Teaching the developer how to play! - Spelunky 2 Co-op with Derek Yu

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I loved the instinctual "DEREK!" and him just responding "What?"

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/RobeMinusWizardHat 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

this right here is good content

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Kindakgamer 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Hilarious. Cant wait

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TheRadPanda123 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Surprised he hasn't beaten Hundun.

I guess he doesn't feel overly compelled to play his own game 🤷‍♀️

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/420bIaze 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Can't watch the video until I get off work but loling at the title. Thanks Xana

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/badateverything420 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

I hope bananasaurusRex meets Derek

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Lemonadejunkies 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

I hope someone makes a highlight vid of this, looks hilarious

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SoapMcSoaperson 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

thank you xana for killing him right off the bat, feels like justice

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/abtseventynine 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
we are back and i am here with derek you oh wow i see how it is um all right well i'm out it's been great actually it hasn't [Laughter] i mean this is that was 100 deserved i i feel like i've been trapped i feel like i feel like okay i see how it is you think that's gonna make up for it huh for what you just did i would say saving your life oh well yeah this is going well you don't realize i have full control of the game right now full control what are you gonna do i i can bend the levels to my will oh no oh we got it all right we got it yeah all right we got to go to italy what's this key for again oh no he doesn't he doesn't remember put it in this thing okay there you go oh i caught it okay wait how did that even do damage okay don't don't pretend like how like how much how far have you gotten in this game uh i didn't realize if i threw something at you would hurt you i've gotten to two two i hear that's the desert level [Music] that's pretty good how far have you made it i've only made it to two and one so i'll do the better gamer yeah this is a a game made for pro gamers only so like some sort of i'm looking at your stream i'm not even on the screen right now some sort of esports game you'll say i see this is just the xanax here show i mean what are you doing i already finished the level like three minutes ago what's our goal here first of all we're going to cosmic ocean okay quickly temple route right no no actually i'll let you choose temple root's the best route okay which way do you want to go now oh wow we're already in one floor we are this is this co-op i feel like i'm playing single player right now i'm right here i'm here i'll i'll pick you up okay garyvee over which way do you want to go let's do a little co-op um which way would you normally go i would go volcano right because you want lots okay correct let's i mean let's let's go the route that you don't normally go okay okay i feel like your audience is probably tired of seeing you go to volcano true how do you kill pull back uh usually i just try to pelt him with a lot of skulls oh well i see you i see you got rid of every skull so this is great well okay i mean i'll just freeze him now [Laughter] this is what you normally do right good job frozen thank you you know you and and and hectic and quick on dt this is how you all play right yes we sacrifice ourselves to cool back so we can freeze them [Music] the secret sticker out oh no not the rattle i don't anyone notice the change where you can you can do this little dash with a ghost and flip at the same time like did anyone notice that you couldn't do that before and then there's a patch that let you do that was it in the patch notes uh i don't know i don't read the patch notes oh okay i see how it is but um i would assume that that it would be in there because blip is pretty thorough with their patch notes okay i can tell i got you buddy all right are you gonna let me dig or you can dig let's see the strap just checking [Music] you're doing great keep it up nice you got glasses that'll let you see in the dark yeah i've got the spelunky wiki open so i'm all set here okay you know do you know where the bow is uh i do i do i think there's gonna be plenty of digging power in this matter to get some treasure and stuff first though all right you know with bombs and stuff okay i got poison i'm distracted right now okay okay i've never played on stream before you didn't all we need to do is find a uh let's find a are we sent to pugs right now [Music] we are uh i i think i'm saying that i'm going for the bow oh you got it already i got the bow okay well i'm just getting treasure okay we should probably just get out of here so that i can cure my poison sounds like a good idea to me i don't know if we have time so how does this compare to uh you know playing with like hectic like how much better than him am i uh you're way better than hectic hectic just kills me all the time i see the cat i got a cat here just trying to keep you alive okay oh you got it you got a cat got a cat uh you need to come pick up the bow though grab that bum i'm dead but the cat is through the door okay so i just gotta i just gotta make it out just gotta go it's right to the right bill on the bottom of that vine and you're dead oh i was looking at chat i'm not a streamer i saw i saw that heck posted something in chat oh and i got distracted likely story you're trying to sabotage my run i see how it is well we made it at a dwelling so you know practice makes progress as they say [Music] i don't know i i only go i only allow perfection pick up pick up the cat and then i'll pick up you that's a dog that's a hamster actually we've got two different realities going on here [Music] sounds like something how do you do this i've got chat open and i just i keep looking you just don't look at chat i see all right i'm going for the 80 world record right now oh no my power pack oh no i'm sorry i should have let you have the power pack that's my bad i actually would love this key here how do you how do you alright so what's the actual furthest you've made it at this point what's that what's the actual furthest you've made it legitimately yes um i i've made it to twindo and i think and i have not i have not made it to cosmic ocean okay have you made its cosmic in co-op no i have not okay well all right i need to bring you to cosmic then yeah take me to cosmic ocean for the first time please i want to see what it's like i've heard good things nice did you like that that was some pro moves oh and now i hear i hurt you because of it all right i'm gonna get you vlad's cape since i have a jet pack oh that was good good bomb good bomb throw there oh no oh no oh i'm sorry you're you're really lucky the shopkins shopkeeper didn't get mad look at this you destroyed it you just destroyed everything on the top of their heads and i just i just can't help myself all right uh there's a cat in the shop in a second you can buy those ropes [Music] let's go teamwork should i buy the turkey you should buy the turkey i think i'd like a turkey i'm trying so hard not to look at chat right now here derek chat wants me to give you something so take the jet pack oh wow i'll go do