Baldur's Gate 3 - Review After 100 Hours

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greetings everyone hope all of you are having an absolutely fantastic day I am finally finally finally finished my playthrough of balder's gate 3. in my Impressions video last week I said after two acts it was the best game I have ever played does that hold up let's dive into my review starting with what I like allow me to revisit a criticism I conveyed early in the game's development Baldur's Gate 3 is not Divinity original sin 3. I played Early Access when it first came out and honestly it was disappointing for me the game felt like divinity with a new coat of paint and a sharp departure for many of the things I loved about the original Baldur's Gate series it was years before I dived back into balder's Gate 3 and that criticism is something I repeated a couple of times on this channel after doing a complete playthrough of the game while laryn has clearly taken lessons and ideas from their Divinity series and implemented them here Baldur's Gate 3 feels like a wholly unique experience and not a retry right of what larian has done before it doesn't feel like a direct sequel to the old games either but honestly even coming from the perspective of someone who loved those games I think that's a good thing baldus Gate 3 reflects a game that takes full advantage of all the technological developments that have happened since Baldur's Gate was released 25 years ago it doesn't take more than 30 minutes of playing to see without question from a production standpoint Baldur's Gate 3 is one of the most impressive crpgs we've ever experienced gorgeously detailed environments incredible character models fully cinematic cut scenes dialogue that is showcased via a multitude of camera angles there is just clearly a ton of money and effort that has been poured into this game all of the characters are fully voice active in just about every single person you come across has at least one or two sentences of dialogue to share even more impressively despite this being a 100 hour adventure jam-packed with people for you to speak with I didn't once have a situation where it seemed like two characters looked exactly the same part of the reason for this is that bg3 boasts a very robust character creation system when you start a new game an intro cutscene plays and then you are able to select your character there are eight different options here Astorian Lazelle Gail Shadow Heart Will and Carlock are all fully developed origin characters that means they all have their own paths motivations and reactivity within the world that you wouldn't get if playing as a custom character for example will comes from a famous family in Baldur's Gate so when you reach that city you'll have unique dialogue options that reflect someone who was born there shadowheart is a worshiper of Shar so you'll have unique dialogue when coming across Chara shrines or speaking with other people who worship her they also each have a personal Quest that runs through the entire game if you don't select one of these origin characters they will be available as party members depending on the choices you make in your playthrough if you do select one of them keep in mind that this person will almost never speak so you lose the voice acting aspect of having them in your party and you also essentially lose their personality because of course you're choosing all the dialogue options for them the advantage is you can ensure they make the decisions you want them to during their storyline otherwise your ability to persuade them is based on how much they approve of your previous words and actions I play through the game as well and while his story is probably still compelling from an outside perspective walking directly in his shoes was a real joy in the case of Gail Shadow heart and will their class is deeply tied into their story you can still change it but the game treats them as if they have the same class so it can make things a little weird you will not be able to change the character's race or their background option which we'll talk about later due to the drawbacks that I mentioned Some people prefer to play as a custom character this is someone who has no history and you have complete control over how to build them your first option is to choose your race and what you select care matters but not from a mechanical standpoint unlike tabletop DND race is not paired with ability Point increases so for example Dragonborn doesn't get a plus to win strength and a plus one in Charisma instead regardless of what race you choose you can get plus two and one ability and plus one in a different option from A Min maxing perspective this obviously means that some races have become stronger while other races have become weaker but honestly in practice this doesn't matter because the game isn't super difficult so what's more important is the consideration of how you want to look and what type of reactivity you want different races will provide you with different unique dialogue options and they will be treated differently this is most especially true for Dragonborn to get Yankee because they are very rare sightings in the sword Coast so people will be surprised to see you Hume is the most plentiful race are oftentimes racist towards teethlinks drow are despised but also greatly feared many of these races have sub-races that help you further home own in on the type of experience you want once your race has been chosen you can move it to selecting your class and this is another area where the game really shines I think ranger is pretty crappy and I am not a fan of Druid but In fairness I am really a fan of Jordan in these types of games the other 10 classes are all phenomenal Wizards get a ton of spells and not only do spells look fantastic but it's also devastating to see what they do to a battlefield Fighters truly feel like walking tanks that cleave enemies in two while shrugging off most attacks paladins are the most selected class thus far and I couldn't agree more smiting enemies is a ton of fun in this game many of the mechanics are ripped