Baer Plays Spelunky 2 (Ep. 4)

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this is a selfish stream this is for me this isn't even for you but you can come too if you want i'm just playing more because i want to play more because i am so in love with this game it's so good it's so so good and i want to get better at it so we got to keep playing so here we go jump back in played a little liz earlier whoo neca let's play neca that sounds good new character [Music] i like her i like her skull we'll see what her ropes look like oh i was hoping i could just be able to throw him in here no matter what i oh yeah you already told me that i know [Music] i know you're doing good too hey liz bit busy right now yeah clearly preoccupied to the bear pile clearly got a lot going on [Music] thanks for the twitch prime by the way appreciate it i'm probably gonna go ahead and do the uh shout outs again at the end of the stream just fyi i just wanted to check this out but all right well without further ado i guess let's go ahead and get right back into it shall we more spelunky too baby see if we can pick up a uh another olmec appearance tonight a minor spoiler but i did indeed manage to uh make my first appearance in olmec's lair that was not where i expected it to be so that's going to be interesting very curious to find out what lies beyond that very curious to get back there again and uh try to get past it one more time god dang it all right well we're back we sure are back aren't we all right a few ropes they'll help us out get a lot of money too i'm just gonna go ahead and rope that oh look at hers got like this fungus spreading out at the top up there that's that's disturbing i'm just gonna go ahead and die real quick again aren't i here my god no damsel either oh shoot oh boy well yikes questionable start we'll just go ahead and pick this up it's a good idea there's our first turkey i guess that's pretty easy might as well go ahead and acquire that sounds good the other one should be fairly simple i would assume and there it is sure enough you know what i'm going to go ahead and use a rope for that and then just whip you and i should have a pretty easy time of getting crushed to death should have known the moment that mole made an appearance in there that that was gonna be a a bad decision that's all right hadn't made a lot of progress there anyway that was kind of dumb i could have got that ruby oh well all right so i want to get this bat to trigger this so that i can use this arrow to set off the other arrow trap go ahead and do that spelunky to death through that waiting room oh man i can't wait i gotta stop doing that i gotta rem i gotta realize literally every time i do that that's gonna happen you have to hit the skull things and then wait a second if you run through you're going to get knocked in your face and get smacked around a little bit [Music] oh boy oh god all right no problem no problem we're gonna get this we're out of here we're out of here game's tough man get back to get back to those expectations i'm gonna figure this out oh we do want that stuff that's a power pack in there that's interesting thank you well obviously the easiest way to take care of that is going to be to use the freeze race so i'm going to try to go ahead and do that exact thing probably no key over there yet we're good good hey how you doing sorry i had to be done literally just didn't have a choice i mean what do you expect right in a situation like that you're just gonna have to die friend who's gonna leave that hired healthy we got a power pack now baby we got big bombs no knock back and a flame whip it's pretty cool pretty cool stuff let's head up here again hopefully not have to use too many more of our remaining ropes money's not really going to matter at this point either i think we got to go ahead and use like one bomb to get through here which is probably way better than using another rope all right yeah we get big bombs big old bombs okay give me that always love that yeah i'm pretty damn sure we're going to be going shotgun instead of freeze ray i don't think the freeze ray actually even is impacted by the power pack we should look into that more that'd be interesting [Music] there we go that's a big boomer oh god damn you need to be aware of that kind of thing all right got the eye we'll maybe look for the turkeys here ready for the moles oh we got ourselves a shrine too okay all right then we might be uh getting to work here definitely going to take this we've got the turkey guy here too and i could just go ahead and kill him and that'd be another couple of points toward the kapala that's probably gonna be pretty tempting here oh we got another shot too this is pretty good i think i dropped my uh i'm pretty sure i dropped my gun unfortunately so i'm gonna have to fix that but i kind of just want to cook this turkey so i can get the heart actually it seems like it might actually be more necessary right now oh no i think the power pack actually makes it so you can't do the shotgun jump that'd be unfortunate [Music] let's see i don't want to blow up those bombs so i'd like him to get out of there so i think i'm gonna go ahead and try to put a bomb in here like a wait for him to bounce back before i do that ah damn all right well it still worked perfectly actually that was great cool all right we can put the corpse on there too oops didn't even blow up the ghost jar that was awesome well that worked really really well okay so making good headway here i get that set off oh damn it give us the wrong thing [Music] yeah two whips is gonna kill him now unfortunately i got to jump on them instead of whipping them i want to bring back the live bodies all right really getting the uh getting the damsel from this point on is going to be the only one that really matters too much so should probably try to go and quote find them quickly yo crotis thank you very much for the 50 tip i appreciate that a lot that's very kind thank you for watching the content i really appreciate that okay we're gonna just go ahead and take him out a lot easier when i can just stand still like that same thing with the turkey kind of tempted to just cook this turkey for a quick hp but i know damn well i'll be better off sacrificing it so we'll do this climbing gloves are good but want to get one more body here unfortunately wasted the parachute but i'm in a bit of a hurry so i'm trying to move quickly probably don't even need that key about 10 seconds left really really wish i had found the damsel sooner because that would clearly be uh pretty close to the completed kapala oh boy yeah we got ourselves a bit of a situation here actually [ __ ] yeah this is becoming a big big situation oh no look at that power pack oh my god i didn't realize you can just fire like crazy with that thing okay well sadly didn't get there on the kapala it took a little bit longer than i wanted it to but that was okay anyway i got some good stuff and apparently the power pack's pretty goddamn good okay all right we'll probably go volcano it's fine with me let's do it time on