Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness (Ep. 54)

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I don't think I need that so let's let's do two more torches and that's probably good just kill them all bare no problem no worries we're good all right I think I'm ready gonna get some icecream can you please pause the stream bear yeah you got it what's this wait right here it's convenient moment just gonna wait here for pete floyd everybody cuz he's got to get some ice cream it's really important don't worry Pete Floyd we're just sitting here waiting for you don't feel rushed or anything you just have the entirety of chat waiting for you to go get your precious ice cream are you done yet are you done yet can we play can we play the game oh we got a seventh of the 69 nice gonna get a few noises please while we wait for him to get his goddamn precious ice cream job two months in a row as well thank you very much for your recent scription all right well you know what the fee on I think I can wait for this anymore this is getting ridiculous I mean how long do we wait for one man to get his damn ice cream real life egg hi bear currently watching color of madness but saw you online hopefully second hag runs success we'll see don't want to spoil nothing or nothing I mean we've gotten enough distractions here at this point for me to maybe remain invested in this I don't even know we wait do we wait I don't know Jimmy let's take an official tally vote here give Barry a or burn a do we wait for him yet or do we keep going we're in too deep I think we've made an investment ah man it's it's a mixed call it's a mixed bag I don't know you know what I gotta click the button I got to click the button Pete Floyd I'm sorry he's probably scrambling in the kitchen right now y'all this is this is bad I'm sorry I'm sorry and the land real-life egg what the [ __ ] is taking so long I've already gotten my ice cream I know I feel like he should be on the ball here let him return it well that we haven't done anything yet he still hasn't missed anything what type of ice cream also asks real life back very important it's been gross three months in a row the back the fact has been broken I haven't done anything maybe he's getting enough for the entire stream good point at this point he better be you better be getting us all treats I'm gonna be upset alright alright I think that's it I think that's it man that's we're going we're going he's gonna miss it I bet he you know I bet happen actually pretty sure what happened the pressure got to him he had it all he was ready ice cream in the bowl and everything running back upstairs stumbles Falls BAM down feels down the stairs and ice cream all over him sorry Pete Floyd secret room though real-life egg oh it's too late man he's already missed this how's he gonna recover now did we not find it okay I was gonna say not a single quest location among the bunch there but there's one so I guess we have to go up to the top I can ignore that though I can't help it we gotta move and murder perfect just bought the collector for 32 turns without issue good lord then lost my heli into a fungal zombie on the next encounter womp womp indeed [Music] that's rough buddy I'm sorry that's a long collector fight though Wow kudos to you for the for having mean necessary stamina play the game chat well like this game kitten what will bear throw out first to have room for loot what'll it be will it be one of the three stacks of 12 food the five herbs that are borderline and unnecessary maybe the deeds no I don't know about that I do like heirlooms never seen so many life steals 436 oh god damn yeah you just rolled unluckily for a while huh I can happen yikes come on the torches we should we should be realistic right who needs light when you have four below level six characters in the champion dungeon who needs luck why would you need life Kamin hello is that how you want to be addressed sorry the forest throw me off Floyd I waited so long asks Chet we made a whole thing of it where is your [ __ ] ice great is your is your kitchen in another house he took too long man he didn't bring it out for the rest of class yeah I'm disappointed unless you did maybe I don't know if I might have a to you in a bad light too early we also need to know what kind of ice cream it is yeah you got a lot of questions to answer buddy give it up what's your flavor tell me what's your flavor ah damn it all right give me the craters chocolate and cherry ah sorry and bye that's that's that's not a good flavor that's that's wrong yep that's that's incorrect let me get another official vote I guess on that one since it seems to be another conflicting area chocolate cherry ice cream barrier bear nay this is the definitive poll I'm gonna throw up a bear nay personally are you freaking high that is a good flavor I don't see a bear yay coming from yes oh that I mean you're you're voting cast buddy you go ahead and keep on yelling from the sidelines but until I see a yay or a bear yay I ain't hearing you is it chocolate with cherries in it or chocolate ice cream and cherry ice cream we must done I know there's a chocolate cherry flavored ice cream so I assume it's just gonna be that if you placed your bets on herbs by the way congratulations you're our instant winner for today a year's supply of chocolate cherry ice cream you do well it sucks [ __ ] it tarts list who needs light no God come on tasks performed um food oh yeah she's already eaten yeah there we go hello anaconda torches are for kitties cute little kitties how many bits - gave the quote the ancestor on the n LSS I'm not allowed on that show anymore yeah play my keyboard too much to the spreading corruption with Miss intent get the darkness started let's get this dot and started hey areum dude in the darkness falls I said that darkness falls that's better there needs to be a B TLS there used to be back in the days of me directly carbon copying every single thing Ryan did aka the present-day haha got me well I did a bear taffy live show for like two or three hours for a bit it was fun I played through Dark Souls with a full grown gaming and crazy Mike it was fun the VOD is all up on YouTube just curious to see it I'm gonna die I'm gonna die like real bad slacking on that Isaac series but I did make some Isaac videos back in the rebirth days I contributed he's ahead of me I mean I will give you that he's ahead of me by a good eight or 5,000 videos at this point seven days I think that's the highest kriti love ever seen that's absurd Sonic's ego finally remembered to renew my twitch prime for the second month take my money thank you very much buddy appreciate