Ranking Every Baldurs Gate Romanceable Companion - Dannyphantom.exe

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[Music] Boulder's Gate Game of the Year sweep let's go you Spider-Man Gizzy gobblers oh Spider-Man should have gave in the your you balder's gate sweep Yu should have got performance in the year no he shouldn't have a ston sweep D Spider-Man got beat by a vampire twink you idiots you bombers gate let's [ __ ] go what is up Gamers with Y it is me Daniel I am standing today and you can once again not see my legs cuz they aren't real hopefully you're doing good today I'm doing great happy holidays everyone hopefully they were good this video might be going out before or after New Year so if it's uh past the new year um happy New Year first video of 2024 I'm getting old getting old I'm going to be 22 in 2024 that's not that old I say to make myself feel better today everyone we are here to talk about the Apex of entertainment we are here to talk about Dungeons and Dragons not actually we're not here to talk about DND D but something that it's created balers Gate 3 if you couldn't tell from the intro recently The Game of the Year Awards happened and balers Gate 3 Got Game of the Year as it should have I said this months ago that balers Gate 3 would get Game of the Year fine clip I swear to God I was right but in all seriousness congratulations to balers Gate 3 it is one of the greatest video games if not the greatest video game ever that is high praise and it is warranted don't believe me go play it it's amazing is it for everyone no but balers Gate 3 in truth is one of of the most indepth created free form sandbox games you could ever play they have thought of solutions to problems I have not even begun to conceptualize and they did this simply so you could do whatever the [ __ ] you wanted and that's amazing and do whoever the [ __ ] you wanted o now that brings me to the topic of today's video today everyone we're going to be ranking the companions from balers Gate 3 when I say companions I mean all the love interests but specifically only the ones that can join your party so this does not include the drought Twins or the emperor you freaks if he was on the list though he'd be de here he's not F there because it's you know interesting listen I have played so much balers gate I beaten the game five times I've put in well over 200 hours I love this game and I wanted to talk about it so now you're going to sit there and [ __ ] listen please also before we start make sure to like And subscribe I would very much appreciate that because um because then I can make more videos like this and hopefully you guys like this kind of of videos so anyways today everyone we are going to be ranking all the balers Gate 3 companions on a tier list now we have to have some kind of Baseline some kind of uh what's the word we're looking for um scoring system yeah scoring system so the way these characters are going to get ranked are based off of these couple qualities number one personality and romance ability every single companion you are able to get in balers Gate 3 is romanceable at least I'm pretty sure second combat ability now in bers Gate 3 when you create a character you get to choose a class this class then dictates kind of how you play the game combat wise Wizards cast spells freaking nerds barbarians hit [ __ ] hard now for these companions they have a set base class in Boulders Gate 3 you level up this class ging new abilities but you are also able to multiclass getting different classes as well you may also just get rid of the initial class alt together and just get a different one now for Simplicity sake we're going to keep them with the Baseline class that they have and I know Shadow heart is better as a druid or a paladin than that [ __ ] cleric but listen we're not talking about that today okay and third Vibes listen this is a subjective tier list that is correct by the way I'll have you now but honestly it's all up to my discretion so I'm going to say whatever I want [ __ ] you and if I rank your favorite companion low on the list just know that um you got bad taste anyways let's jump into this tear list shall we yipp today everyone we're going to start off with laelle laelle is a gith yane fighter that you meet first in the game if you don't know balers gate you're abducted by a bunch of Mind flares along with all the rest of the people one of the people is LEL now gith in balers Gate 3 are racist the gith live in this place called the astral sea which they are dedicated to fighting the mindflayers and ilids that's what also called and basically think that the GTH yanki are the superior race here here's a picture of LEL looks a little bit like a frog but if a frog was hot listen when I started playing Boulders gate I hated lazel I'm like why would I like a fascist why would I like someone who's racist like why in a fantasy game that I get to play and spend my time on but I want to waste it on a fake racist person I don't want to do that literally first three times I played the game I murdered her literally did not give a [ __ ] just stab dead did not like her but then I got to know her more in the G Yankee culture the gith worship this one Queen known as the Lich Queen and she promises the gith Yankee that if they serve her well they will Ascend to another plane of existence what they don't know is is that this queen is a [ __ ] liar and rules over all the gith Yankee by using fear and oppression we don't like vacis is it vus or vus I don't remember I don't even care [ __ ] her she sucks now what I figured out is that lazel isn't racist because she wants to it's all she knows it's a learned behavior and here's the thing no one is born evil no one's born racist but she was taught