the ghost now is three minutes yeah nice dog geez i hate didn't that out too bad that time at least god damn that's great man sorry you don't get to live just me just me right now all right i think i'm gonna try to go to hell i realized after the fact by the way uh that all the times we were going to hell we were actually using the ujadai in that contraption what the hell whoa big magmafrom that's a big magma frog that spits lava that's funny okay oh the heck do you kill him oh there's another altar that's really good we'll go ahead and uh pour that stuff out i guess i want to get my hamster here never mind i don't need my hamster okay let's go like [Music] that and then like that [Music] oh boy yeah that's not gonna help us i think i just got to try to sacrifice the shopkeeper that's probably the only thing that works so let's just do that here we go cool maybe i'll be able to sacrifice rock dog maybe there's something else over here we got this hmm key right we have that other thing over there hold on hang on i really like that they gave you the extra little bit of time to explore the stages [Music] that additional 30 seconds it helps that was dumb is he an enemy yes [Laughter] okay good to know [Music] oh this is totally not worth a rope i don't know what i'm doing not worth it let's see you're coming with me you're gonna set that off for me thank you grab this as well [Music] ah poor thing all right well you served your purpose pretty well [Music] hey that's pretty good [Music] pretty good [Music] not much else [Music] i'll okay that'll do [Music] i feel like comedic timing is just the subtitle for spelunky at this point for me yeah it's just an expectation beyond it being a coincidence [Music] well a lot in here to be excited about just go ahead and move on beyond that one ghost jar easy access to the eye very nice i got a decent amount of cash actually too we may just end up keeping on collecting here grab myself a damsel we're playing some clean regular old-fashioned spelunky here in the doorway okay and then we could go get that ghost jar i don't know if it's worth a rope though probably not just snag this real quick get out of here sounds good i'm gonna use a rope here worth it [Music] another hamster gimme gimme got our turkeys here too actually got a mole cot that's really nice where's turkey guy all right hopefully this skull doesn't [ __ ] with this thing good god damn it okay there you are this'll be pretty easy i don't have the power pack anymore either so i'm not [ __ ] with these things too much okay i'm gonna get this 500 why not night stream yeah i wanted to uh i wanted to do one tonight especially for the folks that maybe haven't been able to tune in to the um streams during the daytime since i know a lot of folks have been working during the during the daytime streams so hopefully folks got a chance today we got plenty of vod for you if you've been missing on the live content though youtube's got you covered [Music] just grab this thing again it's pretty easy sure why not oh cool there we go [Music] make things even easier for me thank you and then i'm gonna go ahead and use a bomb for this seems worth it i am in the game yeah it makes me so happy i'll show you the homage if you haven't seen it i'm gonna have to get the key for it though oh wait no i already got the uh jedi right yeah i've already been in there hold on i'll go back and show you again i'll go give you a quick peek well i'd have to use a rope that's fine [Music] not a big deal where was it oh it was in the last room wasn't it was it the previous floor yeah i'm getting things confused [Music] i'm in a great mood today i'm having a great time loving spelunky two it's been an absolute delight to play [Music] okay i guess we can come get you yeah i'm really happy about it obviously i'm just overjoyed about it you know what let's go ahead and use a rope for these [Music] and it's such a cool like i said this when i uh saw it the first time but i'm just i'm still so thrilled about it the fact that it's very clearly us like there's no mistaking it it is 1 000 a tribute to us and it's so cool all right well we actually haven't angered anybody nor have we really gotten any items so that's kind of a that's kind of how that works i guess you have like a decent amount of money though maybe we end up going to the black market and buying things ew [Music] bear bongo please need lots of bear bongos to combat the power of quebec okay who's that path cleared here we go i'm just going to leave just gonna get out of here not gonna worry about killing them and we're gone man this has been a really tame go of it so far man so pacifist oh i'll probably just pick these up i don't really need those turkeys unless i find a sacrificial altar that would change my tune very quickly [Music] oh man you know what i watched mouth stream for a little bit after my stream this morning and he showed me something that was [ __ ] wonderful apparently if you have boots on you can walk on this stuff your boots protect your feet and i love that powers yep hey mr hamster let's see if this guy lets me bounce up off him i think it's any boots i think both the spring boots and the spike boots work for it there we go let's see i'm not finding an altar i guess we'll call it good on that whoa hey oh we could go for paste that's tempting [Music] i think i'll do that hey buddy enjoy that all right two bombs left is a bit of a concern hopefully we find the blip soon here we go oh we're in the jungle this feels good but the jungle wants to kill me i gotta be careful hmm leprechaun i'd like a four-leaf clover but i don't really want to mess with you either oh that kind of worked there we go found a way to get himself killed okay oh jesus christ that was scary okay definitely didn't need to do that whoa oh there's a pot of gold over here i don't think i want to go for it though i mean i wonder how much money those actually have i wonder if it's even worth it okay good enough um [Music] oh there's a path in here i gotta eat ropes i can go for this [Music] see what's in here i can't get through that oh wait can i i can take this torch can't i can i no i guess not that'd be cool they're only nothing huh all right i guess those just for if you have a torch you could burn through those and get some money oh geez that was close whoops [ __ ] okay did not hear or see any black market blip so we gotta hope for this stage to yield results i guess let's see [Music] oh definitely gonna buy most of that it's not all of it thanks buddy thanks sparky i'm completely sold out [Music] oh boy we got voodoo boys all right hold on no no no no no no no die [ __ ] i hate it i have no soul oh boy i've lost my soul it's terrible i'll take this boomerang actually thank you probably better than nothing i think i missed the black market oh wait no no i bet it could show up on 2-4 now because it just has to be in the background of the level i think that's indeed the case [Music] it's over here somewhere right inside there cool okay great let's do it made it to the black market again gotta get our clover