Baer Plays Noita (Ep. 1)

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a magical action roguelite where every pixel is procedurally generated I know it sounds crazy it sounds crazy but I've been watching people play this and it is very impressive the physics in particular are very good-looking so I'm excited probably gonna end up playing this one I'm mouse and keyboard it dropped me right into the game from the beginning but I think I'll actually go ahead and hit this new game button and hopefully that'll give us that a little bit of lore slash cinematic presentation that they provided in the very beginning I am quite sure oh well alright there we go many advertisement for the t-shirt again subliminal messaging oh it just popped me right back here okay I figured that might happen too well for what it's worth there wasn't really much happening there was a brief introductory cutscene that plays when you boot up the game for the first time and it's really just a bunch of symbology kind of cryptic confusing stuff that really doesn't matter too much I don't think for now I'm sure we'll be able to figure out what's going on pretty short the year anyway it's nighttime let's play that's me I'm doing that and right click oh cool okay you can see the gauge for that up here levitation energy it's levitation homes my gamer instincts I mean I shouldn't say that my gamer instinct says to go right because to be honest with you I've reconditioned my gamer instinct at this point to go left that's always my my natural inclination now feels a bit terraria like so far in the movement and presentation Oh interesting ooh I really like the way that that kind of fizzles out in the water there I'm a little afraid to go in I don't know what's gonna happen let's just try it I guess Oh 2 meter that's to be expected well I can't really hold my breath for very long so that doesn't seem like the greatest idea in the world can i fire through this wall I can't quite tell if I'm making a dent I don't think so ok well I'll dude Skyrim mountain-climbing here we go oh [ __ ] can I get out there there's something up there dude oh [ __ ] let's go an egg I found Ryan yeah I got him okay neat oh we have two different kinds of wands Oh I'm really glad I didn't break that branch off of here although I would have enjoyed that quite a bit frozen yak man thanks for the resub welcome back in Panda Battalion thank you for your new subscription appreciate that support hmm how about we throw the egg at the wall I hate that what was that I guess I've birthed a monster that's not good he appears to have torn a giant oh wait no the bomb didn't tear giant hole in the tree the branch is just hanging on by the the background portion Wow okay I can't go through here unfortunately I better go ahead and go back down unless oh isn't this just nice never mind okay I guess we'll go right now doesn't seem like there's much else we can do the left side oh I'm wet still interesting wet clothes protect you from fire brilliant my percentage is dropping as I go though I wonder if it will drop continuously if I just stand still seems like it's gonna stay okay interesting okay all right all right I see let's see and then select the things with that gotcha hi boy entered mines so I mean that's a familiar idea for us right I've heard a few folks mention that this game actually does have some parallels with spelunky that's not where I wanted that yes Jesus Christ he's just gonna shoot at me okay I guess I should have been ready for that oh now they're mad kill them yeah oh [ __ ] okay that's fine this shit's on fire yo oh my god this must be a flammable space the pixels continue to combust look at the Wow the precision in the distribution of physics elements is remarkable to me quite impressive he appears to have died somehow press e to pick up line I'm sure okay hmm ones that shuffle cast their spells in random order this is not a shuffle one the number of spells this vodcast we used the delay recharge time mana max mana charge speed capacity and spread all right this is a limited use thing so I got to keep that in mind but I'm trying to figure out hold on and this says I've only got one kind of thing that this wand appears to be good for if I'm interpreting this correctly is it gonna fire those things in that order let me see oh my I guess I could just find out okay oh no I think it's like a combination of these things Heels what it kills what it hits that's not good if it's a combination of the things hmm put that away for a minute looks like a button okay go ahead and go this way really loving this so far by the way especially the freedom it's provided me in exploring so far it's been there's been absolutely no hand-holding it drops you in this game you enter the mines and it just says have at it go crazy yeah pleat and I'm I'm mostly asking rhetorical questions right now and I appreciate the awareness of that thank you will you hold my hand though I mean were a little scared right now so I think maybe we'll be all better off for that we could just hold hands and walk slowly together through this uncharted wilderness Adam Wright is dead is he dead are you dead Hey I still don't know make it up now careful that drop - I imagine fall damages the thing let's see about maybe blowing a hole through here I can't I'm assuming that there's got to be a different way to go and I'm not just going to be blocked off from progressing but I kind of want to go deeper and not go back up that way myself let's try this over this way I do not like the screen shaking thuds that are occurring these are making me uncomfortable count two beard thanks for the eight months on the pile appreciate that come on back in poisoned toxic sludge in your clothes makes your help the Rays slowly wet clothes they protect you from fire can be washed off I gotta wash it off what oh [ __ ] well that's not good oh there's more oh god okay wash off in some blood right yeah cleaning off real quick that's nice and sterile washed off in some fire and a way that's all collapsing like that is so satisfying this is really good a little pump pebbles come up here too Olo hold up yeah [ __ ] tonight it's night let's go I'll goddamned sludge okay get the blood on me that's way better bloody clot clothes protect you from fire you sense an increased chance of attaining critical hits blood actually does something it's a lot of blood that's a big old pool of it let's take a dip in the blood yeah oh how fun nummy I'll get that damned sludge off me though thank you splish-splash I'm taking a bath in ployed no dice my shot is dynamite awesome neat more fire though well spicy USV thanks for the v subscription welcome back in with a pile appreciate it this game is real good-looking wow what am i doing I didn't even see the freaking sludge again so I'm trying to make sure we're not slowing down with a broadcaster here there's this I've been having that same issue as having with goose game right now I also might just die that's okay oh look water I'm trying to figure out the game is broadcasting smoothly here first sir sorry in solid it's fine if that's the case I'm happy good okay okay I'll keep going Archy down a bit rate with the pixels that does make sense it's been the frame rate though for some reason it's completely baffling to me dropping in my streams lately but saying it's good then I'm good to go oh that blows up that's fair that's fair I am shaves yeah I've been for a little while now new record I was here personal best Wow oh my god it's gonna do that every time I guess I guess I'm okay with it feck t'v subliminal advertising buy my shirt oh it's new outside now interesting didn't maintain the ones of course that make sense this is different man does anyone else feel like purchasing a shirt right now can't imagine why exclamation point shirt exclamation point shirt exclamation point shirt I mean this sort of seems similar over here I imagine there's probably some sort of like who's