Baer Plays Spelunky 2 (Ep. 5)

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i don't think i played margaret yet let's play a little margaret that sounds like fun that sounds like fun yay splunky too hi colin we call the time loop olmec's curse but it's true origin maybe something else eerie [Music] how you doing thanks neca i admire your skull hat it's pretty cool looking something is preventing my sensors from working properly i knew about that yeah that's right we're gonna have to look into that maybe a little coffee cup here that's cute i love how we're building this out as we go this still just leads to the elites the tutorial right yeah okay cool anyway let's do it our first run presumably with margaret missed yesterday's stream the evening stream didn't get a lot done in the evening stream unfortunately it was a uh it was just a little bit more of a struggle last night saw a few black market runs nothing all that crazy though so you didn't miss a ton oh man this game is so good [Music] i had a a little bit of down time this morning so i was just relaxing even watching a little bit of spelunky 2 content on my own and man i understand why y'all are clamoring for this so much this game's even fun to watch i don't even watch that much twitch in youtube but man this is well actually i've started to watch a lot more of that recently let's be real but god this game's great fun to watch fun to play it's a good good freaking time man i also understand i'm a lot more uh or i'm a lot less sensitive to being lulled at now i think not that i was really like having issues with it i'm pretty okay with it now but i was laughing a lot at my friend's deaths because it's hilarious oh my god wow okay so we do this and then we go kaboom goodbye and now we have 42 bombs great oh there's our jedi chest you want some bombs you got some bombs yes sir there we go we're gonna find our key there it is easy enough i'm still like absolutely in love with this mind song too man and i've said it probably a dozen times but i'm gonna say it a dozen more the dynamic music and dynamic sound effects or not necessarily dynamic sound effects that doesn't really make any sense the dynamic music uh is just one of my favorite parts of this game it makes it feel so much more uh visceral like it puts me in this atmosphere so much more when you like when you go through this door for example and you hear that little whoosh sound that tiny little whoosh and then the music is muffled of course in the background you got the torches burning like the sound design is just bear chef it's bear chef in chat that's that's the exact feeling i get when i think about it [Music] beautiful all right let's see [Music] here's our turkey you know what i could probably get that [Music] oh hold on never mind oh god [Music] okay that works i did not realize that was not the turkey guy this is a turkey shop [Music] okay well in that case i'll just take the ropes thank you there's the turkey guy i wonder if this is the third turkey that we're supposed to get it probably is isn't it watch out buddy i do want to go hold on a second i got to change this i'm sorry it's gotta happen i thought i'd already gone back to the pug but there we go i gotta go back to monty i need my monty boy back oh hey mole okay we're gonna go ahead and put you in here good stuff and yeah you know i got the rope for it why not and then i can just tame you i guess that makes it easy [Music] let's see what you give us [Music] so far so good yeah yet again not really worth it hey this is connected though yo cool all right welcome reborn i love that she calls me reborn dude i love this lady she is adding some intriguing mystery to things i want to know all about you what's your story do you live on the moon you must [Music] and we got another way to go here too and we just go like pop haha laugh at him and then i should probably go get my gun hold on oh god damn it i'm dumb oh well i do want my gun back [Music] do you want my weapon yo a spec thank you very much for those bits appreciate it cannibal stalker thank you very much for the bits as well a few minutes ago appreciate that thank you for the support guys cost notch welcome to the bear pile i missed that sub too here i am saying i'm gonna shout people out normally and i just forget everything a bad stream okay he is bouncing he is a bouncy boy but i can handle that as long as he just doesn't you know what i think i'm just gonna have to bomb oh this is just annoying [Music] oh those are so close oh my god okay so he can jump up like that but let's just do this real fast and then wait okay hold on i have an idea right there oh what a bomb i missed just hug a couple adam there we go okay now we use a rope because we don't think about wasting resources when our lives are at stake oh it goes to the gym wow look at me go all right good enough good enough we're doing pretty well uh i'd like to bomb for that oh this is a risky play though [ __ ] oh wait there we go cool hey monty welcome back jet pack let's go last first run of the day oh my god that's awesome okay okay keep it together bear keep it together take full advantage of this just checking out the other side real fast that looks good okay where is he bear bond goes we're just gonna shoot this son of a [ __ ] 46 bombs there ain't no way i'm gonna let him stay alive goodbye there we go i think we're out of here i want to bring rufus i call them rufus i can't fight it man my instincts he was the first dog this is monty come on buddy you're coming with you're coming along for the ride you go in there real quick give me the gun oh this feels pretty good man this feels pretty good shove this through just got a shopkeep to deal with down here might be a pain in the butt but butt butt okay now we just get him punched wait for it wait for it we play this smart we'll play this very smart i think i'm going to go ahead and bomb that thing it's going to make it easiest for us and then we can just drop down once he heads to the right perfect easy easy peasy okay go grab my dog a little bit more hp feeling good let's do it i know i love the shopkeeper death sound it's so good that was a scary start holy [ __ ] okay convenient at least though with the placement of them why did i do that no [ __ ] run we gotta run we gotta run oh man that instinct was so bad [ __ ] that was such a bad instinct damn it we just got to get out we just got to get out just have to sacrifice it poor alter yeah no that would have been a great stage but i just i totally threw that level away that sucks ah oh well yeah there was no way i was gonna risk that that's okay we'll find more we got seven hp too we're feeling pretty good about that health is not a huge concern at the moment thankfully never really is i mean usually the threats that i'm most concerned about through a run are the insta-kill threats anyway so having having extra hp is really just a bonus hey works i guess i've seen the olmec faces in the background now ghost does ends to kill you yeah if it touches you oh hey it's parsley it's denae huh welcome back 11 months on the phone thank you very much appreciate it okay nice and easy no reason to take unnecessary chances here we're going to go ahead and do the same approach we've been more or less doing here bombing through there to be able to create a path to bomb more easily that was not it but makes this easier when we've got excess bombs we use excess bombs that's the lesson i gotta learn from my previous runs that i have not been uh didn't see any blips you know what i feel actually like prepared enough in my jungle play to go back through a little bit and explore and make sure that we didn't miss a blip although actually you know now that i think about it for the most part the game seems to provide you the opportunity to find the blips when they're there you know so i might have to just trust the game on this one i was kind of hoping that would set a chain reaction of fires for those burnable bushes too but that's not the case i guess i do kind of want to explore a little bit more but i feel like we probably would have seen it i haven't i've not gotten past olmec yet no cost notch hey thank you very much for that that's very kind i appreciate it thank you for watching the content over the years too glad you've enjoyed it fifty dollar tip very generous thank you so much i got i gotta believe i think that we would have seen the blip there so we'll keep on that's a moving little section there we go speaking of which uh you know i guess we just drop straight down holy [ __ ] good enough good enough don't worry about that jar i have no boots so i got to be careful about the thorns as well it's this guy again he's got a turkey for sale i want to go buy it how do i get in how do i shop from you i gotta go up i gotta find his door i want this so badly how do i buy from your store i must purchase your wares i feel like the only way to get up there is the bomb [Music] i'll just vomit i guess i mean you have to cook a bomb right that doesn't feel good there's a whole other path over that way maybe on the far right side of this maybe like way over here no there's nothing how the hell do you get in there i bet there's like a hidden door i bet if i like bomb through that entire like uh statue area there'd probably be like a hidden doorway behind it yeah probably let's not bother though i don't know maybe now's the time i've got so many bombs see what that does and then like this nothing okay i'm really afraid to go stand on those things that's not a good idea maybe we'll try this still nothing i'm willing to do it here we go nothing ah damn all right we know we know now science has been performed i'm shield boy back i'm gonna bounce around a little okay i think i'll be able to hit him with a a jump no not like this not like this let me go let me go let me run get out just get out just re just read the room and run oh jesus there's the blip i think it's actually down here yeah let's go let's go all right get in there and give ourselves as much time as we can i guess well they were talking to each other in there that was so hilarious that's one of my favorite little details is the cavemen talking to each other okay i assume the shopkeepers are probably already making their way up here oh not yet okay interesting [Music] careful got him got him [Music] damn it that was so stupid i had the opportunity to get out and i really should have taken it oh i didn't i didn't think that through very much oh well pretty damn good first run i'm not too upset about that man i think i learned a lesson there that was well i don't know i mean we if we hadn't performed that science i probably would have had a lot more time to handle the end of the stage i wouldn't have panicked i probably would have my shotgun still and then we totally would have been fine so that's really kind of what the difference maker ended up being there i think with a similar run we've got pretty damn good odds of making it through so i'm confident feeling a lot better about things there's a ghost jar i gotta not destroy those ghost jars too man that was a uh that was a big mistake in the previous run [Music] bring this sucker with you what was the science i was trying to determine whether or not there was maybe a hidden doorway behind the um behind the uh olmec head statue thing the idle head on the in the jungle area but in that particular instance there wasn't but that doesn't necessarily mean that there's not ever at any point [Music] thank you i'm realizing now there's a lot more opportunities like that to um utilize those skeleton heads to get up into other areas [Music] got him there's a power pack i could probably afford that [Music] oh almost i might want to do that too that could be fun i'll maybe use a rope here we'll see [Music] if turkey boy's other turkey is fairly easily accessible i'll probably do it there's our exit i don't know man [Music] probably not i think i'm just going to be on this you're stage going to get out of here i don't want any of these around no thanks i'll leave those two actually just to prevent the arrow trap there's an idle head i'm probably not gonna get it either yeah this whole stage looks like it's not even worth going through i do have enough for the power pack though i don't even know if i want it i guess it'll probably help a lot considering we need the uh we need to boost the damage to be able to get through quillback if i'm not able to kill him the correct way so let's just get it all right that's