Baer Plays Spelunky 2 (Ep. 6)

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[Music] like nothing even happened man i got a fresh face on though so this feels good ready for new adventures [Music] well we'll get that money too [Music] decent amount of cash right there [Music] use monty to block the shot [Music] even more goodies now we're gonna have to use a couple ropes to get out of here though aren't we you know what i'm gonna bomb i'm gonna do it it's the waste early on here but i actually feel like the ropes might be better than the bombs early game [Music] very well could be the case oh [ __ ] yeah it's just about like well we're using our last bomb here hopefully we get a bomb bag nice it's just about between the first and second items i think is where you want to be so that's been fairly reliable there's been there's been instances every now and then where it doesn't work but i think for the most part it's been doing the job for me here i go killing again uh-huh hopefully folks know we're still live i feel like hey i lost half the squad in the reboot you're still here you're still kicking hey dude it ain't worth it man you got to make it more worth my while it's turkey delivery service you'd think he'd pay out a little bit more oh well you you just arrived well welcome good to have you i'm echoing adobe echoing though let's get our eye speaking of which there we go i'll have to use a bomb for that unfortunately not great placement there's the door though oh wait no that's not it it's down this way [Music] okay there you are all right so we're gonna go already set that off good i'm pretty sure i can access that without any more bombs indeed i can [Music] i still thought i had a jet pack for a moment there i gotta i gotta get that mentality sorted we are no longer operating under the same or with the same set of tools i thought that was the ooh jedi blinking for a second i don't have spike shoes either okay gotta keep that in mind i thought i did for a minute there okay so he's gonna be kind of annoying here there we go nice okay pretty good i don't really need that extra damsel i think i'm good to go let's do it [Music] there bongo time thank you yeah let's see i probably want to go ahead and let him roll through again let's just go volcano sounds like fun i whip this right cool let's do it goodbye volcano time dude we're cruising four minutes into volcano no problem [Music] okay goodbye give me that uh let's see we're gonna take our time on this one make it nice and easy that was kind of funny okay and then we got this boy over here no problem if i unlocked you yet i'm pretty damn sure i have i'll try it again anyway sorry i'm not sorry i don't know why i said that okay this is a little awkward but we should be able to get him on the spread on one of these shots there we go no sweat doo doo doo oh i need the gun right yeah lava physics water physics as well in this game now it's so great i love it here we go you know we're going to go to hell moon challenge sure maybe we'll go find a new gun again let's go to the right one more time that yielded really good results [Music] and this time has absolutely nothing [Music] [ __ ] [Music] yeah nothing there either bow and arrow don't really need that all right not as good of a moon challenge this time let's see if i can get this thing [Music] there we go hey all right totally worth it worth it [Music] sweet i like that a lot it's good stuff all right couple cavemen to put on the thing that was really dumb of me oh my god okay wait for it hold on we gotta holy [ __ ] yep all right i'd like that gun back thank you no god why does that even how does that propel a gun forward oh good they have more gotcha [Music] thank you grab this boy i wonder if you can put the ghost jar on the on the altar that'd be weird no all right i have expected something [Music] you sure can put it on the altar yeah i'm definitely able to do that [Music] i'm gonna go ahead and sacrifice our doggy here too for sure [Music] nice pretty useful [Music] i think we're good to go here pretty certain that the uh i'm pretty certain the hell door only shows up on two three so i think we're okay to leave let's go check it out oh darkness darkness volcano and this boy's back he makes me uncomfortable let's go find this hell door do not like the darkness right now we'll go ahead and set him off though that'll give us a new path out another alter oh boy i'm gonna definitely not kill this uh robot here catch a sketch [Music] thank you very much for the 44 months i love this darkness song too it's so good [Music] let's go still looking for the uh oh [ __ ] a key furthest i've come is uh 4-1 i got to the temple one time twice actually man where the heck is this thing i actually might want to blow that robot up [Music] i'm kind of tempted i'm not blowing that i can't shoot this thing [ __ ] i kind of want to do this i'm going to try it hell yeah dude welcome to the beginning catch a sketch [Music] gift and another sub as well thank you so much welcome to the pal y'all [Music] okay this i think we got a bouncy boy on the other side of this so i gotta be careful about how i shoot yeah we do there we go hmm i guess the hell door could be in 2-4 i suppose that's a possibility have fun buddy all right well i guess we'll just have to assume that that's the case there we go because yeah i'm pretty sure that's it for this area [ __ ] me no that little bubble was enough i forgot the shopkeeper that little bubble in the lava though that's all it took yeah dark volcanoes pretty isn't it [Music] it's nice looking i guess that's that level [Music] fair enough [Music] ah these are up there that sucks okay splunk is going pretty well today edge i've been pretty impressed with myself today i've been getting pretty far on a lot of these runs i've been really happy that's another inconvenient shop god damn it that one that probably wasn't even worth the skeleton key actually that was kind of a mistake there this might even be a reset i'll push on though [Music] hey mr turkey telepath oh god what the hell is this this sucks i almost got crushed holy [ __ ] oh this could redeem things improve our situation a little bit there we go [Music] yeah maybe we'll make this work [Music] maybe just maybe come here buddy thank you finding it much much easier to get past quillback these days that feels good i almost always kill the shopkeeper yeah i've been i've been getting back to that uh mentality i'm probably better off for it okay so we gotta aggro him from that end and then get him to go over that way there we go that's what we're looking for there we go i feel a lot more confident about killing the shopkeepers now whereas for the first couple of days it was a much more uh threatening idea [Music] no boots here [Music] so far there you go there you go good enough oh that's unfortunate [Music] um i'm gonna have to bomb this i think i've got plenty of bombs anyway that's gonna make that a lot easier and then i might just do that there we go good enough on the lookout for the blips now oh [ __ ] i wonder if we can sacrifice her that would be weird let's try it huh oh duh no yeah of course she's gonna attack you dumb ass what did you think was gonna happen she's gonna whip her she's gonna be like oh no i guess i'll be unconscious now she's too tough for that [ __ ] man yeah lesson learned there absolutely oink [Music] uh