Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness (Ep. 35)

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very much for sticking around through the break appreciate you 301 kills and no signs of slowing down you know apart from the slight lack of provisions I suppose at this point but onward we go let's do it and a Mosin nugget welcome okay pretty tough start bear if someone insulted chubs along would they get banned for life Wow hell of a start rabies again why I took a break and this is how they reward me oh goodness all right well we got rabies on the leopard now I guess they get Bend from life that's right why would they reward me for taking a break I suppose that's sound logic it's the endless harvest not the endless and then you take a break when you get tired harvest bear rabies is kind of good I guess considering we're getting so many accuracy buffs we could probably work around it it's just that he also has tetanus right now so he might miss I don't want him to ever miss ever so we're gonna have to keep doing command I guess can we get a camera on chubs that follows them around doing is normal everyday things that would mostly be napping you think you want that but I don't think you really want that nice tetanus lowers accuracy and crit chance unfortunately so it's all bad rabies at least boosts are damaged but tetanus is just shitty yeah why not I don't think the stress is too bad right now she's really the only issue and we're gonna be able to kill her at some point here and tetanus is bad who's miss complete opposite not the right one to crit but I'll take it I guess good good good good chaddy did see the cute dog didn't you he's quite adorable I wasn't lying to you like a defender now dude do big damage boosts going into the next turn I still don't think I have to boost or have to stress heal just yet he's at 40 got to assume that I'm gonna get at least two or three more crits over the proceedings here cross the 3o 4'o baby and now let's go ahead and do that one damage oh boy best part of the stream no offense bear none taken how can I compete he's an adorable goddamn dog Oh miss [ __ ] everybody's marked when everyone's marked no one's marked I stopped creating the wrong lines god damn it man down down ah [ __ ] yeah you know what [Music] with another crone in here I think I gotta fix it I gotta fix it you want a bear beer do you want a bear it is what you want I had to grow it because I thought of the phrase Baird and I was like how do I not have a beard that represents that word I have to I'm obligated so now I do it just took several months almost a year probably ruin you're here hello how are you I should have defended the gesture there that was stupid oh I'm missing cuz I haven't stayed hydrated [ __ ] that's the problem that's the problem I might have to use my last bandage here this is actually kind of scary that's what we'll do all right I got hydrated at one time nothing welcome back yeah that's a convenient dodge there to to not waste the ages my bills and pay the ended the bids have been flowing in all day today it's been unreal and thank you all again that leaderboard for a day's worth of streaming is unreal Baird is the name of my backup D&D character hell yeah how do you keep dodging I need my accuracy boost he's got a hundred thirty-five this is absurd crit it wasn't even enough alright he's still got his aegis up like we can do this [Music] think I can retribution and get the kill come on he's immortal all I blocked a crit still got rabies and a bleed oh boy three people got [ __ ] rabies from this outmanoeuvre flight show how we lookin 36 30 17 24 he's gonna heal himself your shield got rabies put it down Oh baby there we go where are those been all day goddamn alright I am actually glad we use the aegis there that saved us a lot of trouble accuracy please stop missing not stunning these guys in another Morocco oh boy how maneuvered says man whose entire team is now diseased dia that reads like a [ __ ] onion headline boob there we go 311 whoa madness is the color of your energy whoa shades of blue and aquamarine you want to know what brings me here whoa another Miller to fear and I want those shots whoa investigate 311 I didn't know I was watching an L there we go there we go uh my word Eve [Music] okay okay that's not too bad you got a little protection they'll be quick but we'll be quicker ideally once we can stress he'll effectively and get everybody's buffs up again always got to start with the bolster did we do a golden cabbage check today I don't think we have got to get one of those up can't miss it and he'll the man Lars yeah this is it might be I always got a check I can't can't miss out on the opportunity I this is definitely reposed territory starting with the bolster of course is the way to go but normally I'd command afterward about I think we retribution here for sure and it's probably still time the stress he'll it can't go for battle ballads right now keep on the group heals as well never lucky never lucky with the golden CAPA [Music] do-do-do-do-do-do-do being named rune i don't know what that is and i don't want to do it for fear of being interpreted as a racist I feel that's like the dangerous waters to tread so there this repost immediately I feel has been worth it that sucks though what's this golden Kappa that you speak of it's a real thing there's actually a rare chance it's like a one-in-a-million chance or something that your account has the golden Kappa for a day I don't think it's a meme I think it's real I think it's a real thing twitch does doot-doot-doot oh man oh man it's not racist it's an old mean I'm sad not like my my my mean knowledge ain't what it used to be all right I'm not as hip with the kids anymore I've got to use this again holy [ __ ] this is scary I should probably defend her too I guess this has gotten bad grew up and fall out they don't have memes there yeah exactly oh there we go blow bet what do you think the most unnerving thing in the game is hmm oh I acted yet it's created the [ __ ] out of everything oh my god um I mean that's the Sham blur it's kind of a cop-out answer but [ __ ] freaky looking the pigs with human faces for drums are also not exactly you