Unique Mecca Audio on Being Drug Kingpin, Michael Jackson, Biggie, Rich & Azie (Full Interview)

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foreign ique unique Mecca Hall uh known as unique Mecca audio uh welcome to the Vlad TV show thank you brother thank you so I'm going to jump jump right into it right so you were born in 1964 May 1964 to uh Aston Hall and Mary Garvey in Kingston Jamaica now the name Garvey that that stands out so on on a little research we find out that your mother's father and Marcus Garvey were first cousins yes so that that's That's Heavy lineage obviously that might explain a lot about I grew I grew up seeing pictures I grew up seeing pictures of Marcus Garvey and my grandfather in our home in Jamaica but you know is it you know as a kid you don't pay that no mind you don't know what's going up a foreign that's what we call America you don't know what's going on so you know I've seen pictures and never paid it no mind and then you know when I come afaring that's what we call America when I come up here you know I got you know right into you know survival mode so as far as learning the history and things like that being that I wasn't in school never really learned it had no disrespect you know took my legacy never really cared about it I was just worried about surviving this new world and you know that was cold as hell yeah that made that made that made a lot of sense it made a lot of sense and I'm sure that um your great great uh cousin um would would completely understand you're going at that you know going at it like that um so you know you grew up in Kingston Kingston is now still struggler's place and it was a struggles place even more so back then right so um you grow very poor and on many occasions you went went to bed without eating um tell us about the early years of your life and how you managed as a very small kid in Jamaica before you left oh I mean you know like my first memory that I remember the most that I tell my grandkids about come old man now you know been in jail 26 years so you know my children were seven I come out of jail 26 years later and I got grandkids seven you're not me so if you could understand that but you know I didn't get my first pair of shoes until I got my Visa and I was getting ready to come on the plane to come to America you know which was January 15 1972 and the first day I came up had a little thin soup you know what I mean at my first pair of shoes when I was getting ready to get on the plane to come to America but you know growing up down there I remember things as far as we lived right across the street from the police station anybody in Jamaica I know of 16 Wellington Street you know Franklin tone goalie you know 60 you know so we write a call from the police station so I grow up you know watching the police bring in criminals and we had one TV channel in Jamaica and all that showed was John Wayne movies and cowboy movies do you know what I mean so that's where the names the Posse like up here we say Cruise that's where Pisces come from because they used to round up posses to go get the bad guys you know what I mean so when we started becoming bad guys we started being labeled as posses you know so the police used to bring people in and they on a horseback just like in the movie and they got them tied up with a piece of rope you know what I mean and they got the criminal dragging them behind with the horse when they fall down they kept going and dragging them and as a kid I'm seeing this but growing up down there seeing that and hearing the people talk about it it was like you know they was I was superheroes those same men that was being dragged by horses you know through the town to get to the police station so it's not like no one ever said you know oh here's a doctor here's a lawyer here's a plumber even here's a garbage man because we didn't even have garbage man we had what them call it Gully and where I'm at Kingston 16 the Gully separate where I'm at you're not me so it's like you just go throw your garbage out you didn't have garbage man so there's no professions to look up to other than the criminal you know aspect of life you know what I mean so you know of course when they're bringing them in everybody's talking about why he got arrested you know what I mean like you know oh yeah um he he had sex with a 15 year old girl or 12 year old girl or he raped a girl or he was robbing you know the stores or he was robbing people and you hearing these things but then now those didn't really stick to me until you know and this is what shaped you know who I became and let me say for the record I'm not proud of it not bragging about it nothing like that that's why I got my YouTube channel a unique makeup audio you know I mean I try and tell the youth so they understand that as high as I made it up the totem pole it wasn't worth it you know what I mean and um for the first time I watched my YouTube channel with my mother who's 87 because she's living up here now so she watched The Joint that I did with um Matula Shakur on a tribute to my son's birthday last Thanksgiving and she was proud of me you know what I mean and it's nothing more than you know a mother being proud of what you do and you know back in um you know back to Jamaica so you understand when the people from the island left to come a foreign you know so I might switch back into Jamaican and come back on food so do that no pet no mind you know when them come a firing in them do them things and them start you know sell them con and you know that's weed you know you know do them things up yeah and they send money back they became Heroes that became our Robin hoods you know I mean those are the ones and then when they came down they brought big barrels you know the clues used to be shipped in barrels that were solid so that you know whatever is in it whether it's appliances or whatever don't break and you pack it between the clothes but when they came down they came down with with barrels of you know American Goods when we had nothing back then um let's say a Twinkie in Jamaica might cost fifteen dollars you know what I mean yeah for a Twinkie like fifteen dollars that in America costs 10 cent you know what I mean because the the the the money ratio was different yeah but now when these men come back down and they come with barrels of clothes with radio and TV and I never even see the color TV until you know even when I came to America I didn't see a color TV my neighbor had a color TV used to watch the um the baseball games on but we didn't have a color TV in our house until we moved to a house out in New Jersey you know what I mean but just to go back meaning so imagine somebody sending a call of TV to Jamaica back then you know that's the Hebrew you know what I mean and everybody's talking about oh man you know unique said this so covario said this or Bootsy send this you know what I mean or D saying this so it's like you know those became the heroes of the land right so you grew up in that as a eight nine year old kid man you know I mean from those years like you said but it's like you're seeing this and you're hearing this so it's like this is what you have to do to get respect so at what point when you come to that conclusion this being crime you have to do you have to be able to get to the resources so you can do things like that and get the respect and be a hero in the hood whatever so at what point as a small child in yard did you start to say mama get out here I have to get out here and do things no but [ __ ] that's what I'm saying you know my life is unique you know what I mean to you know no pun intended the way it was growing up over there it's like we don't know they're doing crime in America you know what I mean because what's being told to us is that they got money growing on trees in America you just walk out the door and pick money off trees like leave pine tree you know that's what I grew up hearing from I was seven six years old you're going firing enough money I drop punched upon the grown like dirt you know what I mean no one is saying they up there robbing killing selling drugs none of that is even told to us you know what I mean because we don't know what's going on and when a child goes to America and their parents is still back in Jamaica the child is not telling the mother yeah come on today and take 15 kilos uh make her do this they just send home a barrel of clothes and they say oh my baby up there doing good in America and then you look out for the neighbors and everybody happy you know what I mean but nobody know the Bloodshed the struggle that was going on up there you understand and don't forget it wasn't like you know because we was all soldiers I was a Child Soldier we was all soldiers that's what I wanted yeah no we're going to get into that let me ride let me ride all right now you know we was all soldiers so it's like when you go to America you know you you you you you you join um a crew you know what I mean which lady like I said was labeled as posses but once you get with that that Posse and you start doing you you know you had casualties you had people that died people that got killed people that got murdered people that got decapitated you understand but none of those bodies was sent back like in the military to say that he died at War you know what I mean it's just been oh such and such died in America and it was downplayed you know what I mean and you know I think a lot of the violence came from growing up where we didn't go to a local butcher shop to see them you know I mean uh to go buy a chicken already killed in the feathers plucked and things like that you got chickens growing in the yard and you grab a chicken and your grandfather tell you all the chicken out on stretch out their neck you know what I mean and your grandfather chop off the chicken neck and the blood squirt up in your face and you dropped the chicken and the neck and the chicken running around with no head on it you know what I mean and as a little child I'm like oh snap you know man you scared to death but now when you see that and your grandfather say well y'all doing stop being up stop being a blood clot look a gal you know what I mean I just Chicken Nut you know what I mean so it's like you you lose Humanity you understand I'm saying to care about life you know what I mean because your grandfather telling you is six seven years old don't jump because you see a chicken get his head cut off so as you grow up a chicken get his head cut off or human getting his head cut off it in your mind it it Blends in as one you know what I mean so that's why when Jamaicans come up here you know back in those times people look at it like you know like you know we was evil we was this we was that no we were surviving we had to chop the chicken head off to eat so if a man come try and wrap your herb gauge you might have to chop his head off so you can continue to eat or the gold or the other or the cow okay exactly but when he was a little chicken because I remember hauling down the chicken from my grandfather down in my chop off the neck you know what I'm eating the chicken running around with no head first day I was scared after that I used to kick the chicken you know what I mean yeah the chicken running with no because they running crazy because you got no head so the chicken is gonna run into you so when the chicken run into you your girlfriend said kick him kick him so you kick the chicken out the way and you you got no feeling for you know what I mean and like in America they care about dogs and cats you know what I mean don't get old you're taking my back chop his head off and throw him in a gully you understand what I'm saying think about somebody saying right now they chop off a head of a dog in 2022. you know what I mean or kill a cat in 2022 they say oh no calling ASPCA but in Jamaica that was the norm you know what I mean that you can't eat because your food is limited and or you could give it the dog the little bit of scraps you have so we have what we call Jamaica Maga dog you know what I say a Maga dog is a skinny dog you know what I'm gonna say so you have a Maga dog I come up to you and and get two Margaret where you see him ribs that stick out on them things their grandfather say oh no word no no just chop off a middle and put them in a gully you understand what I'm saying and just as simple as that so imagine you were seven years old hearing your grandfather say chop off the dog head and get rid of him I'm too Margaret you know what I mean and can't do nothing only thing was worth something down there was the cat you know I mean because they kept the rats away but me myself at 58 I'm scared of cats I'm gonna talk about that maybe on your joint uh uh but I'm scared the death of cats if I go to somebody house and there's a cat on the front step and I gotta walk up to that front door I'm gonna throw a rock at that cat I'm gonna say shoot that cat but I'm not walking nowhere near that cat you understand what I'm saying what because yeah because I was traumatizing from the stories in Jamaica because it's very superstitious down there where you know they say you know the cat walked the Earth in the in the in in the body you know of the devil you know what I mean that's why they could see in the dark you know what I mean and you know you know you walking in a cat come swiveling out from behind old dog building and you already scared to walk by the building and here come a cat come out just ignore him you know what I mean so it was a lot of stories that was told from growing up in the island that affect me you know I'm talking about me and I'm sure certain things affected other people growing up in Jamaica you understand I'm saying that they took into their adulthood all right so there was a a point when you were a child that there was a really dangerous political um environment and you got involved in some of the political behavior that was you know part of that how old would you what were the things that you were involved with and how did that ultimately lead to you leaving yard or Jamaica all right uh in the in the early 70s when Michael Manley you know first came up down there and got into Power um we saw where it was going like they picked certain areas that they wanted to build up you know I mean I say build up that you know that's building little Shanty houses those are the little Huts but they call it building up so you know when he's running for office and then when he started you know um when siega came down and then they started you know having the two different parties you know vying for votes like how you got the Democrats and the Republicans right now when you got them vying for votes they didn't give us picket signs and tell us to go pass out pamphlets and hold up a sign you know what I mean they gave us you know bottles with gas in it you know with cloth in it and they tell you you know see that Ballot Box throw that over there and burn that down because then I'll vote for our people anyway we don't need them in our neighborhood I don't know why they put them away also and you know what I mean so you know just from that and my mother and father at the time was in America trying to save up money to bring us up so of course they heard about you know the struggles and where and where everything was brewing up to so from here and that they started making Escape for us so at first you know being there I had six uh Three Brothers Three Sisters had six brothers and sisters my mother um you know was told to you know bring up the oldest ones and leave the youngest ones then she was told to bring up the youngest ones that leave the oldest ones but my mother was like nah I'm bringing up all my kids at one time because all of them got to get out there I don't want to leave nobody behind in that you understand what I'm saying so my mother wound up um you know she was working as a I ate up here for some you know Europeans we call them white people you know I mean she working for them up here as far as like nurses aid and things like that living caretaker and then she got in a car accident and uh got a lawsuit got some money so the first thing she did with her money was sent for all of us and brought us up here but when we came up we didn't we wasn't told that it was a political war we never even heard those words politics growing up you know what I mean it's just it was more like an invasion into our area and we protecting our area so you know when I come to America it's not like you know Mom said oh don't get involved in the political disc I'm kidding you know what I mean but now I go visit my family members um that's um that's in Brooklyn and from being with my family members in Brooklyn you know what I mean these are the older ones that's 15 16 when I was like eight nine and that's where we learned all of this you know I mean as far as survival you know me and you know that's what they got here yeah that's when I got here what led to you leaving yeah what led to me leaving was all the political violence that was going on that I didn't know was it was political you know what I mean where you participated yes that's what I'm telling you they used to give us uh bottles with gas in it to throw rocks to throw so they had you doing arson work yeah I mean nobody I don't call it none of that and even looked at none of that bottom lines I was keeping the enemy out you know what I mean so you know it's not like you know I I I I I knew what the agenda was the agenda to me was keeping the enemy out and keeping our area safe I couldn't find things yeah yeah you understand what I'm saying what what ultimately happened but as I got older if where you're getting that as I got older when I got to America now my older family members they explained to me what was really going on and that's where I really learned it from up here and that's when you know shout out to [ __ ] used to have everybody put in a certain amount of money so that they could get barrels to send back you know that's a battery vessel big shout out family you know Donnie Bowens I know all things Tony tough on everybody you know um they say they used to send barrels back you know and you know buy guns and send guns back which was considered as vote Getters because it's no longer you know we're talking about in 72 so we didn't have guns like that because I'm here it wasn't even a gun problem in America then so we were using Rock Stones bottles and knives and you know we made what they call a one pop which is a gun out of a handlebar we take a bullet in here put in a handy bar and cut the handlebar you remember this yeah the sweet and handlebars so you know you make a one pop you know what I mean and you know that's what created you know like Del Rosy you know what I mean that's a whole nother topic you know what I mean yep yeah so um when you left yard how were you um gotten out of it because you you had to kind of sneak out you had to kind of when you live in Jamaica it's not like you said hey I'm getting ready to go to America my mother say I'm taking my picnic of them I mean kids to America no you had you had to keep everything under harsh you know where I met my mom telling me don't tell nobody you're going to America don't tell nobody you're leaving because once they hear that that's where the problems come because it's like crabs in a barrel you understand I'm saying nobody wants if you're not married the next crab to escape if they still got to be there um there was some some men who were considered to be real badmin that helps y'all to get to leave why was why was that necessary no that was necessary because it was it was set up in like political lines you know what I mean and you gotta go through the different political parties to you know I mean uh Landscapes yeah to get where you need to go so of course you know you know um big shout out to Claudia mossup you know what I mean I mean but you know it's just you had to sneak out under the cover of Darkness man you understand what I'm saying because it's like just like in prison I learned that when I got in prison when people get ready to leave prison that's when people bring problems to them because they don't want them to leave you understand when people get ready to leave the islands they bring problems to them they want to leave so therefore uh I helped a lot of people escape prison after they finished serving their time you understand what I'm saying because they get close to the time I'm telling dude you can't talk nobody you're getting ready Lincoln he's still got life like I got life I just want the best for you because I'm your friend but he's not your friend so he don't want to picture you out there you know laying up with a woman or with your kids and all that when he can't touch his never again you know what I mean so you know that's how it is where you know your close-knit friends is the ones that help keep your secret to get you out of there excellent so now you are in um the states right this is uh 1972 January 15 1972 you're eight years old I turned eight in May right so you so you and your siblings y'all come to the United States and you arrive in New York City yeah we arrived at Kennedy airport but my mother and father had a house but not a house they had a one bedroom in a apartment in Hackensack New Jersey you know what I mean so that's where we went first but all my family the the the garvey's on Vita on love big shout out to Sandra you know at the farmers that's my family members they were still living in Brooklyn like on Pitkin Avenue and you know I mean in different parts of Brooklyn but my mother and father when they when my mother came up on her visa she went to like Somerset New Jersey to live with a white woman that you know she was a caretaker for so that's how we walked up there because they had visas you know for the you know women back then like how now they got the work visas where Jamaican men come up to um pick oranges in Florida for the summer and then they go back down you know but my mother came up on her on a full visa to take care of a white woman's family in New Jersey and from that that's how she got to the Jersey area but my other family members came up and went to Brooklyn so those are the ones that I used to go visit from I was eight years old you know on Sunday your parents take it or visit your family members you ain't seen from Jamaica and then when you go over there you get to see what's going on like I had an aunt you know um on Vita um that Sandra's uh mother right um Vita used to um she lived on picking Avenue she used to lock Us in the apartment you know what I mean had like a dead boat lock so when you go over there she locked you in when you couldn't even leave the house and I used to always talking about I'm not trying to go down video you can't even leave the damn house and she had a train went right over her head every night like every 10 minutes you understand what I'm saying so we could do is look out the window of the train but then we had other cousins you know that their parents was more lenient gone Vita was really into the Christianity so when you go over there now in the daytime you go out and you're mixing with the people on the streets in Brooklyn and you know family members you go visit them and they got herb Gates so now you go visit a family member eight nine years years old and you sitting down they chopping up weed and weighing up weed and people ringing the doorbell to come get it and you see the big Cutlass and the gun over here and the gun over there and you eight years old and they doing them before you leave they push a little hundred dollars in your pocket and I'm talking about a time when a Cadillac was like six thousand dollars so to get a hundred dollars in your pocket and you know somebody putting it's like man I want to be like him the same way I feel good getting a hundred you know what I mean I want my people to feel good getting 100 you know right so um you come into this environment you're coming out of a unstable environment back in the yard you haven't been exposed to a lot of things so this is all looking real normal to you when do you start to because you're only eight you know so when do you start to actually do your do your thing uh start moving towards moving around the street doing a little no that's what I'm trying to tell you when I when you go visit your family members they running herb Gates and they got to go pick up weed they take you with them they got to pick up the manila envelopes or you know I mean they take you with them and you you you're really being trained but don't even know it you're just spending time with the family but the family don't realize that they're training you you know what I mean you know so they take me to the corner store and I remember we used to go down to uh like you know now that in the 80s when crack came out they started having the um the uh the smoke shops when you go by the the the the bags and glass ceiling bags and all that from a smoke shop but you know my cousins in them they used to go down to like 28th Street to go buy back boxes of it for like two dollars for a box of 500 tray bags you know what I mean and found the cheapest way to buy it because you're bagging up a pound and you might get you know 2 000 tray bags that you got to bag up in a day off a couple of pounds you know what I mean so instead of going to the corner store you know where they would sell them at to buy it for that they found out where they was getting it and they went and got it from them now they're taking me down there so I'm seeing that you Bob to pay pass you know um you know the corner store you understand what I'm saying and you go down to where the connect is at you understand what I'm saying how old are you you know I'm just eight nine years old but I'm seeing how they doing that with just the bags of weed so as they doing that I'm watching and I'm uh equated that to when I started hustling that I don't need to go up to 145th Street to go buy a ounce of crack or you know or crack body grams you know what I mean I want to go get it from the Colombian that's getting it you know what I mean so I'm looking for a connect because my cousins no no I'm just I'm bouncing back and forth to equate the two that what shaped me you know what I mean like I said from watching them by the bags of weed you understand when I'm seven eight years old bypassing the corner store in Brooklyn to take the train with me all the way downtown um to 28th Street to go buy a big bag of boxes and they explained it to me that they want too much at the corner you understand what I'm saying so we come down here and we buy garbage bag of it you know what I mean and we do what we got to do so just from that like I said when I started you know buying the crack I started getting the crack vows from downtown instead of from 158th Street Corner you know crack spot all right so when did you start buying okay of the coke yeah when you start buying it oh man I'll buy the coke from like uh 14 15. you know what I mean um I say about like uh 76 75 76 you know what I mean that's when we was going up you know and you from up that area we also going up to 156th Street I know you're from 57th but we had 100 115 but I lived on 50. yeah no I'm saying uh you know all my peoples from 157th Street I'm saying you know big shout out to Juani Tony mommy the whole family you already know one uh chocolatte but you know um we had 158th Street that was a major Coke block then yeah exactly and we also had 163rd Street again between Broadway and Amsterdam but then you had the base houses that was like on um 156th Street 157th a base house is where you know the people that was freebasing was at this before crack you know what I mean yes a big shout out to Nanny hey you know what I mean but that's where all that was at so from back then you know we was buying Coke because I was buying Coke to take it back to Brooklyn to um sell it and um you know it big shout out to buck dance you don't I mean people were watching this they know what I'm talking about is factual I'm talking over there between on Schenectady between uh Sterling and pop you know what I mean it was a pool hall over there we were selling the little glass scene bags you know um with some of the little glassing bags of uh Heron is what my cousin them was selling but that's because if I was into the Heron which I'm on the late 70s you know I mean early 80s so they into the Heron so I used to go uptown to 158th Street 163rd Street and I bought cold coin and bring it back and you know back it up a little ten dollar glass scene vials because you know the Americans started speedballing you know right so that's where we at so when did you actually start your criminal career your law of breaking at what age were you when you started seeing if I'm saying