Baldur’s Gate 3 Walkthrough - Gyrmforge Secrets (Part 7)

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today my friends we're going to be exploring the secrets of the Grim Forge including powerful bosses powerful weapons and very important characters that we may kill or not kill and also if you were watching last episode you'd know that this is the location of the adamantium Forge where we can craft some of the most powerful armor and weapons in act 1. this is also the final location of act 1 that we'll be exploring next episode we'll be moving on to act 2 because we've literally done everything you could possibly do in act one now after this location drop a like on the video if you are excited and once again thank you so much for the support of all these episodes I'm sure you guys get sick and tired of me saying it but honestly like it's just a pleasure to play you know multi-hour episodes like this and actually have people just really thoroughly enjoy them honestly like it I don't know if you'll ever realize how much that means to me but today's Adventure Starts Here in the underdog which we fully explored last episode and we're coming here on the map to the under dark Beach where we can get these boats here and head to the Grim Forge itself we also need to find a true Soul drow by the name of narian let's take the boats The Underdogs oh actually maybe we should start recipe time to see what's new Horrors waiting for us a vessel wobbles on the Lake's murky Waters sailed the talkness I guess if we sided with the Durga Dock Workers here we could have had them help us but we killed everyone pretty much so into the darkness alone we go and just hope for the best I guess I love the sails though apparently I know how to steer a boat almost looks like it's gonna split in two to be honest the last time I saw this was the end of Early Access so I've never been further than this oh a bunch of pirates uh-oh you what are you doing on gexraft [Music] oh he knows where's Geck who are you in the name of the absolute you will let me pass 28. all right all right no reason to get your tongue in a twist well come on let's get you to shore you'll later report to the sergeant keep patrolling I'm heading back with this one you continue forward in silence until the lights of a camp twinkle through the mag we've got our secret way in guys chosen offshore Journal updated [Music] this boat is rickety thank you whoa that looks sick we can make shadowhall one of those that's pretty dope yo that's a hell of an entrance I'll be plowed sideways we've got a welcoming party oh sick sword oh that goes back spotting all the relics you [ __ ] time you showed up we got trouble spit it out Sergeant finally choked on true Soul nears prick truck now the Trap Soul caused a rockfall trapped tighter than a ring on a fat finger you're [ __ ] me you pay up that's the trouble he's got the gold on him Sergeant's arm is falling off for all the gnome slaves she's been beating who's the Hoon greyman another slave for the Dig I'm a true soul and you will treat me with respect that's so so I feel the slightest of starings in your head the dwegar is not infected yet your minds resonate weird I'll be you ain't [ __ ] felt the tingle owes us a load of coins you want through make a donation oh sticker like I was starting just goes combat ready mode immediately I'll take your head before you take my gold unclog your hole just [ __ ] around but I'm warning you that's what soul ain't settled up soon there'll be hell to pay for the lot of you cult boggers seems we'll have to free near before we can collect the bounty on his head shadowhall are you serious we're in a group conversation I really like these characters they seem like a fun bunch and I love the twice Souls a friend to all a stone is inspired why would he be inspired so we've just reached the underdark Grim Forge and this seems to be the dock area and there's a lot of dead drought publicly displayed edwegar is sending a message and there's some spiders talking don't like strangers here Birds absolute must have took you in you hung these draw out to dry me who else my spider's custom out of hiding they're near taught him a thing or two and I let them fly spot where did the drought come from sniffing around easy marks had to stench of the toplands hung them here is a warning ain't no one drinks with Clan flame straight okay these people are evil I like them when our friends obviously if there's other absolute drow though is rubbing it's kind of like you've got two evil factions rubbing themselves the wrong way on your own 10-day consistent I'll give you that are you pushing Bodies In The Water what's going on unless you're here to kick some stiffs Lakeside I suggest you bugger off my friend I play Goliath goat ball moon hockey and Pegasus polo with corpses ah hate being taken all literal like by fancy types like you we've worked to do stuff your Pegasus where the rainbow don't shine I don't know what we're talking about but I'm gonna inspect the Corpses 21. you spot a shiny trinket on one of the corpses deception I'll finish up here you'll want it with the others ten come on yes thank the absolute they're all yours absolute okay so they're running off and I got to loot these bodies now and I can do it without stealing from them gnomes killed under the Yoke of slavers no shops on the fungi plane I might have to look in your pockets ah two gold a pot a potato that's mine another pot a jug ah visibility level two illusion spell dude that's pretty cool let's give it to Gail I feel like he could benefit from being invisible and there's a book about the cheerful deep gnome why are they just committing Mass deep deep known Slaughter anyway I need to push these things in I don't know I need to push these guys into the water I can't push them and there's double iron doors where does this lead do you think kitchen plaque eat and drink freely for the lady doth come probably should have picked [ __ ] had one of them for the key 23 there we go it looks pretty ruined doesn't it the scraps of a Nightfall Feast to break bread in Shah's name then spill blood in her name sacred right that's awesome and we talked a shadow heart about that that drow near is going to be on his last gasp unless someone digs him out though not necessarily our concern of course no how are you faring it's it's strange I've been dwelling on what I told you before about wanting to become a dark justicia but perhaps I should be content with my lot I'm already blessed to have you at my side after all damn okay that's pretty amazing that she said that actually I didn't know you could actually change her perspective I wonder if you can do this same with lizelle it might be worth a look let's press it somewhere where does this go these doors look like they're just stuck closed covered in iron he's still open though curious I smell a trap where's the Trap as poison drinking from the ceiling and there's a chest over there so he smells a trap but we have no idea where it actually is so oh hello I'm being attacked by jelly I never thought I'd see the day free damage that we should probably summon some backup 21 damage yes okay we