the uh oh no we don't have any money because we spend it all on ropes oh there's a there's a there's a idol right there though you want to go grab that oh watch out for the rock dog okay i'll get him all right all right i'm gonna grab the idol okay here we go it's very dangerous i got the jet pack on [Music] please don't all right oh we can do double the digging yeah now we can get everything [Music] i'm going this way [Music] this is it this is the run that's what they say right yes oh there you go how do you feel how do you feel about crying how do you feel about climbing gloves it's great it's perfect just like every other item in the game it's very carefully designed no problems whatsoever [Music] oh my god so the web gun yeah did you find a web gun take it all the items are perfectly balanced so they all have utility okay so what do you use the web gun for in your runs uh you know to i like to make big pads for myself just sticky pads up the walls okay okay all right here we go can't argue with the run all right you got to go to the exit since i can't get down there without a rope do you want to that's true i got a rock dog i'm good goodbye buy some shoes let me know when you're ready oh god what should i leave yeah okay i'm leaving yeah i'm just gonna hang right here uh this might be the drill level yeah it is all right let's see uh let's see how you do on this drill here derek uh it's easy no problem okay it's a little lava lava it's a little bit it's a few drips let's see what's the general consensus about about going down the drill uh it's it's 100 just go down the trail hope you don't die sometimes sometimes you know you don't need to hope right it's all still good enough you can do it yeah a magma man falling off the top of the level is all skill on reaction you just you move out of the way okay that's all just improving post reaction times fine i got the landscape so all right here's the question do you want flat escape or do you want a jet pack i'll keep the jet pack all right my dude down the drill without blowing up until i find a power pack and i'm switching to the power pack i do like the power pack it's a lot of fun i agree power pack is very fun the community is going to be up in arms over you choosing the jet pack over the landscape did that did that settle something for the community i i i i wouldn't say it's gonna settle anything maybe stir up more strife it's weird i'm seeing the uh the refunds for for splunky 2 increasing right now as long as the money for charity stays up oh yeah please donate if you can and you haven't already or if you haven't already don't anymore you want to donate some more that'd be great how was that how did i do as uh my first time as a streamer oh my god you're so you're sure you're a natural like you've been doing it for 30 years all right you can all right so what needs to happen here i'll i'll grab you okay and we're gonna feel like that's that's code for i don't trust you i'm gonna put you right here okay i'm gonna stay there okay and what's my important job right here just wait because i don't trust you okay that sounds that doesn't sound that important so here's here's a question hey there did you did you ever expect this to be able to be possible uh it definitely wasn't something i mean you know anytime you put one of these doors and there's no block under it you kind of assume that someone is going to find some way up there yeah um but i i just try not to think about it too hard no that's good just assume that it will be possible at some point but um but yeah if it's not immediately obvious i'm not too worried that's kind of the nature of spelunky yeah i totally agree and yeah i'm happy when people find find a way up it's funny the the first week it was out i tried to do it and i couldn't get it to work and then like two weeks later someone got it to work oh really yeah we're not dropping the bow off that's for casuals derek's got to hold it he's got to prove his work oh yeah that's my important job oh yeah twiggle wanted me to ask you if uh the the green slimes in sunken city on the ground the critters are uh waddler's babies [Music] i'm trying to think was i thinking about wadler when i made the slimes i want to say no but i like that i like that more i'm gonna you know i'm gonna leave that open interpretation all right i just felt like there needed to be some slimes in the game because who doesn't like slimes i mean that's why i added water to be honest true yeah walter's the best all right so you gonna um you want a gamble oh sure oh i've got the i've got pictures mid gotta remember that [Music] let's see your strat i'm trying to think i'm trying to think if this is gonna hit her i'm gonna grab the bow really quick [Music] okay hey i'm six six just like i planned i'm so embarrassed showing off my strats seriously it's great what is okay hectic's cheering me on thank you hectic happy to put you in the credits hectic let's see how it is absolute bully i'm cheering you i'm i'm right here next to you cheering you on okay got all this great stuff we're getting all the great all the perfectly balanced items exactly every one with its own special purpose and its place in the game by the way if you add gambling to your video game in any form it makes raiding the game a lot more challenging so to any game developers out there um if it's something you're considering just keep that in mind game development pro tip right there wow so are you it was it i love that was it was it easier or harder than the the the and the bloody dog on spikes all right i'm gonna leave surprisingly it's harder oh oh my gosh all right i don't know if that was on screen i just i was like an inch away from the ghost thanks for the sound bite add that to the uh yeah the sound board yes by the way jeremy if you're watching this that's very disturbed seeing myself pop up uh during spoiler p99 i just want you to know that [Laughter] what hello jeremy's son let's go i know you didn't ask me to say hello to your son but i want to say hello to your son son doesn't even know who you are it's like he's the scary guy on the screen i want to talk to zanda gear again oh jeremy and his kids his two kids have played splunky to co-op so much um jeremy has uh on his steam he has like 900 hours played and probably only like 400 are him because his kids play it all the time that's so cool that's awesome that's great to hear yeah i'm always tickled pink when i hear about people playing with their kids all right we have a very exciting thing about to happen we can do an eggplant run [Music] do it let's go i'm gonna go kill the fish i'm hitting all the the good rng buttons for us oh no okay i'm fine i'm fine what do you want me to do my am i okay here on land you're okay you're okay i i come grab the sword and put it by the exit at the bottom of the lake yeah okay all right i'm going in so we should have put the bow in waddlers my bad but we have a higher hand so all right i'm gonna go at the idol we can do wait did he you open the present oh no derek open the present no what it's you just make me look better it's good because that's what i usually do oh my gosh now i understand okay i'm gonna actually let's just not grab the clone gun i didn't want to do that eggplant run anyways that's why intentional who wants to do that intentionally what yeah it wasn't me was a hired hand i don't think i was on stream when that present god got busted open you were it's okay everyone saw it everybody saw i love it we should get this first time streaming okay everybody good portrait oh no i love the turkeys this this altar is a bit uh sketchy yeah i don't know about that that's cool though it does look cool this is a expert level art right here all right our work in this game is