Baer Plays Noita (Ep. 7)

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aw on record on video check that Friday wat just FYI I have now seen the end but it's nowhere near the end of my time with this game there's still so much to do I assume even that there's probably going to be a path through the pyramid maybe even an alternate path an alternate ending I'm willing to speculate as much this seems like the kind of game that could provide us with that level of entertainment so why not why not allow for the possibility you know already and Aiden thanks for the 16 months appreciate it welcome on back into the pile welcome on back into the mines alright I have learned my lessons man first and foremost if we happen to come across the godly perk combination of invisibility and freeze field I'm gonna be taking that [ __ ] I'm gonna be taking that [ __ ] every time cuz that's how we ended up actually picking up that first W as I was being a sneaky boy they couldn't even see me they couldn't do nothin now it's running amok in anything I want it all the way to the very end it was pretty terrific so that's alright it's our first our first proven method of success I can come across that again I'll happily take it but beyond that I know certainly now that I need to play slow I need to play much much much more slowly than I typically do especially in the in the runs after this first run here I know as soon as I get down beyond oh god am i hold on run oh [ __ ] I know as soon as I get me on this first stage down to like the second and third area and then die and then come back up here I know that as soon as that happens I'm gonna be very tempted to move really quickly and try to get back to where I was and they need to I need to fight that temptation a lot I need to make sure that I'm taking it at a methodical pace all the time I was watching a dick hammer play a little bit he was playing this for the for the very first time today and he made it all the way down to the heezy base beyond that even I think I think he might have even made it that made it to the jungle I was blown away but you know what it was he was playing very very cautiously he was being very slow methodical approaching every single situation with the caution of a man who was at 5 HP because he was most of that time that's the way it's the way I out of play he passed jungle as well look at him go quite impressive honestly I was I was giving him props here we go alright oh that's on some shock mode okay careful there oh there's our fire boy - you know what I've got a present for you pal oh just come on over here actually we don't even need to use our stuff I'll just get you in this area and you'll just jump into that water I assume at some point since you so desperately need to murder me yo here we go God's and though that's kind of inconvenient I'm sure a single bomb on the left will do it though if only I had the dissolve again I think this oughta clear the way oh my goodness would you mind just firing once so I can get in there you adorable little ball of sludge [Music] oh my goodness there we go and another bomb wand hey don't mind if I do all right [Music] just pop off a little bit but before me I could hit you once I get the ass all sprayed out in there but I guess if I could get in there already I wouldn't have a problem would I I suppose I'll use a bomb it's fine there he goes and that's gonna be a little messy miss you clear most of itself out and do time here this is just so smart so smart to just dive into this Oh help help yeah go ooh all right good he's done it move these over here real quick with our clairvoyance activated again there we go bear have you learned about the alchemy aspect of this cave that's a timely question I mean there's a lot of alchemical this game that seems like kind of a broad question I would still ask that generally speaking if you've put together like any bits of the lore or anything that you think may be spoiler really pretty please do hold your tongue for now because I'd still like to discover it on my own I know that there is like as mentioned there's a heavy alchemical proponent to things it's been you know not just like the the gameplay of course we see all these different reactions between elements but the the tablets and leaves just the general atmosphere of the game makes me think Full Metal Alchemist hey there we go I just took 40 years all right sweet potion set up you'll trap the wayside on the way out Fox dad it's funny you mention that actually and that's something that people incessantly bring up which means that there must be something there I haven't really I mean what I've done is I've explored to the left enough to find the obvious stuff I found the egg and I found the tablets through the swimming path but I had the idea that I probably ought to try to get there again with a poly morphine flask and try to fly up and above the tree the same way that we fly up and above the are you alive are you all you're a collapsed mines one damn it the same way that we fly up and above the the right side figured that was probably worth investigating so that's likely gonna be what I end up doing if the opportunity presents itself I'm using a shure sm7b it's real nice I'm gonna mixer with it - I like this mic go friend to friends my friends oh absolutely Charaka this game is massive Defiler thought my dad Defiler thanks for the 15 months you got some bear hugs I'd love to see him thank you for the recent scription and staying on the pile y'all appreciate very much actually we should probably stay over to the left we're already in collapsed mines and that's where I imagine the best stuff is gonna be spider grouping oh it's potion seller I've yet to find really a good weapon at all so that's unfortunate oh sorry pausing me to do that look if you just like move a bit sea of oil that's not gonna do a lot for me watch out pal that's not you're not doing good things would you go help are you gonna try to kill me now what's with y'all yeah the fact maybe I'll just end up getting in the [ __ ] way oh there we go that works oh those are good times the ocean man days okay this is a little intense I'm gonna go Jesus potion seller my dudes got berserk him down there I think I need to worry about it they'll think I'm good I'm out I don't need to worry about my friends I'll figure it out alright let's find out whoo just about to say let's find a usable weapon hmm saw blades are always tempting that's pretty good that's pretty good that's probably worth taking I'm gonna grab that yeah and well I suppose hold on we can make easy ones it's probably a fine idea right now I'll probably just replace this and we'll just put all the bombs on this one wand and replace the starting one with this one here seems like the smart thing to do this is no shuffle so will the double spell double spell splittable timer and then sparkled at the end I guess you should do it be a little slow the mana it's not even worth it but the double spelled everything might as well just go with this I don't really know how quick it's gonna be anyway and we'll might just take that one off to you this is the case maybe if we just do this we'll be better off the damn timer has just it's not even worth it man I wish they were just normal spitter bolts that way we won't be we wouldn't be draining the man nearly as quickly maybe if we do sob lays instead hmm just like for saw blades straight up I want to try it oh I could do energy orbs that release saw blades can we do hoozy sawblades kind of I think it sucks up the man a pretty quick [Music] hmm let me get the home on cuz this want itself isn't even really worth keeping it's mostly just the projectiles and the modifiers on there that we wanted so let's take all this [ __ ] and then grab our whose you want again up there and swap off a single saw blade for it and see if maybe that's gonna be effective that's pretty good yeah it's usable and then let's try something like let's see do you like a I [Music] don't know this doesn't have enough mana if this had more men I would think about trying to use something like a double spell bifurcated saw blade nonsense but decided to bits first but he's in the weak appreciate it let me know the right whisk you said oh no yeah I've seen I mean I don't know if you're talking about the area I'm thinking about Fox dad which if you found a whole nother area that I haven't found yet then wow but again appreciate you keeping it spoiler free and let's do continue to keep it spoiler free hey how's it going thanks the 200 preciate it you think it'd be a possibility to play Resident Evil age be these big heck and spooks I think it'd be both you and the audience would have a lot of fun with it I played spooky games before I'm getting more into the ideas Pookie games that specifically I don't know about although that is an option for sure I am so like just into I'm like I've got the blinders on right now man to every other game I don't even care it Noah is all I care about I'm completely obsessed with this and I'm loving it so maybe down the road but for now I've got I got my priorities straight speaking which I think I'll just keep this as is for now I don't think I need to worry about it too much this is really good I'll never mind I thought this is extra help from what I already had um okay I'll probably just take slides but this is I mean it's still good to get and I explore a lot I'll take it see if it works up so good I play all the time and watch noida streams