WoW Classic - Complete Beginner Guide 2024 - Season of Discovery

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this video is going to be the most complete wild classic beginner guide on the internet I'll guarantee it by the time you finish this video you will understand every system you need to know to enjoy wild classic without frustration if you have questions or you just want to say hi leave a comment down below I read every single one be sure to take advantage of the time stamps below to refer back to topics you want more information on later okay the first decision you're going to have to make once you create your character or you click the create character button is which faction you're going to join are you going to join Alliance or Horde Alliance can be human dwarf night Elf or no while The Horde can be orc Undead torren or troll there's a couple of important things to note about the faction that you choose the faction you choose is going to determine who you can and cannot play with so if you and a friend are starting the game together make sure you at least choose the same faction if your friend is going to go hard then make sure you go hard the other thing to know about the factions is that there are two classes that are faction lock so if you want to be a shaman this is only going to be playable by The Horde and and if you want to be a paladin this is only going to be playable by the alliance so if you want to be one of those classes that's going to kind of predetermine the faction you choose for you so once you've chosen the faction that you want to join the next decision you're going to have to make is your role what role do you want to play in World of Warcraft do you want to be a tank do you want to be a damage dealer do you want to be a Healer the reason that this is a decision you're going to have to kind of decide now with the exception of a few classes which can do all three and may be a good option for you if you really don't know what you want to do some of these classes like the warrior can tank While others like the Mage cannot right so you're going to want to know what role you want to fill so a warrior can be a tank or a DPS but it can't be a Healer whereas a mage can be a DPS and in season of Discovery it can also be a Healer each of these is going to limit you to specific roles that the game has so you're going to want to kind of have an idea of what role you want to play before you pick your class or you might find yourself in a situation where people are expecting you to do things you don't want to do they may be expect expecting you to heal or they may be expecting you to tank when you don't want to tank or you're not comfortable being in that position with all the responsibility that it comes with while features the Holy Trinity of tank healer and DPS tanks are going to have a lot riding on their shoulders they need to maintain aggro and control the pace of the battle they also lead the group and if they die a lot of times so does the group unlike some games the tanks in W put out insane damage as a requirement since the more damage that they do the more threat they'll be able to put out to keep the enemies attacking them and not their allies heer are going to heal this is partly why if you are the tank for the group it's important that you kind of know what you're doing that you're putting in the work to make sure your character has the right gear otherwise your party members are going to be constantly stripping aggression off of you and the mobs are going to be going and killing them it's going to be frustrating for them and it's going to be frustrating for you so just kind of be aware that tanks are kind of expected to be on their game a little bit more than probably any other role the healers and wow are going to heal and the Damage dealers are going to do damage with both of those providing various types of utility through Buffs and crowd control if you're not sure which class can do which roles here you go here are two different charts the first chart here is going to show you what roles each class can fill in classic the next one is going to show you what roles each class can fill in classic season of Discovery because in season of Discovery blizzard changed a couple of classes through runes giving them the ability to tank when they weren't able to before and giving them the ability to heal when they weren't able to before so the Mage can now heal the Rogue and the Warlock can now tank so next let's talk about the classes and what each of them are like to play what their strengths are what their weaknesses are there's nine classes to choose from every class can be a DPS while only some can be tanks and healers so let's go over which classes can do what and how I'm going to try to keep this as brief as possible because this could be an entire video in itself a really long video at that so I'm going to be thorough but I'm going to be quick first up we've got the Warriors Warriors are fantastic tanks and DPS and they can switch between the two really easily it's almost as simple as putting on a shield or taking it off unless blizzard really wants to shake things up in the future you won't be healing on your Warrior previously in classic warriors were one of the two classes to have a Taun so don't be surprised if you choose Warrior that you find your groups expecting you to tank dungeons for them in PvP with a Healer by your side you're nearly Unstoppable as a warrior but if you're caught alone you could be subjected to being kited and crowd controlled to death in hardcore going slow helps but if you're solo you don't have a lot of tools to get you out of hairy situations compared to the other classes in dungeons you're expected to tank which means everything is hitting you if you're healer let you down that could be it for you now wait a second has this year got you itching for more amazing crpgs yeah me too fortunately we're in luck dragon air silent Gods is an epic new DND style RPG that you can play on PC Mac steam epic as well as IOS and Android best of all you've got nothing to lose because it's playable for free right now by clicking the link down in the description below join your favorite D and D Legends in dragon air silent Gods this game features an open world with a western fantasy theme that seamlessly integrates classic Western tabletop RPG gameplay inspired by Dungeons and Dragons and guess what the whole world has noticed this game it's already got over 10 million downloads worldwide securing the top spot in more than 10 regions since its launch create your own customized character then explore the open world while the decisions you make send you barreling down branching story lines fans of D andz will be excited to hear that dragon air silent Gods will be adding the iconic Dungeons and Dragons characters driz dordan and air2 to the game on November 17th with more to come in the future this will be an amazing chance to dive into the complete storyline of driz and his black panther gavar if you're looking for a fun New DND style RPG to play on your computer or on your couch this is an Easy Choice join DND Legends and dragon air silent Gods right now for free using the link in the description below and be sure to use code dice roll for limited edition gift packs good luck and have fun with your favorite D andd Legends and dragon air thank you Dragon air for sponsoring this video next up we've got the Druid the Druid is your shape-shifting class that deals nature damage Druids are a jackal trades class which in classic often means that they shine as heal healers and are acceptable tanks and acceptable DPS especially during the early and mid levels Druids make for great healers and only need minimal investment to swap between a feral Druid load out for solo and an effective group healing load out you could also go balance Druid and be a nature Mage and level that way then you really don't need to change anything when jumping into a group as you level PVE you'll learn how to turn into a bear at level 10 great for tanking and soloing at level 20 you get cat form which is a great power Spike for you in PvP Druids have amazing Mobility making them difficult to kill in PvP you'll carry a lot of flags and fight enemies to death good luck to anyone that tries to outrun you Druids do really well in hardcore thanks to all of their self-healing and can be a lot of fun to play there next up we have Shaman which is unique to The Horde faction and can't be played by Alliance presently in battle Shaman used totems and spells to manipulate the elements and to provoke other fighters to Untold Heights of rage and might so Shaman are going to be fantastic additions to any group as they provide a lot of great Buffs Shaman are another another jack of all trades class which has meant that they excelled as healers still they can do an excellent job as tanks and DPS if you want to go that route although it might not be considered meta Shaman are great for solo Quest thing but it can be easy to run out of Mana so bring lots of water in PvP Shaman are great because they can offer fantastic offensive pressure while supporting their group at the same time and their totems are going to provide massive utility in hardcore it's mostly about leveling and early levels feel great on the shaman but soloing through later levels can be a bit rough so be prepared for things to get harder as you get higher level next up we have the Paladin which is the other faction specific class this can only be played by the alliance as a paladin your groups are going to love you thanks to your group utility whether you're tanking healing or dishing out Buffs your group utility is hard to overstate paladins can wear up to Plate armor and often find themselves using maces and axes in the past in classic they were fantastic healers while also being acceptable tanks and DPS with the right talents and skills paladins can be solid tanks and especially when it comes to AOE tanking Paladin's healing really starts to shine post level 30 when they've maxed out their illumination Talent as it helps them never run out of Mana which is incredibly useful for a Healer in PvP paladins offer fantastic defensive Buffs but little in the way of raw offensive power in hardcore paladins benefit from being incredibly difficult to kill thanks to their plate armor heals and damage mitigation abilities next up we've got the priest the priest will use light to heal its allies and Shadow to harm its enemies priests are going to wear cloth armor and usually find themselves wearing staves and Wands the primary purpose of those weapons is not their DPS value but the stat bonuses that they might provide priest are pretty go at his healers and leveling and healing with the same spec can be pretty easy to pull off priest can also be solid DPS but have definitely stood out as healers while soloing you'll dot your enemies and then wand them down and it works out really well while priests are fantastic for soloing they're invaluable when it comes to group content groups always love having a priest around in PvP they're great for keeping their outes alive and keeping yourself in the battle they can dispel debuffs on allies and Buffs on enemies your impact on the battle is massive so expect the enemies to want to take you out first in hardcore the priest has the highest survivability rate when it comes to hitting max level so not only will your groups love you but you've also got the best chance to not die next up we've got the Rogue the Rogue is your stealthy sneaky lockpicking class and wow Rogues can use up to leather armor and are typically going to be sporting one-handed melee weapons these are your stealthy bursty damage dealers one of the only two classes that can enter stealth in combat Rogues have great utility as they can lockpick getting groups behind Gates that they would otherwise need a key for they're also great for dishing out consistent damage in group content and in PvP they have arguably the best burst damage in the game they can line up combos to come out of stealth kill an opponent before they ever have a chance to fight back in hardcore thanks to all their evasive abilities they actually have great survivability just be careful because your lower levels of your stealth ability are not very good and mobs will often detect you while stealthed also be aware of the fact that tracking dogs and hyenas usually have true sight which means they can see right through your stealth unique to season of Discovery Rogues were given the ability to tank through the use of a rune it's going to be really interesting to see how their tanking capability Stacks up against those of the classic tanks like Warrior next up we've got Hunter if you're looking for a range DPS that's using a bow a crossbow or a gun this is the choice for you Hunters can wear up to male armor and will typically sport a bow or a gun though they can and will have to attack with melee weapons from time to time due to the fact that they're not able to use range attacks when enemies get too close in Wild classic as soon as the enemy gets close to the hunter their bow stops working and you have to use your melee attacks to finish the enemy off Hunters have what is known as a dead zone this is an area where the enemy is too close for you to use your bow but too far for you to use your melee weapon and it's really important for you to keep enemies out of this dead zone either by kiting them and keeping them far away or by closing the Gap and ending them hungers make great DPS and are one of the best solo classes in the game they can use their pets to tank enemies for them you will be responsible for keeping your ammo stocked as classic did make you manage your ammo manually so get ready to buy lots of arrows or bullets or whatever ammunition you're going to be using with your weapon I will say that the ammunition is not expensive so it's just a matter of remembering to pick some up when you're in town Hunters are fantastic at PVP as long as they keep their enemies out of their dead zone they'll do really well as for hardcore Hunters have an ability Called feain Death that will drop you from combat this will be invaluable for escaping encounters that you're going to lose plus thanks to the fact that you're using a bow you can keep your distance from enemies to start with making it easy to bail on a fight if you need to next up we've got the Mage this is your Elemental Cannon a great option for people looking for a range damage dealer and great utility groups will love you for your free food and water that you can hand out so that they can get their life and Mana back between battles as well as your ability to crowd control enemies by doing things like sheeping them or Frost noing them and then there's your AOE damage Mages put out unmatched AOE damage Mages will wear cloth armor and will TP typically equip wands and staves as their weapons Mages make fantastic DPS in classic and outside of Seasons they were never healers or tanks that change with season of discovery of course where Mages were given the ability to heal their allies so just remember some of these classes may have been tweaked for the particular season that you end up playing it in PvP Mages are fantastic either Solo or in groups thanks to their ability to crowd control enemies and then drop AOE damage in hardcore you do have to contend with the fact that you have the lowest Health pool in the game but you've also got tons of crowd control and slows to help make up for that next up we've got the Warlock the Warlock is going to have a pet that's attacking and tanking for them they're also going to dish out tons of dots to slowly drain the health from their enemies if you like dotting things you're going to love the Warlock their most iconic ability is fear which will cause enemies to run around randomly without attacking you or your party careful though if it runs near other mobs it may Agro them warlock also wears cloth armor and will often wear wands and staves in Wild classic warlocks are known for their DPS but with season of discovery were also given the ability to tank warlocks are the only class that can summon allies to them which makes them invaluable for group content like forming a party for a dungeon someone's on the opposite end of the world if you don't have a warlock there you're going to have to wait for that person to run to you which can take a really long time in PvP warlocks are one of the most powerful classes in the game thanks to their ability to dot enemies down while fearing them great in 1v1 and 1vx situations thanks to that great crowd control that they have as for hardcore warlocks seem to really struggle to stay alive thanks to the fact that their pet doesn't make them most reliable tank it's fairly easy to strip threat from the tank and thanks to all the dots on the enemy that they can't really remove it's going to be hard to give threat back to their little pet you've also got the fact that you don't spend a lot of time getting hit which makes it easy for your defensive stat to fall behind which means that you're going to find the enemies are dealing crushing blows to you very often so if you do take warlock into hardcore just be aware of the fact that your pet's not the best tank and mind your defensive stat make sure to let yourself get hit from time to time to keep that thing leveled up now if we're being brutally honest in the past hybrid classes like Paladin Shaman and Druid spent most of their time healing when it came to endgame content this was where they excelled whereas other classes that were built for specifically DPS or specifically for tanking they seem to do a lot better job filling those roles however all of this is subject to change with seasons and classic with all of that in mind here are the tier lists for classic wow feel free to pause and examine them more closely now here's the caveat if you're playing in WoW classic Seasons like season of Discovery bake this all with a grain of salt as blizzard said that they're hoping to shake up these tears list I'd be really surprised if at the end of the season this tier list hadn't changed at all all the same here they are for those that want to know as for the tier list you've got Fury Warrior at the top followed by Combat Rogue in a tier in B tier you've got frost Mages Affliction warlocks and Marksmanship hunters in C tier you had Shadow priest feral Druid and then in D tier you had elemental shaman enhanced Shaman and Retribution Paladin and finally in F tier you had the balanr in the tank tier list you had in the S tier protection Warriors in a tier feral Druids and in B tier protection paladins and in the Healer tier list you had holy paladins and holy priests as s tier restoration Shaman and a tier and Restoration Druid in B tier again those tier lists are 100% subject to change from season to season as blizzard has said that they're aiming to shake up these metas from one season to the next so definitely take these with the