to be by the society around her and the queen that promised her Ascension and by continuing with El through your story in B's gate she unlearns this and realizes that her Queen was wrong or you can really buy into it and just stay really racist why would you want to do that though but point being Lazelle you can fix her so that's number one number two combat ability Fighters and Dungeons and Dragons or Baldo's gate is just one of the better melee classes at level two you get action surge which is like the best ability in all of Dungeons and Dragons It's a little less good in B J but still very good where you basically get to take another action which is awesome LEL gets action shts very early on and has a lot of damage she can output with fighter she gets multi-attack at level five she is an absolute Powerhouse at a tank if you build her correctly so combat ability 10 out of 10 last off we got Vibes here's the thing LEL is a distrustful and disdainful person because that is who she was taught to be and in the game of balder's gate it is up to you to help her unlearn that behavior so this really goes into the whole thing of like well do I want to fix my partner do I really like is this my responsibility is isn't my duty personally I am a very emotional person and trying to make someone go to I am the master race to okay I'm a reasonable person that's got to be really draining right so even for lael's great story and you know unlearning her racist Behavior Lazelle is going to sit squarely at a de tier sorry lasel you are very attractive your story is very compelling I just couldn't deal with it I'm just not ready to take on that kind of accountability to Gentle parent and alien that's trying to kill me anyways if you play Boulder's Gate pick up LEL really good character really good fighter just not my cup of tea next up we get Shadow heart Shadow heart is the second companion you meet throughout the game and I believe is the most romanced NPC in the game please fact check me on that shadow har is a goth girl yes let's [ __ ] go shadowart is a cleric of sh the goddess of Darkness deceit and pain very much like a nihilistic religion where it's just like we'll all suffer anyways oh life is bad that whole Spiel and shenanigan and Shadow heart as a a part of her religion has her memory wiped for a long period of time she doesn't really know who she is nor her Origins and she's kind of sad about it but she's also been tasked with stealing this device from the ilids and bringing it back to balder's gate when you meet shadart she's tied up in a nautiloid pod and is going to get turned into a m flare until you save her she's also the first companion you find after falling off the ship in Act One Shadow heart's very you know Cy you know as you should stranger danger and I'm going to be real she gets on my nerves a little bit there's this one dialogue very specifically where she basically tries to like Gaslight you into like saying what she it's it's really weird I don't know how to describe it but it's a really weird dog you know what I'm talking about but also in act one she has one of the earliest romanceable options where you guys go off together have some wine and kiss it's really cute shadow heart is trying her best to be bad but at her core is not at her core she's a genuine good person who wants to do good things but through her learned behavior she's trying to be evil if that makes sense also I just want to mention real quick all Ballers Gate 3 characters are tied to some kind of trauma in some kind of different way so if that's a little triggering click out this video I'm going be talking about it a lot but outter core Shadow heart is not a bad person but she's really trying to be because that's what her goddess says Shadow heart doesn't reveal a lot to you about her pass throughout the game mainly because she doesn't [ __ ] know because again sh took those memories from her now in act two of the game you head to the gauntlet of sh and the purpose of this Gauntlet is to make dark justicier the highest form of worship in the sh religion shadowart really wants to become a dark justi here she really wants to show her Devotion to this God so she asks you like hey I really want to do this can we and of course I said yes of course I'm a sucker of course I like her she's pretty so you guys go and do the gauntlet together right now at the very end of this Gauntlet you guys are teleported to the shadow fell where this thing is through many points of the game you're task with getting this thing called The Night song which is a supposed very powerful artifact keeping one of the big bad evil guys alive but when you get to the shadow fell you realize that the Night song is not an artifact but a asamar a person her mother saluna has given her the gift of immortal Al it and the big bad evil guy is using that ability to make himself Immortal now at this point is a very big turning point for shadow heart's story shadowart can choose to kill the Night song Under the orders of sh and become a dark justicier or she can reject sh and save the night song now the right option the good one is to have Shadow heart reject sh and save the night song She's then punished by sh which sucks but then she has this resolve about her she wants to go back to the Temple of sh and find out about what happened to her the night song also reveals that sh took her parents and whatnot they're being held captive blah blah blah blah blah Shenanigans or again you could kill the Night song and keep shark very evil evil dark just this year it's actually really funny she dyes her hair white if you choose not to kill the Night song but she keeps her hair emo if you do it's really funny back three anyways if you choose good Shadow heart you go