Baer Plays Noita (Ep. 5)

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so I know a couple more things now but I won't say it I won't say it well just we'll see if maybe we can get there again we'll worry about it at that point stack oh but 28 months pap adapt with the 7 and Daffy ninja hi bear I kind of forgot I've been subbed to you for three years welcome back in and welcome back in everybody to Nokia phone let's do it yo my blonde right away bomb one right away oh [ __ ] somebody wants me going to the desert someone wants me to be an exploratory boy alright then man I know what I'm gonna do we're gonna keep waltzing our way through here first of all and get the early goods this may be the first time I've ever seen a streamer concerned with protecting chat from spoilers dude well here's the thing I say this every now and then but it does prove true especially with games like noida i don't stream nearly as much as the typical streamer does you know like from from the people that I follow at least a variety streamer will sometimes go for like six seven hours a day so a lot of other streamers that have been playing this game have probably like doubled my playtime and now if not more therefore they've been able to see and expose themselves to a lot more of the game's content I being aware of that and therefore kind of forced to make an effort to make people aware of that and be like hey I know that if you've been elsewhere on Twitch it's probably common knowledge by this point a lot of the stuff that were trying to be coy and secretive with that was stupid but we haven't seen it yet we haven't we didn't get exposed so you could kindly just keep it in your pants for a sec we'd appreciate it I don't appreciate the way that I phrased all that but the general sentiment remains yo okay we can start with something like that I made a problem yo and we are finding some wands real quickly here I don't mind that at all either this is going well damage here [Music] begging chat not to spoil is common but begging the streamer not to spoil is it that's true - yeah unfortunately now I'm in the position where I've spoiled stuff that y'all haven't maybe seen yet if you're following along with me anyway I wouldn't blame you one bit if you can't wait if you're impatient you just got an O and two wands of AB insight here hmm it's probably better than the other BOM wand it's just that I don't want to get rid of the other BOM wand just yet so I'll just go ahead and keep that very suppose I totally can chill even though how dare you put the onus on me but turns out I have the ability its spelunky plus terraria plus magic Oh with one programming there that was five seconds if that didn't sell you then you're probably not really interested but I feel like if you know enough about those things to put together the end result you're probably pretty impressed anybody well again we've got the the means to head out into the great unknown once more and I am quite tempted five bombs isn't ideal for that I'll admit but it's probably suitable oh not to mention yeah that elevator pitch does entirely fail to mention the fact that every pixel is procedurally generated that was the tagline for this game forever and that in and of itself is pretty fantastic not to mention the the physics engine in this game is fantastic I mean you're seeing examples of it as we just go through this first stage here but it is it's really something I just can't get through that little part of there I think I'm gonna have to go ahead and uh oh no hold on there's a way to get back up and around I want to try what I'm trying to do now is exit the mines via the the top right if possible top right by the way where is it my my in the right area here a chat where's the subscribe button am i pointing at it you let me know if I am pointing at it by going ahead and using that for me real quick now confirm further right somewhere over there right in general area some limit I'm gonna follow button gotta make sure you do that too also important all right clearly pretty far down already but that was a nice little ascent I might actually be even closer than I thought now you know me a little exit there you are yeah okay this is totally doable look at that a little treasure chest - how lovely okay so yep hmm they didn't really work I might just have to try to rest a bomb on the edge of that portion there mm-hmm it's gonna be tough I don't know what flasks do we have slime and freezing liquid yeah polymorph this doesn't seem very good though the wand starts are nice absolutely yeah just as far as me being able to get up and out of here not feeling too optimistic anymore that's gonna take at least a couple of bombs to get through if not like three can open a small hole in the sand with your standard wand not cold oh right yeah it's difficult to bomb up to exactly I think I might have to try to find another excavation one before I do that slime to hold the bomb in place oh dude don't you love that that kind of [ __ ] is I don't even know if that works but I my inclination is that it does that it probably does work and that's the kind of thing that you can do in this game and that's so [ __ ] cool [Music] that's gonna be messy I was Snite double gold by the way anytime you get an environmental kill you weren't sold on this game already let's back out to the top left which is not the top right by the way does this subscribe button right above the health bar that's where it ought to be because if you subscribe you refill my health little known fact Noida has built into which subscriber integration only one way to find out if he's lying oh damn it it did damn it Josh dwell [ __ ] that's a problem so loose yes its the twitch prime appreciate that buddy while come on into the pile there's the top right much obliged for flasks none of which I want it's just empty the pheromones here and use that as our water flask pepper there we go sweet okay got a lot of flasks it didn't fill my HP I guess I guess I was just being a big fat liar after all yeah Poseidon uh glad to see someone excited for it I am looking forward to trying it out as well it looks very interesting kind folks over at sandbox strategy's reached out to me about it they said darkest dungeon in spiled turn-based combat set in world war ii and i was like you got it dude I gave him that full house thumbs up thumbs up gift you got it dude it's more money it's always nice free cash fireball Wow I got one HP again that happens a lot hmm all