Keefe D on 2Pac, Suge Knight, Biggie. Eazy-E, Mike Tyson, Orlando Anderson (Full Interview)

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foreign e welcome back to Vlad TV yeah you're welcome I'm here it's been some years yeah yeah about four five years yeah and you know we did like what I feel is your first real interview yeah you know and after that you did some other yeah you know some other platforms and everything but I think we got like the full story uh in our last interview so I kind of want to fill in some of the blanks along the way in terms of some of the stuff that's happened since last time plus some of the stuff that I think we skipped over uh last time um so the first thing I want to talk about is you have how many siblings do you have um I got uh right now I've got is originally how many siblings did you have six six boys six girls okay and your older brother got killed no no never one of my older brothers yeah he's that's what I'm saying yeah okay so what happened with that situation oh he just saw I I got a call when I was at the hotel room in uh in Long Beach and I got a call to say your brother being shot I went up to uh Martin Luther King and uh he passed through the hallway and they said uh he got shot watching one of the gang members okay was he active himself oh back then he was yeah fresh out of prison yeah he was like this it was so okay so he was the south side also yeah okay do you know the situation around it no not really they just uh said it was some uh there was some Eastside Pirus oh okay was that how old were you when that happened I was uh 26. okay so you're a little bit older I mean you're I mean in your mid-20s by that point was that the first time that someone that close to you got killed yes okay yeah that was my best friend man I heard a real bad yeah okay we played on all the little little league baseball teams football teams together all that ran track all that okay that was my best friend we slept in the same room grew up in the same room really so when you found out what happened how did you know what did you go through when I went through it and heard it real bad because I was fresh out but I had been out like four months and yeah I was at the hotel uh residential in out there on uh Lakewood Boulevard Willow there and I got a call to say your brother's getting shot so I went up to Martin Luther King passed away got back to the neighborhood they said it was uh he saw five rules or something okay and this is you know the Pirus is who you guys have been beefing with since forever essentially yeah back in uh 1971 I was like eight years old and uh it was like three days after Christmas brand new 10 speed I'm coming from uh savon's I'm a little [ __ ] kid you know we get to the Palmer and uh Long Beach Boulevard right there it's called Red Liquors and it was about 30 pie rules there older dudes about 20 they was in their 20s you know Herman Jr or bartender uh just to name a few little George Willie T all in was at the gas station I mean at that liquor store right there and well it was like five of us these were all little kids we driving up and they ran out there one of them stopped me in the nose and took my wife and uh and uh it was and my neighbor took his bike too and we walked up that alley and uh I was like eight years old you know I think that was [ __ ] up because I'm a [ __ ] kid and I'm black why would you take my wife my parents worked it hard for that [ __ ] and uh I was I didn't know I was crying you know I mean you were too [ __ ] kid no oh yeah 1971 I was like eight okay yeah yeah yeah they they took my bike yeah so uh you know looked like they was bullies you know what I'm saying and I felt that was wrong you know what I'm saying I would never if I was 19 I would take you know eight-year-olds bite you know what I'm saying his parents working hard for that [ __ ] and everything you know yeah I had the same thing happen to me around the same age some older kid just ran up on me just took my bike yeah ran off I cry like a baby yeah you know because at that point your bike is all you got that's your transportation that's you get around the neighborhood like I feel you but when when did the actual I guess war between South Side of Mount Piru actually start because were you guys ever cool at one point or no was it always just Funk back back then it was uh it was called Eastside Pirus the malls were when I was in school ma went out yeah it was a it was AMS Buddhist parts and the live hoods I think mob came out like about 82 83 82 yeah but the mod was really considered Lotus Park we considered them Lucas Park so they had a big ass neighborhood huge and they had a lot of older dudes that was a generation before me and they were some bad [ __ ] and they was deep and a lot of them I mean was there an incident you know because for example like when you look at the rolling 60s a tray War that's been happening for like 30 something years you know it goes back to like a girl you know two dudes were messing with a girl and then a fight break out one of the guys gets killed and then you know they wanted the other side I wanted them to bring him the guy they refused and then 30 years later hundreds of bodies later like here we are although they are cool right now after the nipsy situation but was there an actual thing that happened between south side and MOB that caused the division no uh it's just uh bat in the early 70s like I said tomorrow wasn't even out there it was called eshopper rules and then they on our side of town they they was the deepest then like about 77 uh the Santana's Farm and they became the dominant game on our side of town on the east side okay matter of fact they even took one of their neighborhoods Santana's did you know what year did Southside Crips form we formed it like when I was like in the third fourth grade okay so before your time yeah before my time I was there though when we Farm oh really yeah I was there when you jumped off yeah okay but how old were you when you actually became a member like in junior high school a few yeah four five seventh grade six and three three four years later that's when you joined yeah okay was there ever like along the way was there every truces or sit-downs or round tables or anything of that sort to try to stop the the violence no never never there's always been a uh only thing that really stopped it was uh the Rodney King right ah right it started 91 I think 92 92 yeah right yeah yeah 92. like uh I don't think it was like March the 28th the peace treaty yeah I never thought I would go into Nickerson Gardens of the lotus Park I went to Lotus Park when I was a kid though when all that [ __ ] was brand new before the games was there and all that my big brothers used to play basketball in the gym and they used to play flag football for uh for the flying football team and they they have brand new rides Lotus Park was like brand new I was a kid yeah okay so when the peace treaty happened were you part of the discussions at all or no I was too big for that okay I didn't really uh you're already in the dope game I was a gangster and uh I wasn't gaming and like that yeah our neighborhood like back in the early 70s them dudes are like the Eastside pyros they was gang banging our older homeboys was getting money matter of fact they used to be with the fruit towns getting money the older Foodtown dudes uh yeah getting money and all all my big homies was players one over there was one of one of my big homies was the first black dude that have a house in Diamond Bar is all about money and it you know I heard it's about money man we once you get a certain age you turn into a gangster you stop that gangbang and stuff you know with your pants hanging down you know I'm saying you don't go look for trouble you know what I'm saying like that game makers look for trouble we don't look for trouble trouble coming to us we're gonna bring it how long did the peach tree last oh it lasted a long time uh maybe about three four years okay and watch it lasted even longer you know what I'm saying was there something that happened in Compton that that messed up that peace treaty oh I can't really say I can't really say I wasn't in into the streets like that I was just getting money all of going all over the country getting money man well actually if you look at the well because obviously the peace treaty stopped after the Tupac incident there's there's no peace treaty between my Piru and and South Side after after Tupac no it wasn't about that that was 96 six men should play football together man right I've been four years after the peace treaty so yeah I've been to his house and there was uh uncle's house the twins house you know I'm saying we all played a great accomplished football together but he wasn't my Piru during that time no no no no no he was just a regular kid but our it was 20 dudes that was uh Crips on that team they would not have even Nick born was on that team you know what I'm saying they've been out of said there was no [ __ ] Bloods back then because we had uh South sides santanos [ __ ] Kelly Parks just you know what I'm saying Atlantic drives we had a lot of different games but there was almost at least 20 game every zombies on my team when she was playing over on my team got it yeah well uh in 1984 I guess you're around 21 years old you went to prison for emptying two clips into a guy's house yeah yeah what happened um the night before uh we got into it uh with the with the next neighborhood uh and uh and our big homies came and uh shot somebody shot shot a couple of dudes and I didn't know you know I happened to be at their store it's called Uh it was called Tick Tock back in the days you know I came out the store and they was hitting the corner about 12 of them it was older than me big big dude and uh [ __ ] uh I jumped in my car in some kind of way they got the [ __ ] door open on the other side so I was kicking kicking the dudes then they got the door behind me open and they drugged me out [ __ ] me up real good uh I got some stitches right here from that and they hit me in the back of the trash can and I hit my chin on the curb they [ __ ] me up pretty good yeah and what was it over just you just being from the other side or because we had uh my homies uh we got into an incident the night night before and my one of my homies shot my big homie shot one of these dudes oh okay and I didn't know oh okay yeah okay so you get jumped yeah they [ __ ] you up pretty bad so then what happens next and uh I went on got my uh 30 30 with two clips and put my nine millimeter right here and I went to the dude's house see you knew where the guy lived and everything yeah because uh we all went to school together and all that so I wanted to deal with house and uh he ran in the house and I started shooting I shot off the house then once once I hit the corner his brother was there and I jumped out I mean I parked with the choir in the park I jumped out and put the gun on him and he's like man don't kill me don't kill me so uh at the end there was too many witnesses out there I would you know what I'm saying so I'm just hit him with the butt of the gun a couple of my big homeboys that follow me back uh uh Bubble Up or uh crib Clyde and gangster being they follow me back you beat the dog [ __ ] out the dude you know what I'm saying yeah then I went to the hospital and uh and the police uh I had it enough to uh the show the shelves from the once again in the car oh yeah so the police go to your car behind the shelves yeah yeah and then charge you with what attempted murder they charged me with a a shoot uh at first attempted murder but they dropped it to the shooting in the Avenue dwelling okay was that your first arrest no idea uh uh Blondie was one of my first arrests Blondie and laughed they arrested you before yeah but before that when Blondie was a rookie he had this dude named Baker and that [ __ ] was a mother he talked Blondie everything Blondie thought he was a track star and all that old [ __ ] I used to smoke his ass though you know what I'm saying I ran track too you know but yeah Blondie was my first arrest he uh he chased me uh he takes me in the house and I ran around the house and he was chasing me around the house and uh my sister grabbed me and said they gonna kill you fool and then uh him and Baker took me to jail yeah Blondie passed away in uh 2021. yeah I heard about that uh on the uh on the wire you know yeah YouTube I mean did you still have animosity towards him at the end there or was it just like whatever long time ago who cares I got bigger than Blondie them they couldn't touch me and once I went to prison for that uh that shooting in the drug case I sat there and thought about where I was making all my mistakes and how I was going to advance my drug trade all he did was made me smarter and all that [ __ ] where I can't get busted you know local Joker don't get me you know what I'm saying they would have you you would have to bring the fares in in order to tap my phone and I never touched through this stuff or nothing got smarter all I did was made me smarter right because uh yeah it didn't seem like you were the guy that was on the front line putting in the dirt no as time went on it seemed like you you separated so the fact that you did all this that was because you were what 21 years old at the time yeah yeah okay so after that you kind of changed your whole Channel okay well there was a there was a video in 1993 with a mellow red man yeah a song called blaze it up yeah yeah it is you and Orlando are actually in the video yeah yeah they came and uh after the to use our lowriders we had a we had a low rider shop called Compton Hydraulics back in the days my little brother did and uh people used calling it asked to use the lowriders matter of fact that's how I met Paul the Usher video yeah yeah yeah the orange one was it no it was a Ruby Brown okay candy yeah okay so you guys were actually in the music video yeah yeah yeah okay did you guys know Redman that day I'm letting him that day and uh after then we became friends every time we came to California he come straight to my uh I had a like a triplex on the laundry front house us holy we in the minerals I had the Bird stats and I had this old gangster that was protecting the [ __ ] he had a couple of raw ass pit bulls so yeah he used to pull up to that little spot he used to get off the airplane get in his taxi pull up to my spot TBD I need that but he was he's ghetto I liked him he went all