about 10 11 because I used to go to my cousin's house and like I said well I go to the herb Gates and they got they you know they got their weed they selling all that so they used to give me weed or I steal weed pocket weed when I'm bagging it up and I take it back and I sell it to the neighbors like I had a friend uh that lived right next door to me in New Jersey you know what I mean um I wrote about that in um in my actual autobiography that you read you know and uh he was a he was a homosexual you know what I mean but at that age I didn't know what a homosexual was I just knew he was different sure I didn't have him running around in the yard you know I mean not hell no now this is in New Jersey you know what I mean but he lived next door to me but he was into the Heron you understand what I'm saying and my cousin them had her on so when I used to go over there I used to tell them y'all I got a dude next door to me that he'd be messing with that [ __ ] too and he'd be like yeah and they give me a bundle you know what I mean on the strength they didn't tell me oh don't do this it's bad to do this is wrong to do this I'm 11 years old they give me a bundle of Heron you understand what I'm saying just on the strength not say oh take this and bring this back they give me up on the Heron I take it out there and I started selling to the dude and I saw how happy he was and it was ten dollars for the bag over there I'll give it to him for twenty dollars you know what I mean so then I started acting like I had to go to New York to get it you know what I mean and then I tell them I want fifty dollars for the bag you know what I mean because I got to go to New York to get it I got to take the bus and they want more where I'm going and being that he was a uh he was a homosexual um he used to dress like a woman and everything you know I mean you know his mannerism was like a woman but he still wore men clothes so he couldn't really go nowhere because when he walked he was you know real feminine where he's twitching and you could tell that he was gay you understand so at that time they was ostracized it wasn't like now where you could see a gay man walking down the street and there's nothing so imagine a gay man walking up into a you know um the courtyard on 146th Street between uh seventh and eighth you know the San Antonio egg you already know so you know so I used to tell him that I was going over there to get it and they would charge me that so I told him give me fifty dollars a bag and I'll go get it you know what I mean so I'll leave run out the backyard sneak back in through the other side of the house and I just go in there chill out with my brother for about an hour and then I'll come back out the backyard and I'll go back and see him and act like I just went all the way to the Courtyard in Harlem to get it and saw 50 for the bag that my cousin gave me for nothing you understand what I'm saying and we're talking about in the 70s man fifty dollars is a lot of money yeah you buy a whole Aurora racing track for fifty dollars back then fifty dollars to get you what 250 200 and get you now you know what I mean you know yeah um so so now you you know you starting to roll you you touching you touching the material um but you're not you're not using material no I didn't start using I started using when I started robbing houses in Jersey you know what I mean I started robbing houses how did that come about how did the the rock you said robbing the houses came prior to the using of the drugs yeah the robin of the houses is what led to the using the drugs all right so how did that come about how did that go oh man I mean I met my uh my big homie Leroy big shout out to Leroy Salters you know what I mean my homie Leroy Salter just moved out the Jersey um from the Bronx and you know we started robbing houses together and as we robbing the houses you know I knew the places in Washington Heights to go take this stuff we were stealing like the betamax you know it's before VCR you know like the betamax you know I mean the color TV the stereo so we'll Rob them and we'll take it over there to New York when you take it to New York to the coke spots up there where you was at Broadway and Amsterdam they didn't want to give you all cash so they'll give you half cash and have cocaine you understand what I'm saying so you go up there and let's say they you know they tell you I I give you uh two grams of coke and fifty dollars you know what I mean three grams of coke and 200 but they don't want to give you the whole 500 to 700 you want for so as they did that we started getting a Coke and I wasn't into using it so I used to just give it to Leroy you know what I mean I let him take that you know what I mean and you know me Jeff you know man you know you know uh Mike atteberry Andre cook you know I mean like I said uh big Jeff you know all of us you know we all did time for it was all big burgers we started all that that later on spawned into what they called the 007 gang because as time went on they started putting the stashes in the cars and they did it big you know I mean big shout out dude I mean yeah the kids are teenagers [ __ ] I'm not I'm not gonna say their names yes you know then I mean exactly you know they're doing some things with the movie and if there's anything I could do to help promote it I'm here for them you understand what I'm saying but you know you know we all been through the struggle because we were so close to New York and had access to New York and no guidance of New York that we went over there and did what we did you understand what I'm saying but you know um Leroy started smoking first and then he introduced me to it and you know um smoking cocaine yeah so yeah this before uh crack this free base this is to go to the base house and then you know half the coke was mine I used to give him the Coke and keep the money you know what I mean so of course then you know I'm like you know we've seen half of it in Minds anyway I went he was getting high didn't look like he was doing nothing to him so I saw the Freebase in cocaine but I mean at this time remember the first time he did it ah that was at Nanny's house on um 150 158th Street you know what I mean but at that time now mind you so you understand which you already understand so the viewers understand at this time the Freebase man he was the [ __ ] the Freebase is equivalent to it you smoking you know that chronic now that Sour Diesel you know what I mean because we said we were just talking about the champagne exactly we used to go to disco fever you know what I mean with Grant Master Flash fantastic five fuel is five with everybody Starsky and we'd be in the back of the uh uh disco fever and all the big money makers was back there Freebase and they used to rent the pipes bottles and do everything so these are my oh these are my Elder peers so I'm seeing them they doing it so to me it's nothing because they doing it I went down listen up fly listen I went down I went down to um Studio 54. you know what I mean and I saw Michael Jackson in them in this free boats and Burt Reynolds all them Freebase and cocaine you understand what I'm saying you saw Michael Jackson yeah in studio 54. you saw Burt Reynolds hitting the fight like that's that's major no I mean you know that was their Club so you know what I mean you go in there and it falls off the hook yeah but but it was nothing hidden you know what I mean like it's like you know like another one that a lot of people [ __ ] rubber the rubber couches yeah come on man let's not forget Plato's Retreat you know what I mean but these are places that they used to go to freebase and don't forget um yeah Isaac Hayes that came out that you know lost everything you had Millie Jackson big shout out to Millie Jackson you know what I mean you had uh uh uh Richard Pryor That want to upset himself on fire that's how we got out that people were smoking but nowadays because the government made it so accessible to the poor people you know what I mean that's what made it why they called it crack and now they just pushed it on everybody but the the richest of the rich when they did it went broke the richest of the rich when they did it went broke but we wanted to be like the rich ones so we wanted to smoke because they smoking remember those are pigs yeah it was flying the same way we want Yeezys you understand what I'm saying to say well we want Jordans you understand I'm saying so that's how it was but of course today's time you'll get people that are talk crazy and say stuff like you know I mean oh I wouldn't have did that because they doing it no that was the hip thing to do you understand we had the full full club like I said you know you're going in the Disco fever that all y'all heard about that was a base house in the back right you know what I mean the hilltop remember the hilltop that was a base house anywhere you go you go up in there and use the Freebase Cocaine man you know what I mean and like I said only living in the front and freebasing in the back exactly you know so we wasn't raised like drugs was you know it was wrong right you understand because of Madison none of that education a matter of fact I even remember seeing on the news and y'all looked this up challenge me on anything look this up they had the drugs off for the United States go on American TV and said that cocaine was not a gateway drug and it was not addictive so you got the government in Washington telling you it's not a gateway drug telling you it's not addictive you know what I mean so now everybody felt like well my rich neighbor is doing it so let me try it you understand what I'm saying but then once they they they put in the black neighborhoods and made it accessible at twenty dollars a bottle ten dollars a bottle stuff like that big shout out to doo-wop yeah you understand what I'm saying because I dropped the prices down to one dollar bottle you understand you did that yeah I did that man I couldn't figure out who the hell was doing that man after eight o'clock I was selling my bottles for one dollar a piece just so I could just finish what I had to start over fresh in the morning so so okay all right so I never thought about that because I was like hold one second I know how much time it takes and expense there is associated with getting the bottles and then having somebody to pay somebody to bottle the bottles so I'm like how many you got to sell a thousand bottles to make a thousand dollars so what was in these bottles these one dollar bottles one hit one hit and that's what they paid three dollars for but like I said I used to smoke so I already know so I already know if I give it to them for a dollar they're gonna come back tomorrow so they have used to have lines waiting for eight o'clock I'll be like nah it's only 7 58 come on get out of here three dollars a bottle you know what I mean and you know and you run them you know what I'm saying but you know it is what it is man it was a whole different time and then the uh then the government went to switch it to say that you know what I mean uh it's illegal you know what I mean um we're gonna put mandatory minimum anybody that sell it gonna get locked up you understand what I'm saying anybody get possession gonna get locked up but back then a white person get caught with crack it either disappeared or it stayed in the state court you know what I mean where they didn't really have no laws on it in the state court for how to deal with it from the weight that's right so that was like this is simple possession but a black person get caught with the same thing they wound up going to prison you know what I mean with a mandatory minimum starting at 10 years that's right you know big shout out to my man Jake you know what I mean um they know who Jake is from Harlem Jake was locked up got caught with five grams five grams so hard yeah I mean yeah ain't got a life sentence for five grams they must have been mitigating circumstances no it was because it was involved in a conspiracy you know what I mean and then they took the five grams and added the five grams time how many times you know the people said he sold it to him and you know I mean and calculated that and turned that five grams in a whole bunch but he only got caught with five grams you know right so um is he still in prison no he's home he wind up I'm beating him and going home because you know that was crazy time he was giving us look at me I got called with 330 kilos of crack cocaine you know they say they was giving doing me a favor and dropping it to 255 keys do you know what I mean but still gave me life you understand and I and I made it out but I didn't have no violence on my jacket so with no mitigating circumstances like you said to trigger life but back then just from it being cracked and you got life I remember with some white kids that I used to sell cocaine to me and my brother you know uh my brother had some customers down there in Virginia that we used to sell Coke to you know what I mean every time they got caught they went to say court anytime any of the black people got caught in the same town they went to Federal Court we never seen them again but these white kids kept coming out because they were getting probation in the state court you know what I mean they said extra Duty thinking uh prison you know what I mean they get community service you know for half a key you know what I mean what in the state court but they take us to court to federal court for five grams to give us life and take that five that five uh that half a key 500 grams to give them extra Duty you know what I mean that's crazy community service yeah so all right now you're about say 13 you smoking you hustling you you you're breaking in homes I'm breaking in homes taking the merchandise to New York right uh to Broadway and Amsterdam taking the merchandise to my cousin big shout out to camel rest in peace over in the Bronx taking the merchandise you know I mean to Brooklyn up there to Moody's record shop in the Bronx with plenty of you know fences all over New York then and you know what what are you doing with your money you know I'm going down to Delancey Street buying my Pumas my AJ's my overlaps and my mock necks and leightons to buy my knit front guns in you know I'm living because I'm going to disco fever and you know what I mean I'm all over the place you know man I'm uptown I'm at the mark four I'm at the Ponderosa you know what I mean so I'm on the street I'm in OJ's remember OJ's uh Touch of Class you know he blew his bread smoking yeah but everybody did but like I said 2022 people look at it and say oh you were smoking you know what I mean not everybody was smoking that's the same way people look and say oh he chop the chicken's head off back then everybody did it in Jamaica you know so so now you know you're young fly you're getting money getting high you doing what we did back then you know I I didn't smoke but I definitely sniffed right and it was the Chic thing to do um so at some point you begin to I guess get more violent yeah I got more violent because the streets got more violent as the streets got violent you got to adapt like as the room if you do as the Romans do you understand what I'm saying I mean when people started smoking they they they urged to get it was stronger and their determination was stronger and they they hard like how you know it it in jail we call you know drinking jailhouse wine liquid courage you know what I mean so that crack gave them courage to do things they normally wouldn't do and then when you had you know the Debo type dudes like on Friday when you had them type of dudes as far as getting hooked on freebasing you know now they come in with a whole different energy you're not made to take from you you know what I mean where you got a soul you got somebody to soft press you they got somebody that just press you and then somebody just take it from you soft question and saying come on baby uh homie you know let me get the twenty dollars you know I mean I'm you know you're gonna be I you know you ain't gotta worry about nothing you know what I mean but it's the same dude that if you tell them no he gonna check out let me kill you for this twenty dollars my [ __ ] you understand what I'm saying that's so impressive when you ask politely right and then if they don't want to go for the soft press then you press you know what I mean and then you go even further you're gonna drag them to the spot take everything they got and leave them with a knife man take it right there put their hands around your neck go in your pocket kick you in your ass to take it up out of here man yo it was it they had time taking a bite to the spot they trying to get straight to the cocaine to go get high because they made them want to go you know keep doing more but you know like I said you know I did that for about two three years you know off and on going in and out of Juvenile jail and all that you know what I mean yeah you developed a crew at a point yeah but I mean yeah um like I said Leroy you know Jeff you know oh man you know Mike that was Mike Mike was your your brother-in-law basically was who's the who's the brother-in-law that uh went with you uh up to the hill to stick up the connects and got into a thing yeah that that that's from in the Bronx we talked about um the Jersey crew and the Robin is what we're dealing with they want to hear about that they got to read the book of Roy and Harlem and wait for you to edit the uh official about uh biography we ain't gonna give him too much but like I said get the book of Ruin Harlem if you want to you know get the full understanding what went on you know Mika will be all day you know because I've already said keep my answers short so I got to keep it moving you know what I mean let's move down so okay this is a major part of your developmental experience because what this is is the thing that leads to you catching a very very serious situation very early in life people know that you did 26 years of what was intended to be a life sentence you're supposed to die in prison plus 20 years yeah they know about that but they don't know that there was a previous situation that was just as severe when you were much much younger and it resulted from the drug use and the subsequent violence and the robberies and so forth that came from the robbery they came round up in my house they rapping my house they went to my father's house in New Jersey because the time I'm living in Brooklyn living in the Bronx in the herb Gates I'm all up in Harlem I'm everywhere but you know my brother you know Peter rest in peace with living in Jersey with my father and uh you know um I'm in New York doing what I do and I'm coming over and whenever we get a chance you know I mean like I said me and my homies we went and rob houses and you know we'll take all the stuff back to my father's basement and go through it you know what I mean that's why I read the book of Roy and Harlem that's why I entered it talks about the basement me we go down there we had a big pool table and we'd dump all the jewelry up there and they had some fake jewelry called Monet on Moet you know what I mean you know I'm talking about that with stamp but it looked real or whatever so you had to go through the jewelry find out what was real things like that you take the real jewelry you leave the fake jewelry behind but after about 40 50 burglaries you know and piles of jewelry left on the pool table the police found out it was robbing houses they went to my father Acme if he could search the basement now father he did time because you know like we spoke about he had to charge it you know um against the queen in Jamaica my father did two years in jail and Jamaican was scared to death of anything named police Rest In Peace So when they came to him and actually taking surge the basement he knew I'm down there free Basin and stolen stuff everything down there but he didn't want no parts of it so he allowed them to go in the basement so when he allowed them to go in the basement they found all this jewelry down there the number it was real that's the stuff we couldn't sell or we knew we couldn't sell you know what I mean uh TVs VCR the trinitrons things like that that we we had left over so they went took all that out they took it down to the Teaneck police station and they laid out a bunch of card tables put some sheet on it and laid all the jewelry out and they caught everybody that got robbed you know what I mean in the whole goddamn town and the surrounding towns and told them to come down there and look through it if they see anything that was this so when they see anything that was theirs they said oh that's my earrings so they charged me with that and they said it cost 500 fake jewelry don't cost no 500 but they said it cost 500 because that's what made it a class um see felony you understand what I'm saying so now I'm looking at five years for that somebody said that's my watch another five years so I went up I'm looking like 200 goddamn years from all these different burglaries where they knocked it down to like 80 years and then tried to you know talk about they wanted to give me a life sentence for it and you know all this old crap but how old were you uh facing how many years yeah I was about 14 15. okay you know what I mean so you know after they did all of that um I got a uh what they call a pool attorney because like I said you know it was a crew of us that was Robin so we couldn't get uh if one person and the crew got a public defender someone else had to get a lawyer that wasn't a public defender so it wouldn't be a conflict of interest to have a lawyer at the same office so I got lucky and got a crew up and got a um uh um pool attorney you know big shout out to Joseph cataldi uh you know a little Italian young man at the time in his 20s but he was a private attorney at the time now Joseph can tell that he came in from out of Hackensack if he's still practicing you get in trouble in Jersey go see Joseph cataldi but Joseph pintali came in he looked over the case said man they trying to bury you you know what I mean so he said but I think I got an angle so next thing you know he came back and he told and he told me he said look um being that you don't really live with your father you're in New York you know all the time anyway and you're paying rent to your father just get your father to you know write an affidavit that you're paying rent that that's you know that's your dwelling okay even though I'm a son uh you know I mean and I'm I'm still a child I'm still over in New York I'm still doing what I do you know what I mean so he wrote down that on the affidavit you know I mean that I was paying rent you know because by the time all this went through um um once he wrote that down in the affidavit then they took it to the judge and showed that you know we was paying rent for the for the premises so my father didn't have permission to give them authorization to search and that's what threw everything out so how long oh and then I walked up copping out I want to copping out to like five six of them but the way cataldi wrote it so that because they was gonna have to throw it all out but the way he went about it you know I mean I was looking like maybe it was like six seven of them so look trying to give me like 40 years so can tell they said now we'll take all seven of those that I'm today you know that it's gonna be thrown out but you have to run them all concurrent you know what I mean at the time I just came out of Juvenile jail again I just came out of jail so um that alone when I came out um I was on Parole and I violated parole and I had to go through a revocation hearing so the revocation hearing netted me another five years plus the five years that we copped out to to get everything ran together that was going to get thrown out and I walked up you know back then you do a third of the time so I did 18 months off of the uh offered our our revocation hearing and then I did two years after five years in um in yardsville um Trenton State Prison Jones Farm um what's the other one um Southern State and Annandale and high point now those are adult facilities no they know back then they had what they called um they had what they call indeterminate sentence so you got a seven indeterminate and you know oh when you turn 21 then they send you over into it but being that I pled guilty at the time they made him adult charge and gave me a flat number you know what I mean so once I had a flat number they were sending me through yardsville I got into it in yardsville because I caught somebody breaking in my locker you know beat him in the head with a mop ringer and busted them up real bad gave him a couple of hundred stitches so they sent me over to um to Trenton was that was just supposed to be a holdover to get me away from yardsville where they had the juvenile at at the time but they sent me there for for really for like PC because this dude lived on the compound you know what I mean and I didn't busted him in the head gave him a couple hundred stitches so they don't shot me you know what I mean up up there just to hold me but once I went to what they called Court line you know I was in one left what they call House of Payne back then once I went to court line um and uh beat the court line charge I met a dude named fuquan um that was from Newark New Jersey big fool if y'all from Jersey you know what I'm talking about but when I met fukuan and fukuan is the one that you know let me know that yo you ain't even supposed to be here but you know just stay here cause it's better as a juvenile in in uh but all this all this not supposed to be here yeah yeah because um I'm supposed to have a regular number but um all this ran over into over a period of years from in and out of jail you know what I mean coming out violating probation being on probation so all this took over to about it but just when I turned 18 is when it turned over but it was from the juvenile case that it originally started right so once I get rid of juvenile in a the adult uh hardcore Prince yeah but they did that for PC regardless no no but the fact that they did that had something to do with food being able to give you the information that helped you to get no no exactly because that's what we went back with because then I went and seen if the Old Timer from Jersey no then I went um because they sent me over there to Trenton then you know fooling them did the paperwork in front of them doing the paperwork the jailhouse lawyers at the time because I couldn't read and write they just had me sign the paper I couldn't even sign so they you know we once I did that then they moved me from there to where they called Jones Farm which was like the farm to Trenton State Prison because I guess I wasn't supposed to be there so now after I got there being that I had the violent charge in um in uh what's that yardsville that's what they was using to justify that I needed a Title Security to being a facility you know what I mean but we won the case in Trenton and they sent me the Jones Farm which is a connection to Trenton when you get ready to go home it's like a half house type thing to Trenton so I went to Jones Farm but you know got into it one of the police there you know I mean he caught me and my man Shane rest in peace to Shane from Hackensack called me and Shane smoking up in the Halo and you know started calling us all these [ __ ] and all that so of course I bust him in the face with a pitchfork and then they sent me over to um what's that other one Southern State across from Leesburg so when I get over there to Southern State Food and then we're still doing the paperwork send it to me so I folded out that we won the case so then they said nah they got to put me in a juvenile facility so they moved me from Southern State to Annandale so how long were you in the adult facilities about a year year and a half okay you know what I mean and and so you're you're 15 in this time 15 16 and this time in adult facilities hardcore adult facilities yeah but see back then the good thing I could say about the brothers that they was locking up back then they put you under the wing if they know you're gonna put in work you know I mean it wasn't like how you hear you know they trying to rate this one rape that one knowing the old heads is gonna hold down the youngest and try and guide them you know what I mean but the ones that was doing that was already in prison you understand what I'm saying so you know they were the ones that they wanted to get me a job and um when I got to Southern state in the joint they wanted to get me a job working in um the OM the officer mess home I couldn't cook didn't know nothing about no cooking but I work in the officer mess hall with an old head that took me under the wing and you know