B1 Preliminary Speaking test - Kenza and Mohammed | Cambridge English

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Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Can I have your mark sheets, please? Here you are. I'm Susan Watson, and this is Radha Roychowdhury. What's your name? My name is Kenza. Where do you come from? I'm from Algeria. Thank you. And what's your name? My name is Mohammed. Where do you come from? From Saudi Arabia. Thank you. Mohammed, do you work, or are you a student? I work in a Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Thank you. And Kenza, do you work, or are you a student? I was a student, but I have finished at university. What do you do? Now I have my own salon beauty. Thank you. Do you think that English will be useful for you in the future? Yes, I think that English is the most useful language in all of the world because its permit us to achieve our objectives and to go further than we think. Tell us about the people you live with. I live with my family in my country, and we are neighbours and they are some of them are cousin of us, of me. Kenza, how do you get to work every day? I generally get to work by car. What did you do yesterday evening, Mohammed? I've been rather gathering with my friends and we go into one Middle East restaurant here in Cambridge. Thank you. Thank you. Now, I'd like each of you to talk on your own about something. I'm going to give each of you a photograph and I'd like you to talk about it. Kenza, here is your photograph. It shows someone getting information about something. Mohammed, you just listen. Kenza, please tell us what you can see in the photograph. I can see a lady which is maybe connecting of a laptop and reading on a book. He is normally in a library or I don't think she is at home. Maybe she is preparing for an exam, for getting more information. Maybe she is revising. That's it. Talk about the place. I can see that she is in a library there are a lot of books, and she is sitting alone. As I said before, she's maybe revising or preparing for an exam or presentation or Thank you. Mohammed, here is your photograph. It shows someone relaxing at home. Kenza, you just listen. Mohammed, please tell us what you can see in the photograph. Yeah, I see one man, he's relaxing in his sofa, and he left his mobile on the floor because he didn't want to distract by his mobile. And maybe he's a musican because there is one guitar just next to him and maybe he just come from outside and he didn't take out his clothes. He just start to eat and having one cup of tea and relaxing in his home. And maybe he's live alone because there's no-one with him and his home is very tidy. There's no toys for his children or something. That's mean that really maybe live alone in his flat. And I think that the weather outside is cold because he didn't-- Thank you. Now, in this part of the test you're going to talk about something together for about two minutes. I'm going to describe a situation to you. A local football club is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary and wants to give its fans a gift. Here are some gifts the club could give. Talk together about the different things it could give, and decide which the fans would like best. All right? Now, talk together. I think the calendar is perfect or a t-shirt, because for me, the calendar I can see my club every day when I just checking the date. I can see my club, and they are enjoying by the fifth anniversary for the fourth or fifth established for their club. I think the t-shirt is the best idea. So if he had the t-shirt with him, he can always remember the team. But sometime you can't wear the same t-shirt every day. But at least you have it at home and you can see it even if you don't wear it. And for this football, I think no, because I can't play football every day. If there is some students or from their friends they can't play and keep it away from their studying or something. I think it would be a good idea for the balloon football. Yeah. And for this, there, no, because all, they have a lot of children and from their fans, they can give it to their children. Yes. For a book or album. I think it's album for pictures. For pictures. Yes. Yes. It would be nice. So that he can put all her pictures in this album and he can watch pictures whatever he wants. And you keep remembering your team by my, like, cover. It's amazing. Yes. What about this bag? What do you think about this bag? I don't think that it's a good idea. But it's useful nowadays. You can use it for going to school or for going to the gym. You can put your toes. Thank you. Which sports do you like? I prefer football. I love football. My admire is football. I watch it. I play it. I am very interested about football. I watch it from when I was child. I rise with football. Yeah. For me, is swimming. I love swimming. I really enjoy swimming. It doesn't matter if it will be on summer or on springs. I love swimming in the swimming pool, but specially on the beach. It's my favourite activity to do. Yeah, swimming help me some time to relax. Yeah. If I swim that I lose my weight and like flying and, yeah, like floating in the water. Swimming permits us to be relaxed. Yeah. Why do so many people like football? Because everyone can watch it. And if you have one team in your, like, hometown or your country, he won a lot of competitions, that make a lot of supporters, we can if they have the same admires and the same ambition about their teams. And for me, it's the best sport. Yeah. Do you agree? Yes, I agree. I think that football is an international sport in every country. We can see that there is a lot of teams which playing footballs. Yes, I agree. Do you have a favourite sports team? Yes, for me, it's the Algerian team. Do you agree? Yeah, for me, I have one football team. It's from England. Manchester United. I love this team. I go to Old Trafford two times. It was amazing. Is it a good idea to join a fan club? Yeah. To take in ideas and to keep discuss about our team with what we miss in on some positions, or if we need to have a new players, we discuss about the gomers, if they have, like, one player that they decide to have a contract with him. If he good for this position or no, yeah. What do you think? I'm not for this fan club. Why? Because I think it's a waste of time and I don't have enough time to study. So, I can't go to this kind of activities. Thank you. That is the end of the test. Thank you.
Channel: Cambridge English
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Keywords: b1 english test, b1 preliminary speaking test, b1 pet speaking exam, cambridge english, pet speaking test, speaking b1, cambridge speaking test updated, examen de ingles b1, english speaking b1, habla ingles b1, learn english speaking, aprender a hablar ingles, cambridge speaking test, english conversation practice, english speaking test practice, práctica de conversación en inglés, práctica de prueba de habla inglesa, kiểm tra tiếng anh b1, thực hành hội thoại tiếng anh
Id: wv_nEUnhFFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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