gonna go for it dude [ __ ] it yeah I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead whoo I lived what is it the sacrifice of oneself to the pursuit of knowledge is the highest tribute to the gods what I don't know what the hell hats throw it just a giant tome lore is it an actual bait because that's pretty brilliant son definitely gonna die ah damn it they got me the text basically says haha you died to find out I mean that is they got me whoa that looks like a cool shirt hmm man can we go oh yeah yep hop in go hurry oh no minecart come back I need to ride in you alright here we go yeah here we go here we go here we go yeah feel like I'm playing elemental again and Method shove myself in a minecart we're gonna need to stream that game again so at least one person can understand that reference wow that's bad I'm coated in toxic sludge now that's probably not a good thing water please water why yeah there we go okay that's good oh Jesus take a little slower this time I got that I gotta treat this like I'm playing spelunky for the first time again we did draw that parallel not too long ago it has that level of danger the unknown is the most threatening it is fun to eat mine carts around though I have to admit that lets get you huh that's a lucky feeling it's good man this actually is really nice I am super into this very curious about what lies beneath because we haven't even scratched the surface yet well I mean we've gotten under the surface to be literal about it but or to find out [Music] ready go just blow and [ __ ] up everywhere oh hi oh Jesus one down but the range of this thing Bank and shoot forever oh [ __ ] that I think I actually have what did the damage on that Wow I really want to try to like this knife dirt dynamite out of their hands but here's the a little harder than I thought it would be oh [Music] that hit there we go couple Snipes did I I know I did it once before it's a satisfying feeling Jesus they just got guns it looks like yeah they're just firing weapons bullets and ch I gotta be real careful about that sludge do you want to try to get over here I don't feel like there's a way to do it apart from using the bombs though so I guess I'll just do that I don't do actually no it won't it did not quite get through use the boost to get through crouch now and that sucks bit of a waste hmm and I want that that's a new wand it looks like let's see the bet there is another way to go is this oh it's steam and it's all collecting up there cool that's really neat I even fit through here we got a little slide you're gonna be careful about there we go then let's see there's something in there too oh [ __ ] wasn't sure hold on got him he's bleeding dude he's spill and slime everywhere you're getting it on me oh no that's dangerous [ __ ] oh this isn't water oh that is that that looks like an exit to me okay hold on then first I want to try to go get this new wand real quick hmm what's up above wasn't it I think I got to be able to get there entered holy mountain yeah you know what all right why not [Music] none of gold gold oh I do have gold yeah over there look like money but okay goal that is odd fire bolt spitter bulb sure okay I've spells what do I do with these I'll put them in here me ah check that out neat okay a somewhat peculiar bouncy explosive bolt it's a loadable form of ammunition apparently I've gotten the circle of shielding or an acid cloud along with that tentacle certainly sounds like an interesting one Thank You perfect I really really like the new shirt as well ooh more love permanent shield or exploding corpses or love creatures in the world are more friendly toward each other that's how I that's how it should be okay [Music] coal pits I broke it Oh whoa that is a peculiar fire or oh that's gonna be a bunch of big explosion mm I think that was nice there we go it's kind of holding almost are we creating obsidian that's [ __ ] great minecraft hmm skip you Jedi I'm working on it that looks like something I can go for hello hello hello a slow orb avoid just go ahead and fire out a slow orb avoid you know real quick have a peep at that dude I know that's not the one hold on number three appears to have very limited ammunition is that is that the amount of times you can shoot it I hope not I mean I gotta kill the rats for the three gold pieces whoa that's cool - I can't believe this thing is still standing up right that's hilarious the physics in this game are phenomenal oh he just he picked that [ __ ] up he was foolish dude Wow get him he's hiding what a player what are you gonna do come on come fight me fight me we gotta wait for the fire to go out I guess oh [ __ ] well there we go okay no toxic put that out for a sec wait for that to be put out for a second there we go got him one more time yeah we cal that'll do I feel like I can't touch that thing I think it might go in there it's gonna hurt me no no okay whoa cool wait oh no I was all Mike Jesus Christ let's actually do a fire bolt that cast another spell upon collision Wow okay let's try that out on this big eyeball Boyd missed completely there we go oh he died oh please [ __ ] [Music] okay what's the pink your slimy clothes protects you from fire the mucus makes me moving around difficult loving the music up here - yeah it's terrific while alright with this weapon if it's just gonna make mincemeat of these enemies get out of here that's right mucus oh I'm out of juice geez that happened quick wonder if the water is like washing off the slime I think I'm just picking up a little bit of a go here though dd-do hey perfect oh look adjust the blockage of the water create a dam of sorts interesting can't wait to see the void weapon in action I've been preserving the ammunition but I probably should go ahead and fire one off that is so cool oh there's our exit effect is that an enemy [Music] looks like an enemy no I'm gonna quite leave just yet the screen shaking is quite unsettling though give me a little worried oh there's another door cuz I just burning in that stuff also I can't get out you could just do that here we go I'll stop walking through the sludge I can't see the damn stuff wow wow wow there it goes goodbye to everything oh I'm on fire again ok let's just relax maybe just maybe just leave maybe just get out of here he'll stop myself from being on fire for a little bit wolf alright I've only got 143 gold so the only thing I could afford here would be this wand he's this actually do the energy sphere triple scatter spell and a fire trail these seem pretty good I'm gonna get this over the bomb one cool now what low gravity fries filled or stainless armor I'll go with I'll go with the armor 50% less damage as long as you have no active stained status effect oh okay I guess just be prepared for that every time as apparently the alters surroundings are destroyed once you make a selection the hell is happening okay that does damage big boy with a big gun oh he's there hunting the other critters interesting me think it's time for me to utilize the boy nothing what I'm gonna die oh my god ah ouch okay okay that hurt a lot fired it to rain oh okay well let's find out what that does oh okay you know that's actually good that's useful I should expect with it Oh in the face Jesus all right well as well take this big boy out oh it's frozen that's fun I don't want to be wet because that takes away the effectiveness of my armor all right I'm gonna use this bad got him there we go [Music] Wow ah there we go it broke off that whole [ __ ] chunk see yeah it's like a plasma cannon holy [ __ ] what's this gone is what it is oh Jesus Oh stay alive stay alive stay alive oh come on oh [ __ ] sit sit how's he doing this there we go you don't know what something is just shoot it it's a pretty foolproof appropriate things yeah Lord there we go I feel fine I feel fine let's go this way no no okay this is kind of cool he sniped me that son of a [ __ ] [Music] okay wait for it wait for god damn it there's