WoW Classic: Season of Discovery - Druid BFD Raid Guide

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hello Gamers power heel here and today we are going to be talking about the Resto Druid guide so this is basically just going to be a general Resto Druid guide where we talk about the Druid its strengths kind of like how to play it kind of like an updated version of what we did last time right before sod came out and then we're also going to go through each boss here and we're going to break down kind of like how Druid works on them uh what's effective and stuff like that so if you've watched the priest guide this is probably going to be somewhat similar in some respects we're like part of talking about how to do a boss is kind of like how to do a boss generally speaking right so we're going to be talking from the Healer perspective and primarily from the perspective of our estr but um you know it's kind of kind of be revealed how to do the boss in general most likely as we go through some of these uh these bosses because that's like important to know to be able to maximize both your healing and your damage on these fights and stuff like that right and uh before we get into things I just want to say you guys are amazing with like the support you've uh given on the last like couple videos and like tons of people have been subscribing I love all the comments I'm I'm going to like react to I've read all the comments but uh I haven't like reacted to all of them yet I've been like I've been really trying to grind like hard uh I T I tend to really go hard at the start of these um games because I uh I like to just make a bunch of gold and then you know be able to kind of chill and then do like maybe some type of passive gold income like later on right and but that way I can kind of do what I want in the later stages of the game so I've been going pretty hard but I'm going to sit down and like uh and like react to all of them and reply to the ones I'm also going to probably make videos about some of them for example like what's going to be coming down the pipeline is a druid priest video and I was going to make this anyway but one of the commenters actually commented specifically that him and his friend run jid priest and that my priest guide really helped them uh in terms of you know doing the raid the first time uh with Druid and priest healing and they looking forward to the Druid video which I'm excited about excited to make this about it's always nice like like it's always nice to hear that your content actually helps cuz I mean sometimes when we're I feel like if you're sitting here and you're just talking about the game and stuff like that it can be you you can kind of start to wonder like okay like is am I and what I saying is like super am I saying things that are super obvious you know what I mean like um am I really helping people so the fact that people um you know seem to be like finding this stuff helpful uh really makes me happy and makes me want to keep doing it so I mean I would keep doing it anyway but um so I'm really happy that you guys have enjoyed the content so far and there's definitely more in the pipeline but there's going to be a video specifically on Druid and priest because there's like really good Synergy between those two classes uh which is kind of nice because it kind of operates SE uh independently of faction right so you can have Druid priest on horde you can have Druid priest on Alliance um it's not like you know you have if I made a paladin if it was Paladin priest that was good or Shaman Druid or something like that or Shaman priest then it would basically you know exclude almost like half the audience so it's kind of nice that those two classes tend to pair really well together and if you've noticed uh if you're the type of person that into this sort of stuff you'll see kind of like um those two classes have been heavily featured in a lot of like the speed running and stuff like that and I think that just in general they're strong um like on their own even outside of a speedr running scenario but like you know they definitely have really great Synergy in a speedrunning scenario as well so I'll kind of get into that um and I'll make a video covering that both from kind of like a a speedrunning perspective and also just like you know how they if you're just a normal player how those two classes can can be really great at healing the instance together yeah so that's coming down the pipeline and then there's going to be some more videos as well uh for sure I have ideas for and something another comment somebody um mentioned was that like the last video was like 2 hours and I know a lot of people like long form content uh that I've subscribed to this channel but they also mentioned that you know it could be difficult to digest um something like that and I I totally get that um is I'm going to as soon as this video is like being put up I'm going to go back through the other video and do the um the time stamps properly so I think that should help with that but also I was thinking of potentially um doing like more individualized videos for each boss if we wanted to do that so for example like I'm going to go through each boss here kind of like the same style cuz that's what we've been doing right but then you know if we wanted boss specific videos I could do boss specific videos and that way maybe if somebody wanted to reference a specific thing they could just go to that Boss video you know instead of coming back to one of these videos but regardless you'll have time stamps in this one um so you know it should be relatively easy either way so yeah uh let's get into it and I think I want to start with talents first so I always like to kind of go back to talents because it's like a good place to start and you know we talked about talents in the pr previous video but for this we're kind of like solidifying them right is like this is what is is good now um how what I've likeed to to be running is this basically that's not it already making a mistake so it's basically like this is the core I would say and then like people would probably say this is the core as well and this is 25 points right here now what you can do is like you this is very flexible okay because meditation while it's a good talent and I would say like you have to keep in mind that you're comparing it everything relative to what else you can get in the tier right so you know five out of five Mark of the wild is good here but this is not really super impactful the thing is like you don't really have anywhere else to put it even if you were like a PVP druid and like um you know you didn't want to be changing specs you could absolutely put points into furer here uh go like five out of five and just not have imp Mark of the wild because at this level in particular it basically makes in my opinion virtually no difference um because the you know the stats that Mark gives are just not super great I don't think we're at the point where it gives resistances yet right so um you know you could totally put points in fer or something like that uh I think the one that I like I really like having the5 reduced cast Time On Healing Touch because if you're just like this is where the like I some debate will come in right where if you're doing a hypers specific thing for example if you're running with like a very static group all the time and they're a really good group they have really high DPS you're basically speedr running the instance right stuff like this just like kind of how we talked about it on the priest the reduced casting time and the normal heal it becomes less important because you're actually not doing as much healing and you're definitely not doing as much hard casting um with people who are like playing well and are doing a ton of damage and just zugg the bosses down and the trash is really easy as well right so you do tend not to need things like this as much but if you're going to be playing with like pugs or just friends of varying skill levels and stuff like that or you want to take your Drew to GD KPS I think it's always nice to have like a talent like this because um and especially in The Druids case the reason why it's particularly nice is because it's in the tree with um the reflection here or this is like the priest's equivalent of the meditation Talent right so the problem with the priest if you recall is that if we go back in here really quick right we have to uh if we want to get this we have to sacrifice this right and you don't have to do that on Druid so that that's really nice and it's just like another reason why I would I would take these talents and I feel like if you're yeah if you're doing any situation where it's not completely optimized then having access to a slightly faster Healing Touch can be the difference like a really good example would be Kus I'll talk about later but basically sometimes you're going to have to cast healing touch on that fight uh if you were like the primary primary healer essentially and you know I'd much rather hardcast it with it being 2.5 seconds than three right so you may see people do other things with these talents and that's absolutely fine um if you look at Warcraft logs some of the talents even in like people who are doing healing are more balance skewed but you know they're keep in mind that's probably for a very specific scenario they're probably doing speedrunning type of Stuff Etc and with that being said I do put the last three points in Balance because we're going to be using Fury of the storm rage uh now you could obviously do things a little bit differently like you could put one point there two points here um you could not put any points at all in here you can put a point in sex swarm and keep this up on the boss um I don't really know that like this is like super impactful in terms of reducing tank damage or anything like that uh but you know it can't hurt right and does a little bit extra damage so you can totally do that it also lets you put the full Five Points into improve wrath so uh doing something like this is not bad at all the one thing that I uh I don't really care for um is kind of going deeper into balance and the reason for that I'm going to mute uh Discord noises here that way have to hear that yeah so the um the one thing that you got that I don't really like doing is going deeper into balance because I feel like at this particular juncture in the game there's not a ton that's like worth it to put points into because Moonfire is just not a really good spell and if you're healing you're probably not really casting Moonfire because it costs a sizable amount of Mana like it's not like the most Mana in the world but it's definitely not cheap and it doesn't do anywhere near like the damage of Sunfire and it doesn't do the damage of uh of devouring plague or not devouring plague sorry um avoid plague from the priest so it's not really like very equivalent there and I believe if I just want to double check to make sure yeah see Sunfire does not say anywhere that oh it does okay oh benefits from and triggers all effects Associated so I don't think that this actually benefits from the talent then because the wording on something like this for example like where is the other thing where is okay so star surge says star surge benefits from and triggers most talents and effects that have Trigger or benefits for wrath or Starfire so in this particular case with Sunfire all effects associated with Moonfire so yeah I don't think it benefits from improved Moonfire but it it may you know you see what I'm saying like the wording there is a bit uh is a bit weird but if it if it did I mean you could easily test that and if it did you could put more points into uh into something like this right but the problem is is if you like let's say we're trying to do like a full balance here so we have this this right you would probably put uh points into reach then you're at 21 and you know you kind of like have dead dead points here so you put them maybe like I don't know anywhere basically and then you only have one point into Vengeance anyway um but I mean it is 20% crit multi so it's not uh it's not completely worthless it's just that you don't have a ton of crit to begin with right um and this is only increasing critical chance on Moonfire and potentially Sunfire but that's only going to be the initial hit because the dot can't crit right so we're not really