to the Temple of sh and you find that her parents are there and they're being tortured by sh for eternity and you can either choose to try and save them or kill them and put them out of their misery regardless of what what you choose Shadow heart comes out of it a better wiser healthier person she knows her past now she knows what happened she rejects sh and I think at least I'm pretty sure becomes a follower of saluna I think so I I don't quote me on maybe I think so but through this process Shadow har is willing to open up to you more and be more kind and loving again just like LEL she is unlearning behavior that she has been taught because that's the only thing she knows she's never really known love or warmth she only knows hate and darkness and emo so her opening up to the game really feels genuine even though it's scripted and a computer Shadow heart in my opinion is one of the better romanceable companions because her story is really fleshed out and is just done very well I don't know man it's just it's just good next up we move to section two combat ability okay so the nickname that a lot of people have given Shadow heart is shart because it's short for shadow heart and that's why I'm going to describe her combat ability oh my God it is so [ __ ] bad dude cleric shadowart cannot hit anything I don't know what it is but it's consistent across multiple different [ __ ] like people's games for some goddamn reason Shadow heart can't hit [ __ ] I don't know why and it's like it'll say like 80% chance to hit and she'll miss four times in a rad like what the actual [ __ ] is going on but she's a cleric so she's very good at healing and that's really all you're going to use her for except for maybe Spike growth if you change her domain to Nature cleric trickster cleric is not very good I don't know why they started her out as that nature cleric is is like much better anyways we're talking about Bas but Shadow heart at base not very combat effective but very good at healing so if you have Shadow hard on your team you're going to find that you're really only going to be using her for heal boding and then sometimes like a guiding missile or whatever I don't remember what those guiding bolt guiding bolt really all you're going to be using her for third we got Vibes Shadow heart is undeniably beautiful she's also a prime example of again I can fix her and guess what you can again as I said earlier all the balers Gate 3 companions are the result of some kind of trauma or traumatic experience for shadowart it was her being indoctrinated into an emo death cult that raised her and showed her no love and no warmth or pity and again you're teaching her that and you're showing her that but rather than going from racist to not racist you're going from I feel like I am unlovable to be I am deserving of Love That is a much more plausible jump that that makes sense and yes she's a bit of a dick but it's because she's afraid of getting close to anyone and tries to push people away before she can get close to them it's a trauma response duh again her combat is not very good but if you do change your class change it to Paladin or Druid it is just so much better we're not talking about that Vibe wise Shadow heart's pretty good personally I'm going to put Shadow heart at a tier she can be a little toxic in the beginning but if you can get past that which I did she's awesome next we are moving on to will the Warlock will is definitely one of the most underrepresented characters in The Boulders Gate 3 fandom and the reason why is because people are racist I'm joking not really but I think a big reason why will isn't looked at as a favorite more often than not is because his story doesn't really pick up till the last third of the game which sucks because will is such a cool character and has such a cool design will is known as the blade of Frontiers he is a hero throughout the land and he kills demons and bad guys little does everyone know he's a warlock and his contract is with a demon so when will is contracted to kill another companion which I obviously didn't do we're going to get to her later will refuses and is turned into a demon himself and he not happy about that why why would he be but after this story beat which is in act one will doesn't really have much more until act three in act one you learn that he's actually the son of the Duke of balder's gay Duke ravenguard so that's cool but you don't actually meet duke ravenguard or have anything to do with his backstory until act three which is probably 40 hours later which is insane but then it gets really cool because you go and save his dad and everything and he's like my son made a deal with a demon that's stupid and then you show his dad why he did like I did it to save the people of Baler gate I did it to help people instead like I am so sorry there's a dragon that lives beneath balers gate go get help and then that's that's a whole other thing and it's so cool it's just really unfortunate that it takes so long to get to that point now will personality-wise is awesome he is emotionally stable unlike almost the rest of all the characters in bald this's game he has a healthy mindset he has a skin routine he goes to therapy this is so mentally healthy except for a slight savior complex but the place where that savior complex comes from is not unfounded and he uses his powers to help people even when he's turned into a demon he's still trying to help you and everyone else around him but not to say I help people but because he genuinely cares will is one if if not the most stable companion in balers Gate 3 does he have daddy issues yes but he doesn't really dwell on that that much but his daddy issues aren't really that big he's just kind of like yeah my dad