Peter O'Toole, Alastair Sim Thriller Full Movie | Rogue Male (1976) | Retrospective

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you thank you foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] you're a liar I'm sorry sorry you tried to shoot the greatest man the world has ever seen and you say you are sorry it was a sporting stock I'm sorry because you don't have the wit to understand I went to school in England you say I don't understand English if you understand English you just don't understand Englishman foreign [Music] Poland that's over 200 miles I go to a good book to make a snide you are an agent of British foreign office intelligence actually not I've seen very little sign that intelligence in the British foreign office for a very long time you had a gun with a bullet in the breach a very high powered very expensive gun well there has to be a properly equipped to stock isn't a stock without the weapon who may as well have an egg and Spoon race without a spool and a bullet does one have to have a bullet habits are habits rules are rules it wouldn't have been Cricket otherwise life is not a game of cricket my friend Bello pity who sent you the truth you wouldn't know the truth of it kicked you [Music] I'm a free individual I came on my own that I have got my passport to class on page one you will see what his Majesty's foreign secretary requested requires of any foreigners that divorce hands I may fall I suggest you be foreign [Music] s are very slow from here we can pull out your fingernails while we wait roses [Music] is to shines [Music] thank you okay tell me what was genuine you tried to kill him you why a man in your position all right position an aristocrat an English gently I would have thought you would have been on our side if anyone would say as it is I'm a bit of a problem a nuisance not a problem you can't just put me up against the wall can you we are not barbarians because they're the questions I don't think so oh but uh will you see and you never will is a close friend of our ambassador in London oh yeah very close it's time you grow up so Robert the world is changing yes we must find a way of disposing of you that doesn't upset your uncle well the author of rough shooting the great hunter while our house guest a welcome house guest at uh we can shoot among the new leaders of the world whom he's so much admired sure Robert unfortunately went off on his own and suffered the mishap which led to his death his body has been returned to London with every Mark of respect it will be interred in the family too times all the times we'll give you at least half a column I won't do things versus foreign office who make of a body without fingernails well they take that as a market respect on the part of a new order good point Sir Robert may I tell you my little scenario there's a gentleman Hunter you would of course be unable to leave a wounded animal without finishing it off thank you so having wounded a wild boar during the course of a boring afternoon my God the English sense of humor never traveled you followed it across country to hear you cornered it it charged you were caught off balance and really it's most unfortunate almost idiotic you managed to grab the edge of the Cliff of course tearing your fingernails to shreds in your frantic efforts to address the situation but I feel they what a lot of trouble you're going to I must say but above the usual Cutthroat aren't you now we come to your part in the scenario believe me this hurts me as much as it hurts you as we used to say Charter House really Mouse little middle class school we can't all go to Eaton thank God oh shocked me over and have done with it the scenarios forever the scenario think of your uncle such a family man we must convince him that it was an accident isn't that what we agreed we'll come back in the morning with a couple of honest peasants and find the bottle the more stupid the Witnesses are the more likely the British are to believe him [Applause] we must leave you now so Robert the Fiora Likes down promptly and it's getting late foreign [Music] thank you [Music] no no [Music] no no hello you will [Applause] foreign [Applause] I know you're there so Robert down to ground am I right gone to ground isn't that what the hunky Beast does goes to ground but the human animal being more clever things that running water will cover his tracks Force Robert we'll soon catch you up Sir Robert [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] excellent excuse me mine here you don't speak English by any chance I suppose you are English yes and the Sportsman like yourself so they've had a bit of bother accident in fact not make them yourself look here I need a few things I'm a threat it's asking a lot I know in the mornings early because before the sun comes up oh yeah it's still Paradise isn't it is clothes gloves shaving tackle if possible oh stuff nothing they can trace back to you if I'm if I'm caught there's money in my pocket or should be if you can get your hand in I can't without difficulty English yes I won't tell you who I am or what I've done it's better you shouldn't know but I've shaken them off I know that because I've been held up here for a couple of days I needed a bit of well peace and Christ sorry to spoil your sports go get something I'll go back pumpkin shooting and fishing do rather tend to dominate things foreign [Music] [Music] you are Jew me could have a certain a Jew what is that it changed [Music] and you lie in the bottom of the boat that will get you across to speak amazing English now I was three years of prisoner of war