bougie and stuff stayed up top like puffed him he never came to college you know what I'm saying red man I like the hood you know yeah he's also a big guy I mean I mean red man love weed I mean yeah he was rapping about weed for his first album yeah yeah you know so I could just seemed like he always smoked big too so and you know we had the best weed in the country back then right yeah but you know when no internet what no grow houses none of that [ __ ] we always had the best weed so uh that's like most of the East Coasters in the midwest dudes love are we yeah back then well uh since our last interview someone actually sent me the the CD cover for Orlando's rap album you see this before yeah I've seen it before uh success and success records and entertainment yeah uh you know you look at the track listing what's cracking seven deadly sins way after daylight ride to this I keep rolling blow them out the water uh and so forth so was Orlando like serious about rap or was this just some whatever [ __ ] that he was doing on the side he was gonna uh he has started a record company well yeah success records yeah yeah yeah yeah there's a phone number felony all of them used to come through and all that Jay O'Fallon you really yeah yeah from uh from San Diego right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay and so so he just pressed up this album and we'll just gave it out locally I had uh I went to the Fed so I didn't really know what's going on out here and uh I didn't really like talk on the phone once you get in the fish because it how you you know you know how they do yeah yeah but I once when she was doing that I was I went to the fairs got it and actually I just found this out your son is actually on that album with Orlando yeah he uh he's taking a little hook him and his little brother yeah okay those kids then too what's the age difference between uh you and Orlando I'm like 11 years older video oh okay oh so it was your older sister okay I get it yeah your older sister had a kid and yeah yeah okay got it got it okay well uh one of the things you uh said that's kind of interesting was uh you said that Shug initially called you for Dr Dre's number no no uh the dude you talking about uh Harry on him as far as the devil [ __ ] yeah no uh one of my friends he's he's kind of behind that [ __ ] he's you know he's in the background on that but Ariel was like the front man yeah one of my best friends uh what's her name you know like Reggie it's like trying to stay out put his wife on blast like that no she used to take take me down to MDC to go see the guys I want to try to put her on blast or nothing like that like she know horror or nothing because I don't [ __ ] with those you know what I'm saying yeah but uh that was my bra before it was Hills and he know that you know what I'm saying yeah her name is boo she used to take me down I know she legal and all that stuff trying to do her living like prayer legal or some [ __ ] but yeah that's what happened she I wouldn't try to put her on Plies or nothing like that I was just she know the story that's why she'd be feeding it to him like she uh she used to take me down there to MDC and she's waiting in the car when I used to go see the tubes but uh they called and asked me to hook up uh hook him up on a conference call with Eazy-E so I called talk to you they talked to easy and they asked him do they uh do we do we want to run a record company and that was death row yeah okay he wanted easy to run down they offered it to him first okay what was Dre already part of it no let me let me finish okay go ahead he offered it they offered it uh to easy first so uh once the once the phone call uh when they did easy showed up my house 30 minutes later he like dude two Jews in jail you know [ __ ] and I'm already established so the next day my partner that was in the fans with a Hario he like uh it's called Dr Dre and he called Dr Dre and uh Dr Dre took the deal he went on with him he had already parted ways with Easy by that point or was he still with easy he was still with he he parted ways they gave him like 200 000 in he parted ways and they had this dude from uh fruit town under to say it's an issue it's a TL he was the head of that [ __ ] at first he got real estate company and everything he's part of our crew you know what I'm saying it ain't like just like I'm against Bloods or nothing like that I deal with all all colors red and blue made green you know said Harry yo put me up on that you know what I'm saying yeah so I you know I got I got blood friends from Nickerson Gardens swans uh Inglewood family you know I'm saying I even got blood friends from his hood children's my friend you know what I'm saying yeah right well Harry O just got out well he got out maybe about a year ago you're in some change yeah yeah maybe like two years yeah you guys have a relationship before you went in uh one day y'all my partner pulled up with him and uh he called me down the street he pulled up in his auntie house and he called me down the street and said uh take my boy to go get some weed so uh over this over this dude named Sabo from Santana we all grew up with him [ __ ] like that so I went over the table from Santana's to get the weed me and Harry yo we rolled into this big truck I don't know what's arioto and I'm fresh out of Tracy's the crib headquarters I got you know I'm dressed like a game remember golf hat blue Rags Poncho shirt on khakis you know so I come back from getting the weed from a boy got in the truck with him he said uh he's like how long you do I said like four years he said you just got out I'm like yeah you're like man good we don't have no seeds you know what I'm saying dude that uh game was uh I guess it was too many seasons that we say man good we don't have those you know what I'm saying without no seeds then I was just saying cause cause he's like man you're gonna block your blessings so maybe about three weeks later they did a special on La gangsters it was freeway him and one of my cousins the freeway honcho 100 Marcus and uh in Hario and that's [ __ ] was Ariel I was in the car with she did a little special on him did you did you ever see that [ __ ] uh no no I don't think so but I mean I know Harry O and freeway is a regular guest uh on the show and you know I mean Harry O was was flashy yeah yeah that's what kind of got him I think at the end but he had done a lot of [ __ ] I think he uh I think he financed Denzel Washington's first play yeah yeah I heard he was doing well he was he was the first one to put money behind Denzel and ultimately you know you see what happened with Denzel but yeah he was he was doing a lot of a lot of big [ __ ] back then but he was also with the big Furs the big cars you know the streets know every streets know that uh the gangsters put that record company together she ignore it too because I seen him at the Laker game you know as I got out we both we got out we seen him he played New Jersey uh Nets I seen him at the Laker game you like ubd I thought he was going to get into it you know what I'm saying he was one he was like nine people I was by myself I was making a couple of hot dogs I had that spoon I was gonna hit them over in the head where they'd be relaxing food you know what I'm saying it was a little I was gonna do something because I'm trying to go you know what I'm saying from my Tracy days you know yeah but and he like uh uh I talked to the boy like you did so uh the next day my boy called I was in the feds he like he lying he ain't talked to me you'll say I said oh okay yeah well at one point you know Dre and Shug link up they form Death Row Records and the problem is is that Dre is under contract with easy yeah so Dre wants to get out of the contract easy doesn't want to get him you know get him out of the contract so then a situation happened where you know we're not quite sure what happened there's different stories but you know allegedly easy was forced to sign the release for Dre then afterwards he said oh I signed an address and it became a big lawsuit and ultimately easy got a bunch of money from Death Row but um you you said that you don't think that mob James and shook pressed easy man we on the lottery we had some bad [ __ ] back then dude and I'm quite sure you know everybody was behind easy on our side of town you know all he had to do is come around here and say say that [ __ ] War you know what I'm saying we got they know we have some bad [ __ ] over laundry that hold a lot of bad [ __ ] and gang and killers well I mean when interviewed Bob James what he said was that you know not to take anything away from easy but he said the easy didn't have wasn't running with a bunch of Crips the way The Show Goes running with a bunch of Bloods you know he knew Crips and everything else like that but he didn't have this Army of Crips behind him the way the shook set up his situation uh I don't take nothing from the dude you know what I'm saying but fathers when these cats get to talking about that he was this gangster he was on [ __ ] like that no he wasn't I mean he had his own bodyguards he had the Samoan guys Samoans not Crips yeah if the Crips is rocking with him like that and he got the Crips on his on on in his pocket like sure got the Bloods you know [ __ ] with him yeah then you just saw that in him you didn't see that in easy easy when walking with 40 Bloods and and knocking down [ __ ] you know what I'm saying come on man you know I mean he remember he had his bodyguards with him a big Samoan dudes or whatever yeah yeah but boo y'all try yeah yeah were they Booyah yeah yeah we had he had these twins I think they were I don't know if they were Booyah or not but they were these big huge swans but like that's that's what Bob James said listen I wasn't there so I can't tell you but he just said that easy didn't try to build up this whole record company just filled with gangsters you know the way that death row was no he didn't but uh we we was backing him 100 dude you're saying who's back in Easy 100 all he had to do was calm he could have came to any one of them neighborhoods over there Southside Kelly Park [ __ ] in Hood we was really all together all all four of them neighborhoods and we used some bad [ __ ] man I ain't gonna lie I ain't trying to blow off whistle or nothing like that but all four of them neighborhoods it was together we was together back then that's all I have to tell you well but even if you look at you know the lyrics I mean easy gangster but he never called himself he never claimed Kelly Park [ __ ] or even [ __ ] for that matter on any of his songs that I know of yeah not to say that he was an Affiliated or whatever and people I talked to were basically kind of like easy was more of a d boy than like a gang banger okay you know what I'm saying back oh like before he before I went to prison that stuff happened we still cook at Easy E Mama house we used to go Keys over there and he used to be in that back room and then he used to be making a lot it sounded terrible to me I'm like damn that [ __ ] man I was like man that shit's out like turtle over that's some [ __ ] so when I got up in Tracy DVI walking around the track my homeboy say uh hey you hear that song cruising down the street in my 6-4 like yeah I've been here that [ __ ] he said man you don't know who that is I'm like no he said man that's Eric Wright he called himself easy I like you [ __ ] so man I've been listening to this [ __ ] the whole time like yeah and he blew up when I got out he was on like a [ __ ] well yeah I mean even that song boys in the hood that wasn't supposed to be easy song they had actually written it for these uh for this East Coast group and when they went to go record it the group wasn't feeling it so they left the studio so they were just in the studio you know with easy paying the bills so Dre was like hey why don't you hop in the booth and and do the lyrics and easy was like I'm not a rapper and he's like no I and he became I mean really like the most popular NWA member yeah ultimately and uh I got a big homeboy named Jody and my big brother they and every one of Eazy-E videos every single one he used to come come to the neighborhood uh come get in the video I ain't put myself on Front Street like that I got in uh what's the name mellow video though I didn't get in that one yep was there a situation where uh you're playing no Vaseline coming down the street I didn't know he was out there he was out there with my little brother he said he pulled up I'm playing no vasel either I say [ __ ] you got to admit this [ __ ] it's hard in the [ __ ] because that's what I was one of the baddest this songs ever yeah until Tupac came out with that hit him up yeah yeah that little mom was a [ __ ] I felt that [ __ ] how are you online yeah I know what you talking about us and whoever [ __ ] with them too yeah I mean when easy heard you playing I mean because no Vaseline was a hell of a yes he dissected every member in the group and you know Dre stick to producing yellow Boys on your team so you lose it yeah yeah yeah he said Don't Front M.C ran because I remember when you drove a b-210 yeah I would know if I leave for a show yeah yeah he he laid it individually shot each of them up like yes he did moved around that was a cold so yeah I remember even when I interviewed uh DJ yella he said that uh when that song came out they all kind of looked at each other and said yeah he got us and then ice cube finally responded with no Vaseline yeah now I remember in the book you felt like you know you guys only took a few shots at him he did a whole song but I don't know I mean I mean yeah he did take the shots first you got to take responsibility for that yeah we did we threw a couple of shots yeah we do this kind of threw a punch now but did he dedicated a whole song and I told him before shooting the scene for the movie he called me that night he said so what really happened in the studio about the song I said just like they didn't move that's it I said you got us yeah that's all it was or what no we're gonna go over here and kill him break his nah it just he got us see he made a song about a sneak out that's it yeah he did yeah he won that one for sure he wrote ass out even the video was funny but yeah easy like damn I told you what I got up to go I said he got your ass though he couldn't do nothing started laughing I said he just laughed oh yeah he laughed you know yeah um there's a situation you talked about I guess in front of a Club Paradise