Baer Plays Noita (Ep. 2)

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let's begin be totally truthful with you I did play one run of this prior to beginning today was like an hour ago now actually and I got pretty far I did pretty good but I decided to just kill myself before getting any further then I would have at that moment I didn't wanna spoil anything that's how committed I am I just want you to know I had the opportunity and I opted out so I could stay untainted my experience is preserved for the broadcast for your entertainment pleasure alright never say I didn't do nothing for you I won't ever say you didn't do anything for me like I always have been spending so much time in streams like this chat what are they done for me lately besides spent their valuable time assisting me and living my dream you know besides that they haven't they didn't make me Noah did you guys make this I don't know actually if you say I made this with a smiley face in chat and that's the official certification so unless that happens unless you can lay claim I guess I guess Chad didn't make this thanks Chad thank you finished developers for creating this beautiful new pixelized masterpiece just look just look at it just look at it I know you made it chat but also just look well that was a little weird I don't know why that felt like that again but it's so pretty it's an early access to it's amazing so excited for more what is this fungus have I seen this I liked the music started that's disturbing oh [ __ ] yo lucky dude there's a treasure chest down there but there's like a [ __ ] mushroom thing that I don't like oh I am deeply disturbed by the contents of this pit he's he's gonna eaten it fungus appears to be okay I think I'm oh my taking damage in there oh it's an o2 meter that's a little weird okay as the developer I can tell you it's safe well thanks for spoiling it genius oh just had a flask inside of a couple of mushroom boys okay we got it they're bleeding so much fungus and mucus you they'll pull their mucus blood they refuse to die I'm just spreading damage the good old bears happy way again here I think a little further down I like getting smart dude I'm in the one little corner here now you [ __ ] there you go you just ate oh my lord okay cool great great just as planned oh hello big eyeball man hmm wow that doesn't look good y'all gonna die yeah you're gonna die yeah I was that fire demon oh I'm on fire Oh God oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh geez oh god damn it fungus help fun guys thank you holy help you got to be so careful the environment wants to kill you most of the time big guy boys coming back I want to get this treasure so wealthy yay this is actually a pretty good haul for the first stage big boy out to deer stroll just once a to a big boy I'm gonna shoot you with my gun I did not hold that for nearly as long as I thought it would watch out for that for a second how there's another big eyeball well then think that would be that much damage hey check it out though cool new featured part of the latest update you can save your death as a gif not that I would want to memorialize that but hey it's an option now and that cool it's a quick little start clip on hovered frame right click and on hovered frame built in an editor that is that's pretty nifty if I do say so myself man this is built-in this is setting a standard right here it's nice to use it to see where you went wrong also true yeah kind of cool to have a little death replay as a as a reminder of oh yeah don't just stand there and wait for him to shoot you deal 50 damage that did deal 45 50 damage wow look at that cool design way before and then I was gonna pop up there weird the I should get a 1 this time something better than this I mean there's nothing wrong with this and just like something a little bit better than this no I'm saying right now you get it you don't want to go up there though I want to go up and outside what's going on and the greener pastures out here Twitter sent me here thanks Twitter the official Twitter account Lee uh link might link my stream thanks footing they'll do that for me every now and then they're nice I could I think I could most effectively describe this now is like a mix between spelunky in Terraria but it has its own unique elements to be sure that is a a a loosely fitting descriptor but it's got this pixelized physics and elemental simulation not to mention procedural generate procedural generation of every single pixel which is pretty cool but you've also got this wand customization thing going on where we'll find these different weapons through the course of a run here that's not really where I wanted that but it did set them on fire which is perfect but I mean just look at that we set off a bomb and I mean in any other game you drop a bomb it's like a little explosion cool yeah particle effects yeah ow holy [ __ ] [ __ ] but in this game as you can see there was a little bit more going on we have the the smoke in the aftermath not to mention the little bits of fire combusting off of the explosion oh that's a fire demon speaking of fire oh Jesus that's not there goes the gold over here too okay so we got to go ahead and come grab that before it all goes away this is a problem he got a [ __ ] wine how did he get a one that's not good stop stop oh damn it bomb we were supposed to drop down there that's not gonna help I got him oh good wow this is poison [ __ ] back to the water we got to see what his wand was to spark bolt with trigger casts another spell upon collision well that's just objectively better than mine although he should oh wow no no cast delay zero although the recharge is a bit high the capacity is unfortunately a little low but that is pretty smooth that is pretty sweet indeed I should probably try to stay alive this is a fun low path not another fire demon what the [ __ ] I shouldn't fight him I shouldn't get greedy here I got a crit though he's dead I did it ahh all his golds in the [ __ ] lava I am I'm right there I can't get it I got it I got a little bit okay that's good enough yeah I like the music isn't playing constantly either it's just sort of a nice little ambient trigger every now and then so we're gonna go ahead and knock these over here oh I put it on the floor it's not right me bet none of my inventory please [Music] there we go so that's firing four bullets by the way and the recharge time is 0.4 seconds so that that delay that you're seeing it's firing four bullets instantaneously and then takes 0.4 seconds to fire four bullets instantaneously again I'm pretty sure that's what's happening anyway I'm pretty sure that's how I'm interpreting that pretty much just like a little battle rifle from halo this is pretty sweet it's got one extra bullet though than a battle rifle so it's even better not to mention those extra spells being cast okay oh I do like faster movement bombs materialised is good though I took this last time I didn't actually if take advantage of it so I'm gonna go ahead and put that you know it has to be an item that's why I couldn't get last time I kept putting him in a Wan slot but there we go put that there and then we just have one one pretty much at this point we have bombs yeah no I agree being able to throw bombs I think is a pretty big advantage that I never utilized again last time wouldn't have it so if we find a wand that has bombs or dynamite we should definitely pick it up so that we can take advantage of that even more that was pretty sweet yeah this is really good this is very good very very good and digging it hey all are you doing [Music] this game is not completely done unless you're talking about subnautica which cinahl was referencing earlier in which case that is also not completely done that's a game I'm waiting to play again actually or the DLC for anyway below zero I'm very excited to check that out at some point that was fun my Rudy war-cry thank you very much for the 16 months early today well come on in and enjoy the fresh air at the top of the pile indeed thank you oh my goodness a little nightmares - there's all kinds of sequels I'm coming out on my side before I got sequels galore baby yes screw it why not it's not so bomb I mean the fact that I can even throw the bomb a little bit is pretty nice I also should have been standing well away from that that gunpowder can just explode me thankfully it's just popping like pop rocks oh hi know you were there your dad we're getting some crits out of that tomb and that's what's beautiful is like we'll get a couple of crits every now that was bad now get it we got a little bit hello took some damage there's explosives all around this [ __ ] place oh Jesus Christ okay be more careful I don't need that you kind of want those there's another one down there too geez that's not a one that's a question we need to get every nugget I'm also weak again I'd really love to find some extra help gonna dude I tried to kick him and now he's stabbing my corpse in a pool of my blood that's disappointing well was that a wound up there look just like a potion BAM all right warm-up runs I'm not expecting too much on my first couple attempts cool branding design shirt poster mug thing cool teespring calm / old bear change the link every day that's the way to sell stuff Prada win thanks for 13 months on the pile welcome on back in that was a one for sure over there I'm going to get that right now hello yeah just like the other one actually sort of alright well hopefully I can get bombs materialized again hmm well I think the game is definitely worth the money in its current state this is a fully fledged early access experience that's only gonna get better the only thing I'd say is if you want to keep yourself spoiler free for the 1.0 release maybe that's my considerable alternative but even then you probably just kind of robbing yourself the experience right now it's funny good I run into too many issues either I don't know what kind of like errors or glitches problems people's are running into but so far it's been pretty clean for me pretty clean this run has been pretty clean shatter your shotgun guy first hey I just got that gold nugget there we go getting a better idea of how long I can levitate for oh cool Wow oh my god is this as good as I think it is yep sure is that's pretty dope roll with that for a little while let's let's go that way man I'm getting excited I gotta find some what unbreakable thing I guess okay try that oh that was gold I think damn it's a bummer the physics are so good you did another wand over there yeah oh that's a trap that's a potion it's not a trap that's not a good wand Wow and that is good it's still very good probably go ahead and take this uh no well let's see this is better than that for sure even though that cast delay in a recharge time actually no this is a pretty good one but the capacity is only one this is a capacity of five I think with that it all low let me go ahead and dump this I don't want to hear anything a battle alright bear always makes the right choices when it's a second time playing the game okay everyone agrees on that whoo why see ya you're gonna be my first true test of the might of this weapon and so far I'm holding you up a pretty well although that's an unfortunate chain reaction you've created down there kind of benefits you a little bit doesn't it yeah and I'm not gonna go down there I'm gonna go get this toxic rock and I better not touch that I guess what the heck they seemed to be able to survive it with that with those things were those just normal spiders no another one and another potion 14 flasks and the demon dudes down there I got a lot of health still just trying to blow that up real quick come on won't we get this first I guess Oh God there we go okay so now we can get down here hopefully kill mr. fire demon dude all slippery right now [Applause] yeah that's pretty good that's pretty effective I'm curious enough to get through it right now ooh I can take a black hole yeah I'll just dump the first one okay we're in business we are in business go ahead and leave before it gets killed early on