Ruth Rendell's Thirteen Steps Down | Full Murder Mystery Movie

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nerdleneck 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] day [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] good afternoon mr cellini you ever guess where i've just been miss chaucer obviously seems pointless to attempt it around the corner in williamson place i wanted to see where john reginald gristi lived rilington place was torn down and renamed years ago yeah so it seems still it's nice to see the spot where it actually happened where he killed all those women you think they put up a blue plaque or something they don't generally provide memorials to mass murderers yeah well he was special one of a kind i went to his house once when i was young why i had my reasons did you did you sense anything evil about him did he seem like a killer it was unpleasant little ma'am good day to you mr cellini [Music] six [Music] [Music] [Music] you're breaking my heart i love you larissa mixolini all right darling yeah you just stopped yeah it don't work unless this is connected oh silly me and so i'm here i'll give it a little once over shall i stop pissing about and come to bed [Music] uh uh i thought you'd given up don't you start my husband hates it you're in a hurry aren't you i'm on company time you don't have to pay a call out fee cheap at the price you ever going to use that machine you could use it yourself you need a bit more muscle on you solid as a rock iron have you seen your neighbour marissa nash lately why aren't i good enough for you she's famous i'm just interested that's all i've seen at a couple of parties girls like that don't go out with ordinary mortals they date rock stars and film directors famous people i could be famous he's got me on a tv show or something one day you'll see my name in the papers don't you worry good luck with that that's not all it's cracked up to be is my bottom sagging no it's beautiful just arrest you you want a drink or something sorry love gotta go [Music] my great niece was 14 she was already the tallest girl in the school my poor husband used to say to him you don't stop growing you'll never find a boyfriend laugh if you could see her now why does she look comical she's got men falling at her feet she's in no hurry to settle down are you taking your pills today gwen you don't have to keep checking i haven't got alzheimer's yet remember what the doctor said about your blood pressure well girls these days had more choices than we did if i was young again i wouldn't get married would you gwen i never did was a young man once dr stephen make peace reeves he was my mother's doctor come to visit mummy then take tea in here with me he wanted to marry me what happened you married someone else oh imagine that after deeper mr murray you he never actually asked me and two people truly love each other these things are understood so 50 years ago now what does it matter you'll have to go this trivial conversation is wearing me out charming i leave your dutchy biscuits in the kitchen we'll pop in tomorrow [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up don't worry about it ah you all right oh thank you yeah yeah sure yeah it's just a bit tired has that man been bothering you again he has been around my house once or twice then the police should do something about it yeah well they can't not unless he commits a criminal offense it's all right dad i can look after myself you shouldn't have to [Music] [Music] bye mom we have to do that more often i know i know and then you'll be away working i'll find some time hey larissa hello hi hello i'm good how are you it's good it's good i've seen you all over the papers oh yeah i know it's been a bit hectic yeah how's that yours yeah yeah oh i love it so don't get bored just walking up and down like that been photographed for hours i guess sometimes it's not exactly brain surgery there is it no no it's brilliant it's brilliant sorry i think you were just the little kid across the road with the teeth and braces six foot five and driving a jag well i'll um no see you around don't get any taller i'll try not to keep in touch yeah i'll text you bye bye it's funny you should turn up just now our regular man let us down yesterday there's a machine out one of the cross trainers whatever he's charging i'll undercut by 10 i'll have to speak to madame odette she's the owner i thought for a minute you wanted to join we've got a waiting list as long as your arm let's get a few famous people coming in though one or two most of them are really nice i'll just go and see what madam odette [Music] [Music] says [Music] here we are oh i've brought you something gwen thought you'd be interested i do prefer my full name olive gwen always sounds so vulgar it's nice now see where is it um what is it your remarkable great niece half naked to some fashion show no it's what we were talking about the other day i couldn't believe my eyes when i saw it do i have to make this print so small 15th of june eileen margaret beloved wife of dr stephen reeves i think it's him your young doctor his wife was called eileen small world i always say yes well doesn't everybody he should have married me i was his first love madame says if you fix this one for free she'll consider a contract she said not to talk to the clients and don't use any oil in case it gets on the towers they're egyptian or something don't worry irony is invisible type okay you missed your appointment last week marisa i was away i texted cancer i don't respond to text or twitter or any of that nonsense next time phone the desk sorry sit the stones speak of a dark man his name beginning with a p or perhaps he could be a d the stones were ambiguous it could be a t he is your destiny for better or worse could it be down fate will decide is it working good as new you remind me of someone a film star who is it kim hunter who's that then big star in the 40s do you want