interesting i have no idea where the other turkey even is i don't think it's even worth it to bring him out although you know what let's just bring a tame turkey with us [Music] god damn it we're right on a turkey steve all right here we go [Music] y'all we got one we got one chat rule in here that you were forced to read your first time viewer and that's it's a tame moment here but i'm just taking the opportunity to say it again and then don't tell bear what to do unless he asks you okay just keep that in mind please thank you there's our key okay oh does that rope reach where i want it to i don't think it does i think it's one tile short yeah it's one tile short damn oh wait no i can reach that oh good okay it's just a lot it's just long enough i guess i did want it to set off the uh arrow trap as well but that's fine i guess it's clearly not necessary [Music] let's see oh i should get that yeah oh fisher 10 gifted from star fisher thank you so much welcome to the pile all hope you enjoy your stay thanks for the support hey friend all right spike shoes are gonna help us out a lot too actually give us a reliable way to kill quillback so we like that die piece of crap oh that would have been bad there we go okay let's go ahead and get this get that grab our ugen eye it me it me and me i'm there it's in the midst me and the game i better have it part of the thing okay i'm done oh no i knew i was gonna do it dude as soon as i saw myself have the possibility of doing it ah damn it are the other people referenced there that would be the the og5 there that's uh me red panda gamer michael yellow fox man versus game and northern life of course there are other prominent noteworthy spelunky two let's players live streamers etc etc i feel obligated to to note that particularly i want to shout out uh [Music] bananasaurus rex obviously who made extremely significant contributions on his own the solo eggplant run god lethal frag yeah of course another great spelunky player and streamer never actually met the dude but i've conversed with him on twitch every now and then seems like a really nice guy the hell how do we take damage okay bye there's uh israel vlarg as well on uh youtube whose videos i've seen every now and then and seems like a fine fella too i'm sure there's several others i'm not mentioning but i just want to shout those few out all right spike shoes time easy money a spec 30. sorry 360. that's what that says god damn it well into the pile thank you very much for your subscription appreciate it bear hugs in the chat i totally forgot that would set that off did not think about it whoopsie-daisy there we go that's a big boom from them bombs now isn't it all the hives here the hive is here [Music] [ __ ] [Music] damn it just making more enemies okay there's a spike trap sorry spear trap let's get the proper nomenclature proper leprechaun glacier there's a joke for people from yesterday yeah do your thing there we go oh i have spike shoes let's go let's go can't actually get back up if i jump down here though so let's not do that um i guess we're not going in there then unless i want to use a rope or a bomb i could bomb this let's do it yeah now i'm good okay i also don't have a weapon though going in here with no weapon that's a bad idea i just realized like i got a power pack sure i guess i could just go in there and drop a bomb i wonder if dude that would totally work right i gotta try it i gotta try it have a bomb okay so it does it does go off in the background i love that big fan of that let's see what happened nope that didn't work it just pissed them off okay bye welcome to half brain nacho [Music] thanks for the resubscription seven months on the file appreciate you feel protected can i get some bare dance for the moon challenge it's bear bongos for quillback bear dance for the moon challenge [Music] this is a total waste by the way i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm doing i just really wanted that chest i guess not an ideal approach there's not a lot in here though there's something i guess hold on there's the arrow oh crate gotta get to that uh boom and then boom there we go hey ropes 10 000 gold for three ropes that's that's a trade that's certainly a trade [Music] there we go got some money back all right so we got most of our gold back anyway [Music] the grand majority of it there's the single bar down there yeah there's not much else grab that let me come down this way maybe there's something over here well that's it all right i think there was actually something but oh well so be it cool thank you glad we're still friends hey buddy oh that web there is really inconvenient run oh [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no no no you go away you go away okay hold on wait for a moment boom okay oh not that way that is not the door is it there is a door there but not the dwarf we're going this way jump on this dude's face not his ghost face says ghost ghostface is a killer get it get it i'm sure some people do a little penguin thanks a thousand bids appreciate you thank you very much you get i know you get it not even that clever come on man all right here we go [Music] you damn it have i heard this before i like this darkness jungle has got a groove to it hold on i got well we're not hearing it anymore obviously [ __ ] give me my ropes oh man all right you can just burn that i wonder where that goes okay okay i should have brought the torch with me it's so quiet chess down there monkey to kill like very little actually of value in here i'm gonna go back and get my torch oh wait is that a torch right there no oh yeah it's a torch in the background isn't it okay nope all right go get mine real quick don't want to leave that behind there we go makes a huge difference yeah i really like this jungle sound [Music] oh my god they steal from the cavemen that's great oh [ __ ] whoops yeah this is a really nice darkness song probably don't want to get that hover pack i think i'm maybe better off with the power pack here you got a few ropes left anyway i think this is the exit yeah okay [Music] i feel like the black market's been showing up on 2-4 a lot let's just allow for that possibility i guess maybe that's always the case don't say it if it is [Music] i'm sure i'll find out on my own uh oh oh boy okay die another hive hmm well played so far bear you know what thank you i'll take that it's been a pretty damn good day so far this is only our second run huh we've been doing pretty well i'm happy what do you get from the bees you can get royal jelly in there but of course we're in a very similar situation to the one from last run which is that we didn't don't have a uh don't have a weapon so well actually we could change that right here though couldn't we sure can maybe we give this a shot oh damn it i don't think it actually changes the boomerang pretty sure the boomerang is the same no matter what ah okay we don't have a boomerang anymore oh [ __ ] goodbye piranha plant take this path i don't want to use the bombs for this but i think i have to there we go ah ropes [ __ ] well it might work over there in that corner underneath this spear trap yeah i'm pretty sure that'll be good enough but then of course we've only got one bomb left and i still need to find the you jedi or not the you jedi i need to find the uh the black market a little concerned now i think i'm gonna missed it goodbye it's definitely starting to feel like i missed the black market oh damn it yeah whatever because that was our entrance yeah this over here probably not gonna yield any results oh it's you hey i guess you help yeah really starting to feel like i just missed it which that concerns me a little bit now because i was feeling like it's pretty difficult to miss based on our previous results oh goodness i'm already at three minutes holy [ __ ] whoopsie i guess we're out of here all right back to olmec man holy [ __ ] missed the market but we'll take this let's go we're gonna go ahead and use our ropes and go see what our allies got for us i love this new olmec by the way it's so good welcome back god only joes thanks guys the jar isn't that helpful but i'll take the bombs certainly that's very useful now we want to go ahead and climb up the left side too and he moves so far oh my god that was scary i was gonna get crushed for a second okay so we're gonna oh man these are harder to access now huh go ahead and just bomb that nice now we've got let's see oh he's not gonna he's not gonna mess with me here is he okay so if i oh this is gonna be tricky [Music] hmm i can do this easy all right good no monty unfortunately hmm i think we just bomb i think we just do the bomb thing especially because we have the big bombs we can just do this and create a chasm like really easily there i can just do one more actually i'll probably just fit through that though i just i only want to do one more because i don't have very many ropes but you know what let's just try this out come here oh god whoops hmm well that's a problem in it you know i guess if i just whoops yeah that didn't help hang on there we go okay now i just let him fall good now what all right now i go for a ride i think dude those new olmec guys are trippy you just gonna destroy the entire lower area for me that would work i'm just gonna ride on your head for a second i think we're supposed to like hit the area underneath it's like a sonic boss like those purple bubbles are the are the weak point or something don't say it if it is don't say nothing you zip your lips we're figuring this out still this is all new to me he does have balls he does indeed he's just is he dropping gems or is it all just bombs i could have sworn i saw a gem drop from him huh so if it really feels like he's just gonna keep destroying the floor yeah i'm sure the gems are just coming from the floor huh like i'm not really sure what to do i guess i'm gonna okay hold on i'm just gonna because i know there's this area over here and there's just a door here i guess i could just take the door i kind of just want to do that because i don't know what's down here i'm also kind of curious about that though here let's use one rope another door how deep does it go oh my god let's do this door hi how's the adventure going i started a new shortcut but there's a giant slab of rock in the way i'll need a rope to climb over it oh i've only got the one though i don't know i don't know uh i guess i guess so thanks i can't wait to finish the shortcut the temple of anubis yo mark today is a success in the calendar please for me if you could just go ahead and check the box bear did it thursday achievement unlocked let's go we're in the temple of anubis okay i didn't actually read it hold on look at all these undiscovered places man look at all this oh my god a massive tomb built by powerful pharaohs on its walls are carved the stories of the past present and future hey kitty i'm not sure i'm friends with you i don't think i am oh boy this is exciting new music a whole new area croc boys back and there's a cobra oh man what the hell oh okay an extra large edition of the crush trap for discerning pharaohs who want that extra crushing power oh damn all right well there goes that idol what do you do these mummified felines are filled with terrible curses oh you're coming toward me okay you can jump around i'm just gonna jump on your head there we go i don't trust you they got poisoned yeah the cobra poisoned them interesting oh okay whoa oh [ __ ] cool an expert magic user who wields the power of creation oh damn dude her ass has been poisoned though i think she's gonna die the crush blocks have eyes on them okay i gotta i gotta pay attention to that [Music] ooh a shop oh it's anubis dude look at him sitting on his throne that's so badass i love that [Music] like a [ __ ] king [Music] oh here he comes holy [ __ ] dude let's give him a big boom whoa damn this legendary jackal-headed god is tasked with guarding the temple's most hallowed treasures indeed a magical tool used by the god of newbus to cleanse souls on their way to judgment [Music] we got it we got it baby okay very clearly those are the crush traps now too i want to sit on anubis's throne let me let me sit on his throne you know what i'll blow it up how about that no all right fine how about the fact that you've got like the the uh residue from the explosion on the background there though i'm pretty sure that's what that is right because that wasn't there before that's pretty cool oh is this like a sand trap or is that