here but this also kind of seems like free money [Music] when I get an open shot on an enemy it's it's over this gun uh you know what I'll take it I'll take that I'll take the opportunity the olive branch the game has given me here I appreciate it the afternoon tea is in a remote area good amount of money here Pentagon formation that would be absurd for this firing that in five Direction supposedly I kind of wanna I mean why not it's thirty sure give it a try let's see him alcohol oh my god circle the fervor circle of rageface rageface and Chad please we gotta go like this [ __ ] it let's just add that to Barry death by particle effects not a couple of five co2 now that's gonna do a ton for me I guess it got like throw that I'm at the enemy though it will shoot one single spell in five Direction not all five sadly uh really it's still pretty good I still that's not bad like yeah I'm happy with it still okay I mean [ __ ] we can just we really only need one of these in this one because it's so ridiculous with the delay and the recharge time if we play wait what are you saying modifier on the left it buffs the stuff on the right oh sure should do it like that then I think that just effects which one it which one it casts isn't that how that works which well actually I suppose it would make more sense to have the first one do it that one has shuffles so it's random oh well that makes sense then okay learning more about how all these variables interact with each other so this is good kind of curious to purchase one of these therewith and don't these bullets bounce not ready so we it would be useless to buy this bouncy variable for it right as far as I can tell see about the hall certainly interesting one two oh this [ __ ] one can't even cast this oh man we need something that can cast it I might have to I think what I got to do is pop this puppy over there and saw these guys yes take out all the green except one so it's always offended by the I didn't network [Applause] hmm it's a shuffle yeah but there's only two to shuffle through cast five spells at pentagonal powder it needs multiple well if we have to we have to then we're just going to wait only firing in two directions that only appears to be firing two directions and now we're doing no five who's who's putting this together cuz I'm not I know someone's out there piece and the piece in this puzzle together and they're gonna be able to provide the solution for me but I'm sitting here going what in the [ __ ] is is causing the change one direction per spell was it that was it adding one per I thought it looked like when you added when we went from this so let's look at this one more time for me so I can explain it with a visual aid we're looking at this and we see that it's firing a bullet behind us seemingly on like the the second shot yeah it looks like it's firing a bullet behind us in the second shot right so that logically it's okay so it's operating with only two bouncing bursts therefore firing on the second shot one extra bullet and that makes sense but when we do this we're looking at on the second shot appears to be firing two additional shots one that way and one that way on top of the one that it's firing behind me which would mean that it's adding two additional shots when you add that one add one other type of spell see if it's cycles okay let's try that let's try it like this so it does sometimes fire this is bizarre to me hmm the shuffle has got to be what's killing us here I think that's what's kind of preventing me from being able to really figure out what's going on and yeah it is because of the shuffle to that it's choosing whether or not it actually affects the Pentagon as the variable for the shot or whether or not it affects or whether or not it chooses the spark bolt over the bouncing first I think it does both yeah no I did now that now that you know now that I think about it [Music] the shuffle makes it almost impossible to test anyway that was fun sorry for the delay I was just very curious about all that seems though that with all that in mind our best bet is still just going to be keeping it full and that way we're just able to you know spam that's a lot of damage so we're good fun to experiment though buy everything oh it's gonna be fun oh it's gonna be a fun one we gonna have a good time today no problem and don't die as usually the mo that is just beautiful even the man at recharge time isn't that bad how are you alive that's too much blood man you get too much blood in your body you go the doctors say hey I need a little blood let out just too much in there ah damn it even a general direction of things and they die after a little while anyway we get burn through that huh the music popping into right at the perfect moment boy all I took a point of damage didn't I goddamn it run ruined give it yeah yeah pretty little baby I run away it is visit billion flask I'll take that hi and see me oh [ __ ] god damn yeah thank you hey boys big boys whoa tentacles we have the money movies corpse please excuse me excuse me like to shoot past him guess that works dude I don't even have to be in line of sight that's insane Wow there's a lot of a lot of things going on over here I'm just gonna sit pretty for a sec the corpse is in a way all right yeah you can hold down to eat it can you eat this big boy then I don't think you can I think I just might damage myself trying to hello it just bounced shots in the general area of enemies I'll get there eventually big boys oh my goodness what do we even get the board over here we got some weird-looking new enemies and you know if I've dealt with these guys yet [Applause] recharging the mana here pardon me I'm dealing with your mom and dad oh you're on my side huh go get them oh that's nice yeah hey you lied that's not cool it's not nice to lie oh my god there's so many of these things where else could I go oh this is water little baby here we go let's just get loaded real quick wait Dave in real life okay oh no way Oh bubbles are huge you can just keep going that's a bummer I had a great gun [Music] [ __ ] C night me dude anyone who killed my charmed friend just out of spite yeah [ __ ] you bear Wow correct I wasn't near 20 minute run though cool shirt can we go ye randomly teleport through there I think I picked up the teleportation flask but I also landed in some teleportation liquid when I did that pretty sure is what happened oh that's a clairvoyance one of those very very nice kick it kick it kick it I didn't work yeah run away okay 87 HP just always be aware get a little more money today the spell customization is very fun and quite open-ended it seems to allow you to play the game pretty much however you want for whatever resources he managed to find y-you gotta be right on that I want it I have it sounds like how's that gonna go what's happening there just shoot you with a bunch of [ __ ] you're gonna be poisoned you just stay there and let me murder you okay if you just sit there for me if you just keep sitting right there thank you appreciate it Jan goth thanks so much for the recent scription appreciates your support alright we're back here again familiar territory I don't the means by which to cross though clairvoyance oh my god that's nice unexpected boon I'm gonna get a quick blood bath so I wash this poison off there you go your HP is kind of your clock in a matter of way the area men are speaking yeah since we don't appear to have any court any sort of hard or soft timer most sort of like spelunky style ghost appears to show up well that maybe I just haven't stuck around long enough yet for that to happen [Music] love seeing that early HP up though is real nice was a bit premature I think just like it holy jesus that was close I'm not really sure what the goal of this game is yet but I'd prefer it honestly if I didn't know yet so keep the deep lore spoilers out of channel 4 for war I kind of like being in the dark right now yeah go down that's all that's all I need to know right now go further down then you've gone prior to now that's all I got to tell me that hurt that's probably gonna put me down in though in the level exit actually 50 HP you can go away pretty quick especially against this [ __ ] I've already dealt some damage might as well commit oh is that beautiful it's a lot of money [Music] right here thank you oh I left a little bit of gold behind it in me to go yet no pretty good position to be in early on didn't get a new wand of much value this one here is okay but just clear glance really maybe I'll get bombs materialize so I can utilize that second one for something but I'm mostly just looking for a wand early here the fact the Alpha I just go ahead and leave that be I'll hopefully find something soon freeze charge spitter bolt can be use that actually pick that up curious enough to get that blood by blood causes the projectile the release of frozen charge on him back on cool we'll put that on the main boy that goes [Music] okay Mendeley and everything else you [Music] mhm right no it needs the projectile right yeah I know I misunderstood that okay you know why actually I'll take this I'm gonna say none of these are all that exciting I didn't take quite a bit of sludge damage so that seems like a good way to go oh god I guess you can probably still hit me right yeah you can start I need a new wand real bad that is bad that's real bad damage I'm on fire ah leave me the [ __ ] alone for a minute Thanks help are you kidding please come what the [ __ ] man this game sometimes drop from the goddamn sky blast me in the face holy [ __ ] my freeze effect is fun oh look at that yeah that's neat I was wondering what would happen okay okay we good we good oh god I just froze myself okay man feel like froze out on to this [ __ ] let's try this I did nothing Wow it's solid solid brickwork give me that money bastard god I need a wand hey thank you money yo0 cast delay again but only a capacity of two maybe if I find another bouncy but right now it's not even really worthwhile probably adjust our bullets what we've got at the moment [Music] yep a little bit of cash little bit cash another exit just really want to find another wand oh god damn it any damages hit aful man oh man I need help I want to die here I've got too much health whoo speaking a health cool there we go oh right yeah I don't have any more bombs that would take way too long Oh No well that's not good bigboy another one yikes okay well that works out pretty well doesn't it uh-huh nowhere to go freeze cheese dude my favorite kind of put that cheddar in the freezer I don't think I got much else to do up here slow around to the road welcome Oh help poison oh thank you thank goodness there was this pool of toxic sludge to save me money please thank you oh come on thank you a little bit of cash there's another one I can't get goddamnit when you use your bombs early in the run Pepin hands nothing I can do nothing I can do kick a bunch of barrels over I mean my gasps ah [ __ ] that hurts all right time to go running wait [Music] Jesus I didn't have not much to preserve there apart from just a lot of help to be honest so I'm okay with that cool shirt freeze effect was cool but we can find better I need I need the first level to yield better results you know what that that whole experience there just taught me is to be a lot more conservative with my bombs and play that spelunky mindset only use that bomb if you think it's absolutely necessary unless you find another bomb wand early run in which case go crazy do whatever the hell you want who cares life is meaningless on the bomb do it [ __ ] it ain't good and wealthy all right hopefully I can find some water oh good yeah you know I'd do it again screw it why not Big Boy thank you see this Jesus Christ poisoning Bava everywhere good lord get some money at least for God's sake I'm gonna die get the freakin poison off me thank you ah okay okay oh no oh damn poison again you know what [ __ ] it yeah okay okay yeah wow that's fun that's eventually gonna burn down to the air and then uh hopefully we can get the chest out of that let me nice Wow jesus [ __ ] christ [ __ ] you [ __ ] you I say [ __ ] you sir gonna get him always coming for me now you know that's a wand one that's a wand right there I want that I'd really like this fire to burn out so I can get to it it looks so shiny and sparkly it looks like such a good lon you stay there you stay the [ __ ] away I almost get it no it has nothing but the capacity for a lot admittedly so I will take it and then probably do that ya think yeah it's better Similac welcome back thanks so much for your recent scription appreciate it [Music] hmmm a feel of the freezing magic-meat take that in place of this capacity for seven though I will get rid of my main weapon so maybe not right now let's do this instead finding a lot of stuff here blood flask class electricity or something I know that's a thunder stone I think oh [ __ ] teleport iam flask crit [ __ ] spiders no not like this dude no no no with the [ __ ] gold ruthless goddamn ruthless man first level by the way this game's hard it's so [ __ ] hard here we go I'm gonna kick its ass though I'm gonna beat it around call a little baby back [ __ ] with butterscotch push it down take its lunch money [ __ ] its mother okay that's a little too far I'm gonna do that goodbye health that's unfortunate I'm good it's still there if you don't take the cart down the slow at the entrance of every run you run is cursed brought wrong oh come on come on now she's gonna miss every shot don't worry about it oh okay thank you damn mind if I do [Music] if the cart hits an enemy on the first kick the run is blessed I've been robbing myself of the opportunity this oh come on it's a foolish of me really want to kick that oh god damn actually do that oh no it's gonna burn through the chest and open up and reveal the gold though oh that's better thank you Wow honey two of those in the beginning is always really nice let's go ooh here we go buzz ooh quick recharge and delay on this big man of capacity that's a very good wand got to be careful about the saw blades though as they will hit me a few projectiles that can do that as you can see better to fire them from a distance they're also counting hard to hit with come on jump there we go yeah I'm not kidding them there we go oh boy catch it bleedin yeah and all that burnout love to see it ow direct hit well played sir not even mad okay last bomb - bombs oh Jesus plan save that gift oh right in the face take that shirt figure out the arc on this thing almost got it come on good lord how's that not even blowing that up there we go slippery well separate I do have the gifts enabled I don't know can you do it all the time can you make the gifts all the time I thought it was just when he died I was just goofin 11 just the button I guess oh you're very cool how fun that is pretty dope dude just gonna get set on fire real quick I'm probably dead okay that was a fun one boy oh boy we gotta be careful man [Music] jumpin oil yeah that would have saved me I mean I might as well have at that point jumpin oil actually puts you out really goddamnit a bouncy explosive fire bolt I do like that early ability to set things in place it's actually pretty nice which is why people were trying to tell me that the torch is good I think but I wasn't listening to them I was like nah you're stupid I know everything about this game I'm the one that just bought it you're on fire you can douse yourself in anything including oil okay I mean let me guess the logics there if you completely cover yourself in it there's nowhere for the fire to burn right there yeah works out logically now it's still in early access I've been mentioning a couple times today at least that it is in extremely good condition despite being an early access is very playable state fire burns in all of us so you got to watch out for that also true yeah that's a fair point that's fun so lil inebriated I guess the oil takes over once I get to the top hmm well I can just set down on fire alternatively there's the health up here and there's this thing here - I don't even know what that is though I think I'm probably about better off just doing this oh yeah goodbye a goodbye whiskey seems like a bit of a ways to go whiskey not that I know that it's good but I mean shed its been barrel aged in the ancient mines beneath the earth for a thousand years bear taffies old number six whiskey available now teespring calm / bare old there we go bounce it off in blood right why isn't it working I'm still on fire there we go I think it's only an early access because the devs want to focus on adding more content boxes an unfinished game they won't the unlocking modding support which exists already until finding all the secrets in the game prevent data mining that makes sense okay got the money we wanted time to fire fire over here burn that down and take out these boys there we go pull out pull it out for the now put it out put it out put it out put it out put it out put it out put it out yeah wow it actually does work that's weird that works to rid ourselves of the obstacle I mean [ __ ] it list is lighted all on fire there you go burn baby burn burn goddamn it come on I mean I guess I am covered in oil still to be fair yeah there we go oh it's an egg yeah so check it out what I've realized with the eggs they make a little friend you see he's a buddy you don't want to kill me she's happy a little critic so he's gonna go on the adventure with me I don't know if he's gonna actually make it very long but well I don't know you might actually just stay there you gonna stay there all right he's just gonna stay there he'll look out for anybody in that area though I don't worry these guys covered if anything comes by that oh it's demon boy be the opportunity to blow him up right there that a mist that's actually dealing damage to him that doesn't seem like that should work out that way I'll take it all right low health there's another wand down there trying to make our way over to it poly morphine and that them let's get rid of that kind of work that's just fire that's a lot of freaking Polly morphine man hopefully the ones worth it it's real pretty isn't it it's nice damnit hey I mean the capacity and the cast delay is pretty good we probably utilize it for something but for now it's a bomb yay 23 hit points means I need to leave water flask is actually kind of useful I can remember to use the items though high blood Wow that's uncomfortable okay let's just dive into the pool of blood to escape cool that one is the bomb whoa okay bouncy boys again [Music] it's a bit slower quite a bit slower in fact yeah that delay is not great for the bouncers uh-huh that would be it would be something huh Wow okay seven short on this one [ __ ] I would if I could we got seven gold hiding in here somewhere if I bomb this platform or something no hidden money for me but I wiped off that blood real quick [Music] hmm I mean that's not bad the delay is grave charge times a little man no shuffle there hmm it'd be nice if you could sell a one even y-yeah I didn't mean let's see I've got this guy who's already pretty good I could do this I could buy the bouncers and put the bouncers on this guy and that would work further well I think you move the bombs just whatever and then maybe put up a fire bolt on here maybe if I do that well there's like this and then we just need to buy and replace here so I'll just do that then we were getting ideally more bombs I don't know if that's actually how it works and then we just replace this with this one [Music] and love if you'd like multiple select I think it's gonna be a thing so got this now so if we can find some more ammunition I think we've got the ability to utilize this thing still but if not it's an easy replacement oh you're cool Geo no you're breathtaking you get three casts of two bombs okay okay so if that's gonna be the case we might as well just go ahead and drop that on there for now so we just get to use more bombs let's have a look at this I hate that recharge time it's a quick burst holy [ __ ] cool I know that worked elevate you bought a shirt that's new I had honestly no idea at all that that hurt I don't know let's connect it I honestly have no clue you did buy a shirt you did well apparently those things are connected fun completely unknown to me Wow another homing shot I wouldn't keep the to spark bolts in the first aisle Jesus Christ go run oh I think it waits until you leave okay thank God I think yeah once I do that it looks like it locks it in sorry what were you even saying though it'll make it difficult to remember when the fireball is loaded I wouldn't even keep the to spark bolts in the first one oh yeah no that's a valid point I don't even know how much I'm gonna actually use that one now though Jaka gifting the Saab to element thank you very much for that appreciated Gekko yet again and EFX devil thanks so much for four months appreciated that well hey now you know you get a cool little alert that'll pop up if you end up picking up a shirt today and holy [ __ ] those bouncing homing shots are amazing DM casual oh my god Wow double scatter spell burning trail Firebolts galore no shuffle time is slow but wow yeah that is something else huh let's just go ahead and swap off this right here I think yeah the recharge time is tough hmmm a shaky place I'm know what that was going on here did he die what Wow Dionysus welcome back for 11 months appreciated dude this seems really good early still but promising is hell quadruple spell I'm also on fire I probably ought to address that help thank you it seems pretty cool limited ammo oh [ __ ] well I guess the PhysX so good I love it alright yeah I'm on the wrong wand here every single game that I've won I've been on the back of a homing bouncy ball and glass cannon combo really I mean look at that that is so good even if I'm not even accurate it's almost guaranteed to find a way by let go I don't like this I'm gonna go to the other door I like this door more this door doesn't have any poison around it that's better I am new to the game yeah I just started playing yesterday [Music] only 194 here that's a weird-looking one but a good cast early and recharge time or at least better than what we've got capacity is good as well this is actually a decent one I would love to have that that looks like a good time hmm oh wow also not bad that's good that seems pretty good doesn't it why is this so cheap that cast delay is pretty big though considering we even look here though I mean it'll probably work out about as well as we wanted to I think I mean it cuts the recharge of time down by less than a half I think I might just swap out what we've got for our main weapon here but then what would I drop I'm probably want to just drop the bomb one I guess this one I could probably I think get rid of this now let's go ahead and toss that on here might as well get rid of our base one seven cap with no shuffle it doesn't have quite a bit of capacity and then we get some different weaponry available in here - let's move I guess my sparkles into my spells oh I completely forgot I have a quadruple spell here - that's gonna be interesting let me pick this up see it the liqueur welcome back thank you very much appreciate your subscription how we feel about this I don't even know if I'm gonna use this bomb wand we can take all these puppies this may be redundant I don't even know if that's gonna do anything hmm order I guess or do I need to do like that it certainly seems like it's affecting it plus three spells plus plus one spell equals plus four okay so we want to do it like I don't know left of this actually matters it certainly seems nice oops and I like it modifiers go so that when we do this we're splitting off of that area of the wand okay [Music] with the delay here no it's only point 4.0 for faster [Music] can we scatter to kill do this for now down here let's try this [Music] scatters redundant [Music] is it it covers along or it covers a wider spread increases our area of effectiveness has inferred what it's worth then again we may prefer oh yeah a fire drill might be a fun one too it's beautiful I'm hurting myself oh Jesus Christ ah [Music] I