real grab it I was lucky you know Alexa lovely spot not in January no no no no no no on the nippy side then I must say you go from here yes after the um to the uh mouth of the river I'm hoping that with any luck I'll I'll find a ship my problem is getting down river of course now they're liable to be watching the roads and so forth of the um the river those like the English now we we can be an acquired test take the boat it's a very environment if your fault I shall say you stole it I shall endorse if you're not I shall tell my wife I sold it in which case you need to buy a new one yes I I appreciate this man here scum I'm sorry those people you have about 50 miles to go slowly yes slowly does it if anything does there's a rod in the boat I hope you have some luck I shan't shake your hand because my hand him really up to it nice to loved you are supposed foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I said she was British didn't I say he was British as soon as you came in and I thought the same about both of you two minutes I feel the best gentleman's decision's final agree agree right ready go sandwich mate I am uh Nobby is condition he'll be in it's just as well I shouldn't Wonder I'm going home with uh very nice British British job Welsh made number two dog you can't miss a cleanest smartest bit of scrap metal in the harbor what's the old map it's like the old man no one like him old school everything by the book luckily all vein is a bit more human Vayner is at the mate right not easy right but fair I have to give him that I mean it can be a right swine if you know what I mean sir but bear with it are you uh looking for a ship sir yes I am rather well don't bother by the Welsh mate that's my advice hey how long's the answer oh good heavens and the time's up I gave him too long so you guys come on look look it's my fault so let me settle both sides [Music] okay [Music] do it again I'm in the cloud s [Music] oh man Mr Vayner on board I think he is Sir uh yes sir we should say us and just tell him I'd like a word with him would you [Music] so your old Xena and Vena [Music] Robert Hunter how to do the cook seems to think we know each other I hear you're saying tonight and I've had a bit of trouble with our friends these sausage eaters I need a passage can't be done no accommodation [Music] I could but I can't the old man's a stickler I'm afraid when he comes back I know what he's saying you don't look like a stickler Mr Vayner show me what I can hide in my word on it no one will see me before during or after we make it to England I hate to traumatize but it's literally life or death [Music] they're not your butts yes they did rather they knock everybody about women included yes women included [Music] better things to be done with women than knock them apart I think you're probably right [Music] I'll tell you what we've got spare water tank empty he fancy it for a few days few days where do we dock light up River once what once with you really I don't think I've ever been to Wandsworth it's not the first time isn't there I'll show you quarters [Music] that's a bit of luck sir just your size I'll have to screw you down so here's some rations and the best of luck I'll disconnect the Overflow plate give you a bit of ventilation okay it's an opening into the captain's cabin actually so you can hear him singing Rock of Ages in the tub and I hope you survived that hello there see you in Wandsworth [Music] what's this recipe now evening sir they want to search the ship do they see what inside we fly Mr Vayner this is a British ship we are looking for a criminal no one searches this ship without my say so it is strange as old Mr Arena no sir if my Officer says there's no one there's no one I'm not going to miss that tide [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] England home and beauty [Music] foreign [Applause] and that just maybe not about the devil have you been up to Bubble Tea sounds as if you know it sounds as if I don't want to know no what people telephoneing in all hours holding me out in the middle of a rubber can I see where you are how can I possibly see where you are and [ __ ] Trump's at the same time it's no business of mine Where You Are you know I've even had got his name champagne Charlie on the line ain't simply no idea that you were on the German embassies dying English well I thought I'd be safe when I got home it seems I'm not out of the wood yet you know you're a fool bobbity you're a fool what's happened to your eye someone stuck this cigar in it uncle I'm a fool who happens to be in a mess not for the first time and who did this follower of your friend Adolf huh the Mad mother well I knew he doesn't Glory some very funny folks but we're going a bit far what exactly did you do pointed against his master right they followed me to England I didn't think they'd do that I'm even watching my digs not they do we better cleared out right away yes that's my advice just to bug off bug off somewhere to Saskatchewan or something yes sir schedule by the way Canada good God because you have made an outsized mess of things above the outside and Neville is furious never obviously the Prime Minister well I know I know he may look like a middle class denture salesman but he is he is after all his Majesty's first Minister and he is furious or so I've been told because I I can't see that it makes much difference to his appearance what do you think I should do babati I'm a member of the government how should I know what people should do [Music] I am serious you're no more serious than I am do you realize you could be extradited if