boosting our um throughput as much as you might think taking like one point into Vengeance so it it's up to you um I would say like if you're definitely if you're not in like a guild that's completely blasting you just stick to the rest of spec right or something like this with the three points in here and if you really wanted you could drop points from there and put them in here you know and just go like one meditation or zero meditation something here but I would at least get this and then you can get this and I'd say that's kind of like the core of the build um and then for runes so runes uh living seed the thing with living seed is that it's just uh you don't crit enough at this point right and that's something we can revisit kind of when we maybe do get more crit or if you're going to run the regrowth spec like way later on right now we can't even get to that Talent um which exists here by the way if I get 50% crit in your growth this can be kind of powerful in some cases but um right now we don't have access to that and living seed is just kind of not so good right because we don't have very much crit uh the concept of living seed is kind of nice because um you know it's kind of like one of those things that's guaranteed to get value because it procs when something hits the target so that's really good it's just that in this particular situation the up time we're going to have on actual seeds is not going to be uh super great right and especially if we're casting something like wild growth which I believe does not crit um you know it's going to be a large portion of our healing so we're not really getting much living seed value there so we take Fury of the storm rage for the uh the first Rune basically to help us do a little bit extra DPS while we have downtime and the nice thing about this is because your wrath costs zero Mana um you actually still regen during the Wrath cast so that's like a very important uh thing to keep in mind and that's a reason why like spamming wrath is is not bad at all on the Druid essentially even when you're healing uh because it's not incurring or affecting your regen in a negative way at all so we're going to this is like the obvious one you take wild growth here it's just super powerful and uh and then you take STAR surge here instead of Life bloom and the reason why in my opinion is life Bloom is just it costs a lot of Mana now you get half of it back but the problem is is the Spells Effectiveness is kind of like very contingent on you being absolutely sure you can get full value from the uh the bloom and it's typically very hard to get value from the Bloom on anybody that's not the tank and you know if you were maybe like purely tank healing um I could see potentially running this right like if you were going to have pure dominion over the heels that go onto the tank but a lot of times if you're running with something like priest which you probably will be if you're playing Druid because typically groups like to take priest but they like to always use one priest typically if you're like pugging at least um you know if you're like doing um speedrun or running with your friends who you know are good you don't really have to use priest especially if you're consuming but um if you're in a pug you want to kind of cover all bases and make sure your run goes smoothly a lot of people like priest because they um they can dispel the chains on the six boss so the idea is that if people do not use a fap uh to get rid of the uh potential to be chained or if they don't use a shadow protection pot you know the priest has some way to get the chains off of that person right um and it's not just like ticking for damage because what will happen is it'll hit one person it'll spread it'll you know do a bunch of damage there so uh there's pretty much probably going to be a priest in your run a lot of the time and Priests are really good at healing the tank due to having Penance so it's kind of like I know I said before like before this expansion or this season rolled out that priests were not like a particularly good Tank Killer I feel like that's kind of changed with Penance because it's just like such a strong ability uh in terms of just raw HPS value on the tank as well as um just Mana efficiency right so if the priest is going to be trying to heal the tank at all life Bloom definitely kind of conflicts with that and I think that you're just not going to be able to consistently get that full value out of it but if you can get the full value out of it you know I understand potentially taking that granted uh the thing with star surge is that it's just so good because this basically ends up costing like six Mana or something like four Mana or something crazy like that and it does like 200 damage base on my druid without basically any or like 187 I think maybe after like a little bit of Boss resistance so it's just like a crazy uh Dam damage ability that you can cast almost like for free and it's not completely free because since it does have a Mana cost it does interrupt your regen so it'll take you out of like the 5sec rule and stuff like that I'm pretty sure that was done intentionally CU otherwise it would be just be like insanely overpowered right but um still it's a very minimal Mana cost and in a lot of cases on the easier bosses especially you'll be able to pump quite a few star SES into them uh if you so please so that's basically like the Rune setup that I would use and um just to kind of talk about something before we go into the actual Boss by boss breakdown so as you've noticed I have two damage runes here and I feel like um in the history of classic doing damage as a Healer has been somewhat of like a controversial thing kind of like the history of the game to be honest because uh I feel like retail really at some point decided that healers should be doing damage um like while they either they're doing damage to heal and that's like their healing mechanic or in other parts you know they're doing uh healing or damage when they have downtime healing right and I feel like this kind of split the community uh back when I I forget exactly like around when this kind of like started to become like a real thing it was like post I think it it definitely probably started in like Lich King and stuff like that but I I think what happened is like as um gear kind of got better and um I think at some point spell damage was like homogenized with healing right so like when that happened it's kind of a lot different because now like your spells are maybe more worth casting because you have a bunch of damage on them that applies to both damage and healing um stuff like that right um so basically at some point it became more efficient like or your DPS as a Healer was kind of like more efficient um not than like a regular DPS but it was like more efficient than it was in like vanilla classic essentially right and because of that um on fights that were easy or and things you had already paged you know people would try and incorporate more damage to make the boss die faster just to make the fight easier or to help the parses of the group and stuff like that or to parse as a damage and as a Healer right for a lot of different reasons uh just to kind of mess around and stuff like that and then I think blizzard kind of like saw that and like we kind of like that you know maybe we can like facilitate that a bit more and they kind of like built that into the game um so I know it's kind of going to be like a a controversial thing and I I'll say at this point that I don't think that having your healers do DPS like it's it's absolutely not required at all right like if you are in a casual sort of Guild and um you know you're just playing with your friends and you don't really like the idea of like pressing DPS buttons and you want to take life Bloom instead of SAR Surge and stuff like that it's absolutely fine for these sorts of raids you know what I mean like it's not going to make or break your your raiding experience um in BFD whatsoever the the content is very easy uh you don't need the extra damage at all um even even if you just can't be bothered to do it and that's your reason then it's absolutely not a requirement I will say I think that the the trend they're going with this game though it seems like is they do want that to be some sort of component going forward with the healing um I think that they're possibly afraid that they what they don't want to do maybe is they I'm I think that they're afraid of having too strict like actual HPS in terms of raw HPS requirements or maybe they're too afraid of like making the fights like really hard to navigate uh Mana efficiency wise right and they don't want people to get stuck on fights like that so what they're kind of doing to add like another layer of skill expression PR to healer is they're giving you more buttons to press that aren't necessarily like healing Centric right and um I I kind of I get that because although in in something like retail I think I was very skeptical of uh of them adding like the DPS component to Healing at first and the reason for that is because um you know like I at the time I wasn't even really playing healer so I was playing DPS so it didn't bother me in that sense but it was and I don't mind doing DPS like I'm actually having fun pumping a bunch of DPS right now on Druid and uh and priest but the thing is is for me it just introduces like another axis of balancing that they have to balance around and in a game like s so I don't think it's anywhere near as bad because I don't think the content is just going to be super hard right but the problem is is like in a game like retail where they the content progressively got more difficult then that axis of balance um that additional axis of balance it's just like another way that blizzard can kind of mess up if that makes sense right so it's like you could have a class that maybe does like really good healing but now maybe they're not getting brought because they're you know they just don't do good damage right and this fight requires the healers to do damage or stuff like that so it's just like an um I think that it can be an easy way for them to kind of get overwhelmed over there on Dev end of things but I don't really see that being a huge issue in this version of classic because I think that they're going to just generally keep the content sort of easier and what it's going to be is like if you opt into doing more damage as a Healer you know that's just going to be better for your raid you're going to like clear faster and stuff like that but the idea isn't going to be to like require um your healers doing damage if that makes sense right I think that they're going to be able to strike that balance cuz cuz I think the way that you do that is you just don't tune the content very tightly and it doesn't seem to have been tuned super tightly so thus far uh aside from potentially you know kous with certain comp restrictions but I don't think they're going to make that mistake again in the next ti so it's just like a kind of like a forward about um damage and healing you're going to be hearing me talk about doing damage in here and I'm just presenting it to you as an option right like if that's something you're not interested in doing again like yeah sure it's the the optimal way to play right but you don't need to do that for your rid to clear this instance you know what I mean so don't feel like I'm kind of preaching to you that you need to be doing this uh even if I'm doing it myself right so just a little forward there uh and yeah so let's get into the actual Boss by boss breakdown well actually I want to talk a little bit first about we kind of went over the talents went over the runes I want to talk about the general play style um and so basically if you're going to be just healing right like let's say you're taking life Bloom here and you're not really interested in casting a bunch of wraths or anything like that then basically what things are going to look like for you is you're going to be casting like rank one healing t or Not Sorry rank three healing touch a bunch um when you can you're going to cast rank four so like whatever it's a like it's completely Mana efficient EG like they can take the full amount of your healing touch you're going to cast rank four Healing Touch when it's not you're going to be casting like rank three mostly potentially rank two I have all