Baldur's Gate 3 Barbarian Class Guide (Berseker & Wild Heart) 🔥

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in today's video i'm going to go over the all right let's get real no the barbarian class and baldur's gate 3's early access i will be going over the entire class in this video so both subclasses the wild heart and the berserker and i'm also going to talk about a few things that you might not have thought of as always chapter markers will be below let's jump on in before you choose your race and figure out your ability points you first have to decide which type of barbarian that you want to be do you want to be a strength-based barbarian a dexterity barbarian do you want to wear armor or be that bare-chested half-naked barbarian running around the map now obviously the most common choice here is going to be a strength-based barbarian that uses a big heavy weapon and smashes everything to pieces and if you're going to go this route and it's a very very powerful route you're going to have three primary ability scores strength for your attack rolls and damage rolls to make you more likely to hit and also deal a little bit more damage constitution is going to be for your hit points which is very important for barbarians and also possibly for your unarmored defense and we'll talk about that here shortly and dexterity is also kind of a primary ability to invest into because it not only helps with your initiative which is awesome for barbarians but it also helps with unarmored defense and your armor class number if you're wearing armor so if you're going to play that strength strength-based barbarian and you want to optimize your combat power you're going to want to choose a race that gives you a boost in strength and constitution and we'll worry about dexterity when we're spreading out our points and there's three races that will do this for you the human the half elf because you can distribute two points into ability scores of your choice and then of course the shield dwarf and the shield dwarf is going to be the most optimal choice because it gives you a plus two to constitution and strength it's the only race that does that and that allows you to give yourself a 17 in strength and a 17 in constitution right away in character creation and then when you hit level four you can boost those both up by one and get an 18 with a plus four modifier and your two most important ability scores really good combination and also with the shield dwarf you can instead reduce those down to 16 and then allow yourself to have a more well-rounded build which is important to some people as well so really good choice for a strength-based barbarian now if you choose a race that gives you a boost to strength but not constitution these can still be very powerful choices those races include the zereal tiflin and also the gif yankee and the gif yankee takes the gold medal here because it gives you a plus two to strength and like the shield dwarf this allows you to put your strength at 17 in character creation and as long as you put another ability score such as constitution at 15 when you hit level four you can boost both of those by one and give yourself that extra boost that most other races wouldn't be able to do so all in all if you're going to do a strength-based barbarian i would say try to get yourself at least a 16 in strength and character creation a minimum of 14 in constitution and then i would say a minimum of 12 in dexterity but some people would say 14 and you know why here shortly when we talk about our armor class number now before we get further into this we do have to talk about unarmored defense so right away at level one as a barbarian you get a class feature called unarmored defense which allows your armor class to be 10 plus your constitution modifier plus your dexterity modifier when you're not wearing armor now where it gets a little bit confusing is that for the majority of players especially strength based barbarians you're going to be able to achieve a higher armor class number when you're wearing medium armor so medium armor can be found very easily in early access and the best medium armor will be 15 armor clasps plus your dexterity modifier with a max of up to two and that gives you a 17 armor class which is almost impossible to achieve as a strength based barbarian because you just don't have enough points to disperse into dexterity to get yourself up to 17 you're more likely going to have a 14 or 15 armor class when not wearing armor but if you just don't want to wear armor because you're a barbarian and you just don't think it makes sense for rp purposes that's also completely fine because there's a couple reasons why you might not want to wear armor first of all when you wear medium armor it's going to give you stealth disadvantage and second of all barbarians are not really a class that are meant to have an insanely high armor class number they're a class that's meant to take damage and several of their features are going to have that incoming damage and i should also mention that when you're raging as a barbarian you have to deal damage or take damage before the turn comes back to your turn and if you don't do that then your rage is going to end so let's say you're playing a barbarian and you use your action for something non-attack related or perhaps you even miss your strike on your enemy if you don't take damage during that round of combat you're going to lose your rage and the higher armor class number that you have the less