Bad EGR Cooler Leak Breaks Massey Engine! $$$ Expensive Repair

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46:10 is like this but it was built on a Monday alright so here we have a Massey Ferguson 46:10 three cylinder turbo engine I always liked Massey's but never really got into the new ones just yet until this one customers complained about some water milky oil went down verified it yep absolutely you got water going into the oil didn't no oil change on the engine just so that they can get it in the shop and we need to diagnose and figure out what is going on basically gonna start with removing the head we want to make sure that the head gasket is okay that it didn't hide or lock we want to measure those pistons and go from there yeah definitely the head gasket yeah no doubt about that that that's not what's supposed to be on your valve cover I hope that it's so severe that the head gasket is so far blown apart that when they crank it over and it's got the the coolant sitting on top of the piston that it's able to squirt it out through the head gasket and relieve the pressure cuz it yeah it was still running good when we when we checked it out it wasn't running when we got it the intake was or the exhaust was right full of coolant so hopefully that turbo is okay too so when you're taking rockers apart and heads when you're tightening it you start in the middle and you work your way out when you're loosening it you start from the outside and work your way in so crack the outsides loose good practice to back off the sets at the back so you don't warp the rockers but when you're taking the head off start cracking them from the outside and work your way loose and that will prevent warping it from the outside we're actually really disappointed with this tractor so far that it's not very tight these bolts holding the intake was just like you could have taken them apart with a with a quarter inch ratchet and the lines on the injectors everything was just barely on there [Music] initially can't see anything wrong with the bottom of the head and I can't see any lines generally when the head gasket blows there's a line between the head and one of the one of the gaskets but all the heads were actually all the cylinders will fold water our wonderful EGR cooler here if you plug this one to blow it you can feel it leaking through here you shouldn't you know you shouldn't hear that don't tell me if I do this so you can see all the cool on the inside of that too so I'm positive we have an EGR cooler they do we eliminate the EGR cuz it's a simple customer so I think this cooler is shot and that's what did it started to pull the whole head apart because we still have to clean everything and dry everything and flush everything but I think the EGR cooler went and not the head gasket I'm gonna save all the money we can but I can't see anything it's hard to see the camera but the head gasket actually looks good which is kind of disappointing that's actually really really bad the coolant is going through the cooler and blowing into the exhaust and whatever exhaust valve is open that's where the coolant runs into now when you crank it over the exhaust valve closes and that coolant has nowhere to go so now your Hydra locking dot piston and you have the potential to bend the rod as nice as this missions crap is it just about took out another engine we're gonna vacuum this out clean it out put dial indicator on it make sure that none of the rods are bent unfortunately if it was one head gasket that was clearly blown you could compare the height from one piston to another piston but now we got to get some specs from Massie and see what the distance is supposed to be from the top of the piston to the top of the line here so put a straight straight edge across and do with feeler gauges or dial indicator that you can rotate and drop from the edge down and see what the difference is and then compare that to what Massey says it's supposed to because we you have potential for a bent rod we're finding top dead center of the piston now we'll find the difference between the block and the liner slide over so that is 30 35 37 thousand sape that down liner to piston 34 yeah 34 okay do number 3 write it down and do our subtractions and see what it actually is so across the board is 37,000 or protrusion which is actually really good and amazing that they got at that like that you could measure from the block to the piston directly but you got to put the needle over the liner that's why we go from block to liner and then liner - piston number three is 28 tau number two is thirty fourth is 27 - so this one and this one are probably okay number two is definitely bent because it's sixth hour and that's quite excessive actually you might not seem like oh but it is if it was a break in the head line or in the head gasket then and number two say it was between number one and number two and number three would be a reference point that could be guaranteed that's still original but because it was EGR and all of them are full of coolant doesn't mean that this is the spec that it's supposed to be we're guessing but all three of them could be bent so we're trying to wait for a spec for what they're supposed to be but they're not being too cooperative and most shops don't like giving out information like that to people fixing it themselves but I would be safe to say that we have three bent connecting rods I'm just gonna are not gonna replace one without replacing the other two so now yeah so yeah I gotta call the customer and break the good news that they won't have their tractor for like a week and it'll be thousands okay here we go so there are no shortcuts you have to roll the front of this tractor way to get the oil pan off so we can get the raw turning into a big mess glad we went this far though because all the bolts were loose there's only a handful that we're tight and most of them are loose not only on the loader but on the tractor itself very disappointing on that generally when the loader goes on it would be done at the dealership and it has nothing to do with masking themselves it's just