we're good [Music] oh sorry buddy you're okay you can you may you made it you made it in [Music] it'll be just fine me however i'm gonna have a few bruises [Music] i guess you will too yep oh power pack spike shoes i do kind of want to get this guy to blow up his whole shop real fast real fast for me that was the objective there oh [ __ ] okay okay sure no that's that's all right i don't need to be alive no please please i insist thank you [Music] no don't wake up for your nap fine faint speaker thanks for the four months welcome under the pile appreciate you returning to the pile i should say enjoy your badge of emails thank you another alter oh baby i'd like to see that especially with a turkey right here and a damsel i could pick that damn thing up please thank you and got it colin's little blue rope i just noticed as well that's cute [Music] eggplant win tomorrow tomorrow guaranteed we'll do our first eggplant run first spelunky two eggplant run of all time lock it in book it well this isn't great [Music] hmm i could probably just mattic him to death good night [Music] [Laughter] i could have if i hadn't [ __ ] it up now that did totally work i just didn't realize that i'd be destroying the tile underneath him that works just like a machete though otherwise [Music] that's good more good intel [Music] all right i guess we're passing by on this one [Music] good enough oh man another not great shop i don't even i don't even want to bother [Music] we have been having a lot of really good shops to be fair today's been fairly blessed with the shopkeeper items [Music] like i haven't gotten my fair share of jet packs today [Music] hey that's convenient that's good you know what i'll take this too why not we haven't actually angered them yet might as well get some extra money point all righty another darkness stage i went so fast through there too that's surprising camera in the wall point oh i left my torch that was stupid oh well oh well we'll be fine still see fairly well in the darkness he says immediately getting hit by a spider holy [ __ ] whoops okay so we're going to go ahead and buy those bombs and probably just even buy yeah i'll just buy the spike shoes too it'll be easier much easier that way come here buddy good i want to get you killed thank you all right out we go enough spike shoes are plenty for quail back so we'll get the job done here [Music] nothing much else okay speed tap you're going pretty quick here aren't we i should have let him roll oh well okay [Music] no problem don't even have to deal with the shopkeeper down here how fun let's go off to the jungle again man we've gotten here a lot today this feels wonderful [Music] i feel like we've been in the jungle more than we've been in the mines today totally not true but i can i can say that and make myself feel good [Music] yay hey babe hope work's going good i've been having a very successful string of runs i'm thrilled that doesn't make any sense you're right yeah it doesn't make any sense at all when you think about it for more than a second but i still like to lie to myself every now and then i've died in the jungle more than the minds you know what that might actually be true yeah we could probably say that and feel even better let's go with that let's say i've died in the jungle more than the mines oh wow see case in point was a bad one yikes dude here's the thing though i'm getting right back there i've got like a thousand percent confidence that i'm gonna get right back to the jungle again no problem dude [Music] lightning quick excuse me really really now that's maddening oh that's no good at all jeez that's an ugly [ __ ] i don't even want to deal with that that's an ugly shop yucky man [Music] yeah the one ones usually don't have a lot on offer but every time i say that out loud i'm like well you never know bear [Music] i bet there's all kinds of crazy secrets in one one we just haven't found them yet and that could be true who knows dude it's brand new game ain't even been data mined yet [Music] all right nothing doing i'm still not even sure what the your voice echoes in here means curious about that oink [Music] hmm just kill the other enemies for me please thanks love that i guess i needed to just bring him back up there anyway didn't i whoops yeah we gotta throw these up and then probably just oh god no that that was not good the only way to do this effectively now is gonna be to cook bombs oh and even now i gotta do a perfect one right here nope [ __ ] well this wasn't worth it at all good stuff bear [Music] oh [ __ ] really efficient there [Music] got that mole though didn't we yeah hell yeah [Music] okay so that was different because of the shield but holy [ __ ] i guess it worked oh god okay good stuff i don't think i can actually do this one anymore i think i'm just gonna use the corpse if i can pick it up there we go [Music] do get it just it feels so much better having a gun another altar too huh oh boy i could be persuaded could very easily be persuaded here i do have spike shoes so i gotta be careful about that [Music] give me these turkeys thank you [Music] give me that there's our damsel see i knew i could do it oh nice [Music] oh damn it nah that could have been better okay uh worth the one bomb here for sure probably get this mole too just gonna whip it one more time oh come on there we go courteous canadian let's go thanks for the gifted subscription appreciate it welcome to the pile thank you very much for those spring boots game but how about that kapala too yeah that sounds great thanks very much sorry dude in the wrong place today give me that the easier way to get his key hey nice that's convenient we'll just go ahead and finish this off because we might as well oops there it is he just wanted his turkeys back i know and now he's being sacrificed to a deity how [ __ ] up is that oh no i'm collecting my own blood in a cup spelunky everybody oh boy all right i get the picture i understand oh jesus that's close that's closer than i would have liked i'm gonna shoot him [Music] goodbye there's our key let's go ahead and grab that toss it down we'll do the same with the dog here actually why not [Music] get him to set that off for me thanks buddy [Music] uh i want that set off too obviously gotta be careful about the ghost jar here let's go ahead and do this [Music] grab that eye [Music] take care of this real quick there we go [Music] grab my doggo oh [ __ ] that was a mistake okay we're good we're good we're gonna put you right in there go ahead and drop this arrow down to set that off and we got one [Music] more big problem here and i'm gonna go ahead and use a rope on that oh [ __ ] go away for a sec belle there we go good stuff ah freaking snake okay not too bad i'm an idiot [ __ ] i didn't realize he'd already been hit by an arrow that's all right we're still gonna be able to get some blood and stuff obviously with the kapala here more bombs and bear bongo time good stuff more blood hey very good very nice so much more confident about that now thanks buddy oh i think i did it too early you know what i i i don't even dare do it again i gotta save my poor buddy my poor little guy oh i'm not gonna be able to get back up though hold up hold up i go jungle almost always yeah volcanic has been a rare treat today just trying to build the familiarity with the jungle come here buddy volcanoes the other