Omar Sharif Spy Romance Full Movie | The Tamarind Seed (1974) | Retrospective

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you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sam would it inconvenience you if I took a holiday early this year rest up get some Sun what about one of those Pleasant little islands in the Caribbean goodbye Richard [Music] Rachel hurry up or we'll be late again ambassador arrives at 9:00 I'd rather not sweep in at the same time I just want to get a hand here [Music] can I help you mr. Sparrow is out of town for two weeks no I'm sorry mr. Patterson but I have instructions not to give out that information do you want her to call you [Music] Rachel coming [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wish to call Paris please 306 four three five three extension 200 yes good evening commerce Perloff extremely well thank you and you comrade well it is somewhat dull but certainly restful if there is no pressing business I shall be back on the 14th as planned but should the situation change I will of course call you at once Thank You comrade good night general Gallatin wishes to see you [Music] how's your time next week Richard how about lunch at the club yes maybe Tuesday I could drop Rachel off and meet you I'll check my schedule have my secretary call you tomorrow yeah you take good care of her attorney she needs someone to stand up huh he's such a co but it's why I wish I'd had someone to stand up for me you never needed anyone no hard as nails well he did that for me at least good evening sir good evening excuse me who's that man Haddad he works with Jack loader that's right for LAN a wee bit closer than here [Applause] get rid of this for my way [Music] [Music] good evening mrs. Patterson leaving sledder enjoying yourselves very much I don't like that man but if you do he wasn't picked because of his personality the final analysis its results that count if you consider our bodies excuse me colonel but excuse me please all right jack what's on your mind general golitsin arrived without spurred love and so far as fertile off isn't shown up yes I know it wasn't at the Belgians last Tuesday neither I was going to call you at the office tomorrow where the hell is he what's up these are the fronts on a vacation we assumed but if you give us a bit more information we might be able to assume something for ourselves sorry it really looks like a vacation nothing more it in Barbados obeyed us they never go anywhere for already except home it must be up to something setting up a rocket base the Caribbean could just be a blind Robby's fell off spinner cold unlikely maybe connections being moved up too old too rigid if so does putting out then his replacement is already here and we don't know who that is it's gonna be very pretty isn't it I'm willing to bet there is no replacement swear love's on a holiday but we're keeping a close check [Music] [Applause] good morning [Music] it seems hotter this morning yes I think it is perhaps we will have rain I see clouds over there yes but it doesn't matter it never lasts long you know not to shelter on the coast trees which trees those trees there they have a curious name I can't pronounce it but if the rains come and you stand beneath them the water will burn your skin they are very poisonous someone should have told you about it well I'm afraid I haven't given anyone much chance yes you have remained very much to yourself since your arrival being neighbors I could not help but notice I also came here to get away from people you are English yes Theodore's fell off howdy-doo I'm Judith Ferro you take sugar yes three spoons please what do you do with the embassy I am a military attache I work with general golitsin yeah now does his name mean anything to you no should it well he's been in Paris for nearly three years you said you know Paris I know someone who works there I used to go over there sometimes for the weekend stay with friends I don't mix an embassy circles yes they're not very exciting always the same faces I would have remembered you if I'd seen you do you work in London yes I'm a personal assistant to a man called Sam Nielson he's with the Home Office yes I know him would you like a Russian cigarette no thank you I promise you it isn't drugged well even if it was you'd have to find some other way I don't smoke if I go away and leave you in peace would you have dinner with me yes if you like it would be very pleasant for me later block I'll wait for you by the bar [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well gentlemen I have here a comprehensive report on how current severe law has been spending his holiday so far he has done nothing suspicious he has been behaving like an ordinary tourist spending a holiday out of season he's even got himself a girlfriend she's British Julie thow works for Sam Nielson bloody hell What's Wrong Sam Nielsen is in a very confidential position not confidential enough to involve a man is important as well one of the glamour boys could have been sent out to do that well maybe it's just a coincidence sir yeah I'm maybe not I'm skeptical about coincidences if spurred love has made contact with a British subject and it's my responsibility all right but I think it would be less than prudent to act as if she was already passing him secrets Ian naturally Colonel I also suggest it would be less than prudent not to consider the possibility that pompous bastard as you know about mrs. follow-on captain Patterson know I'd like to see his prudent face when he learns that some Nicholson's personal assistant is also shacking up with our gun and arrow - a hell of a contact for chance like that the Russians are bloody swim to Barbados [Applause] you may have your picture Mr Man there thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sorry I'm late oh that's okay I made along myself better meeting with the tunnel today confidential no no nothing your husband won't know all about back tomorrow well you know we were talking about Patterson mrs. Farrell uh-huh she went to Barbados apparently she met Theodore spared laughter and I worried she might be passing on classified information [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning oh good morning commissioner just thought I'd bring you up to date on this is Pharaoh and mr. say a lot oh nothing very new they continue to see each other the last two nights they had dinner together and as usual went for an early morning swim but so far she has not invited him into her bed we made a reservation for him tonight at the colony Club and this morning he took her to the Bridgestone Museum look at this a slave on Heywood's plantations of Peter accused of stealing a sheep was hanged from a tamarind tree he protested his innocence saying that the tree would vindicate him since then the tamarind tree has borne a seed in the shape of a man's head isn't that extraordinary it's just like a man's head don't you believe it well there's the seed I wonder what the owners felt like when they saw those seeds appear on the tree you think they were right you think they had a conscience everyone has a conscience you don't think so would you say I have a conscience well perhaps not a very big one under conscience your whole ideology is based on writing a basic wrong some people with far too much others with nothing max Marx had