Baer Plays RimWorld (Ep. 10)

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okay die myself I've had better days to him but I'm feeling more than well enough to uh to hop on here and play some rim world so sounded like a good idea at the time and here we are now it feels like a space Western yeah I can I can get on board with that that's a good beer it is tending to our injured Sal Neph ex is pregnant again by the way looking at yet another addition Oh hold on ah they dropped damn general kaze I notice that's a double dark rest isn't available on the website right now oh yeah me too mm-hmm but I have some insider information so I'll just let you know that hey that won't it won't be much longer of a wait in fact it'll be about five days you can see that on their Twitter page though if you want to get the inside scoop yourself they're gonna be announcing something big peak swarm hey Kyle I doing dude good to see you boy yeah so we're gonna be adding to the pigs good collection what were you hold on oh that's right yeah I forgot to reset the the restricted areas after that boom elope attack that was a mess between his hot chocolate I wish I can't I can't spoil it's a big surprise but it'll be won't be too much longer good god speaking of which not again oh boy well I think I've learned my lesson from the last time let's go ahead and send our ninja assassin out to deal with this just one at least yes that's gonna be a little easier to deal with right The Doors still broken to tell you what prior to sending her out there where's Karin dear alright he's resting yeah he's our major constructor so that's probably why this hasn't been done yet who else is on that shaggy jackal what's he up to he's equipping an auto pistol no no he has equipped another pistol he's about to go research let's go have him prioritize building this door make sure that doesn't sneak through there it's gonna sneak through there isn't it son of a yep it's going that way alright well we had to guess that was gonna happen at some point right let's go ahead and draft her and get her ready to go we are gonna have to defend our homestead here I just realized there's limestone there too you know that's really gonna matter too much okay well he's on his way down we're gonna have to make a stand this was actually another thing that was considering at the or near the end of the last time we closed down was trying to get some more sandbags in like another gun turret or two up on the right side of the base because we're kind of defenseless here once that door goes down again and I don't want to allow that to happen once the more threatening stuff comes around alright so here he is oh hey always come in twos there we go got it okay mmm that's nice now bless us allow us oh dude it's a lethal assassin oh my god just whenever you need a problem solved call on final Magi she will take care of it thirteen shooting she is a ninja assassin oh my god alright yeah back to your business please hell yeah well oh go ahead and let that fire burn out and then won't go grab that boom elope for some tasty meat that was easy enough kind of love Ruby in the frigging you know I don't actually love Ruby in the hospital let's let's go ahead and make the animals unable to get to that point hang on restrict our homes on here a clear loud area of hall our way no not for home we want it for area three and we want to keep them in area three but no they're unrestricted so they're gonna go anywhere right can I have the animals be unrestricted but also disallow like a specific room I guess that goes against the definition of unrestricted doesn't it hey Apple how's it going all gave a gate not scale isn't a yellow that's fun that would be a restriction right yeah make a whole area then invert it yeah I suppose I could do that instead of just having them be unrestricted we could just like mark this and then invert it and have it be the entire map minus the hospital it seems like a little bit more trouble than it's worth just to get them to stay out of that room though I think I'll just go ahead and assume that they won't go in there that frequently Buddha hey there even deed made it well c'mon in buddy shaggy you got a pretty still prioritize this please you're not done yet we don't want these goddamned elephants showing up in here he is busy vomiting all right there we go now Karen deer can go finish this up since he's the quick one about it I'm really glad we have this door here now - that's got to be making things a lot quicker there we go alright the door is reset we'll just have them finish this one off quickly - and this one and then we'll get ourselves a nice little marble wall and we'll be good quality door mm-hmm it's cute so you find elephant shut on the operating table look it's a risk I'm willing to take apparently questionable one but one all the same I was thinking about something like this this is a media line of defense but I don't know that's maybe a little too close what if we did something like that and then like it's hurt here Bam Bam Bam Bam I'm gonna gets hurt up here then probably be pretty good and we've got smooth walls or no actually we'll just be able to build conduits down through the doors here so that'll work out fine turrets down and spike traps we'll just do wooden ones this time since clearly unnecessary to go for steel there all right very good dope yep I'll fail the training on the snake that one's been tough she's been stubborn Dovie him thank you for five months in a row welcome back appreciate that this is on normal difficulty on Cassandra so standard standard standard welcome to the bear pathway Dana sued I like that visual welcome to the bear pile why is everyone vomiting what's the matter with you go you have gut worms go to bed nobody will look he won't let us tend him you're just gonna keep vomiting okay you say so there we go look at that yes we're gonna build a might just want to roof this whole thing but I'm also probably gonna end up knocking this out to build another room at some point well that's actually kind of encouraging to hear then moaning I will again admit that I've had plenty of help from twitchchat in this playthrough so I won't take all the credit yeah I've heard as much ting some things tend to spiral quickly we had a bit of an emergency situation with those boom ellipse last time I don't know how on earth really like we should have lost somebody I think I just got a really lucky break there where Karen dear was like fighting in melee range with a boom elope and then it exploded and cares is like okay yeah we're fine now the talks were a success the delegates reached new mutual understandings relationships improved by 62 great I mean now consider you neutral very very good then send him back home he's done his job right how do we I think I just need to reform or is he gonna be on the way friendly sharing blue there we go okay got it got it just seven shy of relation the improvement aisle we're close to the next one huh okay alright yeah we need to build power conduits out here yeah it's just all the way through well it let's just go from here doo doo doo doo doo doo that'll do yeah and probably don't need to be all the way at that turret but I like to be I like to be redundant with my construction of course what do you need buddy you still won't let me treat you there you go the other one it was technically that wouldn't let me send him to bed with the gut worms I don't know why at least he's sleeping now professor keenbean how you doing no mods on this one boots were all vanilla here vanilla with 1.000 friendly sharing bear deer Caravan ran out of food oh he's gonna forage though right hmm see okay circle was full so it didn't need to be Johnny needs to be treated once every few hours okay got you hate writing we just started started a little late today it was a nice easy day wasn't it making progress out here that's the one big thing that I wanted to address as well it's real good pieden or p Eldon sorry I can't see that but I am a big fan I've mentioned a few times of course this is my was effectively my first playthrough of the game and while I've seen people play it a bit I've never really gotten deep into it myself and now that I have I am it's very clear to me why people get sucked in he's the one with the gut worms is me maybe I need to well hold on I can have Magi tend them now who's I always forget who's got the medical skill these her okay let's have her tend to you convenience with the medical supplies there too that's a you know that's fantastic oh we've got that there cuz not only does it provide quick access for the hospital but also for the other other bedrooms too so that's really nice I just accidentally played this game for five hours that was pretty much me the other day on stream of all things like it takes a lot to get me to stream a game for that long this is some high quality stuff I'm playing this over Red Dead Redemption 2 right now for God's sake I can't actually play for other reasons at the moment but I think I might have still chosen it oh was six hours yeah that's pretty crazy he's got gut worms and food poisoning that's not good let's go ahead and go back to bed dude or not yeah and do your thing I guess oh he's got to get the beer duh yeah maybe I may have got worms and food poisoning but he still got his priorities in order can't let the beer spoil Oh Jen alec is pregnant that's art oh my god that was the the first offspring of Neff acts we have two pregnant piggies right now holy that was probably raw food uh well yeah we're not cooking that many meals right now where's beer too sad viewing art alright I'll give you that moment then we need you to know Jesus fire in the home area fault in an electrical conduit and I'll go take care of it you put that out bear pics hauling the logs that's fine to you that's good it's effective it's raining I don't think that's gonna be a problem careful having too many animals I'm thinking well first of all I don't think the food actually is gonna be an issue for the pigs what I probably want to do right now first of all is well I didn't want to continue building the bridges down here so I'll have somebody quickly let's Karen do do and he's to building the turret right now that's probably better I'm gonna have shaggy prioritize knocking this out and then have him also work on completing the bridge over this Marsh here cuz I do want to try to utilize this space a little better there there we go pretty much over the whole thing really yeah Bridge it all up there we go think your juror geothermal is disconnected now I think we're okay build Macondo it's out there everything's still connected [Music] yeah we're good water beats fire its basic Pokemon exactly riff can't wait till he starts hauling stuff hey white fox how you doing all right looking good once we get these conduits down the right side is gonna be a lot safer and then we'll be pretty much covered from everywhere at that point bear stop streaming rimworld I'm trying to catch up on the vods and you keep playing yeah it's the sign of the quality man I didn't upload a YouTube beauty into them giving people time to catch up on that four-hour bomb today's stream brought to you by the delicious taste of madrenas coffee of course but today's health-conscious bear is brought to you by the effective IV drip of Powerade yes Powerade pure sugar and colored water meant to power you through a cold they're not paying me it's just helpful right powered fairest this and gun put it directly in your veins know what that's wrong well this poor Cobra it doesn't know what the what its hit for right yeah oh there's poor Cobra where his final Magi Oh Magi had something for you to take care of the union also hopefully is Pedialyte I had to try to find that it was hidden in the pharmacy aisle but I finally got it raw berry that's right that's the other one Magi you got to go on the hunt before the Cobra finishes his get it get it oh that's charged rifle Oh L get it come on come on there we go that's what I'm talking about oh right yet allow it there we are consume Cobra entropy - Kay thank you for four months in a row Landa have you back buddy appreciate the kind words - now boy what's the matter with you now still training but always got food poisoning nobody's tending to him but he won't rest hold on can I get Magi to tend to you man she made it back down quick holy help um no I guess not he's got worms but he won't let me fix him I don't know what to do about it also won't let me pick up this Cobra I guess I have to extend the home zone for that so there go get it bear that's a good bear that's a very good bear that's a good buddy all right done you did it don't put it there though yeah I put it in the fridge good buddy that's perfect that's a very good bear all right now probably need a dedicated cook yeah I mean bear this has been working on it what's he making right now he's gotta be making his simple meals right cuz we've only got five yeah I'm gonna bump that up to because we need a lot more than that and yeah he I'm gonna go ahead