kind of hates me but you know you know that's just kind of life there's other things I have to do and he moves on and he's healthy it doesn't sound like he's but he is trust me now combat wise warlocks in this game are pretty decent as long as you're building them around your eldrich blast warlocks are great which is what I obviously did I love power building so I did that if you get repelling blast and agonizing blast on your elders blast you're going to be doing so much damage with will literally warlocks work on the Charisma stat will is so Charis Charisma he's so Charisma he's so charismatic and he's so Charming he's just such a good guy his romance scenes are so cute he does this like little dance he's like want to join me will is emotionally stable and I love him that being said moving to Vibes I don't know how to describe it but there are some people out there that I can just never imagine having sex will is one of those people I don't know what it is but like he I feel like he's just a kend doall down there do you get what I mean like there are some people some people I know IRL I'm like you don't have sex you just don't it's not like because they don't get any game or anything they just like I just you you don't I don't I I don't understand I don't know how to describe it but will I could just not never see having sex I just see him as this like lone asexual entity that is too good for this world hi this is Danny a day later I forgot to mention something that I think is really important about Will's story arc so I'm going to talk about it real quick at the end of Will's story arc you get to choose whether he one gives up his paack and is no longer a demon or two he keeps his packed and saves his father the reason I want to talk about this real quick is that will throughout his entire story doesn't really get to make any decisions for himself he is always at the whims of a greater power or a greater purpose that he's set upon I just wanted to mention that real quick uh it really kind of takes away from his character because he doesn't feel like an autonomous person all the time even though he's a very good person I just wanted to mention that real quick anyways uh back to the video anyways I'm putting will at a B tier because his story is a little lackluster compared to the others but I still really like him as a character so good job will be TI next we're moving to Gail oh boy I I have some things to say about Gail Gail is a wizard I don't think I should say anymore let's talk a little bit about Gail's backstory Gail used to have a relationship with the goddess of magic mistra now that's [ __ ] crazy I'm not going to talk about the fact that he might have been groomed by the goddess of mistra when he was a young boy to become her partner or whatnot that's a whole other issue but Gail has lived this entire life trying to live up to a potential set for him Gail has always been striving for a goal set by others and arbitrary trophy he is reaching for his entire life because other people said it was his duty to do so and in trying to accomplish these crazy [ __ ] goals Gail got himself into a bit of a pickle inside of Gail's body is a nuke this is not a joke there is a nuke in his body and if Gail doesn't eat enough magical artifacts that nuke will explode and kill everyone so I have some problems with Gail Gail in the beginning comes on very strong L to you it's very much like Oh I'm a puppy and you're the only person who has ever given me an ounce of positive attention please please love me please I beg you I'll do anything he needs attention that's what he wants that's his trauma he needs people to love him or at least pretend to he feeds off of it and unfortunately that really turns me off from his character as a whole now I understand where people are coming from from the whole I can fix them standpoint because you can you can fix all of these characters Gail is a C dependent puppy at the beginning but you can work with him and get better at it again it's such a process to do so that I don't have the emotional energy to do that is he powerful yes all wizards are all wizards are super powerful they are the best class in Dungeons and Dragons do not [ __ ] I I will not hear it they are the best don't debate me on this I will win but my point about this is that Gail needs other people to survive not in the way like oh you need human interaction you know be a happy person he needs other people to give him attention negative or positive otherwise he will curl up into a ball and wither away and personally I don't [ __ ] with that you can confront mistra later on and Gail can kind of talk about his trauma and everything but personally it's a little lackluster in my opinion and here's the thing there are lots of Gil Defenders out there and I hear you you're actually all crazy are you as crazy as the asarian Defenders debatable we'll see gaale in my opinion is not as much of an interesting character as the other ones his backstory and root of trauma are kind of interesting but personally there's a lot lot more vibrancy and character in the other characters now let's go to combat prowess so Gail is a wizard The Wizard is the best class in Dungeons and Dragons cast Fireball magic Missile wizard is just a really good class and Gail as long as you put like evocation is just going to be doing a [ __ ] ton of damage especially from early on just make sure he doesn't get hit cuz Wizards are [ __ ] sponges of damage now if we go to Vibes Gail again as I said earlier doesn't really do it for me is his romance story Quest good yeah they're all right are they as good as others kind of not really his dialogue and voice acting is very good and very well done it really gives off pretentious and I like that but