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hey guys welcome back to the channel it's Alto here I'm just making a quick update video showcasing my first raid with the new Star surge Buffs spoilers I think star surge feels really good to press I think the damage of Boomin is looking really positive going into the future as long as it doesn't get nerfed cuz it is really strong in PvP I believe that this raid was the rank one overall boomkin performance so I think it's a pretty good Baseline for you guys to follow and maybe get some tips on what to do better I will be doing a quick gear check as well well as a quick overview on each boss with a voice over just explaining what I'm focusing on maybe that'll be helpful for you guys um you can catch me live at autore or you can leave your questions in my chat there or in the comment section down below I appreciate all subs follows or likes and stuff like that okay just quickly going into the gear before we start I think the general rule of thumb for boomkin is you want to kind of ignore intellect and spirit Mana is not your problem with the spec you just want to max out on as much spell power and that's both Arcane and nature spell power they're about one to one in value so just try to find the the highest spell power greens of the auction house that you can find just to start off with if you do get any blue pieces with these uh neutral spell power it's worth about two times as much as uh either Arcane or nature spell power so the the neutral spell power is definitely what you want to pick up if you can find it so I'm using two piece from raid very strong using green spell power shoulders uh Arcane spell power cloak the nature spell damage wrists nature spell damage gloves from raid the belt from raid the green Arcane spell damage legs the crafted boots The Raid ring the Warson Gul ring the wson go trinket the PVP trinket and the Arcane spell power staff okay but yeah we'll be going into the raid now if you have any other questions like I said you can drop them down below another quick thing as I will be releasing my Boomin guide in the next few days I'm just quickly updating it with the star search buff has changed the way you gear a bit but you should expect to see that coming soon so the first boss is Baron aquanus it's a very short and easy fight you just want to make sure that you're prioritizing your rotation because any mistakes on a short fight can be quite detrimental to your overall damage um if you need to move out of the hurricane damage then just make sure you're costing your instant cost abilities while moving you don't to be wasting any wrath cast or any anti- globals by moving around you'll probably see me greeting quite a lot standing in the hurricane I can do that because the damage isn't very high I wouldn't recommend it but you can do it if you want to um if you end up getting knocked down either by someone else or by having to jump down yourself you can continue to DPS from the water no problem definitely do not waste time trying to get back up on the platform just try to avoid the swirling typhoons in the water and continue to DPS until the boss is dead should be very short under a minute if your group is good and yeah it's a pretty easy boss going on to the turtle [Music] next so the second boss on the raid is gamur it's a really fun boss for casters because he starts with a damage reduction Shield that after 100 hits will pop increasing his damage taken by all spells by a lot so it's a very simple fight mechanically all you really have to worry about is dodging the bubbles you do not need to touch them for Mana as a Boomin you have zero Mana problems so just avoid the bubbles and then pump in phase two when they Shield breaks keep in mind that there is a threat wipe when a shield pops so watch your damage call for the tanks to taunt if you do a bit too much burst otherwise enjoy this fight it's a lot of fun it's a lot of damage and you'll be topping The Meters pretty much [Music] guaranteed [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so SES is the third boss in the raid and probably the easiest boss the only thing is that on logs it's currently counting all damage to the ad as damage on your log so you want to be multi doing the ad if you're going for a high log otherwise if you're going just for the fastest kill you just want to single Target the boss when it comes to multi- dotting um whenever you would wrath in your rotation you want to be tabbing to the AL Target and Sunfire Moonfire back on the main target making sure that you're using star surge on cool down on the main target okay so yeah multi- dot the ad and single Target the boss and then you'll find that Boomin does surprisingly high damage if you are multid doting so yeah very short fight very easy very fun lots of damage for [Music] broomen so Gast is definitely one of the more interactive fights mechanics wise he has three phases and two intermissions during the intermission he's immune to all damage and this is where the fight gets a bit iffy so you want to dodge the merlocks in the intermission there are safe spots you can use I do not showcase them in this video personally I prefer to dodge them I find it more fun but there are safe spots that I'm sure you could find online somewhere otherwise you need to make sure that you're going to be hitting the boss as soon as he comes out of his intermission because that's all damage you're missing if you're not hitting him when he comes out so there will still be moocs