grain of salt Guys these tier lists are not necessarily how this season is going to play out the next thing to take into consideration is your race now not every race can play every class so depending on what class you've decided to play you're going to have to choose a race that can actually play that class there are a few important things that will impact the race that you choose and everyone will weigh these things differently first one is your starting zone the second is going to be your appearance and then third your combat Effectiveness starting zone is something that really only matters if you're trying to start the game with a friend and you guys want to play together from level one onward if they start in a zone that doesn't have your class trainer you might have to wait a few levels to link up with them but it shouldn't be too bad so I personally wouldn't let this be too big of a determining Factor because it won't matter after the first day or two as for appearance well this is going to be up to you you're the one that has to stare at your character all day every day and if you hate the way it looks it can really dampen the enjoyment you get out of the character some players would literally play a stick figure if it had the best stats this choice is very subjective which takes us to combat Effectiveness a lot of people are going to try to Mid Max through racials which can definitely provide some useful stats and abilities for the class you choose with all of that out of the way let's do a quick overview of the races let's start with the alliance and first up are going to be the Gnomes so strategically gnomes have the highest starting intellect and a passive called expansive mind that increases their intellect by 5% this is important because intellect increases your max mana and spell Critical Strike chance so this makes them a solid choice for Mages and warlocks they also have a racial ability called escape artist that allows them to escape crowd control effects once per minute which is incredibly useful while soloing or pvping on any class the downside might be their appearance they are very tiny so good luck showing off that epic new piece of armor that you finally got in PvP this can be a positive though as it makes it harder for enemies to notice you next up dwarfs they've got a passive that will improve their effectiveness with guns but mileage with this may vary historically in classic bows were the best endgame weapons but with classic Seasons this could change from season to season they get a three-minute cooldown ability called stone form which grants immunity to bleed poison and disease this ability can be absolutely amazing in PvP or while fighting certain bosses in the game perhaps most notable is Their Fear Ward which protects allies from Fear a very devastating PVP ability makes them an incredibly popular choice for PVP priests next we've got humans stat-wise they start off as a blank slate with equal stats across the board the most important passive they get is sword and mace specialization which increases their effectiveness with these weapons by five making humans a fantastic choice for Rogues Warriors and paladins if you're a completionist humans are going to be a fantastic choice because you get 10% increased reputation gains so not really useful in combat but something to keep in mind for the completionist out there lastly we've got nidos nidos can use shadowmeld which improves the stealth of Rogues and Druids night ofs can be popular choices for Druids as a result but other passives like moving faster when they die just don't offer a lot of strategic value to the rest of the classes now for The Horde classes first up we've got the Undead Undead have some amazing racial passives most notably is their ability to breathe three times longer underwater than other races this will definitely come in handy while questing your way up they can use an ability called cannibalize which allows them to Feast on Fallen humanoids to get their health back this saves you money on food while leveling you can also CC an enemy and then eat another enemy that you killed if you happen to find yourself fighting multiple enemies at once and this is one of the very few ways that you can heal yourself in battle but perhaps most importantly is the racial cooldown ability called will of The Forsaken which provides immunity to charm fear and sleep for 5 seconds making them a great race for PVP next up we have the Orcs they get actx specialization increasing their one hand and twoand ax ability by five making them a great choice for warriors they get a passive that increases the damage of Hunter and warlock that's making them a notable option for hunters blood free is their two-minute cooldown racial ability which increases base melee attack power by 25% for 15 seconds and reduces healing effects on You by 50% for 25 seconds great for bursting down enemies with melee classes note that it only works for melee classes the most exciting passive though is hardiness which says that they will have 25% extra stun resist chance on top of their base stun resistance of 5% giving them a nearly 1 in three chance to resist stuns this makes orc incredible for tanking and for PVP next up we've got the trolls trolls get a throwing specialization and regeneration which are pretty underwhelming but they also get bow specialization which is great for hunters their racial ability berserking has a three-minute cool down and increases your casting and attack speed based on your missing life great for increasing your DPS while soloing or after taking some damage in group content finally they get an extra 5% damage to Beast which you'll fight a lot of while leveling and while you're in Dungeons and raids and just a little side note if you really want a combat effective race like troll or orc but you hate the fact that they stand slouched all the time you can change them to female if you're okay with that and then your posture will be fixed next up we've got the cows or the Torin torrin get a great racial ability called War stomp which can stun up to five nearby enemies for 2 seconds and incredibly useful for PVE and PVP they also get a passive called endurance which increases your total health by 5% after you create your character you'll get to watch a cut scene like this which you can either watch or skip if you haven't watched it before I recommend it it shows you a nice lay of the land so the first thing that you're going to notice when you get into the world is available Quest so you'll see exclamation points like this if the exclamation point is gold that means it's a quest that you can pick up if it is silver that means it's a quest that you can't yet pick up because you're not high enough level and if it's blue that means it's a repeat heatable Quest similarly if you run up to an NPC and they have a question mark over their head that means it's a quest you can turn in and if it's blue it's a repeatable that you can turn in there's going to be a few different types of quests in this game that you can do some of those quests are going to be completely soloable quests some of those quests are going to be for dungeons or for raids where you're definitely going to want a group to help you and some of them are going to be for elite enemies where it suggests that you get a partner to help you fight your way through and kill some Elite the elite quests are definitely worth doing although you know you will have to find someone often times to help you clear that Elite enemy it is going to be worth it they give big XP rewards and often times some pretty cool loot as well when you right click on the NPC you'll be able to accept this Quest it'll show you the rewards that you can choose from when you complete the quest when it comes to turn it in you only get to pick one of these most times so you'll pick the one you want after you finish it see there is a silver exclamation point means we have not finished that Quest yet now in classic while if you don't have add-ons it's not going to tell you what you need to do or what you need to kill on your map you're going to have to read and it's not going to pop up and track the Quest for you without you first killing one of the mobs associated with it and then the quest tracker will pop up so if you don't have addons installed I would highly recommend skipping to the add-on section of this video where I go over the essential wild classic add-ons for you to collect now you can see I've picked up one of the items for this Quest and it went ahead and added it over here it's tracking it this tough wolf meet so I know I need to go kill a bunch of wolves to finish this Quest I need seven more if you ever want to look at your list of quests you can press L on your keyboard and it's going to open up your log your quest log but before we get into the UI let's talk about the basics of leveling really quick first there's a few different ways to go about leveling one is going to be to do the quest that you pick up anytime you see a exclamation point you do it another is going to be to Simply grind mobs and another yet is going to be to farm dungeons on repeat all of these are perfectly viable ways to level up in World of Warcraft classic and it's likely that you're going to do a combination of the three because sometimes you'll be doing quests you'll run out of quests in a Zone before you reach a high enough level to go to the next Zone and so you'll have to grind mobs for a little bit before heading over to that next Zone likewise there's going to be some amazing dungeons where you can go pick up the Quest for the dungeon head into the dungeon and then turn those quests in afterwards for massive XP and some really good items the upsid to grinding mobs are that you're going to spend a little bit less time running there's a reason that wild classic is known as world of walk craft because you don't get a mount until Level 40 so you're going to spend a lot of time doing this right here running to the mobs running to the NPCs running to the person you have to turn things into right you're going to spend a lot of time running so quests are going to often times involve great rewards but also a lot of running while just farming mobs on repeat in a single area involves a lot less rewards but also a lot less running a healthy mix of the two activities is probably going to feel the best anytime you're running around at full health and full Mana it's never going to be a bad idea to kill the things that you're running by because one of the things that's determining how fast you can level in this game is going to be how much Mana or how much health you have available right you're going to have to sit down eat to get your health back constantly so if you're ever full you know you might as well kill something and let your health regen as you're running to that next objective that you're working your way towards next let's quickly go over the settings that I would absolutely change in this game right off the bat because you'll notice here like one of the things when we go to loot an enemy we have to click on the individual items manually to loot them and it's really nice to just right click them and have all the crap that they're holding go right into your bags which you can find with B so one of the things I would change right away is I would go into my settings I would change autoloot I would take that box and turn it on make sure that you have NPC names on all NPC so that you can see them in the distance or nearby make sure you've got name plates turned on that's very helpful turn on display aggro warning and show enemy cast bar also you're going to want to come in here and turn on your additional action bars so that you can slot more abilities that's what put these here you'll notice these action bars popped up as soon as we did two and three two is right here three is right here and to move skills around that are on your action bars you have to hold shifts to move them and this will prevent you from accidentally moving them in battle when you're just trying to click them so you just hold shift down and then you can move it turn on show numbers for cooldowns because it's always nice to know and always show action bars if you want to be able to see those all the time one of the first settings that you absolutely probably have to change unless you're a psychopath is you're going to have to come in here and change strafe left to a strafe right to D by default when you hit those keys it rotates like this instead of strafing like this when you use do ASD so you know if you don't want to run around like this then make sure to go ahead and go to your key binds go to strave Left bind it to a straight right bind it to D and then maybe come in here and take a look at some of the other binds that are set and you can alter these if you want to but for instance to reply to a whisper you just press shift R and it will send your whisper to the last person that whispered you really convenient for targeting just know that you can Target the next Enemy by with tab uh the previous enemy with shift Tab and if you're going to be playing a support role you can Target yourself with F1 and party members with F2 3 4 and 5 even though this game is 20 years old it does not max out the graphics for you by default so definitely come in here and Max those all out I'm not saying you'll notice any significant difference but you know it's maybe a couple extra triangles on screen which is always nice now the next thing that you're going to notice in Wild classic is that as you're fighting you're constantly going to be taking damage and you're constantly going to need to wait for your health to regen or wait for your Mana to regen this is going to be something that definitely slows you down between battles if you don't know how to account for it so one of the most popular ways to deal with this is going to be food and water now if you're a mage you can conjure your own food and water and you're going to love yourself for this and other players are going to love yourself for this as well because you can trade them the food and water that you craft so if you've got a friend with you make sure to craft some food and water and hand it over to them this way as soon as you guys end battle you can sit down drink top off your health and your mana and get right back into battle with minimal downtime alternatively if you're not a mage then you're going to have to buy your food and water it's not terribly expensive but it is a Rec uring cost so it does add up the thing about food and water is that it can only be used outside of combat this is where consumables and first aid are going to come in so next after food and water we've got spells and abilities which outside of healers in Wild classic classes didn't really get a lot of healing capabilities if any at all so you're incredibly limited unless you were a class that can heal so for everybody else you're going to be using potions potions are something that you can use in battle so if you're fighting an enemy your health starts dipping too low it's too late to run they're almost dead you know or you can pop a potion and run or you can pop the potion and kill them if you want but potions are going to be the thing that saves you there's a couple of ways to get potions and one of which is going to be as rewards for killing enemies or drops right and the other is going to be through Alchemy if you start crafting them yourself potions do have a cool down so once you use it you can't use it again for a while just be aware of that you're not going to be able to spam them in combat next up we have one of the most important ways to keep your health topped off in and out of combat and that's going to be first aid first aid is going to let you heal yourself in and out of combat and it's incredibly important because there's just not a lot of ways to heal yourself in combat and the way that you do this is you're going to craft bandages for yourself and then you can use these bandages they also have a cool down so just be aware of the fact that you know they have limited use but it is going to heal you for 66 damage over 6 seconds you know at the lower levels so so it's a nice thing to have on hand and it really can't be overstated how useful first aid is to pick up for that very reason but I'm going to dive way more into detail on professions including first aid and a little bit here just be aware of the fact that those are kind of the three ways to manage your health and Mana while you're leveling up it's going to be your food and water is kind of your in between battle options your potions are your kind of Last Resort because you're going to have a very finite amount of them and then your first aid if you picked up that profession is going to be a fantastic way to kind of heal yourself in a pinch in battle now when you click on a mob there is a ton of information being given to you the first of which is this text right here at the top right see how this is yellow this mob is non- Agro it will not attack you unless you attack it so there's three different colors associated with that there are yellow which means it's non- Agro there is red which means it is aggro which means it will attack you if you go near it and then there's green which means it's an ally and and you can't attack it and it won't attack you then over here in the bottom right we've got some other really important information it's got the enemy's level and the color of that tells you a lot as well if the color of the level is gray that means you're not going to get any XP for the kill if it's green it means that it's going to be lower level than you it's going to be easy and it's also going to give you less XP than normal now this doesn't mean it's not worth doing because green Quests for example are really quick to knock out safe to do and can still yield some pretty decent XP per hour not to mention the equipment and currency rewards you get from them then if their health is yellow these mobs are within two levels of you and they should be a challenging but winnable fight if this number is orange these mobs are three to four levels above you and they will be difficult due to their fact that they can have crushing blows and there's also an increased chance of you failing to land your attacks on them I'll talk more about that system in a moment if their level is red that means they're 5 to n levels above you and you really shouldn't be fighting these by yourself outside of some incredibly rare situations that is a losing battle you're much better off coming back after a few levels when it's not red anymore to take that enemy down and then finally if you see a skull there instead of a level that means that mob is at least 10 levels above you and they will absolutely kill you if you engage them if usually if you find yourself fighting a skull mob it's not because you attacked it it's because you accidentally aggroed it and now it's going to kill you don't worry it'll be