three um on my bar but I primarily use rank three when I am using Healing Touch rank three or rank four cuz like rank three will be used M mainly to like spot heal a little bit when people just take little bits of Chip damage rank two is kind of like a spot heal as well but that's only if like nothing was going on and honestly like I don't really use that rank anymore because I pretty much just use uh Fury of the stor rage and star swword so if somebody's not if somebody's chunked that little uh I won't get off the DPS to heal them because it's just not like a requirement to heal them at that point right they will get healed by probably miscellaneous wild growth ticks down the road so I don't need to worry about um you know tossing a a really small healing touch on them essentially but yeah like you'll basically be using those three abilities um reu has some place in the raid for basically like when you can't be casting so for example on the murlock boss it's not terrible um on the first boss if people get knocked off right and you can't be consistently healing them or if you're about to get knocked off or if you have the debuff and you have to jump off you can toss some Rees out so situations like that reu is fine but the thing with reu is it absolutely does not even do like close to the Mana efficiency of Healing Touch so if you're casting reu on a person um and you could have casted Healing Touch basically on that person and got the same effect like and you didn't need to like the the the advantage of using re reju in this particular level bracket is like you're saving time with the global right because if you if the time is not important to you then it's more Mana efficient to just hard cast a healing touch on somebody it's does more healing per Mana right so the only time you would cast a Rejuvenation is if you know you wanted to be healing multiple people during that time period right because obviously it only costs one Global so you can get more Rees out in the period that you cast a healing touch um but if you only need to bring one person up you're pretty much better off doing it with Healing Touch than throwing a reu on them and also there's no chance there's like a lesser chance that it's getting sniped right because the it's a 2.5 second cast which is kind of long but but it's reu has like what a 12C duration something like that so odds are some of those ticks aren't going to make it through um so that's what you'd kind of be doing as Pure Healing and then you'd be using wild growth like whenever your group takes uh whatever group takes a significant amount of damage and how I do the the groups is I I break the raid down into groups I think that's like really important on now on priest and Druid when you're using these spells that uh affect Like A specific group like circle of healing or wild growth because you need to be able to see the specific players together to judge obviously whether it's you know worth it to throw wild growth in that group or not um so that's basically how you would play Druid if you're Pure Healing and then if you're doing the damage Druid which I I would recommend I guess you know if you're like trying to um get all the juice you can out of the class then basically what you're doing is you are trying to you're trying to heal sort of like as little as possible if that makes sense sense um and I'll kind of go into that in more detail in the priest Druid Dynamic and how that kind of happens if you have a priest how that's like way more possible sometimes um but sometimes it's not going to be possible and you're going to have to basically main heal the run like I've done uh runs with my druid where was me and a mage healer that wasn't so hot at Mage healing and I was basically like doing all the healing right but ideally if you're trying to do the damage R is what you're doing is you're um you're opening with fairy fire right cuz you should always have a strive for 100% up time of fairy fire on the boss I mean like sometimes there's going to be situations where it's going to resist like five times in a row because we have no hit right now so um sometimes that's just the thing right and sometimes you're going to have to be like using all your globales right as it falls off so you don't get it back up right away but you know as long as you have like a relatively high up time of furry fire you're doing fine and so you have that up and then you're spamming um star surge on coold down because it only cost six mana and then you're spamming wrath into the boss um basically like non-stop um and yeah that that's kind of like how you you uh you play that version and then the idea is that kind of like either by the time you get a proc from Fury of the storm rage that somebody is a little bit low and you can just immediately use it on them or if um a lot of times like if I get a proc nobody's like super low or something like that or not super low but nobody's chunked enough I'll just hold it you know cuz it Doesn't uh there's no point in like doing a bunch of overhealing on somebody uh right to heal them like a little bit because the thing is 12% proc rate it it sounds kind of decent right but it's actually not really that great which means that um if you just toss one of these instance heels away you're not necessarily going to be able to get it back reliably for if you might need it like 10 seconds later or something like that right so I think that it's kind of better to be you know a bit more conservative with the proc when you get it and like obviously if there's somebody chunked out and you can basically top them off that's good to do but I wouldn't you know be like looking to like oh wow I need to use this immediately so I can get to the next one it's not really like that because it's not a damage proc right and um ultimately like there's only so much healing they can go out it's not like on a boss where like you always want to be tending to use your procs at DPS because all damage goes into the boss right it's like all damage is effective damage not all healing is effective healing essentially so that's kind of how I use f of the storm rage and uh star surge you can basically use off cool down you have like a weak War for it or just have the the cool down easy easily accessible place the one thing is it does interrupt your regen so if if like you are doing a fight where you're kind of struggling with that you may want to be more cognizant of how you use star surge but you can use fury of the storm rage and wrath just like ad nauseum you can just throw them out there like a machine gun essentially you don't have to worry about that at all cuz that doesn't affect your regen whatsoever so uh yeah you basically be the idea with playing the D the damage ruid is you want to be basically um not having to do like the putback healing on the tank and stuff like that and the only time you really want to be doing healing is when you have to drop like a big wild growth so you're basically sitting there you're dpsing you're dpsing you're dpsing star surge wrath star surge wrath and keeping your fairy fire up and then like maybe on the turtle boss he explodes right and then you drop a wild growth on one group keep dpsing that comes off cool down drop wild growth on the next group if they're still low go back to dpsing bunch of people taking damage on the murlock boss right drop a wild growth um bunch of people taking reflect damage on on jet drop wild growth Etc then go back to um to dpsing right so that's pretty much uh like how you you handle that you you kind of like in order to be doing optimal damage you don't want to be healing because the more you have to hard cast healing touch right you just can't be Casting Star Surge and and fury and storm for your egg if you have to be the one that's babysitting the tank like you're even going to miss Star Search procs you know what I mean which is instant because you're just going to have instances where this comes back up when you're mid cast or something and since you're the one that's actually healing the tank you can't cancel your cast necessarily um so I think Druid functions best in a scenario where you're kind of like not the primary healer for the for like the tank and stuff like that and that's why it functions so well with priest because of penance essentially right Penance is like so good on that tank uh that the Druid doesn't really have to do anything until there's like a bit of AOE damage and stuff like that so that's kind of like the general philosophy behind healing you want to be doing like as much damage as possible with wrath and star Surge and then you just drump that wild growth in there uh when kind of stuff hits the fan or you know you need to heal multiple targets Etc and uh obviously you can help out on individual targets as needed with wild growth and stuff like that but we will go into fight by fight so I drew this last time but I'll just uh draw it again so there's like all the little platforms right this something like this and then there's the beach right and then there's the other Beach oops that is incorrect the other Beach and then this is like the rock leading to the platform I there's a couple of them and the boss is on like one of these right and so basically like you can either stand down here on the beach and the boss gets brought to like the pillar over here and the melee stand in a way where you can heal them right the melee DPS being we'll call them Orange right they're on the platform though in this case right and then when one when somebody gets a debuff they just jump off I believe even if you I think before in the priest video I said that I don't know if the debuff affects people on the beach but I think it does so even if you get the debuff on the beach I believe you have to run into the water right here and uh just drop it off in the water so there's that um but pretty simple fight if you get the debuff you just go into the water and you he them from the beach you can also be on the platform here but he will cast like lightning storms on you it's not really a big deal um depending on the range of your spells like if you're trying to do the damage thing and depending on where the boss is tanked you may have to be on the platform um so just something to kind of like keep in mind being on the platform is not really bad in my opinion I think it's just that sometimes it tends to get maybe a little crowded with the lightning storms and it's mostly just that like if a knock does happen it's kind of easier to heal people quicker when everybody when you have like your healers on the low ground already and then the people are getting knocked into the low ground so it's kind of like a safer type of strategy um but either strategy Works basically and uh I would say on this fight just if you're going to get knocked like if or if you do get knocked if somebody else like knocks you or if you have to like you know you're going to have to jump off you basically just want to use your instance uh to you know do as much healing as possible before you get knocked off um and then you have like reu and uh and wild growth to basically pick people up um either beforehand or you cast them before you're getting knocked and then the idea is they heal up as you're not able to heal them right because they still have the buff on them so that's kind of like how I play it as Druid like I said in the priest video you want to be staying ahead of the game here because even though you have Hots it's just not ideal to be letting people sit at low life right when you have the potential to be knocked off the platform even if it's not your fault right somebody else can mess up and you can still get knocked so it's really good to just like stay ahead of the healing here um so if you need to like maybe not DPS as much to make sure people are healthy that's absolutely fine um one of the things about the DPS is even if you are trying to do the DPS style you never really want to forsake healing in the case like for doing DPS if that makes sense so like um everything I said before about the theoretical interaction with the priest and the Druid that's all true and it's all good but if you have a priest that you're running with for example it's like a pug or something you know and this guy doesn't really know what he's doing maybe he's a new player or something like that and you you're finding yourself really having to carry the healing you know the