know pleasing to the eye oh my goodness this is becoming concerning what nine damage what the [ __ ] oh my god I gotta try to kill I think the crits a way to go though oh that sucks wowie I have no more holy waters oh [ __ ] I gotta try to crit this guy take away his chance to hit defender and heal okay two on death's door man what the [ __ ] oh no allied cam how did this even happen how did this happen okay we got like so much stress resistance on him it's not even a concern I guess we're not running I don't know who you think we are we do not run away we face our foes although that's a really inconvenient dodge I could do that there we go getting there we're getting there that's scary that's fine nice miss Oh miss again oh [ __ ] one more miss that's how we do it that's how we do it voice commands baby okay keep commanding we need our buffs back 65% hit oh that's not good Wow Wow it's mantle ours is a machine gotta help him out for sure doing this again yeah baby all these stress heals from these crits have been magnificent we're getting ported it out affective guard there got a stress he'll I would love one more he'll attend but and I doubt I'm gonna get it yep there it is alright nope cereal I had to expect that let's give him a full heal from this all right you do the encounter the people asked me to do after it's from an old anime I see no yeah no I didn't actually think they were made trying to make you sound races I just didn't it's a it's a thin line man you know that [Music] [Music] help me out help me out ok we need actually sow the seeds is fine in fact doing it on the men-at-arms especially because he has so much stress resistance inherently I think I'd prefer that weirdly enough I don't have the district that makes food better no not yet the creepiest thing in the game is bear I mean I am representative of a few very creepy things in the game I suppose are night oh yeah yeah okay well maybe an early finale then on the horsey I have already pumped it up twice so it would be it's pretty good it's not amazing but it's usable it moves him back right away that sucks balls I think that's actually an anti-venom right there good dodge good dodge good dog oh god damn it now I can't okay well that sucks that sucks I just gotta move him back move him back to go retribution I guess by count freaks me out the most mostly because of his lorry yeah it's a he's not a very good host or is the ancestor to be fair I don't think you deserve to be a moderator if you haven't donated a hundred thousand its to bear what [ __ ] kind of position is that this isn't a goddamn oligarchy unless I get paid enough joking it's jokes it's fun yeah this isn't an Olive Garden yeah exactly [Music] wow that was convenient and the streams ruled by a bear not an olive exactly [Music] crits oh my crits back mom where's the crash they're not in the cupboard I locked old man ruins everything the ancestors story it's more or less right baneling mean hey all of a sudden we're not in any danger how that happened 25:25 does this help with crits let's find out hey dude good job well done check a crit jar sometimes they get put in their habit let me guess that makes sense whining for crits works let that be a lesson you want something bad enough just whine until you get it I want to double crown the farmhands just gimme it God just Jimmy to me thanks geez don't even seem grateful after you get it either keep being a little [ __ ] about it there we go see was that so hard was that so hard game to just give me what I want all the time honestly can I be a medium-sized [ __ ] will that work cuz I mean it'd be better if you were a big ol [ __ ] but I guess I average size of [ __ ] will do ow that hurt bear just see that video of a Jamaican boat tour flipping a kid out of a boat I did not sorry to say I did not I feel like I've got the entire story based on just your explanation though holy hell he'll count is 331 I still I mean I don't have any bandages so I guess I don't really have a decision to make there do I miss it you suck you stupid big dog dumb idiot I might be a medium [ __ ] but I am NOT an average one [Music] fair enough mega lobster face don't let me take you down let me stand up tall but for medium [ __ ] everywhere 77 difficulty doesn't ramp up now yeah it's pretty much cruise control up till we hit the bosses of course yay all right off we go haunting no pardon me unprofessional existence folds in on itself ah let's see we got full stacks right so let's do one I got a Google I'm gonna have to kill it's probably in a stack a little bit here I kind of want to do this but the odds are against me so [ __ ] it a bit too good for this bear I mean Otto you're kind of carrying us to be fair this leper has done a majority of the work there we go that's good do curios get worse as you get further in it seems like you haven't gotten MIT yeah t gamer I believe that's like really the only thing that changes as you progress further is that the the likelihood of interactor getting good curios to interact with drops considerably I think the odds of you getting like the campfire one are pretty goddamn slim there we go there's some stress healing again I might Hugh here but if they both get their attack off and I think it's even worth it to do just revenge instead oh [ __ ] hey Yamano how are you oh that's a lot and a stun god dammit alright if we got decent odds yeah I'll try it there we go nice that was worth it darkest dungeon does not have dailies no but that would you know that might actually work huh that could be fun how to get into that obviously the old buffs let's see if I can get another one shot yeah you know it's revenge time actually I wasn't gonna be able to get him you know I might have actually been able to do it questionable call there I could have done revenge next time I prevented a horror oh now we got this [ __ ] to deal with - oh boy Oh bully well the competition of the darkest dungeon daily Bevo yeah it's you'd have to figure out a whole scoring system I guess huh what you could do most enemies killed most money at the end of the run can all contribute toward the point tolls and then like if you win in the darkness you get bonus points if you fight a sham blur obviously you