Darkest Dungeon: Episode 9 - Doomsayer - SONOROUS PROPHET BOSS (CRIMSON COURT DLC!)

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so mad man very swarm drink vial Trisha gate has controlled the urges for now oh hey highwayman mental mania ruins grounder none of them are that get back domination Oh a tough abomination it's probably worse an adjuster on guard duster that's probably worth and we have to get rid of that nervous although it's okay and he's a jester you can be a nervous jester we possibly fire the Heuer do I have enough Euler's now picked up one here and two here on two feels wrong to fire a level two character Oh rain add right time for arena have to get fired so fruit off the Loom horse don't play fire a better abomination all right I guess we don't need two of you this guy almost caused me to lose a life send this one to journey elsewhere for we have need of sterner stock cultist only plus 10 plus debuff plus crit TPM I only the boss fight is a pop-up see if we want the stuff what 15 percent healing skills seems good uncommon plus 20% scouting chance that's pretty good this is our chance to get the abomination and the flatulent to work now Wow Wise Ones don't work with abominations either so the only guy this guy actually works the only healer this kind of actually the occultist if you are like always teamed up pretty much everyone's Explorer perfect we also need a carrier - all right so since we have the carrier I guess we can joke around with that this one dance with the devil oh it's actually a party formation apparently it's a good one maybe you pray to a higher power now I need penance I suppose oh boy up grids so we learned that it's unfortunate for you not to have a guy something that targets position three so bleed out versus if it bleeds so the damage fifteen percent - 35 percent question and the flexibility worth being able to hit that's one - and that's four I think not the evil head position three is a fine weakness I guess I could even take just not the wicked hack in position 1 and position 4 and hit towards ok it's wicked hack in the air now one I guess we'll have a green add - he trained and then he became a better abomination lead it bleed out his garbage what it hits position one so hard OD buffs off why didn't you notice this it hits really hard though rip my money I didn't notice the debuff self I guess I've been playing a Hellion roam the whole time that's really powerful though it hits one so hard he's almost got the entire crew formed at this point said let's see all right so we were planning on grabbing that seer stone and need to bring another guy probably a level zero guy let's bring people or I think this one should be to give you how to consecrate it can the for one find rest I have a big scout activate three corrupted altars looks like nothing over here other than justice materia a bookshelf you think we want to yog on the bookshelf or two waiting to be spent and I will see if I can get some free be stress relief with the disarms probably worth they've got some average goodness more bucks and we can put it on here since you can unstress themselves now more lore more I have been afflicted with sickness I got a lot of new people on this journey so let's see how this formation end of good the rain ad is pretty much going to spam manacles here we can now hit anyone with the setup of this if I want to use if it bleeds or don't want to use this so it as three points sometimes a singular strike I think we generally want to hit leave wait if I generally amusing if it bleeds then why do I even have wicked hotel if you clarified in a single strike confidence surges has the enemy crumbles pretty good when it's damaged it's a bug oh if it bleeds can't target the one position that's right either the reason for it the slow death unforeseen unforgiving their formation is broken huh so first again the offensive UDP Lee looks like a pretty good party what I think the flagellants class I haven't played around with it enough haven't gotten a good one just recently hired one seems good oh not seamless oh it's because stone thingy to purify finding the stuff is only the first test the others are gone because on the block okay we've read all the journal entries at this point I'm thinking about making it completely dark hitting every single one of these carriers in the room Bao and that care and then camping here it's not a good party secrets and wonders can be found in the most tenebrous corners of this place glittering gold trinkets and baubles been valued on all that there's blood oh yeah turning on subtitles I've been meaning oh all right thanks for the reminder more requests which I'm ready to fight fool as the feed for our faith hope blossoms healed continually onslaught destroy them all you Plus damage versus marks face mold on it well struck there's relapse about to break devastating blow acquire absolution for digis sighs alone does not dissuade the sharpened blade sawsan fortune said of using it tossed this antivenom thing and I bring bandages for a reason yes I did less cos he camped now is a good idea yeah camp now is pretty good actually I'll take the