Rod Steiger, Bill Nagy British Thriller Full Movie | Across The Bridge (1957) | Retrospective

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wish to see the Secretary of the Schaffner Finance Corporation and the Schaffner investment trust has my car [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mr. Kyle Shatner emergency call New York Judson [Music] mr. schaffner mr. schaffner press awaiting sir [Music] let's wait please can we have another please okay thanks a lot gentlemen mr. Shatner is it true you're here to discuss a merger with Manhattan utilities it's one of the reasons I'm in New York but not the only one Rock Aeronautics soon I've talked to them to you what makes you think you can arrange these marriages because they've got something we've bought We certainly have something day one would I be correct in describing your corporation is the biggest of its kind in Europe I guess you could say that don't some of these merchants data please don't some of these mergers I said later repeat the question don't some of these mergers cut across the antitrust laws of this country mr. schaffner that's a question you're going to have to ask my legal advisors the public is very curious about you couldn't give us some idea of your background you've an idea of my background yeah my origin is German my passport is British you went to England after the war and I yes before but you still kept their connections with Germany whatever there's business I have connections as your wife with you mr. Chaplin no no my wife is not with me the matter with him get his wife killed herself just miss help she insisted on speaking to you you can decide to get into the newspapers hello standing like a young idiot go inside make sure nobody comes in here heading clear me hello Sapna here yeah yeah I made a buffalo what do you mean you lost the connection so try another line yeah look I'm a very busy man you get London and then you call me back [Music] mr. schaffner but mr. schaffner gentlemen that'll be all for today disconnect [Music] miss Hilton good enough call unless there was something very wrong you could to call back I wanna get London England [Music] now relax Carl darling yours is over there just the way you like it hi darling comment miss Hilton on the line all right love it you hang up in there take it up in here right should I see you like I don't think so not single man come in here [Music] bye-bye darling [Music] when yeah yeah yeah thank you Metin is Scotland Yard investigates us in London did they get the private Ledger's and they'll find it efficiency of three million what I get if they find me anything up to ten years might get away with seven is how long it takes we get to Mexico Mexico six hours or two days by train six hours to this button I figure I have a week before their novel the books could be how much money half of Mexico about a million dollars and the exit typed me the legal position with Mexico was rather involved on paper I'm not interested what it says on paper I want to know can they get me out of contr get me out not for three months two months two months that's good three months time maybe someplace so that the reporters at the airport see the tour trains please remember when you get to the border you haven't gone back when you get to the floor you haven't kind of Mexican visa money love to take care of that yes proposing the stories lead up my gold mr. Hoffner mr. shaft this way sir drying room see first on your left you stay here I'll be right that dog don't have to go in the baggage car mister look I got a room it can't you come with me and the baggage guy you can leave your grip man what bank is the money in in Mexico hmm Oh Banco del Cortez and whose name yours just signed the papers they'll give you the money that's fine I tell you our cable you as soon as I get there meanwhile you start a ballistic smoke screen here now listen once in your life listen to me it's not a smoke screen here you do a good job but don't forget and I depend on you I won't sorry it had to end like this all right Milton sometimes what you think so the end for me is only the beginning she does take good care of her I want you she'll be all right her name is Dolores okay let me know she's unhappy I'll let you know [Music] I thought it's one more thing a big time will stop I like to have the newspaper yes which ones would you like to excuse me sir suppose you're asleep sir I'm asleep then you do with the courtesy of waking me up yes all the papers every time we stop all the papers every time I start that's not yes I mean [Music] I meant [Music] [Music] [Music] if a person [Music] excuse me I wonder wanting to tell me where the club cards please sure it's down there thank you hey wasting your time but it's closed for the night oh yeah sure sure sure I just came from there look I need to make you need to try but unless you wondering at the bottom oh yeah sure you like sapota just a little [Music] and they're fine I was I was married once but though it's all the past unfinished oh sorry yeah I think I'm about the only guy in the world that likes being married really what how's that pretty pretty you bet you it's the best wife but he may never had know why I'm going to Mexico no but I just got me a son we're just well it's a boy congratulations Thanks I've been having a tough time poor kid yeah she's stuck in some stinking telling the Mexican border I'm gonna go get her yo Mexican me got a Mexican Passport yeah I'm glad you mised and working the country for about 20 years why are you Mexican girls why not why not yeah why not I'll make the drink a little stronger [Music] [Applause] all right let's kill let's kill it lots of my water just a little that's what you get just a little [Music] [Music] I'm little it is come back again that's who's Alice Alice I make a toast for your son and your wife awaits in Mexico salut salut [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah your newspapers here so I don't need up now thank you but you said you wanted you can forget about them but