get bonus me you know stuff like that at least items use yeah you can do something stuff like that I think there's potential Mosin nerds that I thank you for getting the sub the Mosin nugget welcome to the bear pile my friend thank you for the subscription yeah keep that up Eastern's use the hand there you go look outside the box a little bit there's a lot of potential [Music] let's try to stun him oh it's real you know she'd welcome the bear pile as well thank you for twitch pram subscribe and enjoy your badge emotes dodge dammit resistance at least okay I don't think he could allow mods now I don't think that's possible gotta keep it fair I'm gonna give him the damage boost and I don't think I need to stress you anymore I think the balla ballads actually a little more worthwhile with a great bonus come on buddy hit it sixty-seven yes need some dodges here this I can't rely on the resistance to this bleed without any bandages this is really bad yeah there we go you commanding he's got up to 50% on the damage bonus now in the guarded target I want to try to stun you again if I can god damn I'm not getting lucky with that so two hits on the savage will do I still think it's actually worthwhile for me to keep this battle valid going and then what are we looking at for this that might be time to set up a finale soon miss it thank you yeah we'll go ahead and do it now I guess missing out on 25% damage buff there but that's okay nice predetermined selection of characters so your options building a team but everyone gets the same set and I could be fun to see yeah there's a lot of a lot of potential for it I think miss please please please please please dammit [ __ ] we got really lucky through the course of that but just one of those is enough to really [ __ ] me over right now I wasn't enough oh my god crit it still isn't enough math is not on my side okay come on Vestal you gotta help him out big time he'll here we go no crit just please don't attack him I don't think they can actually okay good good good good and now we can view of course and do that yay all right actually managed to make this work pretty well and great dodge there yes good lord it's time for a didn't deliver the daily that was spot-on by the way one more Jelena of course I did I said immediately don't stack the bleed please okay okay as long as you didn't do that that won't explode I remember this time yeah that one explodes I got you will take care of that crit oh I miss goodness please how he has taken so much pain and suffering I think I have enough from this oh no pain train keeps on chugging - laughs we got to get through the hardships man we'll run into issues but you gotta power through miss buck haemophilia that's terrible that is awful really wish I a disease removal now oh he's [ __ ] guarded no well come on Hugh come on Hugh do enough please thank you now we have to guard up all right good good good good good oh my god still need to give him the individual he'll here let's finally get some more command buffs up I'm gonna stress heal checkmate hello for the first time welcome on in good see you no stun thank you oh my god these guys have done a lot more damage than I expected them to oh [ __ ] bats no going in edna's twice now at the exact same team come at 89 first and then hunt 23 next nice that's a very good start okay we need a good curio here please horrible that's a lot of [ __ ] bleed hmm we have to do that okay see what we get who not again oh no you tread beyond the reach of reality Wilbur rip kill Wilbur before he gets us yeah if anything's gonna take us out it's gonna be right here right with Stan keep ours keep our big boys alive and I'll hope for the best I guess now we're not just gonna leave no of course not fight to the end here oh that's not too bad and we reflect damage to okay that's that's acceptable that's done the best although that's bad hey blind stone alright yet keep that up I could retribution and hit Wilbur a bunch that way nearly through this bleed as well Oh defender for sure actually let's go ahead and get that big protection buff up on him alright that was a lot worse obviously all goodness Benny and the Jets another thousand biddies from Benny thank you so much good lord oh this is bad time for some Wilbur pork belly sandwiches let's hope so I think I'm maybe gonna die Wilbur nearly just killed my man alarms so that's where we're at right now holy hell there we go there we go holy [ __ ] good I know Oh God that damaged reflection though oh my god know what now goddamnit [Music] goddamnit this [ __ ] pig uninstall he's gonna kill me again isn't he this [ __ ] pig [Music] stop stunning me alright that's good at least get him yeah baby don't kill my [ __ ] leper Wilbur please Wilbur now the true boss yes [Music] the grave can wait sweet sweet revenge yes in a boosted refraction yes alright well we did it continue on no no no no no this'll do 3:42 I'm happy with that we're getting out of here leave with the king's ransom lining the jeweler's pockets 200 shards in a single run all that corpses baby mmm hmm tasty oh [ __ ] Danny another 10,000 bits from Dead Eye thank you thank you so so much for that frebel generosity double taco 342 as well thank you thank you guys goodness thank you very much how many kills to cover the whole screen good question no no I got 40,000 gold out of that - holy [ __ ] wowie and we were rewarded with madness they were claimed 205 we got plenty to use ourselves hell yeah first of all got to commit him for the removal of tetanus so I'm gonna get rid of hemophilia of course as well and then salt Decker's gotta get rid of the rabies - I don't think I wanna take any chances they're great all right then have a look of quickly at the Nomad wagon here see if there's maybe something I want to take immediately I could grab a coat of many colors we were talking about that one but of of all the ones available right now I'm wondering maybe I should start looking at the specific ones for classes I don't know why you would ever get this when you have this it seems kind of silly but oh well all right yeah the districts - yeah I can't forget about that let's see Oh gem inventory stacking increased I think that actually does that apply to the