it's officially known yeah you're still in the country you can be sent back in Chains if they requested it Bobby do you see shooting heads of state is never in season even if they are jumped up corporals they're protected like like ospreys you're an outlaw hmm you are an outlaw and what do you suggest I do do like the world will do with any fellow with a shred of decency does when he blocks his copy book you'll make yourself scarce and not embarrass your friends or your Sovereign you realize that this country could be involved in a war over this it may be involved in a war anyway no no no no no no nonsense nonsense never never has this Hitler fellow mesmerized you know you wouldn't see for God to kill me yep yep now you're exaggeration Bob say this in this chapter you saw was probably just some bookish Runner yes and then later yeah things are not what they were then they they never were Worthy good boy you know I remember warning you once before not to be provocative but not a matter I'm prepared to discuss a new note I liked her I loved her sorry sorry best team of the subject so you're telling me to go to hell is that it no why not there's no place like it in my experience who bothered the animals sorry I'm not young enough to go with you you won't tell anyone to see me and there have been something Robert so it happens you look like an advertisement I said I thought I looked rather democratic I bought the ring in what they call a department store the fact is I'd rather think I'm being followed up as a matter of fact it's rather a case of speak of the devil oh I want you to be doing that because we've had some very odd inquiries about you does the name Clyde Smith mean anything to him Clive Smith crive Smith nothing anything to eat only my lunch a few gals eggs and a half bottle of Murray Chandon 28 you're welcome to oh there's the the type is biscuits elastic sided pretty bird he's a major and he says if by way of being an old companion in arms of yours couldn't answer the fact that my name was Abrahams gave him severe congestion of the larynx and he said he knew you and that he was the bearer of as they say information to your advantage and inheritance some fellow Soldier the colonel no doubt left me the regimental silver I don't think bringing my champagne and gaussakes Mr Robert Please Mr King Smith never heard of him everything else funny going on anything else Mr field not directly sir and we do have a clear customer outside feeding the Ducks been there all week so during office hours and I yeah there's another one just turned up in here Ball Street he's been seen having a chat with a duck beating gentleman during the last couple of minutes or so since the Robert's taxi grew up with broken cover my body plumage place to advertise I'll get the refreshment sir see what else anyone knows let us peel get his information from leaning out of the window all day no no the union union private detectives Union they spot Outsiders in no time I'm sorry to say the divorce business being what it is we have to brief as many of them as we do barristers they like to keep on the right side of his appeal what have you been up to I took a pot at your Cham Adolf head off I don't Adolf you must be loopy you know who I saw no one else does but you do Rebecca you shouldn't blame yourself Robert I blame myself and I blame them she knew what she was doing so did I and I should have stopped her you couldn't have anyway here we are so Robert seems they're still there sir if I may suggest sir I'm a company when you guys I don't verify anything in the street not if there are two of us to pack your right hook do you Mr feel I never go anywhere without it sir Robert you're getting absent-minded in your old age trying to eat gals eggs with your gloves on I have my reasons my hands still aren't too pretty to look at then I won't look at them let us still allow me what can I do about you well don't suggest anything legal because there isn't anything my uncles made that very clear Neville and his channels would ship me back to our friends as soon as look at me sooner I want to settle my Affairs and I need all the cash you can muster I may be as they say underground for some time no trouble though you um you keep cash in the office do you when your name's Abrahams my dear Robert you may eat with the best people and even sleep with one or two of them when they're in the mood but you don't trust them not ever not entirely it may be peace in your time I tending is likely to remain peace and mind I'll solve for God's sake you're as English as I am and you are a virus they're the body belt with 2000 quid in it and a hundred in sovereigns any fellow hero of I'll give you a decent rate for gold wherever you are it's all you're an ass now what about the land well the documents are ready you want the present tenants to inherit in the event of your death subject to the creation of a joint trust for their heirs wasn't that it good man hurry up Splendid Splendid ah one more thing if I call it I should sit on my body and conclude suicide don't believe a word of it I'll go down personally you'll do no such thing a corpse isn't worth the fuss just remember I shall do that I promise in case yourself another one won't you on your account don't you worry [Music] [Music] there's one of them sir and here on this I'm much mistaken comes the Gallant major [Music] the field my pleasure Sir Robert [Music] shooting good luck and yourself now how do I get to West Wimbledon you go the highlights the square and carrying across how much time have you gone it's a little complicated all the time in the