mean it's real nice looking we're all with that man screw it that looks like fun and then this is probably just good to go as is that words just make sure you stay wet oh yeah dude if I just get fire immunity here it'll be great a screw it 5x damage and larger blast radius but your maximum health is tablet Wampus thanks for the 7 months all right get ready for the run to end in 10 seconds here in the snowy depths also probably want to avoid getting hit oh how cute allure dude just drop a bomb and run yeah might be the way to go and I did some damage there didn't [Laughter] [Music] was it the fumes is every part of this was explosive if I ran away we think that would have done it was a nuclear [ __ ] bomb dude the whole scream was death 5x explosion radius I didn't realize that [ __ ] was gonna come into effect I didn't know that it's not even the new one that's an old T you did it have fun just forgetting the shirt pal alright well I'm gonna go ahead and save that for posterity's sake oh it takes a little while huh I mean I guess it's it's forgivable it's a pretty high-quality give for a function built into the game like this I can I can wait for a single minute that's a good time to join absolutely hey what a perfect opportunity to talk about that shirt that exclamation point shirt that ganj off the green just brought up in the chat there you go look at that teespring comm slash old bear it's a it's a great design new stuff buy a staple master celebrate in six years a partnership on Twitch it's been so wonderful thanks for being here so long wow I've been doing this for a minute I've been on the internet broadcasting video games for a little while now have fun so what better way to celebrate then by night I mean it's a poster now that's something I've wanted to do with these designs for quite some time it's turn them into a posters you can buy a poster now fifteen dollar poster is is it's awesome I love it okay here's that shirt for a split second how cool I remember watching you and Elise play cards against humanity while tipsy when I was in grad school I was a good time that does sound like a good time oh man back in the cards against humanity' days unfortunately I don't know if I've got any cards against humanity left in my system at this point somebody whips that out of the party I might I might run off to the other room I don't know if I can muster up another guffaw at the biggest blackest dick oh that's inappropriate whoa early one fire bolt fire the bullet [Music] [Music] this doesn't look good but instead of Oh Lord hi oh well I think that was a treasure chest down there maybe yeah it is okay okay good hits on this guy those we're not good hits but I managed to make it work all the same and we can burn through here but not the whole thing whoa whoops damn just break through the pixels here right yeah there we go oh [ __ ] oh good it's a one thanks for buying a shirt pal that alert is neato huh I appreciate that support very much very kind of you enjoy it feel like I should be able to get through there come on come on it's a big enough goddamn hole in the ground I mean you're just turning the pixels dark I'm not really getting through this is some [ __ ] he took my wand [ __ ] just would anoint that [ __ ] get out of here that's my wine [ __ ] Snite give me that yeah it's actually a little bit more money down there I think oh no there's not there's just death there's just death awaits death awaits us all [ __ ] whoo I don't even know what that one does fire trail skipper skipper scatter spell ok nothing right now oh there's gold there is yeah bbbbb alright let's let's go down I think I've got enough variables to make something decent kind of Afghan I'd love to find one more one hate to upset if I don't whoa oh god damn [ __ ] [ __ ] good okay okay god damn this is gonna be an earth another early exit man I just ran into death yep let's go let's get real let's find a good way oh good one and a good way to go time to win damn it time to get to the third area at least Jesus today has been brutal I thought to make some progress here but a bit of a setback so far what's the lore of this game you are annoyed a boy and you've been sent down into the mines because you're naughty and you need to be punished you need to find eight eggs to bring back to grandfather and he'll make you an omelette of pride and joy I have no I don't know man I don't know what the floor is let's do that mmmmmm eat the poison that is now canon okay I'm fine without the death replay function is the best thing you get to save all those larious deaths you want to post them into disk because of spoilers yeah well I appreciate you preserving me of them or preserving the experience was the way that all collapses is so wonderful and look at this this fire is even gonna preserve down here to burn us through a path the glory beyond yay just got to be patient it's kind of wait it out maybe go grab a one in the meantime the ball I'm sure wonder what's in there yo that's awesome early tentacles we're in business that is what is this freezing vapor how the hell is freezing vapor getting here where is that coming from not yet tentacles very good I've had that once or twice was it a potion yeah it must have been okay this game is extremely neat buttercup ladies a good time so far hello yeah [ __ ] you god damnit Brees me where is the freezing vapors when you need them Jesus just stay keep keep a distance here man that's all I got to do keep the freakin distance there we go there we go get a little cash out of him at least where is da fizzy's to deal with Oh spider hi okay okay we're doing fine [Music] let's pick that up again okay oh man oh he's a relax for a second this has been tense begin with the day times that flying though maddest wonderful play in this game lately for the last two days I guess I should say die please think you'll go yeah I'm not giving a lot of drops on this stage unfortunately the berries though sometimes we'll get a bunch 44 HP still feeling okay there's our door good amount of money out of this seven is low that's a wand [Music] it's worth getting if I can make my way there miscrit get that cold real quick thank you okay nice and easy cool that was actually not the best place to put that oh well come y'all welcome back appreciate the Reis inspiration Oh health up let's go yes we're quits and clairvoyance again and teleport iam alright very good very good gotta love clairvoyance let's get the [ __ ] out of here before I get myself killed good work wash the blood off see what we get mm-hmm stop Fisher and subscribe for a long time in trying to collect your designs on hoodies now they moved up the freakin Ice Cube I'm not interested I doesn't show me the message in my alerts either for some reasonable Oh again ice cube north Oh Harry's is an awesome creator did you buy two hoodies you mad man thank you always casts damage up Wow thank you so much for that very very generous enjoy your new outerwear hope you like it hmm well I mean we can get rid of the freaking bombs obviously so this is probably the way to go that cast delay is fantastic look at the madam is 750 mana what yeah I'll take it man what the hell is this slow recharge though that makes sense I guess oh god yeah it's pitiful but it's a ton my fourth one's pretty good oh yeah it is huh Wow I've got some good stuff I just need the right weapons for the most part this is currently casting five bombs I really want that I'm gonna go ahead and cast six on the different one I'll do this here and the tentacles and number teasers burn all that Lass's do this first move that over here and then that there you got clairvoyance on three doo-doo-doo man that's cool wait what am i doing putting that on those though no no no yeah that's right the guy couldn't fuse then what which one was which because I swap them around later on element thank you so much for giving this shirt again appreciate it [Music] you want to just go puritanical maybe we should yeah I mean spark bullets really not all that impressive see how that looks Cheri why not they're at melee immunity oh man I almost never in stainless oh I guess just extra life here using slots to do one thing well is generally better than several things yeah I mean like that's just a rule of life and then uh test the fourth one it's a machine gun this one this is our starting line isn't it no this one like oh you know you're talking about this one aren't you we need actual projectiles to be able to put in there though but I'm with you on that we should probably try to use that that way when we can I grab the extra life okay water I believe does count as a stain yeah which is why I tend not to want to take that there's almost always something on me whether it be water blood or oil there's just too much liquid all around and it takes way too long for it to all go away like look I'm still 69% wet whoops can't hit anything with this like this wow that's pretty good everything just dies with tentacle it just dies hmm that'd be worth going down let's go look into that oh Jesus yeah I like that man Oh like that that's working pretty well oh god damn it man I gotta stop catching fire not good for my health stop it thank you you guys doing in there I'm on fire again god damn it well there's the door at least they getting through anywhere here let's do another - give me a little gold really oh hi well-played dude I mean I'm gonna leave anyway I might as well use the bombs oh my god come on it's not being so flammable I mean I guess that's on me god damn it I tried sorry did what I could oh wait haven't one more bomb all right the perfect bomb I don't think I can do it unless it like just sits right here yo he's God good that's the other door it's all worth [ __ ] worth anything was ever worth it this right here post nut clarity 55 freakin months thank you man welcome back to the pile and Colin find the pulled over hang on Great Gatsby design I'm getting it as a hoodie yeah awesome thank you for all the merch purchase I know I can't die here I can't I refuse Oh baby let's go leave no more great whoa the merch perch hell yeah dude thank you very much for that y'all it's very kind of you yeah they appreciate all the same new ones hopefully they've contained projectiles or at least this one does since it's the only one I can afford okay [Music] Castille they though I mean it does really even have anything god I really wish I could be please like get bad or something I think I just had a rely on [Music] rely on future whereas I guess you had a total of 18 bombs on that one not four or five yeah I realized that after the fact extra maximum HP from hearts is a little late on that slime blood I can't possibly imagine this being useful yeah there we go alright let's see I really don't have much else I can change I'm pretty straight on what I'm doing here it's all [ __ ] also funny I mean that might have been worth for that sniper okay enjoy that Bell whoa good god it's so ridiculous here man I hate it I hate this place I hate this place [ __ ] all of you ah oh my god it's endless torment Jesus get him with the crit he's damn freezing vapors getting this strange third stray [ __ ] damage out one point I'll get me whoa weird that's interesting I'm gonna bomb that [ __ ] okay I guess there's nothing here how about a bomb over here that'll do it whoa these [ __ ] snipers man I got him Zweifel vendor this will read some scripts and print for five months appreciate it I really should have been using clairvoyance more me a little [ __ ] [ __ ] for threes just really hard yeah it's really difficult for Jack dials please of some kind projectiles will have arcs of gunpowder flowing between them okay I guess man whoa dude the ice cracking like that is amazing I hate these really sure where they're coming from either Oh probably that thing you know it looks like a likely source hopefully that did it appears to have done the job nope still alive holy [ __ ] goofy looking thing it's still alive Oh God oh Jesus no don't do it [ __ ] got you can't even move through now Oh God oh [ __ ] no buttercup gifting 5 subs Buttercup supreme thank you