at work i watch other people play this I was watching Richard play this this morning it's so good it's so good this doesn't happen all the time man I've been doing this long enough to know how unique of an experience this is for me right now and I am loving it that's gross though as the stream alert suggested though I am much more interested in getting to the pyramid now as opposed to maybe trying to win another run although of course I'd take either one Jesus probably could have gotten it if I hadn't jumped there get this off me I'm gonna get clean here but yeah I'm really curious to see what's going on with the other parts of the pyramid and indeed yeah I want to run I was just telling people the beginning of the stream here if you missed my I was terrible if you missed my first victory the VOD for that is up from Friday we yet we had an emergency bonus stream in the evening because I happen to be playing a run off camera that got the distance that went the distance there we go honestly the damage is pretty good with this thing I gotta be accurate with it of course but it's it works one shot and most stuff anyway when you watch other people do you try to avoid spoilers yeah and it's not as much of a problem anymore now thankfully because I have obtained that first victory that screen shake makes me uncomfortable [ __ ] but if it looks like they're about to discover something I haven't seen yet which as I mentioned hasn't really happened too much now I'm still trying to keep myself untainted I just said to Fowler Friday VOD there was a bonus one there's the the normal stream from Friday and then there's a shorter I think it's like just over an hour VOD from that same day that contains the victory run starting from the vault sniper definitely go for the treasure chests although that wasn't a treasure chest that's a wand over there also completely forgot I've got clairvoyance II I should totally be using that I did I very much disrespected the last boss that is true but I felt a little bad about it but it was also very entertaining oh my gosh I really like back with you oh boy alright here's where the saw blades come back out although oh boy this is scary okay let's let's leave goodbye good Jesus okay let me move please it's the big boy what done cause the causing the trouble here whoo man okay that was a little spooky snag all this free money hmm that exact scenario happens in coal mines every time you feel secure I was sure I was acting like I was ready for it in my mind I was ready for it wow what the [ __ ] you can't you can't do that you can't do that that's not even fair who did that it just fell gonna have to be on the goddamn lookout for mine cards falling on my head for no reason oh boy okay I think I got it stick around for a bit I need to try to utilize the damn extra health from Hart's perk if I can if I could find at least one that'd be great my potions seller over here mmm Terry I have my biddies all over your face thank you I'll take him I have to have him there I guess yeah you got you got you got you got you okay that's that's a few that's a few enemies here that's a few bad guys I'm gonna go I'm gonna go not yet hold on get greedy just a little greedy just a little tiny bit greedy wait for it nice it it grazed him underwater and that did the job all right Adam careful oh thank you breelyn good to have it all these guys are gods there we go got him got him got him yeah I don't like being coated in this [ __ ] though it's too slow how's he doing it how's he doing it don't drown me [Laughter] discharge the jib the juice a little bit he's through lava at me that's pretty [ __ ] up oh man okay whoo oh don't don't go that way that's that's all on fire right now oh okay I got a single W yes I am thrilled ooh that might have health it does yo our pursuit is rewarded and another one but I don't know if I want to necessarily go for that all right that is that's enough the greed has been justified it's now time to leave let's wait for a little bit of levitation recharge here hold on hold on hold on whoo I never find clairvoyance and I'm unhappy about it thanks for the reminder although I am looking fine here there's the minecart that tried to kill me he's done it Oh [Music] I am happy oh I want that to just be a magic bolt really bad really bad huh electricity that's an interesting one mmm water to poison no thank you and prefer that wasn't the case hmm all right not much has changed here unfortunately we didn't really come across anything I got the health I wanted the health boost that's about it saw blades are still kind of the way to go here although that first one is it's fine it's hmm I think the try the orb more I'm gonna try it with hold on I have an idea I want to try to set this up the right way with the amount of capacity I don't know if it's gonna work the way I want it to but I want to give it a try so let's do double energy or double spitter bolt with timer it fires saw blades I want to see if that does the job oh that's doing oh I see hmm so if I did you just do double saws with double cast yeah yeah I mean that's probably fine oh wait no can you do it like that no it's gotta be so it's gonna do that well what if I just did this I'll do I have to - I'll have to double cast I didn't even see that my bed there we go there okay yeah that's that's pretty good actually you know what that's not bad that's an a that's an acceptable wand for this position in the game I can make that work not to mention that's pretty good if you get up close with something you can give it the old baboom [Music] all right wondering really if I want to add burning trailer fire trail to it but I don't know if I want to necessarily make it any more dangerous than it already is I will probably pick this up just because it is pretty good it's not too expensive I'm getting a decent amount of cash so yeah more blood revenge or electricity I have all these things first of all this is what you do now this is this is the new strategy all right that ought to do it hello come on over I got a present yeah that's pretty good got our kit a little bit though that's the big thing with the saw blades electric blood baby whoo it's electric no I'm I'm on erm I do want the cash still Oh third time okay and a few boys coming that was real dumb that was real dumb there [ __ ] [Laughter] Oh God sure yeah I'm dead lord shock him just pop them it's popping from a distance yeah that electrified water plus explosives that's probably not gonna be a very good result okay oh hi there he goes oh boy now more from above got him whoo geez Oh careful easy Adam hundred crit ooh another another one I'm gonna buy one oh [ __ ] how do I drop a one I need that I didn't mean to do that at all where'd it go [ __ ] that's left is it by the turret now over here oh he stole it Oh God where'd he go now no yeah figured as soon as that happened alright well don't take electricity anymore that doesn't go well okay not a big deal [Music] deep all right not a bad start so far best one I've ever had was fire trail magic bullet trigger fire trail saw blade oh yeah that sounds tasty anything that you can get to fire the saw blade when it's further away from you that's that's pretty nice you don't have to immediately deal with it in your face although I don't know sometimes it can bounce off of [ __ ] and be more problematic that way all right take it nice and slow if it happened across a polymorph flask we know what to do yo what the heck this is abnormal hello huh all right well we're going outside Beach it screw it toffee is a free elf that is that it's a that is highly unusual right there I tell you what let's go get a free health upgrade why not all the way up mm-hmm okay oh we can't make it we need a polymorph still damn I thought we could do it with a little bit of a stutter step here but now he's nowhere to land man no you can shoot the ground under it now with this kind of right every time I've tried to shoot with a spark bulb I'm pretty damn sure all I've ever done is just make dents not been able to actually shoot through the earth can you actually shoot through it works done it no well right oops well that's over there now I'm over here I've so far I couldn't possibly I like this part now I know for the future yeah what are you doing here little rascal you're not supposed to be in the fish pond you going for a swim all right oh man we got wide-open spaces out here dude some free money let me get a little bad blood let me get a little that let me get a little that blood please thank you nice oh oh I can't go that way but maybe I can go the other way hmm this looks like it's gonna be wide open I had to jinx it yeah well I'm curious enough only use a single bomb here to get through that this could this could be worth it let's find out promising might just be two more kills on these guys yep that's all goddamn well worth a look I'd do it again free money hooray two more bombs left we can certainly still get in a pyramid I may even be tempted to explore further to the right because the last time I went as far to the right as I could go I ran into the triple question mark room which contained a diamonds suspended in the sky or a diamond shaped piece of terrain like a large diamond shaped piece of terrain and within that was something that I couldn't access because I didn't have the right resources please go away little rat II don't I don't wish to harm you friend simply to pass through but if you make me I will excuse me excuse me earth