a conscience the expropriate errs will be expropriated is that what you're saying in a way yes but you know when you've done something wrong your conscience knows I know when I have made a mistake that is not the same I am interested in your theories perhaps I am converting you to Marxism I wonder if it's possible to visit the hayward plantation and you would look for the tamarind tree you really believe it exists I don't know but I'd like to try and find it I want one of those seeds just to prove something to you I am rushing we are the people who invented fairy tale mmm like the existence of God you know it is a good sign that we have many dialectic disagreements and yet get along we are proving that it is really possible to consciousness perhaps that's because we're on neutral territory to neutral I'm optimistic like me I can feel it are you afraid to make love yes I just had one miserable love affair and I don't intend to start on that one who was he what did he do to spoil you for me his name is Richard Patterson captain Patterson you know him only to speak a few words when we meet socially he was the only man I've been involved with since my husband died he was burned in a car accident I was trying to work hard and get over it I kept everybody at a distance I was quite happy and then someone asked me to Paris for a weekend and I met Richard so you became lovers we'll see a good lover did he pleased you yes then why did it all end oh he said he and his wife were separated that he was going to ask her for a divorce as it turned out he never even considered it she's gonna have a baby in a few months so while he was loving GUI was reconciled to his wife and in her bed as well and you can't forgive him for making a fool of you I don't want to talk about it anyway I'm nearly finished the worst thing about captain Patterson is that he is really very done I would be much better for you because I make you laugh did you laugh much with him no I suppose I didn't much too serious too intense I find it hard to take these things as a joke and so I don't think you would be better for me oh I said nothing about the joke laughter is a very serious business one should be happy in love and laughter confirms the love and the happiness we love simply cannot exist without laughter how well do you know him he never mentioned you oh he wouldn't he doesn't encourage friendships without people it might hurt his career like divorcing his wife can't you tell that it was the most important thing obviously not that is because you are a sentimentalist you believe in innocent slaves and miraculous tamarind seeds anything else wrong with me well I didn't say it was wrong and a woman I think it is very nice I have a wife at home she is a very good judge of everything she knows exactly what is right and what is not right she draws a line so on this side is the Soviet Union and the party they are right on the other side of the capitalist world wrong I am telling you about my wife now so that you don't say afterwards you are married you never told me there won't be any afterward no probably not now I must go back to Paris in a few days please don't I would like to talk about myself a little bit if you don't mind you may be asked questions about me when you go back home your intelligence people what did you tell them to mind their own business you stop trying to hold my hand you don't just you know you said you wanted to talk yes but please let me hold your hand I am afraid of the darkness when everybody is afraid of something you came here to run away from your love affair I came here because well because I had nothing to run away from do you understand that no what does it mean I have a good career I have a wife who is a famous specialist she is young and nice-looking I belong to a great country and the great socialist movement which one day will be accepted by the whole world god forbid how could he if he doesn't exist now don't interrupt me I am playing at capitalism and counting my assets I am healthy and I can have women when I want them except for you I don't want women except for you I don't want to see my wife I don't feel anything for the socialist revolution anymore what do I do about this [Music] has this holiday helped wrong yes I feel more relaxed I feel that I would like to stay here indefinitely with nothing more important to do than to spend the time with you would you like to take a trip to one of the other islands tomorrow I'd like to think about it now I really must go in thank you for a lovely evening [Music] I'm surprised about one thing why haven't you suggested that I come over to your side wouldn't the West want me probably but I doubt it would work for you [Applause] I believe you are a neutral you don't want converts I don't want to be converted either I very much believe in being free to choose you know something you have forgotten about the trip captain isn't that so tomorrow I think I'd like to go and look for that tamarind tree [Applause] what can you say if we don't find it what will you say if we do [Applause] goodbye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wonderfully I'll ring you next week tonight thank you again thank you for coming good night Rachel made up with the brightest thing in the world but she's very sweet I'm glad you like her it'll help Richard not unless he stops playing around with it little pieces got in London I can't infer go stop trying to look as if you didn't know and bloodhound load has been checking up on him who told you that the children's holidays will be starting in ten days they'll be needing some more pocket money whoever told you about loaders investigation no right to do so why is that the naughty of it I want to know who it is why are you doing - getting miss trouble I'll make sure he never gave away another confidential report it wasn't anything important just a little affair I mean always having them and after all it was a woman he was sleeping with I've no interest in what medicine does with his private life my only interest in seeing that security amongst her staff has helped to a maximum if you go to the loader and start stirring up trouble he might find out things about me you wouldn't want him to know I suppose you have thought about that yes I will please yourself now if you don't mind I'm very tired and I'd like a good night's sleep for a change good night I wonder what loader would do if he found out that I distinguished Minister was queer how can an intelligent woman like you even think of such nonsense shall I tell you the truth there was no tamarind tree there was no innocent slave there is no force outside this world which gives justice to the weak there is nothing but man and the standards are not consistent one year you are right about a certain thing the next year it has become a crime the truth is there are no standards only experiences that's a cynical statement idea here what would happen if you talk like that at home it will depend three years ago at of course no comment but the wind changes the weather vane turns that is what ideology is a weather vane which is subject to the wind of expediency or of women there was an empress of Russia who made it high treason to wear pink did you know that it was her favorite color some people in your Western world feel the same about someone with a with a red tie none