the two months in a row somebody was asking about Iceland no idea wow how is he doing it how does he do it Power Man it's for sham blur encounters I mean it is kind of likely here in that holy [ __ ] okay um like iron swan here oh I really liked it until that happened motivated hey how you doing oh we can get a kill here there we go I got to keep you on though shizzle he's a god how are the occultist an ancient practitioner of the wicked arts of darkness wielding the skull of his former servant there are some who call him Howard hello Tenzin that's a lot of damage we're taking here isn't it look let's fix it let's fix it a little yep he's he's a god he's a god what the [ __ ] their formation is broken there's no other explanation he is an ancient deity resurrected to escort us through the depths of hell Oh Howard hail the mighty Howard Howard more like Howard deez nutz please ban me no way I'm gonna mod you that was beautiful real-life hag darkness was here before all of us and we'll be all that is left in the end all hail the darkness you know we're gonna man it's gonna be a bad idea but here we go it's all gone it's all gone that's mine taking it let's go Kristin seven months in the in the pile feeling a little rank just scrub that off buddy you got you got pals nearby just rub together mix the scent it's the best way to do it I got shovels for that ooh you know what I'm gonna keep these in place of that no we want the car we want the crests for the hook that's right so goodbye to the anti-venom and the shovel yep it's happening I'm a wild boy darkness Plus no food equals a victory you know it we know it's not there so we just got to go through the rest of this here and that's gonna be just fine who needs items we want crests that's right the grid welcome to the bear Oh get them all the bear hugs chat all of them I'm gonna get them one bear hugger please never unsubscribe welcome home buddy give them all the bear hugs great name enjoy your subscription you're bad to me melts in your bear hugs you get to give them out now pal oh god damn it we were feeling so much love things we're going so well all right bump it up how long the [ __ ] is she in all she got shuffled okay I'm so confused for a moment oh god this is a champion sham blur oh I'm [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] I'm so boned and they want to conquer that's terrible oh we're gonna get a resolved check I have anti-venom at least right now I don't I just dumped them all oh no latest coat maybe for the under biddies appreciate it I can't run I have to kill him we got a mark - it's the only way they possibly get through this although I think maybe we have to go in on killing a shamblers spawn - I can hit him here though although that's not with a most damage possible oh [ __ ] oh god Wow why though Oh Lord okay thank you Power Man another hundred biddies thank you very alright Howard what Howard oh boy now yeah we got a lot of it the ultimate betrayal benjin get the bits you're gonna need the crits don't die knows Oh don't die buddy come on here we go two rounds of that um oh Jesus Christ is that god Howard nice ring on the brink nice brilliant beware the black beast power carries hidden costs powered buddy good god oh I don't know I'm gonna I'm gonna start a bleed I got to do something okay you have to just assume he's gonna respawn him anyway that's a big light that's scary oh that's an even bigger one holy [ __ ] [Music] all right she can adrenaline rush if she absolutely needs to I gotta keep that in mind thank you yeah no I just dumped on my anti-venom like almost right before this I think oh god damn it he's still up to 99 what does this look in like 7 to 16 is not even that bad or not that helpful I think I'm gonna exchange heals with the back to for a bit and do my best to kill this one I suppose towards welcome to the bear pile buddy thank you very much for your subscription how are the guard keep them up buddy that's okay I might add rental inrush here though [ __ ] yeah we're gonna have to Wow Wow [Music] I think that's still the right play even though he's just gonna resent it I knew it [ __ ] you know 35% chance to career that's not gonna be a way to go here 58% chance to hit even OH hmm all my lord he can't be stopped that needs to be better though this Hellion isn't dangerously I have bandages ouch come on oh no come on come on okay it's gotta be that Wow he's unreal he's gonna lose his he's gonna lose his virtue for sure though oh it's gonna buff the adrenaline rush to that's gonna be a loss of virtue for sure that's okay though wasn't really doing much anyway we have to stack the bleed this turn we have to which means I should probably just hit him uppercut is not gonna work all right that's not that helpful got to do that no [ __ ] hmm I'm gonna try to help good enough Wow all right this is where it gets really bad real bad real [ __ ] bad oh good and Lord that hurts come on now can't even get back their real-life egg hold the line keep them up Oh bleed off no you got to land this thank you not a good turn not a good turn and bleeds for everybody just enough to put him on death's door again death weights survival a wise general cuts losses and rebuy by hey where's my Hellion trinkets what the [ __ ] oh wait no those are those my bounty hunters are gone hello huddled together furtive and vulnerable rats in a maze hey Howard I ain't getting that secret room the match is struck a blazing star is born you cannot learn a thing you think you know rip Dan Jen meantime you will know the tragic extent of my failings may be the two hundred bits Gingin it would be fitting for Howard to be the last one standing there huh oh boy that was the only thing that was gonna do me in and there was right on cue ooh this is good though okay right on time also right on cue the shield breaker or the she'll break her the Shrieker has returned let's go get our trinkets back starting with Saint kick knee up front even though with rabies it may not be the best idea in the world I should probably Bank entirely on my units that have higher accuracy if I have those options available I don't think the Shrieker is a beast is the shriek or a beast I guess I can't figure that out in here can i oh it is oh sorry it's my bad I forget a face do you want to fight a sham blur come on let's go and die Oh God thank you for the Betty's dude appreciate it ah let's see here well if she if it is a beast and evil Rena pyrolysis kind of a no-brainer then right okay alrighty oh it's an eldritch beast is it well in that case with the natural swing of order and I think we'll uh supplement our squad and then why not make it a mark party huh seems like