quick another thing to note about these portraits is if it has a gold dragon around the portrait that means that that mob is an elite and if it has a silver Dragon around the portrait it means it's a rare elite and rare Elites can have some really cool drops Elites will usually require the help of others to take them down so approach these with caution the upside is that they and the quests attached to them are often very rewarding now with that information in mind let's talk about combat and wild classic wild classic is very punishing one of the reasons people love it is because you have to think about the engagements that you're going to put yourself into especially at earlier levels before you have your full kit available to you if you see two mobs next to each other you probably don't want to fight them together because you will likely lose right it is a challenging game in that way so you're going to have to strategically think about how to crowd control one while you kill the other or how you're going to separate one from the other before you engage them for this reason it's going to be really important that you take advantage of your self Buffs it's also going to be really important that you take advantage of your crowd control abilities like on the Mage you can polymorph enemies or you could frosten over them right now while you're fighting enemies be aware of the fact that enemies two levels higher than you have a 6% chance for your spells to miss if they're three levels higher than you that jumps up to a 177% chance for your spells to miss right so the game really punishes you for fighting anything three levels higher than you and you usually want to try to avoid that again you really want to take advantage of crowd control in this game if you find yourself in a dangerous or precarious situation and then if you wanted after crowd controlling you could maybe use like a heavy linen bandage in battle this is going to heal you back up and give you a better chance of surviving that fight that maybe started to go south mobs that are three levels above you can also score crushing blows on you which are going to deal 150% increase damage so not only are they going to be harder for you to hit they're also going to do more damage to you and they're going to be higher level which means they have more life and more damage in general if you find yourself losing a battle right let's say I was losing a battle to This ferocious zebra here I would be running away if you keep attacking it right if I kept attacking it it would keep following me to the ends of time it won't stop following you until you stop attacking it so if you want the enemy to disengage from you resist the urge to cast spells or dots on it and just keep running and eventually it'll leash and it'll run back away most times it is going to be fairly easy to disengage from an enemy that you're losing a battle to unless there's more enemies nearby that you're going to Agro when you start running away then you know this is where the game becomes very punishing just be aware of the fact that when you're running from enemies if they hit you from behind they can D you this is going to slow you down and they're going to be able to whale on you quite a bit for quite a while you can avoid this by bunny hopping away from them and kind of trying to keep your face towards them so that they can't you know stun you while you're running away it's not required that you do something like that alternatively you can use one of your crowd control abilities on them and just run okay next up we've got class trainers class trainers are really important and World of Warcraft when you level you're not going to unlock new abilities automatically you're going to have to come to your class trainer to learn them so you'll come and talk to it says under their name see this one says Mage trainer because I am a mage so I am interested in training and then it tells me in green the ones that I can learn how much it's going to cost down here and this can get quite expensive it can get prohibitively expensive so a common mistake is just to learn everything even if you don't plan on using it or even if your build's never going to use it so you're definitely going to want to prioritize the skills and the Spells that you plan to use first and then you can go back and pick up that other stuff later if and when you have a bunch of gold to burn but these high ranks down here at the bottom of these spells four gold right three gold that's going to add up fast especially when you're trying to save for other things so the way this works is you can filter it multiple different ways available unavailable already known so we can take off the unavailable ones and we can see exactly what we're able to learn right now and what you're going to want to do is come visit this person every other level or so right something like that you want to come back you never want to go more than like two levels without coming back and visiting him and seeing what you can learn right now I can learn these two abilities and then at level 18 so one more level this character is level 17 I'll be able to learn amplify magic I'll also be able to learn remove lesser curse at 20 I'll learn blank right so we want to keep coming back here and that's just that one tree Under Fire right now I can learn flame strike right so we'll go ahead and we'll learn that then we're going to get rank four of my Fireball at 18 so one more level and I'm almost there right three qus of the way there so I'll be back here to visit him soon to get that next level Fireball and then from the eye side of things we can see at level 20 I'm going to get blizzard so I've got a little while before I'm able to learn anything new but blizzard is a huge spell so that's going to be an exciting one for this character to learn when it hits 20 at 20 I'll also get another rank of frost armor and another rank of frost bolt so that's going to be a really big level for this Frost Mage here the other important thing to know about coming to the trainer is when you do level up a skill it's not automatically going to go onto your bar so for instance right now I have Fireball rank three you can see it there in the bottom right it says Fireball and then in Gray it says rank three so I have Fireball rank three when I get fireball rank four it'll appear here and I'll have to drag it down on top of the fireball rank three to replace it and when I do that then this will change into Fireball rank four but just unlocking the skill the trainer isn't going to do that for me it's still going to leave the fireball rank three so it's very possible if you're not paying attention that you'll go back and you'll upgrade a few of your abilities you'll upgrade your Frost bolts you'll upgrade your Fireball and your fire blast and you'll be using the lower level versions because you never went in and manually SWA them out after you learn them from your trainer so you know just always remember after you do your trainer then go into your spell book and drag the high level versions of those abilities onto your bar so that you have access to them so one of the things to know about class trainers is they don't exist in all starting zones so for example if you were to start as an undead Mage and your friend started as a Torin Shaman right if you spawn into the world and you sprint to the Toren starting zone Toren cannot be Mages and so as a result there won't be a mage trainer there and as a result you won't be able to level up your abilities or unlock new abilities while you're in that zone because there is no Mage trainer there you'd have to come back to your starting zone or go to another starting zone or go to another Hub where there is a mage trainer and upgrade your abilities there so just be careful about abandoning your starting zone too soon to go join up with a friend because you might end up somewhere that doesn't have a trainer for your class and that could put you in a little bit of a pickle and cause you to have to do a lot of extra low-level running and low-level running is really slow because you don't have a lot of fast travel options and you don't have a mount yet the next really important thing that you have to be aware of for your class while you're leveling is going to be your talents so you're going to come to your trainer to unlock your skills but then at level 10 you're automatically get Talent points that you can come in here and spend on your character to really customize your character and make it your own or if you're like most people you'll find a build on Wad and copy that all the same you do have a few different options for each class like for instance we could be a frost Mage or we could be a fire Mage or we could be an Arcane Mage and a lot of times you're going to be a little bit of a combination of all of the above right you're going to dip into here a little bit you'll dip into some of these and sometimes there's some nice passives tucked down in like Arcane even though we're not going to use Arcane a lot we might want some of those passives but we're primarily going to kill everything with our Frost spells right so we'd be like a frost Mage that's dipping into these other two four passives and and some nice synergies you're going to get one Talent point every time you level and then you'll be able to come in here and drop that point in to upgrade that Talent so in this case it increased my Critical Strike damage for my Frost spells by 60% it used to be 40% but I just put that point in right so that feels really good every time we crit be careful with your talent tree because once you put a point in there is no are you sure you want to put your points there you know there's no confirmation box you click once it's in and it's in for good unless you pay to Respec so let's talk about respecing since we're here right next to a trainer this is perfect because that's who you're going to go talk to to reec so you come here and instead of saying I'm interested in Mage training you would say I wish to unlearn my talents and then it gives you a little warning that saying every time you Respec it's going to become more expensive so the first time you Respec on classic it was one gold and then the second time it was five and then every time after that it went up by five gold and then once a week I believe it would drop five gold from the Respec cost so that it would slowly come back down to earth if you did a lot of respecing now it sounds like in future Seasons blizzard is planning on making it so that respecing is a lot easier and a lot more affordable in classic W so depending on which version of classic W you're playing respecing might be something that's really easy or it might be something that you want to do very rarely because it's going to burn through your gold all right the next big thing we're going to take a look at is weapon training this is really important in classic wow so if we go into our character menu and we look at our skills we can see our proficiency or our level with each weapon that we have equipped so or staves I am level 49 every time I hit an enemy with my staff there is a chance for that to go up by one my wands are level one right so every time I hit an enemy with my one it has a chance to go up by one and weapons are one of those things you want to level as you go because if I try to go and hit a mob that is my level you know a level 17 mob with my level one wand proficiency I am going to miss and I'm going to miss and miss and miss and miss right because my wand is way underleveled if I was playing strategically I would have been putting wand on and using it this whole time keeping it up close to where my staff is at the way you level your weapons is by using your auto attacks so if you come into your menu here you could just drag your wand onto your bar and shoot things with it same thing if you want to level a melee weapon you can just drag it onto the bar and you can attack things with it right alternatively you could just rightclick enemies and that will attack them with your auto attack as well so what happens if I want to be able to use a new weapon for instance I have this dagger here but if I try to equip it it says you do not have the the required proficiency for that right I cannot equip the dagger but what if I found a really good dagger with some amazing stats for my character but my character didn't have the ability to do it so that's when you come to one of these weapon Masters these weapon Masters are located all over the world and different weapon Masters will teach you how to use different weapons so sometimes it's going to require you to look around just to continue the example we'll talk to this weapon master and we go I would like some weapon training and he says I can trade you how to do daggers for 10 silver so we would train that now we can equip that dagger there we go we have a dagger equipped so that is something that you're going to have to remember to do and it's something to start doing earlier than later again because like I said if you wait until you're really high level and then you decide to start leveling a dagger right you're going to go run up to an enemy that is your level and you're just going to miss miss miss miss and it's going to take forever to level your dagger so you may have to go down to a lower level area and just start swinging at a lowlevel enemy forever to get that thing leveled up and caught up to your current level so if you want to know who can teach what you can talk to this guy here and you can say what can other weapon Masters teach and he'll tell you on sea here the Toren weapon Master is on Thunder bluff's lower rise he can train you in one and two-ended maces staves and guns then hanashi standing next to him can instruct you in the use of bows and one and two-handed axes staves and all manner of throwing weapons right and then there's archabald the undead weapon master in the war quarter of the unders City can teach the use of crossbows daggers one and two-handed swords and pull arms so each weapon Master will tell you what the rest of them teach and where those are located in case there's a particular weapon that you're hoping to learn how to use so don't stress when you run into a weapon that looks really good or has really good stats it's going to greatly increase your damage but you can't wear it just head over to the relevant weapon master and get that taken care of and the other thing to consider about weapon training is that it is fairly expensive early on so definitely pick your weapons that you want to learn wisely a 10 silver early early is pretty expensive but you know before you know it that'll be a very minimal cost to you all right next up we're going to go over something really important your inventory so your inventory is going to start something like this and then as you play the game you're going to get something called bags and these bags are going to increase your inventory space so each of these bags on this bar is giving me another extra bag here that's way you can see we'll talk about how to make this all look a lot more presentable here in a moment but for right now this is what your bags might look like when you first start the game depending on the quality of the bag it's going to allow you to hold more so these are eight slot bags at the beginning you might be finding four slot bags then six slot bags and then you'll probably buy some eight slot bags or craft them yourself we'll talk about that in the tailoring profession in a little bit but bags are going to be one of the most satisfying things to equip and one of the most important things to equip because your life is going to be miserable if you don't invest in some good bags or make the time to acquire some good bags you know this is something that you just can't ignore so there's a few ways to go about getting bags you might find them on emies you might get them as a quest reward or probably the most common way if you're not crafting them yourself is to buy them on the auction house so getting and upgrading your bags is the first big step to managing your inventory another big step to manage your inventory is simply selling the junk to NPCs if you've got an item and it's got gray Texs it's probably junk it's probably something you're safe to sell if you don't want to guess there are some fantastic add-ons that when you hover over an item you know exactly what it's worth and if it's worth holding on to if it's worth auctioning off at the auction house and you gives you a lot of Peace of Mind using these add-ons again I'm going to go over add-ons in a moment here in an entire add-on section of the video because there's just so many what I would consider essential add-ons for playing classic World of Warcraft they're just going to make your experience a lot better and that's going to be one of them it's going to tell you what everything is worth both at the merchant you know an NPC Merchant and if you sell it to other players on the auction house so that'll tell you what you should and shouldn't sell for the most part in fact let me go ahead and quickly turn on my add-ons I've have these off so that my screen looks like yours but we'll turn them all on real quick so with that add-on if we hover over this item it's going to say I could vendor it to an NPC for 33 and if I sold it on the auction house it would go for 19 silver right massive Improvement right there so that's that would tell me hey this is something I don't want to vendor and if I see a little gold icon on it like this that means hey this is something you can just chuck to the vendor you don't even got to think about it all right next up let's go over the auction house and how to use it so we talked to an Auctioneer here like this guy and what we can do is we can search by weapon type or we could search by armor type right you can filter things out so you can find the thing that you want or you could just search all right and then you're going to just see everything and then once you've searched you can sort by Rarity by level by the time that it has left on the auction house bu the seller by the current bid and the thing to know about this right you've got two numbers over here you've got five copper and then you've got five copper so this item is telling you that the bid price if you just want to place a bid is five copper or you could just buy it out for five copper and what you'll see is on the more expensive items a lot of times sometimes people will offer a slightly lower price if people want to bid and then wait but if you wait you're going to have to wait you know very long time greater than 8 hours so you would place the bid at 3,800 gold hoping to save 200 gold here but you'd wait 8 hours to potentially save that 200 gold which might be worth it if you're patient now someone else might come and out bid you and then you would have waited the eight hours and you wouldn't have got the item anyway right so most of the time you're just going to come