Noita [#3] Ultimate Party Wizard (no commentary)

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Channel: Let's STFU and Longplay
Views: 1,379
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: noita, spells, wizard, witch, mage, spell, custom, combine, environment, interactive, sand, powder, powder game, roguelike, rogue, platformer, simulator, simulated, pixel, pixels, art, death, deaths, permadeath, procedural generation, physics, elements, element, vault, gameplay, playthrough, full, guide, no commentary, lets play, STFU and play, STFU, LP, funny, gaming, game, games, videogame, videogames, humour, humor, epic, fails, indie, top, list, how to, best, 2019, all, highlights, longplay, stream, live, livestream, streaming
Id: LpZo2xGTlx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 18sec (9738 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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