to get a drink later i don't mind my flat's on oxford gardens i'll wait for you at the top of the street oxford gardens you're kidding me why what's funny about that i go to the top shop i googled that actress you said and she was pretty well you look smashing [Music] this place is famous you know why is that reggie used to drink here you wouldn't know being foreign john reginald christie murdered six women around here that's horrible let's not talk about it just one thing though one of the girls he killed was a tart called ruth first guess where she lived oxford gardens got you you're giving me the creep sneaks oh come here it's all right it's just it's interesting that's all this place is a mess in it it's all like other food [Music] there's this woman i know famous model you should see our place is incredible she's probably rich she can afford it so i come to my place next time if you like why do they call you meeks then it's a nickname short for michael my mum gave it to me back before she met my stepdad jaffy things were good back before javi came along just me and mum on our own he was a user real bastard he picked me up i've killed me once why he said i tried to kill my old sister shannon with a ketchup bowl did you of course not just a kid poor means do you believe in ghosts seriously i do yeah saying something here take these thanks that's nice huh i wish to discover the uh whereabouts of a doctor stephen reeves he lives in woodstock oxford if you want to search something he's just going over there [Applause] there you go it says how sadie is about losing his wife she's still live away from me you know thank you you can go now [Music] this is lovely what must you think of my little place you look good at your favorite dress i'm ever so glad to see your weeks i'll uh i'll make us a little drink shallow the cocktail all right well i made up myself christy's next victim was muriel eddie while she was unconscious he raped and then strangled her [Music] why do you read about stuff like that because i'm interested in criminology i doubt whether anyone in the world knows more about christy than me what's this uh that's private it's it's personal that's it that's neri samash she comes in to see madam odette why do you have her up there because she's beautiful you wouldn't say that if you saw her up close her skin's a bit greasy and she's got lots of spots amazing what you can do with airbrushing shut up she's perfect i'm trying to it's called a boot camp who's got such a kick cheers that's revolting the flavors don't go together wow haven't you got anything more modern i like dance music and hip-hop do you don't be angry it's a nice soul bedroom through there what are you going to get we can talk later [Music] sometimes me there's a song so went to christy's house once well that lady must be for an abortion that's how he got goals to go around there pretended he'd fix their little mistakes i wonder why he didn't strangle her like all the others just shut up about christy will you it's creepy [Music] okay there's another drink then shall i [Music] she's nothing special i see a dozen girls a day prettier than her without all this slap on she's just ordinary [Music] i'll just have wine not that stupid cocktail [Music] disgusting put that down i said put that down please [Music] shouldn't be afraid now look what you made me do i don't know what he made me do hello mix let's colette my stepper won't work can you come around tomorrow morning hello hello yeah fine at 10 o'clock [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] so [Music] uh i wanted to be absolutely certain of my date and i was right it all happened in the same week in february 1953. shall i be mother we had a housemaid called bertha a frivolous girl not a day over 15. she told me that she was with child she said she wanted to get rid of it i was shocked i had no knowledge of such things she asked me to accompany her when she visited the um the abortionist dear quite the man's name was john reginald christie christie the murderer he looked dismayed to see me of course i realized afterwards he'd wanted bertha on her own so he could kill her didn't he rape those poor girls too after they were dead necrophilia they call out what else happened last week i wrote a letter of condolence to dr reeves my first contact with him in 50 years i haven't heard back from him so i was thinking what if he passed by that day and saw me waiting outside christy's house his practice was just around the corner it's quite possible but he wouldn't have known anything about christy then no but afterwards when the brute was tried and hanged maybe stephen remembered my presence at the house put two and two together and thought that it was you who had the abortion that's why he never married you write to him again it wouldn't do any harm would it here yes that's exactly what i shall do i'll explain everything [Music] um break [Music] [Music] [Music] you bastard i've left about a dozen texts and messages what are you on about my runner's bus remember i waited in all morning i'm not in the mood collect won't you get yourself a vibrator don't you dare speak to me like that i'll beat your boss get you fired no you won't i'll tell him you're harassing me then i'll come to your house and i'll tell your husband how you like me to [ __ ] you in the bathroom on the stairs don't call me again prick [Music] god i'm so happy to see you your funny way of showing it i'm sorry there's this this man following me we should tell the police no i've had one before they get fed up after a while well um i was just gonna go some lunch maybe you'd like to yeah i'd love to okay no i can't actually i'm gonna see my agent right all right well then what about some dinner if you come up to my place yeah yeah that'd be really nice cool okay well i'll call you i promise okay see you later yes i have a woodworm infestation i need someone as soon as possible does woodworm give off an odor of