Psychological Noir Thriller Full Movie | The Upturned Glass (1947) | Retrospective

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're late enough already they've closed the doors okay it's a medical school lecture I want to see what the attraction is the psychology of crime psychology crime come by the goodnight estate whose nature I understand about you the only lectures once a week now you've got to say after this point in the present series of lectures we've dealt exclusively with abnormal mentalities I emphasize the fact that in civilized communities 80% of our murderers and violent criminals but those whose minds have been conditioned by exceptional nervous stress and unhealthy environment last Friday we dealt with a smaller group of strictly moronic criminals and now we come to that much more interesting phenomenon the same criminal man who's prepared to pursue his own ethical convictions even to the point of murder the nanos punishment is apt to weigh heavily on the conscience of society because his actions as likely as not have been inspired by justice Gretton integrity as those of the men who sit in judgment at worst is an irresponsible opportunist at the best he's a man with a strong sense of justice even a mystic I propose to relate the case history of a matter of this class a perfectly sane valuable member of society can better give him a fictitious name gives him all fictitious names all the characters in this case he was a surgeon they'd called him mr. mr. Joyce mr. Michael Joyce he was well thought of in the medical profession and had a house of his own in Harley Street his marriage had been an unhappy one and he'd lived apart from his wife for several years consequently he threw all his energy and interest into his work as a brain specialist he operated in three London hospitals and had developed a technique which considerably reduced the mortality rate in this field he was reserved in his personal relationships and had no close friends his only relaxation was to sit at play the piano I'll go to an occasional concert otherwise it was a life diverted seller to work a lab said by normal standards words are not robbed little only an empty but he never recognized this himself until he met a woman called Emma right when she first came into his consulting room he hardly even noticed her she was just an ordinary middle-class woman who happened to have a daughter who was going blind sit down mr. Javid it was an emergency operation after narrate yes/no asshats affected the eye specialist said there was nothing he could do carry one enough to read not really I have the art specialist report early optic atrophy this is a fairly serious condition mrs. Wright thing was to do is to take her into hospital may kisara investigation so as to establish the exact cause you wouldn't mind that n would you would you let her know we'll take good care of you you wanted to go in right away I think she should and come over here sit down we don't want the applique to become too far advanced and I'm just gonna look into your eyes you see there are two figures on the matter please keep your eye on him my face will get in between but don't look at me the personality of the child's mother remain for the time being a matter of no great importance perhaps the child had been submitted to a series of tests and x-rays had proved that her trouble was due to a small foreign body lodged anterior to the optic chiasma it became obvious the defender serious operation was necessary and the relationship between these two became inevitably less remote wooded area dangerous the operation to her live there's always a risk with a major how greater risk what house you read with this operation is 1% and if you don't operate secure blind we've only my husband were here he'd know what to do Mike instead of putting it off for a short time he's coming home soon not for several months I'm afraid and I guess I shouldn't advise it every week will be let it go it gets progressively worse I know I know you're right but you don't think she I mean she couldn't be among the 1% man there's no question at all I've met this problem before on many occasions always with complete success I wish you've had your look trust me it isn't that I'll do what you say when I suggest we leave Ann here at the hospital she's comfortable and I'll operate as soon as it can be arranged all right there's nothing to it Anne we give you something nice to make you go to sleep when you wake up again it's all over anyway able to see properly again Oh mommy do you want to cut my hair off but darling it'll grow again no must I stay here mommy mr. Joyce will take great care of you oh don't go please mommy how would you like your mother to stay with you till you go to sleep Karthi shames me until I wake up again she can stay with you all the time if she likes oh yes please mommy he says you can alright darling I'll stay I'll see you later on I will [Music] for all his air of quiet confidence the surgeon who is about to operate as often as nervous as a prima donna this was exaggerated in the present case by the feverish devotion of the child's mother which had conveyed itself to Michael Joyce