Charles Dickens - The Old Curiosity Shop (Full 3 hour version)

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[Music] than all [Music] see you [Music] [Music] tomorrow St [Music] [Music] boo now there that gave you a pright not much of one you nearly jumped out of your skin I never oh morning mon morning kid grandfather I thought you were still a bed no I woke early I had a whim to take the morning air it's good isn't it yes I'll be back soon and make you breakfast morning buy quick over here I'll see you tomorrow there she is the sister question no thank you my little sister now pretty ain't she morning morning M now morning sir you well well I admit there's no great family likeness between her and you is she or isn't she she is Fred decidedly pretty what of that never you mind we have other business [Applause] right with me [Music] excuse me sir certain gentleman wants to have a word with you how dare you I'm arresting you hand how dare you I protest you have absolutely no fre to use me in this disgraceful manner take your hands off me eyes Quil I implore you as you hope for heaven a week more I swear I'll pay Heaven I have no interest in the place none at all you know me to be an honest man ah but if there's one thing I DET test it's an honest [Applause] man [Music] Quil welcome pound of potatoes lovely celery get your carrots hello fresh out from the country with the Good Earth still on him penny a pan to you love I'll take two pounds please good day Nelly Mr quilp good day you'll be turning your face homewards I'll walk with you and carry that great basket oh please don't trouble sir no trouble Nelly off business with your esteemed grandfather what a load it is but you must custom yourself our spous you'll have a weight of gold to carry one day a nelly I'm sure I don't don't know sir [Music] doce Justice here I am here I stop until such time as I it to go be gone after with you get away do you hear me aha my dear sir may I make so bold as to introduce myself why do you persecute me I wish to see my sister that's all it's a likely tale it's the money you want of course isn't it always money how often do I have to tell you I have no money and how often do I have to tell you dear grandfather since you raised the subject that I know better get out of here you see how he talks this man with no money who the devil's this the friend I mentioned Richard swiveler your most humble and obedient servant sir and um if I may attempt to sight remark you may not say you may get out you too do you think I don't know how you poison Nell's mind against me how you pretend to love her pretend yes so you're going to work her half to death and add a few graped up Shillings every week to a heap of money you can hardly count grandfather what's the matter what our young swiveler what have you been saying to him you see how quick she is to jump to that conclusion he's taught you to hate me I don't hate you Fred but you visit us so seldom and when you do come it seems It's only to bully and badge your grandfather yes for the love of Heaven go away and leave us alone you're a prisoner now and he's your Jailer would you mix me a tonic please my love of course grandfather so much for dear relations thank God I acknowledge none what you expect me to do what would I do with him you mean something violent No Doubt you're right there here's the money you asked for I wish I knew in what good investment all these supplies are sank when you had the interest it's a powerful sum you own me neighbor why not use your own money you have enough of it God knows well The Prudent investor will always be looking to use another man's Capital wherever a margin of profit is obtainable above interest you follow me you're a date one you are and keep your Secret close oh I shallan forget this [Music] well yes I keep it [Music] close hope and patience hope and [Music] Pa the old man and I will be a dagger's drawn till the day he dies he won't leave me a penny you see that a bat might see that with a sun shining yes so I propose you marry Nell what marry her and the old miser's horde is yours but she's not yet 14 I don't mean now in three or four years in the meantime charm her woo her into a secret engagement there's nothing a girl likes more than a secret engagement H oh I miss you [Laughter] ah warn Cliff a bottle of the rosie if you please I have been uh instructed by the committee to inform you Sally really wonderful guest letter arrived this morning from my aunt she came through blesser now do send up that clout very good sir think the old skin Flint's bound to die soon I mean does he look like a long liver to you H you don't look like it but these old people there's no trusting them take my aunt she was going to die when I was 8 years old hasn't kept a word yet yes on the subject of said Aunt you couldn't let me have 20 could you 20 fact is I've got to go abroad bad is that yes it's France or dea's prison all the same 20 I put you in the way marrying my sister haven't I D Prof I suppose there no doubt the old man's rich rich I can remember when he kept 30 servants and collected those Curiosities of his as an amusement and why does he keep a shot because he's a miser a real genuine old hoarder 10 years he's had that shop and never spent a hate me about Bare Necessities why he must be sitting on a million at least a pretty desperate old man oh well in the circumstances I suppose I could let you [Applause] have I knew I could count on you do I hold you prisoner NE grandfather yet your life is monotonous and solitary enough God knows who have no companion your age save for one servant boy What alternative did I have you know your your father was a spin Thrift he ruined me oh I brought you to tears oh Nell it's only that you make me out to be unhappy and I'm not well I'll make a men I promise you I swear it and it will not just be a pittance you will have no you will have a a fortune you'll be a fine lady a great lady as your mother was I swear it oh what is this oyster pie oh delicious reminds you me of the seaside did I ever to of the house I used to have at the seaside kid no master oh no it was a fine house you know you know right on top of Cliff the great rooms so wide open to the good ocean breezes every year we used to go there my dear wife and I but it's the piece of it that I still remember [Music] most the Blessed piece of the place [Music] you're not going out grandfather not again well I'll walk with you master no no no be out of your road why won't you let him I'd feel easier well part of the way goodbye sleep sound [Music] I just couldn't n says you are making great progress with your reading that's just a way sir a sweet way yes well you are the light in her life kit and in mine and in mine will I go off here kit you'd better run off home it's a black knight Master Black Knight yes well give my regards to your dear Mother good night mother good night kid I [Music] come [Music] hungry that's good country Earth would you like to fly away Into the Blue Sky over the green fields and woods only all the way to the [Music] Sea sometimes I think I [Music] would I'll do it again I must grandfather what's happened to you you're ill what are you doing go back to bed why would you tell me why will you do that you [Music] don't be frightened Miss now [Music] [Music] [Music] State your business I said stay your business it's Mr quillpen yeah he's in there wait here kit all correct Mr Quil sir I'll be on my way then yeah merely on your way Mr ginlet merely on your way Nelly come in I brought a letter from my grandfather so [Music] soon gone already gone in 24 hours what the devil has he done with it that's the mystery do you know the content this Nelly oh no sir quite certain upon your soul yes sir if there's a reply I'm in a hurry to get back no worry but my grandfather's always anxious while I'm away get stop I'll stop them I'll bruise them till they're copper colored I'll po them I'll break your face if you fight on my wolf you dog he called you an OB Goblin the ugliest OB Goblin in London that's what he said and he said that Miss Nell was ugly and that she and my master was in your power why' you say that n because he's a fool and you said what you did because you're clever almost too clever to live unless you're very careful of yourself kit of goblin that's new spider gargoyle toad they've all been flung at me when I was a boy you know before the world learned to measure me by my money but OB Goblin that's new you're six for you kit always speak the truth at all times kit speak the truth Nelly you'll come with me to Tower Hill and see Mrs quilp but I must go back he told me to return as soon as I had an answer but you haven't had an answer and you won't until I've been home [Music] you wait [Music] here he's the greatest Tyrant that ever lived and she hasn't the spirit to give him a word back not a single word and how's your husband Dear Mrs Quil well enough mom weeds are sure to thrive you know mother please no one knows better than you Mom what US ladies owe to ourselves do oh indeed mom when my poor husband her dear father was alive if he'd ever ventured AC cross word to me i' have you quite enter into my feelings mom and I do just the same myself thank you my dear old duck he has money I