potion and your character is granted the power of flight which uses movement speed but what if we were to completely disallow any use of this at first it sounds impossible to get around or to move at all you have to at least click on the floor at some point right well let's find out some quick ground rules before we begin anything that uses movement speed while in combat or turn based mode is not allowed that means no walking no jumping and no flying and while you could just use storm sorcerer flight I will forbid myself from using this it literally has flight in the name and it just wouldn't be that interesting all righty let's begin this run in particular is very different from the other runs I've done as right when we spawn in and jump out of our nooid we are for all intents and purposes completely stuck what am I even supposed to do now but after some thinking I got a PL possible idea although it would require multiple playable characters as early as the first room to achieve this it was therefore time to hit one of the buttons that I have barely ever used multiplayer now you could use friends to do this but uh since I don't have any I just used Direct Connect instead and so by opening three extra instances of balers skate on my PC at the same time I could join with them all on the same save file yeah second times a charm this had to work yeah no now we have a different problem I have four controllable characters sure but they are all in different parts of the room completely out of reach of each other so it was back to the drawing board again for my third try I only joined with one extra instance to begin with the first character I made into a halfling as for the class I made sure to start as cleric subass won't really matter what is important is just that we have access to command something that will be very important however is the stat distribution we absolutely need 16 strength for a second character I simply picked Gail his spells and stats don't matter at all but it will still be important an to have him as a origin character if we somehow manage to escape the not Lloyd that is with my two pre-made characters ready I started the game and just like last time they spawned quite far away from each other but here's where the difference with not having all four characters right away shows itself now when I open the other two instances and joined making sure that they are both halflings and have 16 strength instead of spawning on one of the other sides of the room our newly made characters instead now arrive right next to the first one we already made with the characters now in place it is time to put my plan into action 16 strength is normally not enough to do much a humanized character or even a dwarf simply wastes too much to at all pick up but that is what is special about gnomes and halflings they both weigh just 35 kg this means that even something as little as 16 strength is enough to pick them up and there just so happens to be a not so hidden ability that can work as movement with enough imagination and this ability is throw since my halflings could now pick each other up that also meant that they could form a train where they continuously throw each other so as long as I made sure to not throw anyone too far we have achieved movement it may be painfully slow and required over 50 throws just to leave the first room but it is movement nonetheless and so Begins the painstaking process of traveling out of the first room over past us to the meeting spot with lasel before entering the fight I took a short rest as my characters are not doing well and with four characters even though they are immobile since this is the most tutorial of all the tutorial fights it went like a breeze that was a fun 30second distraction time to keep throwing halflings I guess after way too long I make it over and past shadowart and all the way into this room where I carefully pick up this chest before throwing my way over to the helm all in all it took around 1 and 1/2 hours to get here time well spent I say before entering the helm I make sure to place the chest right here so that it covers the entrance our main priority here is just to get away from the entrance while making sure that I our mind flare friend doesn't die all too fast since we have a cleric the second issue can easily be solved all I need to do is throw her in and disarm the commander using a command drop reducing his damage from 40 per turn all the way down to 12 and since I put the chest in the way the other approaching cambion simply stop in front of it now at the scary enemies is Thoroughly distracted they just took a couple more turns to escape down at the beach I got the pleasure of waking up three times with halflings and once with Gail who also somehow managed to get down to the beach the way we are going to escape our halfling hell is by long resting by long resting during the first sleep a cat called Tara will come and bother Gail it gives him a ring that he can consume to calm down his Arcane hunger but more importantly remains in Camp the next morning cat lovers I'm sorry it's time to look away cuz something not too Pleasant is about to happen on the poor cat's corpse we find an item that will save us from this Purgatory the tresum collar it has the level five spell telekinesis on it a spell that is normally obtained at level 9ine we're still level one by the way telekinesis allows the user to throw objects or creatures 18 M which for the record is like 40 halfling throws damet only works once per long rest and so each time we use it we will have to take a partial rest however it is still orders of magnitude faster than throwing people I threw myself all the way over to some plunderers and very convincingly show that they should stay away hello now with my first level up I picked up the sky self on gaale and for the small chance that it might do something multiclass into sorceress wild Magic on my cleric 20 or so partial rests later and we arrive at the Grove since we have yet to use any spell slots this fight is really easy even the enemies that are out of site are not safe as I can just use telekinesis to bring them over even though entering the Grove would grant us some small rewards it would take way more effort than it is actually worth so I just moved straight on towards the blighted village right outside it I got the one wild magic search effect that is at all beneficial letting me teleport 9 m one whole time before entering with Gail I used this Sky self to become a d and entered the blighted village completely normally still needing a tiny bit of XP for level three I went straight over to the ogres and got their horn level three lets us pick Misty step Gail can now move around all on his own and so we can dismiss the final halfling to join the others in the small box where they belong arriving at the goblin Camp I grabbed some more free XP with my drw form Wither's now a piercing Camp which would let me swap classes on gaale however actually reaching him won't be all that easy as he is inside this room here and we only have one Misty step to work with to at all make it to him I have to teleport as far in as I possibly could letting telekinesis bring him just close enough to talk with we can now let Gail figure out that innate Talent is way cooler than reading books and re speec him over into a sorcerer Sorcerers get access to the metamagic distance spell increasing any spells range by 50% Sorcerers can also convert our unusable level one spell slots into sorcery points in turn turning them into level two spell slots giving us two Missy steps per partial rest instead of just one I follow gut into our secret dungeon learing her just close enough to speak with using a minor illusion on her corpse we get the first few items that are actually worth anything but even cooler than that on the other side of the room is a chest that contains the Amulet of Misty step giving us yet another Missy step each partial rest I solve the puzzle to enter the underd dark and after reaching the colony Circle all the way back around to speak with some GI putting us very close to level four for the last bit of XP I just snuck past some dgar and stole their boat sailing over to the Grim Forge now at level four we get a feat and it can really only go into one thing and that is charger this feat is probably one of the worst in normal runs it gives you two abilities that can move your characters up to 9 M but requires both an action and a bonus action what is very important about this though is the fact that it can be used infinitely outside of combat we can now move around at least somewhat normally without needing to stop for a quick nap every 5 m I immediately make my way over to this door here and unlock it with knock behind it is this encounter with some slimes if we had all triggered this fight they will surprise us and kill us before we even get a turn thankfully it can be skipped by carefully avoiding the dripping puddles on the floor our prize for making it past them is an encounter with a gnome that threatens to blow us up those explosives she has is something we really need so after convincing her to give us a tiny vial of it I immediately enter turn-based mode before she can collect it and grab the big explosive myself Flawless plan really how could this possibly go wrong turns out she just pickpocket as the explosive from our inventory if we attempt to collect it I yes piece was never an option now with the big explosive it's time to completely ignore the 100 quests or so remaining in act one and head straight over to act two I carefully navigate my way around some Harpers that would trigger a huge fight we are not ready for at all and collect some free XP from a couple of birds going into last light is not something I'm interested in doing either currently instead I just walk past it and continue straight over to the Ambush spot where carnis and his crew walks past one easy persuasion check later we have his Moon Lantern and with it protection from the shadow curse I decide to head straight over to Moonrise and Menara who since we did not interact at all with is here alongside the immortal Krick after getting dragged away we can find her down in the cellar getting her mind tortured to free her we just need to pass a few checks and then just teleport straight out she now joins us in Camp and something that is special with Menara is the fact that she always regardless of the rest of the party's level is level six we are not even level five yet so having her at level six is a huge deal I decide to put them all into monk of all things at level three monk gets the way of the Shadow subass it gives us cloak of Shadows a reusable 10 turn invisibility but most importantly Shadow