and robbed him of that cold detachment which is adult his great strength never before he been so acutely aware of the identity of the piece of human material he was working on as it took the scalpel and made the first incision this is two handed him the artery forceps [Music] there were no complications at all child took the anesthetic easily when the foreign body was located and successfully removed [Music] the chief Safra of course was the Richard woman who had been pacing up and down the waiting room for two hours she broke down as soon as Michael Joyce came in and made his report and only pulled herself together when she remembered rather guiltily as a promise she made to Anton to stay with her throughout the operation she was anxious to get back to her before she came out of the anesthetic there was another woman in the room with her whom she introduced as her sister-in-law mrs. Catherine Howard a rather overdressed young lady who seemed to have very little interest in and welfare they had to wait some weeks to find out whether the operation had actually succeeded in saving hands I said meanwhile they shared the daily uncertainties and anxieties MRI depended more and more on the feeling of confidence which he gave her when it became obvious that Anne was on her way to recovery she was tremendously grateful to him a feeling which Michael Joy's did not mistake but he knew that his own interest in hair was greater than it should be without admitting it to himself he began to dread the day when the job will be completed the day of the final examination after which Anna and her mother were to return to their home in the country Anna died with pictures last night the first time for over a year it was all Khaled well I don't suppose we shall see you again I hope you will I hope so too not professionally of course we're going to the park shall we goodbye are you really going to the park yes why do you mind if I go with you of course not but don't get to tell some new guy come on Cass back then I can be no mistake apart you should have said goodbye when the relationship came to its natural conclusion but he couldn't bring himself to she represented all the things that were served painfully lacking from the life diverted to textbooks and operating theaters she was so simple and unaffected she told her about Philip her husband how his work as a geologist had kept him apart for years at a time and now he was going to give it up so that they could be together she told him how they'd hoped for more children having only one she became all the more nervous and possessive about Ann they went on seeing each other in fact I had the same tastes it was like music silence the habit of going to concerts together sometimes she'd come and play the piano at his house [Music] I feel awfully guilty making you drive out all this way I really should have stayed in town I'm here I hate leaving Ann alone at night I'm relying on you to show me the way don't know if it's part of the country oh I know the road wait a minute and we lost oh it's all right that's our chapel no temple yes you can see it from my bedroom window drop when we come to it I must show it you used to be great directions in the family about it [Music] when winds in our direction you can hear them singing I like it it sounds rifts across and I don't know it's wrong but peaceful some people hate it capers all trying to get Phillip to sell the house that was before she was married of course then astatine back here after her husband was killed she started all over again she says clay always plays out-of-tune okay oh my god no he plays the organ here okay things we ought to get rid of him because of it why doesn't affect his gardening oh you know it's just that Kate things that he hadn't a job he might go into in another district and they they wouldn't be anyone to play the organ who's Kate my sister-in-law you met her one day at the hospital did I don't you even remember the people you meet I remember the important ones the ones I want to remember that's our house up there there's something I've been wanting to ask you all evening yes it's just are you divorced now Donna doesn't want to divorce oh no reason I just wondered we won't be going you must move away [Music] when Emma came up to London for the day she made a habit of calling in at Michael's house in Harley Street after today's shopping the nothing they'd have dinner together afterwards [Music] I have to keep you waiting come and listen to record Anne's made all my sounds as though she were a real pianist I'm trying to think what this is madam we walk it's good that earlier of cost is quite a professional job [Music] that was a mistake she almost goes wrong there but we're gonna have another one made without any mistakes [Music] she can plate really this is where she goes wrong she you to play very well after the accident ago she had to play from memory I made a goal and practicing Emma do you love your husband well do you I don't know how to answer that question but you know why I asked yes Oh Michael I don't know what to say could I have been together for so long I love you Anna you shouldn't have told me if we kept quiet about