BAFTA-Winning Mystery Crime Full Movie | Sapphire (1959) | Retrospective

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Well, its still more interesting than midsommer murders or dancing with the stars.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/crosstherubicon 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

A very good film covering the racial issues of the time.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Zeno_of_Citium 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning 7,000 morning superintendent awning inspector Lee right here thank you how is she fella hi Bob no idea blood stain handkerchief in a pocket letter s in the corner you weren't like this hasn't she's dead a young father doesn't knife wounds around the heart she died instantly what sort of knife any sort of sharp pointed no sang well found a couple of kids no blood on the ground or any signs of a struggle must have been killed somewhere else and dumped here how long's she been dead between five and eight years to the evening is the nearest I can put it missing persons have nothing to report sir thank you grands pretty hard we've searched the area sir but found nothing nothing but the handkerchief huh no nothing I'll send that Claire's long the station well yes I've come up Hill nice simple things are they quite go together anyway please do it'll be some hysterical frightened boy I don't think so in my experience an aesthetical frightened boy stabs once whoa twice maybe and then runs but this monkey went on an ant and he was exhausted now this girl was killed in hate not fear I should say she was a student now she's in the habit of going away for the weekend she may not be missed until tomorrow get a list of every college and Academy in London see if a girl doesn't turn up in the morning particularly any girl whose name begins with this [Music] that's it hey we're sapphire isn't she in Birmingham with a brother I don't know she was going and then she changed her mind I don't know what you did well if you're worried why don't you find him no I don't want to speak to her brother she put the morning train I expect don't worry sapphire be in disguise for coffee see you then hi David vaccinations on your scholarship when you after own next month [Music] Harris we won't keep you very long I I'm sorry but we think you may be able to help us hey what's the matter with you that's what is it that murdered girl on Hampstead Heath itself a staffer yeah and a copy Qwik Oh God please kept asking me questions about her who her friends were as it ass well after all her friends what else did they ask you what about David the scholarship and everything if she'd have any boyfriends before him I couldn't tell them I've only known her since I took her to stay with me at my digs where was she living before that her dump in aus caught landlady turned around but why self I was such a sweetie who'd do such a thing you say her name was sapphire Robbins I'd like you to come down to my office ask a few questions do think you feel up to it we'll send you over when a police car afterwards we were going to get married I'm sorry you see the last time you saw her was on Friday night yes do you know what she did on Saturday she came to my house apparently just after lunch you earned in know I went to Cambridge to sketch and a student architect at the Polytechnic what train did you catch I hitchhiked both ways what time you get home about 11:00 a whole game you live from Cambridge a chap in a black console dropped me at the post office what time is that about quarter to 11:00 you wouldn't remember the number of the cars No somebody ought to tell sapphires brother we contacted dr. Robbins in Birmingham he's on his way to London now oh did you Insaf I have a quarrel on Friday night No thank you sergeant dried mr. had his home Anil you let me know if you find out anything won't you they go beyond floor mr. Haley's Oh mr. Han is what time did you go back from Cambridge about 11:00 thank you the truth do you think well nobody described was the whole truth I never believed he came him and he said he did but his brief seemed genuine love I never know who these monkeys connect their heads off when it suits him bring up the guard and get him to ask the BBC to broadcast with the driver of that black console all right I mean why would take go to that girl's room before brother gets here had she been with you long about six months would it ID him if I wasn't naturally an orderly child stood out this did you like him did I did I felt sorry for her her parents were dead and she wanted so much to be counted in to belong did you ever meet her brother no but I spoke to him on the telephone sounded very nice this one's locked I'm sorry I haven't the key well I'm sure wouldn't [Music] I wonder who she was dancing there [Music] did she play the Denethor often all the time softly she was a student at the Royal Academy of Music well thank you mr. Thompson could be most helpful well evidently there was a site to sapphire she didn't know but no maybe Young Harris found the same thing didn't like it could be and that's the person she was dancing with found out about Young Harris jealousies billionaire Dade mrs. Farr mr. Spivey brothers here David speak to you the girls brother's here sir dr. Robbins writes and he winds up dr. Robinson what's very good with them so quickly how you do please sit down thank you I suppose there's no dot it is sapphire no doubt at all I'm afraid I know this