step one of the only teleports in the game that can be reused indefinitely something important to note though is that both the invisibility and Shadow step can only be used while the area is at least obscured now with actually good Mobility it was time to try and end krick's immortality by freeing the Night song I went past the house of healing and solved the puzle to enter The Gauntlet of sha further into Gauntlet ofar The Necromancer basaar is waiting for us we need to make sure that he dies before we try to free the Night song or else he will just be in her prison waiting with an army of skeletal friends basaar himself is way too strong for us to handle and so is the fight with the justicar before to solve this we of course need to merge their combats and if we can just get over to his door we can simply cast knock to do it normally we would just need invisibility to sneak over to the door however using any sort of action like Misty step breaks invisibility this is where Shadow step is special because it is a class action it is not considered a spell or attack and therefore does not break our invisibility after getting over to the door we can simply go to camp and grab knock and alert letting me open the door before anyone else can react as you probably know Bard doeses lose this fight but it takes a very long time so while we wait why not hit the Subscribe button it is free and you can always unsubscribe later flesh and basaar finally go down and with no real option of running I just let the remaining justicar take out minara as well we can just resurrect her with Withers after all since convincing your gear might be a bit hard I decide to instead just go to the easiest of the trials this one just requires getting to the other side which easily can be done with a single Misty step with the one umbrella gem collected I used knock on the door downstairs gathered my party and went into night song's prison since Gail won't actually have enough Missy steps to get all the way down to the bottom i instead just used gravity to give him an easy way out with the Night song Now free there is not much more left to do than to head over to Moonrise and take on Krick considering this is the first time I've spoken to jira she is really easily persuaded into thinking that I'm an ally sell is waiting for us right inside but since I don't want Jahira to actually die I do not want to trigger this encounter I can't just sneak past her with invisibility either this time since I will need my sorcerer spells for the encounter to come so we're just going to need to find another way inside by heading around over to the toll house and down to the dogs we can instead enter here through the back entrance and by sneaking before entering we don't even trigger combat with a dozen enemies inside this means that we easily can Missy step right over to the door before escaping up the stairs before they can do do anything we are now behind almost all of moon rise's forces to get past the last few I just had to carefully position myself in this exact spot any closer to the right and combat would simply trigger from here I could Misty step past the last ones and make my way up to the second floor just in time to encounter yet another couple of guards I do not feel like fighting these either and just want to leave through the door up to the roof thankfully the door here is left open so I can Misty step into the room destroy a couple of doors and that way move around to get direct line of sight letting me escape up to the roof now comes the reason why I didn't just use Monk's invisibility to get straight up here and that is that we now have haste available for aen and as I'm sure if you've seen any of my recent videos you know how this ends for Krick he fleas the scene taking night song with him but we are not quite done yet there is still a whole heap of necrom mites just waiting the first step is breaking this combat since I am right next to the door all I have to do is just cast invisibility before escaping since Krick is gone we can now grab monk again and upon re-entering the roof the encounter is triggered even though we are invisible this is a real problem as it won't break even if they cannot find us here and escaping down into the M flare colony is not allowed if combat is going on to not get spotted as soon as I walked in I just made sure to lure all the enemies over to the other side of the roof combat did not trigger now letting me sneak my way over to the way down I know there's a lot of going back and forth between Monk and sorcerer but sadly it cannot be helped this time I made sure to grb alert and the blink spell finally we can follow Krick down into the colony using only Missy steps minara is able to make it all the way over to the elevator I activate it and go down and since I don't want to waste any more spell slots push her all the way over to the door with Gail before reusing the elevator to go back up with just Him upon entering with myara even though Gil is in the cut scene when we actually get in he is still standing all the way up on top of the elevator I make my way all the way over to the Night song with minara without getting spotted by sneaking and using two Misty steps now in the fight both Krick and the mind flare would immediately destroy me if they got the chance to but since we have alert our initiative is well above theirs