trips at hedron's as well let's do that yeah nice all right now holy water increases buffs a lot of them as a stress resist buff herbs as disease resists and didn't those are okay not that great works for me cool right on okay van well we could bloat the performance all right now to add twenty percent damage to the finale right away more stress for less stress for him to closing in on that mailman that's exciting that district is a lot less valuable when you have a mod that expands inventories well duh yeah [ __ ] give a mod that immediately addresses that concern obviously that's gonna be less valuable yeah buffing my roster size isn't really that helpful when I have a roster size mod I know that much I'm gonna be spending [ __ ] heirlooms in here well I guess I already have haven't I all right oh man that was fun that was fun well real quick let me have a look at something real fast cuz you know I'll just gonna be straightforward with you here I've got a bounty on the bounty board right now from twitch but it says it expires in an hour so I'm just not gonna do it I'm just gonna cancel that because I don't have time there we go okay cancel bounty there we go nevermind we don't have a bounty anymore I'm gonna do that anymore it was gonna be well you know it was gonna be the Kreutz ooh again which is fine I'm fine I'm fine to do that I wanted to do a pool panic though but it's not on there anymore womp womp I was gonna do that for sure let's just play more darkest dungeon for a little bit how's that sound that sound like fun that sounds like fun to me only one or two more runs here do it do it anyway and don't get the money seems seems l advised Last Crusade last courtyard yeah I'll give you a courtyard run get started on the countess I'm also tempted to get some more progress like in the wheel for example we owe and the musket ball ooh what's a bounty it's the new twitch bounty board program and they they put up well effectively what it is is they put up games up there that week as streamers can play for an hour or so usually an hour and I get paid for it so that was one that was gonna do but decided against it y'all have man like I mean just look at that friggin bit leaderboard I'll need to do a Bally today good god I'm fine thank you all very much for y'all you guys are the bounty I've claimed you ha you are mine bear the bounty hunter I think we will do courtyard we do have the uh we've got the invitation at least right now I think it's a I think it's a good idea so we'll attack okay just just accepting it yeah I'm fair enough I'm actually very very tempted now to go to the wheel because of the musket ball not to mention the fact that we have the deeds and the district I wanted if I'm not mistaken required those which one was it though was the altar of the light or was it the it might have been the Afeni 'm i think it was the Atheneum which we're closing in on now with honored and ten deeds we'd only need to get this need to get through this mission so yeah let's do that let's do that one percent of room battles in the wheel there's a very difficult mission this is this is going to be very hard to do so i don't want to i don't wanna make it seem like we've just got a walk in the park here so let's start with a flagel and up front I'm gonna have to upgrade him of course oh you know we've got a good team here if I do something like Bam Bam I'm not that not that we can get how master in the third slot and then just the vestal in the back I suppose right has got to be the way to go yeah it's long with a hundred percent of room battles it's a walk in a very [ __ ] up Park yeah exactly exactly all right let's get these guys set up and ready to go so into the blacksmith luckily again finances are not at all a concern anymore with those antiquarian runs not to mention the bank we have got ourselves a good set up there so I'm gonna upgrade pretty much everything with absolute absolutely no regard for the cost and I think I've already spent like thirty thousand gold I think I've spent like forty thousand gold already I think I spent like fifty thousand gold thus far in this stuff seems a little absurd for me to continue to spend tens of thousands of gold on things that I probably won't even use but you know there's just so much fun to click all these buttons can't really stop myself at this point apparently I've just got a problem where I have to unlock everything there we go there we go we did it they're all set grit the rich tree isn't that bad Katrina's entrails extra seal kit Spindler hunts tear off on a mission still rich I got hundred fifteen thousand [ __ ] gold steal I got no problem still right you gotta eat me yep we do have a stress heal here for the indoor I think I'm gonna go ahead and equip his stress heal with a cry havoc as well I don't think I'll have lick ones this time target whistle actually does have a little bit of synergy with the Bounty Hunter I could probably make that work we've gotta or no not marked for death let's go with come-hither finish him an uppercut seems good examinate of course nan punch command with wealth absolutely power yes okay so flag coming up front let's give him let's give him what is this oh we could do this and then give the hound master his guard move and then we could play with a death's door flageolet that could be fine do we have anything else that buffs death's door resistance do I have a martyr's I do oh my god I'm a martyr seal yes let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go he's doing it he's totally doing it wounding helmet and what is this here yeah please kill chance for sure it's got range skill bonuses which I think I am using I've got Cal trips no I've got come hither that's not that good I think I guess what's up for something else like the ancestors pen for sure there we go then husk Fang whistle dog treat bonus more stress skills wing oh and the guard duration increase oh my Jesus 30,000 bits welcome to the epic white wolf welcome to the bear pile as well god damn that's a lot thank you for thirty thousand bits Dead Eye if you weren't first before your first now holy [ __ ] wow thank you very very much I'm gonna drop oh I got a bear greed you get a flood of bear greed in here please