killed one already now we can jump over to the next one and go ham nine damage gonna attack me back now what's this one doing oh okay didn't know it could attack me from up there 11 damage back nice four damage try and set fire to it die oh my God we just incinerated him oh critical hit these days let's finish it big damage what's inside oh my God okay so gold helmets pickaxes uh OSHA jelly slime which I guess is some kind more of the same really just random loot that I guess it's picked up ah actually there was a loose Stone down here behind the door that I missed just here I just spotted it out of the corner of my eye and there's a hidden stash behind it oh not bad right there's also another and that has a silver goblet with 35 gold too all right now let's go upstairs I love these rusted weapon rats clearly it has this hasn't been like fully explored in a long time but upstairs and there's also another Loft Crystal got a lot of these to be honest and you can carry them going further and further up oh my God we can jump over this Cliff okay dude this is sick we'll have proper exploring this abandoned Temple shot oh this looks very pretty that looks very cool so there's another bag of holding Crystal oh my God wait so you can just walk around the other side of the door and there's just a big hole I always get a lot quicker it's actually good game design how that Crystal was placed there because I saw it from this locked door came over here to pick it up and now I've found this gap which is just clever it's very discreet level design what's this area what's that hold it where to iron hand one more step and a blow us to Chumps the scent fills the air the barrel is filled with smoke powder easy now let's not do anything hilarious shoot your mountain or I'll shut you down what is going on here have you gone mad damn right [ __ ] now shut your face before I melt it clean off I know what you are one of Nia's cult goons sailed right in better to die in this shitty than rotten moon rise you want me come get me I don't care go on blows up Set Me Free oh she's actually gonna follow through with that oh damn she absolutely toasted herself everyone is dead I didn't actually think she was gonna follow through you one day you don't have the courage oh she does intimidation if I was a true story you'd be dead stand down before you hurt yourself 21. not a true soul and I'm I'm supposed to believe that okay it didn't work she's gonna kill us anyway can't do it go on Meet the moon right I'll make you cut nuts not to suffer I'd rather have the pleasure of killing you with my own hands you little imp I knew I couldn't trust you she's just ready why is she running when someone's up what enter turn-based mode let me into turn base mode What The Hell she's just running for it she's gonna jump right behind her get right kind of hard just gonna shoot her right in the back get wrecked because she has a rune out of barrel a very rare item 50 to 120 damage and a room out of vials like a mini version of that let's get Gail to you speak with the dads because he's got the amulet oh well that's useless and he's used up my spell again is there anything else good over here day one never saw a beast like it bloated with muscles tossed as long as my arms sensitive charred flesh talking about a beast that killed the justice so it must have been a pretty formidable foe that killed them down here in their own Temple as well loads of spells in here though and also a history grab the backpack hand-drawn map what's this a map of the Grim Forge points of interest are marked with X aside from two which are identified by bold red circles the words hiding spot are written on the upper level the lower circle is identified as smoke powder Reserve so we can get even more of the smoke powder barrels then so if we look on the map we can see smoke powder Reserve now let's head back the way we came all right we're back at the Docks and uh there's a metal door here I want to do this in there just another flooded area by the looks of it oh okay oh there's another button here okay another secret area night I love these secret temples there's also a collapsed arched way we could go through there as well a heavy chest with him with some holy water can't wait to throw that at the Devil the next time we see him just to see what it does all right let's head back across the docks to the Fast Travel points the underdark rim Forge we've explored this little hiding area over here and there's actually a merchant up the stair cells let's go and explore this some more loots nice so apparently this guy is selling stuff how peculiar smooth face cobbled edges they're a shine they must be a sun dweller in these Parks look here my top side friend I need fresh eyes and I doubt I'll find fresher what are you doing peering into cracks and crevices and hope to find histories morsel I have come up regrettably shocked I hope you might see truths where I cannot what am I looking at the Rock the rubble all of it if I may be so bold take a look tell me what you see and be thorough can't wait to fail at inside check survey the area for unseen Curiosities yeah I see nothing I am blind nothing odd catches your eye or I can investigate okay let's try this we got this okay Boulders and stone bricks of various sizes clutter the corridor many split clean lean too yet some walls remain fully intact brought these rocks down they were smashed through in an instant something big charged through here it was that Journey very big the journal we read what do you think let's try history check as well oh we got two oh dear the statues Meandering curves and golden edges stand out against the weathered masonry behind it you consider the differences but they mean nothing to you anything standing out yes the rubble oh it was a great Beast that tore these walls down I should have known alas you've left me with more questions than answers my survey continues let me trade let's see what you've got doesn't have a lot of useful stuff but the infernal alloy to be honest I will buy that selling all the other stuff we don't need but what is can we go through here there's a giant hole if I look on the map again it doesn't say there's anything particular around her there's a wooden chest we can lock pick and we can actually loot all the stuff it seems to be okay but damn look at this view wow there's a there's a boat over there with a massive waterfall a secret chest down there actually looks like a temple to char and we can see down into the grimforge itself and there's another bunch of chests down here as well look at that it looks like you can climb down from over here okay cool we actually learned a lot of information about the environment we can also climb down this section too to get this chest over here which is locked hopefully it's not trapped wait I'm sorry come on please yes 50. perfect now it's a lot bigger 15 again 80 nice what's inside the real Sparky spark wall what kind of name is that assume lightning charges and release a blast of electricity that deals damn jolts to nearby enemies alright starring you're gonna lock pick this chest too actually only the 10 for this we get 28 nice uh