it we might have god I'm seeing each other it wouldn't have worked I suppose not I wanted you to know I did know Michael I've tried not to recognize it and try to tell myself that something would happen to make it all right I knew nothing could it can never be all right neither of us is free or ever likely to be there's nothing we can do about it we won't see each other again after today no I'll miss you oh Michael so shall I grateful [Music] it became more and more difficult for them to end their association neither was happy about it Emma's husband was giving up the work he lacked sales to be with him she was torn between her loyalty towards him and her love for Michael Joyce finally she decided to write to her husband and explain what had happened who asked him to release her I can't send it can I no I can't it would be too unfair it and I'm thinking of course that's well there's your answer certainly wouldn't be fair to her there's any one thing for us to do I'm friend goodbye Michael no don't come near me we just never see each other again and they never did see each other again good morning mr. Joyce right what about oh oh right she fell out of a window and broke her neck [Music] which was established at the inquest that the federal fall took place at about 6 o'clock in the evening any other people in the house at the time with the child an and a housemaid who testified that earlier in the afternoon mrs. Catherine Howard had visited the house did you see mrs. Howard leave yes I saw her get into a car and drive away at about what time a little before 6:00 so she says it and it was some minutes later that you heard a noise as if someone falling yes that will be all miss bond thank you I repeat after me I swear by Almighty God I will speak the truth you are mrs. Catherine Hart yes your addresses I live at the Arcadia hotel yes and what was your relationship to the deceased she was my sister-in-law she was married to my brother Philip when did you last see mrs. Ryder lion about 6 o'clock on the evening of the accident I was with her for about an hour you had an engagement with her well not exactly an engagement but she knew that I might stop by what she actually expecting you to stop by well she wasn't exactly expecting me but since my husband was killed I've been in the habit of popping in and out whenever I was nearby what happened when you arrived nothing did you talk yes we chatted for a while about anything in particular no just talk did she seem worried on the contrary she was very cheerful she was looking forward to her husband coming home had she been suffering from ill health not at all then there was nothing in her manner to suggest that anything was wrong certainly not oh but you did have a great fear of heights she had a great fear of heights do you mean that you mentioned it on this particular afternoon well no why did you mention it just now well it seemed to me the only possible explanation for her falling out of the window I see what does mrs. Wright doing when you left her she was in her room I think she was going to turn out her stocking draw thank you mrs. her that will be all come over here by me oh and you understand what is meant by telling the truth don't you yes it's very important that you do because I'm going to ask you a few questions and I want you to answer them truthfully tell me when did you last see your mother it was a little while before I went in where was your mother in how long did you go in and to talk to her I went to say good night and did you say good night yes did your mother seem normal yes tell me and was there anyone with your mother no nothing happened it seemed unusual to you no thank you that'll be all repeat after me I swear by Almighty God I swear by Almighty God that I would speak the truth that I would speak the truth the whole truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth nothing but the truth dr. Reynolds is your name William Gulf Reynolds do you practice in Danville ah William called in this case yes what time did you get [Music] will you be into dinner tonight sir no no I've got to go very good [Music] mrs. Catherine Howard in the partisan mrs. diva sweet run 29 party I'm sorry sir I thought perhaps you one of the guests yes room 29 second floor [Music] I'm so glad you were able to come there in such a model everybody seems beer I won't have to introduce you oh no first Jones dr. Jones I want you to meet mr. Albert I can't bear to see people that into him yeah I might have known she'd turn up oh darling I'm so glad you were able to come these the ones we want to avoid what's wrong with him after jelly divas last party Judy Hammond went blind permanently no she's over there somewhere by there's Kate Howard and I'm a daily impressed but she did but does that funny sound ever you [Music] excuse me you're being very unsociable either somebody I know you loved or she's longing to meet you Sylvia darling you don't know Peter do we die and you meet you got a drink good waiter doing is your name really Sylvia what's wrong with Sylvia it's only mine isn't Peter excuse me a mistake let's drink to something I just never expect to find you at a cocktail party hardly