must be painful for you there are some questions I have to ask you of course no thank you I understand you expected your sister for the weekend yes I didn't weren't you worried when she didn't turn up and said no no she rang me said something unexpected it's topped it with sapphires something unexpected was always happening how did you son excited I thought what sort of a girl was your sister happy Lively exactly she looked no no that's not quite true is it are you aware you suffer as half brother no our father was a doctor white our mother's singer black as I am you never know which way it's gonna go since FY I came to London she learned to pass for white did David Harris know that your sister was colored I don't know I knew little of sapphires life up here she seemed happy I didn't pry further my sister was 21 you know why did you never come to London she wanted to come I didn't see why she shouldn't have the same chance as any other youngster I'm a bachelor I could afford to stake her did she ever talk about anyone else besides young Harris I can't remember I hardly listened SEF I'd share it so much it's unbelievable I can see her now sitting on the table in my consulting room swinging her legs laughing twittering like a bird the patients waiting but as she went I could have slept too sometimes I would do such a thing I would do it I'd like to see my sister now take you know I'll draw the grow loan the new end hospital Hampstead thank you Bob that girl oh this is dr. Robbins Detective Inspector Leroy how do you do hello you can get me at the dose at Hotel they take us there thank you that's the brother yes I think I was right hate killed Safa ham I think she died because she was colored she was also pregnant three months the autopsies just in Young Harris of course I don't know he can't be sure now can we I mean I'd be anybody [Music] dad I've been training everywhere after you what's the matter gallon hamster teeny with Sarah servo yes David have to go an identified David so frightened dad don't worry go where's David now it's gone home you didn't tell us you were the father of sapphires child you didn't ask me well you on the other side of that know [Music] [Music] it's the police did good in there with David now don't worry dear it's only routine what do you think you're going to after my room dad I told him he couldn't I want him to show him Ellie I'm David's father superintendent Hammond what's been said we know about the baby dad or what of it we knew she came here to tell us on Saturday just after lunch my boy was going to marry her I gave him my word he would they want to know what time I got in on Saturday night dad about 11:00 did you talk to anyone in Cambridge anyone want to remember on where did you eat I took sandwiches he always does we can't afford meals in cafes you know finished inspector yes sir thank you mrs. Farr we went through David's room with a magnifying glass I don't care if they take the bonds up baby's got nothing to hide do you think they'll be gone but the times twins get back they'll hear it at school minute you can't keep it from them you've got to make up your mind to this excuse me superintendent hazard would like to see you for a moment mrs. fire mrs. Farr what time do you finish work at the dairy on Saturday about harp six a little late Charlie my assistant was away all last week I had the tidying up to do as he did you come straight home this is your home for the moment my husband's away let's see who was in the house and you got here nobody I was at the club my wife was at her sister's with the twins twins my children the girls sapphire had gone when you got in yes she wasn't here how did she see him when you saw her earlier in the day same as usual full of life did you know that she was colored we knew how long we knew that's enough isn't it see I understand you've just won a scholarship that takes you abroad of course you won't leave lor this is settled William don't worry he'll be staying here all right dad I can answer for myself is that all superintendent they're the children I must get the team why of course mrs. phone superintendent hadn't you better advertise for the fellow that drove Davy back from Cambridge I don't want any slime sticking to my son you know we have that in hand mr. Hayes you say this man dropped you at the post office did anyone see you at that time of night on Saturday I don't know yes yes Jack Ferris he saw me dead local constable you wouldn't call him a liar I suppose if Johnny Turnbull turn on your feet didn't mean to little boys and clumsy dancers what if your feet eat rotten home money you know I hate dancing classes last week you loved them hello my name is fat thank you his angel cake for tea they knew she was colored then yes the point is when and that's a very important point finding upstairs no nothing all his clothes would clean and put away pretty rocky alibi of young heiresses familiar motive tall that's all to pet for my liking you know if he'd married that girl he probably couldn't have taken up that scholarship he wouldn't get a ground for a wife hmm well are we gonna have a word with this local principal what's-his-name Pharisee yes right away [Music] yes sir I did see Young Harris walking home on Saturday night what time was that was near 11:00 this makes no difference and he was telling from the post office on that directions huh what sort of people are they have all very respectable sir cut above the average mrs. Harris was a schoolteacher