and you're going to pay the buyout price and you're going to get the item right away and move on with your day because most of the time the two prices are pretty close together anyway however like on this item it's a 50% increase from 2,000 to 30,000 for the buyout so it's going to vary based on the item you're buying and what people are selling it for just know that you can pay attention to those two numbers and you can decide if you want to bid on it and then wait and if you hover over the duration it'll tell you a short a less than 30 minutes from now you would have your answer long 2 hours and 8 minutes right kind of tells you likewise if you did decide to put an offer in on something then you can come here to bids and you could see the list of things that you have bid on and see where you stand on those items so let's go ahead and do that okay so now let's bid on something to show you an example of what that looks like so we'll come here and we'll bid the 20 right we could choose to buy it out for 21 copper we'll bid 20 copper instead bid all right you're bid 20 out of the 21 now if we look at our bids we can see we have bid on this item and we are the high bidder right now right so if someone else could come and they could see hey they bid 20 and they could try to out bid us on this item here that we're doing for example they would just buy it out right it's one copper difference they would just buy it out and take the item from us but it's important to know that this information is located ated on this tab you know how long how much you bid if you're the high bidder or not then you've got auctions this is where you could come and you could drag an item here to auction it so if we open up our bags and we wanted to sell let's say one of these items here maybe we wanted to sell our malachite right we can put that there and we can pick the price that we want to put it up for auction for we could pick the auction duration anywhere from 2 to 8 to 24 hours and then you could finally set a buyout price right so you could say hey I'm going to allow people to bid as low as one silver but if they want to buy it right now they're going to have to pay 20 gold right for example and what this would do is it would put it on the auction house people could bid one silver and then the next person can bid two silver and three and five and then maybe somebody bids one gold and then maybe another person bids five gold right and then another person bids 15 and then finally somebody's like you know what I want this item so I'm going to buy out for 20 gold but that way you're able to earn somewhere between what it's worth and what you want for it personally when I use the auction house I just list it I just put a bio price that I'm willing to pay and there are great add-ons that help you pick the bio price they'll even just look at the lowest one and have you undercut it if you want to do that just be careful with that because people may try to manipulate the market and you might be selling things for a lot less than they're worth you know so just always be careful with that add-on if you set it to undercut the market and then finally you know you would just create click create auction so we'll close that up so when you win a mailbox the item will not go directly into your inventory no that would be far too convenient so it's actually going to go into the mailbox you got to go to the nearest mailbox they look like this here if you've got an add-on it'll put it on your map for you so make it a lot easier to find and we'll talk about those soon like I said and here we can see the auction i1 so I click on this and then I would just right click right here and that'll move the item from my mail into my inventory and remove my mail right here so now we've got that auction that we won speaking of mail this is another really important way to manage your inventory and also to manage your auction house items so a very very popular Strat is to have a character that you make for the sole purpose of parking next to the auction house so right here is the auction house here is the mailbox and what you'll do is when you're out and about in the various places in the world like let's you're out here right killing things collecting great loot at the crossroads then you'd go to the mailbox right in the crossroads and you would just mail yourself stuff you would say hey I want to send mail click Send mail and you would be like okay I want my auction person to sell that Malik kites I want them to sell the Strider meat like I wouldn't do that but like let's just say I did right so we put the items that we want to sell in the mail and then we would type our alts name the other character that we made to park in town we'd type their name here like lucky and then it shows you a list of characters on the server that I could choose from right and we would just type our characters's name here and that would let us send the item to that character on This Server Now by mailing it to that character to deal with the auction house what we've done is we've saved oursel the very arduous journey of traveling back from the crossroads or you know more than likely someplace even farther away back to a auction house to deal with that it's also a great way to free up inventory because as you can see here you will fill up your inventory very fast in this game especially at lower levels before you have great bags and even at higher levels because the longer you play the more junk you collect and the more things you find that you don't want to let go up and so you're going to fill up your inventory fast so mailing you know stuff that this character doesn't need right now to our alt is going to be a great way to free up space they can hold on to it on that character in their bank which we'll talk about next is the bank and how we can utilize that but mailing to your Al is going to be a big part of inventory management it's going to be a big part of managing your auction house and your auction house items it's just a really nice convenient way to do all of that stuff of course you can do it all manually without having an ALT until you make one you know it's just that when you do get one set up you're going to notice it's a huge quality of life upgrade for you you'll spend a lot less time running back and forth between your hunting grounds and your quest locations to the city to interact with the auction house and to sort your Affairs So speaking of the bank let's go head and talk to a banker and tell them we want to check our stuff so here is what your bank looks like right here your bank will start with these 24 original slots that you can fill and then what you can do is you can buy bag slots so we would be able to purchase for 10 silver a back slot we'll say yes now I could have a bag right there now what that does is it adds eight slots because we put an eight slot bag there into my bank so I would be able to go like that and put some items here like okay I want want to save these I don't need them right now so we'll just slide them right there and now this character doesn't have them in his inventory anymore because I've put them in the bank and you can go ahead and keep buying these slots you can see that they're getting incrementally more expensive each time you purchase another bag slot okay I'm going to go ahead and give that back to this character because it already had pretty limited space as it was and we don't really need it your bank is not account wide so if you want to move items from one character to another you have to use the mailbox your bank won't do that for you the one upside of that is that each character gets its own bank and its own bank inventory so you can use that to store more items because each character has its own bank and all of its own bank bag slots now when you walk into a city as a brand new player you're going to have no idea how to find any of these places that we've just visited right whether it was the weapon Master the class trainer the auction house the bank you're not going to have any clue right and the game doesn't make it easy they don't put it on the mini map especially if you're not running add-ons it's a nightmare to find them so what you can do is you can talk to any of the City Guards so in oramar we can talk to an oramar gun and we can just tell it what we want to look for we were just at the bank earlier we were at the weapon master so what if we didn't know how to get to the weapon Master when we walked into town but we knew we wanted to talk to that weapon master in that town to get a certain weapon mastered we just click on it and then we open the map and there it puts a little flag on the map saying hey you want to head over here that's where the weapon Master is and you can do that for any of the places in town so don't wander around town aimlessly looking for one of these things like the in the Inn is a really popular one you get to town you want to know where the Inn is because maybe you want to use the Inn to bind your Hearthstone and we'll talk about that in a moment when we get into fast travel there's a few very important ways to fast travel in this game that you're going to want to be aware of so take advantage of the guards in every town they'll tell you exactly where the person you're looking for is okay the next thing we're going to talk about is professions and professions are huge these are really important in World of Warcraft classic they are so useful they're a great way to make money they're a great way to make gear they're a great way to make weapons you know you can make potions food right there so they're fantastic for all kinds of things whether it's making items for you to use or selling things to make a huge profit professions are split into two categories you have primary professions and secondary professions you can have up to two primary professions and you can gain all of the secondary professions the primary crafting professions are tailoring leather working blacksmithing enchanting engineering and Alchemy then you've got your primary Gathering professions which are skinning Mining and herbalism now you can have up to two of any of those right so you could take one primary crafting and one primary Gathering or you could take two from the primary crafting or two from primary Gathering right it doesn't matter how you get to two primary professions but the most you can get is two right so you can take one of each or two of one then you've got your secondary professions of which you can learn all three and that is first aid cooking and fishing so you could learn all three of those and two of the primary now before we dive into what each individual profession does let's talk about how they all work so you will have a profession trainer like this guy right here teaches first aid you cannot level a profession you cannot participate in a profession like if you see herbs on the ground or if you see a Mining Node you won't be able to gather those until you've talked to a herbalist trainer or a mining trainer and taken the first level of that so that you can Harvest those notes right same with first aid here so you would go to the trainer and you would say I require training there are four levels of each profession those levels are Apprentice journeyman expert and artisan and with each level comes the ability to craft new items so in order to check the level of your professions you can just look at your character menu you could look at skills and then we can see here first aid is 74 out of 150 so at 150 I would need to come to my train trainer and learn how to be an expert in first aid until then I've got some things that I can learn so at level 80 I'll be able to learn anti venom for two silver and 50 copper but as we discussed I'm currently only 74 so in six levels right so how would I get levels of my first aid well simply by doing that thing so if it's mining you go mine a node and every time you mine a node you have a chance to level it up now the chance of leveling your profession depends on the color of that item so if we look at my first aid here this heavy linen bandage is yellow right it's in yellow text that tells me what chance it has to upgrade my profession by one level in other words to go to level 75 from 74 and linen bandage is gray which tells me I won't get any experience for crafting that my first aid will not level when crafting linen bandage anymore so I would craft one of these I'm right now 74 and just so you know if it's gray it won't level your profession if it's green it has a 30 3% chance to level your profession if it's yellow it has a 75% chance to level your profession like this one right here does if it's orange it has 100% chance to level it up and if it's red you can't craft or harvest it yet so this goes for nodes out in the wild you walk up to some herbs and their name is green that means you have a 33% chance to level you're harvesting if you grab that or you're mining right whereas if it's gray you're not going to level but you will get the material so let's craft one of these real quick create and then level create another one then level okay so we crafted it we went up to level 75 and when we did that it turned green so apparently at level 75 heavy linen bandage goes down to Green right and so we're going to have a very small chance to get this up to 80 but as soon as we get it up to 80 we'll be able to talk to our trainer we'll be able to learn that next one and then when we make those it's going to level really fast because they're going to be orange which means we have pretty much 100% chance to level them up when we craft it down here in your chat box it'll tell you whenever something levels so if something's attacking you you'll see your defense level up when you're attacking something else with a weapon you'll see that weapon level up right and the ratio of your weapon to their defense is which is what determines your likelihood of hitting your enemy likewise the ratio of their weapon to your defense is what determines How likely they are to hit you and not only that how if they're able to have a crushing blow or not so you really do want to level up your defense just as a side note let things hit you once in a while get your defense leveled up so that you're not getting absolutely Beats death when something does attack you but back to professions here so now that you understand what a profession is and how you level it it's basically you just come you talk to your trainer you learn something from him then you make that something that's how you do the crafting professions right if it's a gathering profession you just go to your trainer you learn how to gather then you go out and you gather those things and then you come back to him and you say I want to learn how to gather other things and then he teaches you and then you go out and gather those things and you continue to level it up that way so let's talk about what each profession does specifically and who each profession is commonly paired with as far as like what class usually picks which profession and why so let's start with tailoring tailoring is really common for Mages priests and warlocks and this is because it can make cloth armor they're definitely not the only ones that want to use tailoring because tailoring is also amazing for another reason because it makes bags and everybody wants bags so there's always a lot of money to be made in making bags yourself and selling them on the auction house if you want to pick up tailoring even if you only pick up tailoring temporarily early on to make your own bags and maybe to make some money that's not a bad option tailoring pairs really well with skinning or enchanting because if you're skinning then you could be gathering some of the materials you'll need for your tailoring and if you pair it with enchanting you can make a ton of money that way next up we have leather working leather working is commonly used by Druids Rogues Hunter and Shaman this is because they all use leather or male armor and leather working makes leather or male armor it also allows you to make ammo and arrow bags which are used by anybody that's using a ranged weapon and it pairs really well with skinning because skinning provides leather so there's a nice Synergy there if you wanted to get skinning as one primary profession to feed your leather working there's a nice Synergy there next we've got blacksmithing really common in Warriors and paladins because both of those can wear plate armor blacksmithing will make male armor up to about 40 and then plate armor beyond that it also makes weapons melee weapons right and it pairs really well with mining as this provides the reagents that you'll need to level up your blacksmithing otherwise it could be very expensive to level if you're having to purchase all of these reagents from other people blacksmithing can make some of the best items in the game so it can be a very profitable one to master if you want to put in the effort to do so next up we have enchanting which is really often used by Mages priests and warlocks it's primarily used to add stats and effects to armor and weapons it also makes wands and consumables so the way enchanting works is you can disenchant uncommon rare or epic items for reagents to use to enchant items so because you have to disenchant valuable items in order to get the reagents to craft things it's a very expensive profession to level up but for that same reason it's an incredibly profitable profession once it's leveled up right because not a lot of people are putting in that work to get that done and a lot of people are going to want to take advantage of what it provides enchanting is best paired with something like harvesting so that you can make money off of the harvesting to fund this process or tailoring because you can craft uncommon items and rare items and then disenchant them for your enchanting reagents just remember that disenchanting armor yields more dust than it does Essence and disenchanting weapons yields more Essence than dust so if you're looking for dust you know you're going to want want to disenchant armor and if you're looking for Essence you're going to want to disenchant weapons so enchanting is going to be a pretty tough one to level up but it's also going to be very lucrative if you do next up we have engineering engineering is a pretty unique one for a lot of reasons any class may want to use engineering especially if you're going to be into PVP or if you're going to be really sweaty in raid content there are some great items that come from engineering that are going to be good for putting out damage in PvP and putting out damage in raids engineering is used to make guns and ammo and it makes some gear one of the biggest things it's going to be used for is making offensive consumables like bombs which is kind of what we were just talking about it's usually paired with Mining and it's very expensive to level but the payoff is huge if you do level it up if you're planning on getting into