Baer Plays Phoenix Point #sponsored

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come on bye pop squat settle down for a good couple hours here of phoenix point this is the court brought this of course created by the uh creators of x-com you know that one comes phoenix point we're gonna play a couple of hours of this today should be a good time playing on the ps5 maxed out ready to go let's do it brand new game tutorial already complete i am geared up knowledge acquired ready to go so let's do it start a brand new game with all the uh dlc up as well start i'm ready let's begin we'll let the cutscene do the work here too so i'm curious what's going on in phoenix point loading finish because that was the perfect segue timing the timing was so good don't take this away from me you do it now right now right now is when we're done loading it's finished all right the phoenix project was founded on october 24th 1945. the second war to end all wars was over but there were those who understood that we could no longer afford to think in terms of nations and empires for a time the phoenix project successfully navigated the political conflicts of its era that was our golden age phoenix project operatives scoured the world for clues we had bases in two dozen countries even the heavens were not off limits but out there on the far side of the moon began our downfall the failure of the phoenix 2 mission exposed us to our enemies in the u.n stripped of resources and scattered to the winds we were reduced to a secret a memory when the pandora virus woke up we should have been the first line of defense when huge clouds that's really good appeared over the sea when people started vanishing we should have figured out what was going on and when those people started coming back changed hostile i like the look of these aliens man ready to fight but we failed the ecosystem started to change imperceptibly like a halo flood and faster and faster three factions arose new jericho trying to restore order and purity synedrin hoping to build a world without hierarchies and the disciples of anu a new syncretic religion dedicated to adaptation and biological change no not a new animal with the world and at odds with each other these factions cannot find a way forward now the mist is returning and armies are rising from the sea without the phoenix project humanity will fall it's time to rise from the ashes tidal drop phoenix point yeah all right we're doing it all right let's begin got our base here to begin with of course we may uh build of course we don't have enough resources yet i'm gonna go acquire some we also have the ability to depart or sorry we gotta go ahead and uh allow time to elapse of course cause uh if you've played xcom you're familiar with that uh with that element i say we go ahead and hit up let's go for an unexplored site that seems wise to me the cinematics the presentation all on point so far as expected you know not surprised by that one bit we'll go ahead and explore that that sounds like a good idea they're doing that right yeah i think so should be good just like original x-com no hand holding right yeah so it's on the way here for now we can look through these as well of course might want to go over to research actually it's probably for the best at the moment using r2 to cycle through those options on the bottom there atmospheric analysis we've managed to connect to some of the remaining weather satellites we should use these to assess the extent of the new mist outbreak sounds like a good idea let's get that going then heading over to our personnel see our currently available uh squadron selena marauder ferry08 honestly just sort of sounds like that actually oh i saw the kicker or the the backer names the kickers they should call the kickstarter backers kickers that's a better idea anyway i think there's probably some backer names in there too i think fairy oa it might be one of them anyway let's go ahead and keep this going see if we can find something interesting here pretty early on here so far wordy i'm definitely uh into the presentation so far hey armory how are you doing i want to look through the uh options down here in the bottom again too can i establish contact first of course for any kind of diplomacy here's our manufacturing if we were to need to produce any of this kind of stuff of course we got some med kits and ammo for our weapons already because you know it's the beginning of the game they wouldn't they wouldn't totally screw us over they wouldn't throw us out there with absolutely nothing unless i played on the hardest difficulty i guess but i'm not a real gamer so i don't need to worry about that all right at the synendrian haven of patierlu peterleu town the situation is intense someone figured out that our open and democratic society would be easy to infiltrate and steal from one of the haven citizens tells our operatives they pretended to join us and then made off with some critical research which i assume they want to sell to another faction i said they made off but the truth is they didn't get very far in fact they're stuck in the haven as you can imagine this is a strange situation these people pretended to be our friends they lived in peterloo town for months all just to make a profit i suppose old habits die hard all right stop a group of thieves who have stolen some critical research i suppose this makes sense oh we can rename the units i was wondering if we could do that tell you what let's do that i know it's going to take a minute i'm gonna reward you for being here damn it for watching a sponsored stream you get to be part of that sponsored stream that's only fair hey solo how you doing welcome on in all right we got to do a pick me right now hit it p-i-c-k-m-e all one word and chet your odds gotta be tremendous oh wait hold on sorry it's not working wait wait one more time one more time now do it now do it there we go now we got okay my bad my bad it was broken i lied to you my apologies okay now we're doing it now we got it we're gonna rename all our squad members yay how about rouch for our first one that sounds like a good a good option no full names around here no only twitch names rouch 2073. there's our first winner we got to go with solo snowden welcome into the squad you're going to be our marauder there we go and [Music] i'm getting so good at these console keyboards man it's a weird skill to develop but i'm certainly freaking doing it then we got three more kcal shadow hawk and pinga congratulations let's get you renamed [Music] lightning fast [Applause] oh that's not the number [ __ ] sorry i don't dare disrespect you that way thank you for the bear hugs thank you for the resub appreciate that very much welcome on back into the pile and shadowhawk gotta get you in the squad too what if we just go with shadowhawk just to save me the trouble of finding the underscore there we go good sweet we've done it think of the bear hugs thing for the resubs appreciate it so thank you all right let's do it we got our squad let's hit it i'm ready i'm even gonna disrobe for this man i'm ready i'm ready to game ah let's go let's freaking go playstation 5 phoenix point big time sponsorship let's get these dubs pardon me goodness there we go grenades oh fun didn't realize we had those all right so if you're familiar with xcom things are going to be very familiar to you here if not i'll do my best to explain this is an isometric strategy game you take your squad members and distribute them on the battlefield issuing them commands and attempting to take out the enemy you're able to move using your action points you can see on the bottom left there moving within that blue area consumes one action point and as you can see there operatives will attempt to find cover using the uh the terrain so now we're gonna go ahead and move up to this spot doing our best to stay in cover as much as we can and we're trying to kill all enemies is the objective for this one of course we're not really sure where the enemies are yet so mostly just a matter of uh moving up intelligently and positioning ourselves in such a way that should provide us an advantage once enemies arrive like this and then time for roush let's go ahead and put you this doesn't seem extremely safe let's go there instead ah roush with the sniper rifle has spotted an enemy in a distance can't fire at them here unfortunately but can move to this spot and we'll be able to fire them next turn let's get information though and then finally let's go ahead and move to here and uh it looks like