and put him on a one on cooking cuz he - oh he is already on the one on cooking let's put tearjerker on a one as well who else can cook to zero and my god you only got two I'll wait technically can cook as well friendlies on his way back and hopefully not gonna die yeah I guess we can make another cooking station huh we could put I was thinking about just putting one in the fridge or we could put one right here adjacent to the other one we could even move the heater and have another one right there you let me do this reinstall this here reinstall this here there here I guess yeah that's fine - and then let's put another electric stove right there they'll probably be good taking efficiency hit for being cold okay so yeah we'll probably we're probably better off doing it here then it's already hooked up and everything anyway wonder if they'd be better off with a better chair at this stove as well I'm gonna have somebody prioritize this real fast where's Karen dear oh he's building the bridge down here and yeah real fast real fast buddy does he not prioritize that there we go mean bean bean any news why do I have elephants roaming in my base just the one thank God it's just the one now it was a billion before that used to be a much worse problem oh I need some steel I need to mine some steel where is some of that that's marble granted I know there's some somewhere pretty close in fact there it is I'm gonna go ahead and have care and deer mine out some steel from this section I'm just cutting this section off to hopefully not cause another cave-in but I'm not sure how that's gonna work out this tile here hopefully that's steel and then we can just maybe even go out this way a little further we'll see have a racks gonna break goddamn it just go inside dude intense pain mountain there he's not eating why are you not eating eat a meal I don't understand you good evening to you in sinto you can put another support meeting to avoid a cave-in now yeah I could call let's do that just to be safe like right there and then I guess we probably don't need to worry about putting like a roofing zone there IRA right doubles the rate he needs to eat okay but I was hoping he would just to take care of that himself I don't have to tell him to eat every meal oh nice black armor research finished what does that lead us to prosthetics yeah interesting tempted to try that out transport pod was also curiosity I had I think this would be pretty useful for us but they are a mere Bionic army that does sound fun yet I know I have got one person that actually benefits from having a prosthetic as well superfast one-time use caravan yeah that sounds really nice I'm gonna go for that sounds really good that sounds useful for us here all right a barracks finally eating taking forever to do so for some reason mine that steel out to the right side of your base oh yeah look at this very good idea yeah I'll go ahead and mark that - that's an easy one mm-hmm the guys are over here - we want to try building on that way oh god no no no no that's bad a ver ACK you're not you're not gonna want to do that buddy first of all we've got a we've got an aggressive squad of animals here can we like hold on put him down if you draft a pun you can arrest him arrest him no yeah keep vomiting in the airlock you jackass you're going to prison whoa what he refused to be arrested he's bruiser Kray just come to an end what happened what'd you do Karen dear smashed a ver a kin the left leg a bruise costume buffet from exhaustion oh my god okay I took that to an extreme pretty quickly buddy didn't we'll take care of him real fast he's gone berserk now well he's unconscious so I don't think that's gonna matter too much oh god what can I do with him rescue him there we go why is this D so loud that's so weird arrest successful yeah that was perfect that's exactly what we needed from that excuse me oh yeah I forgot I was deconstructing the doors for the auto doors to a barack is no longer incapable of walking that's nice he's still starving boy prioritize oh no not that god damn it don't work on the sterile tile you know what fine do it hauling steel the power company no you should go to bed you should go it there we go someone needs to feed him too right yeah I was gonna say he's still starving so let's have Magi do this hopefully he's not gonna die yeah he's fine he's just have food poisoning and malnutrition here we go mad here we go I'm beginning to think we should consider putting another fridge down on like the right side of the base maybe like up in here up in here up in here y'all gonna make me go all out up in here up in here y'all gonna make me act a fool hey Benson yeah I think I've applied the correct logic here yay he's still starving can't feed him anymore oh this one's starving cuz he's got the gut worms you don't got the guts I have a meal buddy where's friendly he's at on a gay Caravan attempting to have peace talks and he has done so in fact and he's now on the way back and starving himself no one can eat properly except there we go okay he's taken care of now thank God just eat your gut worms yummy yummy oh my god he's finally getting back to this I mean I'd probably rather have him cooking but I assume this is like his recreation time so I suppose that's acceptable she's doing all right a barracks she's she's resting up herself right now hopefully gonna get better soon oh man we still need to power these up we're a little ways away from actually being set up over there they seem to be prioritizing all this a lot more to bear what are you doing and out of there a new whoo Sir Arthur penguin what's your favorite bear mine is you MA mine's the grizzly such a badass thanks for the recent scription appreciate the five months and realm getting ourselves some steel baby ever acts gonna be just fine he's still the one with a major break risk let's go down now okay yeah it looks like we're addressing his needs yeah who's got worms I'll be gone soon - very good still dedicated to this today huh I guess we do have somebody cooking so it doesn't really matter I do indeed have an elephant hauling yes an elephant a bear a pig - pigs in fact they'd all be very good work I'm very proud of them it's a good animal group Kennedy is just taking care of business out here which animals are ours we currently have five pigs two of which are pregnant this one here and this one here or no this one here I think right now this one there it is late stage pregnancy so we're gonna have six pigs soon and I think I'm gonna don't tell them but I think I'm gonna spot her a couple of them don't say anything but I think we're gonna slide him for me probably the unnamed ones Chandler now oh he's almost back home Oh we'll take care of him in a minute here he's literally arriving like right now Jagga will have a an inspired trade and friendly shamblers back oh boy he's done it he survived whoo bacon mm-hmm all right shamblers gonna go eat he's gonna take care of business a barracks still needs his Bo back so let's go figure out where the hell that ended up there's one there's a normal one up there so the best weapon he's got available right now I think I might want to construct a new one I'll have him take that for now make a small zone near the kitchen to name it summer camp and send the ones you want to slaughter there so you don't have to chase them all over the place oh maybe it's summer can't do I have to do there is a gun yeah there's a gun there they're both poor quality though I don't know how much that matters [Music] upstate farm yeah I guess that's good too good revolver in the stockpile hold on I guys its scope it out better good revolver somewhere where is it where is it give me a hot or cold I know that's not gonna work cuz we're in twitch chat I only see this one and this one I misread it is poor okay yeah they're both bad I'll just go with the good arrow I guess a good bow and arrow could be blunt and call it the kill zone just but I feel I ought to be at least honest with them in their final moments I might put it in the freezer just to be a truly heartless but the thing is I've got a ton of um yeah my cookies vomiting on the food right now I'm not really a fan of that could you please clean this vomit please thanks that's not very sanitary feed the bacon to their parents Jesus Christ dude he does not want to stop today he is on a mission what is Karen dear up to you right now consuming a meal unacceptable do you think I want to send another Caravan out soon but I don't have any um I don't have any survival meals Brett I kind of want to wait until we cook enough simple meals to get going on that cuz then I'll feel like word much better prepared for it so I want to have at least one dedicated cook per day here yeah I can craft them a new weapon that's true I've got a smithy down as well so I might as well do it let's make a oh no I can't what's this what's a peel I no idea what a PU is what do I need to use to make a gun I was thinking it would be a smithy oh it's a throwing spear that's interesting let's see Oh a machining table yeah probably this huh okay let's do this here all kinds of fun stuff I'll put another light down as well right there a lot of research okay do you do duty to do soundtrack is just aa perfect it's perfect only word for it you can wait a little and research fun things like mini guns yeah I did see we've got like the option for uranium slug turrets that'll be fun technical writers gonna take care of himself thank you to colonists need treatment no boy oh he's gonna do it alright nevermind well hold on can you tend to yourself I think I yea enabled self tend on somebody he's got a seven he can do it he can manage self tend is less effective oh so I probably should you just had somebody that was available to do it do it then I think it's good to have it enabled anyway oh my god go eat oh he is eating alright yay fun and it's time to get that steel baby we gonna lay some down out here don't we yeah we still got a project to complete I didn't never play rogue galaxy now good bear oh man I'll have seen that never I can't even keep up with him he's trying to train the bear but he can't keep up I'm too busy to be trained right now you only needs one more training point oh my god I'm already hauling you know only it needs more of that let's find out though we do it can we do it one more point one more point ah man close it was so quick isn't he it's awesome good friends good calling us working together getting done most bears are fastest true dat dude I was playing some Odyssey which is still a fantastic game by the way and I got another bounty for that so fYI we're gonna have that we're gonna knock that out within the next few days but let's play some Odyssey and I came by a bear in that game and of course I was immediately drawn to it I had to say hi bear it wasn't a little bear though it was a very big bear large bear and it got mad and it chased me down dude I was riding on horseback that bear was gaining on me it was so scary like it was just hanging out eating branches and stuff or whatever bears do and then it got mad cuz I got too close I ran away he got up on horseback I turn around I see the bear coming down like 40 miles an hour it seems like full speed I take like a hearth left like barely got away I did yeah I know I did barely managed to get away but it was spoopy yeah bears are fast bears are fast as hell we can count on Assassin's Creed Odyssey to provide us the realistic portrayal of that this is good yeah I'm wondering why I didn't do this before it's an excellent source of Steel and we're pretty damn low on that still in fact and I was gonna say I thought that was more this is limestone though marble up here I think there's more steel somewhere this is sandstone some weird ass room over here marble Jade I swear there was more well we should deconstruct this this is so close did you do the legendary animal quest yet for some big animals no oh my god yeah I know I've been seeing that tool tip pop up - oh there's the other compacted steel source I've been seeing that tool tip pop up of like there's the legendary creatures out there you got to go find and I'm like yeah I do I gotta go find them you're right I'm kind of like it's beautiful honestly just a few months ago we were in a little bit of a game drought it felt like but now I am inundated with incredible games to play rimworld not being the least among them like this has been so awesome still and now I've got Odyssey that I kind of have to put on the backburner I'm sure of course now because I've got Red Dead Redemption - to dive into and that one I got to mention to everyone might end up being one that I preserve for myself primarily because I want to experience it in 4k HDR and the only way for me to do that is to not stream it but I know you guys are really suffering not a lot of streamers out there streaming Red Dead Redemption too so I got to look out for you right I got to make sure I even provide that quality content but bear how am I gonna watch Red Dead Redemption 2 on Twitch if you don't stream it I