okay that's hmm it sort of looks like if i were to break one of those tiles and maybe some sand would collapse down this is so great man okay we're running out of time here i should probably go gotta wait for this guy to turn and then [ __ ] [ __ ] god damn it it's the furthest i've ever gotten 4-1 wow hey that was awesome that was a great run yay all right let's go again [Music] got to celebrate the success for a moment at least though that was awesome oh god well that was quickly reverted back to terrible oh well there we go living for that uh image in the or the image i tweeted this morning by the way stole it from the spelunky subreddit things that give people feelings of power money is lowest on the graph status is a little higher but then the clear far and away favorite whipping arrows out of midair oh it's just a blessing from heaven okay fine start i guess oh god damn it there's some bad damage right away we'll tell you what let's go ahead and do this then might as well in the situation we're in here seems seems fine [Music] hey buddy i guess we don't really need this the cape survived yeah this cape is really flame retardant i'm surprised [Music] it's just of all the things that you would think would just burn to a crisp it's just fine apparently the penguin thanks for the 500 buddies appreciate that very much appreciate the support y'all hmm yeah i think we're out of here man the 1-2 not yielding too much but maybe we'll find the eye here hopefully won't miss the black market this time i'm gonna have to pay a little bit closer attention i suppose [Music] it's easy to lose track of there's our arrow not our arrow there's our key he's got a pitcher's mid in here too huh okay i'll probably climb up i should probably go ahead and try to shoot him i think i'll be able to do it too once he's whoops there we go no worries [Music] there's our exit as well we do have to find the uh find the uh place for this though which might be over here i don't want to drop down there because i have to use a rope to get back up i think i'm just going to rope down this way there's a third freaking rope down here and then oh man it's got to be on the bottom right huh it's gotta be i don't think there's anywhere else it could be unless it's up there i don't think it is yeah all right we gotta do this there it is all right damn that's a little inconvenient [Music] how the hell ah [ __ ] from the raving massive sharing on another 500 bitties thank you so so much appreciate it i sincerely appreciate all the support today yeah apparently they are making a sequel i'm excited to eventually check it out too [Music] one of these days huh [Music] there we go we got it we whipped the pot to not get the gold right clearly all right that'll do i guess i could just use one bomb there probably would have been a lot better oh well you know what i might still have to do that just because i got this [ __ ] oh yeah i totally do i totally do oh this is unfortunate okay okay on top of that i'm gonna have to use oh no never mind that i have to use another rope to get out of there all right we got the eye at least we're just desperately going to need to find some bombs in fact we're going to have to make a quillback [Music] hang on we're gonna have to make quilt back roll properly here it's gonna be the only way to really get through i think bear bongo all right we're gonna have to make him roll quillback can roll a little bit further there we go let's see if i can bounce on them here take it easy take it easy don't rush things he's a menace got him nice all right good stuff definitely needed to do that i'm also just now realizing i left behind a gun didn't i goddamn it that was dumb oh well whoa compass ah it's two bombs away i don't think i can spare them it would be nice though oh maybe if there's bombs in here maybe nope all right maybe we'll get another gun it's probably not going to get punched by that thing though that wasn't bad [Music] i really just wanted to jump over it's probably not going to happen this is annoying i think i'm just gonna have to go for it there we go all right good enough your voice echoes more bees oh my god so many hives good make the jump thank you okay on the lookout for the blips of course a sharp eye out for the blips because we definitely need some more resources i love having the boots here thanks for the ten months on the bottom welcome on back in good to have you oh boy that was close we flocked myself on the wall there all right probably not a good idea to go underneath the hive either i don't necessarily want to welcome more bees but i don't think there's actually any more up there as soon as i said that of course i saw one you know what i'll take the shield just as good as the other one no just kidding it's not it just what the hell is this for man if it doesn't crush things why do i want it i guess to block projectiles but even still i think i gotta go ahead and go for that great as well seems borderline necessary oh cool okay good good good good well that's monkey on the dog that's funny there's a leprechaun down here too okay oh boy i'm glad he did not have a weapon that was probably going to be the enemy there blam okay position myself appropriately good good all right and now we desperately hope that we can get this shopkeeper to land on these spikes before he shoots me but that's gonna be harder to do with this tree in the way so i think the best plan is just to do this and let him bounce over here there you go okay no black market there but that was only 2-1 still hopefully or hopefully we find it here goodbye still only got one bomb unfortunately [Music] oh that was stupid damn it i really don't want to die that way one hp yet again jeez i have to get this damsel here eye out for the blips again i don't think i'm i don't think i'm hearing or seeing them here oh hey sure huh do it again why not this is so nerve-wracking when you don't have bombs okay good damn it ah die i'll allow for the possibility that the door is over here but i guess not okay there you are that's kind of annoying that's not a great spot for him to be a lot better if that one tile wasn't there uh how do i deal with this i get my buddy too you know he's in the corner so maybe if i aggro him i'd be able to get it should probably just try that oh that could have been bad jesus oh this is so scary man [ __ ] all right that might work for me nice there we go okay let's go get our buddy nice looking good i didn't see any blips there i really hope i didn't miss it again here we go there it is i've only got one bomb though i heard it let's see where are you down here this way closer to here might have been over this way i think it's there's an altar here too oh we might have to think about that actually pretty sure the altar is a pretty great significance right now i really need to find this door though where is is it up there i think it might be underneath that guy i want to kill these two as well that was not smart there we go more bodies for the altar it's right here isn't it right here go ahead and bomb that we got it yes okay that's awesome and where's our damsel if i could find the damsel here i would feel great is up there i do need to get the clover soon oh we're dropping the frames again no i think it just fixed itself hopefully let's go get that uh four leaf clover real fast actually i should get the gun just gotta make sure the ghost doesn't show up before we get that i don't want to die to these things though [ __ ] okay good there we go oh my god holy [ __ ] terrifying absolutely terrifying oh my god [Music] okay they're all dead let's go holy [ __ ] all right i had a feeling that we could be another one down there nice nice [Music] nice holy [ __ ] this is good i don't necessarily want to kill you i have zero bombs still i can't believe that zero bombs hey dude jet pack and bombs let's go i'll keep you all live for now i guess yes yes okay oh run saved run freaking save dude [Music] this music does pog pretty hard i agree this music is great the whole soundtrack has been banger after banger i think we're done in here what the [ __ ] [ __ ] ah rude okay i need i need you to drop oh god i hate that if you could just die real fast oh this is just a problem thank you thank you that's better that's much better for me okay good get him in the door okay all right oh my god wow we're doing really well today i gotta say i feel like i've taken it up a step today i'm proud of myself [Music] here we go hmm [Music] i was waiting for that to be the uh perfect meeting comedic timing moment where i compliment myself and then immediately die but so far so good i would probably like to get the dog here my health is a major concern i do have 12 bombs now thankfully i don't like this situation at all you even want to try to go a different way although if we go that way it's going to be even more dangerous maybe we might get himself spiked well not anymore i guess he goes up here though let's try to go no it's not going to work either man i'm very glad i have bombs for this this would be very difficult otherwise i think i am just going to go ahead and have to go that way because then i've got the ability to uh well he's not even aggroed yet hold on if i can avoid aggroing that bottom guy i might very well do that yeah let's just do that that's way easier i think i'm out of here dude i think i want to bail hmm i don't think that actually helped any yeah um i'm just gonna pace this tree because that'll probably clear them out if that gets spiked yeah there we go that's easy enough and we're good i'm out of here we made it to olmec again this is awesome i'm having a great day okay i don't need to even use ropes to get up here now that there's much up here to get we do have parsley giving us something over on the other side though thanks for the ropes parsley still got bombs to make our way down i suppose where you end up sort of just depends on how prepared you are when you get here whether or not you want to endure the gauntlet of uh olmec's rage for very long which right now i kind of just feel like let's just bomb out of here again let's do uh oh man i can't really tell where to put them right now that's pretty good i guess if i'm able to do the proper strategy that would work perfect all right phase two yeah folks you gotta be real careful here we're in major spoiler territory so if you if you have to think to yourself should i tell him this or should i ask him this the answer is no i'll let bear find out for himself i'm pretty happy with just letting him continue to bomb through the floor for me here but then i don't know how to get him to go down to the next area i wonder if he just does it automatically if we go down there too he's certainly saving me resources doing this it doesn't really seem like i'm in any danger up here olmec ah i like me ch that's good that's probably been said before but that's the first time i've seen it that's pretty good i like that all right one more set of bombs here and then i'm gonna go ahead and see about going down a level he hucks those bombs super far though even on the other side so i'm kind of terrified to go down okay so we got we got this ready is there another layer beyond this i don't think so i'm pretty sure the compass would point it out right jesus christ that was close [Music] wow i should probably go i'm terrified now that's just lava okay we're out of here hiya you wouldn't believe how many monsters i'm running into oh you have a gun uh all right fine thanks i can't wait to finish this shortcut i kind of needed that all right here we go oh my god how am i supposed to get the [ __ ] huge one [Music] you're you're there okay good now you you just stay there for a second hmm [Music] the [ __ ] am i gonna do here man i think the only play is that oh my god [Music] come on okay good enough run oh [ __ ] okay we're good [Laughter] wow that is hard oh my god the temple is going to be brutal i kind of want to go into the third area a little bit but i also still want to get back to the temple because that's fun high score yeah those ladies are terrifying man i'm gonna have to get used to that enemy that's all new and real frightening [Music] i'm so stupid man god damn it whatever hold on a second actually um i saw on cobalt's stream there's apparently a there it is add an instant restart option to the menu check that out super easy so you can just do this now instead of doing the end adventure stuff yeah that's real convenient i like that a lot [Music] cobalt spoiled yeah