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which one can you talk about no no none of them okay so but you got you got you gotta you gotta you gotta quit it on time now let me ask you a question so when did you you said you met um wayne perry in prison right what year was that that was in i want to say 89 right before i came home 89. how did you meet him i met him through pop shorty pop he just introduced you to him yeah we was we was all we was cool so you know all of us had bodies on the same unit you know he was on the same unit and man pop was kicking it one day and wayne came back from court and uh pop was telling me about alpo and he was telling me paul was looking for some help you know what i mean and he gave me a spirit like man but you got to do everything you say do i'm like man you tell pope suck my i'm not doing what you say do him you know what i mean like i don't know him [ __ ] him you know what i mean so he holly wayne's like yeah this is my man wayne wayne this sean so that's how man wayne met we got cool because we knew the same people so then both of us got out so we got out we ended up seeing each other and we we got we got you know we resight but you mean you was i it was i it was a mutual level of respect there we was cool we like i wouldn't say that was my man's man but we was he was cool yeah like you yeah he he he i mean he i don't know if he did if he did if he didn't but he never expressed that to me you know i mean i don't think he would have did you like him that's the question that was it right there i want to know if you didn't why wha what what what about him might have rubbed you the wrong way honestly what about him they rub me the wrong way man wayne was cool you know you know what i mean like we wasn't the best of friends but what you really like about it man stop sean just give it real i mean sometimes god living is true flip you know what i mean living your truth like for real like yeah it's gonna it's gonna go somewhere because i'm and i don't want to do this because but wayne exposed a side of me about his manhood that i don't like the homosexual stuff hey man you said it not me it was something on line where uh a fbi agent was talking about it right right the fbi i showed online i think that i no i don't really rock with the guy but it was something online where a guy my man lou he sent me a clip with fbi agent daniel rally yeah him was talking about he mentioned me in that same interview daniel rowley all right don't hype yourself too much no i'm not going to just give you facts you're up there that's true wayne perry indulge in homosexuality yeah how do you know that was true though because i've seen it flip nah nah man no yeah oh yeah hey flip i just gave you exclusive right now bro on the speakers today bro for real man for real flip i put that on i put that on my dead sombra and this is this is a part of this is the side of wayne that um that i i i lost totally respectful you know i mean like because you know before before that was sad wayne was exposing me wayne was a man's man i had all the respect and love in the world for him you know what i mean but my man man man just came in here kind of surprised maybe you got something to say man man we put everybody you want you all right yeah all right man come on don't don't don't whisper in the hallway like you the last stop man honestly can you tell us how you saw it i wasn't looking for him one day of the jail man you know what i mean i come i come back from court no i came back over the visit my bad i come out with a visit and i went looking for him i had a message for him for from mike michael jackson and when i went looking for snell i went towards rome and uh you know we we we kind of had that rapport where we walk in each other rooms without knocking you know what i mean because nobody's expecting nothing to be going on in rome especially like that so when i pulled the door but not saying what i was saying slimming it me up to a point where it's just me up above him and i i lost all respect for him because um you know i'm a mans man and i don't condone that don't indulge in it don't respect it at all so when i seen it and i said something to us codefended big time big time was like man you ain't no wayne like dipping that i'm like no i ain't no i don't hang away on the streets how would i know so when i asked my boat i'm like man i'm like what nobody told me man stay out of my business i'm like i cool you got that big boy you know what i mean yeah that me up and that i lost all respect for him for that but that didn't change his his character in the streets did it nah it didn't but at the same time it changed it changed his character in my eyes you know what i mean now i'm looking at you totally different and i'm not respecting you the same you saw with your own eyes though you said you're flip i saw him i saw two men i saw wayne another man together flip i'm not going i'm not one thing i'm not going to do man is say what i i haven't saw or i'm not going to put a bone on nobody if i don't like i'm not a third party spreader you know man like i'm not going to spread and never say oh yeah such as told me this about wayne yeah and i know some people man when they see this they're gonna be they're gonna be mad i'm gonna run for some feathers but i don't give a you know what i mean like it is what it is like and whoever don't like it you gotta take it up with that man i ain't do that he did it the people knowing they see that he was indulging in the temperament i mean everybody knew was he doing it when he was in the town as well or just in prison like i say i i don't know you know maybe because man man slim didn't hang out every day like that we only saw each other in passing right but you know i mean his co-defender told me like man you ain't know i'm like nah i didn't know bro like how would i know so alpo now alpo um you heard you first heard about alpo in prison you said no right no no i didn't i didn't first hear about him in prison pop told me about him in prison that he needed some help but i knew i heard about paul through lou and domestico before paul even got here what did they say about them you know they were they were telling me not to [ __ ] when they like master god don't come to your town now i'll po man hit if you