The File on Thelma Jordon (1950) Barbara Stanwyck

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] now look I've checked everywhere something must have come up Pamela there's nothing to worry about maybe he's with the DEA well it's about time your wife's on the phone tell her to forget it what's the matter with you where have you been yes ma'am I'm listening why does he do this to me every time mother and father are here I phoned everywhere even that nasty place across the street what is it Al's bar no you know Cleve doesn't drink he wouldn't be hanging around there he works too hard that's all probably forgot it she has a dear father the judge there what she want me for did someone come in is there someone there mask I'm uh Pam I don't like to butt in but did it ever occur to you they cleared my life to celebrate an anniversary with just you yourself sometimes I know how he feels especially about father but it's only once a year yeah Christmas and birthdays and fourth of July and Thanksgiving April Fool's Day and every other thing in it you know look Pam there's really nothing I can't do well if he is drunk you can just tell him not to bother coming home at all not your father's gone anyway the children are here the cake was brought in they staying happy Anniversary to you I'm sorry unforgivable unforgivable why you let him get away please please I'll be in in a minute you're a dog that's all fed up never heard that phrase no you wouldn't you're not married you ever did fall a smart cookie like you you'd pick an orphan misses a little or clicks leave you know how I like Pam you know how I like Pam no then can't talk boy I have another drink okay would you want to work up to this I have five years five years drunk and I didn't know it well what happened today where you've been for the last few hours and in the pike yeah not that part of the pike there are some respectable sections I went down to an antique shop yeah other part of the pike I would know what to do go on don't there you sold for Pam's anniversary present she told me where it was what night she's been wanting what so what nut well it says singers stick on the corner put Chunkin whatnot on it oh you're taking this too seriously you're too sensitive I like doing things for myself it's my wife my kids my house for one thing I can tell him not to be this a war I can tell him to take his big car out of my driveway and his big fat windbag out of my living room now what's this got to do with the white knight well it does sound sort of Picayune the basis of it really I drove down and went in no what not the Honorable Calvin H blackwell retired less his retired soul has just been in this morning and bought it for his daughter for her anniversary present though she happened to mention to him that she wanted it too does it all the time I can't get something for Father will aid going someplace I've got a mate a train attend that witness that's coming in want to come with me no well then I've got an idea for it if you're not going home I'm not going home go out and get yourself really drunk and if there's a dame handy tell her how your wife doesn't understand you it's not bad they say it helps sometimes how my father-in-law doesn't understand me I think I'll do it look please everything will be all right in the morning you've got too much to lose to let go him now the Denham trial going to the jury tomorrow the DA is counting on you and I missed fair-haired boy you didn't remind me of that and who got me my job as a district attorney who put me here well close up when you go with you yes excuse me I beg your pardon mr. SCADA was nice of you to wait for me I phoned earlier in the hope that you would oh I didn't wait for you do you always work so late but then crime doesn't stop on the dot so I suppose you can't either aren't you going to ask me to sit down mojo in fact I wish I wish so much of crime didn't take place at the dark its most unnerving it's about my atmosphere at Edwards I imagine you know almost everyone does she's a character around here am i disturbing you at something obviously I am but don't do that on my account after a long hard day if a man can't have a drink or several drinks oh I'm drunk extremely thank you wouldn't you feel better it's awfully stuffy in here I'll manage would you rather I'd come back only this has happened before I don't seem to be able to get any satisfaction out of the police I phoned you two weeks ago that first gear we had this is not the police department yes I know what I meant to say was there are reasons why I have to stay away from them and come to you my aunt is eccentric and uniforms upset her mr. Scott is that what you want to do or is it that you just don't want to listen to me what's your name tell me Jordan miss Edwards nice well miss Edwards nice I am NOT mr. Scott so you can save your breath Oh however if I can be of any help a lady in distress a pretty lady distress is my specialty tonight you help me and I'll help you do I make myself clear no not quite and now if you'll excuse me wait another time I hope to find mr. Scott here and tell him my troubles I'm sorry if I disturbed you oh you didn't disturb me I was just about to go out and find myself a dame if you'll pardon the expression good luck thank you I miss Jordan is that right I used to know you're out she caught me stealing oranges and her orange grove was did you ever get switched with an orange branch I still got the scars ruined my legs permanent of the I noticed that you have not had the same experience I've only been here a few months I've passed the orange stealing age and I haven't yet reached the flattering one good night I was just trying to make a joke wait a minute I'm a public servant I'm supposed to hear your trouble apologize anything I can do if this isn't typical I come all the way down here to report an attempted burglary and I get a ticket not only do I find a drunk sitting in a chief investigators office but I the other cars don't have one that one's mine well will you move it please so I can get out of here miss Jordan I'm really a very respectable citizen but you see I've got my troubles to tonight my name is Cleve Martha I am 35 years old an assistant district attorney so well I'm not just an ordinary drunk see how fair this hair is promised of a most brilliant future what is it you want of me buy a drink someplace I'm harmless well you're very appealing but thank you just the same