actually we have a shot here with shadowhawks that's pretty surprising and of course now in uh phoenix point on top of being able to just aim at the target you also have this free aim kind of like a vats looking thing where you're able to go for specific body parts i can try to disable the leg let's try it out good effort good attempt you know shooting at the ground is more or less the same uh oh out in the open with him whoa hey now hey now knock that off what are you trying to pull these guys are exposed he's just chilling right all right then well let's see we're not getting upstairs i guess so i better just go ahead and ignore that let's see let's move someone else first i think i'm gonna use roush first take a peek at these uh options that's looking pretty good got a pretty damn good chance yeah you wanna dome some fool go for it all right i failed to connect there a bit of a whiff that's okay let's see you're just gonna have to stand by there bummer rolling out ah we found another one nice tell you what let's just go for a normal shot there's some damage shred damage reduces the armor value of the body parted effects by the shred value explosive damage will apply shred to multiple body parts there you go i'll just wait again can you dismember a weapon from the enemies when we shoot their hands i don't know uh we could try i mean it's worth a go let's see so if i get into free aim you can shoot at the weapon yeah you can shoot specifically at the weapon that seems cool uh and uh from the tutorial i remember it told me the wider the uh bar the health bar the greater the chance to hit let's have a look which is kind of an odd way of doing it but i can respect that instead of doing like percentages um just give the word oh hold on a second this guy has the jump jets doesn't he yeah jet jump hold on let's try this i think there might be oh yeah he can like get up here and then i'd have a really great shot i think on one of them from there i like that play we'll try this out i don't think he can actually shoot from here in fact with that being the case i should probably go ahead and back him up a little bit so he's not exposed i'll just keep him safe for now okay let's see that is a pretty decent chance to hit um i think i'd rather get a little closer though we can also overwatch here which isn't a bad idea i think i'm going to do that actually oh what well hold on i should have i forgot i needed to adjust that cone width that's a thing you can do now too adjust the cone width for your overwatch so i don't have a shot here i would like to move to there but of course that's not an option unless oh i could have moved there i could have moved him if i hadn't done standby oh there we go i can still do it okay on my way possibly today keep it on my radar all right let's let me have you do overwatch too actually oh yeah i completely [ __ ] up my overwatch from last time because that is not going to do the early thing or the right thing at all i don't think well if that's only going to cover that area maybe not maybe i'll just go for the shot then that's pretty good that's a fine result there for sure all right i think that's everybody oh watch for ants i've been getting pretty lucky with my uh dodging there that's certainly nice taking a little bit of pity on me here yeah if i had overwatch properly that would have been oh he broke through the glass oh [ __ ] that's interesting oh there we go all right took a shot it was about time really about time i took a hit [Music] we got a pretty damn good setup for next turn though this guy shouldn't really be an issue yeah we'll be fine we can take care of him raps might even go that direction and give him a little help they got five it's either four or five they're taking some bad chance shots can't imagine the uh okay well i'm an idiot clearly i don't know what the hell i'm doing you can shoot three [ __ ] times and move [Music] that's odd okay well let's get to here hey taz how you doing oh that's a great chance to hit headshot's not as much i think i'd rather just go for the body armor here there we go that's pretty good and then let's see that is the sieve promotion sound yeah i recognize that too that's kind of funny so we can't hit that guy unfortunately from there welcome back thank you very much for the resub 11 months on the pod welcome on back in thanks for the support we're gonna overwatch here and uh go for that yeah that'll be good okay then you stand by let's go with shadowhawks probably just got a great shot there but i don't like keeping them exposed let's see what we can do here too no shot from there really that sucks i guess we're doing this that should be a kill at least oops hmm i think i should do that 200 days shock damage does not deal any physical damage but can cause a target to become dazed in order for the days to take effect the shock damage inflected must be greater than the current hip points of the target show enough there's that still no shot here i can burst through there and just attack from here i guess which there's no line of sight there unfortunately oh that's because there's a wall right there that makes sense well that's kind of good but also i think that exposes me to the other guy so maybe not maybe we just go like here yeah i think i like this rolling take a little bit of attention off of shadow [Music] yeah i guess we should just go for that hmm pretty good okay not the greatest might be able to kill this thing it's pretty unlikely though think i'm gonna go for the other one oh i got both i guess that works can i fire again let's [ __ ] go yeah all right good turn oh i don't know what the hell that was god leave her alone oh damaged my gun [ __ ] he didn't move either damn it just shot right at me through full cover you gotta be kidding me he's in full cover the it's it's ridiculous that's ridiculous it's just totally full cover does nothing full cover actually does nothing proof complete proof full cover actually is programmed to do nothing in this game that's a really interesting design decision yeah no that's kind of cool how that doesn't work at all i also like that they can shoot their gun four times that seems fair oh die you son of a [ __ ] all right that seems smart i did not realize he was right there oops whoopsie recover will points and become immune to panic for one turn it takes all four points i don't think we need to do that you're kidding me i can't see this guy i can't see either of them i guess it makes sense because i actually can't see them but that kind of blows well that way i can do it i'm on normal difficulty city that'll work yeah good stuff all right stand by in my sides now overwatch i'm fairly certain is not the way to go because they have not been moving very much i'm just going to shoot him in the face one time that works for me and now this dude's finally dead and actually be able to go get his stuff in the line of sight there i suppose i need to go over here because i'm pretty sure i need to just keep this guy in or out of the line of fire it's very much like xcom made by the creator of xcom in fact attempting to acquire target let's just go ahead and do a normal shot like this it's still worth going for all right we got a little bit we got a little bit that's better than nothing just hopefully don't bleed someone out here wow she actually dodged a shot i guess i should have moved her because that's literally been the only thing they've been doing is targeting her the whole time so yeah that was probably the idea there that was very lucky okay that will make up for the salt from the previous round is this oh there we go wait and can't i here we go that's what it is this is a hephaestus laser pistol i'm not proficient with it so i'll just keep it oh apparently i can't pick it up but i'll pick it up next turn and then let's go with you don't actually have a shot already there there we go almost damn he does big damage that's dope no line of shot or no line of fire i think i'm just gonna go expose myself i'm pretty sure this is the last dude if it dude yeah get on get owned noob although i guess i just did forfeit my ability to pick up that gun but oh well [Music] let's go that was a satisfying sound i liked that we got a couple level ups that'll be fun the more of the target you can get in the shot the higher the chance you have to deal damage which makes sense perfectly logical yeah assault was a little unwarranted just a series of unfortunate events there i like the art a lot in this game big fan of that curious how the leveling is going to work too i'm