of it makes sense in a way that is the glory of materialism it teaches you in the end you despise everything that is material and leaves you nothing of value survival that is the only end worth living for to live because afterwards there is nothing no reward for the good no punishment for the evil I don't believe that if you simplify it it's just absolute selfishness and I don't think that makes anybody happy you think I am selfish well no you philosophize one way and you act another basically you are a very kind generous man kind and generous to you perhaps well perhaps because I hope to get something out of it see thanks you believe me you are very gullible your group captain told you he loved you and you believed him I tell you I do something because I want to go to bed with you and you believe me we are both liars how are you going to survive if you can't tell the difference between one lie and another I'm really worried about you I asked you not keep mentioning Richard I should never have told you about him it was very stupid of me you don't know how charming it is to find an intelligent woman who does stupid fools tell me something are you as sad about your lover as you were when we first met does it really hurt when I talk about him no no it doesn't it seems less real here but I don't want to go back it will be easier than you expect you will think of me instead of him for sure we will meet in London if we are very discreet she's booked on a flight due back Friday she obviously likes but if it takes going to bed with her to recruiter so far he hasn't succeeded it's possible his trip to Barbados is just a coincidence it's possible but you don't think very likely I think it's best to be very careful thank you you know she's some Nielsen's assistant and she's group captain Patterson's mistress I thought the affair with Patterson was finished if comrades furred loft persuaded to go over our dawning shall have much trouble starting it up again do you think there's a chance she might go over sir my line of business has taught me three things no one's to be trusted nothing is to be believed and anyone is capable of doing anything you know about three years ago mrs. Farrell lost her husband in a car crash she was just getting over that when she meant group captain Patterson well knowing the gallant group captain it's not hard to guess what happened and a very unhappy young woman took us off off to Barbados in search of whatever it is that young women are in search of a twice damaged little plum just arrived to fall into the hands of a man likes fell off my wife knows you've been investigating Patterson and mrs. Farrow she wouldn't tell me who told her I have to look into that it's a man the security leak like that could be dangerous oh yes yes of course well you can count on my discretion sir Thank You mr. Lobo perhaps who could have dinner some evening oh yes I'd like that very much thank you I'll call you all right fine sir thank you I'll I'll look forward to that miserable [ __ ] there's not many men who told me that yeah I suppose so I've given him my word that I'll handle this is discreetly as possible of Paula Stan whoever it is that sleeping with his wife and passing confidential information is liable to find himself in serious trouble he's not careful what do you think it is watch the road how long have you known so long I swear tell the lady you won't be singer anymore and keep your trap shut I'll have the bloody head on a stick in this one yes sir [Applause] will you meet me in London I don't know it's been so simple here and uncomplicated can we wait and see how we feel or we get back to work if I'm asked you are sure you don't want me to take you to the airport no thank you open it when you are on the plane all right daya Shankar [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] I really settle now that Rachel's here - she loves Paris everyone's been so kind to her especially your wife Rachel our daughter Margaret is very fond of Rachel I had a couple of postings myself when Marvel couldn't join me and I remember a couple very lovely and rather bored especially in the evenings I expect you did too when you first arrived yes it was hellish Lillian also to be honest things were uncertain between Rachel and me at that time she didn't want to be uprooted from England I cared about this posting too much to give it up I'm afraid I made rather a fool of myself I understand you became friendly with a girl in London may I ask how you know about that I'm afraid not I can probably guess the security check was run on me I suppose I should have expected it I find it just as nauseating as you do the whole idea of spying and playing peeping tom on our own stuff but none of us is exempt from it that's any consolation to you well I've got to say to you Richard simply this we don't want any scandal from the embassy point of view I mean your wife is having a baby in the ambassador's rather strict about that kind of thing but apart from that what's really important this girl you've been with she's now a security risk security that's impossible I don't believe it I think that's hardly relevant I don't believe half the things security tells me either but I have to accept that word and act accordingly if you're anything more to do with her you'll be recalled I have to have your assurance nothing in writing just your word of course I'll never see her or communicate with her again we had in fact broken off about three weeks ago well I hope this unpleasant this hasn't ruined your game excellent have been coming out on December 2 the blue fire yes general not too many but they are here and ambassador you will see here sorry about the blue file on my desk tomorrow morning if not yesterday well so this all about Barbados mrs. Farren nice weather yes marvelous meet anyone interesting you know very well that I did that's why you're here isn't it he said you people would come around I'd be glad if you tell us exactly what happened what's this man's name you did say he didn't you mrs. Farrell his name is fair Doss feared love and he's a military attache at the Soviet embassy did he make friends with anyone else beside you no we spent the time together as far as I know he didn't speak to anyone else sounds as if you got on very well yes I like him very much you don't see you know how well we got on and I'm sure you know exactly when we went swimming and where we went to dinner and what we ate so why don't you just get to the point the point was his fellow is that you can't expect to pick up a senior Soviet official like Colonels fell off and not set the cat among the pigeons I met a man staying at the same hotel I liked his company I presume he liked my you work for a man in a very important position some Nilsen deals with a lot of highly confidential stuff don't you think it's a bit odd this man choosing you out of the whole island he couldn't possibly have had another motive besides just being friendly on the holiday oh you're absolutely wrong I mean I I know what you're getting at but it's not true he's gonna contact you again isn't he yes perhaps but not to recruit me I mean that's what you're trying to infer isn't it did you sleep with him dare you ask me that I'll ask you what I bloody well like you work for one man in a confidential post and you've been having it off with another