for sure you know what i'm going to leave you man i just didn't bring you with you can come along just kidding you're dead now you can stay alive [Music] okay don't die to that [Music] thank you i don't want him i don't want him i don't want him around i can't take it it's too much pressure man oh he's a ghost and there was a freaking spider in the jar that's why i don't trust them because i can't trust them not to introduce new [ __ ] oh god all right that one didn't feel too hot anyway that was speaking of not doing too hot that was a bit of a messy run i mean hell i didn't even steal anything what kind of stupid run is that okay we're gonna drop this sucker down there god damn it ah [Music] i hate it there's no reason at all to use two ropes here either this is a terrible start [Music] i should probably just reset this [Music] but i'm not gonna [Music] do 15 grand at this point is pretty good what the heck what well it doesn't work anymore i guess all right [Music] that was weird that it like propelled me off the wall with the whip there that was strange i don't know what happened with that [Music] sorry pal no that was come on now leave my poor hamster alone [Music] okay i'll have to do [Music] well at least i can bounce off his head or i can just push this thing i guess totally not worth it totally not worth it totally not worth it there we go whipping walls is a little weird yeah it seems like it let me turn off your curse for a while well i'd have to turn off the hamster for that he's just so adorable i'm willing to spend a couple keys or not keys a couple ropes here get back up to sacrifice territory i'm surprised that didn't hit him this will probably hear a little path oh i thought that would go a little further oh my god man [ __ ] moles i wonder if this gives me a point for kapala not sure it does oh damn it [ __ ] moles made me kill my monkey get out here and meet your maker it's this thing it's colin [Music] oh shoot oh boy oh boy okay here's my plan i'm gonna [Music] that worked i didn't mean to do that but okay got it i wanted to keep the power pack i'm sad that blew up oh well now we can do our shotgun jump oh god damn it dude come on prioritize the gun how's that still not a thing there we go where's the hamster even i might go ahead and do this seems like a not terrible idea that did it really i thought for sure either i'd be able to whip it as it came down or it just wouldn't even drop onto my head oh man all right i gotta get serious here [Music] i want to get back to that black market we gotta we gotta get real it's going to take a mammoth effort [Music] there's a ghost jar i don't think i want it the game makes it so hard to acquire even the most basic things sometimes [Music] it is tough really oh no tell me i can go back up there okay thank you we got a path out right okay good yeah that'll work good enough one one has been pretty uh [Music] routine for the most part too i'll take this rock okay let's see this might be good oh come on man god damn it i'm so dumb whatever let's just try this might as well at this point let's have some fun with it hey dude hey cool see our jedi there look at his dodges he's a gamer [Music] hey [Music] that's easy enough we got an altar too oh [ __ ] probably just put the hired help on the altar man seems like a good idea [Music] let's see we can do oh i got spring boots too yeah this is great this is going to be wonderful wonderful give ourselves that eye soon oops we'll get a mole too hell yeah oh i should have waited to pick those up actually so i could have sacrificed a live one [Music] bit of a mistake there oh well this before i forget oh here's the tribute by the way if you haven't seen it yet so that is uh bear taffy red panda gamer michaela fox northern lion a man vs game our uh the the five that were part of the daily challenge promotion way back for the pc release for the original game and i am just beyond honored to be included [Music] it is such a cool thing [Music] here we go gotta be pretty damn close i'm just gonna rough up here i might be able to get back really quick nope got it though let's go [Music] yes okay this is great that'll do that'll do i'm good i'm out of here much better looking run here sorry buddy you're basically just blood to me right now [Music] a little bit more there a little bit more there and kaboom there we go good stuff all right let's see love it just like insta collects all the blood if you jump on top of them it's so convenient i really like the changes they made to the kapala for number two there we go okay and we'll probably just go ahead and let you do your thing no need to go that way not a bad not a not a good location a little bit more turkey blood drop you off in here here's our third one i could probably get over there with a rope hold on do you reckon you'll be live probably only a couple hours tonight mostly because i've already been streaming for i've created like 15 hours or so splunky 2 content already over the last couple of days so i've been going at it pretty hard [Music] there we go oh no don't kill my turkey i need him wait what oh right yeah of course i've obtained it [Music] no [ __ ] all right i gotta tame the damn thing there you go here we go all right let's see we get might as well total trash [Laughter] oh it's the first time i've seen that that's great really want to go buy stuff i want to see it so bad how do i get in there how do i shop i want to shop why are you closed not [Music] i wanna available i'm gonna bomb just to see if maybe i can well i've only got two bombs no i really can't afford it that's great though that makes me happy all right let's get going let's get going i'm sure we'll see it again yeah we got spike shoes this time so i got the best way to address quillback i just got to play well nice that was easy okay and then we just want to bomb right on down into there right on down into there right on down into there great i got nine health this is awesome okay let's uh this could be a problem there he goes good enough let's do it more darkness ah geez i got spectacles at least so no need to bring the torch along that's good [Music] hey you know i'll buy some ropes thanks bud good morning for the blood god yep give me that give me that i mean 11 hp is all well and good but you know there's a lot of damn stuff that can end our runs instantly no matter what like spikes there we go oh [ __ ] oh boy that's not good was it worth it to you as you slowly slide down and pale the pun your permanent pedestal was it worth it dude we're both dead now [Music] all right if only i had 12 hp yeah oh god i'm dumb all right whatever that's just reset that's good there we go just in case there we are [Music] this oh what has bear discovered so far i think it's probably best to avoid those kinds of conversations i'll i'll try to provide a summary and that is to say that i have seen olmec i think that's about as far as we should go with that discussion we've been doing a great job in this chat of avoiding spoilers in their entirety and i'm very proud of us and i just need to continue to encourage