know I know how will you ever find someone playing that video game on this website I don't know but hopefully one day your troubles will be over everyone that I'm following is playing it was fun for me actually cycling through like seven of them today it looks good though man I'm literally the only person who can play that game well mouth tweeted that he got exclusive streaming rights to it and that everybody else is streaming at his bogus so I don't know what to make of that seems like everybody's playing a fake game so that's interesting enough to watch Mouse stream later on to see what the actual game looks like everyone's still starving alright let's have somebody feed you hang on somebody on that I hope so oh no you're just gonna feed yourself alright that's that's fine I guess but you're playing the new game focused on the gang of outcasts making it in the wilderness I know we can just try to run drills anyway to the bear pile try to make everybody happy DWS I get for your Twitter Prime subscription bear hugs please them and chat well c'mon in thank you for your support appreciate that very much so much goddamn steel we got even more up there to look at his girl oh yeah second stove needs a bill yeah good call needs a chair to thank you for the bear hugs I appreciate it thank you thank you okay simple meals please you know what let's make this survival meals up on this one no I don't think it really needs to be separated I just be able to get them on both get to there and then that see we got 15 there we go there we go literally my favorite Nemo good to hear well there you go now you got your own I don't have batteries it's not been something that I've felt is necessary yet especially cuz we have geothermal power the transport pods done all right okay let's see what was the next one one to do beyond that I know prosthetics yeah that was the one from there we go perfect now we got the machining table BAM it was nothing come on it's gotta be connected to power it's right there oh we don't have enough power nor is this being powered we're really gonna need to look it toward that second geothermal station soon then our wait well first of all are you moving that what what's she doing what in the world is your objective near their pile I don't understand okay anyway cold Fred oh we're out of wood right that's a problem Oh huh cold Fred welcome to the bear pile also thank you very much for your subscription appreciate that enjoy badge means there's a bunch of trees up here again we'll probably be okay just to do this hopefully that'll do it yeah we'll chop our tree farm down - that'll work goggle pods a what we get those are survival meals well thank you yeah take that exactly what I needed people welcome how's it going doesn't be pretty easy to access to it you just sneak through here oh it's a wee Roby's gonna go get him that's a good girl don't even have to send our calling us out for that work I love it perfect oh it's wintertime is it yeah look at that its fifth of December it's gonna get chilly okay we keep that in mind I think a lot of people are on a plant cut right now so the wood problem will be sorted out quickly I believe and there's the pig with the other survival meals that's the best man love them haulin pigs you know winter times gonna mean less crops Oh nothin sewing right now which I suppose it shouldn't be right because we're in winter but we are gonna run low on food quickly as a result of that I should rien a besson anyway though right I feel like I should go ahead and re-enable everything yeah okay it was just it was just that cold snap that was the reason we turned that off right yeah okay they won't try if they can't harvest okay oh that's yeah that's a big thing for them to do now they're just a few options that I was not providing them at the moment Golden Cap check do it do it oh yeah make sure today is the day today's the day I'm feeling it you know what I have it I was so sure no well all of a sudden we have 400 but that's like not at all enough beginning to realize what kind of supply of wood you really need to have available basically at all times we also need a lot more cloth I'm really hoping that somebody will come by with that but I think I just need to plant more cotton get yourself a golden Kappa nice those generators are a wood sink yeah I flipped it on I don't know why they haven't turned it on yet what if we put solar panels out here now they wouldn't be well protected then we should do it here this is probably good they're protected by the turrets yeah solar needs batteries I'm aware or aware that we could build it here and then bamm-bamm oh that's true yeah we could just oh you know what this is close enough I don't think we need to build solar here but we could do both solar here and then once we get up to this area we can build the geothermal but that's not too far away you know we can probably just go ahead and put that down now but we just have to really consider protecting that soon eat food dumbass consume meal skip solar you got so many geysers yeah we got that other one up here will eventually hopefully get to and then there was another one where I know there's one more I don't know how far off it was there it is yeah we might be able to get there it's not too far away if we end up like cutting through here as well just have a big section of mountain left off like that oh we can double-click on the geyser oh yeah look at that nice there you go there's all them colonists needs treatment just watching TV doesn't want to be taken care of I'm not gonna make him then just kidding that well hey kiddin ain't good to have you okay uh well yeah it looks like that's gonna be the play then let's do it fine with me so of course power conduits from there gonna be a necessity I think what I might end up doing is just building a wall right here then we'll eventually utilize those walls for something since they already exist let's do this and then have the world's factions feel about you bear perhaps you could request trades for resources you're like oh yeah I always forget that's a thing to show what we'll buy how do I do a uh how do I request a trade from these people national Accord a few noir they're like I'm not seeing all you need a comm center okay I think we're close to getting that right I'm not sure how far off that is I have Iraq needs to go back to bed you still have got worms Scott dammit we're near near let's see whoo hang on always comes in twos hold on oh no damn it oh it's gone I lost it son of a go to bed well I probably shouldn't let her finish her meal oh well um is the natural choke point north of the new geothermal Pat or plants walling that off we'll give you the whole area to work with yeah I'm kind of with you there we can just like build a wall right to here and then connect this and that'll be good yeah like that play let's do that good idea then we don't have to worry too much about like immediately protecting it and we can just hook up to it hey Oprah it's going good going good good good things going well today I got that last piece of steel to care dear finally gets to go off to a new project nearly have these turrets powered as well nearly all the conduits just this last one on a couple more actually a few more in fact a lot more never mind never mind that's gonna be a ways away finally cooking a good amount of meals here though we now actually have some survival meals as well oh good an exact raid or an exotic goods trader excellent so I know that Shaggy has a bonus to his next trade so we'll go ahead and let him take care of this 18 months in a row it's twins yay oh boy they got some ambrosia oh wait no our ambrosia oh yeah you know what we should go ahead and mark those for harvest I should do the grows own again I think it's worth it I think I was talking about doing this last time but yeah this seems worth it let them cut those down cuz if they go up that way they're not endangering themselves via the the bug haul of death where's our wild man speaking of which who managed to coexist with the bugs oh there he is he died sorry Greg nothing that we know that we could do there didn't seem like a great idea to go talk to you okay research done oh my god that was fast so now calm station where is that is that gonna have its own thing or is that something that we were already able to do rip Greg oh it came from this so we're already able to do it then okay good so we should just put that down then I'll hospital bed that's a good idea very good idea okay so we just need to let's see oh there's a transport pod oh there's the comms console okay radio contact with other factions in normal the traitors cool meat you can put it here seems like a good use of the space and a nice we don't have enough cloth for that leather what we have oh I have mega sloth wool that's a bit of a waste on its use it for that though let's see let's just make a stool it we'll have a better chair later but the orbital trade beacon in your storage required for Apple trading only sell goods total 200k so they'll send this down I see to the bear welcome to the pile thank you for your switch Prime subscription I appreciate that very much bad remotes we're gonna knock out I'm gonna knock out the wall here and extend storage a little bit same with this one well not that one I guess cancel that so this is fun now yeah we're gonna have a bunch of new things I want to make a gun too we also need a chair for this just a little chair there's the little chair I had the gun bill oh you had the prosthetics now holy oh my god we can make so much stuff let's make we should make smoke pot belts it's probably a good idea but let's make a bolt-action rifle a prosthetic heart oh my god cochlear implant that's cool we'll make a rifle in then let's see let's see you got a lot to do now uh yeah prosthetic leg for the pig can you make a press the prosthetic for the animals I kind of doubt that's a thing I got to figure out who my um don't forget to send us how to grow zone for future cotton farm right yeah I gotta remember who is my you had a transhumanist we got to give Karen the area like an artificial arm that's mod stuff okay gotcha let's give him yeah totally gonna make a prosthetic arm for Karen deer so we give them too yeah why not why not okay I love comm station hopefully for research we gotta knock out the walls here to be able to put down the orbital trade beacon do you oh wait a minute we're making oh yeah that makes sense yeah we're not making them a bionic arm or making prosthetic arm so prosthetics it's not gonna be good yeah so not that we want can we make a bionic arm I guess not this is just one that's like meant to replace a broken arm right okay so then yeah I guess we have to wait on that damn it well well it'll research bionics let's see oh so we got I see we got prosthetics we got to go up to buy your Onix man we got you a fabrication for that holy oh okay I see he's eaten he's fine taking care of it okay I know we'll be playing spelunking tomorrow Tom where spelunky Saturday oh right I totally forgot about our trade we've got some stuff we can give them too and if someone heads over here soon enough which it looks like someone actually did already we might be able to get more ambrosia to sell them to okay well they have a bionic arm [Music] they would like my gold it's good to see they don't want my shitty weapons unfortunately hmm is that ambrosia grows on potatoes well it doesn't have sewing enabled so it won't grow anything I don't think any of this is really all that necessary oh it's a 10 a 10 in both regards Kramer it is excellent to buy a male snake for your female snake do I really want that Bell I don't know if I want more snakes free Cobras that's Reed Cobras and pigs together what a world I guess I'll just keep the gold it's over a reptile house I don't think I want a snake army now I'm just gonna I don't love any of this what does plasteel for advanced spacer tech okay you'll need the plasteel not right now though right I mean we can worry about that later breed Cobras and sell the eggs it's not that expensive I could do it yeah I saw the bionic arm for sale to you I was thinking about that but I think I'd rather go through the trouble of making my own I don't know if I'm gonna buy anything from these guys I don't I don't want to deal with more animals all you need the plasteel for the multi analyzer how much can I get that is expensive yeah I'm just gonna I feel like I'm cheating if I'd like know the cost of that thing right now so I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that I forgot that was an inspired trade - I should've at least gotten something oh well okay yeah just can't trust the black market cybernetics we gotta make our own yeah no way we're buying off this random a shady dealer didn't look like they wanted to buy our ambrosia either okay I'm glad we're collecting the wood up here still definitely need more of that only got 1200 at the moment still working on finishing this off yeah I guess the Cobra wouldn't be too bad it's just like I don't know maybe it's just