about us panda you are away then it's crashed upon the shore but then I have to fall back down into the ocean right or am I just I just sit there at that point I guess that's okay it feels kind of nice well I haven't going into here with one HP this is very smart this isn't a good idea I should go so greedy such a greedy boy got him the big-time Snipes the big-time Snipes boom I'm gonna be able to get that money though salt on fire it's all on fire and [ __ ] no frog frog no what the [ __ ] why come on why it's really through that fire and no more cool shirt ripped cool shirt kickflip time here we go here we go oh [ __ ] lost it hell of a eat though okay start that seems smart what no come on just that little bit that little bit the spark that ignited the world come on three pixels wide get in there get in there let me see five just combust on the oil that's all you need dude that's gonna work that's gonna work you wait and see that's gonna be a big old roast and open flame by the time we get back it appears to be shrinking don't worry about that oh nice yo that's nice ah [ __ ] I do like clairvoyance quite a bit I haven't seen it in a minute get him thank you I mean I wish I had the means to do so myself grill I would make some magic happen but I don't control the means of production we must seize them are you ready chat are you ready to seize the means of production no not today maybe maybe tomorrow well no all right yeah that's that's probably better I think a little busy yeah all right spiny puffles a great name wonderful name makes it the tier one subscription bear-hugs form luck money in the pile and fana toast to an hour one back to you as well look at the beautiful potions we'll be able to get all the stuff that we need to get out on new area maybe Tawana berserk IAM a chaotic Paulie morphine is a really ideal but I guess I will take it then give me the invisible invisible Ian please thank you all right very good go ahead and just coat myself with this real fast oh yeah that's the good stuff tasty there we go he heard of Warsaw have you heard of Warsaw that's what I'm asking you in two hours during the sponsor portion of the broadcast Warsaw does make me think quite a bit of The Weird Al song Lisa Bonet ain't no basil voice I was robbed was it a car or a cat I saw I'm Anna Neagle a German am I never odd or even if I had a high-five madam I'm Adam - hot - whoo no lemons no melon too bad I heared a booth and then it goes on there all palindromes you didn't pick up on that it's pretty great frigates on that's good stuff oh hello ow this is interesting he's probably still we're trying to murder yeah come on up here let make it easier for us want to take a dip take a little you day what a dumbass big stupid [ __ ] baby so for a moment there I had thought that if you just like shoot the top of this gunpowder that maybe it would trigger it but I'm pretty damn sure that's not the case so I've tried it several times now that just results in the big dent would you please why are you running away of all times for you to not pursue me I'd like you to please bring a stick of dynamite over here come on come on now come here one right through here right through the hole buddy right through the hole right through the hole come on right through the hole here we go there's the good stuff frame thank you that's exactly what I wanted yeah thank you [Music] it's a fine starting wand a fine starting wand indeed though I can't hit anything unfortunately there we go this ought to do it there we go resourceful who's got a way to say [Music] timber wolf thanks for 25 months on the pile welcome on back in bear hugs for him if you can please that's the thing about this game man most of the time if you can think it you can do it it's got that breath of the wild style of freedom and mechanics you know bass stop burning all the whiskey that was whiskey I thought it was oil ah [ __ ] ah what a waste damn it yo this is just better isn't it holy [ __ ] hmm I could get rid of that the recharge time is a little in but not really a big problem capacity of six hmm cast away yeah that's terrific I think I'm gonna get rid of that because that is well that is a shuffle unfortunately well if we've got 5 magic arrows on it I suppose it doesn't really matter if it's shuffling around right especially if we end up adding an effect to it or something that one effect won't really need proper order to come into effect who do you that's just probably morphine okay let's go collapse mines if I can a little further left I got two fire boys here wow that was dumb oh [ __ ] ah there we go not wise yeah I gotta get up through here I think oh god no no no Hey Wow the 50 cradle do the job holy [ __ ] here we go alright careful here man you could be doing anything crazy in fact I'll just go ahead and use some berserk you cut yourself in a little berserk iam there buddy get angry getting mad you get even there go me smart thanks so much for the recent scription as well my friend who's that collapsed minds I gotta worry about the egg Parenthood's please if you got him thanks for fifty four months on the pile I appreciate that no God so much acid blood no what if they could hurt me if that still act I fell down like that'll be crazy the collapsed minds as far as I can tell is just this loud god I knew that would happen goddamn it Jesus Christ I'm not even able to get out of here I'm like well that's probably death for me Gigi I don't know what I thought I was gonna do there the collapsed mines just appears to be a slightly more difficult version of the mines when I could tell we didn't have potions there's a valid point all right more lollygagging no more fooling around hold up a second it's not a freaking probably morphine flask right away it it sure is that sure is oh my well that makes ascending a certain possibilities that's so now we suppose we've realized that there are really two pieces to the puzzle here trying to get out and through the desert one being a way to get up and through the the exit to the top right and the other being the means by which to traverse the pyramid in the desert you need resources for both no tougher to come by I guess oh my god you can have tough to come by I guess the things gonna be a minute to yet and the means to cease production right yeah we're still looking for that but that's it's falling down on the totem pole now [Music] here we go thank you got the love of max health boost to start off though that is real nice it's kicking