forty-three thousand goddamn bits today you lunatic thank you very much I am gonna use this we get a lot of value out of guard duration here oh you know I do have his crimson quartz set though I hadn't even considered that I like this crystalline bonus though this is very much what I need to take advantage of here so I think I'm gonna do that for this particular run we should eat dead I clearly oh this would help to actually a lot you know what let's do it let's do this ancestors mouth is gonna be very beneficial here and then finally super healing vessel got to be the way to go let's give her the scroll I think I've got enough as stress healing to manage this so good stuff oh okay yeah a little a little exciting there in it god damn let's do it the musket ball for Deadeye I think that's appropriate exit turtle how you doing welcome let's over-provision I'm rich why not they're there right yeah I think we're good cool off we go I'm ready we're gonna win I got three forty-something what was the final kill count does anyone remember 346 I want to say something like that hmm 342 that sounds right corruption was over the soil stopping all good life from these groves evil this flageolet has deathblow resistance of 87% so we're gonna let him get all the way down there naturally he gets a massive buff not to mention his natural buff from 45% health or lower he could also die so that's fun I need oh yeah that's what I need to equip this to duh which means maybe I want to do that I don't know if I'm gonna get a lot of marks off though maybe like the Bounty Hunter do most of the marking holy [ __ ] what a scout I didn't even realize yay there goes all our shovels I guess good god I mean I don't even need to go this way so there's no reason to do it nor do I need to go that way I can go up like that that that and that and then we could save two shovels sweep I believe there's a cap for deathblow resistance yeah honestly I really hate this strategy beyond measure fair enough I can't blame you but you know what it's fun to switch it up every now and then I do what the sufferer skill as well oh yeah and I should have quipped that for sure that's a good point add to his death flow resistance with that yeah definitely so we need to swap off indoor I guess good call we will definitely do that 87 has to be the cap oh you know what you got to be right about that oh no no because really we're getting 22% from the martyr steel in the eternities collar I don't know if it's 87 it might not be we'll find out I guess cuz I am gonna use suffer no matter what I think it's [ __ ] I think it's probably the best skill to have on him anyway humerus is an insidious killer dd Raiders thank you very much for the raid Dan oh I didn't do I didn't do the math I misunderstood I thought you were saying that we got the wrong boost from the item but you're right yes so that must be the captain at 87 cuz that math is indeed wrong 73 plus 22 would be 95 so I guess in that case well you know what is probably still worth it though for us to equip the skills so I can yeah okay yeah I will equip it anyway man thanks for the raid man how was your I was your strimm let's go ahead and do that and I'm gonna let him hit the traps too just in case I can give them quicker to death's door that way yeah no worries then have a wonderful day how late am i only three hours an acceptable amount of late time for everybody's favorite part of the shelf [Music] now that's nice that's better three hours late quite fashionable yeah you're right on time in in cool people world I'm staying hydrated yeah I'm doing a good job all right so we don't heal the flashlight we want to heal this guy all this work to get into debt store my guess is he's gonna die right away yeah won't play those cards I guess of course gonna get his guard going on as soon as we're in any danger with him and let's do this seems right Benny and the Jets it's shill for T bear I'm kind of tired and I need a pick-me-up what do you recommend hmm let me give you some thought you're tired we need to pick me up I have a coffee sponsor put two and two together go on over to Madrid is calm calm / bear to have you go back calm you say 40% on anything on the online store and get that dark cross because it's my favorite uh bye so tasty right there right there that's the one that's the one there you go that's how you do it no joke good dog oh it's a good little horsey suffer it's so much goddamn bleed yeah why not as victories mount so too will resistance wait sweet sweet tweet tweet let's go over that way I saw madrenas in the grocery store the other day yeah and making the way in the world today it's harder than it seems he gets the guard for three rounds now compared to the usual one and there we go alright this is what we were looking for all they wanted to prevent any further accrual of nastiness the 32 crate with a six bleed oh my goodness yeah that's that's feeling pretty good although I do have blanket fire to worry about I guess so I shoulda tense to stun and or kill anybody that deals AoE damage but I mean he's got 87% I got a hope for the best I guess right there goes one more yeah I can't hit this guy goddamnit um whatever please come on just don't he dodged it that's pretty good that's pretty good he's revealed now too which means we can go boot hell yeah Cael hope you enjoyed it two 12-packs nice why are you keeping them at zero HP we got these buffs well not those buffs these buffs more damage at death's door from the martyr seal in the turn of these collar gives them more dodge as well so he does massive amounts of damage at this at this point but yeah it is super spooky it's a risk of course a trap could kill them too I'll be funny I want the deeds I guess so let's make space thank you so much allied camp for another hundred bits this is nerve-racking I agree there we go no need no need for that stuff master I'll take care of this okey-dokey yeah just don't get hit easy-peasy oh and surprising them obviously it's huge for us I really shouldn't I don't know why I have Ridhima quit I suppose as a an extra safety measure it's useful right now it's doing me absolutely no good though obviously well yeah I get both they're nice it's done again sure and then