expected to find myself at one now I'm gonna just arrived you're looking very well there's awful time I think you read about it my sister and or am i right you know she fell out my window got kids yes I did hear about it just come straight from the inquest I wonder if I dare try one of these eyeshadows I think what's in it what really happened did you throw herself out she is one of those going begging I'll die if I don't have a drink I'm afraid this belongs to mrs. Howard you might find one over there there now don't go away Katherine I simply must hear it all you saved my life I think you ought to keep moving if you don't want her to catch you again party good idea [Music] kids bye dear you must give me the lowdown my husband swears that someone pushed her out the window did all these hashtag cover the corner in the quad I can't very hard telephone your mother I've got to my mother see you later dear okay mind yeah you're not going master to Busan you're staying here for dinner but don't rely on me Oh pick this and also the monkey mr. mennis ollie you haven't got a tree [Music] captain thank you I'm really not suitably dressed to be here I ought to have changed I survived has such a hectic week Robert the inquest and everyone ringing up and asking silly questions about Emma do sympathize with him well I know she left me with a load of debts there's mrs. writing dead oh not her as mine wonder they've got new potted shrimps what's happened to Ann how do you know Ann I operated under yes of course so you did have silly of me you know I think I have one too many at that party I almost forgot the moment who you were what happened oh she's gone to Portsmouth Emma's mother has a house down there there's a dreary old miser if ever there was one she hates me if you cared I do care I'm just interested in very politely sweet frankly I'm bad it's painful to have a drink of jelly David you never know what she's gonna put in them it'll pass officers you've had something to eat tell me about the house what happens then what has this is right oh it's not for sale already but we moved an out the night her mother died Philip I never want to see the place again empty now you've got new potted shrimps I'm afraid not Betty loves the cocktail yes what have you very for would ask me to hope that I shall see you again should held your breath a moment longer I should have suggested it myself well you free tomorrow evening I'll see that I am alright same place six o'clock in the bar wonderful good good night good night he decided to visit Emma's empty house he'd never been inside her home and he felt that if he could see it he might in some way find an answer to the problem of Emma's death he looked round the grounds trying to find some way of getting into the house but there no windows unlatched in the place seemed to be completely deserted so he had to break [Music] [Applause] this was the room where Emma had spent her leisure hours everything was just as it must have been when she was alive happy Anna and Anne's he knew he was in Emma's room as soon as he opened the door there was still the fence smell of her perfume [Music] on the other side of the valley he could receive a little chapel that Hamid found so charming [Music] [Music] who are you that's what I should be asking you I didn't know there's anyone here no doubt your didn't but that's no excuse for breaking into other people's houses in the middle of the night look at me I doubt Felice yes I suppose I can are you looking after this place on the caretaker did you take anything that doesn't belong to you no certainly not it's rather difficult to explain it's just that you haven't got a piano your LS affairs so right I believe you now sensible burglars going to stop flexing the piano while he's on the job did you know the matter around this house Noah why I worked for her for ten years I looked after the garden oh you the gardener who plays the organ at the chapel huh do you know about me yes look here there's no point in our standing out here in the cold I've got the kettle on would you like a cup of tea come down to my room I gather that mrs. Hart didn't take very kindly to your organ playing this is our poking her nose into everyone's business the poor lady a nice dance I can tell you shopping tragedy there was such a nice lady I know you in bed by this time I might have heard the piano hidden piece if you picked the right night you could have made yourself at home the old evening yes I always cycle over to my sister's on Fridays kind of breaks the monotony could use it no burglar I can see that I knew mrs. Wright what does it have a look at the scene of the accident accident it were no accident the coroner said it was and what if he did does it seem likely to you that a lady would fall out of a window she'd be looking out her for 10 years a lady that was perfectly healthy and didn't suffer from a fear of heights no matter what some people said at the inquest help yourself to milk thank you she's a real devil that is hard I said prejudiced it's not only melon Doris would bear me out sugar nothing and cook wishes hard lived here for a time after her husband killed and she'd never let