PVP or if you're planning on really caring about mid maxing your parses in this game engineering could be a great one to level in the long term the last primary crafting profession we we have is alchemy which is great for anyone because it makes consumable potions that give you things like long Buffs short effects or health and Mana potions that can be used in battle Alchemy can also transmute Essences used in high level crafting and it's best paired with herbalism because that's where its reagents come from but you can also benefit from fishing because you can get some stuff from there as well Alchemy will make you incredibly popular in your guild or will make you a ton of money on the auction house it's your choice this is definitely a great option consider for any class and next we have our primary Gathering professions skinning Mining and herbalism so for skinning this is used to skin Beast that you defeat in the open world this one's extremely easy to level because you kill a beast and then you just skin it right unlike other nodes that you have to happen upon skinning you're going to be able to do constantly as you're killing beasts in the wild and if you find a spot with a lot of beasts you can just sit there and farm it and get lots of skins this is like we mentioned this is great when paired with leather working because it yields leather and hides and if you pick this profession up make sure to grab a skinning knife from a vendor or else you won't be able to skin anything next we have mining if you learn the mining profession you'll be able to see mining nodes on your mini map you'll also be able to gather those mining nodes but only if you've grabbed a pickaxe from one of the NPCs that sells them so if you pick up mining make sure that you buy your pickaxe and keep it in your inventory mining is great for leveling blacksmithing and Engineering as we touched on and one really cool thing that you can do with mining is if you find a Mining Node and you're with somebody else you can hit it and then they can hit it and your mining will or won't level based on your first hit alone so you go you hit it whatever happens happens right let the next person hit it and then they have a chance to level up their Mining and you can have another person hit it and have a chance to level up their mining it's a nice way to share the love if you're playing with a friend that also picked up mining you can both level up your mining off the same node you can't level up your mining more than once off of one node so it's a waste to be the only person that hits it unless you just want all the materials for yourself then you you know what you can do next we've got herbalism if you learn herbalism you'll be able to see herbalism nodes on your mini map it's pretty easy to level you'll see these throughout the one thing I will say about mining herbalism skinning these are things you're going to want to level as you go because as you get into higher level zones if your profession has fallen behind you won't be able to mine those nodes they'll be red for you you won't be able to pick up those herbs they'll be red for you because you skipped by them in the lower level zones and you fell behind so just make sure grab these professions early and then keep an out for those nodes make sure you're leveling as you go through the zones so that you don't get to a Zone and now things are red and you realize oh man I've got to go back a Zone to level up my profession grabbing nodes before I can come to this Zone in mine or grab herbalism nodes again and as we mentioned before herbalism is great for leveling up your Alchemy because it provides the ingredients that it needs it's also worth noting that you can abandon a profession at any time so if you pick up two professions and you realize you wanted to do a different one you can simply abandon the one that you don't want and then go pick up the one that you do so you're not locked into your first two choices if you ever want to change your mind you can now you will lose all of your progress in that profession and if you ever decide to pick it up again you're going to have to start over from level one just be kind of aware of that which you know if you didn't get that far with it it's not a big deal now we've covered all the primary professions now let's talk about the secondary professions first aid cooking and fishing so first aid is one that I recommend everyone get this is good for every class all the time it's not a bad one to have especially through the leveling process and the reason is first aid gives you items it allows you to create items bandages that you can use in combat and in classic wow one of your bottlenecks is your health and you cannot heal yourself in classic wow outside of a very select few classes that were built with heels which are the healers nobody else really has heels in classic wow it's not like retail where everybody has a way to heal themselves in combat well it's the closest thing we have to an equalizer in classic while where everybody can heal themselves a bit so this is a one that everybody should grab one because it's useful and two because you have no reason not to since you can grab all three secondary professions you don't have to make a choice between the next three you can do all of them it's very easy to level because anytime you kill humanoids they have a chance to drop cloth and then you can use that cloth to craft bandage and that levels it up and it happens really fast this is going to be an amazing profession for healing yourself in and out of combat the bandages do have a cool down so don't expect to you know spam them but for instance if we look at this one we have right here it's going to heal me for 114 damage over 6 seconds this is a really lowle bandage and it's incredibly useful this can save your life easily it's also worth noting one of the big differences between bandages and let's say food which gives you health back over time is that you cannot use food in combat but you can use your bandages in combat next we have cooking speaking of food this makes food and drinks for you and others basic food and beverages increase your health and Mana regen outside of combat more complex ones give you Buffs or increase your stats like anything else you know crafting is going to increase these like any of these secondary professions they're useful for everybody everybody's going to be consuming food and drinks in this game and so it's up to you whether you want to be one of the people purchasing those food and drinks or one of the people providing them and selling them if you do decide to get into cooking just be aware that you do need to stand near a fire when you're trying to cook so you'll either go to one that exists or you can put one together yourself and cook at it and then finally we have fishing fishing is a little different fish are used for both cooking and for alamy they're very useful if you go the cooking route to fish you just cast your line in the water you wait for the Bob to Splash and when it does you right click it and boom you really on your prize fishing can yield fish or it can also yield lotum and wreckage so you can pull more than just fish out of the water with fishing to make a little bit of extra money the higher the Zone the harder the fish are to catch but you can fish anywhere at any time so unlike let's say mining where you go to a high level Zone but you haven't leveled it up you won't be able to mine those or it will just say no fishing you can go there your chance to catch it will just be very small the way to improve your chance to catch fish is to level up fishing by catching fish and to use a better Rod that increases your chance to catch fish and that's everything that you need to know about professions so be sure to grab two primary professions and all three secondary profession sooner than later so that you can start leveling those up if you're interested in them next up let's quickly talk about reputation reputation is something that you're going to earn when you're out doing quests or when you're killing things right so you'll earn reputation for various factions based on what you're doing with them so if you do a lot of quests in a certain area like I did a lot of quests on this character near unders City so I got UND City rep and I am now honored with UND City instead of neutral and the more that I do their quests and the more that I kill their enemies the more reputation I'm going to get leveling up reputation for various factions can eventually lead to you unlocking mounts it can lead to you unlocking Cosmetics items all sorts of really cool stuff so it can be nice to level up it is a bit of a grind hence the name rep grind and it can take a long time humans are well suited to the task because they get 10% increased reputation gained for anything so humans are going to get their 10% faster if you're a completionist it's not a bad idea to be a human as far as classic goes there's nothing that you absolutely have to have from reputation grind so it is something that you can mostly ignore if you want to because it is incredibly timec consuming so only the sweatiest of sweaty players are going to spend time doing these grinds most likely okay next we're going to talk about a big one and that is fast travel so in classic wow also known as World of Warcraft you're going to be doing a lot of walking so anything that you can do to save time on traveling from one place in this massive world to the other is going to be really really helpful one of the things you can do is use flight path so when you see a green exclamation point like this that means that is a flight path you want to talk to that person because it will unlock that flight path so that you can go from him to any of the other people that you've talked to that were also flight paths so we'll talk to him new flight path discovered and we say I need a ride and it shows me all the places that this character could go here so we could go from here all the way to the crossroads or to ratchet these flight paths are located all over if this was a higher level character you would see tons more on here and we'd be able to zip around on those the fee to get from one place to another via the fly path is pretty inexpensive so it's very useful take advantage of it if you're ever in a new town don't forget to talk to the flight path person you will regret it if you forget and if I'm being honest you're going to forget at least once dude so good luck remembering every time you step into town the next form of fast travel is Hearth stoning to the end that you bound yourself to so if if we talk to an inkeeper you'll have the option to make this in your home and when you do you'll be able to click on your Hearthstone and it's going to take you to your in of choice in Classic this currently has a 1hour cool down so you're going to want to use it kind of strategically because you won't be able to use it again for an hour but it can be a really nice way to get back to the hub of your choice so when you outlevel an area and move to the next area make sure you go to the local in and rebind your Hearthstone to that new zone so that if you end up somewhere else and you need to get back to town to turn in a bunch of quests or something you can Hur them back the next way that you can fast travel is via these Zeppelins here these will take you to nice far off locations for instance if you are trying to travel from calor over here this continent here that hosts predominantly The Horde and you wanted to get over here to the Eastern kingdoms which host predominantly the alliance you would do that by jumping on one of these Zeppelins here you can't miss the Zeppelin Towers they're really big towers just outside of large towns and you'll see Zeppelins pulling them up to them and everything and one of the nice things about Zeppelins is they are free to ride so you don't have to worry about needing money to get somewhere the next really popular mode of fast travel is going to be Mages Mages can summon teleports that can take people to specific cities in the game so at the end of a dungeon they could spawn a portal and everyone can walk through it to get back to under City for example really nice to have a mage in the group for that exact reason just know that if you're the Mage creating the portal you have to be the last person to walk through it because if you walk through it first it's going to close behind you leaving everybody else stranded wherever you were and then finally the last way to fast travel is to Simply kill yourself and I mean that in the absolute nicest way but if you do kill yourself you will spawn at the local graveyard and that might be a lot closer to where you're trying to get than where you are so a lot of times that can be a nice way to get back to let's say the town that has all the quests if the graveyard is next to the town where you have to turn everything in it can save you a bit of running and anytime you can cut down on running in this game it's really nice all right next let's talk about what happens when you die and the consequences of dying so when you die you'll be given the option to release your spirit unless there's somebody that happens to be around that can resurrect you this is your only option right so if you're in a group with a Healer you know they'll probably resurrect you or if there happens to be a Healer walking by they might resurrect you but if not it's not a big deal you can just click release Spirit now you're going to be in ghost form so from here what you'll do is you've got two options you can run to your Tombstone on the map and when you get close enough to your body you can resurrect alternatively you can talk to this guy here and say you can return me to life and if you choose this option so for instance if maybe the graveyard like in this case it's right next to Crossroads where you would turn in so many quests in the zone so it wouldn't be uncommon to maybe run out here do a bunch of quests down in the deep and then just die so you teleport back up here right you just spawn next to this guy and you go hey return me to life now there's a a couple things that are going to happen if you choose to do this it's going to tell you if you find your corpse you can be resurrected for no penalty but if I resurrect you all of your items will take a 25% durability damage equipped and inventory and you will be afflicted with 7 Minutes of Resurrection sickness the duration of your Resurrection sickness can vary so just know that yours might be lower and later into the game it might be higher for you now you're probably wondering is that 25% durability damage to your gear a big deal no especially at lower levels it's pretty inconsequent IAL it costs next to nothing to repair your armor which is something you should get in the habit of doing anytime you run by someone that can repair your armor and there are add-ons that will do it automatically anytime you talk to someone that can repair just so that you're less likely to forget so let's go ahead and resurrect so we can see what Resurrection sickness is and how big of a deal it is so we accept remember if you find your corpse there is no penalty are you sure you want s minutes and right it just asks you to confirm yeah we'll take it so we've got this 7 Minutes of Resurrection sickness which says decrease all attributes by 75% and all damage caused by 75% armor and resistance by 75% so that's a big big debuff to our character that's going to be the thing that you take into account the most when deciding whether or not you want to just die and resurrect from this guy here at the graveyard is do I want to deal with 7 Minutes of basically being un able to kill anything you know but often times that 7 minutes is going to be a lot faster than w walking all of the way back up from where you died it's going to be a time saer because now you know we're already at 6 minutes just running over here to repair and then by the time we turned in those quests picked up the new quests and started running to the next set of monsters that we have to kill right by the time we get to the next thing that we actually need to fight that 6 minutes is going to have passed so you'll start to get a feel for how long it takes to get places and the answer is it takes a while sometimes in classic wow especially until you get your amount so then our armor is damaged and eventually if you damage your armor enough it'll pop up over here there'll be a little guy and if your weapon is about to break you know the weapon will turn yellow and if it breaks it's turns red and if if your armor is about to break whichever piece of armor it is will be indicated on this little guy here if the helmet for instance is breaking it'll you know the helmet will become red when it breaks that kind of stuff so in order to prevent your armor from breaking on you because when it breaks it's like you're not wearing anything in that slot at all you just click repair all items and now all of our gear is repaired and it's like that death never happen happened and it was a pretty inconsequential amount of currency to do so so let's talk about all of the armor slots that you have you've got your head your neck your shoulders your back so that'll be like cloaks your chest your shirt your tabard this is just like indicating what Guild you're with right your shirt is mostly RP it doesn't really have defensive stats but it can be used to like you could wear a shirt that gives you when you're doing certain tasks it gives you reputation for that faction that you're wearing the shirt for kind of situation you've got your wrist hands waist legs feet then you've got two finger slots and two trinkets besides that you've got your main hand offhand and ranged weapon and then you've got your ammunition so if you're using a bow or a gun you'll need ammo slotted in order to shoot things otherwise you won't have any ammo to shoot so just keep that in mind if you start using a gun or a boat you can't do anything without arrows or bullets if you're using a wand this is the only ranged weapon that does not need ammo another thing to know is the DPS on your weapon does not affect the damage that you do with your spells uh we'll talk about that a little bit here next we're about to get into stats and what they do in this game like strength intelligence agility and you know which stats which classes are going to be looking for just know that you know the stats on these they're mostly stat sticks for umage you're looking for stats that are going to benefit them like intelligence or stamina as far as gear goes you have four different weights of gear you've got cloth leather mail and plate a mage can can wear cloth but they can't wear the other three a warrior can wear plates and everything below it so if you can wear plate you can wear male and you can wear leather and you can wear cloth right you can wear whatever the heaviest weight of armor is and everything below it so yeah if you can