painting a spot without kindling this is gold without hope probably got here reject the gods rebel give myself a slight handicap some stress is my guy om stresses everybody see the quickening four plus four speed for renown that's pretty good and it's sense and all right now nighttime ambush I suppose plus damage melee skills that's pointless was this rubble so happy and then we'll encourage the match is struck a blazing star is born it feels pretty good when easy and at the Box pretty severe it's not that bad missed out on the light Valley 1500 gold day with the potential for more yes such a happy party beyond measure warded to the brave and the foolhardy alike obsessed with material things something that seems pretty good we're a disadvantage give them no quarter [Music] yeah done rewarded for safety why do I have point blank shot on the highway man and he's not in the front it's neither the party III don't give new skills to the people who just join in he's level zero that you know we give him a bit of a trial run I don't have to have a perfect setup from the first one that's how I have so much money because you can just fire him at the ends up not doing very well another emerald remind yourself that overconfidence is slow and insidious killer annoyed sarcophagus can we just break out the shovel since we have a lot of them I see the value in the long term [Music] and I guess if he was if they're surprised I don't actually need to son that fastens I'm guaranteed to go first that's right Rinat could have done a vile and said refinement in stressing [Music] this expedition at least promises success think we might be good to not have any light anymore I think that's the item that's worth the least right now in radiance may we find victory this party's pretty good a handsome reward for a past well performed son continue of course for the valley the eyes of youth the collect directed and made merciless what are you here for it looks like free Valley it for me yeah I'm a pretty good party done yeah yeah - wait am I still rumbling oh my gosh rumbling vulnerability attack though Adam never ever let them have a good Vestal men-at-arms and a highly they're in some bad order I want to just kill them in the back they want to kill the ABS first what do you want to kill that healing Keeler they're pretty good they kill [Applause] oh man it's damage for this DPS gun ah the healer ho that's the garden great is the weapon that comes on its own compassion is a rarity in the fevered pitch of battle Wow I guess I need to just kill him all right you seems easy peasy got that Sloane study em I guess leading that guy out spit against it only you can get a stun off this turn I'll do pretty good it's good to make them collect all I have D buffs on everything and then right after he summons they just die we can also just kill him easy-peasy you've learned from the Kaka whisk and my Hellion can finally hit every single room slowly turns out that hitting rotary might be important how a life is taken must be the easiest boss in the game or something yeah get all blue pinata compassion is a rarity in the fevered picture of battle all the heels [Music] as the ruler collection scatters the rap repeatedly what that would be you can heal yourself precision and power oh boy free live what only one puzzling Japanese nourish creatures can be okay getting beaten all three bees are good you you're allocated feel so good to just iron swung the bat guy and have him die [Music] Hellion Power aliens even geared in tank gear computer now we're just trying to select more values the value is gained by not being as stressed by inches I do like the abomination a lot the only person I can use it with is the occultist if I want to healer but good I'm a fan of marina version too seize this momentum push on to the tasks end have I tried the lunge point like combo for the hi Raymond now I haven't but you've got a sick legendary for range so we probably won't do that I think we can get rid of the food yeah might starve once but that's fine I'll take the punished we have the stress despair you want more loot wait did I leave something here tax laden with loot are often low on supplies hmm wow I got four emeralds of Sally becoming less likely that this bandage will be valuable you in minish [Music] I got a crazy good start well kind of yes but I also went into it blind and Fox Acropolis twice and lost so it balances out I'd say and we're just continuing to build up our Valley attorney I'm get it we we're extracting Valley problem lol hide precipitates a busy fall losing to the croc is a default oh yeah but if you know how hard it is like with advanced knowledge then you down actually fight off it then you don't try until later oh boy a bookshelf terrorists may indeed knock these shadows but yonder argument of gold huge stress right there attempt at the absolution this grow iron spawn said graceful compassion is a rarity in the fevered pitch of battle zero I just want to do one damage they were like all right a trifling victory but a victory nonetheless all right we're good what's not going further on this this is soft but I didn't to bring three shovels