light crossbow plus one and a bunch of stuff that I can sell failed a history checks crossbow to eyeglasses faithful wheeled crossbows like this a Sharon crossbow like a normal crossbow like visually like there's nothing special about it but it's cool that we have that there's also some skeletons here damage dark justika armor is there more here so all these guys have it yeah can we repair this you look at the skeletons you realize they are all clad in the same dark armor dark justicio uniforms these were Shaw worshipers the same as me whatever killed the maiden enemy of a powerful goddess still if whatever managed to murder a group of Sharons is still around we had better watch our step I'm gonna go ahead and lead them Shadow heart oh this one has a uncommon medium armor knight singers reply when obscured by Shadow the wearer deals wonderful necrotic damage to attackers that hit them with melee but damn look at that it looks so cool so I think we're gonna keep lizelle's armor on Shadow heart because it's just better but I wish there was like a visual transmog in this game going on around here so there's some balls you grab a cane and whip these dragon in beasts into shape that Rubble needs clearing and my patience is hanging on by an ass whisker shouldn't be trouble for a brute like you a brute is that what you see sure is [ __ ] in that orc blood makes you damn near a feral there's no denying the blood call and there's no shame in it now go on brute and get these beasts moving I was buying the rubble you got no need to know and I got no need to tell so get to caning or to leave him let's examine it see what's behind it slight glint catches your eye focus on the glints we've got just one of others he finds the source of the gleam small moat of black metal adamantine ah we recognize it from the blacksmiths I know what you're after as adamantium back there isn't there it's no joke stronger than steel rarer than mithril it ain't mind it's made there's an adamantine Forge back there sure is [ __ ] don't get any smart ideas that Forge is Clan property but get the beasts moving and I'll toss some coin your way ah okay we're getting paid for it now go on then light a fire under the buggers all right Gail where are you I'm gonna actually go and talk to the the beasts the creature is Disturbed its breath quickened by anger and fear animal handling hit it the Rotator does an angry Bellow and charges put him down all right all right let's go ahead and shoot this one star and deletes it just like all the time then we'll hide I speak they burn I want to stand back and just let them get attacked by it oh no he looks like he's gonna delete it oh my God I'm gonna jump behind you where I am nice and safe he's also running away okay he's probably gonna kill him don't get silly with me those beasts are out of control I've gained The Taste for off meat I don't see the problem [ __ ] for brains all that adamantine within reach you done screwed me over they're gonna kill us okay you know what we can push him off see you later I'm gonna shoot this one over here he's got 62 Health let's use Ray of frost on this one see if we can trigger our new staff effect 80 chance to hit 17 damage nice okay she's raging she's going for shadow fight oh our room's in combat that's ideal what have we hit nope oh nine damage and the centers flying I really need to kill her thanks oh okay come on 64 75 faster here oh she's got two Health come on you son to wake up there we go fantastic finish off this person [Music] confusing Flex wounds we miss it only 64 chance to hear about 18 damage is fantastic yeah yeah go back into hiding Fireball hopefully finish it off yes a whipping K adamantium so this is the cave and apparently there's adamantium behind it I wonder if we can open this so it is resistant to pretty much most things we're going to need explosives maybe we can use one of those barrels we got to load up I've got this room powder earlier and then if we use a fire blade wow okay that worked hopefully no one heard that completed get past the rub I didn't know this was actually a quest there better be some good items behind here adamantiums I don't know if you can actually use this are those specs of adamantine in this slag devil foil mask faded bloodstains below the mask childlike Serenity an innocent smile wide searching eyes seeking its own kind curious mark what's it doing here it does a proper weird and creepy as well voice echoes in your mind [Music] the poison spread news is good as dead without us let's just hope his Whispers don't reach any true Souls near's voice Fades but your head still tingles with his anger and fear now before we go on these stairs I actually want to do this other quest to free true Soul Nuri because it says here that if we don't do this before we short rest he'll die so let's head back past the merchant and we need to head further in to actually find where he is I didn't realize this was like a time sensitive Quest so head round to the left here and up these stairs it was actually another Merchant here this guy's also selling stuff seen a run with a barrel under her arm just a small one enough to blow the drow out someone should grab it slaves are never going to manage with pickaxes can't go chasing maybes the sergeants are ticket in oh would you look at that car someone's having a listen through you your mind is Awash with ancient resentments true Soul no less what do you think should we take near debt off him why do you think I'm a true Soul the stench all you [ __ ] Souls got one some of us got a nose for it if I didn't know better I'd say a mind flayer shatter worm in your brain should split your head open and poke around in there if you lot don't pay up go on try it I've been itching for a fight you don't need to ask twice you're playing ready Kirk drop it britva he chopped this one and Nia won't pay a damn copper fine spill what you want true so before I choke on your stench I heard you talking I want an area out and you have a lead the shiver returns it's time it's colder sharper I ain't partying with more [ __ ] Souls that stench don't lie I was a true soul that cult lied to me and now I want revenge trying to save him 16 we succeeded hmm Revenge in that case I got a proposal want to earn some gold what gold so you haven't been paid yet ain't my gold I'm offering it's the true Souls friends after the absolute Glory that's why she's got those slaves digging for near but we ain't need Glory just coin and Nia's got plenty help friend free near then you are my Chums grind him up whatever the spoils will drop you a fat cut you win sounds good I expect half the spoils yes half you drugged in fine half it is but first we need to take care of something you've seen that weirdo by floating about knife it and don't get caught the cult watches through it and we can't risk more [ __ ] song showing up you're still standing about get on it asked about a lead and you still haven't answered some days back a slave gnome bolted with smoke powder handy stuff oh crew no more than they're letting on see if you can get him to talk now move you're hogging my hair I love these cards they're just so angry so this