every useful yeah totally the circumstances where you'll have to boot something down onto the skull of some SAP sniper those that that collision damage is massive hitting any enemy with like a projectile like a table or a minecart or something does a tremendous amount of damage it was convenient double gold there Elise is doing better she's having a much better day today actually she's on the upswing so we're doing good about that still swelling he now still a lot of stuff to heal but it's healing she was able to get her mouth guard in last night - which is really good thing means hopefully the teeth are fixing themselves which would be fantastic can you kick dynamite back I don't know about that what I did realize is you can do this you just eat these [ __ ] things into it oblivion and they don't seem to mind it and then shoot there we go it's smart smart stuff there yeah that's it that's the ticket dude right there if you could just put this fire out for me if you could just put this fire out for me thanks thanks and now I haven't beaten the game yet I've managed to get through I've only even gotten to the fourth stage so it's been another fourth stage the fifth stage so it's gonna be a while yet I think maybe even for me to be able to beat it oh I can't go this way that's right but maybe I'll do this better the one down here and another potion that's another freaking gunpowder though damn it oh wait now this is whiskey hmm he's probably o lantern over there I'll blocked off jeez fifth stage is bargaining yet I'm close to it I'll die in the first two minutes of the next five rounds you just let me back to the jungle again please make that deal it's actually probably a good idea to get these guys over here yeah come here buddy hit me thank you well that's a special guy in there oh [ __ ] where is it I'm not sure oh boy pool of whiskey is exactly what we need to seize the means of production you're right just get them all drunk and then we'll take their money why haven't we thought of this before okay hi VIN I guess you're gonna show up what the [ __ ] dude Oh a polymorphed into the worm really hahaha that's a hell of a polymorph man all he said free money okay anyway I mean I got one more [ __ ] it stay away from that while you're covered in oil wait for it yeah rip the means to seize the means of production we need the means to get the means there they go wonder what's over this way more fire alright see you later I'll look more whiskey we're saved mmm nummy nummy nummy look glug glug glug glug no I should have figured that what happened damn it aah help help anything please I'm so drunk oh thank god they're Lance again these trunk shots aah I can't hit him oh god I got to remember the flasks yeah that's my pratically forgetting about that option Thanks Oh Lord I shouldn't do that well too late oh good it did nothing you know what I'll leave oh wait I'm gonna be on fire again god dammit always cast acid trail oh geez [ __ ] hell [Music] yo chainsaw gun that's good I can't get both though but that's gotta be the way to go now swap that keep clairvoyance put that there put that on for that's our main one that's our SMG that they're bombs there's our clairvoyance there's no shuffle there so we just do that right [Music] all righty Swan was made for me oh yeah dude that's my [ __ ] right there for [ __ ] bolts or for [ __ ] disks per cast oh my okay that's fun we got a rock that for a couple stages at least why is this game so good there's a lot of reasons why this game is so good man and it makes me real happy give it a whirl okay how did that miss there's that all right my oh my strong a levitation is wonderful too honestly might be a really helpful perk for this build in particular wait a sec there's another one just don't sob lay to yourself that's the all that is hidden then oh there we go hmm odd Firebolts you know I might take that mmm it's got a ton of mana but slow recharge and terrible mana charge speed and it's not very tempting god damn it there's some poison for me I figured man Oh flask I keep forgetting okay hang on poly more time right away God he could fly so fast with the Sheep all right back down here come a bomb through there actually I'm gonna do it well that Wow didn't go all the way through it whoops that was not smart try again I don't know if that's gonna make it either oh thank goodness okay mommy sweet another wand that's kind of boring yeah really getting anything all that great well he died sweet got it oh I just got nailed by that I was down as hell gusts of air but it's a very good wand so we'll take it over the bombs or over this wand I guess still dealing with this damn poison though another wand [ __ ] Jesus Christ ah [ __ ] Oh flask again fixed poof hey I got I'm gonna refer I'm gonna empty out the poly water the next water puddle I see I'm gonna replace it with water oh wow okay another decent wand with no shuffle I think I replace my bombs the guide toss a bomb nonchalantly over here kill that thing with a gust of air huh sweet okay I've explored I have explored some of the overworld I suppose that's what I should say I have indeed explored some of it can't remember the next water puddle I come across to you looking for refill that flask careful with this one oh [ __ ] ooh nest there I think it's time to go seems wise yep let's do it [Music] I'm looking for the items for the most part right now Wow it's a lot of fire a lot of booms going on to toxic sludge immunity I do like ya the negative cast delay is very confusing to me oh yeah I could call me sheep ha ha he she [Music] okay hmm negative because some spells have cast delay on their own okay okay [Music] mmm-hmm I'm kind of thinking about popping four fireballs in this bad boy making this like a big old kaboom one with the four spells per cast could be fun and then we look into this as our primary saw blade weapon with perhaps the addition of something like a burning trail or a bifurcated pattern which I wouldn't mind although would be a little weird with the shovel might not even have to buy anything actually [Music] honestly we could probably just roll with what we got [Music] maybe even put the fire trail on these guys [Music] this [ __ ] good careful miss clicks [Music] I might just have to buy one for the Firebolts buy this for the things on it might be the way to go all right that's a good one still though unfortunately it's not as good as this one so I might have to just go the clairvoyance wand is not that good either I