Druid Flag Carrying Guide | Season of Discovery | World of Warcraft PvP

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what's up everyone today we're going to be talking about Druids specifically how of flag carries one in World of Warcraft season of Discovery I just hit level 25 on this alt and I realized that there isn't that much information if any out there specifically pertaining to season of Discovery on what gear to use which talents to run what Rune setup you want to have and even jumps so I figured I'd take a crack at it let's just Dive Right In all righty first and foremost let's talk about talents unfortunately because of how essential feline swiftness is there's not that much wiggle room theine swiftness increases your movement speed by 30% when outdoors in cat and it also increases your chance to dodge while in cat form by 4% so an incredibly important talent I choose five out of five ferocity as opposed to feral aggression because I like the reduction of Rage SL energy cost of my main damaging abilities brutal impact for the increased stun duration which helps you get away from enemies feral instinct which reduces the chance that enemies have to detect you when prowling because getting knocked out of stealth is detrimental um and I think that it's far better than big hide which is a minimal reduction of damage caused by an increased armor contribution from items one more thing I will point out is I'm currently not specked into it but feral charge as opposed to three points in furer having two instead of three and also being able to have feral charge is arguably much better because feral charge is super powerful in terms of immobilizing your target you have a longer range than skull bash and it interrupts the spell for 4 seconds as opposed to skull bash which is is two they are on the same coold down skull bash can be used from 0 to 13 yards Barrel charge can be used from 8 to 25 I just have been enjoying the additional chance of getting energy a rage based off power shifting but I'll let you decide which one you think is better after playing in the Resto tree we're going to go three re out of five points in furer because it gives you a 60% chance of gaining 10 Rage or 40 energy when you shift into bear or cat form respectively and the reason I chose this is because you're going to be poers shifting a lot as a flag carrying Druid now what does this mean as a druid you're completely immune to Mage polymorph effects as well as every time you cast a shape shift you're freed of any movement impairing effects so if you're in a mag's frost Nova if you got Wing clipped by a hunter if you were hamstring by a warrior or if you're stuck in a crippling poison from a rogue all you have to do I will link the macro Down Below in the description is Click one button which will cancel your previous form and cast the new one effectively getting you out of any movement impairing effects this is why intellect is so important when gearing as a flag carrying Druid and with our final Talent point in the balance tree we are going to throw it into Nature's grasp which when cast gives any melee attacker a 35% chance to become Afflicted with your entangling roots hopefully helping you get away in terms of gear like I said earlier you're going to be doing a lot of power shifting and at this level shifting into cat or bear form is incredibly Mana intensive 263 Mana cost and as you'll see if I just continually shape shift my Mana bar is getting depleted extremely quickly so as a flag carrying Druid in season of Discovery you going to want to be stacking stamina and intellect gear typically of the eagle gear which can be bought on the auction house or found in the outer world as a drop because it allows you to be tanky with extra health and allows you to power shift more as well as use your spells like heals Etc which is incredibly helpful in terms of survivability now on top of the stamina and intellect you're going to want some additional items that in my opinion are incredibly helpful first and foremost the resilient leather mask this is from friendly with either the Silver Wing Sentinels or War song outr rers depending on your faction and it allows you to have a flat 5% reduction in all damage taken from every source as well as a 5% reduction to be critically hit this overall is a huge boost in your survivability because if you have five to 10 people wiing you as many times you do as a flag carrier this is definitely going to be noticeable far more noticeable than the 80 Health that you would get from something like the Gren tinted goggles or the damage that you would get from something like the Artemis cowl from BFD the next piece of gear that I think is absolutely incredible are the newly craftable BFD epics specifically the tailoring ones called the extra planer spider Boots the reason these are incredible is one they are sted so well they also allow you to cast an on use which reduces all damage taken and dealt by 30% for 6 seconds on a 10-minute cool down this can be cast in form and when you're running away from 1 to 10 people on the opposite faction this is a very nice thing to have in terms of enchants I like to go with mostly intellect if I can so three intellect on the weapon three intellect on the bracers there's not a whole lot that you can choose from at level 150 enchanting I choose one stat on the chest I still need it on this piece one agility on the cloak you can also opt for the + 10 Shadow resistance which might be helpful in terms of resisting a warlocks fear or damage overtime effects or Shadow bolts I also like to choose one agility on the boots because minor speed is not out yet which is unfortunate one additional note is it's always nice to queue in gassis because you get the Boon of the black fathom a lot of the time in between cues which gives you a 20% increased movement speed which is very helpful with when running away indoors in terms of trinkets I'm using the Insignia of the alliance which you get from