where uh Suggs Rolls Royce got shot up yeah yeah uh we use up at the at the House of Blues it was about uh it was us the South sides gray streets and nutty blocks you know who's up there D maybe about 40 deep he pulled up in the Rolls Royce it was him Tupac was on the Rolls Royce and uh Snoop Dogg was in a Rolls Royce it was red black and white so he likes three rolls royces yeah okay and he had all his red guy father with a cigar he like what's up dog it's cracking I like no it's over and all the Chris was like Yeah qvd Boy you know what I'm saying hey trying to be funny and he like uh let's go up to the paradise and uh we all jumped in our [ __ ] and follow him there and I was like in the car right behind the rolls royces and uh [ __ ] we got the Santa Monica and hired they shot that Rolls-Royce up from both sides and that red hat was in the streets you know what I'm saying I like little Reggie you know what I'm saying he the police and all that [ __ ] he ain't no [ __ ] gangster people you better be a [ __ ] gangster you the [ __ ] police got my license to Kill but he was out there shooting up on uh Santa Monica Boulevard I seen him to do the little shooting he was in a little white Cherokee truck he's a little punk ass shoe so he was returning fire who he was Reggie was that would have been a regular human I mean you know regular uh [ __ ] like me then I would have been up under the jail you know what I'm saying shooting up on Santa Monica yeah yeah I said rich people you can't do that [ __ ] but with all that shooting no one got hit now we're only got here put it I'm serious there's some big old holes in that Rolls-Royce so it was just they just shot up shooting girl's voice oh so Pock and and Snoop were left alone yeah yeah well I scared it out all the rest we scared it out I don't know you know I don't know if he thought he we did that [ __ ] he set him up and then we didn't do that [ __ ] we was with you fool you know we came to the club but you said you don't said it again it's gonna be bottle service on him all right food let's do it so but he was okay I mean by that okay but I mean by that time he had all the ma Piru guys with him if you're talking about the Tupac it's time I mean by that time sug had all the all the Bloods around him so why would he ask a guy from you know South Side Crips to go hang out with him at that point oh no I I know him before I know he I think I ain't even know him before him all changed yeah so was it it was just a a real relationship we use friends man yeah I was a running back I was a daddy I was a superstar dude you know what I'm saying hey Daddy loved him he used to buy me six packs of Cokes and Big Macs that was big you know so you run a touchdown Davis I'm gonna give you a Big Mac you know you know what I'm saying in a six pack of Coke so I used to run the touchdowns like a [ __ ] he was like the center I mean from your point of view knowing shook the way you do why do you think that he surrounded himself with all the my pyrule guys which which ultimately I think it was just ma Pirates he had here on different areas too okay so it wasn't just yeah he also had police and everything yeah exactly right but I mean but why I mean because ultimately when you look at that throw that's ultimately why I think the the label ended up crumbling I mean because even Drake because Dre didn't want to be around that [ __ ] you know I mean because I've heard so many stories that there's a room in the back they would just beat people up you know that would you know really uh something wrong and really Harry on them plans was to be make that [ __ ] 100 200 million dollar company and you know ran right you know what I'm saying they offered it to me uh my best friend did I told him I really don't know nothing about no regular company you know what I'm saying but I'll help get the money together for y'all move the kilos really right because because Dick Griffey was involved originally yeah solar records which was a big deal yes it was at the time uh and then ultimately dick ended up having to sue shook yeah and you know dick Griffey was a gangster in his own you know his own regard my homeboy uh one day my homeboy uh girl came to pick up the money in our neighborhood so I was in there counting the money and one of my homeboys had pulled up and said uh came you said man they're fasting outside I see the fish you know so he's like he had some white men's so my homeboy girl she like no they with me so I went out there and looked in the car and uh [ __ ] it was it was a dude David Kenner but they looking like the [ __ ] Fez I said you can't bring no uh don't bring the white man to the hood like that no more you know what I'm saying I didn't give her the money needed that day I just went back later on and gave her the money she like hey with me Keith who I said that and I I kind of made a mistake and said what are you trying to make me a silly or something you don't say if my partner he did like 20 years and he got out he remembered that [ __ ] and you're like man I was [ __ ] up dog like I said she shouldn't have brought no white man instead of her neighborhood like that I could have met him anywhere you know what I'm saying well I mean David Kenner was like a mafia lawyer so he was yeah what might be a lawyer you're using like the feds he had on some G's little white shirt you know said he looked like a fish dog yeah especially in our neighborhood he still stuck out on his sore thumb yeah yeah but once everything got the rolling I seen he was a lawyer and he happened to be my partners he was Hario And my partner's lawyer too yeah well I mean speaking of Reggie you know Reggie did interview he said that you're actually using back in the day he said that you would actually I actually use it yeah you're actually smoking crack back in the day it would look like I was using would they give a 300 keys I had a lot of I could have been a Scarface then you just put my nose on the coke yeah yeah I could have been Scarface then yeah he don't know what he he said he was a [ __ ] kid dude I went to the pin that dude was a kid like I said the dude was playing uh he used to be doing that breakdance he said he like I was at the store working man that [ __ ] used to be on that mother cardboard box during the break dancing move you know what I'm saying and he used to be enough because I arrived I lived in two streets from him he lived in on Stockton in Bradfield I lived off of Bradfield and killing right down the street from Mob James you know saying I had a house back then and uh a smoker with a house but all them cars He mistaken me though but I ain't gonna say put nobody on Front Street but he was taking me for somebody stupid yeah well yeah didn't you say that like I think it was one of your interviews that one of your ogs said uh you know leave the coke alone because it's a better feeling than busting a nut it's better than the nut yeah don't don't [ __ ] with you the dude that put me down I was a I was a manager for Compton College back in the days since I was like eight years old so the dude that put me down he was from the college he like uh this [ __ ] right here youngster is better than the nut and this [ __ ] right here you don't need nothing better than the nut yeah and that's a true saying yeah no I remember uh one of my best friends uh we were the same age you know our families were real close we would go on trips together and everything else like that he overdosed and died off cocaine at 23. yeah and uh I I by that time I'd never even been around cocaine yeah you know he was living kind of a fast life you know that you know that I was going to college and everything and I remember going to his funeral and saying I'm never going to touch this if this is if this is what happens yeah from this substance yeah it can kill you at 23 a healthy young man this is something I don't ever need to touch what I need was something better than that they're better than that no I never even thought about that but yeah that's an ill statement and I know how much I like busting nuts so like you know I mean that's our first of the day you know what I'm saying so so I remember at that point I told myself I'm never gonna touch cocaine and over the years I've had it offered to me yeah you know I mean not a lot but you know I'm not around people who do Coke but I mean maybe three four five times people start sniffing around we offered to me and I was always nah I'm good you're like Reggie uh he's all over the place one day give it he was a man he had the keys DVD was a smoker that man was all over the place his daddy yeah I did come up on him but I nearly turn it I talked to the sister man would you go talk to the sister for dude you came over there and talked to me head on and said well before you kill my son I swear I kill your [ __ ] ass hey man [ __ ] you suck my dick [ __ ] that's what I knew that they had told their daddies on that [ __ ] the next day how the [ __ ] do you know you know what I'm saying came right up to my house you know they told the LA Times give me these nephew you know what I'm saying I was a bunch of [ __ ] here but they act like they sold gangster and all that [ __ ] and they do a lot of lying they all over the place you know what I'm saying you ain't noticed they get on your show yeah the bird he was a big dog and uh DVD was a smoker all over the place dude you weird you know hey you the police I don't even you don't say why why would I go up against the city police come on man well you talked about an incident uh with shug and um Bob James uh late brother buntry yeah uh they got into a fight I guess at bar one yeah yeah in Hollywood yeah were you there yeah what happened oh [ __ ] off I was on the other side of the room for the [ __ ] that boy Bruce Richardson beat their ass you know what I'm saying I guess he knew karate yeah yeah bad [ __ ] he beat that beat both of their ass was that the first time the sugar like lost a fight that everyone knew about because you know because remember I mean show kind of seemed really Invincible like during that era you know what I'm saying like you think so well I mean I don't know I'm saying to the public to the image that he portrayed you know was that he was invincible Untouchable he's also a big huge dude he had a bunches come on man we just raise your dude well I know we uh just just while playing football if you play football you hear the [ __ ] hard enough you know who's hard or not you know what I'm saying yeah yeah you know what they made of Okay so you say he lost that fight yeah he lost how badly did it go down it was it wasn't good for him both of them was he actually fighting himself was Butchery doing the fighting they both jumped they tried dude boom boom they lost oh so this dude Bruce fought both of them at the same time they lost dude okay they lost you could ask anybody who's just a fist fight yeah yo weapons or nothing the youngster from uh Tupac group he was on the East keeping each other the truth yeah Napoleon I think that's his name yeah yeah that [ __ ] was real dude dude put hands on me dude was a gangster like me out there you know having money all that [ __ ] okay but then I heard the next day he ended up dead yeah yeah that's what it was to do yeah and we're not going to say that one had anything to do with the other but when you look at it it looked like it yeah it it looks like what it looks like yeah yeah yeah okay see this what uh I don't understand about Shield out on the West Coast we don't we don't Regal with the police we don't [ __ ] with the police you know like the East Coast we got the police on the payroll gangsters out here don't do that [ __ ] dude but sugar was doing it yeah yeah he he went against the cold you know what I'm saying then he didn't want to pay the dudes but sugar but sugar wasn't really raised as a mob Piru like that kind of came later after he was I mean you even said like should wait until you had 100 million to become a gang member yeah yeah wait you got a million dollars to become a game right he shouldn't have did that [ __ ] we could all you know me my partner Harry owe him all of us could have been rich man you're saying all of us could have been Rich dude I was at uh he he gave a video at uh Dr Dre house in Hidden Hills you video shoot for the 69 girls and I owe you one I mean 68 girls and I owe you one and uh man it was on the hill we was overlooking a girl heels we sitting on this little uh Hill man he like we can take over this whole [ __ ] uh you know say we could be two powerful [ __ ] in my mind like [ __ ] we already hooked up [ __ ] you just don't know you don't see it look I wonder what happened start your builds the company we already hooked up whoa before we got the same boss you know what I'm saying crazy [ __ ] yeah and I'm watching over your ass you you don't [ __ ] these boys money up and that's just what he did [ __ ] them boys money yo gang baby man you supposed to take your [ __ ] to a new level that [ __ ] is backwards we're going backwards get up out of this [ __ ] other gang bang we trying to get the [ __ ] up out of that [ __ ] he went backwards yeah and a lot of these dudes doing the same [ __ ] right now that's why they are a lot of these rappers losing their life you know just like that dude try to come up to Roscoe what the [ __ ] a pnb rock yeah what I'm doing man it's three dangerous neighborhoods right there I heard about this yeah swans [ __ ] 87 gangsters then The Avalons yeah you tripping and the East Coasters yeah yeah why do you think that Shug decided to become so gang affiliated after he became rich like that because like you said most people they go the opposite direction I know I was going the opposite direction my own words we try to do the opposite we're trying to get us a business get us a house for our kids I mean you know try to get our kids through college we don't want our kids going through that same punk ass [ __ ] we went through uh incarceration and all that you know you know to me I'm a bad [ __ ] I survive the United States government I survived cancer and I Supply the streets man and I'm lucky to be here why do you think the sugar went backwards like that I mean why do you think sugar became so gang affiliated I mean he essentially became somewhat of a gang leader at one point because he had all the money and all the dudes was basically coming to him not only for the money but also for the fame and the the girls and the party and everything else like that and you know he's a