guess I could have looked at that oh well hmm I can't make him all odd Firebolts instead it's a little more wacky most of them anyway yeah that seems fun okay then I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do with this probably just put it away and not use it how we looking otherwise that's quite good all right all right that'll do switch these two though that's our primary weapon now I think I'll just get this I just want to say I made it to snowy dance hooray with the fire trail on this bad boy actually I think we're looking at something pretty good bear I blame you for the hours upon hours I've played this yesterday and for the ridiculousness of every single one of my desk I'll take that blame happily in stride it's something special we got here I'm loving it oh [ __ ] no don't don't turn into that this is funny I like this ice archway [Music] yeah we're down poison snow oh Jesus goodbye oh I almost got another bounce there we go don't eat the green snow right oh man hmm all right gotta go different way still got strong levitation thankfully yeah drill wand would be nice that fourth one would be much better suited for that purpose yo you hit me with a [ __ ] wand dude you're gonna have to give that back unfortunately for you that sludge ain't doing [ __ ] how the hell are you so strong what the [ __ ] took like 40 hits holy [ __ ] dude wow that's not bad the bombs a little weird oh god damn it okay yeah now these guys to be absolute menaces careful get the clairvoyance and then oh my god just the way that they can hit you off-screen like that is absurd I can't even see him he knows I'm firing at him so he's gonna fire back they get him nope Jesus Christ I'm gonna go a different way I guess dude what's the handle this [ __ ] how are you supposed to handle this [ __ ] good lord come on man [ __ ] off give me time to see you first I have clairvoyance for God's sake and I still can't see them before they're shooting at me unreal what the [ __ ] that's gotta be balanced dude I'm at the point where like that's just not fair I've been trying not to say that but that is straight-up unfair nope got him okay nice and slow dude down to 80 already I'm gonna head to the left actually very very far to the left a little infighting okay fine with that whoa holy puck Wow please please no [ __ ] me oh my god why hate it so much Bay the universe really doesn't like he's selling your shirt I guess I'm at the point where the universe that's one maybe I give up the universe he's a [ __ ] and it can have its way I guess hmm a gold suck perk that would be nice wouldn't it yeah to be able to gravity pull everything toward you instead of having to dive into a pool of flaming oil to get it that'd be nice it looks like I should be able to get my way through there hey let me help out there we go like a chunk off come on oh my god please why why how what oh [ __ ] dude oh my god we're back in the advanced darkness what the [ __ ] man that's better oh [ __ ] you gotta go the other way come here [ __ ] it's like six shots dude what the [ __ ] this is insane what is he you look fun Oh his friend looks fun - here have a few of these why a little bit - you can have a couple ow stop it though he's done and he is expelling sand bone dust bone dust neat oh [ __ ] that come on I guess I should have seen the giant lantern in my face we'll be careful here man [ __ ] come down come here you floating face Jesus Christ all right I have sludge immunity so I actually just realized I can just go ahead and flip float through that [ __ ] we can't leave you kidding yeah I just found the keys to the [ __ ] kingdom I hate my superpower man goddamn comedic timing [Music] what a shot can't leave if you're dead [Music] yep so the magical temples a thing I guess what the [ __ ] this game is crazy it's very good it's very very good yeah yeah yeah and having that clairvoyance is really good for that area too on them darkness is gonna be tough to deal with all right I actually have a decent path to get up and out of here too if I can manage to find the right tools so keep that in mind I too hope they port this to other consoles and such but has anyone been playing this with controller is it is it doable is that a thing it can be done feels like it it's really kind of made from mouse and keyboard to an extent harder there's a game II would be super finicky I mean yeah just just thinking about it can't help but assume that the ami would be a little off like oh good morning Vietnam yeah there we go all right there we go oh [ __ ] actually managed now to get caught on fire there blown away ha more like there blown away oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Oh might as well good oil here we go there we go perfect there and get rid of that it should dump yeah now that'll work cuz once yeah you see once that burns through without ass it's gonna dump at ok that's gonna just completely [ __ ] with everything and I'm on fire now because that was totally logical Thanks thank you and now it's not gonna work goddamn it man come on just make a nice little puddle of acid there to submerge yourself in before you pick that up [Music] before it we go thank you very much or whiskey you boy I'm missing a bunch of gold this time - sadly I got my poly morphine now told me I could find anything anything else can't get that nugget cuz it's under poison my wait hang on one more bomb are no two more bombs okay so at least still hanging on to those such a good shooter if my gun goddamnit I got poison again alright well let's just get lit on fire - that sounds like a good idea good way to die don't shoot me I'm a sheep ah that's not fair they're not supposed to kill a sheep poor defenseless little sheep why would you shoot at that heartless [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah I know kill all right oh it's very cool boom I can't recommend it enough let's go super watch just show up right away for me please without me having to do anything for it less me for no reason apart from the completely ill-gotten desert feeling I have four blessings come on is anything really at this point I'll take anything I'll take a shiny little potion after Wow that tells me something was up there what's up here what's in this giant flaming cavern nothing cool fun stage hmm just fires just a bunch of fire if you were looking for that here's a little oil to catch yourself on the fire if you were hoping to everyone's looking for that a hot new thing these days coat yourself an oil