thank you interested and men with futures I have my own to look after this Jordan at least let me fix that ticket foil would you that's very kind see how handy it is to know a man of influence just for that I suppose I ought to have one drink with you good back it up move in here on the condition that I Drive the boss I'm glad you said that because I'm no I'm no Dame remember [Music] so suddenly I just don't understand it he didn't have anything but coffee that's what you think every time you got up to play the jukebox that's what happened come on mister it's closing up time [Music] - it didn't there she is one more day leave it's late this is wonderful Sarah anniversary how long has it been three hours I'm gonna buy you an anniversary present I got the money right the check has been paid let's go would you get the car please it's not until the music is finished and let the music all the waste can that anything beautiful little waste can resemble the minute you walked into that I know but no buts and zips whereas isn't here - of course party of the first part I love yourself if I said that before you have the music has stopped oh why don't we get out of this cheap joint thank you you're welcome I'd hate to have his head in the morning you can try it on now besides it's your life cleave cleave so pretty so the Mosel I've thrown oh let's not start that again not even that I'm in love with you not even that get out cleave I haven't told you my troubles yet they'll have to wait please mr. Marshall you called me cleave before one minute I feel like leave the next mr. Marshall [Music] which way do you feel now mr. Marshall or queen I don't except I'm sorry either my [Applause] maybe I am just a daemon didn't know maybe I like being picked up by a guy on a binge and you believe the things happen when you're in love what's the time of day here oh I'm sorry I can't say it that conveniently that's just what it is a binge no relationship between yesterday and tomorrow that's all there is there isn't anymore get out clean [Music] no that kind of sobered me up you'll be alright then you'll drive home to whoever is waiting for you if I told you there's no one waiting for me I wouldn't believe you drive carefully [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] clay where were you on the night of May 25th [Music] but clearly it's inexcusable [Music] I'm glad I didn't buy them what not horrible you're just trying to change the subject where were you Cleve [Music] [Music] [Music] hello no ticket this time not weds didn't I I just waited I see you brought protection don't you come down to see Scott and you worrying about you if you've got home alright sure you know drunks and fools what did he say about your prowlers he's sending out a plainclothes when they promised not to a law Matt Farah since it's her jewels that are in danger don't you think she should know explain that too I guess you've forgotten a lot about last night well you don't like me in the daytime I didn't say that my crystal ball was right you are married only I'm embarrassing you this is the small-town Island I guess I got a little out of hand last night I apologize accept it don't long please be seeing you back [Music] if you let me have the car around 8:00 I thought I'd like to get an early started to be easier on the children father here's Cleve now I'll call you back good bye [Music] if something bothering you nice homey reception you're often threatened to do it but I never thought you would leave you cleave is that what you think after I fight this morning I come in to find you packing what else might have think only that I love you very much [Music] don't ever do that my scare easy we often ice not meet June 1st to September 1st every year the beach it's not June 1st yet no but mrs. Perkins said we could have the house early gives us an extra weekend wasn't it nice every why don't you change darling I'll tell Esther we can eat in the patio we can barbecue if you like Pam let's not go to the beach this year not go what's the nuisance really sunburns worrying about the kids in the water all the time long drive for me back and forth weekends who's that is that some blonde after you and you're frightened why don't you come down every night 60 miles in too much night work besides I don't like this house that's the sweetest thing you could say but of course we're going children mothers so we have to think of them too we've got the selfish anybody else want me to call before I go about what dinner he look like a lost penguin some of the boys from the paper taking Assad you care to join it it'd be safe well don't forget those two dudes mrs. Marshall I wrote it down on your message chief this is Marshall called to remind you to stop and milk order get yourself a new pair of bathing trunks bring down a beach ball for Kimmy Friday eat three square meals daily she thinks of the inner man and foam garden eight 409 I don't know what that last one's about nobody took his while I was out well fine our date tonight sorry Thanks these fruits are not heated or artificially colored but are from nature to consumer gift packed in gay Mexican and Chinese baskets or traditional California redwood boxes there's a phone call for you mr. Thompson that detectives thank you excuse me I'm Farrah boo who's calling Thelma where's the rest of it Sidney doctor or no doctor I want my brandy [Music] hello mr. Thompson case of mistaken identity mrs. Cleve Marshall hello clear I've no excuse for calling you none whatsoever just one of those things 24 hours a day phones him and there are not well in fact time has been full of emptiness may 25th oh no no you can not very well not here if you want I'll meet you down on the road in about 20 minutes yes well thank you for calling mr. Thompson [Music] but after painting scenery that summer I stayed on that Lake place it's even more wonderful there in the wintertime I got a job at the hotel as a hostess Oh strictly the genteel doing what Kenneth bingo games bridge I make a great extra water filling at anything if I feed it if the trick makes you feel like this you better leave it alone you asked about my past you should get to know her the pleasant refined miss Jordan seen everywhere during the season my class at Virginia Beach Saratoga promoting other people's fun great talent for it what a life don't be dour just to share the moonlight with cow the old gents I am at the gout lately you like to dance please