decay it's as if something's died up there good thank you so mr cellini mr cellini i'm feeling quite unwell i i think i have influenza you ought to be in bed missed yourself i need you to phone my friend olive fordyce her number is in the book can you manage that just about please don't make any noise my head is pounding the doctor's coming in the morning because here i'll wear my new blue dress dr riesel want me to look nice now you just trying to rest in you'll have to let the doctor in in the morning i can't come by until later well i can't wait in all day i've got to work don't worry she's giving me a key sugar my whole life what day is it wednesday you'll have to let the woodworm people in i suspect they want to take up the floorboards find out what that ghastly smell is what are they um what they call these woodworm people i can't remember i'm here to see miss chaucer i'm a doctor uh yeah first floor door on the right hi yeah we uh we don't need you after all actually miss chaucer's in bed oh well i can still take a look at the infestation there isn't one we don't want you not get lost you need to sign this now piss off [Music] his chaucer has pneumonia she should be in a hospital i'm sending her an ambulance how long we should be away for a few days at least that's great for her i mean she should be looked after won't she hi this is dr jackson can i request an ambulance [Music] [Music] um [Music] certainly i should be situated [Music] whatever are you doing i just thought i'd take the chance to to tidy up a bit oh great minds think alike we're gonna surprise gwen by doing a thorough spring clean uh we've just come to see what supplies we need we'll make a start first thing in the morning she keeps all the cleaning stuff downstairs in the kitchen cupboard i don't think gwen would want you in her bedroom but it was very kind of you to think of helping i'll show you where everything is should i oh if you would no knee thank you god this place is a glory hole absolutely reeks in here [Applause] [Music] so so you need to add um a mop wax something for the lava disinfectant air freshener we'll be back in the morning so let us out soon bye [Music] oh come on [Music] wow [Music] um he's yours hello is there miss chaucer there please no she's not at the moment would you give her a message for me would you tell her i'd like to drop in and see you next time i'm in london my name is reeves dr steven reed right mr tilly is [Music] uh you were supposed to come yesterday we had an arrangement i'm sorry you if i could not rely on you i'll get someone else you won't happen again there are two runners out of order four and seven you knew danila didn't you who skinny girl who worked on reception left without the world animal once sir no need for that she's probably just running for some glory let's take a few days madam i'll go ballistic if you keep on waiting much longer it won't be much longer it'll be a week maximum are you all right yes bug don't give it to me marissa wonderful to see you second car's parked on a yellow line somewhere to move it for you it's okay i can do it myself lovely girl oh gold you know norissa nash yeah they're all friends you know what i mean what are you doing out there i just uh i heard a noise i thought it might be a burglar or something was it no no it's nothing queenie couldn't get in this morning she said you'd bolted the door i don't know what she's talking about she must be confused she's no spring chicken is she she's as sharp as you or i you'll be pleased to know miss chaucer is coming home tomorrow she won't be able to get up too much so you'll have to help her out just going to do some shopping for her now well i could do that for you if you like welcome if i'll save my legs if you're sure i'll give you the list hey yeah you look amazing thank you don't know much about champagne but a friend of mine said that's a good one yeah thank you sorry i'm late i couldn't decide what to wear you know as small as i like late for our own funerals no problem everyone just got here everyone you invited my parents yeah yeah i thought might be nice major since we've all seen each other come on it's nice to see a young girl who enjoys her food especially in your line of work my daughter eats whatever she likes and she never puts on a nurse no that's not true mum you have to watch my figure like everybody else it must be fun though all that travelling and the glamour of course it gets lonely everybody wants a piece of you can't stand all that celebrity culture all these actors and models and whatever there's such a bunch of accurate snow talent idiots no it wasn't speaking of marissa of course just just generally [Music] it's my girlfriend yeah and i'm shagging brad pitt we're moving in together actually of course yeah well i'll bring him here and show you we'll see who's laughing then won't we your cooking was wonderful oh you can thank julia smith for that i thought you cooked it yourself is she a friend of yours i'm teasing you darl of course i know delia smith is all of us models are dumb you know what's that word you used vacuous i'm sorry but i really didn't mean you oh yeah you did but it's okay hey have you um have you any more trouble with that stalker guy hey he spoke to me he came right up in my face i was really scared all right next time i happen to call me you mean it i won't let anyone hurt you thanks good night that's right [Music] good being expressed after whereabouts of 20 year old dinovicovich has been missing for over a week dylan's disappearance is described by friends and family as completely i want to go home now well an ambulance would take you home this afternoon dear can't stay in this place another minute the more i know people the more i like books i'll catch some horrible bug in here i suppose we could get you a taxi down taxis are a wicked price we'll pay for it but we are live i have never taken charity in my life and i'm not going to start now don't