straight out of the 5th edition player's handbook but Laren hasn't been afraid to make changes when they deem it necessary I played through as a warlock which doesn't have a hex blade subclass but to help make up for this larion added a pact which lets you use a melee weapon with Charisma as your primary ability as opposed to strength or dexterity multi-classing is available in the game and unlike the tabletop there are no attribute requirements for you to add another class at any time you could just click a button and Tack on whatever class you like there are a ton of accessories weapons and armor in the game that will assist a wide swath of different builds respecting is available in the game and it is very cheap to do so clearly larion has set up the entire system to reward experimentation and creativity you are welcome to try just about anything and if you completely screw up your build is very easy to start over next you choose your background and this doesn't give you a history in the same sense as what An Origin character has instead it provides a guideline of what your character likes to do while also providing a couple of skills skills are important but we'll talk about that more in a bit let's instead focus on how this choice is important because it determines how your character gains Insight baldus Gate 3 is a game that heavily emphasizes rolling dice to get what you want whether picking a lot persuading a character or trying to move a heavy object oftentimes you are confronted with a dice rolling interface for someone like me who was an avid tabletop player this is absolutely fantastic I honestly never thought a developer would be able to make the dice front and center while still allowing the game to be fun part of the reason I felt this way is because the player cannot control the dice which means you failed dice rolls all the time for completionists who want to always win that could result in a bunch of saves coming to always get the best result possible larion has done two things to mitigate this first there's actually a lot of content in the game that occurs when you fail dice rolls so sometimes missing a Charisma check is more entertaining than what you would get if you succeeded in addition they have implemented an Insight system which allows you to re-roll a failed check up to four times you gain Insight by doing things that are in line with your background so for example if you have a criminal background and steal something of high value you you might gain a point of insight along with some XP same thing if you have the folk hero background and do something heroic again this is Captain four so if you already have four Insight points and you accomplish one of these tasks then you'll only get the extra XP all of your party members have their own backgrounds as well so you should be constantly using these points and gaining them before we get back to character creation it's worth noting that the dice layering has implemented feel extremely fair I failed a ton of checks but I also passed a ton as well and rolled a natural 20 many times there was never a point in the game where I felt like the dice were actively working against me at least no more than I would when sitting at a tabletop session next up you can customize your ability points if you've played any DND based games there's nothing new here each class has a primary ability that determines how good they are at attacking damaging enemies and boosting their skills unlike the tabletop you cannot completely dump a stat the lowest they can be reduced to is eight per personally I don't like this but I understand is to protect players from crafting an especially terrible build without realizing why it is so terrible at the top of your screen you'll see a proficiency bonus that is added to a role when you are proficient with a particular weapon or skill this bonus will increase over time you can also change your skill proficiency and honestly the majority of this list pops up pretty consistently so just pick whatever you are good at there are a ton of dialogues in this game so it's nice having someone on the team who's proficient with Charisma checks but again there's also content that is get around failing those checks so ignoring them is a perfectly legitimate way to play you absolutely want somebody on your team with high ranks and perception so you can see the devastating traps that are littered throughout the game and someone with high ranks in sleight of hand so you could disable those traps and pick locks putting all of this together you can see how there are hundreds of different ways to construct your character I mentioned before that bg3 makes experimentation very easy so you'll get to explore a lot of these different options the flip side of this is that there are so many dice rolls and so many times that your builds capabilities are put to the test that this game also truly rewards well-crafted characters it was deeply satisfying playing as well and never worrying when a dialogue check came up because I knew I was built to handle anything and anytime when you are going through these options for a custom character you can click the edit appearance button at the bottom and this opens up a completely different world Laren has gone through a ton of work to ensure you can craft exactly the type of character you want to see you can be male female or non-binary along with any shade of color you choose I have to take a second to point out that regardless of what kind of lighting your character is in black skin looks amazing in baldi's Gate 3. that's very rare for games in general but it's especially rare for crpgs most of the time dark skin characters look like the bad guys and honestly are also presented as the bad guys that's not the case here at all and it's something I really appreciate Beyond skin color there's just a wealth of faces jewelry makeup and scars to choose from you can give yourself different color eyes or a hint of Vitiligo pigmentation it's really robust and impressive regardless of your race but I think Dragonborn are the ones who really shine here it would have been enough just