is the scrying eye and the true Soul actually watches through them it's even got the same detected symbol as the T-shirt I'm wearing the longer you stare the more uneasy you feel there is a presence you are seen poke the eye the eye is unbothered by your prodding there's also a plaque here let's see what this says the Luna did call forth the moon and the stars Shah cloaked them in Shadow to cover our scars and I guess let's go inside because we've already got these explosives this guy right here is apparently also trading friends in a right Ballack that rubbing budget no matter how hard she whips them nose nera's gonna be pissed hitty up or looking to buy oh Gerald's great sword but it has a unique ability called colossal Onslaught that does 17 to 28 damage or the bow of the Banshee so I guess these are the Gnomes who are destroying the cave in here all right let's separate a Starion from our team and we'll get him to climb up this ladder here you here do I need to rip the extra flesh off your ears faster he is angry and now we've climbed up here we can hopefully shoot the scrying eye from above gonna be careful about this so let's enter turn-based mode we're going to sneaker mode this guy's over here no one can see me I don't think 99 jobs in here should one hit kill it's got eight health run back here they've not even reacted to it yet which is good I think we're just good to leave now let's exit sound based mode and we'll go back down the ladder and join the rest of the party usually they hear it and they come running so you've got to be really careful with sneak attacks and stuff there's a sneaky until you hit something and then everyone's like what was that now let's see if we can offer assistance to help get him out and claim this gold you're distracting the slaves the dead go ahead and clip on the wall yourself see near the rubble a fragmented voice clutches at your mind so finally you must clear rubble and billing poison what happened here petition passage trapped gnomes useless don't trust Berks get me out you threw near's eyes as a blur you only make out a bit of rubble and few moving figures deception try to focus what more can you see the blur resolves into an image two gnomes feverishly removing debris while two others lie dead at near's feet their flesh scorched by powerful magic he sends near as frustration tinged with rage the connection Fades or did he kill them out of the anger it speaks the gnome the words all but lost in the hot air eavesdropping the conversation see what they say I'll never smudge won't be coming back Where She Went still trapped with that Maniac near forget the smoke powder they kill Phil on the spot I won't let you do it I'm standing right here we can intimidate them an awesome location of the smoke powder but we've already got it we can say philamine is gone no he can't be I told you long [ __ ] Loretta I'm so sorry truly so our friends are trapped in that tunnel my bell trundle will die without help filament was a zapper he kept a smoke powder stash find it and blow that wall open I'm begging you hurry our people won't last in that cave in Forever they're already dead can I tell them no he's just getting whipped get Belgian out you got the smoke powder go on blow the rubble all right so let's go ahead and drop the room powder Barrel [Music] one spark a little blow I don't know put it right next to it everyone in the room died I'm now being shot at by everyone but everyone's dead he told me to blast the bits and everyone's dead I have smoke powder bombs as well which we can go ahead and throw so hopefully oh got one more explosive see if we can finish it finally worthless slaves your incompetence has been my ruin damn son finish the slave's true soul for the absolute as you say Jill lunin beltron no [Music] what's this oh damn he's got some mad power yo oh man the absolute gave you everything and this Fiasco is how you reward her me and mine worked flat out I was cracking the whip day and night tell him true Soul you were lazy friend without me norea would be dead no no I did everything right hmm near pities you friend your errors and excuses and damn foreign dead and you still ain't paid up sell it out yeah freckle Trump the blade twerka you shall have your coin your damn right I'll have it me and that one we got a deal we beat your ass and dig the juice out from your carcass bargained with this wretch how vexing true Soul prove your faith strike him down I just won't have a divorce joke him as well I'm definitely gonna join the rear he seems incredibly evil damn it I'll rip your flesh clean off good luck from behind 11 damage nice okay what can cause Fireball and literally just delete I love a good firewall we have a lot of allies on our side for the absolute here comes the rear he's taking command of him we literally just got these Durga traitors killed they thought that we were gonna help but we've just created a complete Civil War here just jump behind her and kill her get wrecked ah gives you wrath if you start your turn with 50 or less hit point low Danna is also a traitor just running in here with a spear it's her versus everyone oh in large he's become a super fat boy now you know it looks like the whole clicking of his massive finish him dead This was meant to be a simple operation I arrived those pack animals clear the debris and I walk into the temple instead I've been beset by incompetence treachery and now this the absolute business remains unfinished whatever sent you isn't going to be very happy no the general will understand that none of this was my fault he will understand because you will tell him really I need you to deliver a message to him tell the general that I did what I could but that the route through grimforge is impossible we can get some information here the general is either favorite of the absolute the favorite nothing is done in these lands without his knowledge I think you can report your own failures this is not a failure it's only a setback I have been entrusted with a sacred Mission I cannot fail the general resides at moonrise Towers cannot simply travel there the land surrounding the towers is blighted by a deadly curse you survived I'm sure I will I had a moon Lantern to keep the curse at Bay alas the Rocks did it in there is another way though we have allies on the surface take them out and play this liar to call on their guide whatever you do do not attempt the journey to moonrise without his protection I promise you it will not end well so interestingly yeah I mean Thora already directed me to this guide we can actually say that mintara I'm surprised she hasn't got herself killed on one of her Reckless Reigns Chief would be wiser to align yourself with me than her few earned the General's favor I am sure to be among them interesting why would we killed both men father and him we would have actually removed any competition I'd rather make my own way than rely on your help the absolute should be demanding I take your head for insolence like that but I can't hear her voice what's going on what have you done explain the absolute as a front for mind flares you're protecting from them impossible I should slit your