way there we go get him in there oh [ __ ] didn't even occur to me now he can't even go by the door though well he could but all right anyway off we go seven hp feels great in here of course there's plenty of things that can just zap you no matter what but better to have extra do have boots as well [Music] this one i just heard a blip see what that does machete no good which character is your favorite so far lisa the adorable robot for sure i love her okay that was pretty good holy [ __ ] i just had to i just had to trust my instincts on that section and that worked out nice oh damn it there we go [Music] can he win in the next seven minutes because that's when when my break ends yeah sure huh i'll just go ahead and knock out an old mac quinn here oh [ __ ] hey wait no no [ __ ] you that's some cheap [ __ ] dude infinite range hit no come on god damn it [Music] no this way oh a blip i definitely heard it that time where's it at is it in the corner yeah [ __ ] nope it's in the very corner here oh my god that's crazy glad we found it that would have been a shitty way to die to that skeleton right there all right can't go that way [Music] this should be easy enough just hopefully don't blow anything up [Music] jesus okay i guess we'll blow some stuff up good enough [Music] got the head jet good [Music] works for me a lot of dead things already a lot of dead men [Music] i don't think he's getting back up here oh we got to get those bombs before he blows them all up there we go here comes another boy [Music] okay think he's still alive no never mind all right i'm curious to see if we can get monty and like maybe recover from our cursed affliction that way [Music] oh yeah i should get this too [Music] maybe this will help hmm [ __ ] oh god okay go get the other gun back real quick these [ __ ] gloves man ah [Music] i'm out of here oh [ __ ] that sucks there we go good good okay later babe love you this curse is sticking around huh that's pretty bad that's really unfortunate oh can't go that way you did go down here now [ __ ] he'll give me an opportunity in a second here maybe i gotta go like this yeah i think i gotta force him to go that way damn that's annoying he was bouncing that way why didn't he oh [ __ ] there we go there's the opportunity okay there's another one though do i need anything in there probably not oh god yes i do [ __ ] i think he's dead up [ __ ] good nice good stuff nope i'm out this [ __ ] again okay they're showing up everywhere hired help has gotten a lot better but i still usually prefer not to have it just because it's an extra variable that i can't control i'm just gonna ignore him okay good i have no idea if i can lift the curse please don't say if you know god damn it man it's so frustrating it's the [ __ ] gloves too that keep grabbing in that little area there that's annoying there we go that sucks so but god damn it man that's frustrating i hate that that's a shitty death all right here we go yeah that curse is really hard to deal with man i can't believe that's just a permanent thing that's insane [Music] okay sure right good enough i just gotta go like that there we go [Music] there's our door easy enough if you missed what we're talking about there there's that voodoo doll enemy in the jungle and they've got two attacks apparently they've got that little floaty ghost skull that they attack you with which just hits you for a normal amount of damage but they've also got a weird oh wait no no it's the skull that gives you the curse isn't it yeah i'm pretty sure it's the skull that gives you the curse and then he's got also just like a weird other attack it just deals normal damage it's one of the other i forget which one it is it's either his normal attack gives you the cursor it's the skull it gives you the curse i'm sure chad knows that was amazing did i put the damsel away [Music] i can't remember what i did with the damsel here jack metz thank you so much for subscribing twitch prime appreciate it enjoy your badging emotes well come on [Music] in oh i forgot to say what the curse does yeah the curse itself it uh it makes it so you're permanently at one hp that's that's the that's what we're talking about so it's pretty damn difficult to deal with okay i guess we just go ahead and bounce on him one more time and go for the sacrifice play that's pretty much all we got makes your game play optimal yeah exactly precisely dude okay no dice in there [Music] let's see turkey and the shop contains a matic yikes that's not very exciting it's just wandering around over here kind of funny oh come on now you goof you big freaking goof just die for me bear bongo yeah oh there we go definitely want to let him roll here you know let's go volcano if we have to so be it all right he chooses for me you know what i'm fine with that too one less decision for me to have to make he almost got me holy [ __ ] oh man all right let's do it volcano time [Music] that's probably safe i lied it was very dangerous it turns out [ __ ] oh man we probably just have to do this that's not good i think i have to go that way though my god yeah that's the way i have to go i hit the ghost jar [ __ ] i'm out i'm out i'm running i'm gone play dog goodbye okay uh we got a hey see ya moon challenge let's do it uh ooh crate right away [Music] sweet oops [Music] oh moon challenge complete moon challenge complete that's awesome we'll try this out [Music] another crate let's go [Music] hey awesome go grab that too why not lots of gems over here got the bow again can't help but find that damn thing every time another crate ah you know what i'm gonna do this seems worth it to me oh damn oh well worth it to have a look [Music] okay good moon challenge again have you ever picked up the bow for the journal i'm pretty damn sure i have yeah i'm pretty certain i have oh that shop though and he's dead the magma got him let's go that's awesome i'm a little worried about the magma myself though tell you what i'm actually gonna do this i'm going to let the uh the flow go to the left there so that i don't have to deal with it it might not get all of it but it'll get most of it i think it's slowly draining yeah i think that'll do the job go ahead and grab these things hell yes a little power pack action for me all right i can avoid him that's fine that really didn't help that much actually i feel like that made things a lot worse let's see oh i can't even oh my god well that sucks poor monty sorry bud big bomb there we go okay this is good got a roasted turkey there i think maybe roasted chop keep shopkeepers back on the menu boys all right let's go find ourselves a hell entrance please please and thank you okay oh walter don't mind if i do i will indeed oh this is going to be a little annoying i bet if i do this ish that might work it or that might work out that was beautiful holy [ __ ] that was like perfect let's go [Music] i bet if i put a rope up there probably burn it wouldn't it roast that thing oops here we go definitely want to try to get ourselves a kapala here [Music] not a good idea to get that idol though i call that a bad plan now where'd my gun go there it is not a lot left to sacrifice unfortunately i just have to call that good [Music] rid of those robots all just triggering each other down there uh that is not what i thought it was there what is this what are you oh it's just a key okay i don't really care about