it's just that I'm so tired of being on the outside looking in in a wreck of me finally [Music] and Here I am again during the same thing with you did you say dance [Music] shall we have a drink the bar first flutter sorry another time waiter yes sir check please can we go out that way if you're in a hurry that'll cover well it was a lovely evening at low gear you threw hers into who came in there was it your way no she's away temporarily or just for the season I'm sorry well you know where I live and where I walk in me [Music] I don't care what happens I've got to see you often Monday of course Oh be careful not as mr. Thomson again the plainclothesman Scott sent him all he did was advised me to have Sidney live in the hospital protection come protection but as there's been no more trouble say you're old mr. Smith or mr. brown how about Dick Tracy well it's the USA [Music] well good night mr. Tracy you know you haven't kissed me once this evening yes I have [Music] [Music] tell me you scared me I didn't mean to I hate being an eavesdropper what are you what are you doing here don't worry I haven't been up there my phone you were at I knew you'd be along soon what was that let me quiet you sure sure [Music] [Music] why is it you first meet a woman and she's only pretty after a few weeks she's beautiful sometimes it's the other way around that was you well now you know the whole story you feel as though she lets you down but you let her down you should have told her you can't just say to your wife don't leave me alone I'm falling in love with another woman it's true you should have said it it's true so you said that first night there's a difference I'm drunk now I wasn't then somebody will be coming up in a moment as usual some I'm not going down there this weekend I can't stand those weekends anymore don't you think I feel guilty too not daring to say your name to a soul pretending you're a dozen other people Oh Cleve what horrible luck that's when everything I hoped was going rightful in hit list so sick of coming out here to recuperate some recuperation head over heels with a man I can't even be seen with parking spots like a couple of teenagers I told you come on we're being driven out of here - head over heels that doesn't say you love me I only know I think of you all day and all night what I'll wear so you'll look at me with that look in your eyes light now what I'll say to you I can't see you anymore and what I'll do the next time you take me in your heart [Music] [Applause] not up to me to take two chances not entirely I'm married to [Music] I don't think I heard you right I'm married [Music] I'm interested in if you like telling me it isn't much of a marriage not like yours his name is Tony what's the last name Mehta I met him in Florida a year ago at a roulette table you still love him [Music] [Music] there's so much I want to tell you he won't let me remember I told you once I wanted to be an actress well it was all part of that glamour I thought having a certain kind of attention paid to you thee the right table of expensive restaurants dark blue tuxedo black fedora had gold cigarette case that's a good thing to get married for a gold cigarette case I don't expect you to understand I don't understand myself it was all shiny until you opened the cigarette case and found someone else's name inside to Tony from dimples or Debbie or someone and then you ran into him out with them someplace how long did you stay with him he stayed with me until my mother gave her Rosina I don't much care thanks to you wherever he is this money gambling beautiful women we've seen him lately no and I don't want I'll be free of him someday I suppose but there's nothing to be angry about clear you ought to feel sorry for [Music] you've got to say it differently but you don't think of them anymore because of me I've said again I don't think of them anymore because of you [Music] we've got to go away together somewhere could you could you manage through Friday I'll say I'm going up north this year the state's attorney will take the evening train people will say I don't let me say I'm taking the train we'll go in your car [Music] [Music] Velma Sylva [Music] [Music] Velma [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] miss Edwards residents a miss Jordan please this is mr. Johnson calling I don't see one moment [Music] yes hey where's my driver is that time thank heaven you phoned you've got to come up once something's happen no no no don't talk just come I'll meet you down on the road please please use the side game what is it I think I know Tony's Shona no why would you say there well it isn't tell me what is it you thought have been first - so did I all right then fear I was all right till you came I don't know what's the matter with me [Music] you're all right now come on talk what is it she's dead what shut I was just leaving to get the car out I heard it she's on the library Florida gun beside of the safe open another burglary she had a valuable emerald necklace I didn't tell you it's gone some things about Tommy - you didn't tell me I don't know if he woke or desperate maybe I don't know I'm afraid don't go there Cleve why not you don't seem to understand why I'm afraid that was a letter I wrote to him once ages ago I said an era might be his type she had emeralds if they find that letter it didn't mean anything did it cleave just just be male nasty I don't know whether it meant anything or not I don't know Tony maybe I don't know you either I suppose I had that to look forward to I'm sorry darling I know how you feel but don't you see if it was Tommy they'll suspect me too every place we've been every phone call we've made we've been careful we're not going to let them suspect you then tell me what I should do I shipped on a half hour ago go back in scream call the police where's Sydney out back there house did you know you were leaving no what are you waiting for I was hoping you'd tell me to do something else you didn't do anything else you didn't change anything in there a little a little I rubbed off all the fingerprints you what I was panicky I didn't know what to do in case they weren't Tony's prints yours along with I know I shouldn't have dozens of times you've been in that room from where the window where it came in my gun was safe burglars wear gloves done jobs like that as candid equipment it didn't occur to you not until later when I calm down so you around make it