again I just don't really Vibe with the whole codependent thing I've had enough trauma of my own that even in a video game it irks me a little bit I don't want to be his mother or father okay I don't want to be that's just me so we're putting Gail on the tier list we're going to put him down at a let's put him down at a c tier power levels good don't really [ __ ] with them his combat prowess phenomenal I just don't [ __ ] with his codependency anyway oh oh yeah everyone we're going to talk about carlac oh carlac oh carlac carlac is the best companion in Boulders Gate 3 I'm just going to say it I love carlac oh my God muscle mom carac was a tlink who got into the protection business and was eventually sold off to the arch Duke of aeres Zario that's hell where her heart was then replaced with a engine and was then sent to go battle demons for eternity the only thing that saved her was the nautiloid ship that picked her up in hell and brought her back to normal land now unfortunately her infernal engine that has replaced her heart runs a little hot and if she stays in the normal world too long she will explode and die that is a tragedy but here's the thing carlac has already accepted this reality that she will one day die and because of this she is ready to live life to the fullest and best tlac has endured years years of trauma battling demons in Hell L literal hell she has gone through so much [ __ ] and she is the kindest companion you will ever see straight off the rift she is just funny and just nice she just is happy to be alive and seeing other people and her romance scenes it's so sad in the beginning of Carla's romance story line you cannot touch her because her body runs so [ __ ] hot from her heart that you will burn up if you touch her so part of her story Quest is collecting infernal iron scraps to upgrade her heart to cool it down a little bit and the scene where you finally can touch her is so cute I just give her a hug cuz no one has ever given her love I just give her a hug because no one has touched her so lovingly in so long and she is just grateful to be alive and to be held and to be loved you go through the game and this there's this looming threat over her head the entire time that she knows she's going to die eventually and yeah she's sad about it but rather than moping around and being depressed like I think I would she takes you on a date a real date where you go get dinner and wine and she takes you out and says I just wanted to do this one more time because I don't think I'll ever be able to do this again and I was like carlac no it is so sad it is so [ __ ] sad and at the very end of the game she is going to die but rather than dying you can go back to a verice and kill demons for eternity with her and I choose that ending every time because my queen is not dying I love her so [ __ ] much carlac is one of the most emotionally mature characters in all of baller's gate the only reason why I think will beats her out is because she does have some unresolved anger issues towards the dude that sold her into slavery in Hell which is reasonable I'd say so honestly she might actually move up to number one now that I'm saying this out loud she is kind she is empathetic you know the whole thing where it's like I have suffered so much other people must suffer as well carlac take the position of I have suffered so much why should anyone else have to suffer too her purpose for living is to bring Justice and peace to those who can't do it themselves she and will just want to help people and I love them now combat ability carac in my opinion is the best person to have on your team you take Berserker Barbarian which has been wildly buffed in balers Gate 3 compared to regular Dungeons and Dragons and you just let her go to town on the enemies oh my my God Berserker barbaran is so [ __ ] good in this game she takes half damage she deals so she can make two attacks by like is it level three she can multiattack by level two like by level three basically then multiattack so three attacks per two and then if you multiclass her into Fighter for Action search six attacks in one turn if you double up oh my God carlac is the best combat companion you can get wizard is the best Dungeons and Dragons class in my opinion Berserker Barbarian is one of the if not the best melee class in Dungeons and Dragons is it actually probably not I'm just biased cuz I love my girly pop all right lastly let's move on to Vibes for carlac if I had to compare carlac to a feeling I would say hot cocoa sitting in front of a fire in the middle of a cabin in a snowy Forest I feel Comfort I feel home I feel safe because she and her big [ __ ] muscles are going to protect me from all the evil around and oh my God I love her unfortunately as a CIS man and as a realist I must say if carlac existed IRL I don't think carlac would be pansexual I do think carlac is for the girlies I love carlac but I don't know man I just don't think she likes men but hey it's a video game and she chose me anyways if we go to the ranking carlac is s here she is my baby girl I am also her baby girl she will carry me across the finish line and kill anyone who stands in our way I love her s tier s tier God I love carlac next up we have hson Okay so this might be most controversial take but I have some words to say about hson so I've read a lot of why people like hson it's the whole big Burly Woodsman and that's pretty attractive right he can turn into a bear he's super protective he's in tune with nature how could you not like that so as someone who's played the game a bunch I do not like hson at all hson gives me the Vibes of an older dude who like in his 20s used to [ __ ] all the time like this man used to get around like good for him but he's