that i've got a skeleton key to open up a door you know i'm gonna go ahead and use this damn thing i never use skeleton keys let's freaking use a skeleton key on this let's do it boom oh super totally worth it huh incredible [Music] here's our exit there's another shopkeeper to sack i guess i might as well get some roasted shopkeep real quick no reason not to oh wait where was it it's up there that's right that's right i almost use a rope right there that would have been dumb nice oh my god let's go he's doing it okay this is the run it's been the run before but now oh now we know this is the run i think we got to do that don't we [ __ ] whoops that's okay that's the way to get in there another alter my god i think that's actually going to matter that robot i should say that obviously the altar could matter here all right you know what go for it hit it i'm ready gives us a pat back up anyway easy access to the altar again wait for that got caveman here a little bit more health i'm gonna go ahead and kill this shopkeeper so i can sacrifice him too nice wait for it that was fun whoops nice beautiful i gotta remember i don't have a cape or anything so rapid descents are dangerous here gonna be careful with that go ahead and blow you up too buddy they look like such cute buddies though don't they caveman and his robo buddy wandering along like that was adorable this little gold piece i know [Music] mods are doing a great job aren't they good job mods thank you very much for your diligent work all this week appreciate you okay looking good dude apart from that that's a little bit concerning but we'll worry about that later let's go get our four-leaf clover and explore some hell we're in hell again we're doing it oh [ __ ] what's up you know what i do need these actually thank you i kind of want to get monty but i'm not going to do it a power pack before this would have been good obviously we already have one now all right let's not get [ __ ] telefragged again that's the objective [Music] i wonder if i could just get vlad to fall into the spike pit certainly worked on that vampire just now of course the power pack is pretty damn good at killing things on its own [Music] sorry buddy had to be done you know what same story for you i'm afraid just can't allow you to survive here it's just too unreliable okay that's good good resources this music is incredible too man [Music] so good specs gg oh [ __ ] didn't even see these guys okay give me the blood here we go so the idea in my mind is to just shoot him from a very far distance because he's gonna go for you [Music] let's go he's gone give me that crown okay i think that's all we were meant to do in here let's get out oh that was dumb that was on me didn't even think about it okay here we go place is spooky isn't it yeah for real nowhere else to go let's move king of the castle hell yeah running out of time too even with the ghost timer on or with the uh four leaf clover activated have the extra two minutes but that's all that was dangerous that was so dangerous [Music] come on let me drop properly your stupid [ __ ] gloves it's the gloves again die die you son of a [ __ ] let's go let's go he doing it he's doing it baby okay 28 bombs man we go we go the easy way this tut it goes in the corner it it goes it goes in the corner now you can't do that anymore all right fair enough [Music] off we go two crates that's a good start hell yeah there we go that's about all i could really ask for you went the very easy way this time well i did [Music] i had while you were typing that probably [Music] there we go that's a more accurate cheer you have died that's that's correct thank you [Music] another alter okay [Music] i'll probably just have to rope back up oh that's such an inconvenient turkey location man [ __ ] this whole stage is kind of bad i might be able to get him up there [Music] ah never mind probably not [Music] yeah not gonna happen not gonna happen oh well i guess i could get the dog [Music] i mean it's an item so it's definitely worth doing gotta do that oh is it really three ropes to get back up there though yeah that's a bit of a bummer i guess compass though okay compass for three ropes you know we probably take that trade [Music] that's pretty good i'll be able to get this caveman too ideally definitely not a live cave man but a dead caveman still pretty good [Music] there we go so i think we've got like if memory serves me correctly i think we have like 7 out of 12 points toward the kapala now and don't tell me if i'm right or not i'm just i'm speculating that that's the case probably gonna you know what i'm gonna do actually hold on instead whipping the turkey over and over here we're just gonna tame the thing so i can just carry it indefinitely i'll get us a little bit closer so then if the logic i'm using is correct then the turkeys are probably worth two points alive which would mean we'd be at nine so that would mean i guess like one dead shopkeeper and then one other anything i think would do it i think that's where we're at right now oh speaking of which oh boy all right [Music] we're doing it definitely doing it this is worth every second in my mind just sacrifice a live shopkeeper yeah that'll get us there right [Music] whoops all right so i think i'm one point away i'm pretty sure i'm one point away so that will be literally anything that we can put on the altar for a point we'll get us there which i guess is a turkey no [Laughter] [ __ ] fine no we'll just we'll find a new one find a new one damn it there we go all right got a cape we'll get it later [Music] i need a rope to get back up there damn there's our key that's convenient thank you i love seeing this oh come on really thank you [Music] always nice to see thank you very much [Music] all right oh he's that good and not much else going on i just wanted to re-spike his corpse because i'm a bastard let's do it [Music] bear bongo we keep getting back here man feels good been a very consistent day oh there's a crate over here too [ __ ] we could probably cook a bomb for that everybody you don't want to you know what i don't even care you ain't gotta do [ __ ] i'm just gonna shoot you do it again [ __ ] [ __ ] got him i think i'm just gonna bomb for this crate yeah let's do it and i was like [ __ ] oh don't hit me with this rock please thank you game thank you very much game i think that was worth it actually that was two it was either two or three bombs for three bombs but i wanted to go jungle anyway was it two for three it was two for three okay yeah we're good worth now this boy's gonna be a pain in the butt oh never mind he's dead easy and then we go get our buddy go get a little buddy that's how you do it okay let me teach you how to use the dambly put them in the freaking doorway and then you get shot because i don't trust you anymore oh boy this isn't too bad there we go [Music] easy got it uh no boots here be careful no blip either all right then oh [ __ ] oh god he was like hiding behind the shield boy what the hell was that move [Music] boy holy [ __ ] thankfully this is actually going to present me a pretty good opportunity to hit him because he keeps bouncing up like that there we go okay you know i'm actually gonna use an extra bomb to get the damsel here just shut up shut up chat shut up no no no no there you go oh that's good that's worse that was so well hidden how