fantastic i gotta say i don't know who made the artwork hi yeah thank you thank you a lot for giving me a lot of a lot of assets to make thumbnails out of there's a lot of assets in this game oh nice uh okay so i got the bow i don't want to go back you should probably you have the sword so i don't i don't know i'll okay you have the bomb i'm so distracted right now i i can barely think okay i've got like two brain cells i'm trying to rub together to to uh okay this is what we're gonna do is happen right you're just gonna we're just gonna chill and skip because i don't trust you to do the skip because i bet you don't know how to you're talking to someone who worked on the game all right how do you do the skip derek i mean hold on let me open up the wiki and i'll tell you okay i don't even think it's on the wiki dude how do you do the skip derek all right that's what i thought i'm skipping all right you can't see me but i'm skipping in my office right now i'm leaving okay we don't need the sword but oh god watch out ah this is what happens when you read chats i still got it oh no we're fine we're fine everything's okay you're a dog you get the dog just trying not to accidentally chop you in half right here you should put it down you don't have to take that you want to put a bomb right here it's okay here we go i got a pikachu i gotta see what they're saying [Applause] i gotta take a look okay chad i'm gonna i'm gonna look at chat in a second so anything you want to say to me say it now okay oh my goodness oh chad is so nice they are nice you have a very nice chat santa thank you they're not usually this nice to me i don't know what's going on let me uh let me grab that i think they feel sorry for me after after what you did when we first started i've been planning that for weeks derek you're like trying to guess all the different places i might step so that you could in those first few seconds of the run so you could place the bomb perfectly uh sapphimanders just said that i killed him in co-op and don't believe their lies i've never killed anyone in co-op oh i see hectic's comment yeah i mean i may take you up on that offer because santa definitely uh is not treating me right here all right i i gave you the jet pack yeah but you wanted vlad's cape anyway whatever man whatever i don't i didn't want landscape i don't like flatscape are you a jetpack fan i'm a jetpack fan it's faster faster is better you want to put a land mine right here [Music] put my sword somewhere safe [Music] i'm going to set it off okay [Music] now i'm gonna put the bow in waddler uh if you wanna put your sword in waddlers you can okay let's do it oh i just realized we didn't go to temple oh yeah what are you doing we gotta try temple run all right we can do the temple run when the other two join us [Music] as long as they allow us i think the two raffle winners at this point are like uh you know what i think i'm gonna pass i'm glad i donated but i think i'm gonna pass [Laughter] oh wow you went straight [Music] everyone knows that uh the makers of every game are the best players yeah game developers are widely regarded as the best game players themselves i mean all that all that time you have to practice i see your hours on splunky too [Music] it's true i do have something like eight thousand hours in spawn too all playing it too yeah just playing like just doing runs trying to get as far as i can i'm gonna let you go in all the exits i'm just i'm scared i'm gonna jump in and there's still something some crazy thing left to do that i'm not thinking about that's how i feel oh no chingo asked asked uh what the inspirations were for the old nights uh well i mean obviously they're inspired by um olmec but the reason why i don't know i just i thought it'd be cool to have um i guess i guess it really started with just wanting to have some different alien races that interacted with each other so i would say it started there and then you know thinking about what the other type of alien would look like to sort of be the rivals to the the green octopi aliens uh it just it made sense to yeah have have an alien place based on olmec so they're at war yeah i i like the idea of this rivalry thing going on between the two i mean that's just been a really fun part about making spelunky 2 in general just working on a sequel is having these opportunities kind of connect all these things that were in the spawn e-series that weren't connected yet all right yeah you can grab the uh health oh you think i'm gonna need it more than you well i grabbed some of it oh that's nice of you leaving me with a royal jelly there you go all right so we're gonna need to sacrifice offering we're gonna need to sacrifice everything okay we don't have a kapala okay uh let's go find the dog [Music] sounds good oh i found it oh i just got severely injured mine just third degree burns it's okay i need help getting up i'm good [Music] i think the the the biggest success that this game has uh given the community here you can have the kapala i have the ankh ooh should we get a gold monkey yes let's take the golden monkey with us of course yours all right but yeah the the amount of variety you've put into this game is pretty incredible uh it feels it feels almost like a uh i don't i don't know it feels like mmo like in the amount of uh variety and uh longevity i in the community have gone out of it oh that's great yeah i mean we had a lot of fun adding all these different things but it is always hard to tell exactly how much people are going to be able to play a game right like that's just something that's very difficult to test all right we're going to have to try okay so back items here we're doing a skip here yeah okay you can take off your jet pack and i'll then put on the flatscape oh no the monkey no yeah take the vodka and then all right uh i'm gonna pop on up here in here there you go you can you want it you want to do vlot escape skip uh sure all right can i do it yeah you can i believe in you all right so what you need to do is you need to hop along the bottom and then grapple onto the right side and avoid all the spark traps oh that's all yeah and then just go straight to the top and then you got to do a quick bounce around the top it's probably the hardest skip in the game well i mean i did work on the game so you'll be able to take up the mantle uh yeah we'll just lose vlad's cape and the kapala okay wow no pressure no pressure and the monkey and the monkey that's the most important thing nope how far has the gold monkey been taken uh i feel like we've gotten it to like 7 20 or something wow in co-op okay that's pretty good it's something that wait what am i supposed to do again oh no if you you have spring shoes so you could here i'll put go down a little bit so i can put another rope for you know you know those movies where it's like i don't know in all these action movies there's a part where they tell the protagonists okay you gotta do this go here and do that and they're just like okay and then they do it i mean it's just it's just so unrealistic to be able to hear instructions that quickly and then remember it yeah so you're saying you're not gonna do it that's my big yeah that's my big mind mind-blowing take is that yeah movies are unrealistic if you want to if you want to sit right here give it an attempt okay sit right here and put a rope sit where here yeah right there put a rope okay there you go now you can go ahead and grab onto that rope and then grab onto the rope above that one oh just grab on to the nub yeah of the rope and and what that's where i'm going to start my big jump to the run to the wall correct okay [Music] all right so how many jumps is it gonna take is it just one jump it feels like it's just one jump like i