two shovels will probably do it I even used the shovel a little bit early it's really the key with this chest here traps never lucky okay we'll have a pretty valuable journey about the steer stone Wow Quinn tuple emerald on a stack of the 3750 Gold's back and even beats the puzzling traffic easement trapeze arenal some good value obtained Kove tactician replaced ego ah that's good since we don't need ranged and visual stimulus can no longer carry my newbies plus furniture ships lend a speed on first round probably have to cure that one for let's go shuffling dad also items plus 33% resolve equity in ruins plus 15% damage in rooms silence and the crypts oh are the left I think those are the ones I don't have yet I left the only one I don't have yet ruins tactician mom vegan one last-gasp plus one speed of HP below 50 that's neutral one watch hitter skilled gambler and fraudulent taps for now one of my guys got a bad trait low draw I'm encouraged to do a ruins next stoner s profit oh that's a serious tinkering there plus proc plus max HP minus damage minus plus stress so that's pretty good I'm ed it if you put it on like a man at arms yeah and kind of like product offering so we can't bring our level threes into it ruins explore plus scouting chance on rooms good enough although the ruins explore okay we're gonna scout the heck out of these rooms group guess we'll send and Sami why not have a good as any okay so we're well-balanced and that we can hit the top two we can hit the front two with Sammy and give a SAP yeah have a general rushy guy and the highwayman hit everyone we've got a healer good enough let's see we don't want we could slice tracking shots buff self damage accuracy crit probably worth it on the boss type things I guess we've put point blank keep point blank shot on them just in case gets full to the front sometimes pretty unlikely to ever be used the rush Harry blackjack the Quinns I guess I think I have MS number two so can be useful spending so much money on someone that I don't consider good it's annoying now level few stuff isn't that investment why investment heavy rain ad modulation for me only and the cruiser really loved the unstressed excavation I don't remember what all the bottle um do I fought all of them I take care Lily were here the first round arrived in the Hamill I probably remember when that side of filthy toothless miscreant posted an uncanny knowledge of my ambitions and prognosticated publicly that left unchecked I would soon unleash doom upon the world the prophets the echoes of his mindless chittering reverberate maddeningly Plus 33% resolve XP and runes plus 15% damage in rooms place finding the stuff is only the first test how it must be carry home I guess I'll take this free stress relief onward Iron Maiden that's the herb so I'm guessing the boss is right here on the top right pretty good guess farthest one away why did we leave when mother ocean provided all we needed Neath her tender waves will now return home back to her embrace I think on boss fights we don't yog the books sit down with PRNG in other words I wouldn't have the dog disarm that shop in radiance may we find victory even the cold stone seems bent on preventing passage the way is that the path is clear we require only the strength to follow it destroyed pretty good the bully oh let's trust guys and the healing should be easy TV in this group you're thinking of point blank shot on that gun not that I needed it really overpowered on this one so that bus annihilated mmm just officiated kill it place I actually like better than 5050 their formation is broken maintain the offensive yes I made it I think this thing is really good it looks nice and kind the holy fountain back free stuff so we're looking for so we'll go back to the secret door at the end so they can turn out the lights and grab the loop so I mean this is going to be one of those ones where we backtrack they've got not only a boss but also a secret room one listen we're going to make out like bandits I think there's so much value to be had here obliterated confusion and family confidence surges as the enemy crumbles and I like vessel so much more than I cult it out of the healing home press disadvantaged give them no quarter and trifling the gay vessels but a victory nonetheless doesn't want to save a doggie treat for the end as the fiend falls of faint hope blossoms oh never mind that's why I think vessels are okay look I've got a 40 percent killing tree gypsy put like laughs the heel for so much announces that continually onslaught destroy them or what's 40 percent healing of a lot be wary triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall toss shade and shall we eat some food yeah that's fine imagine there can never be too secret rooms Ivy Opie Opie death waits for the slightest lapse and concentration success so clearly and be thought something a little trick of the light yeah toss the onyx well get another stack of the gold yeah I'm just going to leave all the things I think for the end because we're coming back when it tonight I'll camp right before the bus of course is it as close to it as I can get another one