me she's right alone always nagging and getting on her nerves and mrs. Wright was that soft Artie she was very easily upset yes I know she was and then there was a scene about the carpet what about the carpet oh she stole it mrs. Howard did Stella carpet mrs. Wright that dog she gave it to her just to save mrs. Howard's face but we know different they say mrs. Howard got the tidy Sanford did see him I imagine mrs. Howard was very well off well she had a lot of money by her husband but that didn't stop her trying to get more of another cat no thank you very much I must be moving yes tried to get me to set just because you didn't like my organ playing are you fond of singing it's a long time since I've done if you want to know what I miss I pushed it I'm sure that's not true she could do it but the maid said of the inquest that mrs. Howard left the house before it happened Doris would want to keep it dark for mr. Wright's sake well for mrs. Howard's sake I hope you're wrong at first he found it hard to credit the caretakers accession but later as he got to know Kate you can't entirely dismiss the idea she was a hard self-centered brittle woman it seemed just possible that she had had something to do with her sister-in-laws death Gerhard was delighted with his attentions many too pleased to talk about herself she appeared to be a woman with a grudge first of all when she'd wanted to be a singer her parents refused to pay for her training her husband had been equally uncooperative from the way she spoke of him one would have thought that he'd chosen to die young solely in order to keep her shoulder money then there was her brother Philip she'd always resented the fact that he had the land share of her family's money there was so many things she would like to do with her life she kept telling him he tried to draw out on the subject of Emma right but here she was much more reticent however she did finally come out with an interesting statement and I had a lover that's not true surprises you I suppose how did you know she killed me did she tell you who the man was no I suppose I shouldn't have talked about her now that she's dead still you asked and now you know why I say that Anna was better off without her where's I'm going to live with you don't look so shocked I can't exactly picture you looking after a child don't be so sure of that and full of unfulfilled maternal instinct are you well I've arranged for her to go to boarding school I need to make the here of her again till the summer holidays sit down over here is it a long way away is that father satisfied with this arrangement oh yeah if you'd cabled me to make a home for her did you course any other school making her home now don't you start on me I can't find enough trouble for LAN he wants a bit loud to stay on with Anna's mother till it once had you brought up by someone younger hence me see when she started school Monday I thought of coming to town tomorrow to get a toothpick before she goes sickening responsibilities then it can't be helped I presume your trouble we're not going tirely unrewarded I know but it's make me an allowance to take care of that I shouldn't have taken it down otherwise sort of normal nuisance poor little and the Blake's just simply on her what time is this dentist appointment why are you so interested I was just thinking that you'll be free while she's there so if I were free at the same time we might meet let's write a thought Kate was completely unsuspecting when he made an appointment me Zephir tier to avoid four o'clock he never had an intention of keeping this appointment he enters en and he had to find a way of seeing her alone come in really he's having tea somewhere she's going to eat me up afterwards if you wait in here I does it then just give you a bad sound I was told to wait here for our Kate is it alright I was expecting you yeah half grain Ashley oh oh I thought it was a bad time you and I had a talk what about not you do you like the idea of going away to school I don't mind do you do you like your on Kate yes you're sure about that yes don't you trust me yes not very much I don't know why you're asking me all these questions I want to help you a long time ago you trusted me with something very important what was there your life and don't you remember yes why did you save the ink was that there was no one with your mother the last time you saw her because it wasn't that's not true there is it oh I don't know what you want me to say okay mother wasn't she don't leave me a little please what happened between Kate yeah mother before the accident it wasn't an accident it was just the same as if I pushed her you it was my fault how could it be I know it was I sided against mommy I don't care what happens to me anymore what did you do when you must tell me I can't you must it's important she made me promise not to she said they'll send me to prison if they find out kid said that yes what should no right to say no one can send you to prison if you tell the truth what happened Dan you've got to tell me I went up to mommy's room to say good night I've been playing in the garden since T time I knew what Caitlin with mommy and as I need