very much welcome to the pile y'all believe that double kill get out level 3 complete let's go literally one short oh my god hey we can make something weird now oh goodness [Music] cool it on the back seating y'all just in general please there's been a little too much today projectiles will have arcs or gunpowder flowing between them brittle flow of air capable of greatly moving things I can't imagine this is ever good how is this ever going but I do want to see what this does yeah okay well gunpowder trail he had no thanks well a useful one oh god yeah sorry again I keep forgetting about the order that one doesn't appear to do it could make a difference I feel like that's exactly the same but I'll just try to get use like guests to the idea of modifiers on the left and I would even want to buy that for what god wears anything good dissolve powders extra HP I mean explosion immediately that seems like a good idea curious what that does but let's do that feel a little safer here for God's sake it's he's he's site base maybe something like that I've no idea how to actually say that word yo new music new tunes new feelings new grooves let's do this [ __ ] [ __ ] canons to worry about now hi there yep you got a turret I see that Oh yikes run I got one more chance and I'm gonna flow god I'm gonna die Wow what in the [ __ ] one HP dream dude Oh this place is a madhouse if I thought level three was bad why didn't I hell what is this steal the trap I don't know what that is over here I do have a lot of money now that's nice yeah no vapor death please all [ __ ] yeah but I'm not gonna do that right now it's just asking for trouble you need you sawzall me yet if I died of [ __ ] freezing vapors I'm gonna be so mad the door dude don't you [ __ ] kill this guy I got to bait him over this way oh [ __ ] don't get hit by that turret though Oh God he's down in the exit [ __ ] maybe I got him nope [ __ ] you dude [ __ ] you I'm out oh my god [Music] level four complete by the skin of my teeth oh right yeah I forgot he can't even hurt me it's dynamite thrower I was immune to his tricks oh good that I was able to get out all the same hey that's something a large fire bolt firing at a pretty damn good rate with no shuffle that's something I think I'll finally replace my bomb wand here I'll go ahead and move these there I guess with the rest in spell storage might as well have a look at the other ones Jesus what [Music] oh okay [Music] no no there I would die I don't even know how to make a bit a sense of utilizing that [ __ ] thing that is a mess no yeah let's not even mess with these complete nonsense this is where it's at right here [Music] yeah not bad got the saw blades too a couple at a time pretty good damage try gunpowder argon it worth ago [Music] yeah cool you want to try this now yeah and I mean I I had the idea to I won't ladi it I was wondering Wow okay let's do that I guess more love happy faces and chat please bubbly they're so strong dude they're so strong dude oh god go away this is the first [ __ ] area of this place what the hell ah right oh they're all so powerful well no get in the water Christ oh hell no dude get out of here you Wow look at that [ __ ] thing Oh Oh No oh that yeah no that's not okay don't do that stop that 25 minute run new records all around that was madness utter madness from the very moment we entered that that area holy [ __ ] oh cool shirt yes em I've been describing it pretty rudimentary as a spelunky meets terraria sort of thing and that sounds pretty good honestly those two combined but even giving it that label I feel doesn't even do it justice because there's even a little more to it than that yo early sabe sure it seems a lot like began Tay I didn't never play vacante actually a little bit of dead cells going on - yeah I'm good mix of all those elements whoa hey not okay hahaha that's just no thanks xxxx thanks for the yeah it's the research six months and I appreciated he dropped a bomb on himself duh what a goof what a doofus where's the wands at where's the wands at y'all this potion teleport iam not bad you know I think you're here please guess not I'm just happy you quit calling on the guns and I will get back to that at some point out that hurt more than I wanted it to [Music] don't let me on fire go line me on fire thank you can I actually want him to throw it TNT here there we go good work demon boy I got distractions first whoa whoa hey hey now I said wait a minute if you can't be patient I'll just have to murder you I guess you big baby no fight me now [Music] I can't go that way a little bit of money decent amount of cash today oh hi know what the mind if I do I got an appetite for - come on over buddy again you'll just sit there and let me murder you that's fine by me that is a plan I can get behind you're starting to be a lot less threatening I got to be honest with you you're becoming a much a much more tolerable little critter [Music] 140-150 almost not quite there ah this almost looks worth it get one more bomb that's being let's be careful with how I use it [Music] what's this oh that's probably not a good idea ah boy blue milk mm-hmm it's tasty oh here we go how do we get there like this just did a bunch of whiskey that's not a problem yo bouncers let's go that's cool that's better getting a decent amount of money on this seems like it might be worth it to go over there still drunk as hell do with high balls here we go burn that up for me real quick you wouldn't mind all right looking good these levels are so big man this is insane to me rust injecting bear-hugs EB got him thanks for the support welcome on in appreciate you come to the fair pile alright here it is your moment of Zen the moment I decided I had to use that last bomb to get through oh [ __ ] he's still alive Oh God I'm on fire ok ok ok ok ok ok that's alright that's not a problem that's not a problem that's completely manageable experience here we're good we're fine there we go look the exit another fire deep what are the odds oh you hit me there big time ow ow ow help oh I miss some money miss some critical cash damn look at the delay in the recharge on this bad boy that would be worth they cannot even without the projectiles Taulbee [ __ ] sure [ __ ] it more bouncers oh I wanted taken that [Music] it's like that right that's what everyone's telling me here was that then I'm doing green I'm sure this won't kill me speaking agreed oh my lord that's a fine start there we go dude chop them into biddies shuffle all is it a shuffle ah okay well yeah whatever then okay it's just about to say it looked like a moment for breathless I guess not that is some damage man it's a damage right there Oh get it get it good move ah [ __ ] Oh [ __ ] damn Jesus God tell [ __ ] balls one well why not run it's not what I expected to have happen but okay it's [ __ ] poison man it lasts for so freakin long ah Jesus just teleport no I don't think I will please go away toxic it's at 1% thank you it's too long man it's too much kill myself with this [Music] now if this one's gonna last time for bouncers it's not nearly as much damage though Wow look at all that but the fungal pool is trying to hold me down yucky okay okay I will use a bomb for this I am Not Afraid and careful careful careful he's dead Jesus Christ matter eater fire bolts fire ball thrower triple spell critical and bloody enemies another fire bolt with a burning trail critical on wet enemies critical and bloody enemies jesus H Christ sure I'm gonna try to live so I don't immediately regret picking that up like I'm not gonna fire it yet is what I mean to say oh god damn it that's not good I please don't kill me saw blades Oh get boned get absolutely owned newb let's go this way seems smart what's convenient that's not [ __ ] oh that's not okay to do get out get out get out get out get out run [Music] this one's not bad only capacity of two though yeah this wand is gonna be something else here man that recharge time is abysmal the holy [ __ ] this is so unique I wonder what it even does right now all right yeah that's pretty good [Music] hmm [Music] yeah no that won't get me killed right now that's fine destroys the environment as it flies I'm probably okay with that I mean maybe we just use it as like a one-time boom wand sort of seems fun I actually do want to grab this for that though since it already has one here it seemed like a good idea to have two okay I shouldn't buy something always casts pentagonal that's pretty wild I don't think I want that that capacity is pretty good that mana max isn't saying the charge speed is pitiful well what a weird one was the slimeball yeah slimeball actually no I'm thinking that'll do instead is this because I'm using the bouncer more and I kind of want to build the bouncer to be a little more effective this is shuffling as well so I guess it doesn't matter if I I think I actually I prefer this this way since I'm not gonna really be relying on the crit of this thing I'm just gonna fire it off randomly for the most part and then if I got this for the triple scatter that'd be a bad idea for the bouncing but I'm just gonna hold on my cashier hopefully that next shop yields something good strong limitations always nice Oh critical hit up I think I needed actually we can prefer having this oh hi guys I should've figured try the saw blades for it's a couple enemies here oh god that's Wow have fun killing me I guess this games [ __ ] fun man I still get to take out my aggression on that I got no idea what the hell you talking about Masamune and don't bother trying to explain it must find wond this is a rather open level with nothing in it I found the dense rock already though yeah here we are on the edge off we go [Music] world is all I don't know it's set on fire gave me that gave me that I don't think these actually do anything wonder if I can like use it as a projectile I'm just gonna hug it at this back yes you can that's how you use it kind of a useful item behold the Word of God mm-hmm behold the Word of God give that corpse please thank you does that count I sent him fire me kill fit should these goddamn spiders gonna die two one one day all right look I'd like to get out of here with probably two or three hundred gold now I think is probably a goal I want to be able to afford some good things early on that's not good this seems dangerous it's burning through the [ __ ] floor dude also I couldn't move but hold on a second I was disintegrating is there something below that [Music] there might be something a little bit [Music] [Music] this game appears to have brought a lot of new crowd by so I want to just try to clarify something that may not mean wow first of all that's a nice wand to get right away it may not be immediately apparent to people when I'm asking questions when it sounds like I'm asking questions a lot of the time what I'm actually doing is wondering aloud not actually asking you to answer what I'm asking I think of me is is the word toy that's certainly rhetorical yes but try to think of me as as you but your train of thought is being spoken I really would prefer it if when I say things like hmm I wonder what's down there people didn't immediately respond on mass here's exactly what it is here's the spoilers here's all the information so that you can't find it for yourself that's not what I'm looking for that's not that's not the experience I'm trying to get out of this you would refrain from saying such things in the future it's a split for the okay I was trying to be [ __ ] kind if you're gonna actually try to defend yourself it's a [ __ ] spoiler dude it's not evident it's evident when you know coltain pros thank you for the resub 16 months in rebus man thank you so much appreciate it welcome on back in thank you for the Rhys ups ooh I mean that's certainly worth I know I mean teespring could D list it at any moment you never know when it's gonna go away so now's the time thanks very much pre sheets picking up a hoodie dude enjoy it oh I missed all that [ __ ] gold oh no well I did just realize we have the machine gun that's basically again here so that's it's gonna work out pretty