that behavior they're all doing very good that sucked [Music] that should that's just gonna hit him right yeah there we go so i had that happen with me before but it actually pierced got me too [Music] nice that'll help all right good enough oh there we go you know i'd take a a god shop here if you want to just go ahead and throw one my way not looking like it's gonna show up here though let's see there's a turkey number one not really been feeling like getting the turkeys lately either they haven't really been paying out too much or am i all too interested in that hamster this however you may have my attention two parachutes oh boy let's stack them up that's feeling better all right we got a few goodies there's oh no wait hold on we need to find our uh do we need to find our eye still in this place am i mistaken let's see might not be on this floor actually yeah i think it's the next one all right okey-dokey i'm not gonna bother with the turkeys off we go my favorite part of the fact that they changed the uh between level screen is that it makes it so seamless like it doesn't interrupt the experience at all the music hardly even stops you know it's great there's our altar [Music] probably get these two i could get this mole for sure this gives me another opportunity i could probably get up here and get this thing too give me that nice give me another give me another appearance mr mole thank you good stuff now if i bring this thing crashing down it's honestly just gonna block my path so i'm probably not even gonna bother with that let's get that sent off this is just right here i guess i might as well just bomb it are we better off bombing here i guess probably another mole up there i might be able to bait out feels like a bonfire this run of dark souls yeah i mean this game is brutally difficult there's no getting around that one bit [Music] i think it's probably worth it to me to get these moles up so i'm going to use a rope here [Music] ah damn you all right well now he's up in that dirt at least so that should be easier for me to get him to reveal in the proper area there we go let's look at a full minute for this i feel like it's worth it wow this one's gonna be a pain in the ass though see it's got that shopkeeper to sacrifice too two ropes left guess i'm doing it i'm not gonna get this thing alive i should just shoot it after having hit it there there's no way i'm gonna be able to bring it all the way up only 30 seconds left i gotta get moving [Music] the shopkeeper might be enough so i'm gonna go for it definitely gonna go for it oh ouch that was dumb come on come on now [Music] here we go here we go whoops [Music] oh okay that's good mobility certainly oh boy okay good there we go hey i should have known all right one hp in a dream welcome back one hp and a freaking dream baby we need the bombs too is the thing so i gotta i gotta do this well nice okay there we go now you can just kill him damn it all right well we got the hp at least seems so hard to not blow those up there we go have exactly what we need i guess just gonna make it to the market [Applause] let's see i can just do this there we go and we're out here we go back to the jungle there we go just treat it like any other old jungle run man you've been here before know what to do just gonna make it to the market what hey i jumped on you i think you didn't take anything oh boy pace might be worth it here i guess we just do this there we go and then yeah it's going to make that a lot easier that was the right call for sure [Music] they're just chatting yep having a conversation all right did not hear any blips so i think we're good to go it's an olmec face all right good to go keep a very sharp eye out oh hi shopkeeper that's not good that's very helpful thank you all right yeah you know we got boots let's check it out no damage it's awesome point proven all right let's see the power of the boots here we go pardon me uh yeah we can just walk on that hell yeah dude love it oh it's a blip i heard a blip saw blip where's that where'd it go where are you oh boy oh god i don't know where it's at dude oh there okay hold on where are you where are you down further there okay center of this thing yes nice let's go we need we need resources badly this is a timely market all right we know they're already mad i'm not gonna worry about our hired help here oh boy okay that's gonna be tough [Music] they're already by me god damn [Music] um i don't know about this man [ __ ] i don't have a single bomb to try to get through the other way either maybe i should try to let the hired help do something i mean he can help us out go fight go go do things or they'll just kill each other yeah i know that works go get em go get em buddy all right good work there we go oh baby he's a god hmm how do i get this guy i like that oh my lord okay this is possible though oh cool there we go i'll take it keep shooting [Music] i want to hear them sounds hear them [Music] crunches that's not necessary anyway oh good [Music] i don't really need the power pack i'll just take these things and my buddy in a minute head jet time let's go i prefer having the cape to the power pack i guess that's my justification does the power pack improve the web gun you know we should probably find that out you can fire it more i don't know if that's even different it is okay no no no it makes it a little bit better i guess [Music] i think it's noticeable a web mini gun yeah see what's in here no thanks [Music] all right clover adds two minutes to the ghost that's timer there we go oh cool see ya good we're doing it made it through the black market a wooden shield really no a wooden shield would be destroyed would be destroyed by a bullet [Music] is what logic dictates i don't think anybody could fault me for following that path in my brain [Music] seems a little ridiculous this is moon wood oh my bad whoops i should have known [Music] good lord [Music] oh that's sad [Music] nope nope nope nope get punched for me thank you go ahead and get punched again one more punch just go ahead and get punched just go ahead and get punched thanks stupid mole hey good stuff i actually got a lot of money there okay this game is very very hard without question you're coming with me partner buckaroo [Music] i love that you just do this i guess there we go triple q oh jesus come on now [Music] there he is i'm gonna say where the hell's turkey guy there we go easy enough give me something good he's gonna get he's gonna give me a jet pack one day and then like it's gonna completely skew my entire expectation of this because right now i just have the feeling that it's mostly useless all right hey alter time nothing to sack right away let's have a look downstairs got four ropes still definitely gonna try to get this guy god damn it dude i hate the lizards [Music] this is worth it god that's annoying all right they will be able to get this one nice i realize i can actually jump up there from the rope that'll save me some trouble damn it no stop stop those because then everyone laughs at me and i just feel shame those aren't