if you ever run a coffin don't [ __ ] with him he's snaking to be trusted you know i mean and i and i learned later on that the reason why they said that was because of a situation where alpo was over hands with spanish guys talking in spanish about some work and poe came back and doubled backed on him and and robbed him poe's been his friends or whatever i don't know did you ever meet him apple nah but we um we never got a chance to get that close you know what i mean to each other because um and i'm pretty sure wayne told him about me because whenever i came around paul was gonna leave on his motorcycle or in his car and burn rubble he would get the [ __ ] away from me whenever i came around he there was a story about him getting um attacked in dc um why did they attack him were they hating on him i'm not sure i know it's a couple incidents i heard about that um that um pogo got attacked got dudes trying to get out of one dude with jawbreaker try to get that po and uh titus try to get at him so they're my only two incidents i heard about when somebody really tried to get that pole what was their reason do you think uh i'm i'm not sure but let me ask you all on this question and just you know please don't take offense to this well it's not offensive but po was he flashy in dc as he was in new york was he a flashy guy i mean i don't know how he was in new york right but he um you know paul would come through he got the big boy whips he got the cars that you know other hustlers in dc they recognized as oh then let's drop the bag on that he got the nxzx the aqua the the mercedes sl convertible you know i mean he got his little man big hit gary the same car though so they you know they flexing around the city you know i mean so my recognizement knew that he was getting money you know what i mean so he was he was kind of flashy you know i mean he has jewelry on and go to clubs and you know do his thing but you know what i mean that was him didn't mean anything to anybody huh it's obvious like when you say that was him so he was flashy yeah he was he was you know he was more flashy than the average you know i mean and like you know when you i'm pretty sure you heard his interviews and stuff as far as like when he was in prison when he talked about the big you knew big head gary and all these people as well yeah and even though dementia told you not to mess with him you say you never came across him but how did you feel about them other situations like did you guys hear about the situation that happened with dementia did you know it came from that direction back in the days or you learned about it later on nah all right i'm glad you you you you brought that up right cause um when the messiah got killed i was locked up and um i had heard bits and pieces of what happened i didn't know that the hit came from pope if it came from pope you know what i mean i just heard that wayne i just kept hearing wayne name so in that interview that you spoke about with the with the fbi detective dan o'reilly when he spoke about when i went to go see wayne when he was up in marlborough when i went up there i went up there and asked him about that situation with dementia and um he threw some names out there you know i mean with the what the detective said in the interview that man wayne discussed on the visit that was that was false that ain't that conversation never happened you know i mean but we talked about d and he threw some names out there about d what happened to d and um you know me i did my own investigating you know i mean to see what i could find and um yeah but the name that alpo said was it the name that you found out when you was when you came home the name that because alpo talked about it right he talked about it in the interview that dementia was too big for his bridges or something like that he thought he was bigger than what he was right when he when he was asked about it and i don't know if he said who did it but did you find out who did it because i remember they were trying to blame one of demencio's men's at the time because he was with dementia or something like that something they thought that somebody didn't know they say they say lou has something to do with it and lou left them yeah you know what man i don't i don't i'm gonna say this right i [ __ ] with luke from the heart like look like a brother to me i still communicate with lou right now to the date and i don't want to believe that about luke because it's going to make me look at luke totally different make me feel different about him because i love d like a brother you know what i mean and if you knew that this was going to happen or if you left them for dead the way they say you left them dead i'ma feel some kind of way about that man so i don't want to believe that right so when i and i still don't i haven't had this conversation with lou yet but what's the story though that you heard that lou that the part that lou might have got hold on this allegedly first and foremost i don't i'm not saying anything as far as like i'm just saying we saw the documentary right um they did cut some names out but when we talked about it with dementia i remember um him saying that somebody was being blamed blue they tried to blame blue because alpo i guess called dimensions mom and sent flowers and then people were saying because lou left him but what's the story that you heard at that time the story i heard was that um you know they i got i got bits and pieces of it man like they sprinkled the truth or whatever with lies with lies you know what i mean so what i got was man that um wayne did it you know i mean i found i heard later that wayne did it because poe wanted him out the weight because dimensional was getting too big for his britches in the cities you know as he put it but um so when i went like i said when i went to go see wayne wayne denied it you know what i mean he told me man it was somewhere else you know man and the little dude that he told me that um actually did it did it for pope it wasn't him like it wasn't me you know i mean what me it was this other person he did it because of poe one on them all the way so um like i say man i end up doing my own investigation and i end up you know man going in for that little dude's um uh murder so i they questioned me about that later said