the way to go would even a shield breaker upfront which means it's gonna be probably same to me and not Joe Ferrara Mark's party take Howard yeah all right here we go spectral spirit tip away no it's which is the one that gives to the bone is against the mark targets this one right should I do that probably and then maybe give her this yeah okay sounds good right or we could just give her like a legendary bracer or something and maybe just the ancestors pen I guess the random target chance doesn't matter too much going up against the Shrieker though so it's probably okay so let's do that and then you are definitely gonna work your magic of the Crimson Court set into the mix here you my friend it's gonna make you super healer again cuz that seemed to work pretty well for the last one til they all died then finally mark target bonuses with the bedtime story I suppose is probably the best choice unless we can do something well let's see here hold on oh this is really good yeah let's just do that and then give her the musket ball or something pistols probably better actually let's give it the further accuracy buff and trade off bola for snipers mark oh I was using the candle in the dark listen I I didn't even think about that yeah oh that's silly that's a goof that explains a lot too doesn't it oh well alright no ladders kissed this time I'll use captivate I'll actually no we will use that as kiss even though I can't blind the thing maybe I'll just swap these two it positions I don't let you that you get back in there yeah I'm gonna have her in spot too and just use captivate over and over and over again even though she can't do a blight Oh but that'll still do more damage than the Pierce I think yeah the bird has a ton of blight resistance I remember that maybe she's not the best option then maybe I could do somebody else with the mark party we could do highwayman we could totally do highwayman actually yeah that seems fine let's do that let's do that Power Man yeah the jesters dirge that's right from its meaty claws big meaty claws all right highwayman highwayman where you at where'd he go where'd he go I just had him there he is mm we have a set for him no I still don't have his that's right the 45% virtue chance but let's go ahead and give him hmm I'll water a post for sure so I think Dodge might be my best choice for mr. highwayman if I want to do like the ancestors coat coupled with maybe this yeah that's really really really nice actually a little bit of extra crit chance as well of course wheat grip doesn't matter too much okay let's do that maybe even tracking shot although I doubt we'll be able to actually use it we'll start them off here Oh pistol shot most of the way through get that marked target bonus accuracy all right yeah that's a good point yeah maybe we don't need that much Dodge maybe we'll just give him a focus ring instead let's do that okay that's good I like it I unequipped all trinkets I'm brilliant I almost did it again I am a genius smart smart boy there he's done it let's go I'm ready swap swap boom done done I know it's so automatic I can't help myself I've got so many built-in systemic responses to things all the provisions all of them every single one of them give me a damn torch is too why am i bringing shovels there we go leave the food I want it I'm taking it I'm taking it I need it I need it for my safety for my personal safety starve your heroes never knock about how you doing knockout round about well food is for the weak you say that immediately upon joining fine fine how about how about how about that come on that fine I can't even sell that food I have to take that food I don't have a choice there we go let's go I gotta have something to dump off exactly alrighty I want my [ __ ] back shrinker welcome to the bear very fancy crow what a perfect time to subscribe that is a very fancy crow isn't it welcome to the bear pile thank you very much for your subscription well I'm trying to lower your dodj though we go I'll write one for one I can't mark him now unfortunately I can stun him maybe cool all right and boom there that's very very helpful I want to stack that dodged debuff if I can actually and you know what I could probably do this we just got to deal all the damage now doo-doo-doo so he's not gonna add much which means I do kind of want to stack on more if I can high assisted it fell but I reset the mark at least now move them forward which means the Bounty Hunter should be able to attack now go ahead and bandage that for sure and then let's go ahead and add a holy water to the mix and collect bounty 61 let's go yeah they're like a 41% chance to hit that - nice good [ __ ] good [ __ ] let's go let's go okay now now we actually consider we have an 82% chance to hit this with a 50% chance to crit which is gonna get near to killing this thing we want to maybe consider killing the nest here hmm he's gonna be marked for only one more round I'm banking on a crit mostly with that logic so I don't think so yeah I don't think so I think I gotta go for the safe play killing the nest supposedly I think grants you more trinkets / more loot oh it's just money oh alright nevermind then that's not necessary let's just kill the thing yeah I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to do it now actually so I'm glad I made this choice Oh baby very nice that's more like it yes oh I missed you all [Music] Mike urge you not so much but this and that in these oh it's so wonderful mmm textbook indeed well played squad well played what disease did we acquire though vertigo and Corben's resilience that definitely is better than back tracker that's for [ __ ] sure that's unfortunate that I'll have to get rid of that arena Perales I should probably look into removing some negative quirks okay here's the thing if either of the if any of these three people are in chat they need to make themselves known now Fitzherbert stealth claw or USB 23 I mean I'm pretty damn sure I'm gonna take back USB 23 but if any of these three people are here speak now or forever hold your peace or forever be dead more than likely bring the flagyl in is that your boy Fitz USB [ __ ] up the bullfight that's true USB did deserve to die I completely forgot about that actually thank you for the reminder thank you for the fervent reminder that USB will be in hell forever no so we're bringing back stealth claw probably I think it'll be yeah stealth claw somebody specifically requested Fitz I don't think either of these two people are in here right now but if you take USB you can kill him again that's a fair point actually we could torture him eternally we could send him into the darkest dungeon to die sent