I love what they known the girl was colored what yes she was you know oh I should have thought they knew that at all he's very bigoted tailors and really ambitious for his son oh very generous who skipped himself to deliver Davey mind you the boys repaid it all that scholarship he's won and the daughter Oh Millie's her father all over again dancing classes for the twins elocution must have a bit extra her husband's a sailor Merchant Navy bit of a lad oh Sid father doesn't seem to get much leave or doesn't want it can you find out if hair is used is bad on Saturday night I do my best sir he only saw him coming from the direction of the post office that's no alibi or not well boy looks truthful to me what's the track width of Harris's van would you say no four foot four foot six I think I go back to the ease of take a look around four foot six inches yes it's more than possible sir you shouldn't have come I wanted to see where my sister died not here no no she was brought here somehow and left there is no roadway for car oh I don't know a small one could have just made it but the grounds too hard to show tracks did David Harris killer what makes you say that she was pregnant I've seen the autopsy yes but there's no proof that he killed her if he did we'll get him rest assured there is no assurance for me or my kind superintendent I've been black for 38 years I know she may have looked white but Sapphire was colored your sister was murdered we'll find out who killed her I'm sure that is your intention it is my intention it's also my job I'm sorry thank you when I was a child another boy touched me he then held out his hand look he said nothing's come off on me trouble is something came off on me how do I get to Bloomsbury I'll give you a lift it's on my way oh sorry sir [Music] I'm full I don't want a room I've come to thank you for looking after my sister got the wrong address I take only white students my name is Robin's how much did sapphire owe you the rent was paid up may I come tomorrow and pick up sapphires things the police have sealed her room you must ask them Patsy Patsy you in person what is it mrs. Thompson that girl you brought here did you know she was colored okay sefa yes yes I did when did she tell you she didn't a friend told me this house is my living if it got around that I took colored students certain white people wouldn't allow their children to stay here well I think it's a damn silly prejudice I'm not saying it isn't but I can't afford to have my rooms empty do you think that she could be so sly it's people like you who made her sly well you jolly well got another dimension up Patsy yes you took sapphire home to Gilford didn't you yes did you tell your father and mother she was colored no wellin no but so quick to call me prejudiced you sure dad well how does his van could have made it all on Saturday night it couldn't what van was in the garage having a big in fixed Harris didn't pick it up until Monday morning what a blazer together there are sergeant cook to come alone thank you red tempered it under a tweed skirt yes that's the black under the white alright oh come off it Phil yes oh come in sergeant cook tell me what do you make of that I would know what to make of it sir Oh calm you're a woman and where do suppose I think that that could be bought I wouldn't know sir no try Babette's Shaftesbury Avenue and how would you know you just take my word for it there Katie but girls who like flashy pretty underwear durability no well checking it first thing in the morning well yeah Babette Susie just yeah Ashley Avenue let's go girl I bet you have boyfriend boarded for that game today daily course he is I'm not going in I've got to face it sometime lad better now than later it's in the paper this morning the autopsy they don't mention David will stop them guessing ever major get mixed up with a colored gift I didn't know when did you know last week by then I didn't care that's what she banked on never say you didn't know to last week never what's it matter it gives you a motive that's what it matters it gives us all a motive we none of us knew till the weekend did we know I'll never forget her standing here Saturday and when dad said he'd see her brother tell him that Davey would stand by her she laughed and said he'll be a shock to us as black as a pot shut up really and she laughed some more and said don't look like that David doesn't care have you done your teeth hands were scrubbed no lovely smile Oh Janice I've got something for you hey know your point [ __ ] off we do breakfast June Gramp you're taking a screwing event don't bother dad I'll take them to school yes I remember the girl she was to spend quite a bit of money yeah she was a good customer for a little while when about six seven months ago did you come alone usually except once well but he had a young fellow with her then foresman boy fair no I remember being very surprised she was at your dainty kid and he was a great big colored jet colored a great big colored chap she said the other side of the picture before she learned she could pass for white really it's a doctor in Bloomsbury says snap I went to see him on Saturday morning tell him to be right over sergeant bring up the Royal College of Music and see if they have any record of sapphires previous addresses oh and then you never would over Harris's place and see if any of the neighbors saw the girl leave on Saturday no she wasn't a regular patient I never seen her before she ranked