to provide a game where you can play as this race but they look absolutely incredible pretty much regardless of what you do it becomes even more impressive if you select the draconic bloodline Source or a subclass which interacts directly with Dragonborn and provides them another layer of visual customization bottom line it's an amazing system and people will spend hours on the screen for years to come I have one major issue with the process but we'll talk about that in the dislike section there is one more character we didn't cover and that is the dark urge which is basically a middle ground option between the origin characters such as will that I spoke of earlier and creating your own custom character the dark urge has a questline that centers around a constant urge for you to do violent terrible things I haven't played through it yet but based on the trailers it definitely seems like this Quest will have strong callbacks to the original Baldur's Gate series The Dark urge is no restrictions on what type of character you play as so you can freely choose your own race in class it's also your decision whether or not to play as a good or evil aligned person selecting this gives you access to all the amazing character customization options while at the same time giving you an origin story unlike the other origin characters the dark urge is not available as a party member if you don't select it so if you want to see this storyline you have to play it for yourself larion recommends that you do not use the dark urge as your first playthrough because it provides a much different perspective on the story compared to all the other characters and you won't realize how unique it is unless you have played the game at least once when all these options are finalized it's time to actually jump into the game in the beginning you are stranded aboard a mind flayer ship you quickly find out that there's a tadpole in your head that will slowly transform you into a mind flare if you don't get rid of it mind flayers are evil so distant creatures that dominate other beings turning them into slaves and eating on their brains it's not long before you escape from the ship but the tadpole Still Remains along with the danger of being transformed and having your personality wiped this core issue is what binds together all the different party members baldus Gate 3 does a fantastic job of providing a good reason why all these people from diverse backgrounds would choose to stick together the situation is so desperate that it makes sense to lean on strength in numbers until the problem is resolved and two characters warm up to you some of them make it very clear that as soon as the tadpoles are removed they will be leaving your party speaking of your party members they are all fantastic in their own way Will's journey of becoming a true hero and fighting against his cambian Patron is deeply enthralling Carlock has one of the most endearing personalities I've ever experienced in a party member lazelle's passion and determination to make her Queen proud reveals more and more layers as the game goes on there's some stand without party members who are not origin characters such as the Druid halson I didn't use them as much but what content I did see was great and I look forward to traveling with them in a new play through it's just really an amazing cast and deciding who to bring with you at any given time can be quite difficult the amazing experience each party member provides made me much more comfortable with the party size being limited to four characters and having a smaller roster of overall party members to choose from having five to six party members on my team is a major reason I love crpg so much and I consider it to be one of the defining features of the Baldur's Gate series when larion confirmed bg3 would only have four party members my interest in the game immediately plummeted completing a playthrough changed my perspective because I could see how much death each party member has while I love the huge roster of characters from previous Baldur's Gate games they were not all treated equally some of them had one quick Quest or even just a short dialogue to recruit them along with a handful of Banton lines most of the party members in the game are not like that and creating 17 different options who are all as deep and detailed as well would be a Monumental task it would also be more difficult to balance this game and present challenging encounters if you are able to bring six party members with all the Fantastic mechanics the classes provide I still love my large parties but I am comfortable with larion making this change I do have one major issue with the party members you get but we'll talk about that in the dislike section usually RPGs that have a huge focus on party members and their quest lines suffer from a mediocre main quest that is definitely not the case here's your main storyline is a huge draw that constantly pulls you along to see what will happen next what I love most about the journey is that it actually makes sense that may sound odd if you are new to gaming but those of us who have played quite a few RPGs know that devs love presenting you with grand Mysteries or promises of an epic tale that completely falls apart in the end I remember the first trailer for baldus Gate 3 where devil proclaims that he has the only solution to your tadpole problem he said he would let you travel around and talk to all kinds of different people beg borrow and steal but in the end you'll have to come back to him was how we close the conversation I remember three years ago being very intrigued by the trailer but also feeling like Larry was probably going to let me down and it would be an easy decision not to take the devil's deal when I finally got to act three and heard him lay out the entire situation along with why he felt like working with him was the only way out there were multiple times I had to just pause in amazement at how everything was clicking into place lesser games give you a ton of loose threads plot holes or things that don't really add up I didn't feel any of that by the