running around but as soon as the boss becomes active again you want to make sure that you're starting again with your rotation um I did a pretty bad job of refreshing my fairy fire after every phase I forgot to that's definitely something I need to work on I will be updating my weak ORS and poing them for you guys to Ed that'll track the dot timers and fairy fire fairy fire timer so yeah look out for that otherwise this fight is really easy in phase three you do want to be multi doting the ads when you can again in this fight I think the ads were dying really fast I didn't really get much of a chance to multi dot but that is something that will increase your DPS if you just pop a Sunfire on all the different ads that spawn in phase three otherwise make sure you're using starge on cool down and doting the main bus dodging and then re-engaging the bus as soon as [Music] [Music] possible [Music] [Music] right so logus jet is a fight that felt terrible to play as a boomkin before the raid Nerfs but they nerfed his nature resist down from 75 to 25 which makes our damage a lot higher it's a massive buff for boomkin thankfully um cuz it did feel really bad to play all you need to focus on this boss is multi- doting the two initial ads and every cast ad that comes in I do Moon fire and Sunfire on both of them you don't want to refresh your dot if the ad is about to die keep in mind you just want to make sure you're also star surging on cool down and you kind of want to ignore the merlocks I thought I don't think you have enough Mana to be multi doting all the merlocks as well as if you have a lot of cleave in your group you'll find that the moo will die before your dots get the full value so I just multi do the main two ads and any further Caster ads that come in when the boss spawns you just swapped your single Target rotation on the bus if you're running out of Mana you should probably be pre- parting a not pre- parting you should probably be popping a Mana part early in the fight so you can maybe have it up for the end of the fight uh and then yeah keep your fairy fire up and whenever he spawns the lightning Shield totem you want to try Tab and kill the totem before continuing on the boss otherwise you will kill yourself to the reflect damage and yeah this fight is fairly long so Mana pots are recommended even though we have such good Mana sustain and yeah it's a really interesting fight a lot of multi doting lot of keeping track of dots if you can do that well this is a very fun fight for [Music] you [Music] [Music] so Twilight Lord keris is the second last boss in the raid arguably the hardest boss in the raid and it does require quite a bit of movement as arranged our Guild specifically we decide to stack our range stack together and we bait the shadow crashes slowly around the room making sure to bait them as close to the shadow puddles as possible to maximize our room as we move around the bus luckily though this boss was nerfed by blizzard it has reduced its Arcane resist by quite a a lot so our damage is way higher than it used to be again same as logus Jet and same for akumi so yeah you want to be kiting around the room making sure to save your instance for when you have to move obviously don't let your dots drop off but make sure to be using them as you're moving around in phase two when he enrages you want to make sure that you spread as far away from the other rang as you can and Dodge the shadow crashes again in phase two very simple fight if you do need to get sent down into the dream phase make sure you're positioned in a way that you're closer to the bus for when you need to be sent down otherwise luckily as a boomkin if your ra leader doesn't specifically tell you to go down you can stand quite far back with your range so you don't actually get sent down if you don't need to be so yeah very tricky fight lots of movement make sure you're not wasting too many globals with moving but it's quite a fun fight and it drops your best stuff so good luck on that [Music] so we have finally arrived at the last boss of the raid akumi it's a very very simple fight as a Caster all you have to do is just when he turns to face you you just dodge his frontal if you get hit and get a couple stacks it's not the end of the world just follow what your R says if you need to cleanse them then cleanse them if you don't just continue to DPS hope hopefully the way your raid is set up is that you will cleanse the stacks right before the intermission so you'll have ads to DPS while the boss is immune keep in mind these ads do have a bit more nature res even still after the Nerfs so maybe focus on Star Surge and Moonfire on these ads will do more damage than Sunfire and wrath um as soon as the boss has come out of his intermission go back on Boss nuke him down and that's the end of the raid hopefully you guys enjoyed this content I will do more things like this in the future I will be releasing my comprehensive balance Dr guide soon just finishing up some details with that otherwise leave a comment down below if there's something in particular you want to ask or suggest or criticize because I know my gameplay wasn't perfect um but yeah if you enjoyed what you saw here like subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next one see [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ItsAuto
Views: 26,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: byED1VzlAzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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