could i have seen that did anyone see that be honest did you see that i had no idea that was there [Music] only after you died yeah god damn dude died so many times with those bear traps that's insane [Music] all right good enough maybe another sacrifice game here please just let me set this off thank you oh yeah i'll take it good enough got hit by the [ __ ] cape oh my god [Music] no capes yeah that's the incredibles rule right that's what happens there okay oh there's our altar it's gonna say statue there's our altar there's our key as well no spike shoes either here so i can totally get these guys oh wait there we go got him so i think that's four points then and this will be six no i think that's wrong because that was six that would have been enough to get an item i wonder what it is then i'm not sure it's an extremely convenient key placement i have to go for another cycle ow i didn't even know i was on one each other just picked up what i i'm gonna believe that to be my skull that he's holding and that's his trophy he got me good i'll last poor yorick huh remember just starts quoting shakespeare as you know what i don't judge a book by its cover maybe he's a little bit more well-read than i suspect [Music] all right good enough sure dude [ __ ] it that was weird i didn't mean to do that this will be fun [Music] boink happy feet altered down here too man [ __ ] point i'm gonna go down there probably not gonna end up working out but we'll try it maybe all right let's see i gotta jump on his noggin [ __ ] wait for it wait for the opportunity and kaboom i can't get the gun off that but i got a little bit of damage damn it threw him the wrong way [Music] oh come on get out of there dude don't do this don't do this oh he's stuck no not after all this come on let me survive okay we're good we're good i'm gonna huck a dead mole at his head here he comes i missed [ __ ] there we go nailed it all right pro gamer moves give me all them points where's my damsel at there it is making the moves damn dumb [ __ ] after all that intensity man jesus christ let's slow down there yeah seriously oh you know what i'm actually going to do hold on i'm going to full commit full commit check this out for a moment no good you're coming with me you're coming with me mr turkey oh god i thought i had a cape for some reason why did i think i had a cape there's no cape on that on that back bear that's a bear bareback right there [Music] god damn it oh well [Music] what a throw am i going that way off we go then i'm glad you're having a good time small thank you all for hanging out it's been a lot of fun playing some lucky two today plenty more to come plenty more spelunky two to come forever man i mean hell if i can play the original for eight years i'm pretty sure i can play this game for the rest of my goddamn life graves two months in the pile thank you so much welcome on back in gonna play more of course i'm gonna play more over to youtube as well if you need your fix beyond this got the entirety of the uploaded vod over there along with of course the uh youtube exclusive spelunky daily challenge runs that i've been doing if you're curious to check out my progress on that youtube.combaretap when will spelunky1 release the uh original original game was a freeware game that was was released in like 2008 [Music] but hd which is the spelunky that everybody talks about uh came out originally on the xbox live arcade in 2012. [Music] that was smart good stuff didn't even see that man doesn't even register in my brain [Music] this indeed will be you yeah we'll we'll probably uh we'll cut it so that episode five will just be the three hours that we just did before the uh the stuttering happened [Music] this will be episode six here [Music] in its entirety over there if you missed any part of it you can go check it out that way that was good that was a good one oh altar [Music] hmm [Music] this is interesting oh [ __ ] that sucks if i it's just gonna get blocked right there i'd have to like bomb down to get like i don't want to block my path to even get up there at all can i get by i can get up there up top i think actually hold on oh this sucks oh actually no we're good [Music] yeah sweet there we go okay we don't have to do some weird convoluted path i'll just take the damsel that way sick we might even be able to do the exact same thing we meant to do last time with the turkey guy here maybe we'll just use our uh our moles we got around right now for the last of this that's probably a pretty good idea all right i was just curious to see if it would maybe make a path but i guess not these guys going to be annoying as sin in here yeah i literally can't get them they just go in and go out god damn it well hmm that was dumb i had a feeling it was going to happen there too i bet this hasn't even been set off i bet for whatever reason that giant pillar doesn't do it okay it did uh let me see here i think i'm gonna bomb to get through to maybe get those moles yeah i'm gonna do it let's see what this does i hope this is gonna get both those tiles sorry buddy [Music] oh this is gonna be a pain in the ass man god damn it i guess i could just try to whip him there we go [Music] beautiful all right i got one hp so i gotta be careful ah it's too late all right fine so be it he almost [ __ ] got me oh man all right almost there almost there dude we actually got to get uh i knew that was going to happen i knew that just right there right in my face it was so obvious [Music] oh well whoa what the hell oh okay i thought we were completely blocked off [Music] would have been a weird start [Applause] okay just in case there was an arrow trap on the other side of that oh damn i want that for sure [Music] here we go that's terrible god damn it can i get to him now nope just missing it okay that clearly was not very good oh well oh owie dude ouch no this this is this is how the run should be going with how carelessly i've been playing for the last little bit i'm just being appropriately punished right now i do need you buddy what's come on no i grabbed the damn ledge dude come on i'm willing to take most of these on the chin but that one that was a low blow all right out the door yeah i'll take it good enough good enough pretty decent mobility out of that [Music] got our eye real quick okay swerve with legs glad that ledge grabs are weird in this compared to spelunky one i think you're right they're a little they're a little different certainly the way that the climbing gloves works is different and that's like very deliberately different but the way they hang onto ledges just feels like a little bit different too absolutely clearly the problem is the ps4 controller yeah we got we still got that scapegoat at least until the pc release comes out so keep on banking on that turkey boys here might as well try to keep them alive for now love to see an altar cape oh we'll take that thank you [Music] thank you very much [Music] that's kind of inconvenient he probably won't be able to jump up here [Music] this is going to be like me jumping on his head i think [Music] okay that works let's make a song about spelunky i was actually thinking about doing something like that splunky 2 rap i'm not i'm not dan bull though nothing against dan bull i love dan bull that's just i'm not really that kind of youtube rapper i like making diss tracks about my friends and