acceptable anymore we need less of those [Music] i do love the way they carry things it's adorable [Music] it's so cute [Music] i guess we're out of here you know what i think it's finally time after this run to swap off the hamster i think the hamster curse has been pretty powerful and we're gonna have to finally alleviate that where the hell is the door over here that's weird oh i thought it was a jet pack god damn it ah oh well come on with me thank you thank you [Music] oh ropes convenient we'll need these probably you know what i'm probably just gonna bail on this stage actually how in the goddamn hell did that hit me i jumped on the thing yep that's it i guess another fairly uneventful level it was a [ __ ] spider in the pot ah [Music] all right got the eye step one complete is that an altar down there no late night splunk and bearded we doing it yeah we gotta wrap that no chance [Music] oops there we go we get back out of there so we'll go ahead and snag this and call it good okay i made a ton of cash here but it's enough to be serviceable let's do it somehow made it to quell back it's been a strange run as well whoa [ __ ] yep that'll end it that's that's fair that one wasn't feeling too strong that one was lacking some critical components there yo bearded thank you so much for the five gifted appreciate it welcome to the pile y'all [Music] thank you so much for the subs everybody [Music] get a big thank you about the end of course but thank you very much for the support [Music] all right oh damn it well i got spring boots anyway i guess okay get a decent amount of cash grab me that sucker and then boom we are gone okay green jumpy boots they just give you an extra tile of bounce power that's all they're for which is pretty damn useful turns out [Music] there we go no god damn it really holy [ __ ] the lizards are ruthless they they they act faster than a human being can react sometimes the lizards will like if you're in their vicinity they'll pop you before you can do anything it's it's impossible to react [Music] oops oh come on now get down there [Music] i'm so dumb geez [Music] there's so many things capable of killing me [Music] all right here we go [Music] no not you oh i should have used that to get over there and get those gold bars oh well i really just want to see a good shop and that might be it that's probably it i was just hoping to rob from them and then get something going from this and this is looking like what a what i wanted so here we go got ourselves our key as well i got no idea where the actual doorway is there's our entrance good thing that cape doesn't burn yeah for that would real been unfortunate okay oh there we go so if we just i guess we gotta go back up this way right that would require a rope though i think i'm just gonna bomb for it [Music] go ahead and bomb oh boy what is this even over here this is this is open isn't it i'm probably better off with the rope all right yeah i have gloves just climb silly boy and then we ideally get rid of this too there we go uh my best run jpk probably came from uh about midway through today's morning stream i don't know if there's really a link to that though all right let's see i think we're good to go this is an unfortunate layout was that really boxed in here oh we could have gone that way i guess okay well all right let's get going the best runs this one exactly the best runs about to happen here good attitude that's fine i guess there we go cool more [ __ ] happy about that oh and an altar oh boy let's see i think i'll go for that let's go ahead and vandalize this area and then we'll just whip you i'll be able to get you down that way sick all right that's good stuff [Music] i can't believe that oh my god that was so close to disaster wow that was lucky thanks cauley there we go [Music] cauli saved the day [Music] oh sweet skeleton key obviously don't need to use or need to use it there oh what's up here fun yo this is by far the most interesting turkey guy door but unfortunately that apparently doesn't go anywhere all right whatever [Music] okay so we are hopefully gonna find our damsel as well oh god damn it dude [Music] i hate that start i hate it forcing me to use an item immediately [Music] can i get through there i can right yeah [Music] oh boy it really is the hamster dude you know what i gotta change it [Music] cat time [Music] here kitty kitty we'll go this way terrible idea oh lord [Music] hey you so this is obviously your fault so i can't wait to get the cat now here we go oh boy um just do that don't even risk it [Music] there we go [Music] all right back to basically where we were no climbing gloves this time but i might be better off that way honestly hmm we got one turkey here already let me go through the trouble probably not actually oh there he is yeah maybe maybe [Music] you know what let's do it feeling generous get out of here [Music] i might as well get the lower one first yummy are you [Music] good enough oh [ __ ] come on there we go oh my god there's just so little reason to ever do this [Music] it really needs to be crates i honestly want him to like patch it so that it's at least like one crate or something oh my god i'm so bad i need to stop doing that stuff that's all on me just gotta slow down a little bit [Music] that's not good [ __ ] jesus ah they're so scary now my god okay i gotta be ready for that they move so much differently [Music] i'm still all about just stealing from a good shop here i don't got no qualms with that anymore oh man [Music] that's going to be a problem if i try to just kill him i'm just curious to see what happens though [Music] it's gonna be messy it's gonna be real messy hey kitty there you are yeah [ __ ] it why not that was fun okay and i'm glad i did that that was a good decision [Music] let's see oh there it is right i can just make that jump hold on easy money okay [Music] let me get the last shopkeeper in the vault don't really need to worry about him i'm just gonna leave the damsel behind we're good i'm out of here all right back to business nice good stuff there's both turkeys but they're both probably gonna die oh creates galore on this stage let's go dude please prioritize the gun ah i hate it [Music] okay you're gonna be a bit of a pain you can still shotgun jump yeah still works i love it okay that's good i might just have to use a rope here oh right yeah i'm dumb just give give him an access point up to me just run away and just run away [Music] i've made it to 3-1 gecker which is where olmec is that's the furthest i've gotten bongo we're back okay we've got a lot of bombs this time i think i just shoot him all right let him roll through here hey nice all right very good i hate that should have known that was coming though i guess there's the shopkeeper that's kind of weird okay oh interesting there's our key hmm all right i'll keep that in mind i got a key on the top left just in case no boots for me here so i got to be careful moving across this stuff be real careful i love their death sounds nothing doing over there huh i stole didn't i did i not murder i