oh yes we know all about Group Captain Patterson did you tell your recent boyfriend about him too yes I did for Christ's sake you're a gift to them now you listen to me very carefully mrs. Farrow he'll get in touch with you again and when he does you won't try to look about you'll come direct to me and tell me you understand that immediately they've baited a big hook to catch you that means that there's something they want which must be within your capacity to give them yeah I'm not saying you'd do it but they don't play according to the rules it's surprising what you can make a woman do when you've got a hold on her like blackmail yeah I've told you you're wrong you're so wrong it's ridiculous I mean he'd never do anything like that I know him do you I don't that mrs. Farrell I doubt that very much well you just forget this little meeting go back to work see your friends do whatever you normally do and when you contact you you get in touch with me at that number now you'll do that won't you you won't do anything silly like sings further laughs I'm not telling us if you're right and he tries to involve me in anything I will tell you at once but I will not be used to spy on him nothing you can say would make me do a thing like that fair enough goodbye mrs. Farrell thanks for talking to me oh not a word about this to anyone just keep it in the family bye mrs. father thanks again she put up quite an argument didn't she yes I think we're too late I think that bus has got to her already I wouldn't just a bloody word she said [Music] [Applause] [Music] who are you Anna Scribner Conrad's beautiful where is Kalinin why are you in his office he is sick I'm a temporary replacement I hope you'll find a satisfactory combat I'll do my best what is wrong with cleaning I don't know comrade do you know where he is no comrade I was only told he was sick nothing else all right I see there was a meeting between the ambassador and Czechoslovakian shaji I don't see a full report in my papers do you know where it is it should be there comrade comrade I'm sorry it was not in his proper place it is not a good policy to make a mistake on your first morning but as you are only temporary I would overlook it I will call you when I need dictation please bring me some tea it's quite convenient was showing signs of strain it was reported by several people that he didn't sleep at night and he was drinking did you know that comes I pick him alarmed in your absence knowing he had access to cried a lot of confidential information so decided to have been medically examined he was diagnosed as both physically and emotionally unqualified to continue his working so we decide to send him home to recuperate it was invaluable to me I feel somewhat responsible perhaps I worked him too hard that was the doctors okay if you are not satisfied with a mass grave inna I can every place there are many of you people he does very well it may be that I should keep her permanently I have seen the reports that you compile during those two weeks including that very interesting contribution from bloom I wonder who recruited blue I've heard it said that it was you chimera I don't even know his identity nobody knows that except Venusian that's the measure of blues importance nobody else worked for us has been so well protected very wise precaution now to change the subject but not the object I have had some luck on my trip to Barbados I have made a very useful contact I met a woman on the island she has a very confidential job at the Home Office in London I believe that I will be able to recruit her it could be very useful is she attractive very well then your task should not be too unpleasant on the contrary mrs. Farrow is as charming as she is beautiful I am looking forward to our relationship with the greatest of pleasure thank you would you like a drink what would you like I think just a glass of white wine please and the vodka please look different from when we were on the idol very competent very efficient is that criticism no if I said I'd prefer you in a bikini is that that criticism I guess no don't you like me in my business suit I'm not sure must give me time to get used to it I am surprised by one thing you're not wearing a red tie oh I'm in disguise I'm a Russian spy didn't you realize that right about my visitors I was met at the airport I am sorry tell me what happened oh there was a man who drove me back to my flat there was another man who did the interrogating called mr. Lauder he said you would get in touch with me again and I was to let him know immediately when you did I see and have you done that have you let him know that we are together yeah did he say anything else oh just the usual about my mixing with Russians my job being confidential you can imagine the kind of thing I want to be - well now I will fill in what you have decided not to tell me he said I was a dangerous Soviet agent and that I was only interested in you because I hope to recruit you as a spy you know it is charming to see a nun blush like that we must never try to lie to him I can see straight through you like glass is that what you think do you believe in second no I wouldn't be here if I did it's not true is it no what a bad interrogator you would make to stare into my eyes to see if I'm lying well people can lie with their eyes I am telling you the truth I am NOT going to seduce you persuade your blackmail you into telling me what your mr. Nielsen says to the Prime Minister although I have told my own people that I would do this if totaram yes I told them that I hope to recruit you to work for us that way I can meet you whenever I want without suspicion I don't know what to do this whole thing is getting so out of proportion the first thing that you must do is to inform your intelligence man that we have been together otherwise you could be in great trouble let me teach you the first lesson about these little games you must try to tell the truth as long as possible that way when times changed and you have to lie there's a great chance that you will be believed you said yourself a bad liar never mind I will teach you I am a great expert do you say the most extraordinary things why should I believe a word you've said when you boasted you can lie like a trooper like what a trooper it's just an expression it doesn't mean anything really besides I'm not going to lie to anyone if I choose to see you that's my business oh I'll tell them we seen each other than that I was right and they were wrong I won't believe you you will be followed and watched do as I tell you play that game for them then we can have our evenings together and maybe the weekend no weekend then we must go to a nice dark place where I can dance with you you behave too bad you don't behave badly you won't let me [Music] [Applause] [Music] then come that takes you back and helps refine [Music] stop thinking about that coddled Englishman how did you know when I first saw you you had the look on her face it was not happy at the same look now I'm sorry why don't you become a communist and come back to Russia with me well offhand I can think of several reasons and they are your wife for one I must admit that is a consideration and red really doesn't suit me I refuse to believe it politically you see I'm true blue through blue what is that is it a political job no to some people