likely it is that you're going to take damage so a lower armor class number can actually be in favor for the barbarian at times because you want to take damage to keep that rage going if that situation arises and when you do take damage it will likely not be that much because you have a lot of constitution and you also get to have several types of damage types like i said earlier so if you don't want to wear armor as a strength-based barbarian i say just go for it and don't worry about it too too much but if you want to maximize your armor class then it's probably a little bit more optimal to wear the medium armor just don't stress about it but this is going to bring us into a dexterity build barbarian which can take much better advantage of unarmored defense in tabletop d d it's very rare that a player will play a dexterity barbarian and the reason is that so many of the class features for the barbarian require your barbarian to do strength based attacks or ability checks and if you don't do a strength based attack or ability check then it renders some of those features useless or ineffective so playing a dexterity barbarian is not really viable in tabletop because you won't be able to take advantage of your rage and getting the damage boost and also reckless attack which gives you advantage on your attack role in baldur's gate 3 however this is not the case and i have tested this at least as of now with patch 7 it's not the case perhaps larian will change this in the future so why would you want to play a dexterity barbarian well the first advantage i don't know if i'd call it an advantage but the first benefit of playing a dexterity barbarian is that you now only have two primary ability scores dexterity and constitution there's actually a sub-race of the half-lean a strongheart halfling that gives you ducks and cons this is a really good choice if you want to do a dexterity barbarian but when you only have two primary ability scores that you have to focus on it's much easier to create a well-rounded build because you're not trying to use all of your points for three of them you only really have to focus on two and then you can disperse the other ones wherever you would like also dexterity barbarians obviously have high dexterity which means they're going to place earlier in the order of turns more often than a strength based barbarian you're going to be better at dexterity saving throws and you'll probably be better at other saving throws as well because as a strength barbarian you have to disperse your points between three primary ability scores as a ducks barbarian you can kind of dump strength or maybe leave it at 10 then you have all these leftover points to put into intelligence and wisdom and you're just overall a little bit tankier because of that there's also some really cool dexterity builds that you can do and one of those includes the dual wielding rapier barbarian not really the typical barbarian that you think of and this actually applies to strength barbarians too because you can dual wield strength weapons that aren't finesse like the rapiers and being a dual wielding barbarian is actually quite powerful when you use reckless attack in this game which is a class action that you get at level two it gives you advantage on your attacks and this will apply to your main and your offhand attack so when you're dual wielding with other classes you kind of worry that you might hit one and then miss the other when you're playing as a barbarian and use reckless attack you have advantage on both of those attacks now the one thing that's not working with dual wielding right now is when you rage the damage bonus of plus two is only applied to the main hand weapon and in dnd it's applied to the main and offhand weapon i'm not sure if this is intentional from larian uh we'll have to wait and see if they change that in the future i should also quickly point out that if you do want a dual wield you're probably going to want to take the dual wielder feed at level four so you're not stuck with the light weak weapons and that means you have to sacrifice your ability score improvement so if you do dual wield i would make sure to make your dexterity or your strength on 16 even do not leave it on an odd number and one more thing until we get into the fun stuff like the barbarian features and thank you guys so much for all of you guys that have been listening for the seven or eight minutes that i've just been talking about information i appreciate you guys sticking around and that is our ranged build barbarians viable and the simple answer is no it's good to have a ranged weapon on your barbarian when you can't reach an enemy you might consider shooting them with a crossbow or a bow especially if you are a dexterity billboard but you're not going to be able to take advantage or use many of the amazing features that the barbarian gets from their rage and their reckless attack many of those features require melee attack roles to make use of them so no one's really going to do a full ranged barbarian it's just not a thing you're better off going fighter now on to the fun stuff starting off with the classic barbarian feature rage which you get right away at level 1 and character creation now you can't activate rage unless you're already in combat so you can't rage and then sneak up on enemy you have to be in combat like my character is right now let me go ahead and activate it now there's several different benefits that you'll get while raging in this game