like I said from them helping with the paperwork that's how I got the Annandale so when I got to Annandale that's a juvenile facility so just when we won the case the um right before we won it they sent me up to another spot from Annandale called high point so I go up to High Point and when I get up to High Point they was like you know I'm coming like you said from adult you know penitentiaries you know I mean in the state and they send me to a Goddamn camp and this Camp was the worst for where I was at mentally because when I got to the camp it was like they telling you you're in a dorm and they're telling you lights go out at 10 o'clock and you can't talk after 10 o'clock you know what I mean and you right next door to somebody's bunk and you talking to your man yo come out yeah where you from you're okay you're from such and if you got a police that used to walk around and hold the keys and run up and try and catch you talking and then I'm giving you a shot and you get a shot they send you back you know I mean to Annandale you know what I mean so I just got tired of that I told Emmanuel just sent me back to Annandale because all this you know too much rules so they said no only way to get to Annandale is you know I mean if you get in the fight or you get a disciplinary so I just went got all my property threw it up there in the front office and told a man get me out of here I'm gonna punch you in the face so give me a threatening shot you know what I'm saying so then he talks six I smack the [ __ ] out of him and I walked up going back to Annandale and then just when I get there Annandale I won the case about being in these in Trenton and everything and I saw somebody that the people from Jersey know back in the day named Sally Carroll that was the head of the parole office a female and you know as soon as I walked in um as soon as I walked in for my parole hearing you know she just gave me a big hug and just started crying and this the lady that was burning dudes by denying everybody's parole you know what I mean but she gave me a hug and started crying say man I'm so sorry the system did this to you and I'm looking at it like she crazy like did what because to me this just became life you understand what I'm saying and um so she gave me a date um she gave me a date for um October 27th and this was like August so that's when I'm that's how I wound up getting out after all of that turmoil and you know when I came out I walked up you know coming to Harlem and you know because you know I was already in Harlem the Bronx Brooklyn you know what I mean as a kid so when I came out of jail um I went to Harlem on 154th Street and started you know doing me you know what I mean I said [ __ ] you know not everybody freebasing and calling it yeah exactly you know what I mean yeah so that's when everybody was free basing before that now they smoking and now they're getting mad money from it I was seeing pictures of people coming into jail driving 190 mercedes-benza I'm like I don't know what 90 when I used to take a OJ you know what I mean I had a a Lincoln uh mark IV I had a sob but these was you know older cars from selling dope wasn't getting the money they was getting for crack so when I came home when I was in jail and I saw people with these pictures and how they was doing I'm like man I got to get mine I get y'all man you know where am I gonna let them get in I don't get it right so so now you go in with the situation uh the break-ins and all that kind of stuff you go in and you're 14. when you get out you're 17 going on 18. yeah by the time everything is done because like I said it it it's a thing when they give your indeter permanent number in Jersey it's like over here in New York where they get like a a three to life a one to life you know what I mean so it becomes they making it a revolving door you understand what I'm saying so I went in and out went in came out one time I stayed out 30 days one time I stayed out 60 days you know what I mean my stay out two months but you go back and forth by the time my whole turmoil with my um with my criminal activities ended you know what I mean was in 87 and at that time my brother just got locked up in January first 87 my older brother that Peter that no no I'm not talking about Paul my oldest brother that's the roster he's the one that brought me out there him and camel and you know and my peoples in Brooklyn but once I come home he's gone you understand what I'm saying but this is who I watched do everything one of the ones he's gone he's he's in prison he's up north you know what I mean he was doing seven and a half what is it seven and a half to twenty one you know what I mean so now I come home and yeah you know what I mean I was raised to be a soldier so I never thought of doing things on my own I was just taught to do things for him you understand what I'm saying and you know from doing that when I came home he gone so now I had to make my own way and I remember he had this in Harlem you know I mean he had a spot on 154th Street himself a weed spot with um with Jimmy you understand what I'm saying so that's how I know the polo grounds in that area so when I came home I was driving down the street I seen Jimmy I pulled over hollered at me hollered at him and he let me know y'all this is what they doing with the crack now that's where the money is at that they got a bunch of buildings up that block on 154th that's abandoned you know you can set up shop like you and your brother had it but he's saying me and my brother when I was just a soldier all right you understand he was referring to was he referring to the the weed gate the um the the spot that you had up there by um no not Mega audio no no no no no I'm talking about when you were in that abandoned building yeah no that that's why I went into the abandoned building but when I first went up saying back in like 70 about 80 81 my brother had a a herb Gates a store that used to sell weed on 154th Street right now today it's a smoke shop you know where they sell the pipes and all that but my brother had a weed spot there and that's how I got introduced to Harlem you know on the street level with hustling but I you know I used to go to mark IV like I said and you know what I mean in uh uh ecstasy garage you know what I mean in Harlem World you know what I mean but that's where I was on the on the ground hustling that with my brother but now he's gone and I done did everything they already understand the mechanics and Jimmy older than me but he looked up to my brother and looked up to me because I ran the spot so he's telling me like yo yo it was selling weed but right now they got a new thing out here called cocaine but we'll open this crack I mean it's crack and yeah they got the building up there and that's where you know I ran into launch you know I mean that's Craig Singleton I was with him out in New Jersey he got locked up in Jersey doing this back and forth I told you with the bird Blues with me Jeff Leroy and you know Mike Mann and all of them but so now I run into launch and uh I'm asking large yo what's up they telling me about this crack thing going on he said yeah you make a killing cause you already know how to do the weed thing right up there man that's my block I had a spot in the last building you know what I mean so when he telling me that um I went with Jimmy and I went up there I set up shop and you know did my thing it's a little funny story you know with uh with preaching with the door and large but you know I'm not gonna get into that go read the book of Ruin Harlow man you know so the the building you were in in um in 54 y'all were closer to bradhurst because we were we were like the second and last building before uh for eighth no no no you talking about you was with Chrissy you must have been with Chrissy the second building was Chrissy's building yeah that's the second Bill to know when I came I went to the fourth building closer to the post office in McQueen yeah I'm sorry black Vinnie you know big sale yeah that was the biggest competition in the neighborhood dudes don't know Jimmy's you know uh Vinny's is a genius yes you know what I mean that black door was crushing him and he did that by himself with no help you know what I mean but when I came to black door was kicking it so nobody even went towards Brad Hurst and um 8th Avenue because you know and right now it's like a big condominium but you know Vinnie had the blacked over there was killing him big shout out to Jimmy you know I mean Vinnie thinning you know what I mean yeah you know black Vinnie I've seen him but I've seen him all the time so I've been home good Brothers yeah but Vinnie knew how to move he didn't get caught up in all that but now I went up in a in a macoon side by the post office where you and um what's her name was that because he said he was there what's the name that's where Chrissy was at that had a little Hyundai with all the stuffed animals exactly but y'all must have been there in like 86 85 80 yep that's right 85. all right that's when I was going 1985. that's when I was doing all this time in Jersey when I came out was 87. so when I come out y'all already left and those bill this now was abandoned from y'all going in it yeah because that's where the Funny Story come in about the door because dude tried to come tell me that I owed him for the door because there was a steel door that was left on one of the apartments that's right so they gonna tell me about this steel door you know belong you know what I mean I'm still doing this abandoned building yeah belonged to them and I had to pay them you know what I mean so you know me I just pulled out my joints started Buckingham because your payment [ __ ] you know what I mean catch this bullet that [ __ ] baby you know what I mean so you know just let them know what time it was man but you know big shout out to Lawrence because large came around there he squashed it let him know y'all I know him from jail in Jersey he'd be over here all over the boroughs he ain't no sucker if you want to bring it to him I'm telling you to bring it but I'll let you know now he not going for that [ __ ] about no door you know what I mean so you know we did our little thing and you know I got a little couple of scoffers with Chrissy because remember you had Dietrich and Jamail was dealing with Chrissy so you already know that's half the yard you know um you left the block with him but then we had my man Tyler was in the first building you know what I mean so you know it is what it is man so we just went up there and did what we had to do but now at the time I used to run up the hill to go cop from Broadway that's what I wanted you know what I'm talking about yeah I used to go up the hill to go cop from Broadway up there by the McDonald's that Jay-Z talked about he's going to McDonald's but I used to go up there but we used to go to 144th Street then I'll be in Broadway between Broadway and um between 44th and 45th where the KP Kong was right you know I mean home of the 5411s in the Air Force Ones but I used to go up there and cop from now man I'm making three full trips in two hours long as it take me to bag that damn crack up like you said because you already know it's time consuming by the time you don't back that [ __ ] up and you know took it on the Block that [ __ ] sold it he had to run back up the hill you know what I mean and everybody else around me was running up the hill so that's why I said no I ain't trying to do that you know I mean there's no way in hell I'm gonna keep running up the hill to spend my money when I could get some goddamn drugs take it up the hill and get all the money or get my own drugs around here and get the money you understand yeah exactly so you know I hooked up with my man uh from your block you know I mean one big shout out to Juan you know shout out to the little bro wonnie you know and his brother booby you already know what it is a kid exactly but I hooked up with them and this is dark-skinned Dominicans not as dark as me but they look like they black Dominicans no doubt so and then we had for my man Felipe that was up there on 152nd you know what I mean so I used to go up there and I met you know a dude named you know I didn't say his name y'all know he has green eyes you know what I mean if I make green eyes and green eyes gave me my first key you know what I mean I went and sold my first kilo I'm all happy I'm bringing me little twelve thousand dollars and um yeah 12 000. you know what I mean I'm parked in the garage on bradhurst and 155th yeah so I'm leaving the job seeing you coming out of there and I was parking up my car you was coming out I was going in and you was talking and that's where Kevin Childs had the red Mercedes-Benz before that red red four-door convertible convertible 190. you know what I mean so all I'm coming up out of there you know that's why I used to meet my man green eyes that hit him off you know do our thing and you know green eyes was watching he's like yo I see you already got a lot of respect here because Greenhouse was there because he was he had a baby by somebody in the building you know another Spanish female in the building so that's why he was in that little area but they Brothers ain't gonna say no name was you know it was gorillas so they had their foot on his neck but you know I mean he knew it was money there and he saw that I had my foot you know in the in the hood so he came to me and said look man you know I'll give it to you for 12 apiece as long as you know I mean you could move it to these dudes so that's where I started selling the weight in 54th Street you understand I'm saying they kind of cut the traffic from going up yeah I mean so that was the beginning of really the Empire that exactly but prior to that and I only learned this from us talking just recently you had been in Alphabet City oh yeah but that's that's from being in Brooklyn over there on Schenectady doing the Heron era I'm talking about 14 years old 13 14 years old you know what I mean with with China money them you know where you know Alphabet City is right around the corner from Delancey Street and Orchard Street and that's where I used to go shopping at you know what I mean so I met a girl one day over there on um on our Orchard Street you know what I mean so I meet a girl on Orchard Street and she lived in Alphabet City you know so when I went back there to go see her you know I went up in a in an apartment and had sex with her writing an apartment with a mother and father in there they shooting up dope and you know what I mean so I gave them two bags of dope to keep the you know to keep the peace for me to go lay up with their daughter right you understand what I'm saying and you know they damn near OD'd on it was some pure [ __ ] that I brought from Brooklyn so then I go over there I go tell my cousin I'm in Brooklyn yo I got a spot over here in Alphabet City you know I mean I'm with this girl the people's killing them so they started giving me a little five bundles at a time and you know I'll go take that over there and sell it right out of her apartment now I started something about 20 30 bundles a day easy out of our apartment and just you know jumped on the train right back over there to uh Brooklyn on my test take a cab because so what kind of what kind of uh monetary value was it at that point three four what how many bundles you say you know you got a bundle back then the bundle was 100 you buy a whole bundle you get it for like eighty dollars that's ten bags ten bags in a bundle you had ten dollars a piece that's a hundred dollar but if you buying it in bulk you get it for like 80 70 60. the more you go up and burn those the cheaper it is but like I said my cousin them they would just give it to for like forty dollars a bundle you know what I mean so it's like four it's like called a a a a four UH 60 40 split you know what I mean so you know I start taking over there and you know was crushing them you know what I mean so you're um about 14. yeah and you're making uh a thousand dollars or so a day I wake American way more than that let's say I'm getting like 15 20 bundles you understand I'm saying easy and don't forget I'm not selling it hold I'm selling it back for bag my brother you understand what I'm saying so you know I just wanted you to put it I just want you to put into a context that yeah you know people who ain't us can understand oh no like I said they give me monetary if you were 14 years old and was this 1979 yeah about 78 79 right yes and you're making thousands of dollars yeah because they was given to me in 10 15 bundles at a time because they doing their thing and this that a lot of people might not know that a lot of people know that was from that era um the Jamaicans was getting the Heron from the Haitians and the Cubans back then you understand what I'm saying they wasn't getting a heron from the Dominicans because Dominicans had the cocaine but in Brooklyn it was getting it from the Haitians so by the time they got their thing they bagged it up and they did what they did for their spot they hit me off with a little 10 15 bonus a time at a time by the time I shoot over there knocked that off in a couple of hours go back got another 10-15 and was running back and forth so that's where the mentality came in from I was then that I want to be the one that everybody run to instead of me running back and forth right you know what I mean and that's why I didn't want to run back and forth from 154th Street to 144th Street I didn't want to run from Schenectady all the way to Alphabet City 10 times trying to do this because they didn't have enough to give me 50 bundles you understand because they wasn't getting it like that you understand they was buying it bagging it doing what they was doing you understand what I'm saying what was the population that you were dealing with in alphabets exactly straight so we're talking about the late 70s young black kid running around in Alphabet City no get it right young Jamaican right difference Jamaica can't go anywhere in America anywhere foreign but they know us all over the world you know what I mean and it's not just for mom only as a young black yachty running around taking money out of their section how did you manage to not end up in a situation see the way hustling work anywhere in the world you know what I mean I want to get a game because I'm telling you don't get involved watch my YouTube Channel Unique make audio I'm telling you don't do it I done did it it wasn't worth it it called me 26 years of my life to tell you this crazy ass stories but anyway you go in the world you can you're not just gonna go in the neighborhood and do nothing you got to meet somebody like I told you Jimmy bought me the 54th because I was already there with my brother I met the girl on The Orchard Street you know what I mean that took me to Alphabet City but once you go in then it ain't where you're from then I mean it's who you are that's right not just where you're at that's where you are that's right but where you at as a being where you at as a person where you at is a good thing exactly so you know once I went up in there you know I got my I got my 357 Magnum with me with the Springs cut off to make it a semi-automatic and you know man when I walk in the building you know what I mean I got it in my hand if I feel any sense of danger or too many people around like my man flip just to give you one my man flip I met flip we driving and we're on the Buckner and you know I remember back in the day when you drive your car like a race car you grab somebody driving fast on the highway and you follow them but then when you get off the highway they keep going uh you know or they get off and that's the end of it right but I get off the hard way all the way in Castle Hill and he's still behind me and I hit the Hornet I hit the mccoons avenue bridge on 155th and I get up to the top of 155th and he's still behind me I don't know you understand what I'm saying so we got you the light I jumped out grabbed my nine millimeter and I walked right up to him and say yo what's up my [ __ ] you've been in too many corners with me you know what I mean something got to happen here either you trying to do something you know I got to do it to you yeah but you could be better than two weeks like nah big homie I'm just you know going up to the uh uh um to Broadway you know what I mean so I said all right so I made the left and he let me make the left and he went straight up Broadway and I made the left towards Touch of Class and I went up to the Oasis at 148 and Broadway everybody time I get him to wait sis you know he pulled up you know what I mean you know to the oh you understand so we was both going in you know so we laughed about it and all they kept saying man you crazy the way you pulled out and going on to me what if a cop was coming that's I would work with him too yeah man you know what I mean got no name right you know we took whole Court you know what I mean red-handed whole court and that's why I'm telling the youngest don't get involved in crime because this is the way it works and I don't want you to do it you know what I mean you've got to have respect for others and other people property back then I have no respect for nobody but my nine millimeters you know but the half step would get you killed back then oh man quick that's what I'm saying you had to be committed and everything listen I'm busting Corners yeah in every way he go I'm going there we you know we darling we're you know in Jamaica we say we are dollar not dolly in between the cars you know I'm talking to five speed and you know and then now I get off this on by Castle Hill no he's a driving ass too because For the record listen man and listen you know how many calls I had to sell because the police don't chase me come on man you know but everywhere I go he going and we ain't by Castle Hills how the hell is you by me on Saint Nick and 155th Street you know over the mccoons bridge [ __ ] you're trying to do something man so we ain't got to talk about this let's go [ __ ] let's just hold court right here you know the same way the police pulled you over and it's funny because that that Hill there was real funny because I come up there when I was a kid you know what I mean with the weed I used to bring weed for my cousin camera you know um for Aubry over there uh when they had uh Yellowman yeah we're going way back now to to the 70s you know I'm dancing that's how I do because it's you know my joint interesting we got a joint over there across from Grand projects by the fire station we had what they call the Yellow door the old heads know about the yellow door you know just like you know that's how Peter dread wind up there because Peter dread used to be next to it in the building rest in peace to piece of dread not my brother Peter another pizza and I know you know just so that the people knowing you know I know you know all this so so you know we go over there um to the yellow door but my job was to go pick up the weed from 183rd and University and then take a cab and bring it over there to the yellow door across from Grant you understand what I'm saying because my cousin his job was just to bag up the weed you know I mean my my big cause my big roster cousin that put me in the game so you got to keep in mind I'm 13 14. I'm watching this you understand what I make I'm wow I mean I'm watching that Aubrey on the spot Aubrey got my cousin back in the weed I hope we got another dude dropping off the weed you know what I mean off we got oh my cousin got me dropping the weed off to Aubry you know what I mean uh for him and then you know Aubrey got somebody else that pick up the money other than me that's dropping off the weed so that's how I learned to be a Kingpin was they call it you know five or more workers because I grew up 12 13 watching people run Empires right you understand what I'm saying in the weed game and then the Heron game you know what I mean and then I stepped it up into the cocaine game you know but you know it is what today is my next question let's keep moving and cop the book of Rowan Hall of man chewing any unique make audio he is definitely absolutely absolutely got to grab that trust it's a unique story and I'm not just saying that hey and that's why I bought it here so you understand you know show you how real I am just like I got my man boots here and they said I'm coming down I had to call my brother Boosie that brought me the Queen's flip if I mess with somebody we going to the Grave together you know what I mean so they understand I'm gonna give y'all some stuff that Vlad don't even get I'm gonna tell you how it work in the hood man when we get money you understand I'm saying when we get money we know we gonna die together you know what I mean we gonna spend the money together and we're gonna go to prison together and we ain't gonna tell on each other you understand what I'm saying whatever happened it goes to the Grave with you you understand so when you get when you get money you look out for those that's willing to sacrifice their life for you screw your freedom that's right because they can't lock your mind up so they could never lock you up 26 years I did in federal prison I've never been locked up a day in my life in my mind bro I know that's a fact I never allow them to put a chain around my mind they told me oh you never go home prosecuted say oh you're gonna die in jail this and that and I ain't gonna die nobody jail because I'm not in jail you know I mean you can put me physically anywhere you want but my mind can take me where I want to go that's the fact but like I said yeah I got his name and the whole time I got his name as my editor he never talked as though he was in prison for just his life you know he kept talking about so all right so um when I when I when I get out we gonna and that was a normal conversation because it was inevitable if I died in there then I died trying like big shout out to my big Uncle or calling my uncle we all grope Jamaica together David Hyatt you know what I mean David Hyde died over all these legal papers fighting for his freedom you understand what I'm saying literally yeah literally found Dave in itself yeah with all these legal papers that's right but I want them to understand what I'm saying the jewel that I'm giving you Vlad viewers so you youth no don't get involved in the street it ain't worth it because this demand totality that you need to have to survive and to be what we call a man you understand what I'm saying because Mario if I call them from the prison on the phone he was there for me whatever I needed he was there before I even thought about writing a book he sent me his book on the strength you know Raised by Wolves I read The Joint big ass letters so it was easy for my dumbass to read you know what I mean but I read the book I love the way he put it together so I decided to because I was already writing but I decided to you know tell him about it I said kevara I got a book I've been writing on my life you know I mean I want you to edit it for me you understand what I'm saying now when he went and edited it I went and put his name on the cover as the editor who you know put their editor's name on the cover only a real one who you know put their editor's name on the cover and they asked they asked me to not tell anybody you know what I mean yeah I get it that's that that right there is right in line with every other thing every other character thing that I ever knew about you you're not me and they told me not to do it everybody told me man you put the editor's name in the book how you gonna put his name on the book cause that's my brother that's right when I eat he eat when I shine he shine that's right you know just like Bootsy when I dealt with Bootsy uh you know I mean I wish you could bring him in on a segment that's my little brother right there but now he my big brother you understand what I'm saying because I was gone for 26 and he don't learn all this entertainment game and how to deal with the with the cowards in the industry where I don't have the tolerance for the crap yeah you know what I mean so Boosie keep me grounded and you know keep me knowledgeable on how this industry [ __ ] work because where I come from a dude violate his death you understand what I'm saying we ain't beating you up we ain't mad at you or lose your head bottom line that's it you know what I mean you mentioned a man that we have a great reverence for uh peaceful journey to the Brother David David Hayek right um I would think that a good majority of the people today that know of him that aren't from back then only know of him in relation to his accomplishments in the entertainment industry all right um so in in in in 1990 you acquired a spot called Club Fuego and