my personal taste I don't want to have Cobras I like pigs pigs make me feel good race' is being held at a camp near owned under armed guard I could just bring final Magi out by herself and murder everyone I could probably take care of that butters didn't make me feel good so close it's beating us so close look at this yeah see you later we don't need anything sorry no Cobras for me dude this storage room is like full that's nuts are you eating the pigs though I probably will end up eating the pigs at the moment I'm thinking what I'm gonna end up doing excuse me what I'm gonna do is build a bigger shed for their food down here and build a bigger Pigpen oh we did it yo poor Wow it took forever a huge sculpture size to dominate a room this work bears a depiction of ten dancers and Town Council counselors eating cabbages together if you squint your eyes the static composition of the image reveals the outline of eight hearts is 305 beauty good I guess oh hell yeah there it is perfect that's where that goes sounds like a masterpiece no kidding I don't understand their judgment of art Wow she's no longer on a shooting frenzy I should have sent her off I don't think she would have made it in time though anybody want to install that the value will greatly increase in the room right yeah go ahead and put that down nobody wants to do it I'm gonna have to make him do it aren't I we can do it you can do it you're do that I want to see it I want to see it in all its glory yes yes it's beautiful also there's no floor here fix that fix that that is massive yet if you look closely you can see eight hearts obviously all right there dear actually making quick headway over here in the the funny thing is the wealth is gonna skyrocket so raids are gonna go up in difficulty now look good yeah that's what we needed they really the raids have midsi threatening to be honest so maybe it is what we needed need them to work on this quicker we are out of storage space whose mining auto he's working on this what is he making oh he's just cutting stone blocks it's not the most useful thing to do right now I think I'm gonna change his stone cutting priority where would that be probably craft right yeah we don't need to you know one on that definitely not that might actually be how that is craft yeah I figured it enough people were playing without me piranha I really I think I'm gonna keep that one as a as an offstring game for me just be able to fully enjoy it we got a lot of projects underway right now you haven't even built the thermal or the other thermal generator yet a lot of we got to take care of oh yeah the cotton farm too yes sir yep that's gonna you know I think I'm gonna put this down here the cotton farm let's go ahead and just do that now spring will bring new crops [Music] we'll do something here I don't know what yet I'm definitely gonna have to remove this growing zone this is all gonna be some I don't know what I'm gonna end up doing with this actually I really I mean I don't have to build a bridge here it's all marshy soil it's not a proper Marsh you know I'm gonna hold on cancel this we can make a grows own out of this so cancel that whole job tear up this wood roof remove bridge will make a grows own out of this space and well build the bridge over the actual marsh tiles wherever those end up being make sure a ver axe has patient set to one oh yeah good goal that's probably why he wasn't doing it makes sense damn it yeah this is silly to build bridges across all this stuff we're definitely not gonna need to do that but I do want to do eventually now though is deconstruct these to rebuild walls out to here to build a much bigger shed and allow the pigs to have free access to their num-nums yeah more vomit how does one go about contacting you hiring me for voice work email is best Barrett a few whitey at thank you buddy thank you for the cleaning job I do have you had a 1 on that now Don I want to well that's good enough I guess fair enough now these are one unpatient he should finally be taking care of that himself right not again what the it happened immediately oh god the friggin guns are it no don't ow God is that the mad one or what the hell get out of here [Laughter] that's her did quick work yeah that was crazy okay there we go free meat yay oh here we go all the comms consoles down nice just like the columnist and right-click on the columns console build normal the trade beacon in place the stockpile by ok you got it um tell you what I'm just gonna go ahead for now just put a new stockpile zone over here since I'm not using this space anyway and don't put the orbital trade beacon in there we can move it later taking care of yourself buddy good [Music] you can have many orbital trade beacons okay so we'll just put two down then I don't need power as well already [Music] thanks buddy I'll do my best thanks for five months a row welcome on back in I also created a dedicated or below stockpile so I can put the atom someone to trade there oh that makes sense to you yeah keep a list of items simpler sure I'm okay with this for now though that works still got so many jobs now I haven't finished this yet it's still on the in the queue finally got these turrets operational obviously and the comm station down now so once we finish the orbital beacon whenever they end up doing that we'll have Karen ear actually do that right now oh he's doing that now yeah he's doing that without my input even I think perfect yeah another piggy Pig leg whoo piggy piggy piggy restricting your area where is it pig one piglet one they're already in pig pen just decided for me okay well that's fine good but he's the one right yeah good oh they retain their parents Zone designation neat cool all right you'll go ahead and replant the rice over here half a pig food is outside Pigpen oh good point there we go go ahead and do that right here too cuz I know I'm gonna end up building the shutdown that way all right uh this is down meats power can probably get it through here let's just go ahead and smooth this wall but I built the conduit down through there well I mean hold on I guess I might as well just do this ya know I'll get to it alright so never mind cancel that yeah that's all all that I can still smooth the wall for fun just for appearances sake you smooth that baby made a masterwork chair oh whoa a group of chickens who seem accustomed to human contact are joining the colony oh my god that's so many chickens oh my god okay yay now you have about 10,000 oh that's fantastic proper farm now wow they just showed up eggs and bacon party we're getting ourselves a good old-fashioned American breakfast okay yeah I gotta make a chicken coop I guess huh just kind of made that decision for me place farm world Oh Lord yeah that got complicated okay Oh No hmm guess I'll put them in the pig pen for now the hens and the pigs all live together in harmony this is now the animal pen yeah I'll just build the barn I guess there we go you get these walls down slaughter and put in belly ah the intense radiation will shut down all the way oh boy uh oh okay rip hmm put marble wall down for my for my yeah the food's gonna spoil isn't it that's a bummer I'm not gonna be the marble I'm just gonna do wooden wall then BAM big old chicken coop big old chicken coop yeah we'll extend the Pigpen zone to new new new there you go y'all oh they need more sleeping spots of course there you go there you go all living in harmony more space for grazing - yeah I guess so we're gonna lift these out eventually I'm gonna put down what kind of food did chickens like I'm gonna put whatever they like down here for the growing zone they'll just be able to eat whatever they want once those bridges come up we'll use it to obviously you know when I gotta wait for that actually chickens love KFC of course a corn yeah they probably like corn huh you can check what they eat on the info tab goes very quickly lays eggs often vegetables seed fly plants meals processed foods liquor and kibble oh they like kibble okay they'll just eat whatever vegetables I guess later on Inc what are you doing oh you're yeah you're the free rumor you're good to go man this is awesome it's got so good yeah liquor I like that they have that as an option too didn't the pig get drunk or did the dog get drunk I think the dog drank a beer that was hilarious all right let's have Karen deer go ahead and prioritize lifting these bridges oh he's building the sterile tile alright that's fine that's been neat in need for a while and clean that up too there we go good good good almost up with the orbital trade beacon and he's going down here and he's gonna I'm gonna go ahead and have him do that yay chicken romance doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo you read all that there we go I love how the elephant's casually slide in the human doors they become one of the family here man they've just doing their thing all right that's all done good rice they'll be more food for the chicks and I'll go ahead and build a roof on here as well keep them protected can't build a roof over a palm tree chop it down chop or down then duh yay getting them eggs fertilized perfect oh my god oh my god we're gonna be doing good need healing in your barn so all walls what does that mean we have to have an enclosed barn in order for them to actually take full advantage of the building which we did want to deconstruct this anyway not good yeah I think I'll rename the chickens because we're not gonna slaughter them okay yeah well we'll close that off then ah so if we want to get ourselves Bionic arms I got to work toward a few other things here fabrication gonna be chief among them multi analyser increases research speed oh yeah we should do this anyway let's do that that works almost done with this conduit - let me have Karen do real quickly prioritize these deconstruction and we'll actually just cancel that last one then him Biggs our porking and then um well I guess I got a deconstruct the doors to just do this I guess doors in the midst it's ugly but it works I can't stand the way I've done it I can't I can't have it be like this hang on not like this not like this what we're gonna do hang on I'm gonna fix this we're gonna go one two three BAM one two three BAM one two three BAM one two three BAM perfect perfect then we go bust this out way over here there we go there we go thank God yeah I fixed it right there was no way we're gonna let that slide yeah movies inside - Zoltan let's uh shrinking like this and just move these inside enough space y'all hang on working on it there we go we'll let this one little piggy sleep outside oh that's cute ma'am well we got lots of creatures to rename here y'all so I guess we might as well go ahead and do it let's go I'm gonna leave it open to everybody to go ahead and type egg slam raffle in the chat well actually hold on no yet ya gotta reset it first all right go ahead and type it now ex clam raffle exclamation point raffle in the chat and I a will welcome to the bear go ahead and draw we'll rename our hens and chickens here got plenty of them so good chance good chance y'all end up as a member of our animal crew here giant hot dog with a face great name thank you very much for your subscription appreciate that yeah not sub only let's just go crazy with him why not here we go number one oh [Laughter] dude wank time 420 winner number one this is what I get for not doing sub only there were two motivated move congratulations and make you hen number one doo doo doo go ahead and type that exclamation point raffle y'all were doing a whole bunch of him this time for these new animals here rooster number two needs a new name kilowatt it he's won the raffle for that one here you go man point mixed up and number two oh boy interruption though bloodbath McGrath congratulations your head number two now hang on a second here got something to address oh man one letter short how about bloodbath bloodbath McGrath how's that sound it'll prepare for a while and then attack oh Jesus who's got a gun none of them none of them have guns well that's gonna be bad for them and they're probably gonna end up going through here too so that's just gonna be well we got gun turrets as well I don't think this is gonna go well for them the melee only raid yeah that's that's an interesting approach oh there's a solar flare right oh no the solar place done so we have we've got our turret power up that would be bad if the solar flare was going on right now though um well we got time anyway so let's keep naming animals I guess and number three Beto hawk congratulations you are head number three I knew you always want it to be head number three glad we could finally provide you that moment rooster number three Dovie n' congratulations welcome Onan loving this raid song this is great we're still number for teh yak very good very good Oh what was that the screen just shake I swear I just saw the screen shake oh my god they're already close to the bugs they might get attacked a be hilarious it did yeah what happened oh oh a Booma love died did it get shot