land jump and then maybe like a double jump will get me to the wall i personally time the laser and land on the floor um so i can see how the how the spark traps look on the right side but you can do um one uh big jump and how many times have you successfully done this out of how many attempts i i say i get it like eighty percent of the time at this point eighty percent wow okay it's just it just takes a little bit of practice i didn't get it on my first try though you can't go you can get on the nub at the top to be a little safer that's safer yeah but then won't i have to cross through another set of lasers uh yes but you can okay i know i'm just gonna do it from here okay what no the top one oh santa i don't i think it would have been easier from the lower rope because i wasn't thinking about the top laser at all but i try no one can question my courage on this matter okay you knew that was gonna happen i did yeah you know i you know there's there's no hope you just jump straight into the laser it's good well you know i was thinking about the one on the ground so you got to time both yeah you put it there you did this to us but you're not supposed to be doing this you're not playing the game the way it was intended to be played right sure we're cheating you're cheating you're a cheater all right i got you dude don't worry about it i'll come back now you can get a yellow cape from uh the thing you can uh grab the sword in there oh wait can we do something really quick here get up to waddler stand right here then just press the attack button oh gosh i don't remember how much life wadler has wait why do why would i do it right do it right here do it right here you can do it backwards okay okay i thought you're trying to trick me i'm so paranoid oh freddy bought spare wadler too late rest in peace so the the the running gag is that that uh waddler dies canonically because in 1.0 it uh he died whenever the sun challenge ended so it's canon that wadler dies she's got watch out but when that happens you don't see him die right i mean you can if you look on the outer side of the the thing there oh watch out there's an exploding frog do you want to uh kill yourself again so you can have four hp well but then i'm not gonna have my sword uh great point yeah great great observation no i'm fine i'm just gonna focus just i'm just gonna focus a lot in this next stage yeah we're eight minutes late on the raffle so we gotta get to co and then kill ourselves i will i will stay i will stay as long as it takes so that people get their time to play okay very generous so don't worry about that all right and uh go in there okay so you want to do it yeah yeah oh you have one all right together okay well we'll do it together how difficult is this gonna be it's easy you just stay at the bottom and slash everyone and i'll go to the top yeah that's that's my plan don't die vampire i'm alive i'm actually alive you're doing it i'm doing it oh no oh oh oh no oh right at the last second oh no you're you're uh can you freeze yourself yeah i'm afraid of you you've been resurrected as an enemy i'm so afraid oh no you're up there now oh you're coming for me you're dead okay thank god oh nothing scarier than turn into a ghost here nothing scarier than that right there oh dang and i wanted you to have a cape this is unfortunate it's okay i'll be all right okay that's already yeah get some jelly we're doing it there we're doing it i don't like this look at that game design multiple ways to approach a situation it's great great game design maggot to activate that bring me back bring me back come back so for the hyundai ascension i'm going to need you to hold the bow oh we can get some jelly for you i got the cat over here wow i'm nervous don't be nervous it's so funny it's a dog on my side so it just makes me feel like you don't know what a cat actually is i mean i don't well they're saying sacrifice the rock all right let's go ow i remember the first time that i sacrificed a rock um i thought oh my god what else can you sacrifice and i just started bringing like everything to the altar no we 25 thank you so much all right so this is the honda ascension here grab the bow oh my gosh oh i'm gonna i'm nervous i'm gonna pick you up when we enter and we're just gonna we're just gonna handle things okay okay pick me up pick me up here we go picking you up let's do this i'm contributing i'm helping yeah [Music] i'm giving you purpose which is hop off my uh we'll go i'll pick up dodge i'll do the whip oh i didn't get crushed i didn't get crushed okay all right we made it to the top okay there you go you can hop out okay all right so how do you kill honda oh you never have right uh i mean in tests just yeah bombs dumping all right i'll do the uh i'll whip some bombs did you whip the bombs in testing or do you throw the ball i just drop them lots of explosions happening one head down i'm gonna pick you up okay take me away it's dangerous here pop out you cannot get up here how are you feeling zanna i'm like i'm like this is going is this going is this going how you foresaw it to go no i set my goal at a thousand dollars that's awesome and we raised seven 100 284 dollars that's amazing yeah great job everyone good community good community the best community the best community taking my time got it wow i did a lot of damage at the beginning all all right i'll let you do the honors bring the baby down make sure you hop out it's a baby's time to shine all right it's staring at me yeah let's hop in yay i made it to cosmic ocean for the first time i did it all by myself with no help [Music] oh we're back [Music] co let's go get away get away [Music] nice wow it's right back at the entrance fine everything's fine andy five bucks egg pen box offi a box thank you very much everyone this is very funny you're taking your baby to cosmic ocean and throwing her [Music] ah you almost left your baby behind you gotta enter the door on your own i can't help you there all right have fun you're on your own all right time for baby to explain while santa meeting the creator himself to carry you to cosmic oceans pizza santa pizza zana pizza zana pizza zana pizzazzana pizza oh yeah we just got a uh text-to-speech of uh me needing the creator to carry me to cosmic ocean disgusting can't believe i couldn't do this on my own very fraudulent of you having to rely on creators okay so i was talking uh i was oh oh god don't die ah did you see what happened to me nope i did i did jump i had to jump off my little platform and i think i only survived because i hit thorns [Music] lava what could go wrong uh derek what i i this i don't know i just i usually say derek when this kind of stuff happens okay well i'm actually here now [Laughter] okay so you're yelling you're cursing you know now you're getting to see the human toll that it takes your hair is falling out listen to you strand by strand every time you hear your name lose a little bit of life i do which shows you how much vitality i had to begin with oh no all right you wanna uh uh here i'm gonna jump and then you're gonna throw that boomerang okay okay can't believe you guys are on world record pace that is scary teamwork let's go my personal boomerang thrower this is co-op at its finest uh there's a man trap right there got me to throw my boomerang yes okay gotta time it one it's like doing the slots in mario odyssey or a barrio 3d world okay you're really good at the slots in mario 3d world i bet oh that one was close wasn't it i think so oh that one was really close okay i don't care if we have to deal with the three minute jelly i'm i'm this is good content right it's good content i mean 100 yes maybe better back up a little bit actually i think it'd be easier for me yeah oh my gosh oh that one