assuming probably very similar to xcom's leveling hi there hi name is athena and i'd like to thank you on behalf of cinedrion as a whole you're welcome you know outsiders sometimes think of cinedrin as a band of naive helpless people living in a big bubble and i know we cannot it's probably because of the big bubble but the truth is we are more like about the big the big bubble might be a big part of that truly democratic society without hierarchies involves a lot of arguing the terraformers want one thing the polyphonic tendency another zara clashes with nikolai stars tries to keep everyone calm my favorite restaurant clothes totally different set of priorities and then something like this happens my pants ripped i'm being honest about our flaws because i think crazily enough the whole thing works we've built something remarkable given everything we've been through and the phoenix project could help us really make a difference on this wretched planet think about it please we have a lot in common and here's your payment i didn't even get copies we believe in people being rewarded for their labor this lady complaining left and right i i didn't get any coffee okay you're not the only one who's got it hard around here thank you i will take the money you're welcome i hope we can work together again all right tech plus 150 cool we're building relations with the three factions of course and as you can see here now in our diplomacy tab we have the option to accept the offer from the synendrian we're now uh friendly three percent sounds right how's research going on our way with atmospheric analysis we now have reverse engineering of the hephaestus ii available which takes a little bit longer but it might be worthwhile we'll keep working on the uh atmospheric analysis though so oh and the scenario as well aims to find a new way of a way of coexisting with the new ecosystem dedicated to new technologies and freedom of thought cool of course we got to reach a phoenix base in order to repair reload and edit weapons and modules for the uh air force i don't think there is much to be done with our current loadout although we can give these guys actually some goods to take with them on the missions and we should probably do that in fact yeah let's go ahead and give you an odin grenade and a med kit we'll do the same thing for everybody pretty much i'm gonna give you [Music] that you oh you can have a couple other things apparently there we go i have another grenade i have a med kit i have a med kit and a grenade they already have grenades but having more than one grenade certainly couldn't hurt there we go that's better okay now let's build something if we can research lab wouldn't be a bad idea energy generator is probably good too training facility not a bad call let's do that that feels like a wise choice and then all right and then the other thing we wanted to do is uh level up which i believe we do like this i'm trying to remember what the procedure was there we go training right i think so yeah here we go move up to half your movement range ooh nice absolutely yes please unlock that and then shadowhawks going to be able to do something similar here gains sniper rifle proficiency with plus 25 percent damage and -4 will power i think i'd rather have the dash i think i'd rather have the dash can we get both no we cannot that's okay but there we go oh yeah that's right we can customize their whole look too man i forgot about that okay everybody's gotta have bear brown armor sorry sorry team i know you probably have your own preferences but i'm gonna force i'm gonna force this uh universal look across the entire squad it's the only thing i'll force you to do gotta be uniform you know what and i am gonna make you all have brown eyes too i just decided no actually white eyes everybody has white eyes they've seen some [ __ ] already onto it dude brown pants is a good choice especially around the really nasty scary bugs yeah it's a tactical choice exactly also shadow has 30 hp that's kind of concerning can i just use a med kit no i guess not i can give the shadowhawk another medkit whoops that's not what i wanted there we go yeah let's try that okay let's see was there trying to remember i don't think there was a way for us to heal yet um let's see let's go this way let's do that as the research shrugs along soldiers vehicles aircraft and stores right that's all that dude all right explore this hang around for a minute let's go find my house we're in vegas so we're like right there ah damn it i thought r2 would zoom in i'm a dummy yeah these things are going to take a minute i suppose i could get some other uh construction underway too oh i need to power this stuff i need power energy generators badly let's go ahead and make another oh this is already being powered okay but in order to power the new stuff we will need one right okay yes yes yes and continue i think you can upgrade the generators yeah i'm pretty sure i'm gonna stick around here so we can actually get our progress going though i like this piano i did notice there was very little music in the uh combat which i suppose is uh better [Music] i don't want to take away from it too much or distract from it too much combat can stand on its own easily in these games at the disciples of a new haven of carcamesh a mutated worm infestation is causing serious problems the locals had placed their hopes in taxi arc nurgle the disciples greatest military hero but nergal is said to be fighting a series of pitched battles against the pandorans and has been unable to help we could eradicate the infestation ourselves helping the haven in creating a good first impression with this faction all right let's do it again i'm pretty sure there's no way for us to heal unfortunately so i suppose we're just going for it man gotta be ready to use our med kits right away i think that might be what we have to do that's okay i'll figure it out [Music] i recommend it strongly solo yeah that's an easy recommendation certainly recommend this too a big thanks again to phoenix point the team for sponsoring this look at the game check it out now on playstation xbox it's a good time if you're an xcom fan highly recommend it all right let's get those med kits popped real quick before i forget so this is gonna be we got a backpack we can exchange items between inventories oh cool i didn't know that no wait i did know that right um okay so we need to do i just need to use this but i forgot how damn it how do i do it um oh isn't it this no it's not recover shoot yeah i've completely forgotten how to do that darn it is it just a unit info maybe no shoot yeah sorry i feel silly oh hold on it was [Music] it's the weapon but you can't swap the weapon there oh no hold on got it oh my god okay so we go to the we gotta put the that's what it is we gotta put the um medkit in the active slot right i think so let's do that and then or that and then oh no god damn it i'm so confused man whatever i just won't die that's the easy solution is just not die wow that was fast where is he way over there well you go in the same place either way where are you seeing things we don't have a line of sight appreciate like an indication of some kind you spot an enemy somewhere i'm pretty sure i'm still just gonna go there easy enough okay um i like this play oh wait a minute what is that it's this little worm thing poison worm oh okay yeah there's poison worms on the ground apparently let's go back here then that sounds kind of dangerous yeah i don't wanna don't wanna mess with those maybe we can get a shot somehow there we go oh that's a very bad shot that's a chance i'd say that's worth going for hey i got one they're alerted all right that's fine worth trying let's go for the jump jet up to there oh fun check it out here we go this is a heck of a play rain down hell from above yeah will point zones represent areas with strategic advantage will restore will points to your entire squad cool that's neat okay yeah ain't no worm getting up there right mm-hmm all right you go right there that'll be good yeah we're just chilling all right hopefully it's not too bad i don't know how far these worms can go oh apparently well no actually yeah maybe a worm could climb up a pillar that makes sense i'm beginning to believe in that possibility yeah it looks like it can climb just fine not really sure where to go though i guess this doesn't seem like the most threatening layout so far so long as we keep our distance from these things there's a lot of them though yeah there's a hell of a lot of them [Music] well it seems pretty straightforward okay one dead um i can't fire again apparently okay in my sights uh let's see i think i want to do that and then get like guaranteed kill there we go that's the good stuff yeah it's all squishy it's gross okay so if we go there is that a line of sight apparently not let me try the other guys first god damn you got some angles dude it seems like a little overkill but let's let's go for it [ __ ] it yeah environmental destruction let's go totally worth it i get overwatch here actually that's not a bad idea i think i'll overwatch here um and yeah let's just do that let's just do that i think i'm gonna do the same thing here actually no we can do this moving now this is a little risky putting these two so close together i think i'll go for it stand by actually no don't stand by back to you you're gonna go there there we go okay i think i'd like to try to kill the one it's nearly dead already i know his hit chance is actually pretty low from distance so this is maybe not the best idea to have him up here hey joe how you doing yeah now i'm assuming these guys probably hurt a lot if they get up close to us so that's what i'm trying to avoid obviously hey nice pretty good actually got an overwatch to trigger oh man i wish i could just line them all up fire away a grenade would certainly be good here now well wouldn't it let's try that yeah this is good [ __ ] see ya yeah there we go good [ __ ] all right you're gonna chill here for a moment you're good you're good you're going there to get the line of sight on this guy take it out ah son of a [ __ ] oh well no shot there of course let's go with that seems like a decent shot oh my god getting killed by the hit chance well that seems better oh there's no shot there seriously that sucks covers their cover there is not good either i think i might as well just do this might as well obviously kind of risky to put shadow up that close but tell you what if we do this and then overwatch they should be fine that's how to help him out i got this covered there we go cool pretty much handled it yeah i'm not feeling too bad now inside let's let's uh let's let solo take this one out here we go this feels like a level one battle like a tutorial fight of like hey learn how to kill little tiny worms proceeding until they resurrect them become like super-sized versions of their former selves let's see killing rats in the sewer yeah exactly we don't have a shot wow that's kind of crappy how about there no what about there i think we might actually have a shot from up here it's just not showing it [Music] i do not i was wrong okay so be it where's the other two there's that one there which we can get from this or go there i guess there we go nice and before the worms are babies and the parents come back i'm basically expecting it yeah and you are going for that one last guy over there which means here i guess i can just go expose myself that obviously does not seem smart i think this is probably okay though yeah we're good do we win [Music] okay that's surprising yay we did it off we go good stuff uh is it framy i haven't dropped any frames seems smooth here should be good i'm gonna go ahead and say it's perfect seems good on my machine smiley face yeah so we gotta figure out how to fix these injuries because that is obviously a detriment normally when we encounter a potential ally we first send the apostle to the once-born to check them out but i'm gonna break protocol to say thanks you're the protagonist so i trust you the exalted is the only one who has any real answers tobias west may be clever and synedrion may sound great but only the exalted is dealing with the world as it actually is she can lead us out of this mess give us lives worth living we'd like to know more if you want to work with us oh bye i guess okay uh replenish soldiers good because he didn't want to talk anymore all right yeah there's got to be like a med bay or something like that maybe i can build a med bay yeah there we go medical bay don't have enough resources we need that is the um materials okay oh do we already have one we do right there so we need to send people there how do we do that i think if maybe we you'd think i would have remembered this stuff tutorializing and everything i think it might be in the personnel page we have a level up available too so we gotta do that all in this stuff right too i forgot about the sp distribute their sp to make them stronger strength willpower speed course they get pretty expensive pretty quick and then you want to get this kind of stuff too so be careful about that overwatch is reduced by an action point that's pretty cool and then let's go for dash and what is this move brawler bash and melee efficiency and then heavy weapons proficiency i kind of like that let's do that give you one more speed two more speed there we go nice all right great okay i can figure this out for god's sake i can do it i believe [Music] it's let's see select base info no man all soldiers at the base oh they got a b there they got a b there that's why that's why yeah yeah yeah silly bear turn to base and then i guess we just let time elapse right i think so that seems logical i think it's working yeah so they had 34 and now they've got oh well no i don't think i gave that enough time though for each medical facility in the base yeah yeah i think it's working pretty sure it's working i don't know when that uh ticks though i think it might be hourly or something so let's wait till the research is done nice reprogramming of our satellite systems has revealed the extent of the new missed outbreak the origin sites are in coastal regions as as the previous two incursions the activity level seems higher posing a serious threat to remaining life on earth havens caught within the mist will be at risk of attack so we should explore miscovered regions thoroughly and defend any havens trapped within them all right then how we doing on personnel now well first of all we gotta choose new research i guess yeah it's gonna be a little slower for recovery oh we can recruit soldiers from havens we get food from that tech from that let's see ooh materials poison warm autopsy let's do that we gotta build another research lab so we can do that stuff a little faster that's gonna take a while let's get that out of the way build a research lab here if we have the resources anyway which we do not well all right then so be it let's go for let's go here it's relatively close i'm digging this so far for sure i've always enjoyed this presentation of things i don't think i want to wait around in the base forever though just for folks to heal up we'll be fine we'll be fine we'll figure it out gotta get moving dude if he dies he dies right gotta take the dolph lundgren approach you'll be fine pretty sure you and it's perma-death or yeah death is permanent yeah pretty sure oh you can adjust the rate at which time passes you're right yeah you can go up all the way to fast they didn't even realize that good call let's see a raid on food production raid food oh we're taking food from them no i don't want to do that that feels mean yeah okay well anyway let's try this one out oh wow yeah that's nice it's like instantaneous when you're on fast holy [ __ ] okay it's another raid oh my god i don't want to raid anybody yeah that's a big difference i mean i guess we're raiding seems to be like one of our few options let's see if i can find one place that doesn't make me want to do that fort harshad is a haven run by new jericho which means that normally things are quiet and under control but right now there's an emergency a group of soldiers is on a killing spree it began with strange dreams voices heard in the night a local doctor tells our operatives i couldn't detect any physiological changes and there were certainly no signs of infection but their behavior simply cannot be explained by ptsd or similar conditions which we knew jericho were sadly quite familiar with it's like something has driven them mad stop a group of rampaging soldiers oh boy okay let's see chaotic curiosity thank you so much for the prime subscription i appreciate that a lot welcome to the barrett file good to have you thank you for the support i would like one more grenade yeah okay well let's do it it'll be good i'll figure it out i think uh we should probably find an opportunity to uh oh wait no the it was research right i'm pretty sure there's one research option that allows us yeah it was research that allows us to get um recruits from the havens so won't be able to do that