I wonder if it was a mad boom elope that was immediately shot and killed Oh be hilarious okay anyway hen number 4 cinnamon apple pie congratulations perfect next to left y'all get it in now get it in now bacon time oh if only that was the name of the pig taking time though and here is a hen and last one rooster number five let's do it origami anarchist is our last winner congratulations you are rooster number five ah it doesn't fit oh well well there we go yeah we got our whole crew named minus a few pigs so we're gonna slaughter so don't worry about them we'll figure them out later but pirates from the execution they're fleeing oh I [Laughter] didn't know they were attacking yeah they're dead now yeah they blew up the turret yeah that's hilarious oh he's still alive where she is hold on yeah she's not that good just leave her to die I could rescue them and release them to improve relations I guess though oh he's pretty good and capable of a few things though yeah let's go rescue some people some people real fast the one rescue duty buddy caPSURE bill capture mcknight we've got a couple of prison beds available already oh no relationship with these guys out damn it okay so that's I guess we could just get improved social right it's kind of the objective there the benefit I'm gonna have to take care of all these goddamn bodies to you aren't I why'd you have to bring all your friends to die in front of us it's so obnoxious the animals are gonna take care of it though there we go somebody's gonna light them on fire right I do have an incinerator yet you can sell the clothes picked off of a dying person not a corpse okay okay so we want to strip these to you then oh McKnight's gonna die though well we better strip him quick then before you dies let me take your clothes yeah it's not a priority there we go awful pants oh well that's not all that great it's going good wolf guy how you doing it's a lot of blood I don't think anybody tended to her yeah she's gonna die she's dying goodbye yeah she's just gonna die oh they're running to her they're trying yep rip oh well let's go ahead and cremate that know that wine that wine hi at least you had a good nap that's very good to hear excellent that is encouraging and here comes the debuff fear it is Leo just go ahead and burn all those bodies real quick for us but thanks okay so this prisoner we are going to release it's gonna work on talking to him I guess if we're gonna do this okay the sheds done t captain oh you're great - thanks buddy appreciate it well come on back here and thanks for two months much love to you mean legging it's going good mr. mr. Clayton sorry not make like a colony goes well though it's oh my god we're even making fine meals at this point yeah yeah we're living in luxury now yeah this is great we got ourselves a bunch of hens and chickens out of nowhere groan the food for them still of course you know what I need to go ahead and deconstruct these and extend this grow zone that's a year and that way they can uh wait a minute what I didn't just make it new I did make a new one I wanted to expand it expands own why are you making a new one if I hit expand zone expand growing zone 18 or create new grown zone why y'all help me out here what's going on with this why is it when I'm left click dragging out from expanding the new zone oh I selected all is all that's why okay so I got to do this one there we go there we go got it I thought that pig was carrying a chicken for a second okay so there's that we cars I always get to confirm thank you buddy welcome back for nine months in a row appreciate it just I want those gone bothering me that they're still there but I do like the DS prioritizing this - actually I travellers how's it going don't worry about the fire that's just been going for a while here - the bear pile hop good dog [Music] welcome to the pile he was just standing in the fire why did to his own burger I don't think I want any of this stuff that is a steel mace don't leave any of that it was cold bare and now too hot oh no oh good we finished these walls too and this Hey excellent okay so we should connect this then obviously the BAM there we go we get steal from that junk are we talking about that but uh we talk about weight talking about what you talking about it feels nice to have that wall valve oh they can't get in here can they Oh smelt the weapons for steel oh yeah I didn't think about that okay so though if I unmarked these then will they grab I'm sure the animals will just haul this over here but will they automatically grab to smelt from the smelter or does do I have to designate it specifically I'll look at the bill for this in the details hmm well no I can bump that up too you need a bill for that Oh smelt weapon okay do forever I guess and just smelt down all the weapons but I don't use I hope that works that's gonna melt down everything though so probably don't want to do that let's only do it oh we can set the quality oh well that would fix it then if we only do hold on hold on hold on you can pick quality and types in the under details where is the nut scene where I would do that maybe if I add oh that all whoops my bad I didn't realize I was doing it for the slag bill yeah my fault okay there we go and oh yeah perfect so if we do ones that are like below 40 hit points and then awful - poor quality and then we can do those ones forever okay yeah that works I think yeah that should do it cool hit points on the weapon have no bearing on its stats right but it is still something I want to specify right and even so I'm gonna take all these poor quality weapons anyway this steel club could probably be smelted - I guess you can click the arrows and prohibit them from smelting certain weapons no matter what would you do that via the smelting bill again oh yeah yeah okay so you can be like don't smelt any bolt-action rifle or any yeah yeah okay I got you specific bill for poor weapons and specific bill for broken weapons if I go down even further awful only hmm I think for now it's probably okay right oh and right yeah we can just forbid individual items to of course I think for now we're probably okay in our prioritization and stuff this fire is still going oh my god that's gonna be an issue I'll like take off the doomsday rocket yeah okay I guess I could probably go ahead and specify some stuff right any of these are gonna be something I want to keep okay eternal fires are a thing well it is raining so it's probably going to go out yeah that's going out I wanted to use the comm station we should do that he's just smoking it's smoke leave joy yeah he's he's able to do this right now a couple of neutral colonies we can call here savage have a go at this see how we fare now hurry greets friendly shandler warily and asks what business you want to handle oh they have to be an ally well they're not now I I guess we just have to improve relations ok then I ended up making that gun I don't think anyone ever did I wonder [Music] it's the priority on that it's probably craft right this is the machinery maybe it's so it's probably Smith yeah it's Smith and Shaggy jackal is really good at that let's go ahead and make that a1 just so whenever that is listed he'll go ahead and take care of it real fast trading helps relations quality if you send a caravan can I send them like if I make I make a transport pod launch will suborbital cargo pod capable of carrying people Evans are animals then we can send a gift to him yeah let's do that it sounds good where do I need to build this how do I need a caravan parking spot oh no you can do that well that's cool also a tool cabinet increase work speed one place near work oh that's need one workbench uses up to tool to tool cabinets I should put this here oh it's a crafting spot I would need a pot launcher ah there we go a fuel import for launching one transport pod launches a group of new launches must be placed adjacent to each other I see does it matter where I put this apparently I can't put it underneath the mountain I kind of want to put it like somewhere safe but I don't think it really matters too much I probably split like right here let's just do that [Music] sure and then now that I know these are a thing it feels like a good idea to increase the speed of these production tables hmm let me not have to move this reinstall this here and I don't think I even need this second crafting spot just go ahead and do that and then we'll put the toolbox down right there dude where's my boy where's my boy Caryn dear building a power conduit that makes sense hey he's done it nice and we have more power boys lots of grit excess now you can probably go ahead and flip these off again indeed wolf guy yeah I love it oh we're finally doing this now - great okay so let's get this wall down just like this beautiful I'll go ahead and put a door through here - Oh an auto door yeah let's do it sounds good let's do one like here sure and let's see oh this door is gone now as is this one so we'll replace those looks like we're finally getting to these deconstruction projects which is lovely good stuff we can put down the pot now too [Music] or not next to Allah all right here got it it's a little inconvenient of yeah I don't like that placement anymore dammit now that I know what that's doing I'll have to move that what if I can just reinstall it I guess not I need fuel for that I probably need chem fuel for that don't I so just connect these here good stuff of course just expand this zone so a lot more storage now all right we got ourselves a transport pod once you figure out how to use that all right you had a pod launcher needs fuel of course yay roofs and an auto door believe that yes sir no slow down and all my colony is named bear Scott Scott Lauri the Bears thought Scott hey Pandora welcome welcome oh you're almost done with our gun very good very good yeah a little more here that job is nearly finished though we don't have enough power for that really from just the two geothermal we really don't have enough power for everything that surprises me huh okay a tool box for the smelting room oh yeah good call I forgot I was gonna put that one down here - tool cabinet there we go I think it matters which direction it goes but we will put another one right here yeah let's do it right here that looks good and that works and each workbench uses up to two two tool cabinets so let's go ahead and put these here as well and probably even one more so that these sections can use both we could read place the chess table we can move this down here that's probably better then we could put a workbench there manhunter pack a pack of man-hunting arctic wolves they want to tag doors unless they see someone go through hide inside and you'll be safe they won't attack - it's that are powered down wait it out or fight them ooh I think I'm gonna fight him let's see how our Auto turrets fare against the pack of rabid wolves what our arctic wolves doing in the jungle that's a very good question get trapped they're gonna get it today's gonna blow up right oh no they wow they destroyed that well I mean it's probably fine if I just leave them let's just forbid this door for a day you dumb idiot way to get killed that's a free wolf for me I guess oh my god so dumb don't walk him in the traps I'm not even trying stop doing that don't do it again oh my god like just wanna knock them all out yeah the meat hunts it so seriously what on earth I feel bad now I gotta go put it out of its misery Magi these poor wolves mirror I don't know I shouldn't actually go through the door it's a trap to lure you out yeah they're trying to bait me into this sense of security aren't they I won't fall for it I won't there we go let's wait for them to move the stool yeah that's better okay whoo apparently bandits based in a nearby camp have been raiding their caravans there's an enemy outpost guarded by three enemies they'll send us 2,500 silver I could probably do that it's pretty far away though well maybe try it out how's the prisoner good doing good question oh he's gone we must have released him that was what we had him scheduled to do CIA must just be released I think I'm ready for a trip actually I've got enough survival meals [Music] there they're all extreme blood loss they're all just gonna die yeah I don't even have to do anything yay wolf meat that's excellent he's almost done with his gun too just let him bleed out yeah all right we got a bullet action rifle can you rescue him I wonder let's try here this is our animal boy actually we should have a varactor it now let's have you're just doing oh no path right they won't be tamed after rescue bad idea oh it died well surely give me an option yeah wolf meat go piggy the problem solved itself sure enough holy alright who needs a bolt-action rifle huh Auto pistol charge rifle revolver both action auto pistol grape of grape oh yeah replace that hell yeah liquor thanks for hanging out appreciate it okie dokie keeping an eye out for when they end up finally deconstructing these doors to so much meat now beautiful sir moose how's it