then um in the early 90s you changed his name to Club 2000. it was called Club two G's right so so this was on 157th Street my whole block between um Rowan and um Amsterdam and Washington Heights um and back then it was a space for for black people Dominican people Puerto Rican people you know to come and party together when I got it it became that yeah Dominicans yeah strictly Dominicans right so all the years I lived there was strictly Fuego it was strictly Dominicans um so tell us about how and and I want you to start from 54th Street where you began to establish your financial foundation in a real crazy way and it gave you that that resource those resources to do the things you you did so you are in 54th you hook up with uh somebody who it was the cat gave you your first your first job yes green eyes right okay so boom you're 54th you got this thing going what what begins to happen that kind of like I said I got tired of you know running up the hill and everybody around me running up the hill and you know green eyes started giving me work so I started selling it right then and even though I'm selling it right there I'm like yo this is just 8th Avenue coming to me the people that I know coming to me and I wanted a bigger audience and you know what I mean I wanted to I I I I wanted a a Rambo and Sasquatch and you know what I mean and Aaron you know 112th Street no fear and all of them because you know you had Fritz down there doing his thing you understand what I'm saying so you got all them doing their thing but you know and big shout out to him you know what I mean um but I took it up the hill and I hooked up with Felipe Felipe was a he blacker than me but was it Dominican you understand what I'm saying so I go up there with him and he had an issue with the dude that he was dealing with so he got Coke sometimes and I got Coke from you know a few different people that I knew and you know we kept everything moving where we you know something about 10 Keys a day you know what I mean but between the two of us doing us but uh my uncle heard about David I say my uncle uh David and and just like how you said people only know him for the music and just so y'all know how official I am and how I deal with it I called his son Little Dave last night to ask me if it was all right to tell about his father's Legacy with me because if he would have said no I wouldn't even be speaking his father's name in this manner but his father um was one of them like the old regular Jamaicans we have an old singing that y'all done forgot bad boy move in silence right uh Americans say it now to just say it like they'd say I love you and you're my homie and you're my friend bro but we was raised to move in silence you know big shout out to my man Zeke black Zeke black Double J all them you know they used to tell me you know really Zeke black a Double J knew what time it was to an extent but I never let nobody see what I was doing okay you got an old saying you don't let let let your arm off the left hand know with the right hand dude know what the right hand is doing so the people until it's time to collapse exactly the people around me they was thinking that Mecca audio was a wreck was a music store like I uh uh car radio store they didn't even know what it was but I made it make an audio because I went to Miami and I don't brought the strippers in Miami base and Luke and everything else to New York to introduce them to a new form of music so that's why I called it Mecca audio so Mecca audio the the location the store that was there before Club 2gs yes and during that period you introduced that Miami Sound and all that's when you first began to do it to bring that Miami Sound and uh that Miami Club because you gotta remember I'm going to Miami I'm going listen man I'm going to Miami from back in you know 1987 and the 87 88 because my mother was living down there you know what I mean I'll go visit my mother in Florida and I got my cousin CP my cousin Cox big shout out to them they were the first ones from my generation in the family that was doing music you know what I mean they had a record down there called uh the record labels called rap records and they had a song where they uh love me or leave me alone you know what I'm saying hey man and you give him my favorite coffee and I'm a favorite cop on you know he was chanting in Jamaican over American beat you know what I mean but that's what they was doing down there but I'm selling cocaine in New York but when I go down there I see it's a whole nother world with this music you understand so for me going down there I went bought my mother a big house with a swimming pool jacuzzi fence around the yard screaming around the pool not saying it's the brag but just for you to get the idea this is on the strength of what is happening in 54th Street yeah in New York yeah right so you got this you got this this nice flow you know what I'm saying coming in and you are diversifying you you've established a homestead down in Miami you got a whole basically other life I got a whole nother life because that's what my mother and my family was at I'm the only one still up here from New York my brother's in locked up I'm North and Greenhaven sing sing and all of that you know what I mean so I'm the only one here and my brother Peter he was in Jersey but he went down to uh DC I found out he was down in DC uh dude from Jersey was cool with no one mentioned his name went down there and got bodied you know what I mean that we grew up with so I told my brother now get out of there you leave him whatever you want I'm gonna send you from New York to Virginia you understand and it's common sense because look how people hate so much right which is crazy just so you get an idea of this I'm in New York with all this coke I'm sending drugs down to my brother and could you believe somebody in 2022 would have the nerve to come out of their mouth to say that you know my brother was my boss so my brother was getting money I wasn't getting any money how did I not get money and I'm up there in the cocaine capital sending the cocaine down to Virginia for a man who said he's a goddamn fool and it don't even make no sense to even respond to that you understand what I'm saying right I'm sending Coke to Virginia but I work for him and I'm selling Coke in Harlem he wasn't selling no cooler my brother didn't even come to Harlem but just to show you how people trying to change the narrative if you understand what I'm saying in 2022 you follow me so you know I set my brother down to Virginia and I told him yo long as you stay down in Virginia whatever you need I got you you got any problems and they could try anything I'm coming down there to handle it if you need any drugs I'm sending it you know what I mean and I sent all the drugs down there and everybody in Virginia watching this already know what time it is they know that my brother did some cruelty [ __ ] you know what I mean when my brother back get bit against the wall if a [ __ ] own uh um if a [ __ ] come and he trying to buy drugs my brother just take his money check get out of here you know what I mean because he know I got his back and everybody else knew I got his back and if they thought about doing anything I went down there for him you understand what I'm saying so they already know then they'll contact me they beat me and tell me yo your brother down here bugging so I go down there and find out what's going on I tell them straight up yo I'ma go on and get that to you but if you give me your money up front again and he do something [ __ ] that's on you you know what I mean but I'm gonna give you this one freebie so you understand don't say that stop letting them tell you that my brother getting ready to bring him something you know what I mean you to give them your money up front so I'm telling you now if you give it to him again and I hear you mention that he took your money I'm gonna murder you you know what I mean because this is your free one all right he go he got your key that you paid my brother for right and my brothers I know he wasn't gonna do nothing but business not done that way right you need your name clean you know I mean it don't take nothing for a [ __ ] to walk up to me in New York shoot me in the back of the head nothing from Virginia because he feel that you don't Rob them when I got the coke to give them come on my [ __ ] that's right that's right that's right you know what I mean um so now you rocking in 54th Street and it's coming in and you you you you were doing the little 10 Keys a day whatever but then it starts to get a little heavier but if I'm saying it got so heavy I had to leave I I I went up to Broadway you understand I took my game up to Broadway that's what I was getting at is that when I was in Florida and I brought all of this down in Florida that's where all my family members is at and that's where Uncle Dave was at Uncle Dave had a house down there that's where we're going to talk about later on that how could I be down down there with you know five five Freddy and everything first birthday party but I'm down there and I bought up uh uh I bought the green MPV down there the yellow MPV down there the black SOB the black BMW convertible everything convertible I'm naming so you already know yeah I'm on that cocky [ __ ] I need the top off you know what I mean there's no reason for me to be trapped with a goddamn roof over my head when I know these crackers is on my neck trying to lock me up you know what I mean so I want my roof off but now and just to show to give big shout out to booby from the booby boys you understand what I'm saying when I first went down there and I brought all these convertibles down there my family members my own family would tell me oh be careful you got you know the booby boys out there I got my tech nine on the seat on my Mac 10. I'm not worrying about movie boy or nobody and I didn't know who that was talking about but then I found out that it was booby I know booby from Norfolk booby was hustling in the Norfolk with me and you know my gangsta I know he's gangster he ain't nothing nice you know what I'm saying I'm saying so you know he down there doing his thing and uh uh but he lives in Miami but I don't know where I know that he came from out of town and they said he from Miami but they said anybody from Florida from Miami like dude come from upstate New York and you go to Virginia they say they're from New York yeah you know what I mean so I didn't know but when they kept saying the movie boys the booby boys I'm gonna say what I'm saying but we just call Booby black in Virginia yes you know what I mean I mean you you for people who who need a more contemporary context the earlier rap songs from um Rick Ross yeah he talked about movie boys that's what he's talking about yeah you know what I mean yeah so you know booby was down there in Norfolk that's where his cage from he's still fighting so ain't nobody telling cause you know YouTube trying to blame blow everything out right but you know what I mean booby down there hustling with me just like everybody else down there hustling but I don't know but I know Miss Black down there but I get to Miami and my cousins in them talking about the booby boys the booby boys like they the Boogeyman and they're gonna do this and that man I'm driving my converter I got my tech N9 on the seats the police want to try and pull me over um I'm shooting to get away and if I can't get away and it looked too hectic I gotta do what I gotta do that's why I'm telling y'all don't get involved in crime go watch unique make an audio so you can hear the stories all this crazy stuff and listen to the message that I'm telling you it wasn't worth it but that's what my mentality had to be because don't forget we got the wild Cowboys in New York that's right that's right rest in peace to Big Andre that winds up Odin in Allenwood I was with him in Louisburg yeah he walked up oh then saved up all these drugs and oh dude I'm gonna tell it on my unique prison stories but you know big Andre you know what I mean was down with the with the wild Cowboys the wild Cowboys the dude that went out dudes they went out and got LTD cat uh cars you know what I mean and put the fake lights on the top and got the fake police uniform and drove around like they was TNT and pull you over ask for your license ID you're throwing show me a license ID they bust you in the head and throw you in the trunk until you call your people and tell them to bring me a hundred thousand two hundred thousand dollars so I'm not stopping for no goddamn police when you got people like that out there that's right you know what I mean so and you know I even had a 10 murder against two police you understand what I'm saying um you know but you know you don't know who the hell is police then that's right you know what I mean and then I had to pay the police off you know what I mean so when the police had no business to mess with me any goddamn way you understand so if somebody pulled up on me say they police I'm shooting you understand what I'm saying and no disrespect to the NYPD but I'm just saying because I don't know if it's one of the wild Cowboys or whoever we figure that [ __ ] out in court you know what I mean because dead man can't tell no Tales you know what I mean so I need to be alive to explain to the judge that I thought that that was the Cowboys you know what I mean the wild Cowboys the criminals you know what I mean but like I said you know man like I said don't get involved in this crap man it ain't worth it man right it ain't worth it now you you got you got Mecca audio going that movement is picking up a lot of momentum because you you really enter your music and you are bringing the community together people are coming and hanging around you're giving cash jobs you know you start making sound you start producing your own sound right and then I'm just speaking from my recollection of being there and then um you start to uh put out music and then you get uh one of the most the famous um hip-hop chants how does that play in the life that you're living at that but how does that come about you know like I said you know I'm hustling it's like okay like my brother got locked up you know what I mean up on um up on uh Amsterdam and like a hundred uh 79 like 100 uh 180th you know what I mean 180th Street he come out the building and when he come out the building um he had the key in his hand he was bringing the key to somebody you know I mean so um I tell him yo take this downstairs I was doing something so he go downstairs and he come walking out with the key and walked right into the police to beat Walkers you know I mean they didn't know who he was so they didn't know he was on my payroll so they locked him up and took him through the system you know what I mean so it's like the homies that was there was yelling hello hello you know I mean expecting him to say all right letting them know that the police is walking down but my brother was in Virginia so he didn't know what was going on up here right so he walked right into the police when if he knew all he had to do was say all right and dip back in the building right but we used to use it for a cold when they come in because remember I'm black up in Washington Heights so open Washington Heights they used to yell agua agua that's right you know what I mean so you know I I I started going hey up you know what I mean to let them know look up because dude used to always yell unique unique the police coming and I hated that with a passion because you got TNT and TNT when they came through you already know TNT big white boys sitting in the car they neck they shoulders is on the roof and they got to sit down like this they show goddamn bigger than LTD when Them White Boys come through that goddamn block they're coming through at two miles an hour and they it's like they walking so they want to see everything so when the dude is yelling hey you need unique you know what I mean they hear it unique every child they come around so now they say who's unique who this dumb ass [ __ ] you need got everybody calling his name he must be the one got the drugs [ __ ] just say oh when the police coming you know what I mean and then you know I started angry like that but that's how it started you know what I mean and I've been like I'm on your back all right all right now we're just gonna keep it going from this so then we got my man oh oh big shout out to Sean wall you know what I mean uh uh yeah wall this name Sean Big Sean from uh Colonial that's my brother Sean used to have a deep voice like my man Todd one big shout out to Todd one too you know what I mean job one had a distinctive high voice hey but but but but but Sean had the deep and he held that Jordan in his throat you know what I mean for long as her mother you know what I mean so he got real distinctive with it so whenever you know he used to see me used to go and he'd drag it out you know what I mean so a lot of people heard Sean saying it you know down the polar grounds and things like that so they probably even equate that to Sean you understand what I'm saying but just like I talked to Gene deal the first time he heard he heard it when he came up to the Mecca and um um brother that that passed um Grimm Brother Grimm used it in a rap you know what I mean against the mega audio crew won the rap I threw five thousand in the air because he won you know what I mean I was so excited and then still gave him at five thousand can make it the winner get five thousand so we remember that right yeah so so he put the whole thing together in a rap and was like uh you know yeah I'm Gonna Roll Up on Mega audio and and and yo so what you want [ __ ] cause that was our saying right you know what I mean and then the crew gonna say hey oh you know what I mean and the whole crew already knew to say all right so they said all right so I said oh that [ __ ] is dope so he won I threw the money up in the air you understand what I'm saying but um and they still gave me five thousand I needed to pick his money up off the ground because he's a man but uh you know they're saying five thousand I threw in the head ninety percent of it came back to one of my spots anyway down there but uh but but that was the first time Gene heard it you know big Gene you know so the first time Gene heard it um um when I was talking when I was in jail he said man I thought Grimm made that up but it's like with a chant like that it's like whoever you hear say it first in your neighborhood that's who they trying to equate it to but you know the town know that's Mega audio that started up in club 2000 I started making audio so it ain't even know and ifs and buts about it but you know love all my people but that's just the way it is man but that's how I got into music for my cousins in Miami but what I was saying about with brother Dave with uh Uncle Davis that you know they've heard about me down there with all the cars the house bought my mother stored things like that so now Dave reached out to me in New York you know what I mean so when he reached out to me in New York it was you know I'll go by his house he loved to play backgammon if anybody know him so he playing backgammon he said look you know I heard you're doing your thing Uptown you know um I got something if you want to play with it you can play with it this is how he talking in between shooting dice all cool you know I mean I'm not law is going to take you but you know I I I got five keys in the cupboard you're gonna take that to see me in a couple days said nah [ __ ] I see you in an hour you know what I mean he said oh well I said yeah that ain't nothing it's on my five Keys you know what I mean so he said I would just take that as when you finish you come back you know we talk after that so you give me a little five keys I'll shoot right up there to Broadway you know what I mean I went to 163rd bumped it off to my peoples up there in Broadway you know one man brought it all and I brought the little money back down to Dave and um how much was the bricks going for that time but back then he was giving to me for 10. you know what I mean he was giving to me at 10 it was going for 15 on the street what year are we talking about 87. yeah what's up my 88 89 right you know what I mean let me go you got to remember in 87 you was able to buy an ounce for 400 is an ounce of crack you know I mean from up on Broadway because you know crack was cheaper because it was whipping it you know what I mean but you know so that kind of became the price and you got to remember we're talking about the metaling in the cartel you know what I mean they don't know and the Cali yeah they don't know what's happening on the street level you understand what I'm saying they don't know the price on the street level you understand so the Colombians come in and they drop it off Dominicans and then they go from there so the Dominicans obviously was telling them that they're only getting you know um eight thousand nine thousand for keys so they gave it to them for ten but that was the crack they was getting it for after they whipped it up and pulled out of extra seven 800 grams so the Colombians is giving it to them for a little ten thousand twelve thousand for the key you know what I mean so you know Dave came and said man here just give me 10. you understand what I'm saying so I gave up you know that wasn't nothing yeah I mean I gave it a little fifty thousand so I come back up he said man that was out well I got another five take that Uptown real quick and I see you tomorrow you know what I mean and I said to Mom I said hold on [ __ ] so I shoot up town like now I go to 163rd and I let them know look I'm gonna get this new word because first I mean 160th first I went to 163rd dumped it off then I went to 163rd gave them to five and I got them open talking about the worker this was pure work that wasn't even cut they still had you know what I mean like you might get the coke then with the Scorpion on it or the stamp Bush you know understand I'm saying so it's still sealed where people normally would get it open it up get the compressor put the isotol in it you know recompress it take out you know like how they said big meat to them was taking 100 grams I read his book you know me yeah now that big meat Harry was doing well whichever one I read it in the book I read in the book um that they had while I was in prison Big Meech in the Black Mafia Family yeah what what yeah one of them um was taking like 100 grams out of each one to do whatever I read that in the book what his brother was doing yeah but that's what they was doing uptown too but I'm getting it for 10 I'm selling it for 15 and the streets are selling it for 17. you understand what I'm saying so you know I'm good are you wasting you wasting time even playing that game messing with it you know what I mean it was faster it's taking this money and bring it back you understand what I'm saying so after I knocked off that little 10 that day the next day he caught me up there and he said look man um meet me over here on 90 something you know they know what I'm talking about say meet me on 90 something street because we was down Midtown you know not you know yeah so he said meet me over here so I go down there and he take me in the room and he said uh okay this is what we got right here and he opened up a room he had about two 300 joints in the room and the whole apartment was nothing but Coke nothing but Coke no furniture no nothing just cocaine this apartment you know what I mean yeah look so he said this is what we got over here he said now come with me he brought me over two buildings down on the same block you know what I mean he said okay you're gonna get the work from there and you're gonna bring the money back over here you understand I'm saying put in this building but never put the money over here where you're gonna get that from when the room almost empty you call me I'm getting ready to go to Chicago uh you know um obviously I'm dealing with with my friend Robert you know I mean he gonna make his move and Rob when he talked about is R Kelly you know what I mean so he talking about he did with his friend Robert out in Chicago and he want me to hold it hold it down and just move what I can until he come back so that he don't slow down his movement you know what I mean so he shoot out there to um to uh Chicago and he leave me up there so now this was the most beautiful time ever this was like June because you know June in November they got a drought you know what I mean in New York where the uh meddling that's who run Washington Heights ain't no Cali cartel coming up there in Washington Heights selling nothing back then or else Escobar going back to go kill every goddamn thing in their family that breathes but he ain't even gonna touch a hair on their body here in America he gonna let them live so they can suffer losing a family for stepping on his Turf so when they and so they're not going up there so when they had the drought is the time when I'm already up there I'm secured up there you know what I mean and I'm not connected with none of them so when they have the drought they're not selling nothing on the street so whatever person got left over the price tripled sometime five times more right you understand what I'm saying so I remember I drove up the block one day they wanted uh they wanted uh uh I tell you we're going for 17 on the street so I drove up the block with somebody and they wanted uh um 22 000 for the key so I told my man hell no you know what I mean because Dave was out of town I was finished doing what I was doing so I told him man go get it from up then but it was a drought you know what I mean so I said go get it from them so we go up there and he looking forward to they said they won like 22 for the key you know what I mean so he said hey I don't know we was on like uh 141st Street yeah I mean 140th and Broadway so I said hell no so we drive all the way up to 193rd street by the time we get to 193rd Street they talked about they wanted 28 for the key so the price had gone up six thousand dollars in 20 blocks exactly 50 50 blocks yeah exactly you understand it don't went up to 28. so by the time we go up they say hell no dude giving out 40th for 22. so we shoot back down there you know I mean it's the 40th you know what I mean to tell them all right well let me get that for the 22. he said now I want 33 now oh like dude I just left you I'll let it go up you know what I mean but at the time they're not they're not injecting No Coke in because they took all the coke off the street you understand what I'm saying so whatever you have you control the price so that's how I learned to always get my payment in cocaine I don't want cash cash too bulky too big to hide you understand what I'm saying so we ain't gonna do that so you know when I sell mines I'd rather get it in Coke so that I get I get lucky and hit that drought and got a little 20 30 40 Keys when there's a drought where you're getting 40 000 for a key that you was getting for ten thousand come on my [ __ ] you know I mean that that that's nothing to even talk about but you know yeah but Dave took me and showed me the apartment and you know that's how we started doing our thing so you go in this apartment and Dave's got this apartment uh what is it a one two bedroom yeah it's a one bedroom one bedroom yeah and there is Coke head uh floor to ceiling everywhere you go this coat anyway you're looking at apartment that was coke you know what I mean because they was bringing them up 500 a thousand at a time is what they was bringing him because he was connected you know what I mean with uh Cali called um uh you don't tell how they call them the uh yeah the Cali cartel yeah he connected with them you know what I mean but they wasn't allowed in Washington Heights now the Cali cartel they was in Queens right that's where they did their thing at in Queens so uh you know Dave had customers in Queens that would do them but nobody couldn't get into Washington Heights could the Colombians uh the meddling and the Dominicans had that online but I'm already up there so I'm good like I said I used to freebase up there remember I was freebasing in the 70s yeah so the same [ __ ] I was freebasing with they don't got out of it and they hustling now right you know what I mean the same stick up kids that was freebasing you know what I mean they up there now some of them still sticking up in the whole nine but they know my gun go off too right so you know I mean so I was welcoming that's how I was in your block 157th Street with you know Ronnie and the whole crew and you know chocolatte like I said and Alex and Felix and you know what I mean I did my thing so unique what made you create Mecha Audio Oh man because you know I grew up back