yet but hopefully soon nobody dope obviously relying on the same five squad mates for every mission is pretty uh pretty risky oh i should have done that mono yeah that's a good call maybe that was the thing i was missing out on from before is just not equipping a medpack and that's just in the backpack instead which obviously isn't helping yeah that's probably what it was right because if it's my yeah if it's in my equip slots then i can just use it but can i just do this and then oh i could probably yeah right i can backpack that and then do okay now i get it now i get it all right hold on so we got a backpack and then we go to this and then we go like that this is such a simple thing that i wasn't realizing man god i knew i knew i remembered but it took that freaking long for me okay well anyway medkit time yes you got to use it on oh can you use it on yourself you can yeah okay right i think so i'll be okay yeah oh thank god thank god we figured that out man that would've been problematic all right over there and then kaboom weapon select and restore let's go we're doing it i've recovered we might have a chance after all we we might yet have hope now i have no idea where things are gonna begin for this one so i'm gonna go ahead and play it fairly safe moving up just a touch yeah that's everybody send them what is that is that an invisible unit okay that's concerning huh well hey i guess i'm gonna go in here i'm going in yep opening the door letting you out into the world i'll be there keep the cover we're chilling we're chilling you let's try a dash out see how that goes i actually keep those when i actually need them you're just gonna go ahead and flank the door here i don't like that play oh that could be it yeah that's probably what it is sean i didn't think about that it might just be us hearing those guys and not being able to see them that's logical yeah let's go to here i'm going in seems smart stand by and then you go support roush moving in quick and that'll work there we go i suppose that's probably what it is ah here we go whoa jesus okay a little more careful holy [ __ ] right back at you buddy give you a taste of your own here oh oh okay that sucks [ __ ] um i'm not getting in there either this isn't good yeah we got the other guy in the other room too this is not good i'm gonna go for this oh i'm not gonna be able to do that am i maybe i don't think that's gonna work god damn it [Music] i have a line on that guy i guess we take that shot hope he doesn't retaliate oh okay i might as well just shred the armor that's pretty good now roush has to [ __ ] run i guess that's the best option there's this this should be good cover there okay i really want to try to get outside and kill this guy i think this is honestly not a bad idea but it is also a terrible idea i'm going to do it anyway oh he doesn't die [ __ ] oh no oh [ __ ] ow oh man well sometimes you gotta reset uh that was rough that was really bad that's a pretty um ruthless way to introduce reaction fire is oh by the way this can happen and you're dead now dumb [ __ ] way to go idiot all right hmm to be fair it's not a tutorial problem it's just me forgetting that that's a thing because i did do the tutorial i'm pretty sure that was in the tutorial so it's my fault i'm just whining oh yeah we gotta heal again in the beginning mm-hmm and boom okay well certainly going to play this a little different now in fact i kind of want to bring everybody to the left i'm totally gonna do it let's go i think this is gonna be way better i like this music man it's eerie but very fitting moving up i like this play more feels a little cheap knowing the enemy's coming from that direction but i'll take the advantages i can get man welcome steinski thank you so much for the subscription very kind welcome into the pile bear hugs form if you got him thanks for the support appreciate it a lot here we go big old bear hugs okay now we're freaking ready let's do it i would like to start with it's actually we got to get you out of there for sure i don't want you sticking around there at all so you go to there i suppose no time to waste there's no way this dude's just coming around the corner unscathed it's like a dash somewhere a little more impactful actually no we should just move you there that's good then you're gonna go here and probably not be able to overwatch but i guess that's still for the best extremely x-com bearded same creators in fact where is okay so we just identified that guy right yeah we're good that'll work i think we're gonna take this position that makes the most sense to me and i kind of want to dash there and see if we can use enough or use low enough ap to uh no never mind all right that's will points i forgot about that yeah i better not dash if i can avoid it let's do this there's no reason to sacrifice will points for movement in that circumstance and now we go to here let's see that's pretty much it i suppose i could establish that spot too with that if that dude comes that close to us i mean like he's dead next turn no matter what so yeah he should yeah i was gonna say there's no way he's just gonna go out and just try to get in the middle of all that [Music] okay hit our gun that's probably for the best and that guy should not have too many choices all right so clearly this is the most exposed squad mate [Music] okay not too bad those are jump chat options very few all right well they've got some good cover in there they're not out in the uh open courtyard like i was hoping they would be i was really kind of hoping we could get up on top of this thing too i thought that would maybe be an option i can right no maybe if i back up a little bit it would let me do it i kind of want to try that not any danger anyway yeah there we go okay this might be worth a go oh i can get this roof holy [ __ ] that's pretty good i like that play good idea bucky how are you doing have a good time playing some phoenix point i think i'm gonna get into an overwatch setup that feels best here let's go for this providing overwatch and then you gotta get the hell out of that spot that's just no good so yeah no shot here either unfortunately let's just go let's just go here for now because we actually have a shot on that guy if we go there i'm probably gonna play a little more this weekend bearded yeah i think we of course got a little sponsored action to take care of today though this seems dangerous i'm pretty sure i'm gonna hit my friend in the face i don't know about this plan just just duck okay yeah no we hit her in the [ __ ] shoulder it was real bad that was a lot of damage you just dealt to our teammate yep real bad real bad how do you not have a line i thought for sure huh okay we can go up here oh here we go here's an idea now they they can't shoot me from there right let's roll run run run run run run run run run all right that'll probably be a disaster but [ __ ] it why not okay i've got like no shot anywhere here i think i'm gonna back up and try to get him from the very back or maybe you know what let's go this way we gotta go this way i gotta try something else i'm gonna try a different angle uh-oh he's going for the cut-off play and then you you're just chilling in the corner huh okay [Music] big miss that's good for us that's pretty good too okay not too shabby so we don't even have a shot here unfortunately i might probably gonna jump jet again i think i'm gonna go like there maybe even like to here just like right above this guy but i don't think i even have a shot on him if i do that i could go behind him that's not very good either i think that's my best play is to hit him from there let's see that i don't think i can shoot him here either though wait i think i need to move yeah he's gotta get out of there that's not good [ __ ] hmm that's for the it's maybe the best option still oh well i'm gonna take these shots this definitely feels like my best bet oh just gotta kick the crap out of this guy no you are gonna keep moving this way that seems fairly safe locked into full cover on all sides yeah that feels okay if we can just freaking get to like there or even there yeah that works that'll do what's uh oh can really hurt his uh weapon or just shoot him in the face yeah i like that oh [ __ ] i gotta think about that that hurt no there we go okay that was bad oh i'm sorry shadow [ __ ] well can't expose myself to that guy so this is a risk on the move identifying targets come on please help me out damn it damn it damn it dammit dammit yeah we got like exposed exposed teammates here this is bad here