Ceramic Welding Tutorial: Welding Quarter-Inch Ceramic on Half-Inch Plate

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what's up guys k sport here welding instructor here at tulsa welding school and today we're going to be going over some ceramic welding um now ceramic welding comes up very often in a structural you know environment so if you're out you know looking for a structural job of course you're going to need to know how to weld ceramic i boughted quite a few of these you know in my experience out in the field such as shipyards which is my main background and these have popped up every test for a structural job so today we're going to be using some quarter inch ceramic and we're going to be welding on half inch plate all right so we got our ceramic right here now these ceramic tapes and it's called tape for a reason i mean you take these little little peel off tabs here and then it's nice and sticky it uses a type of foil and it goes on the back side of your plate and here we have our runoff tabs so we can start our weld and work it into the ceramic base all right so we're going to get these tacked together and start rolling all right so essentially the ceramic is made to eliminate the need to use a backing strip now it is technically a backing strip but it's removable so this is what we would call a non-permanent backing strip so the little grooves here in the ceramic it contains the weld metal and after you're done with the root pass you can take it right off and inspect your root pass for any discontinuities and things of that sort all right so now we're going to tack on our first runoff tab and try and get it as straight as possible now sometimes you know whenever you go to take a wall test they're already put together for you but that's pretty rare they want to see uh your knowledge and your ability to weld all right here we go with the first stack now i'm just going to put a little small one nothing too major all right so we got our first tack we're going to ensure that our plate is still even because after you get done tacking you know those plates can flex on you a little bit so just gently gently make sure that your attacks are still in place a little bitty right there all right gonna rotate our plate around and we're gonna attack the other side then after that we should be ready to put on our tape all right here we go our second attack now that one did flex on me a little bit but that's quite all right and there we go and now we have our runoff tabs so you want to ensure that you have runoff tabs with ceramic welding you want to start your weld down here this is this will be the 3g vertical plate that i'm going to do first you want to always start on the runoff tab and in on your runoff tab that way you don't drag any impurities like if you got porosity at the start of your weld from insufficient gas pressure or anything like that it won't carry through to your through your entire weld all right and if you notice i'm not sure if you guys will be able to see it but i've also put a very small land on there to help contain that weld puddle just a little bit better no more than a 30 i mean not even a 30 second like a 64th of an inch so the weld puddle is going to be right there in the center of the bevel once we put our ceramic on there it's going to lay right there in that groove and that's where that root pass is contained after we're done with the root pass we should be able to remove the ceramic inspect and make sure that we fuse properly that there's no porosity or discontinuities or anything of that sort all right so now i'm going to measure how much ceramic we need by the little squares that you see on the back side all right so it looks like we're gonna have to break it off right there and that should be just enough to get us going on the ceramic all right so i'm breaking the piece off we don't need that but we can always use this in the future so always hang on to your ceramic we're now going to peel back the foil and that exposes the adhesive that we need for it to stick to the back of our plate this one's a little too sticky so i'm pretty sure it's up for the job [Music] all right so now this next part you want to carefully carefully ensure that it is nice and even start putting a little bit on there at a [Music] time [Music] now you never want to put ceramic tape on a plate that is already extremely hot because that adhesive it won't stick it's all right if you got it on a plate that's slightly preheated but you never never want to put it on a plate that's piping hot it will fall right off [Music] all right and that's what we're left with we're going to start on our runoff tab and we're going to come up let that puddle build up and weld it on up in there now you're going to be leading the puddle you don't want to get in front of the puddle but you're going to be staying right in there taking your time coming up maybe you have a little oscillation it's very slight and that weld puddle is going to stay right there laying on that ceramic all right so i got my bolt set at 21 i'm running it a little colder on the root pass just to ensure that the weld doesn't fall back out on us which is a good possibility if you're running it way too hot now i got our wire speed around 220 215 somewhere around there all right so like i said we're going to start on this runoff tab and slowly work our way up may have to manipulate that wire a little bit but let's get at it all right [Music] so as you can see i'm just staying