in you know the 70s I'm talking about with the Ecstasy garage T connections Stardust Ballroom authors Round Table Savoy Manor you know Cotton Club that all y'all know about so you know uh let's not I gotta give all the spots a good shout out let's not forget Harlem World celebrity Club you know what I mean um you know you had DJs back then and DJs owned everything they owned the equipment so it was Grandmaster Flash and the furious five grand wizard Theodore and you know I mean such and such but once music came in you know what I mean big shout out to Sugar Hill Leland Robinson once uh Sylvia Robinson came out and she put out the Rapper's Delight they did away with the DJ so they just started grabbing the wrap around well he used to be in the Forefront where the rappers was the Forefront yeah but they did a wait and the DJ went to the background no the bleachers went out they got isolated you know what I mean period they got with no flash stayed in and that's what made him who he is but I'm saying all the young guys that was coming up the rappers they all had DJs you know what I mean but you don't know they did the DJ's names no more the DJs with I salute because don't forget we had a star child rest in peace love bug rest in peace you understand big shout out to uh Kid Capri doo-wop uh Double J you know I mean my man boogie black came after that but you know he beat oh can't forget the world's famous you know I mean 49th Street find it so I got to give my man t-rod Booth Gusto Ernie you know mo Grime you know what I mean got to give everybody a shout out you know Todd one you know what I mean uh EJ stick them up you know but you know that that's the hood you know what I mean and we look out for each other and we carry each other where we go like I said that's why my little brother here you know I mean AKA my big brother this is um big Bootsy because I I know I kept saying Boosie before because that's what I call them you know I mean Boosie but this is big Boosie this is my Boosie so when I say Boosie earlier I'm talking about my brother right here because you know uh we go man where I go my family go that's the way Harlem do you know what I mean so you know just like cavario set this up because where he go he gonna take me and vice versa that's how we do it but when the DJing came out they isolated the DJs you know what I mean and it all became about the rappers so now we got star child love bug you know I mean without a home you know what I mean because the rappers are moved on without them and people used to come get on their mics and all that big shout out to Busy Bee you know I mean from the L Brothers we care if we get busy yeah you know what I mean um you know Ron G my little brother love him to death make sure you don't follow what uh DJ Ron G wherever he at that's my brother that's right DJ he made the uh he made the beat to the Mecha audio chant when I was locked up looked out for me him and um uh Sadat X will Porter kiss major Susan Feinberg played a part in that Tamika played a part in that but you know the same way I'm mentioning all my peoples the DJs got pushed out because the rappers allowed the the big entities to come in and tell them why break bread with them when we could do it by ourselves so I open up make audio to give the DJs a home because remember we didn't have flash drives and all that crazy stuff that they got going on now you actually had records and you had dudes that carried the crates my man Mike spot let's not forget him you know used to carry the uh the crates for uh uh Brucie B at the rooftop you know what I mean so I opened that up so that they could have somewhere for them to go you know what I mean you gotta have somewhere for the DJs because man DJs make me feel good you know what I mean you know they say music calm The Savage beats yes sir you're not me so you know it is what it is man so when I open up Mega audio we open it up as a record store Studio upstairs you know I mean we're selling the fire weed we have brand new being used to come through there the mats is what I'm used to call it because it looked like the um apple sauce the mats applesauce so we got all nice and smooth Grand Puba you know what I mean Lily from SWV you know I mean Tupac you know what I mean everybody came through Club 2000 man uh I mean um Mecca audio and then we're gonna get in the club 2000 but now that you know who my brother is so you see where we at even though I had that that was a front everything we did back then was a front just keeping it 100 already served my 26 years I mean you know had my life plus 24. make audio was a weed spot I ain't so no Coke out of make audio that was a weed spot you know what I mean like I said cause I don't put everybody in my business and I never offered anybody any drugs you're not mean to sell if a dude want to sell drugs and he'd come to me by all day I'm gonna floor them but I'm not gonna go to the dude and say yo I want you to sold this key for me oh you can get some money with me with the drugs now I didn't need all that you know what I mean but if a brother came to me it's what it is and you had dudes yeah you had dudes that sat on the corner I got a a wide body BMW you know I mean car cost me 40 000. you know I put like 80 90 000 into the kit the rims alone cost thirty two thousand for the rims and tires exact car that appeared in the scene and paid in full that was your car that car that Dame Dash was riding with rest in peace Bible up um Biggs his younger brother yeah no no no that one oh that one was my brother age oh that was age big shout out to age got to get brother age and I mean he got a boat where he doing boat rides now doing real good big shout out to age but you know I was the first one no no it is because it was the same thing but mines was green and white yeah the green piping exactly I got mine's done up at Angelo you know um with the Z exactly I used to call the Newport Z it definitely everybody called it but you know Angelo testified against me at my trial oh man that that's who wound up getting away with the studs Bearcat that I was telling you about the other night he testified to get my 500 000 call this thoughts Bearcat is the same car they got in the DMX movie Never Die Alone that's right you know what I mean they only made five of those a year and I was blessed to own one yeah I mean so you see the level I was doing it on that's why and that's why I'm letting the youth know that it wasn't worth it you know what I mean after all that they took me away from my kids for 26 years I went in my daughter was 18 months I come home see 27 I mean so if anybody think it's worth it or I'm glamorizing this y'all watching the wrong program and getting the wrong message but I'm just letting you know what it is because this is a part of history and this is my legacy but um make an audio we doing our thing at make audio we had the weed spot and all that and my brother Boosie came at me because like I said dude see you driving with the car and they say oh why are he putting the bbs's on it the rims are too wide and dudes hate on the sideline you know I mean instead of coming to congratulate but this brother here he from a whole nother cloth he from the cloth that I'm cut from so he pushed up on me tell him how we met family how you came to me well one of my homies at the time was rolling with you so you know I I used to see you fly through in these pretty cars and all that I'm like yo who's this dude right here like so when I get my homie I tell them to come up town come holler at me on the Block he came to the block and I'm like yo who's who that guy that you be with uh riding in the cars or y'all be riding up and down be seeing him at Rucker he was That's My Boy unique I said yo and can you introduce me to him he was like yeah come down the hill that song at a certain time so I come down the hill get down to Mega audio you wasn't there at the time but when I get when so I'm waiting around once he finally came my homie introduced me to you and he was like yo so what you got going on and I explained to him what I got going on my block the spots that I'm what I got and he was like all right I'll look out for you I'm like all right cool the rest was history he started looking out for me I was making sure I paid that money on time he was making sure I was straight all on on time so how I grew up with with the azs with a was always be loyal make sure that you pay your people on time because that's what keeps your name good and that's what keep you straight As far as having work out here in the streets so after that we start getting tighter we started hanging out going to clubs everywhere he started calling he was they bought like two four wheelers and gave me one of them called me eight nine in the morning come downstairs man it's time to ride we riding the four is anywhere all through Harlem so you know then after that we I'm chilling in the store one day didn't make an audio and he said yo son I just I just I just bought a club I was like what they say no I just bought it he was like yo I just bought a club I'm taking everybody to see it I was like man I can't wait took us up to see the club he talking to the guy he bought it from and we looking around like wow this is crazy so long story short he said yeah we about to do the biggest party in Harlem Harlem ain't never seen what's about to happen he was like yo I'm going we going to DC I'm getting everybody get their size he bought about 20 brand new linen suits all of us had to get sized up sized up for the suits after we get sized up for the suits we wait for our suits to come April when the Suits come that was like a Christmas day everybody trying their joints on everybody looking fly he said well guess what though I said what he said yo I got Luke Skywalker coming through man we're gonna introduce Miami to New York and New York to Miami and when they came that was a Pop That Coochie to remember man you never look back after that we used to have League games from SWV ride with us all the time she used to tell us [ __ ] I love you Nick I said why you love him so much she said because he's crazy he drives so fast that was our sis we used to go pick up my sins anyway but we used to go pick up yeah come on let's let's go grab her over there Andrew yeah say exactly yeah come out we ride this before SWV but she always tell me she was in a group she about to do some big things and all that yeah she from the hood she from up there um in the Bronx so I grew up yeah that's what we used to pick up like all the time man so it was like then after that man once we opened the first night up man all kind of celebrities start coming through you got to be remind him about all of them man listen we had Andre Harrell up in there you know I mean we had uh Jodeci up in there big shout out to Jodeci those regular Staples in the joint we had Kid Capri up in there we had Tupac up in there Russell Simmons came up in there brand new being came up in there uh um grand pool ball came up in there Dr Dre came up in there Snoop came up in there yo-yo came up in there you know I mean I could go on all night man but you know follow them see you know what I mean um with the DJ Funk Master Flex you know what I mean I mean if he was anybody you was up in club 2009 you know what I mean I mean he came up in there you know but you know oh let's not forget mob style let's not forget mob styles and for those y'all to understand you know gangster Lou that's my brother that's family you know what I'm saying I'm saying gangster Lou always tried to keep me you know calm and you know I mean he told me to chill out good brother to the heart loyal brother you know I mean big shout out to gangster Lou whatever he got going on follow him at no friends you know what I mean um that's his Instagram and his record label you know uh talk it trigger you know what I mean but I mean you know that's where we all got our musical upbringing from me man you know because that's where uh Mob style they would I would defer uh that was the first stage mob style performed on and um we also got Dallas effects that was the first stage they performed on you know understand I got pictures with two copy in the club I got pictures and live videos so whoever watching is trying to do the movie and documentary get with me to join with bananas only reason y'all don't know who I am is because I had life plus 20 and I wasn't going to tell on nobody so I had to lay low and keep it quiet because if the courts really knew who I was you know what I mean they would have never let me out and like I said earlier Bob was moving silence that's where we get that from you understand my own people around me didn't know what I was doing except for the ones that did it with me it was a need to know basis and it's like when a m went quiet well a lot of people don't know us unique was one of the first well one of the first after the Asian apple that was doing it on that level probably on a little more extensive level than they was you know what I'm saying and and he didn't get his credit because he got snatched up by the feds real you know one point in time and we was running hard and hard I lost contact with him because I caught a bid and he was coming to get me out on a million dollar bill so I'm sitting there waiting for him to come and get me out on a million dollars my mom's waiting for him to call he ain't called so I'm like yo what's going on why you ain't called [ __ ] like he ain't called back but one of my friends got caught where I was I was in Salisbury Maryland got caught up on Route 13. I'm actually doing a movie on that but um he said yo man he came through he's I seen him in my part he was like yo man it's crazy what happened in your bro you [ __ ] I said what happened to him he said yo man the feds jumped down on him crazy lady uh Miss cologne something big shout out to miss cologne he took me down cologne the car taker yeah I was just telling somebody about this a couple weeks ago I was like yeah it was a fat sister that used to come through and cool cats out of their cars like [ __ ] dude so yeah tell your grandmother to come get this 75 dollar car that she bought and bring a paperwork with us to show us how that she was able to afford this car and leave you standing in the street you know so I'll drive off with your car and I'm sitting in there I'm like wow no wonder cause I know my boy wouldn't leave me stranded and he said he's gonna I bet my brother out four bills exactly man and not only that one thing about my bro if he say he gonna do something he gonna do it if he ain't here tell you straight up now I can't do that one thing he always did was say I don't mess with nobody I ain't doing no business with nobody that got a girl cause [ __ ] fall in love and they want to tell everything one thing he did though I had a girl at the time and he still rock with me but one thing I don't know what it was but our bond all the way to this day the man ain't never ever switched up on me so I'm saying that to say all the things that he's saying to these cats out here to the young Youth and all that that ain't never been in jail trust me you don't want to go there so all the stuff that he's saying is is positive we've been holding each other down since he's been since he came home that's why I did take him to Queensville because I wanted his message and definitely while he was locked up that's where he needed me the most I got him you know what I'm saying and that's what that's when it really count when you are there for your friends when they need you the most because a lot of people their friends turn their back on them I've been in that position but that's why we pushing this you know don't y'all leave the game alone man leave it alone so I like what he's doing with the with the prison stories that's a great great look for The Unique Mecca audio and as well as I'm doing Street knowledge podcasts so everybody could go and check that one out we're going to make sure we keep beating it in the youth's heads like the streets is not it the snitch game is so messed up that it's it's uh like like we were saying earlier it's the thing to do now and you look like the sucker not doing it yeah right you look like a sucker they helped me because I didn't tell right that's crazy I'd never phantomed that I'd come home to a world where I'm shunned because I stood up like a man and helped my responsibility and I ain't bringing none of my comrade I could have brought him in with me he could have been my neighbor in the cell for life and have to fight his own life you know what I mean but and me too and and when I caught my time it was everybody was telling in that jail down there in Salisbury Maryland they was just sitting waiting across the state line before you crossed into Virginia and they were snatching all New York dog out on New York cats they was just snatching them um the dude blue who had the uh the jewelry store 100 125. yeah they caught his sister down there with 15 birds in the stash joined her with a dude they just was catching mad people and I did my job I knew somebody the Queens got caught with with 15 drawings of mine on the 13 on the highway she got caught with 15 inside of a Maxima and I knew plenty of people I could have told on but me I'm I don't do that man my co-defendants took out of the trial blue trial was facing 60. got my time I came home but when I came home I was an honorable man to you know to the to the hood but we saying don't do what we did don't try to go and be an honorable man just leave it alone especially if you're not here don't test your steel yeah don't don't do it because it ain't it's not really worth it so you know I'm glad my brother's home now we about to do more positive things like college speakings and all that stuff so so Club 2000 okay uh big scene you you your impact on the music scene was as it turned out significant the bringing in the Miami Sound which was particular to Miami outside of Miami people were not hearing these types of uh beats and this type of music this type of energy base that Miami baseball and they certainly weren't getting that in the context of uh the the strippers and that whole vibe you brought that whole vibe into what was then the mecca of the music industry right what made you do that what made you think that there would be a value for this up there even though nobody was or nobody was doing it nobody was even almost doing it listen like I just showed you earlier man you know my uncle took me in a room with over 500 Keys told me half my way at it and put the money in this room so I say that to say it wasn't about money you know what I mean I wanted to give my people something you know what I mean I Did It For the Love of the music and the love of my people you know what I mean when I went to Miami like I said I bought the house with jacuzzi and all that fence around it in two-car garage got four cars down there none of this is the brag but just so you understand the vision when I went down there and I drove to pack Jam you know people in Miami know about pack Jam you know what I mean I I go to strawberries you know what I mean I go to Rolex before it was a strip club when it was just a regular Club that's how long I was down there in Miami but when I go to these places and I say and I hear the music I see what they driving I see how the women is dressed you understand I'm saying and you know it's like I'm going to bring all my people down there to experience it so I found it cheaper to bring up 10 girls a week instead of bringing down a thousand people you know what they do which I bought them up and I got live wow yes it was yesterday listen I got live video footage from all of this anything I say out my mouth take it to the Grave I got video I got pictures so a hater can't even hate I hated hating is just talking to talk because whenever they say I don't even respond because I can show the pictures I can show the videos and I can show my goddamn trial transcription that I sold 25 Keys a day you got receipts then I make there you go as y'all call it now I got receipts so I don't care about what nobody say you know what I mean so you know it's always recorded with Ralph McDaniels you know what I mean Ralph McDonald oh yeah big shout out to Rob mcdang can't forget him yeah you're my brother make sure y'all check out his show video music box on I think it's on Showtime Ralph McDaniel joined he got the footage he was in charge and Ralph's so real right that I called Ralph from I was in jail you know what I mean I called Ralph from I was in jail but let them know yo um I'm coming home save my footage from the club because I'm coming home to come get that you know what I mean and Ralph said family I got you you know what I mean you don't want to help me do a lot of this that I'm doing when you're ready whatever whatever I got that's yours you got it and I came home Ralph was 100 he sent me all the footage you can't get a better man than Ralph McDaniel from video music box tune into his show Nas did it over there at Showtime that's one of the brothers I give my life for Yummy just like this brother you know what I mean so you know that that that's how we move man we don't play no games with nothing you know what I mean that that's how real Harlem do you know what I mean not to diss any other Burrows I just know my bird right you understand what I'm saying and you know it is what it is and when I say Harlem that's including the Bronx because the Bronx and Harlem is one just them two Bridges separated us McCool's in 45th you know what I mean that's right so remember you threw my birthday party up in there Ralph McDaniel you got me the cake with the the man with the whole body and the girl giving the man head and all that you know bro I got pictures of all that that was his birthday guys my birthday party cake this freak [ __ ] born for me man my brother yeah that was a mess man that cake with that cake yo I had I had my my car outside and I had my daughter's mother with me yo I couldn't drive enough of them in one hand she get in the cab and I'm holding the cake with the other hand trying to get into the car man that was one of the best nights I had Club 2000. you know a couple thousands was crazy man let me see Whitney used to be in that gym that's what I'm saying oh yeah that joint Snoop Draves to being that's where I was getting ready to get it um I remember Whitney uh used to come up in there because you know she live out in Jersey she used to come up in there and be all in the low with the Lord dark glasses and you know I think she might have been um doing bodyguard or something like that one time you know I mean at that time but you know like puffy you know big shout out to puffy my brother good man to the heart puffy 100 as far as I know for 100 I ain't got nothing negative to say about him puffy when um uh uh he started throwing his parties in Howard over there on Georgia Avenue you know what I mean you remember the parties of Georgia Air puff with with Kid Capri DJing you know what I mean when he was throwing them parties over there on Georgia Avenue man I started bringing the homies from uh Southeast you know big shout out to simple City East Gate the whole nine Northwest Northeast you know I started bringing all the homies that we was hustling with because you know we used to get the clothes from Charlotte big shout out to Charlotte took over after Dapper damn Went to went to uh prison big shout out to Dapper Dan but shallow the one that used to make the clothes when he talked about the 20 outfits I went down there because I was hustling in Maryland twice to sit over there in Suitland take the back road and go right in from um uh Bennett Road you know what I mean you already know take Bennett Road right into uh to simple City and Eastgate a little free market on the corner you know what I mean and do what we do you know what I mean but I used to bring all those people over there to um to Georgia Avenue the puffy joint and it started getting so big you know I mean his PO his parties that I'm driving car loads of people like 10 cars holders of people falling us down go down there and the parties got big so he got a big name down there from the parties from all of us going there because we represented puff puff one of us right you know I mean that's one of us that's family you know what I mean so I don't know all this that I'm seeing on the media and all that's now that's not the puff I know that's let me say that for the record I've been gone 26 years I don't know that puff I know the puff that when I got locked up he gave two of my children's mothers a job you understand I'm saying uh Bad Boy Records here's to give them uh pictures to send me money to send me he kept it 100. you know what I mean but now um that's why when I was in adx I bounced but don't pay no attention to me bouncing I don't know how y'all do it on Vlad but it's how unique make audio do it now when I'm in um adx um and the Tupac and Biggie thing going on you know what I mean is uh super max where they got El Chapo Pistol Pete King blood you know what I mean that's what I'm talking about you know I mean the Unabomber you know what I mean Larry Hoover free Larry Hoover free Pistol Pete Frida Yuna Obama free um my man uh um Juan Ramon Mata from Honduras you know what I mean you know for all of them you know what I mean no man deserves to be in jail they spray for no 50 years whatever you did 30 years goes one thing look at politicians broke the law 30 years ago 20 years ago 10 years ago and they say oh I don't do it no more oh I'm reformed but because you broke them and they can get elected again and they get elected again so free all of them you understand I don't agree with the Unabomber did let me say that for right off you know what I mean but they need to look into if he's programming what he's doing because a lot of people didn't agree with me selling drugs dogs but when they looked into everything I did I became a certified electrician certified plumber certified HVAC and Refrigeration Certified mechanic I became an HVAC and Refrigeration specialist I got 3 500 hours of psychological training to find out why I'm twisted and you know what I mean and got the mentality that I got that under no circumstances you don't tell you know what I mean my mother got got robbed and tied up in the house in in Miami you understand what I'm saying I ain't even tell you all this on YouTube yet and my mother already knew don't go to no police you know what I mean don't go to no police yeah and they pistol with the hand tied up but you already know we don't deal with the police if I can't handle it it can't be handled but we don't need the police to help us I didn't run to the police to help me sell drugs so I don't need to run to the police to help me deal with the issues that I'm having with you because it's selling drugs and you know y'all might not understand that in 2022 but that's how I was raised so that's why I'm telling the youth don't get involved because that's a twisted mentality compared to what Society is you know what I mean of a society for me to sit there and say if my mother got robbed don't go to the police and she didn't go to the police she 87 living they still tell your body I did a video of it with me and her talking since I've been home you know what I mean when I got locked up the first thing my mother told me you know I mean because it was going after hard because the big house I brought in Miami and the cars and the 750 and everything else first thing my mother told me you know what I mean I said Mama you all right she said baby don't worry about me you know what you got to do you know what I mean and that didn't mean tail you know what I mean I mean stick with it as a man fight it out and when God ready he'll get you out and my mother made me a promise when I was in jail Boosie she said baby every morning I get up I hold your pitch in the mirror and I pray to God to bring my baby home and I'm not going nowhere until you touch free Soul again and my mama here now at 87. you know what I mean that's a gangster's you understand you know because she came with me it was her father that told me to hold the chicken down and chop the neck off you understand what I'm saying teaching me survival don't swirl them over blood because life is hard and you're gonna see a lot of blood you just don't want to be your blood you know what I mean and my brother got killed two shots to the Head the feds came to interview me and adx super max with El Chapo went and I told him get out I ain't got nothing to say to you you can't help me me and my brother didn't come to you you know when we were selling all them goddamn keys on the street so I don't need you to solve my brother's murder the way you want to solve it so leave me alone with that and get up out my