suppose when he chooses to spend it he gave us a roof over our heads when we had none and he has charms and fire what yeah well of course one would never say that Mr quilp isn't a nice man but you could hardly call him handsome oh ladies do go on do go on now do go on nice isn't it I've got the set now my dear we didn't expect you oh shrimps oh lovely I do love a shrimp were just leaving my dear we didn't invite them to te it was all quite an accident ow if ever I'll catch you listening to that EGS again I'll bite you well you look tired out Mrs jinin talking too much perhaps for it's your weakness you must go to your room and rest I'll go when I please and not before do please go now well now nelli see if you can get anything out of her about her grandfather do we H dear quilp since she started coming here I've I've grown to love the child she shares all her little sorrows and joys with me that's good if you could do without making me deceive her I can't Mrs how dare take her milk and biscuit yes yes qu yeah she like that and remember I'll be at the door yes how very often you have come backwards and forwards lately to Mr quilp my dear I've remarked it to grandfather many times oh no I can't bear to to see you so unhappy I'm not it's only that grandfather's so well so changed for the Dear Old Gentleman to shout at you like that is change indeed and you say these nighttime excursions of his are frequent every night yet you don't know where he goes he won't tell me he still loves me the same more and I love him but I'm frightened and there's no one I can talk to except you we were so happy once we'd sit by the fire and I'd read to him here's a note for your grandfather Nelly don't you look pale she's recently seen two Lads fighting that's what it is she's very sensitive why don't you stay and dine with Mrs quer in la oh no I stayed too long already sir oh well if you go youve go sounded to say I'll see him tomorrow at the day after mind you look after her kid you're a keen questioner ain't you Mrs quilt what more could I do a real Riser sharp examiner I let her on as best I could God forgive me you can thank you star she let drop a clue you have felt my hand you're brute dear mother-in-law do we disturb your slumber if my husband was alive you wouldn't dare treat her so I wish I'd known him I've heard he was a stoic and bore his sufferings nowly and she villain monster come here I've worked for you you ID dog [Music] I'll now [Music] [Music] two days gone two days and he's not come yet shall I go to his house again no no do no good grandfather why won't you tell me what's the matter oh Nelly Nelly you've got You're All I've got in this world I'm sorry I spoke harshly with you the other day if only you'd let me share your troubles if we were Beggars I wouldn't care you don't know what you speak I do we wouldn't starve we'd walk through Country Places and sleep in fields and under trees and never think of money again we' be free we'd be Quil how did you get in through the door I'm not yet small enough to get through keyholes More's the pity I'd like a word neor a private word near isn't it time you were preparing our dinner how did you find out the card table that's what I've sunk my money into but how did you find out a gaming de in your precious scheme there was to double my money Daniel quilp of all men taken in by a m shallow Gambler no I'm no Gambler I call on Heaven as my witness I never wagered for personal gain I never played for pleasure it was for Nell to save her from the hell of poverty oh quilp Quil I'll double your money yet you'll see if I don't if a man gambles long enough he's bound to win in the end isn't he I mean that's a mathematical certainty this is going to interest you yeah look these are my calculations if I throw once more well twice at the outside I'm bound to win you see that I am it's it's hope and patience hope and patience you deluded old fool you Thief you madman no I implore you oh quilp quilp it's for poor Nell's sake a few pounds more more now that I know the truth not a penny not a faring margin of profit above interest no but how did you find out after all I was secret I was careful at least tell me the name of my betrayal who was it someone from this house was it it couldn't have been kit kit would never play the Spy now k oh I don't believe that yeah Kitt it was betray you yeah yeah and called me H [Music] Goblin grandfather [Music] Miss Nell I if you please sir I cannot stop I had if you recall the inestimable honor of being introduced to you by your brother I must beg you to excuse my dear young lady I got me flowers to STW thy way I I got me bows of many a tree I it's a baffler come on this way the something's ready K me oh mother what a provider you are there ain't no one like you I hope there many a great deal better there ought to be Accord to the pars knows a b Christopher naos but when he's a widow and works like you do and does as much and gets as little and still keeps his spirits up then perhaps I'll listen to his preaching s I mustn't stay grandfather's been taken ill Lord of Mercy look I run to him no no he's recovering well enough you're not wanted you must never come near us again what he says you've done something that you ruined him what is it what have you done kit he won't tell me nothing I done nothing you must have even if you meant no harm I'd never do anything to harm him not knowing it perhaps I've done nothing say you believe me now here's your week's money you mustn't return to [Music] us [Music] okay done nothing done nothing I miss oh miss Trent my name is brass I am Mr kook's solicitor and attorney this is my sister and legal assistant and this as you see is a police Constable Sally the papers these are bills of sale for your grandfather's Goods these are legal executions of same and this is an order for the seizure of these premises I have to inform you that my client intends to take up his residence here forth with in plain English Nelly until this painful business is settled I'll be living here with you just to keep an eye on things here we are my I'm sorry to see you like this neighbor and spare yourself the sight leave my house your house the sale of goods hasn't recovered a quarter of what's owed I fear I shall be forced to sell the lease oh no no I I'll pay all all of it I swear as you swore before little more time Quil you can afford it a die I'll give you one day and remember there's worse than dea's prison much [Music] worse for the Mr K might want inquire how many days you uh intend to stay here we we quite so why is this bed comfortable enough for you oh indeed sir a very bow of sweet Repose a perfect I can't decide after all he did have the reputation of a rich Miser we were deceived in that were we I Wonder I wonder I must press some hard by all means in my humble opinion you have been the very soul of Charity some people would have had him in prison or Worse some people would have been all flin and granite some people would have spared themselves the jabbering of a parrot such as you delightful such Spirits such wit [Music] cupboard bear Nelly that won't do we'll go to market together we mustn't let the Old Gentleman starve oh no sir your Granda was a rich man once Nelly where are we going who knows but the he might not still have some of his former wealth in a strong box perhaps well hidden or in a bank where are you taking me sir this isn't the way to mark it that was so you tell me wouldn't you Nelly what is this place [Music] a [Music] you know what a m is Nelly your true Miser Broods over his for old in secret and will not part with a penny not even in the most desperate extremity he's a kind of madman and the Lord treats him as such and locks him away in a place like this that's right Miss Nelly oh yeah [Music] [Music] grandfather grand father I must speak to you I must ask you can you pay quilp I'll pay him in time never Fe do you have any money saved in a bank but you know very will I don't it's a lie put out by that brother of yours then how will you pay there's really no concern of yours my darling don't he'll put you in a mad house oh no he will I know he will he show me the place he showed you we'll go away tonight where too I don't know anywhere it doesn't matter you'll give me time you see if he does he won't I know he won't he'll lock you away in that terrible place and I'll never see you again we'll steal away tonight we'll go far far away where to the Sea we'll go to the Sea The Sea we'll be safe there I know we will [Music] what would the law be in this case yeah you have a smoke nothing like a smoke to keep off fever and every other Calamity of Life can I put him in the mad house smoke go on smoke good day fragrant famously so sir well can I what do you think what you have done before you may do again after all sir to attempt to cheat you a man must be mad the threat alone won't be enough I'll swear the information tomorrow bra Mr quilp [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Daniel qu don't need now laabi to sleep sound silence I'll ring your neck my Merry songster h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] right father [Music] [Music] wait here I will be moment all right [Music] huh [Music] you are the bur is [Music] blown have you