an immediate appointment I saw a 12:30 on Saturday did you tell her at once yes she was bursting to know was she upset no on the contrary excited delighted at having her own suspicions confirmed what name did she owes one on the car mrs. Harris did she tell you she was colored no shouldn't mention it I'll bet she didn't but you can always tell counter no inspector the meditate you can't well I can tell in the Loyola way oh I don't know inspector would you say you were a policeman what well haven't got a bed a big feet have you don't they say you can always tell a policeman a mile off by the size of his feet oh that's bloody silly yes isn't it well I'm afraid there's nothing we can do about Leroy its feet but regarding the girl was there anything else about of the struck you yes I thought she was rather nice person well thank you doctor I'm strong be most helpful goodbye goodbye goodbye must be pretty sure about young hattis narrates thought he did the doctors news happily enough I hope she summed the buy up wrongly any of the girls addresses come through yes sir a house in Bloomsbury before that a place in Earls Court and another lead Chelsea woman's hospital or trial is caught first yes sir yes I remember sapphire Robins what sort of a girl was she nice enough girl considering she was colored oh you knew then I guess you can always tell do we get to please not too much noise over the gramophone but I never my as long as they don't look it still I had to get rid of her in the end why couldn't risk upsetting the other tenants some big colored folks started calling for her not cuz your happy was well I run a white house you never can tell when the others are gonna kick what was this fellows name I don't know did you get any phone calls well not too for the international club but her brother were you surprised when sapphire got herself killed for depends upon how much hate she stirred up hate I dare say she was passing for wide so would you be pleased with the brass sovereigns superintendent is that all yes thank you very much these landlady's know-it-all Delphic I wouldn't say then after all they were living to earn as well as Chilton Women's Hospital event yeah Miss Mary Dawson miss Dawson yes my name is hazard this is inspector Lee roid you want to talk to me about so far yes I saw it in the paper it upset me very much did you like seven yes I did tell me what she found of dancing mad about it and who were her dancing partners Raylan Paul Slade how can we get in touch with these people Rayland return to Nigeria six months ago but I can give you a poor Slade's telephone number what is that Chancery - 496 thank you Paul Slade was a law student then now he's a barrister well thank you Miss Dawson you to be most helpful Oh tell me why do you stop seeing Zephir she stopped seeing me I'm rather distinctive you know Aden he's down there [Music] he's been back and forth along that footpath all afternoon what's he looking for search me but whatever it is he hasn't found it see you [Music] none of the neighbors saw cefr leave Harris's house on Saturday sir yes mr. Paul slide sir I'll bring him in a dancing lawyer I beg your pardon sir what door doesn't matter this way sir oh it's very good me to come over this way mr. slain oh it's all Thank You sergeant I'd rather call on you and have you call on me my father's in London for a conference of Lambeth Palace I don't think there's a bishop living could appreciate his son being mixed up in a murder inquiry however indirectly yeah won't you sit down here let me take care I understand you knew who sapphire Robinson's very well may I please oh no thank you where'd you first meet up at the international club one of those get together let's be brothers places how long since you last saw her seven eight months yeah she any other friends besides yourself chap called ray Lander he's gone home I believe anyone else not that I know of he was sent for me to ask where I was on Saturday I was meeting my father off a boat at Southampton we stayed the night and I drove him back to town on Sunday morning thank you did you ever have a photograph taken with sapphire yes in a group did you ever have one taken alone dancing at a nightclub never alone Superintendent do you ever take her shopping in Shaftesbury Avenue Babette's for instance good lord no what what who didn't it doesn't matter what sort of a girl was sapphire owned either one thing that other when I knew her I imagine she changed after she got this yen to marry light if you know what I mean I know that ruled you are anyway the question of marriage - in sapphire and myself could never have arisen house there my father would never have permitted it why not said I came from a good home her brother's a doctor she was part white is that all but for the moment yes if we need your we'll send for you any help I can give Hank [Music] did he ask about Johnny no good my old man knew I'd been around places like two ups he'd cut off my allowance and yank me back home is this policeman likely to get on to it shouldn't think so didn't strike me as being overburdened with brains sanctimonious oh we're so careful to have his hand out first I know with all the children of God forget it I see you've been talking to Slade I suppose he's got a cast-iron alibi yes but there's something you didn't want me to know was that I don't know he said he met sapphire the international club get on to him find out what time all the kids had like they were there together okay yes what