B1 PET fc - Speaking Full test - Cambridge - updated subtitle

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Good morning Good morning Can I have your mark sheets, please. Thank you! I'm Paul and this is Angela. What's your name? My name is Bertille. Bertille, and how old are you? I'm 12 years old. Thank you! And what's your name? My name is Miray. And how old are you, Miray? I'm 15 years old. Thank you! Where do you live? I live in Turkey, Istanbul. And who do you live with? With my family, mother and father Bertille, where do you live? I live in Paris. And who do you live with? I live with my brother and sister and with my parents. Thank you! Tell us about a teacher that you like. I really like the teacher ......(*) because they are very nice  and very dynamic so we want to progress with us. And which time of year do you like the most? uh I like winter because it's fun, the snow and Thank you! Miray, tell us about sports that you like. I'm an equestrian, so I like horse riding and I like to do kickboxing in my free time. And what type of music do you like listening to? It actually depends on my mood but I  mostly like watching a pop music. Bertille, tell us what you do in the school holidays? In my school day I play with my brother and sister or I read in my bedroom. And Miray what new hobby would you like to try? I think music, to try violin Why? um because I already play drums and guitar  and I really want to get a new, like new music instrument you know like violin or like a cello. I don't know. Thank you. Now I'd like each of you to talk on your own about something.   I'm going to give each of you a photograph  and I'd like you to talk about it.   So, Bertille, here is your photograph and  it shows someone watching television. Miray, you just listen, please. Bertille please tell us what you can see in the photograph. In this picture I can see one boy who is watching  a football match in TV. Under this TV I can see a small table and on this small table there is one lamp. Next to this small lamp I'm not sure but maybe it's a cupboard. This little boy is on a sofa and is wear a t-shirt, a blue one maybe it's in the evening because   he came back from the school and he is tired  and he wants to see a football match Thank you. And now Miray, here is your photograph  and it shows people having a meal. You just listen Bertille. And Miray please tell us what you can see in the photograph. I see a very positive family they're having fun or  like positive energy I can see and they're having a big meal. It might have been in the evening because like it looks like dinner and um but like it's not that dark. So, it might be lunch too. There are two girls that are like smiling to each other and like one mother and one father, I think so.   And there is a window in the corner  and there is a flower like yeah bouquet   Thank you. Now, in this part of the test you're going to talk about something together for about two minutes. I'm going to describe a situation to you. A class is going on a day trip walking in the mountains with their teacher and here are some things they could take with them.  Talk together about the different things they could take with them. And say which would be most useful. All right, now talk together. So the football ball can be useful for their free time yeah for playing, yes for having fun but it might be a bit like space taking so we might just get cards for just having fun in our free time.   and we should get a camera for just taking  photos in the mountains like having fun and like   have some memories that to not forget and we should take a map to say where is they want to go yeah in case we get lost also yeah and also we can get some snacks for like if we get hungry we can eat them but like not like a chocolate or maybe just fruits because like chocolate make us make can make us a little bit sick if we eat a lot of it yes fruit is good because it's healthier and and it's  can be energy yes and we can also get an environment friendly water bottles or refillable or just in case we get like thirsty and in case it rains we have  to get an umbrella or a raincoat or it it gets cold we have to get a normal coat  or a hat too maybe the most useful or either the water or the map yes because we can get lost and we can die from thirst so yes Thank you. Now do you like walking in the countryside? yes Why? um because it's more fun. I like to um I don't  know the phrase but like it's more like um how can I explain it um Good! Bertille I like to but I don't know the word but when it's very good to climb I like because we have to it's funny to see the other people or to try  to climb Thank you. Do you walk to school? yes my school and house is pretty close, so I just  go and walk to my school. And you Bertille. I .....(*) .I go by car. When was the last time you went for a really long walk? My last time it's last week in Stonehenge  we go with best schoolers to It was really long distance so we walked  pretty much in astonished. It was last Wednesday.  And which outdoor activity do you enjoy doing  most, Miray? I like doing hiking because I really like to walk outside and like you know  like do hiking and stuff it's more fun and i like to be in nature so yeah I enjoy playing tennis with my dad. And is it important for young people to spend time outdoors? yes because we want to be funny with all our friends we have to be socialized more because  nowadays the kids are like more in the digital world  and it's pretty bad for us Thank you. That is the end of the test. Thank you ^^ Thank you for watching! Hope you pass the exam with flying colours ^^
Channel: LUYỆN THI TIẾNG ANH *2021*
Views: 248,977
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Keywords: speaking, ms nhan, cambridge speaking, new format, full test, luyen thi tieng anh, tieng anh cap toc, b1 speaking, b1 pet speaking 2020, b1 test, b1 preliminary speaking, b1 pet speaking tips, b1 pet speaking samples
Id: e_9O_F0MoNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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