seen them huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're free of it Nelly they'll never lure us [Music] back do I take it gone gone both of them they'll have to pass the gates of ell itself before they escape Daniel quot [Music] good day M what news oh n and the old who else you're playing Donkey Donkey most colorful you're slow as a toris and thickheaded as a rhinoceros such knowledge of Natural History well sir as instructed I sent word to trusted colleagues along the principal highways well well we've had a hint sir a hint sir what's the use of an hint they've got a good start on us I mean of course a positive sighting to the west west he here read this West mik forist or Plymouth perhaps taking ship step on to any key side between here and L's end I'll have you my beauty I must congratulate you sir a statement of unambiguous Lucidity positively ciceronian will it Ser can I have the aliser declared mad with the addition of certain statutary formula when seasoned as one might say with a pinch of legal salt when signed witnessed and sworn before a magistrate the answer I believe is in the affirmative right do what you have to do Mr brass and do it quick and I'll raise such a human cry after them as will deliver them into my hand nearly now n look look what have we there gbes how wonderful good to see you looking so happy I am happy you know I wonder whether I have ever known real happiness before I've certainly never slept so soundly and so dreamlessly before I made my bed in Barns or under trees oh in the taste of good country food we have a little money left we might stop at an in tonight well we will lay down our heads where the good Lord wills it are we not pilgrims you and I of course we are come on delicious goodberries Mr pun I pick you I'll beat you Mrs I'll beat you oh no Mr punch I'll beat you oh no I'll whack you Mrs I'll whack you oh and I'll whack you I'll beat you I'll whack you and I'll whack you oh no have mercy on me Mr punch have mercy have mercy on me Mr short have mercy on my patience your PA since Mr codlin you've none to have mercy on good day gentlemen oh good day Master Miss so long since I've seen a Punch and Judy I used to Delight in it where are you performing uh tomorrow at the fair but Why'd You Come here of all places to do your work it wouldn't do to let the public see present company undergoing repair it destroy all the delusion take away the mystery I mean to say would you care a farthing for the Queen of England if you knowed her in private enough Public's fickle for all that this is Mr Cardin sir he takes the money it's his Bratch if you stood in front of the curtain and saw their faces you'd understand human nature better it's made him what you might call a universal mistrust her sir oh well I have a needle and thread sir I think I might do it better much obliged I'm sure it has the look of Quil when did you say you were performing this tomorrow at the fair and you sir you travel the road yes we travel the road on foot yes on foot is your destination far oh we have no particular destination no destination that's queer what you means is we're traveling towards the coast if you're looking for an inn we have little money for in ah well if you care to accompany us to the fairground you may have your nights lodging and your dinner for nothing isn't that right Mr Shaw quite right Mr codlin it's free to all on the eve of the fair provided you as the proper interdiction which codlin and I should be honored to provide most obliged that settled [Music] it yes now a word of warning now don't mention the name quilt there where he could be overheard we don't know how far and in what circles his influence May extend come [Music] [Music] on right here dog do yourself come in Mr Quil come in an honor and a pleasure sir as always Sally old fellow here's Mr quilp Sally there's the woman I should have married there's the female as all the charms of the fair sex and none of the weaknesses stuff Sally brass you're as hard arted as the metal you take your name from will you hold your nonsense delicious brass metal very good very good have you drawn up the paper paper yes indeed yes Sally the paper if you would just sign there sir much obliged no need for you to swear it yourself I or Sally will act as proxy for you where's John John your Clark that I recommended John yes I we were alas forced to terminate his employment there was money going missing from the petty cash and you suspected John it was a maxim with foxy our revered father always suspect everybody an excellent Maxim see to it brass I want the old man declared mad and I pay by results remember now results no pay fool why didn't you telling John was out on some a to what purpose us didn't qu plant the fell here to spy on us and won't he now plant [Music] [Music] another well I'm for bed I won't be more than a moment No Nonsense it's still light there so much for you still to see here go run off thank you well Miss Nelly how you like this company very much sir you know you could take around the act with Mr Cardman tomorrow for a share of the take of course which a pretty face like yours will double I certain yes sir but that's for my grandfather to say excuse me sir they're no good they no are though it's plain the old man isn't right in his head he's a gentleman though he's had money in his time on Coale on that if you ask me he's given his friends the slip and persuaded that delicate young creature out of her fness for him to go along now I won't stand for that Mr codlin won't you Mr sha therefore when they develop an intention of parting from us I shall take measures of detaining them and restoring them to the authorities short it's possible for once the sense in what you say there could be a reward a handsome reward we're Partners in everything don't forget that [Music] here Mom thank you very much child Mr cotlin shh I've come to offer you some advice my dear don't ask me why just take it as long as you're with us keep as close to me as you can and don't offer to leave us on any account short seems kind but I'm the real openhearted friend I may look it but I am indeed enough said remember codling is the friend not short codling not short who's there it's only me grandfather grandpa I think we shouldn't stay for the fair tomorrow not stay why not I saw a thief at work picking a man's pocket he very welcome to anything you find in our pocket no don't worry so we are going to the fair uh it is ordained that we go and that we laugh and are happy what have you say grandfather uh I'll W you and I'll black you I am your particular friend you know what me baby care baby I'm a a Madman I'm W you and I'm W you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] look l [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] clows mom on Miss thank you sir thank you thank you [Music] [Music] good day to you sir am I mistaken or is there might there be a card game game there might be do they play high some do but a gentleman with a few Shillings in his pocket is as welcome as a Lord with 100 guies in his [Music] purse I'll be [Applause] [Music] back gra yeah oh you've done famously oh all those coins could I have one or two of them I feel devilishly angry Oh we must take them all of course no no I qu father I don't trust those men I think they mean us harm we should leave here now but you said you going to help them with your Punch and Judy could find more food in the town yes but you haven't seen all that's to be seen here I don't care for them this place frens not nonsense child I Mr Short's ready to start you've not forgot your promise no no of course [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] not hello again sir it's a straight game the house sees to that and takes its little cut accordingly [Music] [Applause] here we are hey let me mind the baby he Mr punch you must be very careful now let me mind the baby I love minding babies I love minding babies be careful what's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the no joy today [Music] sir if you should happen to pass by market SNB there's a regular game to be had at the old Bull in if you should fancy the chase Your Luck Chase May luck did you what's the matter what don't interfere don't interfere I tell you sit down boy sit down sit down I bab out the window oh dear oh dear grandfather please I know the mean is some Mischief we must go now [Music] what get out of the way Bo this way [Music] [Music] I [Applause] good day to you good day sir did you happen to know the people here little nil and the old gentlemen oh you will can you tell me where I can find them going in the night then was they come and they took all the old gentleman's Goods then a few days after two of them was gone who came who took their goods what business do you have with him my business is my business but you could make it yours don't know no more than what I've said [Applause] it was Quil Daniel quilp where may I find this Daniel quilp this Tom D oh longly at his Warf down by the river [Applause] [Music] Mr Quin that depends on who's asking do [Music] it Mr quilt that's me forgive me calling without prior appointment a remarkable collection of Curiosities formerly the property of a certain Old Gentleman may I ask who asks my name is