wear plate you can wear everything if you can wear cloth that's all you can wear if you can wear leather you can wear leather and cloth but you can't wear mail and plate gear is going to have different levels of Rarity attached to it so a white item here is going to be among the worst I guess technically gray is going to be even worse still then you're going to have your green items then you're going to have blue and then you're going to have purple now in classic wow finding a green item is a pretty good find early on that's an exciting moment eventually blue is going to be pretty exciting and then your best and Slot stuff is going to be like a purple item you know classic wow is not like modern MMOs where legendary items are given out like participation trophies you have to earn those rarer items you have to find those epic items they do not come off often and they don't come easily in most cases and especially when you get one that's applicable to you oh man it feels amazing so when we're looking at an item it tells us some important information for instance this one tells us it's soulbound which means I can't trade it to anybody else usually soulbound items are things that you get from like a quest or something or maybe an instance you'll get an item and then as soon as you equip it it's soulbound so some items are bind on equip and some items are you know bind on pickup it kind of depends on the item and the situation but when it says soulbound that means it's bound to your character your soul you can't trade it with anybody else you can't even give it to one of your alts it also tells us the weight of the item it says cloth it tells us how much armor it's giving us it tells us what bonus stats we're getting from it and then it tells us the durability and the required level a lot of times you will find some really cool items maybe a purple item or a blue item or a green item that's really cool but it doesn't work for the class you're playing and it can be really fun to mail that over to an alt as soon as they hit that level requirement for it they put that thing on and they pop off it's a lot of fun to do that you know so don't be shy about making alts in World of Warcraft it's a lot of fun now speaking of the stats that are on this armor this piece is giving us three spirit and three stamina but what the heck does that mean right is that good for me do I want Spirit do I want stamina let's answer that question right now let's talk about stats so the first stat we'll talk about is strength strength increases your melee attack power so every point of strength provides two attack power for the warrior the Druid the Paladin and the shaman while Mages Rogues Hunters warlocks and Priests are each only going to get one attack power per point of strength you need 14 attack power to increase your DPS by one so seven strength gives about one melee DPS for a warrior and increasing your damage with melee weapons is all strength does so there are going to be a lot of classes where it's a completely useless stat next we've got agility agility is going to increase ranged attack power a one agility is going to give you two attack power for hunters and one attack power for warriors Rogues Mages warlocks and Priests agility does apply to wands as well so if you are dealing ranged damage that isn't a spell agility is going to increase the amount of damage you're doing agility will also increase melee attack power but agility will only give one point of attack power for rugs hunters and Druids in cat form another important thing that agility does is it increases your Critical Strike chance for physical damage so critical strikes are attacks that deal double damage and wow to increase your crit Chance by 1% Rogues need about 29 agility Hunters need about 53 agility and warriors Druids paladins Mages Shaman and priest and warlocks only need about 20 to increase their physical critical chance and remember this is for physical damage crits not spell crits that's going to be a different set entirely agility increases armor for all classes so every one agility gives you two armor agility also increases Dodge which is a chance to entirely avoid an attack so to get 1% Dodge chance you would need 14 and a half points of agility for Rogues 26 points for Hunter and about 20 points for warrior Druid Paladin Mage Shaman Warlock and priest if you're ever curious what your Dodge chance is you can open up your spell book and hover over Dodge and it tells you right there this character's Dodge chance is 4.6% notice that it says gives a chance to dodge enemy melee attacks next up we have intellect so intellect is a really important one intellect is is going to increase your max Mana by 15 per point of intellect it's also going to increase your Spell critical chance so as you might guess this is a huge one for casters like the Mage or the Warlock right you're going to want lots of this to increase the amount of Mana you have and the crit chance you have it's also worth noting that when a spell crits it does 150% damage instead of the 200% damage that a physical crit gets so if you crit and it only looks like it's doing 50% more damage that's why it takes about 60 intelligence to increase your Spell critical chance by 1% On Any Given class that amount seems to vary between like 54 and 60 intelligence depending on the class you're talking about next up we have another huge one which is going to be stamina this one's really important for hardcore players it increases your max Health pool so the first 20 points of stamina will give you one point of Health each after that every point of stamina is going to increase your health by 10 so you get an item with five stamina on it that's 50 extra Health you get an item with 10 stamina on it or you get a buff that gives you 10 stamina right that's another 100 Health that's huge what this means is if you're looking for more Health on your character such as if you're a PVP player if you're a tank or if you're a hardcore player stamina is a goated stat this is the one you want and lots of it next up we've got spirit Spirit is going to increase your Mana regen anytime you aren't casting so spirit-based Regen stops for 5 seconds after you cast so if you need Mana it's best to stop casting for a little while because each time you cast it resents that 5sec cool down before your Mana can regen again so you don't want to like get a little bit of Mana then cast then wait 5 seconds for a tick and then cast right that's going to really slow down because you're going to have all these missed ticks of Mana regen because you're casting and stopping your Mana regen for 5 seconds at a time so it might be best if you can to stop casting for a while to let it fully regen right and if if you're out of combat you know of course use water or something like that to get your Mana back regen happens once every server tick and server ticks happen every two seconds Spirit required to increase your Mana regen by one point is four on a Mage and a priest five Spirit on a warlock Druid Hunter Paladin and Shaman and spirit also increases your health regen when out of combat so it's roughly eight Spirit per point of health regen next up we have armor armor is going to reduce the amount of physical damage you take so the max damage reduction possible is 75% so if you have as much armor as you can possibly have for that fight you'll be reducing the physical damage you take from that Enemy by 75% to find your armor damage reduction plug your armor into this formula damage reduction equals armor divided armor + 400 + 85 time attacker level and that will tell you roughly what your physical damage reduction is to an attacker of that level it's also worth noting for you tanks out there when a priest or a shaman crit heals you it increases your armor by 25% for 15 seconds 25% increase in your armor is huge when you're trying to hit that armor cap and you're pretty much going to have 100% of time on this in any difficult content and this is just one reason to make sure you have those priests or Shaman around lastly we've got our resistances resistances are going to determine whether you resist a spell and whether enemies resist your spell either completely or partially so there's two types of spells some are binary which means they either land or don't right like polymorph it either will or will not land on the enemy and you will know it right away where others like Fireball can be partially resisted and there's four levels of resist that an enemy can offer they can 100% resist the damage which means it hits them but they resist it completely so it does zero damage or it can hit them and they can partially resist 75% of the damage or they can partially resist 50 or 25 5% you gain five resistance per level in PVE tanks are the only ones that are worrying about resistance outside of specific situations in PvP everyone gets to take them into account especially if you know you're going to be going up against say a frost Mage or something and it's going to be really helpful to have some cold resistances next let's go over the user interface so here is the user interface I've turned off all my add-ons for most of this video so that it's not confusing to people that aren't using the exact same add-ons as myself what we have here is we have our action bars along the bottom this is where you can slot skills you can slot consumables you can slot trinkets you can slot items that have onuse effects so for instance my offand gives me Mana when I use it very very nice to have on a mage then you have your menu items down here you have your bags right here in the top left you have your portrait which tells you your level it tells you your name it tells you how much health and how much Mana you have this bar right here between your skill bars the blue one right above the bottom here is that is our experience now my bar is blue because I have rested XP from signing out of the game while inside of an inn so it is worth it to sign out of the game while inside of an inn if you know you're going to be out for the night or for a day or two while you're in there you will gain rested XP and rested XP will give you 200% experience while you're killing monsters until you use all of it so up to this point right here you can see the blue the light blue bar ends right here and then I'll have normal XP again but until I get there I get double XP a nice little bonus for coming back after signing out of the game for a day or two this XP bar will be purple if you don't have rested XP then in the top youve got your Buffs these are Buffs that you have either given to you or given to yourself so someone walked by and gave me these very nice likewise I can put my own Buffs on myself here and which reminds me if you have Buffs like let's say Arcane intellect you're a mage or you have Mark of the wild these are really really like uh sharing is carrying kind of moment in this game if you see a class that could benefit from a buff that you have it's always nice to give it to them and most of the time when they see you give them a buff they'll turn around and they'll give you a buff back right so everyone's kind of running around with their unique Buffs it's one of the things I love about classic everyone had a purpose and everyone had a role and everyone could provide something that someone else appreciated and I miss that when it comes to modern day MMOs where it's much more homogenized everyone has a heel everyone has this everyone has that right and so nobody's special because everyone can do it all so this is nice you know you see you see a mage you see a warlock running by go ahead and hit him with some Arcane intellect help the guy out right and he might toss something on you next to that you've got your mini map which is going to tell you where you're at we're in The Crossroads it tells us the time and then it tells us that I've got mail it says unread mail from the auction house then we've got the mini map which is showing us various things you can zoom in or out of the mini map right and this is what the default UI looks like then we'll go through these buttons down here one at a time really quick so you've got this one here you press C it opens up your character screen this is where you can see the gear you're wearing as well as your stats like strength agility stamina Etc also you can see your resistances to see where those are at at the bottom here you can click reputation to see all of your reps where those are you can click skills to see what level all of your skills are right so where's my first aid at have I been leveling it well yeah okay cool my dagger's level one oh no right I'm a mage that's fine I don't care about that but you would want to you know you can come in here and at a quick glance see where your character stands with all the skills that you're leveling up and remember check on defense right I'm 80 out of 85 not bad but if you're a ranged character that's not getting hit by things very often it is very easy for your defense to fall way behind and you can leave your character very exposed you'll be dropping because if you have low defense it's just like being three levels below an enemy enemies will have a chance to crushing blow you if your defense is low even if you're not three levels below them right so mind your defense stat let things hit you from time to time make sure it's leveled up then next to this you've got honor is going to show you your honorable kills your dishonorable kills you get an honorable kill for killing anyone that is green or above they're like mobs like the NPC mobs we talked about earlier if it's green yellow red right the real players are like that too other players right so dishonorable kills are when you kill gray players that means they are way lower than you it's not an honorable kill and this will downrank your honor killing those people so be careful killing people far lower than you you're actually punished for doing that it's discouraged and that doesn't mean it's going to stop everybody from killing you if they're way higher level than you just be aware and this will attract your rank which you improve by you know participating in earning honorable kills and it'll tell you what you got last week this week and in your lifetime all that good stuff next we have our Spellbook so if you open up your Spellbook you can see here you've got general which is going to have your racial passives your racial active abilities it's going to have your first aid things like that it's going to have your auto attacks right so we've got racials passives Dodge right some generic stuff can be found in the general tab then it's going to have your various types of spells so for the Mage we've got Arcane fire Frost so you can see what those are what rank they are and you can check this box right here show all spell ranks which will then it'll show you right like for instance here I have Fireball one two and three and it's going to show me all three if I just want to see the highest rank one because that's the one I want on my bar right I don't want the lowle one in 99% of situations you don't want to be using lowlevel Fireballs next we've got our talents your talents are what you're going to get every level after level 10 you get level 10 you'll start collecting talents you get one Talent per level and you get to put them in here talents are going to be a massive part of customizing your character and making it your own making it different from everybody else's character of the same class right and there's usually three different ways you can go on the Mage you could be an Arcane Mage or fire Mage or Frost Mage and so other classes are going to have similar options they're going to have three different options that they can lean into and so when you hear someone say I'm a fury Warrior or I'm a frost Mage that's what they mean they expect into predominantly that one and in classic wow that doesn't mean you put all your points into Frost that means that you put 23 into here and 20 into here right it doesn't necessarily mean you put all points into one it just means the majority of your points were into that one you know it could be a little more than 50% just the majority as we mentioned earlier with talents you can respect them anytime that you want so don't worry about making the wrong decision just don't make the wrong decision too many times early on because it is fairly expensive early to respect like right now it's one gold and this character at level 17 barely has one gold to his name so we wouldn't want to have to resp at this point next we have Quest log so you could also press L to open this up and this is going to show you of your quests you can see where they are you can see it says complete so I can go turn this one in if you don't have any add-ons you literally have to read the quest dialogue to know where to go it says hunt Oasis snap Jaws at the Lush water and stagnant Oasis so I would need to look at the map figure out where that is run there and hunt snap Jaws Lush water right it will not tell me it won't Mark the enemies it won't Mark the map it won't do any of that for me unless I have add-ons and we're going to talk about add-ons real soon because they are amazing it's worth noting you can only hold 20 quests man I really wish that was more because as you can see I'm sitting here at 20 out of 20 quests I literally have to walk by Quest look there's one right there I can't pick it up it drives me absolutely nuts so I would have to leave finish one of these or abandon one of these it looks like I failed this one because I didn't do it while I had it which reminds me some quests are timed and you can fail them so just be aware of that next we have social which if you open it up it's going to show you your friends list who you can search like for people certain levels certain zones your guild and your raid right so you can always peek into those and see who's in what that way then we've got the world map which you can open with M at any time this is the world map without any add-ons I'll show you it with add-ons by the way it's 100 times better with add-ons with this version of the map you'll notice you can't zoom in or out you can make it full screen like this but you still can't zoom in and let me tell you these zones are really big and sometimes you want to zoom in sometimes you want to zoom out uh it's really nice to have that customization and all that stuff so actually just for an example here's the map without add-ons let me turn them on real quick and here's the map with add-ons as you can see we have much much more information available to us with addons it's telling us where rare spawns are it's telling us where the quest mobs that we need to kill it says we have zero out of six Harpy Lieutenant rings so we'd run up there and kill six of those guys or as many as it took to get six of those Rings anyway it's telling us that there's a dungeon right there that we could go into it's telling us that there's more mobs over here we need