goin looking good and some wolf fur and we can finish a little bit more of the carpet that way gotta get the defenses back up again I think they are prioritizing that yak hair and ear definitely is oh no animal food left uh oh yeah very true gonna make some kibble we do not have that builder welcome to the bear pile Morgan Freeman's inner demons an excellent excellent username welcome to the bear pile thank you very much for your subscription with twitch prime enjoy a badge and email it's buddy I need to make way more kibble way more kibble they change it quickly here there we go nice okay making that kibble baby they are able to freely graze here as well so it's not like they're starving I'm gonna go ahead and extend the Pigpen area to the other hay as well indeed I do son striker recently added this to my repertoire Pigpen there we go much better squirting Fleming discharged how you doing welcome still can't finish this bear training damn it yeah Karen deers got the right priorities here take care business clearly a very good idea to build these turrets a caravan from the white reindeer Kamini oh the slaver they'll hang around for a few days before leaving okay that's weird are you gonna sell me people I don't feel very good about that at all feel pretty bad about that passionate soul hey there lightning nearly just struck them come on now y'all shambleau let's go have a conversation shall we figure out what the hell is going on with this guy you buy the people their freedom oh well yeah I guess that's a better way of thinking about it huh looks like we got all that ambrosia up here too so we should be able to sell them some good stuff assuming we get that option all right they'll buy prisoners for big money that makes sense yeah if only I had one I did have bill available for a minute boy those are expensive people beautiful and neurotic huh this is a very good person shooting mail asocial he's expensive his though yeah we've got an artery blockage oh Jesus yeah she's okay [Music] yeah she can't do anything incapable of skilled labor now look number that good I don't think I want to worry about these guys God they don't buy anything oh yeah Jean onyx pregnant didn't even realize again no peg soon I don't think I need herbal medicine either I'm growing enough of my own I'm gonna call it good no need for another body right now oh boy oh god no what do we do is that wise oh that's part of the home zone isn't it yeah hold on we got a hold on hold on clear that out wait if I clear that from the home zone will they still harvest the ambrosia give them a gift to better relations school what a bad idea they won't take anything now they weren't willing to trade like any of our stuff Oh God three of your colonists have the plague we don't have a medical bed we should build a medical bed because we were actually able to do that now so hold on let's replace oh yeah that might take bullets on bed specially designed for use in the hospitals just before patient a festooned with building equipment in freeze medical normal that's okay I want to put this here I kind of want to just uninstall and then replace they've reinstall a bed right now hmm this hospital bed take medicine does it oh now it's components just components tell you what I'm gonna install these first what are you doing all right yeah see if they will indeed take a gift we can give them herbal medicine but there's nothing else he's willing to trade oh wait hold on gift mode there we go yeah literally all we're able to give them is herbal medicine here have some great that's all they were worth it oh you can get silver but I probably want to do that though it's probably more valuable to me is just silver right three relations yay so worth it we have him uninstall these real fast then oh he's gonna have a fine meal at 1:00 a.m. good time to do it buddy then bam bam bam there we go I think I even need this end table in here but I've already got it so might as well leave it I'm gonna let him finish this meal but then I'm gonna have some people prioritize now I'm not taking care of the ones with the plague yet cause I want to build the beds for it first hold on who's gonna construct for us right now that's gonna be Shaggy jackal let's do it now yeah Jackie jackal that's sir yet they're gonna and they're not gonna die no what they die they have the plague that is pretty bad oh god I gotta attend to these people just the plague yeah no big deal Karen dear actually has it - yeah he's gotta be tended to hold on no one's ever died in the plague before what are you talking about hey hold on who else is that who else has it Zach Nicole Karen dear and weirdest Leo okay let's see this dude he's got the plague and he's building his own hospital bed what a badass you know what I'm not gonna have you do this anymore you're gonna need to you need to rest Oh God now rest in your damn bed you know what I think I'm doing as best as I can here actually hold on final needs to go ahead and tend to you it's really just Karen dear it's like a dead man building his own casket yeah yeah that percentage is going up quick it's all just about getting Karen here into this bed now but that's treated that's treated that might be bad fire oh boy it's a bad time to get the plague yeah we're working on it here we go as soon as he gets this done he is popping into bed yep you rest no more working for you you got to get to bed buddy Magi take care of him Jesus Christ is there a good time to get the plague there's probably a better time than right now all right minor plague tended his immunities getting up there who's gonna clean for us right now Ave Iraq it's not the time to Train the bear dude I'm gonna let you finish i'ma let you finish god damn it now I have your fine meal out by yourself and then finish this well first clean that up clean that up finish delivering this another fire it's not the home area calm down Oh these components we added components I think rata components shaggy I don't think you need to worry about that bud yeah you know let's just go ahead and not worry about that for now good work it's fine just leave it alone how you doing beating it beating it with the immunity how are the other ones faring though they have not really been taking care of themselves he's yeah oh boy oh boy you got 12 compartments and storage still why are they're not prioritizing those ones that's weird yeah there they are okay well Geron deer is typically the one doing the construction so I'm gonna have to probably have shaggy jackal come off of research and prioritize this in fact that's I know why that's happening because that needs to be a 1 that's why there we go it's a really sleeping time y'all don't think so the earliest I think needs to go to bed too and then who's the other one it's technically he's still sleeping it off stoned on smoke Lee if that'll help out and we yell we'll have him move once the bed's done of course they should say there weirdest you'll be fine you've ever seen him sleep on their side before that's interesting now these thunderstorms I'm doing on food down here yeah they're good now they got a lot of kibble good stuff if you Adams the trade huh okay okay later I'm black here and everything oh that's a problem I'd actually have to put that one out that's rating though I'm sure we'll be fine Magi apparently cannot stand about the very possibility of this reaching our turret is not acceptable there we go okay he's being taken care of who needs to finish this off shaggy slash friendly where is shaggy shaggy sleeping that's why you need to finish this oh we need to rebuild you don't even have a blueprint for this down that's why it is indeed stuffed croc yeah we've been rocking the same colony for a while now where is the last guy it's technically and where did he go let him have his fine meal first and we'll shift them over to the medical bed there you go all right man the hospital is actually looking pretty good pretty happy with that we've got I'm sure one more person around somewhere here we go Shaggy Jackyl oh yeah he's building that off that's fine hold on technically before you do this clean this dirt up real quick there we go now you can go to bed yeah we are socialized with your sick chums mine would have burnt down by now ours almost did still doing okay boomba lobes threatened us for a minute there but doing fine now just go ahead and expand this zone why not a a little bit more he'll root there and then probably the same with this corn as well yeah another piggy piglet yeah the piggies have fun yeah first cold snap was pretty bad yeah we've been going through some tough stuff otherwise okay all right made your break risk here it is what's the matter dude just that damn plague getting to you huh sick hungry depressive ate without a table that's your fault there is enough time yes indeed feel free to use it and you may notice but a TV in the hospital to passively give your patients joy I did not know that that's cool hmm I should move this to here and then do this shrink it a little bit and I can put a TV there almost like a real Hospital yeah now that I'm able to build those right now of course but if I may be like him able to all I forgot don't go no wait ah I want to trade don't leave no dammit alright fine don't do that oh my god just go to bed go to bed well stupid well there it is still struggling there's all those weapons to smelt as well you make your lab area with sterile tiles to research quicker I did not know that that's cool that is interesting that makes you feel better huh well light next to you why you hold on if you say so okay he's gonna feed a meal to Karen good what a trooper you both have the plague you don't have to act they're all tough about it dude jeez yeah those percentages are gonna be cutting it close I know Karen dear should be fine yeah he's gonna be okay here it is yeah yikes he can beat ended soon though you you are close good to hear murderous gesture yeah it's been a good one for me too well that's a shame sir it's getting back up oh no doors Oh whoopsie whoopsie yeah those finally got deconstructed you have been waiting on that thanks for pointing it out you gotta get ourselves another auto door there we go and is there another one I don't think there's another one that's been deconstructed yet we got to prioritize those though for sure shaggy build that yo beer - hey grasses died from rotting why this stuff there's no roof here right yeah no we're fine build the door know the door build the door do it do it thank you do you Danny and knew how you doing friend oh I really should have been on that faster I guess oh my god oh there's a roof button here oh yeah look at that cool there we go you know it's worth considering Phoenix production nutri mean display I don't even know what's going on with that so it doesn't sound like it's something I've got oh he won yay good job Karen dear you were the one I was most concerned about you were the one I did not want to lose so that's good to see why is there a pig in the hospital he's a busy pig he's a service Pig that's not good man they're gonna cut it close he can beat ended now and he definitely should be you stone hot smoked leaf what a better tour what better time to tend to your sick compatriots oh boy this is bad very this is gonna be the UH the close call looks like the rider is gonna make it why are you out of bed go back to bed fix yourself get that immunity up I know you can I know you can do it right I think he's gonna make it I don't think he's gonna make it oh no his doctor priority is higher than bed rest indeed it is I see and now the ten quality was not very good huh maybe we'll be able to get one more before the mmm I don't think he's gonna make it oh oh and I really should've been quicker about that she was so high I know god damn it he gets a meal at least maybe that'll help for hours boy get out of there Cobra no I know wait what not you too are there any operations to do I think it would tell me right this isn't there snacking for a check oh let's see yeah yeah Ryder will be fine I guess you come here be ready for action still stoned god damnit how much smoke leaf did you smoke Jesus 10 months Darrell welcome back thank you thank you so much well come on back alright so like the odds are extremely slim but I'm gonna try okay tend to veer dis maybe Hemus we're doing uh pretty good today a little better 55% tend he's gone oh man that sucks he's better now at least a lot of pain goodbye hmm no fainted weekly whose final words were about Bluffs [Music] what a sad song he tried to bluff death death called it alright poor buddy all right you can't walk that's a problem mmm sad now you know and either you need better meds yeah through that oh well yeah I should probably you go over there for now Oh God someone feed him he's gonna feed him you're gonna feed him now you're gonna feed him I have a rack we're not there you go put them in the freezer you can make him live again what what I don't dare mess with the dark arts there's no no that's up the dead stay dead in our world also spoilers right