and if I pass through so can I dig here Chad is that what you're telling me can I actually dig with the spark wand in this little area these these pieces I will eventually you will be able to cut through or is it just particular terrain not this one okay how do you know what you're able to cut through with it you just have to test the guests seems like sand works probably just very soft stuff Tryon area painful trial and area all right fair enough this is just honestly I love how big this is like it takes a while to get anywhere in the overworld but I love that like it really it adds to the sense of adventure and Wonder in this game beautifully times musical cue there thank you I mean also what the [ __ ] is this come on something's happening here this [ __ ] thing is terrifying it's a giant B Rex who's B Rex here we go alright well again first of all may as well obtain the the free powerup held at the tippy-top like being able to see him there we'll grab a tablet for the projectile - it's always nice hey Barry you want to trade me in fantasy football from the kafir' yeah you want to give me your whole team cuz he's my whole team I'll take that deal dude oh and this sound that reaction anytime you pick up the tablets it's like slightly delayed - it makes me feel like every time I pick up a tablet it like triggers this slow moving sequence off in the distance somewhere and then like 10 to 15 seconds later the events of that actually transpire and I have no idea what it is I'm so curious about it like there's so much more to this game still imagine bear if you had even more patience you could have a bigger empty health bar I know yeah if only I listened to the chat ah damn it nope here we go hi potion seller take a stab of that that get him nope this traps gonna get me dude get out of here hey yeah Oh Lord it's poison [ __ ] that's gonna carve through a little bit of the area though it's nice I grab that grab that you Inc want pick it up pick it up pick it up pick it up can't pick it up alright that's fine no more bombs a bit of a bomber get me like too much spelunky to be caught by that [ __ ] bit of a bomber oh my god I didn't even you guys are more alert than I am it's beautiful oh we made it yay okay I might die immediately but we apparently have found the path down to the other area again although I think I might have to go further to the right the scorpions gonna lunge at me isn't he there we go sand cave oh no not big boy go away go away you too hard to deal with yeah I've got the starter one dude I'm not really equipped for this fight each other I need my tome back so I have a chance of [ __ ] get him okay Oh buddy you come this way come on over pal we've got the solution actually just kidding what I'm gonna do is cut my way through quickly oh god it's like being chased by the ghost ah right no no [ __ ] no go away ah run do a nice crit here we go get my tone back yes there we go I want to last for a little while over here to pit this time it's a scary place Tyrone welcome back 25 months appreciate it thank you for your recent scription I thought those were mines oh [ __ ] go away leave me alone no go away it's so good it's so strong no poison huh come here that's [ __ ] I can't hit you come over here always getting poison hoisted by his own petard Hey also drowning right now yeah that'll do one little bit at a time there we go thank you oh my this is my weapon this is my actual weapon and I missed [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's not good I'm dead see you wash it off wash it off wash it off wash it off No oh my god oh he said that was intense down there man [Music] bleep lead gamer [Music] tablet is a good weapon I'm not even joking it helps in those situations I would been probably screwed without it alright here we go [Music] could have used any wand what have you got a wand that cast a tablet projectile I would really like that that'd be a fun new spell like a super rare spell tablets with homing oh my god that's a big boom bear still has water flask is that abnormal now yo pheromones let's go we're not pheromones polymorph eat that's what I wanted oh [ __ ] that's gold okay so first of all we'll go ahead and grab the free upgrade again duty do has anyone tried slotting the tablet into a wand oh my god maybe we just haven't thought to do it yet holy [ __ ] all right so chad has led me to believe that it is indeed possible to fire through this terrain and they are not lying ain't that a treat so just kick back for a sec it's gonna be a minute cuz I'd certainly rather not use a bomb for this didn't know you never said it was fast I'm not holding that against you certainly there we go and take a second if we get a drink go to the bathroom now's the time it's not like I'm about to tell you the secret to a successful career on twitch TV or anything I'm not being serious I'm not gonna do I'm gonna give away the secret what do you think I just let anyone do it almost there yeah let's just Bob what a prankster we have fun almost there come on now little bit it's that little tiny bit there we go he's done it tis true without lying certain and most true that which is below is like that which is above and that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of only one thing and as all things have been in a rose from one by the mediation of one so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation it just came from a speed run stream so watching this my mind is saying this must be a huge time loss it's necessary it's it's a tablet percent low it's low tablet percent so I'm only allowed to use the starting wand and I have to get all the tablets the bombs are necessary later I promise it's legit strat all right now I've acquired what I sought for further progress in this section so let us attempt whoops [ __ ] I mean they don't really need to do it this way anyway but it's good practice should be able to make it over there there we go and leave out there here we go oh uh [Music] another branch yo oh [ __ ] alright I don't think I should get this one either I'm gonna keep going up and above the tree yo I was gonna say there there had to be something more right there had to be something more oh my god I know the eggs right I mean we'll get those at some point bare bare nay on the leap of faith here chat always yeah do it snowy wasteland new area are you kidding me I've been playing this game for two [ __ ] weeks I've never been here packed snow the music oh that is the largest tree in the history of video games it's quite big especially if you consider the size of our character compared to it hello that's a lot of potions and such hi bye oh my god what the [ __ ] I can't believe I haven't [ __ ] been here and I know well like here's the thing the amount of people that kept asking me and like almost every single stream they were like hey have you gone left and you go left yet I kept saying like yeah it's it it was lame little did I know I mean I knew that's the thing that was like they kept saying it so I was like well there has to be something else then they wouldn't keep asking if there wasn't more to it so I certainly expected there to be more but I mean I'm still blown away by the fact that they I've never been here this has just been sitting around just like the desert on the right you can go for dozens of hours in this game without ever even seeing this right but did you go more left yeah I can go even more left I can actually oh I can shoot through that too okay so if I wanted to I could dig deeper I could go back to where that other section wasn't check it out this is huge there we go a little sign of something maybe go down that way but still just it is called the snowy wasteland isn't it gonna end up in project winter mm-hmm all of a sudden the goose from goose game shows up takes my wand and runs away that's the only crossover I want now put the goose and smash god I wish we could have played that on stream man that was a bomber this looks like it might be worth pursuing what's going on in there I'll probably take a couple bombs though it might just be a giant hole yeah yeah it doesn't look too good no oh well there we go oh my god are you [ __ ] kidding me a rickety bridge don't mind if I do looks like it's attached to this is absolutely wild I'm so blown away by this game we've been walking for a solid probably like five minutes now just across this expanse since we got to the tree maybe a little less than that but it's just it's it's gigantic what Lake oh my god imagine if you had breathless over here I bet you could go under this and be the super Explorer boy now you got to drink the entire Lake right yeah num num num num num mmm drink it up I'm quite scared of going out into the lake because I feel like a giant fish monsters gonna eat me well do-do-do-do-do-do oh it's fish hey guys sheep Wow hello I find a little paradise out here what the [ __ ] by melons oh my god now Waker man no I get it that's just dock you coming come on yeah I knew it I knew it I knew it you [ __ ] I'm gonna get you yeah you want me huh I look pretty tasty don't I come get me come get me what are you what are you all about what's this liquid worm blood it's another worm damn son he can move it's eating the Sheep it ain't the Sheep no no finish it I'll just leave it this is wild hmm well I suppose I should burn an effigy of myself that seems good yay oh sorry yeah I mean that was on you honestly oh that's kind of your bed you had a lot of time to move away from that