us be alone for an atonement run was Fitz the sûreté the sacrificial flatulent was he I don't remember you know I do kind of like that yeah the most petty of choices I like it let's do it very true very true all right USB is back for punishment I'm committing to the bed let's get rid of this scurvy first of all we got a few diseases I got to get rid of here right looking good all us be down there bird with the verdict L forget for her to go and then a river Alice I know has perfectionist now let's go ahead and rid ourselves of that issue and lock in Eagle Eye for her as well and now I only have fifty two thousand gold whoops see how quick that happens you got to get more money man I'm gonna go to the Courtyard again maybe oh it's the Hellion yeah let's go get this I want to get her full set so to do that I could probably get away with bringing oh yeah I guess I could sell some unused trinkets too but that's no fun I like having this massive hoard of trinkets although I guess there's some duplicates I could probably get rid of like the eternities collar when the hell's hairpin the focus ring Raiders talisman owning helmet alright that solved the problem quite a bit didn't it I am a bit of a hoarder yeah do not need three of a class-specific trinket but it's nice to have it isn't it it is nice to have you I don't need two of those at all actually I don't need to cleansing Crystal's either I don't think I wish to be stuff where 7,500 goddamn and can't sell any of those unfortunately all right yeah that's probably fine so now text book order actually let's go with a good old-fashioned bleed team perchance heading into the farmstead where the courtyard rather once more or we could do that good old classic double shield breaker build and the grave robber in the mix - this is actually the this is the the Guardian murdering team isn't it I'm gonna send them in with a man in arms this is stupid let's do it even warned me about trinkets first of all hydration time I'm ready hmm got my madrenas how to heal you don't need to heal what's healing frontline shield breaker begging this link to shield breaker ooh we have the coat of many colors in the Millers pipe back again hmm I'm gonna give her an set yeah spit my cheek ancestors candle for sure well I have her set I do the blight chants melee skill bonus she's gonna be picking [ __ ] all day and then you the riposte he's a bamf let's do it I love it rank for oh wait no he can't do all god [ __ ] I want to do retribution in the back why come on that's the one thing I wanted [ __ ] well I can't make a new god of plague you know what I am gonna do actually I'm gonna toss the grave robber in that case we've already got enough armor piercing with to shield breakers I'd say so let's oh that's a good point we could start with retribution and then lunge the grave robber very true oh good the friendly shandler thank you very much for your subscription my friend welcome to the bear pile bear hugs please I appreciate it I got a plague as well can we get grandpa bears well janitor for the bottom of the pile I think he's already working on it actually if we do that let's see swap these two okay all about no money swap these two around she ends up she's almost certainly gonna go first is the thing so I'd have to have something she can do in the at the start and I guess toxin trickery works so at the beginning of every fight she does toxin trickery he activates retribution and then beyond that it doesn't matter I guess cuz he just has the riposte active for the beginning of the fight but then I guess I'll just have to shadow fade to the back every time I think it's gonna work I think I gotta just swap this off for a vestal I don't think it's gonna work out so let's toss her and bring soul tech I wanted to do something goofy but I'm pretty sure this is gonna have to be the way to go and swap off bellow for bolster okay alright yeah gotta be done super healer yeah I guess we could do a musketeer or an ARB list this is obviously like the safer way to do it where's the scroll there we go alright that'll do not gonna captivate this time we'll have to run impale again oh I should have puncture actually let's do puncture in place of adders kiss there we go that's better all right great off we go Garden Guardian yep yep yep meep meep meep let's go you just replied to my comment about a healer saying you didn't need one now you go back on that you keep toying with my emotions you're tearing me apart bear the very grounds themselves are animated by a deep-rooted evil a cosmic hatred for all that thrive beyond its painted grasp oh hi Jake sorry for tearing you apart Power Man with no context to go by what's your favorite party composition for abominations no actually scratch that three abominations in an antiquarian gotta have a healer right for level zero jesters all cycling finale the curse what the [ __ ] that's still a thing I know it was still a thing I just I'm goofing but god damn it so we got to go to the sanitarium with her I suppose after the fact I'm just cure it like any old normal disease but now without any blood this shall be interesting to see how it progresses through the course of this dungeon but only if the ends aquarium is in spot one oh of course yeah I thought that was assumed front line antiquarian man alarms spot three highwayman spot for bounty hunter [Applause] double repost and then the Bounty Hunter's just not contributing what so I don't know why the Bounty Hunter is there to be honest I was hoping I would come up with some way to plug him in but truth be told I got nothing not a thing spot for leper of course yeah you gotta have somebody there for moral support I guess that's what the batting out is doing the bartender asks why the long face everyone dives for cover as they realize one of the abominations transformed Dutch it's a rimshot it's a good one it's good one I want to do a full repose team at some point for sure yeah I think like the four highwayman slides any sort of combination of that with Madol ours would be fun oh god damn his own eyes hmm me yay yeah reposting would be a lot of fun probably have to take that into the into the farmstead again like oh you know I got okay here's what I'm gonna do hi I'm Ann highwayman man-at-arms vest Oh Lord oh no who's it gonna be Crusader no oh man no hold on no I gotta have you gotta have some kind of stress healing you got to have some kind of stress healing with it I think two is the max realistically speaking can't lose with 4 AOE heals vessel vessel battle vesta battle Vestal 4 vessels could probably work out ok actually I think that'd be viable battle Vestal is pretty strong now jester's not a must-have