Smite's Mighty Hammer SOLO FARM | Feral Druid | Season of Discovery

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how's it going everyone table slam here back with another one and today we're talking about how to solo Mr Smite in the deadmines to get yourself a smite's mighty Hammer our prebis weapon for feral Druids in phase one of season of Discovery this is the boss room here you can just stealth right to it no need to kill anything on the way in there's a little corner that I pointed out between that vat thing and the wall that's our kill spot for the boss there's a couple of Pats that can come into the room but if you wed yourself into this corner while you fight the boss should be safe from accidentally pulling any of those ads the most dangerous thing he does is this stun here that he caught me in while I was trying to heal that happens pretty frequently he'll cast it just seemingly right when you're trying to heal he doesn't cast it very often though which is nice so if you can survive a stun if you're already in bare form and you're stunned with a decent amount of Health there's no need to trink it out of it just wait out the stun and then heal yourself save your trinket for when you think you might actually die because of the stun but yes PVP trinket does work to get out of that stun save it for a dire circumstance try to not use it if you can get away with it he hits decently hard in cat form he was hitting me for around a 100ish in cat form a little bit less in bare form still enough to be cautious and just do it in bear I started in cat just to try and get as much damage in as I could right at the start but probably not necessary you can just do the whole thing in Bear keep up demo Roar and just mangle and wall until he dies basically heal yourself when you need to save your trinket for when you really need it and uh yeah other than that it's a pretty straightforward fight you just hit him until he dies before he hits you until you die pretty pretty [Music] simple after you kill rxa the doors open you can stealth your way to the next part you don't have to kill anything to open this door at all just open the door and we are in sneed's room this log here is going to be our kill spot for Sneed we don't have to kill any of these goblins at all you just wait until Sneed is up on this ramp it was lucky that he was already there for me you just hit him get up on the log the log is Los from all the Goblins so the Goblins will not aggro pull them to the end of the log here fight him again I started in cat and then it ended up going to Bear you you can be in Bear the whole time if that's more comfortable for you but he doesn't hit too hard it's a little bit like around the same amount that uh rexor hits for maybe a little less not too bad he does a debuff the debuff is unfortunate just reduces the the damage that you do a little bit not a huge deal but still annoying so pretty much same deal hit him a bunch of times heal yourself when you need to he doesn't do any stun or anything like that he doesn't attack super fast or anything like that either so not incredibly dangerous just be smart about when you decide that you want to heal yourself the important thing to know about this boss fight is it's a technically a two-phase boss fight where you kill the shredder and then you have to kill Sneed Sneed falls out of the Shredder when you kill the shredder but if you get away from the shredder right when it dies Sneed will not immediately aggro so the thing that you'll see me do here in a sec is when the shredder dies I am pretty much immed immediately ready to back away to exit combat so I can heal up and drink up and start fresh against sne himself you see I'm getting in position to do it right here and then I think I thought I was going to kill him on this hit and I didn't and I had yeah see and there we go away I go I'm out of combat and sne is just standing there like a dummy waiting to get attacked I guess so I'm going to heal up drink up uh I start this one in cat form I would not advise that I would say just start and bear he doesn't hit super hard but he hits very fast so he will take your health down pretty quickly if you try to do it in cat I would advise to just do it in Bear the gear that I have on this character is like pretty good so I kind of got away with it a little bit but like I probably should have just started in Bear you see like a 169 crit like that's pretty nuts he's hitting for his main hands are he's a dual wielder basically this is why he hits he hits so fast cuz he's dual wielding his main hands are hitting for anywhere from 75 to 90 and his off hands are like somewhere in the 40s and 50s uh even as low as like in the 30s so like he just he dual wields that's why he does so much damage is that he's swing with both hands and uh yeah he doesn't have a ton of Health he doesn't have very much armor but he just hits very quickly and his main hands can kind of hurt so definitely would advise being in bear for this the whole time but not too hard of a fight not too bad it's just you got to be careful because he hits really fast but that's Sneed again no need to kill any of the Goblins you could just continue sting your way through and then after that we have the goblin Foundry and this one you can just jump right off the balcony and land without aggroing anything right here you skip a few mobs basically you could just stealth down but you know it feels cool to jump I guess you don't have to clear this room I did it just for safety like I could probably get away with just going straight to the boss and then fighting the boss plus the one ad that he has but it's safer to just clear the room like none of these are super dangerous to the point where you wouldn't be able to solo them or anything like that the one thing that I'll say helps a lot is when you're fighting against the Craftsman they cast this ability called melt ore in it's melee range so you can get out of range of that when you see that cast bar you can back away and the debuff will not be applied to you so that's a nice little helpful tip is you can outrange the Melt ore ability and not have to worry about that also these goblins run when they get low health so if you know that they're starting to get to that point of Health where they're about about to run away start pooling your energy ahead of time so that right when they start to run you can get like a couple of mangles out right as they're running away and hopefully kill them before they can get too far and aggro something else I did that a few times here it works pretty well you just got to know when they're going to start running and pull your energy properly so that you can kill them before they can aggro other stuff gilid is always going to be a two pull there's no way to get gilid and The Craft separately they're always going to be together so what I usually like to do is I'll kill the ad first as fast as I can and then it's time to fight gilid gilid has a similar ability that he cast it's not the same