a decided oh it's about young Harry sir what about him he's up on the heath he's been there only afternoon looking for something [Music] [Music] [Music] you pushed it down the drain sir was quite deliberate so I thought I'd best find out what he was well it's a piece of wood what's being painted at some time look you can see the red and blue marks yeah enjoined it at both ends must have come off something off what I wonder I think this is the lab and see what they make of it very good now why on earth should it boy be so anxious to find that and then get rid of it [Music] [Music] you didn't go in today this is a terrible thing that's happened but you've gotta pull yourself together in three weeks you'll be going away home it's a new world new people new places you'll forget I can't baby you did speak the truth about Saturday you didn't meet surfer did you [Music] maybe what happened on Saturday night mum never asked what happened on Saturday never it didn't mean 7:00 Saturday did you huntsmen heavy did you tell the twins Davey or kids write it here what's the matter I thought you'd come to tea with Molly Turnbull we would a funny family what's happened what is it mother go and take your hats and coats off huh she said mrs. Turnbull wouldn't have the twins for tea I think they ought to go to stay with Katie in Richmond well I don't know what Sid would say stop pretending about SID he doesn't care whether they're here or in Timbuktu was a bad husband and a bad father all right mom I'll get dad to drive them down tomorrow bring Kate it now right Mildred what time did you leave sepharon saturday half one man it makes the shop left to here with dead then only dad was at home that's right David wasn't no he didn't get in till 11:00 did you see him no I was in bed but dad was up and we've only got dad's word that he came in when he said he did what are you thinking nothing I'll bring Katy you see to the children's tea oh dear we'll never live it down who says money candles mother what we live down I don't know but something to do it on yourself ah she's good time to settle down now children why am i give just came down to Katy ask no questions and you'll be told no lies for the bungee sapphire isn't it no don't call her aunty she's nothing to us and she never was my darling straight up to sleep no talking so why go on arguing about it baby came in at 11 o'clock what'd you tell the police Ted but you live the truth stop accusing David please ma'am Lily if we're to help him we've got to know the truth lie is a never any good who says Dave is telling lies I don't want any supper mum I'm going out where are you going son I'm going for a walk man don't be too late will you [Music] [Music] I don't think you'll find what you're looking for here should bring Jenna we haven't seen yourself over seven months we're really trying to fill in our backgrounds together as you wish thank you I just gather round me will you won't keep you a moment but these changing the police officers they want to ask you a few questions about Sapphire Robbins bars anyone here a particular friend of sapphires we all were what were once what do you mean once I mean she stopped coming here why they drift away superintendent grow out of us sapphire I didn't drift away she used to come here regularly then suddenly she never came again why was that sapphire and she could pass for white I was ever dead happened tell me we're just finished coffee I went to pay the bill a white lady came in took one look at my black mug and said oh I see the red the jungle in she said this to surfer you see like they were the same except I left before I got my change when I went outside she'd gone silly little peasant did you ever dance with Safa no not me slay real Enda they were her partners and wishy washy there where did you dance with her yes sir did she mention anyone else outside the club I mean well if you do remember anything speak to mr. young he'll know how to get in touch with us I think you're right I didn't actually find anything here thank you so much anybody's been most kind of you see um please don't bother your mister performance right it's a good fairness yes and he's lucky you'll be accepted for what he is a good pianist [Music] there's a young lady in the car sir I thought as much drive on the block Phil get in the front very good sir yes I know a lot about sapphire they don't know on the rhythm at the club it wasn't hard enough for her so Paul's ladies to take two tulips a dive in Shepherds Bush it's father the bishop yes he just don't see his precious son in hell far as the tulips Paul got into a fight there over sapphire well who did he fight with Oh Johnny someone big ugly fellow he said sapphire danced crazy with him real crazy Paul dropped her after then poor sapphire oh she couldn't care less she'd got Johnny then of course he didn't last very long when his colour went out of fashion how did you know that he rang out left a message for her ring Johnny at tulips sapphire had gone white then so we never saw her I told him he was mad they'd ended for some dancing competition cash prize he said you didn't like sapphire no I was postlets gofyn till she cut me out I hated that high an adult you can drop me anywhere here I'll walk back what are you studying 1 2 sorry child welfare I shan't bother with it though oh why not I want to get married stay here I like things well thank you alright oh by the way did you give this Johnny a sapphires new address oh no I wouldn't