oh whoa what oh my god oh my god oh boy Wow all right I'm explode now let's go blow him up I guess holy [ __ ] it's so dark I hate it this is insane look at it just completely obliterates Rock Wow you're a firework sorry guys do they mean to just kind of happen come on over mr. worm I got a treat for you I think I can stop it I'm pretty sure this just happens now let's go up into this rocket nothing all right so this is still this is still sturdy oh my lord this is my first time with a yeah I've never seen this side of the map I have a feeling this may just be like an endless climb to nothing but this game doesn't often do that to you in fact more often than not it rewards your curiosity and exploration so it's entirely possible this is something else especially with the way it's sculpted here the explosions are gonna get a little tedious but what can you do oh oh I can just be set on fire cool well that's not good you would think there would be some kind of precaution in place for that there we go oh geez all right just stay wet it's a lot of help though I guess the water is the precaution hi this is a long climb if it is indeed somewhere we can go really do Noah everybody we're gonna go meet God yeah did you please get me wetter thank you need more moisture all right I'd be a little disappointed at this point there's nothing up here but I would understand it I guess there's got to be a limit it's just the way it's made really just seems like they want you to climb the whole thing getting over it - yeah even if there was a sign that you were at the edge of the map you wouldn't believe it I've had it yeah you're not wrong that is that's a valid point I probably would just assume it's mr. attempting to mislead me well I'm gonna do five more levitations one two three four five all right I'm beginning to believe there's nothing up here just one more we'll do one more it's literally nothingness it's starting to feel like it here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] okay holy [ __ ] oh here we go alright yeah we can refill this here we go that's climbing for a while over there oh boy this is crazy boo-boo you climbed just enough to land pretty much where the perk was from the start of it all as though it wasn't planned I always know what I'm doing Bob oh I'm gonna get myself crushed by a [ __ ] block of ice this is insane keep going this game truly is fantastic there we go now I get to see what was over here what was it let's find out let's go a little deeper let's go a little deeper yeah we could try going a little bit deeper and maybe a little deeper than that oh boy oh my God he's gonna get me No ah [ __ ] I mean the entire the entire offensive approach was wait for explosions to happen and then hopefully those kill things that looks interesting though don't it there's a whole kind of thing going on over there I gotta get back to that man that's the way to get through the pyramid - we just got to grab that explosive which you can get pretty much you just get the poly morphine that's basically all you need to get over there I think it takes a long time though a long time to walk that far but it is worth it obviously let's try it again man this games good getting fire protection before it would certainly be Opie it's worth trying to go a little further and I suppose before we head out that way an attempt to uh clear the pyramids he was like we can get back up and out from just about any point really do they do well come on and goddamnit I don't even want to use a bomb for that much rather hope that I come across something naturally near you how do you win in this game acquire invisibility that's the secret straight up right and then never get wet we'll get freeze filled with it too and then you're in in the money for sure that is what they call the nuts freeze field plus invisibility godly perk combo [Music] hmm that's a lot of nuts no not nearly frog knack this game is neat complex multipath know how to best say that but I would suspect as well and please don't tell me yes or no if you know the answer to this but I would suspect we may be dealing with a game with multiple endings here to a la spelunky now pull it up pull it up pull it up pull it up lit up thank you [Music] do you [Music] there's our first exit already with 130 here probably not ready to bounce just yet see nice it might be polymorph een no teleport iam is not useless I guess another case ax or another flask of poly morphine though we know what our plan is gonna shoot although I think it double we can double the goal for killing him with the water don't we there you go how to do it bud and we'll uh let's see I don't really want to consume this man this has been not the greatest results so far uh-huh oh come on goddamn it drink it teleport your liver to the pyramid smell I'll catch it blaze it's not a problem yo and I'm probably gonna get that gold oh wait neck nice Wow good snack angry faces in chat please no now poison Oh like that ah too much poison around me I like that man oh [ __ ] hi spiders please get the poison off please get the poison up please get the poison mouth well I want to go away from foot ah god damn it got me there we go okay okay more freezer Q not a problem good for me in fact hmm I think I'm ready to go for a first perk here we can probably get up to like 300 gold real quick though maybe I try that quick real quick real quick good money here good money fyf riba thanks for we subscribed bear-hugs if you got him really appreciate that and welcome on back into the pipe thank you for your continued support it looks like a button it should be a button all right give me a wand for God's sake we have not been getting a lot of resources no health up no treasure chests there's all the goods man oh come on oh [ __ ] well here's all the spiders buck levitation ran out that is just a bad garbage run right there nothing given nothing received alright blink I can't help but think about another traveler in the distance just watching Bear explode up the infinite wall [ __ ] Lara slowly rising series of explosions along a cliff face on the outskirts that's hilarious hmm polymorph II maybe hmm looks like it might be good I don't think I can get in there that without a bomb again maybe I'll be able to get exposed to barrel or something all right nice just let that stay over there for now dealing with these guys an asset they can spew all right I really don't want to abandon that poly morphine so let's try to work our way back over to the right oh [ __ ] yo there we go you lookin for poly morphine against cupboard bear big ol supply hmm I'm gonna need acid this one is berserk um I'll take that oh [ __ ] yeah well I got my poly morphine all right he's dead let's get back up review that why not I fire demon missed opportunity there I think for a collateral damage impact but I'm playing so dumb okay hello he's gonna grab that thanks gonna hit you with a little spray down oh you're so good he's so good he's so good he's so good Coe demand water though there we go we nearly got through here [ __ ] hmm and the 1% in there you definitely fill it up over here there we go all right decent amount of money got my poly morphine and now just like to find like one ok wand can do that I'll probably take off if you're on fire and you fly up into a smoke cloud will it go out I've tried that before and it didn't seem like it worked even though logically you would think it would maybe if I give it a little more time but I don't think it worked nearly as well as I wanted it to the first time I tried nice alright almost 300 gold again I can't grab a perk look at this [ __ ] oh my god you only just asked him to be set on fire hang on you know what did you jump in there with them they're having a pool party if you could just come over here real quick with them oh really I promise it'll be fun jump in here come on come on ah you [ __ ] oh wait dynamite boys over here come here buddy I got the perfect place for this are they drowning they're [ __ ] drowning in here they're drowning in oil oh my god it's horrifying stay down yeah that's a good idea all right I think I'll I want to save the bombs actually even though I guess with the plan we have here that seems a little silly no whatever good enough covered in oil hooray yeah I just get a little bit blood on there just get a little bit a nice tasty blood mmm hello little more oil no health ups unfortunately no one there you good I mean I could get the flask I guess having four flasks I never ever feel like I'm gonna be able to use them all but maybe that's just on me I mean that is just on me pretty much to use my resources better hello go get a little drunk sure sounds fun nummy now boy I just get myself killed getting drunk oh no no not you not you not you neither of you honestly none of these things should happen that's too many people now okay that's too many freaking people now nice crit ow [ __ ] got him OOP too low now what the [ __ ] they never shoot like that I always lift up and they shoot under me that dude predicted my movement nonsense I love the way the wheels spin like that guess that's just not there anymore real quick that'll do thank you [ __ ] that that hairy rail rail everywhere you might die there we go seems good a couple missed gold pieces there that's alright oh I should be able to get those it'll be close you didn't get them get them again there we go shots okay no one better let's head over collapsed lines and try to make some magic happen it looks