necessarily but he is certainly your best stress healing choice still obviously quad Hellion endless nah recycling breakthrough and rank for right about that Helene's are good to sacrifice remember to always use finale turn one that's right is that what I didn't realize what the context of that tweet was that NL sent at me the other day is that is that what he's been doing turn one finales with the gesture Wow that was me reacting to the damage not reacting to Ryan using the finale on turn 1 although I think that's an appropriate reaction for that - that is hilarious though I didn't tell him to do that now does he knows about both oh my god what the [ __ ] he knows that it's stacks percentage bonuses each time you use another skill right never assume NL knows I don't want to get to the point right now where I'm like legitimately questioning his intelligence I'm always like are they getting enough [ __ ] for the darkest dungeon series I always just assumed that it was just like you know the natural learning curve for the game but oh [ __ ] I totally stole my a brain farted here I was too busy ripping on an L well I guess we'll camp out afterward whoopsie well struck this is gonna be extremely easy by the way I don't know if you realize but we have like the guarding Guardian killing team right now the buffs were the icing once we get the red post up - it's gonna be ridiculous and low you stinky Guardian try to keep up he'll do that why not and bandage hold a water riposte very nice thank you I've got to give her a holy water whoops go ahead and guard one of them all right not too bad single group he'll fix this up I'll probably just go ahead and do this for her as well and puncture for sure one of the candles mean about the characters it means they're getting bonus experience for this quest because we got somebody that went into the darkest dungeon previously who I believe is the best all new DVD um that is up for two more so let's do that can you please say that you watched the Last Crusade video on YouTube and don't think for Crusader team is crushing you want me to say that is that your opinion that you want me to say it's not how it works but I applaud the effort at least there's a very direct approach honestly I'm pretty sure that's how it works how is it all right I got the message I did I mean I said it out loud so I suppose I can't take it back at this point err can I use you as a platform to espouse my own political views from now on yeah as long as you give me bits Wow he's joking guys he's joking he joking around he's a he's a kidder he has fun isn't that just Congress anyway hell I mean man this this is like borderline political talk but it was just really funny to me this morning or this morning seeing Michael Cohen's lawyer going on to news programs trying to promote their GoFundMe page Michael Cohen's lawyer set up a GoFundMe to fund their legal expenses that's real and he was promoting it on the news Michael Cohen truth swear to God look it up you gotta love the US baby it's his lawyer better call Saul Power Man thanks for the biddies yeah that's the other part of it too it's making a shitload of money they've got like fifty three thousand dollars right now oh it's just it's hilarious to me double taco I bear taffy being of sound mind hereby declare my opinion that any pulled pork sandwich without coleslaw is an abomination that is how it works thus my opinion is born being in here it is done would we get let's the occult this one right yeah a Blood Pact nice noise you've done it a moment of respite I love respite it's my favorite do you hate Donald Trump do you want to feel like you are helping bring down Donald Trump donate to Michael Cohen now a true American Hero [Laughter] doing his best to take touchback oh my god oh boy okay that's enough man you just [ __ ] weird the literally the hero America deserves perhaps perhaps he is indeed I hope this is like where we can tow the line appropriately because I just find it objectively hilarious well man no I'm with you Seymour yeah I think we do oh man that's good hey we got the mark of the outcasts though that's gonna be a good set for the Hellion at least straight up seven accuracy seven dodge buff with two speed the bleed skill chance this is really good and her set is pretty impressive that's convenient sweep okay well in that case away with that I'm gonna get the curse off her as well there we go how many leeches this this really you're you're being treated for a blood disease ma'am we're gonna use as many leeches as it takes okay let's see I still don't want to get rid of the rabies even though it's free I don't think the quarks are free now I'm pretty sure the treatment ward is not part of that it's just the medical ward alrighty where are my Crusaders goddammit get seven available slots here there's one I can't bring another Crusader from the mercenaries unfortunately it's already got two of those right yeah [ __ ] well let's have a look here gathering of grain sacks in the warm Sun also we have the protected wards available here which also brings an opportunity to fight up against the thing from the stars I think I'm ok with that I could go into the cove here give Howard another chance that sounds like fun ooh the double occultist build and not a flatulent no let's not let's not do that that's not a very smart idea double a cultist though I'm down with this and let's do let's see for occultists shall we shall we let's shall don't you don't trust us B there's [Laughter] yep that's the team that's that's the team that's the one right there yes beautiful perfect love it USB has Rank 1 equipment oh my god fix you up real quick hope y'all like hearing these sounds oh there we go that was satisfying all right and then we go boo boo boo boo boo goodbye money hello 69,000 though nice hey megwin go without torches for maximum occultus into the cove trinket selection we do have vehicle to set now which means we might actually do it the mad man might actually do it hold on no stun debuff and move skill chance which is gonna be probably best suited for the front line more damage here as well [ __ ] it and he's gonna have hand from the abyss the stab the heal and the weakening curse let's do the mark I guess that's not really gonna matter there we go next another one with the stun stab I guess we'll do that you are gonna have the artillery and the pull forward and the stab you you know what you're doing all right a different color at koltes yeah we should probably go ahead and do that let's do one two three just to make it simple there we go and make sure they've got all the right camping skills as well here personal open speaking here boy