that was on me though i should have been watching this stream if i didn't want to know i should be on by default right yeah [Music] i'm not sure why it's not [Music] all right nothing there i've actually got zero gold so far there we go ui spoiler [Music] okay give me my buddy i guess that's it yep we're out of here there is indeed a journal entry for all three pets yeah [Music] they'll have their own names now it's very cute i suppose that's a good point if they have the instant restart on by default people could maybe accidentally eat their run but there is a confirmation screen for it still too so it's not like it's that easy to do that was fairly uneventful too jeez i'm gonna need some help on one three i'll take that all right i'll take that too [Music] i'll get the money i guess i haven't actually angered the shopkeepers yet there's our door [Music] there's our key easy enough [Music] all right cool um i can't get back up i might as well go get them i could get the ghost jar too but i think i'm okay [Music] monty's more important oh my god yeah obviously monty's more important oh my god yeah i clearly need him holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] all right we got no resources man this isn't great already made our way over to quillback with absolutely nothing oh boy here we go well we gave him or got him to make us a path at least i wonder if he rolls into a bomb if he just dies that'd be interesting i don't really have to worry about him this time though just let him be you could probably throw stuff at him yeah i'm sure you could sure that works come on dude come on i guess i just like i gotta be prepared to immediately react whenever i exit a door one didn't even feel like my fault [Music] good lord [Music] have you figured out anything you can do with the ghost jar uh apart from just summoning the ghost no not really i haven't really tried a lot to be fair though i love the ghost jar as a mechanic by the way i think this is one of the best best additions to the game because not only is it like an actual useful early game utility item but it's also like one of the best new chaos mechanisms that they've introduced there's been so many uh runs already that have been thrown for a total loop by the uh by the ghost jar [Music] let's just drop you there [Music] oh and apparently chat wants to tell me something else about it holy hell y'all [Music] okay we got that oh that's not the exit i was a little confused there just get the diamond get out of here [Music] it's all good [Music] oh [ __ ] all right thankfully that didn't actually blow that up [Music] there we go yeah the ghost in this game is so much faster it's crazy it is very difficult to deal with all right i don't want to get this turkey spiked so i'm kind of careful or kind of worried about that i guess i could just whip him and bring him in real quick of course not never mind god damn it [Music] i'll take those sure all right now i can do it now i got it i might very well get the other one we'll see fairly accessible area let's see a key over there i knew it man god damn it i even had a feeling like don't don't do that one that's gonna be a skeleton oh god ah okay careful time to be careful freaking moles dude [ __ ] i think it's worth it i think it's worth it see ah no why i [ __ ] accidentally whipped him all right we were overdue for one of those i guess [Music] that one went kind of south pretty quick [Music] no sir mr molly not this time [Music] not this time [Music] i think i can get that not like that though that doesn't work very well [Music] all right there we go [Music] i haven't seen a lot of altars man that's been a rare sight i'd like to find some more i'd like to make some sacrifices get me some good stuff uh speaking of good stuff this might be good enough [Music] that sucks ah freeze ray in there that's not that great oh well unfortunate mole timing there too we'll go ahead and drop this down see there buddy down there whoopsie nope there we go there's an altar oh no god damn it god [ __ ] damn it that's annoying [Music] fine give me another altar please [Music] give me some redemption please oh how am i gonna get this guy not like that that's why we like this button now [Music] not even an interruption in the music and the change of run that's pretty great [Music] i like that oh god damn it [Music] okay [Music] i'm gonna have to go sub only here in a second y'all i've seen a lot of timeouts even the subs are doing it oh no you guys could just all take a breather i haven't seen anything thankfully that has spoiled me but the fact that so many folks are getting timed out was really concerning to me if y'all could just [Music] really just keep a lid on it it's so easy not to say things it's very easy not to say things i appreciate the enthusiasm sir let's do you know what let's let's do a little bit of emo just to just to cool off here how about that everybody just take a chill pill for a second get your emote spam out get it out of your system we'll get back to the normal stuff in a minute you can do as many emotes as you want though man that's the thing you may feel like e-mode only modes restrictive heavens now this is where you can be at your freest your true self right here the most pure form of chat expression imaginable [Music] that's a very good point thank you of course we're not only talking about not directly spoiling stuff we're also talking about not asking questions like has he seen x or y thing or has he been to this place that's very obviously a spoiler as well so just know this is a precious game to me this is this this game means very very much to me and i i implore you to allow me to explore and discover its interest in intricacies and right that's a word and secrets on my own and my own face please and thank you [Music] yo turkey sack let's go boom okay got our first accessible altar let's do it go get me a cop a lot definitely going to use a rope here we got our damsel pardon me we got our damsel right there as well we'll go ahead and use a bomb for that get an item out of this sorry buddy you know what you'll forgive me once you see what i'm about to do next there we go all right looking for cavemen looking for bodies to sack let's see them probably gonna need a rope here yep definitely unless i find like spring boots or something that'd be super convenient but let's hold out hope i guess i don't know why i just stood there and got ready to take it that was pretty dumb there's a key though [Music] um we got cavemen in the area go ahead and uh bring this guy along just a little bit more convenient to get him killed there anyway there's a mole here too all right all right [Music] all right we can go ahead and get out of emote only mount mode now everybody's gonna behave right that's what all i wanna see when we open chat back up is a collective yes bear yes bear we're gonna behave we're gonna be good [Music] all right all right good i do want to sacrifice this cave man i really do we got a full minute left but that would take my last rope and that's that's probably not a good idea i also still need to get this ujadai so i should probably focus on that first where in the heck even is it have i oh boy oh boy [Music] someone tried to speculate and spoiled three mode only oh man hey there it is okay i totally just ignored it before i guess nice okay here we go dude today's runs have been i'll tell you what i did not expect the level of success we've had so far today it's been going great getting to the temple twice good lord nearly just died all right we really just are welcoming comedic timing here for sure but i'm still feeling good man still feeling good now i've jinxed it yeah also bear bonker dr strange love [Music] thank you very much for your subscription welcome to the bearpaw appreciate your support bear hugs if you got them too if you throw a few in there with the bongos thank you for keeping the pile strong y'all we're actually i should check uh right after this quillback fight but because of the spelunky 2 hype we're actually if you can believe it or not close to unlocking another emote slot we were joking about that probably like a month ago as it being something that was like more or less unrealistic and unachievable we were hundreds of subscribers away but we're almost there it's insane to me so thank you very much for that of course if we were to get there yo little penguin that'll certainly get us closer thank you very much and buttercup there you go that's helping us along the way i got i got to get you the actual idea of where you need to get to though hold on a second i gotta check the check the stats where are we at here hold on it was it was eighteen hundred sub points holy crap yeah we're like right there it was eighteen hundred sub points to get there and we're at seventeen ninety one we are right right freaking there and if we hit it we get it permanently so it's not it's not like we get there and then we have to maintain it we get it and then it's there forever we get that emote slot forever and there it is we did it good job yay it was just that easy yo we got well past it now thank you now that that'll certainly do to the bear pile just i try not to just have to mention things i guess my god thank you i wasn't i wasn't necessarily meaning to do that but i appreciate it holy [ __ ] we did it new emo that's exciting i i did not even like really consider like i said like that was not that was not a realistic consideration for a very long time that was just sort of like hey that'd be crazy if we got there right but sure enough we went crazy and we got there [Music] so thank you so much coltan crows i elsewhere ilsuo brachiorados js chip spudster bob rosie vera friendly shambler andu sage ow little penguin thank you very very much for all those subs my god appreciate it thank you guys a gleaming endowment i sincerely appreciate the support it's been it's been an absolute blast doing this i'm just so so thrilled to have this game to play we've been having so many hilarious moments already too this game is just it's so good at creating chaos it is truly just a chaos generator that was dangerous holy [ __ ] dangle bangers thank you for your twitch prime as well a little penguin think with a thousand bits appreciate that a lot hill rider with 100 bits anonymous cheer with 100 bits thank you guys so much welcome appreciate the support okay so no blips on my radar [Music] we'll take that paste for sure you have preferences between jungle and volcano i've been going jungle almost every time and i think it's in my mind i'm just sort of just trying to build familiarity with one area at a time you know it's gonna take a while for me to become uh or to get good at each area independently and i think for me the the best way to get better at the jungle here is just to continue to go there over and over and that's kind of just been the practice here i love these conversations so freaking much man welcome to the bear he told a joke did he that's great did he laugh or something that's hilarious that's how i do this is actually more or less how my wife and i talk to each other every now and then just sounds and mumbles is [Music] another 10. thank you thank you very much welcome into the pile everybody i appreciate that support enjoy your bench emotes you got your fancy new badges as well courtesy of choticana you haven't noticed yet hard to ignore of course but loving those new sub badges really like the new progression system big thanks to her for that where the heck is this one welcome lion jacket thanks for the twitch prime as well appreciate you come on in i got a feeling it's probably over here in the spikes or something well that sucks at least we got the rope to get the other one back oh down in there maybe yeah i think it is closer to this way maybe over here too let's try that there we go nice cool yeah let's do it dude the through the door enemies can be so ridiculous sometimes i'm not gonna get to her i guess okay [Music] let's go grab our clover i really like this black market song too okay of course haven't angered them yet i want to have a look at our available offerings before we make any plays here i'm thinking i might just go ahead and snag this jetpack but he'll probably be able to shoot me if i do that so i might just have to freeze-ray him [Music] but then i'll lose the jet pack probably [Music] this is a promising uh promising shot for sure if i can do it correctly i'm trying to figure this out [Music] i think this is the play but i'd have to