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[Music] hello everyone my name is Joey and today we're going to do a test stimulation for the b1 Cambridge test since 2020 the test has been updated so today we're just going to show you a bit of a simulation of how it would work from now on good afternoon hello what's your name hello my name is be enemies yeah nice to meet you my name is Joanne can I have your mark sheets please thank you this is nice okay um B where do you come from I can't work on my promise and where do you live I live in lemon city yeah where do you come from mmm I come from one night province and why do you live right now I'm living in deny city okay lovely thank you they do you work or are you a student I knew one Keith I worked at a company ok and what job do you do and working this telogen ok lovely and young are you working or are you a student by depressing I'm teaching for an English Center okay lovely okay brilliant um V do you think that English will be useful for you in the future of course yes English is very useful and important to me and acting to everyone because I'm in this Square today English is the key to the world to the future okay nothing thank you yeah which deep cooking at home or going out for meals maybe go down for you because I don't have to do the dishes after eating yeah very true hey what did you do yesterday after work yesterday after work let me sleep because like it a lot of thing and I right after work I went to my yoga class I'd to go back there and after that I went out with my friends and we discussed mania and a lot of interesting topics okay pretty little kid yeah what kind of music do you like mmm so many types of music but maybe I prefer pop just a normal one okay for you thank you okay now for part two I'd like each of you to talk on your own about something and I'm going to give you a photograph and just talk about it as much as you can this is your one and it shows people having breakfast if you would just listen well as I kiss licking the bishop there is a family and is the earth full member family does and their parents in two cute daughters they're having breakfast maybe they haven't progressed at home in the kitchen because I I guess they distinct here okay and in on the table there are many kind of wood and as likely as the cookies like first there and oranges so they are the fruit is very healthy and this is to enjoy the meal and the de the baby world here is a very happy to left the dish herself yes and there's no brilliant thank you so much okay yeah this is your first graph and it shows people taking pictures if you could just talk about it as best you can and B if you would just listen okay um this photo is about birthday party and it seems like everyone here they they knows each other because they look so close and very relaxed when they join in the party and I think that they had to prepare a lot of things because all of them are wearing something more in their face or carrying something at decorations me and the girl in the center seem to be like seem to turn to a new age today mm-hmm because she's the happiest one that's brilliant thank you so much below okay now we're going to move on to part three of the test I'm going to describe a situation and to discuss it for around 2 minutes in this situation you have a friend and she has just given birth to twins you want to find something for your friends children and you need to discuss and pick out which one is the most suitable here are your gift options I'm going to time you here okay go for the trees I think about these toys with a bowl and a training car yeah boys and girls always like this one at all right yes you're right or singers always thought them but they are too young to play them I think that the teddy bear is better than all the teddy bears mmm I don't think so because when playing with teddy bears the children will be affected and it's not good for their respiratory system how about these two key t-shirts here are great I love these t-shirts they are cute and so when our were the things where these dishes they imagine that they are very like happy and delighted yeah do you often buy presents for your family and vacations actually I usually buy presents for my family members especially on some occasions like their birthday the wedding May but canta maybe are not cret efficiently there's some special occasions like that ok great thank you and Yin do you agree that expensive gifts are always better and why mmm I think just in some cases is better but I know gift represent like the feelings they and the emotion for each other so if you can do it yourself like the handmade one I think it would be more meaningful the when was the last time you bought a present to someone is an interesting question for me when I last but my but presents to my family member it was my sister's wedding yeah and I was very happy to know that my sister max this present and she enjoyed it very much and she feel very like cheerful and happy when she received it so I am happy okay nothing great okay an onion have you ever bought a gift for a baby if yes what did you buy my hmm let me see last way I bought a present for a baby and is my cousin's child and I bought some t-shirts and yeah I think so any just only some teachers because bee bees can use that and you know at that time I was thinking about another Tori but they yeah he's too young okay brilliant okay and now I want to tell you to talk together and the question is what do you think we should consider when we buy someone a present for example age hobbies etc okay so in my opinion I when I buy someone a present the first thing I care about is their hobby yeah I think so because if they like this thing or those things which are related to their hobby I think is much better than just to something right yes I agree with you that now we should care about their hobbies and what's more is that we should care about their age yeah because it's should be suitable for their age but we cannot give a notebook or toys to all men like our grandfather as one like that right okay great and also is it important to buy someone presents on special days if you continue to discuss I think it's very important to balance the one dresses on special occasions like their birthday yeah because it will give them Jolene mannina to have something or they also remembers all right it's like the time to to to mark something new for them I think lovely thank you and that is the end of the test [Music]
Channel: OntaPrepVideo
Views: 31,143
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Id: 65UBIDnbpGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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