throat for speaking such blasphemy I was abducted by the Mind flares that's when I began to hear the absolute see if we can get 10 surely thirteen I don't understand I've been following those ratchet beasts let's try and detect his thoughts I think I'm really Keen to know where he's at 11 thank God plus one from intelligence have I betrayed Loth for an imposter your faith in law faulted it is not too late to reclaim it was I so weak as to betray for Weaver I will take word to the order of Soul spiders they must know of the absolute threat I owe you a debt it seems you've saved me from worse than the dwega foreign take this a personal blessing I pray we don't meet again what has he given me where do you get Way Forward he gave me a plus one dagger five to eight damage now my plan was to just take his head anyway Sergeant thrin as the Ring of the absolute Force makes you do one additional damage if you have the absolute Mark there's another devil foil mask here which if three of our companions are wearing we can get plus free to a strength we still have the quest to deliver naveer's head but now we've kind of turned him into this weird Ally let's go through this door that we broke down and see what's on the other side who's Dash and we'll go and unlock this door Advantage for some reason whoa impressive looking ruins down there but well Out Of Reach so the Temple of Shah does exist still but we just can't get down there yet I still think we should take his head anyway so let's go ahead and long rest I love how the camp scene changes depending where you are then we will go to bed oh wait one sec they've all disappeared I'm more interested in seeing how the story develops just with like how this has played out so far and then we'll carry on and now we'll actually explore the Grim Forge so we're gonna head back past the trader actually just where the trader is if we come up these stairs here before I forget we saw this cragged rock that we could get down because there were some more chests that we missed climb down my God I'm quick see if we can open this place Justice letter mention is that a minute I know about these I didn't know they had mimics they're all mimics playing Sonic level three mimics Jesus all right let's activate warding bombs it's also spiritual weapon over here 20 damage oh God we saved the throw so can they eat us oh my God [Music] they just deleted our glass from the face of the Earth like he was nothing or was he even close to the edge but he slingshotted me off there like I was nothing I guess we'll carry on then let's cast The Flaming sphere using flexed wounds on this stupid minute 12 damage as long as I don't get flown off again that would be taking the next they just they don't this these things are a nightmare okay try and help Shadow heart out 20 damage nice slowly we can finish this one I leave that it's got one Health man thank God it's attacking the spiritual weapons don't you dare fling me off it missed thank God all right let's go sneak and shoot this minute finish it for shadow heart Gail you're gonna cast iron delete this whoa yes that is big damage come up to these guys and just go ham right in their face finish off that one thank God we've got a hand ax plus one your armor class has increased by one in addition if you have any erratic inspiration you gain one more use for it why is my character turn into this blue piece of dust oh he's back my goodness after being flung off a cliff no one stopped me yet but now we're gonna head through this Archway and up the stairs and see what we discover what we're doing there's a battle like stuck in that skeleton these guys got destroyed by some whoa look at this oh this is the entrance we came in on isn't it the entrance to the Temple of Shah looks amazing there's actually another way you can get over here that Alex a skeleton a little skeletons down there okay let's just carry on up here using the skeletons as the beginning useful [Music] we're above the uh orbital dark vision pure shadow around me oh it gives you dark vision you can see in the dark very well oh we've all found a perception Jack everyone's failed I found the Trap jump out of this all right so I'm back in this room here and now I know these little pressure plates are actually trapped and we'll leave everyone else back here so we don't die we'll just jump over this try to remember that they're there because it looks like there's a ladder here and I can see two levers right here I don't know if this disarms any traps okay so that is a bridge that lets me across the other side I'll pop on here then and just walk across there's a long sword mold here a mold of some sort brilliant now to find the forge you belong to it looks like we can walk all the way into the Forge from this top area here so there's another one of these drawbridges and there's two levers here so you need to have someone downstairs all right let's climb back up here to the Trap path all right I assume this thing here is a trap so I'm gonna jump over it there are traps about okay if I jump over this too just in case an iron key not a clue what that before maybe I can unlock something okay these two things obviously trapped I assume that this thing is a trap whenever you see those little platforms you just know it's gonna be some kind of trap nothing of Interest oh what's that there's a chest with five orange dye and some health potions um I guess this is also a trap so let's jump over that see another body someone actually got this far oh okay just open with the Iron Key no lock picking impossible there's also a gilded chest right here can I use Misty stuff it's out of sight I can see it there's there's bad the door is barred I wanted to open this lever surely made Chan works okay finally there we go and now use the lever finally there we go now we can finally open this chest plus one to Armor class and saving throws as long as you have lightning charges incredible it's a pretty trendy looking Road there's also an idol of Shah here an aspect of the lady of France Shadow heart May appreciate its finding oh Shadow heart now I gotta jump back all right let's get everyone to come back and climb down this ladder here I wonder if there's a conversation about what we found I was hoping you'd come to chat what do you need I found this Idol of char here perhaps you might want it you you thought of me thank you beautiful I'll find a place of honor for it and camp nobody's ever given me anything before what do I owe you in return your Eternal Allegiance obviously golden riches will do nicely empty out that bus but kind sir I am but a humble cleric all I have belongs to my goddess I'm afraid my gratitude is all I have to offer I wonder perhaps this is connected to the dark justicias this is no coincidence I'm sure of it I need to keep an eye out for more signs learn more about the Justice Year's presence in these lands it could be important as long as I've prayed to Lady Shah I wish to serve her as a dark Justice here I know there is scarcely a greater way to fully dedicate yourself to Lady Shah save perhaps if you become the head of her church very well thank you I should have known you'd be