we go well that was not expected but i'll take it okay all right we're surviving we're doing it somehow alive nice yeah leaving the heavy load that was really kind of them huh that's probably the easiest kill we could ever ask for that's really nice yeah i appreciate it big damage and let's just uh hold on i think i could have done that better can i use this now no whatever good enough i hope i don't miss me too all right thank god thank god you didn't miss that shot double kill close to it close to it okay we do have a shot from here don't we we do nice go for it yeah good [ __ ] well done team okay that helps i just got this guy which i kind of want to just do this and stay out of harm's way roush is at full hp though i think he'll be okay i'm going in she will i guess okay and in and down which i guess we're just doing this dashing ahead yeah who needs that window not me really going for the weak ones which i suppose i should not be too surprised by they're pretty screwed now though shake it baby shake it baby i like that let's do this yeah why not let's huck a grenade at him what's the worst that could happen you're gonna retaliate fire to that come on [Music] you throw another grenade what the [ __ ] okay uh i do have kind of a shot there huh that's probably no i'm gonna [ __ ] hit my friend again if i do that if i go there there is an angle let's have a look let's get a nice juicy headshot there we go right in the face ow i gotta remember that well that's probably not wise this is though no that's even worse here we go here's the killer top of the stairs top of the morning top of the morning top of the morning top of the morning let's go he's done it special mission complete level up yeah good stuff good stuff oh sudden jacksepticeye stream you haven't seen the top of the morning memes they're my new favorite thing it's from that baby keem kendrick i songs one that was done it was the kendrick versus or the kendrick verse in spongebob's voice i think there's got to be some tool on the internet where you can just type words into a thing and it generates spongebob saying it and if that's the case i need to find that phoenix project would return one day that seems very important to know the location of it seems to be the defining pattern of your history fall then rise again i wonder if this points to an underlying weakness or an underlying strength i suppose time will have to tell both horrifying and hilarious yeah choices after all you are not necessarily defined by telephones he's come before you can be whatever your will allows you to be you can do anything of the human experience you can fly kids you can actually fly that is why i did not intervene we could have stopped those soldiers ourselves easily enough but i needed you to see to understand that far more is at stake here than just our ecosystem or our genetic purity we are being robbed of what makes us human our genitals our our will right yeah neither the utopians it's an adrian or those anu fanatics really understand that if you can recognize the real nature of the threat perhaps we can work together on stopping it okay okay can i be a boat yeah he could be a boat replenish replenish there we go all right got our med kits back make sure everybody's personnel or everybody's kitted out and equipped and ready to go we've got that all situated we need to level up ooh return fire nice that's pretty freaking good yeah i will happily add return fire to our people let's do sniperist as well i like that and then we're gonna go with this one brawler what is this 20 bonus accuracy nice that's pretty damn good and all attacks that damage a target also inflict one viral damage per bullet nice that seems dope [Music] ah this is just over an hour into the save here bucky so this is a fairly new file [Music] all right looking good i'm gonna go ahead and head back to base for a little while uh and now that i realize that we can go here and uh make time lapse faster that'll be a lot better the poison worm seeks hostile entities and then ruptures itself emitting a powerful spray of deadly poison no fun we didn't run into any of those okay we're going to move to here and then we are just going to wait for a little while we catch win of an ongoing anu ritual called the augury it's a form of divination based on the observation of birds and signs in the sky the disciples read uh deemed the readings of utmost importance broadcasting the same message on all frequencies it says dick but somehow this unnerving sound clip manages to cause unease even among the most scientifically minded members of our staff i would imagine so it's quite disturbing construction complete look at me go all right we're building stuff we're researching stuff let's see here ooh improve medkit technology yes please don't mind if i do and now having a look at our base of course we've got our research lab power generator built up let's go for uh [Music] let's see escape route oh oh cool neat for defensive missions if things go sour you can have an escape that's kind nice let's keep waiting here let's check complete of in on personnel to see how long they need oh they're fully healed apparently i waited for like an entire day on accident cool all right let's uh go here i guess the more the disciples of anu invest into this mutation tech the further away they will move from what new jericho considers humanity this is not a threat but a statement [Music] there is still time to look to reason not superstition for solutions to seek answers in human will instead of submission to the alien but that time is running out new boy all right whoa oh it's not saying anything i thought i was gonna read that my name is not important i'm a known among the purest subject 24. the 24th volunteer in a program set up by tobias west that gave us hope we had a solution a solution a secret program that would fix the world and in the final moment he backed down nothing prepared me for his treachery his selfish cowardice but his attempts to erase us have failed failed it was known as project purity one man's dream of replacing every inch of human flesh with nearly controlled prosthetics when i volunteered for the project i had nothing left my entire family entire family that's succumb to the pandora virus i watched my wife through bulletproof glass as she slowly turned into an abomination oh abominations they're everywhere watching waiting i had nothing left to lose this guy likes to repeat stuff emphatically along with many other brave men and women i put myself forwards a lot was sacrificed he pushed us to the limit dozens of us died or were left crippled when we came close to success the juggernaut warrior was the final design more than a soldier more than a human with titanium skin impervious to impec infection perfectly pure pure pure as a smile in winter as a human should be there were problems total encapsulation created some mental instability hallucinations dreams not everyone could take it but there was no shortage of volunteers to tape the program forward and then tobias west the coward the traitor the small-minded charlatan pulled the plug terrified of what he couldn't understand the great leader ordered everyone involved with the project killed killed maybe he thought that if he buried us he'd bury the truth of his shame along with us he's shame why do you keep doing that i and several others managed to escape for years we remained silent hiding running waiting for the right moment the right stop it is this [ __ ] pete repeat it's pete repeat dude that moment has come has come facing a losing battle against the pandora virus the weak minded west has reactivated the old project purity facilities and that makes him vulnerable phoenix i am offering you an exchange i know the location of the facility and how to get in you have the firepower the power hail storms of fire and acid raid the lab and share the tech with us all this time in hiding has left us damaged and in need of urgent repairs if you succeed we will both gain humanity we'll gain i'm fairly certain there's supposed to be some kind of audio playing with this at least something like i'm pretty sure this isn't supposed to be silent this feels like a big cut scene must have been a glitch we're receiving a transmission from an unidentified source subject 24. uh refuse to help subject 24. when i contacted you i thought i was dealing with oh it was high with intelligent people that's what you sound like instead i find spineless cowards whose convictions are as hollow as the module in tobias west's a way to obtain the