yeah gee-whiz yay you'll live man close call though oof okay let's get to work building this sarcophagus buddy it should not be burning colonists corpses yeah I'm pretty sure yeah I won't burn colonists corpses I don't trust the hydration body whose text ain't blue I'm with you on that yeah that's just that's just a lie that's not a real thing right there your eyes are lying to you [Music] you'll just take a sweet ol time with this Swami technicals having a struggle well he's not the best construction worker is he so I probably shouldn't have him do this let's have Karen Deere get this done no time to watch TV buddy we gotta bury a body to bury imagined eyes painted respects huh yeah you know what this is just past I I happened to notice this as I was looking at this sarcophagus we've just passed the first anniversary of the death of do doc fitting that we lose our second player at that time how do we get him in there oh I prioritize hauling the body to the all this still needs doors yeah good call I need to put the auto doors down there yep forget about that you know that guy that died next to you go build his casket we got it we got to get a move on here man we got more important priorities to take care of right-click and assign the casket okay okay assign the dead Venus and then at that point can we prioritize the hall oh you having your door in the kitchen too right we need to build those quake that freezers not gonna stay low in fact it's already going up oh man of components oh oh can I get any more from gonna sign living colonists the caskets yeah it's pretty really mortifying innit where is man there's no more shift to deconstruct anywhere either son of a I guess I got to build a regular door god damn it lame-o stupid is that make sure they do it quickly at least and I still don't know how to get somebody to do this all I have a strip and consume how do I get them to make beer it is go in there I don't I don't even remember how we did it last time right-click command press halt and allow him know all are selected I was setting the stockpile to low-priority what if we just take corpses off this for a second maybe then it'll move it looks like it did there we go finally okay done this sarcophagus bares artwork of Neel variously Oh war buck being crippled that oblique necessity this looks desirous oh boy yes sir rip there he goes finally it's done you're letting the dead guy keep the flak helmet he deserves it he earned it I'll let him die with it mostly because I don't want to dig him back up to get it my animals are all starving eat the food there's rice you can eat bad luck I don't have any mean any more to make kibble oh no guys I have to I have to slaughter this pig to feed the other animals rice isn't in the Pigpen zone I'll well that would do it hold on [Music] yeah that'll do it huh and they're eating all the rice that is in their zone there we go now though it's now believe it okay yay go have your food okay great fixed it awesome whoa no this was here maybe even let him eat the strawberries then the rice field was consumed in one day all right you know what I'm just gonna fight why not I'm not using this dumping zone for anything let's just go ahead and extend this expand this zone all the way through absolutely give them all the rice you got extend that zone of course as well Pigpen there we go this space they'll starve in no time yay [Applause] at least we don't have to slaughter the pig to feed the other pigs it feels a little better we got to grow more food obviously that's a big issue so let's do that let's go ahead and knock out this wall here and we'll use this entire side area as a growling zone [Music] I don't think actually that I need to build another wall there I think I might just go ahead and put another grow zone on the outside a hunting trip would probably be good so you can make kibble again yeah not a bad idea let's make more corn here with the wildlife though we really don't have that many options still people were saying you can't hunt things to extinction but I'm beginning to believe we did well not extinction but like elimination from this region new facts is pregnant again yay only one pregnant animal right now right still winter almost not winter though right checking on the egg progress you can definitely hunt out a little population okay bad poetry goal of them only got to see about three and a half hours of this rimworld run what did I miss super excited playing this dude you've missed a lot to be honest this colony has been expanding amazing flux yes that's what happened hang on I was like what the going on is just like some weird effect with this seasonal change yeah thank you for calling that there we go I was wondering why it was sepia toned you got your flux turned on yeah you know yeah I got it it's so gradual it like it doesn't even or you don't even notice it while it's happening nenenene all new party Hey yeah why not party time all right yeehaw actual colors oh boy it looks like the roof is going over this anyway even though I don't have the roof zone in that oh it is why is it still there hold on maybe if I do it here and here celebrate the new death hooray oh man I haven't beers and everything huh look at this joyous occasion everybody's having fun Oh a glitter world surgeon named Moe calls you from nearby whoo Ryder a blocks color me shocked you figured that out being chased by pirates he offers to join your colony glitter world surgeon sounds pretty good I'd love to get another doctor yeah I'm oh what's going on with you buddy can't shoot but you can do a lot of other stuff staggeringly ugly oh no what's this compacted machinery hmm no that's not the way to go there you go buddy you figured it out all right well got my turrets ready here and defenses are looking solid on the south so this will probably be fine the party's over everybody's feeling happy all right mo you know get some clothes on buddy we got some gear for you here they come yo they have grenades um they all have grenades kyoool okay that's a problem well piggy you don't want to be out there but come here hold on everybody go to the Pigpen all the animals to the Pigpen get to safety now final Magi he's gonna hang out right here good drafted did not mean to be derogatory I apologize good revolver here an auto pistol will be helpful bolt-action rifle on AB Iraq six shot will go with him as well position there technically a writer who's our best shot ah here we go bolt-action rifle in theater core draft go this will be the squad Auto turrets three well equipped soldiers and look at this a barracks loyal troops ready to fight should the need arise here we go against a few grenadiers let's see how we fare you know what animals I need you all to actually go ahead and back off for now if you wouldn't mind you should just stay in the safety of the Pigpen please this is not the time for you here we go the auto pistol going off gun turrets Rajon let's move final Magi up here actually so chic so she can get a better angle there we go all boy this is bad they're getting close already look at these shots though that'll get somebody always down that I spook him that I spook him get up hurry hurry hurry strolling a grenade watch out run run Magi run what do you do oh god they're fleeing oh boy yeah you better get the out of here attack release the animals get them hang on let the pigs get them to hang on a second attack pigs fight release the animals get up Oh what the yeah you got a bed you're still running ain't you where are you gonna go get him get him over here there we go yeah I think we got him oh thank God I thought geomatic died they're consuming jumper okay as ruthless oh man we get some frag grenades huh okay you know I'll take those I'll take those when we got going on with her she's dead a traitor give me those give me those very good be careful with those I will be I will be Oh she can only equip wine of the two I see ok so we actually probably just want to take the grenades of that huh all right pigs get some tasty colonists in there in their bellies I'll take care of things go mow go we've got a new worker know the surgeon fantastic let's absolutely increase the priorities on doctor for him the bed rest up there as well warden we can put up there - or handle also in mine cool art be a pretty high priority for him check his stats right yeah well we already had a look at it he's very artistic though but actually I'm gonna make that a one well put him at the art station whenever he's got an option to do so make a grand sculpture limb check on Magi couple of bruising cracks no big deal right middle finger torn off oh boy that needs tending now that means tending now oh my goodness you need to get her a prosthetic finger I guess these guys will just take care of this corpse force thanks that is tasty tasty person isn't it yummy what's the most important finger I know how horrible alright somebody's gotta go take care of her mo tend to the wounded there we go alright finally springtime again hopefully were able to actually harvest some crops and get our food supply back up potato plants are looking good we're beginning to grow corn up here as well I'm gonna go ahead and expand this zone cuz why not make it much bigger way up here there we go how's she doing pretty sure she's gonna be okay she will die if I don't tend to her now though alright good good good good missing a damn finger now that's crazy that man no longer exists oh god I kinda you know I should put the the corpse on over here too just so they can start getting some extra meals I'm gonna do it here you go y'all but a couple of corpses here critical priority for corpses this is now only an important priority for corpses any corpses y'all got you go ahead and feed them to the pigs yep yes sir it's already in there right yeah probably some white human corpses there yeah it's probably true [Music] no chunks either okay oh I didn't know I also did not want him to make a sculpture out of marble son of a hold on yeah only use Jade I said use Jade and he's not doing it dick oh yeah turn off calling his corpses to you right uncheck stone blocks ah okay got it well do you late well I'd ever make it out of marble Oh probably cool oh I didn't have enough g8 okay that makes sense good boy just put that right across from the other one huh maybe even in here actually to the tune of uptown girl why can't I think of the tune uptown girl late night bear there it is late night bear playing rimworld on his derriere very good I like it I like it like for the life of me I could not figure it out I got stuck on Barbie girl I think I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world I got chickens they're delicious store them over there don't tell the mama kill them and harvest their blood then I'll sell it yeah it takes two terrorists consuming the body oh man I am NOT training him well he's got a little bit of a taste for human flesh the boy hold on I need to expand the home area to cover this here we go at least my animals aren't hungry anymore they got human food to keep them going they're Imagi is gonna be fine just rest them off the grenade wounds no big deal Shaggy's working on that what is it again it's the multi analyzer right they ate well that day yes indeed I can make kibble out of the corpses uh we should do that can I use ya human meat can i hmm don't do that Oh it'll be a butchered human debuff okay ICC I wouldn't want to do that that makes sense yeah it's probably better off that we just let them eat it anyway oh never mind okay I guess he wanted to get rid of that as you wish the final Magi is looking good okay yay look I've got beds for everybody it's adorable I didn't even realize I built like the exact right amount of beds did I maybe these other animals laying around caring dear what the dude why are you all the way out there what why why did you go that way okay are you bleeding you looked red no it's just this shirt okay oh boy oh hey we got to expand this zone again from one tile here we go and let's see I wonder do I have to build bridges there for us to be able to actually store stuff there it might not actually place things on those tiles otherwise carpets are the most important technology after colored lights I'm with you there yet damn hey grass hello you're feeling well enough to talk that's fantastic I'm feeling well enough to keep 3 grains of rice down my stomach that's some tremendous progress y'all don't even realize that's good I've been puking since Wednesday Pedialyte for the win yeah I'm so glad you're here right now that makes me happy yay good good yeah she's been having a tough go of it lately I love you I'll probably done soon yeah it's been good all right Herbie him up and Adam makes me feel good she has been sick glad watching that makes me feel good that he's comfortable enough to do that oh they're starving again okay you know what eat it all it it's like we're not even harvest why are we not harvesting these first of all you're like nearly done you know it's just eat whatever you want it I don't care eat the strawberries eat