B2 First / Speaking Test

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first English test b2 level speaking test duration 14 minutes the speaking test has four parts which focus on different types of interaction there are two examiners and usually two candidates take the exam together part one interview in part one candidates answer the examiners questions giving basic personal information and opinions good morning my name is Jessica Smith and this is my colleague Sandra Regan she's just going to listen to us know what's your name I'm Elizabeth thank you and your name Francesca where are you from Francesca I'm from Italy more precisely I came from Bologna thank you and you meet you I'm from Bologna so first we'd like to know something about you Elisabetta do you have any plans for next weekend yes I'm going to a party on Saturday night with my friends and Francesco have you ever taken part in a competition yes I play golf since I was a child and so I I take part of competition almost every weekend thank you Elisabetta have you been to cinema recently not recently I don't really like going to cinema why not I prefer watching TV at my home also watching themes on DVD and do you prefer to see films at the cinema on DVD hmm I personally prefer watch at home yeah so on DVD oh yes it's two it's more comfortable and I can stop whenever I want and so yes and what do you hope to do when you finish studying I am still sorry but I think I will I will enjoy join the University and the economy section and then isabetta is there anywhere new you'd like to visit I would like to go to Berlin this summer maybe on an int array with my friends thank you part two long turn in part two candidates talk on their own about two pictures they should compare them and answer a question about them now in this part of the test I'm going to give each of you two pictures I'd like you to talk about your pictures on your own for about a minute and also to answer a brief question about your partner's pictures Elisabetta it's your turn first here are your pictures they show people on holiday I'd like you to compare the pictures and say why you think the people chose to go on holiday to those places all right okay in the first picture we see two people mother with probably her daughter they are next to a lake it's a sunny day and looking into a map maybe the street to go to follow and whine the second picture we have another family with a mother with three children two sons and one daughter it's a sunny day there are two and they're just working into the street I think in the first picture that you have chosen to go to a lake to relax and have a good time and the same for the second family maybe just want to relax and yes maybe this is what this is a vacation in the first picture and the second thank you now Francesco who do you think is enjoying the holiday the most I think that in the second picture I can see the mother who is with have fun and she's having fun and so I think that also the children are having fun and so the second picture thank you now here are your pictures and they show people at work I'd like you to compare the pictures and say how difficult you think it is to do these jobs all right mm-hmm okay in the first picture we can see a teacher an elementary an elementary class and it might be difficult because of the children they are dares moan and so they are young and so the the attention maybe isn't very high while in the second picture I can see a doctor it may be a psychologist or I don't know and yeah it's difficult because of the scientific world and the maybe the patient is isn't as in Gaza a real clear heal illness and yeah while in the first picture the the teacher his thank you Elisabetta which of these jobs would you prefer to do I would prefer the second one because I really like scientific likes maths science but even so I would have to study a lot of years to become a doctor thank you part three collaborative tasks in part three candidates are given a written stimulus with a question and some ideas for discussion they should discuss the question together and then negotiate towards a decision now I'd like you to talk about something together for about two minutes I'd like you to imagine that a school wants to organize some after-school activities to help students improve their English here are some of the different activities they're thinking about and a question for you to discuss first you have some time to look at the task now talk together about how these ideas might help the students to improve their English naturalist are yes I think that watching p.m. in English might have the students to improve their English because of the speaking part you can you can listen now to the film and maybe with the subtitles and it can helps you to the the listening and comprehension skill while what do you think about the conversation classes I think also the conversation classes can help students with your part of the language they can learn vocabulary from each other and maybe also with the teacher that can help them with the pronunciation and what do you think of book club book club yeah if you read in English you can learn more vocabularies and so it it's very useful but I don't think so for the visit to local area with english-speaking guy what do you think yes I agree with you because I think that when you are in a country you have to learn we know something about the country in the language of the country not only in English and what about the use of internet but yeah is it say it it might be useful because if you use the internet in English and you search in the in the language it might be useful because of the