way you want to play that is to carry the healing you don't want to be like oh you need to do your job buddy you know and then cuz like I'm just going to be doing damage so you're the reason the group's wiping you know like you don't want the group to wipe so like like to hold up the Run ENT because you want to do a little bit of what is ultimately mostly insignificant damage on the Druid is not the way to go right so if you need to be that guy and like take over and hard cast The Healing touches don't be afraid to do that um but it's just that ideally you know you're not really trying to do that so that's kind of like how the first boss goes right and then let us can I just like refresh this somehow new right okay okay so next boss is like the turtle boss right where it's just a island and then the turtles in the middle so like I said in the priest video um you know the explosion has like a radius basically right and um you can avoid the radius as a range DPS so you like you I I'm not sure if you avoid the damage but you definitely avoid the knockback um if you're if you're not like right up into him which can be kind of relevant because the knockback tends to knock people into um into bubbles and stuff like that or it has the potential to right so not you know being in the knockback area tends to be pretty good and just give me one moment and then I'll get right into that had to get some tissues and nose a little bit runny okay so basically um how you're going to do this fight is it's kind of like the fight that we just talked about and this is going to be somewhat similar if you've watched the priest video where the idea here is you just want to stay ahead of the game um because when the turtle does his explosion especially if you're running with like newer players who don't have a ton of HP and especially if you don't have a priest in your group for forward or something like that it's going to do quite a bit of damage um like I think normally it hits for around half but if somebody is like really poorly gear like no stamina gear or something like that and you didn't really have like full Buffs like you weren't running a priest it could be like very problematic and you know it might actually tick somebody to like 30% life from full or something like that if they were super squishy so you want to have these people pretty much topped off and uh you know you can only do so much there because um you know somebody can take damage right before the explosion goes out and if they do then that's kind of like their fault and there's nothing you can really do because you don't really have um like a a super instant put back cast however you know wild growth is like an instant it's just the all the healing it does isn't instant obviously right it's over a duration but the actual cast itself is instant so one thing I will say is like definitely don't be afraid to drop wild growth uh beforehand kind of like before the um the knock goes out if people are are chunked out already right because you may be thinking like oh I want to save wild growth until after the um explosion goes out obviously right but it's really just better to make sure that they live no matter what so even if like you know two people are chunked and you know you know the wild growth is going to do a bunch of overhealing right but uh you don't really have the time to hard cast The Healing Touch on both of these people you can just wild growth that group basically and you know it'll probably Give Them Enough um enough HP during the duration before The Shield's about to pop in order to survive the explosion right if the explosion is basically happening imminently um whereas if you tried to like healing touch both of them maybe you'd get one of them maybe you'd get none of them and they could both potentially die right and the thing is like after the um the bubble pops there'll be some bubbles out for sure but they start to dissipate so and he doesn't uh throw anymore out and and until like he does the next round of them right so the I think that typically the problem with the turtle in terms of people taking bubble damage comes from when the bubbles are being like thrown off the turtle onto the ground like that's where they're apt to hit somebody once they're already on the ground which they will be before the uh the knock back happens then it's not so much of a problem and basically like they're either going to die by getting hit before and then getting hit by the the uh the explosion right or they're going to like maybe be chunked out before get hit by the explosion then get knocked back into bubbles that already exist and if if that stuff happens and it happens in too close proximity to the explosion like I said there's nothing you can really do but once that does happen if everybody survives that um you know nobody's really going to be taking damage unless they're straight up running into bubbles kind of trolling you right so once um the explosion happens and you know the bubbles that are there basically they're still remaining are static and they're going to dissipate pretty soon then you can take as much time as you need to basically uh to get people up after that until the next transition one thing that I think is I didn't really mentioned in the priest video that I probably should have is um after the explosion you really want to keep an eye on your tank right because they just went to half health and now the turtle is going back to Auto attacking and stuff like that right so everybody else can be you know not on a timer to get back up really like technically they are but you know they have a long timer you have a long time to get people to full health before the next um next explosion especially the Druid because you're going to be running wild growth and if you pop one wild growth on one group and one wild growth on the next um which you absolutely will have time to do before the next bubble comes out next bubble breaks then you're going to be absolutely fine so don't even worry about healing the uh the people individually just drop a wild growth and then like make sure your tank is safe and then drop the next Wild growth and you can probably go right back into doing damage essentially um that's basically how I'd play this fight I think that the other thing too is like I said in the priest video is you want to be like kind of aggressive in terms of taking the bubbles um it helps to just take bubbles early on as a Healer so long as you know that you know you're not going to be knocking anybody else cuz they do do a little bit of like an AOE around them when they go off so as long as you're not going to be like messing somebody else up by taking a bubble near you uh you're fine taking it as long as you know you can heal yourself um the it's a little bit more annoying on Druid because you can't just like instacast power W Shield yourself and then get like the Mana back for that and more right you have to kind of like walk onto one maybe you could throw a reju on yourself if you wanted that you could that's how you could play you could actually pre-cast the reju right and then walk into the bubble so you don't have to cast the re after and waste Mana after you've got the Mana back and the re still on you uh you could do something like that with wild growth like you could actually just throw down a wild growth like beforehand and then jump drop into a bubble like on your group um so you can do all sorts of stuff like that but you basically just want to be like if if anybody is taking damage from bubbles or anything of that sort you want to be on top of it and you uh you can be on top of it while staying at basically 100% Mana right because if people are taking damage you just drop a wild growth in that group and then like you drop a wild grth on your growth on your own group and then walk into a couple bubbles now you're back to full Mana the wild growth is still ticking on you you're at 100% health and basically 100% mana and they should be healed up from the wild growth as well right so don't be afla to play aggressively like that like I mentioned on the priest um with the bubbles early uh and you want to be kind of going into that explosion phase having full Mana because that's the only part of the fight that's going to be like where you you don't have any other help right is like after that um Bubble breaks and there's no more well the little bubbles coming out that give you Mana you're basically having to get the groups back to full uh before the next explosion and you having to heal the tank until the next set of uh little bubbles come out that give Mana right so that's the only time you can really go o and you can have like tank healing problems so as long as you go into that with close to full Mana you should be absolutely fine um yeah that's it's it's like a really uh really easy fight um just like stay ahead of it and uh you know know that know how the bubbles work and and take them early as needed basically so the next fight is the uh the two I'll go to the next thing here so the next fight is the uh the Naga and it's like the princess one I think and then her big ad or something like that you just kite the ad into the frost patch if it gets aggro on you um I've seen some people straight off tank the ad if somebody does off tank the ad it actually seems to do quite a bit of damage I think the definitely the intended mechanic is to run it through the frost trap but um it's definitely possible either way the thing is this boss has such little Health that there's almost no time to go unless like catastrophic stuff happens with kind of everybody getting Frozen you can run through the frost patch to drag the ad in there like I said but you don't want to stay in the frost patch because it uh puts a like a stacking debuff on you that when it Stacks to a certain amount it'll just freeze you so that's obviously really bad especially as a Healer U I believe priest can dispel you though so if you're playing with a priest um you know it's I guess it's not that bad but it's not something you want to happen basically uh this fight is basically you're just going to be doing um a lot of damage uh because you're not going to need to heal very much in most cases I feel like especially if the ad is being brought into the frost trap like it's supposed to be so you just uh kind of send it on the damage and you'll probably be able to pretty much use the procs you get from F of the storm rage to kind of like carry the healing even with instant healing and yeah you're uh pretty much good on that fight and going back to the turtle for one sec before we move on to the next boss I just want to say that the turtle is a fight where if you DPS during the turtle during the shell down phase in particular um that is like very helpful for the group because he takes extra magic damage I believe um right so that's like one of your better fights as a druid with the K with the ability to do damage right um spell damage as was a jid in my guild who crit the boss for I think like 800 and something with a star surge so it can be kind of fun I I think I just normal hit him I don't I didn't get any crazy crits on my last uh run but I normal hit him for like 600 something I think so yeah it's kind of fun and it it definitely really helps speed up that fight for sure uh CU a lot of especially a lot of people are running melee now like Melee heavy comps so there's not like a ton of Caster DPS and generally you don't want them but in that particular fight they tend to be kind of good uh due to that specific mechanic so yeah that's the uh the third boss and just a little bit about the turtle that I had neglected to mention and then the uh fourth boss is the murloc boss so this boss is basically you can just pop a shadow protection potion if you think you're going to struggle with the dodging it gives you like up to 1,00 I think if it High Rolls protection I think the murlocs do around 400 Shadow damage each something like that so just in the potion alone you can pretty much get hit by two merlocks and change uh which is really good so if you're struggling dodging um obviously you know I always recommend people work on their fundamentals and get better at things like that but the potion can be like a nice like safety net right because having the potion on doesn't really inhibit your ability to dodge it all so you can pre-op the potion before the fight and you try and Dodge all the