to travel the stairs our kicked was coming out of mommy's room she was angry and she talks in a very quiet voice to me she says he had something very important to tell me then she started she said the most horrible things about mommy about mommy and some men it was going to be a divorce she said and I'd have to give it a some beats money I'd have to tell him it cooked deadest see all the awful things mommy had done I suppose mommy must have been listening all the time because suddenly she turned out peek to get out of the house she wouldn't go mommy told me to come to her room with him but I wouldn't I don't know why I was afraid I suppose I believe what are catered to it was only after what I saw how wicked she was I have to admit I never saw her again can with all my fault for believing I was kid no and it wasn't your fault what in the world happened to you I'm afraid I couldn't make it and see that why have you beat I got held up you could have telephoned me I waited for you over an hour as it happens I have more important things to do you know who you think you are I'm not gonna have it of paying for my own tea come on in [Music] I want to talk to you Michael entire night it won't take long would you want to say you can't talk down here I realize it was very silly of me to be so annoyed with you this afternoon I suppose you were working and couldn't help it is that what you came to say yes I just said it now good night you're still angry with me please don't be let's forget about it and be friends I don't want to see you again Kate Oh Michael just because of this afternoon there's nothing to do with it you can't just drop me like this it isn't for it would be better for you if I do how can you say that you're fond of me aren't you anyway I'm very fond of you go home Kate it's deleted punishes birth just because you're angry with me Michael I'm not just trying to end things with me out of a misplaced chivalry I am misplaced chivalry what you mean just occurred to me that you might think you were being unfair to go on knowing that you're not free oh you mean I'm trying to drop your odds and involve you with a married man is that it well isn't it I'm asking you for the last time go home before it's too late Michael I didn't care about a lot of silly conventions I want to be with you under any circumstances so you kid hey well you shall be she had made up his mind for him that was the end for kid he now began to make his plans for the revenge he thought of for so long he arranged for his junior to take over his patients and established at the hospital that there was a possibility that he might not be available for the coming fortnight he wanted to be prepared for every emergency if something should go wrong and prevent him carrying out his plan at once he didn't want his absence to be noticed he'd left himself with only one appointment before his meeting with Kate Allen this was a routine job of an educational nature which he did a regular intervals as a sideline molly was engaged on it his mind was working out the practical problems which would be involved by this planet formulated it was a Friday night I'm just gonna make things easier for him he'd arrange to pick her out but a lonely part of the embankment on his suggestion she'd told her friends that she was going away from the eunuchs as they drove out of London she was full of the usual childhood never suspecting for a moment his real feelings to water until then actually arrived at Emma's house she'd no idea where he was taking her the house was for sale he wanted to see it she accepted this explanation he knew that no one would answer the bell because he remembered the gardener telling him that he always went over to his sister's place on Friday nights the window was still broken as he left it on his last visit she followed him upstairs to Emma's room and over to the window out of whatever in Florida through the katuns through the window then he told her that he was the man he'd found out that she was responsible for his death and now she was going to die the same way M had died he told her to throw herself out the last moment she started to scream and she fell this was a murder conceived in perfect sanity and faultlessly carried out [Music] I'm afraid I've taken rather longer with the store tonight intended I shall have to leave the more general discussion of the subject until next time yes I take it - the murderer was never suspected no the police could find no evidence at the point of do anything other than suicide and yet like all paranoiacs he had to tell someone about it I don't quite get that when he told you presumably yes he was a patient of mine in a lunatic asylum anyhow he was perfectly sane sad as I am you didn't mind my asking and it's orange was a good question [Music] [Music] [Music] had to be waiting I'll take that [Music] how are we going you'll see Oh surprise you went across a red light did I you hate women who make up in public I've never thought about it so much for that is a conversation that's you're dying to talk about yourself what was your appointment this evening I was giving a lecture on criminology well what have you got to say on