understanding let's see if shadowhawk can interact with it bro yeah into the lake let's get everyone to jump on this lever lift thing there I can't cast my Chad again but I need someone to move the lever well quickly short research to move the lever so if I can get across jump down so it seems like there's a bunch of weapon racks and skeletons over here see what we can find this is on the other side of the bridge that was broken a bunch of old Shields like a weapons area the footprints on the ground always worth a look at bloody tracks of Schnucks someone went gnome hunting gnome hunting okay and there's a view over the lake entrance let's go back down the ladder to these iron doors again come all who are weary sleep and forget can we open this with the Iron Key we can also okay so this is the area above we hadn't actually explored yet there's another Temple a sharim Inquisitor who has a Harper's key and an undelivered letter Master character my whip has finally coaxed some particulars from the captive Harper she revealed the location of her stockpile of a rocky Overlook I investigated but found the chest that question is trapped any attempt to open it might break its contents completely is that the same rookie Overlook the Spy refuses to reveal how to open the chest even under the threat of death only crying luck Splendor with every lash some type of watchword No Doubt interrogation continues and again please accept my most humble apologies for earlier's oversight rest assured I will not misidentify any more fellow Sharons or spies may they walk forever in Shadow Justice are civil what was that watch word on the chest and we should be all clear so every cast light on this chest it should reveal itself what does that mean exactly got a castle spell of lighting I guess another locks door let's go and explore up here just some more bodies really nothing interesting oh Shield mode okay all right let's go and unlock this door then see where it leads we need 80. 22. what dude how long have these been in here hellboys Marion Legionnaire I haven't seen these since the night Awards when they're actually in Hell itself and then we'll just stand in the doorway and take front Okay does he use magic oh he does okay interesting let's use the electric chromatic orb on him here comes the ball attacking my spiritual weapon which is more of a distraction of anything go ahead and use lacerate on it hopefully we get the bleed hopefully the ball gets left oh I ran straight past the weapon okay let's get rid of this bore in front of us Flex wounds 95 chance of hit almost dead [Music] 12 damage all right guy we gotta get rid of this guy 51 damage oh boy I didn't know he could run through enemies with that charge the hell I'm gonna have to heal myself okay we should be able to finish it nice there we go let's go inside how am I gonna stop burning one turn okay good we should be able to survive there's some OSHA jelly here so these hell Sports got her first nothing actually in there of interest opulent chest whoa fire stoker burned alive deals an additional 1-4 damage to burning targets as an elixir of resistance here and another devil foil mask same looking mask we found before another mask The maragon's Mask no less those infernal soldiers only fight with the commander at their side and I don't see one here we must be able to wear all of those masks to activate something potentially right now we have two of these masks let's go ahead and put one on Shadow heart and one on Gale see if anything happens infernal Legion condition you are one you are legion without personality or individuality born only to fight where within 20 meters of another creature wearing a mask strength increases by one an intelligence wisdom and Charisma decreased by one per nearby Mass especially if you wanted to buff your strength through the roof if I can find like four of these masks I'll put them on all my companion plus free strength the Harper's stash which we've read about in that journal earlier the tiny little chest there traps how considerate and now the chest has appeared let's go ahead and disarm it then we need 20 27 Goods okay so now can I open this with the key I have yes Scroll of evidence there's like no goal just a scroll of evidence so the emerald enclave and those who are deemed worthy to see this record greetings from those who heart no ye that's one known as catheric Thorne Paladin of Shah is guilty of crimes against body and Spirits they include but are not limited to murator slavery and desecration of temples Most Holy let our intent be known and Allegiance between the Harpers and emerald Enclave United We may end Thorne's reign of terror the high Harpers eagerly await your good word for now though let's head back out these iron doors and instead of going to the middle section we're actually gonna walk all the way back over here or we're going to explore here but this is the area we kind of looked at earlier wherever you follow it it looks like it leads you to the lever Paul oh there's a gilded chest down there can anyone get that right I think we can walk down there actually yeah just uh in the beginning came mourning then night two sisters clashed one dot and one light Saloon and Celine skeleton teleport yourself to an adjacent Ally you can see map of moon hail right now the warm-up offers a detailed plan of the millage of moonhaven encouraging soldiers to kill merciles mercilessly you carry on going up the stairs there's another skeleton two levers and lift it up okay so now let's go back to Argos so our glass is back here uh he can bring back this Central movement thing so he can actually jump across now so let's go ahead and run over here here he is I can see the rest of my companions over there we can jump onto this and see flatware is covered in Rust must be older than bone dust will the lever sending him across oh I'm gonna take damage to jump down there at the ready there's no way back now oh wait Who's That animated armor and we're now in the Grim Forge I think so there's a fast travel point just here so I can get the rest of my companions here so I'm gonna have to jump down here and here we are we're inside the forge I've unlocked the Waypoint there so this is the map we've explored so far and we should just be able to fast travel our companions over with everyone else all right so what is in this area there's a mace mode right here um some armor lots of oyster stouted paths candles oh yeah okay so these automatrons are protecting the forge my God look at this thing it looks horrifying and then we're gonna go ahead and cast Fireball at these guys because they're both standing together whoa okay they've survived it but they're only one Health and two Health let's summon a spirit for graceful I think we could shoot this guy at the back here 44 chance to hit 29 damage wow okay great yeah I'm gonna go attack this guy he gets to shoot us back both critical Maps one damage the animated armor is just gonna run out of to his death oh there's another one right next to me I didn't see it let's get Shadow hard to inflict wounds 26 damage jump up here and we can try and kill this guy there we go okay we've killed the uh