another one they just keep coming there's all the money oh [ __ ] all right apparently fall damage isn't a thing doesn't appear to be Dan that's nice I'm not getting the money quickly enough realizing now that I'm losing out on that if I don't go quickly down there this gal is nice it got me with the [ __ ] sludge didn't it what a sneaky move dude I gotta get in the water quick quick okay Jesus it gets intense new record his name was Rin Rin kisi Rin kisi spelled in the most complex way imaginable okay there we go well that sure it looks nice yeah y'all got get bring them up to 1625 good lord Thank You gecko for another twelve gifted appreciated very much bear hugs if you got him please I wish it would have crushed me to death enjoy he's just feasting on his friend's corpse there wasn't he the moment he died he was like boom food ah y-you do the whole spiders all right I know now that it doesn't matter too much how much damage you actually take level by level since we're gonna get that full region when we move on but do you just want to be a little bit more cautious of [Music] taking early damage in general just try to get hit less learned a little bit more about how things function here so I feel like I ought to be able to manage that these early enemies especially don't seem to be too tough right now I [Music] was just getting mostly caught off guard I think uh seems fine yeah fireball [Music] just don't take damage it's so easy so easy boom try it wait a second on that did I destroy the one doing that there's something there it was a flask ah all right well that makes sense why I would have destroyed it that way whoo-hoo that's effective but you just transform what the [ __ ] how'd you do that magical devil a lot going on down here now get out a lot of gold out of that either unfortunately here we go shit's on fire you know it's been that way dog dum been on fire oh no come on a little further over here come on now there we go now they're coming for me I think I hit his dynamite stick there didn't I it's not a very effective stick of dynamite to be sure bad shots just trying to collect early ten bucks a popping ain't nothing to shake a stick at probably worth a yearly investment of time I'd say that was a pretty damn good hit I don't even know if they can actually hit themselves with those all this yeah oh god yucky dodged a shopkeeper shot right there man holy [ __ ] that trying to avoid stepping into sludge for a sec here looks like another one torch oh okay that's that's fine does nothing but light the way very little difference in the actual amount of light [Music] snag that money real fast I think we're done here [Music] all right all right all right oh hi guys friends yeah Oh fun I nearly died we suffocate if you go keep my money this time and the effort or in an interest of buying something better than the next shop so it seems like a good idea melee immunity extra maximum HP from hearts glass cannon [Music] I guess that's good okay whoa neat covered in sludge now good a very bouncy projectile I'll probably go ahead and take that over my torch here try it out whoa that is very bouncy extremely fancy today oh boy I did not want to come down here [Music] [ __ ] [Music] let's see let's use something else that's not doing very much either no don't do that [Music] all right we're good that does not have very long range at all wowie Joe the damn pigs ow Jesus they don't die [ __ ] off [Music] my god okay okay you should find the exit money uh-huh dan that does deal a lot of damage when it hits low that's nice oh come on there we go yeah here we go nice oh come on ah hey if that went out of me there for sure oh no oh my goodness convenient pool of water too many [Music] [Laughter] mm-hmm no about that one man what the hell freezing liquid all right maybe I should invest in a in an early item next time thanks taker here we go again huh boy blonde right away creates a watery weather phenomena that is certainly interesting let's try it sure does I'm just gonna drown them this boy looks a little man I bet you'd hate a rain cloud come on by yeah he doesn't like that not at all it's definitely raining a lot down here all right is that something I can get for zhurqis last hmm oh oh I see oh that's what that was I got it 44% berserk yeah angry faces in chat please take it anymore oil makes you slippery more flammable Hubley hello you rid of that get this out here move go away go away go away get get there we go hello have a bomb ow and killed by dogs all right time for a rain cloud put everything out here [Music] [Applause] grab that money grab that money quick grab that money neato dude that's a lot of steam right there all the music has been great so far though the ambience is terrific I want that wand gimme gimme gimme right through the path of berserk juice madigan so angry what oh that's proudly like gunpowder okay that is an explosion nice shirt you can mouse over stuff to see what it is like the tiles oh yeah look at that cool he says it up there yeah interesting top left by the way right I mean last here's a wand yeah sure whoo rocking the a halflife to gravity gun but brought to its simplest form can't die that would trap if you blow yourself up damn right galaxy grand plays oh ho last night might as well get this stuff drowning oil please thank you okay I'll keep the saw blades out see if I can make good use of this thing Wow okay I guess I'll just fall over here extremely dense rock if all the mountains were of silver and gold what would they profit a man who lives in constant fear of death hence that cannot be in the whole world anything better than on Medicine which has the power to heal all the diseases of the flesh quiet indeed yes that's not a good idea that doesn't seem like a good night man oh that's that's probably not gonna be a good idea I do want to do it though I really want to go over there but no I don't think I should but I really want to try to do it other than maybe maybe I'll be rewarded for committing but now I don't think it's a good idea to do it if now I'll probably die I have such a nice a nice saw blade wand to use I'm also covered in oil it doesn't seem smart what would Shia LaBeouf do he would just do it but I don't have that kind of courage not today you know what I could try is blowing it up yeah if only I had that rain cloud wand still that would solve our problem right there with it yeah I do actually hey you should die you're shooting at me you need to go ahead and blow up buckaroo let's blow this up speaking of which see how that goes there's absolutely nothing this is extremely dense rock it's not gonna be blown up at all use the scroll sure now the scrolls under the lava good no oh I thought for sure there would be something all the way at the bottom right let's just keep watching our corpse fall down all the way it's like the Olmec pit there's got to be a bottom at some point when I shirt so anything left it's fun there's a pond like a little little pool of water in a cave that you can swim down and then send through the other side and you'll find another tablet basically telling you haha you died to get this tablet so that's fun if you want to go for that there's probably something else but if there is chat shouldn't tell me who's that treasure zip [ __ ] just just some odds gonna blow up all the oils on fire now Oh Lord it's not safe at all you know the particle effects in this game are absolutely terrific I got me with the sludge I try to find some water there we go oh hi see y'all I think that's a flask is that gonna blow up oh it's leaking there we go leaking pheromones everywhere a charm affects you oh they're late oh they're attacking each other now I think cuz of the charm interesting nice and this is so cool that money real fast cool love it under here too it looks like you got a friend or two can we go down there please oh that's on fire that's what that is that's not money guys keep coming they're [ __ ] corpses are blocking him