that subject I told a story about a man who killed a woman for revenge carrying things a bit far mad I suppose Larry was perfectly sane they always have a kink somewhere there's people who do violent things take my sister north example how is she coming to the argument she must've been a bit mad to do a thing like that like what committing suicide I'm next to Sarah suicide it was an accident what's the matter I thought for a moment that was that awful chapel near her house we're going to her house here before says was up for sale dungeon so it is bite oh what a time to choose to go look over house he must be demented don't you get I do let's come back in the daytime I want to show you something you won't take y'all all right [Music] where are you going looking to see if any of these windows are up that's not necessary the gardener should be here he's taking care of the place to himself [Music] there's a window broken here you're not serious certainly I [Music] well anything to oblige a criminologist I mean it when I turn our light that spoil the atmosphere well it's part of the house do you want to see first upstairs better leave the way I know the things anyone ever wanted to live here I've always noticed it so he'd fit itself long ago when he first in here [Music] this was harem that's right how did you know I've been here before when what really gave you the idea that she had a lover he told me so now tell me the truth all right I overheard them talking on the telephone I listened on the extension didn't you recognize the man's voice no but you do now you evident they thought you were safe but when she was dead that was the end of the matter did you really imagine that I'd accept her desk without making every effort to find out how it happened [Applause] [Music] come here that's where she fell isn't it I don't know I wasn't here you tried to give money out of five because you thought she was being unfaithful and when that was no good you poisoned the child's mind against her you might just as well have killed it yourself and just as guilty this way what was that for I don't like being locked in a room with a madman I can get that key from you anytime I like don't get me out of here I'll scream there's no one to hear you gardeners hear hear hear me why don't you scream it because I want to give you the opportunity of it he's get out of here with dignity the gardener goes over to his sister's on Friday nights this is Friday night get me out of here he told me so himself that's why I picked tonight he's not at his sister's he's here the organ no one else ever plays it you can't do anything to me now he'll be back soon not soon enough I'm gonna make a do to yourself what you did to him suicide [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll place the pork look George why don't you pork testing crossways a nobody could get past I just stopped to wipe my windscreen I couldn't see oh you couldn't see what do you think I am an owl we're all wheat you know yes we're on the main Portsmouth Road thank goodness somebody knows that's where I'm supposed to be headed I can tell you how to get there directions in England are you kidding no thanks I'll just follow you no you can't do that I turn off just up the road watch alright I'll follow you that far give me a high ball with your child okay [Music] [Music] this is what I turn off you go straight ahead can't visit by a bank [Music] [Music] no can you help me I've run off the road my car's ditched I'm afraid I can't stop I'm in a hurry I'll have to be good enough to give me a lift now I'm sorry for that contact in case your doctor yes well this is luck my name is Farah leva practice here there's a kid up the road badly injured I've just been to telephone for an ambulance I have to get back to her what are you making for abscess right oh well I better leave the cow but it is I'm hoppin with you oh just a minute I must get my bag ambulance will never make it in this fog how far are you going I'm not quite sure where it is from here I know this district perhaps I can help you I don't think you can the long way your London men yes have you had any experience with fractured skulls quite a lot Oh could have used you tonight why do you have to turn up when it's too late what could you have used me for miss kitty I was telling you about road accident yes Marley ran into a private car in the farm kid he was in the back and seem to have taken most of the bump she's unconscious now and bleeding from cut over the right ear it's very suggestive of a middle meningeal hemorrhage did she regain consciousness at all yes you did four times him pretty well that's what gave me a clue probably right fog seems to been lifting a bit yes here's the turning we're almost there well at least I can be end of the death don't think I should jump to conclusions I've seen extraordinary recoveries from head injuries I guess we've all seen extraordinary things happen but I never expect them and I certainly don't care one way or the other I always thought I'd cared very much I never liked losing a patient well that's the sort of sentimentality to get over when you've killed as many patients as I have I don't think