world I take it sir I'm in a hurry Daniel to the Northern Lights Charing Cross the district line that will take all the way over there [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] one must have patience thank you [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] for another I'm not here gessel you haven't seen me since my last trip the course notes are loved it here's a list of things I need Bill hook what about a firearm no just so I don't think I'll play it that way if I dragster on it I'm not a criminal gessel off on another real trips I presume Mr Robert when you get the stuff Harvey the entrance of Wimbledon station [Music] thank you then standard horrible murder Read All About It the Metropolitan Police wish to interview a tall well-dressed gentleman in his early 40s the booking clerk described in as having no fingernails on his right hand [Music] I came as quick as I knew arms erupted put the Whisk in they've got police and I don't know what everywhere I suppose if there's groceries again thank you Jessel will you be all right sir Robert oh yes and meanwhile of course [Music] foreign [Music] I never hunted with a cat stop why not [Music] why not I don't mean Dorset once before in my life foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] okay do I look funny you know why I thought frankly superb convinced sorry the bike I've never seen anything quite like it there isn't anything quite like it Gerald built It Gerald I'm Gerald how do you do yes now you'll never believe this but I've been hunting high and low for a thing like this oh Jared was thinking of manufacturing them weren't you Gerald as a business I have given the matters some consideration yes I don't duct now how much would a thing like this cost what 15 quid that much about the way you said you could make so frankly it's academic sorry point is I need the bike right away or we live in Leicester do really I have an uncle who lives near Leicester oh how lovely uh we don't know him I don't think so we'll have to go home in the train well I'm I'm very sorry if I've spoiled your holidays oh wow suppose we said 20 pounds cash to compensate you for the inconvenience 20 pounds what do you say I should be sorry to Let Her Go in other words don't think um here's five foreign [Music] foreign [Music] let's go back you knew I must the world won't go away not even for us to end the world you trust me they rely on me [Music] I must without me without you not yet Rebecca not yet turning balls foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] like the night of cloudless climbs and Starry skies are always best of dark [Music] meet in her aspect and her eyes [Music] you like that don't you I'll call you push you bugger yeah what dark that's my death [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] name at all sorry the letter then well there you are fulship excuse me a Sinister stranger without fingernails is haunting Dorset this week you do your cold you'll have to wait no I'm kind of satisfy yourself now you keep away from me this letter is indeed addressed to me and I regret it I should scream I don't doubt it your behavior is Unworthy of a position of trust and I feel in Duty bound to report it so good day to you Mom [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you as your legal advisor my opinion pedestrian as it may be is that you should go to the police tell them the truth and be damned to your adult ideas of Duty and honor if england is embarrassed by your existence so much the worst for England no Bliss does not always oblige no [Music] only when you wish it didn't [Music] very hot there he is after him [Music] foreign [Music] Smith the man in your position I I'm happy to tell you what I know the local constabury almost nabbed him endorsed it the South Post mistress had her suspicions aroused but the locals reacted a shade slow and well he was away before they got to him he won't be within a hundred miles if you're an expert opinion when it comes to an expert opinion I think I'll rely on Sir Roberts foreign [Music] foreign and patience will surely bring your Quarry within your sights [Music] Robert [Music] Ohio [Music] Rachel look out back come back you idiot some stupid animal and you're gonna make a fool of yourself I know Countryman maker you're no man at all better be dead yes major I saw well the dead man appears to have gone to ground doesn't it well I'm not prepared to root around in the dark for a wounded Wrath disciplined quite smooth discipline discipline 38. close Robert close foreign elephant separated from the herd is known as a rogue male he is isolated and he is dangerous the Almighty looks after the rogue mail we hope we hope [Music] foreign [Music] man Mr Drake I'm willing to wait talk about a lot of beer I've seen so much there's a robin up there or somewhere though there's some cat up there can't trap him you can't shoot him oh yes but I'd like to see that room if I may or wife talked about it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] one shade them all one lay the less that half and pair the nameless Grace which waves in every Raven dress softly lightens or her face well we'll just have to sweat it out my pity we always have to sweat it out [Music] foreign Smith I must say your mom does Google would you like some more just a little breakfast foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you're saving it [Music] entered barn and down to Gary I knew he was a stated oven I don't really think so you know Mr Drake oh they're better of itself do you think look at that Death Watch beta you've got in that we came