to kill it's also telling us that there are quests that we can get right you wouldn't know those were there unless you happen to run over to that exact spot and see it right so very very handy to have add-ons I can't overate it enough these little uh green things here these are where you resurrect when you die okay the spirit healers yeah so back to it next we have main menu right in here you can go to support you can ask for help you can go to the shop you can buy stuff although on classic I don't think there's going to be much to buy and then op options you've got your options in here there's definitely some things in here you should come in and change we spoke on them a little bit earlier you know some certain key bindings are definitely you want to come in here and pick things that are comfortable to you if you've got an MMO Mouse great take advantage of that sucker and do it early right you want to get that muscle memory from the beginning when it comes to an MMO Mouse you don't want to play the game for three weeks and or three months and then decide you know what I want to learn how to use my MMO Mouse for this game and feel like all thumbs while you're playing so if you do do that you know do it early and uh this is really personal preference you've got macros in here you can create macros macros are insanely useful in this game it's really easy for instance one great macro is casting your auto attack so it's very easily in this game Auto attack is a toggle ability so you're attacking an enemy and then you hit it and you toggle it on and then you hit it again and then it toggles it off which means you're no you're just standing there the enemy is hitting you you're not fighting back because you hit the button twice because you couldn't tell if it registered the first time or not right you can use a macro to make it so that when you use that button it always turns it on rather than on then off then on then off right so then it's always on when you hit it it works the way you would expect it to that's just one a million macros and different macros are incredibly useful based on which class you are right so it's not something I can really go over in this video because it it really does depend on your class and your role and all that stuff but just know after you've been playing the game for maybe a day or two or three don't wait too long because some of them are you're going to incredibly useful really early on just say classic macros for whatever class you know look that up online and you'll find some really good ones I guarantee it most times they'll be on a web page you can just copy and paste them into the game and boom it's easy it's really easy to set up don't be afraid of them then you've got log out that's going to log you back out to your character select then you got exit game that's going to of course close the game and then you've got customer support where you can ask pleaser for help so that covers everything that is on screen that covers your UI and what it all does all right next up let's go over at add-ons add-ons can be a huge huge difference maker in this game and I've kind of showed you a little bit of what they can do throughout this video a couple times I stopped to show you just kind of a peek at one of the things that they can do and one of the things that I find really useful you know like putting symbols on the map letting you zoom in on the map at all all this kind of good stuff letting you know where things are so that you're not you know wondering otherwise this Quest go find this item you would have to just kind of wander around here until you just happen to oh there it is you know it's a lot of work to play this game without the add-ons if you want that level of immersion you know go for it and then when you get tired of wandering around aimlessly then you know come grab these add-ons so here's the add-ons that I think are kind of must has or these are my favorite ones at the very least you can absolutely get more than these you can get less than this but here's a good starter pack right so one of the ones I absolutely love is going to be auctionator this is the one here that when you hover over an item in game it's going to tell you what that item is worth on the auction house so you know if you can just walk up to an NPC and vendor the item to get it out of your inventory the next time that you're in town right otherwise you constantly have that fomo of this item looks cool it's green or it's blue is it worth it is it worth a lot should I save it and sell it on the auction house well now you don't have to wonder you can see what it's selling for on the auction house in order to do that though you do need to go to the auction house and in the bottom right of your screen while the auction house is open there will be the option to scan the auction house and what it'll do is it'll quickly scan the whole Auction House see what everything sells for and then it has a database to tell you what everything is worth but until you go to the auction house and scan it one time it won't really work that way it'll tell you what things vend are for but it won't tell you what they're selling for in the auction house just a heads up next we have bagnon bagnon is just a great bag add-on just like the name would suggest it makes it so that you can do things like oh man let's clean up my bags it'll stack all the items that can be stacked it'll rearrange it try to keep it neat and orderly put like items next to each other all that kind of stuff it's one of the most downloaded on for a reason it's a great one to have the next really big one is probably going to be deadly boss mods dbm this is one that's really useful for keeping you alive inside of group content especially where bosses are going to have some pretty deadly mechanics it'll warn you it'll give you a heads up when something deadly is coming when there's going to be a big AOE or when there's some important thing you need to do to not die in front of everybody in your group so this can be a really helpful one especially for players learning how to play the game next we have details Det DET damage meter details damage meter is what's going to tell you how much damage you're doing and it's going to tell you how much damage your group is doing so that you can see how good or bad you are at DPS in this game it's a really useful tool for improving as a player it's also a really useful tool for abusive players to utilize to be mean to other players you know so it's one of those double-edged swords in the game for sure next we have GTFO GTFO tells you when to GTFO basically if you're standing in red it'll warn you an alert will come up if you're underwater when you shouldn't be if you're standing on a fire and you're taking damage from it you'll hear a sound that it will tell you because the game actually will will let all of this happen without telling you it won't make a single sound your character will just die right and so GTFO is good at making sure you're aware of the bad thing that is currently happening to you leotrix Maps is the one that makes my map so gosh darn pretty and useful and everything it's just adding a lot of information on there for me and it allows me to zoom in in and zoom out leotrix Maps is just a great tool for making your map better and adding a ton of customizability to it as well pler name plates is really nice it can help you it can give you some good information through character name plates then there's questy which is arguably the most important add-on to have in the game especially in classic questy is so useful that it was essentially made part of the game in a future expansion right and that is you know showing you where to go to complete a quest Quest showing you where to go to turn in a quest showing you where to go to accept a quest all of this information is given to you in future versions of Warcraft but in classic they didn't have it there yet so this add-on gives you that functionality this is what is telling me hey I can come here and collect 60 bristleback quill board tusks I can go here and do this Quest by collecting eight of the alter snap draw shells right and that is questy it's also telling me that I have quests over here that I can pick up and what they are what level they are it says 19 in Brackets that means it's level 19 Quest I can hold shift and it'll tell me what the rewards are if I do it 1,400 XP it's like oh man so if you're wondering like oh there's a quest there but is it something I want to do just hold shift and it tells you what you get for doing it so a very very very handy add-on next you have rare scanner this is going to tell you where rare spawns are on the map so rares in this game can be useful they can give you some really good items and really valuable items and really valuable materials and so that's what these big you know heads are here on the map those are rare spawns you can hover over it and it tells you what their drop table is what they might drop so if you want a weapon that they drop like oh man I really need that or maybe a skinning thing or a dagger whatever like it'll tell you what it drops and then you can try to farm it it'll also alert you when they spawn because they're rare mobs right which means they're not there all the time and when they're killed it'll be a while before they come back again so if you happen to be lucky enough to be around and it spawns it'll tell you you'll get a horn it'll be and you run over that area you kill it oh hopefully sometimes it's something that you can't kill by yourself so feel free to take a friend to take it down if you have one available next you got TomTom TomTom is just really nice for giving you GPS coordinates right here it tells you where you are so some guides will say oh to find this item go to these cordinates and well TomTom will display that information so you can see where you are relative to the coordinates given and also when you're on the map you know and you're hovering over it you can see right here it says you know coordinates so if you're looking for the coordinates that you know some quest guide is telling you to go to get the thing or the item or whatever really useful it also points you to your body when you spawn there will be an arrow over your head saying hey your corpse is this way start running you moreon and you go ahead and you do that next we've got voice over Classic this is one of my personal favorites again this is going to make it so that when you pick up a quest the game well just I guess I should preface this with the game doesn't really have voice acting for quests and so whenever you go and you pick up a quest it's just a wall of text that you have to read on your own and so what did 99.999% of players do they just hit accept and move on right no one wants to stop and read that crap in the middle of their Journey who has the time for that so this add-on makes it so that let's see options audio turn my sound on and when we talk to him hey Adventurer I've been sent to the crossroads to watch over the land and take note of its happenings for my and we can accept it one and it'll keep reading it to us as we run like creatures found to the South in the field of giants we know little of the creatures so so that's super handy you know it gives you something to listen to as you run back over like you're going to run here this see a couple minute run you can listen to the quest dialogue that you picked up and there's you know the lore the story behind the quest he explains what's going on why he's sting you out there and then you turn it in and he gives you some more stuff to listen to and it's just a really nice addition to the game especially when you're playing by yourself and you're kind of immersed in the world absolutely love that addon and that add-on again is called voiceover classic next we have we oras this is a nice one to have it does a whole bunch of stuff just know that it's a really useful one to have and it's got some nice companion add-ons that you can grab with it that's one you can grab when you want or when you need it you'll probably end up grabbing it at some point but those are the ones that I personally love now there are a hundred more add-ons that are really nice really useful you can go into curse Forge by the way the way you get all your add-ons you just download an app called curseforge and then you browse sorting by classic right make sure you sort by classic so you're downloading classic add-ons while you play classic and then it's not a bad idea to just sort by you know top you know the sort by the ones with the most downloads so you've got this one here with 454 million downloads deadly boss mon right that was one we talked about a really good add-on to have Raider right when you start getting into rating really good one to have details that's the damage meter really good one to have so all of these are really good to have add-ons and highly recommend you grab them when you get the opportunity to do so and then after you do add them make sure that you come into your add-ons and make sure that you tell it you want to load out ofd add-ons and make sure that you you know you enable them all after you download them otherwise they're not going to do anything you would be able to click reload UI after you turn them all on and then as soon as you reload UI or you can just type SL reload it'll reload all your user interface and add the add-ons on and they all be working after you reload so really nice little system there next let's talk about aggro you'll hear the term aggro a lot if you've been playing MMOs or if you just started playing wow people will say it's aggro that mob is aggro you know there's a lot of different ways to use the word what that means is that the mob will attack you and so like this mob right here that's a neutral mob it's yellow if it was red it would be aggressive aggro is short for aggressive and you have aggro if you have the most threat so that means the mob is targeting you if you're aggroed or if it's aggroed on you that means you are targeted so typically you want your tank to have aggro you want the tank to be the one with the highest Threat Level so how do you accidentally strip aggro from the tank well that's by doing too much damage pretty much so every one damage you do gives you one point of threat every one point of healing you give out gives you half a point of threat so if a Healer heals you for 500 health he's getting 250 threat if you deal 500 damage you're getting 500 threat this is why it's important to let your tank attack something first let it get a little bit of threat acrew right cuz it'll hit the enemy for 100 damage that's 100 threat hit it for another 100 damage that's another 100 threat right and so you let it get a nice little buildup a threat before you start unloading on that enemy because if you pass your tank by 10% so if your tank has 200 threat and you get to 220 threat you're going to strip aggro from the tank to overtake someone else in aggro you need to have 10% more threat than them unless you're ranged and then you need 30% more threat than them right so there's a little extra given to like the range characters because if they get threat they are instantly deleted so there's going to be two reasons that you end up with aggro there's going to be two reasons that you have more threat than your tank and one is because your Tank's bad or he's at least worse than you right the Tank's not good or the second is because you're bad and you're not paying attention so sometimes it's really important to let the tank build up threat and also to attack the things that the tank is attacking so if the tank has aggro on multiple mobs and he's hitting one of them in particular you're generally going to want to attack the same mob that the tank is attacking because he's building up threat on that mob if you start attacking the other mobs that he's not currently attacking that he has threat on you're going to grab threat on those mobs really quickly because each mob has its own threat table that it's tracking right so if you attack the things the Tank's not attacking you're going to get threat from that mob that's going to be your fault if you attack before the tank you're going to have threat that's your fault if you are unloading all your cool Downs before your tank has a chance to get hold of the threat table that's your fault right so it's a team effort making sure that the tank holds aggro on all the mobs it's his job to make sure that he's doing enough damage and enough things to maintain the threat and it's your job to make sure that you're not passing him which kind of leads us into group content in World of Warcraft so there's two or three types of group content depending on how you want to look at it you've got dungeons raids and then you know PVP if you want to consider that group content dungeons are going to consist of groups of one tank one Healer and three DPS typically you're going to want to take three DPS that are looking for different weights and armor right you don't want to take a group where everybody's looking for plate or everybody's looking for leather cuz then when you kill a boss and he drops a piece of leather no one's going to need it and he drops the plate and everybody's going to need it right and so you're leaving that dungeon with hardly anybody getting what they went in there for only one person can win each rooll so that's why it's best to try to diversify your group if you're putting a group together if you and your friends are planning to play together try not to all go cloth try not to all go leather right try to have one person in cloth one person in lever one person in plate and this way whenever you get a really cool item you can hand it off to your friend and they can hand really cool items off to you and you'll all Gear Up much faster that way when it comes to forming groups for group content what you're going to have to do is use trade chat and general chat there are no group finders in Wild classic For Better or Worse that's not a thing yet so get comfortable with looking in chat it's also I highly recommend it joining a guild for wild Classic this was kind of the Pinnacle of group activities and wow this is before there was any group finders before you could just log in hit a button and then be magically paired with few people that you don't know and you'll never talk to now or again so that doesn't exist yet now you have to form relationships form bonds talk to people invite them to your group and you know they invite you all that good stuff so enjoy that marinate in it join a guild that's what wild classic is about plus being in a guild is going to help a lot for making sure you're able to do raids consistently every week without like just hoping you magically find a group of people that is going to be running one also guilds are going to have a much higher chance of actually successfully running those raids anyone that's run a raid with a bunch of random people knows exactly