well oh but don't die the toxic sludge man there we go we got to get out [Music] just get all the money Rob go go go oh here we go alright alright [Music] cool so [Music] I think I'm cool I think I'm happy with what I've got let's see what I've actually got a handy magical arrow Wow what does this wand do though know what the uh you know how that performs wait what Oh they just look very similar hmm okay wait a minute no no no no no no here's what we do here there's what we do it is a shuffle so it's a random but that's pretty goddamn good [Music] as pretty [ __ ] gun right I'm happy with that is there anything else we want to do to it on fire bullet I'm having a very good time with this game yeah this is an excellent game I'm very happy to have this energy orb I don't know if I've had a lot of experience with this but um I'll try it out we'll see what it does here I might not even put it in this one I might put it on its own since I have the spare wand yeah let's do that on its own one I think I prefer that okay yeah we're looking pretty good here I got to replace that default wand obviously but one three is quite good of course okay homing shots again dude I mean holy [ __ ] how do you pass that up out all right oh Jesus I didn't even touch the sludge at that time it came within a foot of me and it's still gonna whip my ass god I feel like it lasts so damn long oh [ __ ] I gotta get those guys first Oh myself okay I need to be careful here - already taking some damage now I'm starting to wish I had gotten the sledge immunity man I had that option right there little damn time Jesus Christ it's so bad it's so bad ah goodness they just really don't want to die I really don't I come on make it buddy all the way down here we go here we go oh [ __ ] the snipe alright it's not too bad a little bit of damage don't stand in that [ __ ] I might bail I might get out of here there's some free money right there I should probably get I should go I gotta take this chance while I can money odd I should really go I gotta do what I got to do it there we go hey this argument in chat sucks and it's gonna stop now thanks [Music] [Music] gun powder trail hmm I can be fun absolutely I'm loving this game is so good still highly highly recommended if you have not checked it out yeah early access they'll trip the ex holy [ __ ] 71 months on the pile bear hugs please let me fill the chat with bear hugs to cleanse our palates if we could I think that's what we need 71 at least would be appropriate for trib for that kind of Reason scription thank you very much for that and welcome on back into the pile I do like gunpowder trail black hole though I think this digs already so I'm not think I didn't need like maybe I keep my money here but gunpowder trail probably works pretty well with this let me actually go have a look here at what I've got in these trick green chrome Glade upgrade melee immunity I've been watching you for actual years and I only just realized I wasn't following I understand that I do that I watch um I watched quite a bit of hot ones the interview show with Sean Evans [Music] you guys seem probably like every episode for the last couple of seasons still not subscribe to the channel probably won't I'm gonna keep watching them a lot of content oh my god what [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this doesn't seem like a good idea at all man let's pick up the fire oh I wish I could I don't have enough money I don't know about that why not [ __ ] it see what happens cover the world in gunpowder all I have to do really is just fill the whole area and light it on fire yo hey I haven't seen him oh he's stuck he got frosting I just drowned him in gunpowder by the way he's straight-up stuck here that's really funny [Laughter] what's up buddy you trying to move a little stuck oh is that its corpse yeah I think that's the corpse looks like a broken half or something oh my god look how this [ __ ] gun I can't believe that thing exists what is that [ __ ] worm oh there is a health pick up there [Music] [Applause] that is scary dude she'll blow blow hello I'm so happy that something like that exists I had speculated that something like that would probably be a thing in this game and sure enough there it is this level is gigantic man and I freaking love it what in the hell's over there now oh [ __ ] I'm dead no as soon as you run out of [ __ ] levitation man it really like if we fought spelunky turned on you quick he's seen how quickly it ramps up to 11 in this [ __ ] game is out of nowhere should I just round him a gun powder yeah I mean like I almost had the opportunity nice shirt yeah let's forget that reminder on the back kick back kick yo blessed run it knocked out a lantern that's a blessed run in my life that counts last run Dib if that worm counts as a boss I've seen a boss but I don't think so otherwise I mean I've seen the they need fire demon at this stage and it really counts I am totally fine with all the things that just happened it's all okay treasure it didn't work all I gotta do is set that on fire man why is that so hard there we go easy beauty gadget wow thanks for the bet he's appreciated this chill right here for a second it's time to do the job if I bury myself with gunpowder would he kill me first of all bear pawn second ball hello it should logic dictates it would now I'm feeling the exact same wave Rhapsody before this game even like a year prior to this I've begun to feel a bit of a burnout on pixel art styles but when they're done well they are a marvel to behold this game is real pretty all the particle effects and physics and the freakin attention to detail mass gorgeous let's see bouncing burning triple scattershot with a cast delay of nothing a good-looking option again get the blood off please get the blood off please get the blood off I'm just getting more toxic on me I'm a genius let me leave let me leave please I think I'm gonna die I'm gonna die too the toxic spread oh no that's a damn one holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [Music] the spider snipe there was a group of [ __ ] five of them there were five spiders hiding on a Ledge what the hell glad we get the death replay for that [ __ ] I'm certainty okay yeah i frames don't appear to be much of a thing either for the most part man he just you gotta deal with that [ __ ] in the moment um I actually don't know on the price can someone confirm for me what this is running on Steam right now $17.99 thank you my goodness man I can't really tell the difference too much in a new twitch font with text but the numbers look completely different I'm not gonna take it anymore hate the new font give me a berry a or bear nay on your feeling about the new font it's very important impacts all of our lives greatly was sounding name my goodness few yeas in there now Chad utilizing the same voting method please be honest with me do you think that's just because you hate it for real or do you think you just don't like that it's different now bear bear nay you hate it well now that does it really make sense does it cuz I'm asking you to choose well just say if you hate it cuz you hate change and then use a frowny face because that's what that's the attitude you should have that's exactly I hate a new thing angry face that's what I'm looking for Haiti because I hate it answer hello friend [Music] parted to read blurry or almost you didn't realize it was different until just now that's what I would say man the tech songs it doesn't really look that different at all [Music] I'll pick this up sounds fun and nothing else to utilize wise might as well do that when homing shots already sure I need a new one pretty bad no say I get lucky and cold it's now yeah if you don't get a new one early it is tough to get any kind of action going this dude's gonna chase me down oh there's a one looks like spawners everywhere here though and all of a sudden there's 18 enemies on the screen dude I am so screwed the effectiveness of this weapon is slake zero right here I got to give that new one so badly I feel like I'm hurting my lure this is bad get it run - it doesn't matter what it is just use it oh sweet oh boy hey there we go don't have a very clear idea of what's going on with these y'all homing that's pretty good takes a while to charge okay okay feeling a little better have a look what these actually do ok huge recharge time that's what's going on with this guy oh this one's actually decent Wow I should leave okay 183 circle of the Sun sounds like fun it's great why not I'm going to [Music] movies off here and replace them as slimewalls a lot of fires this way double scatter spell slimeballs [Music] I like that that's a fun gun fairly rapid fire for what it is not bad alright yeah now we have the Thunder see if we can well [Music] this is actually gonna do oh cool I guess I mean oh no I'm not immune to it nope definitely not immune to it help okay hate it [Music] god damn it [Music] don't sit in a puddle I guess you know that's pretty logical I suppose hmm well 1 1 is my go-to now Yeow what yes oh thank you good you want that damage appears to be quite good I'm on fire already so that's great that is awesome to see love that please put me out thank you the fire was melting the snow and it was getting water on me that's pretty great oh right yeah no I can just melt it you just shoot my gun crack through the ice and such that's pretty cool I just destroy the whole stage fine all right keep going down what's out for that no big boom shattering kaboom have to go I'm supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom Gold me I'm on fire again I'm gonna die [ __ ] worm dude that [ __ ] thing is crazy I wasn't looking to you [Music] [Laughter] doing my job sir sniped yep here we go and David I love the replay it's really great yeah such an awesome addition to the game hello thanks okay what else is over here that's never happened before oh yeah you can go left you can go left anytime you want is just that there's well I don't know there probably is something I just haven't ever been able to find anything that looks a little weird actually it might be something down there oh no actually no I think I found a wand up here before I didn't and now I found an egg that's right an egg a worm egg oh is that a buddy or is he gonna eat me yeah he's gonna eat me it's not good go away why did I free you I'll do that recharge time is bad holy [ __ ] this thing carves through ground though got you [ __ ] he's still alive there we go don't even get any goddamn gold from that oh right yeah we can go through those holes over here hold on a tick ooh that's gonna be yeah it's gonna be a tall order there you know take awhile you want to commit chat do it for science taking this lawn doesn't get through this one man I don't know all right oh come on please god damn it I think it actually matters how long I'd take to fire the shots thing's gonna make it recharge it the same way every time the spacing does appear to help yeah there doesn't seem like there's anything down here now god damn it come on this little [ __ ] thing there we go it's science I know but but but evidence mounting evidence that there's nothing to be found there's that yeah I think I'm about oh oh oh just when I thought I was out they pull me back in dude we're finding something oh [ __ ] we're finding something clairvoyance e is only something that shows up on ones and I'll have one with clairvoyance e for hours later I know hold on let's do this for one little bit what the [ __ ] what the hell dude why are you what are you what are you hey hey oh okay y'all didn't find it strange that we watched that grow before our eyes y'all dress trying to say it's just a bush yeah it's a bush that we watched grow from a sapling in a matter of a minute and a half for so in relative time alright I'm beginning to believe there's last year than we suspected certainly an exciting beginning to this run where the trees at I'm Lloyd that you brutally murdered probably I really I I was starting to think that there was actually something to that but that was like a secret little thing that we had