aren't they we go the more I watch this game the cooler it is the even more I play this game the cooler it is they love me they really love me he's not gonna hit me but I gotta kill him anyway cuz I get ya that inclination that he was on his way to betrayal this is indeed an early access at the VA it says in the it's not listed in early access on Steam but it says in the build version that it's in early access so I'm a little confused by it thank you oh it is as early access on Steam okay yeah and there we go any issues my bad I thought it was listed as full release big old gun don't you oh this is a problem okay I'm gonna go goodbye everybody have fun I've imagined teleporting and dying before you were able to grab the fourth he'll reach him I'm sure that'll happen to me at some point [Music] a very heavy explosive bolt fire bolt again and a tus bifurcated formation for this double spell burning trail fire trail spitter bull bifurcation I'm cool man I mean I should probably get something let's get let's get this madness seems crazy enough to go for it [Music] whoo this could be fun I assume this means you can just breathe underwater invisibility yeah [Music] you're invisible stains casting spells kicking and taking damage removes the effects temporarily okay so if I'm stained then I'm no longer invisible which I suppose is logical so I got to get rid of these first getting to somewhere a little drier would be ideal know why I did that [Music] should be dry me off though that you're actually huh there we go very close actually getting the effect here there we go come on please three percent slimy and then I'll be invisible there it is nice but we get the last little bits of slime off there all right that is a giant stack of gun pattern now I know that much what the hell is that Oh God good get rid of that [ __ ] yeah I don't like that at all No oh Jesus there's so many have fun guys you know oh my god I want to see if there's some money that I can pick up down here there is yeah nice oh Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] ah God [Music] hi oh don't throw things over here it's a bad idea holy [ __ ] man I'm on fire no I'm not on fire apparently it's the time to leave it might be time to go it's time to go Wow can't buy anything I'd like to I don't even use this dude why does it keep opening the inventory like that it's weird sludge immunity would be great yeah of a permanent shield that seems good too I'll move the effects around LeMans that's what it wants me to do okay oh you can like swap the ammo around can't you okay that's cool so if I wanted to I could change out these things could like swap out the burning trail on that for that that's neat yeah cool okay grab the shield I like that we go this game is [ __ ] great by the way so far I have been loving this guess I'm on fire now we're good okay I'm not in love with the bifurcated effects so I think I'll probably take that off if I can yo holy [ __ ] I love it there we go hey ain't how you doing thank you okay I'm gonna go ahead and do this that did not break through that Wow but the fire might do the job I think it will how cool is that that's a bit of a family ass love it oh I still can't get through to here though I gotta get something else to burn it unless oh it is gonna burn thank you that's convenient a fire bolt and I'll take that over a second yes oh no I can only always just get the fourth right okay oh damn a lot of sec oh I can't swap them apart from being in that area okay I suppose that's why they do it that way then they're geo welcome there's gotta be a way to upgrade your jet pack your levitation I guess that would be really nice low grab I guess would be a way to do it we already set it up Oh the shield very nice ow holy [ __ ] okay okay cool Jesus Christ Jesus Christ they're so accurate Wow Wow boy a Resurrectionist that's good news I surmised the meaning of the text wall I believe and it's exciting and encouraging I'm happy to hear okay Oh freezing vapor it's this stuff isn't it I inhaled these bubbles and [ __ ] died okay damn damn oops on that one Oh cool shirt I have AIDS too hard yeah I should know better by now inhaled dry ice not that I have like the temptation to do it that's gotta be pretty bad for you I imagine is that like lethal I never ever want to [ __ ] try Iceman that stuff terrifies me it's just a substance I don't feel like we should be able to just like buy over-the-counter Oh class chaotic chaotic poly morphine hmm interesting [Music] let's throw it what the hell what okay look at that makes you transform cool I probably should have tried to fire her something blogged about polymorph yeah no that's that's logical alright so it wasn't clear the aim was there we're looking at more or less just obliterate this entire area hopefully proceed further down I'm gonna get a lot of progress made with that though not as much as I would see oh this is gold probably pick those up oh Jesus Oh watch out [Music] god the physics are amazing so good oh I think the Gold's gone yeah I've been replaced by meat oh Jesus I was reading chat for a moment and I slid into the flames that was that was not wise I'm good [Music] ah Oh health Jimmy help can I have this I'm dead I'm already dead it's already happened merciless all I wanted to do is dive into a burning pool of oil what's wrong with that why should I be punished for that decision I have a hundred percent recommend getting this game and if you haven't been sold on it already I played an hour of this and I'm blown away this is incredible I feel like I haven't even actually begun to play the game yet I've just been getting like surface-level teasers still it's so good it's so fun not at all surprised now by the overwhelmingly positive reviews ah [ __ ] why I think it's mostly when I get into the puddle of it and not necessarily when I'm walking across the top like this I think I get terrified of walking along like the green parts but that's not really what's dangerous this guy [ __ ] showing up and spray and sludge everywhere else dangerous boo shot I couldn't begin to tell you who's Gauri and I hopefully will not hear from the chat right now what the end game is that is much further down the road you can know if it's worth it for a bomb already use a bomb to get in there oh it's definitely not because look somehow away is being burned for us thank you game appreciate it oh I got the rain wand again hello I have missed every shot impressive rain wand maybe I'll find that giant pool of lava again we can make some magic happen I'd be neat yo I think I actually did oh [ __ ] if we can actually make a bridge across here it works it [ __ ] works it's a bridge dude that's amazing I know I'll trust this at all though who the music belt just nice and easy nice and easy along the wall here this is totally fine yeah now this isn't making my heart race at all I'm not about to be consumed by the abyss worm that would be a [ __ ] jump scare and a half oh wow okay hmm I'm beginning to grow concern but still optimistic not entirely sure this was by design top okay okay oh hi rat oh this is definitely blow holy [ __ ] hi alright the whole area is coated in sludge now oh I don't want to die here dude come on die go away [ __ ] dammit we did kill by the one [ __ ] monster down here oh look another one give me that magic missile I need water desperately that sucks it's a shortcut to the snowy depths and then I got shot in the face he can shotgun me in the water oh I had the rain wand I didn't even think about it damn it I gotta be aware of that stuff I would have put me out right away colic codes I'm not gonna be what are these names some kind of Nordic source for all these absurd names for these people it's Finnish oh yeah okay cool shirt say his name you'll get his power if only I could pronounce it that's how they're so well protected it means shotgun goblin I don't know enough about Finnish to dispute that so I'll accept it as truth all right curious