This is why Baldur's Gate 3 is peak.

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it is finally time welcome to Baldur's Gate 3 where girlfriends are State mandated promise me a mate but connect I don't know what Baldur's Gate is well I'm showing you right now this is Baldur's Gate this this city you're looking at the entitle screen here I have anticipated this game ever since I played act 1 in Early Access back in 2021. actually I think I mentioned it in one of my first videos I think why don't we start from the beginning and take a look at the character creation who are you God I love it this is the place where male human Fighters are born but first the game sets you up with a very loaded lore heavy question are you penis C or are you penis D if you know you know except if you actually play DND then you'll probably choose to recreate a character from like a pen you had but oh there is no sailor background all right I have another character let's just uh select another background what about the haunted one that one's popular it's from the guide to ravenloft hmm it is not here either what I'm playing again all right human name fighter I guess I'll just have to be Soldier again then this is my first major gripe I guess if you're playing strength you don't really have more varied backgrounds in this game to fit different builds there are no background options to get medicine or nature which would have been perfect for Druid boys so we're stuck with these options but there are three very good backgrounds for rogue charlatan criminal and urchin they all give your proficiency with skills Rogues would usually want admittedly this is a very minor gripe I have but I would at least like to see hermit as a background here as it is a part of the base rulebook for dungeon dragons and it would have been good to patch this lonely corner here but wait there is the 12th background in this game if you play as dark urge you get the haunted one this would have been easy just to put it in with the others and it gives you medicine proficiency the treaty just made this available for custom characters seeing as they have already programmed the inspiration cases for it I currently have two playthroughs of the game going right now and I finished my first one recently where I played as an urchin Rogue it was a neutral good playthrough and I found it really satisfying getting inspiration for the urchin background was really easy you basically just protected a child and an inspiration came rolling in spiration for you guys wondering is awarded in dungeon dragons when you play your character well as in not meta gaming for the best rewards but actually exploring what your character would have done and play out their flaws and personality traits the dungeon master May then choose to reward you with their inspiration which you can later use to re-roll a bad dice roll if you so choose it's pretty much how to do it in this game and it's nice to see that you can have four inspiration points Max and they're shared amongst your party gaining inspiration after you have Max grants you XP instead but what saddens me is looking at other people's playthrough and seeing them used all their inspiration for impossibly hard check and then reloading after spending another four inspiration then succeeding what diski releasing has told me is that you should sometimes just Embrace failure because failing checks in that game can be hilarious but I get it right because some checks in this game does not tolerate failure and it's not a story you want to tell fail one cheeky check and now you have to murder the entire [ __ ] town I know I have also saved some because of it or maybe it does I only have under 300 hours played but I'm just scratching the surface of the amount of content this game has but that is why this game is so good you want to see what would happen if you went in another Direction in this game what if you didn't help The Druids what if I say that with the bad guys to gain their trust or what if I just killed everyone this game breeds decision making and that is what is at the core of Dungeons and Dragons it's up to her now life for death now what was it you needed what also took me by surprise to sound more fun and challenging hard mode is or tactician as they call it you need to use your entire Arsenal to make it work especially in the earlier levels enemies also use very powerful attacks against you you have to really think to make the most of your rounds or you could just fail your roles too making a hard fight even more challenging just remember even though your hit chance is 98 you can always roll a 1 and Christmas [Music] all right [Music] hahaha [Music] [Applause] oh my shoulder [Music] foreign what in the hells are you coming you can listen all you want but it can get the hell out of my head they're coming or coming worse Geck who are you [Music] continue forward and silence until the lights of a camp twinkle through the mug my only other complaint with the game is getting to baller skate doesn't really make you feel like you're returning home if you play as a custom character your character is supposed to be from the city act 1 is supposed to be the unknown Wilderness in the middle of nowhere but getting to the city feels just as alien to me I don't even have a house or family there did I just sleep in a box out on the street even so I feel no connection to the city of Baldur's Gate maybe it would have been better to have the player start out in the city it really doesn't have to be long and then we can get snatched up by the nautiloid and now you can roll the rest of the established game now I can at least feel like I'm traveling back to a familiar place make me miss my home that's what I'm getting at here I'm not saying all these things because I hate the game I'm saying all these things because it is an incredible game on a side note what is also really funny in the tutorial is that you kill everyone on board only to then lose to a rock in the cutscene but I know what we're really here for we need each other company why hello lover that sounded more Debonair in my head I'll admit well don't stand in ceremony come here Larry knows this and that's made it so that she'll never leave your side no matter what moral choices you make she is however very reluctant to soften up to you I have worked harder to earn Shadow heart stress than I have with most girls in real life and it's not just Shadow Hearts appreciations that goes up most of your party responds favorably to the choices you make well hello to my humble party what's your poison red white oh no it's probably poison the wine is going to give me a good full body choice so what are we drinking too I didn't forget that you tried to bite me the other night chains this is it I'm that delicious so what happens next what what what what do you mean why the hells thanks my they really spent a lot of time developing enemies in this game because every fight feels like you're fighting something new humanoids are the most repeated enemy but they are also very varied in their stats and abilities so you'll never roll your eyes and resent the game for facing you up against the same but goblins again but oh this one is a skeleton wow how