of no importance I'm anxious to trace the Old Gentleman and his granddaughter that's all there's a thing I'm anxious to find the dear old s and it myself he owes you money money yeah and that's not all I'll buy the debt cash to a man's debt it's around the man is it it's old his Destiny in the palm of your hand how much is old that would be telling you won't sell the dead I'm not minded too nobody makes a public fool of Daniel qu that case I bid you good day yeah neighbor what grudges it you out against the AL Miser come here dog see that man he dresses plain and he talks plain exceeding plain but he has money follow him stick close to in my fine nose blood Downs tell me everything he does [Music] just a little [Music] further Grandpa yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are you [Applause] right off you go [Music] I can walk no further today we'll rest here the night such a pretty Place yeah good day to you good day sir you look tired friend have you been walking a long way a very long way sir you're young to be traveling is she your grandchild sir she is indeed sir she is the stay and comfort of my life I don't doubt it we seek shelter for the night we have very little means but if you could direct us anywhere we should take it kindly you're welcome under my roof I'm in a sad state of disarrangement I fear but you could sleep in the school room if you had no objection oh you are too kind sir come then as you see I am to leave this place in a few days I swear I've had nothing to my possessions while I've been here yet I'm blowned if I can feed it all into my trunk I suppose I shall have to buy another theno pay double the charge for Carriage um if you forgive me sir I think perhaps if it were better done I'm a helpless sort of person I'm afraid if I might try try by all means but it can be a miracle you succeed I have to see the Vicor you'll find bread and cheese and a uh I beg you to help yourselves oh and there's bedding somewhere about if you'll excuse me I'm expected to be punctual though I never am [Music] [Music] [Music] don't be frightened M your son knows me I don't eat babies I don't like them you better keep out of that one though kit in case I should be tempted here's a pretty song bird I've seen before have you per chance heard from the owner of same a letter or some such no no I ain't I'm not it oh th swivel is here to ask the same question if I'm not mistaken your humble servant one and all Yes uh indeed that was the object of the present Expedition I have my own reasons for wishing to find Miss Trent most honorable ones I assure you I only wish we did know when Nelly and the Old Gentleman are gone now little note kit now tender inquiry from the West country perhaps as to the health and continuing songfulness of Our Feathered friend here lay a hand on that child and and I'll lay mine on you that's the way kit always speak the truth remember at all times kit speak the truth I warn you and I warn you but I must go please don't press me to stay for of an urgent appointment elsewhere I find her kit then you'll be easier in your [Music] mind you seem disappointed young dick the BFF sir a baffler I've ented a speculation of a marital nature Nelly Trent let a veil of discretion be drawn over the name of the young lady the speculation the tune of 20 no less and it proves to be a baffler 20 de mate well since we seem to be companions in adversity shall we be companions in the shest way of forgetting it our keep a now bu Do's gin at the WF lead me to it Mr quilp lead me to it 20 20 for what sir ashes all ashes you're a jolly fell oh you what good a strong and fiery little ly little L old Miser exposes a poer man of St you know that sir 20 20 that's a serious loss for I should think dick it is it might be within in my power to find you employment work a gentleman must sometimes stoop in an extremity now do you know anything of the law nothing at all oh nothing whatsoever yet you learn your keep my shallow ped friend oh yeah [Music] need [Music] bless my soul I borrowed one of your books I thought you might not mind [Music] Pilgrims Progress are you pilgrims my grandfather say so it's a fine evening I thought of taking my pipe outside but you must be tired oh no sir I do like to spoke a pipe but the Vicor doesn't approve he's against Miracles too I'm sorely tempted to show him that trunk of mine I can't imagine how you did it but I thank you why are you going away this is such a beautiful place fact is I've been dismissed certain irreconcilable differences having Arisen between myself and the Vicor I won't beat the boys you see the vicar most decidedly of the spur the rod spoil the child greed of Education if I had a school I should never beat anybody well said he seems quite an ogre this VI well happily I found a new and more congenial position where they permit a drop of the milk of human kindness to nourish the growing plant and you little Pilgrim do you two seek a better place I find this place very good might we stay one more day and night my grandfather's in so need of rest you're welcome to stay until leave only till Saturday you're wise if you were to stay till Sunday you might fall into the clutches of that ogre the [Applause] vicer now remember Samson brass pays the piper but Daniel qu pulls the [Music] tune Mr C an unexpected pleasure and pleasure best when it's unexpected good day my S my strong arm of the LA my Virgin Queen of Bev marks shame on you Mr quilp to talk so in front of a strange young man may I present to you Mr Richard swi my intimate friend a young gentleman of good family and immense expectations who finding himself temporarily embarrassed is content to fill the humble station of a Clark ah uh Mr swiveler is fortunate indeed to have your friendship you may be very proud sir to have the Friendship of Mr quilp Mr swiveler wishes to enter upon his duties At Once by all means indeed at once miss Sally will teach him the delightful study of the law she'll be his guide his friend His companion in such eloquence with the fair miss Sally and the beautiful fictions of the law his days will pass like minutes such flow of language I could listen forever well he won't because I'm off farewell divine creature you may start by making a copy of this bill of costs Mr swiveler my brother and I are going out ah yes out right so if anybody should call about the room the rent is1 per week boots clothes and fires in Winter extra so I'm Samson BR Clark am I also Clark it would seem to a species of female dragon staggerer number one my aunt stops the supplies stagger number two no money no credit notice to quit the old Club stagger three four and five under such an accumulation of staggers what can a man do but copy the bill of cost for said Dragoness what can I I tell you didn't that say he planted a new spy on us what of it do we have another CL like CRI look at that billb it's all C CP CP he's our whole business would it be about the rooms it would these are very Charming rooms commanding a an uninterrupted view of uh over the way what's the rent1 a week done I'll take them boots clothes fires in Winter all other terms agreed is5 [Applause] down may I have your name sir this notice advertises for a single gentleman that's what I am a single gentleman uh but in case of letters or Parcels I never have any or if somebody you call nobody ever calls me let them know my humor downstairs I do everything for myself if they disturb me they lose a good tenant if they know me to be that a good tenant and they know all they need about me they try to know more it's nourish to quit understood a good day to you [Music] Market snar has for mil as we yes we'll we'll go there shouldn't we avoid a large town if we can oh the contrary nearly where there are people crowds who are inconspicuous in a village all eyes are on Strangers but quilts more likely to have friends in a town oh we're Beyond quil's grasp by now my dear I'm sure of it [Music] remember your resolve stand up to him yes mother ah my precious darling my delicious charmer you're very late quilp such a jewel such a pearl without price and the best of her is she's so Meek so mild so much the opposite of her mother what's this another oldy guard games you know I will not have it I know why you won't because I take an innocent pleasure in it that's why quite right that is the reason and I'm to be packed off the bed I suppose now that you've dained to return right again my dear old Dak well won't you say something seems she won't so off you fly to roost my sweet out voucher am I nice to look at yes C quite the ladies man would I be the handsomest creature in the world if I had more whiskers hang on cards yeah that's s to find a gambler the card table let them be quilp what don't pursue them don't hound them let them go the money is nothing to you what money miss you think it's money isn't it I'll tell you what it is the am are food me and the world knows it and the world's laughing up its sleeve at Daniel quilp you're laughing no never wait till I drag him back wait till I put him in the mad ass when he belongs he won't be laughing then Mark it snar not far to go now [Music] [Music] marage SS maret SNS [Music] smile to [Music] [Applause] [Music] your sit down grandf father I'll go and find us