look like a nice inside job what else I don't think I don't know did you touch her hello how was she lying face down you didn't turn her over how did you know she was dead I could tell she wasn't breathing you've got to go back and do it over I couldn't your fingerprints on a safe will you look found the jewels were gone on the body cleave I can't maybe I wasn't close to her but I liked her in that room it smells of death I'm going with you no no I won't let you take that chance I'll do it and make more mistakes no you wait for me by the side door in case someone comes up I'll go down so lights if you should get involved in this I don't get involved I'd like to be sure where Sydney is though you can only see their house bro upstairs why is the light out in here I turned it out after I cleaned up was it on when you came in no unhurried killer turns the light out when he leaves are you sure no I'm not sure okay leave it dark put your prints back of the switch in case you took them off come on it's no help it hasn't been fired hers I never saw it before put her down now turn her over Cleve would not have been your first instinct dentata Tony and the emeralds might be around and Vera turn her over go on when Scott's man was here did you tell him a sake was in this room yes what happened those first two times the side entrance was broken into the next time we just heard somebody out back the dog barked where's the dog now at the vets being bad you didn't think it might be Tony before no but but what well when I saw the necklace was gone and I remembered not many people knew about the emeralds alright get your prints back on the safe put your hands on natural curiosity there anything left in there it's a more papers it looks like papers are will by any chance who is her heir maybe you're a rich woman no no she can't have it might be tough for you she did what would it look like forget it she'd have told you about it I guess yes yes anyway she wouldn't after I've gone give me ten minutes and scream and run for Sydney leave it may be days before we see it you turn on the whole life and don't forget to take off that coat Oh what is it I just remembered I left a note upstairs on her night table get it hurry what's this doing here oh I was carrying it once I unpack it after I've gone can I see Sydney's house from that window yeah and it's alright it's dark [Music] [Music] [Music] , palmistry I didn't get it no get it [Music] miss Edwards is asleep her phone isn't connected up there certainly doctor it'll take a few minutes I'll call you back when I called you earlier how did you know Sydney wasn't on that fall were you haven't time he's turning on the light something's happened you said that's all he had to hear there was nearly an hour ago where was he where were you I don't know please I called twice first time he hasn't leave you go which way we come in I don't know get to the window Texas so fast [Music] [Music] shut the door and we came in no [Music] let me have the front door lock after me my pencil you [Music] I guess the case I'll try to get around the meter we don't know anything leave the thing a printout the same if I haven't been there [Music] too late now getting better retention is sleeping gone out hurry [Music] [Music] I'll get it hello hello miles I believe isn't feeling well he was supposed to go up north last night Oh can't you leave him alone for one day all right but he's on the beach sleeping I'll have him call you back I'll take it it's ridiculous the short time you have down here it's miles Oh miles don't you ever read the morning papers front pay big zero Edwards vaguely why me I work in courtrooms remember two hundred thousand dollars involved emeralds and a recently rewritten we'll all right her house what's the address you know it took me a couple of hours okay fine you don't love me anymore like father says father knows best babe don't brush me off like that you're not yourself lately I can't keep track of you once I have you down here business before pleasure you could have said you're sick you are I'm feeling better now you look better I think you were just lying around waiting for an excuse oh you have company with trappings Oh Cleve I'm sorry I asked them for the weekend because I thought you weren't good to be here when I woke up and you were what's the use that's all right works out perfectly hey hello Judy I have no you have father to complain to I don't anymore please I'll bet not what do you talk about then it's best talking now he already knows how distant you are preoccupied a little I see of you if I didn't know you so well and loved you so much what I think as he does that you're playing around you have no courage have you father says father thinks all right I'll say it where someone isn't [Music] yes have you no no no I don't want to talk about her you don't want to marry her I'm trying to be very grown-up about this clip still fathers a little girl here in shorts I know that's my job I know it do you want to marry her I'm married to you the children in the years you haven't answered my question can't divorce a child that isn't what I want to hear [Music] yes BAM I still love you then what got couldn't I'm a mom mister [Music] please please don't leave me I love you miles is waiting [Music] when today on a dare [Music] it seems to be a tall man well have the lab man take those prints out and bake them right what have you got so far between six and six tools it's about a hundred and seventy eight hundred ninety pounds right heel worn down drives the car lights come on miss Jordan I've told you all I can think of when I was in trouble I naturally thought of her my mother's sister I had nowhere else to go I was in ill health without funds I think after a while she was glad I I did little things for it fixed her hair new ways and read to her I was companionship she hadn't had for a long time and so she changed her will that's what you keep telling me but I had no knowledge of that do you know to whom the money was bequeath in the original will I didn't even know there was a will to the county miss Jordan it was to be a park in her honor I'm sorry about that it's not my fault well don't be too sorry that may still be that talk mr. Scott in your dealings with me you're questioning your suspicions don't be sarcastic I'm not a criminal don't treat me so you almost have me apologizing but I'll control myself we're trying to get that call for you upstairs