you especially said you wanted them I don't need them thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a little too much [Music] [Music] the scarf scarf lissa I'm sure glad you came back otherwise you would miss her Tommy aren't you getting off at flower Hill you said especially you wanna get of a flower unbe been there in exactly five minutes five Nance mrs. Kaur thank you [Music] let me have the video back sir almost answer thank you oh thank you sir thank you hey you I mean you give me some you forgot you better come back and get her what are you trying to do kidney well where's the ticket none all the baggage tickets the baggage ticket what are you asleep or something that's it why come on take it [Music] [Music] come on come on looks like you don't want to come with you mister no it tells me how far the border please 15 miles 15 miles we got a bridge there yeah Katrina do you know what kind of tells that just a border town border Tom huh see it's one more thing I like this please where can I rent a car a blue back is four blocks down Main Street Main Street that stomach right here opens 8 o'clock [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you took your time I had to make a stop on the road what law and the guy in the back hey Mary Mary call the doctor will you tell him to get here as fast as you can the guy smashed up pretty bad you didn't eat no no just call the doctor will ya you better get him to the hospital but this is a motel isn't it that's right Sam's place I'm Sam yeah look Sam you tell doctor I'm staying here no hospital no hospital just stick me with him canvas I'll take care of the doctor all right yeah go ahead take it easy buddy we'll have you comfortable in a minute Hey look at that where did you get it he gave it to me hunter daughters what for keeping quiet about what well that's his business all I know this is $100 near having a place tomorrow [Music] I wish you will order so much about money man I am worried about it I'm worried about us I want us to get married get out of here I want to have you all on my own what's wrong with that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'm just giving them a shot I think you'll sleep give them some milk and some juice it wakes up I'll look in again around about ten o'clock [Music] sure I get the best happen in the place just come free wanna see it yeah not to thank you number two Thanks hey let's go thank you Thank You Gavin number two your dog seems to have other idea at Kevin's occupied okay [Music] don't you see you what to report your accident what goods that gonna do suppose my do report it and please pick up some young kid and put him away so how can I make me feel any better is it I didn't sort of it that way but I guess you are right flip win [Music] are you gonna kill me not unless I have to my clothes hit you pretty well could be a little more comfortable there what were you gonna do it across the border Mexico as me that's right what's so funny nothing all right where is it my passport lift up to wallet I make one shot never say one word and you bring the police understand haven't you forgotten something but my passport I need that for myself the gun [Music] [Music] get back [Music] [Applause] well thank you very much goodbye Germany okay that'd be fine thank you I wonder if you help me I got nervous something on my jacket can't get it out yeah totally grease the gasoline take that off thank you Johnny you want to take care of this thank you yes all right nice day [Music] so nice day it's him yeah it's him what are you going to do I'm gonna get that reward done he's a kid laughs this is a chance in a million you might get here do you want a place of your honour don't you I do but not this way oh come on baby we can't pass up a chance like this please join me I'm going to tell him I let him get away yes excuse me packed up my jacket please yeah sure that's for you mm-hmm Wow and this this is for you because you're pretty hmm you leave it that's right just a minute yes I only wanted to say say but thank you thank you Mary I've gotta do it hey mister are you going south duck say could I hitch a ride to Crystal City I got a truck to pick up there it'll save me some towing sure thanks a lot hey haven't you forgotten something oh yeah thank you hey Sam I got a piece of latke this fellas gonna give me a little Christmas City well don't let it take all day here's a key [Music] of your day lovely day you do it I'm taking you to Mexico I think you make the big mistake I'll worry about that just keep driving we're here he's inside again well tell him I want him in hurry up about it go wait give me the passport look at this hey what's going on I want to take them over to the Mexican side okay with you all right he's not our problem say you're pretty cool for a guy with a price on his head okay Johnny all right over with you right [Music] [Music] no mother here claims she's got Paul scoff whole ska [Applause] [Applause] general you do Escobar de Mexico I'm sorry I don't understand no vanilla pinniped a tiempo the sacrum is la verdad epi particle on c'est Monsieur se puede hacer a hablar I told you I don't understand Spanish you find somebody who speaks English and in glaze or German or French and then maybe maybe we understand each other King Lear you do ask about the Mexico pastor aqui thank you here's to you speak English how convenient you are only making things more difficult for yourself mr. Scott may I ask a question may I ask a question if you wish thank you by whose authority am i kept prisoner here by mine I see it now that's that thank you now whom do you get the society I am the chief of police of Katrina appointed by the government of the Republic of Mexico I see don't you think you are wasting my time we don't know I know it why not because I am NOT Paul scar I'll show you something excuse me sir thank you see this British passport British subject named Karl Schaffner picture named Karl schaffner you are Paula scarf is the woman here to bring her in your wife is here my wife is