was so close oh yeah let's go first try no one was counting right you want to break this crate oh there you go i don't have to carry you anymore here's some bombs dude i'm my own individual person again own independent person yay zombie cube with another fifty dollars awesome zombie cube has been donating all day they had to have given like three hundred dollars by now wow four more yay jess started the stream by donating uh fifty dollars and then five hundred dollars and then donating immediately after that five hundred dollars because she didn't realize she had to select the raffle [Music] all right i'm going to bomb right here thank you very much and i've become a toddler waiting all right i'm going i gotta say curse the curse system was cruel even by your standards i uh i was i was talking about this on stream the other day uh i was watching jonathan blow play wonky two around launch time um and he ran into jungle and he got cursed almost immediately and he shut off the game and never played it again on stream and uh thanks god he said i know derek uh that was unfair and that he shut off the game [Laughter] and uh it was very funny thanks for the contest i got a monkey i got a monkey i'm doing the same thing i did with a man trap in the last little bit oh monkey okay are you ready for the jelly to come after you uh sure yep but i'm not moving the spot till i get the monkey oh gosh oh the monkey jumps on my back where was the jelly do you know i got it no because they came after you and not me seven ten now that there goes all hope of you resurrecting all right you and your toddler everyone's watching and thinking to themselves are they going to take it all the way sitting at the edge and then they're thinking no they won't wait no [Laughter] watch out there's a air trap that's a dead end too [Music] oh i should have told you before i launched that arrow trap no that's fine you don't tell anyone anything it's better that way okay makes it more exciting it's not wait makes it funnier there's no teamwork yes pop orbs without warning [Applause] i think the orbs bottom left it is i got it oh you can get it boomerang to the rescue let's go oop i'm gonna pop the board a boarb i'm gonna pop a barber over here all right let's go oh there's there's another one right here pop it can i pop it um did you uh so i was talking the other day i'm gonna pop the last orb uh right after i reset my jetpack um i was talking of the other day my fiance that uh you should have just made it so it was uh instead of doing 99 levels because i when this when splunky 2 came out and we found out what cosmic ocean is i compared it to a donkey kong kill screen because oh yeah because of the length of it but now that everyone's doing it in like 45 minutes i i then said half sarcastic uh that you should have made it 999 levels [Music] because that would be the only way to get it right lucky three you heard it here first no you didn't really you didn't please i i know i'm so tired are we um are we leaving this orb no that's the last one uh and i'm okay i'm gonna let you pop it when i go to the exit okay sounds good all right pop it oh ah did you get rid of that cobra i got rid of it oh we don't have the kapala someone lost it hey who could it have been i think it was you bro operating like a single mind now is this the last one i don't think so i think it's the first one second um so you're saying spelunky three is in ufo 50 right it is yeah all actually a hundred they're actually a hundred spelunky sequels in ufo 50. if you play all the games in the right order it's spelunky three right where's the last orb uh it's below the jelly yeah okay i'm gonna go get it and then leave the level get away from the jelly yeah we're making great time we're already past the world record [Music] all right i got the last orb here you want to sit by the jelly okay where's the jelly uh you're right next to it to your right oh oh i see of course [Music] okay i'm ready all right [Music] look at that oh my god i'm a pro i'm a professional now oh no i'm a professional here and a professional spelunky speedrunner now yeah the the red bull deals are flowing through your doorstep they are yeah i should be checking my email right now any moment now ah that was intentional you're trying to scare me you're trying you're just trying to make good content i know how you are oh god how you streamers are oh no the words content and good makes me want to throw up though i don't know the thing is i'm a pro streamer so i totally understand totally understand the the grind the content grind waking up at the crack of dawn to grind that content you're not gonna believe what derek you said on on twitch.tv the lunky three confirmed question mark [Music] oh you just spiked my anxiety [Laughter] no that's the great thing about the splunky community is that there isn't a single person in the community like that it's great no one will make that video that is awesome i'm very grateful for the sponky community everybody anybody who plays the game they've been you've all been very patient very kind [Music] i haven't had to have that much patience to be honest and uh pretty you updated the game like a billion times which is pretty cool oh even just you know in the first few weeks of the game where there are crashes and stuff like that i mean everybody was so good-natured about it yeah those are those were some chat really shout out to blit also they've worked so hard just yeah the uh also just great very thoughtful people everyone i've spoken to from bloodworks has been amazing i got a message from nwdd after my uh like third video about how he's how he likes watching all my patch note videos um and it it really made me happy got me yeah they're amazing engineers and but they're also just so excited to see what's going on in the community and be supportive of it and everything i keep trying to eat blood i don't have a kapala don't know what happened to that kapala tiny diamond 10 aqua 10 am i right five more dollars bagel fifteen dollars an anonymous five dollars 11 414 total men i died oh i ran into a skeleton oh wow you only had one health yep okay that scared me it's like a jump scare i got it nope that's the third that's the second one okay i'm on the hunt it is so oh i found it okay pop it are you ready yep okay it's so easy to get distracted i'm so impressed by your ability to stay focused while also chatting while also checking donations yeah it's uh it's all right it's not so bad i've died reading chat too many times oh i got here uh go ahead i'll put a bomb here okay and you can go you're gonna you're gonna die if you do that here you go to the exit oh is the jellyfish really close right below the orb okay you just took it in there and all uh uh just light just let's grab and you'll be fine okay all right i'm gonna pop it and you're gonna go go wow you got it [Music] every level's a pb for you must feel so good yeah no i'm just pbs here pbs there feels great i'm gonna die off to a stellar start as a professional speedrunner oh yeah okay i see an orb i'm gonna pop it good number two know where the exit is there's so many ah at least you don't have the jet pack it's true watch out watch out my bad i got the whole so many screams for the sound board now yep i got the last storm here uh i'm gonna pop in and go to the exit okay we're booking it through 720 wow how's the big ocean uh it's pretty long isn't it you don't say [Laughter] uh 999 levels please uh i don't like this at all i'm just gonna bomb oh yeah [Music] yeah i could try to do a boomerang toss as i'm floating down yeah do it let's see it don't get hit by your own boomerang there we go oh yeah let's go wow wow somebody clipped that perfectly natural sentence flip it clip it [Music] um no i'm