as melt ore but it is also a melee range cast so if you get out of range of the boss get out of melee range before he completes the cast it will not be applied to you I can't remember exactly what it's called we'll see here in a sec but there it is molten metal that's the that's the spell I don't know if it's interruptible I didn't try to interrupt it I just outrange it every time but that's pretty much the whole fight is you hit him a lot he hits you back and then he tries to cast molten metal at you but if you outrange it he can't do it so you just never take damage from it so I'm just going to speed up the rest of the footage CU it's kind of boring it's literally I don't think I even had to heal it's literally just you hit him a bunch and he tries to cast that spell at you and you just get out of range of it and that's it that's pretty much the whole fight it's very boring fight so I'm sure you'll forgive me for speeding up the footage to be polite to your to your time this is already pretty long video it took a long this run took a long time the uncut the full footage was like 36 minutes so I pretty much had no choice but to speed up a bunch of this because nobody's going to sit through 36 minutes all right this gunpowder you need this to break the door open into the docks area you have to kill the miners first to be able to loot it by the time you're done killing the miners your prowl should be back off cool down so you can loot the gunpowder and immediately stealth and then the ad that spawns when you pick up the gunpowder will not aggro you because you are stealthed and you can do the same thing with the cannon you see those mobs run in or run at the door after the door gets blown open but if you wait until you use the cannon until stealth is about to be off coold down you can use the Canon enter stealth right away and you will not have to fight those mobs I equipped Sunfire for this part because this is the juggle section of the video where I juggled pretty much the whole docks like everything on the docks I just killed using the juggle spot using Sunfire the Jugo spot is pretty self-explanatory you see where the rocky area underneath the beginning of the dock meets the actual ground if you go back and forth between there the mobs cannot get from that Rocky part to the ground directly so they have to run around from the other side of the dock to get to the ground on that side and then they can run around to get to you so by using that juggle spot you can kill everything on the docks without any issues I was able to solo pull most of it you can One V one all of these mobs just fine normally you don't have to use the juggle spot at all for most of the Docks but you do need to use the juggle spot to fight Smite because it's Smite plus two of those stealth ads so you definitely need the juggle spot to kill Smite because you're not going to you're not going to face tank Smite and two mob at the same time you pretty much have to kite him you have to juggle kite him so that's why I spit up this footage because it's like 20 mobs or whatever that I just juggled to death with the spot and that's you know nobody's nobody's going to sit through the full unsed up length of of that but once the docks are cleared you have pretty much free reain to use the entire dock area to fight Smite and his ads the the ads will one of them will probably stay stealth unless you knock them both out of stealth if you Sunfire them both then yeah sure neither of them will be stealthed but if you just attack one of them and then just get to the juggle spot the other one will stay stealth the whole time that he's running up to you so you can kind of almost see that as like a soft CC like they soft Cc thems or something like that like if you want to see it if you want to look at it that way I was able to kill the this first mob and start working on Smite a little bit before the second mob even gots me because that's how slow they are in stealth like they will stay stealth and walk to you at stealth speed the whole time so as as you can see there's the first mob and then Smite is still swimming right now yeah there he's in the water and the other mob is also still swimming and is still in the water right now so there's the first mob dead already getting started on Smite and in a sec you'll see the stealth guy there he is finally he finally arrived so essentially if you purposely leave one of them stealth you basically get them to CC themselves by them being stealth because they're moving so slow but here is the juggle spot in action with Sunfire cat pretty self-explanatory you just keep going back and forth between the ground and the rocky area and if you time it right they will basically never hit you so you you never have to worry about it and if they do hit you a couple times it's not going to be enough to One-Shot you neither neither of them have a thrash at all some mobs have a thrash ability where like if they're in combat but haven't meleed anything in a while they store uh charges of extra melee hits and they all hit at the same time when they finally get to you so some mobs are pretty dangerous because of that but Smite and the defi blackard are not uh thrash mobs they don't do that so you don't have to worry about it at all you can cut him into your heart's content if they finally hit it it's going to be just one time and that's it but pretty self-explanatory pretty easy to juggle kite them once you get the hang of it it's very easy to use this juggle kite people have done this to solo the entire dungeon you can do this with the whole boat if you wanted to pull the entire like each mob from the boat down here you could use this to clear the whole boat as well I'm sure you could also use it on Vancleave you just got to make sure that you continuously hit him because if you don't hit him for a while he'll reset like if you hit him once and then jump into the water and then start swimming over here he's not going to follow you you'll exit combat and he'll reset but you could do that as long as you're making sure that you are continuously hitting him you could you could solo vancle like this as well it would probably take a while because you'd have to kill you might want to kill his ads as well just to make a little easier but you could also do this with with vanle but uh this this is what we're concerned with right now is Mr Smite and as you can see he did and he absolutely deserves this don't don't even worry about it but I mean Karma comes to bite me f thanks for watching everyone hopefully this helps out go get your Hammer see you next time
Channel: Tableslam
Views: 52,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, classic, wow classic, classic wow, wrath, wrath of the lich king, wotlk, classic wrath, classic wrath of the lich king, classic wotlk, wrath classic, wrath of the lich king classic, wotlk classic, feral druid, feral, druid, feral dps
Id: rZCtSgJIpG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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