sword guy there we go so the automatons Aren't Dead which is good right here where we kill the skeletons there is a scale male mold so you can take some armor animated guys just had some weapons what's hiding over here careful of this because I might be um another trap still oh dark just to commas intimidation plus one worn by Shah's most loyal zealots maybe I can wear it and intimidate her instead another plaque Forge your blade in the fires and raise it in the mistress's name dark justika hell swore then Shadow while obscured by Shadow the wearer gains plus one deceiving throughs when attacked I gave it a shadow heart it looks very ugly but down here there's actually a splint mold I don't know what splint is meant to be usually it's something you use when you like break your leg scribbled no must find new sources nearby mithril veins are near depletion and new quantities required for brother silvos most recent projects were considerable let's go up the stairs here there's a little study area overlooking the Grim Forge itself wow nice there's also a forged construction log talks about how they were testing the forge let's head back down to the center here explore the other side of this ruin some skeletons here and there's actually an area down here which you could somehow get to oh that looks it okay I should probably actually show separately at this these things have stayed interesting because this looks dangerous there's a lot of magma you can jump right across here there's also what looks like a massive mithral oil vein I'll actually just walk there safely immune just slashing Force damage against this entity is doubled so oh that might be worth it survival check nice let's go ahead and dig this up wow okay there's a lot of stuff here and these do Force damage go ahead and attack it and now we should just grab the mix before and climb back around here and I'm pretty sure we can get to this thing there oh my God what is that now if I want to avoid the fight with this thing I could probably use Missy step to get there and then just grab whatever it is and then just teleport but I'm going to enter turn-based mode I use Misty steps to get down here [Music] I can see this creature whatever is 95 lava Elemental but let's glute the skeleton and the adamantium chest yo is there something good in here 24 nice sentient amulet which does thunder damage speak with the conscious lingering inside the sentient amulet using spiritual energy in the amulet do you restore two Kai points let's take that the amulet is heavy it holds a subtle warmth like it was left under the sun suddenly the metal surges with heat you feel great power and an overwhelming urge to laugh and now enjoy bite the urge I'm gonna have to fight the urge otherwise we might end up dying here the life urge fades spreads from hand to head and down to your feet love has done well for what is a laugh if not one step toward Madness [Music] return me take me home and I shall grow with blessings return you to wear to my granddaughter she waits in worms Crossing take me there Thou shalt bathe in her golden gifts a story looks manic are you a ghost what happened to you I am sunlight on water chew on grass broke my body that they could not well not completely I shall return me home it is written inside focus on the entity what are its intentions 10. oh dear we fail examine the amulets ah lines and arcs are etched into the metal but you see no pattern in them now as far as travel back to the underdog Forge and we've escaped unscathed now the question is if I can go into the forge itself it looks pretty unwelcoming but I really want to use his power reminds me of that scene in Lord of the Rings let's hop down nope that's still there when we get back oh hello adamantium Forge Jesus someone almost died you can also get across to here and there's a library okay we're all surprised great oh boy this is not gonna do well and we're on fire why are these fire empts oh Gail and they can just fly and attack all my body members at the back I only have cancerous left so let's just go ahead and use ice ability 20 damage oh my God it explodes in fire when it dies great I've dropped my weapon now which is even better try and sneak it at this one from behind 21 damage why have even more of them spawned after that as cast an illusion hopefully that'll help 30 damage oh Shadow Hearts now getting outnumbered Starion help out Shadow Heart Take Out imprint money then I'm gonna have to jump down and help out here because otherwise she's dead let's use our Sword song [Applause] [Music] we can kill one but every time they die they just explode into fire and they're slowly whistling us down shadowhawk could die here if a starring kills this it's gonna explode and probably kill Shadow heart starring doesn't care [Music] shut up can't be oh my God I look really reacts when Shadow heart dies wow push her body off the cliff seriously all right let's go ahead and cleave all of the guys around us in Anger wait Shadow heart dead oh she's just completely dead oh Shadow heart has a scroll great so we can go ahead and use this and she's still dead starring can help Shadow her up and hopefully we can finish off this beams shut up okay no one move no one moves let me just wait until the fire disappears to town then we're safe that was actually a really intense fight I didn't expect that at all all right the fires finally died down now we can pair up again now what were these things guarding because jeez this area was hard to get to I mean I just wanted to look at some books okay there's a bunch of spell Scrolls Scroll of fire Shield that could come in very handy but there's another myth through all vein here a registry of proud fellows recruited by her loyal Paladin Catherine Thor Pages upon pages of names for these books now luckily we have instructions of how to use this adamantium Forge in my Forge what a feat of engineering it is let's jump down onto it let's go and check the mold chamber and open splint mode I'm really interested in what this is successfully inserts it what does The Crucible do I'm assuming we need to put the Mithra ore in there as per the instructions successfully inserted I assume we pull this lever oh Jesus Christ oh all right so now that did the trick all right and down it goes it's already down my friend it's already down mold ejection lever Forge lever this must be the lava valve so I guess we've got to hear up now [Music] foreign [Music] yo oh my God oh my God the whole area is filling up with lava Gail's like stranded over there Grim 300 health and he superheated so this is the forge Guardian that we were warned about in all the journals hammers were really effective against him I remember reading let's examine him so gludging damage against him is doubled amazing he's immune to lightning fire and poison and all this stuff cold resistance however is half so we can hurt him with cold I should have changed my spells um let's use rare Frost in them vertical hair only seven damage oh it does nothing I'm not really prepared for this fight right let's get a spiritual weapon summon that is a mule which does a lot of damage we'll place it right here then we'll