Thanks got your call for you now Scott Thanks you tune in on the pantry and cleave now speak to you for a minute you'll wait for me in the sunroom mrs. Jordan what do you think it's too early what about those footprints I don't think they were the peg ulis I don't think there was a regular cozier up let's see what you can get out of it please one moment please be careful they're going to arrest me aren't they Scott isn't going to make a mistake like that God why why what happened I don't know too much myself except whoever was here last night apparently wasn't told he Wow I haven't even told them about him you didn't have to but fussing panic last night from nothing he called you this morning for Chicago you sure Lorado that's his name isn't it Scott told me when I came in one of the detectives got the call reported it to him if he did call why [Music] a good thing to establish an alibi another thing Monte's dead nice fat will wouldn't he be interested in that want to pick up again but still doesn't mean anything there are planes he could have made it by this morning let's Wisc us getting a final report on now he's head to Chicago police honor for hours if his alibi is good what else did they find out about the one thing that you're not married never worked why did you lie to me I was ashamed I couldn't tell you the truth why did you have to tell me anything I don't know you forced me it was always your wife your springs I was sick of it alright it's still my wife Meister I know I know that's what makes this whole things well cleave we haven't time to quarrel I'll do anything possible anything lawyer first I guess I haven't got any money I'll take care of it I'll pay you back don't talk like that there's a man in San Francisco Kingsley Willis best even more than you have to do what you know how my hands are tied maybe too close now for comfort cleave suppose the district attorney turns it over to you he won't he's not gonna let a thing like this get away that's what I mean he'll be after me you won't take the case myself yes you better could you protect me hold it up demand more evidence in the meantime they'll find out who did it I mean to have anything could happen don't give away it's something I feel clear I know just because of the will people you'll wait there no sign conversion I'm surprised mr. Marshall has been very kind to me that's because he doesn't know everything about you that I do miss Jordan I've just been talking to an old friend of yours in Chicago mr. Lorado says they'd like to help you out but he's fresh out of money right now help me in what I told him we're arresting you for murder there was a burglary last night Jordan mr. Oh we'll find the morrow Sidney want you where's our cell phone call last night let's start saving it tell us that Nick I'm sorry miss Jordan that man who's been calling you up lately who you pretend is a lot of different names a number of my friends call me that man you meet down at the gate let's just call him mr. X he phoned first a few minutes after 9:00 and we were disconnected he phoned back and you entered some things haven't you said come at once I didn't think much of it at the time but I do now and so will a jury since 40 minutes later you were pretending to be asleep why miss Jordan I won't say anything else until I see my lawyer well shall we go now I get my personal coat you may get nothing leave our Booker yummy I'll say if it takes 70 down to headquarters so they can get a statement sure [Music] I feel sorry except you know she was always sorta strange secretive and the way she kept insisting that someone was trying to burglarize the house like she was setting up for this one still she was always nice to me I guess I just still can't believe it can you that's if we have trials for sitting yes that's right it's all over well that was open-and-shut from the start not the way the Newsboys will play it up I told you we'd get her indicted yeah but have they got enough to convict her the fresh fingerprints all over the place what more do you want isn't that right mr. District Attorney finding those emeralds helped too well don't you have anything better to do than hang around courthouses no not much I'm just meeting some of the news men here I've got a story to spill so wait an indictment I wish you luck Rosie Jordans lawyer Willis Kingsley Willis you got here yes worse luck but I'll handle him your brother's been calling he said it's important get him back you know I've been thinking boss if you don't feel up to handling this case oh you'll get your breaks I'm take leave you haven't been looking well lately fishings pretty good this time he cutting is good too right here now my boy I like Trent aegis yeah I just thought I'd ask hello Alex how are you boy how's the ambulance-chasing in the Jordan case sure but she's got a lawyer you're kidding Alex you wouldn't know you're crazy you know what a case like this means to me Oh dare you well you double-crossing little I bring you up put you through law school and then just for a little limelight whose idea was this you can go to Kingsley Willis that's the dirtiest I might be mad with you if you tell me I'm out disqualified Kingsley Willis hired my brother for his defense death how's that fresh fruit move why he's scared of me he knows I'd cook that Dame I'm sorry piers come back here eager beaver there's your big break and you better be up to it boy because we're going to get it we got together this is too popular in this town carries too much weight with jurors it's Marshall on the other hand we haven't so much to worry about with him you thought this all off yourself no to be honest I give credit where credit is due you're our dearest friend anonymous the one that sent me 5,000 on account to defend you dear mr. Willis a smart move would be to disqualify the district attorney by hiring his brother a local lawyer for your defense staff Pierce the VA has a strong influence in this town commands too much respect from Jill's friend anonymous has quite a grasp with things wouldn't you say you did take the idea I like it it enables me to kill two birds with one stone it gives me local assistance which I need small-town jurors hate outsiders and a pinch hit prosecuting I'm partial to second stream teams miss Jordan I don't have to work so hard besides Marvel is not so sure that you're guilty I could tell he wouldn't have taken them oh don't be idealistic a job is a job you haven't