found at what percentage is the poly cotton blend oh dude remembers I wish I knew I'm sorry teespring would have the info hopefully on that alright man are you hurting a little bit but I should be okay damnit some good damage when I'll answer when those bullets hit they sure do deal damage to the enemies oh my god alright would love to find another one but happy to at least have one early [Music] don't let me on fire please [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh God Jesus I've got him crap Oh God thank you hmm with the oil off please and eating in mind in a little deeper here I think we nearly went to the end I lost some gold in there though damn hello [ __ ] spiders man oh hello thank you money nice hey crits all right still really haven't found much oh god damn it alright if I take two or three more hits from these guys were gonna die thanks for the info bear yo let's do it 3% drunk hell yeah I love kicking barrels in two phases that does sound like good a fun way to disrespect your enemy yo are you like a super one he was not dying alright I'm out of bombs there might be something over here to the left I don't know if I can make it over there though I'm not feeling terrific but I got a good amount of money there so maybe we'll get a good wand out of it Wow great cast delay in charge time with a decent capacity on this one no shuffle let's do some spitter bolt it sure sounds fun I like that yeah bear is selling [ __ ] now bear been selling [ __ ] dog [Music] got that Murch always to always take more like even though permanent shield was probably the correct choice they're always table shuffle makes it so it casts a random spell in the order instead of going and left-to-right order hey that's pretty good damage shun those guys at all Wow okay you're working with the real deal here well Hut I think we might be well the fungus not too bad oh [ __ ] treasure [Music] come on [ __ ] it feels good okay I better go get that um more love is wait a minute what does this dude creatures in the world are more friendly toward each other wait that's not what I thought it was I don't even mean I'm sure I'm interpreting that correctly anymore I'm mostly just pick it cuz it's a happy face slimy meat let me know me maybe them not fighting ooh this is good hell yeah maybe them not fighting is is more beneficial than I realize where it creates like a lot less random instances of nonsense that I have to get through [Music] this gun is not bad getting some good results from this one sorry Jesus I know it's killing you every time come on bear it's a magic game of wizardry and lore deep deep lore get the toxic off the tube pal that stuff's gross oh there's a wand I'm gonna go have a look at that more splitter bolts no castaway whatsoever but a giant recharge time on that one I think I'll take this over the well now this one cast two at a time this doesn't seem very good I'm probably just gonna leave this behind it does spread fire yeah it isn't a fire trail I could take this over the first one I guess alright that's toxin or that toxic isn't too bad mist of spirits a lot of mana max on this one a good charge speed - wow that's really fast actually three capacity I'll take this over the bottle this isn't good let me out let me out of here man this socks fine wait a minute is it going away [Music] oh it won't take you below health or below five I didn't know that cool well good I'll just survived by the skin of my teeth then Wow oh thank god that's a revelation let's leave wow dude surviving yucky okay just short man that looks like fun - I would totally use that dude look out sir this is this is similar it's a shuffle but that shouldn't really matter this seems better saws-all me yeah it's faster yeah it's just I mean upgrade here I'll probably just replace this though I've been to the same kind of wine I don't know if that's really gonna be all that good for me but no well [Music] do like this I'm actually gonna grab faster movement I feel more in control more like I could escape but I need two quick sludge all right Wow just get sniped why don't you oh and then coat yourself in it some more good nice print though holy [ __ ] dude come on help help what about no in fighting guys what happened to that alright I got I remember that it's not gonna take me down below zero good good boy oh boy it's still [ __ ] rad here witch please die holy [ __ ] miraculous happy to break that off though okay back to one HP just like I like it Wow No get it get it dude Wow surefire trail why not double spell all right [Music] yeah that worked thanks for money I just got to be ready for him at any moment here dude this is doing the job right here the crits on this big boy - oh [ __ ] he's still alive over there man that took a long time Wow we're doing okay here another dead big boys hurt oh [ __ ] I'm getting cornered in here how is he still alive it's crazy oh this music is baller I love it he's done he's dead please die the corpses of your fallen comrades protecting for too long dude I'm alive [Music] 444 dollars we're gonna melt this down it's a fire trail we'll ever fire I guess it just never wants to do a fire trail okay hold on what else we got nothing just just a fire trail just the fire trail is all oh I need more mana icing over didn't put that together because we can just go this way too probably smart no never mind oh geez not the bomb I'm a bit limited realizing now and I definitely didn't need the other ones that I took so I probably should have kept it well hi there ow well I better go take care of you I guess it works huh sweet whoa good lord there we go just wait that out you do need you just huffing and puffing over here I'm so angry floor 444 HP 444 gold nicer you [ __ ] got him oh man where the hell do I go oh [ __ ] hey there pseudo doing good night okay but if I angle these well yeah there we go oh god okay don't mind that I guess they are gonna take damage from those Oh see he'll hate it guys I sit and I'm on fire [Music] [Laughter] all right I did 30 damage right there yep goddamn goddamn dude brutal I got one more I mean it's a very fun game buy my shirt oh hang on I got a check for the free one I was wondering why that run took so long and then I remembered oh yeah we spent 10 minutes digging through the earth ol life obey my dog that's the line lon Alex khn whose name I pronounce lon that makes sense doesn't it sure it does last run dude absolutely blessed I'm so glad we did one more nail it here we go ahran Jesus here we go you know me all the wands up these is me yeah okay and that's why the cart needs to be kicked on oh I'm with you now absolutely wand or really anything anything at all money's good take that take the minecart Adam really like when he hits himself of a TNT okay that's steamed over here I have not tried doing the daily now yeah that's a fun thing what we could do to its annual perfect dailies in this game will be great oh I'm on fire yeah I know I should have figured that after I got it oil on me and went through the flames there that I'd probably catch on fire put it out in blood there we go Oh max oh I'm not if I do today's dailies fun mmm I check it out actually yeah yeah this is a great game to have a daily challenge I'm beginning to feel like I've got my my spelunky replacement but I needed to fill the void between waiting for fill the void waiting for the sequel to come up and be very very happy about that this looks fun I want to go outside and it looks like I've got the opportunity see if maybe we can find a Pathan yo yeah totally look at this you can definitely make it out there right if I put a bomb the right spot perfect I'm free I'm out I made it yo dude floating island of joy hell yeah sweet sweet freedom yeah this is definitely when you start to feel terraria what dude all bodies in here for [ __ ] sure absolutely no okay just a little pond cheese I was ready for like the giant murderous ocean fish to come consume me dude we can keep going I didn't know this game has a day/night cycle yeah we're starting to experience it right now in fact it's lovely yeah I gotta build a house out of here huh and see you live in here we come alright Oh [ __ ] I thought you'd be friends desert desert what do this old [ __ ] figure huggers this is awesome it's the pyramid level if there's actually a pyramid this is just this is our spelunky wet dreams brought to life this is this is huge and there's music [Music] holy [ __ ] is that a bone that looks like a skull man what in the hell that is gigantic this is so crazy I've never been here and it's insanely big also there's a lot of screen shaking happening that's a little unsettling is this actually a [ __ ] pyramid with a door are you kidding me it's the pyramid level what in the hell the necessity of concealing the art is one of the chief anxieties of alchemists we were sworn to secrecy by heaven and earth in Hell by the four elements by the height in the depth by Hermes by Anubis and by the howlings of care Carosa an oath has been required of us to reveal nothing clearly to any uninitiated being Warbeck you discovered an orb of true knowledge secrets of earths anger have been unlocked to you let's [ __ ] go call the anger of the earth this game is amazing have I mention that a little while you can still go right for God's sake it's so but there's a whole level in there then I can't even well I mean I've got a bomb maybe I should try to get in but I'm still curious to go this way oh dude I bet hold on we could probably manipulate this to create a little cave there but even so blowing my [ __ ] mind with this we go yeah yeah uh-huh you go and keep going move it move it move it I like to move it move it you would like to move it move it move it there we go holy hell what what what oh Jesus Christ no let me go let me go I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out can't go that way okay go that way can't go that way nope they got big guns you got to be well-prepared over here this is some real [ __ ] they got turrets dude what the [ __ ] you can still keep going you can just it's the biggest game ever made what in the hell brave Sir Robin grave sir bear ran away Lavely ran away away when turrets fired at his head he bravely turned his tail and fled when shooters came and run amuck he clearly didn't give a [ __ ] he ran ran ran ran ran across the desert it just keeps going it just keeps going this is absurd a wall finally extremely dense rock mutt this mutt truly this must be the end there certainly wouldn't be something else where we to climb up all the way up here right cuz that would just be [ __ ] ridiculous if we climb all the way up here and there's another area I'm gonna lose my [ __ ] mind dude I'm gonna blow a goddamn gasket I'm becoming a silhouette there's more you got it are you serious this game is so crazy I had no idea any of this was here what the hell dude it's a false wall I thought that was a blockage what in the hell what in the hell I'm here I'm ready I await my calling [ __ ] aliens dude I've seen this movie Rock wait in the middle of that dude there's something in there mouth dude mouth I don't know if you should be here if you haven't been here yet you sent you a little early this is this is some craziness here man mouth a boy mouth this game is blowing like [ __ ] mind I Jack can attest to you I am losing it dude there's so much no no no no no damn it [Laughter] what is the potion pheromone flask doesn't know I can't equip the earthquake spell I gotta be somewhere I can do it there's got to be something in there that's so crazy there's something in there you have to be able to use something that lets you get through here though I'm pretty sure I can't shoot through that but the pyramid bear I know yeah we got the pyramid to look at too all right well maybe this is just ludicrous ludicrous is crazy look at what I have we went I'm committed they know people will be man oh no hold on though do we just have a giant walk of shame from this point 13 health so what's on the left side I know right yeah that was one direction can you use the scroll yeah if we want to do this fell in the sand no I