it's quite serious it's used to describe the heroes of Victorian novels people very loyal to the Queen and the Empire that kind of thing that's funny true blue I must remember that you face a cafe Oh show me check out your device hello this is mr. Amano and Miss Mitchell mrs. Phares please sit down mr. Mamun office with our embassy here his English is not very good I'm sorry I only speak little I hope you don't mind if we speak Russian or please there's more you speak Russian no I can understand a few words but that's all do ya I gather it's very difficult language to learn yeah I had a girlfriend once who learn to speak fluent French in her mum's mind you she lived with a Frenchman it sounds like a practical system well not necessarily when I met Demetria thought ah here's a good chance to learn Russian but then I found out he had the same idea he wanted to learn English well you could swap speak Russian one week in English the next no we're both too stubborn for that we get on pretty well but we fight a lot I know some great Russian swear words it oh hello and goodbye and that kind of thing six months no seven that's it you smell no thank you wish I didn't Dimitri smells like a true bar like a what oh that's a chimney excuse goodbye it has been pleasure oh just remember if you're considering the system seven months of true ger I remember so well that means that Gimli yes they have a problem he wants to learn English and she wants to learn Russian I don't think he wants her for talking she is good at other things and harmless we know all about her she likes presents not money so that she can show her friends how good she is with men and how does a good Soviet Socialist get the money to buy her all those presents sounds like a lot of capitalism to me I give him the money I pay his expenses because he is a good man and loyal to me he does what I tell him I told him to do something for me now and I know he would do it what is it [Music] he is going back to Russia on Wednesday I told him to find out about my secretary was supposed to have been taken ill while I was in Barbados you sent home you have a male secretary it's bad more efficient and good but I have a girl now I suspect that she is a plant is there to report on me why I'm not sure yet there are many things about myself but I might tell you Sunday there are many people who don't agree about those things in any case don't worry I will find out and do what is necessary would you like to dance again thank you I have frightened you Oh would you like me to take you home [Applause] fail or listen to me a minute this is all getting too complicated I mean your people watching you and I'm going after me well I'm just not prepared to see you and let you think that I'm eventually going to sleep with you because I'm not you don't wish to see me again I think it's better than I don't [Music] [Applause] hello I will not try to sleep with you you can stop crying I'd be outside your office at lunchtime tomorrow I'm at the airport now I've lost him right right [Music] I find it quite revolting you and that dreadful man lunching together has he found out has he told you who it is this time he's never even mentioned your friend I'm sure he'll do everything he can to protect you in every way you don't need to work oh I'm not worried you're the one who should be worried you're the one who looked the fool no they will never involve us in any sort of scandal whatever you may think of him he's a decent man I've got to know I like him oh really don't tell me darling he's not one of those have a nice lunch hello George don't give me any rubbish about not phoning you at the office I haven't heard from you for nearly a week and I demand an explanation I suppose your bosses found out about us is that it I gather we were seeing one another anymore right [Music] [Music] [Music] neither I this morning in the diplomatic bag it was a personal letter from ego tomorrow who had known him since his marriage and was a witness at the wedding it enclosed the official document notifying him that his wife Elena had applied to the courts for divorce a short time later comrades we have instructed me to make arrangements for his flight to Moscow on Thursday the 25th comrades made love then called mrs. Pharaoh and made an appointment to meet her this afternoon in London look if you don't love your wife and you want her to divorce you then why are you going back to try and stop her my wife is an important woman from an important family she divorces me it would be politically very dangerous oh I didn't realize you were so ambitious I'd like to stay alive you're joking a little but not completely you see after Stalin people stop talking about annihilating one half of the world as a way of spreading communism there was more freedom more moderation I worked for that I believed in it and I still do but now a lot of Elena's father's disciples are in power and they are trying to change things back to the old ways then why don't you get out why don't you just get off the plane in Europe and disappear because I am a Russian and I don't want to be exiled from my country so I'm going on Thursday I hope to be back in ten days or less a question is how long will the mustard string her along before he tries to pull her in this whole thing I don't like to feel it was dirty I can't help feeling sorry for his dirty old man but we didn't invent it diddly and the consequences of a thing like this can be very big well this morning they've been on the phone from London I've got a flyback could be for this think he'll be gone long I shouldn't think so fly over get briefs come back again yeah like I seem to left it at home she came back to a house at 7:00 no no he wasn't with her for them talk with each other and she's made no other phone calls I think she's in for the evening I should be back in Paris tomorrow if anything the startling turns up you know where to reach me oh is it sandy Mitchell Oh Trueba hi hello please come in I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you not at all but I got this call from to meet remember you do you remember Dimitri yes I do well he's an honest ER down at the moment I'm two-week trip and he asked me to get in touch with you because he gave me a message for your friend Colonel Spurlock yes ah no I can't give it to you I was asked to write it down but I've got to burn it I know it sounds ridiculous but I really you know I understand please read it Kalinin is in the Lubyanka they are waiting for you on no account let them persuade you to return to Russia that's it I hope I'm not disturbing you I seem to have lost something you lied her you haven't seen it have you I said I'd lost something I don't suppose it found it looks like a lighter doesn't even has an inscription from your loving wife since I haven't loved you for years and I didn't give it to you in the first place I was naturally about it curious I don't know how to work it out I tried unscrewing it so it's probably broke so you won't be able to take any more photographs with you No doing what have you been photographing secretly kind of filthy yeah you wouldn't understand it you wouldn't know an idea that you're so 1d I deal an ideology for the betterment of humanity I believed in it for a long time you can call it filth if you want to what treason or anything else nobody's paying