something to [Music] [Music] eat now sit you there I won't be long well gentlemen I've got some good tickets here and since I can't disguise a fact I'll advertise it and wager 10 gine and I'll call your bluff Mr Skin Fleet and go 20 gentlemen my apologies I must withdraw a pressing matter bluffing you see Mr Quil Mr skle is not out inconvenience you I trust there's there's nothing wrong about the money Mr Quil I brought you to 100 on the two date nothing wrong with the money Mr skimp never with you you're a businessman same as I now I need a favor from you that's all your have there's a certain Old Gentleman I'm anxious to see now some to drink anothers to Opium this dear old soul is addicted to the card table ah I have reason to believe he's in this part of the country wandering from place to place on foot and I'll calculate that sooner or later this addiction of his will lead him to the gaming table no doubt of that and so to that cheerful Pleasant Grove of Plenty where you hold sway Mr Skin Fleet well I flatter myself that not much happens in that line without my knowing of it or having the means to find out yeah but happily for the prosperity of the trade there are many such old gentlemen about this one don't travel alone he has with him a child his granddaughter and he won't part from her nor she from him Nelly Trent's her name you saw her at the warf remember oh yes very cool she's pretty enough to turn faces Wherever She Goes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] me Mr Quil I'll pass the rad do so Mr Skin Fleet find them and find them soon quill [Music] [Music] there what you going on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hurry up grandfather I was asleep he just Quil himself come quickly [Applause] [Music] we must be more careful we will be I know your face I seldom forget a face never such a pretty one was yours child you was at the fair with the Punch and Judy men very sorry I was to see you in such company I do know them mom coddling and short do I look as I I know him just the Caravan looks as though it knows them oh dear me are you hungry oh no thank you Mom but you're thirsty and your foot sore you wouldn't say no to a nice cup of tea I bet Old Gentleman would it make my much difference to the O if we took these Travelers with us oh it's very kind of you but well George I do hope I'm not aring you well Mom they make a difference of course but not much eh well that settle thing that settle thing now come on the about of you eat and drink as much as you can and don't spare yourselves it's all I ask of you on read that for me dear read it out Charlie's waxwork that's me I am Mrs Charlie well go on Char 100 figures the full size of Life the only stupendous collection of real waxwork in the world the genuine and only jares the royal family are the patrons of Jar I knew she was a reader I'm not myself you know you have been finally educated I perceive my dear finally educated but I was her tutor Madam and you'll find no readier or quicker pupil in the entire Kingdom I've never seen a wax work is it funnier than punching Judy it's not to be spoken of in the same breath as some trumpery Fair Ground Amusement no a waxwork is calm child and and what's the word critical classical calm and classical oh I beg your pardon mom and so like life that if a waxwork only spoke and walked about you'd hardly know the difference well I won't go so far as to say I've ever seen a wax were quite like life but I've certainly seen some life that was exactly like WX work if you don't I I where are we headed m a very fine town here we are ladies and gentlemen Charlie's world famous wxw Works collection of upwards of 100 figures all other collections are being gross deceptions or imposters be time be time be time price of admission only sixs be time Bean time Bean time now here we have Jasper thrl [ __ ] of atrocious memory who courted and wed 14 wives and destroyed them by tickling the sols of their feet as they was asleep in all their innocence now then let's see what you know eh now who is this Napoleon bonapart emperor of the French oh very good born 1769 died 1821 and who is this General George Washington the first president of the United States of America this child is a miracle of learning and a good credit to you too sir I'm sure now then how would you like a good situation for her five Shillings a week to show the public round Bard and lodging all found hey whoa o this is no common offer this is Charlie's wax work well my grandfather would have to Lodge with me Mom oh naturally child he uh he won't be too proud to dust the figures and so forth dust I shall be most honored oh well they settled then let's have some supper hey [Music] nice little thank you very [Music] much well now kid you know me withan your former Master's lawyer yes sir I am anxious to trace little Nell and her grandfather so's Daniel quilp I have no business with Daniel quilp so you say certainly not the very idea Nell and her grandfather were seen heading westward in the company of two punching Judy men but alas their present whereabouts are unknown no disrespected tended sir I know you but I don't know him you may trust this gentleman kit there's talk that when cop is find my master he's going to shut him away in the murder nonsense why did Sams and Brass wear at Aly David for a magistrate then and Brass is K's attorney this gentleman has clearly stated that he has no connection with quilp well that may be good enough for you sir but with all respect it ain't for me so if you'll excuse me kit come back here this instant Oh by heaven let me deal with him Mr won k k you were fond of now weren't you I was Sir listen to me I have only one aim to restore Nell and her grandfather to their former Prosperity that may be so sir but I've only your word for it and I don't know you from Adam there's a baffler kid morning well met wish is to say well hit the point I was passing and couldn't help noticing you in conversation with a certain uh gentleman distinguished sort of a fellow doesn't mince his words he lives in my house you see at least in the house occupied by the legal firm in which I'm a sort of a managing partner Sant brass's house he lunches with brass exactly he's a good fellow we like him but he's eccentric you um when I'm to know his name would you no I wouldn't it's queer decidedly queer what are young swiveler get a name out of him did you for brass's lodger a name no no kid didn't know it no I wouldn't give it well that's interesting in itself the name brass reminds me that I must be about my business and reminds me that your business is my business that safer brasses do you know what he keeps in it I've never seen it open do you know where he keeps the key find out for me come on then on your way dog dog never mind cartwheeling you followed the lodger this morning right where did he go up to him and do see a p and Julie you swimmy dog I'll cut one of your feet off it's true then he came back into town to see another Punch and Judy yeah punch and judie punch and [Music] judie is it not infinitely Pleasant my love be strolling through the town on a Sunday and to hear the bells from the church ringing out for even song so much fine architecture such Antiquities sir so would you ever buy a flower now with a pretty little girl she love a little flower so fresh grandfather quick me how much he's a creature of quilts I saw them together at outrageous we must stay out of sight yes yes yes we travel no distance at all and an exceedingly bumpy ride I think this should be sufficient for your purposes and don't answer me back all [Music] right come along grandfather [Music] here G father sit here oh yeah rest did you where can we rest when we being hounded from Pillar To Post where can we lay our heads as soon as night falls we'll go back go back of course I'll go ahead to Mrs jares and find out if anyone's been in inquiring after us if not then it'll be safe to return there yes and what if they have been inquiring after us and if it's a quilt all he wants to do is to lock me up lock me away from you come on sit here by the fire yeah you must get out of these wet clothes I'll see if they have a room here [Music] [Music] barely the PS on the car [Music] grandfather the land what money have we Nelly oh come come you were paid by Mrs JY only yesterday I knew that give it me grandfather you're not yourself give it me will you oh I'm sorry I'm sorry my dear I spoke harshly but you see you must give me the money to your own good I wronged you and I'm putting everything right so come on give it [Music] me I'm a Sav it wait wait for me here [Music] ch [Music] [Music] you haven't touched it you best put up here for the night miss you and the Old Gentleman no we must get back to the town couldn't be done this listen to it but we must get back the road isol a wash it'll be the death of you we'll take two rooms then placee as to uh payment uh by mentioning it Miss but circumstances been as they are i' have to ask cash in advance broke are you no no Mr landlord I'm not broke here get me change for this no offense Miss just get me some change will you of course Miss straight away my hand again I believe gentlemen God your Fortune's favorite tonight Mr L so it would see Mr J you play on