the first one is that when you make a melee attack you get a plus two to your damage roll this only works with your main hands not your offhand so if your dual wielding it's only going to work on your main hand weapon attack this could change in the future because like i said in dnd it does work on your offhand attack so let me go ahead and swing at this intellect devourer and then we'll take a look at the combat log and as you guys can see down there at the damage roll it says plus two for character weapon damage boost which is my by barbarians rage now the other benefits of raging the first one is that you get advantage on strength checks and strength saving throws and one of the best uses of rage is to make you one of the ultimate tanks in all of d and d and that is when you're raging you will now have resistance to slashing bludgeoning and piercing damage so basically all the physical damage that your character can take the damage will be halved when you get hit by that so if somebody swings their sword at you you only take half damage if a bow and if somebody shoots an arrow at you it's going to be half damage and this is just such an amazing feature for the barbarian okay so we just got hit for three damage by the claw attack from the intellect devourer and as you can see right there it says damage six minus three because we have resistance to slashing damage so such an excellent feature i should also mention that when you rage it only costs you a bonus action so you can rage and then attack in the same turn if you're dual wielding obviously you can use your bonus action to rage and then you still have your main hand attack and also when you do rage it will last up to 10 turns but you have to deal damage or take damage since your last turn in combat otherwise the rage will end and you only have two uses of rage per long rest until it recharges at level two all barbarians will get a feature called danger sense which gives you advantage on dexterity saving throws against trap spells and surfaces so this is not only just adding to your tankiness in combat but also allowing barbarians to be really good scouts and dungeons because they can go ahead and if there's an unexpected trap they're more likely to reduce or avoid the trap completely than some of the other classes and then another feature that the barbarian gets is and this is a feature just as useful as rage it's a quintessential barbarian feature and that is called reckless attack when you use reckless attack it costs your action but you have advantage on your attack role at the cost of giving enemies advantage on their attack roles against you but since you're a barbarian and you have a lot of hp in your tanky and a lot of damage that you take is going to be cut in half this is definitely an advantage and it's worth using so let me go ahead and use reckless attack on this teefling and we'll take a look at the combat log and as you can see attack roll 12 i got a 20 wow so yeah so we got advantage from reckless attack and it's just really powerful to combine that with rage which i don't have rage active right now because i ran out of rage charges just for this demonstration so now we've reached level three and as you guys can see i switched back over to my strength based barbarian and at level three we get to choose our subclass for our barbarian and the choices are berserker and wild heart the berserker class is fairly simple if you want to deal a crap ton of damage and that's what you love hands down the berserker class will win if you decide to go down this subclass route your rage is going to now turn into frenzy you'll basically get all the benefits that you got before from rage but you're now going to get access to two more bonus actions that you didn't have before so when you go into a frenzy you get frenzied strike and also enrage the throw frenzy strike allows you to make a melee attack with your equipped weapon at the cost of a bonus action so you basically can attack twice in one turn once with your action and once with your bonus action if you use reckless attack on your first attack your frenzied strike is also going to have advantage so insanely powerful ton of damage for early access there's no other class that gets to do this until level five where martial classes are going to get access to extra attack but the barbarians also going to get extra attack so at level five you're going to be able to make two attacks with your action and then also as a bonus action make a frenzied strike just a ton of damage for a melee class now the enraged throw allows you to pick up an item or creature and you can throw it at a target and the target that you hit will be knocked prone until it is that target's turn in combat and just like the frenzied strike this only costs you a bonus action so you can reckless attack and then also pick up a goblin and throw it at another creature knocking that creature prone and maybe that creature is near someone on your team that is using melee weapons and they're going to have an advantage on their attack so berserker is just super powerful like i said for the most part you're just going to be attacking with reckless attack having an advantage on that attack and then attacking again with your great axe using frenzied strike or whatever weapon that you're using very powerful and it shows in early access now the wild heart class allows you to choose between five different animals and depending on which animal you choose it's going to affect what features