across it once to me it's riding Barn check fell right through the roof who broke his neck poor fellow I shouldn't fret yourself you're right major mornings time enough to worry quite right Mr Drake good night [Music] a wise Hunter does not disturb frightened game at night thank you sir Robert [Music] okay [Music] like this is [Music] foreign [Music] Sir Robert can you hear me I hear you how are you surviving you had a luckiest game a temply however one doesn't abandon a wounded Beast does one one finishes It Off it wouldn't be Cricket otherwise would it what I didn't speak shall I tell you something funny well my capacity for laughter is somewhat Limited at the moment you can try the night you lost patience last night by George wasn't it I didn't lose pressure tonight you lost patience I'd already given Drake noticed that we were off I'd already decided that you've got clean away oh I knew you were somewhere about but we've been searching down by the spring and down in the Old Quarry and I concluded that we'd missed the bus Valley isn't it hilarious trying to get down to business business what business if you're going to kill me kill me oh my dear fellow I don't want you to die you can always donate me to whip snow I suppose [Laughter] there'll be no need for anything as drastic as that I don't think's Robert at this particular juncture no if my friends take my advice and they might well they'll tell me to let you go back into circulation just as if nothing had happened on certain conditions look here you won't get any more out of me than your gestapoed it so don't waste your time my Gustavo they're not mine I am as British as you are now what exactly do what when I don't want to deceive you in any way Sir Robert so I think I better get back to my friends and pair with them exactly what I propose we should do you won't mind hanging on for a day or two will you I can't get out but I don't suppose you'll be coming in I assume you're familiar with the end game known as stalemate well it's Taylor for you than it is for me so Robin if we must raise the subject look let's not play Bluff shall we you have only one course and that is to resign gracefully oh and please don't try burrowing your way out by some ingenious new route my chap is going to be out here whenever I'm not and he has such a nervous disposition he'd probably shoot the moon if it came up unexpectedly we'll talk tomorrow pleasant dreams [Music] [Music] [Music] Mr Robert are you there I'm still here man because I've got some good news for you we should have you out there inside the hour but we're free to go home to your place you'll be in time for the first of the pheasant I'm very glad it's worked out this way I'm sure I would I have enormous respect for you personally who knows Robert I'm a member of a party major which respects nothing but power and Brute Force and you're a man to go into the jungle with Sir Robert and that's the highest tribute I can offer our party needs men like you now what is it exactly that you want me to do it's time to tell I have a piece of paper out here yeah bring it here what I'll do is I'll shove it down your low hoe on the end of a stick all right got it foreign [Music] absolutely right oh this is rubbish the British government knew nothing whatsoever about my trip and you know that perfectly well one way or the other about what anyone actually knew or didn't know your uncle's in the cabinet rarely going to believe that you weren't given the nod weren't you no look I am as British as you are Sir Robert I wish this country great just as you do that document will never see the light of day unless Neville of the Jews forces him to war and then only to prove to public opinion to the people of Britain that it's a war that's been forced on the fuhrer by pansy boys and weeping Willies I don't find lies truth what is the truth when it comes down to it what is true is the truth and what is the truth about this so-called Sporting Store I wanted to see if it could be done you want to kill I presume because you thought it would help help your country if you like in other words even if the government the politicos knew nothing about you where as it were acting for Britain I don't see what all this matters I'm sure you do Sir Robert you mentioned signing lies it happens to be the truth that I'm asking you to sign I don't agree but your actions agree Sir Robert which is more to the point let us say that your motives were patriotic that makes them the same as mine you and I Sir Robert belong on the same side we are two of a kind but don't assume that because we both go to a good tailor we're on the same side we're not look you're either going to do as I say oh say your prayers it's as simple as that sign and be done with it or else suddenly you're all in a great hurry well I can't stand around here talking all day I shall get cramped breathe some more of that lovely fresh air you've got in there my dear fellow and tell me how it feels in the morning thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] all right some company for you [Music] foreign [Music] I hope by tomorrow you'll be the mood to be sensible by then the atmosphere in there ought to be conducive to reason I must go back they trust me they rely on me a must without me without you not yet Rebecca [Music] joke [Music] [Applause] maybe somebody has my dare some friends sorry foreign [Applause] The Splendid morning Mr Drake lighter I shouldn't Wonder yes well I shall profit from it while I can all right [Music] we've cut along now and get some grub and cheer up and it's because you've been needed much longer