time the game had revealed most of its Mysteries I've only done a good guy run so not sure how the game holds up as an evil character but for me it felt like a complete and tight story had been told the last thing I'll mention is that bg3 is a hub game done properly it's not open world as each Act has its own maps and to some degree the acts are closed off from each other this is a strange comparison but exploring the world made me think a lot about vampire Masquerade bloodlines I mentioned in my review of the game that one of the things I really appreciated about it is the Hub layout where everything you see serves a purpose nearly all the buildings are used for a quest and there's never a time where you walk for long stretches desperately trying to find something to do Boulder's Gate 3 feels the same way cranked to a hundred the maps are incredibly dense with people in places the city of Baldur's Gate is a Triumph where just about every few steps there's an interesting conversation to listen to or a quest that you can get involved in what's really amazing about this is that the vast majority of my 100 hour Adventure felt like I was working towards completing the main story partyman requests side quests and even small interactions you have oftentimes reveal details about the overarching story so everything feels very purposeful while your situation is treated as serious it's not communicated as if the world is going to end tomorrow so when you do have brief diversions it's not immersion breaking just all the way around Baldur's Gate 3 is an incredible experience and I had a great time playing through the game there are some aspects of the game that I am neutral on act 1 is for the most part bug free and feels pretty Flawless in act two there are more bugs but nothing that really hampers The Experience so it's not a noteworthy issue act 3 is a completely different story my game crashed two to three dozen times while making my way through Baldur's Gate graphical errors strange camera angles and noticeable audio issues marred many of the significant cutscenes ending major quests there are significant in-game sequences where you pretty much have to summon allies and sometimes those allies will automatically hostile against me when that was clearly not intended all in all it was definitely messy but I put put this in the neutral section because if you ask me do I feel like it was so bad that laryn should have stuck with bg3's original release date my answer is no 60 to 70 hours of my adventure was near Flawless and the final 30 hours feels like it just needs a couple of large patches to clear everything up circling back the Divinity original sin 2 when that game first released act 3 was in a terrible state that was borderline unplayable and there's a strong case to be made the game should have been pushed back bg3 isn't nearly that bad another issue I am neutral on is how the game handles romance if you've been following my coverage you know I love romances and games and then I believe they make an RPG experience significantly better on the one hand there are some really strong aspects to how romance is handled in bg3 some of the party members are cold to you at first so trust has to be built up the game handles flirtation very well and Carlock especially has great dial log if you are trying to romance her unfortunately it's way too easy for party members to get the impression you are trying to romance them which can cause uncomfortable scenes in other RPGs it's not a big deal because you shut somebody down one time and then it's not a problem anymore in bg3 romances can start up at multiple points in a playthrough so for example in my run I had to hurt Gail's feelings no less than three times even despite this there was a weird scene where we were sitting together in the grass way closer than any guys in the platonic relationship position themselves an even bigger issue for me is that while the game is fantastic at flirtation I am not impressed with how it handles love I spent 50 hours flirting with Carlock and looking forward to actually being in a full relationship with her I finally got that relationship and we see of the deal there are a couple of dialogues about how happy we are together and in act 3 you can do an activity with her that you've already seen if you watch the panels from hell that's pretty much it it felt to me like a game that's deeply concerned with everything that happens before you are in a committed relationship but there's not nearly enough thought about how to make things equally engrossing once the two of you are a pair I found that to be disappointing the game handles Intimacy in a very adult way with fully nude character models and scenes of intercourse that reflect the personality of who you are with larian spoke about this publicly saying that they are the first Studio to use intimacy coordinators for motion captured intercourse scenes by no means have I seen all of the intimacy scenes in the game so the others might absolutely be fantastic but carlock's second scene is deeply problematic she picks will up and lays them on the bed then she pushes his legs up reaches down to her pelvic area and thrusts forward as he moans in pleasure it pretty clearly depicts our stick in a big old red dick into my boy this is problematic because a Carlock doesn't have a dick and B the game never asked well if he's comfortable being penetrated in these types of situations the scene is just super weird and Goofy in a bad way again I don't eat that with Carlock so the other scenes might be significantly better and I had no issues with her first scene but at the time of this review as far as the intimacy coordinators I think Laren could have saved some money prior to the game's release many of you conveyed that you wouldn't be buying it because combat was strictly turn based I am neutral on combat in this game but that's not a reflection on its quality because what lairn has provided is fantastic instead I think I've just been spoiled by Pathfinder Wrath of the righteous so let's break this down on the one hand as I have already mentioned the class mechanics