welcome to the bear pile my friend thank you for subscribing on Twitch prime bear hugs please in the chat appreciate it thank you for your support my friend let us give him do a crystalline trinket for him as well don't we yeah the petrified skull oh wait no that's not good that's the wait don't we have another one for him I thought we had something to give him a bunch of Dodge hmm okay well in that case let's see you have fear eldritch no ho why oh oh god damn it dude I can't ah Sarge just went home my dad is speaking in a movie trailer voice I'm obsessed with stewed augs acting weird friends and co-workers they're eldritch abominations and the garden is giving me giving me some trouble I get it I get it I get it USB what is the you know what this is his punishment mission you have to get over your fears buddy and what better way to do it than by equipping you specifically to handle them where's my eldritch ring eldritch no nothing hero's ring that's not gonna do it welcome back for two months in a row better thank you very much appreciate it well one of them's got to heal at least I know that much so how about we make it the this guy [ __ ] it you're the healer the twitch prime sub welcome on and my friend thank you very much for your subscription are you support USB is the healer okay alright now you you're gonna have you're gonna have the feather crystal the feather crystal let's do that okay there we go done done besides this now it's done dirge for the devoured finally back in the action here [ __ ] finally got this one gotta bring laudanum with us of course and let's do it and beep there we go don't need that and we're out of here let's go probably don't need that or that or that or that or that fair no trinkets your line TV Z Prime welcome back three months in a row welcome back thank you very much for your recent scription appreciate it oh right yeah we wanted to go torch this with this one as well because we have this also because I'm a [ __ ] so let's do it into the cove open I'm using the candle what's the matter with me I got so many problems in my head the flopping fish like things abhor the warding sea juice let us claim this place a new you know take candle that's a hearthstone in it alright well here's the thing if I keep the torch light between fifty and sixty [Laughter] eight [ __ ] damn it okay so that negates everything from the bright tambourine oh I'm an idiot what a team why are these things here now this isn't necessary god [ __ ] damnit forward-thinking who needs drink it's ow oh my god okay we're just gonna use that real quick and you're the one that's stealing damage so you're gonna have to try something although Ike it's done again I like that going very well already yeah no it's brilliant okay okay this is fine perfect what the healing bonus is to boot Howard what happened Howard us be performed better ridiculous oh my god the curse of USB we're posting these bad boys okay well hmm one at a time one snake at a time and just keep resisting flight for me please full stacks for the crit chance porfavor stunts opportunities are back here as well let's go for it guard removed I like abyssal and do that okay this is gonna work this is totally gonna work wait who did do they do just gonna keep dodging no blight for us there we go it's fine this is fine good shoot all right so there goes the bright tambourine bonus so that means let's just go ahead and quell this torch light now now that I even use the bright tambourine at all let's try this too spreading out the damage obviously here but controlling the fight as much as possible a tea leaf how you doing I still stress hillford 17 so it's not like I'm hurting that much for that either that's a lot that's a lot Wow okay I have a lot of chances to heal though that's not one of them yeah thank you there you go buddy boom boom need one there it is and we'll get rid of that as well good odds on getting this kill very nice yeah we handled it maybe don't speak too soon you're home welcome to the Bear Paw tea leaf gifted a subscription from at Lyon ACOG I thank you very much my friend for sharing the love around appreciated and drawn to the nicktron welcome into the pile as well thank you very much Howard with the God heals bear hugs please in the chin thank you very much for your support y'all the way to get around the occultist not having a group heal is by bringing three of them yeah precisely you're on to me later on Robin I love that he can heal from every position to that's a welcome welcome upgrade to this character look glad I brought all that anti-venom [Music] yay well I forgot to use my finale at the start whoops all right let's go ahead and replace the blood with that of course there we go I think the team's actually in the correct order somehow oh boy in another fight and a terrifying one at that stun time miss oh boy okay gotta try this again this is the way to go with the front to up until I get like at least one killed the pull forward I don't think so doo doo doo that's fine that's fine that's fine that's that's fine it's is it fine it's probably fine Jesus Christ get the bear hugs ready he says I got them ready well [ __ ] welcome to the bear pie man this sub gifting from madman welcome to the bear pie thank you very very much my friend for gifting three subs here to juice the destroyer of faces to the bear and touch Papa get busy well mine into the pile he truly is the maddest man speaking of which let's go let's actually go let's all proceed onward hit it get away with one there we get away with one leave them with one I guess Neil fairs happy the key that questions northern lions intelligence but goes into a dungeon without torches with light-dependent trinkets we're past that that was so six minutes ago you can trip on me for old [ __ ] you got to find something new to ridicule me for hey there we go that will help give me an abyssal please if you wouldn't mind a nice big fat abyssal hit or that I guess actually that's probably better I need to heal you anyway there we go he's like your ex who still gives you [ __ ] for spilling eggs like 15 years ago spilling eggs I like it Bearpaw Bearpaw Bearpaw he's egg he's egg boy nah he's bald who that madrenas I cracked that one bear sure did yeah yeah yeah yoky okey okey okey okey another one can't be stopped I'm a wild boy yeah you could do that from that spot oh my god that was lucky at least I thought he had to do that from the front well [ __ ] okay I'm glad to know that now ah let's go for the step okay do it again there we go Gast jigs as he pleases alright time to heal ow I'll keep us off death's door at least I'm gonna stun you or kill you I guess that's acceptable