do that perhaps you could have him someone else though huh try to lips club shepherd's bush I will good night good night [Music] [Music] to be asked don't yourself to be a scotch eyes-u problem I need three beers ever heard of sapphire double serve three beers [Music] Cygnet will dine on Hampstead Heath that's the chicken ten shillings sir sorry I got nothing smaller surely sir keep the change [Music] Davin ever heard of sapphire found a hatch copper is Johnny in tonight Johnny at the end tonight talking to me so yeah lots of Johnny here tonight sir Johnny figures Jonny [ __ ] [Music] johnny rodz I'm Johnny Tiger over there sure all the jollies in the wall are here tonight sir we want to Johnny the dance for this chick this chick was never here at all sir can I help you superintendent mr. Judith before they call me we are looking at a Johnny who used to dance with sapphire this sapphire you mean to check that was cut up on Hampstead Heath Saturday night she's new to me I never saw her [Music] that's a lily skin your cheek was the lily skin wasn't she it's in the evening papers I think I would have remembered if she never been in here oh you can always tell cuz once they hear the beat of the bungalow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes no matter how fair is a skin they can't hide that swing your cheek was never here superintendent somewhere else she danced with her Johnny [Music] [Music] hello Johnny and don't come back you're wearing too much struggle Johnny we'll watch you on Saturday night Johnny it wasn't in the club she would say fire was you Tony you blow Johnny blow know without loot I'll bring you loot [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the police I got to hide up Viet never been in trouble with the law and don't care to be owned away with your boys you and your kind that get this respectable folk a bad name please oh my dear get out [ __ ] we got copper trouble too but we ain't got your sword a woman trouble now get out and stand another white leg on your wide end Sonny Boy and hurry [Music] they're at me please who's after you the tails please help I don't they break the place to pieces tear the shop down it's my living boy please mister I'll tell your don't dad you've got to he's in trouble I tell you again you've got to get [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no boss no witch straight Johnny on the rs.10000 one who's on my path Johnny all alone hey the truth Johnny come on let's have the truth where were you 1700 a Saturday night answer [Music] Davey have you been walking Davey where will you uncentered tonight in a car on my way back from Cambridge where were you on Saturday night I told you baby ever since you were a little boy I've known when you were lying to me where were you Sonny mom I told you never to ask about the Saturday night please Saturday night Johnny where were you oh oh on the street oh wait on that part Oh on my part when you see sapphire last I don't know survive you found the International clever left a message for her now where were you Saturday night Oh someone's I look at you in the morning someone who saw you with sapphire want to change your story Johnny no no right booked him come on on your feet why do you say you didn't know sapphire you want to fight over a tulips deaden killer all right new sivaiah but didn't kill her you're crazy about her when chip no we just dance no she went white and dropped your didn't she then you ran into her on Saturday night father and night - no we used to dance that's all just does where is your knife Johnny your knife Johnny where is it all right take him away find the knife and we've got him Johnny Biddle out upstairs far as you can go with him in Congress aren't there no I wouldn't say that she wasn't any delicate flower you know just the same as him underneath besides he didn't look so black - then no let's take a look around [Music] look at this and this looks like young Harris is in the clear yeah it looks that way let's see what the lab has to say about it it's quite a long trip what from here to Hampstead Heath it's the other side of London how the devil did he get there follow these simple answers the transport you would really like it to be this colored boy wouldn't you message over the car radio sir there's a gentleman at the station says he drove mr. David Harris from Cambridge last Saturday there's a transport for you [Music] these spades are a load of trouble I reckon we should send them back where they came from we wouldn't have half this bother if they weren't here last version right that's the same as you wouldn't have our ladies being covered by hooligans at the weapony old ladies it's what you do get rid of hooligans or people they bash look Phil give him the right atmosphere you can organize riots against anyone Jews Catholics Negroes Irish even policemen with big feet is this the boy you give a lift to just as that Cambridge on Saturday yes what time did you put him down I dropped him at the post office around 6 o'clock he said it was only ten minutes walk away from where he lived oh sure I wouldn't be here if I wasn't do you deny this what's the use well thank you son I hope you haven't wasted too much of your time that's quite all right sorry old chap what sit down mr. Harris what time did you get home on Saturday 11 o'clock you heard what the man said I got back to town at 6:00 I didn't get home till 11 and what do you do in between walked about then I went to the pictures why