Sir on and on Sir till I get my revenge and you sir what do you play on sir no no sorry to lose your comfort a good [Music] gentlemen ah changed your mind good sir [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] did you get grandfather yes do you think they honest the people that better I asked because I well I lost some money last night out of my room unless it was taken by someone was a joke only is a joke grandfather which would make me laugh if I could but know it no one steals money as a joke he who steals it does it to keep it you didn't happen to see the thief did you no and I didn't see him well in that case I should forget all about it you know no good comes out of you know ell in life there always some bad apples in every barrel [Music] wait here if all safe I'll come back for you there's no sense in both of us going wait here [Music] f [Music] well oh there you are oh I've been watered off out of my WIS about you off you go now then Janie thank you ma'am where have you been where's your grandfather we were caught in the storm we took shelter at the end oh and caught a nasty cough into the bargain you got to come with me my girl what you need is a tonic Mrs Charlie has anyone been here inquiring after us while we were away no a tall man with spectacles no I've never seen anybody of that description oh well I must go fetch my grandfather oh dear dear and now Mr punch you're a very naughty man and you'll have to come along with me come along with me oh I'm not naughty oh no I'm not oh yes you are oh no I'm not oh yes you are oh yes you are Mr punch now come along with me come along with me oh don't do that don't do that don't do that hey that's the way to do it a big PL for Mr punch [Music] [Music] your Elf Master it will be worth your while well worth your while to deal openly and frankly with me didn't I say there was sure to be an inquiry after them too Mr codlin I didn't I always say that that sweet nil was the most interesting child I ever saw in my life Mr short was her particular friend sir more so than short what the devil you were the devil with that what can you tell me of their present whereabouts the last we Mr short I take the Hat round remember that's my branch no doubt this gentleman intends to come down handsome but we need to know terms before we deal be any mind sir that I was the friend I don't mind short you'd say God blesser you'll have 5 a piece if you tell me where they are will that do the last week Mr short aren't you satisfied Mr cin I am oh for the love of Heaven the last we heard was from Jerry the organ grinder who saw him not a week ago in hook atwork thank you gentlemen and that's all a miracle that's what she you sir that child a blessed Miracle now look look look see they give her presents she makes more that way than what I pay her un canny isn't it Madam how lifelike they are yes I should have pose for a model I should indeed the young Madonna or Jon of Arc or simply an angel I'll get some more tea George [Music] water really I need some money [Music] dear you'll get this back with a gallant interest I swear it after all it's it's all for you yes it's all for you [Music] Oliver crom Elizabeth the first Jasper th water Napoleon bonapart emperor of the [Music] [Laughter] [Music] French mag is a [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] l l [Music] [Music] well then Old Gentleman you have courage I'll give you that courage indeed to ask me for a Lo so you can get back all you lost to my friend arac list oh I didn't know the two of you were friend I didn't expect to see him here stay am mate just because I am Bound by the sacr ti of friendship that need be an end of it watch this Tommy come Isaac you're a game in man you know what it's like to feel your luck is on the turn well I do certainly and you know the pleasures of winning ah that yes the Delight of picking up the yellow boys and sweeping them into one's pocket and the sweetness of knowing that you have a Triumph at last and you didn't turn back spite of all but went on well it the good lady who keeps the wax Works Mrs JY there's a thought she has money oh no I couldn't ask her bear with me my friend I've heard she keeps her cash in a box under her bed and never locks her door for fear of fire steel Ste I hope I would never be guilty of inciting a gentleman to steal no borrow merely borrow without the formality of asking and when you're able pay it back when he's able but what if he ain't you shouldn't consider that Isaac well if it's to borrow I suppose I could uh I could do it without any danger to myself after all strangers are passing in and out all day long that's the spirit and I'll see Fair between you but I must have my revenge mind and he mistake coin against coin down to the last are you willing I is I'm willing you're willing right gentlemen tomorrow night as you please tomorrow night tomorrow night well we've hooked the old fo and now we'll land [Laughter] him what's that it's a girl didn't skin Fleet say something about a young girl and an Old Gentleman he did Isaac it's Quil that once a minute quilp it is Daniel quilp himself hello Albert hello hello kids you now kids keep out of this now listen to the gentleman he Samson br's lodger mother I know that what I took the room as a listening post is your former Master's brother what we love each other dearly he was the Delight of my childhood the companion of my youth and the bitter rival of my maturity we fell in love both of us with the same girl a girl of great Beauty and sweetness did he ever talk of her of his wife often sir what did he say well miss now looks very like her the very hich of her well to be short my brother married her I went to America all communication between us ceased I entered Commerce I prospered as my fortunes Rose my brother sank but I knew nothing of it then 3 months ago in Boston I chanced to meet an old family friend who told me of my brother's desperate plight I determined to end our quarrel and to restore him to peace and prosperity and is Phantom kid I know where they they are and I intend to go there but my brother may not wish to see me his pride May reject my assistance therefore I have need of an ambassador one whom he knows well and trusts me me sir if you're willing well I'm willing sir but I do more arm not good Miss n she trusts me the Old Gentleman he he threw me over sir what he he wouldn't let me near him so nobody know why not even miss n is there no one else who could serve my purpose all westbound stay to hook West St the hook in you go [Music] [Music] [Music] I forget well sir I dine out tonight I may be late I'll uh leave you in charge bye bye [Music] Madam grandfather yes [Music] you look ill my dear well I couldn't sleep last night I was troubled by a dream oh of you of me well he looked like you he was in a darkened room at night robbing a sleeper of her gold of her gold it was Mrs JN it's only in a dream isn't it it it was so real I almost ran for a constable grandfather I think we should go away from here at once tonight yes yes we can't stay in a place where you have dreams like that no no no we will go we will n come come [Music] gone where have they gone I don't know sir I wish I did say you what you had a lucky Escape M I'm made to see you still alive see me alive The Miser is mad you ought to be locked up for the protection of the public and so he will be when I find him you'll have me to contend with first Mr quilp hello Kat's mother how are you my dear alak it you could take a live for one of your figures mom yeah sprinkle a little salt on her Lot's wife turned into a pillar [Music] he I should stay here a few days to start inquiries thank you for your trouble I'm sorry your journey has been fruitless no sorer than I am sir good [Music] day such a dreadful smoke man yeah [Music] grandfather some f are frightened by the Sea you know not I I feel safe by the Sea did I even tell you about about the house you and your wife was having a cliff yeah about a 100 times grandfather old men forget yet all shall be forgot but here remember with advantages the feat he did that [Music] day was she very beautiful your wife she was very much like you nly in fact here with the good Sea Air to bring the color back into your cheeks you you look almost exactly like her she lives again in you we'll be safe here you and I quilp will never find us here and all that went before was a dream one of your bad dreams to be forgotten oh pray God to be forgotten oh we must search for shelter my [Music] dear away K tell to leave me he's been scaring me at me seven senses all the way to London and all the way home you get out of there you let her alone K honest young K good young it you get out of here or it'll be the worst for you you little monster monster oh no that's wrong OB Goblin that's your word for me kit you surely haven't forgotten OB Goblin kit I haven't kit I remember [Music] oh no we must stay here at the Inn tonight we have no money fors we have no money at all come I'm better [Applause] now come on on right it [Music] h help help help help me mother L God help me help [Music] me why it's my little Pilgrim she's dying I killed her oh my fies my madness killed [Music] her I won't believe it he's never been gone this long not a work from him