you it's not blackmail are not being forced to do anything I don't want to I believed in this ever since I came up from Cambridge I became a communist long before I met you [Laughter] [Music] Chaika oh I've been trying to reach you for hours can you talk yes but if it's something important be careful it's terribly important I've had a message from your friend to meet remember not careful I know it is much to ask but is it possible for you to come here I will meet you at the airport take the next available plane and be calm there is nothing so tragic that we cannot work it out trust me - Shankar do you know what that word means I will see you in a few hours good bye check see if Lord is on that plane yet [Music] look happy we've come all the way to Paris to see your lover are we being watched of course what a wonderful surprise I didn't expect to see you again until I got back from Russia don't think you would have returned from Russia tell me more about it on the way to the hotel hotel well you don't expect me to take you to the Russian embassy mr. Lowden would never believe in other word you told him message was Kalinin is in the Lubyanka they are waiting for you on no account let them persuade you to return to Russia Kalinin is my secretary are you sure about that are you sure it was the Lubyanka oh yes the yank is a prison isn't it there's an interrogation center for the KGB they took Kalinin over there to manufacture evidence against me by now they must have got it so my old friend rides to me to persuade me to come back my own wife agrees to divorce me you see I have become corrupted I have fallen in love with a degenerate capitalist and I have acquired the taste for Scotch whisky that alone proves that I have lost my Marxist so stop it you're in terrible danger if you go back you're going to be arrested I can cancel my trip and rebook for later I can say that I have succeeded in recruiting you and that you have a tremendous secret for me I don't look so sad they won't get me I promise you [Music] yes Richard this is Judith Richard yes wait a minute let me get you another phone even God's sake I'm sorry Richard I didn't want to call you but loaders out of town and you're the only one I know that could help with this all right I'll be there as soon as I can you listen to me folks you're destroyed part of my life you're not gonna ruin the rest I remember you telling me about your sordid little boyfriend your Cambridge love affair well I put up with that all that now Wow with a children nearly grown our future assured all those boring postings finished in line for a Greymon embassy now you think you're gonna win at all I could destroy you I don't think I wouldn't enjoy seeing you go to jail for the rest of your life I did enjoy seeing you hang but I'm tired too you sir you're not going to say anything about it except my life helping your career I want that embassy I wanted for myself not you I'm going to get it because you're gonna stop what you've been doing you'll get caught I caught you out that means you're getting careless it won't be easy I promise I'll try I hope you're better than that well do exactly as I say by God one way or another focus I'll destroy you who is it then I can't tell you that you've no right to drag me up here I'm not at all anxious to get involved in this and if it's some bloody Clark banging bottles it's nothing of the kind this man is in very great danger and he wants political asylum Richard it honestly couldn't wait until tomorrow I had to call the house what exactly is it that your friend wants he wants to know whether the British will receive him and whether they will promise not to hand him back to his own embassy I can't answer those questions on my own authority I'd have to go back and refer the whole thing to the ambassador well you could tell the ambassador that this man would be a very valuable acquisition to Britain but if you can't give me his name I don't see how I can back that up what section is here can you tell me that military could mean anything why can't you trust me it's all so damn vague otherwise told you all I can't look Richard I know you're a great stickler for the rules but if you tie this thing up in red tape it'll be too late to help him I'm not interested in helping him I came here in case it would be a help to us well there's always the unreliable who's willing to sell himself to the highest bidder just because he's in trouble with his own side wants to avoid your consequences oh Christ I never thought I'd want to see that monster loader but I'd give anything to have him here instead of you then I suggest that you and your friend just wait until Lauder gets back now you listen to me if you can't help me then you put someone with authority onto me direct beyond that you don't have to get involved sounds as if you've got yourself into a pretty scruffy mess no scruffier than the last time I'll call you tomorrow he will go to his ambassador and say sir I have a most important Russian officer who wishes to come over to our sides it will go down in his record and he will be happy but he won't deal with me himself and I will be happy about that because I don't like him no neither do i which means that I am very determined not to make the same mistake twice I am determined about that also then take me back to the airport well if we don't spend the night together how am I going to convince general call it's in the time succeeding with you if we do spend the night together then I shall lose my job at the Home Office and then I don't think general golitsin would be interested in whether you succeeded with me or not not a very difficult one tell the general that this is what I have to expect if I come over to the west and I'm better off dead major I'm going to entrust a very delicate matter to you on behalf of general penuche I am at your disposal channel the orders came from vamoosh king himself I am only following instructions pick two men two men who live in trust completely trust as he would trust yourself as I trust you have them watch cams read love is under suspicion from the Presidium I am sorry to hear that report to me you know one s venusian has placed this method in my hands sweet love is due to return to Russia soon if anything happens to alert him before he goes I shall hold you responsible nature you understand I understand general there's a woman involved with him and mrs. Farren she works for mr. means at the Home Office if sparrow succeeds in recruiting her it would be very important for us you wanted to see me mrs. Farrell [Music] I hear the Brazilian ministers on the point of resigning mm-hmm that's the rumor I imagine you find that sort of thing interesting not especially don't you pick up all these little scraps of gossip first so you can tell your friends no just involve yourself in top-level stuff I suppose that's right listen focus I wasn't kidding if you don't get out of this what do you do much turn me in ruin us both I don't think so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right what do you want political asylum the usual guarantees lifetime security but not in England Canada could I bother you for a thank you very much it's just general trouble what happened well that could present complications Carol you could be a big embarrassment to Andrew Soviet relations I'm not coming empty-handed