gotten older and now that he's like 55 or something let's say he exclusively chooses to try and sleep with only people in their 20s he gives me that kind of vibe and I don't like it like everything he does just is just overly charged sexually and he comes on so fast and he tries to join your already existing relationship and I'm like dude hold the [ __ ] on I don't know man it just gives me like old dude only [ __ ] with 18 to 20 year olds and I do not like it kind of a creep in my opinion his ending is also very lackluster he's just like I want a [ __ ] where's the emotional intimacy huh like I like we we could have had just like a like just just for fun but like you're I don't know man I do not like his Vibe Vibe check we're going to Vibes immediately bad combat ability Druids are pretty good as long as you pick wild shaped Druid the rest are booty wild shaped Druid is very good wild shaped Druid is the best Druid subass you can choose in Dungeons and Dragons and in bers Gate 3 it's just good you get an extra health bar you get extra a set of attacks mild shape is just phenomenal and you you got to choose it plus you can have sex with hson when he's wild shaped into a bear he's like I I also don't like that that's weird not for the fact that it's a bear but he's just like I'm sorry I I can't keep my rage contained I just I just wanted to [ __ ] you like a bear that's his reasoning and I don't like it combat ability is like good I don't like the rest hson F tier do not like him do not like his Vibe next up we have Menara Menara is technically the only evil companion you can get the only way to get Menara on your team at least as of now I think they might have updated the game initially on the release of the game the only way to get Menara as a companion was to murder a town of women and children I killed them all they're dead every single one of them and not just the men but the women and the children too what the [ __ ] now here's the thing I did an evil run I was so down for I'm like I'll murder everyone I'll do it but I did not like that that was the only way to get her on your team I'm pretty sure they updated the game and there is a way to get her on your team without murdering a bunch of innocent people but you know where's the fun of that Menara is a Dr and Dr in Dungeons and Dragons there's a whole history on the Dr in Dungeons and Dragons uh that is very racist we're not going to talk about that because that's a whole separate video but Dr and dungeons the dragons are kind of evil I don't like that but it's just how they are and Menara is a worshipper of the main villain of the game the absolute she wants to murder and M and kill for her God which she's been brainwashed into doing so kind of like Shadow heart but a little more extreme if you ask manthara dedicates her life to her goddess and her message and eventually is cast out by it and is told the murdered for her failures which then you can save manthara and bring her onto your team she's then a little disillusioned by the whole thing and is kind of like you know I like you I like you a lot myar will actually sleep with you after murdering a bunch of women and children which is a weird thing to get turned on by but you know some people H Menara I wouldn't say is a complex character but I think her story really does her justice she comes from a place where violence and bloodshed and evil are encouraged she's then indoctrinated into a murder call that encourages murder Mayhem evil and for the most play you can buy into this but you can also kind of sway her away from this I actually haven't finished manara's romance Quest but from the videos they've seen it's pretty good now combat wise manthara is a paladin and paladins in balder's Gate are sauc the [ __ ] up paladins have these things called Divine smites and they are awesome they're good in Dungeons and Dragons they're good in balers gay I personally love menar on my team she can heal she can deal damage she can tank she is very versatile honestly in most of my playthroughs I have her on my team simply because she's so good at everything Vibe wise Menara is scary immediately she tries to probe into your mind and be like I'm going to kill everyone and then when you do kill everyone she's like I'm going to sleep with you now she's very intense which some people are into did I [ __ ] with it a little bit Menara is a prime example of women who can kill you are hot just like the rest of the characters on this she's a terrifying military leader she is a terrifying dipl Diplomat she is a terrifying woman that is very attractive Menara a now we get to the last companion I was saving him because lots of people have strong opinions about this man last but certainly not least on our list is aaran aarian aaran aaran the character Neil newborn the actor who played aaran won performance of the year for his performance as aaran just ahe heads up on how good this character is aaran is the most compelling character in all of balers Gate 3 period his story is nuanced and just so heartfelt God I love his backstory so much aaran is a vampire spawn and for the last 500 years he has been trapped in his master cazador's basement subjected to going out and finding prey for his master and bringing them back the tale of aarian is so tragic he trusts no one he's been alone for 500 years his master abuses him day in and day out and forces him to do his bidding and aaran can do nothing about it years ago his master carved runes onto his back that he has never been able to read because he can't see himself in a mirror he's a vampire aarian has been alone for so long and on initially meeting him you can really feel that he's very standoffish and very pompous very much pretentious [ __ ] vimes he's like oh