fine okay we're good i bounced off so we're good uh yeah uh there was a lizard hey derek let me watch out i'm gonna talk to you about something really quick there was a lizard inside the jellyfish oh really that i could not see you mean in a some other run in this run oh just now you absolute monster he's trying to keep it spicy for us it's getting a little too easy if you know what i mean i think that's the one thing that my fiancee uh said that his bs in this game is when there's stuff inside the jellyfish oh i hope that was on the screen no i was not no i just i hit a frog first try with my boomerang as it was falling someone needs to make a mold for people who are playing the game and feel like it's too hard it's those types of things that you have to get excited about okay and treat as progress don't set your sights at what people like hectic santa gear you know and those types of people are are doing okay just hit a frog in midair with your boomerang and get excited about that so so derek you says enjoy the little things in life exactly exactly don't get stressed out that you can't finish cosmic ocean honestly that is one of the things that i would like people to get out of spelunky and similar games enjoy dying and dwelling because that's how you that's that's how you enjoy these types of games i i totally agree that's uh everyone actually one of the biggest questions i get in chat the most is how do you not get frustrated playing spelunky i get so mad and it's because every run i try to you know laugh and have a good time in every run and not care if i if it ends because it always ends in a split second which is uh very very good very good also uh i'm i i'm asking the modding community can we please get a uh derek's crossbow training derek's boomerang training uh where you just where you just sit on the end of cosmic ocean and stuff falls and you just try to get a high score [Music] that actually sounds pretty fun it's funky classic there was an archery game that i i did consider um bringing back because i enjoyed it but uh in you know in smoky classic you like held down the boat i love i love the bow in in spelunky classic the multiple rounds of ammunition i do think that games where you hold down the bow like it has a bow and arrow and you hold down the button to make it go farther or just it's just so satisfying to shoot arrows in those types of games i have one hp again i'm gonna die in a second oh no no if you do that then everyone's just gonna be watching me try to get through cosmic ocean that's ideal my opinion and i'm gonna and i'm gonna do it and i'm gonna make you look really bad and i don't want that hey derek take the jetpack are you serious yep okay well okay i got it i gotta go i'll i'll give it to you okay okay you want the cape yeah [Music] i gotta put down my boomerang something i would bounce i i was a little scared i was gonna do that too [Music] let's go get to the exit derek where is it oh my gosh top middle this is crazy first i was a baby you were just carrying me around everywhere then you gave me a cape and i became a toddler and now as when you only have one hp left you're training me you're telling me to go to the exit myself you're teaching me so that when you're gone i'll be able to do it on my own this is crazy this is life do you realize that it's time for you to take over the family business derek this is the circle of life that we are completing right now as we play this game did you plan this i did not it's you can't plan life this comes at you oh my gosh somebody flip it and clip it that was that was amazing all right there's some ceiling spikes right there be careful i need to focus again okay there's the uh or okay i'm gonna hit it oh oh god run out of fuel i know the jet pack is so powerful dangerous son you might run out of fuel dad's teaching me how to drive the family jet pack right now i got the last don't storm me to go in jelly's uh bottom left [Music] [Applause] and we're dropping in where are we dropping derrick where are we dropping [Music] my son almost killed me that would have been bad e3 with 500 dollars and 25 gifts oh my gosh lasagna with 20 thank you so much and this is very fun calling out these donations because i've seen streamers do this so much and now i'm getting to do it myself yeah this is my first really cool this is my first uh my first charity stream and i've raised almost eight thousand dollars now yep [Music] honestly it's incredible i honestly would not have guessed that this was your first time yeah i've uh i've been streaming for three years but it's been sitting at that that three viewer account for a long time so oh my gosh the the grind the grind uh spelunky let me uh blanky allowed me to have viewers really yeah that is awesome i i when i started streaming spelunky too i had two viewers and then i made my guides because i got cosmic ocean the you know the week the game came out so i made my guide allowed me to get followers on twitch oh that's super cool i mean you know i'm just i'm happy to uh to have played any any small part in your well-deserved success as a streamer thanks derek [Music] last or i think i i think i can do a boomerang on it all right is that the last one don't just don't get don't get targeted i don't know if it's the last one don't get targeted i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it okay how are you going i'm not ready to let go of the wheel yet that was the first time this is trying to pull onto the freeway and you're like no that was the first storm this level's huge we're getting very distracted here okay follow you through i got another boomerang challenge here itself so i'm gonna be occupied oh no oh i i heard the caveman oh i got the i got the exit and i got the second orb all right and i gotta find this i'll find the third oh you got the third yeah you can exit also uh i don't know if i can it'd be easier for someone with a jet pack to get over the situation but there's a there's a there's a snap trap in the jellyfish what oh god oh that was the extra one oh my gosh it's e3's fault it's e3's fall you shouldn't have donated that money oh no e3 dad [Applause] i almost escaped well i'm gonna haunt you now now i have one hp [Applause] atlas co incoming 725 and the balls are coming out moles are not as bad as the community led you to believe they're good they're fine especially now that the they have uh some iframes when they come out they don't have as many iframes as they when they go back in and start right holes are those are mostly chill i think they got a bad rep well then take the time to learn how to deal with them blow that orb blow that orb i don't even know what i'm doing you can actually just blow on it you don't gotta freeze it oh jeez okay there we go still helping i'm still in the game accurate oh god what the heck oh wow oh oh oh oh wow all right let's uh let's not talk about it and just go straight into the next one with jess and elf shot jess donated it like i said jeff jess donated a thousand dollars so when i went to go roll the rng uh she won four times in a row so it's been amazing all right i invited you back there okay and uh listen we'll play for 30 minutes or whatever the the run ends all right all right so now on discord and uh have a good time jungle jungle temp uh let's go volcanic temple i don't know we went volcano last time let's go jungle temple make a stop at the black market uncle temple jungle temple okay sounds good everybody loves rafi oh we got some we got a war in chat now oh derek can you do the stupid jump let's let's see it there he's going off the ledge oh they left we'll give you another opportunity [Music] elf shot did it oh yeah we got we got we got jess who's another uh splunky streamer she streams every