you get access to i have tried out all of these different choices that we have here and hands down just like in d d choosing the bear baryon or the bear heart barbarian as larian studios calls it is probably one of the most op things you can do in this game so if you want insane damage you're going to go berserker if you want to be an absolute beast of a tank the bear heart barbarian is the way to go and the reason for this is that when you rage as a bear heart barbarian you now have resistance to all damage types except psychic damage so 95 to 99 percent of all incoming damage that your barbarian is taking is going to be cut in half unbelievable tank ability here really really good and on top of that larian actually added a heel for your barbarian to make it even tankier which is absolutely just insane to think about so the best tank in the game hands down i would say at least the best tank in early access as of right now you get the heel and half damage for almost all damage that you're going to take now my personal favorite is the eagle heart barbarian and that is just because of the fun factor it's a little bit more active and you can do cooler things than the bear harper berry and when you're playing a bear heart barbarian you're just taking a lot of damage and healing yourself which is amazing but it's not necessarily as fun as having some really cool active skills that some of these other animal choices will give you so if you're playing as an eagle heart when you rage foes are now going to have disadvantage on their opportunity attacks against your eagle heart barbarians if you're standing in front of three goblins and you want to just simply turn around and go to a different enemy away from those three goblins you can do so without using disengage because all of those goblins are gonna have disadvantage on their opportunity attacks meaning they're probably going to miss now you can use this selfishly for your character or you can even consider using it to set off opportunity attacks on purpose to help save other teammates from being hit by opportunity attacks really really good and it just gives you a ton of maneuverability when you're playing as an eagle heart barbarian now the coolest part of this animal choice is the diving strike and this allows you to leap down onto a foe below you dealing weapon damage and also knocking them prone and you also do not take fall damage so you can be really really high up and just jump down it's a really cool animation as you guys can see in the video footage right now and you deal that damage and it also knocks them prone just making them much more likely to take even more damage throughout that round of combat i also want to mention that while you're raging as an eagle barbarian dash is now a bonus action so you can jump off a roof use diving strike run away not worry about opportunity attacks use dash and get all the way back onto some high ground to do diving strike again on your next turn this is a really powerful animal choice in my opinion and it beats out several of the other ones considering that you not only get foes get disadvantage and opportunity attacks but you also get dash and diving strikes you're getting three benefits specifically from the eagle heart and most other ones give you two the elkhart barbarian makes it so that when you're raging your movement speed increases by 15 feet which is pretty significant so you're getting this passive benefit while raging where your barbarian can move further than most others on the battlefield in a single movement i'm always a big fan of these passive benefits that always basically benefit your character they're not really as situational you can always take advantage of increased movement speed so pretty good choice in that regards and then the action that you get is called primal stampede which allows you to charge forward and attack all creatures that are in your way so creatures that are along the line of your actual charge and it deals damage bludgeoning damage and also knocks them prone just like the eagle heart dive did so not horrible but not really the best in my opinion because i find it hard to find enemies that actually line up to take advantage of that charge and because of that i choose some of the other animals over the elk as a tiger heart barbarian while you're raging you're going to get an increase in jump distance by 15 feet so like the elk was an increase in movement speed the tiger is an increase in jump speed so it's kind of like a preference as to what you feel like you would benefit more from and actually being able to jump a little bit further does help quite a lot you can jump over surfaces and get to weird areas where enemies might be standing that other characters in your party cannot get to the action that the tiger heart gets is called tiger's bloodlust which allows you to lash out and attack up to three enemies in front of you and each of them will take half the damage of your weapon but they also start bleeding which means they're gonna take damage over time for two turns the bleed will last so this can actually be pretty powerful but the problem is like the elkhart barbarian i found it very situational obviously you have to have multiple enemies in front of you and i thought it would happen a lot more than what it actually did so i ended up not making a ton of use out of tiger's blood bust and because of that like the elk i ended up liking the eagle heart and bear choice over both of these but none of these are