real red suits he's got a mob ring on like you know everything is red in the studio all the red carpets that was going backwards that was crazy but uh us gangsters that already have been in the game and been to the prison like that we didn't figure anything like that I didn't you know what I'm saying you know I know he's a cool dude he we used to go to uh let's go to uh party together all that used to I used to see him at uh Montage downtown in Westwood paid for my one day uh one of my friends pulled up and like let's go to dinner I was like all right I jumped in the car we went hey big ass lobsters and steak up in Montes and Westwood on the 21st floor we get in there eating drinking bottles and all that [ __ ] so the tab came and uh he tried to throw the tab to me I'm like man he told me to go to dinner you know all I have is five dollars we couldn't even get our car out of valet sure took care of the Billboards during that day yeah yeah well there's an incident at a Kid Frost party yeah what happened there oh he's at the House of Blues it was easy eating release party okay watch out uh the last one when he was dead when he passed away oh okay and Kid Frost and his crew so uh we was there one of our big homies just came with us on our big homie's game well he's like I'm going out with New York City tonight he's like about five six years older than me so we get there he get drunk as a [ __ ] he grabbing on asses and everything so after the party after they uh after the club we out there waiting on our cars soda Kid Frost and his crew came through and they had this big booty sister with her but my homeboy don't know that that he was with with him so he grabbed her ass this white dude boom cold cocky trying to knock my home for my older homeboy out so when he [ __ ] came to oh we beat the dude ass though we beat his ass we beat his ass right there so when he came to the uh the yellow jackets that came they had they picked the dude up there we knocked out [ __ ] up and uh my whole way like is that the [ __ ] so uh we like yeah so my homeboy the two yellow jackets had him he shocked the dude knocked him up back out so the Yellow Jacket talking [ __ ] my homie knock out the yellow jackets boom boom like damn so we uh we go down the hill and this dude uh just this little fat dude like it's up it's Long Beach City crib am I always like wait a minute wait a minute hold on as soon as he got close enough to him he knocked him out boom so once we uh once we left we was on our way home man why you do that why you knocked out all those people you like I had to get some [ __ ] give back so we stopped at the uh Fat Burgers that used to be across from the building center you know that Fat Burgers used to be right there and so uh Warren G and uh Century supporters were together they was in their Fat Burgers they didn't see my own way and I got all these dudes at the club though see so he he uh come in there he seen uh he like hey Sandra's Palace he said you're a [ __ ] choke artist I lost all my [ __ ] money [ __ ] with you you know what I'm saying your [ __ ] choke artist so uh Warren G was there he like hey homie let me try on that watch so warranty in the action to take it at all in some kind of way uh they got they got my homeboy attention then he ran up out of that door we looked out the door and uh Warren G was in a 500. I was talking about he drove off in the curve I thought the drive shaft was gonna fly about that [ __ ] like damn he was that scared he said they just seen cuz knock out all the [ __ ] up there yeah so he he got away with his watch there now he was lucky though yeah yeah well uh there was a situation you talked about uh it was a party with uh Will Smith and uh Jada Pinkett yeah yeah that that Illuminati uh that was it we call it the Illuminati party I don't I don't know you believe in the Illuminati you think that's real I don't know but that [ __ ] went right okay so what happened uh yo uh your boy was there pop was there hear me Paul they were still friends back then okay so puffy was there Will Smith was a lemon Brewster party right because Tashina Arnold was was with him at the time it was married exactly he our homeboy we come to the party with him so I'll see you I'll see you it was a set it off party matter of fact right yeah and I've seen a lot of [ __ ] that don't fly in the hood you know such as they weren't right it was funny business talking about some gay [ __ ] yeah Connor yeah yeah I know her some gay [ __ ] some gay [ __ ] okay can you say who you saw doing it I know mg light left off with Lamar Brewster wife Tashina Arnold yeah you know she like they want to do all that I know MC like this yeah all the war shows you know I know exactly I just ran into her she was in a 562 burned up and I thought with my boy girl like damn when they had just brought a house together in Pasadena they're saying that MC light took dude's wife yes yes okay yeah yeah that's what probably said that she just got divorced recently from a man who did uh MC like oh well they you know back then that that [ __ ] wasn't right you know said they went all the way openly open like that yeah back in our days in the 80s 90s rather 80s 90s went open like that and that was you get Sean in the black community you know what I'm saying especially when I went to school you couldn't be like that yeah I mean people were definitely more homophobic back then yeah I mean it's a lot more accepted these yeah yeah exactly like when I got off the Feds all I seen was them little [ __ ] running around with the little tights little uh things dropped up with them little basketball fans who you know I'm like oh that's just some new people well you were locked up for how many years you add it all together all together about 14 to 15 years 14 15 years was that state or fed or both oh mostly state but I did like five I did like six seven years in the Feds all together okay and from what I understand the feds is a little bit easier than State oh yeah oh [ __ ] fans you have sort of the more serious Big Time dudes that aren't really trying to [ __ ] around their stages to get the more wild yeah wilding out like a [ __ ] he's gang banging like a [ __ ] yeah and uh like when I first went it was like on the bus load it'd be like 60 blacks maybe like 10 Mexicans maybe like three white dudes you know what I'm saying no Asians period when I first went in the early 80s so when I just went I went to 2015 and it was uh [ __ ] it was only eight brothers eight white boys and 60 Mexicans the dynamic have changed like a mother for you so blacks ain't really going to jail like that no more you know what I'm saying and they they should keep up the good work though because they used to we used to feel like [ __ ] prisons up like the [ __ ] and it used to be the blacks when I first went well I mean it took over like a [ __ ] I mean when you were going in and you're getting significant amounts of time like how many kids do you have total I got four four kids and your son is right here next to us you know is that your oldest no no no okay the youngest the youngest okay yeah and I remember um I think biji Naka said it uh in one of our interviews he said that the last time he got locked up he had to look at himself and say do I value gang banging more than my own kids the thing that I try to you know the thing that bothered me about my own situation was like yo I had to think about I had to question like if I loved my my kids and my family because like why would I leave them to to come to a place like this you know and that's the thing that I try to talk to my young homies who are still in there it's like you watching your kids just grow up without you you know what I'm saying and if some what if somebody did attack your daughter or some [ __ ] and you can't do nothing about it because you were so loyal to something else you know what I mean it's like people gotta snap out of it man and he had to reevaluate his whole mentality because you're going to prison for gang banging and you're not snitching and you're you're following the set of rules yeah and in the process your kids are you know missing their father exactly you know what I'm saying like no matter how much of a dad you think you are in prison you're not really a dad right you're not there taking them to school you're not there you know yeah you know you're just not a father you know you're just you're just separated so how much guilt were you going through being in prison away from your kids my oldest daughter like she went to Fresno Stadium she played softball she uh wrote me a letter while I was in the fish she like that I thought you gonna [ __ ] do college with me a lot of four places it was serious so like uh I wrote her back say you think I wanted Mr holiday and Michael Terrell and him he's the FBI dudes you think I wanted them to lock me up you think I didn't want to do college with you I'm saying the feds work different because they indict you first then they come take your ass to jail right you understand and this boy they take an active Congress to get from up under indictment you know what I'm saying especially a black man poor I thought I was having money but once I got to the feds I wouldn't have no [ __ ] money you know what I'm saying it's not real money in there yeah yeah yeah them dude was a billionaire one dude on the BFI uh trash company uh whether for giant records Banks of Texas they got real money you know what I'm saying that with you oh yeah one dude uh was selling uh selling fake satellite to people here he got like 400 million dollars in bells of 400 million act like he had a satellite but we didn't have now satellite yeah I mean in prison homosexuality is viewed a little bit differently you know I mean like like some dudes in prison feel that if a punk gives them head they're not really gay you know I mean like you're only okay like you know what I'm saying but so so I mean in prison were you seeing a lot of gay things happening when I first went they uh view a [ __ ] like I first hit the yard so uh it's this dude that killed like eight dudes from my neighborhood and said he was the quarterback of Dominguez and everything so uh I hit the yard my homie like let's take some pictures all right this other dude named boom they used both of my neighborhood and [ __ ] so I'm taking pictures with them doing the prison poses right so the Crips over there looking Chris looking soon as I finished taking the pictures they like come take a lap with me so I took a lap with him it's like man why are you taking pictures with them dudes I said man that's my homeboys from Southside they say man ain't your homeboy no more I like what you mean he said well that one oh his name Mitch [ __ ] I like what Mitch [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that's your home girl like damn and the other one they like and that dude a bgf ain't no [ __ ] no more can't [ __ ] with them dudes like that no more dude like damn he said they ain't your homeboys no more the Crips you know what I'm saying I'm like damn so prisoners yeah and uh back then if you [ __ ] with a homosexual you just as gay as them you know what I'm saying there's some [ __ ] Chris you you shine from the credit card for sure they on your ass so there are no gay Crips officially it was it was it was gay Crips but but not accepted with the other Crips as well yeah yeah right I mean it was just one [ __ ] named Cotton uh that was a she was a bad [ __ ] had hands like a [ __ ] man but she it was a man though you know what I'm saying right yeah transgender yeah transgender yeah they try to throw like two or three on these yards back then yeah I mean I've heard horror stories like I remember I interviewed life uh you know life Jennings recently and he was telling me you know he was locked up for a while yeah and he was saying how like there was one dude that was in prison with him and he would basically he had this routine where he would act like weak you know he would act like he was like weak and frail whatever and he would like you know have dudes think that they could take advantage of and everything else like that until they would drop their guard that he would rape them ain't gonna say no names and then it was a [ __ ] that used to pretend like he was weak like would literally let people sucking like take his food and do [ __ ] like that because he wanted people to think that he was weak so he could lure him somewhere and then rape him that was his [ __ ] I was just [ __ ] man it was the Wicked [ __ ] you had like you know what I'm saying like that type of weird [ __ ] or you know I mean I I remember let's do China Max told me a story about how like you know like in prison your ass is called your trunk that's right it would you know hide drugs or weapons or whatever and he was saying how like if someone found out that you had drugs in your ass they would knock you out pull your pants down and then reach in there and grab the drugs out your ass and then go do the drugs I mean it just sounds crazy like it's just you know I'm saying like it's a it's a crazy world I mean so you're saying that type of [ __ ] wasn't happening when I first went uh and Tracy uh the my counselor said hey you're going to Chino CMC like yeah so that they they used to put the uh where your destination on the board that week and that's what was the DVI level three I'm like damn this is my first time in prison so I have my points was high so they sent me there I ain't gonna lie I'm scared I have here but once I got there [ __ ] all my [ __ ] Partners was there you know what I'm saying there's a crib heaven for us you know it was our yard yeah like a mother it was like maybe like it's like 3 600 inmates there 1800 of them was Crips yeah that's a half half the yard yeah yeah that [ __ ] was ours yeah well I interviewed a gene deal uh maybe about a year ago or so you know Buffy's uh and uh you know he said that he you know he knew you and said you guys are around each other and everything else like that and he said that um what puffy would do when she called it the oldest trick in the book is that he said that he wasn't necessarily paying you guys but he would give you guys just a ton of concert tickets yeah and then you guys would all show up 30 40 deep yeah and it would look like he had a big crew with him yeah but really it was just free concert tickets conversations I had with you from your point of view you said that puffy never really directly paid Keefe in them he would just give them tickets to show so