uh the murlocs and if you do Dodge them then you basically have a free potion for a Kus it's like your motivation you know and if you don't Dodge them then um you you know you at least you didn't die I guess right cuz you had the potion and then you could uh you could you could pop another one during the fight if you really needed to um sometimes this fight might get a bit hairy and you may want to pop a Mana potion during this fight as long as you're confident handling the murlocs yourself it just depends on how well your raid is doing handling the merlocks right um the problem in this fight for Druid I think is that uh it's unlikely that everybody that's going to be taking damage is going to be taking damage in the same group right during the murlock phase most likely it's people that are going to be hit are going to be spread out between the two groups which means that wild growth is going to be sometimes a necessary to cast spell here but it's not going to be very Mana efficient right you're going to be casting it to basically bring somebody back up um what I like to do is if I can find a spot in between the merlocks um I typically like to hard cast like a rank two healing touch or sorry rank four Healing Touch here on those people that are low um because it's more Mana efficient than dropping like an entire wild growth for one person essentially however the wild growth is instant right so if there's a situation where there's a couple people in your group that are chunked out you know you really can't hard cast you have to be on the move cuz there's murlocs around you you know you definitely just throw down a wild growth there and hope for the best basically you can also complement it with reu uh if you really think that the person needs it as well and that's how I'd kind of handle the murloc phase of this fight um otherwise you're just kind of like doing damage during the other phase and you can't really I believe like he can still take damage during the murloc phase but it's just like super reduced so you don't even really worry about doing damage during the uh the murlock phase at all yeah I wouldn't worry about that one bit just focus on staying alive uh you know trying to keep people alive that you can either with a healing touch spot heals or wild growth in cases where it's applicable where you can kind of like get multiple people up at once um I think it's worth dropping a wild growth even on a single person if you need to like if you uh just can't hard cast a healing touch and you think that the extra healing might save them uh cuz there are like thresholds for stuff like this right um average player is probably going to have around a th000 health in this raid the merlocks do like like I said around 400 damage so you know if somebody gets hit by two murlocs if you had casted like a wild growth on them then maybe they get enough HP to survive a final murlock hit essentially right um so I think it's always worth assuming you have the Mana it's kind of something you have to judge in the moment basically because um you know in certain scenarios maybe everybody is just dry from having to heal people who've taken damage like maybe your raid just takes too much damage on that fight and you don't have enough Mana to heal the tank kind of like towards the end of it so in that case you just kind of have to prioritize the tank and uh you know let some of those people die potentially right if you really don't have the Mana so it's just something you have to keep keep in mind and you're not always going to be able to cast that wild growth on a single Target to maybe help save them right it's kind of like a luxury you can do if your DPS is high right or if you don't have to be tossing out a ton of other heals but if you're already doing a bunch of other healing during the fight then it's you know it may be rough to throw out that wild growth and you may just be better off saving that Mana for the tank uh the other component of this fight is a curse now when you dispel the curse it fears the target basically the trade-off is that like it's a 1 to two second fear and um the dot actually does like a bunch of Shadow damage it's like corruption or something like that from the warlock or Agony I think it's kind of like what it is but the um idea is basically that like if you can afford to eat the um the damage it does then you're probably better off not dispelling it right and just healing through it um as your DPS get more up time and it's less annoying for them because they don't get feared the priest doesn't have to use a dispel to cleanse them right and in the end of the fight he actually does a bunch of these Agony dots so if you're just spelling everything you're basically just like kind of fearing your entire raid but I mean it's kind of necessary if you can't keep up with the damage right or if you're a group's damage is like really low and that last phase is going to last a little bit cuz you may not have the Mana to just last out all of the uh agonies essentially taking on your raid so it's just going to really depend on like how much damage or Raid does and stuff like that right whether you want to dispel that or not and you typically it doesn't really become a problem during the murloc phase I've never had one like overlap into the murloc phase um I think if if there is one active during the murlock phase I would not dispel it because like unless your priest is like really on the ball with the his dispel on the fear afterwards somebody can like run into a murloc and just die right whereas at least the damage from the agony is predictable so I would definitely advise against dispelling it in that situation but otherwise it's just going to kind of be left up to your discretion right you're going to need to base that off of how strong you think your raid is basically and what the raid needs and I'm going to just draw the the encounter a little bit here like I did in the priest so there basically the circle room right and then we're going to have the eggs and and like I said there's a if you're really struggling with this there's a kind of like a thing here I'll point that out in a second oops where this area is like the safe spot right same as in the previous video and the one thing about the safe spot is that it can kind of get overcrowded because how the murlocs come is they just like go in a straight line I believe from their egg and they just intersect in the middle right so they all go to the middle but they don't just go to the middle they go through to the other side so they're all going like through right from one egg to the other which means that um even though you're not dealing with these when you're in the safe spot right because they start here and they're going up uh you're still dealing with these right because they go all the way down so it's not a completely safe spot in my opinion um even though you're not dealing with like the lateral ones you're dealing with the ones on top and the obviously there's Shadow crashes that happen in that phase so sometimes if a ton of people are here the shadow crashes can kind of get baited and you're dealing with the shadow crashes and the murlocs so we can get kind of like a cluster basically in that area and it may be potentially worth if that's something that you think might overwhelm you uh just staying off to like another area I'm going to reset this really quick so like I would say if the room is like a circle basically right and you put it in to like four quadrants this is like the Kill Zone in the middle right because this is where all the murlocs are kind of intersecting but you have the safe Zone the pseudo safe Zone here right behind the eggs and then you kind of have like these little pockets here call them the blue zones right where um you know here the murlocs from here and here are going to converge right away right but then it's going to be safe for kind of like the rest of the time right so there's like little pockets of safe zones and not and also keep in mind that not every murlock from every spawn launches at the same time so you can kind of just play around these pockets that's what I tend to do I don't really play safe Zone I just play around like the little blue circle Pockets so I'm not in the dead center having to you know do like bullet hell but I'm also not uh in like a corner with everybody else right where everything is coming into me and basically if you get like a ton of those Shadow crashes on your particular pocket you just move to a different pocket right so if this pocket gets filled up with Shadow crashes I just move here and then here Etc right um and I think the shadow crashes kind of go away after a certain amount of time so it should never be a case where the room is covered in them um so yeah that's kind of like how you just deal with the general mechanic of the uh the merlock fight essentially and the next boss is lorus jet or whatever his name is so on this fight um I feel like Druid can be very useful because what tends to happen is you know when you start kiting the uh it's obviously a gauntlet right and you have the little ad and the big ad and the little ad I think is a Healer so a lot of people go on that first to try and kill it and kick and stuff like that so what I do as a druid is I'm just like constantly pumping damage into the the big ad and the reason for that is cuz I know like my kicks and my normal damage dealers are working on killing the small one so it's easier for me to just train the big guy cuz he has to die eventually anyway right so um you know I just toss up fairy fire on them and I go to work on the big guy with r and star surges and you'll basically end up killing him a little quicker if you do damage to him and the longer he's up the more damage your raid is going to take in the initial gent part of the fight so the quicker you dispatch of him the better and the idea is that if you do it quick enough like I basically start phase two with like 100% Mana right um not having to really heal the tank a bunch and stuff like that right and if the priest is with me he's the other healer he's pretty much at that point probably only having to put like penances into the tank so as long as like that's happening and then like your um tank is rounding up the ads and the ads aren't jumping everywhere hitting everybody as the little murlocs come out it should be a pretty easy fight I think that's like the main thing in this fight is just the tanks want to be aware of getting ads um in the earlier phases off the healers and stuff like that and you know making sure that all the damage is like centralized on them so it makes like really easy for somebody to heal especially like a priest or something like that or even a druid with like Max ranks Healing Touch es and yeah so you just kind of blow up the big guy as your raids killing the smaller guy and the big guy and then when lus comes out I pretty much you know I put fairy fire on him I do a bunch of damage at the start but then I immediately Cassity drops swim Fury totem I pretty much just swap over to uh to killing totems essentially I help out with those CU star sword is like an instant cast so it kind of depends if your raid has really good damage maybe you only get to Star surge the totem and I have star surge on a mouse over macro so it's just really easy I just Mouse over it press the button does like a 200 damage nuke to it really helps uh but the TS don't have that much HP so if your raid is switching and there's doing like a really good job of switching that might be the only cast you get on it and then you can kind of go back to um to lorus now the thing with lorus is if uh you know he does have the lightning Shield so you have to be careful of that and you have to be cognizant if you're dpsing as a Healer of the totem morar so I believe the totem water is um it's like magma wind Fury and then lightning shield and I'm not sure if it starts with Magma or if it starts with wind Fury but regardless the key thing to know is once wind Fury is down the next totem is going to be lightning Shield so a way to Safe Strat this boss basically if you're having people like a really hard time uh in terms of people stopping damage is the one thing is is like basically once wind Fury totem goes down I've seen groups do it where they make a rule where uh you attack windfury totem immediately as it goes down you kill it and then you don't go back on the boss