morning she's a beloved member of the community oh cool uh an elf shot here an elf shot hello both donated many dollars that's awesome thank you so much for donating [Music] everyone's spamming jess's art in chat azimuth how cool is that uh the character the little character holding the heart is that some of jess's artwork yeah she it's a she made a custom character in the game as well oh wow awesome the character is her bunny that she plays as yeah a lot of artwork from spikes she's she's drawn a bunch of emotes for the splunky community she's she drew one of my emotes oh my gosh this is so cute [Applause] i don't think we saw a single ball in our last run i know we did yeah i would have talked about them only now that i'm seeing them did i uh do i realize that you got the cat not dog oh you want that you want the turkey oh my god that was crazy that was one of those situations where the character's just standing still and like all this crazy stuff is happening around them as i managed to survive [Music] i've got through the eye we did got it so far so good true like i was saying before we started the the stream the uh the multiplayer in this game works so well like i play with people from you know the uk playing with you on the west coast it's it's amazing [Music] that's awesome yeah yeah blood has worked very hard to make sure that that online works well oh shoot okay i'll go to i'm gonna go to jungle don't worry okay no worries [Music] oh no uh oh i can't see what's oh yes i can i guess i can look at the stream everything's fine nice [Music] uh jade just donated 1 thousand dollars what holy smokes we're now up to eight thousand nine hundred and thirty four dollars and twenty cents holy crap so close to 10k i i remember everyone i set the goal to 1000. all right let's uh node okay all right this is the moon challenge which means the black market is not here welcome back elf shot [Music] i guess we probably don't need all these people in the challenge are you sure uh tinybox asks who's your favorite character mine yeah i can't say i've got a favorite it's too hard too hard to pick one the correct answer is aaron so i'll just answer for you okay yeah please gotcha hectic is is aaron hectic's favorite character too no it's liz is his favorite uh okay he's the he's he's the liz of the community oh right right i dressed up as aaron he dressed up as liz good oops i still gotta dress up i think i did i definitely saw your uh cosplay which was quite well done i must say i don't think i've seen hectic he wore the green bow during break the record oh right the uh yeah thanks to blue for doing the wig for 45 minutes to an hour before the stream i still have to dress up as tmat but i'm not doing that until after i move that's gonna be a fun one wow is there what's the theme are you gonna do like a themed stream in terms of what you're gonna play and stuff too uh maybe yeah maybe i'll play some aquarium oh nice i haven't played it i have never played aquarium so i need to get around to it where's the black market who's got the jedi i do i'm silly not down here no it's over here let's see if we can see it peeking out anywhere oh it's right here i got it oh my gosh everyone else is just running around doing useful things and i'm just like hanging by my dad it's like wow we're going to the black market together dad uh i i gotta say nah okay you know what i love you ralphie i'm not afraid you're about to not accept me as no no no no no no nothing like that just because i'm the cutest sloth in the world [Music] ship it no oh a jet pack we need to get some money anyone see a power pack [Music] are you a net i don't want a shield twenty dollars uh revelista five dollars rock sack fifty bucks over nine thousand dollars now [Music] wow thank you everybody [Music] that is great you're the over 9000. i'd say that you've run a pretty successful charity stream yeah i did again three minutes it took to raise one thousand the first awesome the first three minutes of the stream was just like nuts um so i could have ended the stream in the first three minutes but yeah one went full eight hours what's the longest you've ever streamed uh i think it was when secure launched and i streamed for like 15 hours 16 hours whoa i've never went the 24 though there's a lot of streamers that can do the 24 i could barely do the three at night because i work full time so it's like streaming three hours is exhausting after yeah eight hour work day oh for sure now 15 is already seems pretty wild to me so we didn't get the jet pack and we don't have any money uh do we rob oh [Music] we could i don't know if there's any way to ask our companions that they'd like to do all right uh jeff and then as soon as as soon as we rob you can leave [Music] okay just just say go and we'll jump in all right go ahead jess [Music] go nice we successfully roberted the shop huh [Music] the the salad sisters voice lines are the greatest i love the little noises that eric came up with to uh just for all the different characters in the game yeah yeah time with the pun whenever you uh go into the sun challenge and uh all the salad sisters the huh and the uber of course can't forget the llama suit so i i do want to ask one thing about the uh the state of um the level feelings versus spelunky hd because it feels like the level feelings have been a bit replaced by the chain and you know the different variety and levels and stuff which is good because obviously before you'd go to the haunted castle and that would be the equivalent yeah but you still kept in the the level feelings during development did you have more level feelings and then you scaled it back or did you no i think you know i think a lot of the work just went into the levels themselves and you know also the fact that we have this back layer and could put stuff there um oh no they dropped the bow [Laughter] [Music] a uh the tiki man i yeah i saw it just hit him right at the last second oh that was so unfortunate oh well i'm gonna go uh here you can we have you have the most bomb zelf shot you can bomb into waddler and i'll teleport into i'll teleport to the owner actually we can let derrick grab the island all right derek come into wadler oh i see and uh grab the teleporter and then put a rope put a rope right here and just teleport left [Music] wow i feel like i'm playing with the nintendo power strategy guide like with with like the nintendo power counselor that's that's the dream for every kid is to just get to play with the nintendo power not getting to do that it's your game you you made the you made the everything yeah which is why it's it's even more special that i get to feel what it feels like to play with a nintendo power counselor you are the nintendo power counselor all right we already killed olmecs i mean we already got the aung so you can just oh we're going to temple of course yeah oh yeah i forgot do i have any rope now we're stuck i'm especially sweet we're just waiting for jess yep okay just hanging out so how you doing jess is back welcome back do you want me to you want to give me the jet pack or do you want to go to temple oh elf shot died to olmec cool i wish i can see what's going on down here yeah we need we need a bow skip in the game so we can avoid uh carrying the bow that's what that's what the community is waiting for you got it you gotta find it you gotta invent it the bow skip is called cheating it's all cheating everything everything that you're all doing is cheating oh no present don't do this near derek he's gonna jump on me i know i really want to you monster so tempting my turn oh no i'm gonna drop that teleporter on your head or something i'm surprised no one's felt the murderous compulsion towards your your evil looking character i mean just