it looked like you know they would all show up so it looked like they're all together but it's not like they were actually on payroll yeah the oldest trick in the book man you know what I'm saying you get a lot of your friends to come and give them free tickets not look like you got a crew of guys with you you know what I mean yeah yeah yeah we uh he one day he uh man uh ZIP was rolling in the van of Green Leaf in my neighborhood he called he calls him I guess it was perfect time and he like hey man I'm going to uh I'm good I'm growing on my tour of the bet I think he was on the bet it was uh Naughty by Nature some little little ugly dudes uh Jodeci Jodeci uh uh Mary J Blige and uh and his whole little crew uh What's the total yeah Craig Mack 112 112 yeah and they you know they get close to show though so he called and said uh I'm doing a tour and he like oh man us that big CEO dude is out there is it cool to come all right man just give me 50 tickets I I show up for you big dog and that's what happened you know when when I got there you know he was cool and stuff he used to wear the little hip-hop clothes and [ __ ] so he used to see us in our suits when we used to go to clubs and [ __ ] so I when I got in the Fizz I said this [ __ ] just stole our style you know what I'm saying like damn so they started to start calling them to shouty Superman we used to be Arlo just outside you guys have shiny suits no we didn't have shiny too we used to be we still have fly ads soon okay Armani Versace you know what I'm saying right yeah he trying to think our style yeah yeah yeah we they called and started calling him the shiny suit man with the bottles right we just popping up bottles like a mother you know because he he showed up he was drinking white lightning you know like damn that moonshine [ __ ] hey man if we don't do it like that out here dude I wouldn't told a little season never get the ice buckets and fill up the tub about 24 bottles we popping bottles like a [ __ ] this way we do it out here big dog well uh the incident at the MGM when uh Orlando got jumped here I what I didn't realize is that he actually got so hurt that he had to go to the hospital yeah so it was a shoulder [ __ ] up or something like that yeah shoulder [ __ ] let me keep the shoulder so it was like dislocated or dislocated yeah okay so his shoulder got dislocated yeah and he went to the hospital in Vegas yeah and what do they do they put it back into the side they put it uh yeah okay I heard that's just painful as hell have your shoulder dislocated and pop back they kicked it up they kicked it out they kicked his shoulder out of the socket yeah it kind of [ __ ] emo dope like another was a kid man that was wrong how old was he at the time he's like 19 man oh he was a teenager at the time yeah kid man oh okay I thought he was a little bit older he's 19 20 or 19 years he probably just turned 20. right he's a [ __ ] kid dude like six seven people jumped on him yeah he couldn't even buy liquor you know what I'm saying yeah yeah I mean sugar was doing the kicking him in uh yeah the Tupac of course yeah I ran track against Montreal when he ran for Whaley oh really yeah he knew each other uh you guys knew each other yeah he uh he ran he ran track for weighty he ran the third relay leg and I ran the third week we used to be so far ahead I used to get the Baton see you later buddy you know what I'm saying oh waiting was trying to slow up we always had the fastest track team with Roosevelt Junior I did I run against uh yeah then in the next year I ran the 3 30 against him how long was it between Orlando getting jumped and you actually meeting up with Orlando maybe about 30 minutes about 15. when you first saw him how how bad did he look uh you know he looked the regular he just said oh they jumped on him okay but the shoulder was what like hanging off her or if you have a dislocated shoulder I mean you are you able to actually move it around or oh he was he was doing it like this the whole time yeah you see you can see him on the western ain't doing that on his shoulder like that yeah okay all right so so you guys went to the hospital they patched him up and then the next set of events happened yeah there there was a rumor that uh the Suge Knight uh used Tupac as a shield no you didn't I didn't have no like I said I thought he I thought he had I thought he was the sugar was dead yeah I thought he could well he got hit in the head yeah right and I remember I even interviewed the first responder and he said that the shook was just like spraying blood damn near out of his head yeah when he when he pulled up was Tupac trying to get into the back seat yeah yeah I said it was awesome yeah he's jumping around here in the interview Mike Tyson who was close friends with Tupac said that he wishes he had five minutes in the room with Tupac's killer Mike Tyson's a boxer man you know what I'm saying he he you know all these dudes trash I'll be hearing the walls and all that little tough guys some dudes or rappers and boxers It Ain't About That Life dude you know what I'm saying he didn't stay in a [ __ ] place dude you know damn well you don't want to see this you know what I'm saying that's it I'm training to go I don't know about him it's either me it's do or die and I'm from the old school homeboy and I'm from Compton dude I'm not playing with that [ __ ] playing with nobody like that dude nobody period well I interviewed Mike Tyson yeah and uh you know I brought your name up and and you know what you said in our interview you can't see in the interview and uh he said that you're telling the truth he said based on everything he knows he felt that you were telling the whole truth and he doesn't think that you're the reason to lie or you know I mean but based on what he knows and what you said he said it was accurate yeah indeed his part about what he said how did you feel and I thought qvd was telling the truth you know I thought that he had nothing in my life out you know he hadn't he think I mean he's he's the he's he's the big player he has nothing to lie about yeah he even came over there uh he came over to the projects with the four wheelers he know me oh you'd actually met him yeah and it was like this oh he even said we're super close yeah yeah man I'll do that man come on when the man know me been around them gang-a-thon okay the GB oh so you met Tyson before the shooting incident yeah what about after I ain't seen any sense I've seen I see I see how you go live stadium at the at the mall he was with uh Jerome Williams his bodyguard from Long Beach and I know Jerome he I know he gonna say it loud there's about 15 news how to just go the other way you're there yeah yeah I'll just go the other way you know says keep the confusion down you know what I'm saying because I know Jerome Williams qbd because he used to be at the barbershop Earls in Long Beach by the uh Tower is that Tower Records in the same parking lot I think so yeah yeah yeah yeah and Tyrone Williams just Mike Tyson personal bodyguard and I know him well yeah I mean and Tyson even said that uh he's always felt a sense of guilt over the situation because he he was pushing Pock to come down because pocket done a song that he used for the intro for his walk-in into the ring and he wanted Pock to bring the song he also want to park there because they were friends and he felt you know he said to this day he still feels bad because he thought that if he didn't get Puck to come down he'd still be alive today I feel a little guilty about him coming to the fight me pressuring him for the day you're gonna bring the tape don't forget the tape you know and I was going to go out with him that night I promise to go to 662 in that night but I just had a little baby and her mother was um provoking me to stay home so I stayed with the baby and someone called me that night and told me that happened and um this is just what we do you know I I come to my senses I come to my objectivity and I I know who I am I know what my element's about in my world that's what happens in my world I feel positive just kept his hand to yourself and minded this business that wasn't even his business you know what I'm saying that's true yeah everybody can see that you know they don't [ __ ] the 10 dudes jump on the kid well I mean all of Jews is grown ass managed man just do the [ __ ] kid well I mean it's interesting because I don't know how closely you follow the hip-hop world but uh this rapper named King Von got killed yeah um maybe about a year and a half ago or something like that and I remember I talked to his manager who was there when when the situation happened he actually got shot himself but we were talking about the similarities to the king Bond situation and the Tupac situation meaning that King Bond saw someone that he had a beef with he decided to take it upon himself to run at the dude and start punching him yeah and uh you know quando Rondo and quando Rondo's little man you know Little Tim pulled out a gun and killed him yeah which set off a shootout with the police and you know a couple people died I believe and other people got hit and everything else like that but we were just talking about how unnecessary the whole situation was yeah meaning that Yvonne had just not ran up on him saying because he'd be living a great life right now same could be a superstar rapper making millions of dollars you know he had kids that were on the way and then everything else like that oh and and the founding fathers of Jeff row we will still be we'd be paying me Ariel my partner should we all we still be rolling with that you know what I'm saying rah-rah Vitality he should have just been a gangster you know what I'm saying like we was we was cool laid back we we wasn't looking for trouble ever never looking for trouble right because I think you'd even mention that Orlando wanted like that one-on-one yeah they didn't want to do that yeah could even actually fight him though with his shoulder [ __ ] up and all that ain't a hands man I know everybody that told you yeah yeah and he was he was kind of tall like six two six three and he can he can fight box Razzle did it all train to go you know what I'm saying yeah well I mean one of the things that uh you know even Bob James was saying was that uh you know Orlando was legit you know he was he was known for what he was known for and it wasn't it wasn't an image he really was the real deal yeah he was a good kid man good kid I wouldn't take that and he'd give you his shirt off his back everything you know I'm saying he didn't never looked for trouble or none of that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying we just raise respectful people man we got a cold bloodline and uh we respect people we don't look for trouble homie I mean at the time that he died um wasn't he being investigated for other murders and so forth I don't know why I went to the feds you know in this art it was back then it was hard to communicate back on the streets yeah well after the interview came out you know and people uh you know saw it and so forth one of the things that that was mentioned was there was some inconsistencies in our last interview and the one inconsistency that they said was that in our last interview you said that you ran into shug and POC the day before the incident happened but people were saying that everyone actually was there everyone flew in the day of so they weren't even there the day before okay it could have been the fight before I'm not mistaken I'm getting older now they could have been a fight before this fight but they was in a rolls royces and Mike Tyson Mike Tyson Rory horn and uh Don King they pulled up in the uh zuras and [ __ ] was looking like some Hot Wheels man I'm saying rolls royces dude and uh should came out you know I was in the valet waiting you can't shake my hand maybe you look like a movie star you know what I'm saying all over there was a that that that fight but it was one of them fights and said he kept he came came out with them roles what's the name he came with them brand new reserves that [ __ ] was like Hot Wheels dude to them uh to share them rolls royces what was that you know when the incident happened there were four people in the car you're the only living person that was in that car right now everyone else had passed away since then what Witnesses were saying though was that when they saw the arm stick out the window and do the shooting it wasn't a skinny arm it was a bulky Hefty looking arm well I was in the passage you see there's no way you know I'm not saying it's you I'm saying that there's four people in the car but they said it wasn't a skinny arm that stuck his hand out the window who the witness I can't say okay they lie was they there yes yeah only witness it was was showing night and you know for me the only one part two persons left I I kind of see this little [ __ ] you know what I'm saying he's trying to say it's me and all those [ __ ] I'm not saying excuse me so full of [ __ ] hey uh well but at the time that you know that you actually um that Greg Katie met up with you and recorded you know the proper agreement and everything else like that wasn't there one other person that was still alive at that time was it was it Dre or no they it went through there already I was the last one to know a big dog okay so at that time there was no one else alive I was the last one in the last one okay fair enough well I uh you know after we did our interview I did other interviews and got people's take on it you know BG knockout and dracer did an interview shortly afterwards and one of the things that um BG said was that Orlando's mom had an issue with your you know your confession and proper agreement you know the KPD tapes yeah yeah what did you think when you heard him I mean they was incredible like it's like like he said it's like it was hard to even fathom listening to him saying what he was saying you know like and that's why I said what I said like that I just think that was like real suckerish man because that was your nephew at the end of the day you know what I'm saying yo mama's I mean your sister's son that you pretty much raised you know what I mean and for you to uh and I know he dead and all that I was just shameful man because his mom his mom didn't like it you know my little brother is married to Baby y'all don't understand I just had a wedding oh really yeah so I love our little adopted brother pretty much it's married to Orlando's sister you feel me so it's