no what are you gonna bring with you are we supporting we're prepared to offer your hospitality one piece of information one what what one item is that what you're offering oh come off it colonel nobody's gonna wear that wouldn't wish my Chiefs time making the suggestion oh they just tell you to get stuffed what do you want mr. Lauder the names of a dozen expendable agents to key to a code which would be changed within 24 hours after I've gone all information about who is betraying Western top security methods at this moment the reason you were called back to London so suddenly hello yes mr. loader oh right the two men who followed you across the street I canceled my trip to Moscow golitsin isn't taking any chances do you think he suspects what you're doing I think he believes I need more time to recruit mrs. Pharaoh but he is a cautious man he wants to make very sure that nothing happens which will prevent me from returning to Russia are you sure you can deliver I will make what do you call it a deposit for the full payment he has a code name blue I will give you the blue file when I'm on the plane for Canada you give us blue and we all see you safe and snug for the rest of your life how do you want to do it I will make my arrangements and tell mrs. Farrell I believe she knows how to get in touch with you okay you're on there's another little problem it won't help matters if your two friends out there see me leave this house well mrs. Farrow and I will take a walk and draw them off all right yes [Music] [Music] you look very worried yeah counting boy and you have not been sleeping I think that you are in love with me anything wrong no I am worried I haven't had a decent night's sleep since this thing started but I think I'd feel that way for anybody I really liked you will tell me the truth when we get to Barbados Barbados I'm taking you there to complete your seduction I have explained that you are a very difficult woman who won't work for us unless I make love to you under the palm trees why barbarous I mean it's such a small island and anything could happen there you think I would be safer in Paris Barbados is British mr. Lauder will be able to protect me there would you come yes if that's a way to help you of course I'm coming can we go back now I'm sure load is gone and I'm suddenly very cold it is important that they think that I'm succeeding with you well that's taking unfair advantage who knew I wouldn't stop you I only know that you didn't kiss me as if you wanted me to stop [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you sure you don't want me to call dr. alter no it's alright wait did I look after are you in focus go back until he invested there's nothing to worry about [Music] I'll get you a glass of water I've never faded in my life you've never been pregnant before oh come on pregnant ladies often feel faint it is a very yeah come on [Music] now what is it Oh mr. Stevenson it's low misery but I just don't know what to do well perhaps it would help if you talk about it it's Richard in other woman just can't trust him ever since that woman rang the other night everything's changed it's always been difficult I never thought he was after other women I got thinking for the girls she found him in the middle of the night she said she had to see him with someone important in the Russian embassy what does it affect [Music] how is she she's fine she's just lined up what's wrong I just heard tell to permit me to throw up you please make excuses so we can get out of here talk [Music] are you gonna do parent stopped supposing he's already told them who you are he doesn't might have been arrested by now feared these things take time it could be weeks before he comes over if you don't know who he is how can you have him stopped the woman who called Patterson about the defector was probably his former mistress Judith Farrow the English [ __ ] who's been sleeping with a Russian can should all fit like there's nothing I can do about it until the morning I've just one means of communication it's only available to me during the day between 9:00 and 5:00 [Music] [Music] [Music] morning Consuelo morning general can I get you some tea copy no thank you I have come to a crisis with mrs. Farrell [Music] what a pity I have thought she was committed she will be committed when she brings our first report but I'm afraid she still has a little bridge to cross one from her side to ours she is feeling in a romantic mood at the moment I should have to take a few days and help her cross that little bridge where and as I remember seduction came have its compensations another time I might enjoy it but I have had to cable my wife and ask her to wait again Anderson it's it's difficult to choose I choose my duty of course there is no question of which has the first priority this woman has accessed the most confidential report about everything needs and does at the Home Office she could be one of our most important agents over here perhaps as important as GRU if I let her go now and take time to attend to my personal business we could lose her a few days to convince her that she is doing it for love and then a controller can look after her for a week or two if we decided who is to take over in your absence it might be dangerous to keep her and contact it even for a few days do you have a man in mind what about Gregory's took a LOF I will leave that to you you and Stuka log would be responsible for keeping her while I'm away if she likes to cool off then he can take over from me completely but one should never hurry these things Oh patience is needed I hope you'll be able to persuade Anna knocks him over to forget about the divorce she's a fine woman it would be a pity to Eames I don't intend to lose her as soon as I have recruited mrs. Farrow I shall be on my way to see my wife if everything goes well I should be seeing you in a few days good luck [Applause] [Music] I'd like to see 5:23 please [Music] they'll need to sign for it I'm not taking anything else could you get me number 32 as well [Music] thank you good morning comrade [Music] [Music] we're taking the afternoon plane for Barbados we'll be staying at the beach hotels and James right he wants to get out as quickly as possible I think you can make the arrangements in time they will have to one time is that all he said he'll have the documents with him all right I'll get him out of Barbados on the Saturday plane no listen tell him they'll be protection laid on at the hotel but stay there you understand don't take any chances just stay there till our chaps come and get you out yes not telling you're not thinking of leaving Barbados with him I that's not on I'm just warning you only going to Barbados because he needs me as an alibi I have no intention of going on to Canada yes I [Music] find out if Colonel sweat with his left the embassy if not detain him and the new circumstance allow him to leave the building [Music] according to blue swirl of intends to defect in strictly by using the simplest of all intelligence Maxim's if you want to remove the pursuer to it in broad daylight with this many people around as possible we shall get him in London you are told to watch and report every move every movement [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] st. certain peace Jessamyn was that [Music] what's that Oh Chet looks