the potatoes eat the rice do it all do it mmm nummy nummy nummy yes sir get all them tasty treats as you will you just randomly have an elephant sure do you restricted elephant there we talking about general Krunk hello welcome back thank you for 17 months and we appreciate that oh here's the problem yeah we need to put these guys back and unrestricted so they can go eat wherever they want yeah y'all might need to go graze elsewhere unrestricted unrestricted and then all the hens and roosters and whatnot they're gonna stay in a pig pen there we go Hank Ruby let me let me try to get these damn plants first hang on orders harvest boom go get that real quick you're ugly I'll get it real quick shambling yeah mine now yeah now you do it real fast can you prioritize that I guess not man she's got to finish if she started I guess I yeah here we go now we're gonna get the berries they won't eat all of them I guess she's committing them over to the fridge that's great so if we're reading the mole wow we are running out of food we need these potatoes I know these are strawberries wait a minute no these are potatoes yeah almost done Wow yeah that was fast food that's not a good time to do this boy I had hundreds of taters yeah now we don't I thought I had food and now it's gone what happened alright we need to play it more more growing zones yeah we can hunt down we might actually have to go ahead and slaughter a couple of pigs here I think it's time I think it's time sorry y'all it's got to happen got a marking for the slaughter I'm gonna take this male pig because we need the sales more than we need the the male pigs so let's do this one kill the Rhinos not the piggies the poor little piggies we could kill an elephant or try to anyway hmm alright now I guess we could try to kill this Rhino about we maybe have a good chance of it we're gonna kill all good Lord rockleesmile raid Raiders sorry I'm sick so if he had the plague big thanks to the raid appreciate it hi everybody welcome on in um oh my god we just got a I'm gonna hunt this Rhino I'm gonna hunt this rhino and it's probably gonna go badly I'm gonna do it let's use where's our all of our people the oh here we go you Amir if we go let's uh oh you know what actually AB Iraq bring your animal companions let us go forth let's go speed one mark off the hunt for now hold on wait a second wait a second wait to be ready establish cover behind the generator perfect AB Iraq over here now begin the hunt you fire at the rhinoceros you fire at the rhinoceros release your animals Caillou do cupcake thank you very much guide you cupcake for your hundred ninety bits appreciate that yeah this is going pretty good hold on don't release the animals keep them back keep them back they'll be ok it's dying it's dying we got it oh man well played well not we gonna add that to the home area now oh boy rhinos too blind to see him yeah clearly clean no don't clean the blood haul the Rhino there we go well that ought to solve our food problem for a second at least hopefully long enough to harvest these potatoes and maybe we'll be okay in my experience they helped one man hauling a rhinoceros is very impressive well good work technical writer has gotten food poisoning from a dirty cooking area that's no good oh you better go to bed I guess that's not out of the ordinary for you is it he's still pigging out goddammit you ever call any circus strongman there clearly yet those are power capacity now Oh more than enough yeah we don't even need this one on the geothermal power baby okay somebody ought to get to that right now eventually but I think we're in a pretty good spot now thank goodness I'll probably go ahead and build another grow zone out underneath here as well just because that seems to be the way we're going with things yeah that works too many toasters well c'mon back in Bobby thank you very much for 18 months Andrea preciate you we will put more strawberries here since they're gonna eat all those ones we even got more kibble now I can't wait to see how much meat that RINO makes very excited got like nothing but meals at this point it's a bridge over the marsh yeah we can unfortunately can't build any growing zone there do-do-do-do-do-do Technical Writer is no longer picking out thank God you eventually gonna do this I guess not is this oh we got a chicken egg yay we got an egg awesome ruined by temperature Oh so if we've let the eggs oh we can let the eggs hatch and the more chickens cool but we definitely don't want to do that we just want to get eggs so we can eat them or fertile eggs should we keep the fertile eggs same floor in the hospital as in the kitchen two lessons we all we want to put sterile tiles in the kitchen that makes sense yeah technical writer and is 50s and warred beat reporter look he's got going on more chickens is more food strain right exactly yeah that's what was going through my mind is like we really can't afford to even feed the chickens we've got hopefully that's big enough to get those slags out there [Music] you're gonna do this here oh wait now that doesn't make a lot of sense we'll do this here though just give him a little bit more space smoke leaves running away yo I told you to move the smoke leaves over what the if I a whole aisle here let's do this let's go with raw resources plant matter smoke please don't let them in there force him to go to the fridge with that then I built some more sleeping spots in here where I'm extending this more plants down very nice probably wait and just put one more grows on there no reason not to at the moment meteorite oh boy packed it's steel I'll take it it's kind of far off though but I'll go ahead and mark it sure sure okay he'll delete that since the embryo just no longer bear to I think also the ambrosia from here is gonna be gone right yeah so get rid of that yeah go for it test absolutely hand on that huh okay how the bugs doing the bugs I think you're doing just fine yeah they're still just hanging out oh never mind they died he died he died eight days ago from cat stabbing it oh no that was our like ultimate bastion of Defense right there but at least now we can take the silver in the steel yay free money Oh plea nobody dies over there let's go get it yeah more growing so much better I think I will go ahead and grow some more potatoes there too I don't think I need these sandbags here anymore but it's a nice just extra miniature layer of Defense I guess that's you bad to keep it why don't I be construct that one I shouldn't have done that there we go there we go finally got that right now look at all that rhino leather yes sir oh dude 250 meat from that Rhino they'll take care of us for a minute and now we're finally harvesting too aren't ya we're getting most strawberries this potato plants almost ready to go it's gonna be a big harvest I do I have another cotton zone down finally I don't think I ever did that no I think I remarked it as something else let's see you put it right here Eclipse oh boy cotton there we go bottom let all this is cotton okay I'm on that case let's do yeah you know let's do more cotton I bet we could use mark Eclipse one of the moons of this planet has orbited in front of the Sun okey dokey the visitor from another colony who apparently has goods to trade oh boy let's talk let's chat friend oh you have for us you'll take anything won't you yeah I'm gonna sell you all this garbage that cats just laying around thank you very much you don't have that much gold but I will I'll fix that let's see who you got beer and medicine give me all that yes thank you and I could LMG oh my god thank you I will take that you can have this and this in this and this do-do-do-do-do you're gonna have some ambrosia if you want beer and medicine all you need damn right I've got all kinds of embryos you actually will just go ahead and give her all that and I've got a full stack 140 left can give them some smoke leaf joints but I've already covered the cost of things here so this is great I might take their survival meals too why not and all the beer give me all the beer and your LMG perfect so those boughs you'll never use right for sure hmm and the revolver can probably go that's 67 cents perfect okay I don't think I need all this beer there we go perfect you know what it I do want all the beer give me the beer I did click the LMG yeah I'm definitely taking that um you wanna you want some molotovs better suited with you than they are with me give her some pants some more pants you know what I am gonna give you these now I'll keep them I'll probably be able to use them for something have a couple smoke leaf choices that some I keep tempting over things I know I'm not gonna give her hey old Jerry Kahn how's it going that'll do that's acceptable relations of trade era have changed nice right now who do I want to give a good quality LMG good lord final Magi I mean I'm happy with her having the charge rifle still I think you got some shooters in the squad don't we to use Recor you go ahead and grab yourself an LMG yes sir my god that's pretty awesome Magi is gonna bring the good medicine in here and I am going to make sure well you know I think I'm just gonna have to identify those on an individual basis when I want to use the what I want to use the good medicine okay again I think I'll go ahead and give you the bolt-action rifle Oh another merchant I'll hang around the colony for a few days before leaving very good forbid the medicine right yeah that's the easy way to do it huh Szell's Raptor a there there we go that's easy okay now the livers got like a revolver or something I'll go ahead and give an auto pistol now there we go yeah you can go ahead and swap that out Bears bad oh yeah want to use the law of the transport pot at some point here too animal starvation again huh goddamnit I need to make kibble need more kibble I need somebody on and priority on that - can we prioritize making kibble me material what material we got meat do we need oh we probably need like potatoes or something don't we we're so I'm just gonna harvest this it's time to harvest this not waiting for a hundred percent growth we need to get this food made for these animals starve to death dandelions make the best kibble what Garin dere's gotten food poisoning oh my god the dirty cooking area again it's not even dirty what the I guess I need sterile tiles in the kitchen oh my god all of our chickens are starving god damn it no God we want to eat him or let him eat anything else I almost just want to kill him cuz I can't maintain you can feed them smoke wait ok I can beat them beard - I forgot let's just give the chickens beer send them off to a grassy Zone in the back and see if Elliot I mean I can just unrestrictive but then I'm just gonna lose all my crops person with low cooking and king cause you get food poisoning ok I see well now we have the potatoes I wonder if th record can prioritize this now here we go and that is the only bill right yeah I've been grazing a protected part of your base okay all right yeah we have this traitor as well let's see if we've got the ability to buy some food from these guys that we could use to feed the animals for now though I should probably just go ahead and under strict them so they don't die but let's put them in because I know that zone 3 contains most of that grass so yeah let's go ahead and put them in area 3 for now okay there we go now they'll go eat grass from wherever Concilium broza pan oxacillin that would have been good flaky white preparation of psychic that can be smoked Oh interesting we got some more medicine Naima I want to take the pen oxacillin does not cure existing infections flake is crack oh okay let's not take that then I think I'll take this like ten of it's probably good and then let's give them some ambrosia cover a bit of the cost of that and a little bit of gold half our gold get one dose of Lucifer iam roll the dice on which colonist gets a permanent addiction now I'm good I'm alright we will take that pin oxacillin though man [Music] hopefully they'll put that there they should put that there break up shaggy jackal told Technical Writer would be best to see other people know what I built you a double bed goddamn it now what am I gonna do then make a new room for them Jesus and Shaggy sleep I know that's pretty up innit goodness okay well anyway man we got a little bit of a Messier don't we you like being single yeah all right fair enough oh boy Jesus well as you can hear in my throat my voice and whatnot still sick I couldn't fight off the addiction today though I had to play a little bit of rim world and I'm glad we did it was a good time but I think I'm gonna go ahead and wrap up here y'all I'm gonna take some time to rest relax before spelunky saturday tomorrow
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 12,250
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, baer plays rimworld
Id: B7C3aIYU5ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 35sec (11555 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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