joint and they said well we don't care you're gonna die in prison he dead we got a free trip to Colorado Mountains our families in the hotel so screw you and your you know prison mentality I said all right well just get up out of here and I went back in the cell but I'm saying all that to say youngins don't get involved in it man it ain't worth it that's why I say go to Unique Mecca audio um at YouTube and check out the prison stories you know if you want to know what go on in prison I'd rather you listen to it on my YouTube channel than have to go in there and try and fight for 26 years and maybe not make it out like I did in 26 years could they expected me to die in prison you know what I mean so like I said I don't need the feds I don't need the police to help with my mother getting robbed my mother getting pistol whip my mother getting kidnapped and my own brother getting two shots to the head I don't need the police to help me you know what I mean God helping me and that's all I need so I know a lot of y'all don't understand this because all kinds of people watch this and y'all got different mentalities but this is a street mentality so that's why I'm telling you don't get involved in the street you want to know about the street go cop the goddamn book or ruin Harlem everything you need to know about Harlem in the streets is in this goddamn book so you ain't got to go out there and risk getting life plus 20 like I did I talked to my brother Jimmy fingers the other day big shout out from the Poison Clan you know three fingers you know what I mean I talked to fingers the other day he got nine life sentences man he got nine life sentenced in 300 years then I asked him would he tell if he had the opportunity to tell to get out you understand what I'm saying he said no you know what I mean I even asked him you know and no disrespect to nobody so don't even think this is a shot you know what I mean because I don't do shots I don't do all that it's subliminal in your windows or none of that whatever man do he do and he got to wear that because when he lay his head on the pillow at the end of the night he got to make sure he sleep comfortable but I even ask fingers go look at my YouTube Channel Unique make audio I add fingers would you tell on some dead people to get out of jail right now and go watch the video and he's in jail 28 years he went in when he was 22 he just turned 50 and his answer was hell no you know what I mean so I'm not disrespecting nobody that did I'm just speaking on it for what it is just so y'all understand because like I said only Allah could judge us man only a law could judge us you know what I mean just like people told me I was a fool Bootsie why because they said that I stuck to the street code I stuck to the street code and abandoned my kids and went to prison to you know I mean to be loyal to the streets but you still put you back here now listen I was a man before I was a father and I'm gonna die a man and if my kids don't understand that I don't know what to tell them man you know man that's the life I was brought into so I had to honor that and I don't care what nobody say you know I fought till I got out my man David Hyatt fortunately died in prison my man Andre uh uh from the wild Cowboys the same one I told you all about there was time people up locking them up putting them in the trunk kidnapping them in a whole nine you know what I mean he couldn't do his so he collected a bunch of a bunch of prison medication and you know went and shot it up and took his own life I'm not mad at him for that Allah I got to judge him for that just like I'm not mad at a man for telling and for a penny in four pounds you understand what I'm saying and that's what it is that's just where I'm at so that's why I'm telling the youngest don't get involved in it man go ahead Cavalli on my back no no it's all good it's all good they better get it while they can you know what I mean because once this fabric leaves This Plane of existence everything else will be an echo you know um the period that you were doing the uh Club 2000. um while you're doing Club 2000 the club 2000 although it was a a labor of love and it was not to produce money it was profitable oh now I was very profitable but the point I'm making is I was getting so much money in club 2000 man it was real I'm getting I'm getting I'm getting 100 ahead regular I'm charging as much as 500 to get in if you got on boots or sneakers man and they was paying no problem but I came up with that I with that theory the 500 for boots or the 100 to get in because and dudes if they regular regular hard bottom shoes and they come there early before 10 the ladies getting free before 10 you know what I mean dudes get in for 50 before 10 so you got the dudes would get their little sequence outfit and they shiny bottom shoes they come before 10 to pay the fifty dollars but then when when a man like like like like cavavario come in or Kevin Charles come in or Boosie come in on my man Little Nick from 27th Street come in you know what I mean or gangster Lou come in you know what I mean uh or homicide Lou come in and they win they Timberlands and you know they bucket hat and they had to ball the women knew who got the Goddamn money right so they had to worry about what watch he wearing what chain he wearing right did I make you look at his feet all right if a [ __ ] got on boots and you can Club 2000 he paid unique 500 to get it so that means he get money you understand what I'm saying so those are the ones take a girl go to the ball dude got all the jewels smiling whatever at the ball first thing they gonna do is look what he got on his feet you know what I mean if he got a whole bottom shoes uh that [ __ ] came early so you can save two days you know what I mean no but I created that because when I go to a club in Miami when I first went to Miami all this came from Miami when I went to Miami and I used to go to strawberries or Luke's on the beach you know what I mean on Fish Street on the beach big shout out to manaman I go to these clubs when I walk up to the front of the line I'm not asking a dude can I give you twenty dollars to get in I'm handing my hand full of money and slapping five and push them out the way I don't need an answer [ __ ] I'll put this cash in your hand and that's it so I'm not trying to give him a hundred dollars or 200 I'm pushing his hand so if I'm willing to pay whatever to bypass the [ __ ] to get in you understand what I'm saying you know and if a [ __ ] told me give me 500 to be the line that got two 300 people in front of it a thousand people I'm definitely gonna pay it so I already knew my brothers I'm not the only one with that mentality or with that bag that's a fact you understand what I'm saying so when I go they talk about no baseball hat no bucket hat [ __ ] 100 [ __ ] you know I mean you ain't trying to hear that dumb ass [ __ ] you know what I mean I wear what I want to wear so when they see me as the only one with a baseball hat or a bucket hat and an army fatigue I used to wear Army fatigues all the time because I was ready for war and I remember life was warm you know what I mean every every car has a stash in it every car had a stash even before we get to the garage to get it if we switch up another cars or Gunners guns in there listen I used to go to I used to go to the coke spot to jump back the way you was at cavaria I go to the coke spot over there to see my man Alex over there on uh Sherman and 207th Street you know what I mean we talking about back in like eight ah 78 I was about 15 16. you know I used to go over there to go cop with my cousins and I'm from Brooklyn then when we rolled up in the joint we all got our 357 Magnum with the spring cut off to make it semi-automatic and as soon as we get to the door you know how to do it and do I want to search you put a lot gonna that's it and just hold about it you know and let it hang you know what I mean when they go to say hold up yeah I'm strapped yeah and I hold the joint out that's right and I hand it to him no but I hand it to him because I'm going in to spend money he worried about me robbing them I'm not worrying about him robbing me I'm throwing his spot though he robbed me I'm gonna come back and kill him right and if he dumb enough to do that then he dumb enough to kill me then I mean I pulled a gun out and I hand it to him you know what I mean and nine challenge out of ten just by you doing that he gonna tell you're going to hold on to that when you first go of course he gonna take it but when he see that no I'm coming on business but I'm not walking in your building without my pistol my [ __ ] because when it's time to go out that's right if your enemy down there trying to get me or you trying to get me I'ma murder your enemy and go back upstairs and murder you that's right but we don't go nowhere without pistol you know that old saying authorities I'd rather be I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by six other men would get caught with it then without it then without it I'd rather fight a courtroom you know what I mean gun charge right then to be carried by 12 Paul bearers right you ain't gonna tell my mama that her son lost her life you're not me that's a fact period you know so so now you know Club 2000 is is going crazy you know I mean you got money coming in from every direction bro all right and and I remember I mean you were super energetic but you were not different than you are now your personality with all that bread you had coming in all that influence all that power in the in your space that you had going on you were as you are now you were you you were comfortable in your in your skin but you weren't trying to act like I'm King of Everything Bishop screw all y'all and you know what I mean like and you were young so how how'd you keep your head on your shoulders like you did bro listen man bottom line is the way I was raised is that the the the sun would always be greater than a child you understand what I'm saying I mean we always be greater than the father than the parent you understand I'm saying and the the the soldier should wind up being greater than you because at some point you're going to retire and they're going to move on with the knowledge that you have given them and that they've experienced from being with you just like my brother here he was he was no disrespect him he was a little [ __ ] when I got locked up I was in March 20s he was in his teens damn knee you understand what I'm saying but from what he saw me do is he doing then I mean and homicide Lu and gangster Lou and Peter Shu and everybody else that was getting money he Incorporated all that in one and he brought into the entertainment field and now this is my big homie this is my big homie when I was this big homie but I was gone for 26 years right I mean even that that takes humility to adapt to the way that the Dynamics have changed based upon your circumstances you have been pulled out of society and and what's going on for their mid-30 years so somebody who used to follow your lead it takes uh a real man to understand that it's time for me to follow the lead exactly I mean and it can't be or I can't follow his lead even though he can give me goodness that's why I'm with my big bro it's like say one thing about that situation me I'm the type of person right I like to sit back and analyze I learn from a lot of like the azs and the rich Porters and all that and his mistakes you know what I'm saying so that's what kept me afloat for as long as it did until I left because my thing is pick your poison you won't think you're gonna keep selling Coke for years it will make you think you better than whoever else that got caught so I had to fall back because I know if I ever get caught I'm not doing no telling right so I left the game alone and crossed over to the music industry that's why I'm doing my uh documentary coming out it's called from the uh from the street in the mind of a hustler from the streets to the music before and after the paid in full movie wish Lil Boosie I heard him say his on your joint one time but I've been was talking about mines but we'll get to that later but I want to I want to get back to saying that when my brother came home my first thing was to do was still respect to manage my big brother you know what I'm saying and makes I just I know where it's meant to us at and make sure that I helped him be back on his Plateau where he needed to be at and where he was and he'd been doing that and that's what it's all about I'm not jealous that my brother came home and he gonna be shining over me and all I know I know who I am in my skin yeah people do business really yeah that's how you really show your business right and people love the clean things but don't want to do what it takes to be the thing they claim right it's with the credit right and I I don't want no credit I want none of that I just want him to be because I already know once I throw him to alley-oop right he gonna bring me back up you know that so he know plenty more people than I do so I'm not crazy so that's why and that look with us today he'd have to bring me up here with him today you know what I'm saying go nowhere without my brother you know what I mean because I know that if if I walk out that door right now and a dude ran up and pulled a pistol on me and told him to get out the way that I want unique he ain't going for it now we we go just like I'm not going for it if they tried that with him you know I mean we walked together we die together we eat together we sleep together been under them circumstances before and and parties and all that with that actual situation happening but we'll get into that later you know what I mean but you know just so they understand how real this is man and I know y'all can't understand this mentality in 2022 then I mean the youth coming up I'm talking about I know my old time was doing a few that you do but you know from what I've been seeing on social media y'all can't understand this that's why I say don't get involved in this man yeah yeah you know they don't really not and that's because that's no disrespect or diminished but that's simply the the kinds of circumstances that gave way to the way that the people of our era were it wasn't just because we saw people doing things they were circumstances around those behaviors that impacted the people we saw that put them in the position of the mindset to do the things they did and those same things impacted us right so we we did those things not because we thought it would make us look cool or it would be something that would give us you know a sense of value in our community we did those things because it was either do this or drag be dragged by by life in the circumstances around being a melanated person in this Society so if you wasn't willing to live on your knees then you had to be willing to die on your feet if that's when it came exactly we don't have those circumstances they're getting all that [ __ ] from TV and YouTube you said that earlier they don't understand the difference I forgot how you worded it but they don't understand the difference we come from the same building right we don't do the same thing right you come in and go to school every day I'm outside you might even slap me five but when when the people from wolves come they ain't coming for you they coming from me or yeah exactly let me see them look at me I come I come from a a nice house in New Jersey I got assisted as a corporate lawyer we come out the same house one became a corporate lawyer and one became a [ __ ] nut you see you're not me welcome to the nut you know what I mean so now I'm trying to prevent the youth from going down that direction because I should have stayed in the house and in school as my sister did you couldn't see the value because I walked up go ahead speaking of school um when you were doing this stuff with Mecca audio that's a legitimate business you found a spot you secured that spot you secure the lease and you set up a business and that business did well excellent then you went and you created an even larger business a larger acquisition with a great deal more responsibilities and that business as well this is on on the back end of doing an illicit business that requires a great deal of intellectual wherewithal and character and strength of character and intelligence and that did well and you did all of this without the ability to read or write yeah I mean how right because you know like I said the way the way you shape a child and what a child see growing up because a child's mind is a black sponge and it absorbs whatever moisture you put in it the moisture that was put into me was holding the chicken down you know what I mean well seeing the uh the criminals with the horses you know what I mean um being pulled in with the horses and the Rope you follow what I'm saying and you know I mean and hearing that you know seeing the barrels of goodies coming up from Jamaica knowing that uh comrades our family members was in America sending this stuff down as we thinking picking money from trees just like the slavery days when you know they went and they told the people that you know they told uh the you know our African brothers and sisters go on the ship we got plenty of silk and you know I mean and robes and rubies and nice scented oils and you know what I mean and they went on the ship to go look at it they got hit in the head and brought over to America then when they went to America and the slave owners went back they went back telling them oh they living the life of luxury they got a big mansion they own big property they got their own Plantation you know what I mean uh you should come and be a part of that you understand what I'm saying but the people there some believed it I was one of them that believed that you know money was being picked off trees you know what I mean but when I came up here I found out the trees that it was picked off of where you had to fertilize that tree with first weed Heron and then cocaine blood you know what I mean and so on and so on so you know that's what shaped me into the man that I am you understand what I'm saying and that's where it's at I'm not proud of none of that but that's what shaped me you know what I mean and I'm trying to shape the youth to be able to see from my YouTube channel that unique makeup audio that this is what's in prison this is what's on the street you know watch it here don't try and be a part of it don't try and participate in it because it's not worth it stay the hell on the porch it's a lot safer mm-hmm that's right that's right and that that might be where their dream will be manifested from The Nightmare might be what yeah they pay attention and really pay attention to the message and the lesson they definitely will and that's why I'm doing mines it's Street knowledge podcast because I'm going to tell them actually how events actually took place and what make people want to kill each other because our youth now is killing for nothing now and not saying back then was a good purpose of killing but they kill him for nothing now but you know a person end up owing a guy some money in this street life you owe money they coming for your head so after they come from your head and you get killed your family members saying well he was a good person why was somebody doing like that but y'all not knowing that he just took somebody money or not even just took it from physically just not paying him the money and not answering their phone calls stuff like that make a person heated so they can't go to the police and call and say yo this guy took my drugs from me you know they gotta handle it in the street so that's why a lot of killings come in and that's what I'm gonna be teaching and giving like lessons of actual events that my might have happened and what not to do what to look out for and Lead like all the reasons for leaving the game alone that's why I'm doing my my document like I said a little you know a little earlier you know a mind of a hustler and uh big shot the uh Lil Boosie because his great minds think alike you know I'm saying big shout to him but um it's going to tell my beginning when I was in the streets with the azs and the rich Porters and my brother all the way up to when I got locked up came home was back in the streets again started opening up clubs I had three clubs in Durham and I started promoting a lot of parties and I even was rapping with my broke head Frost that you uh no me and him was a group The Young Guns of Harlem back then but I came home and I picked that back up you know what I'm saying I started rapping that's how I got known down in North Carolina and uh so I I transitioned from the streets into that because my name got too heavy in them streets so it was time to let that go and like you said earlier I had to pick something that want that the type of money that I'm used to getting so that's why I chose to do on the parties and I you know I had a distributor uh uniques out of Hyde Park New York I was being distributed selling work records uh worldwide so um so yeah so that's what it's gonna be it's going to show the good is turning of negative into a positive with the documentary I'm doing I'm working with my brother Jihad we doing the clothing line right now so you know we we're doing a lot of things for for the young cats to show them how to do it we even got the equipment y'all could come and learn how to make your own clothes if y'all need us just hit us up we we can't wait to help man because that's what this is all about uh get our kids from killing each other movement for real for real let's do that's important very important um yeah Club 2000 rocking mechaudio rocking um you got a lot of people coming through entertainment aspiring entertainers um one particular group comes through and they're completely blown mind blown about what's happening Club 2000. um at some point they're not from Harlem right but they come through and they pick up different things and one of the things they picked up was something that you actually created and end up being a worldwide phenomenon I think you know what I'm talking about hip-hop hooray hey hey all right what's your connection to that worldwide known hip-hop chant uh for like I said we used to play a lot of parties you know before Club 2000 we had local bars Savoy Manor Willie's Lounge uh um what's that ebony Lounge SMS you know so when you go in you got the DJ DJing you know Kid Capri you know I mean um Ron G everybody's screaming on the mic you know Double J so when you go in everybody is is shouting your name from all over so when you walk in it's like okay like Tupac um if y'all ever saw Above the Rim before Tupac passed and they did Above the Rim Tupac contacted me one to follow me around and know how to play birdie you understand what I'm saying so you know because I was a club owner I was a gangster from the street you know what I mean but the reason why I didn't allow that because I Tupac my man you know what I mean that's my heart I didn't allow that because he wanted to bring it looked like Hollywood with him like people with him to watch not only [ __ ] in my business I deal with you when I trust you but I don't need you to bring three four of your friends to come walk around with me so that's why I didn't do it and that's how he walked up over there in Brooklyn but um you know if you saw Above the Rim you see when Tupac going everybody screaming so when I walk in the club people over there saying you we you need you and they calling so I hey you know what I mean oh hey and I'm walking through like Hey Hey Oh and by the time I get to the front the DJ trying to DJ and he hands me the mic so when he's holding the mic by my mouth I'm going hey ho hey and it's you know and now the crowd start yelling it you know what I mean and that's where it came from so then when we go up the club 2000 now you know what I mean and we're in there I had my cousin DJ coxy put in the um SP 1200 um where we went up in the making audio upstairs in the studio and he's yelling um he got me yelling um hey and then he got me yelling oh and we put it in the sample so we're in club 2000 we started hitting the button one of the samples said hey hit another one they said oh so every time everybody heard hey they started yelling back home because we followed it with it with the SP 20 um 1200 um drum machine and that's how it became famous so now we go to uh Bismarck and rest in peace to Bismol you know that's my brother yeah you know what I mean um Bismarck was my first DJs when I first DJs him in Love Bug rest in peace to him too you know what I mean and star child nope was our first DJs so when we go up in the club when we up in the joint and you know they playing the music and we got everybody yelling hey ho I said the biz I said man you into music you know what I mean um um help me put this record out you know what I mean so I go to him and I ask him to help me put the record out and he take me out the Jersey to one of his people's house in Jersey and we're supposed to be putting the music together you know what I mean but he ran out of Beats you know I mean that he needed some something creative he wanted to put in it and of course big shout out to Pete Rock at the time Pete Rock was leaving his grandmother up there in Mount Vernon when CEO smooth and what and uh what's his partner name you know what I mean um no disrespect to him when I said that but you know what I mean but the Reminisce dude um because that's how we say who your kid but the Reminisce dude we go up there um the Vernon where they was at they had the little I think it was the Fourth Street Rucker Park or whatever and we go to his house to go get the music but his basement was grandmother basement was flooded so we had to walk on planks and um Pete Rock Pete Rock remember when I came up there I'm sure you remember this if you don't remember me because it's the first time I met him so we rolled over there and Bismarck went up in there to hear the different music that he had you know I mean to pick the beat but I leaves and uh leave the joint with them um with with Biz but I drove my Honda Accord out there my little download drunk we drove out some place in Elizabeth so we go see one of these people uh DJ on Elizabeth and we go out there and we lay the music with them and got everything done and then um while I was in Mount Vernon I didn't want to go all the way back to getting no little Honda Accord you know what I mean I got Mercedes and everything else in the garage even though I hate Mercedes but I got my BMWs and Z's and everything else so I left it out then told [ __ ] I'm gonna come get it so he dropped me off in Harlem you know what I mean and you know I only remember how the car got back to New York but a week later a week a week later um um I'm in uh Mega audio and they had that the box was on the one where you called in and tell the songs you hear and then we see treaching them on stage talking about hey ho you know what I mean I'm like oh that's our joints so now everybody don't got heated you know what I mean because they you know they don't made a song without joining our people Harlem knew we was making it right you understand what I'm saying right so you know a lot of things went on after that I'm not gonna get into it right here but I want to say big shout out to Treach I hollered that Treach since I've been home you know what I mean I um I talked to him about it and we was working something out as far as the deal with it amicable and then you know I don't know people got in his ear whatever because they felt they copyrighted but you know they might have physically copyrighted through the copyright office because at the time I'm dealing with the street you understand what I'm saying so but I got the actual SP 1200 that I'm telling you we got the hey the whole it's all dated you understand what I'm saying I got I got the uh I got the the video and a cassette with me in Willy's Lounge ebony Lounge all it is from in 1990 when that came out in 1992. you understand I'm saying I got the mixtapes from 90 before that came out in 1992 so I got more than enough you know to support it I talked to Treach like a man we sat down over in Edgewater me him and my man Mo Grime and we had a we had a beautiful conversation and he said he was going to look into it that day heard it off the street but he don't remember where they got it from you understand what I'm saying and you know I mean and they put it out but if he talked to somebody reptable like Ralph McDaniel Leland Robinson somebody that he knew and they stamped it that he was going to make sure that I get a uh compensated you understand what I'm saying and get my name on the copyrights and that's where we was at last you understand what I'm saying but