and set yourself ablaze then you don't have to wait until the end of days [Music] hot new think nice and even they even realize man chock full upon potential hey there we go there's a shiny little wand for all my trouble for my lots and lots of trouble by the way plenty of it Oh terrible holy [ __ ] please please I can't do it oh my goodness I am ashamed of myself well maybe this wand will save me from having to be precise in any fashion oh man I might have to bum through the top to get there come on man catch it thank you for the belief I've got confidence especially if this is a black hole drill or chainsaw Oh fine completely useless fire bolt say about that ah Wow I don't know how the hell that didn't hit me one like right through me the fire bolt does show up quite a bit you're not wrong about that he's gonna die to the fire most likely or that that works [ __ ] oh alright that works double money again if I can get it which I can't cuz I'm on fire cool wow I'm so bad run just run to the run salvation well alright hey it's a holy bomb and a digging bolt well that's nice I'll take you I'll take it thank you I'll just do this I probably works a lot of people have been talking about powder game actually pottered this games physic model is remarkably similar the fire in the acid spread the exact same way I'm not surprised to find that out would also not be surprised to learn that that game was an inspiration for this game fire immunities fun certainly useful got our digging bolt now which is a lot more mobility thankfully I try this how about a little toxic sludge immunity and then we're in the business baby I just go ahead and skirt through this opening now that his burn but nerve can burn through oh my god that's always fun Luzi Mehta does do well Deb gave a list of like 30 50 games that inspired noida powder game was on that list yeah I was actually gonna bring that up again but yeah sure enough that ama is a good read if you're curious about the inspirations okay oh hi there bastards meant come on like what human being can possibly be ready for that attack honestly potion master hello friend I can smiley face [ __ ] I can't argue with that then you can't indeed dick for the goal and I have a digging bolt so I probably ought to be doing stuff like that look at me go I'm rich I'm so [ __ ] wealthy now don't do that I'll get poison and a death metal help you ever just farm the potion thrower for potions it's a bad idea oh if you're like enveloped in the fungus I think it actually does damage it's interesting recharge and with a drill bit in tow here it might actually be time to take it nice and slow and try to acquire a bunch of gold it's really taking a while to get through the harder Rock though unfortunately that was a good chunk right there though I mean every little bit look at that it's like 30 gold that's a decent amount especially like digging through something like this yeah I think that's probably worth the effort mm-hmm yeah the gray rock is tough the other stuff is a lot simpler so if I can manage to find oh my god whoops [ __ ] oh come on how am i [ __ ] poisoned right now five percent are s geez why would I do that we can do this oh why it's a bomb [ __ ] pay attention to what you're doing all right there's some gold out of that anyway I think I need to swap the positions of the wands for my own sake oh wait I've already been here too yeah I'm also very glad there's no fall damage I think that would be unwise for this game all right that's all correct right yeah just be a bit too difficult to deal with where's that what the heck it's weird gun powder Oh hmm I want to do to that no nothing I guess I thought how do you get past it well I should probably leave look at those fungal collections bubbling in there and so gross that's a lot of money all right I'm on or I'm immune to fire I forgot all right hey yeah oh yeah no wonder if drilling that would be no apparently does nothing okay and here we are again this just free money looks like it yep I can get through here what's over on this side hello this looks like fun whoa no naughty rats hmm game is so big dude what the heck fungal caverns ow yo he's got a wand dude holy [ __ ] we've entered the Mushroom Kingdom mushrooms mushrooms that spray fungus apparently cool die die die thank you yeah yeah Wow oh my God look at that I'm gonna get in there hello what's going on Oh goodbye all right yo he can teleport he's dead now okay okay oh oh oh god damn it [ __ ] that there we go yeah as long as they just sit there for me that's all good ooh nice yo what the [ __ ] oh god that's not the right with the right one I got him got him thank you I'm ready for you [ __ ] come on oh god damn it I thought I was I kept switching the bomb to those stupid [Music] that's not good I can't get through a shield man ah oh that might have to do it bail on the OG wand he just to flex this [ __ ] ah swap back well there he goes alright damn damn damn damn I want to keep it but it's honestly not even a good one so I know a 13 health I see I see I'm getting greedy I'm loving this game this game is a 10 out of 10 12 more health and required exactly careful be very careful pay for it whew zero cast delay oh my god yeah what holy [ __ ] time to go time to run we found we found the gift and it's time to flee that's disturbing there he goes heading down there see ya that [ __ ] tried to kill me I know the new biome but I want to survive I want to live dammit yo that's a good one too not too shabby so many freaking fire bolts though also not bad also not bad but the recharge is really bad yeah that manage our speed is disgustingly good behind your back is not all that helpful I would take a bifurcated shot right yeah that doesn't shuffle either hmm if only I had one more beam of concentrated light but I think instead well I'll probably do these go with the bifurcated shot so let's spend five minutes organizing Wands and then die quickly hey it's the noida way of course I need for that put this back in and then give it a fire trail it's gonna check our perks real fast that works yeah since we have the fire immunity it definitely makes sense to get the fire trail here I think it matters too much to me which my wand I get slightly worse than this but not even enough to make me consider swapping I will take these spells off though and we have our new primary wand which I accidentally was firing just then but looks pretty good hmm I'm starting to think I don't even want to split it hmm under