What will happen if you don't recruit Shadowheart? [Baldur's Gate 3]

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let's move [Music] here my boy says irresistible you recognize the overwhelming Authority that you've used on others only infinitely stronger turned against you a vision clouds leaving you in a dark speechless Shadow Escape free Direction there are three figures before you an armored male elf in exuding power and command a handsome younger man with a quick easy smile woman with even paler eyes please All My Children they speak for me age their search for the prison and you will be worthy to stand beside them in my presence you feel energy pulsing from the artifact lifting the pain from you pushing the voice away my forces God I imagine you must have questions we should talk you were lucky I managed to catch up with you when I did we're both Lucky in fact I'm Shadow heart we're on the nautiloy together we've both got the same problem though only I might have the solution I don't know how but this artifact is protecting me from whoever controls our parasites you won't get much farther without it shielding you trust me the artifact is being hunted and so I'm being hunted the absolute forces wanted githyanki Raiders want it so it is you the katharaki come for this artifact is valuable the knights will be relentless in their Pursuit to get rid of it but I can't protect it alone either I'm lucky to have made it this far never mind how I got it just be glad I have it for now let's just help each other what do you say you've seen overburdened with hangers on already fine stay safe we need each other the air is heavy moisture drips down your forehead pain shoots through your fingers the world swims as you close then reopen your eyes long have you been waiting here a moment a night a 10 day [Music] Can you feel it crawling through you tendrils squirming in your chest gripping your heart piercing your belly your bones popping your flesh swelling I can I see it in you I feel it in me we are lost I will be quick with my blade first you then the others then myself your mind's intertwine you sense a touch of uncertainty Touch of disgust I cannot trust my own mind so it seems I must trust yours I will wait but know this I am watching if the sickness does not pass come Dawn I will end us all foreign [Music] and not for the first time I saved you before and I'm here to save you again don't worry you'll not become a mind player [Music] not while I'm around I'll protect you [Music] stubborn a useful quality we haven't much time so listen closely there is great potential within you it comes from that parasite your instinct is to resist the power it gives but you must accept it nurture it I will keep it from consuming you for the sake of both of us must learn to wield it [Music] the fight for the fate of faerun a fight we are losing for now you can change that but only if you embrace your potential I have to go the enemy is closing in I will be back [Music] you'll feel better I promise oh something the matter wait worse but it passes quickly usually it's just an old wound that hurts me from time to time nothing to be concerned about it's nothing to do with the tadpoles at least in case your imagination is in danger of getting away from you it's just something I have to live with you could say that and yes still have it it's not the sort of thing I can just tell anyone let's see if we can build up some trust trust it's reciprocal trust me we need each other once we're cured well our partnership can end if that's what you wish but make no mistake when the time comes the artifact leaves with me foreign Duty doesn't have to add up to me as long as I serve I'm part of a bigger plan one that will be revealed in time because it's safer that way we had our memory suppressed before the mission that way none of us could betray the dark lady if we were captured Shaw's Secrets must be protected Duty demands it once I fulfill my mission I can have my memories restored did you have any strange dreams of late Vivid ones [Music] done I was hoping my imagination had gotten the better of me this must be something more this dream companion wanted me to use the tadpole use its power whoever it was claimed to be an ally but I don't know it seems like we can't escape this mess in the waking world or otherwise something the matter I don't know what you mean it's nothing really [Music] all right what makes you think I'm hiding anything if I have something to share I'll let you know [Music] you've already pestered me with your Notions once today if I have something to add I'll tell you [Music]
Views: 11,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ISiSJpfM0Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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