didn't you say this before I didn't want my father to know he worries if I go to the pictures too often in term time thinks it strains my eyes come here glasses which cinema did you go to the rich what were you doing on Hampstead Heath yesterday I told you you wouldn't believe me well just try William I wanted to see where it happened I had some idea I might stumble on something something I'd recognize him you wouldn't and did you know how about this why are you so anxious to get rid of this I didn't I never saw before until this part of a child's doll I wouldn't know a leg possibly is that what you think it is well I don't think it's anything I should judge just a piece of wood I was tooling with you admit picking it up then yes you just said you didn't I I'd forgotten stop lying Harris he was seen pushing this down a drain why I don't know I don't know he when you and say now on your way home from the post office on Saturday night was a den you met sapphire no I never saw told you about the baby look I tell you I never saw how long had you known she was colored I didn't care I didn't care did care about your scholarship it didn't get here on for a wife in it if you manage sapphire the scholarship was offered I loved her I tell you I loved sapphire where were you when she was killed yes I excuse me sir mr. David Harris his father's here for the solicitor all right all right Harris you better get in the film Ralph bigot ticket north and figured fins repavement mr. Harris asked me to come look after his son can I see my chance please is all yours tough monkey that father must move like the wind to get a lawyer round here yeah there we go I wonder what he wasn't Saturday night I'm getting into a taxi now I have the rich divine to witness I'll bet I was a very human lie boy didn't want to upset his father could know enough later he was in too deep where was he on Saturday night who Harris at the local social club did we check it all I don't look so horrified I can't think of everything not even us constable fetes is also a member of that social club no sir Ted Harris didn't come into the club too late on Saturday night about 10:00 that's definite choice until journey he gave us the impression he'd been there all evening no he didn't know his daughter took it for granted and we naturally followed another one still trying bouncing they're giving something away we still haven't had the report on Johnny fiddles knife no you got that to come try better daddy well of course dad spent the evening at the club you almost done Saturday's my information is he didn't get there until 10:00 you're not trying to suggest that he had anything to do with it I'm not saying he did I merely want to know where he was then ask him superintendent did sapphire often go to your house yes and I suppose really you were all as much to blame as David what do you mean well you should know meter so welcome if you didn't want him involved with the colored gala we didn't know she was colored not until not until when mrs. Farr not until Saturday was it the day she was killed my father didn't do it I swear superintendent you can search the house from top to bottom you'll not find a speck of blood or a trace of sefar thank you mrs. Berg I'm peckish Lilly let slip across max and get me a hamster would you will you welcome now old house can't be back yet or it answer that phone no wait a minute children again who Mildred oh there's no one in mrs. Harris has gone down to Richmond the minutes of the daddy oh thank you you might find mr. Harris in the paint shade but so you'll have to go and they all to the back for that Thanks now he's not here I'd like to know what's underneath that does she have enough evidence to get a search warrant for this place no it was expecting too much Saturday night packed house how could she remember he didn't make this up in the spur of the moment did you if the boy says he went to the pictures he went to the pictures you sound like the police I'm gonna help you are gonna think like a believe it's no use bugling they've got a very good circumstantial case they've got no case at all the boy didn't do it and if you can't clear him I will hope you can that's like no I can I know I'm not talking across me never talk to me like that in his life perhaps it aside to the boy you've never seen mr. Harris I know my own son he didn't kill safar I know he didn't tell her sergeant Newton the one him right away very good sir right thank you report from the lab Bob the blood on Johnny fiddles shared is the same group as the girls and his knife could have inflicted the wounds right there Zuma okay you wanted me son Oh Newton get her one to search all the shades of the back of Oakland Road same we're looking for stolen lead I want to see inside Heather's his paint shop that's it is this yours Johnny no boss no and what was it doing in your mattress on your bed so one put it there he he put it there all right the blood found on this knife on your shirt matches sapphires blood and what about this you and sapphires in it did you kill her Johnny did y'all know boss no blood matches not sapphires blood then who's your big lug Horace the big cigar we fight Saturday night well how can you say this before they say I kill him boss they say who saw this fight then em who's them Alexander gin Rickey big Sam where do we find these people number 16 down the street from my place it was self-defense boss Horace big cigar attacked me I not mean to kill him I'll bet [Music] [Music] what's your name Horace bixiga what's yours man this man's law now not even foolish talk mind oh yes according to our information Horace you're dead incorrect not ready for my coffin yet where were you Saturday night Horace right there boss why are you in bed sick man boss very sick I come how'd you get that hit by a jumbo car what car knocked out have no opportunity to see the bay he Johnny fiddle one big lie then huh what'd you say boss why is there Johnny fiddle done we're booking him for the killing on Hampstead Heath Saturday night that's what Johnny fiddle done sapphire that chick the block cutter the same that sure is one big pity jolly bit little trouble booking tiny Philipose unless you can give him an out he says he was with you you sure wasting your time I'm not no old for Johnny Feeny you go hanging [Laughter] [Music] [Music] is that where the jumble car knocked you down Horace you sure wisemen boss Alexander yes boss gin Rickey yes boss big Sam yes boss why did you tell Johnny Biddle he'd killed Horace big cigar Johnny fiddle there's too much of a hard hat we seek a where to knock it off make that big bush man sweat boss oh here Saturday night all here boss good names you Alexander [Music] [Music] [Music] get in here did you find what you wanted I think so well I've just seen sapphires brother I've asked him to call rod here not her brother we don't want him here you'd better turn that Joss he'll be here in a minute I said we don't want him here I want him I wonder if sapphire would have been happy here what do you think mr. habit why shouldn't she be I don't know I'm asking you answer the door what are you doing I'm mrs. Harris what do you see Kevin thank you dr. Robbins I'll ask her to come here because I think you may be able to help us I can't did sapphire want to marry this boy yes sir I think she did well David's father here has been insisting all along but he's willing to let them marry that's right assuming he's telling the truth that would have left a decision with David did you all sister give her the impression that he would have married her don't know that I can answer that I mean we we never really discussed it I've told you over and over again yes but supposing your father were lying and didn't want you to marry her I didn't care what you cared about your scholarship didn't show you cared about your career managable stopped all that wasn't me that was not about the career so you saying I wouldn't know you may have thought that a bit of fun was one thing but it managed was to a higher price to pay for it this boy couldn't do anything like need you to defend our David Mildred how about you mr. Harris you had your reasons to didn't jump I didn't wish her any harm of course not she's made a married David that's what you said wasn't it that's right I gave him my word he would but she didn't marry him to Jane she would have done would have done you hadn't stopped her as that what you mean that's not true I didn't wish her any harm none of us did we liked her we liked her David wanted her that was the hint it was good enough shut up why don't you tell the truth you hated her all you ever wanted was for me to be an architect my boy an architect you were going to send me away but you you hated her so much that you finally don't make it toys don't worry me and my kids don't when he said your hands on my children tearing up my family they're mine you really hate color people don't you you really hate them and with sapphire you couldn't control yourself and that's why you killed her it wasn't like that it wouldn't have happened live she hadn't come to the Danny I'd locked her on the blinds she banged on the door called to me I had to let him you said she was played up waiting for David wanted my company huh she sat on the counter all the time I was dining up sweeping doing millets work swinging her legs and laughing you couldn't see what you done groaning David's five drowning des dream when I said you'd better watch out David might prefer to give her ten another week for the yellow brat and keep his scholarship she laughed in my face and said David didn't care what color the baby was or what color she was he was just taunting me but Syd never coming home then she jumped down from the counter but hand on my shoulder and said if the twins aunty surprise love it Ellen will have a new little cousin soon it was a knife on the counter then there was blood I'm sorry dad Anderson you thought I killed her I don't blame you will had hate in our hearts I loved suffer I loved her yes I believe you did [Music] are you waiting back to Birmingham tonight yes let me give you a lift to the station thank you I'd like to walk well we haven't given you very much to take back happily doctor no but then I see all kinds of sickness in my practice superintendent I've never yet seen the kind you can cure in a day [Music] cases don't get solved without somebody getting hurt you know that we didn't solve anything Phil we just picked up the pieces [Music] [Music]
Channel: Retrospective - Classic Movies
Views: 1,108,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retrospective, movies, film, classic film, classic movies, british film, sapphire, full movie, nigel patrick, yvonne mitchell, murder, murder mystery, thriller, full film, movie, london, racism, drama
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 33sec (5253 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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