you know someone with a car well i suppose i could ask my niece the one with the extraordinary name it's aqua not extraordinary at all her husband's garneting she can only say no she'll be very rude if she does it's kind of you to drive an ancient creature like me misako it's nice i changed my name when i started modeling how's the bus perfectly comfortable very quick there that's the window that's where i saw him i'm sure you're not getting confused i'm not gagger yet you know i had my key but he bolted in a door and i'm almost positive he was there in your bedroom what do you think about that i might think something if you were absolutely positive let's see if he dares bolt the door against me you sure you didn't imagine the whole thing oh ollie did you remember the pokemons what are you doing in my kitchen mr cellini i thought i'd make a nice cup of tea to welcome you home one of my friends will do that this is quite a coincidence what are you doing here i live here brings you here may i ask my mom is olive's niece you felt that where i live didn't you no it's just a coincidence fake bringing us together you are the most beautiful woman i've ever seen you can't speak to me either why not some of the strangers is it why all this new one connected it's in the stars you and me lorisa together forever we need to go mum can we go now see you very soon darling your boyfriend no i don't even know him mom please don't raise your voice this is my house i dislike being shouted out i'm terribly sorry please excuse us bye queenie oliver uh i'll put your flowers in the parlors if you must thank you thank you i had it cut um just recently i like you also i really like it when it's all in the afro and i knew you would come and see me mr cellini has there been any post for me i'm expecting an important letter from an old friend i would all be on the table downstairs i'm going to bed now i'm very tired please don't make any noise can i how can i help you debate miss jose certainly not [Music] so gwendolyn brought you some goodies you needn't have bothered i have no appetite is this yours must be joking i found it under my bed in my house what is it well i know you've never been married gwen but i didn't think you were that innocent it's a pair of knickers girls wear them now it's called a thong oh please don't tell me this thing is yours not a thing gwen a thong i asked you a question of course it's not mine i think it will sit round my hips i wish what about queenie no it's not ours it belongs to some young girl then what is it doing here i don't know well perhaps mr cellini entertained someone while you're in hospital perhaps they were larking about in my bed well i suppose you could ask him would you worry i didn't tend to [Music] mr cellini mr chalini come down here immediately please you took your time what do you want you have been digging in the garden i can see where the earth has been turned why well i thought i'd help you out a bit rescue the flowerbeds i can't say they didn't need it the garden has got nothing to do with you i also have reason to believe you have been tampering with my post a very important letter has gone missing right okay well i haven't tampered with any of your posts that's a lie how dare you accuse me of untruthfulness you still haven't given me a convincing reason for being in the garden let alone the thing i found this in my bedroom what was it doing in there i don't know maybe it was one of your friends the ones that are always letting themselves in snooping around have you asked them i have had enough of your incidents you were seen in my bedroom i'm giving you notice cellini you're evicted can't actually do that i've got a protected tendency what are you really doing out there burying something jewelry the family's silver i shall check have no fear you could do what you like i haven't done anything wrong we'll let the police be the judge of that oh i see you have something to hide chitlini it's slainey i'll ring the police tomorrow morning without fail [Music] so uh yes [Music] [Music] chosen [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] shhh so [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] so you're really birds here you who quinn is only me nice cup of tea hello there oh oh miss chitchat uh i was just looking for miss chaucer she's gone away to convalesce somewhere near cambridge she's got friends there when did she go about eight o'clock this morning yeah i went down to get my post and there she was all packed up waiting for a taxi trixie gwendolyn uh well i i don't suppose you know the name of those friends she didn't say no she just said she'd be back when she felt better oh well thank you very much thank you shall i take that oh yes thank you i did it for university i didn't have a choice i know she has an address book somewhere oh let me pray nonsense only trying to help when did gwen ever take a taxi far too tight with money well it's true i've never met your friends in cambridge eureka oh okay still here then oh well we're trying to find the address of mrs claus's friend we're very anxious to know we'd hoped you might have confided in you she said to leave the key so when she gets back you won't be needing it now she's better will you i shall give up my key to miss chaucer no one else okay keep your pants on what's your blood pressure at your age dress yeah they are still here snooping about snoopy snoop snoop clean clean clean it's nose nose no fuss fuss fuss this carpet is disgusting it's covered in cutters she's forgotten her ring and her pose something strike was odd about that big queenie there's no top sheet well gwen is such a peculiar person perhaps she just sleeps with a blanket and an eyed attack she's not that peculiar i saw it when she was ill i remember thinking how grumpy it was so where is it now standing out here just staring at the ground it's terrible to say but it looks like a grave two acts of an imagination queenie when we were