asked me once if I'm guilty why should I I know you're not I don't want to know that's the way I work to me the world is full of innocent lambs and I'm their lawyer but are there certain things you should no to protect me miss Jordan there are two types of criminals the conscious and the unconscious the latter we sometimes call split personalities schizophrenia that's where in the left hand never that's the right hand know what it's doing yes go on I don't mean that you are schizophrenic but that we are together I am the right hand and I must never know what the left hand has done or is doing if I should know I might start feeling guilty acting guilty that's rudimentary I'm quite sure that you can understand that miss Jordan if I should be in trouble if there are any answers that I should know later on you're satisfied thanks boys and especially in a case like this when we have so many lawyers on our side well haven't we only a lawyer would have thought of that trick if you are finished with me now mr. Willis Sarah it's just one thing I would like to know who is he see mr. x1 they're looking for footprints the telephone call split-personality remember the left hand never lets the right hand know okay I just wanted to know how we stand that's all just how much we could count on him we can counter I haven't been seeing her lately if that's what worries you home lately because I've been busy getting a jury for this trial hasn't been easy if I went to the bank this morning you haven't sent me any checks the teller wanted to record the new balance in my book too I see $5,000 did it cost you that to get rid of her claim or is that just the beginning beginning the end I don't know Pam please stay out of this it's my problem too if she's that kind of woman the money wasn't for blackmail if that's what you mean she's in trouble I had to help her not the usual kind you know something else and you believe we're of course yes I believe her she's not just taking advantage of the fact you'll marry the children your position are you driving at maybe you ought to find out something more value we could father put a detective on you I didn't intend to tell you but what I mean is we might find out something about her you don't know what have you found out already nothing so far except you parked with a one-nighter but look out Boyd what else really miss dark she wore her sequined skirt that's all he could see except it wasn't me darling I didn't approve I haven't spoken to father since that's right clue I'm like them I can't help you if you don't give me a chance I don't need any help thank you Pam you better leave clean I only wanted to goodbye master [Music] it's only that you don't seem to have your mind on this Jordan case it's the biggest chance you've ever had I have my mind on it you wanted more evidence and we give it to you the Emerald Necklace and still you act like you want to get it over with and get away somewhere that's right well that's different I'm sorry but in the meantime don't muff this case you must always keep the jury with you remember prosecuting a woman is different much more delicate I'll do my best you wouldn't like to go over your opening speech you'll hear it in the morning well tomorrow's the big day huh sure see in court good luck mr. Marsha the why of this crime the how the where the when and the what that should be its punishment only of the latter have I not yet spoken to you I remind you ladies and gentlemen of the long and arduous procedure of jury selection we have just been through during that time to each prospective juror I put the same question do you believe in capital punishment you particularly 12 said that you did otherwise you wouldn't be here let's get a convicted first then worry about the penalty maybe you said to yourself she isn't guilty I won't have to recommend death but you will mrs. Asher and all the rest of you because I'm going to prove to you that Thelma Jordan is guilty watch mr. session and you'll have no qualms religious humane or otherwise about this death penalty I'll expect you to be as cold and unemotional in your verdict as Talmud Jordan was and passing the sentence of death upon her on a life for a life that's all I ask you to remember the stakes halls his first witness dr. C be through him to wall confused that capital punishment angle the most controversial subject in crime and you had to hit him he antagonize the jurors maybe I did get a little wound up I'll be more careful I always said I was partial to second string team issue he couldn't have picked out our juror better if he tried mrs. Asher she hates him uncharitable unchristian you ought to thank mr. Marshall in your prayers sometime well I'll be back at it again in an hour for the last session I hope how the press boys feel about it the case about the clothes are all asking for mr. X oh isn't a one weak point why we ever had to introduce him in the first place I didn't certainly and finding him wasn't my department I may have handled some things wrong I'm sorry about mrs. Asher but I've been buttering her up lately and she knows it so okay stop writing me I didn't ask for this case I know you didn't clear I've got all the evidence in tonight cook her on that well unfortunately that's not all it takes now Willis have been too clever combatant it did you get that this morning the gun and the necklace could have been hidden in that smudge pot by the fleeing bandit until we could come back for them later won't believe that except mrs. Asher anyway clear this afternoon your big chance well you get her on the stand with that new ammunition we've got then you can really tie into her don't worry that are trying to explain away our past that's all brother [Music] [Applause] [Music] my lawyer said not to talk to anyone unless he was here if I do all the talking no Blackjacks no hidden microphones come in oh go far major don't worry he's going to offer your leniency if you confess they always do that it's a chance Jordan believe I've waited with it in court when you look at me with such a turn or don't look at me I have to do that sometimes I think that hate is real and I can't bear why do you think it might be real the evidence it has piled up his sort of but I don't believe anything I don't see maybe that was why you were here losing confidence in me no and myself there's no guarantee that this is going to turn out all right cut to after are you done I know the chances you're