whoever is doing it on time so a couple things to note is just don't don't drain your AC just take your condenser right out move it and put it inside the cab out of the way there's also a plug at the front here which is kind of a pain it feeds three fuses you're 6040 on a hundred amp I'm the main wire coming in there just giving a little tug that that's a Spade connector to come out the or there's a there's a fool you can push the tab and just pull the tab out then you can stick your wire through there and once we get the pan off we can pull the rods out and I think we get our parts this afternoon we can throw some new rods in there and put her back together again make sure that you blow all the coolant or any fluids out of the bolt holes if you don't there's nowhere for the fluid to go when you torque the bolt down it'll actually risk cracking the block or improper torques settings on your head bolts or any bolts for that matter because they're bottoming out on the fluid inside different ways to put the bearing on you know some people dip them in oil all the way I usually stick white lithium grease on one side and then pop it in making sure the tabs go in the right spot connecting rods get fed oil pressure from the crankshaft so usually the bearings are solid the crankshaft will have a hole in one bearing and that will have to go up into the block not into the cap if you put the solid bearing on the crankshaft on the top you'll starve the crank with oil and it'll run for about two minutes before it seizes on it we're not replacing the Rings because it's a brand new engine but we stagger the Rings on the wrist pen here so one on this side one on the opposite side of the wristband and then the oil the oil one on the bottom the same one as on the top make sure that the liner is nice and clean there was still really good crosshatch on it there's no ring land there's nothing to worry about that way if you do turn it over on a wet sleeve put a washer on it if you're worried about to put a washer around it to sit on the liner so that the liner doesn't pop up not too worried about that we're gonna break clean the liner and the crank journal lube it right up with oil and drop the piston in there goes to the front and the rods are directional too so however you take them out put them back the same way we had numbers on the connecting rod facing the booth today your piston ring compressor on it and pop it in put the crank at the bottom pull the piston down from the bottom torque specs out twenty seven point five to thirty two points six or something like that which I don't find is a lot but we are going to Loctite them and go to the high end of that that seems like a low torque to me but I had the guy check it twice rid of the service manual so here we go this one only fits on one way put it on so torquing the head down these ones go up to 65 foot-pounds start in the middle work your way out conversely if you're taking the head off you start from the outside and work your way in doing it in three steps is always a good idea to torque the head down evenly to prevent warping adding a extension to your torque wrench doesn't change the torque the torque will if there is any twist in the extension it'll twist and then it'll pull the socket with it if you're using an impact gun for anything it bounces on the extension you'll lose torque you won't be able to get that tight okay so we're doing a barrel main barrel I'm gonna see the trick to this just click on the link where I did it on the John Deere rather than doing it all over again keep going there turn it same direction with more bit more ok well read that back it off yep perfect three cylinders different from four cylinder because you don't have opposing cylinders so when the exhaust is open on number two you can set number three when the exhaust is open on Monday three you set number one and when the exhaust is open on number one you can set number two so I don't pay much but at least you can cancel your gym membership we should just grab it okay yeah told you we should've used a guy your first time should put a block of wood under it yeah [Music] [Music] because we are waiting two weeks or one Roger sent us to the antifreeze months sounds good powers there we're full rpm no other noises just want to make sure there's no leaks and then we'll turn the hood on its back to the customer side of that block we took some pudding off to get the head off how to censor on a service have to be on these things story is that something hits the overflow tank and they lost porn but they swore they kept a good eye on the temperature gauge and that it never really got that hot I know they're conscious of it they blow the rat out constantly with a with a backpack Lord I don't think it's the right machine for them mainly because there's a [Music] talk to me to get the torque specs drama mouthwash settings floor okay son 10-year warranty on intermission so I don't know Massey does or not we're gonna look into that when we originally picked up the tractor and I talked to the customer and said like there's our warranty it's pretty new two years old he knows I couldn't do it no warranty so that's a that's another reason to not get the Massey if the case has warranty and Massey doesn't - on this tractor is unfortunately two thumbs down I was always a big massive fan I love the old 3,000 seniors thirty-five you were good in their time they've long since become obsolete but we still run into this crap [Music]
Channel: DGHD
Views: 147,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deboss garage, egr cooler, egr cooler leak, egr delete, tractor repair, tractor emissions regulations, diesel exhaust fluid, def, massey ferguson, massey ferguson warranty, massey ferguson 4600 series, 4610, mf 4610, massey ferguson repair, massey ferguson tractor, massey, egr repair, egr removal, bad egr symptoms, egr cooler leak fix, egr cooler failure, bad egr cooler symptoms, symptoms of a bad egr cooler, exhaust gas recirculation, sisu engine
Id: zlTBETHnYh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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