let's try it Oh we'll make it we'll make it [Music] finishes like German where you can stack words together is it any any fins in chat you can't indeed bomb through to below yeah but I like around the designated area as much as I can so I can get some gold this dude is causing issues three things do to stack words cool can I believe that didn't hit me I find I guess if that's what you think is your best bet oh my lord dude oh he got polymorphed that's what's they're getting polymorph down here glowing stone what does the glowing stone I love that oh I'm a bet that was fun I have a charm up here too just kidding it's a berserk juice a parallel my man's got potions for days here what the hell flammable gas well I better stay out of that for a second actually now I'm sure it's okay I'm so angry though mad staying on a tiny little pixel of terrain they're fast arcing projectile what ow come on fire again [Music] come on fire need help okay I'm good I'm gonna bomb this seems good Oh what's this heavy scent of booze losses of your clothes Amy is disturbed and alcohol is flammable - apparently I'm drunk all right I did want to see that third lon yeah I'm actually meant to use it they're a little bit of a weird arc to it but usable I think oh is this booze no that's on the way it look like a bottle of wine for a second there did it ah loser oh this one's nice actually alright I like this new gun we're hurtin though wow there we go let's get out I'm alive alright man 150 let's see okay sure just a bunch of [ __ ] fireballs bud [Music] let's move [ __ ] around maybe man look at the amount of damage we can do is light this is go all in here whoops [Music] pick that up then we go boom see if we can adjust make that absurdly powerful saving grace looks like it's probably gonna be an extra life I don't know if I necessarily want to do that vampirism oh I lost the third on my max head did I drink blood I gain no that seems like a good idea [Music] cast another spell after a timer runs out with the triple scatters the holy [ __ ] that seems pretty good let's try that there's another one up there don't have anything that can set that off there we go it's like pop rocks explosive okay whoa so they [ __ ] mine oh why dude that's a lot of damage I would hit got him I can't go down in there though unless that's like a god wand maybe it is how could I get it I'd have to get rid of all that acid he hit me again that [ __ ] he's so good he's so good he's so good he's so good damn it just try to get down I guess we almost got him a better trick shots there we go and the wand here Adam come on Jesus there we go I'm so terrified there just one stray little thing killing me here that's all it's gonna take great damage on this gun accident I can actually hit them alright yeah I forgot [Music] wait hold s on the corpses to get the blood out oh my lord so hold on I got to be looking for blood though not sludge and fortunately I forgot about the vampirism huh oh look we can just leave that's probably a better idea yeah I like that idea actually strimmer it's a wand it's a wand bear what guns are you playing with you weirdo all right well this will stick with this right I might as well just take this out of here and just say that third wand is nothing mmm I mean we always love love right just please don't kill me right away that's all I want don't want oh come on you get his friend for me thank you there it is I just missed that money down little bits of damage from those vapors are so frustrating all right suck up the blood please laminate regaining health I feel like I ought to be doing it here press down I am yeah pressing s but it's not doing it there is something going on down below us now I should be able to go at 67 what in the world was all that oh hey I hit him with that I think oh that hit damn it Wow [Music] so vampirism I don't think I'm gonna go with again that was brutal I am giving sniped shot blown up there is a lot that you have to be aware of yeah they're very accurate too you got to be very very careful moving down my god you need many blood to recover HP not just to drop okay understood a little better every time that's all we can ask feels a little slow a lot of the time but the freedom of movement and the levitation kind of makes up for that [Music] you see into the unexplored Wow oh that's pretty helpful what are long it less seems to be gone for a while here oh it's very good all right not forever but quite a while oh boy hi guys all right guys hi hi hi guy Jesus little too crazy over here [Applause] their egos nice and stop okay grab all that and a feeling I get sludged a little there there Wan down here oh why Jesus he blow up a path to the other side a lot of the time in this game I think the answer to can you do this is gonna be yes whether or not anything happens as a result will be the the ultimate question you gotta love that that's the face of anything stays alive while good warned the unkillable fire demon I guess hello why can't you die why won't you die holy [ __ ] [Music] okay yeah to do that [Music] it's have quite a bit of effort there I think I'm gonna go to the right and see if I can't find a way to get it through this I actually know it I think there's a way to do it gotta be a bomb ah goddamn it oh hello I did not see you there's a few more to a very bouncy projectile yet again all right try it out oh my god we got it what [Music] oh it's teleport 'i'm not water god damn it man this is bouncy projectiles do not deal a ton of damage we'll just use our last bomb here since a probably take it ow Jesus dude that sucks hey Vaughn i doing [Music] here we go ah [ __ ] I mean I'd land at the edge of that alright well we got the eggs it anyway freakin teleport iam would be pretty funny if I landed at that one last time alright yeah extreme walk of shame all the way back to the exit there we go okay [Music] no I don't want that maava the blood dormant crystal water the poison oh that would be interesting I don't know if I'm gonna be able to use that very well though explosive projectile let's go for that sounds good put that puppy into here maybe it actually seems like a good idea make our basic wand a little stronger I can remember I've got that clairvoyance too fire immunity well it's with the [ __ ] teleportation I almost want to take this out of curiosity but I'm gonna keep at no damage from fire I really like the way that they go with level transitions dump you straight into the next one is really cool oh boy Oh God oh geez [Music] okay got so much slides little [ __ ] high ball laying in there - such a goopy mess [Music] so every third shot from this is the explosive round which makes a perfect sense based on the way it's outline oh I didn't mean to do that again down so none of these guns are all that good right now unfortunately it's what I needs Wow I am NOT hitting these guys for very much at all this is not looking great it's [ __ ] goop it's everywhere now music getting intense Jesus okay oh I got him there's another one down okay there's you yet again bear finally holy [ __ ] okay might as well their hair good stuff Wow he shoots so fast he's gonna get me dude ah there we are I want his wand whoa always castes watered any water within range of the projectile turns into poison magic bolt spark bolt TNT bubble spark double spell mist of spirits Wow sure my goodness that's a lot of stuff just can't hit anybody with these things it's time to go south time to get out Wow holy [ __ ] dude okay I guess yeah I know you know you can only do that in the hood in between area though it's been like a pretty consistent average of like 10 to 15 minutes I'd love to get a little further but it's hard it's difficult you got to be very prepared very careful move through systematically yeah I like how everything keeps going after you die - it's one of those games where it really feels like you're invading a world I was going well enough alone without you or well enough along I