swap the jet pack really quickly [Music] i really don't want to blow this up and need this thing i'm not gonna swap right away if i yeah no i would just pick this up i'm pretty sure [Music] i have an idea what if we do this [Music] oh no i didn't know how long he'd be frozen dude i wanted to do a quick swap ah damn it i think that would have worked though i don't like i got the idea in my head to pick the jet pack up after i froze him like if i had frozen him knowing that that was what i wanted to do i think i would have had enough time but it was only because i yeah it was a delayed reaction exactly because like i i thought i had the idea after the fact i was like oh yeah wait no i can just do this but then it was too late good thought at that point we could probably do it that way though that would probably work if i reacted quickly enough [Music] i'll have to consider that for next time having a freeze ray there that's like it gives us a lot of options i like that oh this is good welcome to the redzy thank you so much for your twitch prime as well appreciate it [Music] enjoy badge friends there's metal that is okay [Music] oh jesus let's see i'm just gonna reset that that didn't feel very good that didn't feel very good at all not a great start [Music] okay good enough [Music] oh good thing that hadn't been set off okay i guess we already solved that problem didn't we [Music] oh no oh wait a minute wow okay that wasn't even what i wanted to do but that works [Music] smooth [Music] good enough there's our key okay well we can get that by uh doing the there we go yeah that's what i'm talking about if you can manage to only whip this top part here that usually gives you access to certain things and i like that rewards you for smart play [Music] okay this is not pc no no this is on a ps4 the controls feel really good it's taken a little bit of adjustment and i think part of that might might even be the fact that i'm playing on a ps4 controller more so than it's being a new game but i think i've got the familiarity for the most part back now and it feels good this isn't a great shop unfortunately here i'll probably just buy the specs yeah i'll have to do i guess help us in the darkness maybe oh man i gotta remember now i can't jump from a tile down to the side of these guys either that doesn't work anymore that wouldn't that will just damage me what was that plan whoopsie all right [Music] do a few push-ups over here get ourselves warm [Music] no go star this time i guess let's see [Music] we could probably actually just do this yeah really effective not the right idea at least i'm not gonna get that damsel all right that's one one pardon me could do that right yeah that seems like it got us through [Music] the ghost jar has a diamond in it but as soon as it breaks it summons the ghost so it's a big risk i really like it as a mechanic i think it's really clever yeah [ __ ] it there you go i'm surprised that didn't piss you off actually i'll take it though there we go i'm gonna kill some moles get rid of these threats i don't think he's gonna come back up this way actually no altar here huh got some ropes though that's good there's our exit there's another turkey gotcha there we go okay i don't think i'm gonna bring the turkeys back that's a little bit too much work [Music] i'm gonna go ahead and get the dog though it's fairly easy good stuff okay i'm out of here there's an altar finally a dog right next to it hell yeah okay so we're gonna whip and then yeah good stuff oh it's beautiful it's beautiful okay sure i'll take that [Music] definitely gotta use a rope to get back up here i can use the shotgun but rope is way better obviously i got no spike boots either so i very well might be able to get this thing pretty sure i can yeah hell yeah all right horned lizard sacrifice let's just knock that out so i don't have to think about it i got this boy to deal with who's maybe just gonna shoot himself yep he's just gonna shoot himself very impressive stuff buddy okay might be able to get this corpse up there without having to use a rope but i kind of doubt it yeah let's just use a rope way easier get enough to justify it here look at the big brain on shopkeeper huh he knows what he's doing i can actually bond for those ropes that seems like a decent idea let's do that seems good okay three hp here let's be a little bit careful still oh god there we go i'll just use a rope here i suppose there's our shopkeeper really other guys and then aggro him perfect and no chance obviously we're gonna sacrifice a live shopkeeper here we got one full minute left though and there's our key we got all the ropes we need to traverse the rest of this area i think the door for the key was right there no where is it it's over here isn't it there we go okay no problem plenty of time for this oh hell yeah dude i didn't even know we were there already let's go [Music] okay i'm gonna get the key first just to prioritize that since we already got the kapala and then probably bring the caveman up as well [Music] this is great [Music] this is a good looking situation here [Music] what am i doing i'm gonna sacrifice the key real quick hold on oh boy that would have been bad all right nice 10 seconds left this is tough i say we just go ahead and call it good [Music] we're gonna have to deal with the ghost here i don't think it's worth it yeah let's just leave we don't need the invigoration that badly we'll just go ahead and get some blood from other sources ideally oh [ __ ] didn't get that stuff give me the blood a lot better to usually just jump on things that way you just collect it all instantly here we go well if you're on the ground anyway it usually bounces up into your face anything else over here we got this boy oh i took a hit from that skull that was dumb i should have known that was going to happen i had i was perfectly capable of avoiding that okay we are just going to wait for a moment it scares me when you say it's going well i know me too honestly me too man i'm actually going to have him roll through the jungle as well i don't want to use bombs to get through i guess i could go volcano but we do this to make things easier never mind i'm just going to kill him i don't want to deal with it [Music] oh man he almost just made a path for us right away ooh crate went the right way after all nice all right 10 ropes is pretty good volcano time i haven't been here yet today oh god damn it you son of a [ __ ] go that way freaking jerk okay let's do it new character nah i just hired help look at these [ __ ] matrix dodges there we go okay wait for that there we go good stuff go ahead and check out that cave see what's inside oh there's the key wasn't the door like right by us too hold on a second i feel like it was like right by the entrance oops [Music] yeah there it is oh sweet what's up dude all right yeah i met you last time and tried to try to whip you and then you killed me i remember now no w's yet no no no w's yet [Music] made it to olmec a couple times today so that feels good i've been progressing well they're roasting each other man there's another door here too good stuff i'll make this a lot easier another alter hell yeah okay we're gonna definitely send him off to the left so don't blow that thing up oh [ __ ] okay good jesus hey guys i'm gonna need you both actually if you don't mind point this would be a quick invigoration i gotta say yeah there we go all right another key let's do it sure go unlock that other door i am running out of time a little bit concerned about that [Music] curious enough though not worth it not worth it at all oh well now i know 12 hp is pretty good sometimes just doesn't end up mattering though and sometimes it could easily be often actually most of the time in fact this is bad this is very bad [ __ ] he is creating problems run away there we go [Music] oh i think we're gonna use our oojet i think we're going to hell again let's do it rock dog see ya [Music] what the [ __ ] okay [Music] bye oh we went through his shop no wonder that's why he's mad this is working though [Music] he's keep jumping on his head keep goomba stomping him you having fun buddy i am oh that's great okay we made it [Music] let's go to hell real quick watch out for that well that was or dangerous holy [ __ ] let's have a peek that's not a skeleton cool bombs hell yeah good stuff okay i love that organ swell oh [ __ ] we're good we got 11 hp we're okay got a couple of homies here too [ __ ] [ __ ] there we go okay a little bit more blood from the vampires too somehow oh that makes sense i guess yeah doesn't it i don't know why i didn't think they'd have any blood in them sweet hey do not hit that ghost jar in fact let me kill you guys so you don't hit this thing sorry sorry oh i gotta hit a switch unless i just wanna go underneath it i guess that works okay vlad's up here right isn't he yeah there we go sorry bug gotta do it oh [ __ ] okay what the hell give me that crown oh it's this it's that dude he tele telefragged me no ah that sucks what a cheater i guess i gotta be ready for that dude that makes vlad a lot more scary doesn't it vlad was just kind of a pushover in the first game now he's a now he's a menace even if you're like stacked the way i am you can you can get kill real quick down there how do you play around that though you got to stay stay at a telefrag distance [Music] you can still shoot him you just got gotta shoot him further away come on dude damn it fine [Music] all right that's good [Music] yeah insta-death i mean that's it's that's spelunky for you one minute you're fine the next minute you're dead [Music] yeah you'll find your way down i know you won't never mind quick ghost gym i thought that was an altar down there i got excited i don't think i want the ghost jam actually [Music] yeah not really worth a rope to me let's just go i mean i've been robbing for most of the shopkeepers i think i'm probably going to keep that up seems like a an easier way to do things there's our buddy i think i saw a crate down there no altar unfortunately there's the crate that's good yeah that shot's kind of bad [Music] we got the ghost gem though and then like a little bit more cash and this is an argument to get the first ghost gym wasn't it [ __ ] [Music] um these are two turkeys as well i wonder if i could bring those back up fairly quickly i thought i could let's do it let's do it i like the way she rides around on them that's cute i've even noticed margaret's unique uh rope oh it's got like a little harpoon on the end of it that's cool i like that oh he's up there okay need another rope [Music] caveman trying to sell a rock to the shopkeeper dude i want to get into one of those cave shops so bad i'm so sad that they've all been like hidden away behind impassable barriers i'm not sure i've actually set off that arrow trap over there too it's a little dangerous very true yes spelunky is all about learning exactly so what feels what feels unfair and ridiculous right now very likely to become trivial and mundane in a few weeks time [Music] my quillback for example was kicking the crap out of me for a little while in the first day but now he's more or less routine he can still kill me of course but it's much much easier now i think i'll get him since we can jump up from there anyway without using a rope [Music] easy enough and then man i'm really close to the power pack actually oh no wait i've got it because i've got the ghost gem i can still get sweet let's get that oh [ __ ] i panic purchased this thing damn it hang on a second no i don't think i can get it it's not a good idea oh god i even said i i i i explicitly pointed out how dangerous that was to leave behind of course that's what killed me [Music] son of a [ __ ] y'all boner man 69. that's a great name to read loudly thank you very much for the 100 tip long time lurker your surgery help oh your surgery no your stream helped me get through my surgical residency over the past five years and wrote my final exams today yo [Music] look at you well done and thank you so much for that it's very kind appreciated congratulations friend big ups well we got pretty good starting resources here can't complain too much about the one one yeah this is looking pretty good damsel here too you know i'll get him i'll take him let's do it that's my buddy six bombs nine ropes can i get a nice in chat please [Music] you know what we'll do that too hey a ruby totally worth it okay pretty good pretty good 1-1 there oh man yeah we got to do this it's got to happen