so I've always resented the fact that one can't choose can't choose what which patients to kill then as a doctor you must be in a constant state of frustration in your case let's say vanity is involved not sentimentality but whatever it is it's just as bad man doesn't have any generous feelings he only thinks he has selfishness habit and hard cash those are as real motives looked at from that angle laughs can hardly be worth living it isn't but I've done my share of enjoying it just up here now for another scene with the mother why did it have to be my daughter all that it's your ancestor shrine never your daughter than mine madam I'd say if I were honest how does this girl know just a child about well 12 do you any children know any uh stop oh I suppose I couldn't persuade you to look in for a moment and give a little presence to the case it's always a great comfort of the parent to have a second opinion say there's no hope maybe there is help she's still alive isn't she does this what they are today escalated Oh leave you dr. Powell terrible night yes isn't it nice miss they made of that Cup well doctor we thought you'd never get back yeah I managed to get another opinion this is doctor Oh doctor she still hasn't moved I'm gonna talk thank you that's a crap ride she's bleeding from the middle meningeal which it'd be alright and operate now Otten this place is on large saucepan or fish kettle I wonder sterilize my instruments and actually need some clean sheets I got my instruments in the car it's not worth taking a chance she dies during the operation appeal enquiry you never know how those things are going to turn out I'm just going to take a chance comes dying hospital in that time it's up to us to try and relieve the pressure before it happens maybe I can secure in our free time do a decompression can give you time to get to the hospital but that's a job for a specialist I wouldn't touch it well it was this way we come out of the bend we couldn't been doing mornin Ike Marlon and there's a grinding noise when we did it ah sure that's women drivers all over they never look where they're going she was gazing at the side of the road was given a glance in front of her useless world over how could we we never saw until she was honest and then she was going on the wrong side of the road well one of you better come with me and show me what's what fix it on to the two thank you there'll be an inquest well let's if you know you're thinking about that now after all it wasn't your fault I had a clean license respirations failing we got in common I don't carry it I got something like our small box in the front pocket [Music] [Applause] it wasn't in the front but I found it [Music] okay [Music] tell us one this [Music] that was a good job I hope so it's your lion I suppose yes she has a good fighting chance now but gives you a feeling of elation a feeling of control over people's destinies you find that certainly not trying to assess your reactions a spectacular recovery of course we'll do my practice a world of good apart from that it's all one to me whether she recovers from us you expect everyone else to feel like that aren't you I'm not speaking of obsessions I'm speaking of the normal the perfectly sane let me put it this way the vessel which we normal people use for imbibing experience is a stout austerity model which doesn't crack with others like yourself the last though of superior design cracks quite easily now instead of leaving it up turned on a shelf a danger to all it should be thrown away I don't accept your diagnosis doctor dispenses desn't healing with bland and partiality he's not supposed to wear the merits of an individual case an exercise a sense of justice I resent that what I did today and you know what I'm talking about was just was a gesture of independence by a sense of justice which years of professional practice of threatened with atrophy today I sat in judgment Oh paranoia my diagnosis was quite correct you are mad [Applause] she looks better doesn't she yes her colors good beginning to look very different he was wonderful I should never be able to think where is he I don't know look doctor she moved oh we must expect that now that she intends to live are you the owner of that car outside no who does it belong to I don't know why I nearly ran right into it he's parked outside without a real light hello that alone [Music] yes the same time module here obsessional as we know to say [Music] what I did today was just the suggestion of Independence by a sense of justice but years of professional practice of threatened with a trophy today I sat in judgment injured paranoia my diagnosis was quite correct you are mad [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Retrospective - Classic Movies
Views: 912,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retrospective, movies, film, classic film, classic movies, british film, full movie, the upturned glass, thriller, psychological, revenge, james mason, rosamund john
Id: atcDlHxotQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 28sec (4948 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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