go ahead and bless our party with big prayers we can shoot him oh critical hit 21 damage piercing damage is halfed and it can only be damaged while he's standing on live lava and his superheated okay so let's actually get a star and to jump over here and run this way oh my God oh God he's almost dead I didn't mean I didn't think he'd get an opportunity attack it says he's a prime target Grim will attempt to attack him if possible okay and we missed all critical here it did no damage so now we get to attack with our hammer which does five damage super effective so he always activates prime target on the last thing it attacked so he's gonna attack my hammer now let's use which fault [Music] zero damage let's get a star in to run away and shoot him a critical hit but it just zero damage crazy oh God he's gonna kill him tell us review oh he's immune to fire as well isn't he yeah oh so the lava's gone so he can't be hurt now so we need Shadow horse to activate the lava again otherwise there we go and now he'll be super heated and we actually hurt him again we'll get Shadow Hearts a hill or Flash seven damage he damaged attack with our hammer it misses again so if the hammer misses then he's gonna attack uglash that's fake damage oh my God okay Quake attack let's use Frosty ball six damage let's turn lava okay he's leaving I don't know where he's going oh he's going off with Starion wow oh he's going off the Gale because he was the last person to hit attack a critical hit 20 damage amazing all right let's get Gail to actually like run over here then we can beat him with Gail shadowhawk has the lever access might as well drink a health potion and throw a health potion at our glac to heal it because I have nothing left to heal anyone throw another one on himself to heal him I'm specifically not attacking him to Gail to run over here and jump just here okay here he comes he's coming after Gail now it's angry too oh my God it hits everyone around him that ability again really annoy this thing I want to see if this works if we use the forge lever I assume that does bludgeoning damage I have to wait for him to stand on it the story would just carry on drinking all his potions okay here he comes please please please please please please please oh my God he missed the spot it's not standing on it oh he is his kneecap and hand are kind of on it but Gail's prone Gale's no longer prone this is good let's see if Shadow guard can beat him over let's go ahead and shoot him okay five damage so now Shadow Hearts to Target Gail let's see if this works pull the lever hundred of fable damage done it's dead good Gods never again dude it is kneecap his knee actually fell off and his arm did as well dude that's nuts let's let's leave him Leslie this is sick actually works attackers can't land Critical Hits on the wearer branch resistance to fire damage and you can use Hunter's Mark oh my God look at that helmet oh wait so our weapons ready now Adam and Tim splint up what is that 18 armor all incoming damage is reduced by two when a melee attack hits you the attacker is sent Reeling for three turns what does that mean they have a minus one penalty to attack rolls heavy armor disadvantage of stealth checked that's fine attackers can't land critical hits on you oh no it looks insane it looks so cool we have one more piece of me thrill we can use in the Forge oh platform control this must be it okay so this raised up and down you're ready I'm doing this this whole thing is insane let's craft something else go for the shield I think let me put the last Mithra we have inside here I don't know if there's any more mythical we can get in the game Let's activate the lava so it heats up the methrow I don't know if I had to wait for it to melt first dude that looks dope look at that adamantium Shield when melee attacks miss you the attacker is sent Reeling for two turns when a foe hits you with the melee attack you can use your reaction to knock it prone and attackers can't land critical hits on you yeah that Shield looks dope oh my God next we're going to go back to the grimforge docks where we can find a lift to act two and we like we can take one of these boats back to the underdark area of the map but we can also just fast travel back there so that's what I'm gonna do now is grab these stairs and there's an iron gate which I believe should take us to an elevator you're going up there you've either got iron guts or one of those Moon lanterns Moon Lantern that one of knee's magic lamps you won't last without one the death darks clogged the top land clear to moonrise Towers only a moon Lantern dispels it what's death dog what are you talking about Shadows thick as a duero skull sucks the breath right out of your lungs go on up if you're fancy me I'd sooner take a swim in the dark Lake let's try it out in the elevator you're about to progress your adventure make sure you tie up Loose Ends before advancing so this takes us to act two this is one of the many Ops we've unlocked to take us there now one thing we should definitely do before we leave is head back to the blighted Village we can see there is a Shabby wooden door here and this leads us back to the forge so here we can go ahead and activate this and then we can use the sassa tree bark that we got please a great sword dagger or sickle so I only think I actually have a dagger but you can also use a circle or a long sword and you can combine furnace awaits an offering damn I look like a machine at this point Andy sweet scent wafts forth the Susa bark infuses the weapon from within the Flames the Flames sputter away the dagger is yours for the taking Sasa dagger silences Target on hit 1v4 plus four piercing now this might be very useful later simply because I can silence like a powerful Mage that we might be fighting so I will hold on to it for that reason and give it to a Starion but now we've pretty much finished the entirety of act one we've done everything we could have done including pretty much everything in the underdark and the Grim Forge as well and I'm very excited and ready to continue our evil playthrough into act two we can either follow the GIF Yankee map we found to the githyanki crash over here or we can travel through the underdark through the Grim Forge using that lift we found earlier I think the mountain pass sounds the most interesting to me but let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll link the next episode here and see you guys there
Channel: ESO
Views: 41,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, grymforge, reaching grymforge, true soul nere, free true soul nere, adamantine forge, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough part, underdark, bg3, eso, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough part 1, baldurs gate 3 full game, baldurs gate 3 paladin, baldurs gate 3 all bosses, rpg 2023, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, dungeons & dragons, baldurs, evil playthrough, evil, playthrough, lets play
Id: mbky7Angzm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 42sec (4662 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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