being ranked two for The Horde it's grunt for the alliance it's Corporal this gets you out of any charm fear or stun effect on a 5-minute cool down which is so essential when running the flag and I'm using the Rune of perfection which gives me a four stamina boost which is always nice and reduces the target's magical resistance by 10 almost like a spell penetration thing this helps you get something like an entangling roots off rather than having it be resisted when it comes to Rune Choice you're probably going to want to be choosing survival of the fittest 99.9% of the time for your chest piece this is because it's just a huge survivability boost on the legs I like to go with skull bash because you're going to one use it as a gap closer and with the furer talent if you get 60 energy or 40 energy excuse me as you shape shift into cat you can immediately use skull bash to catch up to somebody in order to speed up your Escape or cap a flag if they're trying to grab it when you're both in the flag room together on the gloves this is where things get interesting and this is why I use a add-on called item rack which allows me to swap out my gloves quite easily just by hovering over the little icon here I like to play with Sunfire most of the time because having a ranged damage dealer that is based off of energy and not Mana is incredibly nice when you have a 30 % movement speed increase you can kite most enemies and just hit them constantly with a damage overtime effect at no cost to you other than time so that's what I like to use for the most part the only time that I'll use something like mangle on my gloves is when I'm doing a feral focused melee build and I have a different gear set for this that is strength and Agy stacked with things like smite's Mighty Hammer the leggings of the Fang feed of the lyns tough and leather gloves tunic of Westfall or the defas tunic which is from Van CLE and just heavily melee focused in terms of dealing damage with mangle and casting Savage Roar for 30% additional physical damage with the additional attack from Wild strikes but this is not too often this is a different video this is more so for if you want to be a feral focused DPS now that we've covered gear Choice Rune setup and talents let's have a quick conversation about consumables first and foremost I would recommend getting friendly with the war song gch reputation of your faction because it allows you to buy and use things like the war song gch field ration this food SL drink combo allows you to heal or replenish health and Mana almost double the amount of any other food or drink that you can buy at this level it also allows you to easily and very effectively do something known as drink walking by downloading an add-on known as 5c rule right there you can add this little ticker to your Mana bar or wherever you want to put it on your screen and in order to Showcase this it will count down the 5 Seconds that is required before you start regenerating Mana again and by clicking on the food or drink in your bag right before the ticker hits the end of the bar you will still get the replenishment but you will also be able to move this is extremely effective but not very cost effective in terms of staying mobile which is very important as a flag carrier being friendly with the warsong gch reputation also allows you to buy things like the warsong gch soak bandage which heals you for 640 damage over 8 seconds as opposed to the 301 damage over 7 Seconds of the heavy wool banded next up let's talk about some of the more controversial items SLC consumables that might be frowned upon by some of the classic Community let's call spade a spade and agree that classic is not necessarily the most balanced game especially season of discovery which the devs have even admitted to not trying to balance in this phase that being said these items are extremely powerful they can absolutely turn the tide towards your team winning or if you are a solo player they can 100% carry your team to Victory I won't say my thoughts on the matter one way or the other I will just provide the information and let you decide if you want to use them or not first we have the free action potion free action potion makes you immune to stun and movement impairing effect for a whopping 30 seconds this is not dispellable and you can easily get from one side of your map to your faction side of the map in those 30 seconds without having a single stun or slow on You by anyone this essentially negates most classes CC and unless they can keep up with a 30% speed increased Druid they're just having a bad time you can be feared and polymorphed while mapped but as a druid you only have to worry about fear and when you have something like the Insignia of the alliance you can get out of that fear quite easily and keep running on your Merry way next up we have magic dust magic dust is a drop from level 8 18 and 19 mobs called dust devils in Westfall has about a 14% drop chance and magic dust is so powerful because it's an instant cast sleep meaning you can immediately put somebody an enemy to bed for 30 seconds removing them from a fight completely and allowing you to just be on your Merry way the next set of items aren't necessarily seen as controversial but they are tied to a profession and they are used extremely prevalently in the World of Warcraft PVP Community the explosives that you create from the engineering profession in season of Discovery you can only craft up to explosive sheep you also in order to get the damage plus stun effect that something like the big bronze bomb or the large copper bomb or the small bronze bomb will give you you unfortunately have to stand still when throwing them as opposed to at later levels when you unlock something like the iron grenade or the E thorium grenade that will allow you to move while throwing these things are very nice for one creating gaps between you and your target or canceling spell casts or just adding an extra amount of damage when you're