then also like attempting like actual rap music where my specialties lie i think i shouldn't say it like that either that's kind of dismissive because obviously those are all still real songs still just as worthy of listening to almost dead there we go all right somehow have 7 hp here this is pretty dope one bomb though so that's that's kind of concerning like demo disc a lot thank you you know i haven't listened to that ep in a while i think part of me is afraid too [Music] so i'll hear it i'll be like oh my god i released this oh that's probably not worth it if i had a torch obviously that'd be a lot easier [Music] you like preach i like breach a lot too actually it's a shame i can't actually release that one this may be one of my favorite ones i've made thank you by the way glad you like it okay so we've seen the black market i'm pretty certain can show up on every single jungle level which is cool of course with it being uh part of the background as opposed to it being its own stage now that's gonna be a possibility so that's good climbing gloves are still kind of annoying yeah but i think i'd rather still have them than not have them in most circumstances especially as with how inexperienced i am still all right really confident getting out of that one oh there we go there down this way where's that lip blip me daddy i think it's down i think it's in the center of those blocks underneath us i'm pretty sure let's go have a peek ooh get some paste here nice looks good yeah i'm feeling like i was right i've only got one bomb though i gotta make sure it's dead on i think it's right there perfect okay back to the market this feels like a pretty big win for me still every time i get back here man this feels great definitely gotta see some bombs though and i got to make sure that they don't blow them all up before i get the chance to get them so okay there's there's yang that text box can be a little annoying sometimes man it can block a lot of my uh ability to see what's going on [Music] good [Music] good got bombs [Music] yeah this music is phenomenal man all right that was really good it was a good start what we got in here nothing valuable let's go get our head jet one more layer and we got bombs out of that that was the most important part of course [Music] i really wish you didn't have that thing dude [Laughter] [Music] can you please put that down please you need to not have that oh my god go away [Music] okay this is looking really good now is it gonna come down yeah oh my god that was risky oh god damn it dude okay i think it might just be him let's see him come down the ladder here [Music] there we go got it okay plenty of time left over too here we got a lot of a lot of freedom for the next little bit and the cape to boot i think we're ready to go let's do it we're moving dude 39 bombs now that's a much better situation much improved back to the moon challenge i'll go in here why not take a peek gives us another four leaf clover anyway which i love having excuse me excuse me all right i gotta pay her [Laughter] [Music] i forgot okay [Music] bear dance for every moon challenge it's a freaking bop dude you get money and every now and then you'll be able to find crates inside here which is clearly a lot more important dude i can see so well i think that's the specs isn't it that's pretty handy having a scorpion in here is unique wait for it there we go thanks for not poisoning me hell yeah specs make this a lot easier that's funny [Music] well i guess that's about all we could get in here so let's go ahead and hack away with the rest of the matic there we go the bow doesn't seem that good in my opinion shotgun just feels way better god damn it yeah just kill him all right so these shopkeepers will probably just get themselves killed pretty easily here we go come on over guys it's a party i promise you want to hang out in this area it looks like a lot of fun yeah holy [ __ ] that was close wow oh my god okay glad we had the extra hp apparently i picked up a rock instead of a gun there we go thank you for not eating my gun i gotta go this way i'm gonna bomb that's way easier i just try to stick him too just kidding he did all right cool good enough yeah the bear traps are pretty terrifying pretty scary [ __ ] hmm i feel like there might even be one right here actually no we're good don't like this position do not like this one bit i gotta get them aggro so they get out of my way i'm actually hitting a guy over there there we go one dead two dead i think we're okay from him [Music] hey you might as well gotcha oh [ __ ] oh god okay that could be a problem oh i got him nice good [Music] good doing it probably gonna try to stick this guy should be a lot easier than trying to shoot him [Music] that was beautiful okay [Music] i'm good let's do it all make time i'm all set let's rock back to four health yeah that's fine with me and now i know i don't sit in the corner here like a [ __ ] he moves so much further now dude it's crazy thank you for the ropes much obliged me take a peek over here olmec thank you just a quick look it's a machete that's not good all right we're gonna get them all the way over here make ourselves a nice little path down this will be good just make a huge empty castle make it easy for myself yeah that's a good idea perfect couldn't possibly [ __ ] that up there we go all right phase two let's see it i do kind of want to get him down to the bottom but i'm also wondering if he even does i think he might just stay here i think i think he might just keep bombing although i mean it stands to reason that maybe i could like shoot him when he opens up like that or also maybe you could try the uh the old shoot him in a weak spot on the bubbles below him thing i guess an easy way to do this would just be to use the ladder right yeah there we go okay let's just hang out here for a second because he's probably not going to shoot a bomb all the way up on where i'm at yeah so as long as i keep my distance for a sec okay so that doesn't do anything yeah that clearly did nothing that's interesting i wonder if i can hit him on the bottom then yeah i don't think it's doing anything i think this is just the sounds of the bombs going off that he's firing oh hold on is he coming back oh [ __ ] i might have killed him uh oh i think i killed him oh [ __ ] i shot him to death oh no there he is he's alive he's just waiting for me i might have gotten through that phase though what's up dude [Music] i'm gonna go in the lava huh i bet you do i bet you freaking do okay we're gonna go over here and then we're gonna go like this and then since i've already gotten this far down here i might as well go ahead and finish it off [Music] easy money dude either rope right there it should be fine let's do it into the lava with you there he goes he's dead i wonder if oh dude i bet i could hold on oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hell yeah okay very into this this is where the real oil next is hiding right oh baby oh you go all the way down to go all the way up it's the yonk this coveted amulet was created by the gods for followers deemed worthy enough to have their life extended oh [ __ ] we found it in the parachute oh that's awesome man ooh and a new character yeah manfred tunnel it's tunnel man he decided to finally try his hand at spelunking after many years of building shortcuts yo that's