all intermixed yeah so it's like his mom wasn't she wasn't with that him saying that stuff yo because that's her child you know what I'm saying why would you like leave that type of stigma on his name after he's gone who is he he don't he don't know my sister don't know him from a man in the moon because he got him who is this [ __ ] she acts like she don't know my baby you know what I'm saying and I told her that's Kathy cousin grown in Kathy from Santana she don't know PG now she's saying you know sir or dragster she don't know them well one of the things that BG and dracer said was that their adopted brother married Orlando's sister the adopted brother yeah do you know who married Orlando's sister he ain't the adopted brother I'm just going what off of what they said yeah you can't believe I'll go just like you say Eli knows best friend he says they still maintain that they weren't best friends come on will well I remember he said he called him that night why are you gonna call you Dude out of all people you're gonna call you would you King Kong or something were you you or you hey come on man all of a sudden we gonna call you you're gonna rescue you don't rescue us or something ain't gonna call you a rapper dude come on man well I mean he did say that and I brought that up saying that you know you deny the fact that you know that they were best friends and everything and what he said was like well Keefe was older he didn't know what Orlando was doing you know and so forth you know they're they're the same age who's that you're looking at him thank you okay after the incident happened you said you ran to Shug three times yeah I ran into him at uh Lil Wayne in the game video they had a funeral home yeah I'm not a funeral Mortuary yeah yeah uh graveyard yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I came up there and I seen uh and I seen him he was in a gold Cadillac truck you know I've seen him at the Laker game yeah I ran into him like three different times yeah he and I know people with me or nothing like that well I mean before you ran into him they actually paid Orlando right yeah because Orlando testified the day before that Lane called me say uh bring two guns up to Edie office and come now so I came in this rap I got a scrap and we waited about five ten minutes later Reggie senior not Junior and Reynolds Sergeant Reynolds came with Suge Knight up there I guess he wanted to show his hitmans who to kill you know what I'm saying his man hit me as senior and Reynolds cops yeah these two [ __ ] you know what I'm saying but he and he gave us he gave our nephew sixty thousand dollars yeah right and then uh didn't Orlando take the stand uh for shook saying that he wasn't he didn't kick him he didn't and the judge said you see his plan his day he kicking you yeah yeah right so even uh with Orlando's testimony shook still went to jail yeah yeah exactly but didn't you say that you feel like she snitched on you yeah the first [ __ ] the first [ __ ] day then he did that interview y'all don't be listening to his words dude you know what I'm saying hi to you they know my [ __ ] name the only time article qvd nephew that dude the moon man what's his name Frank uh on MTV the movement oh yeah the uh the news guy Kurt loader loader yeah loader right how the [ __ ] they don't wanna honestly he's trying to kill off the head of the snake that's what it was so he told her he told the FBI that that [ __ ] was meant for him because my friends and Harry on them had a head out on oh he said that Harry O had a hit on him when I went to jail in 98 they was there uh the FBI was when they it took like 70 of us to jail in 98. so it came you know they all came to myself like damn they're like uh you famous out here you got all these people scared of you I want to do like I thought you were six two 280 pounds so they finally took me in the interview room they said uh we already know this hitting that hit was for uh for sure night because he didn't pay your boys uh the dude and you took over his organization we know all about everything then once I was in jail about six months because he was coming he's coming like a mother talking [ __ ] you're never getting out oh so uh once Raphael Perez broke in there and stole that [ __ ] [ __ ] then the whole I seen the investigation was going towards the cops we want the cops we don't want you PPG like you tell tell us about the cops I know there's a lot of quickie cops and I'm gonna I'm gonna turn in the Reggie them no more David maximum you know what I'm saying I didn't see a [ __ ] thing but they they won't they their old folks returned to the cops yeah it was David oh what's Perez Raphael Perez broken the evidence room in a whole investigation because I because they was coming to see me trying to get they said you the rapper Killer he said you killed Tupac and Biggie like damn you know ain't killed no Tupac Arby yeah and they like you ain't never getting out yeah okay so you ran into sugar three times yeah and it was cordial every time yeah yeah I mean we take a step back doesn't that sound kind of crazy I mean you got a situation or someone got killed you got told on you know sure got shot Orlando testified and yet you guys are around each other with no grudges is that just how that world just works you just get over [ __ ] like I said I'm praying to go on I'm Gonna Be Ready whatever it takes all right let nobody take more like um I was when I went to DVR I was like 19 and I had this big selly his name was Kiki he was from Gray Street and he trained me to go so all I can tell you right because Nick Cannon even commented he said that he was shocked uh when he found out from our interview that you and shook shook hands afterwards and him and Suge were like I think they probably still are working together on some life rights movie book type [ __ ] yeah man like all of a sudden they came to the street dude come on man they can't even from out here you know San Diego San Diego he he's not he's not no game ever no not at all his family was but he's not real yeah really his dad yeah for real what are you selling birds and [ __ ] I don't know the details I never heard that I I've been to the fair so I know a big yard Steve I know all them dudes from San Diego was zendo that was balling I pulled it up so so his dad started the Lincoln Park Bloods he did yeah okay when I first went I uh Bodacious from Lincoln Park was marceli up in the Sigmund not Sigma but uh Sycamore I first walked up in the pen and Chino marcelia he's from Linkin Park his name was a big bodacious yeah but I I never heard a new Nick Canada well uh I guess you ran into Daz yeah after the incident yeah oh when I got out the feds we were my partner bubble up we went to the studio Melbourne Jerry's house to get some weed and he got the little one way in like this place and uh he let us in I like hey man you don't know who I am yeah it's like uh no don't keep you deep from South Side dude you know I'm saying I I see this as uh we had seen him after that [ __ ] happened yeah the Cal State dominguezil was out of celebrity game he's up there acting a fool like a little [ __ ] and [ __ ] and he don't know the reaper we had the Reaper with us you don't send the Undertaker you know what I'm saying and he was like maybe you'll say they wanted the noodle Wizards that day I had a little damn fool like man leave that little kid along he don't know what he's doing he's from Texas really you know Snoop Dogg was like man calm your ass down dude get your ass punished you know yeah but I ran into him at the uh at the thing and I was like man you don't know who I am foreign making touch everything in that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying because the way he was acting and he's like man I was I was wrong dude you know what I'm saying I was Hood Weak by that dude by who by shook oh I sure yeah yeah and I guess they didn't fell out yeah a major one actually yeah major one yeah well you know and we had actually did an interview with corrupt yeah and uh you know the interviewer uh she brought up you know kiefy D and uh corrupt said that's relevant uh next question he didn't want to talk about it you know what I'm saying he didn't want to discuss it I hate talking about this um I don't know if you saw but Vlad interview kefidi Orlando uh Anderson's uncle um he was in he admitted to being in the car that killed Tupac um did you see that interview by chance that's irrelevant go to the next question all right I got you yeah one night he was close to Bach too when I did uh I think and uh we jump into VIP and [ __ ] and uh some ladies who was with me my group my wife and her friends so I sat them down at the table and I'll ask them what they wanted to drink so I went brought a couple of bottles of uh don't perion get some Hennessy so I get back they they in my girl's chair Snoop Dogg corrupt uh Dash and a dog oh like I told them y'all don't get y'all little ass up you know what I'm saying oh oh oh okay OG yeah y'all tripping they just take my girl seats you know what I'm saying what type of man take it take girl seats anyway you know so I guess they they rap [ __ ] they went to the Head but back then more people was in there was it was on our no sex the big ballers they went on the rappers you know what I'm saying yeah they went on the rappers well after our last interview there was a story that came out that I guess while you were working well after the whole great kating situation you know when Greg kating approached you and record you and everything else like that there was a claim that you were sent to New York with a wire to try to get uh zip on tape or murder that's not true it's not true at all not true at all let me tell you uh that day they came uh the day before Thanksgiving so they said come the U.S attorney's like come back and let us know by January the 9th that's what's gonna happen so they they showed me what they got oh and uh and I told that fool when I when I did decide I said if you think I'm gonna be setting up my appears or anything like that I already know what the [ __ ] you guys want you know what I'm saying if you think I'm gonna be setting up my peers and anything like that going around there wearing wires doing that old punk ass [ __ ] you can lock me the [ __ ] up right [ __ ] now dude because I'm not gonna set up my peers well but I know [ __ ] sellout like that zip is not something you grew up with or anything else like that he was just somebody you associated with he's from New York we became tight you guys became tight yeah okay and I remember when I interviewed uh Mike Tyson him and zip were really tight yeah in fact even went to this whole story about how I forgot it was for like a few hundred thousand like basically zip and Tyson basically ripped off Don King for a bunch of cash like donkey brought a bunch of money and zip basically got about the room and they just kept the money yeah that took like six took the 600 thousand dollars really yeah from who Dom and he came in with the money he's trying to do something and then they thought let's come back later and we'll talk about the names walk them out today hey man let me give them that money to pay some people I gotta pay the people tell me these days it's done come back he's come back and zip you never met Zeppelin I haven't been such a gentleman please come back here not right now he's just not feeling well dog good click bye yeah I wouldn't wear no wire I would never do no [ __ ] like that you think I'm gonna be setting up my people like these dudes did me you can lock me the [ __ ] up right now I already know what the [ __ ] you guys want y'all follow me around for 15 years for this punk ass [ __ ] well in fact you know there was the the rumor that after Puck got killed uh puffy gave zip a million dollars that was supposed to be handed over and zip ended up keeping it and I remember when I interviewed TK Kirkland who was actually roommates with zip at one point they were that close he actually said yeah he said that [ __ ] actually happened well the story that has circulated was that after Tupac got killed puffy allegedly gave the money I heard to zip yes and zip was supposed to give the money to to Keefe in that yes but he never gave the money to but thank God he never gave him the money right think about it if he gave the money puppy will be in prison now money for hire a murder for hire so thank God is this a true story I'm not saying yes or no but if he would have gave him them the money it had been a murder for hire and puff would be locked up yeah he's a dirty [ __ ] yeah he even said that like in retrospect that was probably the best thing that could have ever happened to puffy by zip stealing the money now puffy isn't connected to that [ __ ] or else it would have been like a murder For Hire or something you know what I'm saying everybody crossed you you last want to know every [ __ ] thing even lawyers your friends everybody you cross your ass you just don't know even the dude she was riding in the car with every day like a low Jack like what the [ __ ] yeah I mean like I said Zip Zip had a history of ripping people off yeah you never ripped me off well otherwise you wouldn't did any technically do I mean if he kept the money that yeah supposedly true so actually yeah for a million yeah yeah if that's what happened yeah it shows that it the FBI said that the people down yeah U.S attorneys they said that he said he's a piece of [ __ ] but I I didn't ever know that he got no money but they said he got it yeah yeah well uh said he got it too okay yeah everybody's yeah well you and Orlando Anderson were in the studio with Biggie and Bone Thugs when they were doing uh notorious thugs no I wasn't here and I know probably but I wasn't there okay so did Orlando and Biggie have their own relationship nah or was it a Bone Thugs relationship oh okay so Orlando and one of the dudes from bone were friends what's the name came over uh BG came over with uh with two bones at a Super Bowl party that we had oh because BG was on ruthless and bone was on ruthless oh okay he came up with that little dude was like he had that that gun shotgun like on that video what's the little dude with the shotgun oh [ __ ] the police you seen that yeah yeah what's his name I don't remember I know lazy ball was it yeah I get the bones the one who threw the bottle at the verses he threw the bottle you bought the [ __ ] pictures he's the one who came over he came over here okay right yeah okay um so in gene deal