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hey welcome to welkom had a lot of a lot of  comments people getting into flux core and   you know the flux core self shielded dual shielded  today what I'm going to do a quick lesson here and   get some folks started we've had a lot of requests  how do I get into this but you know the settings   of the wire and everything so I want to explain a  few things and just keep it real simple I'm gonna   go through a bunch of settings just want to run  some straight lines flat position get into some   things to look for get you started today we are  running select dark oh four five seven thirty   dual shield flux core wire designed to run on  mix gas 75 25 and I'm gonna be running about 25   cubic feet per hour we're gonna be running off  of it an eSAB to 85 that has various modes in   here right now it's set to s MIG and I'm going  to take this and run it up to the flux core and   select that I'm gonna set this at 26 five volts  twenty six point five volts 450 on the wire feed   speed that's going to be kind of my baseline and  I'm gonna run a series of straight beads and just   see how everything reacts I'm gonna start here  at this base point because this is real close   to what the manufacturer recommends for settings  and then from there I'll ruin the settings I'll   go way low and voltage leave the wire feed speed  alone will just change up a lot of stuff and see   how the Machine reacts so that's gonna be our  starting point twenty six point five volts 450   wire feed speed also one thing to note is this  is a gas shielded wire it's kind of like running   any hard MIG wire your polarity is dcep on hard  Maguire gas shielded flux core wire dual shield   if you have self shielded wire whose self shielded  wires run on dcen electrode negative okay one that   it's very important to remember I found a dummy  plate over here and I'd rant there was a groove   weld that somebody had set in their machine that  looked like ran a big wide route for gas metal   arc welding had a past couple passes in there  I went ahead and filled this thing up with the   flux core ran a couple of stringer beads in here  and so now I want to take this and start running   beads away from these here so I always want to  run straight beads I use the groove as a guide   so therefore these two stringer beads are pretty  straight if you have a hard time seeing then you   can come in here and kind of put a chalk marker  in here get some contrast after you run a couple   of beads probably won't need this anymore simply  because we're gonna be out here on this plate and   it's gonna round up a little bit and you'll  always be able to put the wire in the toe of   the previous weld which is important for running  straight lines and running straight beads so we   can cheat a little bit and run a little soapstone  in here so that we're when we're under the hood   we might be able to pick that contrast up better  this side does have more of a toe than this one   here okay I have never been one to to teach or to  have people well pulling the gun toward themselves   or any I like to be able to I'd like to be able  to move so I'm going to turn this to the side a   little bit I like to see where I'm going and  I like to see my finished weld flux core dual   shield I want to drag this slightly I want to  put about five to ten degrees of drag angle in   here so I'm gonna start on my right side and weld  in that direction so this would be a drag angle   this would be a push angle okay so I want to use  a slight drag angle I also I don't want to get   my hands in here close to the weld it's gonna put  out quite a bit of heat so I want to hold the gun   back here I'm always wanting to hang on to a gun  lightly anyway so I can move but I want to hang   on to the gun back here towards the back I don't  want to get my hand in here where all this heat is   gonna be on the back of my knuckles because that's  gonna it's gonna get uncomfortable quickly so I   want to stay back here and just kind of glide  along okay real simple I want to run straight   lines I've got a soapstone mark along the toe of  the web so first thing to do is get comfortable   always want to maintain your wire angle remember  I said I was gonna have about a 5 to 10 degree   drag angle so I want to kind of set that first my  wires sticking out about five-eighths of an inch   past the contact tip electrical stick out on dual  shield but the core is more than regular short arc   short arcs about 3/8 of an inch bill shield you  want about 5/8 to 3/4 so I'm gonna set the wire   over this toe of this weld and just kind of glide  along and do a couple of couple of dry runs okay   you get comfortable I'm using my pinky I'm on  this piece of sheet metal so I'm not gonna hook   my glove in the hole accidentally light pressure  on everything for me and I'm just kind of want to   glide along here and see what happens well I might  this first run here and as soon as I pulled the   trigger I couldn't see my white line I couldn't  see where I was going I think I have my hood set   down to dark I think I'd have it on the number  12 but again I couldn't see my white line so I   made a little bit of an arc here my bad a good  condition because this is the slag is already   cracked so really all I got to do is just kind of  kind of touch it on the edges here and it'll come   right off I'm not wanting to beat the crap out  of the slag because it can become airborne and   come right back up in your face okay now I have  some place that I know I can see also if you've   watched our videos long enough you'll know that  I'm can't move good just gliding along so this   next bead I'm gonna adjust the sensitivity in my  