in that weld puddle letting it build up and follow me all the way up [Music] foreign foreign foreign all right now we've made it to our runoff tab that's a good sign [Music] all right so now that we've welded our route go and check out the check out the outcome oh yeah there we have a nice solid root that eliminates the need to grind on the backside all right as you can see it's nice and solid we worked it in there let that puddle follow us all the way up and that's the end result right there that's what you want little bit of slag off basically you want your ceramic tape to actually fall off the backside that means you got good heat everything was looking real nice and everything and your ceramic block should come off fairly easy like with just a gentle tap that means like you got good penetration you got good you know heat good travel speed and everything of that sort so that's a very good sign all right so now that we're we're done with our root pass i'm going to take my grinder here wire will it and then inspect the pass make sure there's no slag entrapment now like i said this is set up just like a weld test out in the field and some places they don't allow you to use a grinder at all i had a weld test in virginia i was not allowed to touch a grinder all i had was a chip and hammer and a little pick stick to make sure i didn't have no slag entrapment but we're not in virginia so we're going to use our grinder now slag entrapment will more than likely be on the toes of your weld so you always want to inspect your toes and make sure there's no slag entrapment and this looks pretty good so we're going to run some stringer beads up it and then we should be able to cap it all right here we go with our first fill pass now i'm having that wire right there on the toe of our previous weld on our root pass i'm staying away from that beveled edge because that's our guideline you never want to burn away your beveled edge [Music] coming up on our runoff tab every pass you do you want to end on your runoff tab after every pass you want to chip your slag but every pass you want to start on your runoff tabs and end on your runoff tabs that is very important you never want to start right there at the start of your plate because that's where they're going to bend it they're going to come up an inch cut out a section and then come down an inch on the other side and cut out a section for a root and face bend it's very important always start on your runoff tabs which they will cut off later [Music] all right and that slag falling off right there that's a very good looking sign [Applause] all right so now we're going to do our second field pass we're going to overlap our first fill pass by 50 ensuring that we have good and adequate penetration all right once again i'm starting on that runoff tab that's very important [Music] [Music] [Music] and we're ending on our runoff tab so our fill passes are complete we're going to give it a couple of minutes to cool off [Music] now normally on the weld test you would never ever quench your plate never if you quench your plate the heat whenever that plate quickly cools down it actually makes that plate harder makes it more susceptible to break because if something is really hard it will break rather than bend so you never ever want to quench your plate for a wall test and if you do they're probably going to look at you all crazy so you never quench your plate all right guys well we've allowed our plate to cool off and we got it you know i've ensured that we're nice and flush before we started to cap it like i said i kept my beveled edges we're about just the 16th under flush that way we're not too high whenever we go to cap this weld that way it's visually appeasing we're gonna let that puddle just roll onto that beveled edge that way we stay nice and straight [Music] [Music] [Applause] so as i was saying before it's important that you inspect every pass make sure you have no slag entrapment all right so now we're going to weld our second cap and keep on rolling with it we got two more left now we're gonna weld the middle one [Music] we're gonna overlap it fifty percent that way we get good penetration good overlap that way we're not having any lack of fusion want to keep a steady travel speed take your time ensure that that puddle stays the same width going all the way up if you slow down that puddle gets a little wider if you speed up it gets a little skinnier want to keep a constant travel speed nice and smooth [Music] alrighty now it's down to one more pass and this will be complete foreign all right that concludes our last cap and chip the slag off here give it a once over with the wire wheel inspect it make sure that it's job worthy which you know it is all right everybody and that concludes our 3g vertical ceramic backing flux core weld thanks for watching see you guys next time thank you for watching our video today i hope you enjoyed it i hope you learned something today if you would like to get some more tips and tricks and become a better welder then subscribe to our channel and if you would like to learn even more right now and click on our link thank you and we'll see you next time
Channel: Tulsa Welding School
Views: 4,698
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: weld, welding, welder, tulsa welding school, welding school, skilled trades, vocational school, vocational training
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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