awesome he looks like a badass dude doesn't he that's great manfred tunnel that is fantastic don't man take me back oh hey i'm back oh man that's awesome okay so we got to get through the temple now gotta get through the temple now i'm kind of curious to go into this door but [Music] you know what let's do it hi how's the adventure going second shortcut almost finished but walking back and forth is getting tiring if i had something to ride is to go much faster oh you need a mount okay gotta bring a mount for her new area tide pool the ruins of an ancient empire lay here at the edge of a vast underground ocean wow this looks awesome [Music] yeah that feeling this is just gonna be that works for me okay so those are probably not good to step [Music] oh on shock keeps there we go good enough sorry axolotl [Music] sorry y'all had to be done all right there we go what's with these totems i wonder if they're just to climb on dude this music in here is so great i really like it [Music] okay so i guess we just gotta hit this switch awesome i would like to get monty as well oh [ __ ] yeah there's no way i'm getting that thing writing's on the wall for this i ain't getting snapped up [Music] but such good music it's really relaxing in here isn't it i feel like it's baiting me into a false sense of security though i'm staying on my toes what the hell he's got a bodyguard [Music] oh [ __ ] he hit his wall what the heck oh it's you [Music] i love you hello my darling are you feeling lucky tonight it's madame tusk the most famous resident of the caves or at least she'd like to think so so that lady said are you are you brave enough to steal from madame tusk or something right i wonder what happens i wonder what happens man i don't know if i'm willing to risk it here i kind of want to keep this run going i think we're going to go ahead and roll the dice a couple of times just for fun play dice two what'd i get i got a three did i not did it not count i guess i just lose yeah okay hmm [Music] it's expensive to play isn't it well that's a new looking creature what was this thing okay big old spike trap lion trap said that the empress successfully deflected a barbarian horde using only these golden lions i thought it might actually spike me on the top too i was kind of ready for that all right this is a little awkward but i should be able to just go like boom there we go okay we gotta get the ghost up here [Music] there we go [Music] nice yo we're through 4-1 oh my god hell of a run here [Music] i am thrilled another trap clam can't get me can't get bare i do want to bomb that just to see the water physics let's do it [Music] yay water yay oh it's so good the way we swim around now is so good look at that little swimming animation i haven't even seen that yet that's so cute i wonder how lisa swims yeah that'll be interesting to see you won't it so i have a feeling this dude probably has like an up attack yeah that looked like the case okay bye works for me oh i can probably hold on [Music] i gotta corpse the sack here let's go still working on that kapala after all [Music] oh big boy big boy threatening the assassins are scary too oh [ __ ] he's just taking it dude what the hell okay pongi one of king goo's famous armored guards his claws can crush wood and stone with ease samurai crab yeah that's awesome all right i got a goddamn leprechaun in here too expect that there we go i guess i could sacrifice him too actually i am still working on that kapala after all let's do it i got extra time now too oh pot of gold [Music] let's get it yeah dude that's such a great mechanic i love that [Music] feeling a little bit more familiarity with this area already too [Music] the most wanted i know yeah i'm scared clover adds two minutes to the ghost timer so it normally would show up in three minutes the clover makes it show up at five sorry hold on i gotta get adjusted here almost ready [Music] yeah yeah just don't i i'm i'm sitting in a place where i feel like i'm accidentally gonna hit a button i gotta fix that i wanna let this run go to waste yeah this music is so relaxing it's really nice [Music] i'm terrified that i'm gonna end up running into something that occupied defends itself with a blinking blinding ink attack and a crown of razor sharp barnacles i'm afraid i'm gonna run into something that deflects my bullets here i feel like that might be the case with one of these enemies i've got plenty of time to sacrifice now though so i should definitely try to get the kapala here [Music] yeah i'm scared of the spikes too man i'm trying to be careful i'm also trying to go fairly quickly [Music] level feels pretty big ah a couple shopkeepers here okay [Music] a few shopkeepers here [ __ ] another guy down there this will probably get us there [Music] this will probably do it not this one particularly but if i can get all the rest of them i might just want to go ahead and bomb yeah that's going to make things a lot simpler it's going to save us a freak load of time here [Music] should have done that a while ago actually already okay i thought it was a little closer than that we're only to the key ways away i guess [Music] what is this excalibur wielded by kings and queens in times of great calamity excalibur oh [ __ ] dude [Music] let's freaking go we got the damsel too let's go let's sack it we gotta move we gotta go quick gotta go fast yes the run is blessed excalibur i want to check out the uh water too dude but i don't have time this time holy hell this is awesome man i'm having a great time now i love that sound let's bomb for this still got plenty of bombs here you got this little doorway a lot of stuff going on back here we got in there from the other door actually that's kind of cool that's just a path to get all the way through the level in the back road oh hi i don't have a good feeling about that door she says oh boy what's wrong with this door seems fine this seems good hermit crab that looks like a tnt box oh my god that's an incredible ankh animation dude that's amazing [Music] that's so good she was right to be worried huh yeah that was fair that's crazy oh there's an okay well we've already got our kapala we can go ahead and maybe get invigorated here sure hey goodbye excalibur oh well oh jesus oh okay okay oh yeah that's gotta be a new character huh [ __ ] we gotta go get that yeah little jay a self-proclaimed spelunky head trying to become a famous explorer gets a little overly excited around his heroes oh he's freaking cute it's luigi do not wait did you are you saying someone just said to sacrifice him that that are you sure you want me to sacrifice him is that what you're saying is that what you're saying uh that that that seemed rude i don't know we should have done that he seemed like a nice guy that's what you want though that's what you want oh that was easy i was expecting a little more hostility there [Music] oh that's bad okay don't go down there although i am curious now oops [Music] oh oh that's okay got it [Music] oh [ __ ] the ink a nominal pit braves thanks so much for the 500 bits graves appreciate that dude he's he's gone he's out of here four three complete [Music] let's go oh yeah he probably won't survive long i could do to make it a lot easier for myself though is just that and he's almost guaranteed to end up in the uh in the spikes over here i thought so anyway there we go [Music] is it the