falls we gon fiend and these fighters are X X the truth and dirty punitive that double crit these nightmarish creatures can be felt they can be beaten boss oops littering gold oh man because I'm a gambler here too if I do all I'm not paid for don't think I can carry all this loot back home that I think this trip could definitely take on the Chamblee boss Chandler and a secret room that Valley probably too much belly those injury palpable fear eradicated so if you do kill assembler future shamblers gets harder is that right or is it just based off of the dungeon levels assembler it's based on the dungeon level okay the killing ish Ambler doesn't make future shamblers harder you so I'm doing really well I will go ahead and tackle that shampoo I guess we'll see after this boss as victories mounted so too will resistance at the camp circle in the dark the battle may yet be won okay you definitely want to prevent nighttime ambush unfortunately I have the wrong skill on this guy I probably should have taught the camping skill of plus range things plus 15% protection on my front guys pretty good I don't actually if you can use this one instead we all companions when is 10 stress and - 10 % stress it's really good for the Chamblee and this guy the Prophet which implies that use a big on stress so looking really good here as the light gains purchase spirits are lifted and purpose is made clear all right we are well set basically have a full health party with no stress the madman hides there behind a madman spouting his mindless griddle all right so this is the one where I don't actually need to kill these if I remember right killing these gives me more loot right so from that perspective perhaps worse well I mean that's what's a hopeless Crusader is going to do is going to bash wood for a while inspiration and my brother Crusader is here to bash all this wood oh crap you see the dog I got sorry Jeff Thanks you know response is pretty easy I think we're going to actually kill all three would wait actually is one of those types of good part over time maybe we'll just kill two with you have a secret grandma thora the blood freakin a time to perform beyond ones limits think at some point you start to get double rocks falling but triger tempted to start shooting these cues you're in really good shape right now alright I would collect all this value let's break all the pews and in this area down the bosses of these benches dodging the rocks twice okay a brilliant confluence of shield and purpose this guy is like the crocodile except instead of attacking twice like the crocodile one of which is a super attack it only attacks once every two turns man crocodile okay just stating blue oh no I'm killing the boss be fast ease up on dps on the ball Oh big rock fault think without the 5% prod you would have done Oh log granatum treats and dog [Music] got to kill that few first [Music] [Applause] laughs it was where it starts getting harder - rocks fall did he pull yeah he was a minimize I came not so long as he remains dead le puse now we collect all our previous loop and we consider the SH M blur maybe we out now we don't we possibly shamble when we already have so much loot now that's ridiculous oh we are a very low stress hmm oh and I also have this to lower the stress you don't even want to use the holy water on here that because we can find stuff hoods on there's no only lot worse than mere trickery and boogeymen packs laden with loot are often low on supplies hmmm shamble sambal oh no I tossed away the torches all right maybe I'll find a torch I mean there's also the thing that I just don't have inventory slot so like Balu I can find like greatly diminished in belly we're going to spaces for a random Curia okay back bag worth well swing our measure warded to the brave and the foolhardy alike since I'm not planning on doing any more fighting and I can take a I can take out from your stress will get rid of all the food if only treasure could staunch the flow of otherworldly cruel all right shovel probably should go here yep next up is the holy water Sun resistance wall a shovel I'll see what's not curia right there the requirements of survival cannot be met on an empty stomach Sammy now you need to use a key for that well cool imaginations spring to life with a singular purpose let me shoulder the gold my aura will exercise it alright bye jeez holy water and one more thing I guess before crusts or 325 gold 325 go alright Wow yeah we don't really want to fight the sham blur only have this much stuff ready well that is a lot of money that's the most treasure I've ever collected in one good 25,000 you ooh quick draw on Sammy off guard on Pollock oh I got even worse [Music] you
Channel: Trump
Views: 71,814
Rating: 4.9391813 out of 5
Keywords: darkest, dungeon, crimson, court, red, hook, studio, tyler, sigman, steam, single, player, crawler, rogue, lite, like, eploration, strategy, jeffrey, shih, trumpsc, trump, prophet, boss, madman
Id: Qq_61bpNjPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 44sec (3764 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2017
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