B1 Preliminary English Test - Speaking Test

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preliminary English test b1 level speaking test duration between 10 and 12 minutes the test has four parts which focus on different types of interaction there are two examiners and usually two candidates part-1 personal information candidates answer the examiners questions and give their opinions this is a basic warm-up to make candidates feel comfortable good morning can I have your mark sheets please thank you I'm Kate and this is Jennifer what's your name my name is Matilda Matilda and where do you come from Matilda I'm half French but I live in Bologna okay and what's your name I'm Louisa Louisa and where do you live Louisa in Bologna - okay and do you work or are you a student I study and what do you study English science Spanish maths geography and Italian okay and Matilda do you work or are you a student I'm a student and what do you study I study science math geography history tallien and French thank you Matilda do you spend much time on the Internet yes I do actually because um I love to watch YouTube videos or TV series and movies yeah I especially love movies and I do that on the internet so yes and what do you like to do in winter um in winter I love to stay at home because it's cold outside and I don't like the cold but if I have to go outside I like to drink hot chocolate or play in the snow okay Louisa who do you usually go on holiday with I usually go in the south of Italy with my gran with my mother to find my grandparents or I go in England to visit my father or at the beach in the in the summertime so in August July August okay and what's your favorite animal I love cats because I had one some years ago and I like to play with them and to have them around my house so yes thank you part 2 describing a photo each candidate describes a photograph on their own the two photographs are on different topics candidates must speak about their photo for one minute now I'd like each of you to talk about something I'm going to give each of you a photograph and I'd like you to talk about it so Matilde here is your photograph it shows people in a supermarket Luiza you just listen and Matilde please what tell us what you can see in the photograph okay I can see two people a man and a woman and the woman is writing down something on a piece of paper with a pencil maybe it's she's checking the shopping list and the man next to her looks kind of bored maybe he doesn't like shopping and he'd like to be home watching football match I don't know maybe he just doesn't like vegetables because the cart is filled with vegetables and fruit also I can see two pineapples lots of bananas oranges maybe and a lot of green salad so maybe he's just not very happy about that the woman is wearing all black she has an open shirt and the man has a button-down that is checked black and red and they both have straight brown hair thank you Luiza here's your photograph it shows people on holiday sir Matilde you just listen and Luisa please tell us what you can see in the photograph okay I can see three girls at the beach two of them are eating an ice cream and I can see they they look happy maybe four for the holidays and in the background I can see the sand and the and the water of the sea and I can see that the first girl is wearing a pink t-shirt and sunglasses the the second one was a bracelet and a grey t-shirt with sunglasses and the last one is hugging the the girl in the center and she wears a white t-shirt and she she is Milan so yes thank you very much part three simulated situation candidates talk together about a situation there are some pictures to help them now in this part of the test you're going to talk about something together for about two minutes I'm going to describe a situation to you a man wants to open a shop for young people to come after school here are some ideas for the types of shops that he could open talk together about the types of shop that would attract young customers and which one would be the best all right okay okay now talk together yes what do you think about the bookshop I think a bookshop is nice because you can go there and study but at the same time young people don't really like to read usually so I don't know it depends it's really it really depends on the purse yes I agree but maybe the clothes shop would be more interesting for young people because because you could go to check for example me I love fashion so maybe girls teenagers could go there what do you think yeah I think the clothes job would be ok but I don't know I think that something maybe a little more original would be best because there are a lot of clothes job so yes maybe a greenhouse don't have a lot of greenhouses I don't know because me for example I don't live in I don't have a garden so I live in a flat and so I don't have plants or flowers in my house so maybe also other teenagers wooden wouldn't like it but wouldn't you like to have maybe some small plants or flowers in your bedroom or around the house I think it brings Joey I don't know yeah maybe maybe you're right yeah mm-hmm well pizza burger place is always a nice idea teenagers love posts oh yes mm-hmm yeah all these fast foods like also McDonald's so yeah maybe not very healthy but yes exactly but mm-hmm or that looks like a computer shop yes and computer and phones shop yeah those are very in right now but I don't know I think again we have enough of those so