are incredible and seeing them play out during the fight is a real Joy whether you are ranged melee are focused on spell casting there's a lot to love here there's a ton of different enemies who employ a variety of different tactics so it doesn't feel like you are facing the same foe over and over there are no random encounter owner so everybody you engage in is a set piece meant to challenge you laryn has also implemented features to help make turn-based combat faster and more interesting than similar types of games if two or more enemies have turns back to back and they all need to move they will move at the same time as opposed to you waiting for each one to take their turn similarly if you have party members who are taking turns right after each other then you can mix and match their actions however you see fit so you could move one of them then cast a spell with the other then perform an action with the other or whatever combination works for you all of this serves to keep the player more engaged and it helps the battles go faster than they do in similar term based only experiences unfortunately this also results in combat being too easy the game doesn't feel like it's properly balanced for a team that has all the incredible equipment and abilities at your disposal I played on balance that never encountered a fight that I was really worried about losing there's a wealth of feedback online from people who play the entire game on tactician and feel the the same way it's not just the balancing that makes combat too easy it's also the fact you can rest just about whenever you like there are some specific areas that are considered combat zones where you cannot rest but those are very rare in the game and I cannot remember one where you can just walk outside rest and then walk back inside to finish the Zone resting requires camping supplies or food but both of them are plentiful enough in the game that you are guaranteed never to run out and this type of game what usually makes it difficult is that you have to rest sparingly and consequently must carefully choose when to use your very best powers in baldi's Gate 3 you can literally go out with your most powerful spells and abilities every single fight and there's nothing holding you back personally I love this because I play games for story dialogue and fun Factor challenges really secondary for me but I do think it's a knock against the game that large swaths of people who are looking for a challenge cannot find it here also while Laren has implemented features to make turn base combat faster at the end of the day it's still slow compared to the original Baldur's Gate games this in combination with the difficulty issues is why I brought up wrath to the righteous a game that lets you switch between turn-based and real-time with Paul's Combat on the Fly frankly it's a feature that I wish every game would emulate in bg3 there will be many times when only a couple of trash gobblers remain but you will still need two rounds of combat to take them out just because the game is turn based and Wrath of the righteous when the end is clear you turn on real time and quickly bring combat to a close also that game has seven difficulty settings to ensure you get the exact type of combat experience you want bg3 only has three options Explorer which is basically story mode balance which is normal and tactician which is their version of hard take this next point with a grain of salt because my playthrough is as a good aligned character but for what I have seen playing as evil aligned forces you to pretend that you are dumb I love games that allow you to be an evil character who is highly intelligent independent and focused on expanding their own power if they play as someone's Patsy they do it knowingly with the intent of turning on that character as soon as it suits their purpose from what I have seen bg3 presents evil in an unintelligent way where you have to go along with things that are clearly not to your benefit just so you can take the evil option I put this in the neutral section for now because again I haven't actually played an evil character but from what I saw in the game and comments from other people doing an evil play through it seems like there's a lot left to be desired the last aspect of this game I am neutral on is the ending I mentioned in my Impressions video that Indies can make or break a game and previously I have been unimpressed with the endings larion has provided on the one hand this ending is definitely better than what we got from a Divinity original sin 2. larion said there are over 17 000 different possible endings and while I feel that is a stretch there is an impressive amount of variety in regards to how your playthrough wraps up unfortunately the ending still doesn't feel worthy of the Epic 100 hour Adventure you had just finished there is not nearly enough information provided about what happens after you have finally won I know all games are different but seriously I don't understand why every large-scale RPG doesn't end the same way as Dragon Age Origins that game gives you a full epilogue walking through all the areas you've touched and providing some details about how your actions impacted them bg3 doesn't provide anything close to this and it's a real shame because questions are left unanswered about how your story is truly end considering how vastly different your endings can be it's doubtful we'll be getting post game DLC to help wrap up some of these stories learn has said they'll listen to community feedback for ways to improve upon the game and I really hope players push for more information to be added into the game's endings alright finally let's get into what I I don't like about this game I mentioned earlier there's one major issue with the party members Minx is poorly implemented and I am strongly against the decision to include Yahira jahira's romance in Baldur's Gate 2 is fantastic and one of my favorites in all of gaming I understand that there's a Canon bg2 ending and it may very well not include Romancing her despite this having a playthrough where she makes little mention