Spears on there would be good Speirs with timers can even get a triple scanner on that [ __ ] yeah I'm beginning to believe I shouldn't split either it's such a specific or it's it's such a I mean it's concentrated light for God's sake just split that doesn't make any sense and look at that damage that's potential from that that is nuts well that doesn't even work how can you split the dig I don't even think to do that I'll do that then yeah I don't want tested yeah almost I'll assume that works okay I've got my primary weapon then and it's looking pretty solid the splitter for a room clear got this which yeah I don't know that's I mean that's just shooting off spear after sphere right so that's really ideal oh that's triple scatter spelled the dotted one is the bifurcated pattern okay I see I already took the part from the shrine I got a critical critical hit upgrade all right back to the depths man we've got a weapon to use and I am fairly happy with I should be able to do this it's doing the job you don't fire immunity dude it's a ray gun absolutely it is oh yeah the digger - we should try it oh yeah that's real nice split up definitely improves the digging ability I approve [Music] I am very glad we're not splitting that either yeah that is a [ __ ] sniper rifle dude that's beautiful that's true yeah I can make a little trench to hide it in that's a fact I'm doing a ton of damage to it I'm invincible you'll regret that you no regrets all the environmental kills Europe all you need to do making that money baby come on it does run out of mana kind of quick but the recharge rate is high enough to where it doesn't really make a difference it's better than this by a mile if you're like I know the capacity is pretty bad and the man charge speed sucks too yeah well look it's the way we get to the or broom might as well check it out I got a drill after all maybe this is the proper way we got to go to the desert get through the snowy depths and get enough upgrades to be like hey we can probably handle this now I'll give it a whirl see if I can climb up yeah and we could dig exactly we got the drill you got wonder how effective that is against this stuff and turns out not at all I don't think you can even actually dig through it get the feeling bear likes no I don't want you that idea I'm gonna ticket you do nice leisurely climb no problem what's funny is in most of the situations in this game where you have a wall like this where it's like well I don't know if they meant for me to be able to dig through it but or to be able to climb it but it certainly looks climb about I wonder if I can and then when you attempt to sure enough you're rewarded and lovely now as mentioned we've got the ability to drill now which is a bit unusual for this area so we're gonna take advantage also that screen shake and weird noise so you know that's a thing that happened to that's good try going this way might take a minute in fact we might not even want to go the direction I'm going but all right looks like god that's gonna be much easier yeah there we go almost home-free there we go we made it back outside and man like this is so cool this is so cool right here and now I'm in the midst of what like probably like a 20 25 minute run I was in the snowy depths but this game allows you to dig out and up and ascend all the way back up out to the [ __ ] surface and continue the run now we're in a totally different area same run completely different situation because we chose to go this way also speaking of choices we're about to make the [ __ ] is this the [ __ ] is this whoa what the hell that's too many guys hold the phone y'all that's a few too many enemies Jesus Christ this is women holy [ __ ] this gun is good come on up do this this is madness one it's a wand bear for God's sake finally get with the program here use the correct terminology it's 2019 we're playing Noida it's a freakin wand bye ah no that was bad I got greedy another turret god dammit deal with that nice shot Wow okay I don't see much damage [Music] yeah I refuse to back out of this now we offend a whole new area again it just keeps [ __ ] happening he refuses to die being very methodical about this hey hey no no no no no sneaking on me nope see ya this is huge the awakened shrub thanks for the six months it is a blast I cannot believe how good this is and it just keeps getting better because we keep finding new stuff over and over and over look how deep this goes three big boys on the left oh god there we go that works you just get a Raygun any time you need to win a run of this game just buy a ray gun or find one preferably find one you know there's been like 40 guys in this place okay holy [ __ ] I don't even care about the money anymore so many turrets dude and a feeling okay Wow cool yep that's really dumb I hate that now because I couldn't see that I could not see those they though those were entirely off-screen and they began pelting me the moment I was in range [Music] stun locked by the way every bullet that hits you forces you to drop down and makes you a mobile pretty much inescapable situation it's ridiculous I don't know man like I'm trying so hard to give it the benefit of the doubt but in that situation well I mean I'm being pretty cautious too I need some rebalancing I think really the simplest thing is just don't let them fire until I can see them that's fair oh well bit my bomber yeah you know I was actually thinking about doing that sim ski I don't think I'll do it today but I'll probably jump into the beta branch tomorrow and realize y'all there's there's a beta branch of this game that's even further along even more stuff and apparently they start you with a water flask in the beta 2 which is really good huge advantage new record cool let's need some rebalancing in the beta - well that's good yeah I know it'll be a quick thing I know but I just just for the sake of consistency today I guess I don't know it's silly but I've only got like 30 more minutes to go today before we're jumping into the sponsored portion so we'll just well we'll play in the beta tomorrow see what's different many mistake and use the earthquake spell in an enclosed space I'm pretty sure I did that myself I think in fact the only time I had earthquake it just resulted in complete disaster immediately that a question mark place that we found yeah I'm fairly certain all that does is how is that thing whatever is inside the diamond structure that we were unfortunately unable to acquire because