here hey you must excuse me if I think it's a little ridiculous for the simple fact I have no why thank you i mrs. Scott yes is this your husband is this your husband you should not have come oh you know I know much worse have you been out of bed how could I you are sure the shape I'm in how did this get here don't let it bother you that's the second I've seen today oh where was the first what was the first Johnny had one why it was I don't know if you could get a hundred thousand pieces for turning a murderer in would you do it a hundred thousand pesos for turning who in Oh somebody was teeing here you mean here at this motel when till this morning would you turn him in for a hundred thousand pieces no no no I don't think so that's what I thought Mary mm-hmm Mary I want to go to the hospital you said you wanted to stay here I changed my mind why don't you wait in as the doctor look Mary please I want to go to the hospital what's the matter look Mary don't argue with me please do as I say just call the ambulance told you a hundred times the woman is lying why why because she wants to give a husband time to escape it's possible if you wear cars happen so what do I have to do you know here darkness here it's black it comes off yeah here Carl Shatner so but look you have my passport - Passport and one man my superiors need Paula Scott as far as I'm concerned I have him may may I ask you a question would you please let me cable New York City in a couple of hours we clear the whole thing up no you can well not because I say so because you say so am i under arrest sir afraid you are unless I can find another police car [Music] both scoff is in a small town called Florida now or something Darvill flowers yeah no obvious flower that's it the place called Sam's motel captain number five fortunately for you his leg is broken so you have no trouble apprehending him no can I have my passport well I have for a scarf you will have your passport you're sure your order yeah I just said so I'm fine Mary Mary I want you to do something for me you know the hotel Magnifico Betina yeah I want you to go in there and ask for Maria Maria who never mind they'll know just just tell her I couldn't make it turn I was held up for a couple of weeks but no details you understand comprende see he's Maria your wife you should I tell her to come here no no no just just tell her what I told you give her this promise [Music] which is number five yeah there's a row man in there yes the armed all right Scott come up [Music] Oh Tiffany champagne here that's fine I like to have a bun of the best highest in my room it is expensive I'm able to see this master [Music] go back what about that hundred thousand pesos there's a lot of money look I'm not gonna hang around this place forever I earned that reward I want it I bought it for scarf tonight I'd keep quiet about that the reborn if I were you a lot of people in this town like rust-eze mr. [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I didn't think it was gonna happen that one didn't you well you weren't worried about it when it was money in it for you [Music] I think you're both in a very a tricky position gentlemen I was Mary moustache Atlas assistant inspector withholding information concerning mr. chapters whereabouts makes you accessories that's clear enough you're a long way from Scotland Yard at this moment inspector I've got enough warrants on me at the moment to arrest every employee in the Schaffner corporation and its affiliated companies catch him in the area why don't you help it might make a difference later on should you be involved in any way I think we must do what mr. schaffner would have done under similar circumstances Katrina Mexico [Music] I don't understand we agreed yesterday the position is somewhat changed overnight chance my chance you have your man no I want my passport my superiors are not hurt okay they're happy about the manner in which you entered me but that's not my fault it was even suggested you should be taken across the bridge to the Americans say you tell your superiors I'd be delighted to discuss the subject in Mexico City at the presence of lawyers it'll be difficult to get there without your passport uh-huh now I suppose you tell me that I'm not entitled to the reward either reward reward reward supports car I did not think you would wish to claim it I only meant to claim half the other half I thought I give to some police charity hundred thousand pesos half of which is fifty thousand fifty thousand now I'm just a little bit reluctant I'm sure you understand my feeling I do I think we understand each other I'm sure so money here at the bank across the square but I go collected after word after word I have to have the passport down to identify myself my sergeant will accompany you accompany I'll send you out Bank of Commerce Yali fellow coupe dadada convinced [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I was only trying to find a way for us to be together I thought I would doing the right thing anyway he was a murderer police people he was a hero [Music] what am I going to do nothing just go home [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's wrong he's engaged I mean it's engage was fixed I see her now she vision come true and it's very kind of you to hold his passport chief gives me a bit of a chance it's a pleasure to cooperate with the Scotland Yard inspector heaven what are you proposed to do now frankly I've no immediate plans as long as Schaffner stays on this side of the bridge is very little I can do about it with money and good lawyers he can delay extradition for quite a while Thanks he need big money for that he has it his sort always has really we've already traced a million dollars in Mexico City really there may be more for all we know it's a great deal of money so unless you feel inclined to gently push him across the bridge he can stay here for as long as he likes any pushing I'm afraid would seriously offend my government's idea of hospitality but if there is anything more I can