like it might be another poly morphine flask later on the teal II rest easy there we go ice alright hey if I can get a good supply of cash maybe I just proceed as normal here I haven't really had like a standard attempts but apart from run number one so I wouldn't mind that at all we're going further left and there's our first wand in what feels like 45 minutes and it's a good one holy [ __ ] overdue oh don't mind if I do this is great is a portal frogs [Applause] mr. golden there that's okay oh boy hi gadget new ping ah nice out of there oh god I'm an idiot we go I wasn't even really necessary and expect it to even work berserk um I don't really need I guess I could grab it isn't it really that hard I just would rather not be coated in oil right now and we're nearly all the way at the end here another wand it's probably worth it relics man thanks so much for your recent scription eight months on the pile appreciate you very much you see the progress tab in the escape menu when you get a free second sure yeah I remind me to do that next time I die I bet we could use these to get through over here I'm gonna try it yeah I don't know maybe not give it a try almost there damn might be another path this is a dead end oh damn that crit yeah but that'll work okay didn't really expect that to happen but sure I can't believe I avoided the poison there yeah we still have this [ __ ] area to explore too I'm convinced that this is actually something that it's not just an abyss I'm pretty [ __ ] sure there's things over here I just need like some sort of light source to be able to explore it oh come on Oh God's gonna set me on fire here too please I think I can destroy that what the [ __ ] it was odd I know I've got bombs left I'm trying to preserve them because I think I can just shoot through this and make it come on just a little bit of terrain saving bombs for next run right oh god please let me through now god damn it Oh I'll still have to [ __ ] bomb them all right [Music] [Music] that was worth it that's pretty good oh cool I got this too okay Lots I bet can fit up through here now well alright at least it's consistent right this way could use a squeeze through system yeah become a nice you're just that little bit off like literally one pixel separating you might as well get that I have just been touting the benefits of invisibility freeze field would be a nice perk to come across now what's this well well got excited for a sec okay well we're about done a good amount of money out of that a couple decent wands to some projectiles to utilize let's leave a few folks have mentioned this but it is just worth noting that we do have the ability to all baby this is awesome we have the ability to ascend through the third stage again to be able to get out into the pyramid should we so desire so I just keep that in mind poison trail doubles spell [Music] what do we get here I like dissolve powders glass cannon again oof oh boy might be worth another try and yeah that's a ladder in the water for some reason that's a little weird here's what our new go-to spell I think is gonna be though go-to wand oh never mind that's terrible that'll be way better than that that's better yeah that works a little more effectively there we go that's the ticket then I've got this puppy to just kind of be standard I suppose that's what we want to go yeah I guess this is the glass cannon build isn't it goddamn we got the laser gun for it oh well sure yeah I guess I can do the progress screen now there you go so I got a few perks I haven't gotten yet it's several enemies have yet to see we've actually unlocked quite a bit it would seem alright and gate to get your pre-emptive F's in there I guess right first of all wait a minute Oh God is that because of glass cake oh dude back seating but I'll accept it in this moment because that is actually a smart call I'm gonna get rid of most of the blood here hopefully I'm invisible perfect and indeed yes I got the [ __ ] glass cannon but for now we're sneaky sneaky boys keep a sharp eye on that percentage on the liquids in the area oh boy that's a little hot doot-doot doot-doot Oh whew that was close just go ahead and refresh this a little bit we got some ice should probably do that in like a corner and not on a flat plank of wood holy [ __ ] well I think someone just got crushed yo we're out there's a wand here oh no no aah god damn it that he must have a wand I think he's definitely got a wand oh hello sure all right no more invisibility doubly careful and I miss being invisible already that works he's done what oh my god with reduced recharge time triple spell spark bolt Jesus mana charge speed sucks everything else is absurd that looks like the way to go I'll lose my one bouncer this is crazy Wow dimension glass cannon on that the men a recharge may not even be a problem all my health can't go above 50 I didn't realize that well that's not good bye-bye woof always cast Pentagon I just want projectiles man there it is ooh that's just a good one by itself yes sir [Music] put that bomb away for a sec bouncer quite nice quite nice if we put this in here that's not even better Wow okay I think that's our go to now this is nice as well I don't know which one deals more damage I don't think we can really go wrong oh yeah recharge in there might be better Wow yep that's a smart idea revenge explosion or exploding corpses that's not that's not good it doesn't seem great [Music] hmm [Music] those revenge explosion get buffed by glass cannon let's find out yeah we good all right I said die oh my god [Laughter] Wow it definitely does yeah seems like it ah [ __ ] okay I want to try to get dry again would really like that don't shoot me just a lowly boy just guns good you get me see ya it's gone nope it's gonna any time I call it a gun its gun that's them's the rules speed up not terrible but not better than anything I have think well it's no shuffle so that's kind of nice it's comparable to this but I'd like to keep the concentrated beam oh yeah that's true really I'd probably take it over this one one night yeah yeah that's better and I'm not using these you do I do believe that speed-up refers to the velocity of the projectile yeah Itachi hey there you know what is this well-guarded secret we got like three [ __ ] turrets on this thing what is it I can't even get their [ __ ] hang on a second oh oh I'm almost out oh no just kidding I thought that's at 771 I'm doing just fine 69 oh yeah hmm you know over there don't have bombs anymore hmm well oh yeah maybe laser would do it well I've got the fire trailing these boys does not appear to be Oh this has made us I know it is wood that's steel on the outside okay I see well maybe is this wood [Applause] anything that can dig there we go we can pick this that this thing actually digs really well okay holy [ __ ] this thing digs well how does this digging so good Oh glass cannon ah right yeah that's pretty dope can I cut through there no think so hmm I'm out of mana all right oh [ __ ] don't set yourself on fire here even know if it's worth it man three [ __ ] turrets in there kinda want to be invisible again but I'm pretty wet probably not gonna happen I have some very nice wands right now that makes me happy too wet to be invisible yeah story of my [ __ ] life man looks like we might be able to dig through their eyes will be a matter eater this thing Oh am i through yeah I think I'm through okay mmm oh here we go nope all right let's do this just want to see if I can find an easy way to get up in there with the wand [Applause] nice one bed I'm gonna have enough of this here there we go nice I get to sneak in there and grab it I'm not to do the job actually you know what I'm gonna do action error instead of that is take my water flask here oh wait now let's not do that I should be able to just get in there and get out now [ __ ] all right careful I should have known man I should have known he took my wand yo not cool a magical Lance that cuts through soft materials don't mind if I do with the castell a of zero Wow I gotta fix that split but that's pretty good oh my god well plug them in there I guess hmm these first three ones might even be better I love that Oh Lance goes through steel that's not a soft material you're a fibber probably good to go I don't need a lot more right now is that a frozen statue of someone that was me before no [ __ ] [Music] glass cannon just isn't [ __ ] fun man yo it's a skateboard what the heck that's fun it's got to be like a rare drop [ __ ] off last can is too much pressure for me man I'm gonna do that anymore circle of stillness okay Jack Daniels issued well they shouldn't nothing beyond simply saying hey you can't sell that unfortunately that's what happened sorry if you wanted to grab that shirt unfortunately we didn't realize that was a limited time deal that looks like it might actually be another path out there again come on god damn it no nothing's not even gonna bother ya apparently Jack Daniels is very very protective of their brand trademark and all that and I obviously am NOT of the position that contested there's money here now there's money here thanks only get me some more money thanks ray not good 240 already damn we're acquiring money quite quickly straight through here real quick sounds like it's the exit down there yep potion set off there he goes oh come on how is it you're still alive dad how'd I do it right sitting in lava that doesn't take you out this boy isn't mortal you love me now right