Season of Discovery Class Picking Guide - All Class Changes Explained!

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on the 30th of November class design is about to be totally redefined for classic wow seasa Discovery isn't just vanilla classes with a little bit more spice they being totally redesigned from the ground up with a heavy focused on more fun and hybridization and honestly guys I think blizzard are only just getting started in the future it wouldn't surprise me if things became even more groundbreaking it's great to see blizzard actually taking some risks and experimenting with what a classic plus server can become and nonetheless these new class additions at of first glance can be a little overwhelming I mean what class should we even play now with all of the changes well by the end of the video you should have a better idea on what class to roll or you get so excited that their decision becomes even harder just remember guys that the theme of this seasonal server is Discovery so if you think that learning stuff about sod before you've played it will actually ruin the experience for yourself here's a crazy idea here turn the video off now into the moaning like a typical wild baby in the comment section so as you know in sad they are adding runes to the game they are similar to Legendary fixes in Diablo I they will add a class Talent or a totally new ability from the many different wow expansions and they are actually obviously assigned to your gear pieces be sure to watch the whole video as many new abilities have been data mind for instance a gladiator stands for warriors that will allow them to use stance specific abilities in all stances but remember data mind abilities are definitely not confirmed to be in the game let's begin with the Druid the focus here has definitely been to make every Druid spec viable so that the Druid isn't just a Healer at endgame but also to make the healing spec a little more interesting we have the addition of savage raw mangle and the data mind Tiger's Fury the Ferro Druid will definitely be powerful enough with this tool kit to make them a formidable DPS like the iron ra of Lich King and the same goes for balance with the addition of star Surge and Sunfire interestingly Sunfire can also be used in Bear and cat form so it's going to be nice for when bear tanks want to do some ranged pulling they will also have a party wide buff called wild strikes which is basically wind Fury totem and there's also this ability called Fury storm rage that allows a Healer to spam Raph for no Mana cost and basically allows the possibility for you to be hybrid DPS and healer healing Druids can also get life Bloom living seed and wild growth by the way guys if you want to see every single ability that is confirmed to be added in season of Discovery I have made a huge spreadsheet of them all for every single class all you got to do is subscribe to the channel and go to my subscriber only trailer and if you want to level up your characters and your professions really fast when season of Discovery drops be sure to check out zygor's guides they're going to be going all out for when season of discovery drops making guides for every element of the game so be sure to check that out Hunter runes seem to be more focused on making your rotation more interesting while also allowing you to be a more viable melee DPS this is made possible by flanking strike where you and your pet simultaneously deal 100% melee damage but it can also boost the damage of mongus bite and Raptor strike and then also Raptor strike has a chance toet the cool down on the flanking strike you also get this very strong cleave Mele attack ability called cve that strikes every Target in front of you you also have the option to ditch your pet for 25% increased damage this will likely be the meta strategy for anyone not playing Beast Mastery they seem to have taken a lot of influence in the retail version of maxmen especially as you can get the sniper training room which increases your crit Chance by 30% when you haven't moved in 6 seconds you will also get Cobra strike the exposed weakness debuff added in TBC and also an ability to make your multi shots also trigger a serpent sting you've got classic stuff like kill command explosive shot cha shot and the Beast Mastery Talent which basically turns your pet into Mike Meers interestingly new aspect has been datto mind code aspect of a line that increases all stats by 20% and all party member stats nearby by 10% I imagine that's going to be the main meta play for a melee Hunter there's also a buff that's been day to mind called warlock pet buff and it hints that pets will actually scale with your stats because they didn't actually in original vanilla Mage runes will allow you to be any kind of Mage that you want to be because of over hybridization but also weirdly allow you to become a healing DPS hybrid I think instead of Mage having three DPS specs Arcane will become a heiler hybrid people think that it's a bit cringe but to me it makes sense I mean there have been many wizard Mage characters in other fantasy universes that are healers like for example be sorceresses in The Witcher franchise regeneration is a long hot effect that doesn't do as much healing as a typical hot but converts 100% of your Arcane damage into healing through the temporal Beacon buff this simultaneously applies when you put regeneration on the target but can also be applied by a new AOE heal called Mass regeneration and the rewind ability will reverse the damage taken in the last 5 Seconds by all Targets with temporal Beacon they've also added a very hard-hitting Arcane damage ability called Arcane surge that deals damage based on your remaining Mana scale by 300% of your total Mana but it does actually consume all of the Mana and increases your regeneration after I really don't want to know what this is going to be like combined of a pom pyro blast iconic Mage talents and spells have also been added like fingers of frost burnout living flame Icy Veins I Slants Arcane blast and living living bomb the improved Elemental W talents from TBC have also been data mined palad would be glad to know that their new runes will make R and protection perfectly viable in raiding they've added Avenger Shield a taunt Aus which is an ability similar to Holy Shield Divine storm Civ mat which is basically the TBC seal of blood and also obviously Crusader strike exorcism can be used on any Target we also added Divine sack and rebuke which is the Palin's kick which is interestingly not even in RAF of vich King yet and weirdly they have this new one called Horn of lorderon which is basically the death Knights Horn of winter Beacon of light has also been added with an ability that can debuff fear and sleeps data mining also shows Buffs to righteous Fury and there might be adding rebound which was a TBC talent that increases your chance to block after you receive a crit it the priest runes will focus on adding multiple healing play Styles and making Shadow spec more viable strength of ass Soul reduces the duration of the weak and Soul debuff on the target when you use healing abilities on them making specking deep and discipline very likely worth it there's an extra do called