must not have murdered maybe [Music] oh close holy [ __ ] okay let's see there's our locked door there's a leprechaun you know what let's go ahead and go for it well i only got five ropes i don't think it's really worth it no let's just not even bother ah okay what's through here though oh it's you again parsley the youngest of three sisters she's cheery but has a quick temper parsley and parsnip and there's a third one that's adorable i like that we are really connected in the back channels here aren't we nice okay let's try this door out okay good stuff i think i'll go ahead and go down oh boy that's annoying there we go okay i do kind of want to get the damsel let's see we're sitting at a minute 17 in this stage i actually thought i'd been in here a lot longer so we've got time can you come down i don't think so there we go all right yeah god i can't do that anymore i didn't hear or see any blips i think i'm gonna go i i feel like i need to take the opportunity to leave whenever i've got it these days and here see it though there's another backwoods path try this sucker out oh it's you the third sister no it's just parsnip that's okay finding you is probably helpful too nowhere else to go all right we got that path up there i guess that i could check out might as well oh god that was dangerous no i'm dumb damn it don't do these things bear [Music] smush okay no good no help oh [ __ ] hey hey oh the blip where are you nearby here where is it [Music] must be in here no it's down further i think it's close to this [ __ ] [Music] it's over here call that good [Music] i didn't find it oh it's right below me okay nice okay back to the black market again and i don't think they're mad at me in here i'm pretty sure they're not [Music] yeah they're just chilling cool i'll probably make things a little easier i'm just doing some shopping says yang all right let's see hey kitty that is that's a jet pack right there isn't it [Music] that sure is all right let's see i don't want to blow this up so i'm going to buy this to start with and then i think i buy the bomb box oh i can't buy the bomb box so i probably just shoot him at this point yeah i'll just shoot him now let that blow everything up downstairs [Music] that was scary holy [ __ ] man they nearly got me still this is terrifying shit's real scary in here okay he's still up that's kind of annoying oh what the [ __ ] was that holy [ __ ] the [ __ ] flick shot seriously all right another one dead oh he's gonna come up there too man got him there we go all right one more i think [Music] i don't know where he is i got the head jet didn't i yes oh that's kind of fun look at that little symbol that the hedgehog shows up with on the top left right above the heart there that's cute yo b-rocks i can't even read your raid message but i feel it's warmth and love a full parade thank you very much for the support hey dude [Music] banana didn't come because he was gonna be spoiled that's totally fair that is totally fair let's go dude crashing it crashing it this is a good run that's about when i usually die though so i need to stop saying those things this runs terrible it's gonna end at any moment see if i hadn't been ready if i hadn't been [ __ ] ready goodbye to you okay what is this thing [ __ ] made of dude a flimsy wooden shield carried by tiki men for some basic defense against the harsh jungle environment flimsy they say [Music] i don't believe you the third one even hello parmesan the eldest of three sisters she's shy and nurturing parsley parsnip and parmesan that's one of these things is not like the other but that's still pretty damn cute okay we got 27 bombs it's time to make our way through we do not hesitate to use please just stop please stop me and die to scully [Music] thanks for the five gift to welcome in with polly i appreciate it here we go [Music] god that sucks it's so fast it happens so fast man you're fine and then boom you're not [Music] ah that's not gonna work hey kitty you know what i'm actually gonna get you percy a helpless cat who snuck aboard margaret tunnell's spaceship looking for a warm place to sleep well percy kitty kisses cute [Music] yeah percival and uh montgomery yeah those are some those are some classy names for our pets [Music] there we go i hate them i hate them i hate them all all moles deserve to die and that's real moles too they've been represented so poorly in digital form that i wish ill upon their their real versions [Music] it's true you know what next mole i see giving it the finger flip it the bird dude too far not far enough i might even give it two two middle [Music] fingers wait they're blind they couldn't see it anyway that's true isn't it [Laughter] well so much for that i can't get the last ropes in the [ __ ] that works i guess dad no help thank you oh we have an altar totally gonna use this don't blow up don't blow up don't blow up yay [ __ ] that's okay so we are going to make him very mad i thought we might haha idiot can't do anything without your arrow huh boom my arrow now totally my arrow all right another turkey over there see what's inside it's just never worth it man it sucks [Music] sucks butts spectacles cool point okay we'll get that crate [Music] these are damsel i should probably go ahead and get him too or her oh that's really difficult though maybe not [Music] maybe not [Music] can i set this off oh please just don't kill me please don't kill me fine have it your way you get whatever you want don't you you you get it all you get to have it all you get all the funny moments all to yourself bear doesn't get anything i even asked nicely i was so polite about it [Music] nope nothing here no good boring 1-1 out the door out the door we're gone we're wandering hey that'll do freaking do thank you buddy a couple extra goodies right away no crate inside here sadly yo alter though oh never mind i lied that was pretty clutch all right i'll have to do i guess it's a decent amount of resources there [Music] not too shabby oh [ __ ] there we go look at the eye here we got to find our key hey kitty oh come on not in there huh okay [Music] not in there let's go ahead and grab kitty i can actually use one extra health here use the rope there's a crate [Music] we do have the shopkeeper to worry about in a moment's time here too that was convenient but i did have the cat to block it i guess oh the jet pack i need to get that i need that badly oh god i don't want to aggro them yet [ __ ] let me go get our get their gun [Music] use one of our last ropes on this and hope that it actually gives us a few more ropes here more pace you know that's pretty good in fact that's like perfect [Music] so i need to get this guy out of here how am i gonna get him out of there without blowing up the [ __ ] jet pack man that's gonna be a pain in the ass i guess the best way to do it is probably gonna be the bomb right here because that'll clear out a space and i could probably just shoot him and maybe get lucky he might come out enough for me to just dance around with him though and that'll probably be a lot easier he just [ __ ] blew