in days what harm could have come to him he has his enemies mom and he's twice as strong and Thrice as clever as any of them nevertheless although we hope n though we pray for the best we must prepare ourselves for the worst always remember Dear Mrs quilp that for our Lamentations we have the infallible Solace of our expectations [Music] however we must hope for the best we will leave no stone unturned we will prepare a descriptive advertisement to be distributed throughout the realm well now respecting his uh demeanor crooked how I do love you certainly crooked Mrs quilt a little so perhaps very crooked let us not say very Mrs genuine after all he may be gone to where his demeanor will never come in question well proceed proceed quite right Mom our faculties must not freeze with grief his uh nose now flat flat flat call these flat don't you see it expectations not yet dear friend not yet a while Mr quilp such a relief sir such Joy such a sudden reversal of desolation have you done then good night ah yes quite so at such a Time Mrs quilp understandable may I however Express once more my heartfelt good night and good night to you Mrs Ginn oh tears Mrs Quil you sorry I'm safe and sound oh no I am glad indeed I am they Rejoice dear yes I do well here's here's more for your rejoicing they got away that precious pair whose cause you plead so fervently no yeah Nelly and our grandfather now all the West country is laughing up its sleeve at me and that ca for rejo you must be hungry quilt not just this minute you must be tired come to bed oh like that would you my outmate you know I would how could you go away so long without sending me word of where you were how could you be so cruel I was in the humor to be cruel I suppose I'm in the humor now what do you mean you Tire me Mrs quill you irritate me after death and ask for your mother oh I live at the WF yeah I'll be a Johnny Bachelor again you can't be serious why not you've been a widow in anticipation I'll be a bachelor in Earnest well I'll come and go you know like a will of the Whisk come when you least expect me and go when I take the fancy like now so I hope you didn't get anything too nice for dinner cuz I sh be here for it qu [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's you I don't understand what is this place and where's my grandfather in the Next Room still sleeping I hope now drink this you've been very ill with fever drink it down very bad horrible you remember I told you I was to take up a new Post in a village school well this is the village and Yonder is the school and the salary is 35 £5 a year come in sir she's awake and very much better I thought we'd lost you like really bitter I feel better truly you'll forgive my saying so sir I think she shouldn't not be tramping the open road again for some time of course not no but we can't stay here after all we've trespassed on your hospitality quite enough bear with me a moment sir I think it very likely I can find employment for you here [Music] Mr skle come in you have news for me I'll do Mr quilp and important enough I thought to be brought to you in person youve found them I have you are I Marvel oh thank you sir let's have it well there is a certain wax work yeah J's world famous wax work yeah yes yes yes your news is sty dear friend like my breakfast the birds have flown where that is for you to discover the old man sure to go to the car table again he can't keep away so ears to the ground Mr Skin Fleet ears to the ground and don't you like so Mrs Quil what you doing here I'm dead and I come home quilp please come home I'm very well here bless your eyes solitary and sequestered as I like secure from all spies and listeners when business is to be done nobody near me about rats they're fine stealy secret fellas but business I miss you won't you come home always be mindful of business even in the midst of pleasure and time as BL this morning I'll declare Quil I farewell beloved render me an account of what's owing if I believe it I'll pay with what money of course money yeah well ste's my purse ste's trash but he'll FES from me my good name Shakespeare before ever you put your hand in your pocket I'll put that old man in the mad house where he belongs on this testimony I think not I'll put men away on L unfortunate wretches without the means to go to law we have the means quilp and a short way of dealing with blackmail blackmail oh that's a beautiful word one of the most beautiful in the language he had a poetry about it no it's not blackmail as to the law neighbor possession will always be nine points of it [Applause] his good name what the devil does he mean the world goes in fear of him he must be revenged on your brother or the world may lose that fear is that worth more to him than money to quote yes and if he should find my brother before us what could he do it would be better if he did not then he must not Mr quilp my dear sir of all the girls that are so fair there's none like pretty Sally wonderful he's quite the true but all you know take this down to the city would you [Applause] swier now there's a lad named kit kit NBL I know him yeah put up your books Samson we don't want any documents I don't like kit nor I nor I indeed this kit is one of your honest people one of your fair characters a hypocrite in short a double F sneaking spot and a yop and insolent dog besides so fearfully eloquent come to the point and don't talk so much you're quite right Sally well then I owe him a grudge enough said sir we can be relied upon and he works against me in my pursuit of Nelly Trent and her grandfather in short I'll hate him and want him put out of my way can you devise a means certainly we have a burden of our own we'd gladly be rid of our Clark swiveler you don't Su not at all get rid of him then you wouldn't object what concern is it of mine throw him back into the street if you will after you've dealt with K Nables no documents he said but you know what my memory is old fellow you play a dangerous game brother Samson qu is a dangerous man take care it was an Abbey an ancient Foundation fortified as you see long since abandoned but still the property of the church so peaceful it's a beautiful old building look there [Music] sh NY look that 16th century French you can tell that very typical Gothic opulence that oh ah yes well that's late 14th early 15th century I wouldn't wait on it it's Italian of course we can't live here don't you like it I do it has an air of sanctuary oh of course we like it don't we grandfather yes but who would ever let us live here but the church employs a keeper to clean and Safeguard the building and tend the burial ground the post is vacant I've spoken with the arch Deacon and it's yours if you want it the pay is very small I fear pay grandfather do you hear yes this is everything we've dreamed of as you say Sir this is a sanctuary don't you worry about that Christopher my dear boy come to see our friend above stairs have you I've got never for quite so quite so now when you've delivered him do me the kindness to look into the office for a moment you'll not regret it I promise no very good sir thank you [Applause] Christopher great Heaven what is it Reuben and Marsh have settled never Mr swiveler have the goodness to look at that and tell my sister what it is bank note for £5 are you certain examine it carefully and minutely yes it is without doubt a bank note for £5 drawn on what bank Fields Bank thank you Mr swiveler there you are I said they'd settled step down to the city with this would you Mr swier again and at once if you please now don't fumble it all ch you ever known me fumble it it's a baffler Christopher Christopher come to me take off your hat sit you down my boy of course they then I shall keep you long I'll come straight to it well now we have a house to Le for a client and are obliged to put someone into the said house to look after it and thus we're looking to find some deserving person someone whom we can trust implicitly we thought of your excellent mother Christopher it would mean comfortable lodging all year round no rent to pay and a small weekly allowance what do you say Samson I want you don't decide immediately take time to think it over excuse me a moment inside the Ling well done old boy well Christopher have you thought I don't know how to find youself well then that's settled my dear boy come on you straight off see your mother you tell her straight away I'm sure she'll be Delight [Applause] [Music] what the judge give him do you think Transportation at the very least Transportation delightful to Australia of course do you think Australia is far enough out of the way Mr quill [Music] what the devil's going on this is a private office sir in which private business is being conducted I must ask you to withdraw nothing here sir I Rejoice at it and offer my most humble apologist Christopher what about his cap his cap nonsense has it never been known for a thief to conceal his gains in his cat Thief are you calling the boy a thief well comforable Lord bless my soul is this a Missy note sir I can't believe it I won't believe it say something Christopher Perhaps it is not the one Mr swiveler your arrival is providential you saw the 5S we received this morning you can tell us whether this