we guard-dog unquestionably they don't really have much a away besides the escape cloud or that I guess deny this man gonna get some sleep great vids bear cute you are far too kind thank you getting himself up to that 50 king mark for the day good God thank you very much Deadeye unbelievable thank you thank you thank you my the only one who doesn't understand this strategy every hit the flatulent takes is a one in six chance of death yes however the chance of the flatulent taking a hit is very very very low see that just went onto the hound master there I believe my odds are pretty good to be honest not to mention the fact that the fledgling himself has a massive boost to his dodge chance I think it'll work out six damage on the target with 50 percent protection keep in mind so he's not gonna be hitting these guys nearly as much I just realized I have a very low bounty hunter here - oh [ __ ] good dodge on him at least though we are gonna have to you know what I think I might redeem here this is why I have redeemed so I can do that there we go he's done he is getting worked on I guess let's try to finish this guy off - and seems like a decent opportunity for a group heal as well even though I'll you know what now let's just do that I like that better we'll get our buff soon here just miss stop hitting the Dan bounty hunter killer and yeah nice no coy did you see that Wayne said give them no quarter in the how Master bark was no quarter given that was great what are the odds there we go I'm fine with that clarified in a single strike no problem all right the odds were 1 in 4 shut up let me enjoy my magical moment this expedition at least promises success it was wholly unique to this instance alright let's prevent the ambush here but can we uh Oh somebody's got to have it right sanctuary yeah that's not even worth it let's just see what the ambush brings greedy as hell man why not fug it surprise the monsters I don't think I actually need a scouting chance either let's do lowered stress received accuracy bonuses further accuracy bonuses let's add to dodge on him as well that sounds like fun and then that'll work I guess so you have disease now I'm gonna change his skills out to bucket pep talk you need to change this for all I can't I do that yet it's because I'm gonna get ambushed probably in it oh good the path is clear follow it and I need for that stuff so you are gonna use this I want to see how effective that can be I do have to go this way unfortunately it's lit fam the way is clear fam we require only the strength to follow it homie homie G dawg I've calculated the chances he dies in the run it's 3.8 percent because of other characters dodge not always on death's door and resist I like those odds also never tell me the odds darkest dungeon that's more like 38% I think that's probably fair goody-goody no bonuses anywhere actually gonna do that to let the hound master finish him off minimum hit hey war boss we got up to 342 I want to say on that endless run so a results I'm quite happy with got tons of shards in the spent them immediately on the district that gives you more gem stacking so we can have further more profitable runs along with being able to stack the traits of Heatran which is pretty fantastic could have some big-time antiquarian runs in the future although we don't really necessarily need those anymore I guess either he's dead he's dead let's go like that alright are you ready for the collector got to happen right and yes I am I'm actually more than prepared for that we ran into that collector in the analyst run that was a [ __ ] joke just the weapon that cuts on its own I keep hearing different records for the farmstead I hear it's like a 4,000 or something I'm sure somebody's set up an absurd number somewhere only not getting to death store all that commonly here either unfortunately hopefully this next room battle will help us out there I think a collector is easier than a normal battle I don't disagree with you I really think he should be buffed a bit more in fact like his summons got a bit of a buff recently but the collector himself I don't know he needs something to make him threatening prior to him even having friends there I think I wonder if maybe if you like made him have a riposte or something like that that might work lifesteal spammy yeah I think if he started with the summons I think that would be fair hire stun resist - yeah that would help out a lot stop by nothing this game I do need to realize I am in a different position than most what if he was able to collect one of your characters like the siren oh yeah that could be interested stole their soul and prevented them from acting or something like that if that was like the first thing he did off this start of every fight I'd be kind of need well it wasn't as scary as I was hoping for for the flageolet damage I guess but as long as we're alive champion collector one script me three times with live steel and killed my vessel yeah I guess that can still happen like he doesn't have that scary of attacks either the lifesteal is probably the worst one he can do he's got that stress damage attack which is garbage really and then the lifesteal yeah that's pretty much it yeah go for it somebody's apparently got a 3600 kill endless run on Twitter Wow okay see this is much scarier than a collector fight this is a horrifying team good God thought tree team yeah let's kill a farrago first if you can hey that'll do this is way worse than the collectors that's helpful though all with clz yeah no I remember seeing his during the charity event as well care level zero has a lock down on the endless mode I know that much [Applause] geez she's already dead that's kind of wild let's do this they'll probably let this tick down til he hits death's door again that sucks hmm ah man I'm not sure what to do here that I guess I'm not gonna stun them again is the thing so I guess just straight-up damage or dismiss completely oh boy that'll do alright [ __ ] sound is horrible I'm very glad I guarded him very well could have been the kill hey break away how are you stunned please in before welcome there he goes okay now is when he really should be dealing the damage so let's see how strong innings