until the next totem is dead which is the lightning Shield totem um so that way it prevents people like basically accidentally hitting the boss now like if you're better player you have stop attack macro you might not need to do this obviously right you can just hit Escape uh at any point when the uh totem comes out also I believe DPM or dbm and Big Wigs now have proper timers so if you use add-ons obviously um I think you actually can get a pretty precise timer to when the lightning Shield's going to come out which makes it super easy to stop damage on it right so you don't really have to do like that like super safe strap but if it's something that your group is really struggling with um you're better off doing that because the way you're going to wipe on this fight is either lightning totem killing people or your tank uh taking a ton of extra lightning uh Shield damage or wind Fury procs killing your tank but usually one of those two things won't kill the tank so like the tank um taking a little bit of lightning Shield damage is you normally fine the windfury totem being up is normally fine but like when they're both happening together and the rest of your raid is taking damage that's where things um can kind of get a bit hectic and if that's happening for you like what you have to do is you have to prioritize keeping the tank up now luckily on a druid this is kind of easy because what you end up doing is you just you drop your wild growth on the group that's most wounded and then you immediately just start you know healing the tank but the thing is is like if the Wim Fury totem is kind of isn't dying then you really need to be constantly looking at the tank because the moment you fall behind it can be a bit fatal cuz the wiy can actually allow the the boss to do quite a bit of damage especially on an undergeared tank so uh you don't really want to get behind on that fight on the tank specifically uh you don't really want to get behind on anybody because you know if you're keeping the magma totem up and I'll go into that in a second but it can just hit somebody and do a bunch of damage to them the lightning Shield can come up and do a bunch of damage to them Etc so it's a fight where you just want to like as soon as you notice a group of people's taking sizable amount of damage you just drop wild growth and then you uh you immediately kind of go back to Healing the tank now in terms of the actual like strategy um I described one way you could do it you know just a few seconds ago but I would say there's primarily like like two or three strategies where like one is you kill every totem that's like the simplest strategy by far um and it's probably the one you should be doing for the most part um but there's another strategy where you leave the fire totem up because it's like the least dangerous basically and you just DPS the boss during that and then you kill the Wim Fury and then you kill the lightning totem and there's another strategy where you leave the uh fire totem and the wh Fury and you DPS the boss during those and then you only kill the lightning totem now the problem with doing those methods in a group that's like not so geared or you know doesn't do a lot of damage or I would say maybe doesn't do it's not that they don't do a lot of damage but they do like mediocre damage is that um it's kind of strenuous to have the um when Fury totem up all the time on the like basically if you don't if you don't end the fight like I don't want to say you need to end the fight really fast or anything like that but if you take a long time to end the fight and the tank has been sitting with the Wim Fury totem uh like pretty much having 100% of time you know they are just going to have to the healers are just going to have to use more mana on the boss right and if you're the Druid Soul healing this this is going to be less damage you're getting out on other totems or the boss right so it has like negative consequences that kind of trickle down basically all the way um so I think that the easiest strategy if you have moderate DPS is just to kill all three totems or at least kill wind Fury and lightning Shield totem the other problem with wind Fury and lightning Shield totem or sorry with wind Fury and magma totem being up is that I believe the ball just follows someone around randomly so you can have a situation where like you know you the boss just did a wiim fury proc right so your priest just dumped penants into the tank but now the um the ball is chasing the priest right so you're on the Druid and you're kind of doing fine and then maybe like uh you know the tank is like takes a hit or something like that uh but you're not like super concerned maybe you're still doing damage or something like that but then the lightning Shield totem comes up and then somebody messes up or a bunch of people mess up and then maybe the tank messes up now everybody's hit the lightning totem and some people are like chunk to basically half uh depending on if they did like an auto in an ability or just an auto or something like that the tank is chunked and he still has the Wim Fury totem up right and the priest is now running away from the ball and his Penance is down because he just dumped the Penance in it's about to come back up but he doesn't have it yet right so you can run into these scenarios where the um you know you're kind of like down your instant I guess you still have Shield on priest or something like that but you're down your your main instant on the tank from your other healer you're not really super great at healing somebody really quick unless you happen to have a fury of the storm rage proc right which you might not at that particular time so and it's possible your priest even use his shield trying to save somebody else or something like that before that so you can run into these situations where like everything kind of seems fine you know but then all of a sudden like the perfect storm of events happen and now you don't really have those cool down abilities and your tank is taking a lot of damage and you have to hard cast that healing touch and it may already be too late because the wind Fury totems up so any time they can just take an extra hit and uh take a lot of damage right so that's why it pays to try and stay on top of the situation and why um you know if you are going to be leaving totems up you have to have I would say generally fairly good DPS and you want to have people that are kind of like respecting the fight and playing properly I.E not taking lightning Shield damage I think the fight pretty much always comes down to lightning Shield damage like if you can do the fight in a lot of different ways as long as people aren't dying to the lightning Shield is how I would say it you know what I mean you can get away with a lot as long as that's not happening cuz like the winar totem itself is not really a big deal like I said usually in itself as long as people are not getting wrecked by the the lightning totem uh so just something to keep in mind there and one final point in that fight is if your DPS is really really bad you may have to um leave the fire totem and the wi Fury totem up and go boss but this is a really bad scenario right because it's like now the tank is taking extra damage the uh lightning or the fire totem may be doing extra damage to the raid and the fight taking longer CU you have bad DPS right so your healer may just oom here if your DPS is that bad but it is possible to carry out situations like this I did it on on the Druid like one time we had this like really uh low damage group and basically they weren't if they were killing the totems they would only keep up with the totem damage like so they basically had to not kill totems and only kill the lightning totem and then kill the boss and it was it was brutal but we like barely did it uh it's possible but it's hard and your healers are going to be like really strained in a situation like that so if you are tanking in a situation like that the best thing you can do is make sure you stop attack when the lightning Shield totem comes out switch targets to it and then also uh when the wind Fury is out you can try and kite the boss away you obviously don't want to kite out of losos so you have to be careful with that but if you kite the boss away from the totem it allows you to kind of still have the benefit of not having to DPS the totem but the totem is now not affecting the boss right so maybe the boss gets like one wind Fury hit in right instead of like two or three or however many he get otherwise so that's something you can do to help uh in groups where you're like really really struggling right and I don't think there's like nature protection out yet but if there was you would use a nature pod I think there is a potion that like temporarily boosts your resistances but it takes your potion cool down so you're better off just uh you know using I believe like a health or a Mana potion depending on what class you are right so that is lus Jets I didn't really do any drawings for him cuz it's uh not really a drawing boss I guess um and then kellus so keris is um kind of interesting as a druid uh basically you want to just the main thing with this fight is you can get really bailed out by Shadow protection potions now in FA as somebody mentioned in the comments of the last priest video that you can also use a fap in Phase 2 I'm not really sure like what's better the thing is is that um I think the reason why the fap Trend got started is because if you're like a top Guild um what you can basically do is you can pretty much fap as soon as he goes into phase three right and um or as soon as you see that maybe his chains in phase three comes off cool down cuz I'm not sure if it is like off cool down right at the start of phase 3 cuz I don't think I've ever gotten chains like right at the start of phase 3 so you can maybe like wait a couple seconds into phase two sorry I'm sorry it's phase two it's only two phases the boss but um so you could basically wait maybe a couple seconds and then pop fap and if you have really good DPS like a top Guild does you'll kill the boss in the fap right so if you can kill the boss in the fap there's like pretty much absolutely no reason not to fap right because it actually prevents fap is a free action potion by the way um it basically prevents the chains from even going on anybody so if all 10 members of The Raid fap he basically just cannot change anybody and if you kill the boss during that duration then obviously that's a huge Boon right but the other thing you can kind of do is you can obviously you want everybody to Shadow pot beforehand and they can just res Shadow pot during the fight as well and what that's going to help with is yeah it's going to have at least 800 damage mitigation I think that's the low end of The Shadow protection pot so that should always eat the chains the initial tick damage of the chains right and then it'll still eat a bit of the ticking damage of the chains as well depending on how high your potion rolls and it could still be available for like mind blasts and stuff like that and if everybody faps um the people who are getting hit by mind blast aren't going to be protected at all right whereas like in a situation where everybody greater Shadow potions before the pole and then they greater Shadow protection potion um you know during phase two you have a situation where they're basically being protected from all damage so the only way it's possible for them to take damage is they'd have to take chains and then take a m blast right and what you can even do in situations like this is um you can dynamically use your potion so for example um you know you start pre-potted right and then maybe you guys are really good and you kick all the chains and mind blast in phase one right so you basically don't take any Shadow damage at all um let's say you're like a melee or something like that right and then instead of like what a lot of people would do is they they know radi would call like oh Shadow protection again res Shadow pot but if you know you haven't taken damage and you know your Shadow pot is healthy you don't res Shadow pot immediately in phase two you let either the chains come out that's going to eat your Shadow pot right or uh maybe you're the Mind blast Target in phase two cuz it can't be kicked that's going to eat into your Shadow pot and then once you notice you're actually