it up i should have known piece of junk ah you suck man i could have handled that better oh well i'm out of ropes too this is a bummer dude i needed that i needed that pretty bad okay well here's hoping we just have to never drop further than we need to at this point we do have paste bombs so we should be able to add like get out of hairy situations but my mobility is suffering right now there we go okay bear bongo love how [ __ ] far it sends the even the corpses man hang on wait for it here comes the bongo there it is there it is it's beautiful just occurred to me to do this yeah that totally works there we go problem solved i don't think you need to do the pickup and put it down thing anymore i don't think that actually helps [Music] okay i'm so glad we have barebone go for that definitely want to try to get this uh cat as well let's toss him down here you pick him up for me bud thanks just hang on to him for a second and then i think i'll be able to uh this is such a bad play let's just paste bomb him right there nailed it you didn't bring the cat with you god damn idiot [Music] this is okay yeah you can survive as long as you want i guess but i ain't doing anything to help your ass there you go go whip that thing to death [Music] good plan i'm going this way i guess boink i don't have spike shoes though this is a little concerning i don't want to die to this guy let's just bombing wait for him to get back come back up and then bomb him that might work there we go good enough i'll just bomb here too easy i thought that was a [ __ ] hired help oh come on damn you hey i don't have boots here so i gotta be careful about that [Music] fun stuff buddy you can just knock that off for a take that'd be great i don't think i need to get this thing let's just leave oh moon challenge fun the last time i went in here i was immediately mauled by a giant spider so all right anything besides that we're good i really love the moon challenge music makes me very happy [Music] yo best gun let's go make a little staircase down [Music] i don't really want this but i like being able to access it i guess [Music] i have to get down this way to get there without losing the ability to get back up [Music] a little bit more money oh what's that oh [ __ ] interesting i'm sad i didn't get to see all three sisters at olmec in the last round either man that would have been fun all right that was a fine challenge of the moon i guess okay yeah no camera oh well we got the clover here at least so i got extra time to explore i'm just gonna get out of here come on there we go leprechaun for this there we go there he goes another clover wonder if those stack be cool i guess i'm not getting that one [Music] okay let's see that's going to be kind of difficult i kind of want them to come up here for me there we go nice bye and we'll check this out there you are huh hey parsley are you parsnips or parsley i can't even tell pretty sure you're not parmesan all right don't need to go over here but i'm curious wow i cannot believe i'm alive i can't believe that lets me do that holy [ __ ] new tech dude [Music] that was close i wasn't sure how long he could what the distance is on that move oh my god don't kill the kitty uh how am i gonna do this i guess i'll just bomb him i don't wanna deal with his [ __ ] and i guess i'm just going to rope for that which is totally worth it give this i might be able to get the live guy down there might be possible i'm gonna try it oh right yeah mind no you son of a [ __ ] oh i was only i have so few ropes i shouldn't have done that he's a crap stupid monkey okay hmm if i can get you out of here i'd really like that actually so let's go ahead and bomb his little shack yeah let's get him just jump on these things they'll do it [Music] make it easy enough unless he refuses to [ __ ] drop on him come on dude make it easy on me there we go you can have your gun back that's gonna be annoying [ __ ] i don't think i can do that i guess i could bomb this that does not do it either i don't know what that plan was i really don't want to use my last rope either some of the [ __ ] i think i'm just gonna have to call that i haven't found the black market yet either man geez i really don't want to use my last rope [Music] that did not work how i thought it would [Music] i'm out of here i guess really relying on the blip here really need to see the blip unfortunately didn't get to our kapala either that's a really unfortunate setup what the [ __ ] really and clearly i'm gonna bomb this but this just sucks so i should probably do that there we go oh no come on that works jesus nearly just jumped into me with it hey no i hate that hey another sister hello i have freed you okay it's like halo when you [ __ ] up the sticky and just run into the target totally okay that certainly worked it's unfortunate i didn't realize that i'd be boxing myself in here i'm just gonna have to bomb my way out again i am dumb i am real dumb oops oh god how does it seem like it just like everything is just fine and then immediately nothing matters and all is lost it's insane man it's completely ridiculous hey speedrun it's a freaking speed run man [Music] there we go [Music] man whatever just give them to me those are mine you just get out of here you fall down you go away i got a crate there oh he lost his gun see ya more bombs good could have blown those up i guess that was kind of risky caveman with a shotgun that's something you don't like to see we stopped that in its tracks hmm where's the good key where the hell is the good key [Music] upstairs maybe there it is god dammit [ __ ] that was my fault yeah completely i did not think that through [Music] whoops nope [Music] give me give me give me these moles are coming for me dude all right get out get out of here that could be a good one it is indeed oh baby oh baby that's something you like to see oh man 30 bombs okay we're in business we're getting it going you know zero win thank you for the gifted welcome to the pile y'all uh what are we doing here we got are we done we might be done i'm not sure there's an eye in this stage [Music] i'm not sure i can go past this point without pissing him off i guess i could just kill him i don't necessarily want to do that though [Music] well that'll do it what's the matter with me that was that was abysmally bad [Music] i don't even know i can't even explain that decision oh okay crossbow time sure [Music] drop that the 1-1 do kind of feel like i just need to skirt through them like there's very rarely anything of extreme value in 1-1 getting money of course does tend to help but i've also been robbing the shopkeeper blind for the most part [Music] oh come on now give me a little bit of [Music] credit let's see what we get here see yeah i'm just going to steal from this guy too man absolutely this is a power pack shotgun combination with spike shoes to boot that's pretty good [Music] no thanks all right we'll work with this i guess no altar here but those turkeys are like right next to the guy pretty goddamn accessible i guess we might as well do that oh you're