Ejemplo Examen completo de Speaking PET (B1) - Preliminary English Test - Madrid

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Good afternoon. Can I have your mark sheets please? Yes. Okay, I'm Liz Galavan and this is Ross Smith and she's just going to listen to us. Alright, now, what's your name? My name is Leticia. Thank you and what's your name? Manuel Thank You. Manuel, what's your surname? Mateo. How do you spell it? M-A-T-E-O. Thank you. And Leticia, what's your surname? Merino. How do you spell that? M-E-R-"A"-N-O Thank you. And where do you come from Leticia? I'm from Spain. Thank you. and do you work or are you a student in Spain? I am in the University. Okay, what do you study? I (illegible) pharmacy. Thank You. Manuel where do you come from? from Spain too. Thank you. And do you study English at school? Yes. Do you like it? Yes. Thank You Manuel which country would you most like to visit? uhmmm Brazil. Why? Because "is" very famous Rio de Janeiro and the part is in Brazil I think that will be very good. Okay, thank you. Leticia, tell us what you like to do in the evening? In the evening probably I need to go to sleep. Yeah, because I am really tired, now, so, but... maybe go out is a good idea too. And Manuel, what sort of clothes do you like? Basketball clothes, because I love the basketball, so I prefer to wear basketball clothes. Thank you. And Leticia, what's your favorite time of the year? maybe "our" summer, because I love sunny and warm weather, uhmmm and I'm going to the swimming pool, nice Beach, yeah. Thank you. In the next part you're going to talk to each other. I'm going to describe a situation to you: A friend is going on holiday. He's received some money to spend before he goes. Talk together about the different ways he could spend the money and decide which would be best. Here is a picture with some ideas to help you. Thank you. So, I'll say that again: A friend is going on holiday. He's received some money to spend before he goes. Talk together about the different ways he could spend the money and decide which would be best. All right? Talk together. Your friend is very lucky to "receive" some money too. Yeah. Spend the holidays, things so... I think that is a good idea to... to buy some magazines because the travel maybe "be" very far and long and "is" good for enjoy "while" you are in the travel. Yeah, maybe he... "would" "bring" some books too, with, yeah... and don't "spent"... don't spend money in "magazine" maybe. shhh.. uhm... Maybe "buy" some clothes because I think that this boy will "be" go out tonight in the night. Yeah. And she, he will, he will be... very... very handsome "to" the girl. Yeah, but she must remember that "don't" "spent" all your money in clothes because all the rest of the time he would be "a broke". Maybe, some luggage because when he come back "to" "the trave"l maybe he buy... he bought a lot of clothes. Yeah, and she "don't" have... Yeah... luggage. Yes, space and he thought to pay to "paint" the airport for "you" overweight. So, I think that luggage is the best thing to... Yeah... To buy. Yeah .... (illegible) If he "have" "a" long "hair" "to" the disco and to the night. He can wear "a" beautiful clothes but... Yeah He's "bad"... or some glasses maybe. Yeah, well... She must take care all "your" looking for. Yeah. Yeah. Or maybe some soaps, soap to... Yeah... to smell very well. Yeah. To... Finally... what do you decide (illegible)? Clothes... Clothes? Yeah. Me too. I love "it" to go shopping... Okay Now, I'd like each of you to talk on your own about something. I'm going to give each of you a photograph of people at home. Leticia, here's your photograph. Please, show it to Manuel but I'd like you to talk about it. Manuel you just listen. I'll give you your photograph in a moment. So Leticia please tell us what you can see in your photograph. Yeah, "the Sun" is like a big room I think there "are" a... a family to... to spend the time to "work", "wear" with her sons. And the father is "learning" to his small child to go into Internet maybe because he... he was sitting in front of "our" computer, and the mother is keeping "there" near to his... her child. And she "tried learn" to "learning" to "drawing" in a piece of paper. I think that is a nice place. There are some "table" to work maybe uhmm the day is uhmm is ending because I think that there "aren't" a lot of "line" "the" wall... Okay, thank you. Now Manuel, here is your photograph it also shows people at home. Please show it to Leticia and tell us what you can see in the photograph. Uhmm, this photograph I think that it was taken inside inside the... in a room we can see a... girl, a woman, uh, in a chair with a beautiful picture in front of her. And she "reading" a book, and looking the... the forest and the sky because "is" a good day and she's drinking some orange juice and... "is" a beautiful room with a lot of light and... a very small table where "is" the orange juice and some flowers and I can see some candles too, yellow and blue, and... I think that she... this girl "like" the candles and... the smell of the candles so I think that she was tired, and to relax she... "go" to this room to relax. Thank you. Your photographs showed to people at home. Now, I'd like you to talk together about the place where you live and say what you like or dislike about it. Where I "life" .... Where (illegible) you live? In Leganes, do you know it? Yeah. Madrid. Yeah, I know. Where I live is not very big village, but I like it a lot because the "dome"... there are a lot of young people... and the young people are very friendly, like they "old" but I prefer young... young people and we have a lot of "place" to "make" a sport because I like a lot of sports and... what about you? Uhmm, right now I am... I am living alone, in a university I... Where is the university? Yeah, my university is in Salamanca. "is" a province near to Madrid your city so I love to live there because I... I have "a" rent-a-car"... a flat in... in this city the flat is "more near" to university. You live alone or with some... friend? No, I have two "roommate" "is" nice people and that I meet them in... in the city too. They are student like me. "You're" studing a degree? Yeah, I am... I started University for... four years ago and maybe the next course is my last course... "would" be the last course. "There are" "something" that you don't like in Salamanca? No, I don't know. Maybe... Some "place"? No, "is" very nice because the... the city "look"... "look" like Cambridge" (illegible) is very nice and is a good... good city for study and to "going" out ...night and go visiting "place" because "is" "antique" city and I think it's really nice. Uhm... where I live I like all the "place" but there are some not very "comfortable" "place" because there are a lot of young "person" but... "bad" young "person" and try to... to disturb the other "person" but normally Leganes, where I live, is very peaceful and wonderful. Do you live with your parents? Yes, in the house of my parents. Talk about the rooms in your home. My room is not too big because I prefer "us" ... a small room because I don't have a lot of things like books or... so my room is small but... I like it. I uhmm I have a big big room is really nice because I love to... to "keep" in the floor to "resting" and to "lying" maybe and it's really nice but I have a lot of clothes and I need some space to... to keep "it". Which color "is" the walls of your house or your room? I love the the colors the different colors in the wall but I I can't "paint" the walls and the walls "is" white, "normaly". Because my walls half the room is is blue and the other one is another different type of blue but is "other" room is blue. Well... Thank you. That's the end of the test
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Keywords: preliminary, b1, speaking, preliminary english test, cambridge pet, examen speaking, pet, ingles basico, ejemplo speaking, english, ejemplo b1 ingles, ejemplo speaking b1, ejemplo examen b1 cambridge, speaking b1 cambridge, examen de cambridge, first certificate in english, speaking english practice, b1 pet, speaking b1, examen cambridge, pet speaking test, examen b1 ingles speaking, ejemplo speaking cambridge, ejemplo speaking b1 cambridge, como hacer un buen speaking b1
Id: t4ksPJlNwYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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