he said he introduced you to Biggie uh the night that Biggie got killed yes at the studios and all that [ __ ] okay and but he didn't want to uh they he had had that they had that [ __ ] roped off and they look and he told them that qvd through hit them through and Paul told me that uh at the FBI in the house you know saying he really blew their security you know I'm saying we're gonna have a day back well yeah I mean you had said that if you you know if the South Side Crips were doing security for uh for biggie that night that he wouldn't have gotten killed no he wouldn't have gotten killed because we would have our cars lined up with his how could it get it got away you know what I'm saying and we wouldn't let the gutter Lane be you know what I'm saying you know right because you guys were in the garage when Biggie got killed yeah I was in the garage when people got killed when you heard the news that he got killed what'd you think or he got shot I guess no one knew what happened yet yeah I was like [ __ ] biggie too that [ __ ] was all a framework dude you know to me okay well the night that Biggie got killed um DJ Quick and uh DJ Theo uh mizahara were outside when that happened exactly at one point you said something about DJ Quick's involvement and you know he got actually really upset over that he even threatened to sue you know that was my opinion dude okay so dude it's not based on any fact or anything no there's no facts about you but that's just that was my opinion he he the only one was out of place and all the dude did was cried about he like you who Theo I talked to Theo you y'all some Tupac lovely [ __ ] okay y'all yeah I love Tupac yeah you do yeah y'all wish y'all could dig him up you know I do not wish I could dig them let me tell you another thing every day I like him as an artist man yeah I like it was nice let me tell you another thing I was up on the uh Beverly Beverly and uh Santa Monica right there at that little uh coffee shop and there's a Beverly uh Beverly Glenn and uh what is that Santa Monica it's a coffee shop and there's a uh it's called that Walgreens right there so uh I'm sitting in the parking lot talking to one of my partners it's a dude pulled up in a 560. I mean 580 brand new pretty [ __ ] burgundy and he he looking at me and he's like keep it easy and he kept on saying that I I ain't paying no [ __ ] attention and he like hey [ __ ] why the [ __ ] you kill the best rapper a lie you [ __ ] no my partner's like uh my partner that was with me he Jewish too he like he like what's it to you and he like hey [ __ ] why you kill the best rapper alive so my Jewish probably here gangster he chased the [ __ ] out of uh chased the [ __ ] out of this Jewish dude he had on his little hat and glasses he chased him up in the middle of that street and you know around that curve they do like 80 or 90 miles per hour oh and I'm talking about the cars almost killed this dude trying to be a Tupac friend and trying to take him for Tupac I swear to God I'll talk about it his hat and glasses was in the street so when my Jewish party got back I said uh why you changed that my way he said cause I know them cars be doing 70 and 80 around that [ __ ] curve get his ass killed well Theo reached out to me yeah and we had a conversation and he wanted to do an interview and uh he claimed that you know he knew the cop that was down with LAPD who actually killed Biggie and he gave me the name of that cop I looked into it and there was just literally just zero zero connection like like literally the copy he named we looked into it we actually spoke to some of his co-workers and all of them were like what the [ __ ] yeah they were like no not this guy was not even affiliated with nobody he was a very Square dude them the only two dudes that was out of place you know what I'm saying that night I mean is he but is Theo really out of place as a DJ he he deals with what the [ __ ] are you doing at this party I mean it's an industry party what are you doing at this party dude like I said and he's the Tupac lover like you okay what are you doing at this party you know what I'm saying oh because it was a biggie party you know you know who's there man come on are we all right well anyways like I said I I ended up not you know he's gonna see this and probably get upset but I'm saying like you know someone tells me who someone who was there is telling me hey I got this important piece of information I'm not just going to give someone a platform unless I feel there's some real legitimacy behind it and like I said I seriously looked into it and we spoke to to other LAPD guys that were affiliated with the guy he mentioned and this guy was retired at this point yeah all of them said hell no hell no yeah I'm like I can't do this interview he would say David Mack or something wasn't David Mackey was Rafael Perez I said if he would have said that you would have been there oh yeah that might be a little bit legitimate but the guy he mentioned was this old old guy and it was already retired and everyone was like this guy wasn't even affiliated with nobody he never we would tell him stories about the music he would get excited because he never was around any of this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying but Theo Theo Theo and what's her name was there at the party DJ Quick we're there this is true but with DJ Quick there is no actual and I just want to clear this is me and DJ Quick have our you know he has issues with me I don't have issues with him so but I'm just saying like regardless of that there is no actual proof that he had anything to do with it no no no that was just my opinion that's my opinion like an [ __ ] and you said that that Shug had um you know basically killer cops on his payroll oh I'm just saying East Coast do that type of [ __ ] man like like John got him they hired the police put him on the payroll right you know what I'm saying gangsters out here don't do that [ __ ] that's why shields were no [ __ ] gangster you don't [ __ ] hire we don't trust the police you know what I'm saying we'll trust the police on the west coast well you felt that those cops on shook's payroll were the ones that put out the rumor that you guys killed Biggie yeah they did they did but you guys had nothing to do with then how could they be in part of an investigation if they the Suspects hmm LAPD how many people police getting hey hey part of the investigation keep keeping it you know what I'm saying all the time to cover their ass I guess but that's some [ __ ] they was putting on I went to school Compton High and it was uh I went to and played football was with maybe like four cops you know what I'm saying that was [ __ ] cops and they told me they told me to stay up my ass about the company doing this you don't want to be like the dude it was a dude got killed on mail they said if you don't want to be like that dude man stay your ass out of complicated that's what I did do you know poochie no I don't know if I heard of him you know because based on a few interviews that I did people were saying that Pucci was the one who killed Biggie poochie's dead by the way I heard that too I heard that I heard it do you based on what you know do you think that that's the person who killed Billy or do you think it was someone else okay you think it was the police so you know I think I think it's uh thank you sure boys I think it was your police ones okay his crew right because at one point you were locked up with David Mack yes David Mack was allegedly affiliated with death row he robbed the Bank of America for 700 000 while he was a cop yeah the the data they did that sweep on us it was 70 Crips they should put us all in jail uh the FBI did a sweep on us and so we was in the holding tank down there all of us and this is [ __ ] in PC it's a dude in PC and this mother keep on holding out my [ __ ] name you know what I'm saying oh who the [ __ ] is this so once we got on the elevator the U.S Marshal dude was like man that's that police mother with David Matt all right oh [ __ ] how the [ __ ] you know me I guess they had some pictures of me ready to you know saying do their thing on me but I I was way smoother than almost different you know what I'm saying yes oh it'd be hard to get me right because Rafael Perez he got locked up as well right yeah and he was also allegedly affiliated with yeah you know I was a part of that whole investigation that first ship they want to be insured you know what I'm saying uh the people downtown the major crime units they wanted me insured in the U.S attorneys then I said once was Raphael Perez did that [ __ ] I see where the whole the whole [ __ ] shifted where they wanted the police the crooked cops the Crooked the cops keep you know what he did a bottle and I don't know [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I don't know [ __ ] yeah but I seen where they hold investigation turn well after our interview you went on the Gangster Chronicles and you did an interview with mob James in the same room no I didn't no I don't know weren't you a mob James William objects ever in the same room yeah I went up to this little Studio where he was at yeah they asked me to get on there I was like hell no where the bread at you get on that [ __ ] okay so you went to the studio but you didn't do the interview yeah and he said I was scared of him and all that man I don't know where the hell I'm scared of you while James come on dude well I mean I had been trying to set up an interview with both you guys in the same room and yeah it's just for whatever reason it hasn't happened yet oh I mean is that possible all my blood friends told me don't get on there with him okay your [ __ ] is totally different you know what I'm saying so it's not gonna happen is what you're saying no no I'll be going against my blood friends they they call me from everywhere anywhere family swans [ __ ] uh the Nickerson Gardens even some of his always even said that don't get on there with that dude but I already knew what he had did when I I went on a violation in 2005 when the whole building was talking about mob James you know what I'm saying I already knew what he did I was in MDC and everybody was talking about him well Harry will get out of prison yeah in uh 2021. do you guys see each other at all or time or anything I ain't talking to him no I've been uh I've been I've been staying out the way though yeah well he's been sitting out the way too actually yeah I had a conversation with him you know I mean we talked about possibly doing something but he he's been very just kind of low-key yeah I think he's just happy to be out he doesn't want to exactly go back in for foreign you take advantage try to take that [ __ ] like that that [ __ ] wrong dude that's why he has so much bad luck well he ended up losing the whole company over exactly because uh Harry O's wife ended up suing him and then shook ended up I guess not going to court yeah and then they just gave her a default judgment and basically he lost everything yeah which happens more times honestly man I've heard a few people that have just lost everything just because they didn't go to court yeah he he yeah he was wrong if he was true to the game uh the game would have been true to him you know what I'm saying well I've always said it I mean like sug Hattie just moved differently he could be a billionaire right there next to Dre right now he would have had a piece of Eminem Kendrick Lamar 50 Cent Beats by Dre and the real Founders we you think I'm mad I'm mad too yeah I'm mad as [ __ ] I I I would have had a piece of that part once my homie got home and Ariel got home I would have had a piece of that part I had me a big old mansion somewhere you know what I'm saying balling yeah yeah he [ __ ] it off he know that he know we did that for him dude and even Reggie said sometimes then he get on there he changed his story a lot your boy Reggie that's all he do change this story him and his daddy some lying [ __ ] War there's some there's a line as [ __ ] I ever seen in my life well didn't uh Reggie Wright uh junior go to prison after our last interview yeah yeah yeah he uh got caught with some weed yeah she's just a bad businessman yeah I mean he was basically trying to sell weed but he no longer had a license and moved around some you know I think some Crips or something like that and it all just kind of blew up I mean his dad almost went to prison too right along putting that money in that bank yeah yeah for using the bank account yeah exactly and then he's like he even said all right so so let's talk about that so Reggie Wright said that police came to his house to investigate the Tupac shooting in your involvement in it that's what that's what I don't understand why is they keep asking this crooked ass cop [ __ ] you know what I'm saying why they keep asking this crooked ass cop and [ __ ] man just like I said he said keep it getting locked up for Tupac murder and I said he needs to be right in handcuffs with me for two bucks for biggie Miracles I know he had his hands in that [ __ ] that's that's what I was my get back to him all right because Greg cating also called for the Las Vegas Police Department to arrest you he did I believe so yeah okay well I did a deal with the U.S attorneys and uh U.S attorney and the dude was from DC justice department you're there [ __ ] I was like you came out here like yeah I came out here to get you and it was way bigger time people did that was going to go down with you know what I'm saying a lot of people was going to go down if I would have said nothing everybody we lost our whole Community lost all my homies you know what I'm saying see they they shredded in indictment so I really did a lot of people a favor they should be thinking me you know what I'm saying well I I think what what Greg cating's point is was that when you know he recorded you you did the proper agreement all that can't be used against you but if you choose to do interviews and talk about it again that that can be used against you he the one he did that quick as [ __ ] the footage he had the [ __ ] man you proper Deals they don't record you know really you know what they don't part of the deal with that [ __ ] I didn't know that if I don't record he was set up there doing that illegal [ __ ] dude that [ __ ] was illegal I would have never said nothing if I knew he had a [ __ ] thing in his pocket That was supposed to be a [ __ ] secret to the [ __ ] ass I mean you're 60 years old right now almost