really bad choices it's a personal preference play what you want to play and last but of course not least is the wolf heart barbarian oh i messed it up and while you're raging as a wolf barbarian all allies within seven feet of you will have advantage on their melee attacks really really really powerful as long as you have the party comp that can really benefit from this so if you have a full party of melee users or i don't know two or three melee users that stay close to your barbarian they're just always going to have an advantage on their attack roles which is insanely powerful especially when you're focusing down like a boss or something like that so super powerful keep in mind if you have a party of barbarians or two or three brains they already have reckless attacks they might not benefit as much from this but in the right situation this can be one of the most powerful choices for the wild heart subclass you also get an action called inciting howl and if you use it at the cost of your action of course your allies will get a boost of 10 feet to their movement speed so kind of situational because you're typically not going to want to waste your action on this but i find myself using it when my party gets caught off guard in a combat situation i'll pop it in the beginning of combat to help my party get a little bit closer to the enemies so those of you guys that aren't aware you can also change your piercings for your appearance and you can change it to anyone you like regardless of which subclass you choose and it changes like the nose piercings and a couple other things the accessories on the face i'm personally hoping that larry anne makes it a little bit more interesting and perhaps gives us some body changes so if you choose the bear heart barbarian maybe your character gets a little bit hairier if you choose the eagle heart maybe you have the option of having eagle eyes i think something like that would make some of these subclasses that might be a little less powerful more appealing for players perhaps they'll consider doing something like that now on to level four at level four if you chose the wild heart barbarian you actually have the ability to change your animal if you didn't like what you experienced at level three which is always nice then the majority of players are going to increase their strength or dexterity depending on which type of barbarian you are up to 18 i think a lot of players will end up doing that you can't go wrong with that you always want to get your primary ability score as high as you can you want to get it to 20 as fast as you can for the most part but with that said there's actually a really really really powerful feat that you can take of course you're not going to get the ability score improvement if you take the feet and that is great weapon master so if you're playing as a strength-based barbarian using a big two-handed weapon great weapon master is going to give you a plus 10 to your damage at the cost of a minus 5 to your attack roll but if you recall we have an action called reckless attack which gives us advantage on our attack which is going to offset that minus five and then if you combine that with like giving your barbarian blast from a cleric this is crazy this is this is this is that you guys you guys see i i'm at a loss for words it's so crazy how powerful this can actually be so if you're playing a strength barbarian and you already have at least a 16 in early access for strength you might want to consider taking great weapon master and dealing out insane damage you're also going to get the plus two from your rage so you're getting plus 12 whenever you land an attack and you have advantage even though you're getting a minus five with your attack rolls we also can't forget that if you're playing as a berserker barbarian you have frenzied strike which allows you to attack with a bonus action and the great weapon master plus 10 is also going to apply for that if you use reckless attack as your first attack you'll also have an advantage definitely encourage some of you guys to try this out especially in early access make sure you guys have fun other than that that's basically it you don't get any special features at level four for the majority of the classes actually all of the classes and that'll be it for this barbarian class guide if you guys want me to get into some specific guides like a rapier barbarian build or a great weapon master two-handed wielding barbarian let me know below in the video comments and i will consider doing something like that thank you guys so much for watching i know i just kind of loaded a bunch of information with less visuals than i typically show in most videos but i think i'm a little late with the barbarian guide on this one for future patches i'll try to put out those guides much quicker and i'll catch you guys in the next one thanks
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 134,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 barbarian class, barbarian class guide baldurs gate 3, berserker barbarian, wild heart barbarian, baldurs gate 3 classes, classes, baldurs gate 3 class guide, barbarian build, baldurs gate 3 class builds, bg3, baldurs gate 3 early access, review, new patch, balders gate 3, boulders gate 3, baulders gate 3, rpg, crpg, dungeons and dragons, 5e barbarian, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios
Id: qpr4w8bV7po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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