we didn't have the resources when we went the first time please please thank you did it do from what I've seen the third area is quite toned down now in the beta well that's nice yeah I think that was I think they even mentioned that that was one of the next things they were going to be addressing is rebalancing some things that feel unfair like I'm all about the game being difficult I don't want I don't want to send the wrong message like I'm trying to just make things easier on myself I like that this game is kicking my ass I just want it to be fair I just want to feel like I have a chance I want to feel like I'm being given the same opportunity to kill the enemies at the end the enemies have to kill me the boys took taken a one from us by the way enough look looks like it might be a bigger it's bringing through that Nagas just died for the extra health I guess yeah exactly I want to feel like it's my mistake I made not just the game deciding I'm dying at that time that's nice especially because I'll probably just dump it out and fill it with water here where where where where where rage faces in chat please mad it'll fight him some angry him up [ __ ] piss me off Oh Lord he's mad to help Piven early departure there hmm a damage plus sure [Music] that's gotta be better [Music] hmm I think vampirism I haven't added this in a minute that's some good damage really much better now ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ah yeah hi fun is start there are you alive Jesus haha [ __ ] okay holy [ __ ] just a little crazy to begin with we're gonna find ourselves a wand still extra blood perk yeah that'd certainly be good too oh we got the boulder kill yes beautiful here we go I kill rocked ha nice maybe we can find mushroom boys again they'll be fun you need to get some collide I've unfortunately taken vampirism in the stage with no blood yep all right I'll keep heading left man I ain't afraid I got 30 health it's way more than I need [ __ ] well there goes some alright that looks like a great one looks like it's gonna be an a-plus wand right there Wow cool we're back great let's try that out not even shuffle yeah dude look at that all right well vomit again I guess I didn't move a crit for 65 and he survived it what the hell oh I can't even touch that rock okay baby quadruple scatter dropper bolts oh my god all right oh right yeah I should chug the blood no me no me no me Wow um what ha ha ha Jesus Christ okay bye goodbye [ __ ] [Music] poison arc acid gigadeath cross yeah sure sounds fun that's a good idea sounds like a pro wrestling move seriously oh my lord I'm gonna die I was gonna put this in here [ __ ] it I don't even I'm not even gonna think about it I have no idea how that's gonna work I'm just gonna fire it slime blood no it's not what I want at all god damn it well let's find out see what firing this does Mon fire yep [Laughter] ya know I just I just blow up a lot off and when I fire that but that one's straight-up just explodes that just explodes when I click the button at least the other one fired it it fired at a distance before blowing up god damn it alright +5 wand have explodes self certainly useful I guess that's why you read wands before you use them I say that's an Arrested Development lesson you hate to not hear the sound of an enemy being crunched to death by a man or by a minecart by a man caught we do t do so bear since we're almost at 2020 wants your game of the decade we were talking about this at length on the NL s s on Monday there have been several very good contenders what's actually been a more fun conversation for me is not necessarily the game of the decade overall the but more specifically the indie game of the decade that's been a more fun conversation because that's more or less just looking at like all the fantastic games that have played on my channel over the last seven years recoil I haven't even gotten that yet tacit ah well come on back just watch one of your views of this at one at one-and-a-half speed and now the game seems like it's in slow-mo honestly the game kind of plays like it's in slow-mo a lot of the time I don't know why I thought I'd be able to get out of that quicker I can move faster than fire spreads through oil certainly of course I can spelunky not even close spelunky is definitely in my top three might even be in my number one we put FTL up there probably in the top five worthy of consideration for sure darkest dungeons up there for me please die thank you [Music] hallow night we completely failed to mention yesterday but definitely deserves a nod [Music] there goes it takes 30 seconds better be ready for this trap it's gonna be lit in approximately 10 seconds black holes nice - yeah that's uh that's tempting although at this point I'm beginning to wonder if maybe we're better off going through snowy depths before we go up here we were certainly a lot better off last time but I might just drop this time instead of trying to go out and about you'll see think with that with that in mind with what I just said in mind I think it's almost definitely better to go deeper in this run snowy depths is what I call my nether regions now you calling me nether regions you have too much much let me get through that yeah I was wondering I know thinking that didn't poison me but didn't know for sure there we go whoo nice another [ __ ] fire bolt it guaranteed to find at least one per minds thanks oh that was the opportunity to knock him out with a giant boulder again wasn't it I just blew up and fortunately eat this egg no he killed my friend you monster die you absolute savage I'm on fire again put it out put it out choke out the fire with the UH with the steam no all right with the smoke right that's logical I love the dynamic stuff out here man all right this might be our last run for today and then we'll be making a pivot into a sponsored broadcast of Warsaw ww2 strata turn-based strategy game inspired by darkest dungeon it looks pretty cool I'm excited to check it out I appreciate you sticking around for that the most metal sounding city name it's pretty sick in that now you ever want to [ __ ] with a town named Warsaw pseudo acronym [Music] thanks for the three months on the pile appreciate it buddy ww2 not WWF yeah a little a little different the theming there a little a little different yeah if you're saying WWF you're making a call back wasn't that like it's like the World Wildlife Foundation or something isn't it that prevented them from using that acronym