should say this is what my plate looks like after many hours dying on 1/3 usually all right well at least it's not just me I'm pretty certain people are having a tough time getting through this oh we get the boy together okay now I know how to actually use that and that might actually be a pretty damn useful one whoops that's not the one I wanted to do oh good it didn't destroy it anyway might even burn a little hole through here so I'll have to do anything else but the boy was gonna be the way I went through that yeah that's think I might still have to what whoa this one doesn't have enough mana for black hole oh I see that's a little weird I suppose if I moved into a different wand we'd be able to do it okay cool dream up Ashley thank you both dreaming for the five months trashley for the 28th welcome back into the pocket sorry miss Diaz deciding to go there appreciate a subscription bear hugs it got him well c'mon in thank you very satisfied with the difficulty just like the simulation it's just it's so satisfying to see all this stuff transpired really is max health boost certainly nice to see - [Music] he's dead and this thing is actually pretty strong there's the [ __ ] fire baby noise hello welcome just on fire for a little bit here that's not a problem yeah nice that's hot hot hot hot whoo damn that's nice you cast the black hole on that as well grab that I don't think I want the bomb anymore you'll go on to this guy can't do it there we go no movies on it here there that's better okay extra health more blood invisibility [Music] dude that's a big HP boost that's pretty strong oh my god please hey there we go [Music] okay good use of the black hole well that's not good at all [ __ ] he's done [ __ ] nice ooh baby we're doing this it's gotta get the water on me again survive it missing every shot let's go [Music] good stuff [Music] oh hi that is really nice okay okay cool [Music] it seems like a better option than that [Applause] now look the exit [Music] Oh miss ahend what that is that's real nice uh-huh get him how are you missing that what there we go gonna be like dead on is this even cool I don't know if that's lava yeah it is okay [ __ ] oh no I'm good he's a fun one actually hang on do I have a garbage wand I could replace no not really I kind of like everything I've got hello is he dead I don't think he's dead yeah he's just sitting at the bottom of the water here drowning I suspect okay the river of blood seriously that's pretty metal died of the damn rat No 69 health nice know what that is just get the hell out of here man I'm pushing my luck just keep going looks like a vein of gold I'm out of here I'm out Oh is there a chest Oh big goof oh well split shot triple orb bubble spark bouncing that looks weird it's a triple chainsaw teleport and [Music] three bombs no okay we're good here I think I'm happy with our current layout still breathless would be fun low gravity I was mentioning I wanted to try out - I don't think breathless is gonna give me as much as I want it to so let's try look I know you were allowed up here goodbye what ouch okay good start good start this low grab seems like it's gonna be a really good choice [Music] please ah the freaking frozen vapors I gotta be careful about can I just hover forever in low grab that's pretty fantastic Oh [ __ ] jacket chunks of glass or ice I mean falling on me here that's a lot of money I just made Wow like amazing oh my god what's that [ __ ] it's not very of too many bullets you just fireball the time Jesus Christ they're so accurate good lord stop it stop it this is madness absolute madness holy hell they fire off screen keep floating dude [Music] [ __ ] sludge no mimic I'm gonna die to the goddamn sludge please get it off me oh no no damn it man I got so [ __ ] close it's so tough to dig this is nuts new gold record new depth on now five meters away from a new depth record cool shirt another bomb wand alright let's go down let's just go all the way down I bet that'll work no no no stop it that hurts that hurts a lot everything hurts you oh boy that's a big fool is a big brain boy ah well it's big brain boy doing go away [Music] nasty oh are you whoa even that gold though there we go mm-hmm Oh yikes okay we're good we're good hi hey here he comes there he goes hi good all right we're feeling fine whoo a [ __ ] gon get there we go I mean I meant to go straight down for the most part this time and I'm making some decent money in the meantime Jim that thank you thank you god damn it is it God blood flasks okay I got to get to this exit man first baboo money money sweet 240 just enough to fit this or to afford this electric charge fire bolt with trigger that seems pretty good and then I mean [ __ ] let's just put this here and then that way we can just swap that out for something else I'll be better what's that dude for X instead of 2x gold dropped when death is an accident what the [ __ ] does that even all right [Music] how do you know what's an accident I plan everything I do I guess that'll never trigger because I never do anything unintentional I've got a big time bomb bonus bomb power boost I never want to try to use that there's just like seven hits on this guy now seven or eight that's fun coated in sludge right away please die goodness here we go all right let's see if this is powerful enough to get through here yeah that did it no matter what it is pretty much it's better than the empty slot we've got see what it does not even even look at it not even read it just fire it that's the best way to do things seems pretty good oh [ __ ] there we go we didn't have an empty slot but we had an effectively empty slot with that second weapon which was holding nothing at the moment seems like a good place for a bomb oh nice real quick just take a gander can be and we good here we go $43 is not gonna be enough god I wish I could get that any of those really feel pretty great let's see fire bolt with trigger the double spell in the burning trail that's you it's a pretty good one I could also just go ahead and add more I think I will and then I've got yet again another more or less empty slot that I can try to utilize it's too strong levitation [Music] Wow all right that was a lot of damage immediately you can all just [ __ ] off okay eight guns in the entrance what the [ __ ] here we go I took a few of them with me at least at least we got that hello one flask right away I'm just gonna drop dude ah [ __ ] did you do did he do to you [Music] [Laughter] what's amazing actually that's cool and that was also cool Wow detention thanks for the 11 months welcome back appreciate it just a quick 48 second run there cool shirt this is becoming familiar don't do acid that's our final final warning you all right more Minds deaths that's it was the last one oh god you can't even get through that oh and it's breaking apart a little bit actually okay maybe this fire damage will be enough or we could just do this yeah that's better oh come on don't be thank you don't be a dick get out you [ __ ] oh I am now on fire house that was that wasn't very wise wasn't well thought out it turns out here this is problematic okay okay oh look the acid trap again can't give me this time don't know what I expected when I grabbed the thing prior to my bomb going off also I'm on fire well that was a fun run I'm getting really good at this world's best noida player have you tried not being on fire I don't know man you think that'll work you might be onto something [Music] like spotting in an ice cave stage for [ __ ] floor mine's go off before you can even realize what's happening take clairvoyance again absolutely it's a wonderful I really think this thing should be able to like crush you to death that would be hilarious I'm glad it hasn't happened to me yet but I wouldn't mind if it did good for good good got it got it and we are out of here dude easy-peasy why waste time in the and the mines you got bigger fish to fry using any of this garbage no