almost 60. are you worried at all are you worried that this might come back and bite you and you you might end up having to I mean essentially at this age anything related to that would be a life sentence right and uh whatever wherever life got to offer me I'm gonna handle it dude I'm saying I'm a God-fearing man whatever life going you know what I'm saying deal me whatever cars I gotta do I want to handle I ain't gonna go up there and cut my wrists hang myself or nothing like that if they want to come put me in jail for life I just something I got to do dude you know what I'm saying and like I'm scared of jail or nothing well you've done a quarter of your life in prison already right yeah so I guess it doesn't really worry you know Vegas jailed and California we ordered your Vegas deals you know what I'm saying and it was way more harder inmates you know saying I just left from there to uh they made me the map rep you know what I'm saying that's how big of a [ __ ] I was you know like you know man prep dog yeah okay well I had uh I did an interview with Edie from The Outlaws yeah who was there when it when it happened he was in the car behind sugar pox car uh when the shooting occurred and I sat there and you know I showed him the whole interview before it was officially released because me and him have a relationship and we did an interview afterwards and he said that he doesn't consider you uh his enemy and he said that if you guys ever crossed paths that he wouldn't you know yeah or anything of that sort he has no animosity towards you is what he said yeah he right that's cool do you look at kefidi as an enemy no you don't no you don't look at keithy as an enemy nah nah and if I did I definitely wouldn't say it on on camera should nobody had no internet wants to be towards me they've seen the footage that man was wrong it's a [ __ ] man you know if you're a U.S fan I know you love him you know the man I think he was wrong in attacking Orlando I think that had nothing to do with him I think that he he played a role in his in his demise unfortunately yeah you know I'm saying he he didn't have to do that and if he wanted it done he could have just had someone else do it exactly yeah he had an actual security the [ __ ] biggest rapper in the world I wouldn't put hands on someone to fight a robin with him I have security right here sitting next to him you know I mean like me you think I want them great feeling yeah if I tell him what would it jump back then they just [ __ ] we was doing this [ __ ] way before death row even came out dude I did actually ask Edie because I told her that we're gonna have an interview today and I asked him if he would like to ask you a question a video question on camera and he actually did record a question can I go ahead and play it for you oh yeah yeah I'm glad I appreciate the opportunity if I had one question I would ask qvd if he uh is an admitted gangster like he said why he doing so many interviews I was always taught gangsters moving silence that's about it I do more movies either I think that's a fair question okay against movements are you right how can I [ __ ] move us out of you you making it loud Greg Caden making it loud everybody making it [ __ ] loud him too you know what I'm saying I came down here to defend myself you know what I'm saying yeah well I mean that's why I came out you man you know how many people you talk you talking about me like a dog mother who me people have talked you know have said what they said about you but I don't think you've ever heard me say anything negative about you have you me personally yeah yeah and I'm gonna tell you another thing I didn't like what you did you did that uh go ahead you did that six nine [ __ ] you trying to put me on the same pedestal with him man come on homie I'd have to see the I'd have to see the video no you said it in a little cartoon you said it but a cartoon you did a little cartoon that you see me are you like this DVD I didn't respond to you you said you sent a little cartoon where uh well I was his defense attorney or something six nine oh I didn't make that cartoon I know what you're talking about yeah no wait hold on that was a cartoon made by Phil no Phil novap I know who they are and they had you on there just going damn they weren't they weren't putting you next to six nine they were just having you say your little catchphrase damn and this dude right here so so so I never did that cartoon okay this dude right here this [ __ ] ain't been through half the [ __ ] I've been through dude you just all these rappers always got some [ __ ] them to say they need to shut the [ __ ] up you know what I'm saying all y'all is [ __ ] rappers dude you know [ __ ] gangster you know I'm here to defend my [ __ ] self my honor [ __ ] Okay that's why I'm here now so Boosie saying that you saying that Orlando shooting Tupac made Orlando hated worldwide and that and that's what he feels that he has an issue with no he said uh he said I was a [ __ ] me and freeway was a [ __ ] snitch and I answered him back I hit him back I seen the interview yeah yeah that [ __ ] snitch who are you boosie you get us through the platform who the [ __ ] are you you [ __ ] you ain't like using damn gangster out here dude you know what I'm saying well you said you know Boosie should go wipe down with some lotion yeah you need to wipe it yeah Boosie actually responded and said yeah you know I do get Ashley sometimes he actually laughed about almost every day I can tell anybody to fix that [ __ ] getting some lotion and some baby oil to mix that [ __ ] he also he also Boosie actually said that he has no beef with you okay yeah but you need this well you know before I wrap up I just kind of want to get your take on a couple things that have happened that's really outside of your situation like for example since our last interview nipsy hustle got killed and Eric Holder who was basically in the same gang as Nipsey he was a rolling 60s [ __ ] as well just got convicted for murder and he just got 60 years when you look at that situation you know growing up in a [ __ ] environment number one have you ever seen that have you ever seen Crips kill each other in yourself yeah oh that's that's a sad thing my generation we don't kill Crips My Generation we we don't we don't fight against Crips or nothing we weren't separated it wasn't on the end of the car it wasn't the Hoover Car which was all Chris man we stuck together like white on rights man it was machine motion man you know what I'm saying machine emotion My Generation don't do that don't kill a lot of the Crips you know what I'm saying we just don't do that I mean I was happy in death row though a lot of the Bloods you know me and Bob James talked about that like he literally had like a list of all the Bloods they were killing each other you know yeah it was a mess yes it was a mess over there but you're saying the South Side Crips were doing that to each other yeah well I would say that we stick together now got it and I know my generation as far as uh people my age we we was really Chris man there was no separation in the end of the car I went over a gangster guard when the Hub in the dub we was all Chris man yeah yeah see motion man yeah man it was sad it was sad because I I had interviewed Nipsey before I'd run into it and have conversations man and you know and his death actually you know United the the rolling 60s and the eight trays that have been beefing for like 30 or 40 years so they actually had a peace peace walk together for the first time ever that's good you know shout out to Big you you know organize that yeah that's my boy yeah you know big you yeah I was uh I was in strc Woody back in 88. big you said something interesting in our in our uh interview that we did a while back he said that if he hadn't been in prison Suge wouldn't have been able to run around La with all the Bloods and everything else like that and run [ __ ] the way he was doing if he would have if he would have been out if he would have been out yeah that's right again so you got some power yeah you got power here he does yeah he didn't say that as an insult he just said hey you know it's just I have some powers back then but he was he was running wild and he was up under our umbrella you know what I'm saying our gangster operator with my partner okay so you guys were affiliated with the rolling 60s I'm just saying uh shook was up over there our umbrella my partner that was in the feds yeah that's why you know what I'm saying uh okay I see what you're saying he's up under our umbrella dude yeah gangster umbrella and he was getting our money you understand and I was doing it for the street level and he was doing it for hours of business level we had the same ball stuff what'd you think of a Lamar Tate uh well he's the actor that actually played you in the uh in the movie oh that was [ __ ] the Biggie and Tupac movie man that was [ __ ] he was here that was [ __ ] man you heard it all flattered that someone was actually playing a character on you on a major movie and that dude man they just that was The Stereotype game anger dude you know what I'm saying that wasn't me dude you weren't happy with the portrayal you don't know that was [ __ ] did they talk to you at all did they reach out or they didn't pay me or nothing dude I ain't gonna even say no but they wrong right they supposed to reach out even the companies are supposed to reach out to pay me they just did my images and everything the little football players high school students getting I mean the college students getting paid behind their name images and license and [ __ ] well I think the way it works though with like a uh yeah it's like a public figure and also someone that if they're involved and they know you they can portray you based on their own recollection and stuff like that it gets it gets weird I mean listen I mean if you look at the show situation the reason why he's in prison right now was because he wanted to get paid for his portrayal in Straight Out of Compton yeah and he tried to go to Compton and push the line and ultimately end up yeah you know Terry ended up dead and you know what I'm saying and he ended up doing 28 years now yeah yeah exactly yeah so you know but you didn't know that that wasn't me though I want brianni zoos dude I I would like a a Clinton man I don't wear no [ __ ] you know sang in my pants come on man I have my breaches up dog and I was flying crocodiles three thousand dollars oh man Rolex watches and all that come on that that was a bad portrayal okay have you been following what's happening in Atlanta with the whole YSL Young Thug have you ever had a RICO case yourself they was trying to do that but they figured out we we wouldn't all getting our [ __ ] from the same place okay yeah when you look at what's happening when you look at these rappers who are multi-millionaires making all this money only to get wrapped up in a RICO case do they doing this [ __ ] backwards do they remind you of the sugar situation a little bit huh does it remind you of the sugar situation yeah I would have said well I got all that money man what the [ __ ] this would you get the money for they doing it backwards I don't know what the hell they they wait to get all that money and join the game that's stupid as hell to me that's stupid yeah people our generation is trying to get up out that [ __ ] we we grew up in it and we trying to get out trying to advance our family trying to get us a business you know what I'm saying trying to get us a home so our family uh you know generation wealth you have kids you have four kids yeah your your youngest son is right here in the room with us did any of your kids join a gang no they better not join the whole game especially my daughters okay right because I think you're saying before the interview so I'm still in the streets you're like no you're not you got to check them right there yeah he better be doing that [ __ ] behind my back right yeah yeah exactly because I I already did that for them most of my kids went to college all that [ __ ] okay my grandson is able to go to college eight balling someone a couple of them going to make the pros good yeah is that conversation that you guys had was it like listen you're not gonna do this yeah I lost a quarter of my life I lost you see what the [ __ ] I want all the money oh [ __ ] yeah everything yeah [ __ ] ain't worth it [ __ ] is not worth it at all you know what I'm saying if I if I could go back because I was going to UCLA when I was in high school I should have stuck that [ __ ] out dude all them dudes I was in that program with me is rolling you know what I'm saying yeah you're taking a little longer but they rolling they successful they had to look behind their back and had to go through all this turmoil all this [ __ ] I should have stayed in that program and made it rich man like they did right and especially now in 2023 yeah like if that Vegas situation with Park happened right now oh yeah it would have been it would have been solved in 38 seconds yeah right here yeah them all they would have had things back in the day they used to say yep they used to say we're going we're gonna we're gonna chip up everybody put a chip in everybody hand or forehead they got the chip in your hand with that phone man yeah you know what I'm saying oh yeah that phone was the chip no if that you know where you're at and everything if that Las Vegas situation happened right now there would have been 30 cell phone yeah right there right there they would have triangle yeah yeah locations everywhere videos there's probably some satellites they probably couldn't last referenced yeah yeah man it's not worth it to be a criminal you know what it is it ain't yeah you guys the Golden Era where you guys were running wild that's over over years over done yeah yeah Keith man appreciate you coming back in okay no problem I see you're still healthy yeah you know you had cancer at one point yeah and you beat it I read it yeah right it's a colon cancer I told you I'd be three of the baddest entities on the world in the world United States government [ __ ] cancer in the streets there you have it that's how we're gonna end it appreciate you coming in okay okay
Channel: djvlad
Views: 1,256,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Id: 1rwwqu6zaX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 12sec (8052 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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