can't get it anymore okay I may scroll back please have it let's go dig through the sand here there we go we got it okay it does actually do good melee damage yeah you kind of useful for that this is gonna take a minute here I kind of want to go back down here and see if maybe I can find a wand I gotta be real careful though you know Huck the scroll at him it's gonna be my go-to weapon you think you're gonna do huh nothing oh please please let me go please let me please let me go down there yes squeeze through squeeze through come on you can make it you can make it you can fit fine all right yeah I can shoot it oh well the kick work for that it's kind of doing it oh yeah oh wow look at that meat cool it worked praise being the tabula rasa the knowledge is good he [ __ ] died let's go no now I'm on fire oh god damn it this game is amazing okay one more run I'm gonna save all three moms I'm actually gonna go through the bottom area for a little bit and see if I can find a one that will allow us to excavate and I'm gonna get back up and out and go out to the desert again maybe even try the try the pyramid entrance I might do the daily yeah cuz I mean there's a chance I'll die in like five minutes on the daily so I might as well give it a go this is [ __ ] great I'm just relishing and how much I'm enjoying this now this game is gonna be my my new go to a long while now I can tell and I am feeling great about it there's a villain is fine I guess this game is great but I still haven't won a run in 20 hours dude that's part of what's great about it to me is that I still have yet to even feel that level of satisfaction with it and it still got me like all the way committed I need to keep playing alright well this is bad really just don't like being on fire for the most part kick it you got it's so close I don't even really close is nor do I want to know don't tell me damn it cheese cheese please god I cannot stop being on fire I just love being on fire man love it love it love it alright there's a one finally I've been looking for the whole damn time and maybe it'll give me what I'm seeking let's go ahead and just bomb here Oh duh wait now save the bombs for God didn't even get through to there anyway oh there we go I got the oil should create a path there we go that's kind of fun the waterfall of lava lava fall mm-hmm spicy over here I mean it's not what I need but it is good certainly better than what I've got I just do a normal run now at this point it is by a finished dev yes means which in Finnish Oh interesting that makes sense I guess that's already on fire so I'll be able to move through there soon wait for it down Oh please die oh [ __ ] no [ __ ] ah damn it [Music] one of the game creates situations like that man where you just backed into a corner here all you can do is just try to flip fly through all right let's do the daily give that a try seems appropriate oh is that just completely quit the game I thought it would at least quits a menu or something but now it just closes it down entirely well here check out this cool shirt Wow neat well that looks fun I should get that on a poster what a cool design mug looks nice - apart from you know the whole poorly cropped PNG part you can ignore that come on noida I was just playing you I don't want everyone investigating my desktop they're gonna judge me I cleaned it out recently though so you don't have anything to judge me for DX the diag what's that bear what's this you weirdo I bet it's porn but it's porn texts I bet that's where you're right you're naughty fan fics about the NLS s disguise it is some random text file I'm onto you bear Mouse wit Mouse twit dick is that what that is bear is that what you is that a folder full of mouse dicks you weirdo anyway daily challenge let's do it good desktop again here we go yo hold on 16 bombs there's a lot dynamite miss pitiable okay little different fair question about the shirt can you get an in size league mug only one way to find out that's my purchasing four of them come on water thank you yo I actually like this one especially on the first days that way we can take the secret path Oh treasure kind of tucked away behind all this Jesus Christ ah no yeah I'm on fire and I'm big-time on fire big Leon fire they're douse it all right mm-hmm one shots that's nice I think sleep cycles yeah and I'll give looking out yellow another one in the midst of the poison though I think this is an opportunity for dynamite did not work okay that's not doing what I want here we go it's it's like a [ __ ] derringer bullet with this thing nearly there almost got it just slowly drain the acid out that'll do again Tim Paulie morphine here too okay let's see that's better so slippery Jesus I think that ought to do it slow leak just like the other one what it's working yeah we'll have these items in about an hour here that'll be good douse myself real quick in that there we go that's better I can't fit sleep cycles gift in the sub big tam coming in thank you very much for that support dude appreciate it apparently cannot fit through here anymore oh come on there we go there we go we got hey nice chicka chicka chit oh come on yeah that's pretty dope oh god damn it I can't get out of here there that's better okay yeah I keep forgetting about that yo arrows finally I've been waiting for these people say these are sick as hell dude oh you get to polymorph into the strongest enemy in the game huh that's fair that's definitely the strongest enemy in the game don't fact-check me I've got a favorite spell so far I really like to bounce the bounce of projectiles especially with homing that does tend to provide me a really good kit yo check it out done this before Tim the rain was a path you've been all over the place I've been blowing my own mind with this [ __ ] game man I cannot believe how much they've got going on in here how much they packed into this thing yo and the health up immediately rewarded for my endeavor I just want to fall meat have you seen sandtown dude I've seen some sand stuff but I don't even know what that is so I'm just gonna leave it to be another mystery I think there's plenty more that I've yet to see but III uncovered some secrets I run before last that were incredible I mean the fact you can get to snow against this way is so [ __ ] cool it's just got so much awesome [ __ ] going on now they didn't undelete it medicated I had to re-upload it unfortunately teespring deleted and removed my previous listing with absolutely no explanation or warning at all so that was cool of them critical on burning large Firebolt reduce spread oh I forgot I got my arrows here to Robin Hood damage doesn't seem that great I actually might just prefer this all I know this is what I do it wrong goddamn weapons out I don't think any of my weapons are doing that much damage there we go oh boy hi yeah I really do not deal that much damage oh there we go feel like the fourth gun maybe my best option actually yo oh come on why are you doing in here that's some [ __ ] there he goes [Music] dragon ate about a mug enjoy it buddy that's a good-looking one in it thank you very much a handy magical arrow yeah yeah that's gotta be better right dude and to carry you don't have to tell me twice magic arrow better than arrow but yo what in the [ __ ] that turrets working on that worm and I'm okay with that ah [ __ ] get him I did get him wow that actually did some big-time damage I think good stuff I want to kill the worm too and the turret if I can I'll hold on I got some more money here I got a little bit of vapor damage down there we go here we go turret still there nice ah ah Jesus whoa damn it worm car huh you can go right through the brick might even go it disappeared now come right back and eat me I should leave I should go I should get out of here I'm gonna do it I'm gonna go okay arrey acid trail toxic mist mr. spirits blood blood plus crit on blood right would be pretty great but it's not really a thing we can do right now I mean I don't think I want anything here for the blood Gaston I think I'll keep the money stainless armor from a shield more blood dude [ __ ] blood whatever let's go for a blood build blood build blood more blood blood blood just landed on his head that was pretty hot early on there still is Jesus Christ all right cool doing it oh he hit me with that yep all right I need a new weapon here I'm a maniac maniac there's a lot of blood dude more blood so much blood I can't shoot through here there we go mummy drink it hmm tasty blood this is neat that 50 crit the holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] the 50 crit you get something in there with him is he just chilling damage on these ears is great hey let this guy come to me so I can hopefully take him out that way I don't know why I did that oh why thanks I got him okay whoa Jesus no no come on ah let me out of here [ __ ] ah that thing hurts go away go away I don't like this either God dad geez okay we're off the sludge at least you sir yeah oh [ __ ] me damn it whoa hello fearless boy come on Apple oh uh toe up thank you whoo Jesus Christ what the hell is this big explosive boy biggest boom yeah why not I didn't work damn it let's stand back for a sec just wait for that just wait for that there it goes that was underwhelming all right well [ __ ] yeah should've figured jazz neurotic thanks so much for the twitch Prime subscription well come on into the pile enjoy you imagine II must thank you very much for your support bear hugs again thank you thank you it's gonna to feel that way rabbit it's real good [ __ ] turret time again wait a path for me though thank you the wine yo and 101 a couple of earthquake spells on this bad boy dude [ __ ] I'm just gonna pick this up brainless acquisition in just a medium fantastic Wow I'm dead what the [ __ ] happened so when you cast that one it blows up the entire screen that was cool man that was dope as hell a satanic circle that showed up yeah it was really honest found that earth-shattering kaboom we were looking for right yeah damn go ahead and save that gif holy [ __ ] man oh man I'm gonna play so much more of this I'm so happy about it this is this is great I can't believe how satisfying this has been I was excited about this game when I was watching it through the course of screenshots and early development and stuff but man I can't believe how satisfying this has been so far how much there is to do and how much there is to see so what's wrong with taking the back streets never know if you don't go I will say I'm not a big fan of the bullets stun locking yeah that can be a little annoying but I'm starting to kind of accept that there's just a lot of inherent difficulty with the different mechanics whether it be the stun locking or the stains or the environmental effects or anything really you got to be aware of so much as you're playing through the game look how beautiful that is man just that gif look at all that's going on on this screen right now that is just that's absolute madness but it's controlled madness and a very deliberate process of all this happening here but it's such a spectacle it's this is early access it's the only gonna get better this is the early access release for God's sake so yeah and I am just blown away so far and so excited to keep playing when I was a great stream today good solid four hours of noida for ya hope you dug it and again I will I will ask that you consider perhaps checking out a brand-new shirt campaign over on tees teespring dot-com slash old bear if you could go ahead and use that exclamation point shirt come in and chat as well I'll take you there T spring comp slash store slash bear Tavi as well several shirt purchases today thank you all very much for doing that and of course you can pick up any of the previous anniversary designs over there as well
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 39,260
Rating: 4.8549514 out of 5
Keywords: noita, baer plays noita
Id: ACL9x3uDkSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 14sec (13634 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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