taking damage then you slam that Shadow pot right and uh now like you bought so much time for the healers for the damage dealers right that's like the optimal way to do the fight in my opinion I think just having like two Shadow Pots if your group is like not completely pumping like I said I understand the reason why um you know people use faps if the group is really good because basically like the only thing that can do AOE damage on the fight is the chains right so if the boss is guaranteed to die within the 30 seconds of fat being popped then it's very easy to just solo heal the Mind blast even if the person's initial Shadow protection potion ran out from earlier in the fight right but um you know if the fight's going to go longer than that and it's going to be just generally chaotic I tend to like having just people dynamically pop their Shadow potions like as their first one Fades if that makes sense that's kind of like how I feel about the fat versus Shadow protection potion uh thing just kind of depends on again like the circumstances of the guild and stuff like that so that's like how that works if you need extra help there use the shadow potions but basically um how you're going to play the fight is your Mill you're going to kick and you always want to kick chains um but to be honest in phase one I feel like mind blast can be almost more important to kick because uh it like you have to kick it at some point or the person has to get healed basically in a lot of cases if the is low health and there's no kick that goes through and there's no heal that goes through the person will most likely die so uh my blast is the immediately more lethal spell but chains requires like a dispel and it could go on multiple people if those people are close together and he picks like a Target that the other people are close to so I think that's why people tend to like to kick chains because um typically the range is told to stack so if the Millie misses a kick on chains the chains goes out it chains all the rang and even though in Phase One the chains doesn't do so much initial damage it's just you know maybe three or four things the priest has to dispel and they're wasting mana on that you know what I mean and then it still did some initial damage so they're going to have to throw like a palm out or something like that um so yeah basically um as a druid you don't have to worry about any of this basically like your job is to basically just heal right cuz you can't even dispel the chains if the Millie miss the kick so basically just you're relying on your melee um kicking and you're basically trying to do like a bunch of damage as the Druid I would say in phase one you just want to like push the fight as fast as possible because you want to have as much Mana as you can going into phase two and the best way to do that is to give your melee less opportunities to mess up uh and not kick something by killing the boss faster right so typically how this fight starts for me is I'll fairy fire just go into like Star surge wrath spam am and then a lot of people will call for like a stack on the Range and you move to kind of like bait the little uh Shadow crashes in sequence I don't really like that so much I tend to prefer in a pug at least that people are spread because if I am unfamiliar with the person doing the kicking and I can't necessarily trust them then I'd much rather like the range be spread out that and um you know maybe one person take chains if the cast does go off then everybody being together and the whole entire range group take chains especially if you don't have a priest if you don't have a priest I say spread out the entire fight I'd recommend but the arena is kind of like big right and there's these pillars right and then the boss is here but there's like plenty of places to bait like the shadow crash you know what I mean you don't have to be on top of each other really um at all you can even kind of go over here and over here and stuff like that and uh the tank can like reposition the boss if needed like you really can use this side of the room like if you needed to like typically the fight takes place in this quadrant of the room I would say right but if for some reason like you had really bad crashes and this was all filled with like purple goo right you could you can just tank the boss like you move him here right you can move him here um you can move him down here right and just play on the opposite side like everybody just rotate over that's easy to do for the most part right so uh people I think make way too much of a big deal about the amount of room that the swirlies take up in this fight because in reality you have a lot of room to play with I think you just have to move the boss before phase two because in phase two he can't he doesn't can't be kicked so while he's casting he's going to be basically rooted to the ground so it's either he's not going to move at all he's going to be moving very little right so just something to keep in mind there if you are going to try and move him um and yeah basically there's a mechanic where somebody goes down and you're never going down as a Healer I don't want anybody tell you to go down cuz the person in there doesn't need a Healer with them um and it's much easier to like like if something goes bad upstairs like you don't want to be downstairs because you want to be able to heal it as it's happening it's like more efficient that way than for you to come back up and have like you know half the group is at 50% life or something like that now as a druid that's not really that big a deal because you just use wild growth but uh as other healing classes it's not so great so basically as a druid you're just like pumping um you're pumping with uh wrath and star Surge and the idea is this is a fight where the instant cast on Fury of the storm can really come in handy because the uh mind blast does a lot of damage on this fight so basically like you're fishing for that free in or not free but that instant Healing Touch proc and then as soon as you see somebody take like heavy mind blast damage just slam it into them so I would basically hold the healing touch until you see that and then just you know let it rip into them and as a drw as like a druid with the instant uh proc up you can actually let the person take another tick of Mind blast so um before you decide to use the the healing touch or not or you can like decide what rank you want so how typically do is I'll be just spamming wrath I'll have the proc and then I'll see like a rogue or something let's say they take a tick of the Mind blast right and then I'm thinking like okay like I wait to see if he takes another tick and if he takes another tick then I slam like a rank four Healing Touch into him and that puts him to full basically right and it's instant and because in my mind there he might take the third tick if I don't heal him there right and then if he doesn't take the other tick because it got kicked then I just just like insta cast a rank two on him or something like that or a rank three Healing Touch just anything to like top him off whatever he needs basically based on what I think his percentage health is at relative to the value of my heal so that's kind of like what I do there and I feel like it's uh that's where the instant cast healing touches are really useful um the one thing is is like if you don't have an instant cast up right and you see somebody take a m uh like a mind Blast how I play this fight if you want to play it safe and you can't necessarily trust your other healer is um I immediately start casting a rank four healing touch on them immediately and this is where the 2.5c healing touch thing comes in because the problem is that if you don't cast that Healing Touch like immediately as soon as you see him take the first tick if you start casting it when he takes the second tick he will die uh if he's going to die to three ticks uh not everybody will die to three ticks but if if he is like in range where he's vulnerable to dying to three ticks then if you wait until he takes the full damage from the second mind blast then he will die cuz how the mind blast works is it's basically like he picks a Target and just keeps casting at them right so you know he does the first one and you're like okay that's the Target and that's where you really have to like dial in and even though it sucks and it's interrupting your DPS I feel like that is the safe way to play it if you don't know your the Healer Etc um you don't know if you're going to get a kick come in to stop the next mind blast like if you're trying to play Super safe and not lose people that is the way you kind of have to play it cuz you just don't have an instant heal that can really turn the tide against the Mind blast unless you have that um that instant healing touchup wild growth might be able to turn the tide um but the thing is is like if you the reason why I cast the healing touch right is because I can always cancel it right so if um he takes a tick I start casting Max ring healing touch on him and then he doesn't take another tick I can cancel it and just cast a rank two right or a rank three whatever he needs but um you know I can't start it too late and then have it go through cuz he'll die before then so you just have to be really cognizant especially if you're like a if there's no priest in your raid cuz typically what I like to have is the Penance the priest with Penance is the one who feels the Mind blasts right if they come through like you pretty much save Penance for those mind Blast coming through and uh but if you don't have somebody who can do that then you really have to be proactive on the Druid because if you're not proactive and you're too reactive and you wait too long like your heels are just too long cast like I said unless you have the insta cast right so that's how I like to play uh phase one and then phase two basically like what you're looking for is at some point he's probably going to change the melee and hopefully the melee they probably will be in a group because they'll probably with a feral Druid for Wim Fury or a shaman for Wim Fury so basically like the chains is going to come out on the whole group if people didn't have fap or whatever and if they don't have pots up it's going to do like probably half their life or something like that and at that point you just immediately toss a wild growth on them and then again you're basically just now looking for the Mind blast Target and this phase um I feel like I tend to uh lean up on the damage being dealt like maybe I'll still cast star surge but I in some cases like if I know there's a mind blast Target like I'll just be cancel casting on them right if my like in other words like um you know if I know there's a mind blast Target I'm obviously casting on them but then sometimes my priest will come through with Penance but sometimes he'll still be on that Target and whatever Target I can see him on with the Mind blast you can also use Target or Target uh right for this really good you should always have the boss targeted and um basically like I'm just trying to keep that guy up because the mind blast is like going to be the executor in phase two essentially for the most part uh the change is going to be what gets people low initially potentially uh but the Mind blast is going to be like the executing damage that's where a lot of the deaths are going to come in and then um finally with the tanks uh this fight is not a fight where you really need true tanks as I mentioned in the priest video so if you have to let anybody die in this fight ironically you know you usually never want to let the tank die but this is a fight where unless your tanks are able to swap to DPS spec or something like that or DPS gear they're probably not doing a bunch here um and the mind blast is going to hit any Target basically pretty much equally hard maybe unless it's like one of the new tanks um that has like the specific damage mitigations or something like that right so um and it's not even guarant to go on a tank but but basically like a tank is the you want to keep your Hunter up doing a bunch of damage you want to keep your DPS Warrior up right you want to keep your Rogue up you don't really care about your 50 DPS tank Staying Alive on this particular fight so if it comes down to it and you have to make those tough decisions uh to save Mana or whatever if you just can't