just personifying him makes him evil evil evil you in in anyone's shoes you you are responsible all right jess has passed away um okay and uh unfortunately should we just go to should we just go to type pool we still have to go another layer down oh we're on the top floor oh i have a parachute oh oh actually i do too uh there's a telepath and oh there's a teleporter right there okay i'm coming down also there we go i had fun drawing these parachutes okay i just fell into a pit i can't escape from [Music] oh no [Music] almost tele-fragged you yeah that would have been funny but i'm glad it didn't happen you know what the biggest the biggest improvement in this game improvement quote unquote is the fact that uh oops that tell frank myself is the fact that i i don't enter temple and immediately get telefragged by a croc man anymore because that happened a lot in hd oh oh my gosh i got one hp spider's just killing me so we got it i i had the head jet and it's on the ground right there the head just on the ground right there i'll freeze i'll freeze uh the mummy one sec you got to stay alive though derek you have the ankh i see the arm out extended by elise the extended arm aiming straight towards your body all right well there goes duot there goes our there goes our beautiful duat there's still a chance right nope you haven't found a skip for that yet [Laughter] there's a there's a sound bite wow all right get that coffin yeah flip it and clip it everyone everybody flip that and clip that oh oh it looks so good until it didn't okay now you get to suffer from your own devices wouldn't it be funny if the next patch there's just no more curse no explanation it's not even in the patch notes just gone deleted what are you doing what do we need to do uh go to the don't go down leave don't go down that's not the path you would know i'm so tempted to just shoot this thing off shoot it shoot it oh you did great oh all right okay they've got bombs yeah you can just ride up the boulder right at the block on the right side there all right that was planned wasn't it just sacrificing one of the creators i'm pretty sure that oh we didn't plan for you to kill yourself i'm gonna fail this by the way the elixir let's see how you do this the elixir change is so good in the test branch is it good it's really good i mean it was already perfect before but now it's perfectly true what am i doing i'm gonna fail [Music] let's go [Music] wow [Laughter] [Music] i got derrick you is achieving i've actually gotten a lot of cheevos i don't have very many cheapos on this branch it's pretty sad if you look at my playtime just like eight thousand something hours and then how many cheapos i have but i'm getting them all now all right uh so we here here i'll uh yeah we'll do this you'll jump out of my arms [Music] [Laughter] yeah that's not possible can she get it time to see some this is science in action right here [Music] i wish i could help as a ghost i don't think that's possible yeah it's three it's four tiles up so it's not possible is it actually not it might that might be how great would it be if we could make this happen [Music] thinking yeah i don't think it's possible yeah if you if jess if you drop the scepter i could i could scepter jump yeah so so he's gotta let me jump out of his arms and then i can jump and scepter and then get the height scepter jump i like the sound of that i just dropped the scepter all the way to the bottom of the level make sure you move out of the way okay now pick me up [Laughter] okay that didn't seem like it worked out no gold for us oh all right and that's that's the run that was the run that was the run now everyone killed eric ah give me a chance to run at least give me a chance to run oh yeah i'm on the move yes help me lizard all the monsters in the game are gonna come to my aid now i hit the button i flipped the switch no i'm gonna hard oh my god all right thank you so much derek it was a doll thank you that was so much fun everyone's so nice and welcoming even after they found out that that one of the people that made the game just has no idea how to play i think he did great look how far we made it we didn't get very far and you're right it was mostly so i'm glad that i could uh have the opportunity to no i was your baby and then i was your toddler [Laughter] and then and then you're trying to teach me how to drive the jet pack and then everything went wrong but no that was i i had a great time and uh yeah thank you so much for putting on this charity stream and everyone for watching and everyone for donating and yeah flip it and clip it yeah thank you so much it's uh been a pleasure playing this game you know i'm like have like something like 900 hours in it at this point like my it's my most played game on steam and it's uh it's built such a great community uh this i you know i i joined the splunky hd community leading up to splunky 2 and started speedrunning it and um you know i came in late to that but everyone was so welcoming then and it's just grown by like 50 times bigger in the last nine months it's been crazy it's it's it's the best stream game cosmic ocean that those early those early pbs getting getting a little bit further each time and watching everyone even now william chang has been streaming every morning trying to beat cosmic ocean they got to 795 the other day and it's it's it's the it's the best stream game it's the best game of last year it's delightful we love you gary that means so much to me and i will definitely pass that on to eric and blit as well um yeah no it's i mean the community really inspired a lot of spelunky 2 just in terms of the theme in terms of the features it's it's a big part of a game and we were hoping that you know it would the game would bring people together to play and we just think it's so cool everything that you all have done and that you like the game enough to put so many hours into it and to create mods for it and to stream it and to you know use it to support a really cool charity and all that so yeah thank you so much yeah thanks again for having me and thanks uh elf shot jess for playing with us that was a lot of fun yeah there's some really funny and cool moments there so yeah thank you everyone and uh i guess i will peace out there but again xana thanks for doing all this it's been it's been great my pleasure thanks to the community it's all of them it's incredible it's the best hope you have a great night and uh yeah just oh my god e3 just donated 941 dollars what they're not so cool thank you so much like over two thousand dollars from them that brings us to nine dollars away from our ten thousand dollar goal nine who's gonna be that final nine dollars not final necessarily final to the ten thousand wow wow all right dirk i'll let you go i really appreciate you taking the time take care yeah great work with the stream and with the charity stream thank you so much and i'll uh i'll talk to you again another time see ya yeah and also i won't forget that you uh killed me with a bomb at the beginning god dang it all right i'm just connected i'm disconnecting i don't want to hear [Music] it you
Channel: XanaGear
Views: 24,701
Rating: 4.9326925 out of 5
Keywords: spelunky, spelunky 2, xanagear, video games, spelunky hd, walkthrough, guide, help, step by step, how to, cheats, mods, full guide, 100%, any%, speedrun, speedrunning, tournament, esports, professional, partner, affiliate, streamer, derek, yu, coop, multiplayer, developer, developer plays, let's play, online, switch, nintendo switch, cheating, skips, guides, tricks, top 10, Derek yu
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 48sec (6528 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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