saying when it could be 5 to 12 5 to - it's looking same thing what the hell what the hell oh my god you love this game me too came in during the Wilbur fight earlier that was yeah I guess I should just expect it at this point for Wilbur to ruin my day he's real good at it come on give me a big old hound Master crit right here I still got the buff right I do not is this enough leave though no no it's not he dead nope yay I'm the greatest the greater the glory sweet what happened during the Wilber fight Wilbur things hashtag just Wilbur things creatures can be filled they can be waiting to be spent I really don't care that much about gold so many surprise attacks I guess I do have that buff don't I it's working out all right let's see there we go okay 30 damage with a bleed and lowered bleed resist that seems like it's worth it to me that seems like it's worth it for that death's door diba her death's door buff and we got the guard on him he's good he's fine he's good to go no problem that was convenient right there right there buddy yeah I knew it make sure you don't walk into a trap and kill your flageolet sometimes he'll do nine with the bleed oh so you know it's still okay still not a horrible I'm gonna do that very good I'm actually kind of bad but manageable still and then hey there we are now he's dead tree branch back there and right there right there oh yes magnificent hey bear what about putting those trinkets on a leper these ones here all right art thou mad just looking at your fledgling gives me exactly I don't know about a deaf store leper man that sounds so that sounds like pure lunacy Brit oh wait Brit damn it and trifling victory excuse me oh [ __ ] we have to go up there just in case I really wanted that Scout to help me out but the light another goddamn bar ah go okay I think I actually need to expect when I got the start of this one it's a little scary then again I could do that also seems good oh no okay okay take a chance god Jeepers Creepers mister you're taking a lot of chances here buddies oh boy Oh God no need to heal we don't need that no it's unnecessary oh man nice oh no rabies okay I got plenty of bandages at least he's dead do that giving it there we go there we go and come hither [ __ ] okay I am gonna judgement nice one more round of guard he's dead oh it's a lot of damage on him good God in the plight to stun not gonna happen let's just do this Wow okay that works okay anti-venom stress heal and no corpses for this poor old granny nurse zero stress let's go all on the vestal and she's dead good [ __ ] okay no traps no traps don't kill my flageolet with a trap please wouldn't mind really appreciate that finding the stuff is only the first test carried home sweet excuse me all right no reason to go that way nearly through it nearly there man we got a campfire - I'm beginning to believe come on come on now keye torch none of that another torch oh boy Ringgold all right all righty then we have yet another group of foes that look to apply the AoE strikes here so first of all him to be looking to knock him out as early as possible but this is a very very risky situation for us so I think ideally I can stun this guy prevent his AoE attack and then just deal with whatever the [ __ ] he does cuz usually he does single targets if he's upfront that's helpful okay that's good and he stunned all right perfect so now you all in on this big boy cuz I can't stun him again of course sanguine eight is tempting but we can hit twenty nine damage with the punish so we got to do that oh he got his attack off [ __ ] okay so he's not gonna die next turn oh really ah god damn it god damn it welcome baby I gambled too hard I was so close remind yourself that overconfidence is slow and insidious killer shut up Wayne damn it all true Ianto welcome thanks for the bitty step snowball the ferret thanks for the twitch prime stuff as well appreciated alright time for the dog treat bada-boom one down no [ __ ] you we closed oh you do all the math you want in the end the lives of your characters are in the dungeons ads when you're right you're right Wayne just sprinkling salt all over the flesh let's crave when I want him back no come on let me the bleed good lord where's my help oh there it is in the form of all these dodges I guess I resisted at least once rogue I got at least one deathblow is this wasn't the first dam ahead miss [Music] glad I kept the bandages at least I think I mean I'm pretty damn sure I got at least one dance flow resistance that flow resistance I'm pretty sure you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me here he's gonna get an action I guarantee it it's gonna be a crit I didn't even want him to do it okay please do not miss do not miss thank you and advantage Etha food darkest dungeons very rude I would like those deeds actually tell you what let's get rid of this big anti-venom yeah anti-venom goes away and alright that's that's fine no no that rips do we no we don't want so many deeds though it looks nice I'm glad we kept the shovels - no more torches of course so we got a hope out that the hope that the campfire holds out at least a little bit longer god damn it too many fights deeds nuts nice well done I'm trying to avoid healing but I'm probably gonna have to do it we go yay lowered dodge that's gonna be a slice and dice that crits ball see if you set yourself up for disappointment at least you can be pleasantly surprised hey squad Meyer it's going pretty good banan what happened here oh nothing oh don't worry about it no cause for concern another crit oh boy it's finally revealed and now he gets to go first come on of course no heels for me oh well come on man we're close we got to be close hey we don't have to eat as much food oh [Music] that's not okay also not good one at a time no anti-venom one down okay I'm not gonna stun them of course so let's heal desperately there we go here comes the curse cool great it's just avoiding let's just avoid the curse on everybody if you wouldn't mind Jay it's not enough let's keep yelling [Music] they don't do the curse fine by me good stuff one-shot kill that actually wasn't too bad pretty easy to deal with a little torch light to just no curse come on I had to jinx it didn't