maybe something else so which one do you think is the best I don't know I actually I think maybe is the fast food yeah probably it really does attract okay thank you very much part for discussion candidates answer questions based on the topic from the situation in part three they may talk to the examiner and with each other they can make comments ask each other questions and give examples by talking about their own personal experiences Matilde do you go to shops after school no actually I usually don't because when I get out of school first I want to eat and I'm also very tired so I just want to go home and relax and also we got homework to do so yeah a lot of homework do you really got a lot of homework yes also in the in this period of the year where we have a lot of test yeah I need to yes so it's every afternoon study study study and homework and practice and everything yes Louisa some students spend every afternoon doing extra activities like music and sport do you think this is a good idea yes I think it's a good idea also because studying a lot at school makes you feel tired so you have to do something to also to relax yourself you like to let it out exactly also like to play some instruments so music and also singing maybe it's good to express yourself do you do anything yes I but not music or singing I I ran I do yes sprinting so athletics and yeah it really helps me to to relax and actually yeah but yeah it lets out the you know when you're in school you always have to be focused and you have to be very concentrate and then when you run Russia exactly yes yes I do a lot of music and art so I love that and I feel like it really makes me express myself and when did you start I started when I was very very young because my parents wanted me to so they said that I had to play anything and when I was five or so the piano ever since good is it better to have school on Saturdays or have Saturdays free I think Saturday should be free predominantly yes also because in England and USA or other countries around Europe they don't go out school on Saturdays yeah and often in Italy you find schools where Saturday is at school so yes what do you think oh I think Saturday is definitely better off because well I went to school on Saturday for a long time and I was very tired like having just Sunday's to rest and also to homework because we also have a lot of homework yes exact too much so now that I have such a days off it's it's much better mm-hm and also you can be with your family a little more you know yes because usually my mom for example don't doesn't work on Saturdays okay so I can be yeah you could you have some time with her exactly mm-hmm yes thank you that is the end of the test thank you okay bye grammar and vocabulary both candidates are at the top of the b1 level and use high-level vocabulary but if I have to go outside I like to drink hot chocolate or yes I think it's a good idea also because studying a lot at school makes you feel tired so you have to do something to also to relax yourself discourse management both candidates give extended answers throughout the test in part to Matilda extends her discourse by talking about how a person in her photo might be feeling and the man next to her looks kind of bored maybe he doesn't like shopping and he'd like to be home watching the match I don't know maybe he just doesn't like vegetables because the cart is filled with vegetables both candidates use very little repetition I can see three girls at the beach two of them are eating an ice cream and I can see they they look happy maybe for for the holidays and in the background I can see the interlocutor cuts Matilda off at the end of her monologue in part two because she has spoken for one minute this is not a problem they both have straight brown hair thank you Louisa hesitates before she has spoken for one minute the interlocutor waits for her to continue until she starts speaking again she recovers well I can see the sand and the in the water of the sea and [Music] I can see that the first girl is wearing a pink t-shirt and sunglasses pronunciation both Matilda and Louise's pronunciation is accurate throughout the test generally the intonation and individual sounds are very accurate and the woman is writing down something on a piece of paper with a pencil maybe it's she's checking the shopping list it really helps me to to relax and interactive communication in parts three and four the candidates interact exceptionally well by communicating together with short interactive sentences rather than long individual monologues in part three Matilda asks Luiza questions so I don't have plants or flowers in my house so maybe also other teenagers wooden wouldn't like it wouldn't you like to have maybe some small plants or flowers in your bedroom or around the house the communication between the candidates is very natural in part for the candidates show they are listening to what the other is saying by nodding and commenting suitably so I just want to go home yes also in the in this period of the global achievement overall the candidates handled the communication throughout the test very well and answered the questions appropriately and coherently you
Channel: HUB Scuola
Views: 526,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: education, inglese, certificazione PET, certificazioni linguistiche
Id: krY0myeLVfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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