of the ball spawn while speaking fondly of her dead husband was more than a little drawing it felt like my storyline had basically been retcom which is probably true but I don't have to like it even more importantly it takes way too long to get your Hera in your party it is almost always a bad idea to make players wait a long time before recruiting a party member because it's very unlikely they'll actually use them jair isn't available until the end of Act 2 which was 58 hours into my adventure and it was 77 hours before I finally recruited minks it would be very difficult to Fast Track to Hero's Recruitment and in the case of Minx it's impossible unless you are just going to skip over large swaths of the game despite getting both characters very late they come with terrible equipment so if you didn't plan accordingly you'll have to wait until they could be outfitted in a way that benefits the party but at least once you get your Hera she has a couple of quests and approval rating you can increase and in general there's enough content for her to see him on the same level as the rest of your party while minks definitely has some funny lines as far as I can tell he has no personal Quest no romance and no content outside of badge on a couple of conversations he also has no approval rating so it doesn't feel like your relationship changes over time I would have strongly preferred that jahir was removed entirely and they made Minx the party member you get at the end of Act 2 with a similar amount of content as the rest of your party members larion made a huge deal of his inclusion in bg3 showing off minks in a trailer during the game award words and making sure everyone knew that Matt Mercer would be voicing him on some level I respect the fact that larion forces you to spend the bulk of your time with new party members so I won't go so far as to say the marketing campaign was disingenuous but I will definitely say the way mix's inclusion was presented prior to release is problematic considering what we actually got even more disturbing neither mix nor Jahira hold the title for the original Baldur's Gate character with the worst implementation in bg3 I won't say more to avoid spoilers but yeah it's pretty bad I mentioned before that there is one aspect of character creation I don't like and that issue is the interface doesn't tell you what each class provides as you level up you basically have to look at what the class gives you at level one and then make a guess about whether or not it interests you there's no way to know that at level two fighter will give you a feature that provides one extra ability well that paladins receive smites at the same level this can make creating builds very irritating if you are not already familiar with the tabletop mechanics of each class even if you are learning has changed some things for the game so while overall I would say this game probably has the best character crate I've ever played with from a strictly mechanic standpoint I still prefer to lost a crown of the Magister because that game lets you see everything your class and subclass will provide at each level another weak point of this game is the inventory system I think it's official that this is an area where larion struggles as inventory management was a huge pain in the divinity series as well you pick up a ton of loot over the course of this adventure and the interface to manage it is very clunky until you familiarize yourself with all the ins and outs larion provides virtually no information to help you navigate this menu so it's basically trial and error to come up with a system that feels manageable and a baffling design choice you cannot access the inventory of party members who are not directly in your party when you aren't camping so if lizelle is not in your party and you want to give her some new heavy armor you need to Camp kick out a party member which requires talking to them recruit lizelle which again requires talking to her switch the gear out kick lizelle back out which requires talking to her and they get the party member you want again which of course requires talking to them yikes that is a big time waste worsening this situation is that in my opinion the crafting system is subpar Divinity original sin 2 had similar Inventory management issues but it was worth dealing with to enjoy a superb crafting system that you could legitimately build a powerful party member around I loved making if I had my Elemental Archer who crafted arrows and grenades to completely control the battlefield bg3's crafting system lets you make health potions and speed potions that give you haste most of the rest of it is mediocre especially by the time you get to act three I find myself selling the vast majority of Scrolls posters and grenades I came across the last issue I want to note is that it's strange companion skills don't matter during cutscenes and conversations if for example you pick up an object that need to pass an investigate check everything is based upon the character who actually started the scene the game won't allow you to just use the party member with the highest investigate score this is completely contrary to a tabletop environment where everybody works together to achieve a good result shadowheart should be able to look over my shoulder notice the unique detail about the object and then share that information with the group it isn't clear to me why larion chose not to allow for this that completes my review of Baldur's Gate 3. unquestionably it's one of the best games I have ever played is it the very best game I've ever played it's certainly in the running but I think that question will be answered by its replayability I am going to dive into our dark urge let's play ASAP to see if an evil playthrough will be just as enjoyable as my first one hope all of you enjoyed this video take care
Channel: Slandered Gaming
Views: 15,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4yRqVnmjkhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 15sec (2055 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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