like the vocabularies and it can makes you more interesting in the work and so yes you can improve your language your pronunciation mm-hmm thank you now you have about a minute to decide which two activities would be the most successful in my opinion the most successful would be the conversation classes in which people can really understand what its level is and maybe as I said with a teacher that can help you yeah complete degree and also maybe the second one watching film in English because you can really listen to native speaker and so can absolute to improve the English the most yes and no more vocabulary no and the pronunciation of the words so yes watching theme and conversational urges useful thank you part 4 discussion in part 4 the examiner asks questions related to the topic in part 3 and the candidates answer them um would you like to try any of these activities I really like watching films in English in my free times I usually do it boy so because when I watch a film once then I remember some of the words and the situation and then I watch it in English so I can compare the two languages and know more vocabulary thank you yes I I often watch TV TV series in English with the subtitles and it has me to improve the the 90 listening comprehension skill yeah I'm Francesco do you think it's possible to learn a language without a teacher mmm it's a good question I think that for maybe for the first time when you when you approach the language it's important of having a teacher because of the grammar I think that you can you can really learn the language without the grammar and I think that grammar is difficult so you need a teacher do you agree yes I agree and you need someone that correct you when you make mistake maybe and help with the pronunciation maybe and some people say you can't learn about the culture of a country without knowing the language what do you think I agree with this statement because I think that the language of a country makes part of the tradition of this country so if you want to know something about the culture you mean the tradition and the language is very important because it brings the country to what it is now mm-hmm what do you think yeah I I compete to agree and I think that if you if you know the language of the country you can you can you can go more into the culture of that country in the future do you think there will be one world language mmm I don't think so I think that maybe that will never be as now a common international language that everyone could use but our common world language now because you can you you will lose the as I said before the the culture of the singular countries what do you think yes I agree with Francisco and also I think English would still be really important but maybe other languages such as Japanese or Russians Spanish will be as important maybe as English well thank you both very much that's the end of the speaking test thank you a bit but grammar and vocabulary both candidates perform well throughout the test it might be difficult because of the children they are in my opinion the most successful would be the conversation I agree with this statement because I think the tradition of this country occasionally they make some mistakes I am still sorry but I think I will I will enjoyed joined the University and I play golf since I was a child and so I and they're looking into a map maybe you need someone that correct you in order to get a higher mark they could use a wider range of vocabulary and grammar discourse management elisabetta's part 1 answers could be a little more extended it would be better to add at least one more phrase with my friends she gives good extended answers in part 4 because when I watch a film once then I remember some of the words and the situation and then I watch it in English so I can compare the two languages and know more vocabulary Francesco usually gives extended answers but the examiner also has to ask why he likes watching films on DVD I often watch TV TV series in English with the subtitles and it helps me to improve my listening comprehension skill pronunciation generally both have good pronunciation but need to improve weak forms I can see a doctor it may be a psychologist or I don't know Elisabetta has good individual sounds but sometimes has an intrusive yes I agree with Francisco and I think English will still be really important but maybe other languages such as Japanese or Russians Spanish will be as important maybe as English interactive communication both candidates use appropriate questions and answers to interact well together cellist are yes what do you think about the conversation classes [Music] Elisabetta in part 4 gives extended answers and also adds another idea when referring to the other languages which may become important yes I agree with Francisco and also I think English would still be really important but maybe other languages such as Japanese or Russians Spanish will be as important maybe as English francesco interacts with ease throughout the test global achievement overall both candidates handled the communication throughout the test they were able to answer all the questions appropriately and with a good degree of accuracy to improve performance they could have speculated a little more and given slightly longer answers generally and tried to use a little more complex grammar and a wider range of vocabulary
Channel: HUB Scuola
Views: 207,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: education, inglese, certificazione FIRST, certificazioni linguistiche
Id: WSocVq607K8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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