you know then you know one of the homies ain't gonna say his name called and told me that they uh that Trent said that he got legal paper that I was suing him now my brother I ain't put on no legal papers on Twitch I I got I got everything that I just told you you know to support where I'm at but when I talked to trash we was talking we was working it out what I know of him and what my peoples that know of him know is that he's a man of honor and he's a man of his word and I ain't got him letting no dollar come between him disrespecting his word talk about he fighting over some you know something that he know wasn't his and he even said it wasn't his you understand what I'm saying so you know and you know that day when when like I said everything is good man but you know that's what it is that's how it started that's how it got created but big shout out to tretch and when I was going down to Miami at the time to show you how much I respect Tourette when I was going to Miami back in 92 you know what I mean and I know Church remember this he was performing at Luke Skywalker Club on the beach you know what I mean the draw on Fifth Street right when you go over the bridge because they used to steal the cars and the you know I mean the police closed the bridge off raise the bridge so that you know you couldn't get back to Liberty City so you Miami people know what I'm talking about but uh you know um Trent which was in there performing at 50 um on Fifth Street at Lou Skywalker club and I sat there I don't know if I was drunk I was high I don't know what it was but when he was rapping it was like he was elevating off the floor you understand what I'm saying I mean he he he he was like God on the mic you know what I mean just giving the props but just to see you know like I said I get proper to his dude I'm not even mad at the [ __ ] that told on me let me say that and I don't wish prison on a [ __ ] that told on me you know what I mean but I'm letting you know that you know I get props where it's due but when I saw a trench rapping on the mic man yo it was like Heavenly you understand and and I was honored and and I I was honored that he even did this song but I was locked up couldn't get in touch with him the same way when I did the um aoi um a holiday with yeah with doggy fresh before I went to jail we talked and he was gonna call Doug exactly he was going to sign he was going to sign it over to me and I told him nah a defense on my ass you know when I contact you you know you could go ahead and use it on the song you know what I mean and he gave me 25 to use it on on his own you know what I mean Dougie gave me 25 to use it on the song that he put out all right but I let him know then that I'm not selling it to you I'm just allowing you to use it you're not saying I'm saying and you know I got my own version I'm putting out but right now the fed's coming at me so when um I get everything calm and straightened out I'ma holler at you and then you can sign it over to me and doggy honor this word you know what I mean because every every every every every every person in the music industry is not an industry person that's right you understand what I'm saying because a lot of them was in the street people before that so they don't let the industry tell them how to you know duck themselves conduct yourself as a man and honor their word that's right you understand what I'm saying so I mean you if you were a thread you would be woven into the fabric of the culture at a pivotal point you know um not just from the contributions that you actually made to the culture in terms of certain behaviors uh those chants that reverberate from then till now still being used in in all kinds of music um but your behavior um the way you did things with the things you had your your clothes your your you had you had a clothing line yeah yeah back then back then yeah I'm making no clothes people thought that was quickly something that only other people that weren't black could do big shout out to D Ferg that's who used to make the silk Square not dip so deferguson one used to make my silk screen that that's ASAP Ferg father you know I mean the whole nine you understand I'm saying um but you know like I said I still have all the designs from them everything I'm telling you you know what I mean I had preserved when I went to jail just like you know the SP 1200 the that's with the aoi right you're not being to dance with the hip-hop parade with the like I said I didn't write the song hip-hop parade let me say that get that straight no one's saying that trench like I said and I just gave him his props as a god when it come with that pen you understand but the hey ho which was the main hook I created that Harlem know it the streets know it just like you sit near cavario you know where all that came from Ralph McDaniel done said it everybody that's everybody know what it is Red Alert if you know everything pivoted from what I was doing in club 2000 at Mecca audio you know what I mean and that's what took over the street yeah you know you you were a threat that was weaved into the very fabric of the culture at a point where it was becoming uh a foundation for what it is today the international phenomena that it is today you know and um it it's imperative that people be made aware of that you know uh because there are a lot of uh people who are from the kind of environments we're from who don't know that they can make a great contribution a great and Timeless contribution um to something you know as as widespread as this culture is because they figure well I'm I'm just some poor kid from nowhere from the projects from the hood whatever so you know I can't do anything significant until I become significant but what they need to know in your story is a uh example of it you do what you do and those things you do they contribute to what becomes your significance your significant contribution that makes you the person that uh is someone to be respected and revered you know great things come from humble beginnings there are very few Beginnings that are as humble as yours that led to the level of what we consider to be greatness in that environment that that's the bottom line it listed illegal dangerous whatever but we we had a standard and you met and exceeded that standard you established that standard for a lot of people during that era that were growing up people who had who were born in 80 in in the 80s um they had an opportunity to be influenced by people whom you influenced if not you you know um you based upon what I know that you did and the fact that I have such insight into what most people who made a mark did you are the King of the new Jack Hustler era a lot of people have no idea they know Mega audio they know Club 2000 they know using the streets they know the cars over the top every you know I mean but they do not know how significant your situation was you were making a lot of [ __ ] money and I don't know if anyone who was of that era of our our area that new Jack Erin in New York in Harlem who was getting to it like that when your indictment finally came down it was uh 93 right um you you were indicted by um federal government right on uh uh in 1994 right December 10th 1994 right so the federal prosecutor said that you let an 11 man one-woman operation that uh carded large amounts of cocaine crack cocaine and marijuana from New York City to hams and Roads from which it was distributed to locations as far south as Charlotte North Carolina um it's a 22 count indictment uh in December 1993 followed by an 18-month investigation um by the you know DEA and the Internal Revenue Service and the Hampton New York Newport News police when it all came down to it um your joke your business your your operation had uh generated upwards of a half a billion dollars like 486 million dollars all right now this indictment happened in 93. you'd gotten out from the first lifetime you'd been given uh how many years before uh seven I had a good seven year old seven year run okay and it wasn't like a seven year run from the door it was seven years from the time you came back out on the street now an adult not the kid running wild getting high you in fact you weren't even Mike anymore so you were young Mike then yeah you came home you were unique um I want to get to the fact that when you were doing what you were doing at the level that you were doing it you were far exceeding what most people in our age group were doing anywhere it's the truth and very few people know that better than me because very few people have read as many cases as my bread mm-hmm never looked at it that way you know like I said back then man you know we didn't watch each other's money you know what I mean you know Kevin Peter shoe you know what I mean um you know Lynch Mob every you know D nice out of Brooklyn you know um Buck you know I mean um with Ellen Wolfe for them I mean everybody was getting money and everybody was flossing so I didn't care how many cars the next sport man brought I just cared about how many I wanted to buy like I said man you know look I'm dressed let's say I'm dressed like this right now I want to go hang out like man I feel like I'm in a struggle get you know let me go get a Land Rover you know what I mean I go to you know go to the dealer to go get a Land Rover to match my outfit I'm not gonna get a outfit to match the Land Rover you know what I mean if I feel like wearing this I'm going to the dealer to go cop me a new whip that that's what made you the king of [ __ ] New Year you know what I mean period you know like the the the the crazy colors I had the yellow MPV I had a nice yellow and black uh outfit that Dapper Dan made for me yeah you know what I mean yeah it was a little bumblebee outfit my black ass you know what I mean so I went out and got an MPV and got a yellow input yellow and black seeds in it put the yellow bbs's because I wanted it to match my outfit the video game inside the car listen I was one of the first ones even driving mpvs Hooked Up In Harlem yep you know I mean one of the first ones driving mpvs Hooked Up In Harlem I had the money green joint with the boomerang antenna you know what I mean with the TVs on the inside with the Mickey Thompson ties and the hammer five star rims on it when they didn't even know what it was you understand what I'm saying just like Miami you know what I mean I was going to Miami from back in 87 about 88 when my money started getting right when I brought the M3 I was going to South Beach before yeah yeah the gray one I was going down to Miami you know to South Beach you know what I mean before rappers even knew what it was people thought Miami was like Virgin Islands in the United States they all get offended for me keeping it real but ain't nobody from New York or from up North was going out in no Miami you understand like now that's because they thought New York was the center of everything go anywhere else everybody was loving New York at that time you know I mean wasn't no black people talking about I'm going on a trip to Miami Beach back then because I ain't seen none of my [ __ ] down there you know what I mean unless I took them down there that's right big shout out to my man Sean his brother fats you know what I mean the homie hit you understand what I'm saying oh I'm a man Whitey you understand what I'm saying people that I took down there you know what I mean and I introduced to that world and then now I see you know puffy JLo Jay-Z uh what's that boy name baby everybody going down there you know what I mean I mean I love it but I'm just saying I was down there before you know it was even on the map you know and speaking of on the map in Miami and those spaces and in that space that entertainment space something very significant that you were a party to how can I be down as one of the first hip-hop um Gatherings that brought people from different cities together how can I be down you were part of the how can I be down yeah you know my Uncle Dave again once again he was throwing it all started because he was throwing a party they just hired they've been hot yeah um David Hyatt this is the time when they was having what's that Jack the rapper in Atlanta you know what I mean so David was throwing a party for Five Five Freddy and like I said anything I say ready I got I got videotape I got pictures I got everything to stamp it far far Freddie alive I don't even know that man other than when I met him at the party and he'll tell you my Uncle David Hyatt threw him a birthday party down in his house in Miami and you know what I mean and that became the first how could I be down where we was giving out free bottles of champagne Jimmy henchman was a part of that but I dealt directly with Dave because you know I'm on the street hustling selling keys so I didn't need to meet whoever was doing whatever because I'm not eating with you I don't need to meet you that's right you understand what I'm saying so you know he threw the um party for Five Five Freddy and that's what we called it and let's not forget Peter Thomas is one of the Staples in that that was that was David's man like this him and David was like this you know Peter Thomas and he wasn't into no drugs or none of that he was always into business and you know I mean it is what it is man I heard he got a nice restaurant down there now in South Beach and I'm playing yeah man I did my 54th birthday today last year yeah I didn't even see him since I've been home he got a new joy in Baltimore man oh yeah yeah another club one in Baltimore oh man it's in the harbor yeah so you know that's what that is you know so um I mean another that's a that's again that's another Staple in the culture you know and and it's crazy you like Forest gumpa the culture bro they don't even know they don't even know what that means so uh and we're not going to tell them they don't need they don't need no more derogatory things to refer to but the you know the fact that you were part of that kind of uh uh creation because those sort of events became the uh the circulatory system for young talents in obscure places which Miami was one of them um Atlanta was one of them those if you weren't New York you were obscure right um you helped to again um create the fabric that connected these things and uh created the conduits that um gave these things uh ways to get from one point to another you know um and it was all peripheral to you you was just trying to hide your real activity what you were really doing but there was something else that was driving that interest because you could have done anything else with your money you could have got into anything else you got into that because that was something that well you tell me why you got it something I'm passionate about I love music I love anything doing music I love I I love my DJs and I love my people like I said when I experience what was going on down in Miami it was like you know I mean I I just had to let Bootsy see it I had to let cavario see it I had to let Kevin see it I had to let gangster Lucy and I had to let you know Harlem see it you know what I mean I had to let my people see it you know what I mean so I brought it to them you know right right that's right that's right so unique the conflict that was turned into a war that ended up killing Tupac and Biggie you were in prison at the time when it went down but you had some insight into that situation could you explain that yeah um I was in adx at the time 96 you know from um and it was like crazy man uh I'm reading the magazines because we was getting the vibe magazine that had you know I still remember the seat in my head with uh uh Biggie and um and and puffy where they had on like I think he had like a a faded blue jean shirt and then they had the joint that came out with death row with Suge Knight Park Snoop and you know all of them that double cover that opened out so all we always magazines in The Source magazine was really that Vibe Magazine with that was keeping us up to date they were the ones that was igniting that I'm gonna say ignite you know what I mean but they were the ones keeping that alive so I'm in adx so we ain't got no TV channels we don't even have radio stations you know what I mean because we're in the mountains up in Colorado you know uh Florence Colorado I'm underground in super Max and I'm reading these magazines and I'm seeing what's going on and I'm hearing about the beef on the street with East Coast and West Coast you know what I mean and right before I got locked up uh my man Gadget Mike big shout out to Matt yeah Big D from Queens you know what I mean um Big D uh wants to do a party um in Trafalgar Square and bought Snoop up there you know this was in 94. yeah you know when I was still going to trial and dealing with that man so I'm thinking that New York and you know California's starting to bridge it was my interpretation but I'm reading about this war going on and the little bit that we catching on the local news or whatever um but it's really that Vibe magazine that was pushing that it was a war and it's crazy because when I left it you know I didn't know anything about no gangs on the streets of New York you know I mean just keeping it 100. so when I hear about you know East Coast and West Coast and I'm there with you know some Cali dudes and they frowning on me looking at me all crazy and you know what I mean and it's like you know like I don't even know what's going on like what I got to do with this you know what I mean but you know they grew up you know in gangs so they taking it personal like they picking aside but well we wasn't looking at none of that and Tupac my man and Biggie my man you know what I mean he said that's I'm looking at it so when that went down it's like you know some things happen you know I mean um with me and one of the California brothers and he came out and said yo I want no problems with you it ain't me it's the homies on the street if you understand what I'm saying so that's when you let me know that you know there was a hit out on biggie you know what I mean um you know that is people told me it was a hit on biggie so whatever it was so now um I was cool with a CO in there so I get the phone and I made a three-way call which I wasn't allowed to because I could have lost my phone and got started over in the whole program behind that but I get on the phone and I call this girl and I tell her to call Gene because I know she was in touch with Gene and I know Gene is reputable you know big Gene and he gonna get the word out there so I told you know I just called and said yo tell him to mess up you know what I mean so that he know what time it is you know I mean no whole bunch to say to him to mess up you know don't go to Cali [ __ ] it's on you know they don't turn to another level you know I've gotten phone calls I got a phone call from unique from Mecca audio right and unique for Mecca audio say yo messed up you know these guys is coming to get y'all I tell Chaz the day of the party I spoke to Chaz he said yeah it's gonna be some Street [ __ ] Bro letting you know that so you know I hung up the phone and that was it I shot the world out there as far as what was going on what happened after the word went out I don't know what happened after the word went out you know I mean then I heard all this about puffy I had something to do with it I don't believe none of that like I said I know puffy is as a straight man I never had no issues with him all this bad talk I'm hearing about puffy you know from people and I'm a sort of thing with mace the other day on the thing and all that I don't know mace like that either but what I know puffy puffy ain't into none of that you understand what I'm saying he always been 100 with me like I said he gave my kids mother's job and my brother that guy that that passed mother job was sent money with Santa you know uh pictures and would make sure I was all right so it was only right when I heard something like that for me to let him know as a man and I jeopardized everything you know what I mean by making that phone call you know what I mean but I had to make that phone call that was my duty you know I mean as a man when I headed the comrades you know I mean life could be in danger you know what I mean and you know that's what that set man but you know that's all I really want to say about that at this time but man rest in peace the biggie man I just wish that you know everybody would have moved differently but you know but like I said you know it is what it is I sent the word out what they did with the word that's out of my control man so I don't know what happened after that you know what I mean no you know what happened after that yeah no I'm saying out there what happened after that you know um when you were in FCI in in Coleman um you were given uh clemency you're granted clemency by uh former Attorney General Eric Holder hell no no hell no hell no you know I mean I um they denied my clemency my co-defendant diesel um he got granted clemency and I was happy for that just to know that you know any one of my comrades is getting Uncle diesel stood tall you know I mean he pled guilty he ain't telling me he ain't telling nobody he got locked up from like 95 didn't come out until 2016 during the clemency because somebody asked me the other day did these will come on 2001 no diesel did 15 years more than that diesel came out in 2016 is when he came out you know I mean diesel Intel ain't nothing hot about diesel he on some straight man time and um President Clinton pardoned my other co-defendant Kimber Smith you know what I mean but my clemency by um under the Obama Administration that got denied you know what I mean because um I had a a inmate do it for me and I guess he did and then they changed up the criteria for the clemency and all of that and it just it was a whole mess when Obama had it mixed up no disrespect to Obama but when Trump came into office now he signed an office what they called the first step at the first step act gave you know judges back to Power instead of the prosecutors the power you know what I mean to review us old dinosaurs from the Draconian you know sentence era um to release this if we could show that we self-rehabilitated and like I said I became a certified electrician certified plumber certified HVAC and Refrigeration a mechanic uh culinary arts cook I got my Serve Safe you know um I also got 3 500 hours of psychological training I was in a program called skills program where I lived with other mentally challenged inmates to teach them basic life skills and you know um I started a few programs of my own big shout out to um Al Sadiq you know I mean out of Jersey he down in Tampa he's the one that got me in the program and big you know but you know they took all of that and submitted it to my judge under the first step act that Donald Trump wrote that said that the process that the judge have the power to release you and not the prosecutor the prosecutor get a chance to respond because my prosecutor responded back talked My Everything Under the Sun that my co-defendants did because they had not known me because like we said Bob was moving to silence you know I mean and for 26 years I kept my name out the media so they had not known me other than what went to trial and I had one drug charge I beat that you know what I mean I was locked up for um continual criminal Enterprise CCE meaning I was a Kingpin for selling drugs but in order to have that they got to have three drug charges and they call that the continuing series I never even had three drug charges in my life I had one on my indictment and I was acquitted to that but the judge didn't want to overturn himself and say that he was wrong for the instructions and at the time they wanted me to give him a couple of decades so they kept denied me on uh technicality that they would that they wasn't that I didn't have jurisdiction for them to hear my case you know this is just summing up everything that you're getting ready to speak on to give you the short you know version so the judge didn't want to overturn himself but then when Donald Trump came out with the first step at Big shout out to Donald Trump for the first step back I don't care what nobody say you know what I mean because that clemency crap didn't work you know what I mean and you know the uh um the Democrats and Joe Biden with Bill Clinton they the one that wrote in these crazy ass laws with the mandatory minimum that put all of us black people in jail for non-violent crimes but Donald Trump came in and he straightened all that out you know what I mean so everybody got their issues with him or whatever people might not like me saying it but you know he gave the judges the power you know I mean to correct their wrong and my judge was black I had the first black judge in the Norfolk Courthouse so I'm the first for a whole lot of things in my life you know what I mean and they brought him in and you know he sentenced Me to Life plus 20 but when he sentenced me he said man you're a very intelligent man it's just a shame that you put all your energy into a life of crime in 29 years you know what I mean but there's nothing I could do for you because of everything that you've been through yeah I mean everything you know I mean because of the the amount of drugs that you have you know what I mean you have we have a mandatory minimum he said but if I could I would look into it so I use that to my advantage when he asked me did I have anything to say I asked them you know I mean I said look you know because they wanted me to cry for leniency you know the judge actually do you have anything to say this is where you you know I mean oh and I had a hard childhood I grew up in Jamaica I seen a chicken get his hand cut off you know what I mean and chicken ran out without his neck and they told me money was up here on trees and I violated the law nah I went up there and I told that man straight up I'm gonna fight my pill but all I'm asking if you could send me someplace closer to home um where I confer to my education so that if something come down the pike later I'll be able to go home with better man to society and do something for my family kids and society and the prosecutor jumped up caught me a scumbag everything under the sun said I think I'm gonna go home one day and you know what I mean and you know he just went off but anyway the judge told me all I I could do to help myself you know what I mean is stop honoring that non that don't snitch cold and you know what I mean and work with the government I told them Nob just send me some place close to home so he said make some place close to home so when I went into jail I wowed out for the first decade or so those are the crazy stories I got a unique make audio on YouTube you know what I mean how I was wilding out when I wasn't even thinking you know I mean we're still in that frame of mind but after you know after about 15 years I really got into program and buckled down and you know tried to better myself and then Donald Trump came along and put in the first step back saying that if we self-rehabilitated so Brittany Barnett and uh Corey Jacobs big shout out to Corey AKA Buck you know what I mean I think he's uh vice president Revolt or something like that but um you know that's family you know they came in they took my case with the Buried Alive project and they got me out of jail you know what I mean they submitted my stuff to the judge you know everything that I did and the judge agreed with it granted it and let me out and you know I'm here today a free man you know what I mean without telling on anybody by fighting my way out and for the record as everybody already know and see then I mean if I wouldn't have got that I would have still been in there with my man Jimmy fingers three fingers my man not free Michael Palmer not you understand what I'm saying um Leonardo uh dicacio that's fingers so know these names these are the people that we trying to free um you know we got everybody in there man you know uh John cough been down a minute need to free John cost you understand we got Cheeky from the Bronx we got Boy George you understand I'm saying um we got a whole bunch of official men that's you know that's still in there that you know change their lives around man regardless what we did when we was younger we're talking about three decades later you know what I mean somebody need to really push to allow them to be able to have their improvements and the changes they made in their lives looked at to see if they worthy enough which I feel they are because I know them personally because I was in different jails with all of them to be out here on this soil to be able to give back to the community because that's all they're trying to do they're helping Brothers in the jail booby Kenneth Williams from the booby