children we used to go around to rillington place and stare at christie's house he buried some of his victims in the car took nobody's very gwendolyn that was dad before she came back from hospital the weeds are already growing through i just have this feeling i like him i've always liked him but it just feels a bit different now and does he like you i think so he said to me if this guy keeps hassling me and coming around i should give him a phone call so right now i'm actually thinking i want this guy to harass me just so i can call darryl be careful what you wish for my darling so oh it's another meeting of the women's institute why would you lie about it actually want to take over the house i've heard some tenants do that to elderly landlords she's exactly the type she hasn't gone anywhere has she [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] hello norissa what do you want i want to come in i want to see you come on let's close this we're letting all the hot air out this place is beautiful wow this is a lovely room [Music] i've thought about this a lot me here in your house expect do you have two i think you should leave now you you sent me that picture remember you signed it with a little heart to mix love marissa you signed it i have people at the agency who do that for me they sign it for me [Music] that's what i love about you i love your sense of humor i'm not joking get out now you know every time you look at me i know what you're thinking i know the messages you're trying to send me i can read you like a book it's like it's like reading music your your lips when they move i feel it too i feel it too leave now i'll call the police the police won't be interested narissa i'm a bit parched would you would you wrestle us up a nice cup of coffee my love [Music] um can you come now please i'm really scared who are you calling just a friend look i've got a meeting and i really have to go you wouldn't lie to me would you normatia i really do have to go for meetings they can wait this is love we're talking about nothing romance we don't want this really while we're getting intimate do we you smell beautiful you don't have a chocolate biscuit do you don't have any biscuits you models in your crazy diets you you need someone to look after you come here stay here if you don't want i don't mind now sit down i've been in love with you since the first time i saw you do you think that's romantic i love you and you love me so what was that for i didn't think you were the type of like hip rougher than me so i thought you were better than that but if that's how you want it i love you [Music] do you really think a girl like marissa could possibly fancy pathetic pervert yeah a crack stone little weirdo with not changed or closed in the bank oh god she's out of your league girls like that do not date pond life repeat after me okay i am a piece of dirt and i'll i'm a piece of dirt and i will never bother an arista again go on i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry david what the hell are you on about don't hit me i'll just get lost before we get blood in my shirt [Music] come here sorry [Music] those richie you there reggie you wouldn't you put them in their place reggie how about a little kid for starters [Music] like [Music] you're right reggie you know i'm not sure dear i think about a year it was out here olive story where are you going none of your business the police are here they're going to want a word with you i should have stopped you interfering a long time ago when she knew how to deal with women like you richie i think i'm a step near the come on screen [Music] i thought you might have buried something all right why don't we go inside [Music] was here had a knife i'm gonna need to search cellini's flat do you know if there's any spare keys uh gwen has um keeps the ball in the tumble dryer i think that's the door to his flat thank you uh ladies would you mind waiting here sergeant there's no sign of him okay look after oh my god what's that spell it must be the dab no that's not down officer [ __ ] get an address for marissa ness you don't have to leave yet sorry babe things to do things like what just stuff you know queer when soon don't do this daryl [Music] don't do what be the kind of guy who sleeps with me once and doesn't call me you'll be paranoid look what they really oh come on for you and the old woman she was you i did it for you it's just a scratch i'm surprised luisa what about me [Music] [Music] smell is her isn't it shoved at the floorboards in her own house i mustn't touch anything like the evidence it's a shame for the police to see the house in this condition you do realize she's dead i think i've known for days i never really liked her you know she wasn't easy what was that i mean it can't be chilling he would have heard him come in probably just the wind i'll go and have a look do be careful oliver [Music] hello [Music] please do not fear i am celebrative what are you doing here i live here please come see are you you live in here i am asylum seeker i am an educated man in church near i am an engineer goodbye ladies goodbye oh good afternoon is miss chaucer in um gwendolyn has recently passed away it was very sudden very would you like a cup of tea i'm sorry to hear that did you know gwen well oh we were acquainted many years ago my name is reeves dr steven reeves she wrote to me recently so i thought i'd look her up for old time see so you were the one she was going to marry oh i don't know there's any question of that she was a sweet girl but very young whatever she may have believed i never saw her in a romantic light at all [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 160,320
Rating: 4.605886 out of 5
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Id: bCk9VAU4xTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 56sec (5636 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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