you wouldn't dare hurt me hi hello oh you were polymorph holy [ __ ] oh that's not good well they'll probably die oh I didn't mean to do that [ __ ] I got stuck down there man [Music] giant spitter bolt hmm explosive projectile hmm nope not a good idea this is though that's a pretty effective gun all right let's see just need a good one now really think what I'll do is this and then we can exchange well I don't know I'll just keep the raincloud I guess cool transmogrification concentrated spells all shield give me that shield let's go sorry guys I blow up [ __ ] no man let's think runs out of mana quick that's not a good thing at all oh boy what do you give me no that's not that good either but I will take it over this I guess there we go holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] God go away Wow holy hell my friend okay okay just wash this off I don't like being all sticky the shield is one of the best perks in the game I love it so much it keeps me alive it's very good at that just breathe just breathe just breathe a little bit [ __ ] man on that gun is there blonde is so bad there we go nice got through you're alive holy [ __ ] oh my god I can't do it can't he can't be killed here we go nice shot nice shot nothing else to be had there actually is a little money down there it seems nice okay low on health I would like to find a better wand to be able to utilize what we got a little more effectively probably use the fire bolts in this next little bit just to make sure I don't go down yeah shield has definitely already saved this round I probably would be dead without it I might just go I really want to try to find another wand a real quick though I feel like that's extremely important for me here got enough to buy one but I'd like to push forward mm-hmm let's go left always good stuff left right right left right left another door yeah hey that's some money just sitting here oh alright see it that works oh damn it very good hello nice okay not a problem let's go up here it looks like the other biome so hopefully we'll find some good stuff didn't expect that to work all right damn it it's all sealed off maybe I can get up above yeah no it's really not giving me many wands unfortunately neat it's always fun to find this kind of stuff nice it looks like I might be able to find another way down here that's good there we go fire out of spread over to the Gunpowder hopefully or maybe not yeah it's gonna die out oh well oh come on take the money away before I can even react that was unintentional but totally fine damn it yeah there we go ooh okay well at 24 HP I probably ought to stop pressing my luck but I just can't help myself no whammies big money is this worth it at all absolutely not I'm leaving no one's to be found let's just hope that we can buy one here here we go indeed we can that's a fun looking one holy [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] I'll probably buy that who also not bad straight a bomb there oh Jesus [Laughter] that's probably the way to go the funky one sounds fun but this is probably a better bet for winning here I think I'll get bad this one seems fun but damage from saw blades is always real nice the bouncy one does have good stats - yeah this is actually pretty tempting especially because it's no shuffle - spells per cast this is quite good I think I'll actually take this [Music] and then I can actually still afford this [ __ ] let's do it [Music] wait a minute oh there they go all right good cool so that's our primary weapon I suppose what are you pressing them with autumn moves spells to your top bar if you double-click on things they'll go up there immediately okay now yeah this seems perfectly safe I think we're in a great spot here I'm gonna go ahead and do this so I can have some bombs available and then I guess that's our goal or that's our loadout I should say wonder if the shield prevents me from saw blades or protects me from saw blades I don't really want to test it but that would be pretty sweet okay I think we're good I'll rock this setup for now not getting that again oil blood whoo I could actually make that work it's only gonna be on 1 or 2 out of its cycle there that's not really worth it [Music] yeah I guess not never mind all right I don't really want to do that extra perk certainly that's useful all right that I'd be safe oh cool Wow I think my other things better cuz it blows up extra perk makes it so every subsequent holy mountain contains an additional perk selection additional perfect to choose from yo we got even more invisibility don't want to go that way with things no no these explosive projectiles that are the big damage man that was fun oh [ __ ] hi let's try this for a sec just bounced off me I think the explosive projectile is a lot more destructive that doesn't surprise me one bit doing a lot more damage with this thing Wow okay that's fine Oh holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] Oh oh my god time to stay alive I know I know electricity certainly would have been nice now thanks captain hindsight crack it all up oh my god well I guess I could just do this that's probably wise boink oh [ __ ] that one look looks quite interesting hmm indeed I'll pass thanks this dude doesn't jump oh man mystery one yeah aka don't touch it what the [ __ ] here we go these damn turrets they're still gonna be a pain in the butt what what what I'm gonna go the bathroom [Music] [Music] [Music] all right that one hurt back we go so sad don't want my lightning back have that show up on the first one please no blessings oh hello there we go Wow nice okay things are looking up a little bit I'll take it oh boy oh here you go buddy I'll do the job for me I'm wet enough I'm fine I bet if I shoot this down yeah we go good stuff all right 130 already it is actually surprisingly easy to come across a cut amount of money early on just need a new flask now there's some procedure qiyam ma slime all right yucky first health up a minute though at least I bet this will work got him another one [ __ ] yeah did you do and down we go hey that's pretty good better than my starting one let me go damn spiders damn scooters Ares I think you enjoyed this game so much with gameplay loop or is it more the sense of exploring the unknown meant ask him to start the stream but something came up and LMAO you're a little [ __ ] so endearing I think it's both the sense of wonder and mystery does help quite a bit but I am finding it extremely satisfying - well I'm hoping this is the case that I'm getting better at the game as I go and that I'm learning more and more about how to get further every time and how to survive and all that so it's a satisfying game to improve at nice so I guess I got a bomb I already know where to do it though I think I'll do it over there here right there pixie thanks so much for the tier 1 sub bear-hugs if you got them please appreciate it welcome on into the pile this is a fun little interaction here and then it's the oil to burn up oh god damn it I can't get to it I guess I could nah never mind I'm not worth it I mean the visibility um is good torch hey I can finally explore view dark abyss to the left about damn time let's get coated in blood real quick oh right yeah we could burn the wood to get to be invisible iam - good call backseat and [ __ ] I'm just joking what if I like put this out in the water oh then just magically comes back okay there we go you just set them on fire for me please thank you alright sweep it is magic I get it you know fine yay thank you swap these real fast doo-doo-doo 78 health should not be a problem be able to make it all the way over that's not gonna work though no I didn't not yet don't you lie might trigger that but probably not hello Upali morphine yo actually oh damn it I don't know why I ate that I thought that was something else I think all right yeah I won't be able to fill it [ __ ] thought I could do the same thing yeah definitely not a smart idea to drink this lime there can I drop the bottle in there don't break oh cool and then if I burn it look at that we'll make a path be able to acquire our poly morphine flask how smart okay ah [ __ ] now that gets the wood there though so that's hopefully enough to create the path up there too goddamnit ah yeah [ __ ] thank you that should leak out all the way I don't know if it's got enough space I think it does oh god damn it what yeah we got we can get it almost almost there I don't want to let it there I got it nice I picked it up all right I don't think I can get up here still though I think oh I just died use the torture hooray it's so good so usable mm-hmm just wait for it don't get caught on fire again try to avoid that well done oh god damn it really god damn it I don't even know why that happened I know I'll never get to see the darkness that was so close Oh get it get it get it ah damn it Oh quick one and a quick flask I like that yeah that might have even carved a path up through here yeah absolutely it did let's go get the flask first visibily em nice it's pretty good yeah hold off on that another flask of teleport ATM teleporter to you teleporter titia baboon I need some water to be able to get through that area otherwise I just need to let it burn out teleported TTM you know we we know we know exactly what we're saying boobs alright yeah I do have a water flask I keep forgetting that well let's be safe here we go that's pretty good pretty good starting one again give me that torch again please yo treasure