is the same note drawn on fields bank or not Providence shall be hanged it's a fraud have a care sir that is an actionable statement well Mr swiveler well yes it it is the same you say he was left alone in near Miss he was then I have no alternative Christopher Nables I arrest you in the name of the law it's a fraud I tell you a fraud Step Back Sir if you please Christopher nubles I arrest you in the name of the law who are your other Witnesses have other evidence [Music] nothing I'll have you out of this as for you two you'll live to regret today's work please help me no no [Applause] [Music] of gobbling a kit honest kit plain speaking kit dick young dick as the premer Clark ship as the princess five haven't looked inside that safe yet is you're doing you put them up to it up to it up to what I think you know very well I don't think I do D and I don't think you do either not if you ponder it a little not if you consider what's in your best interest I'm not afraid of you afraid of me I hope not I hope you'd never be so racist to give yourself course to fear Daniel Quil good day good day you Tire yourself out I don't it's good for me to work in the fresh air not From Dawn till Dusk it's so sad to see so many graves untended to think that when you die you're so easily forgotten do you think an untended grave or a few withered flowers are tokens of forgetfulness aren't they there may be people busy in the world at this moment far away from here in whose good actions these very Graves neglected though they seem to us are the chief influence perhaps don't you see there's nothing innocent or good that dies and is forgotten we must hold to that Faith what a none even a child that dies will live again in the better thoughts of those who loved it and play its part through them in the redeeming actions of the [Music] world there's the school bell and I'm late as usual [Music] [Applause] [Music] no need to hang up your hat the fact is Mr swiveler that a young man of your abilities is lost sir quite lost in the dry and fusty anti chambers of the law you're meant for better things sir higher nobler things I think you'll find the money correct whenever we part with friends my dear sir I hope we part liberally you are presumptuous Mr [Applause] brass you haven't seen or heard the Last of Me [Applause] good day you gentlemen [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] leave now we can be friends again hi [Music] Dick s have come over here [Music] and other attractions [Music] Mrs you're afraid I won't be able to keep away [Music] there must be no clouds between us no Shadows everything must be above board you are frightened that I will not be able to resist the lure of the card table yes grandfather but why should I seek our Fortune at the gambling tables when I've already found our Fortune here I shall never touch a card again I'm glad I robbed you and yet you never reproached me with either a word or even a look I would have robbed Dear Mrs JY too brought utter ruin upon us both but you saved me and I repaid you most Cru no yes I was even lying when I said that I gambled in order to keep you away from poverty and it was true it was true at the beginning but it soon far too soon became something quite different it became an obsession it became a form of Madness grandfather yes but now you know once I've told you all that I'm free I'm free only time will prove to you that I'm telling the truth but at least I know it and I'll see to it that nobody ever troubles us again [Music] this just complete thank you my Daniel quilp Esquire Tower Hill London [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] d d [Music] well evidence you may call a few words scribbled in a book A book moreover stolen by some person or person's unknown you may call that evidence Mr withon I don't it will be for a judge and jury to decide I fear neither yet if the case goes against you as in my professional judgment it certainly will you face a long term of imprisonment on the other hand make a clean confession of it now of what pre implicate the true author of it and I will myself put in a plea for clemency might I have a private word with my sister hold your peace Samson the truth will out open keep silent I say you risk your lives to protect quilp would he do the same for you it's a point I hear no more of this come Samson come I say if you'll excuse me dear fellow I'll stay a moment longer you utter fool she's forthright you see s she doesn't mince her words yet I think I'll stay then C you for the coward and traitor you are well Sir Mr withan sir we have the honor to be members of the same profession you spoke of a a plea for clemency you know how the law Works Mr brass turn Queen's evidence against quilp and with me to speak for you I have no doubt of the outcome a fine or a short term of imprisonment at the very worst what if I were to provide further evidence of other and greater crimes committed by qu what crimes blackmail fraudulent conversion forgery then I have no doubt that you'd walk free he has a strong box gentlemen he keeps it at the warf inside it is documentary evidence of his career that he keeps to gloat over the blackmail he's extorted the wills and leases he's forged the dues and taxes he's evaded the whole account of his profits from gaming counterfeiting opium receiving enough to hang him nine times over now upon an information sworn by me you could open that strong box I make only one condition and that is punish quilp gentlemen weigh heavily upon Him grind him down TR him under he has done as much by me and a thousand others for many and many a [Music] [Music] [Applause] year Samson has been caed upon and has broken confidence it has all come come come in here how about [Music] this thank you sir thank you so much m m [Music] this is all my doing no it is no grandfather it was quilp I've sent to Westbury for the Apothecary he just quilp pounded us from place to place it was awkward Al on yeah right I'll you yeah hang on a minute I'm coming where's Mr qu he's in there Samson brass flattering blood let go if finny I had him here what do you want this letter came to Tower Hill for you what are you doing what's happened I'm SK complete at last what are you doing quilp making a funeral p in my past Mrs quilp all of it is that lesson used of n Trent none of your business is it still pleading our cause you don't know what torture I've suffered since I deceived that child torture I call it treachery [Music] no take her arm you dog for I'll cut your throut and don't come here tomorrow this place will be locked up get out of [Music] here very be once I have him in my power all will be possible [Music] [Music] again come let turn the gates come on put your back come on [Music] away 1 2 3 1 [Music] 2 stand back [Music] got it open the gate on [Music] [Music] [Music] don't get back [Music] [Applause] [Music] take my hand take it take my hand [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mr throw off the money [Music] bag take it take it [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's this it's from skin Fleet they're found my brother and now you look better little Pilgrim I think I am I had a dream about kit do you remember grandfather the tricks we used to play on each other how I'd like to see him again you must get well my life will talk about all that when you are well it will make me laugh then i' be well I wish there was someone to take my love to him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah oh Master my dear Master speak to me there's another one how many more will there be tonight Spirits no no Spirit Master no one but you your old servant you know me now I'm sure miss now where is she where is she they all say the same all ask the same questions where is she Master tell me about that dear Master she is asleep Yonder thank god oh thank God indeed H did she call no no I heard no voice Mar there it is I'm not going to tell me you didn't hear that what and nobody know her voice so well as I [Music] [Music] she is asleep you're right she did not cry out that is of course unless she cried out in her [Music] Slumber Miss nown [Music] look these are her shoes see that how worn they are she only kept them you know in order to remind herself of how long last V how the stones must have blistered and cut the feet you never told me doctor [Music] but it's a good and happy sleep it is it is [Music] do you know me brother yes I know you brother we have much to do you and I we must recapture all the wasted years that my pride and anger threw away Nell brought you here Against All Odds through every danger and hardship she brought you here to the Sea not to die but to live [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's nothing innocent or good that dies and is forgotten we must hold to that Faith or To None even a child that dies will live again in the better thoughts of those who loved it and play its part through them in the redeeming actions of the world [Music] [Music]
Channel: filevans
Views: 643,704
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Id: YXlWEeF7B5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 37sec (10657 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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