sir no sir we go keep our clear points about us faster movement I do enjoy quite a bit actually if I do see so much panic shots the inability to kill a rat really indicative of my playthrough so far the quality of them poly morphine flask okay big boys man that crit damage is absurd oh [ __ ] here we go alright let's give that a quick shove down it goes [Music] wanted me to actually shoot this Wow there we go that's what I wanted without the damage [Music] Hey don't think that's gonna quite do what I wanted in fact I think I'm just gonna have to do those anyone get that acid out of there come on little arc on this thing tough to predict most most of the time oh we got a solana up there [ __ ] oh and a goddamn shot to see what that did we're dead Oh wowie he showed up I thought he was dead [ __ ] you you gotta be kidding me how is that good at all there's nothing here Oh No teleportation is fantastic they say I used to believe it but I might as well take it I can't even get that way I cannot go that direction for fear of the [ __ ] spawner please die thank you I got to try to take this out I'm dead yep that took a lot of damage man I got I think I got to find a little bit more or spend a little bit more time in the beginning area I feel like I need to get at least a decent gun prior to delving a little bit further down [Music] I expected that to be the formula I just wanted to see if maybe I could pace through more teleportation thank you yeah we see none of that through the first like five runs and that has been nothing like that ever since the Thunderstone what is that it sounds interesting I kind of want to go get that can I make it through ah still burning over here no gold the main roof jeez visibility and I guess I can try to teleport ooh you mean I feel like I need to be able to throw it in there maybe I can no it doesn't it gotta be the way to go I might have to bomb [Music] [Music] damn dan was close oh wait hold on it might [Music] it might provide away there we go cool Thunderstone Thunderstone cool that clarifies it gotta love the fireman it's beautiful another wand a couple of bouncy orbs by me I'm moving sort of seems like there are a little like deposits of gold and the walls here like that looks like gold for sure yeah it even says it's gold sure enough cool damage it's pretty good certainly better than the god the default gun [Music] yeah I figured I keep blow it up and get it I just don't know if I want to necessarily commit the bottom to that right now Oh what I didn't even try holding it down look at that [ __ ] Wow okay I'll work back out on that be cool whoa dude holy [ __ ] we got a submachine gun yes oh [Music] that's beautiful freezing liquid flask nice all right don't die berserk you I got a whole pool of it in here what the [ __ ] was that oh is this money oh hi that explains it how Lord leave run wait no we're good we're fine [Music] I'm okay no I should go I'm out of here okay okay [Music] this seems fun [Music] Wow I think I want to add any of this to my current thing I feel like I'll regret it I'm gonna go ahead and fast fire some saws that does seem like a good idea that was the only one that was like that seems like it work we'll try that toss toss a saw blade in there and see if that does the job I mean I kind of preferred it the other way oh [ __ ] yeah prefer it like this how about the sauce man what if we did well then has this [Music] that's pretty good someone said the saws do self damage though oh yes they do okay out so we got to be careful with that [Music] can you add oh that's a good question now can't have to understand to it that'd be cool though um yeah it's good damage tell you what I'm gonna try this and I'm just gonna keep this as is it seems like the way to go all your spell's home toward enemies very slightly yeah I like that what the hell that is really good I'm pretty sure that's really really really good now I just got to be careful Oh Lord Wow madness dude so good what is this hold on a second that's just a lot of slime balls man that's not damaged [Music] couldn't really tell I think I just one shot him yep Wow dude I'm just gonna go yep feeling it burning trail spiral shot water trail energy orb with a timer spiral shot would be crazy but probably not a good idea I think I'm just gonna leave things as is I don't want to mess with this too much melee immunity especially with how rapidly I'm firing this thing can't help but feel like you increased a chance to be a good way to go here alright but hit twice already I really got to be more careful with these guys back to stage 3 yep another [ __ ] die okay okay easy easy nice wow thanks see you later see you later take it easy oh my lord so many frozen vapours in there that hurt okay we're fine wait for it he had a wand that's what it was yeah oh my god that was a good one too Jesus Christ stick with this what the hell is that oh that's that why Jesus Christ there's too much [Music] that was 12 minutes man record that was such a good gun I want that gun again man I miss it already it took so many shots to kill I cannon I'm not going anywhere near that next time things play too damn strong it's got that spelunky vibe about it how things can just go absolutely off the rails in a moment just all of a sudden this gigantic chain reaction absolutely obliterates you going super animal Royale meta trying to shoot where they're gonna be not where they're at that seems like a sleep cycles I've been watching you play quite a bit of this man it is a good time I am loving it go oh okay here you have a bomb how about that I'll just go be an eagle for a second a sheep eagle giant sheep eagle thing here I go [Music] pheromone flask chaotic Polly morphine I'm just gonna throw them all dude [ __ ] it Oh what a concoction I'm dead polymorph tusu seven llamas and damage from lava it was poetic wasn't it Wow quite the concoction down there yet pretty dangerous it turns out teespring calm / bear 6 by the way beautiful new shirt design courtesy of staple master if you wanna check now get a poster - I'm gonna get poster I'm gonna get my own poster with no shame whatsoever cuz I think it's pretty cool oh Jesus I really got to try to make sure he's taking every opportunity I can get it even if it's only a torch yes you have to determine what I can actually do with those another bar I'm goddamnit [Music] yay money I guess you just light stuff on fire yeah it's food that is great there's a bill in flask meat now another one over here Oh max health don't mind if I do I hopefully don't blow it up yay we go over here check it out torch time I don't even need a bomb [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I guess I do like right there nope [Music] try that oh wait it's already been through here I'm a genius oh god it's still blocked off though man that is really hidden back there nothing else wouldn't have burn around it [Music] yes you can do that there we go right put the fire on it there we go hello friend oh my god I really want to see what it is now I wish I could like cook the bomb spelunky style crib I know I've got more bombs I just gotta find a place to put it you go through there I guess there's another potion up there [Music] pheromones all right I guess we can bomb through here you got a couple more bombs in fact Oh is oil since very slippery on here in the oil wait for it wait for it wait for it looks better certainly better than a second bomb wand I realize that for a bit that's pretty decent rapid fire I wonder how the damage is we have three flasks one of them is invisibility ooh damn the one shot okay we've got some power up in this [ __ ] I know I kind of wish you stood in the minecarts - that'd be fun I was really hoping you could ride it in the beginning there looks like a big-time damage monsoon questionable orbs oh geez well I think I'll hang on to what I've got let me have a look at our available swapper Rooney options here I don't think there's much I'm gonna change