stun you nope still have not used a lot in them on that now I'm wondering if I should I think it's a bit too late there we go Howard just in time pop another couple big heels here if we can I'm gonna go for this hands of the abyss again indeed two heels will do it and boom yours yeah I don't need to use the lot of them anymore Oh Howard I love you buddy one more stress heal yeah we've been here a long [ __ ] time man that was a nine round fight these guys are gonna take a while hell yeah we've got that stun bonus [ __ ] especially against anybody with protection of course I've got well I guess I do have the weakening curse to try to address that if I want to but it's not really that big of a deal I just keep working on this only the great Howard can save the Fallen USB from the darkness I thought maybe we'd get another one there let's try to reduce this protection I suppose seems helpful this party comp is hilarious is what it is it's perfectly functional is what it is somehow working just fine it's doing the job it's gonna be much easier now there we go nice it's gonna take a minute Oh God no need to worry about the money anymore I think it'll be mostly crests nice to find the shields at least all going well we should finish the mission by tomorrow yeah that's a nice pace keep us busy for a bit all righty if only Howard survives I think we found the traitor of a mysterious pattern there Howard yeah I did just dump two rubies I apologize too much stress thanks mates on a single ward yet either there's a negative quirk removal though that's nice I think hands from the abyss all day here catalog three months in a rail welcome back thank you very much appreciate that twitch crime support buddy now four of these guys would be a massive issue but three of them is not nearly as bad Howard can't be stopped they'll need to buff either we just fine all right definitely got a stun him with the other now ooh okay help help there we go there we go he is unstoppable brilliant we can let's see you know what I think it would probably be better off doing this ah [ __ ] week a new hands for me of this again um both of these two though Jesus I guess the amount of damage I've done already maybe we're just better off going for the stuns now another stuns the the kill bear unequipped the tambourine isn't it just detrimental now besides you have two of them back at the hamlet oh I guess that's true isn't it yeah we're not getting any sort of benefit whatsoever from it if it's below fifty one week yeah we add stress by wearing it in fact so yeah we just absolutely get rid of it very good point I'll roll the dice here mm-hmm so if I do this I can't do it right now I don't think so I'll have to remember to do that doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo die okay and Howard fixes himself and we're good to go guaranteed more or less with this boy USB actually did something sort of effective good job buddy hey off I get [ __ ] and driven into the mud I guess I gonna eat the food that'll do okay now who has the worst negative quirk that I'm hoping to remove right now Ashton is pretty bad germaphobe is also pretty bad fear of eldritch on this guy would probably be nice to get rid of let's go ahead and do that of course buff it up never post sadly thanks are in Jesus he's a good buddy of mine all he's willing to help us out doo-doo-doo-doo why did it stress heal is it a knowledge carry oh I guess so yeah I didn't even realize that actually meat well that's a kill yeah let's go ahead and pop one of these it does slightly lower the stress healing I do considering that stress skill bonus is not conditional but I think it we're still better off me I don't know I guess I'd have to do the math on it maybe it is better to keep it on he mortality clarified in a single strike I think the later in the dungeon we go though the better it becomes that sucks so I'll just chill out now need to do to do-do-do-do-do-do it's absurd oh my god hey crappy oh we're just having a fun one having a rip-roaring good time here Howard is the god healer hail Howard hail God Howard I really should do that too probably have enough of the second stab from him hey Howard behold the comedic value squad oh Jesus yeah that's certainly something I'm worried about yikes there it is miss your brother hail Howard nice like that you lit up Howard uh-oh alright now we got some time let's see 5750 4 6 2 4 6 2 there we go keep it up big heel yeah Howard was supposed to do this isn't okay anymore there we go knots Broughton these nightmarish creatures can be filled they can't be beat well this dungeons gonna take for years pretty sure I'm gonna have to camp out like right there not sooner no battles please thank you come on now that's a good dungeon that's a very good dungeon you don't want to kill me do you you want me to get through it all huh yeah you want to see me win you want to see us reach the end of this here dungeon and get to the get to the estate safe and sound right Howard right right Howard you don't want to kill everybody right Howard you're not secretly plotting the demise of the entire team right Howard Howard not like this how it be into quiet alright let's see since we do have a stress dealer on the other team let's begin with the stress heels I'd say the double hand from the abyss again you take a heel from no word oh [ __ ] Wow hey that's more like it buddy we do alright one more big one pal that's okay no more stress at least right there there it is hail Howard nice USB coming through oh my goodness how it makes the whole team better oh let's go Hale Howard Oh baby nothing out of you buddy I don't want to hear nothing out of you heal em all up yes I guess these occultists are Don sunglasses handy ha good one Sarge the hands thing the abyss the abyss I'll hand with which we are annihilating our foes how do you delete someone else's stream hit that twit prime sub button it'll work in a little while where's the wards where the wards at there's one there's two all right then just no no sham blur you know what maybe we'll go ahead and camp out here yeah you know I'll probably okay I got enough heals yeah we're fine it takes about a month to work and then if it hasn't by then try again yeah you got it scot-free you've done it before huh he's got it figured out yep that's not fun don't forget to order your case of madrenas coffee while you delete the stream that's true it won't help you delete the stream but damn you'll have a tasty beverage while you do it I think that's reason enough surely know shamblers surely of course not we're not putting ourselves in a position for that at all heavens no ow okay first of all ow yeah sorry sorry I know