I okay okay okay okay okay uh there we go that'll work nothing here [ __ ] that's a blight or a disease even slow reflex is a negative quirk what fun so many battles good God pounds Harry no we got to kill one or try to no bleed why did I not move her I was really dumb that was a goof okay now I can announce Harry really effectively though hey I have bandage still [ __ ] dammit [Music] and there goes more torchlight sounds hairy for sure [ __ ] there's a check probably more rabies stack the rabies on top of the rabies yipee Wow [Music] [Laughter] yup bear don't want to backseat your gameplay but I'd recommend having four heroes instead of three next time it could give you an edge I was considering it I didn't know for sure whether that would be the way to go I'll have to remember that for next time 59% come head up goodness you've got to land this [ __ ] hit thank you alright there's another close to it anyway 99 you got a die thank you there he goes okay thank you not this one today there we go oh yeah um oh yes I go all the way to the end okay well in that case we'll do this doesn't really need to do it on him I guess we're gonna camp out right at the end of this one here treasure that's I just ignore that spewpa trooper welcome to the bear bile thing for subscribing with twitch Brown much appreciated enjoy badge Nemo's buddy one down two down [Music] no miss I come prepared always that's why I miss every shot because I have rabies mostly that's the that's the big issue here is the rabies kind of proofing problematic for us how about a crit how about a dodge all right miss cool die bleed beautiful further stress routed down to zero now holy [ __ ] now that it helps him hit things but I guess we'll just sit here missing each other for the entire dungeon there we go there we go all right camp out together and I guess that's worth it even though I can't do a hunger check after that um I really got to prevent the ambush so let's go ahead and do that with sanctuary and then prevent the check on him I guess yeah [Music] there we go all righty this is all we have to do I have no herbs and I must not touch let's do it not slimes not the slimes oubli oh no nobody can hit anything how about you land a shot nope all right nice well this rate this will go for 18 rounds so this will be fun slime how would you name your attack slime it's a slime attack I hit you with slime that's what I do what what is the big slime duo he his attack is called big slime die oh my god slimed again there we go absolutely unit slide appallingly large slime don't do what you want to do there we go we couldn't Oh baby hello bully yes that slime is indeed bleeding just like the other crystal was melting that's what those things do Wow that was a nice find we actually did it Wow also a nice fine holy [ __ ] give me that cool we actually did it well done rip flatulent rip extra still level sixes though on guard holy unholy hater some disease to remove not too bad not too bad women and men oh wow just send out blows all will find their way to us now that the road is clear kitten welcome back thank you for 14 months in a row kit and appreciate it stagecoach is full well grab that Hellion probably let's do it barbaric rage and unrelenting savagery make for a powerful ally and I don't know about anything else right now was it worth it I did get the musket ball just that the cost of this guy and there is a way to get him back it's a town event that resurrects people from the dead let's go ahead and get that a district built as well that's what I wanted after all right you know what I think I actually wanted the alter of the light more so I'm gonna go for this I'm gonna save the deeds for that good stuff the Cosmi cost me a flatulent rip I have seen slate aspire with the defect yeah I've actually been placed moth offline slay the spire still every now and then over the lock it mostly the dailies which I still do horribly I'm so bad at that games but they still love it I still still love it still love it a lot okay committing KITT Spindler aka not committing KITT spin there because you can't [ __ ] go anywhere besides there there we go the end Pudge needs to go here as well pennants all with you and jumping spider still has rabies right yeah Sparta finally catching the stream after you're watching on youtubes absolutely yeah I'm glad you found better help thank you very much for using it hope it's gone well for you it's been tremendously valuable for me I'm actually gonna be making a follow-up video about my experience with that soon by the end of the month okay everybody he's been fun it has been fun I as I mentioned a couple of times I had actually planned on tacna bounty at the end of this today but I ran out of time so we won't be doing that but all the same fun times here in darkest dungeon it was a great endless run today managed to get the musket ball as well we'll get back into the endless mode I'm sure tomorrow even Benny and the Jets gotta head to work thanks with a great spin happy birthday to you buddy I didn't realize happy birthday Benny thank you very much for the 18,000 bits on your birthday I appreciate that a lot that's very kind of you yeah thank you all anyway of course any part of this stream that you miss will be available over on my youtube channel / beritasatu is streaming some gunjan so i'll send you over that way up until the NL SS starts of course so there you go advanced guns ins & Dragons with last gray wolf of course X clam helped in the chat as we just mentioned it better help a new sponsor here of the channel it is a an online therapy and counseling service with professional accredited counselors that I've been using myself and I highly recommend checking it out if you think it's considering online therapy or counseling or any sort of therapy whatsoever better help is an excellent resource at plan watching us and I'll see you guys tomorrow good bye thank you
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 28,158
Rating: 4.9537573 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: Tq71VEtmwkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 34sec (5674 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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