do for you inspector I'd like to be sure that he doesn't disappear I don't think he will be leaving us just yet sir may I come in of course thank you you are 50,000 pesos it's not enough you mean that's not enough there have been expenses what expenses what kind of expenses uh-huh how much now come please tell me how much it cost me for my passport my visas and necessary papers please how much you have money in Mexico City what about it about 10% of everything I die first maybe [Music] you're executing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] oh yeah I sell me [Music] hmm [Music] Shambala [Music] [Music] three fishing yeah inspector Hatton would like to see your chief sure I mean what can I do for you mr. Hatton you could give me a little more positive help I thought I was doing very well yesterday tried to get away he didn't get very far did he today he's in the cable yes before we know we'll have a flock of lawyers on us I know he won't nobody's had this cable except me no you send another I should see it thought telephone it'll be connected here he's not good to leave us just yet listen he entered Mexico illegally now surely you can give him back his passport and let him loose on the bridge goober would look after the rest I'm sorry I've already exceeded my authority can I have this cable oh by all means please I have passed on any others thank you I don't see how we can help you can help because this is something that we can't do efficiently isn't you done enough already if he does anything more it should be for mrs. cow Oh she'll be all right I'm fixing a paper so she can stay with some friends in Dallas now let me get this straight and you want to send Shafter a telegram that he thinks is from his lawyer telling him to meet him further up at the border in Santana that's right and you want him to hire me to drive them there right of course you know he'll ever asked me to drive him anyplace you can't do anything else there's a Fiesta outside Katrina tomorrow well the time he gets the telegram there won't be any transport left in town except yours Johnny come here look this is the bridge at Santana this is a US border so instead of going right into the town you want me to just put my foot down and get across that bridge that is that's it what Schaffner gonna do when he sees the bridge don't worry Johnny as soon as you reach that halfway Mott will do the rest I don't like it please try to see it my way would help a lot to be good I'm tired it's a deal [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] mr. Katrina meter cable receive event Hotel Antonio santiana Friday 9:00 p.m. Santana just tell me how far is it to santiana oh how far santiana Santana the town huh yeah yeah yeah is it a town is it not at all now listen to me Santana santiana santiana is it past the 18 my limit or not pass the AP my limit son Santayana she I said how far is it how far is it the santiana it's a long way what's your charge to take me there I'm not going that way 150 200 250 all right how much 500 500 all right 500 yeah okay get in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come in all right [Music] I think the figure you said was 10% 10% but not more buy more you've been causing me a great deal of trouble now I understand now the board trouble I caused you the higher the price that's right but I tell you something I cost you trouble I swear I swear I caused you trouble today your pal da kine inspector help I don't want to see him wait perhaps you'd like to discuss our problem is it Scotland Yard sure I mean she's gotten your heart or no skirt then you have not one penny my money you get may I please be taken away now I don't think you understand you're a free man how involved were you in the kidnapping last night involved that's not word for you to use if there is any more interference I shall be forced to take action against the offender's no matter who they are does that mean you're not gonna help me anymore and the contrary sorry bring your men together at once I want to talk to them look if shefte stays here what could you do to him I shall fix it so that he has nothing he wants no shop were serving you'll have no food no drink there would be no bed in any hotel for him as far as the people of this town are concerned he will cease to exist but you can't force them to do this they have been waiting for this ever since the body of paula scarf was brought into the town wouldn't it be easier to put him across the bridge I don't think so why will it interfere with your personal interests could they inspect the head [Music] there's no Moodle him as long as I have money I have right tool [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you permit the left Junior offer bought to you by Maleficent [Music] [Applause] [Music] boom [Music] una habitación [Music] [Music] suppose your husband [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the dogs just expire yes he's got one friend left ha ha come [Applause] okay you know [Music] you walk box impossible [Music] [Music] [Music] who knows [Music] tonight [Music] the lies - him [Music] she's coming this is scarf she's alright her troubles are over I'm back where I started I doubt if I'll ever get Schaffner a trust [Music] everything's gonna be all right now mrs. cow [Music] yeah yeah come on honey [Music] [Music] and I got a little better [Applause] must be coming out together [Music] Scotland Yard investigates us in under 10 10 years will turn I wanna tell you something what you think is the end for me is often only the beginning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Retrospective - Classic Movies
Views: 640,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retrospective, movies, film, classic film, classic movies, british film, rod steiger, across the bridge, full movie, 1957, thriller, adventure, action, ken annakin
Id: 39oPtcZaGus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 16sec (5956 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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