you know I'm a much more hardcore organization than world wrestling good times man I remember the WWF days the Attitude Era was when my friends and I would all go pretend to be wrestlers out on the backyard trampoline and somehow not break each other in half doing it the e stands for eggs world wrestling eggs [Music] there's big money and it dude is crazy [Music] dude what if the e was for evangelicals that's what I want to see a couple of [ __ ] religious fanatics going at it in the arena Pope John Paul and the Dalai Lama faceoff in the squared circle only one will emerge send them to heaven to meet their creator [Music] that's what they call it the squared circle I don't get it either man it's just what they call the damn thing does sound like a math problem doesn't it yeah that's skwerkel for short that's good oh god damn it I'm not gonna be able to get that I love the little bridges and stuff too man like all the little details and the designer so fun hello hello it's gorgeous absolutely so wonderful to look at it's not wonderful to play you're not finding anything though there's another health boost or a health boost I guess hopefully find a lantern to be able to access anyway in the first place there we go that was a run specific ability unfortunately yeah that vampirism perk any perk that we pick up is gonna be run specific motor skid we can't talk about whiskey anymore Jack Daniels will sue me how dare you even mention it bear [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I guess that's our last or last bomb yep nice for me critical on wet enemies that's usable I guess that sucks I'm gonna be able to fight him in there he's gonna destroy the entire area though thankfully I'm here buddy should do a little bit more damage actually this way there you go look at that utilize it to my advantage oh [ __ ] oh god yeah I know I can't afford a single thing this one that's that's my guy right there that's the ticket with crit on wet hell yeah dropper bolt oh [ __ ] alright better idea these on here fire bolt there crit on wet feet the bombs there we go but we'll be bifurcated wait is this gonna be better now that's not good three charges none of this is all that exciting I might just be a doomed run here vampirism again take a shield yeah I mean probably would have been better to just do the jewsĂ­ they're actually under run time to run away goodbye everybody I'm running goodbye goodbye I don't want to play anymore I'm gonna run away goodbye [Laughter] you did it whoa a tentacle dope there we go this is how you play the game more blood should have gotten vampirism oh well alright goodbye everybody I'm running away I'm not gonna fight anyone I'm running no no four no turrets for me no but I'm leaving actually is the thing I'm gonna go oh god I can't get druid over unless they do unless they get through here for me whoa all that blood that's a lot of blood ah Jesus take it what the [ __ ] oh my lord always with the fire trail the triple double scatter slimeballs he's bloody oh god I can't hit him ah there's so much blood there's so much blood everywhere ah don't hit me Jesus Christ [ __ ] turrets aah oh not you oh you're gonna shock these things there I have a shield apparently that's really good I'm gonna go now bye goodbye he's got a lawn - yo ah Jesus Christ [ __ ] run run I'm out I'm out I'm alive I can't afford anything [Music] hang on I got to change this though all right so it's gonna be well keep them here always with the fire trail double scatter slime balls and then mmm maybe we'll just do actually to triple scatters of it now that doesn't work though doesn't have the capacity for that I could do a double scatter and then a bifurcated and be fun [Music] triple tentacle I'd have to have three tentacles to be able to do that I can't afford this one no money sadly I mean tentacle one honestly might still be the best play [Music] this bifurcated pattern sucks ass I might even just do this yeah that's better [Music] yep okay more blood plus oil blood plus fire trail also I guess I'll just pretend to not know that this is a thing now that everybody's spamming at me to do it so yeah panel you can do this which it's harder to do then it seems I guess there we go and just grab it now now we have one and we're in the base holy [ __ ] we're in the base wow this is so weird yeah that's a lot of enemies dude I guess it's not a problem that is just not something I should even mess with but I'm gonna take it but I'm not gonna use it not right now anyway are you alive with the help that blood is absurd I did something oops [ __ ] mistake shoot it once and run it will drop a holy bomb above and below me with a lightning bolt oh wait no it's on shuffle so we have no idea what the [ __ ] is gonna do seems like a bad idea oh come on how did that not hit it can't even hit me in here this is so crazy Lord was just drowning in there Jesus Christ Oh a sniper [ __ ] you okay here we go oh the turrets goddamn it I love this song by the way this is funky fresh Ruby jams dude there we go so much boy no ah [ __ ] I can't even get to him bubbly really we got the more blood perk that's why there's so much get him 125 on the cred HS it's just a potion a freezing liquid not really important thank you he doesn't look very good this is absurd Wow okay so that's kind of like a mine I see oh [ __ ] that's a big boomy thing in it also I guess he doesn't want to fire at me that's fine what the [ __ ] oh that's not okay he's still alive they're both still alive what why what happened what [Music] huh did I the tentacle pull the bullet into you did it it must have I didn't even see it oh man that's frustrating and it must that's the only thing that makes sense shot into the blood which slows bullets and then pulled it in oh geez check stats for the death cause oh yeah yeah it's a projectile god damn it okay fine whatever Blair's NIDA today an unfortunate ending but wow that I mean we just cruise through stage two and three or stage three and four even no no this is stage forces Stage two and three on that run just like Hayden or everything it kind of worked it almost worked got pretty deep anyway I am gonna go ahead and pivot here as mentioned
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 17,935
Rating: 4.842752 out of 5
Keywords: noita, baer plays noita
Id: 83R-jp4iHn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 41sec (7481 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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