taking I'm frightened to have anything special being understand the way you're going to have to go after me you tell the truth there's nothing to worry about I can't tell all of it what can't you tell but you me Sydney coming in you're you're having to get out so fast that I'm going to handle in another way what other truths can't you tell me that I don't know there are things I'm going to have to ask you about your past that's no mystery I already told the primal repressed hostess in the hotel that's right and this must be another Thelma Jordan gambling raid photos miles got them from the Florida police that blonde gave a phony name is it you it's not very convincing it's not me Cleve as I was once maybe but not now I'm your Tommy I told you but not now the past is apply you to the future didn't you ever hear that miss Jordan whose benefit of you changed mr. Edwards so she'd leave you her money and it's not true Russ we should call you Sarah Bernhardt Jordan you told me what you wanted and I clean you can't tell me stop it cleave in court that's why I'm petrified with fear at Cohen understand and I've just begun no more photos facts coincidental but still facts your shiny life with mr. Laredo odd that wherever it's shown this twists of blackmail minor theft but you can't hold that against me veturi will [Music] I'm not like that I'm not unfortunately the jury doesn't look actually like I did what are we going to do [Music] fires call mr. X - mr. Willis we're taking a chance stick with it [Music] anyway Oh mr. Marshall I could have told you you wouldn't [Music] [Music] the defense calls its last witness Salma Jordan there are no further witnesses your honor it has an objection I should like to argue your honor for our right to cross-examine right what right what law book did you study from I say to argue the right how can you argue the right of something that doesn't exist if the defendant takes the stand to be examined by me then you have the right to cross-examine not otherwise the prosecutor feels cheated your honor then it's entirely his own fault believe me there is nothing I would like better than to put my client on the stand but to subject her to this prosecutor whose vitriolic attack personalities of the prosecution the defense should be kept out of this your honor will you please tell him once and for all mr. Marshall as I'm sure you know there is no law which requires a defendant to take the stand she does not have to prove her innocence guilty must be proved against her thank you your honor as I was saying I cannot with conscience subject my client to any furtherance of this trial there is anyway only one question that I would ask her on the witness stand did you kill your aunt miss Jordan but the answer to that is obvious she could not look at me so clearly all other questions would be irrelevant except one the question that I see in your eyes ladies and gentlemen just exactly what has the prosecution proved that miss Vera Edwards was robbed and killed or killed and robbed that I don't even know beyond that to your prosecutor has failed you mr. Marshall at the beginning of this trial promised you the win where why and how this time the one word he forgot was who it's the word which circumstantial evidence can never prove here we go mr. Rix again that's the question I see in your eyes ladies and gentlemen if she didn't do it who did who did even I asked it even my client asks it if I didn't do it who did the state has tried very hard to prove to you that no one else could have committed this crime but I would like to refer you to the state's own testimony may I have the transcript your honor please don't worry there's no loophole one of the points the prosecutor made was that as mr. X had phoned a few minutes after 9:00 mr. X could certainly not have been present at the house at the time miss Edwards was killed because he was killed earlier didn't miss Jordan say to him on the phone some things happen now on the surface this could seem quite clever of the prosecutor but I quote now that eminent State medical witness dr. Griffith questioned by the prosecutor then in summation you would say that the time of Miss Edwards death was not earlier than 8 p.m. not later than 9 answer by the doctor I can and do between 8 and 9 o'clock mr. Moskal ladies and gentlemen let us say that mr. X most certainly could have been in the house earlier and called back at 9 couldn't he he could have been the murderer too couldn't he and Thelma Jordan when he arrived could have become suspicious that it was mr. X that killed her ass why else was she in bed later feigning sleep sick at heart of her discovery why has she been silent so long was it out of some loyalty or fear or because she loves him who knows just exactly what is in the woman's heart but ladies and gentlemen if there is the slightest doubt in your mind if you think for one single instance that somebody else might have committed this crime even if there was the slightest physical possibility of it you cannot convict Thelma Jordan [Applause] [Music] Spellbinder mr. X Bowie [Music] come on John Judgment Day [Music] [Applause] [Music] if it wins isn't the prosecutors a prosecutor persecutor and if you get together with you misdirects them for another episode well duh you don't come back we'll miss you and if you don't well then I'll Drive with you over to catch me maybe on the way I'll be able to find out something about you [Music] [Music] [Music] here she comes now get ready you think of the equipment [Music] well the last time we'll have to make this trick [Music] I believe the Superior Court is now in session the Honorable Jonathan David Hancock judge presiding please be seated mrs. ash has been crying into some hope ladies and gentlemen of the jury you have reached a verdict will you have your honor the Thunder will rise and face the court [Applause] the people of the state of California versus Thelma Jordan defendant case one two four one two oh six we the jury in the above-entitled action find the defendant not guilty [Music] don't take it so hard isn't leal awesome next time Marshall over the tennis net bad sports told the best man won what you mean maybe I'm wrong [Music] why don't you answer why people calling to say they're glad and at least take it off the hook now answer I'd like to see how anxious this guy is hello please yes clear yes yes yes bed gone but you can't come here no no it's not safe no clear huh I'll meet