still if they get a turn we will just die so it's time to utilize blink at the end of each turn blink rolls a D2 and upon at least 11 transports us away leaving us completely Untouchable and so all Krick and his gang can do is just stand and watch as they pass their turns now with my turn again I free Night song leaving Krick vulnerable I don't actually need to kill him outright but I do need to get him at least somewhat low and so I spent a couple of turns throwing chromatic orbs at him escaping back into the etheral plane anytime my turn ended with Krick now somewhat lone it is time to finally use the Giant explosives we got all the way back from phow Meine I put them right next to him and blow it up killing him and Downing myself in the process Merkel now shows up and he gets his turn and kills me how are we going to beat this fight if we are not even in it well as it turns out the fight does not actually end Upon Us dying as alen is Immortal she can get down sure but that does not end the encounter and since Gail is just standing in upstairs we have not yet lost as we still have one more playable character so that answers how the fight goes on but how does Merkel die well as you can see he is burning and he will continue to burn forever as the fire surface is Created from the Rune powder bomb and will last indefinitely this is why killing Krick which specifically the explosion was so important if I were to just have skipped to the second phase and used the explosive on Merkel he would not have caught fire fire since burning does 1 to four damage and Merkle takes two less damage from all sources it does between 0 to two damage each turn it therefore takes an eternity but eventually his HP will take all the way down what makes this even slower is that Merkel summons necrom mites each turn that all have to skip their turn before he gets another one after one whole hour of waiting he falls below 275 HP and now starts calling over necrom mites to feed on healing him all the way way back off to full health fantastic there is a limit to this too thankfully as after eating a few he completely stops spawning new ones so now we just have to wait another hour and watch as Merkel slowly dies from the fire damage Gail is now free to enter the arena for the first time I navigate my way past a horde of necrite corpses which all do have things in them but I really cannot be bothered to loot them so I just grab krick's nether Stone and leave jira is standing here waiting for a she just like myara is also always locked to a level but instead of level six it is level eight this means that after turning jir into monk she gets an additional feat meaning that I can pick both charger and alert we get awoken by the gift and since the first area starts us off next to the campfire Shadow step is unavailable thankfully a misty step works just as well I sneak down to the emperor and before engaging make sure to equip the telekinesis amulet on jira and drink the one free Hill giant strength potion we got from Camp before also using a haste potion since we have alert we start first which lets me use Shadow step to teleport up to this ledge and throw the first GI off thanks to our 21 strength because we have another action and monk gets an extra attack I can use telekinesis to bring another GI up also throwing him off the emperor stuns the other two off camera for some reason but still counts letting me easily throw them both off on the following turn now in act three I will need quite a lot of money selling all the items that kri carried and everything else I have collected thus far only gave me 2,800 gold in total but it should be enough hopefully inside of the circus of the last days is the genie akabi he has a wheel which you can gamble on to maybe win his so-called jackpot to get it you're supposed to either buy or pickpocket his ring as it's the thing that helps him rig the game to never be a win for you if you do not steal the ring and instead just play he just gives you useless joke items like this plus one breastplate that allows you to bring an additional person to a wedding or this eternal wine that just damages you upon drinking it every spin also costs an absurd 500 gold and the items are not worth it mostly at least there is one item that after spinning his wheel four times I managed to get the boots of very fast blinking they Grant a skill called this robbing blink it is identical to my step and can be used one time per turn without any cost but it also leaves all your clothing behind this drawback is usually too much in normal playthroughs but for us it does not matter right now we literally do not use any equipment apart from some amulets which won't get left behind anyways I make my way past the checkpoint but since I cannot enter the normal way into worms Rock due to not having flight I was forced to take a bit of a detour through the back entrance here here now I agreed to help Gores take out Orin and head over to the lower City instantly moving over to the sewers and down to the Temple of ball since we are not the dark urge and the door cannot just be knocked open I'll have to get the emlet of ball from sarok before facing Orin to get in we will need a passcode which can be found on the Assassin dollar dollar can first be found planning an assassination here at the wine festival upon approaching him he immediately leaves