edge data but the chance of alliance between the pure and the phoenix project is gone forever wow that sucks eugenical neural tech we've been hearing about it sounds like a pretty cool technology really but has anyone thought about how easily it could be abused by a i don't know an autocratic leader with delusions of grandeur it is a worrying possibility yeah it is isn't it sometimes i miss the days when such questions were just science fiction but i guess sooner or later the future arrives and then you have to deal with it sure do buddy you sure do well that was eventful let's explore it on explored sites shall we abandoned phoenix project site aha let's do it oh sick free stuff yay that was easy all right uh let's go here yeah i'm liking going fast that's better for me rip dinosaurs bear for the dinosaurs oh hold on this is a dinosaur egg this is how they started oh [ __ ] a meteor crashed into earth causing great damage and widespread panic the landing has left a giant peculiarly particularly shaped mass of celestial rock towering above the surrounding mountain range initial probing of its properties does not match any records in our geological database scientists religious leaders and politicians from across the globe have been taking turns speculating and arguing over the nature of this alien object nicknamed mount egg well good good name at least good job naming it i guess we'll go check out mount egg well apparently not now but soon haven reports and scientific observations have identified new pandora mutations oh cool [Music] huh oh okay i see that's helpful i guess at kisura our operatives are received warmly it would appear that locals you know keeper of the vessels is a great admirer of the phoenix project i used to read all the conspiracy sites when there was an internet he says everyone else thought the phoenix project was evil or just a myth but i always hoped it was real because an international science organization that fights aliens would just be so awesome i mean uh such a thing would be like a blessing from the dead god no it's just cool man he takes the opportunity to share his insights on some of the devices he's built oh cool free stuff thanks that's always good let's go that way oh good med kits are better let's go get the upgrade there too or get the next bit of research going i guess let's go with haven recruitment protocols i'm gonna get more uh more recruits nothing useful [ __ ] all right well i guess we're going this way and scavenging site oh cool take as many items from the crates as you can safely manage and evacuate your squad cool neat let's do it this'll be fun all right big thanks to the folks over at phoenix point for sponsoring this look at the game as well today you can check it out on the playstation on xbox on pc available now phoenix point it's a good time that's a dlc available for the game as well xcom fans you will not be disappointed i am feeling very much like i'm playing xcom here and i'm having a good time with it yeah i played a little bit of this before in fact i'm fairly certain we played uh on stream before not too long ago let's look that up again but yeah it's it's not my first time imagine being part of all this with no internet good board can't even watch twitch you telling me an alien invasion is here and i can't even watch my favorite streamer what a world [Music] reach the crates and recover the resource backs i'll give you a hundred of each resource don't mind if i do well first of all i'll be right there thanks target located oh i see okay hmm we got an enemy spawn point there too sick resource pack mm-hmm just gotta go like that and that it's a magazine sure oh another medkit cool i'll encumbrance yeah we don't want to do that hold on leave that on the ground for someone else to pick up and you are going to chill right there works for me let's see now the other crate is to the left there's one okay so we gotta get all the way up there man that's gonna be tough i'll be there let's go to there already there ah okay whoa missed sentinel oh boy cloud of mist around the creature okay okay then interesting let's go to i bet we can just move straight up that seems fine [Music] wait there and all the way oh right yeah we got to consider that there's enemies coming that way got to be careful now our sniper more than likely uh oh has a shot already doesn't he on the move whether or not it's a very good one it's a pretty good one oh [ __ ] wow do i have a head shot anywhere i can't really hit this thing in the head can i oh there's the head um i wonder if that's worse than kind of feels like the torso might be better or even like the pincer especially because the pincer has a much better chance to hit i shot it off holy [ __ ] sick that was cool all right there goes the mist you've encountered a new enemy the triton these cunning masked monsters will skulk around the battlefield seizing any opportunity to flank you restore their own hit points while taking damage they lose will points in the mist won't dissipate and can be removed only with fire and explosive weapons okay all right then oh boy you are moving a lot more than i thought you would holy [ __ ] okay and i realized you were able to move that much okay that guy's hurting already so i don't think i need to worry about him in fact i think he's running away so that works all right i want to head straight for this that is a bit of a gamble though let's have a look uh i'm kind of far from this to be taking that shot but it also doesn't seem like the worst idea apparently based on that coloring yeah apparently not that hard to hit it okay that made a noise that i didn't like but that did do a lot of damage so i guess that's good and then i can move a tiny bit i suppose i can i'll just stay there ready to engage okay got some decent options here i don't like taking that one that's just gonna be problematic identifying targets that is what we do that is definitely what we do that's pretty good too nice okay i like going there and then oops he's already dead basically so yeah not the greatest but we'll take it i got a decent shot here don't i only on that guy full cover on the barrel really that's surprising looking for an angle that's good all right two shots we'll take it better than nothing hey sick failed to connect there damn bummer worth a try goodbye good old bleed what are you doing fella all the way over there huh kind of a surprising move not gonna benefit you a lot i think i go ahead and have pingas destroy this thing oh really come on now god damn it that sucks all right solo can just get up here and finish this off i don't know if it's risky to be in proximity to this thing i don't think it is bulldog excuse me oh come on now god damn it so close okay let's do this that's actually i think i might get an angle on it if i go over here or something or do like that no that's not it hmm uh you know what i'm gonna take a gamble obviously i'm fully exposed here but i'm gonna risk it oh well that's a [ __ ] problem [ __ ] oh this is the same person that took all the other stuff isn't it oh never mind apparently not let's take the material pack let's go with the yeah i should probably take the pistol i'll take another med kit too oh that's a full encumbrance there never mind all right so be it i'm pretty sure i'm not getting a hit here you can swap to the handgun maybe and try that maybe i'll be able to figure it out that way that looks like it might work and if i got one person exposed i might as well expose too right [ __ ] it there we go what a shot what a gamer [Music] hold on we can overwatch here too even though it doesn't really matter let's go like that all right cool where the hell did you come from give pandorans additional defense and toughness use free aim to target vulnerable body parts that makes sense finger on the trigger let's see what we can get carapace oh pincer there we go get it again nice rip that sucker clean off perfect just give the word let's finish that off thank god he hit that there we go that mist was really becoming a problem okay cool there we go identifying target let's go with the arm there we go just shoot off his shield arm that'll do the freaking job great all right so shadow is going to go ahead and head out now you're going home let's go since you are fully encumbered already we don't need to have you load up with anything else you however can probably carry more [ __ ] so i'm gonna have you do that into the backpack and then pick this up uh we gotta wait until next turn okay yep all right big risk in putting routes there