hood so I can see a little better and I'm going to   position myself over here and I'm probably gonna  just do a very small rocking motion so that I can   time my movements also another important thing  is when I said get comfortable I'm just kind of   standing here some of you'll put a lot of weight  on your forearm here and then you can't move so   you know I've kind of just Center in my weight  down through here trying to relax stuff just   runs in so smooth it's so forgiving just pour it  in there like butter it's pretty nice and believe   it or not this is one of those wires that you can  well the horizontal uphill overhead it just goes   in really nice so we've run multiple beads here at  the same setting 26.5 volts 450 on the wire feed   speed from here you know we can we can do multiple  things here we can take the voltage and decrease   it we can increase the wire speed both of those  will do about the same thing it'd be like really   shortening up the arc so let's just leave the  wire feed speed where it is and we'll decrease   the volts by three we'll go from twenty six five  down to twenty three five and see what happens so I decrease the volts by three I was  a twenty six five I went down to twenty   three five hopefully what you'll be able  to see here is might be it's going to be a   shorter arc less fluidity of the weld pool  and it may spatter and buck a little bit but the only thing that I noticed happened was  a little more spatter remember I said this wire   very forgiving slag is still coming up in chunks  the weld stood up a little taller okay and we had   more noticeable hard spatter that came off of it  but it still ran fine and the bead looks fine okay   but if we want to increase that effect then we  would decrease our voltage even further so let's   just run it on down to another three volts and see  what happens I don't expect it to run very well at   all with another three volts well it's trying to  run I can tell you that and I'm pretty impressed   with what I'm seeing with this particular wire  here three volt change and it still ran decent   it just had some hard spatter we're six volts off  of our baseline at twenty six five I dropped it   down to twenty and a half it's still trying to  run it's just it just doesn't have the voltage   to combust the wire and get fluid while I was  running this and this is why I quit half way   through is because the the wire you kind of feel  the wire just coming down and bumping the the   grounded plate so you know not a good condition  and you can see why so now we can go back to our   baseline of twenty six point five 450 we can  leave we could recreate this effect kind of on   the higher end and run way too much wire but I  don't think we need to I don't think we need to   recreate that condition what we probably should  do at this point is go back to our baseline at   twenty six point five leave the wire feed speed  alone and increase the voltage but I don't want   to go by threes let's go up by volt and a half and  show some effects what we should see is longer arc   wider weld pool so this bead here was a Bolton  that half higher than our original twenty six and   a half now we're at 28 I noticed that the bead is  wider and flatter definitely from what we just got   they're running too cold but from 26 v compared to  this I notice it being wider and flatter from here   we can go up yet another boat in half and here's  where I start getting I don't know I get a little   uncomfortable I don't like this too far out of out  of balance here I think this is gonna be too wet   too wide too fluid I just I lose control in the  flat position probably wouldn't be bad vertical up   horizontal I don't think I'd like this condition  at all but I'm gonna try it so now we're at twenty   nine we're three volts above where we had started  at twenty six five and I said that's why I keep   saying this wire is very forgiving we went low  it still ran by three volts and now we're three   volts above and it did exactly what we thought it  was going to do its wide and it's fluid and under   certain conditions you may want this so you know  again I'm not I'm not seeing any adverse effects   here I'm not seeing the wormhole porosity I'm  trying to keep my electrical stick out the same   Wow so you know again find that baseline  of where the wires kind of supposed to run and you know run some straight line beads in  there play with your settings somewhat go a   little at a time a little bit and voltage  a little bit of wire feed speed all these   machines run different so find that find that  spot in there where it's nice and smooth it's   not throwing out a lot of hard buckshot edges  are wetting in nine so again I wanted this to   be kind of an introductory for those that  are getting into running duel shield we are   running the Select arc 7:30 o for five  runs extremely well so I hope you found   this educational please hit us in the comments  if you have questions check us out on Facebook   and Instagram hit that love button subscribe to  the channel and thanks for watching well calm
Views: 319,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flux core, welding, how to weld, learn how to weld, fcaw, dual shield, dual shield fcaw, fcaw-s, intro to welding, welding for beginners, how to fcaw, how to flux core weld, welddotcom, weld, flux core welding, flux core welding tips and tricks, flux core welding for beginners, flux core welding exhaust pipe, flux core aluminum welding, flux cored arc welding, flux core welder, flux core welding sheet metal, gas shielded flux core, shielded gas flux core
Id: sGdRV7pH6Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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