chest worth it's loading these boys getting them coins yay oh my god I can't believe it they're all alive still that's what I can't believe no go away all [ __ ] no no no no no no no [ __ ] there we go it's the same seed yeah all right man we got it oh whoops no don't do that no oh god what you want after this guy right Wow oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we're already here I think okay take it easy or is it is it in the first area or the second area the dark abyss that's the first thing hey yeah I'm so good so legendary oh my god I was just taunting him with the first few shots just wanted him to know what's up the whole [ __ ] what's that gunpowder the hell I better not take that that doesn't seem very smart what is blowing that up at the moment actually oh yeah we haven't even gotten to collapsed lines yet I guess so oh [ __ ] you there we go alright careful man this lot wants to murder you egg nice [ __ ] okay okay we're getting there dude we're freakin getting there no bad frog okay okay the sounds are getting worse so that means we're getting closer no bad boy naughty naughty man there we go all the time one other time okay nice got it oh [ __ ] this looks like it I guess I could just burn through that it's probably the way to go set ablaze okay never mind the tree does not burn that much is now clear to me yeah it's made of super wood now you got crest with a barrel yeah that's good that's good clean fun well oh [ __ ] ah dammit I gotta get over there somehow come on man that is really cool yeah that that tree does appear to be these are like the roots of the giant tree up top which is pretty [ __ ] cool I guess I'm gonna have to bomb just don't know where exactly - oh [ __ ] that was a ha man Wow now thank you did that do it yes but not quite there we go okay we shall now see just how much the torch really helps here Wow cool it still gives me light even though I'm underwater oh boy yo health up already beneficial this is some advanced darkness dude well where can we go this way I'm gonna die I'm gonna [ __ ] die I'm dead I'm dead I'm so dead [Music] extreme greed maybe a bomb placed inside of there that looks like something hmm that would be drowning yet oh man there's so many ways to go should a drank at all yeah that was the way to go [Music] you another one to the left give me something good all right oh yeah I forgot oh Jesus it's a hell of an acid wall Oh God that's not very good mmm-hmm no drowning indeed was an inescapable fade there I don't know if I need to have like breathless or something to get through there but it feels like it would help more bombs would probably be nice to try that out oh my lord horrible not seeing the real good stuff I was getting any other levels so far ooh whiskey Nami Nami Nami Oh God there's the spider grouping again as his tradition that spider ate that wood and didn't he yeah I saw that happen that was weird that's probably gonna be a dead end yeah yeah man close to being easy access to the outside but this is still a few bombs away oh well we do another flask a port to tato to take him huh huh huh all right only 140 gold it's not enough I gotta spend a little bit more time on this stage get at least one piece of wand here I heard a little mm boy it's not good this game is pretty annoyed Noah pretty neat Nita it's I'll give you partial credit mm-hmm that was a waste of a bomb too wasn't it god I gotta go all the way back up and around it's nice I keep getting [ __ ] punched Oh health that was a pretty ideal suite through that Mary Jo I should be able to go this way oh hey now that her a lot I'm probably dead place slow take it easy good drenched so I don't get set on fire here hey why not let's play with the egg a buddy spider gathering yay free money all right good good good Oh little startled here but I think I'll be okay oh [ __ ] I didn't even see this let's go like this and that will hopefully do that that's pretty good okay I'm gonna keep going for just a bit [Music] perfect nice and easy oh here we go oh baby well-timed crit it's a boy up here I can get this you got to be kidding me this is crazy well I got to go for it again I have to I really didn't know it's a I don't have a choice Loida gods have conspired to give me the torch runs i must comply oh jesus what nice leap dude I didn't realize they could jump 30 feet [Music] good lord I'm getting my ass kicked now it's always like the first couple of runs we do dicen then just boom down the down the crapper I'm glad to hear that alig on at least somebody's whoa here we go I'm a god truly among the greats who else do you know that can suspend the minecart midair in Noida who else but Bayer taffy [Music] [Laughter] Wow that's absurdly good for the for the first floor holy [ __ ] this has gotta be the one man just blast him in the face let's find a flask or two only in business you know health up health yeah holy [ __ ] yeah another torch please wouldn't mind it hey guys don't do it again you piece of [ __ ] bigboy Wow yo hello got it you gotta be kidding me [Music] last run no money there but oh my god all the way up we're going left babies well only a matter of time here a little bit more exploring no that way I guess does the seat actually matter there's not really a way to like use the seeds or like put in a custom seat yet right unless people have like found a way to do it with the I and I file or something there's a hacky way yeah I figured just like that sure alright let's go left I mean I've got a good gun too this is this is fine oh god damn it I really don't want to take any more unnecessary damage though the torch is just a light source it's also useful because you can just hold it up to wood or anything else flammable and set it ablaze which obviously has several uses it's also called a gun definitely an item that's called a gun I got no qualms with just continuing over to the left now oh that's not a bad friend at all what the heck oh you're leaking bud poor guy don't shoot me like are you doing you trying to hit me that's a naughty friend that's not what you're supposed to do that's what you get oh it's because I'm angry because I'm prettier I'm feeling damn it no no thank you okay take it easy Wow do you holy [ __ ] he's got loaded off that guy that one dude was just accidental damage on everything go this is what I'm talking about hello goobie let missile wand I should be able to get down that way too man indeed there is Oh health up - oh my god I'm so blind where's the health up [Music] oh my oh there it is just torch it that works yay take a sip of water torch the angry juice yeah nothing bad will happen there right totally fine totally safe hope that spreads down there it should yeah we go now we got it the fire keeps going out I don't know if it's I don't think it's working you're gonna need this don't even move this over here give it an extra little yeah there we go no you guys are [ __ ] cheaters god dammit all right there we go a couple extra little gold nice alright good [ __ ] that's a lava flask down there I might pick that up okay oh nice oh wait now I've already gotten that it's the arrow wand we just picked up yeah I've got to keep going left that's through this pad thing yes berserk increases your damage output it also makes your bombs a lot bigger and explosive radius let's do it oh [ __ ] you holy [ __ ] I can actually believe this didn't set off a reaction there there we go [Music] careful careful almost dead no more blood look like I can get there this way no that's not good either damn it [ __ ] frogs no no Froggers doing well as rayul how you doing um this way okay only one more bomb oh [ __ ] no okay that's good damn it if I am able to get this damn it's well oh oh yeah works mm-hmm it always happens in this game huh there we go holy [ __ ] I made it I made it yes I just got a drink all the water drink all the tasty water no no no no no hey yeah alright I don't like that idea mmm kick the barrel with a melee button F F is the default key I have to pee real bad I know yeah this does seem to be the way to do this does just drink the water let's drink it you ever need to get rid of any water you just drink it all do you just put all this water inside your body it's obvious that that's the solution all right now let's try going a little further no I don't trust it dude I really don't you know what I think actually instead of doing this well drink a little further down and then maybe when I get to like the bottom of this area maybe I'll use a bomb to see if I can't just give all the water to filter out that way I'm starting to I think we're starting to get to the point where it's like filling itself in from the other side - all right let me see if I'm at the bottom of this oh yeah right the health up here - if I bomb there that'd be pretty good I bet I think that would work let's try it go poof okay let's see that did it mmm well if it's draining I think it is I think it might be it appears to be yeah there we go yeah okay [Music] here's that okay does look like it gave us access to that too so that's awesome perfect now a 200 that's crazy now they don't add to your current health they only add to your max so right yeah we need another bomb otherwise our really just able to go here or we can just keep drinking water chug chugging away does the bottle make it drain faster let's just drink all this and see if that empties it [Music] seemed to do pretty well oh you can drink in the world and from the bottle at the same time I was [ __ ] okay oh god Wow drink it up mmm okay yeah that does make it a lot quicker so full of water double drinking mm-hmm that's what I've been doing right click to drink it real fast just like that this is working this is doing it water levels going down pretty quick now we'll never dehydrate absolutely not we haven't even gotten stay hydrated bought in here for a little while man it doesn't look like the levels going down anymore actually it feels like it's rising every time I get back out you see that I don't know if I'm actually making progress it might be I think I am I think I am making progress there's more water pouring in right yeah yeah we're getting there slurp slurp yes sir ah that was unnecessary [ __ ] oops careful bear wonder if I'll blow up at some point just explode from drinking so much he'll go straight to my thighs and then I'll blow up right yeah yo holy [ __ ] down to the next level the drink holy hell I don't know if I need to yeah that might be enough let's find out yeah I think I still do to be able to go through there I do almost there though a little more and we're draining quick now am I still sucking it up I think so we're close I'm so close I feel like I got to commit at this point you drinking drinking all right that sounds like it's drying up out down here - oh my god all right we're so close I can't see you gonna get to the other side and die immediately I know yeah that's what sucks I don't have any health so I have to make sure I can get through there without having to breathe all right well drink drink drink hmm drain the entire thing to show dominance I'm getting close hmm I still want to drain more more of it more that tasty water is this it Oh baby I think he's done it full health regen let's go I should have got those in reverse order obviously dude there's a there's enemies over here that I can't get to though and I'll have a bomb oh come on I want to check this out dude actual healing end game I know wow I can't believe it yeah maybe we'll be able to find a bomb and come back what whoa oh [ __ ] we're there twisty passages I've never been here either dude this game though holy [ __ ] it just keeps giving it's so dark oh hello I'm gonna go very weak oh wait no I got full health I forgot that's so dope what the [ __ ] oh boy and he did a little bit of chaotic pawing morphine just gonna get myself coated in water real fast this is so awesome please I've never been again nope boy careful careful lots of potions going on in this place yeah all kinds of all chemical concoctions nowhere for me to go sadly no bombs to speak over or any other sort of ability to move good works Sailor Moon I don't know where that came from but I'm rolling with it nice yeah you got to die you got to go down you got to die I don't like you anymore you're gonna stay there this place is wild girl oh thank you Jaeger for your recent scription welcome back in its 29 months appreciated these caverns sure are twisty what is that stuff someone going oh that's a worm in that snow we're back out here certainly looks like it one's been through y'all are hearing that right [Music] mmm double kill well don't know much or don't know what else there is really to do over here is there anything like puddles just nuts hmm I want to dig through this now I don't know if I've got something that can certainly can't get through extremely dense rock clear that like most of this whole area let's see I've got torched - OH torch just melt this no it's - wishful excuse me you J Martin welcome back appreciate the recent scription thank you very much oh that's not good 20 months on the pile welcome back buddy thank you that is not gonna work I had a feeling that would happen - dammit alright wow this is out [ __ ] I think it's time to go I don't know if can make it out anywhere here I guess it's worth a try let's try it I'm still still here man I might as well keep pushing and get that way though maybe well now yeah I guess I could try to teleport I didn't control this well that was bad probably don't well hmm oh I have a lava flask oh you know what nope fine let let me go ahead and acknowledge it since y'all seem determined to force me to okay correct you can transform into something that digs I don't have Polly morphine nor is it easily accessible so I don't know how y'all are expecting me to do that if you've got a more I mean I jump into it I guess yeah just hope all right transformed me into a worm do it nope I'm God now that's pretty cool I'll just beat God for the whole run can I do that actually usable oh [ __ ] flap flap flap flap flap but it out pull out thank you yeah things are fun you didn't do oh stop it please please stop setting yourself on fire stop get out of the [ __ ] pool and then I really want to keep rolling the dice like that oh there's lava in there that's why it's starting to seem though like the only way to really get back where we were or to exit even is to go back to the right I don't think there's actually a way to get out of this area just jump the teleport do some pray Yeah right like it maybe that'll work take me there where we go this way to the right oh we're to the right okay he's gonna just gonna go you can flask teleporter fluid yeah so if I wanted to I could try that route that just keeps going the complete wrong way is exciting down here now it's all the dense rock at least you're loaded that is true that's a fact you got 1,300 gold man there's nothing wrong with that okay time to go that's fun certainly didn't expect it but there we go love seeing that full heal over there man that's beautiful that's how you spend an hour on the first stage I guess Rustin Jaclyn thanks for the hundred bits appreciate it dude they've done any better than your insane homing wand run the other day I did win a run and make a mention of that you're still pretty happy about it the OD of that is up for Friday if you want to check it out that's not bad [Music] yeah that's pretty good too I'm pretty happy with what I've got though I don't really need to change I got over a thousand goal than nothing that's really even all that tempting I don't understand why this ladders here keep showing up maybe if we drink all the water we can take it down to a secret room this one's pretty good the charge speed sucks though casting two is nice [Music] Devils down yo dude I'm excited for you two to come up that's soon look forward to it dude this one is probably worth it I'm gonna grab that cuz I guess the torch isn't really necessary anymore I'll keep the torch itself [Music] me that I know it's kind of to capacity but like if we just do this I wonder if that's good enough [Music] that's pretty good nice mana actually it's ya know man slightly better I suppose than this one just the capacity that's the issue [Music] honestly the arrows might even be the best play nope love from Russia my name's Alex but whenever people hear that they're like what no it's not your name's bear are you talking about [Music] these arrows for a bit this doesn't seem very good but I'll try it why would I want that thank God's name what up watch all right whatever anger the gods attract the worms whatever man went on we all 13 / not realize it's actually pretty strong here comes the worm I can already feel it Ralston thanks for another 100 bit he's the spice extends life sure enough Oh God [ __ ] you [ __ ] you damn it I think this might just be strictly better oh well I tried to be creative not really creative more so I didn't try anything let's be real I did nothing Hey [Music] yeah this is the one it's no good still loaded it sounded like a portal down there to try go ahead and go for that go for gold oh hey cool yeah I mean this is the one that I just had from the get-go and I was trying to make something better but failed completely well here comes the worm cuz that's totally something I want how do you use the heal projectile how the heck is that useful I guess we'll find out and try it on this thing pretty sure the worms coming [Laughter] they died holy [ __ ] [ __ ] right god it's a hate Ricky he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] [Laughter] haha oh [ __ ] oh he's still coming he's still here Oh goddamn [ __ ] oh he froze me now I won't be detected oh he's still coming dude damage burst I was fun I was a fun run where my tractor is [ __ ] absurd [Music] how is that a perk guess the next level players are rockin that [ __ ] I don't know how but man that was fun good runs good times excellent day here in Noida as a solid 40 minutes I was wondering how I made eight thousand and then I remembered oh yeah and the game thing oh boy alright that's gonna wrap it up for me that was a lot of fun thanks for tuning in today everybody really appreciate the support thanks for the subs and tips and bits and such thanks for keeping me going here on in them and please feel free to follow this is your first time I'll be live playing tons annoyed ax still finding new areas for God's sakes so I've got plenty more of this game to play looking forward to seeing what else we can uncover maybe add another win to the grand total of one it's better than zero right right anyway that'll do it for me thanks for being here
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 19,132
Rating: 4.8535213 out of 5
Keywords: noita, baer plays noita
Id: ReADhZW7w7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 57sec (11937 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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