will I ever best this beast and thank God for the humanoid enemies and its variation or else the whole person's spell would be useless there's so many spells in this game and there's so many options you can take as a magic user you have the high damage spells the utility spells to help you with exploration and spells that bend the conversation in your favor just remember after you use France or Charm person the target may become hostile against you but we're sticks to snakes why are you giving me all this rope and I can't make it into snakes huh the voice acting in this game is good but you can clearly hear what they've inserted re-recorded voice clips for the released version a cake vessel has fallen from the sky Lazelle thieves aboard have taken a weapon most precious it is polyhedric in shape and inscribed with the sacred ruins of our people I somehow missed the first Early Access recording where you met Gail and he informed you that the parasites you carry would turn you into mind flares are you aware that after a period of excruciating gestation it'll turn us into mind flayers a process known as ceremorthosis it is to be avoided I don't know the voice actor in that scene was just so excited and it became a meme amongst my friends never forget what they took from us cleared us got a Visa for the drow I do my ass what's a true Soul well with any mate are yours private business that is raid in business oh [ __ ] you heard that sasa's got a clear black Temple before reset she can't stand around here guarding piss pots she needs war glames of astronauts the magic items you find in this game are also great and when I found actual items I've used in dungeon dragons well then it's double cool they've also added other weapons and gear that uses a system they created especially for this game Arcane Acuity heat and Lightning Charge are three of the systems from the top of my head they are cool but I feel like you have to find every piece that synergizes with it to prevent them from feeling underwhelming unlike in the tabletop game there are no item Attunement and you don't have to identify magic items in Boulder skate 3. I get it they don't want to waste your time you find the magic item you can see if you want it immediately okay let's take it from the top you happen to find a cool item in Dungeons and Dragons you don't know what it is because it's unidentified you can then get any willing magic user to cast the identify ritual spell or you can pay an expert usually a shopkeeper to identify it wow that's a good item I want to use it you say but if you look at the item description it has this little text in the corner that says requires Attunement but not all magic items have that requirement but the really good ones do that's because in dungeon dragons you have to spend one hour and usually during a short rest to attune to it think of it like practicing with Knighton for example if it's a weapon the limit of magic items you can be attuned to is three at the time that is why it is so insane that none of the items in Boulder Skate 3 requires Attunement and you can have a magic item in every slot of your loadout when you have a game as big and complex as this bugs can occur from time to time I didn't record everything but this one was pretty spicy and I have had dead enemies t-posting or otherwise Dead characters staying in an idle animation while being perfectly lootable but the most common bug I found was that sliding doors would not open but are perfectly fine to walk through while the sound of it opening was playing it definitely and that the cutscene camera was zoomed in on my ass from time to time as well as there being a bit of slowdown in act 3 but I can't say for at least me that it is a lot smoother now after hot fix 4. the biggest Norwegian game journalist website had to remove one point of definer score because they were seriously hindered by bugs lucky for me I didn't have anything major ruined in the game for me even though I'm playing on five year old Hardware also what's the thing with negative reviews criticizing the game for being turn-based it's not like I play one round of Monopoly and go whoa whoa whoa there's capitalism in this this seems to be a reoccurring theme in the negative reviews take a look at this one I hate the turn-based battles slow boring and tedious coming from someone who loves Assassin's Creed Odyssey and the word okay dude we don't have to read more of that there are also some complaining about the dice rolls the whole system of dungeon dragons is based on a 20-sided die system which means attacks can and will miss but that's fine because the enemy can miss too it goes both ways you can even set yourself up for a better hit Chance by using their weapon arts for the lack of a better term both flourish and concussive smash makes enemies easier to hit I would argue that the battles in dungeon dragons are not slow they're pretty fast and lethal you hit for a lot and the enemy sit for a lot but I guess what he's talking about he doesn't prefer turn-based combat at all I just hope most people are aware of what they're getting themselves into when they're buying this game anyway so it can be over fast I don't think I've been in any combat in this game which has taken anywhere close to 10 turns it's usually over in five or less otherwise the speed of the combat is up to yourself obviously if you're a magic user you have a lot of attack options but that is what makes it so fun for me at least every fight is a puzzle on figuring out the most effective strategy and if you're not a magic user you have a lot of bombs Molotov spell Scrolls different concoctions you can throw and if you are especially observant you can often sneak into different positions for an ambush to give yourself that extra little Edge over the monsters but it's not only combat the conversation and events in this game can also be very entertaining one that took me by surprise was the encounter with disabold in the zombie bar a quote-unquote boss or no wait no I don't think boss is the correct term let's just call him a unique character you don't even have to fight him if you pick your dialogue options correctly you can actually be rather helpful by revealing secrets about the area and when you leave the game even grants you XP for the encounter that is it for what I have so far now what do I think of the game I guess you've already guessed when I'm not playing myself I watch my friends stream the game on Discord and see what direction their game is going in and oh boy is it a treat this video could have been an easy one and just me talking about the new standard which is so popular right now but I bet you've heard about that a hundred times before and I don't even want to hear about myself no more it's like going to Reddit on 4chan and reading about what people there are saying about the game which in turn makes me even more convinced that none of these people has even bought the game at all they're just like talking about it anyway thanks for watching foreign [Music]
Channel: Kneckerbrysjan
Views: 7,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mNEAsgonyZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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