just leaving behind a few copies of himself these clones are really tough and there's no real reason for me to fight them so I just break combat with invisibility dollar can be found right next to the balers gate Waypoint where he is planning another assassination entering the building triggers a cut scene and so I decide to do it with benara since dollar arrives as soon as it starts I can simply swap from miara to jira and using invisibility teleport in to pickpocket the wrong item yeah turns out it's the scroll we need not the hands thankfully all I have to do is disengage let Meara die and then wait out Dollar's invisibility before doing it again this time we don't get the luxury of escaping but that's fine anyways after a quick Resurrection it's time to head down to cavok using the passcode we got from dollars note interestingly Jahira cannnot actually become an Unholy assassin as sovok knows who she is so I just use Gail to go down instead and after a simple deception check get granted the role of Unholy assassin along with the Amulet of ball now with access to the temple it's time to deal with Orin there is a very easy way to kill her using this potion I got from a vendor but in order to do so I need to get up close undetected and the altar where she stands has candles all around it making it impossible for me to get there without breaking invisibility to get around this I Respec minara over to a cleric for create water and by positioning her just before the cut scene triggers I can upcast the spell and extinguish all the candles now with access to the altar I have jira drink the cloud giant strength Elixir and head right down beside Orin from this exact spot with enough strength it is possible to Simply throw Orin off the edge instantly killing her just need to grab the second nether Stone and die now we can now meet up with gorach and show him our Stones getting him to head straight to the morphic pool before leaving for the final Encounter of the game we still have a few preparations to make the first one is getting Gail to level seven for greater invisibility it will take 4,500 XP which may sound like a lot but it can easily be gained from solving the chambers just down under Worm's Way next up I went over to sorceress sunre and bought two dimension door Scrolls in loran's Tower I also found a globe of invulnerability scroll and had already prior collected the Artistry of War scroll from the vaults finally I make sure that jira has access to dimension door and greater invisibility and respect minara so she has Shadow step in the morphic pool I I meet up with Gort who immediately Gets koed By The Nether brain thankfully the emperor saves us and after following him lets me turn Gail into a mind flare now in the upper City and the final area of the game we can just skip past all the fights here thanks yet again to Shadow step it really has been the MVP of this run importantly before entering I drink a haste potion with minara since some of the spell plages that get summoned have counter spell I use a slow from the emperor to bait it out this in turn lets me thara Missy step up to gaale and after casting greater invisibility on him use the two dimension door Scrolls we bought to teleport him all the way over to the crown since Gail has mind Sanctuary he can use corus's compulsion while still remaining invisible from greater invisibility I use jira's turn to move a bit closer before also turning her invisible upon ending my turns both myara and the emperor get annihilated but they have already done all they need to do during my next turn the portal into The Nether brain opens automatically entering with Gail in order to make it there with jira I again just need to bait out all six counter spells with a misty step before using the mention door just the brain left now I start with the honor mode version of Mind Sanctuary Hasting everything inside it before using the ability that will let us easily kill the brain Fierce perilous Stakes it grants all instances of damage we deal an extra 15 psychic damage perilous Stakes does have a downside though making us vulnerable to all damage and since whenever the brain is attacked it triggers brain Quakes that deal up to 60 damage which would get doubled to 120 there's a big chance we would immediately get one shot if we were to attack it this is why jira carries the globe of invulnerability scroll creating an area in which nothing can get damaged letting me do some huge damage with the artisty of War scroll and a magic Missile since the brain becomes invulnerable to psychic and force damage on its following turn I just spent it refreshing the Stak and creating another level four spell slot before teleporting down with another dimension door to avoid the collapsing floor on the following turn the brain loses its invulnerability letting me cast another few magic missiles bringing it down and finishing the game this one was rough especially that start I mean I guess that's just how most of these challenge runs go after all thank you so much for watching consider watching another one of my videos if you feel like it and I'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Bouch
Views: 67,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, no movement, bg3 without moving
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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