I'm so attractive aai it's ironic because you know he hasn't seen himself in 500 years he talks about how attractive he is and how everyone else is beneath him asarian has this trauma tactic where it's the thing about I'm going to put P people away before they can do the same to me because I've been alone for so long I don't know how to trust anymore and Neil newborn canas this so well in his performance oh my God at the beginning of the game aarion is pretty Evil all he knows is cruelty so all he wants to do is inflict cruelty upon the world and others but throughout the game you get to show him love and cherish him and show him that he matters and that he's loved and cared for and eventually at the end of the game you can go fight his old Master Cazador and the scene where he confronts him after the fact so powerful neor does an amazing job in a staran I don't know man it's so good it's so good like I'm not I'm not even being hyperbolic he won performance of the year it is that good the emotion that is conveyed through everything is just it's so powerful I don't know how else to describe it Asian's whole thing is that at his core he just wants to be loved and cherished and he is not felt love in 500 years all he knows is pain and suffering so he is trying to inflict that back on the world but through interacting with him you get through to his heart and you can really see him change and his Direction Change in the game you have these things like where it's like this character approves or this character disapproves and at the beginning you're like I'm going to kick a child aarion approves but by the end of the game he is a genuinely good person because he has seen that there is good in the world and good in you and he wants to do the same I love aarian love aaran and the ending is so sad and I love him I love aaran now's combat abilities aaran is a rogue and when you level him up it'll initially put him into Arcane trickster so he's like a magic Cy Rogue he's like Trixie you do not pick arcan trickster you choose Thief you get two bonus action that is so [ __ ] overpowered you take dual wielding you get dual wielding melee aaran you put him next to someone you sneak attack and you stab him twice aarian is great to have on hand not only for picking locks and [ __ ] like that but because he is so [ __ ] he could put output so much damage if you build him right so the way that most people are going to build him is going to be like it's going to be decent but if you really [ __ ] minmax that [ __ ] he's going to be one of the top damage dealers on your team now let's go to Vibes so this comment is less on aarian and more on his fans I've noticed a lot of discourse around aaran and his behavior a lot of his fans have done the thing where they've comici comical IED him I don't that's not the word it's not flanderization but it's like they've infantilized him like oh aarian baby girl he's just just a little guy which he is but they've done the thing where it's like he is a good person when like oh aaran would never do that he's a good person he can be a good person but he starts off as a bad one I see a lot of behavior attributed to aarion and like fan fix and like fan art and stuff that honestly is more akin to Will hey this is uh like day before posting Danny I just wanted to add something real quick at this point in the video I made a point that I didn't think I elaborated on very well so I'm going to make it here to summarize I love aaran as a character he successfully fills the role in balers gate as the epitome of traumatized and I can fix him he is one of the most screwed up traumatized characters that you can help heal throughout the game of balers Gate 3 and that's great I do believe though that unfortunately a lot of people have used aaran to replace will and his character in many aspects of the story in Game of Boulders gate many of Asian's behavior and attributes have been conflated with Wills for the sake of the fantasy created in people's mind I do believe that unfortunately that that is only natural and the reason why is because of the lack of story attached to will versus the abundance of Amazing Story and character attached to aaran and that's all I had to say I think aaran is characterized a little weird by people and the fandom but again I really think that's the fault of the writers which is unfortunate anyways back to regular Danny goodbye I have issues with some of his fans that's all I'm saying but aarian himself great Vibes again his character progression phenomenal the voice acting phenomenal aaran is such a fully rounded and fully developed character it is awesome it's like you take a staran story compared to Will's story and it's like did like half of the writers go to a staran and just leave will behind cuz that's what it feels like what can I say man vampire twink on top anyways aarian of course gets an S tier this is my tier list and I'm right if you disagree with any of these rankings uh go complain about it in the comics so I can read it and laugh at you anyways thank you so much for watching make sure to like And subscribe comment down below if you agree or disagree I'll actually read them and maybe I'll respond make sure to get food get water take care of yourselves take care of the people around you take your meds the world is a bad place but we can make it better so go out and do something good for someone even yourself I love you guys take care of yourselves I'll see yall in the next video peace
Channel: Danny Phantom exe
Views: 139,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WEfQRJ0Jfwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 6sec (2226 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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