right yeah i gotta remember that's a thing now too riding on a turkey carrying a turkey the ultimate spelunky ii experience you can shot gun boost with the jet pack it's with the power pack it's slightly different though it i feel like it's like half of the power of the shotgun jumped normally which is weird because you know it's got a power pack you would think would be better but it's not [Music] all right off we go then i love that you can just shoot there uh sit and shoot like that with the power pack that's really nice um if we let me do this oh alter well that's going to change things [Music] going right back up [Music] oh actually we're going to bomb for that i'm definitely going to bomb for that which is gonna be oh it's gonna have to be cooked okay let's do it you're coming down here for a second oh i forgot right yeah no that'll do it's a big one don't have to cook it at all uh yeah i thought i had a jet pack for a second but now we can we can use those for sure okay and then go get this caveman i come pre-cooked yeah [Music] okay i do want to go for this crate as well which thankfully i should be able to uh okay so here's the plan we're gonna get killed we're gonna get killed real quick cool yep don't worry about it [Music] i i hate that damage a lot there's nothing there's not very much like there's very very little in the game right now that like actually just bugs me that's one of the things that's one of the things that just makes me mad is that you can whip through that skeleton wall and it still hits you with a skull it's just it's just annoying it's just frustrating it's like throwing a rock and hitting yourself yeah it's just like it's like i don't even feel like i should be punished for that i'm just moving forward the right way for whatever reason that causes me to take damage a little silly all right there's an easy one one he's in [Music] okay give me an altar please ah dude oh man i might be near the end of my rope already tonight i'm getting an annihilate yeah this is bad already holy [ __ ] this is really bad might have to only be like a couple more goes holy christ above what the hell calm down game jesus [Music] take it easy [Music] i'm not trying to do anything fast i'm just playing i'm just going yeah we're out you should change cat to dog 100 you know that's probably the problem yeah you might be right babe oh there you go get them oh god man it sucks [Music] [Music] there's haters i think there's haters i think there's people and get a little frustrated that i'm not doing as well as i could be what no come on man that's the exact same thing i've been doing why did it not work that time [Music] damn it oh thank you babe i am gonna go eat those soon might be taco time [Music] no really man okay i'm clearly at the end of my rope here i'm gonna do one more [Music] i think i got it i gotta space it out [Music] gotta space it out let's see well that works good enough good enough [Music] tacos and you're doing one more i know how kind am i putting off delicious homemade tacos for y'all [Music] so i can play more of my favorite video game as my job on the internet i'm such a nice guy i'm so giving okay there's our key just like that real quick how many how many times can we say taco before it loses all meaning taco taco taco taco taco taco taco taco taco oh we bomb whoops about right there that creates a little upstairs doohickey but it still doesn't do enough because i still have to use a rope to get her back up here anyway which i'm gonna do because i want to get a kapala oh come on please let me pick him up nice okay [Music] man this placement of things is so annoying [Music] [ __ ] [Music] oh have ropes please you have a telepath and some bombs and a hover pack that's just not super exciting [Music] god damn it man god damn it just give me one more try this is just not acceptable yep [Music] i want something good here the game wants you to have tacos now yeah obviously i just want something where i can feel like okay yeah you know what i had a chance to make that work and i just let it go that's what i'm that's what i'm looking for the last few runs have just felt like no you don't get anything [ __ ] you okay i can deal with darkness i know i'd like to get that bug but i don't have to hey that's good thank you thank you for not blowing up the bombs with the torch too i could totally believe that being a thing that happens ooh there's our altar okay that's pretty good those snakes are making out okay i'm gonna try this and if it doesn't work so be it but this is gonna be pretty good for us if we can get it to work here okay path through there so we can get up good stuff all right well now i'm gonna kill this guy too so i can sacrifice him on the altar there we go okay this is looking good we can get ourselves the uh damsel the turkeys and these corpses here we'll probably be pretty damn close to getting the uh kapala if i can just jump correctly fine out of your way low on ropes again gotta be cautious about that definitely gonna sacrifice the cat do not blow up the ghost jar do not blow up the ghost jar okay we do have climbing gloves too i gotta keep that in mind give me this hell yeah okay there's gotta be one or two more things around we can sacrifice there's a mole that's good another turkey over here that arrow nearly nearly hit me that's fine i don't care come on come on hell yeah let's go okay we're on to something we're doing it that's like actually nothing like it's a gold bar oh my god it's so disappointing okay let's get some blood while we're up here gimme all right still need to get the uh ooh jedi next turn here her next area hopefully [Music] i need to go that way i'm gonna go get some blood [Music] waiting for it there we go and you've basically done your job so well hold on a second i could probably save you oh god damn it come on a little land on the thing fine ooh specs there we go okay let's just get this there's a crate too nice here we go yeah dog would have survived that right yeah he would have known what to do just every time i try that it always happens i don't know why i expect any different you get some get some blood out of that i am mad oh i'm mad all right that's gonna have to be it dude that is that's a that's an endless source of tilt that sucks that was such a good run that was easily like a really good run god damn it oh well taco time let's do it hey thanks for watching everybody hope you enjoyed a little bit of bonus spelunky 2 action tonight we've got plenty more to come obviously we're not going to stop playing spelunky 2 forever so come on back tomorrow morning i'll be live a little earlier than normal i think probably around 9 a.m pacific if not a little earlier than that for plenty more spelunky 2 will be fresh fresh fingers in the
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 35,733
Rating: 4.8793969 out of 5
Keywords: baer plays spelunky 2, spelunky 2
Id: c3ZVTaXQJ3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 12sec (7332 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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