catch back up on somebody heal the DPS first and you will kill the boss because this boss in the end is a DPS race once you hit phase two um and yeah that is basically the fight so we are on to the final boss which is aumai we'll do this right and uh it's basically like um room like a kind of like a room like this I guess right and there's a back to it and you walk in this way and the boss is like here we'll say the main thing with this fight is and this is pretty much for everybody um you want to play close to the boss because if nobody gets hit by the breath of the boss just play around the boss like this right and then you be looking for castar or just basically even if you don't have cast bars enabled or something that which I do recommend you should always have uh name plates and cast bars enabled but even if you didn't have those you basically just always go behind the boss so like the moment he turns even if it's just like hateful somebody or something like that or if the tank spins him like you just go to the other side is the easiest way to play it if you're always on the other side of where he's facing you'll never get by the breath uh right it's just impossible and the breath on this fight is not like a anxia breath it's basically like this right where it's like half her body goes across and out like that it's like a um it's much more of like a cone from the boss himself right so you have a lot of leeway playing on the sides here right whichever direction he's doing the breath if this is the breath or if that's the breath right you can play on this side this side this side this side you don't have to be all the the way behind him in a lot of cases but obviously you know like just so you don't risk it it's better to play as behind him as you as you possibly can right and um there's a couple things you can do here especially as a druid like you have battle res keep in mind right so like a a a strat you can do is you can um you can let a tank get Stacks right and instead of cleansing it and getting the ads I believe you can just let the tank die and then battle res him um so you can do stuff like that um Paladin can if you have a paladin tank he can just bubble the stacks um you know I think that even if you do have do a strat where you cleanse Stacks a lot of times you're better off killing ads at least if it's late into the fight so if you have to cleanse early then yeah maybe you kill the ad early right because um the you know maybe having the add up for the entire fight would be too much of a Mana drain but if you spawn like an ad later on in the fight like around like 50% or lower you just go face you just attack the boss basically and you just off tank the ads right um but yeah this fight is like super easy as long as people don't get hit by the breath and then like they're either taking ticking damage or they have to cleanse the ticking damage if they cleanse the ticking damage you get more ads right so that's basically like the the long story short just play next to the boss and uh it's it's really really easy this is another fight where having the instacast healing touch on Deck can be really good because um the as the tank gets more Stacks he starts taking more damage and then in the shadow phase of the boss the Tank's math Max Health actually gets decreased so he takes higher damage in a relative sense right so having those big instant heals can really help keep the tank alive there um and then wild growth can be can be good in some situations cuz he do like a hateful and it can can actually be really good if the hateful sometimes like like if threat below the tank changes it can be really good cuz you can have like maybe three or four Mill DPS taking damage from time to time and then like you can just toss a wild growth on them all at once and heal it right and it's healing the tank as well so that can be like a nice ideal situation but sometimes wild growth can have a hard it can be hard to find uses for in this fight because depending on how the damage is going out like if people are doing a good job avoiding the breath a lot of people aren't going to be taking that sort of ticking damage right uh that's going to kind of lower everybody all at once so a lot of it is going to be tank healing and I would say uh like basically you want to be focused on tank healing and just making sure your tanks don't die here um the the people can deal with one stack usually from the breath or something like that pretty well or like a couple stacks so you can kind of afford to let people get low before you you need to heal them um if if you need to really prioritize a lot of your uh your mana on the tank obviously right it's just like if if you keep the tanks up and you got reasonable DPS and not everybody is getting destroyed by the breath this should be a really uh relatively easy fight I would say uh it's just not maybe perfectly suited for Druid I mean I guess if a ton of people are taking a lot of damage it's good for Druid but you know then you might have a hard time doing the fight right cuz wild growth it's not cheap even though it's really really good right so um yeah that's basically akumi and uh pretty much I would say that sums up the guide in terms of My overall thoughts on Druid I think it's like really strong I think wild growth is like way better than I thought it was going to be it's just like a um it just has like more healing than I thought right and when something I think it's just kind of like over over sted healing wise which means that you don't have to be as like precise and also the Mana cost is not as bad as I thought either which again means that like your uses of it like they don't have to be as precise right like you can get away with using it in what would be considered more suboptimal situations in terms of maybe the overall amount healing or the overall amount it's going to heal but it the it's doing the maybe the healing quickly in a situation so it's actually still useful in that situation even if it's not doing its full AOE healing right so I think in that sense um it's just like a really good spell overall because of how it's tuned you know what I mean um and where it still has those spots where even if it's not 100% efficient it can still be really good and it's still really good for throughput which becomes more important kind of like later on as you get more gear right like earlier on when you don't have a lot of gear you do kind of have to be careful when you don't have a lot of Mana casting wild growth um and you do want to like push it push for it to to cast more in situations where you are going to net closer to that 100% efficiency but as you get more gear you can kind of be a bit more liberal with that right and that's where it gets really strong because it does just do a lot of throughput so um when you get to the stage of the game where you're ending fights with like 30 to 40% Mana right um people aren't really going to be dying in those scenarios because you're just going to be able to throw wild growth out very aggressively and you're going to have the damage on the boss to kill the boss quick enough and so you don't go o and you're going to have a big enough Mana pool from having good gear right so yeah that's basically um how I would say that that Druid pans out like a lot of people are calling it strongest healer if you look at World of logs um there's a lot of Druids I think that have some like rank one parses but healing parses are a complete meme I still think priests are the best healer um again this is not about like you know meing on like which class is better than which class like I don't really care I play all the classes right um it's not like a favoritism thing right that it's just I think that objectively priest is is just stronger because it's more flexible right like priest could absolutely do the HPS Druids are doing in these logs it's just that they're probably not taking circle of healing cuz Penance is so good it's such a clutch ability right um priest has the dispel prayer mending is insane a lot of priests I know they're not using prayer mending right now they're using homunculi going to go into that I'll make a video on that uh it's definitely really good to do that depending on your raid comp but the idea is that you can always still use prayer mending if you need it right um whereas like Druid is pretty much they're always showing their hand right whatever a Drew Ester Drew is coming to your raid with that's pretty much what he's always going to bring whereas like a priest if you do need more healing the priest can give you more healing essentially there's like an extra gear they can kind of go into and like I said they're just overall more versatile The Shield is insane um Penance is insane Palm is insane the h debuffing is insane the damage per Global and an ability like uh void plague is really good right so all these things in my opinion I do think priest is overall like the better uh healer but I think that um you know druid's still exceptionally strong you can still absolutely main heill on a druid right so uh don't you know and and I think that the the reason why like I said I'm going to make a video going into the Synergy but to to sum it up kind of quickly a teal Dr of it is that the priest is like uh really good at being if you have a priest in and Druid in a comp the priest is going to sort of function as like the primary healer right where they'll throw up void plague and they'll wand and then when the tank is like dipping they can literally let the tank dip and then just dump a Penance into them the tank goes to like full health essentially right and when you have a group that's doing really high damage and you have players that are you know good at the game and they're not getting hit by stuff they don't need to get hit by and they're doing the mechanics properly so they're not taking damage what that allows the Druid to do is he is literally just training the boss the entire time with wrath and star surge right and um if anything bad happens if stuff hits the fan he drops the wild growth but otherwise the priest is like taking care of that single Target healing and the priest is actually still able to do pretty good damage because the priest damages from a DOT right like a super Mana efficient Dot and then um the wand he can still be wanding because penants can catch him back up on that tank in a way that Druid can't really do without being really Mana inefficient right so that's why they're so synergistic and the the Druid also compensates for the priest's weakness when they take when the priest takes homunculi and they take uh to shred the armor and do the debuffing and then the priest takes Penance the one thing that they're sort of lacking is the AOE healing right because they don't have circle of healing cuz they took penants and they don't have Palms so that's not bouncing to do AOE healing so that's where the wild growth like really comes in and Carries right because if there is ever a circumstance we need to get that AOE healing down the wild growth covers it and the priest is covering the tank healing so it's basically like the Druid is doing the clutch AE healing when he's needed and otherwise he's just allowed to blast and then the priest is doing the uh clutch tank healing with the Penance and is otherwise allowed to blast and it's just like a really really good synergetic combo so I'll make a video kind of going into more detail about stuff like that but just wanted to mention it cuz it is kind of relevant to Druid healing right so it should be in the Druid video as well um yeah so thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this again thank you all for like the support recently and all the comments and stuff like that I read them all um the good and the uh like all like I read the suggestions the critique everything like that so feel free to leave any sort of comment um and I will take a look at it and hopefully uh reply to it so thank you guys again um like comment subscribe if you liked it you know if you didn't like it obviously i' never expect you to do that but thank you guys again and I will talk to you soon
Channel: Power Word: Heal
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Id: _nZjDcKmbZc
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Length: 98min 10sec (5890 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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