that dude died yeah dude that shot dementia yeah he got killed right and you got question for it right that's what he does that's what he said man i don't know [Laughter] so so but wayne denied it to you just want to make sure so now all right but what i asked you earlier that you didn't get to answer for me is that what did you hear that the role that what were people cause little dementia didn't really elaborate what would people accuse of doing like what did they say that he do the road that he might have played in it the accusations well like i said only thing i heard that lou lou dead man was um like i said i i don't know if you knew it was going down or not right and they said man lou left him like lou didn't come to his aid lou didn't see if he was still breathing if he needed help tried to get him help he seemed to play supposedly seen the play he i don't know if he knew beforehand that the play was going down seen the play and left him just straight got out of there ain't go over there and see if he needed help if he was still breathing none of that and do you think that you know they said the dementia recipes dementia they said the situation happened because of something with a lady with alpo or something like that something about a lady i'm not sure yeah and that's that's what they try to spin it and say that it was about um poe's wife dementia disrespect this wife called her your man he's to tell him i said it whatever nah i mean but i don't believe that man i know po tina that he is i know how he is about these women so and i know how he fall in love easy you know what i mean and he wants to he want to get at my face about these women especially these women in washington you know what i mean how do you just call that man attendant because listen man fell in love with this rob in the city named fuzzy fuzzy was giving the box to everybody bro so i know that if you fall in love with fuzzy you got to be and now no disrespect to fuzzy you know i mean she cool you know i mean all that but yeah she she was she was promiscuous man she was spreading herself real thin back then bro and it for poda fall in love with this woman and then fall in love he tanks baby mother keita falls in love with her bad kid his mother a house so they say this so they can have a basement you know what i mean so i'm like yeah this dude man he don't he he he he something wrong with him man like the dude fall in love too easy up here hold up so his encounter with women displays that he may get infatuated with them at a rapid pace yes yes yes in my opinion and you know these to be facts i know these to be facts but how do you know he how you know he fell in love with miss fuzzy he fell in love with fuzzy because he actually he wanted to beat what spaghetti is about he wanted to be for my little man is about her so is like telling people like let her know like man she's a freak what the [ __ ] is you falling in love with this boy she's a freak you know what i mean and pope one trying to hear like you might tell your lord you tell god tell your little man leave my girl on so i mean you know it is what it is man you got you got dudes that they easily man fall in love with women man like and i'm talking about the the freakiest other freak so in in turn that makes him a tender dick in your opinion [Laughter] because then now i'm trying i'm trying to reevaluate certain things that i may have been involved in attendant so so he fell in love with these women and he wanted to beef over them yeah man and that was crazy man because you know everybody in the city know man what was up with fuzzy man you know what i mean and for him to be like the way he was about her you know i mean people was looking at him like kind of strange like somebody need to hit poke man somebody really need to pull this coattail about this bra because she ain't the one for you to be trying to beat what other dudes about falling in love with and none of that you know what i mean so yeah in my opinion flip he's tinted do you last question about him how do you feel about him overall i don't have no feelings about pope be honest with you man because i'm i don't know him personally you know what i mean i really don't give a [ __ ] about him personally you know i mean you know when him and wayne was running around the streets of dc doing that thing you know i told wayne to be careful i told wayne you know not to trust a dude from first-hand information that i got from my pupils up top right and um wayne chose to ignore those warnings right he didn't want to adhere to the signs that somebody that he's supposed to bend with and respect it giving them like if you're my man you tell me look sean man watch yourself around him he need to be with my antenna's going up and i'm gonna always be alert but wayne wasn't in a good enough situation to back out of that situation right there and say no i'm not what to do no more because po was he was bird feeding him he was getting them just enough to keep him satisfied just enough to keep him around and just enough to keep him protected so wayne wasn't trying to lead at what nobody wayne wayne was locked away couldn't even get bail money bro and he was locked up on a low level drug charge they say y'all man he couldn't even get bail money was until he got repo same situation like when uh suge knight got popped and got him out same thing so when suge knight got pucked out of jail and pop produced all these hits for sure that's the same situation kind of like wayne when wayne when poe got wayne out he's like oh yeah that's my man now he was the only one that came to save me so i'm gonna do whatever form and i'm gonna protect him at all costs alpo made a smart move then he did he did he made a chest play on him you know i mean he made a chest play on them no man but wayne wasn't smart enough then you know you got some pawns right on this board on this chess board of life right
Channel: QuietRoom
Views: 630,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Queenzflip, Quiet Room, Quiet Room Battle, Flip Da Script, SEAN BRANCH, DC, WASHINGTON DC, FDS, QUEENZ FLIP, WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, HOW, WAYNE PERRY, ALPO, FUNNY
Id: hdhNf8wqdWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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