void plague that's been added and along with Mia so priest will actually do some competent AOE DPS there's a new cool down called homing CI homing culi I have no idea how it's pronounced it's basically similar to a mage's mirror image sols will attack the Target and debuff it shadow of pain can also be automatically spread to nearby Targets with the shared pain Rune surrender pity has also been added which is a buff that speeds up a cast time of your big longer heels when you cast your small faster cheap heels Twisted Faith boosts the damage of mine flight and mine blast and the priest will also get some of his iconic abilities like prayer of men ending circle of healing Penance Shadow word death and Shadow word barrier Rogue runes will focus on making poisons more viable but only in theory for horde because as you know they would have to change how windfury works and how it interacts with weapons they're adding some iconic Rogue tet abilities that always felt missing from vanilla while also strangely making the concept of a rogue tank viable this is made possible by the Rune just a flesh wound it turns blade flurry into a defensive cool down and turns faint into a taunt you also get a finishing move called blade dance that increases par chance to a maximum of 10% and a new strike ability called weirdly main gorch or guch sounds a bit strange sounds a bit rude to be honest but anyway and essentially does the same so that's a constant 20% constant Parry chance in theory Slaughter from the Shadows makes backstab and Ambush cost 20 less energy and they've also added some iconic range abilities from The Outlaw Rogue spec on retail like Quick Draw which is similar to concussive shot and between the eyes that Buffs attack power and causes a stun we've also got some other classic stuff like deadly brew and Venom saber slash mutilate and S strike has also been added shiv has also been data mined Shaman as you probably guess by now has had their meme specs made more viable elements will be both by abilities like lava burst and overload that has a chance to cast an extra spell for half a damage an enhancement will get dual wield and Laval lash weirdly shamans have also been given the power to tank with the addition of Shield Mastery a stacking armor increasing buff that regenerates mana and the way of the earth room that increases threat and turns Earth shock into a taunt we also have a hybrid healing cool down called ancestral guidance where 25% of damage converts to Healing on free nearby pyer members but it's increased to 100% descend if your target is affected by Flame shock this is very similar to the priest vampiric Embrace that was added in TBC however it's on a cooldown we've also added a few things to make a healing Shaman more interesting like Healing Rain Earth Shield shamanistic Rage water Shield has also been added and there's also molten blast which is a frontal cone AOE fire damage spell warock runes will allow different play styles to become more viable namely dot play Styles give them some actual good AOE capability and also blizzard of finally experimenting with a viable warlock tank spec interestingly for the first time metamorphosis actually be made a permanent ability interestingly they have made metamorphosis a permanent form ability much like a druid that comes along with a charge and an AOE taunt it also makes searing pain instant shadowbolt into an AOE melee cleave ability on a 6sec cool down and turns cursive wreck into a 10sec cooldown taunt affliction would definitely be viable with Everlasting Affliction and haunt added destruction will be more fleshed out and more unique with chaos bolt and incinerate we also have some cool stuff like Lake of Fire causing rain of fire to leave a flame strike effect on the ground and also buff pet damage when a pets inside it you got Master Channeler that turns drain life into an instant cast debuff and boosts its healing Generation Well the healing drain Generation by 100% but it does increase its Mana cost you also have demonic Grace for increases your Dodge and crit Chance by 30% along with some classic TBC and raal lichking additions like s siphon demonic tactics demonic pack and also weirdly you can turn your shadowbolt into a shadowbolt volley which is basically an AOE ability instead Warriors will be happy to know that many of their irritating restrictions are being removed by runes through his Thunder for instance will allow a tank to finally use thunder clap in defensive stance but also seems to be a heavy focus on making duw wielding more powerful most likely for PVP Frid assault increases attack speed by 20% when duel wielding single-minded Fury increases your physical damage and your movement speed by 10% while je wielding then there's this very overpowered ability called consumed by Rage which increases melee damage by 25% for 12 seconds or a Max of 12 swings whenever you exceed 80 rage now if this doesn't have some kind of internal cool down then Warrior play style may switch to be totally different it may be more about saving and banking on rage to obviously optimize your auto attack damage you can combine this with another really rude sounding ability called filation kind of sounds like something else but anyway which increases your physical damage by another 25% for 12 seconds and this happens whenever you use Berserker rage or blood rage and I can see the new endless rage Rune going well for this because it increases your rage generate by 25% you also have blood frenzy giving free rage on your bleed effects raging blow warbringer allowing you to charg in combat in any stance Victory Rush devastate for the protection Warrior and a new ability called quick strike and this is a two-hander weapon only ability but benefits from all of the benefits that heroic strike gets so more stuff has been data mind like should reflect like I said before something called Gladiator St honestly this does look a little weird mind you because it's apparently a shield Rune and it's not associated with Warrior but apparently it allows you to use any ability in any stance it's apparently categorized as a proficiency similar to how you get a proficiency to use plate armor so maybe it's going to be a new passive ability learn at a higher level rather than an actual Rune and there we have it my class overview for all of the new changes coming in season of Discovery are you guys excited about the new Rune system or do you think blizzard are going a little bit overboard let me know in the comment section below personally I'm very excited anyway my name is metag Goblin until my next video [Music] ciao oh
Channel: MetaGoblin
Views: 137,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, world of warcraft classic, wow classic, classic+, world of warcraft classic+, classic wow, wotlk, asmongold reacts, release date, announcement, trailer, season of discovery, season of discovery changes, sod class changes, sod new featues, sod new raids, sod new dungeons, sod new content, rune engraving, class changes, new spells, new abilities, warlock, mage, warrior, druid, paladin, hunter, shaman, priest, guide, overview
Id: luSLJjhhsKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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