haven't gotten breathless yet extra perk [Music] hmm take that again Jake Wow cool oh [ __ ] I'm on fire again somebody specifically said don't be on fire I'm gonna try that this time and see if that works better for me don't burn my wand ooh a burst of air capable of greatly moving things oh boy wow I actually think I want to keep the torch in place of the first one wait that killed him a strong gust of wind is enough to fill my foes apparently I guess I'll stick with that oh never mind I'll use this well [ __ ] [ __ ] dude what is this even gonna do oh I don't have enough to cast it do I yeah I can't cast the black holes on this thing back fret though damn dude please put that out thank you [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] okay okay nice nothing down here damn Brookhaven if I want to try this alright apparently I do if I could use these black holes that I actually be able to get through here and do this [Music] this one have enough it does oh I could put the black holes on there this one would actually be great for it I could just move all that all that [ __ ] onto there Go Go hurry run run quickly okay back to this guy hundred and twenty five damage crit good lord freaking sludge man kill me I'm gonna go ahead and set that off ah that hit me damn it [Applause] [Music] okay I'm very low I'm still sludged it's uh I got to wash it off here we go yo new area oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hold on do I still have a bomb yes Peter back welcome back for 35 months my friend appreciate that recent scription good to have you back again Oh [ __ ] sludge I didn't think it would get me here oh my god please thank you [Music] do that sixty crit didn't kill this hand that's terrifying holy [ __ ] that's strong Oh yikes [Applause] come on tell me through to kill the damn thing somebody hits that taste all right hold on [Music] snipe I had to suspect all right man that's craziness there I got one more good one in me though I found a new area I've been getting massacred by this game but it's actually a good feeling I'm like oh man I cannot wait to continue to try to get better at this and hopefully not be destroyed every single day I've liked [Music] how do you yo-yo I'm closing in on that description myself plane this game is really really impressing me and all the previews the gifts of things that we saw of it prior to release were all very exciting but playing it myself is a whole new thing it's so exciting to have something like this to play I guess I got a bond this is where you like having the torch right a little more damage than I thought would happen there tentacle with timer [Music] I'm on fire again they love doing that love being on fire real good at it and you just crush them to ten and we know where that goes and I'll have the rain wand to get across this time unfortunately so I think I'm gonna go ahead see you later I've got a tentacle to add to my gun now or my wand sorry I'm incorrect on my nomenclature where's another tentacle with time check it out [Music] oh my that'll be good do that for around [Music] that's fun [Music] taste your own medicine mr. eyeball tentacle monster that's some good damage on there too I'd love to get multiple copies of it on here there we go ow [ __ ] goddamn sludge is ruining my life man there we go and son tentacle damage [Music] where's Malthus for this yeah okay hey great we ever really found a lot so I'm kind of hesitant to go right now good to know where the exit is though oh [ __ ] Jesus [Music] Rex it quick look over here clearly some gold on the walls if I wanted to try to get mad oh yeah good reminder actually thank you don't need to worry about fire in this run I assume explosions comprising nice shot [Music] did the wand oh [ __ ] okay I think it's time to go found what I was looking for yeah that's nice ah come on goddamn it Beauty do you know that pull that off God that physics are so good hey fishies [Music] energy shields summon arrow necromancy Rock spirit water to poison okay [Music] we're going to just try one I'm just curious Rock spirit seems interesting [Music] DPS Hanzo with the arrow yeah alright toss that on at the end of this one although we call so just get rid of the tentacle put the arrow on our main guy [Music] bombs materialized bomb like spells can be placed in the item space in inventory and thrown without a wand oh cool okay will wand right away I take it no matter what because I have a fourth slot cast another spell and pile do this thing is wacky ouch whoa whoa the intensity and level three man it just ramps it up by a billion [Music] this is the army dude Jesus Christ holy [ __ ] [Music] it's done this weapon does appear to be pretty good wait jolts around like that is very interesting is this this little thing brickwork weird try the new wand it has super low cast delay I'm not sure it's all that great [Music] the off-screen [ __ ] shots man how do you expect me to react to that when they're [ __ ] hitting me before I can even see them okay that was that was something special wow man you got to be ready at every moment in this game that [ __ ] is like instantaneous it's insane dark dude welcome back thanks for the five months resource grapes I appreciated you dark dude one more I'm gonna do one more I felt like I had something there man it's gonna be more much more concern now I think about the acquisition of a decent weapon early on that seems to be the critical element just walk around and try to find one really getting money is good early on to I guess love the way that water is utilized for the most part it seems like a lot of the time it can create these cool alternate paths a big brain boy are you going no one play gonna have fun with us come on big grin boy there he goes just exploding everywhere very nice Oh Yanks okay we're good we're good we're good not done yet again eyes just mentioned whoo that's a great story I've got to find something before we bounce very happy to get the help though I think I'm gonna bomb through here maybe that's oil over there so I create at least not a path somewhere else Bewdley anyway okay hundred bucks on the first level - not bad I'm actually gonna go for some gold here blow that up grey money tandem on fire perfect good enough 182 bucks toxic mist homing [Music] interesting critical on bloody enemies and doesn't seem like it's bread [Music] oming more blood strong reputation let's do it more blood and crits on bloody may have been worth I don't disagree I'm happy with what I've got the name in the meantime crits on bloody I don't know if that would be like a hundred percent guaranteed I have angered the gods apparently okay sorry what I do I didn't mean to please don't be mad big old [ __ ] slime balls do my god ow that appears to be working just sludge them up oh hi okay I'm gonna go back to my normal gun for a second [Music] that crit though I was even taking paper that's by the fumes there we go 170 prime won't be enough but step in the lava real quick bear that's a smart choice okay [Music] maybe I should try this maybe that's a way to go and then also I need to do like that right or can I do that and then just use those is that what that meant I'm pretty sure oh hello oh Jesus [Music] I don't know what to do besides just mass fire this thing ah I'm gonna die I'm dead okay okay I guess that's something that can happen Wow great oh my god well honey right that was insane this game is wonderful this game is really really good I'm very excited to play a lot more of this game thanks for watching everybody it's gonna be a good time tomorrow morning we'll continue a bunch more Noida this is amazing I am so excited to play more of this
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 82,064
Rating: 4.8656816 out of 5
Keywords: noita, baer plays noita
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 34sec (10174 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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