now we got a run going we gotta run boys and girls [Music] bob maybe an altar maybe i'll get real lucky we'll find an altar here kind of doubting it based on the layout [Music] yeah it's looking unlikely great though i've seen a crate there we go oh baby we got resources oh i hit the ghost gym no [ __ ] the chaos agent man it really it's just it is a sheer panic button oh my god that was that was going places that's a bummer that had potential oh well get out of here there we go ah is he worth getting i don't think so i'd have to spin a bomb obviously no thanks metal monster thank you appreciate that that's very kind thank you for the uh [Music] i was curious i just had to know i had to know how that would go okay now i know science [Music] yeah thank you for the bits appreciate it we're just watching helps a bunch thanks for being yeah nothing that way okay [Music] i'm telling you now i can definitely confirm for myself just how un uh or just how uncommon those 1-1s are that we got a couple runs ago there that start was so solid we got a couple of crates out of that [Music] a lot of cash like just being able to get any ropes or bombs in the beginning seems like it's so valuable [Music] and that's why i kind of wish that the turkey guy was like almost guaranteed to give you a crate because then he'd be worthwhile almost every time like he i'd probably go for turkey guy every run if he was guaranteed to give you a crate but at the moment it's just like it's very rarely worth it in my mind unless the turkeys are like right next to him [Music] this doesn't seem like a very worthwhile endeavor [Music] yeah see like i don't i don't even want to bother with these guys i have to use at least two ropes yeah totally not worth it [Music] yeah i think it should be a guaranteed crate i feel like that would be well balanced at the moment it just doesn't feel like it's worth it ever damn it i could have avoided that [Music] i'll just use the key i guess i got to get it out of my head that this is a jet pack too i'll go i'll be going around sometimes thinking i'm wearing a jet pack but that is not the case there we go [Music] god damn it man that is such a silly and avoidable thing that is spelunky 101 treat every jar like it's an enemy that's easily avoidable damage if you do that [Music] sticks welcome on into the pile and welcome back i should say thanks for sharing the love okay i do really like the power pack now actually i've become a big fan of this thing i wasn't sure how i felt about it before but i'm definitely digging it now i don't think it buffs the damage no i think it just buffs your firing rate and like reduces the knockback of course it does have different effects for all the different guns too i'm pretty sure you do the same amount of damage no matter what i guess we're going volcano again although we do have the big bombs that's true yeah we could get through pretty easily with those [Music] no crate over there though let's go see what's through the tunnel here check her out what the [ __ ] man there we go all right one hp again i also love those choticana emotes thank you so much to her of course for that and also for the new sub badges that i'm absolutely in love with [Music] goodbye let's do it volcano time we're back spelunky 103 all skulls are enemies also true yeah no that's another thing i need to be taking into consideration i like this a lot man i like this section of volcano all right good stuff i'll go ahead and set him up i suppose holy [ __ ] that was close see this is what i'm talking about with the shotgun jump now normally if you didn't have the power pack you'd be able to do this and then grab that ledge but with the power pack it like it cuts off the shotgun jump just a little bit makes it a little bit lower it's unfortunate there's been helsing again i don't think i'm gonna even bother with that key oh we got a pet shop we got a rock dog too oh [ __ ] um no altar unfortunately that would have been nice hmm what am i going to do here a door over that way i think i just want to leave i'm going to aggro these guys though whoa [ __ ] ah that was dangerous okay we're good [Music] we got it we got it we're good we're out i'm actually gonna get these things too why not [ __ ] sorry didn't mean to buddy there we go what if rock dog can survive lava that'd be kind of cool all right so we get off pick up the gun and jump back on cool all right rock dog cooked buffer yeah i might as well try it right [ __ ] it how do i well hold on here i'll just do this have a swim but okay he doesn't like lava he didn't like that yo moon challenge in volcanic cool i didn't expect that here hold on to my gun for a second zap i knew it oh yeah all right let's go bear dance bear dance for the moon for the moon challenge [Music] all right nice i wonder if i could destroy that [Music] i want to see if there's anything else in here oh okay [Music] interesting [Music] ah that's not that good though nice little path up though feels good i'll go ahead and see what's over here [Music] there we go yeah nice man this thing's going forever cool got a crate too awesome [Music] let's go paste out of the moon challenge that's great all right good enough that went well [Music] yeah the whip's on fire because of the power pack now [Music] thank you the conveyor belts add just the right amount of variance to this stage too i like it let that go there we let are go take care of business not quite okay i guess we just do this he's probably not gonna climb up here while we're just sitting here there we go that's how we sneak by there's our hell entrance again let's do it they patrol volcano aimlessly awaiting instructions from long dead masters apparently i uh haven't unlocked that yet cool rock dog got a new one sweet boom boom ah there we go good stuff hey can't do that i guess we're just going down probably just drop oh [ __ ] okay thanks clay er uh thanks playdog sacrificed yourself for the good of the team good good get another clover thank you all right back to hell and she has wares for the reborn nothing i want though ah this is so convenient in here [Music] i don't even want to unlock those guys i love them being there thematically though i think that's great whoops okay do not open the ghost yard do not open the ghost yard do not do it let me show you my clay dog still all right stay out of vlad's teleport range now i know that too what am i gonna do for this though just jump on his head maybe that'd probably be easier actually [Music] how did i die what happened no arrow trap was set off was it the arrow i don't know if i don't think it was set up all right whatever doesn't matter can't change the past [Music] never set it off did i i thought for sure i had that sucks [Music] damn it oh well [Music] apparently that's going to be worth it i just decided [Music] hey there bug how are you doing runs have been treating me pretty well so far today i gotta say oh i didn't even have to use a rope oh wait did i i didn't damn it i could have saved it with those elite gamer plays oh well okay good enough i'll just buy that [Music] take a peek up here oh come on dammit all right we gotta we gotta get the key wherever that is [Music] set that off i'm guessing it's down there but i'm going to take a peek over here just in case we got really lucky thanks for the 27 months on the pile welcome back in appreciate your support good to have you back let's set off okay where the heck is this thing we're gonna have to use three ropes on the stage again aren't we there we go got it it was a good bomb too that works and it certainly does the job skeleton key probably does open the chest yeah but i mean it's certainly better for us to not spend the skeleton key on that honestly i don't even know if i've used the skeleton key one time despite having picked it up several times well that wasn't very smart was it i thought i'd gone down there for some reason all right make a mental note arrow traps that you think have been set off have not yet been set off along with the the pots and the skulls notes we gotta keep those things in mind they're all still very much a threat [Music] here we go oh god damn it come on seriously use a rock fine oh come on please thank you right good enough [Music] good enough turkey boy is right beneath me here so i very well make it this one seems pretty simple oh baby oh that's the shop you've been waiting for bear there it is there it is man [Music] let's go looking good now [Music] oh dead turkey all right well so much for that i didn't see any key or doorway in here but i will go ahead and check again since i've got the mobility i think it's on the next floor oh [ __ ] that was close i would have been dumb here's our damsel no altar here either promise me this is the run i promise you without a shadow of a doubt this is tayern if i die here i'll gift out 10 subs straight up if i die before olmec let's qualify it if i die before olmec on this run 10 gifted subs straight from your boy bear taffy how about that the pact is struck let it be sealed in blood 10 free subs let's go easy money are you rooting for death now i mean maybe a little bit you want that sub don't you that tasty bear sub there's our key okay i knew i didn't miss it let's see buttercup gonna get us started on your own thanks for five gifted hop into the pile everybody enjoy sorry badging emotes thanks for that [Music] okay we know what we need we know what to do yoink all the way over here now i'm like 99 certain that i've set off that arrow trap that that is just below us here but that line of thinking's gotten me killed all right there we go now i know same thing same story okay here we are well i actually wasn't as sure about that one i guess but now the problem solved [Music] dory's right there okay let's see [Music] just let my buddy chill right in here for a moment i think i'm gonna kill this horned lizard just because i don't like them and wait for him to turn around there we go goodbye just because i don't like them and then make sure that's not gonna go we got our shopkeeper still chilling over here still big chilling love it there we go easy just look at a little time here too not that we need it [Music] i think i'm good to go grab my buddy and i'm out of here [Music] let's do it let's go well there bongo time [Music] nope nope okay we're gonna let them roll you let quill back roll and then we blow him up there we go no sweat dude didn't even get to bare bongo there didn't even give him time i'm just rolling no problem oh god all right that was overdue i guess we were going we were operating far too smoothly for there not to be any interruptions till that point i can't see a thing i truly can't okay torch is good for in here though it's just now occurring to me let's see i think we'll go ahead and uh go through the whole thing with a torch and then come back and get the gun it's later for the best i don't have any boots unfortunately so i can't walk on the thorns be careful about spear traps about the darkness in general obviously and about the thorns here too [Music] okay very low on resources and be real careful where we're going go away let him be actually not find his own way [ __ ] that's fine uh let's go down like that i think he's stuck it's just a really inconvenient enemy placement there we go [Music] oh god come on man come on now that was funny holy [ __ ] all right yeah i forgot my bad i gotta give the subs now oh jesus all right hold on this always takes me forever so give me a couple minutes it takes so long to load the page i'm gifting i'm gifting i didn't forget hold on i got you you have to sub you're 10. i i got to give 10 because i said that if this one didn't get to olmec i promised 10 gifted subs so here they are here you go you earned it a gleaming endowment 10 gifted subs from bear taffy all right enjoy easy money dude guaranteed subs all day let's go [Music] thank you [Music] no don't don't follow the fault okay he's fine i didn't hear any horrifying squish be okay good stuff all right we're out of here one one complete you pick one up there cyril cyril lettuce very nice enjoy your time on the pile rusty brazen fire thanks so much for your six months welcome on in i'm just gonna yoink this i'm gonna take that real fast thank you thanks for the gun it's mine now yep these are my things [Music] god damn it trying to sing along oh all right we can oh we just do this i guess there we go and down to the door on the other side right yep cool good enough let's go find the eye give me that eye [Music] oh