fabled two new areas run i know right [Music] could it be [Music] got a gun back ah dead mounts rip this music is terrific i am so happy in this place an irritable loner who hates being disturbed its saliva it's very poisonous [Music] there we go [Music] let's just do that good stuff [Music] i love that that's such a clever mechanic for them it's really smart i'm just gonna go out of time again holy [ __ ] we made it to the ice caves life still thrives within the frozen core of this giant meteorite reach the ice caves in a non-seated run oh man look at those guys adorable someone playing the harmonica oh wet for a chance oh don't even get me excited about it oh my god i don't even get my hopes up it loves to toss things in chew gum but it doesn't know what gum is well that doesn't make a lot of sense wait for the moment yeah they're not going to go all the way over are they [Music] well that's no good yikes no don't do it holy [ __ ] that was close [Music] there we go i did indeed toss my shotgun unfortunately yeah this is great dude [Music] mow my head i wonder what's going on with this this would maybe be like where i'd sacrifice myself if i hadn't already used my ankh or something right oh [ __ ] tmatt's first born they harbor a deep jealousy of the old mites whom they think she favors don't destroy that okay i guess they destroyed that and no spoilers in here by the way y'all be very very very careful this is the the first time i've been in here it will probably sound like i'm asking questions do not answer them no spoilers be cautious that was lucky holy [ __ ] oh they make adorable little sounds when the fireflies light up like where okay i would love to find my gun again but i don't know if that's gonna be a possibility i love the wub wub hey you just gotta ask for it dude these levels are huge the yetis look so goofy dude come here buddy here we go there's a door right here [Music] do you want to see what they're over that where that goes spring trap bouncing up and down is a common form of recreation and exercise in alien society everybody knows that secret door hi waddler [Music] i love you here you go have a gun you want a gun i'll keep i'll keep the gun honestly i'm gonna i'm gonna keep the gun oh you're my best friend we're best friends now you and me we're gonna get through everything together uh oh oh [ __ ] sorry bye waddler i forgot i'm on a timer i just got a drop dude this level is massive [Music] it's so big holy [ __ ] doink okay there he goes they still only give you three minutes in here too holy [ __ ] okay let's go neo babylon dude wow the capital city of the ole mites a place of high technology untold wonders and endless stimulation and endless [ __ ] grooves oh [ __ ] endless bangers more like hell yeah oh [ __ ] what the hell are you what the [ __ ] is that thing you got like a sniper vision or something he's locking in from a distance dude apparently he's not friends with the alien they don't like each other my god you're duck lord holy [ __ ] that sounds dark lord thank you for the subscription welcome into the pile what is that thing i'm so confused by so much of this oh my god yo new character almost i nearly didn't even see this gotta get this let's go let's go princess seren a culinary expert she travels the world looking for the most exquisite taste to bring home to her kingdom of heliotropia princess i like your dress very pretty oh man this is wild oh [ __ ] okay a fixed laser gun triggered by a motion detector understood now i know [Laughter] oh nice throw princess okay don't get laser trapped go ahead and do that spark trap the enormous amount of excess energy generated by neo babylon is channeled into dangerous contraptions such as these okay okay oh that's what that is that's it's sending that uh spark circling around i see oh she got the ghost jar [ __ ] princess what are you all what have you done princess i'm out oh my god wow six one complete let's do it oh baby what is that little drone thing are those just i think those might be like the equivalent of the dung beetles in here which would be awesome oh no dude god damn it ah son of a [ __ ] that was awesome though wow yo anonymous thank you holy [ __ ] thank you for the hundred dollar tip i appreciate that a lot wow that was great what a good run 40 minutes huh holy [ __ ] that feels like forever that's great from the rain made it to there's a [ __ ] world six y'all oh my god level 6-2 holy [ __ ] oh good call yeah let's check the journal out a nominal pittance from thank you for the bits you all appreciated a lot dear journal i was a crime lord i was a queen i took my first damage into three survived death once eventually died in 6-2 oh my god we haven't even gotten all the way to the bottom welcome there's still a ways to go i don't know why i was a queen but apparently i was a queen yes queen slay queen got the unk and excalibur yeah holy hell we did so much in that run it's got quill back obviously in the start lots of items unlocked one of the parsley sisters killed olmec found the ankh look at the ankh and the head jet through that run got the crown too right yeah we got the crown in that run going through hell man yeah you gotta wonder what the excalibur is for i have so many questions says colin me too buddy me too that was pretty great though man i'm pretty satisfied i'll tell you what i think we gotta we gotta let that be the button on the day there we've been going for about five hours here i know the the the et or the uh estimated time elapsed beneath the player there is deceiving you you've been going for a good while and that felt awesome to do so we'll maybe call it good there i'll probably come back a little bit later today for some more because i'm completely addicted to this game and i can't stop playing well that was a really really good day let's go check out our new entrance to the camp too we found like three or four new characters today man today was awesome i wonder if everyone's sleeping where'd everybody go where's all our friends [Music] hello oh there's manfred you betcha buddy camp got real big didn't it yeah where'd everybody go are they all spelunking you know what maybe i'm led to believe that they're all on their own adventures right now which would be kind of cool i did that's true yeah i did sacrifice some of them maybe they're just gone so what are we doing here i think it's margaret maybe this is just where margaret sleeps this is okay so that's just a shortcut to one four well all right anyway that'll do i guess well i went in the rooms i went in one of the back rooms and it didn't show anybody there like you can see all the other rooms from just the one room so i don't think there was anyone in there anyway that'll do thanks so much for watching everybody that was a blast that was a really great day i'm really pleased with how much progress we made and there's oh my god there's so much there's so much in the game we've we've really only still scratched the surface of things but we're getting we're getting a little deeper now we're getting a little deeper
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 33,135
Rating: 4.9496856 out of 5
Keywords: spelunky 2, baer plays spelunky 2
Id: 9yfRa0x9YTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 49sec (7429 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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