morning [Music] I said good morning did you manners my dear fellow manners one must preserve the proprieties you know how are you this morning reasonable the air out here is Splendid this morning how is it in there see Robert I'm still here you know honestly Robert I never imagined a man like you could be so thoroughly unreasonable didn't know that reason was something you cared much about is a nonsense you know submitting yourself to this is pure perversity it really is I've been thinking purpose of the exercise my dear fellow even if I I signed this famous document of yours whatever useful it be no one's going to see it there isn't going to be a war your father has promised and we we all know that if a man like that gives it promise I told you it is a pure formality unless someone on your side gets up to some nonsense and tries to ferment a war against this country's natural allies it's it Sir Robert what what about what about what what about what this chappie of yours chappie you're chappie how much does he know how do I know I'm not going to be blackmailed he's a Swift forget him the Swiss of people of quite astonishing dullness and rapacity my dear fellow a combination nurtured by generations of democratic government and milk chocolate I'm rather fond of both handbag Sir Robert the British Lion is losing his teeth on the count of the one and he's willed to fight because of his addiction to the other why prolong this ludicrous debate shine sign and then you're a natural leaders Robert I know it you know it now what place do you have amongst the rats and the rabbit my place amongst the rats and the rabbits is I assure you none of my choosing so you want the world to belong to the Jews and the [ __ ] do you because that's what democracy is Mr Roosevelt and his Yankee Doodles of the great Russian Bear sprawled across Europe with England between its paws I don't know I I don't know I I can't breathe I can't think sign the paper man you can think later I've got a Muslim bubble in the car I'd bust a pen past the pain you are an ass a pen is the least of our problems foreign [Music] foreign [Music] don't kill me sir name Melissa of course Well you certainly talk to the work didn't you Muller burying a fellow human being alive came quite naturally too didn't it I thought you are one of the latest Mensa he said you were also my wife want to say it again my gutsa I swear swear quietly I better still save your breath you've got work to do oh man pull him right in my God very cozy a bit airless is it in there yeah sorry about that I won't say anything sir ever to anyone you can trust me yes I can can't I be pressing really now here's what we do after dark we'll toddle down to the farm because we have to collect our gear don't we looks like rain I'm actually waiting in the car like a gentleman and you will fetch out the bags you're the major and I as he so often used to be Mark are two of a kind at least to the Casual eye it's out of your dash off but all good things must come to an end goodbye nature goodbye yeah and remember don't bring out your queen I'll remember later exposure can sometimes these people by the major I'd like to give you a kiss later you can't go my dear now just stay in the drive bye bye now bye bye [Music] I have to do now had no such undertaking has been received and that consequently this country is at war with Germany in any way Neville asked me would I care to renounce my duties and frankly since I have never quite known what these were I readily agree oh yeah I wondered when you surfaced I expected you a bit sooner to be honest yes well I couldn't find a taxi cab ah then of course that explains it because I've had a word with Winston and he said that if you care to pop around to the admiralty he has an idea that might be around up your street fine I'll total Rock he'll do that do that you know that spot to bother you talk to me about him well it now seems that their nibs have passed the word informally of course that the whole thing can now be unofficial regarded as as officially [Music] dead and buried yes if you like it like fine but I'll come see Mr yeah do that and get him to give you a good job right away before he gets kicked out you know I I don't think he's going to last very long okay thanks Uncle well Bob later if you feel like a little plane supper and some middle class company thank you Uncle that's my nephew bubble tea no he just Blended her you know it's so silly you know what he did a while back hmm oh you're just not going to believe this but he actually tried to pot Hitler missed very odd he's usually quite a decent shot [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] my plans are far Advanced I recognize that I may not get away alive but this time I shall not hesitate and that is rarely all that matters to me without you [Music] thank you thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Retrospective - Classic Movies
Views: 419,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hallmark movies, retrospective movie channel, free movie 2022, free movies 2022 full movie, retrospective movie, retrospective classic movie, old school movies, YouTube old movies, cult classic full movies, movie archive 2022, archived movie, channel 4 movie, bbc movie, Rogue Male (1976), Thriller Full Movie, Peter O'Toole, John Standing, Alastair Sim, Harold Pinter, Rogue Male, political thriller, full movie Peter o'toole, BBC thriller
Id: fO3x4TC9iXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 9sec (6189 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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