my god wow [Music] holy [ __ ] good thing we didn't put any subs on that one [Music] why did it explode i'm pretty sure the flaming whip blew up the power pack there which is hilarious [Music] hey that's pretty good it's a very violent death the last couple times absolutely [Music] really exploring the full extent of the game's chaos capabilities don't squish don't squish buddy oh you found your way out good job oh god damn it [Music] we gotta get the uh the key somewhere in here so oh wait no just kidding i forgot we died never mind let's keep going oh [ __ ] [Music] oh [ __ ] you got shot let's go let's go dude that was awesome [Music] all right we're in business oh [ __ ] no cobra spit thank you 16 bombs plenty of bombs plenty of bombs plenty of time [Music] plenty of ropes to get through that there's what we need cool okay just the key now i don't know why i'm getting the money can i help myself i guess may i ask what the power pack does yeah it just uh makes the uh makes the weapon stronger in various ways particularly with the shotgun that makes it see oh my god no no no no no no no no no no come on just die thank you okay we're good we're good we're good they're optimal it's okay it's okay i can no longer explain what the power pack that does because i have to keep myself alive but i'm sure someone to chat can all right where's our damsel where's our damsel where's my buddy i heard a yelp there's that of course as well so let's go ahead and bomb through the top there's our buddy we're gonna go ahead and bomb up here as well [Music] and then let's see i'm just gonna do this it's just easier just easier this way don't you be a oh man i thought that was going to be a live one for sure that would have been a sad way to end sorry buddy all right i think we're good to just oh we gotta go this way all right that's fine obviously i already set this off [Music] there's our gun all right let's do it [Music] definitely need to get more montes port zanus you have to unsub in seven months i think that is the rule now yeah once you get to 69 that's pretty much it i wish we could keep your sub badge at 69 just locked in wow that would have been a horrible way to end too very glad we had the extra hit point i am really dumb i tried to shoot the lizard oh my god the last few deaths have been so violent and explosive it's all on me though that is just a foolish choice just a bad decision oh my god [Music] holy [ __ ] all runs ending explosions yeah that's the only way to go now i guess holy [ __ ] this is why we died this is the whole reason why we died just to get to this run right here we found it pretty good too okay let's do it can we get a bear boom emo we might have to yeah depending on how many more times that happens sorry little guy oops oh never mind i'm not sorry at all that was by design sacrifice time baby let's go come here [Music] give me all the points all the points let's go way back up here get the doggo very nice oh [ __ ] wait i can just throw him i'm a genius i'm a freaking genius dude [Music] and i bet if i just bomb here and then put a rope oops let's do this sick let's go let's go dude this is great [Music] you're on a run more blood for me i don't think i need to sacrifice anymore i think we're good to go here let's go get that eye [Music] let's do it this is the run we've been waiting for the run and it's finally showing up we thought those last ones were the run we were mistaken okay here we go there's another altar oh my goodness oh my goodness that's gonna be maybe worth getting i'm very glad i didn't end up hitting that ghost jar right there that could have been bad oh and look at this placement too this is beautiful [Music] there we go oh [ __ ] uh just send it off i'm just gonna bond to here too yes much easier to do this way bomb through it give me that eye obviously we could sacrifice the uh the damsel here if i wanted to get us pretty damn close to invigoration in fact may very well get us there on its own so that's probably worth it i just have to bomb through here and then use another rope and it's fairly easy yeah we can do this let's do it [Music] point let's go ahead and set this off too we're gonna go ahead and get the uh arrow trap taken care of on the bottom in a second just to eliminate all these threats and then oh we just shot gonna jump up there there we go and then we can drop it back down oh my god okay okay oh jesus very good that's why we have extra hp could have been very bad though my god i don't think we need to sacrifice anymore i'm pretty sure that's gonna be good of course we're gonna be collecting more and more uh health throughout the run ideally okay so i should be able to hit him with one of these spreads and then he'll just jump up and yeah that makes that easier cool all right i could sacrifice him too it's just not really worth it i don't think the rope is worth going back up with him actually i could probably on the other way or getting get him going up this way oh never mind never mind off we go then bear bongo we made it back okay plenty of bombs again i think i go ahead and just make this easy becoming so much more familiar with how he moves around i like it i'm going back to the jungle this time for sure [Music] thank you no need for that no need for this but let's go ahead and get rid of the problem here oh that's an unfortunate layout there we go he got it okay [Music] yet again no boots so we're gonna have to be careful in here i really prefer having them obviously but we can do about that at this point plenty of bombs at least and that feels nice all right is that the exit over there it is not we have to go the other way oh god there we go i do want paste this is probably worth it getting this guy right hmm i guess i could just do this oh he's gonna drop down though though that's right might be okay though we can maybe not [Music] i don't think i'm gonna be able to kill him which i guess is fine it's not a huge deal i don't need paste i don't have to have paste i should say i do like having paste there you go buddy all right i guess that's it i got a lot of bombs yeah i just want to be conservative with them still still want to be a little more careful you'll regret it i guarantee you know i like i like keeping myself safe i do have 15 hp too so you know like typically in those situations i shouldn't be too scared i'll probably be okay but chain reactions are what i'm most afraid of and was gonna always kill is this the green caves yeah dude every area is just a slight variation of the mines oh we gotta keep our axolotl alive if i had pasted here it'd actually be really good [ __ ] honestly i think my best place just to kill them all unfortunately i know it's heartless but i gotta do this sorry sorry guys uh let's see that's a little annoying that sucks i think that makes it so i can only ever have one hp anymore [Music] which is obviously a problem please hit him oh god damn it holy [ __ ] okay bye yup bye i don't know if there's a way to cleanse this but if there is don't say anything i don't want to know yet it might be permanent though yo hold on oh dude i thought i thought it would be this weird interaction where like okay so you don't have a soul anymore so these things can't detect you no that's that's not it you wish yeah for real oh god damn it not again there we go i wonder what another hit actually does from them now though oh i heard a blip i heard a blip ooh things actually useful things oh no my boots come back [ __ ] hang on look at that the paste nice okay you know i think actually i might just do this oh those deaths suck those deaths are that's just it's not even like misplaying it's just not understanding what happens in the game yet because that movement that i did right there it has a completely different um like what what happens in the game is completely different in spelunky one versus what happens in spelunky two with that particular movement like coming off the wall like that it's it's it's just a little different and i'm having to get used to it and unfortunately in a lot of those circumstances when i do that it kills me so yeah that's spelunky let's spelunky too particularly because i haven't gotten used to splunky 2 yet so you know whatever i think i got bear trapped though i mean at least there's that right i know that wasn't a bear trap no that was a spear trap wasn't it [Music] was that i can't remember anyway regardless it's just a another instance of me needing to be prep be prepared in a different way oh geez there's our uh there's our door real quick and there's our uh key cool it's easy enough let's do it that worked yeah that curse is pretty tough for sure going from that month that much hp down to one it was pretty tough in that situation and again though you know it's just another thing you got to be prepared for that's an unfortunate alter placement i'm pretty sure i'm not really going to be able to take advantage of that at all [Music] it'd be pretty tough oh god oh my goodness these shops have been absolutely blessed though this is what you like to see thank you game okay we might have to change our tune now i might have to go for this [Music] let me uh let me see if i cook bombs well here this will be not too tough so let's try it okay bad start not terrible okay good only took three gimme me the goods all right definitely want to go for this now i've got a few cavemen up in there too of course let's see oh a mole okay i might be able to get him kind of unlikely oh he's dead never mind this will be easy now i think it's all about those cavemen at this point it's all about these guys oh [ __ ] can't do that i might do this though oh i think i got him all right about 40 seconds here we got plenty of time the shopkeeper music still going is definitely ramping up the intensity for me go go go go ah no go yet [ __ ] do we go for the i think we go for the shopkeeper dude i think we do it i'm doing it i'm doing it man i'm doing it here we go he's dead here we go here we go here we go shopkeepers or the ghost is on the left yes worth worth go go go go split's happening in five okay here we go there's the split oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] go go go we got it yes that's so good so good the greed pays off big time [Music] all right i'm gonna make something happen here now no silly mistakes anymore i'm gonna collect some blood too for a bit you go with that uh damsel i'll get the little drops man there we go nice all right one night on extra hp already just making sure that's been set off we're good oh [ __ ] whoops all right make it easier make it easier on yourself there's our shopkeeper he's got some spring boots down there all right no oh god oh that made me feel bad all right no holy [ __ ] the game wants me dead get the blood get the blood one more whip buddy i'm so actually you know what no you're better off no actually you're better off as blood unfortunately there it is because we get the health right now as opposed to having to wait and then i'm gonna do the same with the turkey thank you it's free health man we gotta take it we gotta take it i wish i could roast the turkey too that'd be extra hp i can whip them again oh my god all right let's see minute 44 here i got one of those droplets this is this is a little sketchy i don't like this guy i think i'm going to drop a bomb here maybe get lucky i did oh my god that was awesome and the other shopkeeper's dead blow that up so i can get the springy boots even though i don't really need them because i have the jet pack but these will be good because it'll protect us from the thorns in the jungle [Music] okay let's go whip this turkey dude i could actually still do this even bring the turkeys up to this guy it's still a possibility i think i'm gonna do it i still have time not a ton of time get their trust just enough for them to allow me to whip them yeah exactly man this thing is never worth it oh my god that sucked so bad i almost want to kill him out of spite but i won't darkness darkness quillback oh boy can i get some bare bongos along with some bear s to represent spooky bongo playing there we go okay okay there's nothing about this startle me on the other side there i guess good let quill back do his thing michael volcano might be tempted a little bit more blood and tell you what i'm going to go ahead and save money's life first i'm going to whip him so i get the blood out of him but then oh wait is he just going to he's going to fall there no he's not good sweet go quillback he dead now he's