how that tends to go another really important thing to know about Dungeons is before you enter a dungeon every dungeon has multiple quests that you can pick up before heading into it and so for instance the first dungeon has quests that you can start start doing at level 9 so find out what those are where they're at and do the ones for your factions dungeon sooner then later make sure you have those done before you go to do that dungeon around like level 15 or so those quests are going to give you great rewards tons of XP currency and items dungeon quests are incredibly rewarding so anytime you're going to run a dungeon make sure to grab the quest first it is worth the hassle I promise you you'll kick yourself in the butt if you don't and make sure to start those quests well before the level of the dungeon because there can be a few of them and it can take a while when it comes to raids there's some hard truth that you should be aware of raids in well classic are not the easiest thing in the world until your group has the gear and you've got the raid on farm and so what that means is people are going to likely expect you to have pre- raid bis or what is known as pre-raid best in slot so if you're trying to get into a raid group to go and kill a raid especially before everyone one has got all the gear in there and everybody's you know kind of got the the raid on Farm in order to carry your own weight you should have gone out and look for your pre-raid BS what is your pre- raid BS well there's a fantastic website called and it will tell you what your pre-raid biss is for your class for your spec you can just look at the items and it'll say here's this one and here's where you get it here's your next item and here's where you get it right and it gives you a nice laundry list of things to do this is also going to keep you busy so you'll never be aimless in while while you're leveling or while you're preparing for raids or while you're raiding right it's going to take a while before you run out of things to do and that's a good thing if you and your group don't have enough of your pre- raid biss it's very likely that you will fail the raid now let's Circle back to guilds Join one that's my biggest piece of advice for guilds for all the reasons I previously stated right it's a group game it really is it doesn't have group finders yet guilds are very important so you're going to want to join a guild or create a guild if you want to manage that you know creating a guild and being the leader of a guild is a bit of a headache if you've ever run one you know exactly how much that's true and there is nothing wrong with just joining a guild and being one of the guys you know it's a lot of fun or one of the girls you know it's 2023 there's a lot of girl gamers out there hey shout out so have fun join a guild join a group of people and get in those discords start running those weekly raids right it's going to be a lot of fun you really will have the best experience possible if you're in a guild if you really don't want to join there's plenty of this game that you can play through solo you're not going to be able to do raids of course but you will be able to you know solo level all the way up to max level and you'll be able to do everything except for the group content next up let's talk about something called a rotation this game and any MMO really has something called a rotation and that is the order that you cast your abilities in on your class now I can't tell you what your rotation is because every spec has a different rotation not every class every spec so there's at least three different rotation ations per class there's nine classes so that's at least 18 different rotations in the game and that's subject to change based on your gear your items your level your talents right all these factors can manipulate what order you're going to be casting your abilities in and as you play through the game as you level up you'll get a good idea of what your rotation is what cooldowns you're going to use to make sure that you're bursting well what dots you're going to want to try to keep up all the time to maximize your damage and your efficiency with your resources right or if you don't want to figure out all of that on yourself again you can just use one of the great websites out there to look up a build and see what your class's rotation is and then you just push those buttons in that order if you're looking for a really easy rotation you can't go wrong with a frost Mage spam those Frost bolts live your best life and you know keep Netflix on in the other screen another thing you'll hear people talk about is World Buffs this is going to be more when it comes to raiding you'll try to collect your worldl Buffs before you go into the raid and World Buffs are essentially Buffs that are more difficult to come by and a lot stronger than a normal buff and they only last for a set duration like for instance some will last 1 hour now the thing about wild classic is that opposing factions may make it their mission to debuff you you know to purge you of your Buffs as soon as you go and get those WHL Buffs so just be aware that there is some foul play and stuff like that involved with collecting wh Buffs and it can get kind of nasty and it can get really frustrating and some people you know they just like to kick over other people's sand castle so World Buffs are one of those things that when it comes time for you to collect them if you don't know what they are yet make sure you're in a guild your guild will likely host an activity where everybody goes and they get their world Buffs it's going to involve traveling to a lot of different places scattered all over the world and then teleporting and being summoned to other places so you can get those Buffs right because they only last for a short duration so you want to grab them and then log out of that character so that they're not ticking down before you get inside of the raid it's a whole ordeal it's a it's a bit of work but it's not that bad once you know how to do it and your guilt will tell you how to do it they'll help you with it all right now let's talk about mounts and how Mounts work in WoW classic it's a bit of a process to get your mount in Wild classic and it doesn't happen until 40 so get comfortable with all of the other modes of transportation especially walking the first thing you're going to do when you do get to 40 is come to a riding instructor and you're going to learn how to ride your mouth you're going to have to go to the one for your Race So Undead will go to the undead orc will go to the orc however if I wanted to instead of riding the undead Ste I wanted to ride like the orc one I could do that but I would have to get exalted with the Orcs And then I could talk to their instructor and then I could buy their mou and learn how to write it right so for now I don't have exalted there so I would come here because I'm Undead I would come to the undead person and I would learn how to ride a horse for right now it's 18 gold for this character and then the hard part is I would also have to buy amount it starts out at 20 gold to learn how to ride and then 80 gold for your amount and that can be discounted so right now on this character it's down to 72 to purchase this Mount so that's a total of 90 gold to get a mount and to ride it and at level 40 90 is a ton of gold so definitely you know kind of do your preparation as you're working your way up to 40 so that as soon as you hit 40 you can get that mount because trust me you want it now when you do get the mount it's going to increase your movement speed by 60% that is massive that's a massive speed increase that's going to get you around this great big world of Azeroth a lot faster 60% faster in fact and it doesn't stop there fortunately you can also at level 60 you can buy the Epic mounts which are going to give you 100% increase move speed instead of 60% increase so that's even faster but it is a ,000 gold or 9900 after discount let's talk about discounts you can get your amount discounted for getting to PvP rank three that's a 10% discount and you can also get your rep to honored for that faction for another 10% discount so I do have honored with the unders City and as a result I get 10% off my Mount which is fantastic that's saving me 100 gold on that epic one and if I go ahead and get PVP to rank three I could take that 900 to 800 gold right huge savings for just doing those two little things so definitely something to consider when it comes to time to buy your Mount get PvP rank three for 10% off and get honored with your faction that you're going to be buying your Mount from which is most likely going to be the same as your race unless you're going to take all the way to exalted to get one for like the Orcs when you're Undead or something if you're not sure what your reputation is you can come in here and you can see for under City I'm honored just barely squeaked in there but this character is only level 17 so it's real easy to get to honored it's not difficult to get that first discount fortunately and that's everything there is to know about mounts you know it's going to be be a while before you're grabbing one level 40 so start saving start doing your professions you know and selling stuff that you find that's valuable use auctionator to spot those valuable items that you can just toss onto the auction house make sure to have that alt that we talked about earlier your auction house alt that you just park in town at the auction house then you can just simply go to a mailbox when you're out and doing all your quests you get a inventory full of things that are worth you know they're not worth a ton but they're definitely worth selling to other people because they're worth more you know like this wool here it sells for 33 copper or I could auction it for 19 that's massive massively improved the amount of money just for simply coming to the mailbox over here and quickly sending mail to one of my alts which you can do for a very small fee and then your alt can sit there and just sell items on the auction house and sell items on the auction house and it frees up your inventory too and you can also use your alt to hold items right all that good stuff it's just a really nice way to manage your inventory because your inventory will absolutely be a problem especially early when you don't have good bags and you don't have a lot of money to get good bags it's going to be something you're constantly fighting and then later on you're going to have tons of things that are worth holding on to whether it's food potions buff or gear or trinkets or whatever you know alternate gear loadouts like your inventory is always going to be a little bit of something that you're having to manage right and constantly picking up things so that alt that you park at the auction house will be incredibly useful for you okay first up we'll very briefly go over the battle net launcher to get into while classic you're going to have to choose from the battle net launcher which version of wow you want to download and play the bottom one down here World of Warcraft this is retail so that would be dragonflight right now and then there's World of Warcraft classic and then there's going to be Wrath of the Lich King so pick the version of World of Warcraft that you would like to play and install that then you're going to click play and it's going to boot up the game one of the very first decisions that you're going to need to make whether the game tells you to make it first or not is going to be choosing your realm or your server that you're playing on so make make sure before you do anything else you pick your server don't make your character first because the game might try to have you make your character on a random server but you don't want to be on a random server because there's a lot of really important things to take into account when choosing your server first and foremost are you playing with a friend if you're playing with a friend then make sure you and your friend choose the same server otherwise you won't be able to play together next what type of server do you want to play on do you want to play on a p server or in other words a normal server do you want to play on a PVP server like this one here or do you want to play on an RP server or an RP PVP server so basically the PVE servers are you know it's just you against the environment when you're out in the open world questing enemy players can't come and just kill you and gank you relentlessly or vice versa it's a PVE version of the open world in the game in the PVE server you'll still be able to PVP you'll be able to duel and go to Arenas and stuff like that and battle people but you won't be able to gank people in the open world and they won't be able to gank you in the open world while you're Quest then there's the PVP servers in the PVP servers the upsides are that it's incredibly exciting it's exhilarating at any moment someone could try to kill you and at any moment you could try to kill someone else and you could have a really good fight while you're out in the world it really spices up the questing experience which after a lot of hours can get a little bit dry however the downside is you know sometimes this results in an enemy player farming you over and over killing you every time you come back for your corpse this is called corpse camping right so you'll have enemy faction in that area farming those mobs and maybe there's two of them but only one of you so you literally you're just basically soft locked in that zone until they move on because they outnumber you you've got to go find something else to do right if you don't have a ton of time to play WoW every night the PVP servers might end up being pretty frustrating for you still there's something to be said for the fun that PVP servers offer and there are a few things that are as exciting as winning a close PVP encounter so you know this going to really be up to you for the roleplay servers if you aren't satisfied just playing as a dwarf but you also want to talk like a dwarf and act like a dwarf and you know slur your speech when you've been drinking alcohol like a dwarf right or maybe you want to go spend time at the goldshire Inn you know remember what happens in goldshire stays in goldshire if any of that sounds interesting then maybe a RP server for you lastly you could also join a hardcore server so that's this tab down here at the bottom and you've got a couple of Hardcore servers here the population is incredibly healthy and hardcore right now it's been a very popular mode so again same principles apply make sure to join the same one as your friends if you're playing with friends make sure to join one with a good population medium or high in my opinion the higher the better now High might result in you having a queue from time to time so just be aware of that but it's better to have a little bit of a queue than to be on a dead server all right next up let's talk about runes the brand new feature with season of Discovery run engraving is going to allow you to further customize your character in season of Discovery by adding new abilities to equipment rather than through your Spellbook or your talent tree runes can give you completely new abilities or augment abilities that you already have have it can also give you the ability to fill an entirely new role like healer or tank all characters will learn the new ruin engraving skill line the system unlocks at 25 with three runes in your chest pants and gloves runes are assigned to specific slots so you won't be able to put your chest Rune in your gloves for example additional Rune slots will unlock over time adding new slots to an item you already have runes in or opening new slots on new types of gear some runes are class specific so you won't be able to use that juicy warlock tanking Rune on your Mage sorry some runes will provide formerly faction specific Buffs from the shaman and the Paladin you can swap your runes anytime you're out of combat and the runes are hidden throughout the world some you'll be able to unlock by yourself and others may require you to team up with other adventurers in Azeroth your UI is going to have a new interface for run engraving that looks something like this trying out the runes is going to be a lot of fun so see which ones you like for each type of content whether it's for Solo or for group content and Beyond if you don't want to figure it out on your own don't worry about it Wowhead is surely going to have suggestions for you first and foremost just remember to have fun that's the whole point of season of Discovery all right guys that is the entire guide if you are still listening be sure to let me know down in the comments below if you made it all the way to the end you're an absolute Legend man you stuck through it and I hope that you feel like you learned something you know I tried to pack this guide with all of the general information but I also tried to go deep enough into a lot of topics where even Veterans of the game are going to be like oh that's interesting I didn't know that and you know hopefully you learned something if you think I missed something be sure to leave a comment down below you know letting the future people that are going to watch this video know like hey also here's a good tip you know we can't get enough good tips down in the comments people are always reading those looking for a little bit more information and sometimes the best information is in the comments so shout out to you guys that are dropping the good information down in the comments below if you haven't yet consider liking the video and subbing for more World of Warcraft classic videos as well as MMOs as a whole I do a lot of videos on MMOs so stay tuned for for those massive shout out to my YouTube channel members click the join button below to become a member it supports the channel and you get access to behind the scenes footage a private Discord Channel and you have your name appear at the end of every one of these videos like this if you're not sure what to do next be sure to save this video so you can refer back to any of the time stamps later when you need to look something up and check out one of the videos popping up on screen right [Music] now [Music] n
Channel: Lucky Ghost
Views: 132,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow guide, world of warcraft, classic wow, season of discovery, wow beginner guide, wow classic beginner guide, wow classic beginner guide 2023, wow classic 2023, wow classic beginner's guide 2023, wow classic beginner's tips, wow classic tips and tricks, wow classic classes, wow classic races, wow classic hardcore, wow classic plus, wow tips for beginners 2023, wow tips for returning players, wow new player guide, wow classic new player guide
Id: naGBUBWs3es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 30sec (7830 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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