you somewhere I'll let you know in a few days did he ask you if I was here no why did you have to come here what we supposed to meet afterwards has anything happened to change our plan our plane was a long time ago that's so long my memories not that sure except I gather that our plan has changed that's why I came back the first time I didn't like that stone and I don't like this one I'm not stalling I just don't want to face him or him face me witch why don't you say what worried you I can't hope to make you understand I want to get away from here naturally this place has memories Tony please please don't let him find us here why didn't you tell me that night that you were in love with him I wasn't it was Scott you were supposed to go after make him tumble for your charms and those burglaries then all of a sudden there was a guy named Marshall just happened that way wasn't it better the way it turned out sure an Assistant District Attorney Mary got kids that's always the kind well just so you're not in love with him I'm not then what is all this he's in love with me and you find that hard to resist I'm in love with you too especially now now that you're rich yeah I suppose that does make a difference but you brought that on yourself I only asked you for the Emerald instead I wind up with a lifelong annuity do you think I'm gonna let that get away from me I'll sign it over to you everything any deal you want but we're finished I'm not going away with you uh-huh that might look like complicity later if you're so anxious to get away from me but you'll change your mind come here a minute I'll help you change it now [Music] bow down and get rid of them I don't care how just get rid of it then we're leaving you and me and keep in mind the district attorney would still like to know about those footprints who is mr. X battle-ax get me the bottle and you can leave that open [Music] I was worried I had to tell someone is here tell me is Tomi come with me clean in here clear in this room where I've told you so many lies what is what's happened he's come after me I'm going away with him I don't believe that you don't believe anything you don't see I don't want to talk about the trial that's over why is Tony here he's part of it he's all of it I've always loved him it's not true you're lying no listen to me we've never had much time together we haven't had you must have known except you didn't want to know why didn't you put me on the stand just strengthen your case you were afraid I'd break down you knew I would sometime okay I killed it right from that corner I didn't know about the will I was getting the jewels but only I came out here with that plan didn't I tell me go on now let me interrupt you you could help it's not easy she found me at the safe she had a gun too I'd like to say I didn't intend to kill her but when you have a gun you always intend if you have to do with a fall guy cleaver right from the beginning yes you're right I suppose as you said I must have known you killed her all along though I did think it was you from Chicago I killed aunt Vera or do you mean she only pulled the trigger that's soothing angle whatever the angle get out of her life and stay out of it you don't seem to understand we started this together we finished together you got your chance Laredo take it otherwise what thumbs would acquitted and can't be tried again but you can for complicity and you where would that put you mr. Cokely don't you see he sees that's the convenient part about a fall guy once you've got him hooked you've always got him home don't believe he had the gun your tough luck it was supposed to be Scott who could destroy evidence but you were so anxious is that true [Music] get your things [Music] [Music] [Music] after a nice ocean trip I thought we go to Europe Paris the Riviera how'd you like that as far away as possible we're stopping a few minutes and get a drink you'll be all right I'm all right now give me a cigarette Tony you were right it was hard but it's better this way he's lucky to get off like he did yes he only lost his wife and home he'll get them back and what will we get back Tony for one thing you still get the right clothes again die that mousy hair get back that sexy look and what we always hit and better now no more problems no more problems you won't go away from me I won't leave you a new one no names inside pretty [Music] [Music] no more didn't say what about this Tony how many confessions do work there was no accident no accident mr. sky now you've got two confessions [Music] she's confessed everything except to mr. exes why don't you tell him I love him why [Music] I couldn't go on with him tree you did that for me I'm cleared at all all my life struggling just cut in the base save your strength down well it said I was too painful it was right you done suppose they just flip half of me duck [Music] doctor [Music] [Music] there wasn't much use anyways much [Music] you didn't have to go up cleve I know I've known for an hour so funny how a few shiny little sequins throw a lot of light the girl the detective saw you with on lookout point the girl you prosecuted threw the case for I don't have to ask you why you believed it I loved her let's put it that way what are you gonna do go somewhere try to start again I guess you know what it means just bombing you know more law practice anyway I'm sorry I'll have to report it I already have I was with a DA when they found me I've always liked you ugly miles would you phone Pam I already have just wanted to tell her I'll get in touch with her later that's what she said too late it but she'll get over be saying it Cleve good luck [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Broken Trout
Views: 665,491
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Keywords: The File on Thelma Jordon 1950, 1950s film noir movies full length, the file on thelma jordon youtube, crime drama 1950s, barbara stanwyck full movies, barbara stanwyck movies full length, broken trout, film noir full movies, film noir crime movies, the file on thelma jordan, full length film noir movies, 50s film noir movies, 50's film noir, full film noir, film noir full length, 1950s crime movies full length, 1950s film noir detective movies, 1950s detective movies
Id: GumD36cwHqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 4sec (6004 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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