because there's potential for enemies to just spawn right next to him but i guess we're fine all right we're gonna move you oh there's an enemy spawning there okay [Music] isn't this i mean there's something there i'm pretty sure it does [Music] okay i'm gonna go to here just in case we see that and then let's go to this i wonder if this will actually work i'm gonna try it i don't think that's actually gonna work but i'll give it a go yeah i think it might actually have to be directly on that spot i think you're right and kcal is has a full inventory as well so i'm gonna send kcal back enemy spotted there it is that's fine that's okay we probably have a pretty decent shot here yeah it's okay i'd rather like jump jet though give us a better option i think i've got a like right here let's see now almost certainly is gonna have to wait that turnout yeah that's okay all right it can't stop me one out yes evacuate all right we have recovered one of our soldiers [Music] i'm gonna grab the pistol and i guess i'll get the magazines sure all right let's get that out let's go piano oh my god that was upsetting oh wait you can overwatch too there you go there you go yeah i didn't expect that overwatch to work he just said [ __ ] you i'm pretty sure i very clearly heard a [ __ ] you [Laughter] mind fraggers have the ability to take control of humans by attaching themselves to their heads oh that's not good let's avoid that oh wow that's a heck of a shot yeah sure let's go for it what's the worst that could happen i shoot my team right right who cares they deserved it let's go there get enough okay let's see the mind fragger yeah i should probably go ahead and try to kill missed completely that's fair can't even reload [ __ ] well this is bad i hope it doesn't get mind fricked i think he's about to get mind fricked trying to aim oh you're dead i might i'm just gonna bash you and bash you in the face just need the right angle let me try that instead let me try using the gun what a sound all right we gotta go get that stuff man i'm gonna just try to be far away from this thing even though it's almost certainly not gonna be enough um maybe i oh i probably have a shot actually here it might be enough already there might be a good enough one oh i'm on my handgun still son of a [ __ ] i'm on my handgun damn it gotta go back to the sniper now i don't have a shot all right well hopefully i don't get screwed here oh [ __ ] your soldiers mind controlled killing the controller is the fastest way to disrupt the psychic hold [Music] oh boy well first of all you're gonna just run away yep okay here we go kill this [ __ ] do i have a good shot here no i do not oh no boofin there's no need for boofing but my buddy's boofing woof woof woof um how the heck do i get to it i guess i gotta be this close seriously is it where is the other thing i thought it was this is that not it that is it right yeah hmm okay let's move nothing [Music] hmm [Music] i need to go like that the creature you gotta shoot it off his head oh my god that's [ __ ] nuts okay i see [Music] oh there's actually nothing here i thought there was more oh well this is gonna be wild oh it was on that tile okay that's why we couldn't get it well i guess i better just like chill for a sec oh no where are you going run over there oh boy well let's try it i did it i think yay that was easy okay cool oh [ __ ] all right all right then well we better just get out of here now i think it's time to leave although we do still have some resources to get ah let's get greedy [ __ ] it super greed here we go man they can move god damn lock it down i gotta get the hell out of here how's he doing i think he's i think he's okay hp wise still pretty sure he's fine take that this is just sniper ammo assault rifle ammo might as well take my guys there we go all right cool and then let's go ahead and get back in the cover just be a little safer i've got a shot oh i gotta reload damn it damn it damn it damn it oh i don't have ammo oh [ __ ] well okay i guess you're just leaving it's time for you to go home you do not have any bullets anymore that looks good good shot i think i can actually shoot again if i use the pistol sure thing sweet wow great kill great [ __ ] kill got a brood on the way okay well time to go yep we got everything we came for let's get the [ __ ] out of here mm-hmm just chill there run run run run run ugh no other enemies around right yeah mostly just the brood i think um we could probably just leave oh right yeah we weren't on the sniper there that's why also probably just a good idea to leave anyway moving up okay and we'll just wait go go go go go very happy with how this mission went assuming we're able to escape [Music] feels pretty good oh yeah we can jump jet oh no i god damn it i didn't mean to do that [ __ ] let's go all right hopefully it doesn't matter too much big goof moves pretty sure i should still just run i want to give him some cover though i'll even totally out to dry here oh boy ah 60 poison what [Music] oh oh god that's so many oh can you do a little less can we do less poison than that jesus let's get you the frick out of here dude don't die on me now don't die on me after all that holy hell do i even dare i can just cut the [ __ ] pincer off hmm let's do that what if that disabled it let's try shooting it one more time oh that's already definitely disabled yeah that was a that was greedy there's no real reason to do that in overwatch too now oh [ __ ] you're here oh yeah oh there we go goodbye okay hopefully this mind freak cannot reach me but i am kind of feeling like i might have to kill it how much hp does it have 110 oh [ __ ] oh there's two evacuation points there's another [ __ ] loot thing i didn't even see that all right i'm just gonna run as far as i can maybe get this loop i'm gonna overwatch god damn it i did the wrong freaking overwatch ah oh well oh well i think i think i lost her oh thank god wow that was lucky let's have a look what if we [Music] i think this is the best play i think this is the best play just give the word because otherwise it's going to take my brain away and i don't want that i'll just do that nothing will get past me perfect cool and hopefully she has uh inventory space she totally doesn't but what we can do is throw away this [ __ ] and take these nice i can even do this and then her encumbrance doesn't really matter because she's getting out anyway let's do this let's go oh there's one on the roof there too i didn't even see it yeah yeah we probably didn't have inventory space anyway but hey how about that pretty freaking good dude three levels up evacuated all operatives six of seven resource packs collected pretty decent you know not amazing not top tier not s-class but acceptable result there i suppose right not too bad i'm happy i enjoyed some phoenix point today man i hope you did too that was a good time a couple hours kind of flew by easy to play this one for a little while big ups to the phoenix point team big thanks to them for the sponsorship much appreciated check out phoenix point on playstation on xbox available now it's a good time that's fun man i liked it quite a bit again if you like xcom this is right up your freaking alley easily easily yeah this is cool i dig it very similar vibe for sure i feel obligated to finish this research one hour remains i gotta do it hang on research completely there we go he's done it all right great yeah i'm like i'm i'm wanting to push on man that's how good it is i'm curious about the mount egg i mean got mount egg then they got to figure out what's going on with that right now look at all these options too we can all the way or go all the way out to like india you should consider activating another phoenix base as soon as possible activate one near another missed out break and make sure you build a repair satellite uplink because you can scan areas covered by mist oh cool okay okay that's neat so that would be the next step i suppose yeah it's dope man i like this game it's really good hope you got a good time watching folks thanks for being here again big thanks to them for the sponsorship check out phoenix point available now wherever you buy your video games pretty much all of those places oh this is this is a good time lots of fun
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 5,198
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: tkIK7_0z8Fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 28sec (7348 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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