they were working on the shipping cos that's always been an issue it's getting better though slowly but surely getting better they're on Amazon Prime as well if you're a curious and saving cost that way per chance and we are actually stress healing pretty effectively here oh god yeah I forgot it could be the thing from the stars do that was that escaped my mind completely yelling victory errant and another one Oh speak of the thing from the stars geez okay here we go then nice so I guess weakening is damage is not a bad idea and if I can actually get that to hang around maybe I'll be able to lower his protection while he has that massive buff activated we'll find out I guess I've got plenty of ways to kill these aberrations at least so that's good my stress is gonna go through the roof here though I really should build damage with the front liner as often as possible and maybe try to kill the crystals with the third guy with Howard it's probably the best idea he's now got as a super buff already that was pretty quick how would save us all all right so it's gonna be all about trying to land these weakening shards now I guess cuz he does still have or like he can still be debuff despite this does debuff resistance is only at 80% Sarge are those crystals The Fault in Our Stars I still haven't read that we should read that [Music] I think this will be better well actually no I think the stab from the occultist will be better or does he have he doesn't have either of these equipped damn it so he can't help in that regard um I want to kind of prevent or I kind of want to try to prevent the stress check so let's do that maybe so I might be able to get away without anybody getting one here that's very nice and yeah I think we go ahead and try to stack these up yep I like it sky taints not again that keeps happening it's disgusting well there goes result check for you sorry USB come on USB nope oh you know that's not gonna stick around for very long but I really should try to get it up to three stacks at least prior to taking damage and now Howard has got to heal which means it's gonna be Dirk's tab coming from the gesture to kill the crystalline aberration so let's do it removing 60% protect all you've got to be [ __ ] kidding me god damn it USB just wants to die wow that's a bad debuff holy [ __ ] oh boy ah thank you I'm not giving up I certainly hope not I'd love to stack this again I think I want to and it works every time nearly so I'll take it so I want to try to set up the finale again yeah nice okay he can heal himself of course off this hit unless he unless he passes his turn and then the crystalline aberration just explodes on us all that be and be terrible if that happened really that did that be one of the worst things that could happen here whoopsy doodle that's a big whoops Oh Oh Howard I just gotta stay hydrated that's all it is the only problem welcome back TK duvet Don welcome back my friend thank you very much appreciate it oh it's all just so bad oh my god oh my god spatula clang clang where's the cred seven damage from the finale can we do it come on now come on now holy water for good luck do it he's the king Wow a memory success so clearly not that I need it the light okay I'm just gonna go ahead and hop on a lot of them to to clear out some inventory space now the jesters trinkets are completely he was list I'm gonna go ahead and equip bat anyway for inventory space too so he gets that bonus of the healing skills or the stress skills I mean the rid of those fine cool yay yeah there we go anything in there nope good thank God holy [ __ ] you need to abandon hope immediately cool oh there we go that helps okay you try it that's better you try it nice now mockery yeah he refused [ __ ] 5k what fresh hell have I tuned into this one is clear no reason to go this way I just wanted to see what this curio was real quick ooh yummy digested fish the way is lit fam obviously we're gonna toss that for food or not toss it but use it soon just to make space yay one down he's doing it two down the way is lit not that not that not that not that not that there it is let's go let's go all right yeah not torches sick easy quest no problem now I was supposed to be done I had to say words I had to say words and jinx it didn't I [ __ ] I gotta kill you so I'm not I ain't healing [ __ ] all about the damage boys although a missile might do it here Marx himself nice that's all I need near perfect start I can get that again but I'd be probably better off doing the stab and there we go all of a sudden most of the problems are addressed probably gonna finale him so that means let's weaken this guy produce the protection fine 22 always [ __ ] it's a big hit still do they do bury your only lack of judgment came when he brought a gesture instead of a fourth occultist clearly that was the concern yeah and naturally he's just gonna guard when I have the finale set up cool thanks buddy pass turn yay oh we got to do that again I might actually be able to stun him here too oh wait now I can't come on first action first action give it to me Dirk's tab does bypass the guard yeah but that would just be well I mean I probably could've killed him with it but I just wanted to use the finale really thank you goodness do it for damage from the stab come on now buddy you got this you have this I know you come on man we're so close we're right there this expedition that leads to promises success so they control your urges for literally four seconds all right we've done it we've done it boys with the mean team time to return home such as it is yeah we're gonna have to do some stress healing there's that memory boy in Howard god Howard up to six finally an eldritch Slayer that'll be better better for earn although I don't know if Wow holy help hold on a second let's take these three occultists into the sanitarium hang on a second here we're gonna lock that in and then get rid of this Thanks you are gonna get rid of fear of eldritch walk in Eagle Eye you hmm yeah it's not that important I guess let's just have him do stress Ewing and adieu look or cannot go anywhere but the bar yeah hey Dre no I'm doing well how you doing poof already good stuff by my yeah goodbye money as always gotta take a quick break here folks a few minutes to stand up stretch get some water room what night what night M night Shyamalan will be back there's more darkest dungeon just a few minutes hold on
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 19,756
Rating: 4.9027357 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 45sec (6585 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 25 2018
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