boys you know what I mean come on man you know it's it is what it is you know what I mean so you mentioned the uh the programs that were put in place to help you get you gain your freedom but in uh when the fourth Court ruled in the fourth Court fourth Court rule or fourth circuit uh rule that there was an error in the jury instruction oh yeah that's what I'm saying that Homeless era thing that because we talked about this a thousand times exactly was away and for them to to say was a harmless error to be given intentionally be given the wrong direction you know what I mean like that without that happening you wouldn't have gotten I would have beat the trial yeah you wouldn't because bottom line is like I said you need three drug charge to be found guilty of a CCE because that's the continuing series that you continuously violated the law so they called it a continuous series of violations I only I never had a drug charge in my life except the one on the indictment I was acquitted to that you understand what I'm saying so being that I was acquitted to that um I didn't have three drug charges the judge told the jury that they could find me guilty for anything my co-defense did because I'm the king they said my drugs were sent down to my brother in Virginia so whatever uh happened um once my droves got down there they said I was responsible for even though I'm all the way in New York I'm not down there I didn't even know my co-defendants my co-defendants testified they don't know me you understand what I'm saying but you know it was not there was you know they didn't want to admit they was wrong so they called this homeless error and said well they said that you made a bunch of trips that that you sent a lot of people down there to make trips with drugs and you know what I mean and this and that so the jewelry could have picked any one of those yeah but the way the law work is my case was overturned the Supreme Court too which I know he was going to get to the Supreme Court looked at my case in the Supreme Court said that the Appellate Court was wrong you know um that they was wrong for saying that they could use anything in indictment that they had to be specific and unanimous as to which three drug violations mind you I have none so why are we between on my specific that I mean and unanimous when I have none I had one and my jewelry of my peers found me not guilty but they say well they could have used the stuff that other people did you know what I mean no but that's not what the law says the Supreme Court quoted my case and everything over 50 guys went home on my issue well got their case overturned on my issue but nine times out of ten when you got a Kingpin charge like like I said you got at least three drug violations and those three violations gonna give you life so if they take off the kingfish card they still got the three drug violations if they took the Kingpin charge off of me I would have been home two decades ago so of course they said now it's harmless Erica we ain't trying to let this [ __ ] go that's right so the prosecutor he's uh he private practice now right um you've had the opportunity to meet with him sit down and record conversation with him yeah um I went and videotape talking to him because like I said when I asked the judge to send me some place close to the home in case something changed down the pipe he caught me a scumbag and every name known to God it's all in the transcript said my life is a waste and I don't know I'm gonna die in prison one day and you know basically I was a dumb [ __ ] you know what I mean so that that haunted me for 26 years to prove this man wrong so when I finally got my freedom and I was able to prove them wrong um I went and got up got with um with a a paralegal you know um Karen I can't remember her last name but Karen um out of Virginia she got a practice down there also good young lady well Karen um it'll come to me but Karen took me um to go to his office I go to his office to see him he wasn't dead while I'm talking to him or whatever they called him told him that a client was there he came back when he came back he saw me and you know he was shocked like hell to see me kept just saying how did you get out you know what I mean and it was just crazy because um first thing I did to let him know that I have no malice and I didn't come there for nothing against him would let him know I told him thank you you're not me for locking me up because I needed to be locked up because you know I broke the law and I did a lot of wrong things I poisoned my community but now I'm trying to help to rebuild the mess that I've made by my drugs into our community you know what I mean and that you know I just don't feel that I deserve to get a life sentence 20 years I I'm good even 30 years but to tell a man life like go die in prison and what could what happened when he changed his life around now he has this this certificate for prison just like all these other brothers like we got Underwood came out Guy Fisher came out this was my big homies in the prison these was my influences in the prison they told me when I came in stopped wild and stopped bringing drugs into prison stop that I want to hear that crappy old man that's what Mama Charlie was at so I know where the youth mentality is at now when dudes go trying to preach to them like they preached to me man they don't want to hear what you got to say unique but that's why I tell them wrong if you feel you're tough enough to do it continue to do what you do but I'm telling you don't do it it ain't worth it because of what I've been through so that's why you know I got my YouTube channel like I said at unique makeup audio you know I mean where they could hear these stories and know that man this life is not not for them but anyway when I go see the prosecutor um after you know he got comfortable with me and said I didn't come there for No Malice or anything he said man let me show you something he took me in his office and could you believe he had a big picture like this taking up his whole wall that was a drawing of me being prosecuted 28 years ago so he had a Court sketch artists do a mural of you and him in court battling exactly and that that was worthy of his uh wall in his office in his private practice and that meant that in his mind in his experience you were a big [ __ ] fish no I got it on video he said I was the biggest fish he ever handled if you understand I'm saying and that's why he got it up there with no sugar coat and I'm a free man now you know what I mean I gotta don't tell you he said man you stole a gazillion Keys we only gave you 225 because when we was giving it 230 we had to stop counting and you know man the judge was like yo what are you gonna give him a million Keys we know when he sold a bunch of keys they said you sold a gazillion Keys man so you know it is what it is and you know come on you know so uh this guy was a piece of work this this particular prosecutor um yeah probably a damn good lawyer no I know he's an excellent private attorney because he he was a he was a son listen this man is down there beating murder charges now in defense I've never seen a man beat a murder charge in the feds my whole time in the feds but they're telling me that this man is beating murder charges that that's because the same dirty tricks he used with me the dirty tricks the prosecutors that use it that's right like I said I ain't got nothing bad to say about him if you get locked up in Virginia you better go get his ass yeah because he's gonna be the one to get you out because he know all the dirty tricks because the justice system is dirty you know the criminal system the court system is dirty and he worked on the dirty side and now he working on the good side so therefore if you get caught doing some dirt you need to take your ass and go see my ex prosecutor who's now a lawyer and I'm not giving him no props or no shout out I'm just telling it like it is that you know I mean to keep you out of jail you want to stay out of jail you go get that man you know I mean so one one of the things that he did that I I was like wow this this guy's obsessed he's committed he had your sister indicted for uh in charge for uh contempt of court why did he have her charged with continues no it was perjury he tried to he tried to indict her for perjury because he asked her he asked uh where um when is the last time she seen my brother Peter Khalif you know what I mean and she said I haven't seen you know Peter since I was like 15 years old when I went away to law school man I'm 40 years old now you know what I mean I ain't seen him you know I mean over 25 years you know I mean so um wait she went to law school at 15. yeah she went to faster you know I mean she graduated high school early and went to Vasa up in Poughkeepsie New York you know I mean for all girls my sister's a genius you know what I mean love of the death yeah yeah she's a genius so she don't been as an exchange student over in um Africa France Germany you know what I mean so she knows all the international laws she works for big Corporation now but that's what I'm saying we grew up in the same household That Could Have Been Me but instead everybody told me to hold the chicken down and money grow on trees and go get the money off the trees I could send barrels down so look what I turned into not blaming it on nobody but I could make light of it now that my head is all right and I know what went wrong so that's why I'm trying to help the youth figure out what went wrong with them right you know what's going on with them as they as they live as they breathe as they watch this right now they are on some level at some point along your path you know they have to figure out where am I in this path and you know what can I do to change the trajectory from here because he's telling me where I'm heading and that is certainly in nobody's plan yo I'ma do it I'm gonna make it I'm gonna get it and then I'm gonna go to prison for the rest of my natural life nobody says that but a lot of people end up that way so obviously people aren't uh mapping things out the way that they they think that they are you know to end up where they would like to be and I want to uh get to that with you in terms of what you were mapping out what you thought you were mapping out and where you thought you would be you know um so your uh your sister was uh he he tried he charged you with perjury because she said she hadn't seen Peter yes but he comes back and charges it with perjury because because he said that uh well do you know uh Maynard Jenkins if you're not me and she said no I don't know may Don Jenkins um I'll talk to one of you know unique's friend's name ain't no Jenkins on the phone and I referred him to a lawyer friend of mines they said well may not Jenkins is Peter hole you know what I mean so therefore you know you lied because you said you haven't seen him since you were 15. and she said no I'm an attorney you asked me did I see him no I haven't seen him I didn't see him may not Jenkins and I haven't seen Peter since I was 15. but I talked to a Maynard Jenkins on the phone when I went to jail Peter was only a man Peter was like uh I was 15. Peter was about 13. so you know I didn't know this grown man on the phone that I'm meeting this may not Jenkins because my brother unique don't put me involved in his business I just knew that that was one of his friends and he got in trouble and he wanted me to defer him to a lawyer you know what I mean so they tried to get him for perjury saying that she lied yeah he's a [ __ ] uh all right so getting back to the map in a person's mind that's you know doing what they're doing in the street and how they're seeing this whole thing play out when you were when you were indicted you were at the height of the that life before you found out you indicted where were you heading as far as you were concerned oh man I had to make an audio record label I had the clothing line make audio clothing right after I got locked up you know uh um the dudes that own Mecca uh clothing line now they used to come to club 2008 ran and trademarked my joint and put out the mecca USA you hear that man and took off audio off of it you know what I mean I mean you know um like I said I had the uh the record label you know I was putting out my little man DL uh Papa Sean you understand I'm saying uh my man Jay out of DC you know what I mean um you know we was doing our thing man and you know that's where I was really going I was going into the music business because that's where everybody was going but you know I was learning a lot of that from um Uncle Dave you know David Hyde you understand what I'm saying so that's where I was going so if they wouldn't have stopped me I mean come on man I would have been sitting here billionaire you'd have been right there's the CEO with me yeah yeah that that's that's something that I think is important for people to hear like everybody was planning on doing something else at some point and most did not get the chance to make that step they got they got caught still in that mode that run in the street whatever whatever and the thing is you really have to get while the get is good you know and it's a difficult thing but it is probably the best thing if you're in that life for whatever reason however you got there and you're you're achieving a certain level of acquisition you have to recognize when you've won um at the point at which you know you are sitting around with the I mean you were spending a lot of money so I don't know a lot of people you know myself included made and spent millions of dollars but at no time had more than say six seven hundred thousand at any given time that was like this is my bread sitting here whatever they said you know what I mean but not realizing that you know you're seeing a lot of money but this is this is beyond what regular people see you've already won if you young black dude sitting somewhere with six hundred thousand cash 700 000 cash the world is your oyster man you can do anything you want you go in any direction you want you don't even need to look back six seven hundred thousand that was a weekend in Miami my name you know I mean because if I saw a car I wanted if if my sister wanted a house if I wanted to buy I went down there and I bought a big TV I got pictures of it like I said I got pictures of everything um I got a picture I bought a big Mitsubishi TV you know what I mean I do Mitsubishi even make TVs anymore no not that I know of yeah Mitsubishi made a TV they made the first big screen that came into the states it was literally this wide the side of it was this wide and it was a 60 inch screen it was you know what I mean but it was like a piano on a big ass stand yeah no no it was it was made like a piano with a bass yes and it had to open up Windows and all of that but you know I was down there I was in um I don't remember the name of the store but one of them electrical stores down there on 163rd about 163rd Street mall by peaches and I seen this TV in there and I said man I like that how much is it and the dude said oh it's too expensive and it's not for sale yet it's a sample you know what I mean so I said I well who's the head salesman you know I mean I tell you it's not for sale and it's not for sale yet ah let me see the head salesman so I asked him how much was it you know what I mean so he said that when they do decide to sell it that it was for the showroom it's 10 grand I said with his 20 grand cash bring it to my house over here you know what I mean and have it there about three o'clock you know what I mean he took it right off the stand and brought it to the house for 20 grand you know what I mean but yeah there's no television yeah but but no yeah you know but you know that that that's how it was in America man you know they see a black person come in they talk [ __ ] but when you pull out that cash and you got 20 bands yeah feet on fire yeah I mean come on you already know what it is you know but the the thing is it's the a lack of context we as young ignorant uh uneducated kids coming into you know hundreds of thousands tens of thousands whatever it might be Millions we really don't understand the advantage that we are we have and we think we got to keep on doing this and keep on and don't you get your hand on a 100 000 20 000 whatever you can do anything you want and make plitty money and not have to look over your shoulder and it's like it doesn't seem to occur to anybody so at a point you got to realize it's not really the money so much that's driving cats it's something else something else is missing now it wasn't really the money it was just you know you just enjoy the high of everything like even when I was in prison selling drugs you know what I mean because I was in prison still selling Heron you know what I mean um it was just the cat and mouse game is just a I want to show you that I'm better than you you know what I mean I wanted to show the prison Administration I'm better than you you can't stop me that's right period that's right you know what I mean so I don't want to hear none of that I'm gonna bring drugs in your prison I'm gonna sell drugs in your prison I'm gonna drink wine I'ma smoke weed and you know what I mean and I'm Gonna Be Free mentally while you can lock my body up in the cage every night at 10 o'clock because end of the day you know what I mean when my body get tired I'm gonna go to sleep when God ready I'm gonna go to heaven with my brother you know I mean that's how I looked at it it was just a cat and mouse you know I mean and we get it we just get addicted to the thrill you know what I mean of the adventure of whatever it is we're doing legal or illegal you know what I mean because you ask yourself look at look at them iPhones everybody buying them iPhones like crazy what's that dude worth a hundred billion dollars so why don't he just take his money and go lay down so and he'll be the same one and say oh well you made five million dollars a 10 million dollars selling drugs why didn't you just quit why don't you just quit you got 100 something million because Jeff bezel wouldn't know I'm like why are you still there losing more here when you got 100 something [ __ ] you can't spend you know what I'm saying because they love the excitement you know what I mean of the hustle of whatever business they're into just like we love the excitement of the hustle of selling drugs and running the streets and going to the club and creating hey oh and hey oh I had to buying a homie suits and you know I mean it just becomes you know a way of life so whatever they doing whether they're buying you know Mansions or spending money to Google to create a rocket to go to the moon this or whatever you know what I mean like you say you do what you want to do man just live life but you just get addicted to it you know real talk real talk I look forward to our next conversation man but let me say this before Peter and Kimber and all that whole mystery uh let me say this before I end right because I'll talk my man D we gave a big shout out to my man D week shout out dwee you know what I mean uh Mark Stephens you know um I would like one story though um what's that you got a Chase in Virginia um a police chase but it wasn't on the ground you're being chased by a helicopter yeah you know I'ma say that for the autobiography I ain't gonna give you that one right now oh you know what I mean yeah I had the biggest [ __ ] uh Manhunt chased down in Virginia that brought our helicopters and everything for me it was the biggest that was the biggest man in the state of Virginia yeah history up into that point yeah you already know but um I I just wanted to say this you know um you know big shout out to D Wee Man he been there for me you know I met him on the Facebook from in prison and since I met him he's been there for me 100 man and that's what loyalty and friendship is right but uh um everything I do and that's why I respect Dewey everything I do is to try and you know and I know a lot of people now because when I came home they was worried about who had the most money out of all the drug dealers you know what I mean who had the money how much was your indictment uh uh 330 Keys you know I mean it wasn't that much what did they assess the the monetary uh value of yourself like six million eight million something like that no I'm talking about what did they say that you you'd your organization had earned During the period of this run no they didn't they never really um added it up like that because I already was at life so like I said they stopped counting at 330 Keys you understand what I'm saying and you know they stopped counting at six million and said because the max you could get on money long it was 20 years you know what I mean so after they got there 20 years they stopped at the 6 million after they got the life because they I think listen to show you how crazy that's a good question you asked in the in the in the drug scale um they have a guideline when you get sentenced they look at your criminal history and how many times you get give your category one through six so I was a category six from all the things I've been through from juvenile of course you know what I mean but they didn't have career criminal in effects and then they had the drug amounts you understand what I'm saying now um with the drug amounts that go up to level 42 and the criminal history go to six anything over level 42 is already automatic life level 42 you follow me the prosecutor actually that's why they never got into what you're asking the prosecutor actually went in the courtroom and he tallying them up the amount of kilos that I sold and he had me at level 50. level 50. level 50. so he added eight levels listen yes listen he had me at level 50. so the judge said look we see how much drugs he got what are you gonna do give him level 100 42 is life kept it 50. you know what I mean let's just stop this you know what I mean so then my lawyer you know he he amused him with cool Jamaican lawyer out of Brooklyn he amusing him he said nah we ain't gonna capital 50. I think he should be down at level 48 because you charged him with um obstruction of justice and he didn't obstruct Justice because they try to sell obstruct Justice because somebody went somewhere that somebody went they must have um said that you know somebody that was going to testify my trial do you know unique you don't know said yeah you're going to be testifying at a big trial coming up and you better not go they never said my name or nothing but then now they saying that you know um I told them to go do that but nobody never said my name and like I said they got me at level 50. so the judge said okay level four to his life he's trying to give you level 50 and higher you want to be level four lower than 50. so we're just going to make it 48 I'm gonna take the two points off for that so either way I had life plus 20 and I still had to get a whole extra six points down just to be a life you know what I mean I got like 10 points so it was just crazy man the way they did the whole thing you know that must make a cat head spin when they start dealing with those things those aspects of that experience and you have never had any exposure whatsoever to the criminal system and they start talking like that I don't care how smart you think you are when you start getting into that space and those conversations are being had around you you feel real dumb yo I didn't think about none of that because I know God is in control and I knew I was going to be sitting here one day on Vlad TV talking with my man Cavalier that's me that's what makes you a bad [ __ ] because I know that for sure forever you never talk like that all the time come on man I have to hang up sometimes man oh God if they don't let this [ __ ] out it's gonna be bad it's gonna be real bad cause he he already out he is out he refuses to accept that he is [ __ ] in prison I remember you used to always say that to me too but but I I want to say this what I'm doing what I'm doing on my YouTube channel is I can plug the book I got the book uh Aurora and Harlem if you want to know anything about the streets go read a ruin Harlem so you don't have to participate in the street and gamble going through what I went through I'ma say that but then now with my YouTube channel my thing is I came home and tried to help the youth by trying to let them know that it's not worth it you understand so I'm just coming home after 26 years in 2020. so when I come home I hear everybody talking about telling this telling that and like telling what's cool and you know they're saying that they're doing what Apple do you understand what I'm saying and I'm like you know that's not the Apple I know because I know he know better from what he did you understand what I'm saying so when he contacted me I talked to him and I said look man I'm trying to save the youth if you that's what you believe that's what you believe but you already know that that ain't what you believe my brother you know what I mean uh um I'm gonna want you to talk to the youth so that you can let them know to stay out the game that it wasn't worth it you understand what I'm saying and a lot of people you know um okay you always gonna have some people that like it some people that don't some people don't like it ain't gonna like this or a whole video that we're doing but you know um when I talk to him and you know my thing is I saw the youth was drowning you understand what I'm saying or drowning oh yeah you know like I said I just came home so they were drowning I didn't know fully what was going on and I didn't really understand what was going on in society as yet and where the YouTube mentality was at so I figured being that they look up to him I could get him to tell them that it's not worth it because if my child is drowning I don't care if a dude told on 100 people save my child if my grandchild is drowning in a boat you understand what I'm saying and only person there to get him is Sammy the bull you understand what I'm saying my grandchild better take Sammy to both hand and get out that goddamn boat but that don't mean that I agree with Sammy the bull you know did as a man but save my child so I came home with that mentality that I put out that apple video to help the youth you know what I mean to give them that life raft being that they was looking up to him that man looked in the camera and said this is for the Youth you understand what I'm saying and I didn't ask him to put out nothing with him saying what he did this what he did that he talked to the youth to let him know it wasn't worth it I still told I got life in prison you know I mean did 26 years you know what I mean he told and got 24 years so either way we both lost by being on the street so that was the purpose of that video was just to show that no matter what you choose you hit the streets you lose period you know what I mean and you know I don't care you know who told on who if they could help save our streets because that one young man that you know we might save that might get the message might be the one that would kill you or me or even my mother or my grandchild that's right so to sit there and say oh he told so you ain't supposed to have him on this platform you're supposed to do that no but he's not on here glorifying things out there telling them that it wasn't worth it that everything he did wasn't worth it don't glorify it go look at the video I put up and I still got two hours I never put out you know what I mean but you know D we wanted me to speak on that I just wanted to get that out so y'all know man you know I saw the kids were drowning you know what I mean so you know I tried to use him as a life raft you know I mean to save the kids that it ain't worth it to be on the streets being that they was looking up to him and thinking that it was cool to do what you got to do when you get you know I mean sell drugs do whatever and then tell you know what I mean and he actually tried to help the youth with me on that program you know what I mean but I just scrapped the whole thing and for that man I'm just going to tap out and you know it was a pleasure doing this with you big bro and you know if anybody want to help you know what I mean as far as my movement contact me you could cop the book at auroringharlem.com or ruinharlem.com you're comfortable the merchandise you know what I mean the whole nine man but you know we've been here long enough family let's do it all right all right
Channel: djvlad
Views: 1,045,989
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Id: rtVI5VMA7Pc
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Length: 218min 34sec (13114 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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