like a gun to me Thank You Simone oh that's quite a writer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] idiots major one way or another you'll be stopped comes well off before he delivers the blue file but what if he's already it would be a fool if he gave them the fine before they fulfill their part of the agreement and they says in the vote the fools on my side you may still have a few hours to redeem yourself charter a plane take as many men as you need the sepulcher elsewhere 12 in Barbados take full responsibility for this action I cannot wait for official sanction for piroshki so if you fail major we all fail therefore I don't have to point out the consequence of such a possibility [Music] they're both on the island under cost security if everything goes according to plan he'll be an Ottawa someday and the Canadian boys can take it from there congratulations Wow normally I hate doing business with his sort but if the blue file is all he claims to be worth it loofa code name for their top agent here in Paris I'm almost on to him now almost on to him I just hope jelly doesn't turn out to be British yeah well you know this bird lawful and the file over once he's tucked up nice and safe in Canada so ash I think this is blues last weekend to enjoy himself to Blues last weekend [Music] would you like to swim Lotus said you were not to go away from the bungalow I know but I am a man and I want you and if I can't have you then I must occupy myself for some pleasant distraction which will keep my frustration to a minimum has it ever occurred to you that I might be slightly frustrated myself then come to bed with me or come swim [Music] [Music] tonight so far no record of any private flights to Barbados one flight plan was filed by a jet charter service five male passengers destination sent Vincent that's about a hundred miles how were the lovebirds doing no problems yet right okay the man who charted the flight lives in Paris is a big dealer in foreign stamps the other four men are listed on the company's board of directors no one at the jet charter service month was anything unusual just businessman off to the Caribbean for a week's fishing right well so far it's quiet let's hope it stays that way you know you never talk about your your husband but your English love it yes but not your husband why not I suppose because I feel guilty why guilty what did you do I mean that's more what I didn't do for the last two years I wasn't in love with him what's he unhappy no as a matter of fact he was very happy he enjoyed everything he did he was the most uncomplicated man at least that's what I kept telling myself afterwards so he couldn't possibly have realized how little contact we had life was just one big party one big laugh non-stop come to think of it it was hell on earth after the first year if he hadn't been killed I would have left him well you won't be allowed to leave me you are the most persistent man I have ever met let me ask you something how do you feel about all this going into exile running hiding well you see I'm Russian and we believe in fate as a matter of fact we invented it like like family stories that way if anything goes wrong it is never our fault it is fate I am NOT glad I'm going with mr. Lauder but I'm glad I'm not in Lubyanka right now a lot of the people I worked with won't be so lucky I would enjoy some more tea [Music] all right thank you that is mr. McLeod he reports that the plane will be here on time we must leave for the airport at noon and dad is it it's him but I'm Vangel Oh [Music] the doors are open [Music] very careless yes you won't stay in a bungalow there's nothing I can do about it you just won't what who's going out in a few moments to swim that's all right mrs. Parra don't worry we look after [Music] I wish you would join me I wish you wouldn't go when I'm in Canada mr. loader can treat me like a prisoner above the phone will you wait while I change of course [Music] [Music] the shinka yes can you hear it [Music] yes some we dance to in London good omen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Soviet citizen burned to death a Russian tourist registered as F trees firlock was the victim of a fire in the bungalow Beach Hotel on the fashionable west coast of Barbados this is Jay Pharoah of London was rescued and was rushed to the hospital on the island the cause of the fire is unknown but it is thought to be due to an electrical fault the bungalow was completely gutted and several of the surrounding buildings were severely damaged I suppose you should be congratulated on a job well done will you get a bonus I suggest to curb your aggressions until we're out of the woods what do you mean the traitors dead but did the blue filed a with him how are you found out I'm having lunch with loader village it will the children be done this weekend no no blame myself entirely the complete balls upon my part you see someone must have tipped them off they were all set follow me you mean the fire wasn't an accident there's nothing accidental about Nepal Muslim but enough in the open but in a confined space just imagine God Frank yeah he didn't have a chance and that's not the worst of it either the blue file burns with him that's too bad yeah what about mrs. Parra oh she's looking to be alive she was upstairs our Phyllis managed to smash the window and get her out now gotta fly over and see Ana I'm not looking forward to that I can tell you well you did your best wasn't your fault yeah for some us wish I could be as sure could you tell me what I found mrs. Farrell please she's on the lawn over there [Music] thank you thank you very much hello mrs. Farrell what do you want they tell me you've made a great recovery going back to England next week and bloody sorry the way things have turned out are you yes for what it's worth it's not worth much sorry there wasn't any good you know go away brought something for you where did you get this he isn't dead mrs. Farrow he's alive in Canada after you called McLeod and said he wouldn't stay undercover we decided to pull him in macleod went in the back door and he managed to get spurred love out just a split second before the bomb exploded [Music] if you want to see him it'll be arranged goodbye mrs. fellow [Music] [Applause] I wish he okay from now on I suspect a recovery will be nothing short of spectacular and by the way when we get back I want you to call mrs. Stevenson start seeing her again find out if she knows that her husband's a motion agent now that Stevenson thinks he's safe we'll let him continue to operate just make sure he only passes on the kind of information we want them to have and sooner or later the Russians will tweak sit Oh undoubtedly that was a great friend double agent and killing those saving a Majesty's Government a great deal of expense and considerable embarrassment [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Retrospective
Views: 1,548,921
Rating: 4.7558885 out of 5
Keywords: retrospective, movies, film, classic film, classic movies, british film, the tamarind seed, full movie, full film, julie andrews, omar sharif, 1974, romance, thriller, drama, cold war, spy, espionage
Id: BR4-PADx-V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 12sec (7452 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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