trying to burn down somebody I'm just going to go ahead and rattle off the remaining consumables at the top of my head with a reason as to why someone would want to use them first you have your health and Mana pots pretty self-explanatory if you are in a pinch and need a little bit more Health to survive or you need to get out of a snare and you want to power shift with no Mana you're going to want to pop a Mana pot or get a cast off or a heal you can also use things like Shadow protection potions which very controversial as well but give you essentially a second health bar when fighting something like a lock which are very powerful right now you can also drink things like elixir which provide stats like lesser agility or ogre strength eight to both of those isn't anything to scoff at and finally there's items like The rumy Rum Black Label and light that give you a boost of 150 or 50 to your health pool respectively and they are extremely inexpensive on the auction house currently or you can fish them up from higher level pools now that we've discussed just about everything there is to talk about prior to getting into a match let's hop into one and I can talk a little bit about strategy and I can show you a few of the jumps that some consider to be controversial others consider to be a skill cap razor I for one do not like using them well I don't even know how to use the ones that completely get you out of the map I'll just show you the ones that I know how to use use and that are used very very often by other players and then you can choose again like with consumables if you want to use them or not all righty essentially just want to buff everybody up and we are going to start up here because typically you want to have somebody burn boots and the zerker buff but as a flag carrier you are not that person it should be a damage dealer a few other things that are really nice to have weak auras which is a add-on that you can essentially do everything that one could think of I use it for this little UI here that helps me track my cooldowns I also use it for something that is super important in warsong G which is a res timer you can choose whether to die sooner or later strategically in order to Res sooner or later I also use something called Battleground enemies which allows you to track we are against a pre-made so this will be a good one for me to just show you guys the jumps that are available to you right here is one and go through defense down here by the top of the tunnel is another and you can goof around here you can get very fancy by jumping on this Fountain here but I'll for sake of time I'll just show you some others by pushing completely against the purple wall there you can jump up like that you have to be running against the wall in order for it to work it will not work if you try from here you can also jump from here to here and line of sight people [Music] one other fun little note is if you search name in the new interface options scroll all the way down to minimum character name size you can see people from miles away I set mine to four just to have it slightly bigger than normal but it is definitely something that is uh a bit of a hack cheat to um now this one here you can get up like that and they take a little bit of finessing I can go further into detail on how exactly to do it or you can just kind of watch me I like to step a little bit back and that's about it on the horde side we'll go ahead over there to show you a few jumps that you can do as well there's some that you can get onto these things I don't really like doing that because I think it's a little bit cheesy I obviously it's a fine line in terms of oh I have the wrong gear on now there you can see where fur comes in handy because you can use it to power sh and I'll show you a little bit about drink walking here too so pop down and I am healing and restoring Mana as I'm walking for the next jump let's just make sure that we don't get hit by anybody leather face might want some action again but we're just trying to show you guys some jumps for the video I'm currently in my mixed gear which has a little bit more strength on it to help me in fights for this top of tunnel jump you can jump from there to here and all the way up here in order to get to The Horde side as a night elf you can jump onto this area here get up onto the fence or get over when Druids get the fall damage reduction you're going to go from travel form to cat form as you jump off of this in order to minimize the damage that you take right now it doesn't really matter you're going to take damage either the way unless you go down a bit slower and then there is a jump on the east side which you can do it just takes a little bit more finesse you can play around with other jumps around [Music] here I like to go as right around here and play around with it and first try not bad will take a little bit of practice when you first try it though because I definitely was unable to do it for my first few attempts but it's all a matter of practice and just getting comfortable if I were playing to play I would definitely try to run the flag for the sake of this video I just wanted to show you some of the dumps that you can do there you have it hope you guys found that helpful if you did please throw a like on the video or give me a comment or subscribe for more content from season of Discovery I'm going to be leveling a warrior next I have a rogue is quite geared and I like to PvP with every class of mine so we'll be throwing out World PvP videos more guides like this and just you know maybe some shorts and who knows comment if you like some other type of format or type of video and I definitely will give it a shot so appreciate you guys good one and I'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: Severingo
Views: 25,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: onV-VH-ykQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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