dead oh sweet we made a path i'm gonna go ahead and check the back just in case there's a crate though j-i-c no dice okay that's fine nbd nbd it was j-i-c j-i-c standing for jesus is christ of course right exactly you got it oh [ __ ] i didn't realize he was over there ah [ __ ] run run away can he come through here i guess we'll find out oh [ __ ] hang on buddy you're coming back up here for a minute i need my torch dude i need to be able to see this [ __ ] here we go light the way what's he up to down here he's still just [ __ ] bouncing around in that little area isn't he yes he is oh jesus christ that's terrifying oh god uh die okay that helps actually [ __ ] there's our ghost jar it's good to know that's there too you know what i bet if we just give me some light down there like that go ahead and grab my gun again i'm out of time here too so i got to get going sorry dude ah son of a [ __ ] thank you oh my god that was so fast he sniped me dude he sniped me [Music] okay i have boots in here so that's really good i've also got the kapala so i'm going to collect all the blood we can all the blood we can which means we jump on these guys multiple times so we can get multiple sources of blood there we go okay a little bit of droplets right there uh we go like this and we get all that blood and we got a little bit more we got more to sacrifice there too that's good probably gonna clear that path there we are cook turkey sweet all right back up to five hp good looking solid pretty nice pretty nice all right we're making headway here certainly recovered from that one hp situation we're looking for a little bit of invigoration now though it'd certainly be nice the hell just came toward me from there can you just throw something i don't think he did there we go still terrified to deal with those wooden shields more blood more health for me very good i'm just gonna take this this is mine monkey time and he's dead bear did you do this spoiler thing i'm so excited you asked no i haven't and you got to tell me about it and ruin the experience random chat member see is that what you want to hear everybody is that what you want me to say apparently based on the amount of messages being deleted well this is going a mud they're much better than it was huh this feels okay seven hp all of a sudden i got my boots that's right yay i'm safe so fun wait for it i might have to bomb this i'll probably you know hold on a second he's just gonna do this all right we've just proven that shopkeepers have 10 hp that's pretty good info that's good intel man science yep there's a quick little science experiment there full moon challenge i'll take a moon challenge for sure oh no that was there whoops did it just eat my gun at least it wasn't me i guess that's for the best maybe we'll find a new one to the bear pile he god great name welcome to the pile enjoy your badge and emails thank you very much for the support appreciate it i kind of just want to go all the way to the right just to see where i can get to [Music] seems like a good idea [Music] no [ __ ] way oh my god that's awesome i knew i'd get a new one this one's way better anyway [Music] totally rigged dude oh my god [Music] yo we got a lot of crates down here [Music] grab this sucker okay cool oops and the best way to get through to here i guess is just going to do be doing that hell yeah dude this is great really good moon challenge snag that gem real quick i think i'm just gonna burn through it now i found the arrow again too oh that would have been such a bummer if i actually wanted to get that thanks for continuing your sub staying in the pile love to see it thank you [Music] that was great man couldn't have asked for a much better moon challenge than that okay keep an eye out for the ooh jedi blip now keep an eye out for the eye i see that trap by the way didn't miss that one there we go still seeing no blips looking good i guess this is a little concerning actually but you know what i bet if i aggro him and then drop to the right side of this it'll be easy i could just no that was not what i wanted that's not all what i wanted why did i do that oh wait no that totally worked i'm a genius oh my god okay uh i don't think i saw the black market here so i'm gonna keep going keep going oh geez i should have taken that opportunity to just shoot him okay i think if i pick that up and throw it it actually resets so i might just be better off leaving it okay we got a bunch downstairs here [Music] i think i hit him pretty sure i hit him one dead got one okay good should be fairly easy now they're nice okay good stuff [Music] all right totally sacrifice again here i might as well better than bringing it to the doorway right well maybe there's like a super secret level of cauli uh favor that we can gain [Music] he managed to get himself killed at least okay we didn't really need those bombs thankfully well we kind of did but oh well come on come on please let me get the body [Music] there we go damn another invigoration holy [ __ ] whoops ecstatic with me making me fat on jelly huh huh i'm a thick boy thanks for 10 months welcome on back in appreciate you i guess we can go in here we can sacrifice the caveman too give a little blood hmm i don't want in here it looks like i don't think there's a oh [ __ ] bomb bag i can't get there we're running out of time on this stage too i haven't heard a blip either where the hell is the black market man i guess it's not in this stage almost certainly would have seen or heard it that's probably not ideal all right oh paste is good i'm gonna go ahead and just drop them i should be able to get them off the jump here eventually come on big boy there we go look at that mosquito real fast too [Music] and this boy that is not someone i want to leave alive right now obviously let's see still no blips the heck is this thing hmm it's gotta be here if it's gonna oh there we go okay finally i knew that was gonna happen i still did it that was dumb damn it all right whatever at least we got 20 hp let's see where is this blip though this way okay [ __ ] i had to do it [Music] all right i think it's underneath me oh it's to the right over here i guess yeah maybe even inside this i think it might be pretty sure it is machete i'm gonna get him killed real quick it's worth the bomb in my mind just to eliminate that threat and then i think it's yeah it's got to be in there sweet let's do it that's funny oh my god no oh my god [Music] holy [ __ ] got the protection at least okay that's good to start [Music] good lord [Music] good [ __ ] okay lots of bombs i want those [Music] i remember they can climb man it kills me or it can kill me if i don't remember but they do give me plenty of time off the top of the ladder at least and i really appreciate that [Music] good [Music] dude i really like the changes to the shopkeeper it makes things so much more manageable [Music] i really enjoy the new shopkeepers [Music] yeah sorry monty had to do it got some impressive numbers up top man [ __ ] 22 hp 40 bombs this is nice we're doing okay here there he goes [Music] just let me shoot you dude oh whoops i don't know why i did that we're clear we're done i'm out 23 hp another dead shopkeep let's go let's go dude we got a run going [Music] limit boar olmec i believe the hp max is still 99 but we haven't actually verified that yet of course could be different here this is a bop too man i'll tell you what i haven't i haven't been able to hear this very much but i've heard a lot more today i'm loving it i know sisters this time damn plenty of bombs here so i'll tell you what we can probably go ahead and just bomb a chasm all the way straight down let's do it why not i wonder if this still works properly i think i just had the bomb slightly off i think if i just do this that's a little to the right now no i think it's doing it though it's about right there yeah let me just get that last little uh if we do this the same strategy still applies and it's still functional that's unfortunate though um yeah if he falls obviously it's a problem you know what hold on a second let's not even get give this an opportunity to screw up i think we'll be a lot better off if i create a little bit more of a path for him this will be better yeah and then go like that i'm still gonna try to do it the normal way but just dangle here okay here we go yeah i had a feeling i was gonna screw that up that's okay we got it all fixed now come on oh my god the way he [ __ ] locked onto me there holy hell okay now we know that can happen found you bummer dude that was a great run too gotta splunk it again god damn he's still i mean like that's a much tougher olmec obviously [Music] i don't think i can do this yeah it's not a possible one do i have anything to throw here yeah with you okay gotta save the resources it's very clear to me now how important it is not to use bombs and ropes early on if you can avoid it it's like critical oh my god please no no no no we're good we're fine [ __ ] oh well money doesn't matter man we go for the go for the robbery here oh we definitely do definitely doing that okay that was different again it was different again that time it's weird there's like there's a chance i think that it can be like like his reaction is is slightly delayed because most of the time when i've been doing that it's it's like an instantaneous thing where he goes over and slips out i'm surprised by that oh well [Music] okay another fairly boring one [Music] another one i gotta try though here it's like you know the positioning is slightly different from where we put them too for our character i should say as far as that trick goes because we got to put them like i thought it was maybe like inside the second item but it's actually between the first and second item i think is where you want to be why are we taking our key here i think we're going down a level well you're gonna pretty easily get to the uh kapala here actually i'm able to get a few of these horned lizards over let's try this one real fast oh the gloves man the gloves are gonna throw me off so bad [ __ ] okay if i get up there right before he hits the nice perfect okay you gotta remember i've got the gloves this time so it's gonna oh my god yeah it's so annoying okay here we go oh we're raving again shoot we're dropping all the frames sorry y'all i don't know what's going on here let me just broadcast some still images for you for a little bit oops [ __ ] oh well hopefully it comes back [Music] i don't know what's going on man it's not in my control today unfortunately i have no idea what the problem is because my internet's doing fine and my computer's doing fine too i got no clue what's happening today might just be twitch oops [Music] god tim no no okay there we go yeah it's really struggling right now bam okay well i'm just hoping i guess we good we fixed we're live okay just holding that hope and refresh if you got to [Music] i don't know if i want to chance any more of these guys on the altar here obviously be worth it but it's tough to get back up there already i've only got 30 seconds left i think i got to call it here just go ahead and bounce on this stage bounce on this stage he's got the spring boots he did a thing again with the plays on words and stuff twitch mid rolls infecting the system got to be right yeah i need this dude to get aggroed out here he doesn't blow this [ __ ] jet pack up i did it anyway i did it i'm the one that done did it god damn it now that you guys can even see what's going on i still think we're dropping frames yeah i think it might just be twitch today man it's a bummer i'm surprised he didn't get mad at that yeah you know what i think i just might have to call it i don't want to be streaming at 20 fps here i'm just going to let this run play out 25 fps spelunky's bold choice i know it's not exactly the most optimal presentation format well we're almost done here anyway i'm sure we'll probably die to quill back in a second here we go we're speed running dude off to volcano speed run oh [ __ ] somehow didn't die from that there we go okay there it is oh it's unfortunate man i'm not sure what's going on i'm sorry though it's all rav yeah this is this is all [ __ ] right now
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 38,796
Rating: 4.866189 out of 5
Keywords: baer plays spelunky 2, spelunky 2
Id: 8oOgQmj6GeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 35sec (11375 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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